Girls Of Western High Football free porn video

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Western High School is an exclusive private school where all the students live right on campus. Students that attend Western receive a unique educational experience. The governing board has always tried to provide an ever evolving education experience for the students of the school by using some of the innovations developed in the school's laboratory on the school's student population. For example, Years ago, some female students developed a pill that changes a person's DNA structure. This pill can be used to change a person's sex, even thought the changed person would keep the same athletic abilities and intelligence and only their physical appearance would change. The governing board of the school elected to use this pill to add a very unique aspect to their Western high education experience. The governing board added a program that would require all students to participate in a lottery system where, if selected in the lottery, the student would have to experience a quarter of school in a body with physical characteristics of the sex opposite that in which they were born. According to the program guidelines there would be two elements to this lottery system. The first set of chosen students would have to dress like their opposite sex. The second set of chosen students would have to take the pill, discussed above, and life as a person of their opposite sex for one school quarter. Up until the current school term, the program specifically exempted certain athletes such as football players and wrestlers because of the violent nature of their sport. However, after the school board received hundreds of complaints about the sports exemption enacted into the guidelines of this program from students and parents the board decided to remove this exemption from the program. This meant for the first time, all students would have an equal chance at being chosen in the lottery process. So, as usual, all the students of the school gather in the gym at the beginning of the school term. Then principal places the names of all the students in the school into a box and randomly selected. The students sit in the bleachers and await to find out the names of the students chosen in the lottery. The Western High School football team had won the state championship the last two years and everyone predicted the team to repeat for a third year in a row. Why not, they had Chaz Smith, a junior this year, returning as running back. In each of the last two years, Chaz had led the entire state in rushing yards and touchdowns. He was 5 foot eleven inches tall and weighted 205 pounds. Chaz was very popular with the girls as he had short (blue) black hair, deep baby blue eyes, dimples and a tan complexion. Chaz possessed an amazing mixture of speed, quickness, agility, strength and acrobatic skill and because of his amazing skills everyone believed that Chaz was destined to play in the NFL someday. Chaz's father, mother and older sister, Rachal, were all Western High School alumni. His older sister Rachael, had been selected to become a male in her junior year two years ago. Rachael was a star athlete as she lettered in track and field, basketball and softball. When Rachael changed into a male for her junior year, Rachael decided to join the wrestling team. Rachael ended up winning all her (his) wrestling matches and was a first team all-state wrestling selection. In her senior year of high school, Rachael won the honor of homecoming queen. The team also had all-state selection Brett Farve, a senior this year, at quarterback, and Jerry Rice, another all-state selection at wide receiver. In addition, the defense, which had eight all-state selections, was returning all eleven starters. So along with their fellow students, Chaz, Brett and Jerry sat in the bleachers and waited to hear if their names would be chosen in the lottery. Two football players were chosen in the first set of names and would be required to dress as females during the school quarter. Chaz was relieved that his name was not picked in the first round. During the second set of names picked both Chaz and Brett heard their names called. This meant that Chaz and Brett would have to become girls for the entire school quarter. During third period gym, Chaz and Brett were taken to a lab and given their DNA change pill. Chaz instantly felt a tingle in his body. After a couple of minutes, Chaz looked in a mirror to discover he had become a five foot four inch tall girl weighting approximately one-hundred pounds. Chaz still had dark, thick black hair and deep baby blue eyes. The pill had also given Chaz a big chest and changed his voice to a very female tone. Chaz also had extremely long and hot looking legs. Brett had become a 5 foot ten inch girl weighting approximately one-hundred and sixty pounds with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. Chaz and Brett would spend the next two days learning girl stuff: putting on make-up, how to walk and act like a lady. After three days of the boy's learning to be a girl, everyone returned to school that Thursday morning. When Chaz returned to school, his new name was Tiffany and she was wearing a blue mini skirt, made out of a silk like material, silk white button-up blouse and black high-heels and powder blue nail polish. As Tiffany entered the school, she headed for the gym to find the football coach to ask him if she would be allowed to continue playing football on the team. Tiffany loved the game of football. When she reached the back hall where the gym was located, she spotted Coach Ryan, the football coach. Tiffany approached the coach and asked him if they could talk for a minute. The coach's office was located in the boy's locker room, and both of them knew it would be unwise for Tiffany to go through the boy's locker room to get to the coach's office. Tiffany and Coach Ryan headed to the bleachers in the gym to have their talk. Immediately after sitting in the bleachers, Tiffany started the conversation. "As you know coach I was selected to become a girl for this entire school year." The football coach nodded his head and spoke "The principal has said that it is up to me to decide if playing you would be safe and I have concluded that it is not fair to you to keep you from playing just because you are a girl now." The coach continued, "However given that you turned out to be a very small girl i am concerned for your safety. Tiffany nodded in agreement with the coach's concerns but then pleaded with the coach "Coach I love playing football please let me come to practice and see how things go." Coach Ryan responded, "OK I will start you off with a few plays and you must be honest with me and tell me if you are hurt in any way." Tiffany agreed to let the coach know if she got hurt or was feeling any pain after participating in football practices. Then the coach promised to get her a new uniform, with a special chest protector designed for girls, by the end of the day and also promised that he would leave her new uniform in the front office. After school, Tiffany would have to go to the front office to get her new uniform and then she would have to change her clothes in specially selected lockers located in the back hall. After school that day, Tiffany hurried to the main office to pick up her new uniform. When she found her new uniform she noticed that she had a different new uniform number and her new uniform number would be one. She frowned as she liked her former uniform number, 22, and wondered why Coach Ryan had changed her uniform number. She also looked at the tag inside the jersey and saw that both the jersey and pants size were one. Tiffany thought to herself, "I guess that is as small as they get." As she was leaving the front office, the principal stopped her to talk. "Tiffany you are going to have to change your clothes for football practice in the back lockers that were specifically designated for participants in this sex-change exercise Do you know where they are?" "Yes Principal Jones." Tiffany hurried out of the front office, down the hall to the designated locker room. She knew that there were separate locker room for boys changed into girls and another locker room for girls changed into boys. She entered her assigned locker room, took off her skirt, blouse and high heels. She left on her light blue bra and light blue silk panties. Then she put on a white t-shirt, the specially designed shoulder pads and then put on her jersey in that order. During this process, she realized that her bra, a frilly silk bra, was not going to provide her with enough support for her new chest during practice. She noted to herself that she is going to need a sports bra. She then started to put on the football pants. After she pulled the pants up her legs, she noticed that the pants were very tight. She then looked in the mirror to make sure her panties could not be seen through the football pants and that she did not have any panty lines. Then she looked at the way her curvy hips looked in the pants and thought to herself, "Very nice." Finally, she turned and looked in the mirror at her butt. She liked the way her butt looked in the football pants also. Finally Tiffany looked at her face and hair in the bathroom mirror and decided that her hair looked good and to keep her make-up on for football practice. She decided to wear her long black hair loose inside the helmet. She then went out to the practice field and saw all her teammates. During practice Tiffany waited on the sideline until Coach Ryan called her in to participate in the practice drills. During school that day, Tiffany had learned that since both she and Brett have been absent from practice the offense had performed horribly. She noted that so far during today's practice, none of the team's male running backs had gained any yardage despite the fact that the team had run twenty running plays. Tiffany was confident that she could still perform at the running back position and since the male running backs had been ineffective Tiffany felt she had a good chance of getting some playing time. After about an hour, the coach signaled for Tiffany to come in to participate in practice. Brett had been at quarterback the entire practice and had been right on target with her passes. Brett called Tiffany's favorite play: 46 Counter-Trey. Tiffany took the handoff and broke off- tackle ending up in the end zone. Tiffany was so happy at her successful run into the end zone and was relieved that she still had the ability to perform at the running back position even though she was a girl. Brett called another running play for Tiffany. This time one of the linebacker hit her at the line of scrimmage but she was able to knock the linebacker on his butt and run for a touchdown to everyone's surprise. That day at the end of practice, Tiffany had participated in ten plays and had scored touchdowns on every play in which she had been called upon to run the ball. At this time Tiffany felt really good about her performance during practice, While she was standing around waiting for the coach to tell them practice was over, she suddenly started to worry about how her long hair looked all sweaty and messed up. She also worried about how her makeup had stood up during football practice. She then turned her back to her teammates, took off her football helmet and shook her hair out. She was hoping none of her male teammates saw her without her helmet on and her hair and makeup all messed up. As she was putting her helmet back on her head, Brian Waters, a teammate, ran up to her from behind and said, "Hi Tiffany." Brian was five-feet eleven inches tall, weighted 190 pounds and had thick blond hair and was very popular with all the girls at school. "Hey Brian" Tiffany responded, as she spoke she turned her face from Brian to avoid letting him see her messed up makeup and hair. Brian then asked, "Some practice huh" and Tiffany responded "Yes." The boy and girl start walking toward the building together. When they were about five feet from the doors that led into the school building, Brian ran ahead and opened the door for Tiffany. "Thanks Brian" Tiffany said and smiled at Brian. As Brian walked Tiffany to the door of her special locker room. At the door to the locker room where Tiffany was suppose to change her clothes Brian said, "I guess I will see you later Tiffany. Tiffany called out as she went into the locker room "See you later Brian." Tiffany though about how strange Brian had acted as she changed into her jeans. The next day Tiffany wore a black miniskirt with a tight white silk sweater and matching black high-heels. As Tiffany approached her hall locker, Michael Evens, the president of the senior class, walked over to Tiffany and put his arm around Tiffany's waist and then walked away. Later that school day, Tiffany arrived at the school gym for her third period gym class. She gathered with her friends in the gym awaited instructions from the school's gym teacher. Then the gym teacher announced that today each student in the class would have to choose a physical education activity that the student would have to participate in for the next nine weeks. Tiffany saw a class called Woman's self-defense and thought that it would be fun to learn to defend herself as a girl. Tiffany got in the line to sign up for the self-defense class and right in front of her was David Rowe. Tiffany thought to herself, Wow David is a really good looking guy. Tiffany thought to herself about how much fun it would be to throw David around during class. Just then David turned around and smiled at Tiffany and said, "Hi." Tiffany responded, "Hi" and then jokingly asked, "So David why are you taking a class in woman's self-defense?" David smiled and responded, "Well I have so many dogs hitting on me I have to learn to defend myself." Tiffany smiled shyly at David comment but thought that David's comment was mean. She then concluded that "David is very rude and crude" despite being so good looking. David then asked Tiffany "Are you really going to play football as a girl" Tiffany smiled again, showing her dimples, and said, "Yes I am going to try and play as best I can" David responded "Tiffany you should not play you are going to embarrass the team and the school" Again Tiffany smiled and did not respond to David's comment. She then turned to the table and signed her name to the list of students enrolled in the self defense class. After she signed her name, she turned and left the line to sit back down on the bleachers to sit with her friends. As she walked away from David, she thought to herself "Unfortunately David is such a jerk because he is really good looking" Tiffany then shrugged her shoulders, "Oh well." For the rest of the day Tiffany tried her best to avoid anymore conversation with David Rowe. During the rest of that school day, Tiffany could not help to notice how differently the boys treated her now that she was a girl. After school that day as Tiffany was in the locker room changing into her football uniform Tiffany again decided to keep her make-up on and wear her long black hair loose inside her football helmet. After changing into her uniform and exiting her locker room Tiffany walked up the hill to the practice field. As she walked across the field, Brian Waters came running over to her. "Hi Tiffany I did not see you all day today" Tiffany though for a moment and then realized it was not strange for her not to see Brian during the day. They had always been friendly but not close friends. Tiffany smiled and flashed her dimples as Brian continued to speak. "Saw you talking to Michael this morning what did he say to you?" Tiffany said, "nothing really." When practice stated Tiffany was on the sideline waiting to be called into practice by the coach again.. While standing on the sideline watching practice she could not help but notice that Brian would often look over to see what she was doing. Finally after about an hour and half, Tiffany was called into practice by the coach. On one particular play, Tiffany ran toward Brian Waters, who played defensive back, and stiff-armed Brian so hard he fell to the ground and missed the tackle. Again she ended up in the end zone. After practice, Brian came running up to Tiffany. Brian said, "HI" and Tiffany responded with a smile. Tiffany felt bad about making Brian look bad on that play. She started to apologize for making Brian look bad on that play "Brian I am sorry." This was the first time she was embarrassed about her athletic abilities as a girl. Brian cut her off and said, "No problem but to make it up to me you have to go to the movies with me tomorrow night." Tiffany responded, "Brian that is sweet but I am not really ready to date guys yet" Brian frowned and said, "I understand but if and when you are ready remember me" Tiffany said, "Of course." That night as Tiffany changed into her short-white silk nightgown she thought about Brain and said to herself "He really is a great looking guy." "Oh my god!!!! " she could not believe what she had just said. Did she actually find Brian attractive? That weekend Tiffany and Brett decided to just hang out in Tiffany dorm room and watched football, experimented with make-up and did each other's hair and nails. On Sunday evening, Michael Evens called to talk to Tiffany. Michael, Tiffany and Brett had been good friends for years but this call was strange. Somehow, Tiffany noticed that Michael was acting very different from the way he normally acted around her during this telephone call. During the next two weeks, Tiffany found herself noticing the cute guys at school. Football practice had gone about the same as before except Tiffany was participating more. Coach Ryan and Tiffany had agreed that she would play for a maximum of 20 plays during the first game. This was a lot fewer then the 50-60 (touches) she would get during each game when she was a male player. But 20 plays every game was something and Tiffany really was not sure how much punishment her small female body could take. The day of the first game against Northern High arrived and When Tiffany awoke from sleep she put on her uniform, make-up and went to meet her teammates to ride the bus to Northern High. Because they were now girls, Tiffany and Brett had to arrive at the team bus dressed in their uniform. During the game around the end of the third quarter, one of her teammates asked her why she was wearing make-up during the game. Tiffany smiled shyly and responded almost to herself "I may be a football player but I am still a girl." Tiffany ended up rushing 12 times for a total of 160 yards and scored three touchdowns. She also caught six passes from Brett for a total of 120 yards and added a reception touchdown. Brett had a good day also completing 34 of 35 pass attempts for 410 yards and threw for two touchdowns. Western ended up winning the game by the score of 42- 3. After the game, Coach Ryan met up with Tiffany in the hall next to her locker. "Are you OK? Anything hurt?" "No coach I am fine just a little sore" The Monday morning after the first game, Tiffany wore a black satin sleeveless mini-dress and matching black high-heels and again wore powder blue nail polish. As she walked down the hall to her locker, she realized she was concentrating on all the cute guys again. There was of course Michael Evens and Brian Waters but she also noticed Jeff Siemon, another football player, Rodney West, and Jim James, Michael Mays and Michael Rivers for the first time. WOW Tiffany thought to herself "there are a lot of really cute guys at this school." All of a sudden Brett came running up to her "I have to talk to you in private right now", "OK What" the two girls went outside the school to talk " I had a date with Michael Jeffers on Sunday afternoon." Michael Jeffers was ok looking he was about '6 3" and played on the school basketball team. "You mean a date" DATE" "Yes" 'But your both guys" "Tiffany look at me I am NOT A GUY" "I need to tell you all about it during study hall 2nd period." During second period study hall, Brett told Tiffany all about her "DATE." Tiffany could not believe what she was hearing; the star quarterback was telling her that she had gone on a date with a guy. Afterward Brett said, "I love being a girl." Tiffany started thinking that they had only been girls for 3 weeks and already Brett was acting more like a girl then a guy; Brett would have to remain a girl until August of next year. Tiffany could not help thinking to herself that she also loved being a girl but she could not tell anybody this not even Brett. As Tiffany walked to third period gym class, she found herself thinking about all the cute guys that went to Western High again. She went into the special locker room to change into her gym clothes. For gym, she always wore a pair of girl-style shorts and a t-shirt; today her shorts were yellow colored. As she walked down the hall to the gym, all the guys in the hallway at that time could not stop themselves from starring at Tiffany's hot legs. Tiffany sat cross-legged on the mats and watched as Mr. Phillips, the gym teacher, showed the class some new self-defense moves. This move involved the defender throwing her attacker to the ground using a sharp rotating of her hips. After the demonstration, Tiffany paired up with Rodney West, The cute wrestler with the huge arms and shoulders, as usual. Rodney had hazel colored eyes and brown hair, he was tall, probably over six feet tall, weighted over 220 pounds and had really huge biceps. When she stood next to Rodney, she always felt tiny and fragile next to his huge frame. First Tiffany tried the move that Mr. Phillips had shown the class and she was able to toss Rodney to the ground using her hips. Then after a few successful throws by Tiffany, it was Rodney's turn to try the technique. "Be careful Rodney" Tiffany s joked and then smiled. Rodney jokingly shot back "I thought you were a big tough football player" Tiffany smiled "Nobody likes a smart ass." With that Rodney was able to throw Tiffany over his hip but he laid her down gently on the mat. Laying on her back, staring up at Rodney, she smiled, flashed her dimples, and said, "thanks your such a sweetie." Rodney smiled back "Thanks." Rodney then started to tickle Tiffany as she laid on her back; Tiffany started laughing uncontrollably, she obviously enjoyed the attention the wrestling hunk was paying to her "please stop." Tiffany put her little hands around Rodney's huge biceps as a means of defending herself. As this happened, She thought to herself, Boy Rodney's bicep's feel great in her hands. While all this was happening Mr. Phillips, the gym teacher looked on. Next Rodney started taunting Tiffany. "Come on Say you think I am a hot guy" Tiffany responded "No No" After a few seconds of looking on, Mr. Phillips walked over to the two misbehaving students. Rodney and Tiffany stopped play fighting and said together "I am sorry Mr. Phillips", who then walked back to the other side of the gym to watch the other students. When Mr. Phillips, was out of hearing range, Tiffany smiled at Rodney and whispered "Ok I do think you are hot" Tiffany had been successful in avoiding pairing up with David Rowe. After gym class, Tiffany went back to the locker room to shower and put her black satin min-dress back on and then proceeded to go to her next class. Tuesday morning of the same week, Tiffany was wearing a pair of tight jeans with a red sweater. As Tiffany looked in her locker for her books, Brian Waters walked over to Tiffany. "Hi Tiffany" "Hello Brian" Tiffany smiled at Brian as he walked by her locker. Upon seeing Tiffany smile, Brian stopped dead in his tracks and turned to Tiffany and said, "How was your weekend" "Great" "Can I walk you to class" "Sure" Brian reached out to take Tiffany books from her. During lunch that afternoon, Brian and his best friend David, Another great looking guy, sat with Tiffany. Both Brian and David were clearly flirting with Tiffany. That afternoon the team was schedule to watch game films and Brian sat right next to Tiffany to watch the game film. During the film, Brian reached his hand out to hold Tiffany's hand. Tiffany smiled and leaned over to whisper in Brain's ear "You are really cute but I am still not ready." However, Tiffany continued to hold Brain's hand under the table as they watched the game film. When practice was over, Tiffany went to find Brett; who was already in the back hall kissing Michael Jeffers. This was the first time Tiffany had seen her friend make out with another guy and the site stunned her. As Tiffany walked up to the couple, Michael left. Tiffany looked at Brett very strangely. "Brett you were just kissing a guy" "Yeah Tiffany this was the first time we kissed." "It was fun." "You should try it." Tiffany stood there "stunned" for a couple of seconds. During the past couple of days, Tiffany had found herself thinking about guys more often. She noted that she used to think about girls the same way. During the first month after the change, Tiffany had been asked on approximately 20 dates by 20 different guys but had given each guy the same answer she had given Brian earlier. Wednesday morning Tiffany was walking down the front hall wearing a blue knit skirt, white silk shirt with buttons up the front and blue heels. Suddenly Brett, Lisa, another guy that was changed into a girl for this school term, and a real girl named Brittany, Brian Waters and Michael Evens all came running up to Tiffany yelling and screaming. "Tiffany" Brittany started "Guess what" Then Brett jumped in "You have been nominated for junior homecoming princess" "What" "Yes Tiffany and I am positive you are going to win." "Tiffany still shocked by the news she had just been told said" But I am not even a girl." Michael Evens looked Tiffany straight in the eyes and said, "Tiffany you are easily the most beautiful girl at this school." Tiffany said, "Let's not count our chickens before they are hatched." Tiffany continued, "I have to go to class." After school as Tiffany was heading to her locker to get her football uniform, Lisa, Brett and Brittany surrounded her and Lisa said, "Tiffany you are going to have to get a dress just in case" Brett chimed in "So what type of dress do you think" Come on guys I am not going to win" Brittany said, "You might win and you have to be ready." Brett said, "So when do you want to go shopping for a dress" Brett continued "If you want to go shopping today I spoke to Coach Ryan and he said given the circumstances we can miss practice today and go shopping for a homecoming dress." Tiffany said, "Why don't we go shopping for a homecoming dress Saturday afternoon after the game." As Tiffany was going into the special locker room to change into her football uniform for practice, Brian Waters approached her. Tiffany can I talk to you for a minute?" "What Brian?" "I just wanted to ask you if I can be your escort to the homecoming dance." "Brian I told you I am not ready to date guys." "Yes I know, That's why this would not be a date it would be just two teammates going to a dance together" "What do you say?" "Brian that is so sweet are you sure you don't want to go with a girl." "Tiffany you are the only girl I would take anywhere." "Ok Brian let's go together." "Tiffany would you promise me one dance." "Sure Brian I would love to dance with you." Tiffany smiled at Brian and then she entered the special locker room to change her clothes. That Saturday Western High won its second game of the season. Again, the game was on the road and both, Tiffany and Brett, had to come to the team bus dressed in their football uniforms. That second game, Tiffany rushed for 190 yards and scored two touchdowns. Saturday afternoon after the game, Tiffany, Lisa, Brittany and Brett went shopping for a homecoming dress. At the first store they walked into, Lisa spotted a beautiful white long gown made of a silky spandex material. Tiffany felt funny going into the woman's dressing room to change but the other girls persuaded her and she went into the dressing room. A few minutes later, Tiffany walked out of the dressing room wearing the long white spandex material dress. Lisa, Brittany and Brett all had the same reaction "Oh my god you look beautiful" Tiffany looked in the mirror, her dark hair and tan complexion really made a great contrast to the white dress. After paying for the dress, the girls headed to the Victoria Secrets store in the mall to purchase some sexy panties and stockings. Tiffany picked a pair of shear white silk string bikini panties and a pair of white silk stockings. Finally, they went to the woman's shoe department of the local Bloomingdales department store located at the mall Once in Bloomingdale's woman's shoe department they picked out a pair of pure white colored very high heels to wear for the dance. This weekend Western High was playing its third game of the season. This was Western High's first home game of the season and the homecoming dance was scheduled for the same night. Again, Tiffany wore her make-up and had her long black hair loose inside the helmet. During the first quarter of the game, some of her teammates joked about Tiffany wearing make-up to a football game. However, all of them also made comments about how good she looked and how pretty her face looked. Since Tiffany knew the guys really meant the comments about how good she looked while wearing her make-up, she felt really glad that the guy had noticed how pretty she looked. Just before halftime, Tiffany took a handoff from Brett and broke off tackle. She was met with a thunderous hit by the opposing team's middle linebacker, Jeff Jones who was a four-time all-state defensive player. Tiffany put her shoulder down, side stepped, the all-state selection defender, and then ran eighty-two yards for a score. Early in the third quarter, Tiffany was about to be tackled by Jeff Jones again, this time she lowered her shoulder, plowed into the big defender and knocked him on his butt and ran thirty-five yards for a touchdown. In the three previous games, Tiffany had been careful to hide her identity from the opposing team's player. She had been successful at hiding her identity by keeping her football helmet on the entire game. However, in the middle of the third quarter, Tiffany had to remove her helmet, for a second, to fix her hair and one the opposing team's players saw her. They all stared in amazement as they recalled how this tiny girl on two separate plays had made their four-time all-state selection and star player, Jeff Jones, look awful. They started taunting Tiffany: "I am going to clean your clock little girl" "What about a kiss from your little halfback?" said one player another responded "Kiss what about a blowjob?" Tiffany was happy that her male teammates stood up for her. Western ended up winning this game as Tiffany rushed for 225 yards on 18 carries and caught three passes. This was the second straight game Tiffany rushed for over 200 yards in a game. In just four games, Tiffany had already had 980 rushing yards and 7 rushing touchdowns; she was leading the state in both categories. By this same time last year, the male Chaz, had only rushed for 800 total yards and had only five rushing touchdowns. The Western High Football team now had a record of three wins and no loses. After the game as the team walked back to the building to change their clothes, One of her teammates Michael Ray, asked Tiffany if she was going to come to his room, after the homecoming dance, for the season's first football player / Cheerleader sleepover that night. Of course, when Tiffany was male she used to go to all these team sleepovers and she really had fun at them but this time she did not think she should go. She knew the guys would be wearing just their underwear, or less, and just be trying to have sex with the girls; something that did not really interest Tiffany in her present condition. "No thanks Mike." "Oh come on Tiffany you will definitely be the life of the party." "That's what I am afraid of guys." "Come on you can wear one of those super sexy nightgowns the school provides for you" "That's ok guys thanks anyways" The game ended at 4 o'clock PM on Saturday and Tiffany knew the homecoming dance would start at 8 o'clock that night. Brian was going to pick her up at 7:30 PM so they could arrive early at the gym for the dance. Tiffany was glad her mother, sister and father had all come to school that day to watch her play in the football game and her mom and sister were going to help her prepare for the dance afterward. When Tiffany saw her family after the game, she was very happy. Her older sister, Rachael, said, "Look at you my younger brother makes a prettier girl then me" Her mother said, "I bet you have all the boys chasing after you" Tiffany just smiled shyly and said, "come on guys you know this is temporary." Rachael then added "Tiffany all kidding aside you look like a beautiful model even after playing an entire football game you just make such a beautiful girl" After eating, Tiffany, her mom and sister all went back to her room to help her change into her dress and put on her make-up. Tiffany took a shower, washed her hair and shaved her legs. She then put on a white terry cloth robe, went back to her room and sat down at her vanity mirror as her mom and sister started to help her with her make-up and style her hair. After they finished making up her face and styling her hair, Tiffany put on the white silk string bikini panties and the sheer white silk stockings she had purchased from Victoria Secrets and then put on the beautiful white dress she had purchased for the dance. After Tiffany was finished dressing, her father came into the room. Tiffany's dad could not believe how beautiful Tiffany looked. A couple of minutes later, Brian arrived at Tiffany's room. Tiffany introduced Brian to her family and after polite conversation Brian and Tiffany left to go to the dance. The couple danced to every song that played at the dance and then at 10 PM they announced that the principal was going to announce the homecoming queen and her court. Then to Tiffany's surprise, the principal said the junior homecoming princess was Tiffany Smith. Tiffany could not believe it. This ended up being the most wonderful evening of Tiffany's young life. Monday morning Tiffany wore a pink satin mini dress with pink high heels and pink nail polish. As Tiffany approached the door to the building, Rodney West, came running up to open the door for Tiffany. Tiffany smiled, which resulted in her flashing her dimples, and said thank you. Rodney stopped to talk to her "Congratulations on winning junior homecoming princess" "thanks" "You really looked beautiful in that white dress." Tiffany noticed Rodney's big arms again. As usual, Tiffany felt extremely small and fragile in Rodney's presence. Tiffany wanted to reach out and feel Rodney's biceps so bad, like she had done that day in gym class, but resisted the urge to do so. Rodney continued to walk with Tiffany and asked, "Would you sit with me during lunch so we can talk" "Sure see you 6th period" Tiffany watched Rodney walk down the hall. As Tiffany continued to walk down the hall to class, Michael Rivers stopped Tiffany as the two students past each other in the hall. "Tiffany congratulations on winning junior homecoming princess you really deserved it you are beautiful" "Thanks Michael." During sixth period lunch, Rodney wanted to talk to Tiffany about when she would be ready to date guys. During the conversation, Again Tiffany could not stop starring at Rodney's huge arms. Tiffany secretly wished Rodney would hold her in his big strong arms. While Tiffany was walking to her next class, a thought "popped" into her head; She started wondering if Rodney's "sexual equipment" was as big as his arms." As Tiffany walked down another hall, Brian Waters came running up to her. "Hey Tiffany." "Hi Brian." "God Tiffany you really look hot in that pink dress." "Thanks Brian." Tiffany smiled shyly and continued talking, "Brian I had the most wonderful time of my life at the dance with you on Saturday night. It was a wonderful night and I will always remember it." Later after school, Tiffany was hanging out in the hall waiting for football practice to start. She had not changed into her football uniform yet. Some of her teammates were telling her about the football and cheerleader sleep over party that weekend that Tiffany had refused to attend. As she was listening to her teammates discuss the party, She spotted Brian Waters standing by himself, excused herself from the conversation, and walked over to Brian. "Hi Brian." "Hi Tiffany" As she was talking to Brian, Tiffany noticed that Brian was openly flirting with her. Brian started teasing Tiffany and touching Tiffany's hand, and doing all the other things guys do to show a girl they like her. Then Tiffany started to flirt with Brian. At first she grabbed and held his hand and then trying to playfully "smack him" in the head. All of a sudden, Tiffany noticed they were in the back hall all by themselves. Brain reached over and held Tiffany closely. Then Brian hugged Tiffany. Tiffany did nothing to resist Brian and thought to herself how much she liked being held closely by Brian. At that moment, they both heard a call for the football players to get changed into their uniforms and get out on the practice field. Therefore, they separated and walked around the corner to go and change into their uniforms. That Saturday, Western High School won its next game improving their record to four wins and no losses. Tiffany ended up not playing one down in this game. Coach Ryan told Tiffany that they were playing a weak team and he was going to rest Tiffany that game. Tiffany wanted to play and did not think it was fair that Coach Ryan was not playing her in this game. When the Western High school offense was on the field, Brian sat with Tiffany and tried to comfort her. During the game, Brian stopped to look at the cheerleaders, Tiffany saw him looking at the scantly clad girls and Brian saw Tiffany catch him looking at the girls. Brian said, "Tiffany you are more beautiful then any of those girls." Tiffany laughed and said, "Sure Brian whatever you say." Tiffany left her football helmet on for the entire game. That evening, Tiffany received a telephone call from Brian Waters: "Hi Tiffany this is Brian." "Hi Brian how are you?" They ended up talking on the telephone for 3 hours. Early Sunday morning, Tiffany received a call from Brett. "Tiffany how come you did not come to Mike's party last night?" "I ended up talking to Brian for about 3 hours and forgot about it." "Brian's really hot." "Yes I think so also." "Well Michael Jeffers and I ended up fooling around in Mike's bedroom and I ended up giving him a handjob." "ARE YOU SERIOUS?" "Did he cum?" "Yes." "Did you like it?" "Yes" stunned Tiffany tried to change the subject "what are you going to wear Monday." "probably jeans I do not look as good as you do in a dress." "Yeah I really LOVE wearing Dresses." So who are you going to date: Brian, Michael Even or Rodney West?" "I am not sure all three of them are really hot, but I think I like Brian the best" but don't say anything yet." "I promise I will not say anything to anybody." Monday morning Tiffany wore her black satin mini dress again. As she walked down the front hall, She looked for Coach Ryan. She wanted to talk to Coach Ryan about why she was benched during the game last Saturday and express to Coach Ryan why she did not think it was fair for him to bench her. She did not see Coach Ryan but she did spot Brian Water's standing at the end of the hall. Brian walked up to Tiffany and smiled sheepishly. "Tiffany I am really sorry about what happened on Friday I know you told me you are not ready to date guys several times and I am just sorry that I grabbed you like I did." Tears were welding up in Brian's eyes. "It's ok Brian." Tiffany could see Brian's face fill with happiness. "I guess I will see you later Tiffany." "Great Brian." After school as she was walking to her locker, Tiffany realized she had not seen Brian Water's after their conversation this morning. She then realized this was the first day, since he was changed into a girl, that Brian had not walked her to at least one of her classes. He saw Brian down by the front office and wondered if she should say something more to Brian about what happened Friday afternoon. Tiffany smiled as she walked past Brian. "Hi Brian." "Hey Tiffany; Are you going to change into your uniform." "not yet I have to talk to Mrs. Anderson about the grade I received on an assignment." "Ok cause Coach Ryan postponed the start of practice today until 3:30." "Good to know thanks." During practice that afternoon Brian did not talk to Tiffany at all and made sure, he kept his distance from Tiffany. Tiffany could see the hurt in Brian's eyes and really thought about doing something to comfort Brian. Tiffany did not feel comfortable with showing her affection for a guy publically yet: but thought that Brian needed some comfort in some way. After practice, she saw Brian heading to the boy's locker room and called him over: "Hey Brian could you come here for a minute." Brian smiled. "Sure." When Brian was close enough so that only he could hear what Tiffany was going to say; Tiffany grabbed and held Brian's hand and started to whisper, "Brian I am not angry with you about Friday it was nice. your a nice guy." Brian smiled from ear to ear. "AWESOME," and headed for the boy's locker room. Tiffany turned and went inside the bathroom to change into her jeans. After she changed her clothes, she walked down the hall to look for Coach Ryan. She found out that he had to leave. So she went back to her dorm room to finish her homework. Western High School won its fifth straight game by beating their arch- rival Jefferson. As a result of beating Jefferson, they were all alone atop their division. Tiffany ran for 225 yards on only 18 carries and scored four touchdowns. Some of the Jefferson players had made fun of Western because they had two girls on their team but Tiffany and Brett's teammates had defended them. Tiffany felt good about her performance in the Jefferson game. It was now late November and Tiffany and Brett had been female for about eleven weeks. Western High won its next three games improving their record to eight wins and zero losses. The last regular season game of the season was upon them; The Thanksgiving day game between Western and another rival school Lincoln High. The night before the Thanksgiving Day game Tiffany received a call from Brian Waters. Tiffany was surprised because Brian had remained distance even after their last conversation. "Hi Tiffany This is Brian." "Hi Brian." They talked about school and the team for a couple of minutes and then Brian got to the real point of his call. "Tiffany since the football season is ending soon and we will not be teammates anymore do you think I can take you to a movie when football season is finished." "Brian is that why you have been acting strange for the past couple of weeks." "Yes I really think your hot and I thought maybe you did not want to go anywhere with me because we were teammates." "Brian I think we can go to a movie before the football season ends how does that sound?" "Are you serious?" "Yes" "How about Friday night?" "Sounds Good." "We can talk on Friday to discuss what movie and the time I should pick you up." "Sounds Great." "good night Beautiful" Tiffany laughed to herself; she never in her life though that someone would call her beautiful but she liked the way it sounded "good night Brian." Tiffany called Brett "hey guess who is taking me to the movies on Friday." "Who?" "Brian." "Cool he is hot." "so how is everything with you" Brett had been so busy with football, school and Michael Jeffers that she and Tiffany had not really spoken in a little while. "Well I did something with Michael that might make you angry." "WHAT", Thinking that Brett was going to tell her that she and Michael had gone all the way. "No not that but close." "Close?" "Yes we were fooling around in his room and before I knew it I was giving him a blowjob." "Brett what is going to happen next August when we change back to guys." "I really do not know." "Brett have you thought about telling the school you want to stay a girl." "Yes." "So have I." On Thanksgiving Day, Western won its ninth straight game and clinched a state playoff berth. This was the first time any team in the state had won all of its season games. On Friday, Tiffany and Brian went to the movies. At the movies, Brian put his arm around Tiffany for the entire movie and they ended up kissing for a few minutes during the movie. While Tiffany was changing into her nightgown that night, she thought about how much she liked kissing Brian. Saturday morning, Tiffany received a telephone call from Brian. "hello Tiffany" hello Brian" Tiffany I had a blast last night did you have a good time" Yes Brian thank you very much" they discussed the date for a few minutes and then Brian said, " "So how should I act on Monday morning are we going to tell anyone?" "Mmm never really thought about that" they discussed the pros and cons of telling people the two of them were dating and Brian ended the conversation "I know this is very uncomfortable for you so I will do anything that you want." "Thanks Brian." Tiffany thought about how Brian and he should act next Monday in school the rest of that Saturday and all day Sunday. Sunday night she called Brian with her decision: "Brian I hope this does not hurt your feelings to much but I would like us to keep our little relationship secret for now." "Ok Tiffany whatever you want." Monday morning Tiffany wore a pair of girl-style tight jeans, a light blue sweater and low heels to school. She was looking through her locker for her books, when Brian approached. "Hi Tiffany." "Hi Brian." Again, Brian took Tiffany books from her hands and walked Tiffany to her first class. Since Western High won the conference title outright this year and was the number one seed in the playoffs, they did not have a game that next Saturday. Coach Ryan had canceled the practice session he had scheduled for that day also. Tiffany and Brian ended up hanging out together in Tiffany's room most of the day. Tiffany was wearing a pair of girl-style jeans and a knit top. The couple spent the entire time cuddling on the sofa in Tiffany's room and watching television. The next Saturday, Western won its game against tough Central High. Western then beat Valley High and this meant they were going to be playing for the state championship in two weeks. The team had no game the Saturday after their win over Central High and Coach Ryan announced that there would be no practice either. He told everyone to just enjoy the weekend off because they would have a tough game the following Saturday. Saturday morning, Tiffany's alarm rang out at eight AM. Tiffany decided to stay in bed a little while longer. As she lay in bed, she started to feel all the aches and pains of the long football season. She thought to herself, I had never felt this sore before and I actually carried the ball less this season then any other in her football career. She realized that her little girl body could not handle the banging of an entire football season. As she lay in bed, she started to think about Brian and how much she enjoyed the time the two of them spent together. She fell back to sleep dreaming of Brian. All of a sudden, there was a knock on her door that awoke her from her deep sleep. Tiffany got up out of bed and walked to open the door. She had forgotten to put on a robe or to ask who was knocking. When she opened the door she saw Brian standing there. Tiffany was wearing her very short white silky night gown and a matching pair of white silk panties. "Brian you can not come to a girl's room without calling first. Brian responded sorry Tiffany I was going to surprise you and take you to breakfast I figured you had to be up and dressed by now but WOW look at you You're the one that ended up surprising me. Brian could not help but stare at the beautiful girl in the sexy outfit standing in front of him. Tiffany nervously said please stop staring at me like that Brian. She continued well come on in before someone else see's me like this. Brian responded are you sure? Tiffany laughed and said yes come in but hurry. Tiffany closed the door and was blushing with embarrassment: her face turned a beet red color and her dimples were showing. The couple stood and looked at each other, awkwardly, for a few minutes. Finally Tiffany spoke: "So you like what you see?" She said shyly, "Yes very much." Tiffany thought about the situation for a few seconds and thought about what should happen next: She decided that since Brian had already seen her dressed this way, and there was no place for her to change into something more appropriate without him seeing her completely naked, and besides, she reasoned, He was kind her boyfriend, She would just stay dressed this way. Tiffany secretly loved the way Brian was staring at her. He was looking at her as if she was the most beautiful princess on earth. "Well Brian sit down on the sofa" Tiffany went to the bathroom sink, inside the room, to brush her teeth and clean up a little. Tiffany then walked back to the sofa where Brian was sitting, shrugged her shoulders and sat down on Brian's lap. This was the first time Tiffany had ever sat on a boy's lap. She could feel how excited and aroused Brian had become. Brian still did not know what to do; so he decided to kiss Tiffany on her lips. They had been kissing regularly since their movie date and Brian figured it would be ok to kiss her even in the uncomfortable situation the couple found themselves in right now. The making out started to get heavier and heavier and Tiffany could feel Brian getting more and more aroused the more they kissed. Tiffany was getting aroused also and started to take Brian's shirt off. After a while, Tiffany stood up, and then motioned for Brian to stand up. When Brian was standing up, Tiffany smiled shyly and said, "well" motioning for Brian to take his pants down. Brian took his pants off and then Tiffany took Brian's hand and led him toward the bed. They laid down on the bed together and kissed some more, after kissing for some period of time Tiffany asked "Brian do you keep anything in your wallet" "No Tiffany." Tiffany frowned, stopped kissing Brian for a couple of minutes and then showed her disappointment with Brian's response. After a few more seconds, Tiffany started to crawl beneath the covers to the bottom of the bed. Tiffany stopped at Brian's hips and started to play with Brian's equipment. After this, Tiffany put Brian's sexual organ in her mouth and started to give Brian a Blowjob. Within a few seconds, Brian released his full load into Tiffany's mouth. "Wow Tiffany that was GREAT." Tiffany laid their a couple of minutes, feeling completely satisfied and then realized she had some condoms stored in her sock drawer left over from when she was a guy. "Damn Brian I had condoms in my sock draw." "Tiffany I don't think I have anything left." "I know Brian It is probably best that we did not do it anyway as I can not risk getting pregnant before the state football championship game." "That is true Tiffany I am just honored you were willing to do that with me." They laid in bed holding each other closely and cuddled the rest of the day. The football season ended with Western High winning another state title and both Tiffany and Brett were selected to the all-state team. Tiffany led the state in rushing yards, rushing touchdowns, all-purpose yards and reception yards. Brett led the state in passing yards, passing touchdowns and completion percentage. Tiffany had set a state all-time record for both rushing yards in a season and touchdowns scored in a season. Tiffany and Brian continued to date and were becoming more and more public with their relationship as time went on. However, Tiffany never gave Brian another blowjob and they never went all the way. Tiffany and Brian dated until August of the next year. In August of the next year, Tiffany decided to change back into a male but Brett decided to stay female. The next season, Brian was cut from the team during training camp, But Chaz and Brian remained great friends until they both graduated the following June.

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Hubby at football

I met up with Camille again last Saturday as her husband Rob was out with his friends at the football.During last week, Camille had told me that her husband Rob would be out on Saturday at the football with his work friends. Camille had told me that Rob was a big non-league football fan and that he had tickets for a match which was outside of London. Camille told me that he would be leaving early with his friends and that she was going to be home by herself. On Saturday morning I waited around...

4 years ago
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I watched as my sons football team made the winning play, jumping up and cheering along with the rest of the crowd of parents, faculty, students and locals who'd come to see the game. My son had done a great job tonight, and hopefully would be offered a scholarship. My wife couldn't come tonight, our younger daughter was home sick, so I had come alone to the game. I gathered my coat and walked to the back of the stadium, waving at my son as I passed. The crowd thinned out quickly, the cool...

1 year ago
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Ready for some football

It was opening weekend of college football season. I had a few friends over to watch the games and drink some beers. My wife loved having the guys over, she would flirt with them all day long and I could tell it turned them all on, but this year was going to be different. I took my wife off to our bedroom and stripped her down. She was confused and asked what I was doing. I proceeded to tie her hands and feet to a chair. I tied her up in a way that her pussy would be easily accessible. I placed...

1 year ago
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Sexy Footballers

If any of those people featured in this story is offended by what I havewritten, I apologise. The people featured are incredibly attractive men,and while there is no reason to believe that any of them are gay one canalways fantasise. Hope you enjoy this....It was the PFA awards night, Steven Gerrard sat there as young player ofthe year and he was happy as anyone could ever be. He sat with his matesMichael Owen and Joe Cole. The award ceremony was coming to an end and thethree young stallions...

1 year ago
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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
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Back in the late 1970s the local council were in the process of building a Hoising Estate at Dartmouth Park Hill right next to the famous Highgate Cemetery in North London, But the building firm went bust and youths had been stealing building materials such as lead for roofing and valuable copper wire or breaking windows so two guards were employed 24/7 myself assigned nights 7pm to 7am with a second colleague. As it was such a large site we communicated by radio. We were also paid to do two...

3 years ago
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Fucking and Football

I've been asked by many people to upload more of my sex stories. This is an older one from my sex diary. It was the summer of my junior year at SDSU when I met Bill. We were together for a couple months and just a few weeks before class started, rather moving on campus, I decided to move in with him.This story starts on the first Sunday of the new NFL season, Bill and his friends were set to watch some football. The Chargers were playing. His friends showed up about 12:30 with beer and...

2 years ago
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Friday Night Football

I had been seeing this girl for a while and Friday night had finally arrived. She had agreed to come watch a high school football game with me. We decided that I would just meet her there and we would grab something at the game. We met at the gate right as the game was starting, and made our way to find a seat, it was pretty crowded that night because it was a pretty big rivalry game with a neighboring town a short distance away. And all week leading up to the game, there was a lot of smack...

2 years ago
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Monday night football

Kelly and I had finished uni early, we always had a free period on Monday’s in high school for freshman year. We had gone to the mall, and done some shopping. While we were in Starbucks we were playing a game of truth and dare, as we usually did and like most pairs of teenage girls the conversation turned to sex. Neither of had any experience, yes we had both kissed guys, and had been felt up, but neither of us had gone past second base.“I cant wait to see my first real cock” Kelly giggled, “I...

2 years ago
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59 Sunday afternoon masters telly local football

59 Sunday afternoon, masters telly local football.Another true story Master ordered her arrival at his place at 1 pm on Sunday, but the best laid plans go astray and the time caught her out, she was talking to the scribe and another friend here on x hamster and forgot the time. Panicking now Andy her cuck hubby flung her collar round her neck and threw her, her car keys as she rushed to leave. She knew she was well late so pushing her luck she exceeded the speed a bit as the big motor flew...

4 years ago
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Monday Night Football

(This story is just for fun. No deep meaning or relationship issues, just sex) My current girl friend and I had been arguing quite a lot of late, so it was almost with a sigh of relief from both of us when she went on a weeklong business trip. I had no intentions of sitting at home while she was gone. She knew it and I knew she did. I decided to go down to Antoine's for two reasons. First, of course, was the fact that Sandra hadn't been putting out for two weeks now and I was some kinda...

3 years ago
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Mr Hightower and his new friend Cydney

My name is Jason Hightower. I'm 47 years old, married to my high school sweetheart Dana, and to everyone else it seems like I live the perfect life. However there is one small problem. I'm unbelievably bored with my marriage. I'm not sure who's fault it is. My wife is beautiful and she is my best friend, but lately I've felt a disconnect between the two of us. We're still intimate, but it isn't the same. I think we've just grown apart. My wife is unable to have children and even though I told...

3 years ago
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A Highland Fling

Clouds scurried swiftly across the sky and the early morning air was crisp with the first hints of autumnal frost as I started my southerly drive over Rannoch Moor. I'd set off deliberately early, hoping to avoid the worst of the late summer holiday traffic on the A82. Behind me lay Fort William and a fabulous week's holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where I'd visited Kilchurn Castle, explored my paternal ancestry on the Isle of Skye and searched unsuccessfully for the Loch Ness Monster. Ahead...

3 years ago
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Cydney and Mr Hightower Make it Official

Before I could respond Cydney was already acting like I had said yes. "I already checked out a few hotels in the city. This one has a hot tub, oh and there's one with a standing shower! What do you think babe?" "Cydney, this is all wonderful and I love your enthusiasm, but I can't." "Can't what?" Her expression changed immediately "I can't do this, I can't spend the night with you. I'm married." "So? We've already fucked and told each other we loved one another. What's the problem Jason?" She...

3 years ago
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Mr Hightower and Cydney go all the way

"Thank you baby," Cydney said as she used more paper towels. "How did you let out that much cum? I'm not complaining but that was amazing to see." I had no real answer for her because I didn't know how it had happened either. "Your blowjob was so good, how could I not?" I helped Cydney stand up and put her dress back on. After Cydney went to the mirror to make sure she looked presentable again, I pulled her towards me, and we kissed. "Oh Jason, we should head out, I bet there's a line to get in...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Sunday Without Football

There had been much discussion about squirting lately and it was a mystery to me. Mike had a couple of exes that squirted and we decided we were going to see whether I could do it. It was planned for over a month ago, but things came up, like football most times. This is a true account of our ‘research’ today when we both had the day off. I woke, had a nice long hot bath, shaved, showered off, and dressed in shorts and a t shirt. When Mike got back from a run with the dogs, I fixed a late...

3 years ago
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College Football

It was the beginning of the season, with tension and excitement palpable. Sweat dripped from every person's face on the field, and both teams threw insults at each other, trying to make the other team lose face and confidence. John glanced at the field, taking in a deep breath and smelling the musky, almost sleep-inducing grass. There were a few reasons why John had started playing football: 1) The GIRLS. Especially the cheerleaders! Man, were those clothes even legal!? 2) The sport itself. 3)...

2 years ago
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Sunday night football

Sunday night football.My wife went out with her co-workers to a bar to watch the game last Sunday night. She said I would probably need to pick her up since she had a bad day and was goi g to get hammered (I was called into work and was getting out after the game was over). We texted each other and she kept me up on the score. I didn’t hear much from her the fourth quarter, figured she was drunk and doing shots. I got out and I asked if she needed me to pick her reply. I swung by the...

2 years ago
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MILF Neighbor And Monday Night Football

This is sort of a long story but the end is worth it. I live in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Across the street lives a rather good looking blond Kathy, a thirty-five year old mother of two girls. Occasionally, we talked about landscaping and k**s in general and we grew quite friendly. Now this girl was single but she was absolutely gorgeous, she had long blond hair, stood about five feet seven inches tall, with a nice firm body that was accented by a nice pair of tits and an even nicer ass....

3 years ago
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A Sunday Without Football

There had been much discussion about squirting lately and it was a mystery to me. Mike had a couple of exes that squirted and we decided we were going to see whether I could do it. It was planned for over a month ago, but things came up, like football most times.This is a true account of our "research" today when we both had the day off.I woke, had a nice long hot bath, shaved, showered off, and dressed in shorts and a t shirt.When Mike got back from a run with the dogs, I fixed a late...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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No Football

They were coming out of the fast food restaurant when I spotted them. They were two attractive twenty-something women with Reubenesque figures, the kind that turned me on. Okay, all women turn me on but this shape was my ideal. Reasonably trim waisted, heavy bottom and top both, and sturdy legs. Both of them, standing together and looking around to see what had changed. I walked up to them and took a handful of each ass. They turned to look at me as if I had appeared out of nowhere, which is...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Football

My Gladiator I don’t feel good about this. I went to go grocery shopping downtown. With our daughters finally back in school I had a little more time for it, and I just like being downtown. A couple niche groceries where you can get better stuff. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s worth it. I had worked out this morning, too: another opportunity that disappears in the summer when kids are everywhere. Even though I’m in my late 30’s, I’m still the youngest regular at our club gym. It’s...

3 years ago
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Mmm In the Highlands

Jane and Samuel were away in the Highlands of Scotland. They went there for their first weekend away. Since that memorable weekend they visited the Highlands a few times each year. Their home for the weekend was a beautiful old log cabin on a Loch at Glen Coe. The cabin sat in a glacial valley. The two high mountains on either side were snow capped and the views were amazing. It was early spring, the new plants and leaves were just beginning to bud. The weather was warmer but there was a...

4 years ago
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House Girl VIII The Western Flight

As important as I am to the national defense, and I don’t say that with any boast, I am really just a small part in what is the most sophisticated amalgamation of power, science, political will, intelligence and firepower. There had to be something else that I was missing. Something incredibly important. So important it should have been obvious. It had to be right in front of my face and I was overlooking it. “Mrs. Honeycutt,” I said over the office intercom. “Please step into my...

3 years ago
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part 14 Monday night Country Western FUN in V

Finally - We were able to head home after Mondays fun with Billy & Dick. Angel however was NOT done being seen & used by others. Angel was oozing cum as we walked back to Billy's room to get what was left of our stuff in his room ( I had already had a valet put most of it in our car earlier). All Angel had to grab was her purse, sheer denim blouse & denim zip down skirt & her cowgirl boots. However I had her stay naked to our car & carried her clothes for her to wear later.I...

3 years ago
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Part 12 Sunday Country Western FUN in Vegas

Angel began the day impaled in her ass by a huge cock & spent the day there while other guys enjoyed her cunt too. A few even got to DP her asshole too. Sunday night a LOT of guys enjoyed DPing Angel while she was impaled on a huge cock in her ass, even more cocks in her ass too.Sunday we woke up around 11:30am so Billy & me went in to see how Angel & her friend in her ass were doing. They were still sleeping on their sides & he looked like he still had about 10" of semi-hard...

2 years ago
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The old rundown cabin seemed to,hold a charm of its own though no one lived there any more. The small grave yard just metres away prove testament to the humans who had tried to farm the arid hostile land and failed, the grave markers fallen to disrepair, the writings faded with time, the ancient mission church not over a mile away also littered with graves and fallen down gravevstones, some still bearing names and descriptions of people long forgotten. One ancient stone crypt stood like a...

2 years ago
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Part 7of 14 Country Western FUN in Vegas Angel

Since we went to bed kind of late after a full day on Monday we did not wake up until about 2:30pm. Angel still had that J hook in her asshole too. We then let her go into the bathroom to clean up & out but she had to leave the hook in her asshole.While she was showering Billy called room service to order breakfast/lunch.When Angel came out of the bathroom we told her to lay over a couch arm so we could move the hook in her from her ass to her cunt. She did have a wide open asshole once the...

1 year ago
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Part 65 Country Western FUN in Vegas Monday n

Once we walked out of the barn with Angel she was given a pint jar of cum to drink as she walked into the back yard of Joes.Joe did have 1 roommate that lived with him & he was busy barbequing our dinner on a big built-in grill, ribs, sausages, corn on the cob, & baked potatoes. This was just finishing as we got to the tables & benches there.Now came another surprise for Billy. Joe took 2 barbequed ribs & 2 sausages over & had Angel bend over the table so he could shove all...

3 years ago
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Part 5 Country Western FUN in Vegas After some

We got up Sunday morning about 10:30 am & rather then getting dressed to go to breakfast Billy ordered room service for all of us, including his band manager & lead guitarist that had came in shortly after we woke up to talk to Billy.We discovered that since the order was for 7 people it took 2 waiters to serve it. When they knocked on the door Laurie & Angel both answered the door naked for them to come in with our food. This time Angel fucked 1 waiter for part of his tip &...

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