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"You have two minutes left and you have to score seven; three isn't going to cut it. You understand?" the coach shouted at his players. "Loud and clear coach," Jesse, the star quarterback of the team said. "This is for the championship. We win this game; it will be part of school history," the coach reminded them all. "We'll get that touchdown for sure," Michael, the leading running back said with a determined expression. "Remember, once you get the ball you run to the outside and stop the clock. No one gets tackled on the field. If you need to, throw an incomplete pass to stop the clock," the coach continued. "Got it coach," Steve, the leading receiver replied. "Offensive line, protect your man," the coach added. "We'll give him the time he needs," Frank said. His fellow offensive lineman and friend Will pounded his fist. "Alright, these could be the last plays you have before you graduate. Make them count!" the couch told them all. "Break!" the players said and then came onto the field. The Eagles were a High school football team in a championship game. Many of the players were depending on this game for their college futures. Others hoped they would make a good play and get noticed. Their opponents, the Wolves were similarly a tough team. The two teams came to the line of scrimmage and got ready. Jesse considered the formation of the other team and thought about the play he was supposed to play. "Hike," he shouted. The center placed the ball in his hand and immediately he looked for a receiver. He saw Steve being trailed by a corner to his left. He launched the ball back and threw it hard towards Steve. Jesse waited in tense anticipation as the ball went through the air. Steve and the corner looked up as the ball came closer to them. The ball was suddenly caught, but it was....the corner. Steve grabbed the corner but fell to the ground in a failed tackle. Jesse gave a wide-eyed look as his pass was intercepted. The corner ran back along the sides for a potential touchdown the other way. Frank and Will rushed the corner but were blocked by defensive players. Frank hit the ground hard and Will slid on the ground and fell upon being hit. Michael ran after the corner but tripped and fell to the ground. Jesse broke his frozen stare and took action. He ran after the corner and dodged a block from a defensive player. He was faster than the corner and was nearly on him. The corner saw Jesse and ran faster towards the end. Jesse gained ground and hit the corner. The corner went down to his knees but suddenly threw the ball behind him. Jesse tackled the corner down to the ground but to his horror saw the defensive player behind them with the ball. The slow-moving defensive player took the ball into the Endzone. The defensive team's school exploded in applause and cheers as the defensive player showed them the football. Jesse simply stared in shock. Only a minute was left on the clock and they were now down by twelve. The only way they could win now is with two touchdowns. It would be impossible! They would lose! "You okay?" Michael whispered. Jesse turned around and saw Michael behind him in formation. He looked down and saw the ball in his center's hands. He saw the defensive players ready to attack. What had just happened? He shook his head and tried to figure out what was going on. Did he just have a premonition? Was it real? He looked at the scoreboard and saw that they were behind by six. "Jesse?" Michael asked again. "We're running it," Jesse signaled to his players. "Hike!" Jesse shouted. Jesse got the ball and immediately handed it to Michael. He went through a small opening in the defensive lines and was tackled after five yards. "Regroup," Jesse ordered quickly, they were out of timeouts. "What the hell?" the coach wondered. "I hope that was worth it," Michael said painfully. "Shut up and move," Jesse hissed. "Hike!" Jesse said quickly. Jesse looked for a receiver but saw the same corner trailing Steve. He looked for his other receiver, a junior rookie. He threw the ball and nailed it. The rookie got the ball and immediately went out of bonds. With the clock stopped, Jesse had time to huddle. "What the hell are you doing, man?" Steve asked irritably. "He was open. You were not," Jesse shouted back. "I can get this," Steve argued. "We're only four yards from the goal. We don't need receivers. We go quarterback sneak," Jesse ordered. "Coach is going to kill you," Frank smiled. "Coach isn't winning this game. We are," Jesse told them. The huddle broke and they returned to their formation. "Hike!" Jesse shouted. The ball went into his hands and immediately a hole opened up. Jesse went forward and braced for impact. Will and Frank pushed a hole open allowing Jesse through. Three, two, one more yard; Jesse hit a defensive player and then went past him. Another defensive player tackled Jesse down. Jesse extended his arm and the football hit the ground as he fell to the ground. The officials broke up the crowd and sure enough the ball was in the Endzone. The Eagle crowd cheered hysterically as they heard the announcer. There was only five seconds left on the clock. The game was tied. The offensive team got off the field, so special teams could take their positions. "So, you ran the clock down, so the Wolves couldn't return the ball for a score?" the coach assumed. "Something like that," Jesse lied. "Good, just run it by me next time," the coach smiled. The kicker got the ball over the goal posts giving the Eagles a one point lead. "Good job," the coach said to his kicker. The Wolves got the ball back and tried to run it as far as they could. They were stopped near the 20 yard line and the game was over. A cooler filled with ice and water was suddenly dumped onto the coach, and the crowd went wild. The cheerleaders celebrated in their own way. "Never doubted you, man," Steve gave Jesse a high five. Jesse smiled in his victory and then walked over to Frank and Will. "Couldn't have done it without you two." "We always got your back," Frank said, the two shook hands with Jesse. Jesse then turned to see his parents in the stands. Before he could get to the stands, he was stopped by a black man in a black coat. "Good game," he said in a baritone voice. "Thank you, sir," Jesse said respectfully. The man seemed to be in his fifties and was nearly bald; he was smiling with a sinister expression and looked intimidating as he towered over Jesse. "I never would have thought you would have run the ball. Did you sense something?" the man asked. "Just a hunch," Jesse replied weirded out by this stranger. The man nodded and then smiled. "Take care of yourself," he said and then walked off. Jesse followed the man with his eyes and then went back to his awaiting parents. He shook off the weird stranger and enjoyed the rest of the night. The next day was a Saturday; Steve awoke late in the day after a night of party drinking. He touched his head as he felt the worse headache of his life. He wobbled over to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He prided himself for having to shave every day but today he didn't notice anything. He touched his chin and felt nothing as if it were already clean shaven. Shaking it off, he noticed his hair was a little longer. "Going to need to get a haircut," he muttered. He then noticed his nails were a little too long. He took out some nail clippers and cut them down. After brushing his teeth, he took a shower. As the water poured over him, he looked back on the game last night. He had caught a number of catches, more so than any receiver that night. If not for him, the team wouldn't have come close to winning. Still, when it came to the last plays Jesse relied on a rookie instead of him. After he was done in the shower, Steve dried himself and put on some swim trunks. He didn't seem to notice the hairs in the shower or on the towel. Putting on some sandals, he walked into the backyard. He would get a good swim to get rid of his frustrations. Later, he would tell Jesse off for not trusting in his abilities. How was he supposed to get a scholarship if he didn't catch the winning catch? He was convinced Jesse was showing off with his quarterback sneak stunt. Steve placed his phone on a table, so he could hear it but not get it wet. As he entered the water, the phone's screen fluctuated. The numbers on the phone's address book began to change and his contact list went from almost all guys to girls. His phone was also changing from black to a lighter color. Steve did some strokes in the water and just enjoyed the Florida fall weather. His phone then went off with a ring tong from some female singer. Steve gave his phone a confused look and ignored it. He didn't remember having such a ringtone on his phone; it was supposed to be from Linkin Park. While treading water in the deep end of the pool, Steve suddenly had a muscle spasm. His head fell under the water for a few seconds before he came up gasping. His arm and leg muscles were in spasm sending pain through him. He struggled to get to one of the ends of the pool but kept going under. Underneath the water, his muscles were decreasing in size and contracting uncontrollably. "Help!" he shouted as he went under again. His parents were busy cleaning in the house and couldn't hear him. As he struggled in the water, he saw strands of his blond hair about him. He stared at it as it floated above the water. He worked towards the other side of the pool and finally rested his feet on the bottom. Relieved, he put his fingers through his hair. Instead of spiky, it was straight and flowing down to his shoulders. He stared at his hands and saw that they were smaller than before. He could never have caught a football with such hands. "What is happening?" he asked himself in a horrified voice. Even then his voice was higher pitched and he knew it. Suddenly he fell into the water; his feet were no longer touching the floor. Steve moved himself closer to the end and fell to his knees and hands in pain. His abs contracting violently, and it felt like he had just done a few hundred sit-ups. He saw his abs disappear and become flat. His waist then became pinched and his hips began to expand. Steve's knees fell as he felt intense pain in his hips. He cried out in pain and then stopped horrified at his voice. He got himself higher with his arms and then felt them grow weaker. His triceps and biceps decreased in size and his shoulders became more compact. He was losing definition before his eyes; all the weight training he had done was becoming not. He gritted his teeth as he felt his chest muscles contract painfully. He then felt like coals were burning on his nipples. He then felt a painful sensation in his dick. He moved himself to the end of the pool and took off his shorts. He looked around to see if anyone could see. No, the water was covering him. He felt his dick as it was shrinking. At first, he figured it was due to the cold water, but it soon became apparent something else was happening. He felt his dick shrink and then the head disappeared inside the shaft. Steve felt painful sensations as body parts were being rearranged inside. He thought about getting help, but he was too transfixed on what was happening. His shaft shrank down to the base and then opened like a flower. He touched it and felt a sudden pleasurable sensation. The head of his penis continued to go inside him until it created a hole. Steve curiously put his finger inside himself as the canal became deeper. "This looks like...," he said to himself, his voice was squeaky and hoarse. His chest muscles then contracted violently and then pushed forward. Steve watched as his nipples expanded and then pushed out forming noticeable breasts. Steve cupped the breasts realizing they were now his. He then noticed his long blond hair waiving in the water. He looked over his hairless arms and then raised his legs one by one; they too were hairless. His nails were longer too. All of his muscle definition was gone replaced by slender limbs and stomach. His body shivered in the water not just from the cold but from the traumatic experience. He looked over at his swimming trunks and before his eyes they changed form. The trunks went from blue to white, shrank, and then unruffled themselves. He grabbed at them before they could float away and realized right away that they were two pieces. He noticed right away they were a two-piece female bathing suit. "How is this possible," she said in a feminine voice. Jesse looked through his phone for Steve's number. He wanted to apologize for not giving him the winning play at the game. He just got spooked by the premonition and wanted to keep the ball safe. He found with some frustration that it was gone. He looked through the numbers again and searched for his last name. He didn't find Steve, but he did find Stephanie with the same last name. Jesse didn't think Steve had a sister, and he didn't recall adding her name to his phone. Shrugging, he dialed the number. Stephanie looked around fearfully as she heard her white colored phone ring a female singer's ringtone. She dared not get out of the pool naked. She quickly put the bottom piece on with some difficulty. Once she got it on, she tried with difficulty to put it around her breasts and connect it around her back. The phone went silent and then rang again. Panicked, Stephanie hooked the bathing suit and got out of the pool. She looked at her phone and didn't recognize the name. She then saw her sandals; they were smaller and now white. Freaked, she ran into the house and into her room. Immediately, she was stunned by the room change. Instead of football pendants and player posters there were boy band posters. She then looked at her trophy collection and saw that they were all swimming trophies instead of football and baseball. She quickly opened her closet and instead of boy clothes there were dresses, skirts, and female t-shirts. All of her jeans were smaller and tighter. Opening her underwear drawer there were panties and bras. Turning back towards the center of the room, her dark blue comforter had been changed to white. Her black colored laptop was now white and the shoes underneath her bed were heals and smaller sized sneakers. Something was wrong. She had to get help. Tearing out of her room, she confronted her parents who were in their room. "I need help," she said scaring herself with her own voice. Her mother exited the room first following her father. "What is it sweetie?" her mother asked. "Don't you see something wrong?" she stammered. Her mother frowned as she tried to figure it out. "You look fine. Why don't you get dry and put some clothes on. You'll get a chill." Stephanie backed away realizing something had happened to her parents too. She stared at a family picture and saw a younger female version of herself in it. Stephanie turned from her parents back to her room. No wanting to be in a female bathing suit, Stephanie chose the most masculine outfit she could. When she exited the room, she was wearing skin tight jeans and t-shirt without a bra underneath. As she exited the room, a hard knock was at the door. "Honey, get the door please?" her mother asked from the couch. Stephanie reluctantly walked over to the door and opened the door. She immediately felt chills as she looked up. A black man towered above her by a foot gave her an eerie smile. "You must be Stephanie," he grinned and gave her a package. "How do you know my name?" Stephanie asked freaked. "Your name is on the package," he continued to smile. Stephanie stared at the name on the package and sure enough it was her new female name. "Just sign this," the man said giving her a pin and board. Stephanie signed her name for the package. "Thank you, miss," he said and then walked back to his truck. Stephanie's pupils expanded until they were full and then went back to before. She then turned back into the house. "Who was it?" her father asked. "Just a delivery man. These should be my perfumes I ordered off Ebay," she said happily. She proceeded to open the package revealing her ordered perfumes. "Very nice," her mother smiled. "I have wanted these since they came out," Stephanie said. "Honey," her mother said helpfully before her father could notice. Stephanie stared at her mother uncertain and then looked down. "Oh," she said sheepishly. "I'll be right back," she said embarrassed. Jesse called up Frank after failing to get a hold of Steve. "Hey, have you heard from Steve? I can't get a hold of him," Jesse asked. "Nah, I haven't. I heard he drank a lot," Frank replied. "I'm worried he hates me," Jesse said concerned. "Don't worry about it. You went with your gut. Remember that time when Bret Farve got intercepted against the Saints right next to the Endzone. That could have been you dude," Frank said. "Yeah, right," Jesse said. "Besides, you gave him the ball plenty of times that night. He shouldn't be sore," Frank reasoned. "Well, if you hear from him let me know. We should all get together before graduation," Jesse said. "Sure, I'll let you know," Frank promised. Getting off the phone, Frank got on his running shoes for a run. He was a big guy weighing over two hundred fifty pounds. He was an African American with short black hair and bulging muscles. Despite his large frame, he could run fairly fast. Walking out of his house, he started to run around the neighborhood. Unlike many of his other classmates, Frank stayed away from drugs and alcohol. He was determined to get an athletic scholarship, get into college, and get a degree. He lived with his mom and had an annoying little brother. As soon as he passed a quarter mile, he felt his legs burn. He knew he needed to push himself, so he ignored the pain. Jogging in place, he waited for the traffic light to let him go. He noticed a tall black man in a black coat on the other side of the street. He seemed to just stare at him as he jogged in place. Sweat formed on his face from the Florida sun and from jogging. When the sign changed, he continued to focus on the strange man across the street. He was suddenly hit from the side by a car. Frank was thrown to the ground by the impact and was no longer moving. Bystanders immediately phone called for help. The stranger merely walked away. That Monday, Jesse went back to school. Before class, he met up with Will and Michael. "Did you hear about Frank?" they asked. "What happened?" Jesse asked concerned. "He got hit by a car. He's in stable condition, but he broke a few bones," Will reported. "That's terrible. I just talked with him on Saturday," Jesse said stunned. "Want to visit him after school?" Michael suggested. "Sure," Jesse said and then closed his locker. The three walked to their class and talked about Frank's injuries. "Have you guys seen Steve?" Jesse asked. "I haven't seen him," they both said. Jesse wondered if Steve was avoiding him. When they got to class, Steve wasn't present. His desk was being occupied by another student that typically sat at the back of the class. "What are you doing in Steve's seat?" Jesse asked annoyed. "Don't know what you're talking about," his classmate replied. "I've always sat here." "No, you've always been in the back because you screw around," Jesse shot back. "Just because you won that game doesn't mean you can tell me what to do," the classmate argued. The teacher entered the room and noticed the spat. "Take your seats," she ordered. Jesse reluctantly got back in his seat. The teacher then conducted roll with Frank being noticeably absent. When the teacher ended her roll, she had missed Steve's name. "You missed Steve," Jesse reminded her. "Steve?" the teacher asked confused. Will and Michael gave odd looks as well. "Yeah, Steve," Michael piped up. "There is no student by that name in this class," the teacher said annoyed. "He's been here all semester," Jesse exploded. The other students were giving them odd looks. "Do I need to kick you out of my class?" the teacher warned. "No, that won't be necessary," Jesse said resigned. After class, Jesse went towards the principal's office. "What are you doing?" Will asked. "I am going to find out why Steve is not on the roster," he said determined. "Why the effort man? I thought you disliked the guy," Michael wondered. "I do, he's an ass. But this isn't right," Jesse said. Jesse entered the principal's office with his demands. The secretary humored him and looked up all students in the roster. "No one by that name is in our record," she said. "That's impossible. He's been at this school for three and a half years," Jesse argued. "I don't see anything. No transcripts, disciplinary referrals, or any record of any kind," the secretary said. "This is unreal," Will said spooked. "What about...Stephanie...," Jesse asked. Michael gave Jesse a WTF look. The secretary obliged and looked for the record. "No," she said. Jesse exited the principal's office disappointed. "Why did you ask for a Stephanie?" Michael asked confused. "She is Steve's sister," Jesse said. "I know for a fact Steve doesn't have a sister. I have been at his pool parties," Will objected. Jesse let that sink in. He had never been invited to Steve's pool parties. "Look at your phones. Do you see Steve's phone number in them," he ordered. "No, I have a Stephanie with the same last name," Michael said confused. "Same here," Will said. "We need to talk to coach," Jesse said determined. "We have class dude," Michael objected. "Screw class. We have to find out what happened to Steve," Jesse said. The three sneaked through the hallways and entered their coach's computer class. "Hey, coach. Do you know what happened to Steve?" Jesse asked. "Can't you see I'm running a class," the coach said engrossed with his computer. Jesse looked around and saw the students working independent of the teacher. Jesse could see the coach was playing some fantasy football. "Seriously coach," he pressed. The coach waved an aid away who was assisting him. "What's so serious you're not in class?" the coach asked. "Steve is not in the school records for some reason. He wasn't in class today, and he's not on the roster," Jesse said. "That's crazy. He's in my class in a few hours," the coach said. "Check your roster," Jesse suggested. The coach sighed and then looked at his computer screen. "That's weird. His name doesn't show up. All of his assignments, grades, they're all gone," he said stunned. "What does this mean?" Jesse wondered. "We could verify he goes to school here using my football roster," the coach suggested. "Hand me my roster," he ordered an aid. He looked through it and then again, there was no sign of Steve. "He's not here. I wrote this myself," the coach said in disbelief. "Something weird is going on," Michael said fearfully. "Let's check with my DVDs," the coach suggested. He placed a DVD into his computer and watched for Steve. "That's him," the coach pointed out the receiver on the left. "Steve's number is different. That's not him," Jesse said. "Steve's taller too," Will added. The coach played through each DVD and Steve failed to appear in any of them. "This is nuts. Let's go to yearbook. They have to have loads of pictures from the game." The coach then turned to his aids. "You're in charge. If anyone asks, I went to the bathroom," he ordered. "Yes, sir," they replied. The coach and the three went down the hall to yearbook where bored students looked through photographs. "Do you have pictures of Friday's Championship game?" the coach asked. "Of course. Hundreds of them," a bored female student replied. "Search through those photos for Steve," the coach told the four. "What am I looking for?" the female student asked. "He's tall, his number is 80, and he has blond hair," Jesse said. "Hard to tell with those uniforms on," the girl said looking at a picture. The four sorted through the pictures but couldn't find one picture of Steve. "Damn it," Jesse said frustrated. "Look at this one," Will said giving him a picture. "This isn't Steve," Jesse said dismissively. "No, but look at the girl. She seems familiar somehow," Will said. Jesse stared at the picture. It was a blond girl in jeans and wearing the jersey of the opposing team. She looked attractive and she seemed to be cheering the defensive team in the stands. "I have never seen her before," Jesse said giving back the photograph. "Just a hunch," Will said confused and then looked through more. "What should we do? We searched all of those pictures and not one was of Steve," Will said frustrated. "We go directly to his house and figure this out," Jesse said. It was after school; the coach had promised to investigate the matter. The three took the bus and got off near Steve's house. "This is it," Will said. "You sure?" Jesse asked; he had never gone to Steve's house. "I'm certain," Will said. They came to the door and saw Steve's last name on the doormat confirming they were there. After knocking a few times, the door opened revealing Stephanie. "Can I help you?" she asked. "We're looking for Steve. Are you Stephanie?" Jesse asked. "How do you know my name?" Stephanie asked bewildered. "Your phone number is in my phone," Jesse said showing her it. "How did you get my phone number? This is my personal phone," she said displeased. "I don't know. Is Steve here? We need to talk to him," Jesse asked. "There is no Steve here," Stephanie said. "Look, miss, I've been here many times. I have never seen you before. So, where's Steve," Will pressed. "I don't know what you're talking about. I live here with my parents; there is just the three of us," Stephanie said annoyed. "She's the girl in the picture," Michael recalled. "What picture?" Stephanie asked. "You were at the Championship game last Friday," Michael said. "So, I was rooting for my team and if not for you we would have won," she accused Jesse. The three stared at each other and then back at her. "Now, if you'll excuse me," Stephanie said angrily and then slammed the door. The three walked away from the house disturbed and uncertain. As they did, they couldn't help but see the stranger walked in the opposite direction whistling away as he did. Jesse noticed the stranger but didn't think much of it. "Forget Steve. He was an ass. Let's just visit Frank," Jesse suggested. "Agreed," Michael chimed in. Frank was in a hospital bed with a cast on the left side of his body and a ventilator for his collapsed lung. He was conscious but unable to move from the straps designed to keep him from moving. A nurse would come in every so often to observe him. "You have a visitor," the nurse smiled at him. "Don't be long," the nurse told the visitor. "I won't," the stranger said in a deep voice. Frank simply stared as the stranger took a seat next to Frank. "You can't cheat love son," the stranger said with a serious expression on his face. Frank merely stared at the stranger in confusion. "Don't try to talk. Just listen. There is a balance to everything. For every lost love there is a new love. When a love that doesn't occur when it should happens, it causes a ripple in space time. Don't blame yourself son; it wasn't your fault. It was mine," the stranger said and then stood up. He then whistled a song as he left the room. Frank wasn't sure what to make of the stranger's visit. He then suddenly felt an intense pain in his body. His broken limbs itched and then burned. He tried to call out for help, but he couldn't speak with the ventilator. He tried to call for help, but the help button wouldn't work. Looking at his EKG monitor they looked perfectly normal despite him having a panic attack. He shook the bed hoping to get attention but to no avail. As the pain continued, Frank started losing weight and muscle mass quickly. With supernatural speed, Frank's legs and arms started to become thinner. The casts around them no longer kept a tight hold on them. The left arm, leg, and hip were being repaired from the damage they received. The short hair on Frank's skull grew out and quickly grew longer. His large hands became smaller and his twelve-size feet shrank down to a size six. His muscles he had built up from muscle training dissolved and disappeared. Frank shook in his bed as the painful changes affected his whole body. His hips cracked as they expanded slightly and the bones in his skull shrank. His eyebrows thinned, his face became more feminine, his chin became softer, and his lips became softer. His face thinned out typical of someone weighing 120 pounds instead of 220. His broad shoulders shrank and the muscles on his chest thinned out. He arched his hip as the pain continued through them. He couldn't see what was happening between his legs but he could certainly feel it. When all the changes were made, he felt numb in the groin like he had lost something there. Fat through his body rippled from his gut to his chest and then collected itself around his nipples. They pushed out and became firm. Frank watched in horror as his chest rose; he could see his breasts rise before his eyes. In a desperate attempt, he hit the help button again. This time it worked and the nurse quickly came in. "What's wrong?" she asked. Frank tried to speak through the ventilator but nothing came out. The nurse looked over the body and noticed she was breathing normal. She took off the ventilator allowing her to speak. "Something has happened to me. My arm and leg," Francine said. The nurse checked the loose cast with confusion. "Let me check your X- Rays," she said. She came back shortly and stared at the X-Rays. "This doesn't make sense." She took a doctor aside and let him see the X-Rays. The doctor came over to Francine and asked for a cutting tool. The saw sliced into the casts and tore them off her arm and leg. The doctor then tested her arm and leg for anything wrong. "Feels like they're merely strained, not broken," the doctor said. "There's more. I am not supposed to be like this. I've changed into...," Francine stammered and then the pupils of her eyes went big and then back to normal. "Changed into?" the doctor asked patiently. "Nothing. Am I going to get better soon?" Francine asked. "You can probably leave the hospital today," the doctor smiled. Jesse, Michael, and Will entered the hospital and came to the secretaries' desk. "We're here to see Frank," Jesse said. The secretary looked up the names on her computer. "Frank you said?" the secretary asked. The three boys nodded. "I don't have anyone by that name admitted," the secretary said. The three simply stared at her. "Maybe he was transferred." Jesse figured. "No, that would have been recorded too," the secretary shot down. As the boys tried to figure out what was happening, a doctor wheeled Francine out of the hospital. Jesse turned to see Francine but neither recognized each other. Jesse shook his head as he tried to focus. "Let's go," he said to the other two. "What does this mean? I don't get it," Michael said frustrated. "Check your phones," Jesse ordered. The three looked at their phones, but Frank was no longer listed. Instead Francine appeared in their contact list. "I think...I see a pattern here," Jesse said. He gave the two a grave look. "Steve and Frank are gone from our contact lists and replaced with Stephanie and Francine. Coincidence?" "What are you trying to say?" Will asked. "We were at Steve's house but instead we got Stephanie. If I am right, if we go to Frank's house we will find Francine," Jesse said. "You're saying Steve and Frank turned into girls?" Michael asked in disbelief. "Not turned really. Reality has changed so that they never existed as guys," Jesse explained. "How is this possible?" Michael asked. "I don't know, but we have to find out. We're going to Frank's house." Once the boys got there, they were surprised to see Francine walk out the door. She was dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans with her purse under her arm. She rolled her left arm a few times and shook her leg. The three boys simply stared without being seen by her. Soon thereafter, a blond girl walked up to Francine. The two chatted, giggled, laughed, and then walked off together. "That's her. The Stephanie chick," Michael said. "What do we do?" Will wondered alarmed. The boys then saw the stranger walking towards the two girls. He nodded his head politely to them and walked past them on his way. "That guy has something to do with it," Jesse pointed out. "Let's follow him then," Michael smirked. The three boys followed the stranger in the most covert way they knew how. One followed directly behind him, another was across the street following from a distance, and another was farther ahead of the stranger. They eventually saw him enter a wedding shop. "Let's move," Jesse ordered through his cell phone. The three boys rushed the shop and went inside. The stranger looked up and smiled at the three boys. "How can I help you?" he asked pleasantly. "What happened to our friends?" Michael demanded harshly. "I don't know what you mean," the stranger said with a creepy grin. "Look, we know you're somehow involved. We won't tell anyone, but we need to know what happened to our friends," Jesse said diplomatically. The stranger nodded at Jesse. "You can't cheat love. Love always has a way of getting you in the end," he began. "How did we cheat love?" Jesse asked. "You weren't supposed to win that game last Friday," the Stranger answered. "That's a load of..," Michael objected. "Continue please," Jesse interjected. "As I said, you weren't supposed to win that game. When your team won, it created a ripple in space-time. You know what I'm talking about don't you?" the stranger said. "The premonition. I was supposed to throw an interception, and we were going to lose. But I stopped it from happening," Jesse recalled. "What does that have to do with love?" Michael asked confused. "When the Wolves lost, five of their best players either had their relationships either cut short or never happen at all. These five players were supposed to find their soul mates after winning the Championship game. By winning, you interrupted that love," the stranger explained. "Sounds superficial," Will commented. "It is but sometimes that's where relationships start their course. Now, love is correcting itself," the stranger said. "How is it correcting itself?" Jesse asked. The stranger grinned. "By making you replacements for those player's lost loves. That way the players get their soul mate and the Eagles lose the championship. If you five don't exist then the Eagles won't win the championship." "All of those players were dudes. That means their lost loves would all be girls," Michael said. The stranger merely smiled. "How can we stop this?" Jesse asked. "You can't....unless you exchange yourselves with another love," the stranger considered. "So, if we get these players dates we won't change," Jesse figured. "So long as the players have a love, you won't change. If they ever break up, love will come for you," the stranger clarified. "What about Steve and Frank? If we find dates for the players they're supposed to be with, they will change back, right?" Will asked. The stranger nodded. "It's going in a certain order. In my premonition, Steve fell first trying to tackle the corner. Then Frank fell trying to tackle the corner too," Jesse said. "So, you know who is next," the stranger said pointing to Jesse. "You do?" Michael asked. "I'm about to close shop. You'll know where to find me," the stranger said and then went into the back room of the shop. The three boys walked down the street away from the wedding shop. "Who's next?" Michael demanded. "It doesn't matter. No one is going to be next," Jesse said resolved. "We don't know that yet. It could happen in our sleep," Michael said agitated. Jesse turned to his two friends. "The next one is Will, followed by Michael, and then me." Will gasped in disbelief. "I can't be a girl dude." "You won't. We're going to beat this. Tomorrow, we're skipping school and going to the Wolve's high school. I have a plan," Jesse said. The next day Jesse woke up and immediately felt his chest. He had weird dreams all night but couldn't remember them. He checked his body thoroughly and then checked his phone. Will's name hadn't changed on his phone. Sighing with relief, Jesse then called his friends. "You ready?" he asked. "Ready when you are," Michael said determined. "Call Will and let's move," Jesse ordered. He took his bike and went across town to the other high school in the city. They were historic rivals and the two sides hated each other. Jesse especially hated the Wolves for intentionally injuring some of his friends during a football game his freshman year. He vaguely knew the Wolves players, but he was desperate to stop love at all costs. The three boys came together in the school parking lot. "These are the names of the starting players for the Wolves. Coach made me write them all down, so I could study their moves," Jesse said showing them a notebook. "What's the plan?" Will asked nervously. "Prom is coming up soon. We find out which players haven't paid for a prom ticket. The five that haven't are the ones," Jesse reasoned. "We don't know for sure that's how it works," Will objected. "We don't have any other options," Jesse replied. "How do we find out who has bought a ticket?" Michael asked. "That's your job. Find the student government classroom and search through it," Jesse ordered Michael. "Will is going to stand guard for you." "What are you going to do?" Will asked Jesse. "I'm going to use this flash drive to download information off the school computers in the counseling building. Once we find that out, we can know who is in which class. When we know that, we can start to pair people up," Jesse said. "How will we pair people up?" Michael asked. "We bribe random girls to go out with the five players," Jesse said displaying a stack of twenty dollar bills. "What if we get caught man?" Michael said becoming anxious. "Would you rather go to juvenile hall for a day or a girl the rest of your life?" Jesse asked them. The two nodded. "Let's move." Michael and Will approached the student government classroom and found it locked. "I was afraid of this. Cover me," Michael said as he tried to pick the lock. Will looked around as Michael worked on the lock. The door opened allowing Michael inside. Michael searched everywhere for the prom ticket roster and finally found it after ten minutes. A teacher walked by Will guarding the classroom. "Will, what are you doing here?" the teacher asked. Will stared at the teacher wondering how she could know his name. "I'm waiting for the student government teacher. I want to run for Senate," he said lamely. "That's good. You're starting to open up to everyone," she said and then gave him a concerned look. "You've gained a lot of weight. Are you feeling okay?" she asked. "Never better," Will said. The teacher nodded and then walked off. Will gave a sigh of relief and looked back to see Michael with the list. "Let's hope Jesse got the other list." Jesse sneaked into the counseling office and pretended to be a student waiting for a counselor. He waited patiently for one of the counselors to leave their office. Eventually one of them left his office. Jesse quickly went inside the office and put the flash drive into the USB port. He hid under the desk as the flash drive started downloaded student files. Once it was done, he took the flash drive out. As he walked away from the office, the counselor gave him an odd look. Once he was outside, Jesse ran away from the counseling office towards the meeting place. He ran over to them and caught his breath. "Did you get it?" Will pressed. "I got it," Jesse said showing them the flash drive. "Let's go to my place," Michael suggested. The three headed over to Michael's place where they placed the prom roster on the table. They then used Jesse's flash drive to read the student names. The three began crossing off the list of football players with prom dates. They then noticed Stephanie and Francine's name. They were attached to two football players. The three stared at the two football player's faces and wondered their fate. "Including Steve and Frank, we now have five," Jesse announced. The three looked over the three players left and memorized their faces and names. They nervously looked over the three guys. If they didn't stop love, they would end up being the girlfriends of each. Now, we have to pair these guys with girls who haven't been invited yet. The next day, the three infiltrated the Wolve's high school and spotted their targets. The three smoothly confronted a few girls bribing them to go out with the football players. They accepted the money and all seemed well. "Now, we bribe Frank and Steve to break up with their boyfriends," Jesse said enthusiastically. "That sounds really gay," Michael mocked. The three went to Francine's house after school and knocked on her door. "Can I help you?" she asked annoyed. "We want you to not go out with Edward to the prom," Jesse said awkwardly. "Let makes you think I'll do that. He's my baby," Francine said angrily. "Look, you're not supposed to be with him. We'll give you one hundred bucks if you don't do it," Jesse pleaded. "You three get the hell off my porch," she said angrily and slammed the door on them. "Forget her...him...whatever," Michael said annoyed. "Yeah, let's move on," Jesse said sadly. The two went to Steve's house and got the same reaction as Francine. "Well, we saved ourselves at least," Will said optimistically. "I feel I have failed them," Jesse said mournfully. "You went beyond the call of duty. We were fighting supernatural forces," Michael consoled him. "Yeah, you're right," Jesse said glumly. The three went back home and thought their troubles had ended. A few weeks later, no evidence surfaced of Steve or Frank in the school roster, video tapes, yearbook photos, or any other recording. The coach was distraught but vowed to keep looking for the two kids. He even submitted a missing persons report to the police, but they couldn't find them. Jesse considered telling the coach, but it would make him sound insane. During lunch, he received an alarming phone call. "I can't get him to go with me to the prom," the girl pouted. "How is this possible?" Jesse asked, she was an attractive girl. "I tried everything. I tried to buy the tickets for us. I even tried to bribe him with sex," she said unhappily. "You have to keep trying," Jesse pressed. "I think I am giving up. You can take back your money," she offered. "Don't give up until the day of the prom," Jesse ordered. "Okay," she said meekly. Jesse frowned wondering what he was going to do. Was the football player just being stubborn or was the supernatural at work? Will came up to Jesse as he put his phone away. He had lost considerable weight but didn't seem ill. "Hey, I have something to tell you," he said. "What is it?" Jesse asked alarmed. "I am going to transfer to the other high school after this semester ends," he said. "Why?" Jesse asked confused. "Well, my grades aren't too good, and I'm in danger of not graduating. If I go over to the other school, I might get a new start," he said. "That's crazy. You won a school Championship here. You owe this school for that," Jesse said outraged. "Hey, I know. But it's something I got to do," he said and then left. Jesse gave Will a dumbfounded look and called Michael. "See you after school." Jesse and Michael walked down the streets towards the mall while commenting on Will's defection. A police car suddenly drove up next to them. "Stop!" the officer ordered of them. The two boys froze as the two offices got out of their cars and looked them over. "Problem officer?" Jesse asked anxiously. One of the officer's gave Michael a stern look. "I think it's him," he said to his partner. "Think what?" Michael asked. "You match the description of a suspect that robbed a 7/11 nearby here," the cop said to Michael. "You've got the wrong guy," Michael said. "He was with me for the last hour," Jesse added. "The robbery took place two hours ago. Where were you two hours ago?" the cop asked Michael. "I was...I was...," Michael stuttered as he felt a memory lapse. "Can you tell me where he was two hours ago?" the cop asked Jesse. Michael gave Jesse a frightened expression asking him to make something up. Jesse was too afraid to lie to the police officer and maybe Michael did do it after all. He was the type to do something like that. "I can't," he said finally. The cops took a stunned Michael into their car and took off. A dumfounded Jesse went home alone. Michael was cast into juvenile hall jail still persisting his innocence. One of the cops showed a sketch of the suspect that looked similar to Michael. "You match the picture near perfectly, and you don't have an alibi. Now, be quiet and wait for your bail hearing," the cop told him. Dressed in an orange jumpsuit, Michael paced around his single cell and then finally went to sleep. In the middle of the night, Michael woke up with a cold sweat. His body was in intense pain from muscle contractions around his body. He tried to call out for a doctor but couldn't speak. Unable to get out of bed, Michael hissed in pain as his body changed underneath. His feet were the first to change going from a size ten to a size five within a few seconds. Michael gritted his teeth as the bones shrank and the muscles rearranged themselves. The hard callouses on his feet dissolved into soft flesh and the hairs on his feet fell off. His ankle shrank with his foot and then the muscles in his leg started to dissolve. Michael attempted to move his feet but in vain. He started pounding his fist on the walls to get attention but the guards weren't listening. His bruised hand immediately repaired itself and became smaller. His nails grew longer and callouses dissolved away. Michael then felt the greatest pain as his legs and arms shrank. He couldn't see it underneath the jump suit, but his hairy legs and arms were becoming smooth and hairless. All the scars from previous sport injuries disappeared. "This can't be happening. Will should have changed first," Michael muttered. Did it jump Will? Was it because they got Will's prospective boyfriend a date and not for him? Or was Will changing at the same time he was. Michael couldn't access his cell phone to find out. Finally, his limbs felt numb and paralyzed. Michael struggled to move but could not. He then realized his hair was growing longer and straighter down around his neck. He could feel the bangs forming at the base of his scalp. He took his feminine hands and went through it in amazement. His bushy eyebrows thinned and his face rippled until it became more feminine; the Adam's apple disappeared from his neck. Then pain went through his hips, his spine, and his ribs as more changes were made. Michael reached inside his orange jumpsuit and felt his breasts starting to form. "Oh God," he said in a feminine voice. A sudden burst of pain and Michael was out. The next morning, the guards opened Michael's cell. "You've been bailed out," the female guard said. Michelle opened her eyes and pealed her hair away from her eyes. She looked up at the guard with groggy eyes. "Hurry up, get up," the guard said to her. Michelle got up and felt her body for all the changes. The female guard sighed impatiently as Michelle fell to her knees and started to cry. "I can't deal with this," the guard said annoyed. "It's going to be alright sweetie," the stranger said to her. Michelle stared at the stranger in terror. "You did this," she accused. "I am just a messenger," he smiled. "Do you want out or not?" Michelle reluctantly got back up and followed the stranger out of the juvenile detention facility for girls. Dressed in her now girly clothes, Michelle followed the stranger to the street. "Want a ride?" he offered her with a smile. "No, I'll be fine," Michelle squeaked. "I'll be seeing you soon," he smirked and then walked off. Michelle's pupils expanded and then went back to normal. She looked around as if she were confused. She took out her phone and dialed a number. "Juan, I need a ride. Please hurry," she said. Jesse noticed Michael's contact name morph into Michelle. "Damn it," he swore as he realized he had failed his friend. He checked Will, and his name was still the same. "Why did it skip?" he wondered. He decided to call up Will. "Hey, how's it going?" he asked. "Good," he said vaguely. "Michael turned," Jesse reported solemnly. "Maybe it was for the best," Will said resigned. "Why didn't you change though? Why did it skip you?" Jesse wondered. There was a pause on the other end. "I don't know." "We keep to the plan. We don't know if we are out of this yet," Jesse said. "Sure man, remember that you're next on the list," Will reminded him. "I know." Jesse tried to work it out in his head. Will hadn't changed, but Michael had. The date for Will's prospective boyfriend had bowed out. So, that meant that Will's boyfriend was still not going to prom. He decided to call the girl he had hired. "Has he accepted your prom invite yet?" "No, he hasn't. I don't think this is going to work," she said defeated. "Keep trying," Jesse insisted. Jesse then turned to dark thoughts. What if his prospective boyfriend were killed? That would balance the scales wouldn't it? Would he go so far to kill to keep his gender? Jesse thought it over and then went into the attic. He found an unlocked case and opened it. Inside was a 9mm pistol with ammunition inside the magazine. Jesse's hand shook as he held the weapon. He had always hated the Wolve's quarterback. He had thought he was better than him all their years in high school. During his freshman year, he had been quarterback and had been beaten offensively by this same quarterback. He hated his smirk and condescending look when he would shake his hand after games. Jesse put the weapon inside his pocket and looked up the quarterback on Facebook. He was going to attend a football celebration. Jesse didn't think that made any sense; he had won and he had lost. Stephanie, Francine, Michelle, and Will were going to attend. Why was Will attending? He had become a traitor indeed. Jesse looked up the location and took his bike to the mall. Jesse arrived at the mall before dark and went inside the mall. He had to find a way to get the quarterback alone and take him out perhaps during the same time a train would pass. Or maybe he would shoot him in an elevator hidden from view from anyone. He saw the quarterback enter the elevator dressed in a suit. He always dressed well for these occasions. Jesse moved quickly and entered the elevator at the same time. The quarterback was surprised to see him. "Jesse right, I'm surprised to see you here," he smiled politely. "My friend Will is here too," Jesse excused himself. He nodded thoughtfully and then smirked. "Shall we go up, Miss Champ," he said mockingly. Jesse became infuriated and suddenly pushed the stop button on the elevator. He then pulled out the gun and pointed at the quarterback's head. "What are you doing?" he asked terrified. "Move away from the buttons," Jesse ordered. The quarterback complied moving to the other side of the elevator. "What do you want?" the quarterback asked. "You have to die. It's the only way I can stay me," he said. "I think you need some help," the quarterback said condescendingly. "Shut up. This is all your fault. I was supposed to win that game. I am the best," Jesse raged. "You did dude," the quarterback said defensively. "Then what is this party about?" Jesse asked. The quarterback seemed stumped. "I don't know...I didn't organize it," he said. "If you die, then the circle is broken. My friends will come back," Jesse reasoned. "Put the gun down, please," the quarterback pleaded. Jesse took the safety off and pulled the trigger. The bullet shot out of the pistol and missed the quarterback's head barely. It ricocheted off the elevator wall and hit Jesse to the side of the head. Jesse immediately fell to the ground stunned. The quarterback quickly opened the elevator doors and ran out. The doors closed behind him. Jesse felt his head as he barely kept consciousness. His vision was blurry and blood was started to get into his eyes. He had a massive headache and felt like he was about to pass out. "How could I have missed?" he asked himself. His wound closed up and his headache disappeared. Jesse got back up from the ground and then cleared his mind. He just tried to kill the quarterback. He needed to get out of the mall before the cops got him. He pushed the open door button on the elevator but none of them worked. He tried all of the buttons but they all were no longer working. He slammed on the open door button in frustration. He then saw himself in the mirror in the elevator. His hair was starting to grow out and his face was changing. "If I become a girl, reality changes," he realized. He contemplated being in prison for attempted murder as a man or a free life as a woman. As the changes continued, Jesse almost wanted the changes to continue. He wouldn't be separated from his friends any longer. He would be at the same school with them as girls. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as he had thought. He would have a love interest for sure, which beat dealing with all the bitchy girls he had in the past. He realized his dislike for the quarterback was out of envy and that he really was a classy guy. He had thrown more yards than he had that game; their defense just sucked. As a stand-alone player, he was pretty good. He giggled girlishly as he thought on how he had almost killed his future boyfriend. He then became remorseful and wondered if the quarterback would remember what he had done when the reality would change. He hoped so. His hair continued to grow to shoulder length, long brown hair. His face became completely feminine and his Adam's apple disappeared. She watched in fascination as her shoulders became less broad, her muscles disappeared from her arms, and her hands became smaller. She didn't feel the pain like the others. She was going to accept this change happily. She smiled as her breasts started developing under her shirt. "Keep growing babies," she said as they reached C-cup size. She then saw her waist become smaller, and her hips broaden. Her legs became slender and her feet became lose in her shoes. Her clothes were beginning to sag making her laugh at the sight. She then felt the weird sensation of having her genitals suck up inside her body. "Now the clothes," she smirked at the mirror. As if on cue, her t-shirt swirled and became the top part of a black dress. Cloth appeared around her breasts which immediately became a black colored bra. She watched in amazement as a necklace magically appeared around her neck and a diamond ring appeared on her finger. She then saw her jeans morph away as the black dress expanded down to her ankles. Earrings suddenly appeared on her ears but there was no pain. Her socks disappeared and her tennis shoes turned into black heals. Her ankles rose as the shoes formed into heals. Lastly, a purse magically appeared around her right arm. She immediately checked her purse and saw her new feminine ID. Her name was Jessica. She then saw the pistol on the elevator floor. The dent on the elevator disappeared and the pistol began to morph. It changed form and became a bouquet of flowers. She immediately picked them up and smelled them. There was a card on the bouquet indicating it was for Rob. So, she was giving the flowers to him? She then wondered why. New memories flooded her consciousness. She had been in the stands watching as Rob threw yet another touchdown pass. The Eagles attempted to score to win the game, but the quarterback threw an interception. She watched excitedly as the defensive players successfully got the ball into the Endzone. She remembered cheering wildly as the Wolves won 31-20. Then she remembered kissing Rob after his victory. He pulled her aside after the game and took her to the ocean. There he proposed to her with a diamond ring; she accepted. Feelings for Rob instantly manifested in her mind, and she became horrified that she could ever try to kill him. She pushed the button to open the doors and walked into a hallway. Rob was chatting with his friends Charles, Juan, Edward, and David. Their girlfriends were there too in beautiful dresses. Michelle, Francine, and Stephanie smiled at her as she walked with her flowers. "This is for you," she said nervously. "Thank you," he smiled and then kissed her on the lips. Jessica was surprised by the kiss but found she liked it. The others cheered them on as they kissed for a few seconds. When Rob was done, Jessica felt weak in her legs. "Everything alright? You seem anxious," he asked. "No, I just want everything to be perfect tonight," she gushed. "Let's go inside the party room," he invited her inside. "Congratulations, Miss," Will said to her when she came in. She simply stared at him. He was thinner and less muscular than before but otherwise quite male. "Thank you," a confused Jessica answered back. "Have some punch," Rob handed her a glass. "Baby, who is Charles' date?" she asked Rob. "I'll tell you later," he smiled. Jessica then looked at the cake. "Go Wolves! Champions" it said. She also saw that the balloons and posters also had champion on them. The principal of the high school was present with a date on his arm. She was a middle aged woman in her forties but otherwise looked good. She was slender and athletic looking. "Who's that?" Jessica asked Rob. "That's Mr. Browler's girlfriend Miss Cooper," Rob pointed out. Jessica stared wide-eyed at her; she had the same last name as her former football coach. "She's going to be our new softball coach," Rob added. "That's great," Jessica said still stunned. Jessica looked around and noticed the other girls present wondering if any of them were her fellow teammates. "Did you get me a yearbook," Jessica asked Rob. "I sure did," he smiled handing her one from his backpack. "Thank you, baby," Jessica said happily and gave him a quick peck. She looked through it and scanned the last names of all the girls. No, it was just the five players and the coach apparently. "Keep this for me," she asked Rob. "Of course," he said putting it back. She then noticed the stranger at the wedding shop. He was chatting with some of the adults in the room and drinking red punch. "Why, hello Jessica," he said with a smile. "Is it over?" she asked. "It's over for you. But whenever love is thwarted, it will correct itself," he said. "Do you regret winning that football game?" he asked curiously. Jessica looked around and saw Stephanie, Francine, and Michelle enjoying themselves. "No, I think this turned out well. Am I Rob's soul mate now?" she asked. "Yes," he said simply. "So, he'll love me forever?" Jessica asked hopefully. "Let's just say any woman who tries to interfere with what was meant to be won't be a woman for long," he smiled creepily. "Got it," Jessica said nodding her head. "Enjoy the party, Miss," he said as she walked off. After the party, Rob took Jessica down the escalator where a limo awaited them. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Will and an African American teammate of Rob. "Who is he?" Jessica asked. "That's Charles remember," Rob said. They were walking in the other direction and then looked around. Jessica then saw the two boys kiss passionately and hold each other firmly. Jessica watched wide-eyed as Will passionately kissed Charles. It now made all sense. Love hadn't skipped Will; it was just in a way she hadn't understood. Charles gay lover had to be replaced by another and that person was Will. Rob smirked at the gay couple as they tried to hide their love. Charles just came out a few months ago. I was surprised as anyone. "They're not going to prom?" Jessica asked. "Nah, they have other plans," Rob said. "What happens next?" Jessica asked. "This," he said pointing to the limo. Jessica stared as the limo came up to them. "To the Sunshine Hotel," Rob ordered the driver. The two got inside and for the first time in a week, Jessica felt relaxed. No longer was there the pressure to perform well at the game or find out why her friends were changing. Everything was as it should be. The limo played romantic music and gave them plenty of room to cuddle. She didn't think she would ever cuddle with a dude, but he felt so warm and inviting. After the limo drive, Rob led Jessica to the hotel room. "We can really do this?" she asked uncertain. "My parents are cool with it and as far as your folks are concerned we're already married," he smiled. Jessica thought back on her parents; they were the relaxed type except when it came to sports. "Do you think I'm good at sports?" she asked randomly. "At football? Hell no, but you are the captain of volleyball team, the girl's swim team, and softball team. You are the most athletic girl in the school," he complimented. Jessica felt reassured by this and waited as Rob used his hotel card to open the door. The two went inside and then Rob took out a bottle and two glasses. "Don't worry. It's just cider," he said as he poured a glass. She noticed it was a single bed room and then realized what she was getting into. Rob casually took off his jacket and tie. He then toasted her glass "To a better future together." "What is our future?" Jessica asked curiously. "Well, babe, I got some scholarships, and I just got accepted to a number of colleges. I am going to play some college football and everything is paid for," he said happily. "That's great," Jessica said excited for him. "And you are coming with me," he smiled. "Anywhere you go, I go," Jessica smiled back. The two kissed and then fell on the bed together. Perhaps it was curiosity or newfound female lust, but Jessica began to unbutton his shirt. He allowed her to slowly unbutton his shirt and then removed it from his shoulders. Jessica stared in admiration as she saw his well- formed chest, his muscular shoulders, and arms that were twice of the size of hers. He was even well-built than she was when she was a guy. "Like what you see?" he asked over her. "I do," she smiled. She then reached for his pants and hesitated. If she went farther, they were definitely going to have sex. She wasn't sure she was ready to have sex with Rob or any man for that matter. Rob seemed to understand her concern. He kissed her and rubbed her breasts with his right hand. Jessica felt an unfamiliar pleasure coming from her breasts as he rubbed her. "Oh, that feels good," she moaned. "Want more?" he asked. "Oh yes," she agree

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"Dammit! Another big week planned with Susan, another 'emergency' call from the boss!" thought Darwin as he hefted his big portmanteau in one hand, his suitcase in the other. Out of hands he swung his hips against the door from the kitchen to the garage. It crashed open, rebounding off the stops and coming back hard, catching him on the shoulder. When he got back home he was fixing that damned catch. He just wasn't getting enough time at home with his family to do routine...

2 years ago
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It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful c***dren and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to allow them back in....

2 years ago
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Finality irishmik60 It’s a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn’t changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful children and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to...

3 years ago
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Final Four Chapter 1

Cliff and his sister Tammy sat in the family room watching the college basketball finals.  It was the first round of March Madness.  Tammy cheered for her favorite team as they beat their opponent.“They’re going all the way,” Tammy said to her brother.“If you say so.  You know I’m not into college basketball like you are.  As far as them going all the way, it’s a long road,” Cliff said.  He picked up the remote and changed the channel to a fishing show.Tammy sat back, smiled, and said, “I’ll...

3 years ago
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Final Year Project

Final Year Project Per & Dorothy (Dor) are final year students living in London, Per is Swedishfinishing a degree in Media & Communications (which gives him a lot offree time) and Dor is finishing a degree in Fashion. Dor is a full time Gothand dresses in Goth fashion at all times. Per has been working at a club forthe last two years which twice a month holds a Bondage / Fetish night.  AsPer can get her in for free Dor went along for a look and soon found that shewas into the bondage scene. As...

2 years ago
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Final Decision

Final Request We had been living together for 6 months. Things were great. Our sex life had been wonderful. We were willing to try just about anything. Brittany always was willing to dress as I requested. I loved to have her in 4" heels, garter belt and nylons. A short skirt with a belly shirt to show off her flat tight stomach. At night she always wore sexy lingerie. Brittany is 5"6, 110 pounds, 36C 22 34. Her legs are to die for and her long blond hair finishes the perfect...

1 year ago
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Finals Frenzy 2

There was a slight ache between my legs as I lounged in my dorm room thinking about my encounter two weeks ago. I had seduced a total stranger named Ben and promised to meet him again for another 'study' session but never showed up for round two. Meeting Ben in that study room hadn't been a planned event; sex with Ben had been more of a brash, impulsive spontaneous thing initiated by me. Now, the part of me that had always demanded abstinence and purity was infuriated, though, the warm tingle...

College Sex
2 years ago
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                       Final.                        By DemonMonsterDave                The first thing that went wrong was that he met me alone, which immediately started my mental alarm bells ringing. The flight had been long and uncomfortable; I had never learned to get any decent sleep on such long journeys and there was jet lag of course. I had been building a quite incredible well-spring of nervous excitement during the journey, both consciously and in the horrible half-sleep moments...

2 years ago
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Finalizing the Code Genetics Contract A Little Winter Tail Part 6

The beginning of my week was surprisingly uneventful. Work, in general, was very slow, and I hadn't heard anything from John or Anthony. I guess they did have lives also and needed to take care of work too. I'm not really sure if I was disappointed or relieved, maybe a little of both. The end of last week was quite the whirlwind.Wednesday morning I came into work, dressed as I had been instructed for my presentation at Code Genetics.I was wearing a dark grey suit: a single black button jacket...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Final Stone

Final StoneStone had enough.  The final blow had been rendered and he finally snapped.His cock stood straight up and throbbed as he looked at his treasure.  The stupid bitch that thought she could beat down his last sense of self.  She lay spread eagle on the table before him, gagged, stretched and panting.  Her eyes shot daggers at him and he smiled at the memory of her struggles.She had been tempting him for months, just like all the others.  His fortune was well known, and his body had been...

1 year ago
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Final Night

“Another urchin from the street, totally useless, but will bring us something.” “Maybe," said man with sunglasses. “She is very young.” “The younger the better," said the man with a smile. “I bet she is a virgin Hong Chao. Our clients like virgins too." The man by the name of Hong Chao looked the girl over. She was young, thirteen or fourteen, small well formed breasts, black shoulder length hair and skinny body. Her clothes consisted of an old T shirt and canvas trousers. on her...

1 year ago
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Final Tour

Final Tour – Part OneHome after his final tour of duty in Afghanistan, Jeff was like any newly de-mobbed former soldier, anxious to make up for lost time by having a good time and then thinking about a job.His former girlfriend was now married with two kids, a nice house and an even nicer sports car.  His former friends had also moved on in life and he felt at a complete loss – apparently a common problem for young guys just out of the forces.  A bit of trolling the bars and clubs had got him...

2 years ago
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finaly I got to his wife taking my pals wife actua

Well it was a saturday afternoon we at his place prepairing for a barbeque and there were some of his family around since it was still hot and every+ne in there bikkinis by the pool So I follwed his wife gorgeous butt all over the place I was like a love sick puppy but know one realised I hope I even helped a few ladies in the kitchen with the preparations so that when someone asked for some type ao maranade sauce for the meat and they didn't have so I told her I might be having at my place but...

4 years ago
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Final Payment

I had been having some trouble with my computer at home and a friend from work offered to come home with me to see if he could straighten it out or at least tell me what was really wrong with it. Tony is a good guy like that, always willing to help out if he can. He is also a very big black man and, though I didn't know it, I was about to find out just how big he really is.Let me start at the beginning. I have a stepdaughter who used to be a real pain in the ass. Always giving my wife and I...

3 years ago
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Final of We Are Made of Stardust Part 5

It was finally prom night and both Jordan and Joy were waiting for their dates. Both of them looked as stunning as the glare of stardust shining in someone's face for the first time. Jordan's outfit of a shoulderless blue with yellow polka dot dress perfectly capture how optimistic and playful he was feeling. That dress also captured how Ziggy and his date for the night felt how the 80's were. Joy's blue gown with a gold embroidered design, a dip hem detailing, a bardot neckline with...

2 years ago
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Final Adventure with Amy

Amy had left Phillip and me in bed together after a night of fun. It was intentional, hoping that her two boyfriends would have sex without her. She knew I would give her all the details later. And there were details. After an initial handjob round, Phillip had gotten me into his skimpiest bikini underwear and both of us were amazingly turned on. Later that evening I was on my way to put on a fashion show for Amy.“So...?” she asked as soon as I arrived. “Did my two lovers have fun after I...

2 years ago
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Final Interview

Fluorescents flicker on, all but one. The proctor waves us inward, and we file into the room, our footsteps loud on the polished concrete. It is medium sized, and holds roughly a dozen costly looking office chairs. They are arranged in a haphazard semicircle in front of a slender metal podium. Behind that, three sealed portals are set equidistant from one another in the wall opposite the door. The proctor moves behind the podium and gestures at the chairs. By unspoken agreement, the six of us...

1 year ago
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Final Fantasy XXX Reviving My Sisters Corpse Text Fix

This fanfic contains strong language, and very mature and graphical scenes such as detailed death descriptions; sexual torture; sexual organ distortions; incest; necrophilia; trans-sexuality; internal and external fluid splashing; and deceased female fertilization. If you are OK with these themes, then proceed to read. You should be at least 18 years old when reading this fanfic, and It is your responsibility if you e-mail, post, or direct this story to anyone outside of the original website...

2 years ago
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Final Fantasy XXX Reviving My Sisters Corpse

A note to the admins that the checkered blocks used in this fanfic is part of it, and is not spam. It contains strong language, and very mature and graphical scenes such as detailed death descriptions; sexual torture; sexual organ distortions; incest; necrophilia; trans-sexuality; internal and external fluid splashing; and deceased female fertilization. If you are OK with these themes, then proceed to read. You should be at least 18 years old when reading this fanfic, and It is your...

3 years ago
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FInal Tributes Part I

A Final Tribute – Time to say goodbye(First – let me start by saying I have had a great time on! Most of the people I met – either male or female…have been amazing. Some became good friends, a few broke my heart a little, but almost everyone I met made me smile and more than a few made me cum. ? This is a farewell story. I have decided to leave the fantasy world and re-join the real world. Ut this will not be an easy good-bye. It will take some time to get out. But you can...

2 years ago
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Final Touch

Her eyes are a field, soft and warm and green, and I imagine a sea of wildflowers growing within her corneas. Wild as the need in her gaze, a desire so far from banal only a truly demoralized slut can feed her hunger, and even then, only finitely.That’s me. The demoralized slut.I tongue my ballgag and it pacifies me. The ropes around my conjoined wrists keep me on my toes, stretched toward the ceiling. He is behind me. Slapping my ass with a thick leather strap, turning my caramel skin a...

3 years ago
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final shower

She came up behind him as he stepped from the shower and began drying his back kissing each spot as she blotted the water from his back and butt. Taking her tongue and starting at his bag licking and licking up and down his back. Finally turning him around to dry the front she was taken into his arms and held as if she might never be with him again, was it over? had she made him angry? No She thought as she remembered their last time in the shower, how she had come and come again reaching peaks...

3 years ago
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Final MissionChapter 4

The approach to the United States was rough. The weather was rainy and the seas were running high -- whitecaps disintegrating at the tops of 7 ft. swells. At 1,500 feet, the carrier's flight deck was one of the longest in the world. Approaching at 250 knots from 2,500 ft., the ship looked like a toy bouncing up and down in a swimming pool. On the glide path, the A-2 made a full throttle landing on the rolling deck; the arresting cables stopped the 35,000 lb., 150 mph airplane in less than 2...

2 years ago
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Final MissionChapter 8

Aboard the Wahoo, Drs. Lunt and Selig were very concerned about the motionless body they were monitoring electronically. Vital signs analyzed by Dr.Lunt indicated that Lt. Parker had fallen asleep; her heartrate was returning to normal, her blood pressure and the toxicity level in her blood were lowering quickly. Dr. Selig motioned to the monitor that showed that Tracy was lying prone on her back; one arm crossed over her midriff, the other extended at 5 o'clock from her left side. Cmdr....

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Final Fantasy 10

The heroes of Final Fantasy 10 have just finished passing through the Thunder Plains. Everyone is tired of walking, though all are bright and perky. Yuna decides to end the journey for the day, and they camp inside the Macalania Woods. For some reason, a sexual current lies on the camp. You walk up to the camp and see the group. You also feel the sexual current and are turned on by it. Titus spots you, and says hi. "Who are you?" he asks. "I am John Doe." you respond. "And you?" Titus...

3 years ago
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Final Day With Granny in Las Vegas

If you remember my last two stories were about Dawn the 66 year old granny I met on the plane to Vegas. We had made love now for two days in a row and I had experienced the pleasure of pleasing Dawn, my appreciative granny. We met in the afternoon for our third and final night in Vegas. Again, we went to dinner, played the slots and some blackjack and walked away with a few hundred dollars. Dawn was her usual self, she wore a dark blue pencil skirt with highlighted her slim figure and small...

1 year ago
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Final Four Black Cock Whore

I love Vegas during March Madness. I'll admit it was a lot more fun as a single guy but I still look forward to going when I can. This year my wife arranged for the k**s to stay with my parents so we could go together. Not exactly a boys weekend but I figured it would still be a thrill. So by our second day there my brackets look like shit and I was less interested in the games. I've got one team left that could make the final four but it's not looking good. I decided to go hit the links...

2 years ago
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Final Year Trip To Goa

Hi , this is John , I am going to share to all there readers about my final year college trip. If you like to give feedback email me So starting I will introduce everyone in this trip. In our m tech class only four members are there. Two girls and two boys including me. I am 5″7′ fair looks and my friend Sam he is 5″8′ and he has also fair looks. Our girls are Merin she is 5″‘4′ has an awesome figure of 34-28-30 and febi she is 5″5’ and have a figure of 34-28-32. Febi has the perfect round...

2 years ago
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Final Journey Religious Girl Radhika To Radhe To Randi

Read My previous Stories (links on top). So the last fucking day got fucked up due to a bad joke I cracked And I WALKED OUT OF THE DOOR WITH A NEW NAME ‘Randi. I went home, my mom read the puffiness in my eyes. I told am not keeping well and got myself locked in my room. Every time the phone rang, I thought it was Sanjay ji but I heard my mom chatting away, so knew it would either be friends or family. I decided to face whatever my life had stored for me. I consoled myself saying once his anger...

3 years ago
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Final MissionChapter 3

Lt. Tracy Parker was the only passenger on board the special MAC flight from Andrews to Hickam. From there, after an hour's rest, she boarded an A-2 sent from the U.S.S. United States to pick her up. It was obvious she was an important passenger. The pilot, Lt. Bobby Gates from Kerrville, Texas, was a "nugget" or Navy aviator on his first tour aboard an aircraft carrier. So was his co-pilot and flight school partner, Shelly Schlumburger, a sarcastic brunette from Amsterdam Avenue in...

1 year ago
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Final MissionChapter 10

Capt. Susan Clement was looking at the surface of her desk. It was cluttered with papers as though some mini-tornado had swept everything up into a spiral and then as quickly set it all down again; some was strewn about on the floor; some other things to the sides of the room. Under one of the 2 chairs reserved for guests was a small picture with 2 images, the glass cracked and the antique silver frame dented at the corner from striking the hard linoleum floor. In Capt. Clement's scarred...

2 years ago
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Final MissionChapter 13

Lt. Tracy Parker stayed close to the far wall of the darkened passage and moved carefully and silently towards the location of the dormitories in Aziz's underground compound. The heat was still stifling; almost 100 degrees, over 80 percent humidity. Tracy's nude body glistened with sweat and grime in the occasional, dim patches of light in the passage as she gracefully and stealthily moved onward. On her back, she wore the lightweight submachine gun, the safety off, a full 51 round clip in...

3 years ago
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Final MissionChapter 15

In the initial confusion and melee, it had taken Jamal Aziz and his terrorists over 20 minutes to realize that the doors to the room containing his bomb were locked. It had taken an additional 20 minutes before some of Aziz's men could crawl into the air vents on either side of the room to investigate what was going on inside. Now, after a 10 minute firefight with the unseen intruder, his followers had lost 7 more companions. Accurate automatic fire from underneath the protective overhang of...

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Finale Chapter 3

Paul stops at the door, hearing the sounds of screams fading in the background. He smiles as he inserts his key into the door, thinking of all the fun about to be had. The door opens and he enters the house. He walks through the hallway and into the living room and stops at the sight. Aziza and Miranda are on the couch, Miranda lying against Aziza, her head thrown back and her tongue in the other woman’s mouth. Aziza’s hand is between Miranda’s legs pinching her clit. Paul staggers at the sight...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Final Draft The Autobiography

The Autobiography =============================================================== The tennis season was finally coming to a close. I stumbled off the court after my last match, peeling off my sweat-drenched shirt, making my way over to my bag. Amber was sitting next to it, watching me walk towards her, a wide smile spreading across her face. “Good job.” “Thanks.” I panted, grabbing my water, dropping my shirt onto her...

2 years ago
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Final Fantasy

I fold the note you most recently gave me and slide it into the box with the others.  You and I have come to a point in our relationship that you’re asking me for the things you want and need from me instead of greedily accepting what I give you.  Truth be told, you’ve come much further than I had ever imagined you would when we first started playing together. Your masochistic side is heavier than my sadistic one and although we don’t struggle there, it’s come to where I sometimes allow you to...

3 years ago
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Final Phantasy part 1 Good laid

This story happens after FF7. "Ungh.. Oww my fucking head. What ever did happen to that meteor?" Cloud asked himself as he arised from the pieces of highwind. Meteor was gone, probably, because of that green light. Then he remembered his friends. "TIFA!!! CID!! Barret! REDXIII!! Yuffie! Where are you?" he exclaimed out loud. Silence was the response. "I'm alone now.." Cloud thought to himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Look...

4 years ago
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Final Arrangement

Theirs was an arrangement of logical and mutual convenience. Through the various risks they both had to take with their respective partners, they managed to attain rewards never before dreamed. Beyond the protective walls of the Hotel, they were respectable, law-abiding individuals who demanded decency from all they came into contact with. Within those Hotel walls, well, that was a different matter… He was married. His Wife, a School Teacher with an avid interest in Religious Studies, was...

1 year ago
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Final Four Chapter 5

“What, it’s just two people fucking,” Cliff said as he viewed the two masked people.“That’s not just any two people.  It’s our cousins.  That’s Paul and Sandy.  Now I know why they haven’t wanted to hang around.“Are you sure?”Tammy laughed and said, “Yes, I’m sure.  I recognize Sandy’s bedroom.  Those are the same masks we wore to the Halloween party a couple of years ago.”Laughing, Tammy jumped off her bed, went to her closet, and returned wearing an identical mask.  She sat on the mattress...

2 years ago
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Final Four Chapter 4

Tammy woke up the next morning, snuggled next to her brother.  As she came out of her restful slumber, she smiled, remembering the events of the day before.  Over the past twenty-four hours, she experienced things she once fantasized about.  Running her tongue over her teeth and lips, she recalled the feeling of having a cock in her mouth for the first time.  Her pussy tingled as she thought about her brother’s head between her legs, licking and kissing her pussy.Rolling onto her side, she...

1 year ago
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final shower

She came up behind him as he stepped from the shower and began drying his back kissing each spot as she blotted the water from his back and butt. Taking her tongue and starting at his bag licking and licking up and down his back. Finally turning him around to dry the front she was taken into his arms and held as if she might never be with him again, was it over? had she made him angry? No She thought as she remembered their last time in the shower, how she had come and come again reaching...

2 years ago
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Final blow Cuckold 3

Arles, Saturday, June 2, 2012 As every year since six years, we pass Murielle and I a weekend in Arles (South of France). We have our habits and have selected two hotels and a bed and breakfast where we go according to our moods, once the one, once the other. That day we spend it in the “Sainte Marie de la Mer”, walking around in the vicinity, on the beach and in the plains of the Camargue where we got a bit lost. It’s late when we return to the hotel, at the entrance of the town, and we decide...

3 years ago
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Final Intimacy Ecstatic Fantasy

Hi, I’m Raj again with the conclusion part of my sex relation with Nima.   Last 2 parts where about the initial reaction and second part was about how our flow play converted to intimate sex. Here in this part, let me tell you how I concluded our session. For 6 years, I and Nima used to have sex play. We didn’t do the intimate sex. It was just foreplay types. Just boobs press, kiss and navel touches.   But my desire for complete sex was about to come true after 3 years of our meet. Nima came...

2 years ago
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Final Day

Heather worked as a shop assistant in a women's boutique, and had been doing so for about six months before she was offered a better job in a rival shop. Her departure had not gone down well with the owner, Miss Grey, so she wasn't sorry that this was her last day. Closing time eventually came around and she said farewell to the other three assistants before heading for Miss Grey's office as she had been requested to do earlier. She knocked and entered to find Miss Grey sitting behind her desk...

2 years ago
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Final Feminization VII

Not only was it a beautiful day, he could smell the sea in the air. From the large canopy bed where he sat, Cloud saw a set of doors and windows leading out to a wooden deck. Beyond that, the ocean stretched outward. The waves rocked gently against the massive beams holding up the villa. Wherever he was, the rent wasn't cheap. This looked like some kind of swanky vacation resort home. His new location wasn't the biggest surprise. What really took him aback were the clothes he was wearing....

2 years ago
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Final MissionChapter 5

The UH-45 bucked up and down as it headed for its rendezvous with the Wahoo.Inside, Lt. Tracy Parker grasped the handholds tightly even though she was strapped into the jump seat behind the helo's pilot, Ensign Betty Knight. Choppers rarely flew in these types of storms; approaching dusk, this flight was nearly insane. Occasionally, the co-pilot, CWO Ted Griggs would glance back at the passenger. He was trying to figure out what all the fuss was about. Even buried in flight suit, boots,...

1 year ago
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Final Four Chapter 6

When Tammy scooted closer to her brother and wrapped her hand around his flaccid cock, Sandy said, “What the fuck are you doing?”Grinning, Tammy glanced at Sandy.  “I’m going to have dessert.”  She leaned closer, took Cliff’s cock in her mouth, and stroked it with her tongue.“You’re going to suck him in front of Paul and me?” Sandy said.Pulling her mouth off Cliff, Tammy nodded and said, “Yup, and I’m not going to wear a mask.”“You’re a bitch, Tammy!” Sandy said.“Let me get this straight.  You...

3 years ago
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Final Four Chapter 3

Cliff showed Tammy how to rinse the reels with fresh water.  He put the rods in the rocket launchers along the back edge of the T-top and told his sister to start the boat.  She sat at the helm, started the engines, and raised the power-poles.On the way back to the marina, Cliff gave her directions.  She laughed when he put a hand under her top and felt her breast.  When they were close, Cliff removed the rods and stowed them in a locker on the port gunwale.Cliff took over and eased the boat...

1 year ago
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Final Four Chapter 2

Tammy’s hand shook as she slid the pocket door open.  She gazed into Cliff’s room and then stepped inside.Cliff was stretched out on the bed, his hands behind his head.  He turned to look at his sister and smiled.  She took a few steps, stopping a couple of feet from the side of the bed.  He sat up, swung his legs over the edge of the mattress, and put his bare feet on the floor.Tammy felt her stomach quiver as she gazed at the bulge in her brother’s tight boxer briefs.  Even though her brother...


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