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Flamingo By Cassandra Morgan Even before I was a sissy, I was a sissy. Mock me if you will. You know what I mean. Before I was a sissy with that word's connotations of sexual byplay, a submissive sissy, I was a sissy of the grandest kind. I was the frail child you see playing hopscotch instead of baseball, or jump rope instead of basketball. I was the little boy playing with girls long before he knew why. I was the boy with dolls. The idea was never to be girly. It was never a conscious choice. But girls were nicer, and prettier, and calmer. I wasn't strong enough, sweaty enough, to play with boys. I liked to read. I liked to paint. I liked dance class. It wasn't about being a girl. It wasn't about rejecting boys. It was just looking for where I fit. From the start, my world was pink. And I was destined to grow up like this. * * * I sit at the bar, feeling like a mouse being studying by hawks. There are a few of us, the prey of the evening, sitting and allowing the eyes of the huntresses to scan us. I am wearing a pink golf shirt and khakis, but still, I know how I come across. I am small and thin, and I am soft in appearance. I drink a Fuzzy Navel. Not because I particularly like the taste, but because that's one of the concoctions that my kind drinks. I reach and grab a fistful of peanuts from the bar. I have read that you should never dip into a nut dish at a bar, because God knows what was on the last guy's hands. But I am nervous, and I want something in my mouth, and my Lord, do you have a dirty mind! This is my first time in the Sin City bar. I look around. It is a typical bar, except for the clientele. A lot of Mistresses here. A few of us sissies. The huntresses and the hunted. Hello, I'm K.D. Gardner, but for most of my life, I've been called Katie out of derision. I live here in Cincinnati in the accounting firm of Forbes and Johnson. They know about the g-rated sissy in me. They do not know about the r-rated sissy. I look nervously around the room. There are two couples on the dance floor, those brave souls who always start the boogie. Most of us just drink and exchange small talk. It will get more interesting as it gets later. I long for this like a drug dealer. Like an astronaut yearns for space. I imagine myself in a dress, my lips red and my eyes accented. I imagine hose on my legs and a bra around my chest. A lifetime has led me here. No, I'm not gay. No, I'm not transgender. If I was, I suppose any pretty dress would do. A wedding dress. A prom dress. A nice sundress. But I want to be controlled, as well. I want someone who will spank me. I want someone who will guide me. I am a sissy. God help me. There are sissies to come to a pick-up bar like this already dressed in their pretty yellow dresses and their hair ribbons. I've never been one of those. I always figured that sissies dress to make their mistresses happy, and if it is about the pleasure of the mistress, then she should be the one picking out the clothing It is early yet. I should nurse my drink. Instead, I take a deep mouthful. I need the courage. * * * If you are different in life, if you are weak, the world will hurt you. I know. It hurt me. Bullies must have gotten my name from a newsletter, because they always seemed to find me. They jumped on me about the clothes I wore, about the way I carried my books against my chest instead of under my arm, about the lilt in my voice. They would make fun of me, mincing and talking in falsetto. They asked if I liked to bake or to play with dolls or to make jewelry. I was afraid to tell them that I liked all of those things. When I was 12, my father sat me down for a talk. He was an outdoorsy type, a fisherman and a hunter who liked to kill things. I am sure he was confused by a son who didn't know whether to throw a ball or to open it up. "K.D.," he said, and the sound of my real name sounded strange to me. "I want to ask you something, and I want you to be honest with me, and it's okay. Okay?" I nodded. "K.D., are you gay? Do you know what gay is?" "Yes," I said. His eyes widened. "I mean, I know what it is. But I'm not. I never..." "You don't play ball," he said. "You don't get into fights. You're not the most aggressive kid on the block. Are you sure you're not gay? Tommy Johnson's boy, Steven, is gay. There is nothing wrong with it, I guess." Steven Johnson is gay? "Dad, the other boys call me names. They say I'm a sissy. I know I'm smaller and weaker than they are, but I'm not gay." "A sissy, huh?" he nodded. "I wish they wouldn't." "Well, K.D., you kind of have ... sissy tendencies, you know. You bake, for instance. You take dance lessons. You take violin. You have to realize that the other boys are going to call you names. You should get out, get dirty. Roll around in the mud. Have fun." I made a face. Getting muddy did not appeal to me at all. My father looked at me and sighed. He thought I was a sissy, too. * * * I sit at the bar, and a Mistress walks by. She looks at me and smiles. I smile back. I get shivers all over. I wonder if she can tell that I have never had a Mistress before. Or a Master, for that matter. I am a 26 year old virgin, and it has not been by choice. But it takes a while for a sissy to figure out what he is, and why, and where to go to do something about it. "Hi," she said. "I'm Mistress Veronica. And you are..." "Katie," I said. She smiled. "Not yet, princess.What is your male name." "It's K.D., Kevin Dean. But everyone calls me Katie. It was their way of calling me a fag and not worrying whether the teachers were listening." "So, Katie. How long since you've had a Mistress?" "Oh, ma'am," I said. "I've never had a Mistress. You would be my first?" "Never?" she said. "No, ma'am." "Oh, Katie, that's too bad. I don't need a trainee, sugar pop. I need someone who knows the rules. Someone who is used to getting her ass spanked and then making me my breakfast. Beginners are just too much trouble." "I'm sorry, Mistress," I said. "I'm a quick learner." "I'm sure you are. And I'm sure you'll find a domme who will teach you. Maybe I'll see you again in, oh, a year or so." "Yes, ma'am." She stood and disappeared into the thickening crowd. She was tall, pretty. Powerful, I am sure. I was disappointed. "Ah, you didn't want her anyway, mate." I looked toward the voice, and it was the bartender. "Hi," he said. "I'm Colin. Can I freshen your drink for you?" I nodded. "Do you know her?" "Veronica? Everyone knows Veronica. Mistress Bladder I call her. She likes to wee on her sissies. Unless you brought an umbrella, you don't need Mistress Bladder. The weather report with her is always showers, you know. Golden ones." "Oh," I said, looking back toward her. But she was gone. "You a submissive .... what's your name?" "I'm Katie," I said. "Yes, I think I am. Really, I always have been.So I thought it was time I took the lifestyle for a test drive, you know? I'm sorry, Colin. This is embarrassing to talk about." "Why?" he said. "It's all human frailty. You have something in your nature that makes you this sort of creature. Nothing to be ashamed of. Does a bird feel ashamed it isn't a cat? No, it just decides to enjoy being a bird. Maybe especially the colorful ones, like flamingoes." I laughed. "I guess I'm a flamingo," I said. "There you are," he said. "To flamingoes! Especially the pink ones." * * * By the time I was 14, I was spending a lot of time with my mother. Part of it was that I had no friends. The other part is that, well, mom was great company. We talked. We gossiped. We cooked. We watched chick flicks. I can't tell you how many tissues I went through with Julia Roberts movies. Yeah, I'm a cryer. Sue me. I found movies extremely moving, and with me, tear- jerkers don't have to jerk very hard. It was about this time I started to fix her hair. I started picking out her clothing. I took jazz and tap and modern dance. One night, we were making a casserole, and Mom turned to me and smiled. "So, you're still insisting you aren't gay," she said. "I'm not, Mom," I said. "It doesn't matter to me one way or the other," she said. "I do know that some boys dress like girls but they aren't gay. I saw that on Oprah." "Oh." "Look, sweetie, you're my love," she said. "My only child. And I'll love you no matter what kind of clothing you wear. If you want to wear dresses, it's okay." I blushed. "I've never worn dresses," I said. "I believe you. I'm just saying. This woman on Oprah said that when she was a little boy, she wore panties all the time. And if you want to do that, I'll understand" "Mo-om," I said, drawing it out in protest. "Hey, we're just talking here, okay? You know I love your help around the house. I love when we play bridge. I'm just saying that if you wanted to be my daughter sometimes, that would be cool. I've always wanted a daughter." "No thank you, Mom," I said. But I'll be honest. There was something exciting in the offer, something sexy. I'd love to put on lipstick. I'd love to roll my hair. But I was confused, and I was weak, and I let the offer slide past me. If I had known then what I know now, I would have been wearing a maid's dress by dinner-time. * * * I was still chatting with Colin when a figure plopped down on the bar stool next to me. It was a sissy, I assumed. He was a little taller than me, but not much. His hair was in a high pony tail, and although his fingernails weren't painted, they had an extra length to them. He was wearing skinny jeans. He was sitting by now, so I couldn't tell if they were girls' jeans or boys'. "Hi," he said, a deliciously hoarse voice coming out of him. "I'm Marlena." "Hi, Marlena." She leaned in. "It's really Marlon, but don't tell anyone," she said and laughed. "I'm the Belle of the Ball. I have the glass slipper." I laughed. I liked her. She had all the bravado that I lacked. "I'm Katie," I said. "Straight name?" "K.D.," I said, and explained. "Oooh, this is my song," she said, grabbing my arm. It was a Taylor Swift song, something about a boy who did her wrong. Of course, that was two out three of her songs. But a lot of guys do a lot of girls wrong, don't they. I liked her, too. I've wondered if she liked sissies. "So you don't have a Mistress, Katie?" Marlena said. "Cute sissy like you?" "No, I'm afraid not. You?" "Well, how can I put this. I got fired," he laughed, a tinkling little tee-hee that I found just adorable. "My mistress decided she wanted all penis, all the time. She was the fucking Lincoln Tunnel of Mistresses. She never closed. Not even during rush hour... ooh, how about that one? God, look at those shoulders. I love shoulders on a woman." She was a blur of motion, talking and gesturing and laughing all at once. Her hand motions were feminine thought, and it made me wonder how often her nails were painted. "Are you in straight clothes to meet someone, Marlena?" I asked. "Why else? I feel fucking naked without boy clothes on. But I am wearing panties and a bra and hose. And these are girls' jeans." "So a tube of lipstick..." "...And I'm Miss America." We laughed together. I'll be honest. We are all looking for our other halves, the yin to our yang. We crave the authority, the power of a Mistress. But if it isn't there, well, another sissy can be fun, too. What did Colin call it? Flamingoes. That's it. Birds of a feather. * * * Sometimes, you don't think about sex. Sometimes, you don't think about love. Sometimes, friendship is enough. And so it was that I started to hang around with Jessi Parsons, a girl I met in French lab my junior year of high school. Oh, it was obvious that I had a crush on Jessi, and it was obvious that she didn't feel the same. But she was my friend, and I could deal with it. She laughed like wind chimes. I read that somewhere, a gentle tickling of laughter that meant she had found the absurdity of a situation. We shopped together. We talked together. We studied together. We were Damon and Pythias, except one of us was a girl and other was halfway there. Jessi always talked about boys. Should she like this one? Did I think that one was smart? Was that one handsome? Do I think he had a big penis? Had I seen his car? Soon enough, I was into the game, evaluating all the boys with her as if we were judges at a male beauty pageant. If a guy wore an ugly shirt, she was going to giggle about it. If a guy had a hickey on his neck, she was going to notice. Finally, and it had to happen, she was talking about Rick Baker, the quarterback. She was talking about his teeth, and how white they were, and how straight. She talked about his arms. She talked about his stomach. "So, Katie," she said. "Would you suck his cock?" "God, no, Jessi," I said. "I'm not gay." "You're not?" "You know I'm not. You've spent enough time with me. Have you ever seen me with a guy?" "Oh. I thought it was because you were in the closet. Besides, everyone knows you dated Andy Johnson as a freshman." "I did not. I like girls." "The hell you do. You're my gay bestie. Everyone knows I'm a Fag Hag for you. What good is it if you're not a fag? You like girls? Tell me one girlfriend you've had." A tear fell out of my eye. "I kind of thought..." "What?" "...that it was you." Jessi burst into laughter. "Oh, baby. I think of you as my best girlfriend. But I'd rather have sex with Margie Glennon than with you. She's more masculine than you are, Tell me: Have you ever had sex with anybody?" I slumped onto a chair, crushed. I stared at the floor. "No," I whispered. "I think you have a lot of thinking to do, K.D. Everyone in school thinks you're gay. Hell, I've heard girls tell their boyfriends not to beat you up, because you can't help being gay. Ask yourself this: is it possible you're gay and in denial? Cause if you ain't gay, you ain't trying. Don't you think about naked men? About Andy?" I didn't say anything. I stared at the floor, softly crying. I heard the door open and then close. Alone again. * * * The bar was crowded now, heaving. It is amazing how deep this need is for some of us, not to mention the corresponding need for a Mistress. I wondered about being a domme. Would the thrill be in the control? In the authority? Hell, anyone can make breakfast, if you think about it. Anyone can wash a plate. But the thrill of making a guy meet his nature must be intoxicating. Dressing him, shaping him, molding him into the perfect sissy. I had read all of the fiction from all of those of us yearning for the role, how we created situations where we would be forced or blackmailed into our role. Often, those tales were obviously written from the viewpoint of a person who wanted this to happen to them so badly. I knew how they felt. I really hadn't gone that far from a toy vacuum cleaner, had I? A man walked up to me and sat on the other side of Marlena. He looked like a cast member of Game of Thrones. Long hair, bulging biceps, a scar on his right eyebrow. "Hi," he said with a gravelly voice. "I'm Apollo." "Hello," I said. "Are you looking for a master? Am I the one you've waited for?" "I'm, uh, I'm looking for Mistress." "Are you sure. Maybe you hunger for my cock, but you're just afraid to admit it." "Sir, it's very kind of you. But I prefer a Mistress. It's who I am." He looked me up and down. "You'll change your mind," he said. "You'll beg me to fuck you." "Perhaps, sir, I will get there in my journey. I'm just not there yet." He nodded, picked up my hand and kissed it. He ran his tongue over my knuckles. He was handsome. If I wanted a Master, I would be very lucky to have him. But I didn't. I watched him disappear into the night. He wouldn't last long, I thought. Some sissy would gobble him up. "Hot," Marlena said, watching him walk away. "Hot," I agreed. A domme was on the other side of Marlena now, buying her a drink. She dropped a pacifier on the bar, a little blue binky with the rubber tip that babies suck on. "Look," Marlena said. "It's the same size as my dick!" The Mistress laughed, then leaned in and whispered something. "No, Mistress Hannah. I'm not into that, I'm afraid." Mistress looked disappointed. "Age play can be fun, sugar," she said. "You would love being my baby." "I'm sorry, Mistress, but I wouldn't. I'm an adult sissy. I like my panties. I like my bras. I like adult dresses." "Ah, but imagine the control you would surrender. You wouldn't talk, wouldn't even go to the bathroom except in in your diapers. Until you make boom-boom in your pampers, you have not lived." "Boom-boom isn't a big thing with me," Marlena said. "I'd rather a Mistress take her strap-on and go bam-bam." It was that way for a while. I assume the bar didn't just cater to us, but to all sorts of fetishes. There was a guy into pony play. A girl on a leash. A man who was in handcuffs. A girl dressed as a clown. Lesbians. Gays. Transgenders. And me. I asked Colin for another drink. He was busy, too busy to talk. But he put his hand over mine to reassure me. "It'll happen, Katie," he said. "Just hang in there. Finding the right puzzle piece is never easy." I grinned at him. I wonder who he was sleeping with. Man? Woman? Sissy? Whoever it was was lucky. * * * When I was 19, as luck would have it, I found the perfect job for a sissy. Lots of cleaning. Lots of sorting. Lots of panties. I was a sophomore at UC then, up to my eyes in numbers. I had tried to join the campus little theatre, but I was a lousy actor. It wasn't being small. Hell, most actors are so tiny you could put them in your pocket. There aren't many guys in Hollywood who were tall enough to ride this ride, you know. But I looked feminine, too, with my long eye lashes and my full lips. My hair was pony-tail length by then. I was offered the part as a back-up in the role of Angel in Rent. I could have tried out for Albin in La Cage au Folles. They talked doing a stage version of Wong Fu. Was that it? Was I simply seen as a transgender performer? I wasn't masculine enough to be leading man, and I didn't dance well enough to be a backup dancer of either gender. So I went looking for another activity. Randy, a gay activist on campus, wanted me to join the LGBT club. But I was straight, remember. The chess club seemed boring. The botanist club worked with flowers, but except for smelling them and wearing them in my lapel, I didn't know enough about flowers. There was even a hair- dresser's club, but that was mostly women. Still, that was a possibility. Then I found it. The women's basketball team needed a equipment manager. I applied for the job. No one else did. Oh, it sounds official, doesn't it. Equipment manager. You know what I was. I was the towel boy. When there was a time-out, I rushed onto the court with Gatorade. I made sure that players with sprains and pulls got to the athletic trainer in time. It was a maid's job, to tell you the truth. I washed the towels and the uniforms. I kept scrunchies in case one of the players needed one. I wrapped ankles. In other words, it was pretty perfect. In my second year, I was told I would get a letterman's jacket. The coach referred to me as "one of her girls." I can't tell you the thrill that gave me. There was a lot of lesbianism on the team, of course. It didn't bother me if Susan and Rose were into each other, or Rhiannon and Ruby. We were a family. Becky Harrison, a power forward from Dayton, was friendly toward me. I didn't know if she was gay or straight, but she needed help with her calculus, so I volunteered to tutor. She joked and laughed, and for the first time since Jessi, I felt I had found a friend. "You have pretty hair," she said to me one night. "Do you ever do anything with it?" "Me? No. Just a pony tail." She dragged her fingers through it. "You should layer it," she said. "Maybe some highlights. You'd be very pretty. You know the girls wouldn't care." I blushed. "I risk getting beaten up just by wearing it long," I said. "Still, you should get dolled up some time. Wear a dress. A nice necklace. You'd be gorgeous." I didn't say anything. I looked at my calc book. "Katie? Do you wear panties?" "God, no," I said too quickly. "Why not?" she said. "You spend enough time washing them. By hand, I assume. And the fact is, women's panties are so much more comfortable than boys' boxers. I know, I've worn boxers. But the material in panties, the cut, the fit. It's all better. If you take the stereotypes away from it, why wouldn't we all wear panties?" And so, it was time. My mother had made a similar offer when I was younger, but the way Becky put it, there was no reason not to wear panties. So I slipped out that night and went to Wal-mart. I bought a package of three. I tried on a bra - I had no idea what size I was - and bought three of those. I picked up a bottle of orange juice, and a DVD, and a stapler. Just other objects so the cashier wouldn't notice. But she did. She held up a pink bra. "Price check on cashier nine. How much for the Maidenform?" she said into the loudspeaker. I died. I was blushing furiously. "Sweetie, you really should buy some pantyhose," she said. "We have them on special. How are you going to be girly without hose." Right in the middle of the store, I shrank. Oh, I didn't go full femme. I didn't buy skirts or makeup or hose. But I did start to wear panties and bras, and I liked them. During games, Becky would reach over and rub the back strap of my bra. "For luck," she said. Then the other girls started it. My bra was called the Victoria's Secret Weapon, even though I hadn't bought them at Victoria's Secret at that point. In early November, we had our team photo taken. I didn't realize until I looked just how feminine I was, with my long hair and a slight swell at my chest. I had my ears pierced - just once in each ear - and it further softened the look. Why not? I was one of the girls. * * * A tall black woman, her skin shiny and dark, was talking to Marlena now, and Marlena was smiling and chatty. The mistress's teeth flashed, wonderfully white against her dark skin. She dropped her hand over Marlena's, and Marlena laced her fingers into hers. I loved the sight of first flirt, when people who are attracted to each other feel each other out, where they match chemistry and intellect and desire. Marlena was such a pretty sissy. This new domme - Mistress Zoe - seemed strong and assertive. I could imagine them hitting it off. They headed to the dance floor. Marlena was officially picked up, and I was glad for her. I turned back to my drink. I was pleasantly buzzed by now.I glanced across the bar, and two Village People lookalikes were kissing furiously. They were both the motorcycle guy, I thought. How does that work? Well, it appeared they would find a way. Then there was a body squeezing in next to me. "Hello, gorgeous," a familiar voice said. Becky! I grinned, then I got a bit embarrassed by my surroundings, as if she had been going to church when she stopped in. "What are you doing here, Becky?" I asked. "I could ask you the same thing," she smiled. "I've been here before a time or two. Just trying to meet people. Sissies." I looked at her. "Busted," I said. "I guess you knew?" "I kind of suspected," she said. "You're just too pretty to be a guy. And you aren't as fully femme as a transexual. That whole equipment manager thing is perfect for a sissy." "Yeah? How do you know?' "Baby, when you're a woman athlete, when you're 5-11, you date shorter guys a lot. Frankly, given how much we work in the weight room, you date weaker guys a lot. It isn't odd to find one who likes your underwear. Shit, Katie, it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. There is girl sex all around a woman's hoop team. You've seen the cuddling on the team bus." "I've seen it," I said. "You know how they have the mile-high club on planes? We have the back- of-the-bus club. I'm been a member since Vanessa Holt took me back there when I was a freshman." I laughed. "I'm not a member," I said. "We could make this our team bus," she said. I grinned. "So you looking for a sissy?" She reached up and felt for my bra strap, but I wasn't wearing one. "For luck," she said. "So don't let me catch you not wearing one again." "No, Mistress," I joked. She reached in her purse and pulled out a tube of dark red lipstick. She handed it to me. "Ma'am," I said, questioning. "Put it on. Here and now." "Here? Now?" A little test," she said. "I want you girly. Now, with everyone watching. Show them you're a sissy. My sissy. And be glad I'm not asking you to suck a dick. Even though I might." I ran the lipstick across my lips. She handed me a compact with eye shadow. I tried. She handed me a butt plug. "Just carry it for norm" she said. The bar was looking. The sissies acknowledged me as theirs. The Mistresses and Master acknowledged me as hers. "I'm your Mistress, Katie. I like how that sounds. Now, Katie. I think you ought to grow into your name, okay? I want you in dresses. I love hugging a girly-boy in a dress. I want you in make-up, because I deserve candy on my arm. I want you in heels, because nothing is sissier than a guy trying to walk in heels. Even if they're good." "But..." " Not for you. This is for me. I want my sissy in skirts to announce that she's mine. I want her in makeup to say I'm in charge. Maybe a maid dress to tell the world you're submissive. Every ounce of humiliation feeds me, Katie. And it will feed you." She went on with her expectations, her conditions. "I want you to cook and clean. I want you to iron and vacuum. I want you to be my girl, Katie, and damn anyone who doesn't like it. I want you in a butt plug and a cock cage. I want you to grow your little titties. I want a dedicated sissy, someone who will turn their life over to me. I want someone with a great mind and painted nails and a clever tongue." She leaned in and kissed me, softly. She ran her hands down my chest. "I've been a mistress before. I like it. Does that scare you?" "A little." "It should, Katie. There will be things you won't want to do. But I want to be able to make you do them." "Things?" "The bartender here. What's his name? Colin? What if I wanted to watch you suck his cock? What if I wanted to see your cheeks bulge with his cum? I'd like that, Katie. Would you? I like the power that surges through you when you make your sissy perform. What if I wanted him to stick in your asshole? Or if I wanted to put a vibrator there? What if I wanted you to kiss his feet? Or lick my ass? Think about it, Katie. Are there lines you will not cross? As there commands you will not obey?" I looked at her. "I won't hurt anyone," I said. "I won't mess with children. Everything else is negotiable." She nodded. She kissed me again. She stood and extended her hand. It was a firm hand, a strong hand. I could imagine it coming down on my ass. She was taller than me by almost five inches. Stronger. In charge. She was my Mistress. I belonged to her for her to love, to fuck, to guide. "Come, my sweet sissy Katie," she said. "It is time to go home. For you, and for us." (c) 2015 Cassandra Morgan

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Many years ago I worked for a transport firm. They were a very friendly crowd in general and many of us would meet up on a Friday evening for a few drinks. It was a good chance for drivers, traffic and admin staff to get together and it resulted in a good working atmosphere. It was there I got to know Joe, a quiet type of guy, but as he supported the same football team as myself, we always had plenty to talk about. Joe was a driver and was married to Dawn. I only met Dawn once when she popped...

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Plain Joe 2 The Return

I have to mention I am just a plain man from earth. I do, however, have abilities that have been handed down from a distant relative, apparently from an agent from Jenny's planet that had crashed on my planet thousands of years ago. Jenny's planet is the home of the peace keepers of this galaxy, a fact that she swore me to, under potential destruction of earth. Though I do, and can, return to earth I don't as often as I used to, as it worries Ari and Sandy as I call them now. I am not...

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Shweta Ka Badla Mei Zindgi Bhar Nahi Bhool Pauga

Hi readers, Mera nam avinash hai and mei roz yahan stories padtha hoon. Inhi stories se prerit hokar aj mei apni story likh rha hoon. Bat do sal purani hai. Tb meri age 25 thi aur mei Bangalore mei TCS company mei kam krta tha. Mei bahut hi good looking tha aur sath hi kamina bhi. Mei company mei CA ki post pr tha. Aur meri manager bahut hi sexy thi jiski age around 33 thi, uske boobs bahut hi bade the aur Meine use set kr rakha . Uska pati use satisfy nahi kr pata tha. isiliye wo mere pass...

2 years ago
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A Gulf Coast Welcome IV

Was it tomorrow already? Let's see, I remember getting sucked off in the middle of the night. I remember waking at six a.m. and looking at a happily sleeping woman. I remember taking a leak, getting back into bed, closing my eyes and then having a damp pussy slide onto my face. Yeah, I remember that real well. Now, it's nearly eleven and we're first rolling out of bed.I watched as Caren got out of bed and I marveled at her magnificent curves. She walked over to my side and pulled my hand, "Come...

Group Sex
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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 1 Emdar Grept

“If a man does his best, what else is there?“ – General George Patton Jr Jason watched streams of craft leaving the planet and carrying their precious cargo into the waiting ships. The evacuation of the planet was coordinated by the planetary AI. No human could manage such precision and efficiency. On the surface of the damaged planet, volcanos spewed the blood of the planet into cracks in the planetary crust. Jason’s hologram flashed to show a shuttle entering the hanger from the planet...

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My Widow Tution Teacher

I am 22 years old .You can call me S.S.I am not really handsome or playboy type.I am six feet tall with wheatish completion.And not mascular type.I live in Delhi and work in IT company.I am preparing for CAT preparation and i really need to improve my English so i was seeking for a good English tution.I really dont want to enroll in prestigious institutes like T.I.M.E or CL or Tathagat as they pay little attntion to weaker students.So one of collegue told me about a good English tutor who had...

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Baileys BrotherChapter 3 Baileys First Touch

I wore the same outfit to school the next day, but with the camisole. Still I felt different, confident. On the way out to the bus stop, I ran into Mr. Gadsten who greeted me with a “Good morning, Bailey.” “Morning,” on a whim I spun on my heels and pointed at him, “I’m running again tonight. Consistency.” He smiled and nodded in agreement, “Consistency.” At school, I was chatting with Addy and Becky. Even got yelled at in home room for chatting. We giggled at that. “You look good,” Becky...

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A Matter of Time Ch 09

Amber, a neighbor who lived next to Victoria Church and Marty Rochester, was pretty sure B-97 had played ‘When I See You Smile’ 19 times in the last two hours, but it was a popular song. She tried to smile through the cock in her mouth, looking up to a lover named Jason. Or was it Jimmy? She really wasn’t sure. She’d met him at the IU Bookstore a few hours later and he seemed cute enough. And he’d made her laugh. Amber, who Vicki and Martin Rochester knew would die in a three-car wreck on...

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It Started with a Coach RideChapter 2B

My mother lived in a small-town three hours drive away, so I loaded my travel bag with what I would need for a few days and drove north. My married sister stayed in the same town almost next door to each other. My mother lived alone after my father was killed in a mining accident about five years ago. It was then that I decided to move away from mining, granted the pay was good but one was always dirty and everything was covered in the red dust. That was when I moved to the city not to get...

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Northern Line Cougar

This is a true story about one thing that I thought would never happen to me. I had been living in London for six months and thought it was about time I should see more of the place. So on a sunny Sunday afternoon I went wandering. I boarded the Northern Line train and found I was the only person in the carriage. It stayed this way for three stops until Jana stepped aboard. She looked up and down the carriage. I was expecting her to leave or sit well away from me but no, this well toned...

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The Rest Of The WeekendChapter 2

The women fanned out from the house early Saturday morning. They'd had no sleep; Friday night having been spent enjoying each other's pleasures until the Professor's orders came down. There was much to be done, there was no time for sleep. Evelyn Torres, Assistant Dean of Admissions, sat in the Dean of Admissions office... it was a much nicer office than hers. Far bigger, with a thick carpet, overstuffed leather couches and chairs, even a fireplace, though she had no idea if it worked....

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The Gas

Amrit drew up 10cc’s of the serum, before wrapping a tourniquet around his upper arm, raising the veins. He injected the liquid into his arm and felt the rush. He smiled, tucking a taser into his pocket, before entering the room he had built specially for today. The room was large, and he had calculated he would need 1500 litres of the gas to reach the therapeutic concentration. It would take ten minutes to permeate the entire space, that had been set up to look like a club. There was a...

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An Old Flame Visits The Office

It was the summer of ninety-two when we first met.I owned a small printing business just outside of the District of Columbia.  I had started using a local vendor for quick turn-around business cards.  They were something we used as a loss-leader to draw in larger and more profitable business orders.  The owner of the business card company had come around about six months earlier. He was looking for business and brought along some samples as well as an order booklet.  The booklet made things...

Office Sex
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Best Served Cold Chapter 1 Cold as Ice

The lounge was crowded. It was Saturday night, and the barflies were out in swarms. We took the booth at the end of the room, hidden slightly from the crowd in a corner recess that hinted at false privacy. Exactly two drinks later he settled in next to her, drooling at my wife as he would a juicy steak."My God, you look delicious tonight, Linda."My wife stared at him with wide, hungry eyes. She had finished her second of two drinks in the time it took me to finish one. Drinking was something...

Wife Lovers
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our first motorhome

We got a good deal on our neighbor's motorhome, and we were anxiously making plans for getting Peggy fucked by some young guys.We bought it as a sexond vehicle, so even though it wasn't cost effective my wife drove it back and forth to work. While she was working one day the owner introduced her to a very young man and told her to show him the way around. They were picking an order to be picked up and she was explaining how to find all the items and where they were. She noticed his eyes were...

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A Jedis Training Ch 16

Chapter 16 – Truth and Reconciliation Liana could feel a dull throbbing in her head as the fog gradually lifted. She rubbed her eyes as she propped herself up on her elbow, letting the spinning in her head gradually stabilize as she looked around the room. The first thing she noticed, since it was difficult to miss, was Jacen lying behind her, his stiff penis half-immersed in her still-wet vagina. She gasped in shock, realizing that they were both naked and, presumably, had previously been...

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I Fucked My Mama

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

Gay Male
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SpiralsChapter 12

The crack of dawn came early, my ribs still hurt, so with a sigh I rolled out of bed and into the shower. Rewrapping my ribs by myself afterwards was a bitch, but I managed, and after a quick bite, I headed for Hardesy's. I was almost there when I realized that Mr. Hardesy might be able to shed some light on things. His family had been the grocers in Ridgemont for generations. I was a few minutes early, but I didn't have to wait long till I saw Mr. Hardesy give me a wave as he turned the...

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Daddy and Jenna 4

Doug awoke in the middle of the night amid a tangle of arms and legs, desperately needing to relieve himself. His memory of the previous evening quickly cleared as he remembered three naked teenagers and himself pleasuring each other, fucking his daughter, Jenna, and her friend Maria, though Courtney seemed anxious about fully participating with the rest of the group. Doug carefully moved a leg here, an arm there, so as not to awaken the girls, until he was able to extricate himself from the...

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Alex Is 28

People think I'm crazy. Ok, maybe not crazy but they think something is definitely wrong with uh guy who lets a woman treat him like Ame treats me — in public, no less. She tones it down when we're around the family — her active ordering me around, at least. I still have to follow the rules of behavior when she's there. And she won't go to church with us because she is not a believer an' won't be disrespectful. But if you catch us at home, and I'm naked, that's your lookout. That's...

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HealerChapter 4

I carefully scrutinised everything around me. The girl seemed to be alone and not presenting a threat. Now taking care to walk as noisily as possible, I unhurriedly moved towards her. I hoped to indicate that I was approaching and had nothing to hide. I stopped a couple of yards behind the fallen tree trunk. “Hello, are you all right? Can I help you?” I called out. “No. Go away.” I liked the sound of her voice. It was deeper than most girls, yet without being unfeminine. And she spoke...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 5

“Why didn’t you curtsy on the way out, Fart Face?” mom asked as she took us to the car. She had noticed my laughing when Mandy stumbled and looked angry. “You didn’t tell me I had to curtsy, Ma’am,” I replied politely (as politely as I can. Polite and submissive isn’t a natural tone for me, so I have to fake it. I did my least sarcastic imitation of Jenny blowing smoke up my mom’s ass with her fancy talk). “You know I make Jenny curtsy when she enters or leaves a room if her betters are in...

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More Than Just A Womanless Pageant Chapter 9

More Than Just A Womanless Pageant (Chapter 9) by: crossvestite Players: Amy 18 Andy-(Amy's twin brother) 18 Lucas-(Amy's boyfriend) 18 Cheryl-(Lucas's Sister) 15 What's up: Amy has a confession regarding Cheryl. And Cheryl will become involved with both Andy and Lucas. (Note: The next few chapters will not be focused on Amy's dad Steve. That storyline was geting a little too intense and it would be difficult to go much further with it. So that part of the story is probably...

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Mum Dad John and I Good Ending Wink

I tiptoed past my parents bedroom in the early hours of the morning, terrified they might hear me, there was no mistaking what they were doing, 'How silly', I thought, 'too much noise, John, daddies friend might, who was staying over, might hear them also', but that thought was banished, as I could hear snoring through the living room door, 'John sleeping', flashed through my mind, as I turned left and dove into the toilet.My brother was staying over with our cousins, but I declined when asked...

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Sisters Wet PantiesChapter 4

The beautiful, young faces of his daughters stared up at Mark Wagner with amazement and shock. Except for the heaving of their huge tits, neither of the girls moved and Kay's pussy was still impaled on her sister's two fingers. Their eyes were wide and filled with fuck-lust as they stared wordlessly at their father. Then, there was a wet, sucking sound as Janie slowly dragged her fingers from her sister's pussy. Kay moaned softly, a moan which brought a smile to Mark's face as he stood...

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Catch Up

The piano bar you had suggested was really dark and quiet. There were only a couple of other customers in the place, down the far end of the bar. I’d been sitting, waiting for 10 minutes already and I was nervous. I pulled at the hem of the dress I’d worn, wondering again why I’d worn something so short and tight when I wasn’t planning on going home with you. I’d promised myself that. The barman had given me a funny look when I’d gone up and ordered a drink. Sort of a leer with a wink. I...

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Spizoo Briana Banks Valentina Nappi Step Sister Birthday Surprise Threesome

Alex and Valentina are step-siblings who have gotten in the habit of hooking up when their parents aren’t around. He is younger and his 21st birthday is coming up!!! Valentina has a very special surprise for him. She knows he is a massive fan of the one and only Briana Banks and she sets up the ultimate gift. Watch his eyes light up as he fucks his dream girl, all while his kinky, big titted stepsister watches and joins. He is surprised when Briana appears in front of him and invite him to...

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Caught in the Act

Teenage boys can’t leave themselves alone, we all know that!I was no different, constantly thinking about sex, jerking off whenever I had the opportunity.First thing in the morning when I woke up with the inevitable tent pole, or before I went to sleep, fantasising about Pauline, the unattainable girl in my class. In the shower or the bath, the simple act of washing my cock and balls would invariably trigger an erection.As a rule, having 4 siblings, a mother and a step-father lurking around the...

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Hot Bhabhi Get Fucked

This is my second story on indian sex stories. This story is how I get to fuck and lose my virginity to hot bhabhi. It happened when I was in 2nd yr doing engineering in Jodhpur. I was living in a pg along with my friend. My landlord was married to this hot lady with awsome figure and fair colour, her age must be around 35 as she had a daughter of around 15-16 and a boy around 5-6 age. But she looked more like around 25 with a figure of 34-30-36. This happened when her husband went out of...

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Hell YeahChapter 5

Shaun stood behind the bar, arms crossed; a look of sheer happiness plastered on his handsome face. Mac's was officially under his ownership and the first night had gone brilliantly. The bar was closed and empty now, but earlier had been filled to capacity with customers, eager to give Shaun their well-wishes and take advantage of his lowered beer prices. Sneaking up behind him, I wrapped my arms around my boss' solid chest. "I'm so proud of you," I smiled into the warmth of his...

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An Officer and a Gentleman

A million years ago, or maybe just a few months, I lived in a townhouse. It seems like a million years ago because I am that happy where I live now. The townhouse itself was fine, but the neighbors were a nightmare – unfuckable 19-year-old potheads who did nothing but play video games and listen to auto-tuned pop music day and night. I say “unfuckable” because not only were they hard on the eye but they had nothing between their ears, absolutely nothing, and that’s a deal-breaker for...

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Gafenbergs Wager

© 2003 "That's bullshit," Renata said with a toss of her dark, curly hair. "The Grafenberg Spot doesn't even exist. And I think wet orgasms are a figment of perverted men's overactive imagination." She looked at me, her sexy dark eyes flashing. "I dare you to show me different." "OOH!," Chrissy said with an excited smile. "A dare!" I looked at the two women and smiled. Rena was the hottest cashier at the clothing store I worked in. She was twenty six and very darkly...

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The Slut Academy Part 4 Graduation Suma cum Louda

“Mildred, Graduation is two weeks away, what shall we plan as festivities?”I answered my adorable husband, “It’s all taken care of, James. Don’t worry your head about it.”“What do you mean? How can’t I worry about it? Do you realize that this will be our showpiece which will set the tone and demonstrate our capabilities? It’s critical that our patrons see us at our best so they can spread the word.”“Relax, James. Your role will be to do what you do best. All the rest is taken care of.”“What I...

Group Sex
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Brendas Awakening Chapters 12

Brenda's Awakening There I was, Xander Estevez, standing in the middle of my apartment looking at the news on my exe's Social Media account. "WE'RE PREGNANT". Those two words, well three if you break up the contraction, just shattered my world. Now I know what you're thinking and no, the kid's not mine. You may also be feeling pity and Empathy for a guy who just felt the world come down on top of him but I promise this is not a sad story, this isn't a horror movie or a tragedy. No....

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Summering in Femininity Part 3 En Femme

Author's Note: I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying the new story, this is one that's been in my head for years and I'm happy to finally have it down on the page. Additionally, if you've been chomping at the bit for more stories, I've taken part in a few CYOA interactive stories over at writing.com and CHYOA.com that you can find fairly easily. "What am I going to do?" Taylor asked, after explaining his current situation to Aunt Agnes. She sat with a pensive look on her...

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Catching my MotherinLaw

Catching My Mother-in-lawMy mother-in-law is not the prettiest woman in the world, but to me she is the most beautiful woman I have loved. Her name is Lynn and she is thirty nine years of age. She has straight Brown hair, Brown eyes and beautiful full lips. “Mom” also has the prettiest smile I have ever seen.Her sight, her nice smell and the feeling of her next to perfect breasts pressing against me when we hugged or when she kissed me excited me ever since I met and married her daughter, we...

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True Life Sissy Daddys Mad and Im in troub

Hello. I'm Tiffany. That's me in the picture, hiding in a bathroom stall, heart pounding, after being abandoned in a porn theater parking lot in just those crotchless panties. I an evolved Sissy. It was younger days I had forced feminization fantasies or got arousal telling others to call me a sissy. Now there is no forcing and I proudly call myself a a pink panty wearing sissy, because it is exactly who I am. My entire life had always been devoted to femininity to the excess. I have learned to...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 88

‘‘General Bashir has gone on a rampage and he is furious! He points directly at you by name for the attack and apparent obliteration of his Paris cell. He has ordered the attack at Oklahoma City to happen tomorrow in retaliation to muddy the reputation of JBG.” ‘‘Tiam has repeatedly tried to contact the Paris group with no success. They are looking for four special guests who were supposed to be in the training center or mosque. A short while ago Tiam issued a general broadcast that all...

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Culture Shock Ch 13

Despite the late night, the next morning Elaine felt energised and bounced out of bed in a good mood. A long hot shower was in order, and she indulged herself. Emerging with wet hair, a smile, and wrapped in a soft towel, Elaine made coffee while her roommates slept. She hadn’t even heard them come in, and it didn’t bother her one bit. She felt like she was walking on air! What’s wrong with me? she wondered, giggling quietly. Carrying her coffee to the lounge room, she postponed getting...

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Learning to Live a Little

Learning to Live a Little   I want to tell you a story, one that didn't happen to long ago. Unlike a few of my stories, this one could very well be true...We shall see what you think when you are done reading it. It takes place at my girlfriends house, she is the one in the photo with me. She stands about 5'2" and weighs barely any more than 110 pounds when she is sopping wet and has her hair down. Her tits aren't the biggest in the world, but they are amazingly firm and feel great when you...

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Sorority Party

THE SORORITY PARTY Things were moving right along at the Delta Phi house.  Every area that required labor was now adequately staffed with slave labor.  Most of it was provided by live-in staff housed in the Servant’s Quarters.Part time slaves were scheduled to serve giving the membership ample opportunity for personal use.  Based on experience there were always an adequate number of slaves available to serve the membership needs and desires at all time.  The Management Group girl in charge of...

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Sissy Serving Girl Scene 2

SISSY SERVING GIRL SCENE 2 by Throne My head was still spinning from the announcement which Owner had made so casually the day before. My wife Denise was coming to see me today. Maybe to release me from my new life as a sissy slave to the man I was living with. I decided to dress extra pretty to show my spouse how cooperative and well behaved I was being. Maybe she would take that as a sign that I was willing to do whatever she said once I returned home. If she would take me back. ...

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Futa Naked In School 05 Futas Naked Passion Chapter 1 Stacie Breaks the Rules

Chapter One: Stacie Breaks the Rules By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Stacie Ward's Week, Monday Winter break was over and it was back to Rogers College for the start of the next semester. The fall one had been wild. The Program had come to my school. Every week, four new students—two females and two futas—were chosen to participate. They had to attend classes naked, their flesh on display for the student body's enjoyment. You could grope them. Stroke them. Get them to pose in pictures....

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My first blow job

I'm a mid-40s white guy in Vancouver and I am a total porn addict. I have also had lots of dirty adventures involving such things as prostitutes, porn theatres and gloryholes, flashing, nude beach sexual adventures, hosting other men for jerk-off sessions and gay sex and more.I wrote a short story about the first time I had another man make me cum by giving me a handjob in a small porn theatre back in Toronto in the 90s. This story takes place not long after that time . . . some more background...

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A World Without Heroes until Now

{Jean-Claude, good morning,} the friendly voice called from the control room. {Ah, Steven. Good Morning,} Jean-Claude smiled as he entered, {Is that professor Von Stieger?} {Yes, Doctor Estelle, I am Professor Von Stieger,}, the woman turned and said in French. {I do understand you. Even if you have Belgian accents.} [And I wanted to practice my German,] Jean-Claude smiled, [I understand you are from a German speaking part?] [Yes. Kriens in Lucerne. But I learned French before going to...

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Love my husband

I am the luckiest and happiest wife with the most wonderful husband.I realized this when as I was hit by another strong orgasm as the cock was pounding me from behind and as my pussy tightened around the cock and I felt him expand to release his load from his huge cock that was stretching my pussy to the limits. As I was cuming so hard, I turn around and with glazed over eyes saw my husband's face with a huge smile on his face as my unprotected pussy felt the cum flood my cervix! I felt such an...

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Village TaleChapter 2

Albert Ferrers was up early - again! Three nights ago he had been kept up with the most persistent diarrhoea that he could remember in a long while. It had been a terrible night, during which he had been forced out of bed time after time to go to the toilet. Finally, just as the unwelcome fluidity had finally shown signs of easing he had pulled the curtains apart and looked outside at the icy wilderness that this usually idyllic village had become since that heavy snowfall of the day...

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Perfect Girlfriend Juice Ch 03 Part 3

by Fidget Chapter 3: Perfect Secretary (Part 3) Personnel wasn't the only place Alani began making her presences known. She soon convinced Jack to let her order his lunches for him, and dinners too whenever he had to stay late to meet a deadline. While the meals from the healthiest restaurants around town were definitely more nutritious than the takeout he was used to ordering, Jack still missed fast food from time to time. But, combined with the new gym membership and fitness routine that...

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White boy

As an Indian living in England we get a lot of racial abuse, I was arriving home from school it was the day after my 16th birthday and I was looking forward to the party planned by my parents, I was in the back track running along the rear of our houses, as I approached our house I saw our 17 year old neighbour Martin in his house he was stood behind a sofa with no shirt on showing his muscular body, He moved away from the sofa and I stopped dead in my tracks he was naked his cock was about 6...

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Aunties IslandChapter 10 Return to Aunties Island

FRED: I have no idea how I let the whole thing happen. It was as if the entire world was conspiring against me, and for some idiotic reason, I just let it all come to pass. I mean, it's nice when things work out, but there had been almost no margin for error at all. Stupid! It was the first week in October. Brenda was in her 37th week, and she was at that stage where everyone wished she would just have the baby and get it over with. Simply getting out of a chair was a chore for her, and...

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First Time Out Ending 3

First Time Out - Ending 3 By: Rachael Free I had dressed all my life but finally got the courage to go out as a girl. How I started and the progress over the years is typical of other girls. You may even think I'm writing about you at times. The fateful day was approaching to come out as I planned the evening for months. My wife went away for the weekend and I would be in heaven becoming Trina. The series of events broadened my experiences but sadly also changed my life forever. If...

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Moments With Mia

"Mr. Timmons?" the female voice asked on the phone. "This is Greg," I answered. "This is Mia. I'm in your wife's group." "Hi, Mia." After the youngest of our two children moved out of our single-story, four bedroom house a couple of years ago, Michelle ramped up her home business. My wife sold Superware, the handy-dandy, seal anything, leak proof storage containers. Once she kicked it into high gear, she advanced quickly to a district director. My wife almost every evening now had...

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