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DOTAGE This story is one of six stories in the compilation, Talons of the Hawk by Emma Finn, a book of transformation and body swap stories available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. 1 Veronica Carter didn't see herself as "evil," or as resting on any part of the moral gradient if Neutral was in the middle and Good and Evil were at opposite ends. In fact she rejected that the gradient even existed. In her observation, people who claimed to be good had selfish intentions at their core just the same as a junkie or a rapist did. They might try their best to hide it - try hard enough that they actually believed it themselves - but they did their laughably "good" deeds to justify their own existence. Nothing more. Veronica wasn't like that. She wasn't a hypocrite. She studiously kept herself well clear of the moral graph. As far as she was concerned, identifying oneself with any part of the moralistic spectrum was weak and unimaginative. She didn't believe in God, nor, by extension, heaven and hell. Beyond that, north on the so-called moral compass was a human invention from centuries, probably millenia, earlier. Outmoded by definition, and certainly far outside their original context. Could those ancient forefathers predict the world of today when they scratched out their commandments on stone and tried to pass them off as divine ruling? Could they have comprehended the internet? Or international travel in a matter of hours? Or governmental policy that could dictate economical impact the world over? Of course they couldn't. The way Veronica saw it, an entirely new code was required with each successive generation, or better yet, no code. She was wealthy - not as wealthy as her fianc?'s family, but well off - and she wasn't exposed to the same limitations as the masses. Morality had only ever been an invention to keep those masses in line. Why should she impose limitations on her own life if she didn't have to? She smiled to herself to think of that as she opened the door to the study in her fianc?'s grandmother's mansion and walked over to the safe. She liked the idea of having no code at all; true freedom to take any action without the need for guilt. Guilt was just another lower middle class soporific designed to pin them, squirming, to the moral gradient. She preferred to fly free. Veronica had seen the safe by chance a few days earlier, when Brandon's doddering old gran had shuffled unsteadily up to it to retrieve for him the engagement ring his mother had still been wearing when they pulled her out of the wreck of the head-on collision she'd had down on the spur road one rainy day. Veronica wasn't supposed to see - she wasn't supposed to know Brandon was planning to propose - but she knew people and her curiosity had not allowed her to wait patiently when she came to suspect what his plans were. When he had asked her to wait in the summer house while he "talked to his gran," her interest had been piqued enough to follow him and listen in. By extension, she had seen the dowager check the combination on a post-it note on the desk before turning the dials and opening up. It was interesting. Seeing that had thrilled Veronica more than the confirmation that Brandon was going to propose. She closed the door of the enormous study firmly. Everyone was fast asleep - it was unlikely she would be disturbed - but it paid to be careful. She turned on the desk lamp and scanned the desk for the post- it. There it was, exactly as expected. The safe was in the usual banal position, behind a painting on the wall. When she owned this house; alongside her husband obviously; she would see to it that valuables were kept far more securely. She turned the dial on the front of the safe then smiled again when she heard the final click. Inside was a packet of cash; probably ten thousand pounds or more; and several jewellery boxes. Veronica could only imagine how these were going to look on her. She'd been hoping they would be here. That had been her chief motivation; to try them on for size. That and to flex the muscles of the potential of this upcoming marriage. It really was going to be spectacular to be elevated to such levels of wealth. She went to pull out the top jewellery box, only now noticing a heavy object inside a cloth drawstring bag on top of it in the shadowy interior. "Now what could that be?" she said, smirking to herself and picturing a gigantic diamond. But surely that was ludicrous. Forgetting the jewellery boxes for a moment, she withdrew the pouch, surprised by its mass and opened it up. Inside was a block of smooth stone. Or... She took it out and examined it from all sides. Not just a block of stone. It was a piece of old broken sculpture: the head of a bird... an eagle maybe. It didn't seem to have any value that she could see. It might have been nice when it was made but it was so worn and chipped now that the detail was no longer clear. The stone it was made from was a dark grey but the cracks and crevices glistened in the pale light from his desk lamp. She had no idea what made it so important that it would be locked away. "It's a lovely piece isn't it?" Veronica jumped at the sound of the voice, spinning to look behind her, and gasped when she saw Brandon's grandmother sitting in a high-back armchair in the gloomy back of the room, watching her, gripping her cane with fingers tangled like tree roots. "Dania," she said. "I didn't see you there." "No," replied the old lady, smiling coldly. "I don't suppose you did." 2 The two women regarded one another in the light of the desk lamp. Dania, Brandon's grandmother, was very frail. Her face was drawn tightly across the bones in places; a mess of wrinkles; but there were points of fat as well. The fat was pooled in places so she had an odd kind of shape, prevalent in many elderly ladies, with thin forearms but thicker upper arms, skinny legs and a round belly. She could look saintly when she smiled, but she wasn't smiling now. She wasn't angry or upset but there was a total absence of affection or benignity. It was startling. Veronica had never her so guilelessly hostile. "I was just..." Veronica started the explanation, her voice light, as though it were a throwaway remark. But seeing the steadiness in the old woman's glare she lost the momentum she had expected to carry her through a lie and out the other side. She couldn't think of one reason why she would be slinking around in the middle of the night, sneaking a peek inside the safe she wasn't supposed to know about. Dania raised one eyebrow. "Yes?" "I er..." Still she could think of nothing to say under that unrelenting and openly condemning stare. Why couldn't she think of some easy excuse? The dowager didn't even need to believe it. She could play along, just to avoid this uncomfortable conversation. But the old woman showed no signs of giving Veronica an easy way out. All she could do was put the broken stone bird head back in the safe and go back upstairs. "I want you to know something important young lady," said Dania, before she could settle on an action to take. Veronica felt guilty then hated herself for it. There was nothing to feel guilty about. She was just looking at some objects. She was sick of people trying to make her feel bad for doing whatever she wanted. "What?" she asked, and it came out sullenly, almost accompanied by a pout. "Only how transparent you are Veronica, and how transparent your relationship to my grandson is; on both sides." "What do you mean by that?" asked Veronica, pointing her voice up into the pitch that turned a straight question into indignation. Dania smiled. "You already know exactly what I mean, but I'll tell you anyway; mostly because it will make me feel better to get it off my chest." She made a slight pointing gesture with a curled index finger that was gnarled like an old tree root. "I have a feeling it will make you feel better too." That surprised Veronica enough to keep her mouth shut. "I know that you don't love Brandon," said Dania, her voice scratchy and tremulous. She raised a palm to stop Veronica's inevitable exclamation of disagreement. "We are both women who know how to get what we want and you want what he has: the money." "That just isn't true," replied Veronica. "Yes it is dear; even if you don't admit it to yourself. And I bet you do. I bet you know exactly how ruthless you can be. I bet you're proud of the fact. Am I right?" Again, the accuracy of the old woman?s analysis surprised Veronica into silence. ?I thought so,? said Dania. ?And perhaps you know in that merciless head of yours that Brandon doesn?t love you either.? ?Of course he does.? That came out like it was rehearsed but she did think it was true. Of course he loved her. Dania just shook her head. ?Neither one of you is suited for the other. You see a handsome prince willing to carry you off to a life of luxury. He sees a beautiful face and a beautiful body. Neither one of you is thinking about your long term happiness.? Veronica started to speak but caught herself; not wanting to say how she really felt for fear it would confirm her dark intentions. ?Go on,? said Dania. ?You don?t have to edit your words. I know exactly what kind of woman you are. There?s nothing you could say that would shock me.? Veronica?s lip trembled with the words waiting on her tongue, then she gave a mental shrug and said, ?You?re rich. You?re happy.? ?And you think the money made that happen?? ?Of course.? Dania gave a brief cackle of mirth. ?Oh my dear; how little you know. But I don?t want you to misunderstand me. I don?t hate you and I?m not angry. I don?t intend to support your marriage to my grandson ? I intend to block it in any way that I can ? but I actually like you.? Veronica frowned, perplexed and caught completely off balance by this trail of the conversation. ?My father was shot and killed by Nazi soldiers when I was a girl in Germany. I was very nearly sent to one of the death camps. It was hell keeping away from patrols; making my way out of the country with no money. But I did it. I came to England. I survived. I was wounded by what had happened to me but I never stopped yearning for a better life; fighting for it. I saw England as a place of new opportunities. It wasn?t a place that invited women to assume positions of great potential; not then; but I didn?t let that stop me because I had that same fire in me that I can see could just as easily burn inside of you.? Veronica was rapt by this entire situation. It was so unexpected, all she found herself wanting to do was listen. ?I started a business,? said Dania. ?I built on it.? She chuckled. ?I practically invented women?s lib, carrying it by the shirt tails until it caught on, and then riding the wave of business development alongside the man I married; building the empire that made it possible for us to retire here to Nockton Heights. ?When my son and his wife were killed in the accident I went on, like I always did; like I had to; because there was nothing else I could do.? She smiled then at Veronica and showed the first warmth she had since the conversation started. ?It was only age that stopped me. I could have gone on doing and living until the end of the world quite happily.? She gave a little bob of her head that functioned to point in Veronica?s direction. ?You have so much potential child and you don?t even know it. So much potential. You?re young and beautiful. You?re extremely intelligent; that?s plain. You could do anything. Go anywhere. If you marry my Brandon then all that glorious potential would be wasted. I mean it.? Dania?s brow furrowed in a vein of sadness. ?If I were in your shoes I would finish it with Brandon before you could say Jack Robinson. Then I?d get out there into the world. I'd find out all about this incredible new technology that?s everywhere nowadays. I?d start from scratch. I wouldn?t need any previous wealth. I could make it all again and more. I could see everywhere; do everything.? Veronica sneered, unable to contain herself any longer. ?It?s easy for you to sit there and say that. You?re a millionaire. You got your lucky breaks and now you think you actually earned it.? She knew she shouldn?t be saying these things but Dania?s words had cut her more keenly that she had expected; perhaps because there was no redundant talk of morals. The old woman had spoken only of potential and Veronica felt the pinch of that. She always had. ?All you have to do is lounge about here in your mansion all day,? she continued. ?You can imagine what you want about what you?d do if you had another chance. It?ll never be tested. It?s only because you?re so wealthy that you can afford to be blas? about your money. If I were in your shoes I wouldn?t stay cooped up in here, wasting away. I'd get out there and spend all the money. I?d travel. I?d wear the finest outfits. I?d act like a queen.? She thrust out the broken statue piece. ?Look at this. It?s worthless but you cling onto it in here like you cling onto the dust and your bank book. You?re the one who is wasting her life. I wish I was in your shoes. Then I?d show you that money is meant for spending!? But the moment the words came out of her mouth, Veronica lost all the breath in her lungs, She felt a tightness in her chest and a dizziness that ran right through her. ?Are you alright dear?? asked Dania. ?You don?t look at all well.? ?I don?t feel... right,? she replied. ?I don?t...? She gripped her stomach, looking down. Then she frowned; a deep frown that creased up the centre of her forehead. ?Huh?? She wasn?t wearing her own shoes. She?d been wearing some lilac two inch heels. But they were gone. Her frown deepened still further. Those weren?t the shoes on her feet anymore. She was wearing a pair of very old-looking slippers with a fluffy covering for the toes and an open heel, flat to the floor; just like the pair that Dania was? Veronica looked up and across the room, at the old lady in her armchair looking back; at the wrinkled and swollen feet now squeezed into a pair of pretty lilac heels. 3 ?What the hell?? said Veronica. There was simply no way that the switch of shoes could have happened; no way that the old lady would have chosen those shoes with the silk nightgown she had on underneath her long dressing gown. Similarly, Veronica hadn?t yet got ready for bed. She was still wearing the same skirt and sleeveless blouse she?d worn all evening. Why would she ever have coupled that ensemble with a pair of worn slippers that didn?t belong to her? ?What is it?? asked Dania. ?My shoes,? she replied. ?You?re wearing them. I have on your...? ?Your...?? Veronica didn?t reply. She was, instead, staring at her wrist; at the thin gold watch that was on it. Not hers. She didn?t wear one. She never had. Had never liked the feel of the tightness. And it was an old fashioned timepiece; the kind of thing ?... an old lady would wear.? She muttered the words then gaped at Dania. ?Something?s happening to us,? she said urgently. ?Your watch. Your slippers. Look.? She held up her wrist. Dania checked her own feet and hand. Veronica looked across to watch her, incredulous, then saw something that jarred her heart, her trembling finger reaching out to point in the old lady?s direction. Underneath her dressing gown, Dania was suddenly wearing the same lilac blouse as... Veronica clutched at her top, taking two handfuls of the silk nightie she was now wearing over her skirt. ?Oh God,? she said. ?Oh my God, what?s happening?? Dania looked just as perplexed. ?I don?t know.? She opened the flaps of her dressing gown, revealing more of the sleeveless blouse, showing that her skin wrinkled legs were now bare and exposed. Veronica gaped at them; up at the jowls and rheumy eyes of the old lady before her, having an awful preternatural sense of dread; even of doom. Then as she was watching there was a streaking shift and a matching skirt appeared, closing round Dania?s thighs, leaving her frail lower legs exposed. Veronica clutched down at her own skirt but it was already gone. The nightie fell to below her knees, and though her own smooth and shapely legs were visible beneath, that sense of imminent catastrophe was swelling in the back of her neck. She looked up into the eyes of the old woman in her seat, seeing her own fear and wonder reflected back, then flinched as the dressing gown vanished off Dalia?s arms and shoulders and appeared with a flourish of air on her. ?Oh God,? she whispered. ?Oh God, no. Please. I don?t want this to happen. I don?t want this to happen.? She looked at the old woman?s wattled neck; her chubby upper arms. She looked at her white curly hair and sunken cheeks; her sagging breasts and pot belly. ?I don?t want it,? she muttered; but the words didn?t come out smoothly. Not at all. Her voice sounded cracked and weak. She gripped her throat, desperately; hopelessly; for she knew now without doubt what was coming. Her voice sounded exactly like Dania?s. She sounded just like an old woman! 4 ?No. This can?t be,? croaked Veronica. ?My beautiful voice.? She clawed at her neck and her chin; touched her lips. ?Why are you talking like?? Dania stopped mid question, her eyes as wide as Veronica?s, and her own quivering palsied hand rose to touch the hanging wrinkled skin below her chin. When she looked back at Veronica, her eyes were lit up like an evening sun. ?I sound exactly like you!? It was true, and hearing the velvety tones was like a vice clamping tightly on both sides of the younger woman?s head. There was a small mirror on the same wall as the door. She discarded the little stone bird head, forgotten on the desk and rushed anxiously over to it, feeling the swish of the dressing gown; the flap of the old lady slippers she was suddenly wearing. But there was nothing wrong with her. Her face was her own. The worst hadn?t happened. ?Why is this happening to me?? she asked, hating the scrawny fragility of her voice now. She touched her cheek. ?What could be doing this to?? The words caught again in her mouth as she stared at the back of her hand in the reflection then darted her eyes down to it, lifting its partner up to clarify. ?No. No. No. No!? There were liver spots on the once unblemished skin and even as she watched, the skin there became looser, the joints swollen. Veronica looked back at Dania but the other woman had started to laugh and when she heard how pure and musical the sound was she laughed even more. There was something different now in the way she looked and moved. Her hair was darker; streaks of yellow breaking up from her crown. Veronica looked back at the mirror in alarm and saw her own beautiful full hair with streaks of grey in it; saw it withdrawing a little from her brow giving her a great semi-circle of pale skin on her forehead. She clutched at her hair but it had lost its shine; its body. It felt brittle and dry beneath her increasingly arthritic fingers. She ran to Dania desperately and took her arms, hating the encroaching ache in her legs that almost made her hobble. ?Help me! For God?s sake, stop this! It isn?t fair! I?m young. I?m not old. I?m not old!? But Dania couldn?t take the smile off her face. She felt light for the first time years. She felt a new energy and strength as the aches in her body receded. Tears pooled in Veronica?s eyes as Dania?s arms shifted under her fingers becoming slimmer and more athletic, then she gaped down in dismay at her own arms as the skin got looser; as her upper arms bulged; as all definition sagged away. She staggered back, grasping at her chest. Her bountiful breasts were deflating; losing all their pertness; sagging down horribly. Her trim stomach swelled out and beyond she saw her legs shrivel, becoming almost bone thin, the skin loose there too and wrinkled. ?This isn?t happening,? she croaked. ?It can?t be happening.? Dania?s form was filling out; her arms becoming toned and athletic. Her chest filled out as her waist narrowed. Her thighs took on a young and well-exercised shape as she laughed all the more. Veronica couldn?t laugh. She could hardly breathe. She shambled back across to the mirror, her legs and back aching terribly, and stared in horror at her face, at the old twisted hands that came up to touch the new crop of wrinkles; the sunken cheeks; the sagging jowls and wattled neck. Her hair was curly now and pure white and the tears were streaming down her cheeks. She looked back at Dania, but it wasn?t Dania standing there anymore. The woman looked exactly like she had: the same well-tailored clothes; the thick blond hair; the athletic body; even her beautiful face. She turned back to the mirror and her jaw dropped to show false teeth. There was nothing different now in the way she looked to the way Dania had looked only a minute or so before. She had become Dania. She had turned into an old lady. She really was just a wrinkled and haggard old woman. 5 ?It?s remarkable,? said Dania, marvelling at her smooth arms, feeling her firm body. ?Truly remarkable.? Veronica slumped into a chair below the mirror, her entire frame aching. She no longer had the strength to hold herself up. ?Change us back; please. I don?t want to be like this.? ?That isn?t what you said a minute ago,? replied Dania. ?What?? The old woman looked up. ?You said you would love to be in my shoes so that you could show me the correct way to spend my money. It looks like you got your wish.? ?No. No. No. I wish I were young again,? she said rapidly. ?I wish I was myself again.? But there was no response. She remained exactly as she was: a withered old crone with receding hair and a bulbous ugly frame. ?I wish I were a young woman again. Please,? she said, but her voice cracked and tailed off as she slumped against the arm of her chair, quietly weeping. Dania watched her for a moment then went back to enjoying the new sensations. She had actually forgotten how good it could feel to be young. Being old was such a long-enveloping sensation. To have that malady removed suddenly was euphoric. She didn?t know what had caused this but she was glad of it; the universe acting out a path of rebalancing; rewarding the faithful and punishing those who didn?t appreciate what they had. She felt sorry for the weeping old woman in front of her but it was hard to feel it too keenly. She had wished it on herself. Literally. And she was not a nice person; she really wasn?t. Dania regarded her levelly for another full minute, then she made a decision and in a low voice said, ?I?m going to leave here now.? The old woman jerked her head up. ?What? No! You can?t! That?s my body; my clothes! You have to stay and help me work out a way to change us back.? Dania shook her head. ?No. I?m sorry. I really am. But if my life has taught me anything it?s that you have to take an opportunity if it presents itself to you.? She shrugged. ?You?ll get to keep my money. And I won?t be seeing Brandon again. Not like this. You can have him all to yourself.? Veronica wailed with sorrow, burying her face in her sleeve, and Dania almost relented. But what could she do? She had no clue as to how this had happened. And no force on Earth could make her seek to climb back into that frail old form. She was young again! She could really do the things she had spoken of! Veronica looked up at the beautiful young woman before her, her vision blurred by the tears and by her new short-sightedness. ?I?m begging you,? she said. ?Please don?t go. Please help me make this end.? ?I can?t,? replied Dania. ?You wished you were in my shoes. Your wish came true. That?s all there is to it.? Veronica couldn?t believe what she was hearing or feeling. The aches in her misshapen body were crippling. What did all the money in the world matter if she had lost her youth and her beauty? Oh how she wished she had not been so careless in her words. But how could she possibly have known? What had happened was impossible! Dania went to the desk. ?You can have everything that was mine,? she said. ?I?ll start from the beginning. But I want this. I?ll take it with me.? She lifted the broken stone head of the hawk. ?It?s the only thing I have left of my father?s.? Veronica slumped down again, weeping and wailing. She was a fat old woman. She was ugly and wizened. Her voice was ruined. Her limbs were scrawny and palsied and ghastly to look at. And there was no way back. She didn?t even know what had caused it. How could she possibly find a way to reverse it. ?I wish I was young,? she muttered. ?I wish I was young.? But whatever power had made the change was no longer listening. Dania went to the door and looked back at her, but Veronica was consumed by her own despair and the acknowledgement of her own doom. 6 Dania slipped the stone hawk head back into its pouch as she climbed the stairs, marvelling still by how light and strong she felt. It was magnificent. She still felt guilty about the fate of the former beauty, but it was all too splendid to be ruined by that. Besides, she reasoned, morality was a human invention and she had far more interesting things now to consider. She entered her... former grandson?s bedroom. Brandon was fast asleep and snoring lightly. She went to the side of the bed, kissed the ends of her first and second finger, then touched them to his head. She watched him for several minutes then picked up Veronica?s handbag and left the room, leaving all her other belongings. She descended the stairs and saw that Veronica had made her way through to the hall. ?Please don?t go,? she said, her breathing laboured. ?I don?t want to be an old woman.? ?I?m sorry,? replied Dania. ?But that?s what you are.? She gave the elderly lady a sympathetic smile and then went to the door, opened it and let herself out. If you liked this then read the complete compilation of stories in Talons of the Hawk on Amazon. You can also follow my serials every other day on http://transformation-

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After a very tiring night as a stripper and then spending a night with the gorgeous Kat, I was absolutely shattered. I will explain the time I spent with Kat later in the story but first I wanted to share my experience with Libby.Libby, as you might recall, was the mother of the bride, or Zara’s mum. Libby was in her early forties and extremely fit; she looked a lot younger than her age and had the biggest tits I have ever seen.On the night of the hen party, she handed note with her phone...

4 years ago
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Marries kinky weekend Part 3

In this horny state of mind, she decided to stand up and go into the bathroom, where at first she looked herself over in the big mirror. Her brown hair was a little messed up from sleeping, her breast had little red strips at their base, probably from being bound yesterday. Her normally flat belly was bulging a bit, caused by all the urine inside her. But instead of going to the toilet, she went to the bathtub and laid inside it. The surface was cold and she had to force herself a little to...

3 years ago
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Cardiac Arrest Part 2 Trying to forget

Trying to forget - Part Two of "Cardiac Arrest"The next morning came, as John found himself enjoying a longer lay in than usual. His head throbbed and pounded as he rose. He looked back at his sleeping girlfriend. He still wasn't feeling anything for her. All he could think about was Tasha.Through his weariness, he thought he could see Tasha, laying there, filled up with his juices, smiling, satisfied, and full of love for him. He loved that in his mind, Tasha wanted to share all of her love...

Love Stories
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Monster Forest Futa Sex incomplete

You wake up not knowing where you are, you look around and see tall oak trees around you, you stand up and dust yourself off since you were laying in dirt, your still wearing your blue tank top with black shorts that go below your knees. You survey your surroundings to see that tge forest is huge as you can not see an end in all directions. You decide to walk staight ahead trying to find a way out of the forest before you hear a noise, you hide behind a tree with your back against the bark, you...

2 years ago
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Mom After Mom Season 2 Part 11 Few Strings Close Few Fall Apart

I quickly lied down on the couch putting the kerchief inside my pocket and pretended to sleep, closing my eyes. A few seconds later, I heard some footsteps around the entrance of the master bedroom. I could feel the movement towards the drawing-room, where I was lying on the couch. I could hear his breathing and it frightened me. He stayed there for a moment. Then I could hear the steps moving towards our bedroom. The door creaked again slightly and his steps moved inside. After a few seconds,...

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A Sweet Dosti Pyar Aur Sex

By : Sajid D Romantic Hi dear ones, this is Sajid, back with my another story after a long time. Mai apko pehle hi bata doon ki ye ek sacchi nahi balki meri ummed aur pyas ki kahani hai, jise mai kisi pyari ladki ya aunty ke sath pura karna chahta hoon. Please aaplog ise pura padhna, ho sake ye apko thoda lamba lage lekin isme mere dil ke sare arman chupe hue hai, aur asha karta hoon ki apko meri kahani bore nahi karegi. Mai apne bare me ek bar fir bata deta hoon, mera nam sajid hai aur mai...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Gabby 06112018

When we made the decision to invite Gabby for an interview, we expected a cock-crazy, anal-loving nympho who’ll say and do just the right things for guys’ pants to tighten around their crotches all over the world. Anything for attention. It’s not just that “look at me!” hair – in fact, that’s her job – she’s a stripper and does cam shows. Supposedly. She also claims to have fucked over 100 guys. So clearly she’s no stranger to dick....

2 years ago
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Kelly Girl Chapter 2 Suit Yourself

Copyright 1999, by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter. Still, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 2: Suit Yourself By Wanda Cunningham Pete's driving style had one advantage over Barbie's; in a big Mercedes, the passengers...

4 years ago
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Awesome Bus Sex 8211 Part II

Hello there, my name is Abby & this is my first story on this site. Well it’s when i was returning home from my native place. My native place is Nasik & i was returning home to Pune. It was already too late, around 9pm & i boarded the first bus that came for Pune. It was Full so i had to travel while standing. The bus was a non-stop bus which once started would directly stop in Pune. I purchased the ticket for Pune & started searching for some place to sit. Unfortunately there was no place to...

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Im Counting On It PT1

I awoke in my bed and yawned, rubbing the sleep from my eyes…then all of a sudden I was wide awake! Today was the day! I was going to a book signing featuring none other than Bonnie Wright, the woman who plays Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter films. I had gone to watch the 6th film with my friends and had noticed how amazingly gorgeous Bonnie Wright was getting and I felt like I had to meet her. I began to get ready, putting on a surefire sexy outfit consisting of tight low cut jeans,...

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"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

3 years ago
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Cheater Guilty

Cheater: Guilty By Jamie Fuchs Copyright 2014 Jamie Fuchs “Voila!” I exclaimed as I put the finishing touches on Dale’s birthday cake. It was truly a masterpiece. I had spent the last six hours baking it so it would be done before he got home. Placing the cover over top of it, I carried it and two plates from the counter to the table. Just as I set them down, I heard the garage door opening and his car pull in. Perfect timing. I quickly ran up the stairs to our bedroom. I wanted today to be a...

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Enslaved Chapter 45

Quentin Osman rose from his seat and moved nearer. The flesh of the two young bodies joggled and quivered as the girls continued to struggle frantically, but futilely, against their chains. It fascinated him.Hans and Cassim approached with the gags. They were made of spongey black rubber, about the size of tennis balls, with a buckling strap attached. Cassim went round behind Heidi. Like one possessed, the girl twisted and turned her blonde head from side to side, striving to evade the ball-gag...

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Becoming Melissas Cuckold Pt10

I wasn’t happy to see Tayshaun. I didn’t like the way he treated or spoke to me, and I was also worried that Melissa was spending too much time with him. I accepted her sleeping with other men, but I felt like Melissa and Tayshaun were getting too close, doing things like going shopping, grabbing dinner or catching a movie. At the very least, those were the kinds of things that I wanted reserved for me. As crazy as it might sound, I would have rather that Melissa had gone upstairs with Jessica...

1 year ago
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My Friends Daughter

Note : 100% fiction! This is Naresh here. I live in Manali with my family. Our family business is hotels and resorts. We have resorts and scattered over Manali, Shimla, Katra, Jammu and Srinagar. The house we live in is adjacent to the resort we own in Manali. We are quite famous in the place and throw parties often to keep the place lively. My wife has got many friends due to such gatherings, but I have just two close and best friends. One of them is Lokesh and the other is Surjeet. I have two...

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The Whore Next Door

One day the town home beside him, which had been empty for over 6 months, was finally bought. Peeping out of his window he noticed it was a family, a mother, a father, and a son. Seemed typical, just as he was losing interest he noticed their daughter stepping out of the van, Cor couldn't help but instantly get excited, his cock starting to rise in his pants as he watched her walking up to the front of the home, her hips swaying in her incredibly short shorts, her ass just barely peeking out...

4 years ago
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420 those bloodthirsty Yanks

420 those bloodthirsty Yanks This was written for a friend in the USA to his order & menu for their anniversary! don’t blame me if it`s not to your taste! So, the queue outside the big meeting hall that doubled as court, music hall and function rooms had been made of two thirds of the town. It had formed here in this little place in north Carolina, it was one those sort of place anyway, few of you would have heard of it and it is well off the beaten track, sort of a backwater that had a...

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Wet Dreams

Since I started watching porn on my computer I am a masturbating fool. I couldn’t watch porn up to last year when I finally was allowed to have a computer. My mother put restricting software on it, but I figured out the password and was free to use it when she wasn’t around, which was often because she is a d**g rep and on the road a lot . Watching porn as much as I did led to many masturbations. I usually had orgasms twice a day, shooting cum on the floor many times. I couldn’t get enough of...

2 years ago
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Complicated Love Pt 07

Chapter 11 Chris was in the balcony, sitting on the ledge, legs stretched out in front of him. If he slipped, he would fall, but he was not bothered. He was angry, hurt and more angry. He knew that what he had done was wrong to a certain extent, but not completely. He had not cheated on Cassie. He had not loved her then.He could not understand why she was staying away, and it did not occur to him that she was staying away more because of her own insecurities, and not from the fact that he had...

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I hump my aunty

Hello everybody, Well, I’ve been reading the stories in indiansexstories for a couple of months now. Initially, I thought ( and I think this for lots of them now also) , that they are all made up stories. But believe me a couple of them seemed to be real ones to me. So , I thought I should also share one of my experience with me ( I’ve lots of them with me , real life experience with lots of females ). I m choosing this one because this one was the first full sex incident which happened to me....

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Hi I am 20 yrs Shaheen Rangwala from Pune for the first time on ISS. What happened with me can be called as a true nightmare. It went like this….one day i was at my home just getting ready to leave for my college. I am in second year of degree. Suddenly there was a knock on my doors. Open up its Sanjay. He was my neighbor’s servant. He came to me and said madam can you take me with you to your college so that I can give food tiffin to mahesh who was my neighbor’s son who was in junior section...

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Desmond and TuttiFrutti willustrations

Toots Melendez was a somewhat reserved, petite little thing, with smooth-brown, walnut, cream-colored skin…and she’d always had 36, 24, 36 measurements ever since she could remember having grown into her shapely, womanly figure at the age of f******n.She came up in the Ethnic Hispanic communities of East Los Angeles, near Pico and Olympic and her parents raised her on taquitos, Chile con Carne and Goats Milk –I know that sounds peculiar, but there are still immigrant Mexicans down in East Los,...

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Before I begin my story first let me say that I did not survive the final incident. What you are reading was written by me after my demise. First some basic information. I have been on various ships. Mother ships and transporter ships. I've got to meet numerous types of beings. I've met Salamander beings and I've met Greys, various different types of Greys. I've also met the Blue Arcturians which are incredible. They all have their own personalities and their own purposes. So I've met Blue...

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Whoops Whoops  ??????????? I was on my way to a local dominatrix, I finally got the courage to go and try it out for my first time.? I?m six feet tall dirty blond hair, blue eyes and stay fit by working out and playing basketball on a regular basis.? I would say I?m barley above average with in the looks department.?  I walk into the building and see a gorgeous lady sitting at the desk I walk up and start talking to her bout my past experience, which have only been being tied up by old...

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Gramathu Pennai Oomba Vaithu Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en gramathil kolli velai paarkum pennai oomba vaithu ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal gramathu kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar iyapan vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan 12th varai padithu irukiren, enaku ezhutha padika theriyum. Ippozhuthu company velaiku sendru sambathithu oru mobile phone vaanginen Phone vangiyathum naan athigamaaga kama kathaigal padika aarambithu viten, kama kathaigalum athigam paarka aarambithu...

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The Flirt A Heather Story Part 4

Hair up? Hair down? Ponytail? I pleaded with the girl in the mirror to give me a break with the indecisiveness. Fuck it. He won't see anything except my bathing suit anyway. Ponytail, it is.When I emerged from the changing room, CJ was pushing some buttons on a wall panel. "I usually close these," he said, as the window coverings descended. As soon as the room was light-tight, the entire swimming pool glowed a bright blue from within. Everything else in the pool house was in its shadow."Wow!" I...

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Bikini Beach The Purse Snatcher

Author's Note: This story got written while I was also working on the story, "Teaching Sally". I never meant it to be so long, but after I set up the initial situation, which involves a thirty-day pass, I had to do something to fill that time. I decided to try developing multiple story lines, sub-plots. So, this is an experiment. Let me know what you think. Negative constructive criticism ("I don't think you did X very well") is welcome. Suggestions on how to improve ("I...

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MageChapter 88

“Well done, the Shayetet Kheshig,” Roxanne congratulated Birry, Brinont and Quruth at the beginning of the debriefing. “The Dökkálfar once again proved they are amongst the most dangerous of our forces on the battlefield.” “We are honoured,” all three intoned with a slight bow and a palm placed to the chest. “Casualties?” “Light, only sixty-three of our number, with two Mazdani, three Athenian Yr’ch being the others,” Birry replied. “We mourn their loss and will say their names with pride...

1 year ago
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First Time I Went Black

It started out with an ad on an adult website. I was looking for a big beautiful woman who wanted me to eat their pussy. I waited patiently for responses and finally received one. She wanted me to stop by her place and eat her pussy. When I arrived, I encountered a voluptuous black woman with beautiful tits. She was in her robe and invited me in. As she stripped down and laid back on the bed she demanded that I get naked as well. She spread her legs and exposed her nicely trimmed pussy. ...

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ShesNew Keira Croft The New Peach Bottom Babe

Bubbly babe Keira Croft is so excited to get into the porn industry, she can barely keep her top on! The biggest draw for her is the opportunity to express herself physically and experience the ultimate sexual freedom. She slides her jean shorts down over her buns and shows off her sexy ass cheeks. Then, she lets her tight pussy have some shine as she alluringly exposes herself. But Keira only gets hotter as she does a balancing act on our studs big beam. He fucks her from behind as she begs...

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I Too Have A Fuck Story

It was summers of 2011. I was enjoying the training of computer languages in Kanpur with my girlfriend and some of my friends. I was regularly having good fucking sessions with her, but this story is not about her. This story is about a girl whom I saw and the first thing that came in my mind was that I need to spend some good time with her. Her eyes was glazing, her lips were inviting, what to say about her body, she was like a very beautiful girl I have ever seen. The utmost feeling I was...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 8 Roger Gets a Show

Niki glanced down at her nipples as she tossed her momentarily worn shirt into the basket, adding it to the skirt she’d already removed. Roach really was making an interesting design, she thought, though there was so many dots around her right breast now, it was going to be impossible to miss. Thankfully Max had come up with something good for her to explain when her mother asked, which Niki was sure she would. Walking through the kitchen, and then the living room, she did not see anyone,...

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Forbidden LoveChapter 10

When I awoke the next morning, I found the bed next to me empty. I sat up and looked around for my mother. I saw through the window that she was sitting on the patio reading a book. I hopped out of bed and hurried to the bathroom to relieve my bladder and brush my teeth. Then I reluctantly washed my pussy juice smeared face before leaving the bathroom. My mother turned and smiled when I stepped outside. I took a deep breath of the fresh ocean scented air and stretched my arms wide. Then I...

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A Peasant Girl Chapter 12

Anna lay back and waited for the inevitable penetration. Then she was shocked to hear her father's voice cracking. "I... I can't do it while you watch. Your eyes are turning me to stone." "You're as bad as a woman," said Peshka with a harsh laugh. "You think it is something I haven't seen before? I cannot help you unless I see the act." "Look at my manhood, look how you shrivel it with your stare," protested Sergei Ivanovich. "How do I know your touch didn't do...

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Cherry popped

The man from next door Mr Tremain became a regular visitor to my shed where I would slip into my mothers mackintosh and ether wank or suck him to completion, on one of these visits he suggested I should go to his and try on one of his macs, I agreed and arranged it for the following Saturday. Slipping into my mothers bedroom with the idea of taking a pr of her pants to wear I came across her suspender belt and black stockings plus a pr of red very shiny knee boots she had worn for a 60s night...

2 years ago
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I Loved Fucking Her Virgin Ass Hole

Before writing down next part of my seduction by mom of my best friend, let meshare a very raunchy hot fucking encounter.Radha looked gorgeous and too hot at ripe forty five. Wide hips filled her jeansrather inviting.We met after about two years of a long term hot extra marital affair.When we bumped in to each others, both were married.But the instant chemistry led us to fucking like rabbits, next day in her home.Now settled in Canada,with a doting hubby and a teenage boy.She always met me on...

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It was 6:50 am and Aileen had just arrived for her shift at the music store.  She was opening again and had an hour to herself to get everything in order before unlocking the doors.  She adjusted her low ponytail, grabbed her coffee, locked the car, and walked to the front door, keys in hand.  As she opened the door, the alarm warning began to beep.  Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind and forced inside.  As the unknown assailant pushed her to the back of the store, she heard another...

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My Daughter Sally

My daughter, Sally is a pretty girl. She is also shy, and managed to get through high school without having a real date. Her only close friend was Susan. Once, Susan arranged for the same boy to take both of them to a school dance. Sally wanted to go. She was also nervous about it, and almost relieved when the boy got the flu, and could not attend. Susan came over, and spent the night with my daughter. Like many girls, Sally feels self conscious about her weight. Susan, who dated several boys...

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Ms Garcia and Elizabeth

The rest of the day I managed to get to all my other classes right on time, or should I say right in time seeing as how it was almost always about 30 seconds before each tardy bell rang. I couldn’t pay attention to anything anyone was saying, because the entire day I had Ms. Gonzalez’s nice ass floating around in my head. Finally the bell for lunch rang, every kid ran towards the cafateria like crazed animals. I walked slowly so that when I passed Ms. Gonzalez’s class I was able to enjoy the...

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Older Man Great Time Ch 2

Well folks, needless to say the first experience with Steve made me just want more of him. Feeling more comfortable with sex with a man, I knew I was ready to move onto a fantasy that I had always wanted. Sex with 2 men at once. People always say that you should just fantasize about fantasies but never actually do it, let me tell you how wrong that is. This is a long story but well worth the read. I'll never forget it, that's for sure. About 2 weeks after my first encounter with Steve, he...

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HermanChapter 3

I'd had a thought over the weekend concerning the money I'd found under mom's bed. Figuring that some people are just naturally nosey and if the cleaning crew that came in on every Wednesday had someone like that I'd best move the money. Just before leaving the house to take Linda to the airport I'd stuffed what was in the metal box into a backpack. After dropping Linda at the airport I headed for a different bank than the one where mom had her safe deposit box and opened new checking...

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Anne and MaryChapter 55 Committee

"Sarah, I asked you to come because we need your help and advice. I want to start a riding class for 12- to 15-year-old girls." "Fine with me. You mentioned that a while ago. Why the turnaround?" "Jane Pinski. I told you I found her crying. It's really gotten to me. I want to teach riding, that's what I like to do — what I'm good at. But if I do this, I want the class to help these girls deal with the bullying and all the hassle they face in school from the boys. I've been thinking...

2 years ago
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Better Living Through ChemistryChapter 6 Kim

I don't want you to get the wrong impression that Janet and Patty are the only visitors that Sally has come to our house. True, Janet is her best friend but she has other friends over as well. One in particular was Kimberly, or Kim, as she likes to be called. Kim was, like Sally, a very pretty girl and was quite popular in school. She was a freshman in the same school that Sally attended. She had nice brunette hair that surrounded a very attractive face. Her figure was drop-dead gorgeous...

4 years ago
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The Prom

BretDon’t get me wrong.  Being a big brother has its advantages.  But, it is not as glamorous as it sounds. Yes, you do get to do a lot of things before your younger siblings but most of the time parents are stricter with you than they are the brother or sister.   That is just at home. I haven’t mentioned anything when it comes to school.  That’s an entirely different subject.  Both good and bad as well.  If you’re too good, Teachers expect more from younger siblings. It’s even more difficult...

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An Evenings Entertainment

This story is purely the product of the author's imagination. Any similarity to the characters portrayed and any actual people is purely coincidental. It was inspired by the many web sites that feature partygoers having sex in public. Makes you wonder if someone organizes the 'entertainment' at these parties? Paul read through the invitation one last time. Everything seemed normal except for the last line. 'Acceptance of this invitation implies willingness to provide the party...

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The Office

The Office.   Before you read this, it isn’t a stroke story as such. A story with sex in it yes, but not a quick fire wham bam. Thought it best to let you know.   The players: Stella was a bitch, pure and simple, a statement of irrefutable fact. Somehow, in her twelve years working at the small Accountancy practice, she had charmed, or perhaps bullied the senior partner into making her the Office Manager. She was the archetype of the Office...


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