Return To The Nursery Chap. 10 free porn video

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Dear Sissy Katie, sissy mart, baby swallow, sissy jeannie and Debbie, thank you all for your encouraging comments. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Baby Jennie Chapter 10. Mummy's Baby Girl "Fank you." As David meekly accepted the gaily wrapped present, he guessed it contained baby pants. It was the wrong shape or weight for a teddy bear or a new dolly, and it felt soft and crinkly - as though it contained clothing. He looked to Mummy to see if he should open it now, and Jane nodded permission, smiling in sadistic anticipation. He inhaled deeply and his nostrils twitched when he caught a whiff of his nappy. The stinky sticky mess between his legs begged for a change, but that was currently a distant prospect. As he plucked at the ribbon, the parcel unwrapped. Spilling aside tissue paper, he revealed two pairs of white nylon rumba panties, one with baby-pink lace frills, the other blue lace- frilled - complete with crinkling plastic inner linings in typical baby style. There was something else in the parcel, but David first had to hold up the white rumba panties and shake them out, showing everyone so they could admire the gorgeous coloured lace ruffles shimmering across the seat. Sensing from the smiles and murmured comments around the room that the shameful panties met with everyone's approval, he pulled back the next bit of tissue paper, fully expecting another pair of rumbas. A length of blue and pink satin ribbon emerged, attached to a heavier piece of baby pink cotton, and he spied the embroidered word 'Baby.' He suddenly recognised what it was when he spotted the stiff peak of the bonnet. He was holding the cutest pink baby bonnet, with fitted sides so it would hug the sides of the wearer's face in a very old-fashioned style. It was finished off with a broad curved stiffened peak. The pink material had the words 'Baby Daphne' embossed on it in blue silk, and the bonnet was completed by dangling blue and pink satin ribbons to secure it under his chin. He paled as he realised the terrible implications of this, the most shaming article of baby wear imaginable, being presented to him by none other than his former employee, Jake. But there was more. Pulling aside the tissue paper, David found another bonnet in the same pink material as his dress. In heavy satin trimmed with white, but this time it repeated the teddy bear and maypole motif of his dress. Ridiculously childish! No, not childish - utterly babyish and old- fashioned! When he was tied in this bonnet, it would complete his humiliation and destroy any remaining vestige of his ego. The last item was a cotton hat, a child's sun hat, in baby blue but otherwise plain - but again complete with long dangling satin ribbons to tie under the chin. Jake picked it up to show the others. "This one's for everyday outings; although I think active little girls like your Daphne should be properly bonneted at all times. The traditional ones may be a bit much for a shopping expedition to Tesco," conceded Jake, as if this silly child's sun hat with the shiny tie ribbons could possibly look normal on an adult male in public. David gulped nervously in panic, his fingers trembling. Did a small squirt of something escape into his nappy, adding to the mess already there? Was it from the front or from the back? He couldn't tell. The sun hat was almost a mirror of the one he'd had to wear all those years ago. The summer he'd turned twelve. A very immature twelve, as his darling Mummy had always overprotected him. She had produced the juvenile sun hat during a hot spell and made him wear it to school. Inevitably he had been teased about the childish garment. "It's a baby's bonnet," someone had cried. "You must be a baby!" The mocking and jeering started and didn't stop all day. On the way home from school, a group of bigger girls from his class had hassled him. They started to tease him and pursued him down the street, and he had to run away from them to escape. It had been a lengthy chase and after he gave them the slip, he had a long walk home. While he hurried back to Mummy's house, knowing she would be worried because he was late, the need to pee grew stronger and stronger. In the street before his front drive, he had to stop and bend at the waist, pressing his knees together to halt the threatening flow. When he stood twitching spastically at the front door, he couldn't find his key in his satchel. The more he hunted in panic, the worse the need became. So near, yet so far. In desperation he rang the bell with a sharp pain lancing his groin. After hours or so it seemed, Mummy opened the front door. "Darling!" she cried. "Have you lost your key? Relief at making it home made him lose concentration for a second. There was a sharp tingle at the tip of his peenie, then it flooded out, right there in front of Mummy! The light grey regulation short flannel trousers beloved by English private schools, turned a darker shade as the wetness spread downwards and outwards, making a huge moist patch across the front of his shorts. The stream, barely contained, ran down his legs in rivulets, soaking into his socks and shoes, before splattering noisily on the porch step. Mummy put her hand to her mouth and cried, "Oh my little darling! You poor thing!" He burst into tears. She was all over him, consoling him, telling him not worry, not to cry. "Shh, honey. It's alright. You just had a little accident. Shh, don't cry. Mummy will sort you out! Come with me, darling. Mummy will clean you up." Wet and desperately ashamed, he let her take his hand and lead him upstairs. Not to the main bathroom, but her en suite. He loved Mummy's bedroom - it was soft and pink and feminine, like her. She used to let him help her tidy up and put away her clothes sometimes, and fold up her silky undies and reverently place them in the correct drawers. She quickly removed his wet things in the bathroom and ran a scented bath for her distressed child. His sobs slowly came under control and the tears stopped falling. When he was naked, she wiped his face gently with a soft moist tissue with a faintly familiar fragrance. As he recovered in the warm scented bubbly bath, she busied herself in the bedroom, chatting to him through the open door. "You must have a chill. You know, down there. It happens sometimes and causes you to lose control. Don't worry! Mummy isn't cross with her precious baby." He tried to tell her about the girls chasing him and teasing him about his bonnet, but she didn't seem to take much notice. "You may have a little problem for a few days, so Mummy will keep you out of school. I'll stay home and look after you. No school for my precious baby tomorrow." That sounded good. She helped him out of the bath and wrapped him in a big pink fluffy towel, so comforting, so secure. "Let's get you ready for tea. You can order your favourite pizza tonight. Okay?" She offered as she guided him to her bed. Not really understanding what he saw, she sat him down on another towel. After making sure every inch of him was patted dry, she pushed him onto his back. It wasn't a towel. No, surely not? Not a nappy? "Don't worry!" Mummy crooned when he tried to sit up. She sprinkled some perfumed talc on his genitals and between his legs. "We'll keep you safe and dry for a few days, until your little problem goes away. Shh, darling. It's alright. Just lie back like when you were little," she lovingly whispered, as the nappy front was brought up between his legs. The soft fluffy cloth wrapped around his genitals felt so snug and warm. From somewhere safety pins appeared, and then some rustling plastic panties. Up his legs they went. All the while Mummy's voice was kind and soothing. "No school tomorrow, no homework, and you can sleep in Mummy's bed tonight. Okay sweetie?" Oh how he loved to snuggle up to Mummy in her big warm bed! He often got up early in the morning and crept into her roomy bed, and she would sleepily cuddle him close to her warm body through her silky-soft nightie. Tonight Mummy was promising he could spend the whole night with her! Boyish objections to being diapered evaporated in the joy of sleeping next to Mummy. Anyway, the nappy sort of felt nice! Snug, safe, secure. He kind of liked it! She popped a t-shirt on him and chuckled, "You won't need any pants. Anyway, none of your trousers or shorts would fit over that nappy! Will they?" She led him downstairs and ordered dinner. They watched telly together as he ate the pizza, and when he said he needed to do a wee-wee, she asked, "Oh, are you feeling better? You'd better hurry, darling, in case you have another accident." As he waddled towards the downstairs loo, a mischievous thought occurred to him. 'No school, no homework, Mummy's bed - all dependant on me suffering 'a chill' down there. Hmm.' He tried wetting the nappy before he got to the toilet, but the strange circumstances meant he couldn't relax and let go. He shuffled into the bathroom and stood there over the bowl for a whole minute before the wee began trickling out. It was so hot! The flow suddenly increased to full force, splashing warmly round his peenie and the tops of his thighs. It felt lovely! As he concentrated on the warm wetness seeping down between his legs towards the rear, he didn't hear his mother quietly step into the hallway behind him.. In his preoccupied state he'd forgotten to close the bathroom door, and his Mum could easily make out what her naughty little boy was doing. She slipped back into the lounge room before he finished, smiling to herself and giving no hint she knew what he'd been up to. Waddling back to the lounge, David acted all contrite. "Mummy! I had? I had an accident." He tried to look appropriately downcast and apologetic. "Sorry Mummy. I didn't make it in time." "Aw! That's okay! Never mind. Come here to Mummy." She smiled knowingly as he crawled into her lap, and she cuddled him close, telling him not to worry. "Little accidents happen sometimes when Mummy's baby isn't feeling well." That word 'baby' again. She gently batted his thighs apart and then patted the bulging crotch of his baby panties in a strangely reassuring rhythm. Her cupped fingers made that 'thwack-thwack-thwack' sound, like sweet music to his ears. "Anyway, that's a lovely thick nappy you're wearing. I'm sure it will easily handle a couple of wettings. So you just relax, baby, and Mummy will change you at bedtime. Alright darling?" When it was his bedtime, Mummy took his hand and led him up to her bedroom. He wasn't surprised to see a fresh nappy already laid out on her bed ready and waiting for him. Mummy crooned, "Lie down honey, and we'll get you out of that wet nappy." He lay down, centring his bottom over the appropriate place, and he noticed the plastic bottle of powder and the tub of wipes on the side table. "Lift that botty for Mummy." She drew his plastic panties down over his nappy and to his knees, then sang, "Bottom down and legs in the air." David didn't know what to think when Mummy unpinned his saturated nappy. She didn't seem to mind he'd wet himself several times, and she was all smiles and sunshine as she wiped him down with some cool moist baby wipes. When she rubbed in the powder his little peenie started to react. Despite his embarrassment, it was unbelievably arousing. Mummy drew up the front of his nappy and pinned it in place before things got too mortifying, thank God. Her smile was unreadable when she drew a fresh pair of baby panties over his clean nappy - pink ones, this time. For some reason the thought of wearing pink plastic panties only made him harder. Mummy helped him sit up and pulled his t-shirt over his head. "You can't wear that to bed, honey-bunny. Here, put this on. Arms up." She fed his hands into the sleeves of a pastel-pink nightgown, made from silky nylon, and he shivered in delight when it liquidly slid down over his body. He plucked at the white lace trimming the hip-length hem as she asked, "Do you like it?" He nodded, almost too overwhelmed to speak. "Oh yes! Yes Mummy," he gasped. She smiled tenderly and nodded, then pulled back the bedcovers. "Hop into Mummy's bed and lie down." When he obeyed, she pulled the covers up to his chin. "I have to tidy up downstairs. I'll come up to bed in about half an hour. Try to get some sleep, baby." David resisted the urge to reach down and caress the front of his baby panties, knowing Mummy would be able to see what he was doing under the covers. "Yes Mummy. Goodnight, Mummy." He contented himself with running his fingers across his chest, stroking the deliciously slinky nightie front. "Goodnight, honey-bunny." "I love you, Mummy." "I love you too, my darling baby." He couldn't understand why her tender smile was tinged with sadness. After he heard her footsteps disappear down the hall, he reached down and caressed the front of his nappy. The two layers of double-sided terrycloth made it hard to stimulate the right places, so he reached inside his baby panties, into his nappy. His pee-pee was so hard, and it felt fantastic when he gripped the pulsating shaft in his fist and rubbed it harder and harder. All of a sudden something weird happened. It was almost like he was wetting his nappy, but the pleasure was so intense, he almost passed out. He jerked and twitched in Mummy's bed, gasping for breath. When he pulled his hand out of his nappy, his palm and fingers were wet and sticky. He stuck his hand back inside his baby panties and wiped his fingers clean on the front of his dry nappy, and lay back exhausted. He was asleep by the time Mummy joined him in bed. He rolled against her lush body in his sleep, so warm and cosy, and he buried his face between her soft cushiony breasts, feeling so completely loved. When she tried to roll away from him his lips brushed over her nipple, and he instinctively tried to latch on. Fortunately for her, her nightgown was in the way, and she peeled his face away from her teat and reached for the bedside table. When she gently popped the nipple of a dummy in his mouth, he didn't protest. He suckled contentedly on the soothing rubber teat, drifting in and out of sleep. When he was fast asleep, she noticed he automatically popped it back in again after it fell out. The next morning he was wet again and she soothed him as she undressed him. She cleaned his bottom and bits, and pinned another nappy on him. This time she found some prettier plastic pants, covered in white nylon, with three layers of frilly pink lace ruffles on the seat. She then produced from somewhere what she called a child's smock, but it looked suspiciously like a cotton toddler frock, especially as it was more pink than baby blue, and covered with dancing pink teddies. It had short sleeves and a yoke neck, and didn't fully cover the nappy and frilly panties either, leaving his infantile underwear poking out obviously underneath. He shuffled over to Mummy's vanity mirror and turned his back, glancing over his shoulder to check out the rear view. He could see the pink lace ruffles poking out below the hem. He twisted his body from side to side, twirling his hips and making the brief hem fly up around his tummy. He smiled in delight at the effect. He didn't see his mother smiling at his instinctive feminine actions. He tried half-heartedly to object, but rather too readily accepted her explanation that since he was at home with Mummy, who was giving him so much special attention, he shouldn't fuss so much. It had been a perfect sissy day for Baby David. His Mummy doted on him, baked him his favourite cakes, and even sat him down and fed him at lunch time. He let it happen. To be fed was a sign that Mummy would do anything for him! His nappy was changed after lunch when she checked and found him wet again. She gave him his dummy to suck while she changed him, and she didn't seem to mind when he kept it in his mouth when they returned to the living room. He loved that day. It was calm, serene and magical. That night in her bed, she freshly diapered him and slipped the pink shortie nightie over his head again. Mummy had hinted that normally these chills cleared up after twenty-four hours - but if it didn't, she would have to take him in his nappy and pretty smock to see the doctor tomorrow. Unsurprisingly he was dry the next morning, and he found himself back in his normal clothes for the day. Mummy had also hinted that these little problems might occasionally recur, and he thought they probably might, too - in a week or two. Somehow though everything was agreed without anything being said. David knew his darling Mummy was indulging him, allowing him to revisit a less threatening part of his childhood and showing him how much she loved him. It never happened again. It seemed like only days later she said she needed to see the doctor about some minor problem. She never came home. She was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery. When he visited her with his Aunt Betty, he was stunned; shocked. Surely this frail grey creature couldn't be his mother, his darling Mummy? The operation hadn't been successful; the cancer had spread to her liver and pancreas. He prayed to a distant God as a faint source of help, listened to and believed his Aunt when she tried to be positive and cheerful. He hoped with all the fervour of a small child that Mummy would be alright and come home again, but it wasn't to be. She got worse in that dreadful hospital where he sat by her bed for hour after hour, her sleeping most of the time. Once she woke briefly and he half dared to hope. She croaked to him "David, you must always be yourself. Promise me that." She closed her eyes again before he could say anything. When the coffin disappeared behind the curtain in the crematorium and they sang, 'I know my redeemer liveth' from the Messiah, he started to cry and didn't stop for weeks. It was the bonnet or sun hat that had indirectly made him wet himself, and had brought him closer to his true self than he ever realised. His Mummy had known about his innermost feelings, as he had been slow to potty-train and seemed to enjoy wearing his nappies a little too much. He continued to wet the bed occasionally, almost to his teens. His obvious fascination with ladies' underwear even at an early age, had provided further clues. Realising her cancer was incurable and she was terminally ill, Mummy had somehow found a way of telling her effeminate son that his odd fascination was alright with her. His Aunt Betty had been kind and took him in to live with her and her two daughters, his younger female cousins. His mother had taken out an insurance policy years ago, and apart from an annuity to support him, Aunt Betty held the majority of the payout in trust until David turned eighteen. His Aunty had a four bedroom house with one bathroom, and David found he had been given the tiniest room next to the bathroom. He was grateful for anything. Aunty Betty looked after him as though he was one of her own children, but somewhere bottled up inside was the memory of that stolen childish day in nappies. Aged thirteen, he was about the same height as Aunt Betty's elder child, nine-year-old Lily. He could never forget the first time he walked out in Aunty Betty's back yard and saw all their pretty underwear hanging on the line. He put his hand in the side pocket of his shorts and played with the head of his stiffie through his clothing as he thought about which panties he'd like to wear. He spent weeks silently admiring Lily and Jasmine's frilly undies, pretty feminine outfits and their lovely long blonde hair. He wished he could grow his hair long, like them. He managed to keep out of the girl's wardrobes for months, and he thought he had his peculiar fascination under control - until one day Jasmine commented, "You know, Lily, David is about the same size as you. I'll bet he could fit into one of your dresses." Thirteen-year-old David stared at the smiling seven-year-old in shock. She tossed her silky blonde locks over her shoulder and frankly met his stare, her wide blue eyes daring him to object. "I think you're right, Jazz." Lily grabbed his hand and hauled him to his feet. "Come with us, David. Let's see if Jazz is right." David knew Aunty Betty was baking in the kitchen and wouldn't leave the stove for a terrorist attack. He found himself dragged into the girls' bedroom and Lily threw open her wardrobe and tossed a few frocks on the bed. He had to admit he didn't put up much resistance, and the bossy girls quickly overrode his half-hearted objections. Lily cried, "Aha! Here's the one!" She handed him the frilly white dress with a coy smile. "Here. Try this one on. It fits me perfectly. Let's see how it looks on you." With Jasmine's strident encouragement he ripped off his t-shirt and kicked off his sneakers, not bothering to untie the laces in his haste. His little tool was already stiffening with excitement, and David had to keep his back to the girls when he tore down his shorts. He slipped the shimmering frock over his head and fed his arms into the short puffy sleeves. He was a little disconcerted when both little girls jumped to his aid, zipping up the back and straightening the flounced hem, crooning instructions to the confused lad and speaking to him the way their mother spoke to them when she helped them dress. The way they mothered him and fussed over him almost made David swoon with joy. When he felt sure his tenting underpants were safely concealed by the billowing folds, he turned to face his audience. Despite David's trepidation, the girls smiled in delight and nodded in approval. "A perfect fit!" Jasmine cried, turning to her grinning big sister. "See Lily? You're the same size. I told you so!" "You were right, Jazz." Despite her smile, Lily's expression turned critical. "You know, David, you could easily pass for a girl. Especially if you let your hair grow long, like ours," she advised, finger-combing out her long platinum locks for emphasis. "You have a really pretty face for a boy, and you're tiny and dainty - like a real girl." David jumped like he'd been electrocuted when Aunty Betty's voice boomed, "But he's not a girl. Is he? He's a boy. And boys shouldn't wear pretty dresses." He felt a little squirt of what he assumed was pee-pee spray into his underpants, and his body twitched and jerked in what he thought was fear. "Take it off, David." He clamped down hard to avoid an embarrassing accident and fought to control his breathing. His face was crimson as he turned his back on the tittering females and awkwardly tried to pull the beautiful dress over his head with fingers that wouldn't stop trembling. "Stop! Let me unzip you first, silly," Lily admonished him. He had to hold still while she unzipped the lacy white frock and then he tore it off and threw it on Lily's bed. His back and chest were as flushed as his face. He remained facing away from them until he yanked on his shorts and slipped on his t-shirt, making sure it covered the crotch of his pants before he turned to face his bemused Aunt. Her voice was cool when she asked, "You're a little too old to be playing dress-ups with the girls, aren't you David?" He nodded in mortified silence, his cheeks blazing, unable to meet her inquisitive gaze. Aunt Betty sniffed in disdain and marched out. David shuffled after her a few seconds later in a whirlpool of emotions, leaving his giggling cousins in the bedroom. He was aroused, embarrassed, humiliated and excited - all at the same time. He slipped into the bathroom and pulled down his shorts to check the damage to his stained white undies, but the damp splotch was tiny. He sat on the toilet to finish peeing anyway, taking perverse delight in peeing like a girl. David didn't bother going to his bedroom to change, and after he pulled up his shorts and underpants, he strolled outside to play, safely away from his nosy Aunt's prying eyes. He imagined the scene over and over again while he played with his peenie in bed that night. After his breathtaking climax, he vowed never to try on his cousin's clothes again. Despite many tempting opportunities, he managed to keep his promise to himself. It grew easier to resist the urge as the years passed. As Lily and Jasmine grew up, they stopped wearing the gorgeous brief party frocks he loved so much. Their wardrobes became more mature, and although they always dressed attractively, he didn't find their big-girl outfits anywhere near as appealing. When he left Aunt Betty's to attend University, the chance arose - hesitantly at first, to experiment with dresses and baby things. He stopped cutting his hair, and no one noticed - or if they did, they didn't comment. The payout from his mother's insurance was enough to pay for his Uni fees and his board and lodging - and adult disposable diapers - for three or four years, provided he wasn't too extravagant. He moved into a share house a couple of blocks off campus with two moderately- attractive girls around his own age, but he rarely saw them. They worked as barmaids four evenings a week at the local pub, and they both had boyfriends. They usually disappeared all weekend, leaving on Friday night and retuning home to change for classes on Monday morning. One of the first indulgences he allowed himself was a complete little- girl outfit. He bought the pink smock top from a second-hand shop, red- faced and sweaty when he tried to explain to the disbelieving shopgirls that it was for a fancy dress party. He tried on a variety of women's shoes, all with heels, merely to work out his correct ladies' shoe size. He left the shop with the smock top but no shoes, and he imagined he could hear the shop assistants mocking laughter all the way home. He went to the girls' department of the local department store chain and bought some cute shortie pyjama sets, in pink, yellow and lavender. He thought the shop attendants believed him when he explained he was shopping for his sister. It was the cotton pyjama tops he was after, and he discarded the matching short-shorts without even trying them on. The tops were short-sleeved and heavily flounced, and when he tried them on in the privacy of his bedroom, they didn't quite cover his little stiffie. The pink nightie was V-necked and edged with lace, the yellow one had a yoke neck and pretty blue flowers embroidered on the bodice, and the lavender nightie was round necked with a high Empire waist. He wore a diaper and a nightie to bed almost every night, so aroused and yet terrified of being caught. He bought some frilly anklet socks and one Saturday morning, he went shopping and splurged on a brand-new pair of shiny black patent Maryjanes, praying they were the right size. He didn't have the courage to try them on in the store. He was thrilled to find they were a perfect fit when he buckled them on his bedroom, minutes after arriving home. Of course the girls were absent, but he locked his bedroom door anyway, then taped a diaper around his hips and furiously masturbated. When he had accumulated a complete outfit, he disappeared into his bedroom one Saturday morning after a hurried breakfast. He knew he would be alone in the house for the whole weekend, but he locked the bedroom door behind him anyway. The front door was also locked and the security chain in place. David was taking no risks. He was terrified of being caught. He didn't know what his housemates would say if they saw him dressed and diapered like a big baby girl. He taped himself in the disposable, pulling over the top a pair of plain white plastic panties he'd bought from the same pharmacy where he discretely bought the diapers, a few suburbs away. He pulled on the frilly socks and straightened the delicate lace frills around his slender ankles, then buckled on the glossy black Maryjanes, grateful he had tiny feet like a girl. His feet looked so dainty and feminine! He was hard as a rock as he slipped the pink smock top over his head, and when he tugged it down over his shivering body, the flounced hemline barely covered the waistband of his baby panties. He checked his reflection in the narrow mirror attached to the back of his battered wardrobe door. Perfect! He snatched the pink toddler's pacifier from his bedside table and stuck the amber teat in his mouth, rubbing the tenting front of his baby panties with his other hand. David had planned on peeing in his diaper before he masturbated, but his peenie refused to go down. He desperately needed to pee! He'd drunk two litres of orange juice that morning, to make sure his bladder would be full to bursting. He wanted to play with himself while wearing a wet diaper, but he was too excited! He knew what he had to do. David threw himself down on his creaking single bed and grabbed the pink plastic bottle of baby lotion from the bedside table. He squirted a dollop on his right palm, then thrust his hand inside his diaper. It took only a couple of strokes before he was gasping around his dum-dums and writhing in ecstasy, filling his nappy with baby spunk. As his peenie shrank back to normal size he could feel his bladder trying to empty, but he found he couldn't let go lying down. He had to kneel up on the bed to pee, and the blossom of wet heat in the front of his diaper was sensational! He was so excited, his little tool began to harden even before his bladder had finished emptying. David didn't care. He poured another glob of sweet-scented baby lotion on his hand and reached into his wet nappy to play with himself again, flopping back on the bed as he gasped and grunted in excitement. He had played madly with his little clittie for most of the day while dressed as a baby girl and then, after he had cum and cum again till he was exhausted, he vowed to throw everything away in a welter of self-disgust, swearing never to do it again. Except for the shoes, of course. The cute black patent Maryjanes were expensive! Of course a month - or even a week later, he would repeat the entire sissy baby charade. The cycle of pleasure - followed by the agony of guilt, shame and self-revulsion - was repeated over and over again during his student years. In his final year at University, he purged and burned a couple of times, actually disposing of all his pretty clothes and his nappies in an effort to break the hold his weird fetish had over him. It was pointless. His guilt was slightly assuaged when one day, he was browsing in a porn shop in Soho. David found an old copy of Janus - a magazine specialising mainly in erotic spanking and other fem-dom material. Idly thumbing through the porno mag, he suddenly received an electric jolt. There on half a page was a cartoon by Rex, of a young man - a very obvious masculine man - sitting on a baby blanket surrounded by cushions, clad in a thick fluffy nappy and the most gorgeous pair of frilly baby panties! He cuddled a teddy in one arm and a tall sexy corseted woman with an hourglass figure leaned over him, about to give him a huge baby's dummy. For the first time in his life, David realised there were other adults who wanted to be sissy babies! He wasn't unique in the world with his strange taboo desires. He bought the magazine and it provided many hours of masturbatory pleasure. He made a habit of prowling the adult bookstores one day per month, searching for material to satisfy his fetish. He found issues of 'Diapered and Petticoated,' and he thought he'd died and gone to heaven! He also found some web addresses in the magazines, and he bought his first laptop. A new world opened up for him! From then on he felt much better about his secret passion, and as his skill using the internet developed, he learned so much more! However the shame of his perverted preoccupation was deep-rooted and profound, and it never left him. The final year at University was highly stressful, with assignments due every other week and exams just around the corner. Despite the promises he made to restrain himself, the craving to satisfy his perverted urges would become unbearable. He would buy a fresh package of the smallest size adult disposable diapers, and that would satisfy him - for a while. Then he would end up on Ebay at two o'clock in the morning, a little drunk or stoned, buying sissy baby panties and frilly socks. Sometimes when the parcels were delivered, when he opened them he was shocked - having no memory of ordering the sissy baby wear. Despite his vow, he would caress the slippery plastic panties and admire the delicate lace frills, feeling his clittie stiffen inside his warm damp diaper. When he graduated, David cut his hair and swore to straighten up while he searched for a job. Within weeks of starting work, he was back in diapers every night and dressing up most weekends. His courtship and marriage to Jane were part of David's desperate attempt to break away from what he thought were his terrible perverted desires. Somehow he'd never got around to buying himself a bonnet. When occasionally one of his Nannies-for-hire produced one, he always begged not to wear it. The memories were too acute, too painful. Now Jake stood in front of him holding up the two bonnets and this sun hat; a replica of the one his Mummy had made him wear to school all those years ago. And like then, he was wet. Worse - he was dirty! "Shall we try this on now, little Daphne?" Jake was grinning like a fool and talking in a treacly baby tone, as much for everyone else's benefit rather than David's. Jane intervened for a moment. "Her make-up might spoil those sweet satin ribbons. Shall I wipe it off first? If that's okay, Sheila?" "Sure!" Sheila sniggered, "His make-up has already run down his chin where he's dribbled, anyway." "She's dribbled, darling, she! Baby Daphne is a little girl, remember?" Sheila's reply was a mocking laugh. Jane grabbed a pampers wipe and cleaned up his painted face, murmuring little endearments to him. "Stay still, darling! Good girl. Mummy just needs to clean your face a little bit. Baby Daphne must look smart to try on the new bonnet Uncle Jake bought her! That's it, sweetie. Keep still. Good girl." While Jane's words cut into him, making him feel so ashamed in front of Jake, her voluptuous curves pressing against his trembling body and her maternal attention made him feel submissive and compliant. He couldn't help staring at her beautiful bobbing breasts while her sure hands tenderly wiped his face and dabbed away the humiliating make-up. He was becoming ever so babyish in the sense that he doted unthinkingly and uncritically on his Mummy, regardless of the terrible humiliations she heaped on him each day. When she finished scrubbing his face, Jane sang, "There you go, sugerplum! Now you look all smart again! Go and ask Uncle Jake to put your lovely new bonnet on you. Oh, and don't forget to curtsey!" She turned him around and gently steered him towards Jake. He could feel the silence in the room building as he confronted his wife's new lover, holding that so babyish bonnet in his large masculine hands. Hands that later tonight would be coursing freely over his wife's body, teasing her, stimulating her, lifting her to new heights of ecstasy. He dropped into a neat curtsy and as he did so, he was reminded of the cooling excrement sticking moistly to his bottom. He desperately needed a nappy change! This was not the time to rebel. He forced himself to utter some ridiculous baby talk, cringing inwardly as he did so. "Unca Jake, fank you for my wovverwy bonnet. Pweathe will you put it on for me?" He stared at the despised bonnet in Jake's hands, hardly believing this was happening to him. He sensed everyone in the room watching in fascinated silence as Jake, grinning maniacally, stepped closer, right in front of him to slowly put on his bonnet. He crouched down till his face was inches from David's, as his huge hands went round the cowering sissy's head, fussily adjusting the bonnet here and there and making it a snug fit. Jake slowly pulled the dangling pink satin ribbons tight, and then tied a big floppy bow to the left of his chin. "There you are, Daphne! Let's go and look in the mirror, shall we?" He guided David gently by the elbow to the full-length hall mirror, and stood him there so the cringing sissy could admire himself. There he stood; his heavy wet nappy drooping low in his shiny plastic panties, weighed down by the full load in the rear. Otherwise he looked every inch the perfect adult baby girl. His much-too-short frock, prettily patterned, with generous frothy petticoats cheekily peeking out below, the flounced layers falling well above the bulging crotch of his pink plastic panties; flat-heeled Maryjanes in pink patent leather, with classic white short socks with frilly lacy tops. His fresh terry dribble bib was already damp with drool, the embarrassing wet patches were clearly visible in the bright hall lights. Crowning it all was the cute baby bonnet matching his satin dress, the ribbons tied in a huge floppy feminine bow under his chin, preventing him from lowering his head in shame. It was neatly tailored to fit snugly and had a smart stiff lace- edged brim that induced memories of Beatrix Potter. His arms and legs were smooth and hairless, barely muscled and even slender, accentuating his soft almost babyish skin, brought to a gentle sheen by expensive creams. He was a total contrast to the elegant Jake, standing beside him, a good ten inches taller in smart black slacks, white business shirt open at the collar to reveal tufts of black curly chest hair, and a neat well tailored Aquascutum jacket. Daphne glanced down at Jake's shiny black, size twelve lace-up shoes. His feet were enormous! Everyone knew what they said about men with big feet? It was Jake's expression of absolute superiority which distressed David so badly as he stood there, helpless and vulnerable before his wife's lover. He was condemned to continue to act the silly baby girl, with no let up, no remission allowed. He needed a nappy change so badly! He desperately wanted to plead, "Please don't make love to her tonight? Please don't, Jake? Please leave us alone?" All that came out was "Fank you for my wuvverwy baba bonnet, Unca Jake. Me look weally pretheth in it." David toddled through the living room with Jake following him, making David acutely conscious of the obvious lump filling the seat of his plastic panties. He couldn't help fingering the massive bulge as he waddled along, amazed at its size and inadvertently drawing even more attention to his messy nappy. "I think that was worth it!" Jake announced as they walked back into the sunroom. "She certainly knows how to charge, that dressmaker of yours - but Cathy's done a great job. She's a real stickler for detail, and she was determined to get it right. My secretary Marilyn wondered who the hell she was, after all those telephone calls. Anyway, I had to send Marilyn out for the wrapping paper, and she kindly offered to wrap the panties and bonnets for me." David froze. Marilyn, his former secretary, had wrapped up his sissy baby present? The chubby blonde had seen the adult-sized plastic-lined rumba panties and those sissy baby bonnets! She would know! How could Jake have done that? David's legs wobbled like he was experiencing an emotional earthquake. He thought, 'Marilyn is a notorious gossip! It will be all over town by now! I know she keeps in touch with my old office staff, and she has friends at the company, too. Oh no!' His bottom lip quivered against the sloppy guard of his dum-dums. No! Surely Jake would have covered it up somehow. David didn't realise that Jake and Marilyn both were back at work at Helen's company. "She was quite intrigued, as you can imagine!" Jake blithely sailed on. "Marilyn couldn't stop laughing when she saw the frilly baby panties. She shrieked, 'Rumba panties! Not for David?' loud enough for the whole floor to hear. I had to beg her to keep quiet and make her promise not to tell anyone." The expression on Jake's face made it quite clear that the last thing he expected Marilyn to do was keep quiet. Wide-eyed in alarm, David looked frantically to Jane for support. His secret would be out; everyone would know he wore baby girl clothes - and more! What else had Jake said about him? Such was his desperation, he failed to notice the concerned glances Jane and her mother briefly exchanged. By telling Marilyn, Jake had gone too far. They were not ready for full disclosure about David's bizarre lifestyle. Not yet. They had fended off questions about David's absence from his few friends using various agreed-upon excuses. For general business colleagues and acquaintances, the story was he was pursuing other interests. For his limited family, it was a change of lifestyle - experimental, but working well - with a promise to reveal all in due course. Jane was always at pains to make it clear that she and David were still living together. If anyone probed about her relationship with Jake, they were merely 'good friends.' Sometimes, when Jane or Helen were pressed for the truth by an inner circle who could be trusted, the women admitted that David was having "gender issues." Jane would give them a long- suffering sigh and tell them, "He's trying to find his true self. Give him time. Please don't mention this to anyone." She occasionally emphasised that discovering his submissive feminine side had actually reinforced the bonds of their relationship, which was much better now he was tackling his problems with his sexual identity. They hadn't revealed David's fascination with being babied to many people - not yet. From the outset Jane had agreed with her mother's view; that dominating and diapering him was a better, cheaper alternative than an expensive divorce. But Jane had come to realise that the reasons she had married David in the first place, were still there. After swearing off big tough masculine lovers who tried to dominate her in and out of bed, she had found David's soft effeminate body and meek submissive manner a refreshing change - in spite of his inadequacies in the marital bed. Jane knew when she married him, that she would always be in charge. Discovering and exploiting his submissive sissy baby side had thrilled her more than she imagined possible. She saw their relationship developing in this new, utterly different way. By telling Marilyn, Jake had blown all their cover stories. It was inconceivable the busty blonde secretary wouldn't talk! The brash young woman was a walking megaphone and knew everybody in the industry. Jane threw Jake a frosty glare. "I wished you would have discussed it with me first, Jake. I think you should have been more discrete!" He shrugged his broad shoulders in a careless dismissive gesture, and she realised this wasn't the time to wrangle with the consequences. She turned to her quivering diapered sissy. "Now it's time for your punishment curtsies, Baby Daphne, for being so naughty. First you can give me one, and then I think Zoe will burst if she doesn't get one. Remember; we want to see your best efforts - or else! Nothing sloppy will be accepted. Face me first, and remember to speak up in a loud clear voice so we can all hear you." David knew that 'a loud clear voice' still meant he had to talk in his effeminate high-pitched lisp, but that was only a small part of a daily routine designed to totally humiliate him. Emma his Nanny had made him rehearse punishment curtseys time and time again in front of the mirror, endlessly refining the choreography to make them as prissy and effeminate as possible. When Emma settled on the final version, she made him repeat them till he was totally practised out. Even so, to do it correctly here in front of the whole family brought a rush of first-night nerves, as hitherto he'd only had to perform them for Nanna, Mummy and Nanny Emma. To be continued in chapter 11. Please keep posting your reviews here. They encourage me to post more chapters sooner. Baby Jennie

Same as Return To The Nursery chap. 10 Videos

3 years ago
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Return To The Nursery

Return To The Nursery by Baby Jennie (and Anonymous) This is based on a story called 'The Nursery' by an unknown author. I found it in the archives on Buffalo Betty's old site, untouched and abandoned since 2009, and decided to re-write in for my own perverted pleasure. I hope you enjoy reading it. Warning! This story contains scenes of female domination, forced infantilism, bondage and discipline, sadomasochism, public humiliation, sexual intercourse, homosexual and lesbian sex,...

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Return To The Nursery chap 18

Dear ........ Chapter 18. Hypnotised. Baby Daphne drew harder on the silicon teat, sucking down another mouthful of soothing warm milk. She wriggled on her back on the noisily crinkling mattress cover, staring at the fairy mobile twirling slowly above her head and listening vaguely to the Nursery rhymes it played. She was aware that she was wetting her nappy, but content to let the lovely warm stream flow over her tummy and dribble down between her buttocks. She loved that sweet...

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Return To The Nursery chap 2

Chapter 2. Carrots and Sticks Jane watched him from the corner of her eye while she finished dressing and getting ready. He lay writhing in shame on her bed, face flushed, not knowing where to look. He still had his dummy in his mouth and a shiny stream of drool trickled down his cheek to stain the flaps of his dribble bib. Jane reflected, 'That was a clever suggestion of mother's; making him dribble copiously whenever he uses his dummies. It adds another extra element of shame to his...

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Return to the Nursery chap 5

Dear frillibabi, Jeannie, latexslut and sissytammyjean, thank you for hose encouraging comments. And Lost Soul - if you don't like this story, STOP READING IT! I noticed you left a lot of derogatory comments on my last few postings of 'Baby Candy' too. If you don't like my writing, why do you keep reading? And if you must keep reading, stop posting your nasty comments please. Baby Jennie Chapter 5. Punishment Time. Mummy walked Daphne back into the lounge, holding her hand and...

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Return To The Nursery chap 4

Chapter 4. Nanna In Charge Sheila crowded close to David as these thoughts rushed through his head, making him feel doubly awkward about his baby ways. "Come on, baby girl," the tall blonde crooned, taking one of his trembling hands in her much larger one. "Let's show you off to Simon. He's only seen the photos so far." David jerked in fear, thinking, 'Mummy has been showing off my baby photos? Oh no!' Oblivious to his rising panic, Sheila sang, "I'm sure he wants to see how pretty you...

2 years ago
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Return To The Nursery chap 12

Dear Tammyjean, Jeannie, Annie and Katie, thank you all for those encouraging responses. I hope you enjoy the next interlude. Baby Jennie Chapter 12. Baby Daphne's Clittie-Cage Finally his ordeal was over. Mummy led him out of the room to take him to the Nursery to change his messy nappy at last. It was so demeaning, performing his curtseys in a stinky nappy in front of the family and Jake, knowing that he couldn't ask for a change. He certainly couldn't go and change himself....

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Return To The Nursery chap8

Dear tammyjean, Nicola, babyfelicia, baby pansy and Katie, thank you for all those encouraging reviews. Candy Sissiboi, I love that you tell me which part you found most inspiring/exciting, and I'll try to add more scenes like that in future. Hugs from Baby Jennie Chapter 8. Crib time After the girls asked for permission to leave the table, Zoe started to nag her mother about some make-up game she wanted to play this afternoon. When Sheila shook her head the three-year-old...

1 year ago
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Return To The Nursery chap 15

Dear Daddy Mike, thank you for that lovely compliment. Thank you too, Kevin, baby Tammy, Katie and Petal. Deewet? I hope your muse returns soon. Get back to that keyboard, little girl! Jeannie, you'll have to keep reading. Sorry for the gap between posts, everyone, but I had to move house. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Baby Jennie Chapter 15. Letters and Phone Calls David stared at the blank sheet of paper as tears of shame welled in his eyes. Write to Jake? Create...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 4

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 4 Normally the security office was a quiet place. The security here at BB's was a mix of retired senior agents from the agency and some current agents that were between assignments. BB's was considered a prime place for retired agents to pad the government's less than stellar retirement plan. You did not even know BB's existed or were allowed to work at BB's without Mr. Gray's approval. Today however, the place was filled with giggling nannies and only...

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A Nursery Affair

At 11:33 p.m., the Blue Line Coach from the city crawled into the bus terminal at Mount Ellen. It slunk between two other dark and silent coaches, and came to a stop. The driver switched off the engine, which seemed to give a weary sigh as it died at the end of its ten-hour journey A handful of yawning passengers alighted and stood around waiting for the luggage compartment to be opened. The driver unceremoniously hauled out the various items of luggage, dumping them on the concrete floor of...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 7

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 7 James sat at his desk and stared at the drawer. His princess toy was in there. Janice really wanted to brush her hair. She just knew Princess Ruby's long red hair was all messy from being in her coat pocket. She could wear her pretty little crown and they could talk about how much fun they had at lunch. Once everyone has left for the day she thought. James and the team has submitted the plans for review and he had sent them home early in thanks for...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 6

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 6 April decided it was time for lunch. Her schedule was flexible and she had the sudden desire to surprise James and sneak up on him at his lunch. James hardly ever took a lunch to work. She knew he looked at lunches as an excuse to escape the office and the inherent stress. She pulled up her family app on her phone and was soon able to find the location of James phone. Perfect timing he was on the move. When she got to her car she noticed he was...

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Return To The Nursery chap 17

Dear Sissymissy, Sissy Jeannie and sissy baby Tammy, thank you for those lovely reviews. Thanks girls! One of the reasons I write erotic sissy-baby fiction is to help naughty little sissies like you girls to make sissy squirties in their nappies. I'm pleased to hear I was successful! I hope the next chapter helps you all make even more messes! And the 'potty-training' session is coming soon. I promise! And Anon - one of the joys of being an author is to give hints of what might happen,...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 5

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Return To The Nursery chap 21

Dear everyone.... WOW! Thank you for all those lovely reviews! I'm overwhelmed that so many of you took a few minutes to let me now what you think of my little story. And let me tell you, I read your suggestions with interest - sometimes including my fans' ideas into my naughty narrative. WARNING! This chapter contains forced pee-drinking scenes and threats of worse! If these things might offend your delicate sensibilities, please stop reading now. Otherwise, read on, dear reader....

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 3

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 3 Mrs. Nelson, Head Mistress Rose Valentine, Judge Marion Sanderson and Mr. Gray were on a group call in the BB's conference room. Edna and Rose were in person, Marion's screen showed her home office and as always Mr. Grays screen was blank. Mrs. Nelson was wrapping up the discussion "So we are agreed with how we handle Janice's wife?" There were nods and a sigh from Judge Marion. Mr. Gray was, as always, just an observer. He almost never spoke up...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 1

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The cuckold nursery

her soft David woke with a start, heart pounding, sweat on his chest and face. He opened his eyes at last, a quick glance showed the familiar cot bars and the pink glow of sunlight through the nursery curtains. Relief flooded through him, it was only a dream, the same dream, a frightening dream, and a visit to his past life.Shifting slowly in his cot the dream faded, it was alright he had just wet his nappy in his sleep. He was safe in his cot; the golf club was a distant memory not to be seen...

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Return To The Nursery chap 14

Dear Baby Tammy, Carla, Sissy Katie and Suejrz, thank you for those lovely reviews, and I've taken your suggestions on board. Lost Soul - if you don't like this story, STOP READING IT! I can't believe someone would bother reading over 200 pages of a story they didn't like, just to keep criticising it. If your criticism had literary merit, I would take it on board. But you keep objecting to the basic storyline of this fem- dom sissy-baby fantasy. There are hundreds of other stories on this...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 2

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Return To The Nursery chap 20

Dear Krystalasbaby, Jane Hudson, Sissy Katie, Sissymart and Kitty Poodle, thank you for those lovely reviews. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. BJ Chapter 20. Baby Under Control The next morning when Jane unpinned Daphne's saturated night nappies, she was prepared. She slowly lowered the sodden front flap, took a quick peek, then hastily covered her little girl's spurting clittie. Jane gave her embarrassed baby girl a smile of long-suffering and shook her head in apparent...

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Nursery nurse turned sex slave

A few years back my baby daughter started at day nursery. Over the first few weeks you start to get to know the staff, particularly those who were caring for her. Each c***d is assigned a key care worker and your point of contact. Most of the girls there are in their late teens early 20's and all shapes and sizes. Our key worker Jessica was a large girl with very large breasts, certainly from day one the thought of a tit fuck had crossed my mind. The weeks had turned to months, and you have...

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Return To The Nursery chap 11

Dear Katie, maidmary, Tammy jean, babymanda, sissy pansy and sissy jeannie, thank you for all your supportive comments. I'm glad you're enjoying this naughty tale, and I hope you enjoy the latest excerpt. Baby Jennie. Chapter 11. Emma the Nanny Emma had been a lucky find for Jane. An impoverished first-year Psyche student and a natural dominant, the slender eighteen-year-old ex- basketball star needed money to pay her University fees. An ankle injury involving torn ligaments ended...

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Return To The Nursery chap7

Dear Jeannie, babyswallow, missy, Katie,Amanda, sissy jeannie, Cindy, dickie boy, suejrz, and sissytammyjean - and especially you, Candy Sissiboi - thank you for all those encouraging comments! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a review. I hope you enjoy the next instalment. Chapter 7. Baby Daphne's First Caning. WHICK! WHICK! The first two blows fell swiftly, fine lines of fire cutting across both buttocks. They were almost bearable. WHICK! The third slash produced...

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Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes

FAIRY TALES AND NURSERY RHYMES My name is Colin. I am a single man and, as I have to travel around the country in connection with my work, I seize any opportunity I can to explore local nightlife. On the occasion about which I am writing I was working in Birmingham. It was a substantial project and it looked as though I was going to be staying in Birmingham for at least three weeks. I was delighted to be staying put for a decent amount of time as this would enable me to really get...

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Chapter 22 Aunty Amandas Nursery

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I have my first tantrum today. Never in my forty years of life have I had one before. The cascade of relief was exhilarating from letting myself go--crying, screaming really, pounding, stamping, and a good bit of incoherent shouting. And even with the consequences, I can see myself needing to release in this way again.Needless to say, my Daddy is not pleased.It has been a couple of weeks since my birthday, and from the wonder of it, I have been your good girl for days now. I have only had one...

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Nursery Crime

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Billy Had a Little Lamb Nursery Rhymes Were Never Like This

She looked so amazing, I had to do a double take, was it really her? They had dyed her hair a deep scarlet, and pinned it up, exposing her curved neck with long loose ringlets falling from her temples, perfectly framing her face. She looked sexy, sultry. She was heavily made up, thick red lipstick and large dark eyes, half closed, she looked like a goddess! She wore a long white gown, which emphasised her gorgeous curves, split high at the sides, exposing white stockings as she was led before...

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Return To The Nursery chap 16

Dear sissybabytammy, Eugene, Rachel Belle, sissy jeannie, Victoria, sissy missy and Sissy Katie, thank you all so much for those lovely reviews! I really appreciate you taking the time to post your glowing responses. Please keep letting me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter in Baby Daphne's 'downfall.' Baby Jennie Chapter 16. A Visit to the Salon. Yesterday had been the first time he'd been dragged outside dressed like a big baby girl. This felt worse...

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Return To The Nursery chap 6

Chapter 6. Mummy Takes Charge. David half-listened to his wife tell the familiar humiliating story. He remembered that fateful day when he boarded the plane at Kennedy airport. Jane had texted him as he found his seat to settle into some British Airways Business Class comfort for the overnight flight home. She told him she had cancelled his prearranged taxi and would be meeting him at the airport herself. He was both surprised and pleased by his wife's unexpected thoughtfulness - and a...

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Nursery Crime

An Adult Female Domination Tale By Miss Irene Clearmont ------------------------------- There was a little nurse who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead; When she was good, she was so very, very good, And when she was bad she was more than horrid. ------------------------------- Copyright © Miss Irene Clearmont 2012 (Sept). ------------------------------- Find the PDF version of this story...

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Jack and Jill A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

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Jack and Jill A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

4 years ago
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Return To The Nursery chap 3

Chapter 3. A Day at Nanna's Jane and Baby Daphne soon arrived at Nanna's house in the upmarket part of town. A short paved circular driveway led to the front door of an imposing two-storey residence which breathed money and influence. It was a rambling six-bedroom home with three bathrooms, two separate entertaining areas, and a vast back yard. David spied Simon's black BMW parked in the drive and immediately started to panic. "Oh no! No! Is Thimon here, Mummy?" "The whole family is...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Customized Jeans the assless chaps

I had just finished masturbating to a video of a hot guy in ass-less chaps dancing shaking his for tan buttocks watching his clean shaven cock bounce around freely. I wiped the cum off my body, desk area, and computer screen and decided to take a shower to wash myself. As I rubbed the bar of soap over my chest, I thought about the chaps. I knew full well that I couldn't afford a pair of leather chaps on my limited college budget. So I decided on make some alterations to an old pair of jeans. I...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

2 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

2 years ago
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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

1 year ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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A lady in chaps

I had recently moved to a fairly large Western city, where I was delighted and surprised to learn that there lived a lot of cowboys. Men in tight jeans and thick leather boots, smelling of the outdoors and the sweat it produces. I was giddy to meet a few of them, so I signed up at the gym near my apartment complex, and it wasn't more than a couple weeks before I had a few "friends." In particular, one group of eager young men -- some older, some a little younger -- than me, who were all already...

Quickie Sex
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

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