Something About Us free porn video

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I first met Jessie when we were eight years old. My family and I had not long arrived from interstate when my mother got a job working alongside her mother and soon became friends, and we had been invited to Sunday lunch at their place. I remember seeing a red-haired girl with glasses, playing with Legos in their lounge room. I immediately joined her in her building, and we soon became friendly towards each other. In the years that followed we saw a lot of each other, whether it was when one of us was being babysat by the other’s parents, on outings together or at family gatherings – as the rest of my family remained interstate and we only went back once a year at most, Jessie’s family became an extension of our own.

When the time came for Jessie and me to make the transition to secondary school her parents decided not to send her to a Catholic college like the rest of her schoolmates (as she had gone to a Catholic primary school) but instead sent her to the same state high school that I was going to attend. On Day One of Year 7, I was the only student Jessie knew at the school, and I took it upon myself to look after her and introduce her to some of the other students that I knew from my old primary school. Soon we had a decent-sized circle of friends and she was well settled in. We were placed together in the same year group for the first two years, while we had a couple of elective classes together in middle school after that.

Whilst we talked about all matter of things with our friends, there were some things that Jessie and I were only comfortable talking about between us alone. The usual bitching about other students, of course, and even some of our friends too, but also matters of the heart. Jessie had come to trust me over the years and knew that I wouldn’t betray her confidence if she shared something personal with me – and I knew that she would do the same for me. Towards the end of Year 11, she had confided in me that she had a crush on a boy who was in my geography class: instead of doing the juvenile thing of mocking her feelings I asked her if there was anything I could do to help things along, to act as go-between between him and her. “No, thanks, I’ll be okay,” was her reply. Unfortunately, that boy was soon seen with another girl, and I had to console Jessie as she cried over the missed opportunity.

It was with that as a recent event that Jessie and I were together once again to celebrate Christmas – our family had made a tradition of inviting friends around the weekend before Christmas Day for a barbecue as we would drive back interstate to spend the day itself with our actual extended family. As the adults sat around eating and drinking, and the other kids in attendance played in the backyard, Jessie and I were in the spare bedroom where I had my games console set up, playing Fortnite. After yet another slip-up where she managed to get herself killed in the game, she threw down her controller in frustration.

“What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t get it!” she seethed.

“Are you okay? Are you distracted?” I offered.

“Don’t you start, Kim,” she spat back.

“No, seriously, are you okay, Jess?” I was still trying to help.

“Oh, I’m just fucking muddled in the head right now, it’s driving me mad,” she cried as she sunk her face into her hands.

“Tell me what’s the matter. Is it about Cam?” I asked.

“Yeah, no, oh… I wanted him, I should have taken up your offer,” Jessie said with a tearful voice.

“You weren’t to know. You couldn’t read his mind.” I put my arm around her shoulder.

“It’s just…” she started, threatening to burst into tears, “he’s the first guy I really started to feel something for.”

“What, as in have a crush? You’ve had some of those already.”

“I mean, more than just wanting to be with him. Being in contact with him, touching him, being in his arms,” she said as the teariness in her voice started to dry up.

“So, the first you…” I hesitated as it dawned on me, “you wanted to sleep with? You wanted to lose your virginity to him?”

“Uh-huh,” she said sheepishly.

“Oh, Christ…”

“What? That I wanted to be with him?” she blurted.

“No, no, you just got way, way ahead of yourself. It must have been intense, right?”

“Yeah, head over heels.”

“There’s plenty of time. You’ll get another chance – fish in the sea and all that,” I tried to reassure Jessie.

“But what if there’s not? What if I’ve truly blown it?” she said, the tears returning.

“Is that actually a fear of yours? That you’ll never actually find love?”

“Isn’t it anyone’s?”

“Well, I do fear dying an unqualified virgin, so you have half a point there.”

“Did you do Adrian Mole for Year 8 English? I loved that book.”

I knew that the school library had a class set of The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 , and knew that Jessie’s class had read it. “Nah, we read Voices in the Washhouse. But I’ve read all of the Adrian Mole books.”

“So, you fear dying an unqualified virgin. Well, the way you’re going the unqualified bit should be sorted this time next year. As for the latter, well…” Jessie quizzed me, “you don’t have anyone right now, do you?”

“Er, no. But I’m patient and there’s no-one I’m aching for, unlike you,” I replied with a slight dig.

“Oh, what about Joanna? I see how you look at her.”

“Sprung,” I admitted. “But who wouldn’t look at her. She’s pleasing to the eye.”

“She’s a human, Kim, not a fucking ornament,” she said with some venom, as I withdrew my arm from around her shoulders.

“Ooh, potty mouth, Jess. Giving it a dose of Malcolm Tucker?”

“Some respect for the girls please.”

“How else do you phrase it? She’s a pretty girl.”

“That you have the hots for.”

“And who has no interest in me whatsoever, and that I’m okay with that,” I tried to end with.

“So, you’re patient?” Jessie asked.

“Yes, I can wait. Although I wouldn’t mind losing my virginity before I finish Year 12.”

Jessie stared at my face without giving a response for what felt like an eternity.

“No, Jessie, I’m not thinking of sleeping with you. You can relax,” assuming her thoughts and pre-empting her reply.

“And why not? Am I not what you had in mind? Do I not tick the right boxes?”

“Jess, you’re as good as family to me. Your folks are effectively my aunt and uncle, you are a cousin to me. I don’t want to be fucking my family; it wouldn’t feel right, it wouldn’t be right.”

“Why would that matter? They wouldn’t have to know.”

“I would probably feel awkward afterwards. And what if things fell apart afterwards, either because you were disappointed or we couldn’t handle the situation? That would make for some awkward Christmases.” I was starting to get emotional myself. “I love you as a friend and as family, but I don’t want to risk either for just sex, even if I did really want to.”

“But what if it was to help a friend? If they were unable to help themselves?” Jessie countered.

“You know I am happy to help with opening up the channels if there’s someone you’re interested in.”

“But what if I can’t lose my virginity? What if I wanted to lose it before the end of Year 12 like you?”

“What, should we enter a pact to lose it together if it gets to that?” I shot back.

Jessie went all wide-eyed at the proposition. “Are you asking me if I want to have sex with you if I fail otherwise?”

“If it reassures you that you won’t go without, I’ll happily offer myself.”

Jessie took the idea and ran off with it. “Let’s set some rules, though. So, will we still keep looking for now? You’re happy to help with setting up dates and you can rely on me to help you?”

“Yeah,” I agreed, “we keep on as is. If one of us gets, um, lucky we help the other to catch up and see them right.”

“And if we have no luck by year’s end…”

“Let’s make it the weekend after Year 12 Formal…”

“No questions asked, no obligations after.” We settled on the terms of the pact.

“Okay.” We shook hands and then hugged each other. We then got back to playing video games, probably feeling a bit sheepish about what we had agreed to.


The following year Jessie and I found people to go out with: Jessie with a skater boy called Dean, and I with a shy girl named Penny. For Penny and me we never seemed to get past the point of going steady: spending time together, holding hands, some kissing but never more than that. As new experiences, they seemed enough at the time and I wasn’t particularly panicked at my slow progress. Jessie was following a similar tack with Dean and was also not particularly stressed at how things were going. Things turned weird, though, when we decided to have a double date one Saturday in August. Whilst Jessie was trying to engage with Dean as much as possible, and I was doing the same with Penny, a lot of the conversation was between Jessie and I with all manner of in-jokes that our partners were struggling to keep up with. Later that week Penny decided to break off the relationship with me: she said that we weren’t really working together and that the break was for the best, and I agreed. I didn’t feel bad afterwards and didn’t too much about the break-up until I saw Jessie crying as she arrived at school a couple of weeks later.

“What’s wrong, Jess?” I asked.

“That fucking Dean! Literally that fucking Dean!” she cried.

“Oh shit, don’t tell me he went and found another offer…” I whined.

“It gets better, Kim. Guess who?”

“Don’t know. A private school bimbo he encountered down at the station?” Dean and his mates often spent after-school hours on their boards in the car park of the local railway station.

“I got a call from Penny. She went to see him after she broke up with you, went back to his place and…”

“Oh fuck…”

“Literally. Fucking literally. She’s not proud of it, not that it helps.”

“So, you’re not calling her some kind of dirty skank at this point?”

“No. My guess is that Dean made the move and she went along.”

I shook my head. “Why didn’t she ask me… no, she didn’t ask me because I didn’t ask her. I fucked up, I let it slip. Argh…” I growled in exasperation, “Now I think I know how you felt about Cam.”


“More for the intimacy rather than the romance.” I went to hug Jessie but she pulled back.

“Not here, I don’t want people getting ideas.”


Not long after my luck seemed to have turned. Joanna, the girl that Jessie thought I had been leering at the previous year, asked If I wanted to spend some time with her. We went out a few times but soon it became clear that, no matter how well we got on at school, we just didn’t have the same connection out-of-hours. We both agreed to forget about being boyfriend and girlfriend and would stick to just being friends.

It didn’t help that it was about this time that my thoughts began to be dominated by Jessie. The devil finds work for idle hands, as the saying goes, and when my mind was idle, I would visualise Jessie. Her red hair cut above her shoulders, her green eyes framed by her glasses, her creamy skin, her petite body: suddenly I was thinking all the things I vowed never to do the previous December. I initially tried to tell myself, “Not her, you’ll find someone else;” before long, all I was telling myself was “end of October, you’ll be okay.”

Soon, the end of October came around. Unlike at some other schools and in some other places there was no real expectation to have a date for our Year 12 Formal: friends could be placed at the same table, couples could be accommodated (as long as they were both Year 12 students – outsiders were not invited), but otherwise we did as we pleased. I had pooled resources with three other friends to hire a stretch limousine to travel to the event; on that Thursday, I got a call from Jessie an hour before we were set to leave to say that her lift had fallen through and ask whether I could fit her and Joanna in our ride. We picked them up on the way, Jessie deciding to sit opposite me.

Jessie and I were sat on adjacent tables for the night. The formal went well: we had our dinner and then danced. Both Jessie and I danced to the faster-paced stuff, but when the slower tunes came on and the couples started dancing together we went back to our places. After another slow song came on the two of us stepped outside and found a corner to chat.

“Enjoying tonight?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s a good night,” Jessie replied. We looked awkwardly at each other for half-a-minute before she continued. “So, I guess you have no-one, then?”

“I don’t. And you?”

“No, no-one to speak of,” she said matter-of-factly.

“I’m sorry for not saying it before, but you look fantastic tonight.” I figured that a compliment couldn’t hurt, and the little black outfit she wore was more than worthy of it. Then again, I never said anything about Jessie’s appearance previously and felt a bit weird for saying it immediately after.

“And you’ve scrubbed up well yourself.” She seemed to take my words at face value.

There was another awkward pause. “So,” I said, “I guess that means we’ll be seeking each other this weekend, then?”

“Looks like it,” Jessie replied with a philosophical tone. “Where? Yours or mine?”

“Parents are going away for the long weekend, so I’m happy to host. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

“What time will you be over?”

“Ten o’clock sound okay?”

“Fine. Enough time to wake up properly.” Another pause. “Are you okay, Jess?”

“Yeah, I’m…” She caught on her words. “I’m just a bit nervous. I can’t believe we’re going ahead with this thing.”

“Are you sure? If you’re not comfortable we can just dismiss this as a bad joke from last Christmas and not worry about it.”

“No, no, I do want to go ahead. I’m just still getting my head around the fact that it’s actually going to happen.”

“So am I. Nervous as hell, although that might be for exams as much as this thing.”

“Well, Kim,” Jessie said with a sudden perkiness to her voice, “how about we forget those nerves and have a bit more of a dance?”

We went back inside and danced to the last couple of songs, both up-tempo, before the evening ended. I hailed a taxi to head back home: when it arrived, I asked Jessie if she wanted to share the lift and she accepted, taking the front seat as I sat in the back. After dropping her at her house I finally got home, got out of my fancy clothes and crashed into bed, my head ticking over what was to come that weekend.

My head was still ticking over future events when I woke up the next morning. With twenty-four hours to go, I decided to make some preparations, even though the plan was to make as little fuss as possible. I tidied up my room, washed and dried my bedding, and made sure my desk was clear in case we ended up doing exam preparation instead. I also retrieved some bedding for the sofa-bed in the spare room; I hid it underneath the sofa until after my parents left to drive down the coast for the long weekend before pulling it out and making up the bed. With everything in order, I settled down to a quiet night in. When I went to bed that night all I could think about was Jessie: every time I started to visualise her in a state of undress I screwed my eyes up in an attempt to scramble the picture. I eventually managed to get to sleep and was lucky to not have my dreams plagued by the sight of her.


I woke up on Saturday morning unusually early, seven o’clock instead of my usual sometime after eight. My stomach was a bundle of nerves as I lay in my bed, not at the point of making me nauseous but still making me a bit uncomfortable. After staring up at the ceiling for the better part of an hour I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower, letting the water run over me as I bowed my head in contemplation. Once I was out and dressed I ate a light breakfast, still feeling a bit queasy. I finished my meal, brushed my teeth and hair, and sat down on the couch in silence as I waited for ten o’clock.

As the clock ticked over to ten I heard a knock on the door. I answered it to see Jessie on the doorstep dressed in a simple black blouse, a short flowery skirt and sneakers, carrying a backpack.

“Hi, Jess,” I greeted her.

“Hi, Kim,” she answered.

“What’s with the bag?”

“I told my parents I was off doing study. They didn’t ask any questions after that.”

“Come with me.” I led Jessie inside my house, up the hallway and into the spare room. She looked puzzled as to why I brought her there.

“Why did you bring me here? Your room too much of a disaster zone?”

“Neutral territory. I didn’t want to be in my room in case…” I hesitated, giving Jessie room to interject.

“In case what?”

“Things didn’t work out and you associated me and room with that.”

“You didn’t have to, but oh well.”

The two of us sat down on the edge of the made-up sofa bed. We turned and looked at each other for what felt like the longest minute in history, our faces sitting somewhere between a grimace and a subtle smile before she spoke up.

“So, this is it, then?” she asked in the sort of tone one normally associates with breaking an awkward scene.

“No, this is the moment before it,” I replied, trying to mock, “or what would have been it had we not decided to sit here and try and stall.”

“Ooh, are you eager, then?”

“I’m very bloody nervous right now. Kind of want to get it done but mildly freaking out.”

“Me too.” There was another pause before she went on. “So, how are we going to go about this?”

“Ground rules,” I pronounced. “If either of us feels uncomfortable we say so and ask to slow down or stop. If we’re unsure, we ask. We only continue as long as we are both happy. Or able.”

“Surely that goes without saying,” Jessie responded in a tone that suggested that she just heard the bleeding obvious.

“Speaking to myself there, to be honest. Consent and all that. Or maybe to reassure you.” There was another long silence as we looked in each other’s eyes, either trying to detect desire or just holding out for time. I put my arm around her shoulders and drew her close to me: while we had known each other for years we rarely hugged each other, the last time when my family attended Jessie’s grandmother’s funeral earlier in the year where she was crying for much of the day. I kissed her cheek. “It’s okay. I’m here for you, and we’re here for each other.”

Jessie turned her head slightly and kissed me on the lips: I felt something go ‘ping’ inside me and I immediately kissed her back before she pulled back and sat up straight. “Well, that was nice,” she said pleasantly surprised.

There was another pause before I said haltingly, “Shall we, er, get undressed? Taking turns to remove an item?”

“Sure.” Jessie sprung up, kicked off her shoes and then proceeded to unbutton and remove her blouse, revealing a basic white bra. Having taken off my shoes I too stood up and pulled my t-shirt off. Next, she pulled down her skirt to show a pair of floral print cotton knickers, followed by me dropping my shorts to reveal my boxers. We stared at each other as we stood in our underwear for the better part of a minute before Jessie broke the pause by reaching behind herself and unclasping her bra, then pushing the straps off her shoulders to display her C-cup breasts. As I looked at the newly uncovered pair I went to grab the waistband of my boxers but stopped dead as I took a hold of them: I suddenly realised that I was about to show my cock to a girl who wasn’t a blood relative for the first time ever. “What,” she asked, “are you now getting embarrassed?”

“Well, yeah,” I replied.

“Well, I’m standing here with my tits out. I think we’re both embarrassed. You’ll be okay,” she assured me.

I gave myself a mental “here goes nothing”, hooked my fingers into the waistband of my boxers and pulled them down quickly, more focussed on clearing my feet than giving a display. I stood up straight to realise that my cock was effectively horizontal. I looked straight into Jessie’s eyes, awaiting her reaction, fully expecting her to either laugh in my face or quickly grab her clothes and run for the bathroom to get dressed again. Instead, she picked the waist of her knickers and gracefully pulled them down, clearing one foot and kicking them off with the other before straightening up to display her pussy, surrounded by a rather sparse and flattened bush. We looked each other up and down – admittedly only as far down as our crotches, both of us waiting for the other to have the courage to move on.

“Shall we get into bed?” she said. I turned and pulled back the quilt before taking Jessie’s hand and leading her onto the sofa bed, a soft yet audible creak emanating from the frame as it took our weight. Once reclined on the mattress I pulled the quilt back over us as she snuggled into me and drew her face up to mine, before realising she’d forgotten something. “Oops, these glasses,” she said before removing them and placing them on the floor next to the bed.

After another staring pause a few of her ginger strands fell down across her face; before she could react, I reached up and brushed them clear, allowing my fingers to trace around the frame of her face before finishing on her chin. I then drew her chin closer to me and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, to which she kissed back with slightly more force. As we sucked each other’s lips we simultaneously started stroking the sides of our bodies, her caresses sending tingles across my skin. Soon my fingers were tracing around her breast, tracing the foothill of the mound with my index finger before lightly brushing her nipple with my thumb. As firm as they were before, they got even harder as I teased her tit.

After a short while, Jessie broke off the kissing. “This is very nice,” she whispered as she darted her free hand down and grabbed my cock.

“Ooh,” I jumped slightly at the sudden move. “Are you ready?”

“I think I am.’

“Are you sure?”


“Okay,” I said. “Two things, though. One, I’ll have to do the slightly awkward thing of protection. Secondly, you on top to start or me?” I turned away and reached under the bed to grab the packet of condoms I had secreted under the sofa bed, tearing off a unit before ripping it open.

“I don’t know. What would you like?”

“I thought maybe you might want to start on top so you can set the pace,” I said as I rolled the condom down my rigid shaft. Having used a couple to wank previously I had gotten the hang of putting one on.

“You seem to be gentle enough,” Jessie replied. “You can go on top. I want your face in mine when it happens. I want to be as close as possible when it happens.”

I rolled on my side and slid my hand between her legs and into her crotch, noting her wetness below. I then slid a leg over in between hers, followed by the other, propping myself up on my elbows. My face hung over hers: expecting a look of fear about what was about to happen to her, I instead saw a face full of love. A face that had brightened my days over ten years of friendship, that had shone for me throughout my high school years. “Jessie,” I asked, “do you want to do this? Are you ready?”

“Yes, Kim. I am ready.” She took hold of my cock and guided it to the entry of her pussy. I felt a touch of heat as the tip of my knob made contact on her folds. I looked right into her eyes as I slowly pushed myself into her, her mouth dropping open and drawing breath.

I pulled back slightly. “Are you still okay?”

“Yes, that was good,” she breathily said. “Again.”

I inched in further, meeting resistance further up. I pulled back and slowly pushed in, again meeting a barrier. “Okay, I’m going to go deeper,” I said as I pulled back before thrusting in with more force, the movement breaking through her hymen. Jessie’s face momentarily screwed up. “Are you okay?”

“Sorry, that stung,’ she said with a slight pain in her voice.

I stopped where I was. “I’m sorry. Do you want to go on?”

“Yes,” she said. “I think I am okay. It was feeling good otherwise.”

I kissed her on the lips for a moment before resuming my movements. I kept the same steady pace, pushing deeper and deeper into her with each stroke until I finally bottomed out. Each push prompted a hum or a sigh from Jessie, while the love light shone on from her eyes throughout. Soon she started to move against me, seeking to speed up our motions. I responded by gradually speeding up my pace, applying more force with each thrust.

While I could have gone all out and cut to fucking Jessie as hard as possible, I wanted to keep a gentler pace so that she could add to or subtract from my thrusts through her own movement. I also wanted to last as long as possible. I kept looking into her green eyes, even when I kissed her lips or nuzzled her nose with mine, fascinated with the expressions on her un-bespectacled face as we made love. She kept her gaze on my face too, probably noticing the look of exertion every time I thrust up into her. When she wasn’t taking breaths she kept giving me sweet little smiles, and I responded by flashing a smile back in between movements.

Soon, though, her pants and sighs began to accelerate before turning into yelps and finally into a long cry as her body stiffened in orgasm. I suddenly became aware of the sensation in my cock and, before I knew it, I grunted as I came myself. I slowed down my pace to let Jessie down gently before I slid out of pussy and off to her side, grabbing the condom to avoid any further mess before slipping it off and quickly tying it.

As I turned back to Jessie, she rolled over to face me, her face carrying what was either a gentle smile or a smirk. It seemed an eternity before she spoke. “Thank you, Kim. It felt beautiful.” She gently kissed my lips before adding, “Did it feel good for you?”

“Yes, it did.” I kissed her back. “It was beautiful.” I kissed her again. “You are beautiful.” I kissed her once more before pulling back slightly and staring into her green eyes for the longest time. After a while, I asked, “Jessie, I want to know something. Have you been thinking about being with me, other than when you were with other guys?”

“I might have,” she said somewhat mischievously. “Why, have you about me?”

I suddenly felt a wave of guilt come over me. “I have. Too much, I think. Whenever I close my eyes, I’d see your face; whenever I went somewhere, I’d imagine you being there. Damn it, when I was with Penny and Joanna, I kept visualising them with red hair, green eyes and glasses, and it was driving me nuts.”

“Really?” She responded, not with the horror I had expected but with surprise.

“Pardon the creepiness but I had to stop wanking because all I could see was you.” A giggle came from Jessie as I kept freaking out. “Too many times I wanted to go up to you and say ‘Forget the pact, I want to be with you, let’s go to bed,’ but I didn’t because I had made a promise to help you find someone and I was going to keep it.” I relaxed as I paused before adding softly, “And besides I expected you to say ‘no’.”

After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a few seconds, Jessie responded. “I thought of you when I touched myself.” My eyes went wide. “After the Dean debacle I stopped looking for someone. I even sabotaged a couple of approaches. I first thought it was because I didn’t want to go through the hurt of another fuck-less dumping but soon I realised it was because I wanted to be with you. And I also thought I couldn’t break a promise and I also thought you’d say ‘no’.” Tears welled in her eyes. “I just want you so badly and you’re here and I don’t want you to let me go and… and… and…”

Before Jessie could break out her stuck groove I pulled her whole body against mine and gave her a long kiss, running my tongue along her lips. I released her and proclaimed, “I want you too. I love you, Jessie; I love you, I love you, I love you.”

“I love you too, Kim,” she exclaimed before resuming our passionate kissing. Lips smacked, tongues danced and bodies were stroked and squeezed as we revelled in the wake of our declarations to each other. After a while, Jessie broke off and looked into my eyes again. “Kim, did you ever wonder why I sat in the front of the cab the other night heading home?”

Trying to second-guess her I responded, “Not really, but I suspect it was because you were still trying to keep some distance.”

“Pretty much,” she conceded.

“Sounds like we were both scared of each other. Why after so many years together?” I asked her.

“More scared that we’d weird each other out, more like.”

“This isn’t weird. This is beautiful.” I kissed her lips again. “And you are beautiful, and I love you so much.”

“And I love you too, and you are beautiful too and, ooh hello, someone’s up and about again.” Jessie must have noticed I had gotten hard again and my cock was pressing into her. “Okay, this time I want to go on top,” she said as she moved to straddle me.

“Okay, but what about some…”

“It’s okay, I’m actually on the pill.”

“So why didn’t you say before?”

“Just in case things didn’t work out and I associated a mess up there with that.” I giggled as she took hold of my cock and positioned it against her opening as she lowered herself down onto me, my unsheathed member finally feeling the wet heat of her pussy as I slid up into her. As her thighs came to rest on my hips she leant down and put her face right up in mine, our noses touching, before placing a long kiss on my lips.

Again, I was focussed on those green eyes of hers. “Tell me,” I asked Jessie softly as we gazed at each other, “just how is your sight without glasses?” She began shifting her hips, giving some gentle friction. “Can you see me clearly here or am I just a pink blur?” I had only seen her a few times in my life minus glasses, either when we went swimming or the few times in younger days we had slept over.

“This close I can see fine,” she replied as she kept moving her pussy around on my cock. “However, if I do this,” to which she raised her body up into a cowgirl position and began moving her self up and down on me, “then your face gets blurry.”

“Are you okay with that?” I asked as I reached over the side of the bed and fumbled for her glasses, expecting her to ask. “Or would they just get in the way?”

“I’m used, huh, to them being in, huh, the way but I don’t think, huh, they’re all that sexy,” she said as her arousal was interrupting her speech.

“You look fine in them. Oh, bother it,” I said as I grabbed her glasses and thrust them towards her face, “put them on. Let me see how sexy you look with them on.”

She eased up her jumping on my cock to take her glasses from my hand, unfolded them and slid them onto her face before teasingly asking “How do you like me now, Kim?”

I felt an extra pang of desire as her hands dropped away from her face and I saw Jessie as I was used to, now just otherwise naked and impaling herself on me. “Oh yes,” I exclaimed. “Beautiful. How’s your vision?”

“I can, huh, see you perfectly,” she said between pants. I began to buck myself upwards into her for more movement, and the frequency and amplitude of her moans increased accordingly. Her breasts bounced with each thrust, and I reached up to cup them, enjoying fondling the soft flesh as they moved in my hands. Her pussy became wetter and wetter, the sound of thrusting in the damp emanating from our most intimate parts.

All the while, between each breath, she kept smiling at me as though the most important thing to her was not the pleasure she was receiving right now but demonstrating how happy she was to be with me. That was until I noticed the smiles turn into grimaces in between moans, which soon turn to yelps before Jessie let out an almighty cry as she orgasmed. She collapsed forward onto me and we kissed as she came down from her high.

“How are you feeling?” I asked her.

“That was so fucking good, but I’m exhausted after that,” she replied, her voice echoing the strenuous workout she just had. “You can get on top; I just want to lay back as you make love to me.”

She climbed off me, took off her glasses and put them back on the floor and laid back on the sofa bed, spreading her legs wide and showing her glistening, wet pussy. I laid between her legs and lowered my face to hers, planting gentle kisses on her as I guided my cock back into her damp canal. As I began gently fucking her, I began kissing down her chin and neck before trailing kisses across her chest, stopping between her breasts. Then, taking one tit in my hand I began kissing, licking and sucking the other nipple, making them even harder than they already were. After a while I swapped tits, kneading the one I had sucked on while turning my mouth’s attention to the one I had been fondling before. Meanwhile, Jessie began running her fingers through my hair, sending tingles down my spine.

Once I had addressed both of her breasts equally, I brought my face back up to her face and kissed her lips once again. We settled into gentle lovemaking, exchanging kisses and touching tongues as I slowly moved in and out of her. It was then that I felt something I never had felt before, not even earlier with Jessie: a feeling of being at home with someone, a feeling that I naturally belonged in the arms of someone. I felt at home with Jessie, and I was lucky to have her there in that very moment.

“I love you, Jessie. I want to be with you whenever I can, and whenever you want me to,” I said.

“I love you too, Kim, and I want to be with you all the time and I’m sorry I never said it before,” she replied, tears welling again in her eyes.

“No, I’m sorry for… oh, fuck it, we’re here now, let’s enjoy it.”

“Speaking of enjoying it, you’re a good kisser but now I want you to fuck me as hard as possible.” Jessie’s voice had taken a tone I had never heard before, one of sheer lust. “I want you to pound me into this bed, try to make me scream, until you come inside me. Just fuck me, Kim, fuck me. Fuck me!”

“Okay, then,” I said casually. I pulled back the same as I had been doing until that point but, like a footballer roosting a ball with no drawback, I pushed myself deep into her pussy, drawing a yelp from Jessie. I then drew my cock right back until my knob was in her folds before slamming back into her, drawing another yelp. I repeated the move a few move times before I pulled too far back and slipped out of her sodden hole.

“Oh, that was so good. C’mon, Kim, please keep fucking me,” she moaned as I fumbled to put my cock back inside her. Once in position, I began fucking her with long, hard strokes, bottoming out each time and slamming my balls against the inside of her thighs to the point of getting sore. Each breath of Jessie’s was either a yelp or an exclamation: “Oh fuck, Kim!” “Oh yes, Kim!” “Fuck me, Kim!” “Harder!” “Fuck me!”

As her cries crescendo-ed on the way to another orgasm, I felt myself approaching my breaking point. My own heavy breaths had turned into grunts as I could feel a twinge in my cock that I was trying hard to resist reacting to. “Okay, Jess, I’m about to come,” I announced as I kept holding back the inevitable.

At that moment Jessie cried out, “Oh, yes!” and went stiff in orgasm, her pussy contracting around my hair-trigger cock. Now with more stimulation than my member could handle I released myself into her, shooting come deep into her pussy as I pushed right into her and gripped her body tight. While my first ejaculation earlier seemed to be a decent amount, the load I pumped into her felt much bigger. Once my cock finishing throbbing at its own accord I squeezed my muscles to complete emptying my balls, as Jessie’s pussy stopped squeezing around me and her body finally relaxed. I kept holding her tight as our breaths and heartbeats returned to normal, gazing into her green eyes all the while. Once we were both relaxed I lowered my mouth to hers and gave her a long kiss, which she received with her tongue dancing upon my lips.

I broke off and asked, “Hard enough for you?”

Jessie replied emphatically, “Oh. My. Fucking. Gosh. That was so good.” I kissed her again before she continued, “How the hell do a couple of losers like us enjoy something like that?”

“I think we can safely say we’re not losers anymore,” I answered, correctly presuming her question was all sass and no self-flagellation. At that point my cock softened and slipped out of her cream-filled pussy, I dismounted and we both rolled over to lie on our sides, facing each other. “Look at what we’ve gained.”

“Apart from an urgent need to run the wash before your folks get back.” Jessie drew attention to the fact that our activities had left a sizable damp patch on the sofa bed, the pink tinge a reminder that I had taken her virginity earlier.

“I’ll worry about that later, although do you want a towel or a clean sheet for now?”

“It’s okay, I just want to lie here with you.” We laid there, looking into each other’s eyes as we stroked each other’s skin, both of us looking like we wanted to say something but couldn’t manage it. As I went to speak Jessie also opened her mouth and we spoke in unison.

“You know what…”

“I want to say…”

“I mean I…”

I then decided to keep quiet to let Jessie speak. “I really meant what I said before. I really do want to be with you. I want to be your girlfriend. Sorry, I mean partner. You mean that much to me. Today has been beautiful, but I really want to be yours. Not just a fuck buddy, not just a friend with benefits. Yours.” She smiled, the lovelight in her eyes burning so brightly I felt I needed sunglasses.

“Bugger,” I said in mock disappointment before kissing her. “I was going to say the same thing but you beat me to it. Yes to it all, except for one thing.”

“What’s that?” Jessie said, puzzled. “I mean other than ‘girlfriend’, obviously you can’t be that.” We burst out laughing.

“Gender-non-specific novice companion, if you prefer,” I responded to lampoon her. “Today has been beautiful, but it’s only just hitting lunchtime. Now, do we actually get up and do some study today or have we got more important tasks?”

“I’ll call home a bit later. I warned them I might stay over and they were okay with it. Maybe we hit the books tomorrow.”


“Soon. Not yet. Let’s just stay here for now.” Once again I brushed Jessie’s red hair off her face, tracing around the edge of her face and finishing on her chin before drawing her in for another kiss.

“Thank you, Jessie. You make me feel really happy.”

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Something Old Something New

The second floor corridor of the hotel was deathly quiet. As I walked along the thick carpet in the warm light of the wall-mounted lamps, I checked my lipstick in my compact-mirror and lifted a stray strand of hair from my brow. I arrived at room 212, my Mum Charlotte's room, and knocked on the door. My ex-boyfriend opened it; it was the first time in a year that I'd seen him. He was afraid to meet my eyes. I guessed that this wasn't because of any practised humility, a dutiful gesture...

4 years ago
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Something New

Sitting on my futon, reading the front page of the Times in an attempt to distract myself from how lonely I was, I was startled by the sound of the phone ringing. Oh god, please let it be him. It had been far too long since he'd wanted to see me and I was aching for his touch."Hello?""I want you to come over here. Now." Him, of course. Who else would give me such a direct order? Who else would I be so ready to obey upon receiving it?"Yes sir," I replied, my voice taking on the unintentionally...

3 years ago
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Something to help the dreams along

 ?????????????? Something to help the dreams along.   Have you ever felt so totally absorbed by a single person you wish you could mould your body so it became part of theirs?Have you ever trusted someone so utterly and completely you would have laid your life in their hands?Have you ever felt a bond with someone so strong that you knew it was always going to be something much more than just 'love'??Within the words written here you will become to understand how such a bond is formed...

1 year ago
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Something WickedChapter 2

When I was very little, my father cheated on my mother. I had just turned thirteen and I was dealing with the pesky emergence of hormones, as well as the insecurity that occasionally accompanies them. Having my father move out right around the same time dealt me a devastating blow. My father was taken from me, and my mother might as well have been, too. I remember wondering why Dad didn’t live with us anymore. No one would tell me. My grandparents whispered, abruptly closing their mouths and...

2 years ago
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Something in the Wind

She was trying to be sympathetic. The voice on the phone was by turns emphatic, subdued, was male and not obviously drunk but she could tell he’d been drinking. ‘…I called because, because you know the players, you know what I’m up against, you know what I’m going through…’ ‘…again’, she thought as the voice rambled on. ‘You called me because you know I’m three hours ahead of you and I wouldn’t be asleep yet.’ she said, trying to project her half-smile through the miles of fiber-optic...

2 years ago
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Something Crazy

Introduction: Ever get it in your head that you just want to do something crazy? Not just something out of the norm, but something really over the top? Did you ever do it? Michi and Keiko talked about, now lets see if they really did it? I just want to do something crazy and wild one day. You know, public sex caliber. I could feel the swelling within that started to get me wet even before we entered the spa. Seriously? Michi had me on the public sex thing. She had done it in a park at sunset....

1 year ago
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Something Afoot

I had just pulled up to the apartment I shared with my sister after a trip to the grocery store when I got a text from her.  I shut off the car and checked the text before climbing out.“I know it’s so weird, but don’t forget my tampons.  Please?”I shook my head and chuckled.  Little did she know that my ex-girlfriend had broken me of that phobia.  It seemed that every other month she would run out, and I’d have to go to the store for her, to an aisle no man should ever venture into.  Other than...

1 year ago
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Something for the weekend Chapter 1

Sodding budget airlines he thought as he looked up at the flight departure screen, all showed a blue colour except the last flight of the night to Glasgow. Every flight was on time or boarding except his, the display flashing, 'Please contact your airline service desk,' in an angry and taunting red. So much for getting home in time for a late dinner. He scanned the terminal and saw a queue of about twenty agitated people off to his right all trying to ask the same questions of the harassed...

2 years ago
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Something In The Air

It’s such an enormous cliché, but there really was something in the air that night. There I was, sitting across from the woman I desired more than any other, in a romantic restaurant, enjoying the evening over good food and some wonderful warm smiles. At one point Stacia even leaned over and pressed my thigh with her warm, delicate, hands, emphasizing the passion of something that she was saying. A few inches further up and she might have discovered my own passion.We’d known each other for...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Something To Remember

The Invitation You“Do any of you hike?” you ask. The question is addressed to the table but you were looking at her when you spoke. The immediate flurry of responses from everyone making it clear that not one of them has realised who your question is really aimed at.“My fingers do all the exercising I’ll ever need thank you very much!” one laughs.“You wouldn’t catch me dead anywhere near that much nature on purpose!” another exclaims.“Urghhh, I used to a long time ago but I just can’t with the...

3 years ago
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Something Old Something NewChapter 4

Uncle John did, in fact, knock on my door at one. By this time I had decided that being coy was probably a waste of time, so I was already naked. I also had an idea to break the ice, if just being naked wasn't enough. I had taken a quick shower. While I liked the taste of sperm, I wasn't sure Uncle John would, and I wanted him to suck my pussy. That's because Uncle John could do the most impressive impersonation of Gene Simmons from KISS. He had the longest, fattest tongue of any real...

3 years ago
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Something Wicked This Way Comes Ch 03

My eyes were shut tight as I kept kicking it. I didn’t want to see the demon on top of me only to remind me it was someone I loved. But what happened to Dex & Josh? Did they kill them? Were they tied up and locked away somewhere? It cried out in pain as my leg connected with what I think was its stomach, letting go of my arms as it rolled off me. I heard a thud as it hit the floor. I wondered how badly my arms were bruised and if I could actually walk or not because of the rape but I didn’t...

3 years ago
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Something Extraordinary Ch 02

Author’s Note: DC Comics owns Superman and related characters. The only thing mine is the following work of literature. ***** The shouting matches are nothing new in any household. But it was much more frequent in the Anderson household. It was just this morning that Daniel had one with his stepson. Hah! He would laugh at the word ‘stepson’. He was no stepson, he was the devil. He had a feeling that something was really weird with Alex. His mother was always able to keep his antics in check....

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