Kelly's Story A Whately Tale. Part 1 free porn video

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While aiding Branek with editing his own story, Melvin a Whateley Tale. We came up with the idea to join forces so to speak and collaborate with each other to create two stories that take place with some of the same characters during the same time lines. So here is the first part of my side of the collaboration. Chapter 1 Jake and Mark accompanied Kelly down the sidewalk as they left the small pub. Kelly only lived a few blocks away so he always walked. Both Jake and Mark had begun parking in the same general direction many years ago, not long after they had started their monthly ritual of meeting up at the small pub. Doing so gave them a bit more time to talk about their past and how each other were doing in the present. Their pace was slow and lazy, mostly for the comfort of Jake, who had over the years let himself go quite a bit. While being the oldest of the group, he looked younger than either Mark or Kelly, had it not been for how obese he had become he would easily be the best looking of the group, with his dark hair and silver sideburns. His desk job had not been kind to him although it had made him and his family quite well off financially. Mark, two years younger, looked ten years older than Jake. As Mark's hair diminished he began parting it lower on the side while his barber left that part long enough to go across his bare scalp to provide a thin covering of hair. Kelly had joked that I Mark continued to part his hair lower and lower, he would eventually be parting it at his ass. Mark had not stayed in great shape, but he wasn't that far out of shape either. Kelly, the youngest of the group, almost five years younger than Mark, was almost as fit now at 48 years old as he was when the three were in the military. Standing exactly six feet tall, he was no body builder, but his muscles were like steel cables and his body had no fat. One room of Kelly's three bedroom bungalow was devoted to his exercise equipment. While he did not have allot of different machines, he had three that he could use in various combinations that could provide him with a daily work out that rivaled what he could have done at a gym. "So you're gonna come over tomorrow for dinner, right?" Jake looked over at Kelly. Kelly sighed. "Marie is gonna set me up with another one of her friends isn't she?" Jake and Mark chuckled, Jake's wife, Marie had been trying to play matchmaker for Kelly for several years now. She told Kelly constantly that he needed a good Greek wife to cook for him and put some meat on his bones. From the way she talked one would swear Kelly would never eat anything unless she forced him over to their home for dinner. Marie had a heart of gold and treated Kelly like one of the family even introducing him as her adopted younger brother. Kelly thought about the possibility of not showing up. He knew Marie meant well and only wished him happiness in life, but he knew what would happen if he failed to show up tomorrow. "I know that look on your face," Jake grinned. "You know if you try to skip out on us tomorrow Marie will send the kids on a snatch and grab mission." All three men laughed, Kelly remembered the first time he tried to skip out on one of Marie's invitations. Their daughter Kelly, who they had named after him, had knocked on Kelly's door. Little Kelly was only fifteen at the time and her bicycle tire had gone flat and needed a ride home. Later he had found out that Marie had dropped her daughter off around the corner from his house with the bicycle and its pre-flattened tire. For him at least, an invitation from Marie was an order that he knew better to refuse. "Yea I'll be there," Kelly smiled. "Any idea who she's trying to set me up with this time?" Jake gave Kelly an inquisitive look. "Since when has that woman ever leaked that kind of information to me?" Arriving at the street corner, even though there was not much traffic, Jake pressed the button that would eventually turn the red, 'Don't walk,' sign that faced them from the opposite side of the street to green, 'Walk.' Mark was watching the few cars pass and was considering going ahead and walking across, while Kelly stood patiently beside Jake, looking around. "What's going on over there?" Kelly saw a group of young men grouped up around the bus stop not one hundred feet away on the same side of the street they were on. By the clothing they wore and their haircuts the group did not appear to be the type you would want to meet on a dark street. "Please, take what you want." They could barely hear the cry of a girl come from the group. "Just don't hurt me!" Kelly immediately began walking quickly in that direction, followed by Mark with Jake in the rear trying to keep up with his friends. "HEY!" Kelly yelled after closing half the distance to the group. One of the young men, dressed in a black leather jacket, jeans and boots, all of which were adorned with several chains of various lengths and sizes turned to face Kelly. The punks head shaved except for his long orange Mohawk. "What do you want grandpa?" the punk spat at the approaching men. Why is it the old fucks think they can fuck him me!, He thought to himself as he watched the old man walk toward him and his gang, Fucking old bastards! Anyone else would have looked the other way and walked away, but not this old fuck! We're gonna have to kill the fucking fucks too! Can't leave somebody around that knows they grabbed the girl. Fucking old timers, He could be getting his dick wet by now if they hadn't come along! "I want to know what is going on here, that's what I want," Kelly said forcefully as he continued to close the distance to the group. "What's with you old farts, you think because your old we won't kick your ass?" The punk's yellow teeth showed through his grin. "Walk way now and we won't have to hurt you gramps!" Kelly could see the girl being held up against the Plexiglas wall of the bus stop by two of the punks and recognized her as one of the waitresses form the bar they had been in for the past couple hours. She had not waited on their table, but waited on tables nearby so he had seen her walking around often. His eyes met hers and he could see the abject fear in her eyes. "Give the girl back her things and let her go." "You didn't say please," Mohawk taunted. "Please." Kelly smiled at him. "Fuck you!" Mohawk shouted as the gang of street thugs began laughing. Kelly stopped five feet away from Mohawk. "I have asked you politely to let her go." "Yea?" Mohawk chuckled. "What you gonna do if we don't? There is only three of you old fucks and seven of us!" "Ahh hell boy." Mark chuckled, the motioned at himself and Jake. "We're just going to watch." Knowing that a snowball stood a better chance in hell then this gang of punks stood against Kelly. "No way I'm getting in the way," Jake chuckled, thinking that this would be very educational to the street thugs. "That would piss Kelly off." "Man I am tired of this shit." Mohawk pulled a butterfly knife from his back pocket then spun it around in a flashy way of opening it, then pointed it at Kelly. "Get outta here or get cut old man!" "Oh no, He's got a knife!" Jake said in a terrible impersonation of a frightened girl putting the palms of his hands on each side of his face. Mark shook his head at Jake's display, what is Jake thinking! That is only going to egg that stupid kid on more! The idiot with the bad haircut is going to have to attack Kelly or lose face in front of his friends. Peering over at Jake seeing the smirk on his face, You slick jackass, that is exactly what you want. "Kelly go easy on the kid!" "Yea he can't help it that he's that stupid." Jake continued to taunt Mohawk. Pointing the knife at Jake. "Shut up old man, I ain't stupid!" "Okay but I was afraid if I called you a buffoon you would think I was calling you a monkey." Jake laughed. "And I ain't no fucking monkey!" shaking the knife at Jake. Ignoring the punk and his knife Jake turned his head to Mark. "See what I mean, today's education system is terrible!" "You'll never cut anyone holding that itty bitty pig sticker that way!" Kelly got the punk's attention back to himself. "Please help me!" the girl screamed. A taller punk with dreadlocks backhanded her. "Crap!" Mark muttered. "Strike one!" Jake grinned evilly and turned to Mark. "Or was that strike two since dumb-ass already pulled a knife on Kelly?" "I told you to shut up!" Mohawk yelled. "I told you to let the girl go!" Anger was beginning to show in Kelly's voice. Kelly turned his head behind him where Jake and Mark stood. "And that's enough from the peanut gallery!" What a fucking moron! Mohawk thought as he saw the old man turn away from him. An opportunity like this almost never happens to me! This mother fucker is dead meat! What a night this is turning out to be, we sold all the drugs at a really cool profit, found us a slut that is gonna give us all a good fucking and I'm gonna gut this old fuck! Mohawk thought as he lunged with his knife at Kelly. Cool the other two are stepping back, they are afraid of me! Mark and Jake watched the punk lunge at Kelly with the knife and took a few steps back to give Kelly some room, neither wanting to be in the way of whatever Kelly had planned. They knew Kelly had planned something or else he would not have giving the punk such an open invitation to attack. Their best bet was to get out of the way and pray Kelly didn't kill any of them. Mohawk saw the old man's hand move and wrap around the wrist he held the knife in, suddenly Mohawk could not feel his hand. "Argggh!" He screamed as searing pain ran up his arm to his shoulder. He never felt his knife fall out of his hand into Kelly's other hand, as the old man pulled him around in a circle around the old man until he was let go and stumbled back several steps before regaining his balance. Mohawk stood there for a moment shaking his hand trying to get the feeling back into it. "Like I said-" Kelly spun the knife around in his hand in the same practiced maneuver that Mohawk had opened it with, this time closing the butterfly knife. "You will never cut anyone holding a knife like that." Spinning the knife in his hand once again causing it to open with the knife blade pointing out of the bottom of his hand. Pulling the knife's blade close to his forearm Kelly made a few slashing strokes with his arm. "Like this!" He demonstrated. "And you can stab with more power like this," Kelly allowed the knife blade to move away from his forearm as his arm moved in a downward thrust. Spinning the butterfly knife once against closed Kelly tossed it back to Mohawk. Several of Mohawk's gang has come up while Kelly was demonstrating the proper way to hold a knife in a fight, leaving only two of the gang holding the girl from running away. Another was holding a bowie style knife and yet another had a length of chain in his hand that draped close to the ground. "GET 'EM!" Mohawk shouted. Mark watched from what he thought would be a safe distance, leaning up against a car that was parked along the street behind him. Kelly's stood his ground, not in any fighting stance but almost as if he was bored as he group of street punks began to from a circle around him, gathering up their courage to attack. Leaning over to Jake. "Think we should warn them?" "Naw," Jake shook his head, then pointed to the gang surrounding Kelly. "Look how those two are holding their pig stickers." Noticing that Mohawk and the other punk that had a knife were still holding their knifes the way Kelly had showed them not to. "Guess you're right. Think we should help?" Jake smiled then looked over at the group of punks circling their friend. "If you coordinate your attack, you may get lucky!" "Yea!" Mark yelled at the punks. "Everyone should attack at once!" "Who's side are you two on?" Kelly laughed. "You're of course." Jake grinned. "but it looked like you were getting bored standing there, we thought giving them some tips may make it more interesting for you!" "I told you to shut the fuck up old man!" Mohawk screamed, pointing the knife at Jake. "Yep really stupid," Mark leaned over and said quietly to Jake, "threatening a man with a knife that obviously has a gun on him." "Oh?" one corner of Jakes mouth curled upward. "How is it obvious?" "Oh please!" Mark chuckled. "The old fat guy is not afraid of the punk with a knife. Give me a break!" Mark smiled at Jake. "By the way, great job whoever does your tailoring, you almost cannot see that little extra bulge under your left arm." "His name is Alexander." Jake smiled, completely ignoring the impeding fight that was taking place in front of them. "He does do great work doesn't he? I've been getting all my suits from him for a bit over three years now." Reaching into his inside jacket pocket Jake produced his wallet. "I have his card here somewhere." He began digging through his wallet looking for the card. "He's a little light in the loafers, if you catch my drift, but an excellent tailor.? Mark nodded toward Kelly and the street gang. ?Shows starting.? ?Ah crap.? Jake closed his wallet and put it away. ?I?ll find it later.? The punk with the bowie knife stepped in toward Kelly from behind. The one swinging the length of chain saw this as his opportunity and stepped closer while bringing the chain up over his head at Kelly. Kelly spun, grabbing the knife hand of the first attacker pulling the knife wielder into the path of the oncoming chain. The chain connected with knife wielders shoulder with a loud crack as the force of the impact broke his collar bone. Releasing the punk as he dropped the knife, Kelly continued to spin bringing up his foot to catch the chain swinging punk in the knee of the leg he had his weight on. The steel toe of Kelly?s boot made contact with a loud popping noise as the punk?s knee bent at an unusual angle. The chain swinging punk went down screaming in pain. Another loud crunching sound followed by yet another of the attackers falling down screaming in pain as Kelly changed his stance and brought his other foot up to connect with yet another attacker?s jaw. That?s not like Kelly at all? Jake thought to himself as he saw the high placed kick connect with the attackers jaw. How many times has he told the rest of us that kicks above the waist are not only showy, but take more energy and time than lower placed kicks that are more debilitating not to mention using them telegraphs your intentions. ?Show off!? Jake chuckled at the melee that was taking place in front of him. Mohawk stepped in pointing the knife at Kelly?s gut. Kelly sun out of the way while deflecting the knife arm to his side, at the same time grabbing Mohawk?s wrist and twisting his arm so that the back of his elbow was pointing straight up. Kelly?s free arm came down in Mohawk?s elbow at the same time that Kelly dropped to one knee. Another loud crack was heard as Mohawk?s arm bent back in a way the human body was not meant to bend. The last one of the punks stepped and attempted to kick Kelly in the face while he was down on the one knee. Ducking his head out of the way of the incoming foot, Kelly grabbed the punk by the heel of the boot her was wearing, while Kelly stood up quickly causing the punk to lose his balance. Holding on to the punk?s foot Kelly raised his hand up over his head as he stood, causing the punk to rise up off the ground and swing like a pendulum, head down past Kelly with the punks pivot point being his foot in Kelly?s hand. The energy of movement transferring to the punks swing, Kelly let go and the punk sailed toward Jake and Mark. ?Hey!? Mark yelled as he jumped out of the way. ?You asshole! You did that on purpose!? The punk hit head first in the fender of the car Mark had been leaning against, putting a large dent in the fender and knocking the punk out cold. Kelly grinned evilly at Mark, then turned toward the last of the attackers. One of the two punks still holding the girl let go and took a few steps toward Kelly before taking a martial arts style fighting stance. This punk ran through a few katas while slowly advancing toward Kelly. Raising his hands in a classic boxing pose, Kelly kicked the punk in the crotch. ?Think we should have warned Bruce Lee that Kelly had a black belt in steel toe boot?? Jake chuckled. ?Ain?t no such thing as black belt in steel toe!? Mark teased. ?Kelly?s got one!? Jake laughed. ?Mmmm.? Mark spoke in a bad oriental accent. ?My steel toe is greater than your kung Fu!? and began laughing along with Jake. Kelly walked over to where the last street punk held the girl, a knife to her throat. ?Come any closer man and I?ll Cut her throat!? Kelly reached behind his back under his jacket producing a very long knife with a blade that had to be over a foot long. Shaped almost like an elongated spear tip, wide at the base it?s straight sides tapering down to a point at the end, the knife glistened as the light reflected off it from the street lights above. ?Apparently you have not been paying attention to tonight?s lesson son.? The punk looked at the knife the old man was holding, then over at his friends lying on the ground, those that were not unconscious moaning in pain. And the man did all that before pulling the knife! Dropping the knife, he let go of the girl and ran in the opposite direction. Chapter 2 Bizsnatch, or Biz and the gang called him, for once was glad that they had left him to hold the bitch as he watched the old man rip through the guys like they were nothing. Sufu will take care of the old fuck, Biz thought as he watched his buddy go through his warm up before facing off with the old fuck. Everyone was afraid of Sufu, he had moves that would make Bruce Lee run home. Biz watched as the old man put up his fists like boxers did in those old movies Biz sometimes watched and kicked Sufu so hard in the balls he lifted Sufu off the ground. The old man then turned to Biz and said something, but Biz was so close to pissing himself he did not hear a word the old man said. Dropping the knife Biz turned and ran as fast as he could, not stopping until he had darted into an alley down the street. From the cover of the alley Biz watched as the three old guys helped the girl to sit down. He continued watching as the cops arrived and then the ambulances that came and carted off his friends, hiding in a dumpster nearby in the alley as the cops searched for him before leaving the old guys and the girl. The old men waited with the girl until the bus arrived that she got on to go home, then they crossed the street and continued walking. Biz made his way across the street without being seen by the old guys and followed them down the street where both the men who had watched the fighting got into two different cars and drove off. The last old guy walked half a block further before going up to a house unlocking the door and going inside. Biz made a note of the address then left to go find Bossman. Biz had no idea what the man?s real name was, as Jason, their leader always called him Bossman. Bossman would want to know about this old fuck and what he did to the crew. Bossman would not be happy since Jason was grabbed with all the money, but it would be better for Biz to be the one to tell Bossman the news, rather than him hearing it from someone else. He?d have to snatch a phone from somewhere but snatching things was what he was best at. A phone at this time of night was another story, not allot of people out in the area, but he wasn?t far from the district, the bars didn?t close there until three in the morning. And it being a Friday night there was sure to be allot of people, half-drunk people that would not realize their phone missing till sometime tomorrow and then probably think they left it at the bar. Chapter 3 Kelly finished lacing up and tying his boots, checked the front door to make sure it was locked and was heading toward the back door when the doorbell rang. Turning around retracing his steps he opened the front door to find Jake?s daughter Kelly standing there. Kelly Anne Kontos was Jake and Marie?s oldest child at twenty-two years old. Kelly Anne had been named in honor of Kelly. ?Hi Kay,? Kelly said when he saw the young woman standing on his front stoop. ?Shouldn?t you be at college?? ?It?s the weekend Uncle Kel!? She grinned up at Kelly after looking down and seeing that he was wearing his old combat boots. ?And mom asked me to stop by and make sure you didn?t forget and wear combat boots to dinner tonight.? Looking down at the worn boots on his feet. ?These are comfortable.? ?And those pants with that shirt?? The girl looked up at him. ?What?? Kelly held out his arms looking down at how he was dressed. ?I think if it wasn?t for women you men would still be hanging from trees. Let?s go find some decent clothes for you to wear.? The girl stepped under Kelly?s arm entering the house and proceeded down the short hall into Kelly?s room, not bothering to see if Kelly followed her. ?This is the way I always dress!? Kelly protested, then sighed before closing the door and following the girl. Biz put down the binoculars he has snatched from the store earlier and wrote down the license plate number of the car that the hot girl had drove to the old guy?s house. Wouldn?t mind getting into her pants, Biz thought, then realized the old guy was probably her dad, After the Bossman gets done with him, she won?t have his ass around to protect her. Biz wondered what Bossman had planned for the old fart. He had been very pissed at his crew until he realized that this old guy was someone he had been looking for. Bossman then got all excited and ordered Biz to watch his house, which is why Biz was sitting on a bench in the park just up the street from the guy?s house watching it. And he would sit watching the old dude as long as Bossman told him to because he knew too well what crossing the Bossman would mean. Even the police outside his crew?s hospital rooms had not stopped the Bosman?s men from making sure they would never talk to the cops. Biz missed the guys, but he knew they had fucked up big time. The Bossman could be your best friend or your worst night mare, right now he was happy with Biz at finding this old guy and even told Biz that once the old guy was taken care of Biz could have his own crew. About fifteen minutes after the girl went in, the old guy and the girl came out and got in the girl?s car and left. Writing down the time the two left, Biz picked up the book Bossman had given him to read. Looking at the cover. ?Sun Tzu: The Art of War.? Biz was curious why Bossman would give him such a book, but had told him that if he wanted to work continue working for him, he would read it. And that the book would also explain how the old man had beaten his crew so easily. Biz wasn?t a big fan of reading, but if this book could tell him how to fight like that old man did he would read it as many times as it took. Biz shuddered at the memory of that fight then opened the book. Several days later Biz was standing in front of a large desk in an office of a warehouse owned by Bossman. ?So, son can you tell me what your old crew did wrong against the old man?? A slightly pudgy man sitting behind the cluttered desk asked. ?We, we underestimated him sir.? Biz was shaking in fear knowing the Bossman was testing him to find out if he had read the book. ?Can you explain how that happened?? The man leaned back in his chair. ?He, he appeared like any other old man.? Biz tried to remember specifics of what he had read. ?He acted weak when he was really strong.? Biz sighed in relief knowing he may not have gotten the words from the book exactly right but he was close. ?That?s right!? Bossman?s face showed no emotion. ?Appear weak when you are strong, and appear strong when you are weak! He did not appear to be a threat to the group of you. What else did he do?? ?He got Jason really mad, then acted like he wasn?t paying attention.? ?Correct, he deceived you, he lied by acting like he was not paying attention after making everyone mad enough to attack him. To the cops and anyone else watching, he was defending himself against a much larger number of attackers. He had won the fight before it began!? Bossman leaned forward placing his arms on the heavy desk. ?Do you understand what that means?? Biz shook his head. ?Son that means that win or lose your crew would have gone to jail. Had you been able to take him down, the cops would be hot on your ass for attacking the old man. This guy knows what he?s doing and fights too damn well to be some Joe Blow off the street,? Bossman stated. ?I want you to continue watching his place for now.? Reaching for a book on his desk Bossman tossed it across where it landed on the other side of the large desk. ?Read this while you do that. I?ve got some people working on just who this fucker is.? Biz picked up the book looking at the title. ?Private Investigation 101.? Before placing it in his messenger bag. Chapter 4 As Kelly became more and more of an unofficial family member at Jake?s house and their little girl grew older Everyone had taken to using shortened names to distinguish between the two. Kay for their daughter and Kel for Kelly. Following Kay into the house Kelly saw Jake and their son Mike sitting on the couch watching a soccer game on TV. From the kitchen they heard the familiar voice of Marie, Jake?s wife. ?Kelly is that you? Get in here I have someone I want you to meet.? Crap, she?s using my whole name. Kelly sighed, That means she does have some woman she is trying to set me up with. Wonder who it is this time? She has got to be running out of cousins by now! Giving Kay a gently shove Kelly said in a low voice, ?Your mom wants you.? Kay giggled. ?Not going to work Uncle Kel, we both know she?s talking to you.? Stepping behind Kelly she began pushing him across the living room through the arched doorway into the kitchen. ?Hello Kelly.? Marie cocked her head looking behind him at her eldest daughter. ?I?m glad you could make it tonight, This is Helen.? Marie motioned to the only other person in the kitchen. ?Helen is my aunt?s husband?s brother?s daughter.? I swear Marie must be related to the entire state of Florida! Kelly thought. The woman was standing at the counter preparing some food. The first thing Kelly noticed was that Helen had long black hair cascading down her back past her waist. Unlike many of the women that Marie tried to set Kelly up with, Helen was a true beauty, standing there in a flowered green dress that complimented her well maintained hour glass figure. Her facial features were soft but indisputably Mediterranean. ?Uh, hello Helen,? Kelly ?Geia sas Kelly,? Helen smiled. ?Helen recently moved to Tarpon Springs with her parents, She?s originally from Chicago.? Marie continued spinning her web. ?She could use a good honest man to show her around.? Looking over at Helen. ?Kelly is like a little brother to me, he owns his own auto repair shop in St. Petersburg. He?s very good with fixing things, without him around I don?t think anything around this house would work.? ?You are good with your hands?? Helen looked timidly over at Kelly. ?He can fix almost anything,? Marie replied before Kelly could say anything. ?Although he is a terrible cook. He would never get a decent meal if not for his visits to our home.? Helen?s eyes seemed to light up hearing this statement. ?Marie is a great cook, I have found it impossible to refuse her invitations.? Kelly grinned at Marie. ?Maybe I could cook for you one day?? Helen blushed, her voice not much more than a whisper. I can?t believe I just said that! He is going to think me too bold or pushy. Why am I so worried about what he thinks, I have made my life fine up till now without a man? Mamma and Poppa don?t like the fact that I am over forty without a husband, but that is because they think I need a man to take care of me, I can take care of myself. But this man is very handsome and there is something about him that makes me feel like a little school girl around him. Did she just offer to cook a private meal for me? Kelly was slightly shaken at what Helen had said, In the American Greek culture a woman offering to cook privately for a man meant allot more than it did in normal circles in America. It meant that she wanted to show him her skills at taking care of the household, preparing dinner. Kelly loved Greek food, but would she be insulted if I did what I thought the right thing to do and ask her out to lunch first? Damn! being around women is worse than trying to walk through a mine field blindfolded! Crap I need to say something before she thinks I?m insulted or something! ?I think I would like that.? Kelly smiled over at Helen. Both Marie and Helen smiled back. ?Maybe you could take Helen on a drive tomorrow.? Marie led the conversation. ?Show Helen around Tampa and St. Petersburg.? Looking again at Helen. ?And take her to the beach, the beaches they have in Chicago are nothing compared to the ones we have here!? Excitement was evident in Helen?s eyes at hearing Marie say this. ?I could make a lunch to bring with us.? Helen smiled warmly at Kelly. ?Do you like gyros?? ?Helen makes a wonderful Tzatziki sauce!? Marie quickly added. ?She has made the Tzatziki that we will be using on the Souvlaki tonight.? ?There isn?t much Greek food I don?t like.? Kelly smiled. ?And gyros are one of my favorite sandwiches.? Thinking about what they could do tomorrow, Kelly asked Helen. ?Do you like to swim?? ?I love the water!? Helen perked up. ?It?s one of the reasons I agreed to move down here with my parents.? ?We could hit Clearwater beach,? Kelly suggested. ?It?s a great place to swim and there is live bands in the evening.? Later with everyone in the back yard, while Jake manned the grill cooking the skewered Souvlaki for everyone. The women set out the sides they had prepared on the wooden picnic table that sat in the yard. Helen saw the boat dock at the end of their property and two rather large boats tied to it along with a couple smaller boats and several jet skis. ?Those are very nice boats you have Marie.? ?Thank you, we really enjoy getting away on the yacht when we have time.? ?It must be really nice to have a sail boat that you can take off on whenever you wish.? ?Oh the sailboat is Kelly?s, the other one is ours,? Marie informed. ?We talked Kelly into docking it here since it seemed he never went out on it without stopping by here first anyway.? Seeing how Helen continued looking at the sailboat. ?Do you like to sail?? ?I?ve only done it a couple times and it was on a much smaller boat,? Helen replied. ?I?ve got an idea.? Marie grinned at Helen before turning to where Kelly stood with Jake at the grill. ?Kelly, Helen tells me she loves sailing.? ?You best get over there,? Jake said low enough so that only Kelly could hear him. ?She?s got one of her arrows aimed right at your heart now.? Jake chuckled knowing how much Kelly loved sailing himself. As Kelly walked over to the two women Marie continued. ?I thought since the both of you love sailing so much, instead of driving around in Sunday traffic you should take Helen sailing. You could see all the great beaches and get some swimming in too.? As much as Kelly liked sailing, he worried that Marie was pushing the two of them together way too fast. ?I?m sure Sarah would love to go too.? Marie began shaking her head. ?No Sarah has homework she had to finish tomorrow.? Sarah, heard her name mentioned and looked over at her mother. Marie gave her teen daughter a look that told Sarah not to say a word. ?And you two don?t need to be stuck babysitting.? Sarah glared at her mother for even thinking she needed a babysitter, but knew better than to say a word. Her mother was trying once again to find Uncle Kel a wife, something her mother had been trying to do for as long as Sarah could remember and something Sarah knew from experience it was best to stay out of. Realizing he was fighting a losing battle Kelly turned to Helen. ?You don?t happen to like fishing do you?? ?Poppa used to take me fishing with him all the time on Lake Michigan.? Helen smiled genuinely. ?Well then, why don?t I pick you up in the morning, we can drive over here and take the boat out.? ?That sounds wonderful!? Helen smiled. Chapter 5 Kelly decided on driving the Camaro to pick up Helen. The forecast was for a beautiful sunny day and it was the only convertible he currently owned. It being a fully restored 1968 SS Camaro and his pride and joy may have also had some bearing on his choice of transportation. Kelly had planned on stopping and picking up some bait fish and shrimp to do a little fishing on the trip, but that morning Marie had called to tell him that she had their son Mike stock the boat with everything they would need for their day trip, with plenty of ice, drinks, bait for fishing, everything Kelly and Helen would need for an enjoyable day. Kelly knew that Marie probably had something up her sleeve but decided whatever it was couldn?t be that bad. Hell he actually liked Helen and she seemed to have allot of similar interests with Kelly. Maybe Marie had actually introduced him to a woman he was compatible with? Helen was watching out the front window as the Jade green convertible with two wide white stripes on the hood pulled into their driveway. ?Helen get away from that window!? her elderly mother scolded. ?You don?t want him to think you are too anxious!? ?Yes mama.? Helen retreated from the window. ?Do you have your things packed for the boat ride dear?? the elderly woman asked. ?Yes mama.? ?Then go up to your room and wait for me to call you.? Helen?s mother motioned with both hands to get Helen out of the room. ?You should leave the poor girl alone mama!? an elderly man said from where he sat reclined in an easy chair watching the television. ?I think she likes him.? ?Likes him or not, I?ll not have her throwing herself at a man I have not yet met!? the elderly woman snapped at her husband. ?It isn?t proper.? ?Like you threw yourself at me?? ?I did no such thing you old geezer, You chased me!? ?Yea sure you ran,? the old man chuckled. ?You ran straight at me!? ?Quite, papa he?s here.? The old woman had a thought. ?I do hope he?s Greek Orthodox.? ?Mama if he isn?t I?m sure he will be by the time you are done with him.? The doorbell rang halting their playful bickering. ?Go answer that poppa.? ?But you?re already up!? the old man said right before receiving the evil eye from his wife. ?Alright, I?m going,? he said putting the foot rest down on his chair and climbing out of its comfort. ?Hello Mr. Poulos?? Kelly asked once he saw the older man as the door opened. ?Yes, you must be Kelly.? Mr. Poulos reached out his hand in greeting. Kelly took his hand firmly giving it a shake. ?Yes sir, Kelly Lekka. I?m here to pick up Helen.? Standing aside Mr. Poulos motioned for Kelly to come in the house. ?Please come in, and please call me Ed.? Kelly nodded and entered the house. Ed closed the door and followed Kelly in offering him a seat. Kelly sat down on the couch, while Ed walked back over to his easy chair. ?So Helen told us you have a sail boat?? ?Yes sir, I mean Ed. I?ve had it for a couple years now, traded in one that I had for almost ten years for the larger one I have now.? ?Oh so it?s large enough to have a cabin and a bathroom onboard?? ?Yes, only one bathroom but three staterooms, although one of them I normally just use for storage. It also has a small galley, fridge, stove, sink, you know.? Ed realizing this boat was allot larger than he first presumed. ?How large is this boat of yours?? ?It has a 38 foot waterline and a 54 foot mast.? Kelly saw from the look on Ed?s face that Ed was impressed. ?You do any fishing?? Ed asked, leaning forward toward Kelly in his chair. ?As much as I can get away with.? Kelly grinned. ?What do you do for a living Kelly?? Mrs. Poulos interrupted as she sat down in another chair. Looking over at who Kelly presumed was Helen?s mother. ?I own an automotive shop in Tampa. Mostly repair work but we do some customization work also.? ?So this garage of yours, you work it alone?? Mrs. Poulos quizzed. ?Unfortunately I don?t get to do much of the hands on work anymore,? Kelly confessed. ?Too much paperwork to do. I have several mechanics, a few guys that specialize in body repair and paint, some that detail cars and a handful that do custom work. All total around 30 guys working in the shop although in the summer there is more as I try to give as many summer jobs as I can to the local high school kids taking automotive classes.? Mrs. Poulos nodded, what Kelly told her apparently meeting her approval. ?I should go see what?s keeping Helen.? Standing up from the chair she walked out of the room. Ed chuckled after she had left. ?Son, I think that was the shortest inquisition that woman has ever given a guy before.? ?I take it that is a good thing?? Kelly asked. ?I?d say she was impressed.? Ed grinned. ?Hell you got me with fishing, I love to fish. One of the reason I moved down here. You can fish round and in the winter without having to dress up like an Eskimo and drill a hole in the ice! Just don?t tell the old woman that, she?d skin me alive.? Kelly carried his duffel bag, along with a large beach bag and picnic basket that Helen had brought, out to the boat. Helping Helen onto the boat he carried their things down into the cabin. ?Which cabin would you prefer Helen?? Kelly turned toward her as she came down the steps. ?The forward cabin has windows and the skylight, the aft cabin only has a small window.? ?Which one do you usually use?? ?Normally the aft cabin,? Kelly answered. ?I see in the dark really well, and Jake and Marie?s girls love the odd shape and windows of the forward cabin.? ?I?ll take the one up front then,? Helen stated. ?I don?t want you to have to move anything on my account.? Kelly sat the picnic basket down on the galley table and led Helen to the forward cabin, where he sat her bag down on the bed. ?This is really nice.? Helen complimented Kelly on the interior of his boat. Back in the main area of the cabin, Kelly gave her a short tour, The fridge is there, by the sink, the door beside that is the head, the next door is the cabin I?ll use. The one on the other side of the steps I use for storage, but it?s also a bedroom.? ?What?s a head?? Helen looked confused. ?Sorry,? Kelly apologized. ?It?s a naval term for bathroom.? ?Why is it called a head?? ?I think it has to do with the bathrooms were always behind the figurehead, you know on those old sailing ships where they had figures of women or birds and such carved on the bow. Instead of saying some of the rather colorful words to describe where the sailor was going he would just say he was going to the head.? ?Oh, I guess that kind of makes sense.? Kelly grinned. ?Not sure how true that story may be, but it was the one I was told.? ?I should put some of the things I brought into the refrigerator so they stay cold,? Helen turned to the picnic basket on the table, opening it and pulling a handful of wrapped items out before turning to the fridge. ?Okay,? Kelly said. ?I?ll go get things ready to cast off while you do that.? Jake, Marie and their whole family was there to wave them off as Mike helped cast off the last of the boats mooring lines when Helen came up the steps from below deck with a bottle in her hand. ?What?s this?? Helen held out the bottle of Metaxa Grand Reserve. The small engine was just beginning to pull the boat away from the dock. Jake saw the bottle in Helen?s hand and shouted. ?A gift! Grand Reserve to ensure you both have a grand time!? Shrugging her shoulders Helen asked Kelly. ?I didn?t know you could buy anything better than twelve star?? ?Jake has it sent over from Greece.? Kelly grinned sheepishly. ?Well this we?ll save for later,? Helen turned to go back below deck to put the bottle back in the fridge beside the bottle of seven star she had stashed inside the picnic basket. Once out in the channel Kelly killed the engine and brought up the mainsail. The boat lurched forward as the sail caught wind two miles later they cleared the inland waterway and Kelly pointed the boat north then raised the jib. The boat leaned to the side as the forward sail caught wind propelling them even faster forward. Less than ten minutes later Kelly turned the boat due south as they passed the northern end of Anclote Key. Trimming the sails as the boat began to straighten out of its lean then lean in the opposite direction, Kelly motioned for Helen to sit beside him. ?Take the wheel, he grinned. Helen grabbed the large wheel in front of them smiling. ?Hold her steady to the south,? Kelly pointed at the compass in front of them. ?and stay about this far away from the islands. We can get closer but I like to give the morons in powerboats plenty of room. Too many of them like to show off when they see pretty girls on the beaches. ?This is wonderful!? Helen smiled wide. ?I?ve never driven a boat this big before!? ?This is the largest one I?ve had, My last one was only 27 ft. and had a single cabin,? Kelly said proudly. ?It had a draft of five feet, As big as this one is it only has a draft of six feet and the mast is only fifteen feet higher. So it can go almost anywhere I used to take the old one, plus it?s equipped better for deep water.? ?How far have you taken it?? ?Jake and I have taken his family down to Key West a couple of times that?s about 250 miles,? Kelly confessed. ?250 miles by boat?? Helen gasped. Kelly grinned. ?It?s actually a pretty nice two day trip. We usually anchor for the night around Fort Myers or Naples, then head on south to Key West at first light. For long trips like that I?ll use the spinnaker,? pointing at the front sail. Seeing the look of confusion in Helen?s face Kelly explained further. ?It?s those big colorful sails you see ballooning out in front of a sailboat. A spinnaker gives you more speed, but you give up maneuverability.? ?So you said we could fish while we are out?? Helen asked. ?I?ve never been deep sea fishing, do we have to go out too far to do that?? ?Not really.? Kelly looked over at the computer screen on the console. ?We?re already in sixty feet of water.? Reaching over he moved the wheel slightly turning them so the islands that were off to their left were now behind to the left. Trimming the sails to the change in the winds direction. ?If you want to hold us steady in this direction I?ll go get the rods ready.? Smiling at Kelly. ?Could you take the wheel while I go change? I brought something much more fitting to wear out here.? Slightly over ten minutes later Helen came up from below deck in a dark blue bikini that left no question to her natural beauty. Stopping a few feet away from Kelly, Helen smiled over at him. ?I take it from that expression, you approve?? she held her arms out to her sides and did a slow spin around, giving him a good look. ?You look amazing!? Kelly gasped. ?Why thank you,? Helen said, walking over and sitting close beside him. ?You wanted me to take the wheel while you got the fishing poles ready?? ?Um, yea.? Kelly had a difficult time taking his eyes off the gorgeous woman beside him. Walking ahead of the steering console, Kelly opened a hatch in the floor and retrieved a deep sea rod, which he sat and readied then baited before securing it in a special holder on the far corner of the boat?s transom. Going back and repeating the process with a second rod that he placed in a similar rod holder in the opposite rear corner near where they sat. Over twenty minutes later, with no action on their fishing rods, Kelly spotted the signs of birds feeding on a school of fish. Turning the boat in that direction Kelly could see the school of bait fish jumping like crazy. Maneuvering the boat so that he came at the school of bait fish at an angle that would bring their fishing lines into the feeding frenzy without the boats hull chasing off whatever fish were feeding on the bait fish, Kelly told Helen to watch the lines as he prepared to furl the sails to stop the boat. Kelly hit the button and held it down as the electric wench rolled up the jib sail. He was reaching for the one that would furl the main sail back into the mast when the reel on the rod furthest from them began screaming as line was peeled off it as something took the bait and ran. ?Go ahead, that one is all yours!? Kelly grinned at Helen, who jumped down off the bench and went over to pick up the rod to begin fighting the fish they had caught. Kelly had already hit the button that powered the electric wench that would reel in the main sail. Helen began trying to reel but the reel was still screaming as whatever she had hooked pulled more line off the reel. ?Take up some of the drag,? Kelly instructed. ?The star wheel by the crank handle, turn it forward a half turn.? Kelly began reeling in the second pole as fast as he could, so that the fish Helen was fighting would not tangle the two lines together. Turning the star wheel like Kelly said seemed to slow down how fast the line was being pulled off the reel. Helen quickly realized that whatever was on the other end of her line was the biggest fish she had ever caught as she felt how strongly it pulled against the pole in her hands. ?Turn it another quarter turn.? Helen followed his directions and the pull became heavier but less line was being pulled off the reel. ?Don?t reel, just hang on until it wears its self down some.? It felt like an eternity to Helen but in less than ten minutes the line stopped being pulled off the reel in her hands. Helen began reeling in as she let the end of the rod dip down toward the water, then pull the rod up again, reeling in the line as she let the rod drop down. Whenever the fish began pulling line off the reel again Helen would stop reeling until the fish tired then begin reeling again. Twenty minutes in the fight against the fish Kelly asked Helen again if she wanted him to take over and give her a break, but once again she refused. ?I want to be able to tell Poppa that I caught this. Whatever it turns out to be!? The grin on her face was evidence that she was not kidding. Helen looked as happy right now as a small child on Christmas morning. Kelly started up the boats small diesel engine so that he could maneuver the boat keeping the fish to the rear of the boat so it would not run under the boat and foul the line causing Helen to lose the fish. Another fifteen minutes went by and the fish broke the surface. Kelly grinned at Helen. ?I hope you like Tuna.? ?I caught a tuna?? ?Well it?s not in the boat yet, but that is what it looked like.? A few minutes later the fish made one last ditch effort to get away, stripping some line off the reel but eventually tired out, Helen brought it up along the side of the boat where Kelly used a gaff to pull it up on the stern of the boat. ?It?s a blackfin.? Kelly announced after making sure Helen?s catch wasn?t going anywhere but on ice for the trip home. ?I thought you said it was a tuna?? ?Yes.? Kelly grinned. ?A blackfin tuna, and a very nice size one at that!? Kelly hefted the tuna up while carrying it to the center of the cockpit area. ?It must go at least twenty five pounds!? ?Can we take a picture?? Helen asked. ?I?ll do better than that.? Kelly smiled opening a hatch and pulling out some small rope and a very large fish scale that he attached to the arch, then tying a length of rope around the tail of the fish with a loop in it, Kelly hoisted it up onto a hook on the bottom of the scale that he had suspended from the arch. The large scale was easy to read and the needle stopped at twenty seven and a half pounds. ?Helen this is a very nice one. Does your phone do pictures?? ?Of course.? Helen walked around the hanging fish to go get her phone. Coming back up from below deck while looking at her phone. ?I don?t have a signal though.? ?We?re a bit far out for one, but you should get one on our way back in. You can send the picture to your folks then.? Helen handed over her phone after making sure Kelly knew how to use its built in camera. After taking several with her phone, Kelly pulled his from his own pocket and took a few for himself of Helen posing with the fish she caught. After packing the fish in an ice cooler built in the deck Kelly used some sea water to wash the fish blood off the deck so neither would slip on it and so that it would not begin smelling later. Unfurling both sails they began their trip back toward the coastline. The two had a late lunch of gyros that Helen had made for them along with a glass of Metaxa while anchored in about twelve feet of water just off the coast of Clearwater beach. The shadows were becoming quite long when Kelly pulled the boat up to the dock behind Jake?s home. Tying the boat off, Kelly and Helen saw a crowd of not only Jake?s family but also Helen?s parents coming across the lawn toward them. ?Did you have a good time dear?? Helen?s mother was first to speak. ?Mama you have got to see the size of the fish I caught!? Helen was grinning from ear to ear. Kelly lowered the swim platform to make it easier for them to get off the boat onto the dock. Mike jumped over with a large garbage bag to help Kelly offload the tuna without dragging it across the deck or the lawn. ?Girl, I think you?ve made a great catch!? Helen?s father grinned, then added, ?The fish is nice too.? He grunted as his wife?s elbow dug forcefully into his ribs. ?Poppa!? she scolded. Both he and Jake chuckled. Marie stood straight faced barely able to contain her amusement and joy that Helen and Kelly were hitting it off so well. The evening ended after a large party where the Tuna was butchered and served in a variety of ways on the grill along with many side dishes Helen?s mother and Marie had prepared earlier. The bottle of Metaxa came out at some point which the adults all shared. Chapter 6 ?Well look what the cat dragged in!? A pretty blond girl sitting on a stool behind the counter said when she saw Kelly walk in. The girl looked to be in her mid-twenties wore a blue tee shirt with a large company logo on it. Although most men would not notice the logo as they would be staring at her D cupped breasts that stretched the fabric of the shirt. Her shoulder length blond hair was pulled back into a pony tail that used the hole in the back of a ball cap, that also carried the same logo, to hold it in the pony tail. Lucky for Kelly that he had a dark tan or the girl would have seen him blush. ?Went fishing yesterday and made a great catch, twenty seven and a half pound tuna. Everyone decided to have a cookout and grill the tuna we caught when we got back. It was so late when we were done, I spent the night at Jake?s.? Holding out her hand. ?Hand it over.? Kelly knew what she wanted without asking. Ever since Kelly brought in a picture he had framed of a blue marlin he had caught, Gwen had ran off any pictures of fish he had taken and put them on the wall behind the counter along with the picture of the marlin. ?I?m not sure this one should go on the wall.? ?Why is that boss?? Gwen, the blond girl questioned. ?I?m not sure Helen would be okay with it.? ?Who?s Helen?? Gwen asked. Figuring it was easier to show her than explain, Kelly pulled out his cell phone and brought up a picture of Helen posing with the fish. ?That?s Helen, she was the one who brought in the tuna.? ?Wow nice catch boss!? Gwen grinned evilly at him. ?Helen caught it.? ?I wasn?t talking about the fish,? Gwen laughed. ?So the two of you, all alone on that big boat of yours, sounds pretty romantic?? ?Um yea, I guess it kinda was,? Kelly stammered. ?I think this one we?ll hang in your office.? Gwen giggled. ?Don?t need the guys drooling over the boss?s girlfriend.? ?She?s not my girlfriend,? Kelly stated. ?Are you seeing any other women?? Gwen knew the answer to this without asking. ?No.? ?Is she seeing any other men?? ?She said she wasn?t.? ?Okay,? Gwen continued. ?Do you both plan on continuing to see each other?? ?Um yes,? Kelly realized where Gwen was leading. ?Then she is your girlfriend.? Gwen grinned. The rest of the day went very quickly as Kelly dove into the paperwork that seemed to grow larger no matter how much he sifted through. Several times during the day Kelly thought about calling Helen, but stopped himself. Kelly had heard most of his life that he should never call a girl the very day after a date, always wait until at least the second day following the date to call. Every time Kelly noticed the phone on his desk, he found himself reaching for it before he even realized what he was doing. Helen sat in the kitchen with her mother helping to prepare lunch. Her mind wandered into her memories of yesterday. The look on Kelly?s face, when she came up from the boat?s cabin in her bikini, told her that she still had it where it counts, even at forty three years old she could turn heads. Helen had not been enthusiastic about meeting Kelly at first but between her mother and Marie they had talked her into going and meeting the man. I am so glad now they would not take no for an answer! Helen thought to herself. The moment she saw him she could feel the connection deep within herself to him. Not that he was male model material or anything, but he was very pleasing on the eyes. It was something else about him that made her want to do anything in her power to please that man. It was quite unnerving at first, to feel that way about someone she had only just met, but he was so kind and gentle. He seemed to worry about everyone but himself. Marie had warned her about Kelly?s scars and how self-conscious he was about them, although she was still a bit shocked at the amount of them on his body when he took off his shirt on the boat. Still she did as Marie had advised and tried not to ask about them. Marie had explained that the scars had come from his military days and were due to Kelly trying to save the lives of his friends. Marie had also shown Helen the medals that Kelly did not know Jake had kept. Kelly had tried to lose each one soon after he received them. Mark and Jake had seen to it that they were put away for safe keeping should Kelly ever want them back or if nothing else give them to his children one day if he ever has any. Helen?s mother saw her daughter looking over at the phone that hung on the wall in their kitchen for what seemed like the twentieth time in the last half hour. ?He?ll not call today child,? Her mother cautioned. ?He needs time to think about how he feels toward you, and you need to do the same.? Looking over at her mother. ?Mama how soon after you met poppa did you know that he was the man for you?? ?I think I knew the same day I met him,? Her mother grinned. ?But it took him much longer to realize it.? ?What should I do?? ?Pay attention to what you?re doing before you cut yourself.? Helen?s mother motioned at the knife in Helen?s hand. ?He will call tomorrow and Wednesday, we?ll prepare a very nice lunch that you can take down to him at work. How?s that sound?? ?How do you know he?ll call tomorrow?? Helen blushed. ?Because men believe they need to wait or they will look desperate.? ?That?s stupid!? ?No matter how you feel about him, he is still a man,? Helen?s mother chuckled. ?They all do stupid things.? ?How long have you been staring at that phone?? Gwen asked after poking her head into Kelly?s office. Kelly sat there as if deep in thought staring at the phone on his desk. ?Boss?? Gwen attempted to get his attention again. ?Kelly your Camaro is on fire!? ?Huh? What?? Kelly looked over at Gwen. ?I wanted to know how long you?ve been sitting there staring at the phone?? Kelly looked back at the phone then to Gwen. ?Um, I was thinking about something.? ?More like someone.? Gwen grinned. ?I?m betting that someone was Helen.? ?Am I that obvious?? Kelly asked. ?To a woman, yep I can see that you?ve got it bad.? Gwen?s grin widened. ?You should call her.? ?I, I want to but,? Kelly paused. ?It, it would make me look like, like?? ?It would show her that you are interested!? Gwen corrected. ?And that you enjoy being with her.? Grabbing Kelly by the arm and pulling. ?Come on.? ?What?? ?I?m driving you home!? Gwen pulled until he rose from the chair. ?The way your heads twisted right now, you?ll end up running a light or something and end up in the hospital or worse.? Chapter 7 Helen arrived at Kelly?s shop just before noon with a large picnic basket in hand. She had worn a light gray chiffon halter dress, cinched at the waist by a thin white belt and three inch wedge sandals. Gwen looked up from the computer she was working on behind the counter. ?Hi Helen, I?m glad to finally meet you!? Gwen beamed a wide smile. ?You must be Gwen?? Gwen nodded at Helen?s question. Walking across the room Helen sat the basket down on the counter, opened it and pulled a dish covered with aluminum foil out that she held out to Gwen. ?This is for you.? Taking the covered plate raising it to her nose she took a whiff of the hidden contents. ?Thank you, It smells wonderful?? ?There is Spanakopita, Fashoulakia, Moussaka and Baklava.? Helen reached in and retrieved a small covered bowl. ?and a salad.? Gwen?s eyes lit up hearing the great lunch treat Helen had given her. ?Bribery will get you everywhere!? Gwen laughed. ?He?s in his office, if you want to go on back?? Gwen pointed to the door behind the counter. Helen was looking at all the framed photos of Kelly with various fish that apparently he had caught hanging on the wall behind the counter. ?Kelly catch all those?? ?Yes ma?am!? Gwen grinned. ?Hmmm, I would think he would have put up the photo of the tuna we caught last week too?? ?I?m the one that puts them up,? Gwen stated. ?I did make a copy of that from his phone, but put that one in his office.? ?Whys that?? Helen quizzed. ?Kelly was afraid of putting up a picture of you in your bathing suit out here in the waiting room.? Gwen explained. Helen grinned evilly while picking up the basket and walking around the counter to Kelly?s office. Knocking on the door she waited until she heard him say enter before going in. Kelly looked up and grew the widest smile possible when he saw Helen enter his office before jumping up and rounding the desk to take the basket and giving her a warm hug. ?I can get used to greeting like this,? Helen whispered into his ear. ?I?m so glad to see you.? Kelly pulled back to look into her eyes. ?I have missed you too.? Helen smiled back. ?Although there is something I need to fix real fast.? Helen looked around until she found the picture of her and the tuna she caught. Releasing Kelly she walked over and took the picture off the wall and walked out where she handed it to Gwen. ?You should put this with all Kelly?s other catches.? Kelly had followed her to the doorway. ?But you caught that Tuna,? Kelly stated. ?Who?s talking about the fish?? Helen laughed. Gwen snorted trying to hold back laughter while taking the picture from Helen. ?I?ll make sure it gets put up.? Helen and Kelly went back into his office to eat, while Gwen sat at the counter and ate the wonderful meal that Helen had given her. After Helen had left Gwen slipped inside Kelly?s office. ?Boss can I say something?? ?You know you can Gwen.? ?Helen is a keeper!? Gwen grinned. ?If you even think of throwing her back, your insane!? ?I wasn?t planning on it.? Kelly smiled. ?Good, so can I ask a favor?? ?What?? ?When you marry her will you two adopt me? That was the best meal I have ever had in my life!? Kelly began laughing while he crumpled up a piece of paper into a ball and threw it at Gwen. ?Get back to work!? Gwen dodge the paper laughing then closed the door behind her as she left his office. Chapter 8 Kelly and Helen were married on the third of June in Helen?s church. The wedding was small consisting of family and friends and Jake insisted that the reception was held in his very large backyard. Jake and Marie threw a huge party including roasting a lamb over the fire pit in the back yard. It was a grand affair that everyone would remember for years to come. The two spent their honeymoon on a two week trip on his boat down into the Florida Keys eventually stopping in Key West before returning home. Both had discussed such a short courtship and engagement but neither could imagine life without the other now that they were together. Helen also wanted to give herself to him, something she could not do before they were married, something she had never considered giving to any man until she met Kelly. Her love for Kelly was boundless and she wanted to give him a child. Something that a long engagement could reduce the chance of her being able to do if she waited much longer. Even at her current age there would be risks, risks that she was willing to take to bring Her and Kelly?s child into the world. Three weeks after they returned from the honeymoon trip thing had begun to settle down in their life. Helen had also began helping Kelly at the shop, freeing him from much of the paperwork he dug through every day, allowing him to get out in the shop doing what he loved. One thing Kelly?s shop had begun branching out into was custom grills and smokers. Building grills was something that the shop came into quite by accident when a customer saw one of the mechanics working on one that he was building in his down time and said how he had been looking for someone to custom build one for him. When Helen found out about this side of the business she talked with Kelly about having one for everyone to use around lunch at the shop. The new grill was a big hit, and it seemed someone always found time just before lunch to get it fired up and begin grilling hot dogs, sausages, chicken and burgers that Helen now kept stocked in in a fridge in the shop. It was late evening, Kelly and Helen sat together on the couch in their living room sharing a glass of wine, enjoying the peace and quiet before heading upstairs to bed. Kelly saw the headlight of a car careening into their yard right before the large picture window shattered in a hail of gunfire. Holding Helen tighter, Kelly kicked off the floor with his feet, tipping the couch over backwards as they sat in it. Just as they landed behind the overturned couch Kelly heard something large hit the floor and a large orange flash blinded him momentarily as the explosion threw the couch with them behind it up against the far wall. When his vision returned Kelly saw that everything in their living room was shattered and ablaze. Even the walls were burning. A sticky substance covered everything that was in direct line of the blast, the only place not on fire was the small area behind the couch where the two lay, and that substance burned with intensity. Even if Kelly had not realized what the burning substance was, the smell was a dead giveaway for someone that had seen it used in the military, napalm. He had to get them out of there before the smoke and fumes killed them. Reaching over to the unconscious Helen, Kelly saw blood. OH FUCK! NO! NOT HELEN! His thoughts went wild at the sight. Giving her a fast once over, she was bleeding from her left breast. Oh shit, NO! Kelly?s mind screamed, the wound would be close to her heart, Please God, don?t let her die! His mind screamed again. No time for this Kelly, won?t make any difference if you both die in the fire, you got to get her out of this house NOW! His mind raced, time seemed to slow as he looked at his options. There was an unknown number of men in a car outside shooting at them. Helen was shot in the chest and the house was on fire! Reaching into the burning couch Kelly du

Same as Kelly's Story A Whately Tale. Part 1 Videos

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 3

Kelly sat her wine glass on the night stand and took a breath held it for a second and exhaled. She looked around and said "Are we ready to keep going?" A few guys walked to the bed and climbed up next to her. Another black guy climbed between her legs. Kelly adjusted herself on the bed and reached down to grab his cock. Then, she looked up at him and then leaned to look at me and said "Oooh babe! A big one! All for me!" and then she started aiming him towards her cunt. I got a glance...

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 5

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 4

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I have been asked about Kellys side of things. An XHamster member asked me to have her write and tell her side. Unfortunately, I can’t do that. Kelly was killed in a car accident in 2009, and it has taken me this long to even think about sharing all of the things we did. However, while I was in the Marines, I was sent to Germany for 45 days and while I was gone, we wrote to each other a lot because phone calls were limited to 5 minutes. Kelly sent me a long and detailed letter about her...

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Totally Chesty Tales ndash Tale 03

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...

2 years ago
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Kellys Passion ch 4

Kelly’s Passion Chapter 4 Kelly awoke hour’s later feeling the delicious ache of sexual exertion radiate through her body. Rolling flat on her back, she sighed in contentment as she stared at the mirrored ceiling. Her matted hair was against her head and her thighs were sticky with the dried film of her juices. ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve made a hot mess of myself, haven’t I?!’ Memories that were as delicious as they were humiliating replayed through her mind and she giggled softly at the cause of...

2 years ago
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Kellys PassionA Prelude

Kelly stepped out onto the deck of her beachfront condo. It was almost noon and the morning shadows had moved off the back of her home, bathing it in the warmth of the summer sun. She leaned against the solid railing and gazed at the deep blue of the Pacific. The sounds of the surf crashing on the shore and the salty smell of the ocean never failed to put her in a wonderfully relaxed mood. The bright sun was now high in the cloudless sky and felt warm on her bronzed skin. Kelly watched as a...

4 years ago
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Kellys Passion ch 1

Chapter 1 By Milik the Red Four years later… Kelly sighed as the warm spray splashed over her soft breasts. The soapy water felt wonderful as it flowed down her flat belly and over her smoothly shaven mound. Slowly running her hand over her moistening sex, she moaned softly as her finger dipped into her wetness. Her nipples became enlarged, and her heartbeat quickened as her body responded eagerly to the invading digit. Kelly was always easily aroused. She loved the intimacy of sexual...

3 years ago
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Kellys marathon weekend Part 1

Because Kelly had sex with a black guy she had met while I was over in Germany, she thought I was upset with her for doing it. I really wasn't and I enjoyed hearing all about it. But she mentioned a couple of things she thought would make up for it so I decided to tell her I wasn't mad, just disappointed. She said she wanted to make it up to me, and that we could talk it over and maybe make plans for her to fuck a few guys at the same time in front of me. We had a video that showed...

3 years ago
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Claires Conception Part

I think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Kelly Story A Whateley Tale Part 6

Chapter 40 "Mom?" Kelly was startled to find Marie sitting on Kelly's bed as Kelly entered back into her bedroom from the bathroom she shared with her sister. "What are... is something wrong?" "No honey, nothing is wrong." Marie smiled over at the girl wrapped in the towel. Holding out a shopping bag toward Kelly. "I just wanted to give you this before you got dressed for school." "What's this?" Kelly looked at the shopping bag in Marie's hands. "New bras honey." "But, I...

1 year ago
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Kellys Exploration

A yearning was growing inside her. A yearning that was very unfamiliar. As she stared at the magazine rack her eyes kept drawing back to the one with the picture of a girl strapped to a wooden cross and a man dressed in black with his head covered holding a paddle in his hand. The title read BDSM Lifestyle. She grabbed the magazine along with a current edition of Cosmo, paid the cashier and headed home. Kelly was a housewife, 38 years old and kept herself in good shape. When she got home she...

2 years ago
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I Seduced My Dads Law part

So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’t really know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will be more like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and other things in my life. This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so you understand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happened yesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so excited so if I spell stuff wrong or whatever, hey it’s my first story ok? So...

First Time
2 years ago
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Kellys Passion ch 5

By Milik the Red Kari was overjoyed at her reunion with Kelly and relished the time they spent together that afternoon. As evening approached though, Kelly told her that she had been unable to clear her schedule for the night and had to be at a photo shoot for a few hours. Kari knew her sister was a successful model, and excitedly hoped she might be able to go along with her and watch Kelly be photographed. It all sounded so very glamorous to her, so when Kelly explained that it wouldn’t be...

4 years ago
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Kelly Story A Whateley Tale Part 4

Chapter 24 Ed and Sabella had sat to watch the evening news before going off to bed so they could get back to their daughter Helen, who was still in intensive care at the hospital. The doctors had told them that they should amputate the leg, but Sabella refused to listen. This was her daughter, her own flesh and blood they wanted to do that to. Her husband had been more practical telling the doctors to do what they must to save her life before dragging his wife out of the room. To...

2 years ago
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Kellys Passion ch 2

Chapter 2 Kari stared out through the window and into the night. The moon was full that evening, casting its eerie light upon the floor of the desert. The pale blue radiance of the moonlight gave the desert’s rocks and cacti an almost mournful appearance, as if they were suffering a terribly painful loneliness as they silently watched the world travel by on the blacktop of the interstate. Loneliness was something Kari could understand. For the last nine years of her young life, she had lived...

3 years ago
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Kellys Passion Ch 7

Kelly walked along the shore, listening to sound of the waves as they crashed upon the sand. It was growing late in the afternoon and the beach was now almost completely deserted as the days revelers moved off to prepare for whatever entertainment awaited them on a Friday night during the California summer. The mournful cry of a lone seagull carried over the pulsing waves and the young woman looked up to watch the white bird as it circled gracefully overhead. It, too, felt the shadows creep...

4 years ago
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Spanked for Speeding Part

Exiting the highway and dropping down into the trees, she thought of Little Red Riding Hood and smiled. The anticipation throbbed wickedly inside her. Turning right, onto the two-lane, she passed the new gas station. Her tongue flicked across her lips; she was once again headed towards her Grandmother’s house. A naughty Little Red Riding Hood, wanting the big, bad wolf to find her. She was even wearing a red blouse. The road curved away from her, disappearing in the green of the forest. She...

1 year ago
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Kellys Passion ch 3

Alex was gone by the time Kelly woke that morning. Opening her tired eyes, she checked the ornate china plate she kept on the nightstand and smiled in satisfaction at the thick envelope he left behind. By the look of it, he had tipped her quite handsomely for her services. This was her standard practice. Unlike most women in her business, Kelly never asked for money up front. Her ‘lovers’ knew she charged five thousand dollars for a night in her bed. Once satisfied, they discretely placed the...

3 years ago
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Kellys sister

If you have read any of my other sexcapades you will know that Kelly was the married woman who i first had sex with at a school disco party then went home with during our lunch break and bunked off of work for the afternoon to spend it shagging. Well Kelly has a sister,Trudy who works at the same place.She is a few years older than her sister with similiarly large boobs and an even bigger butt.I guess she could be labeled a bbw.As they are close as sisters they obviously share...

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Kellys Passion ch 6

As she sat naked in Dan’s lap, May silently mouthed the words ‘thank you’ to Kelly as her friend quietly slipped out of the room. May knew how difficult it had been for Kelly to be with her that night, but May had promised to fulfill a fantasy for Mr. Worley, and one didn’t back out on Hollywood Directors without a very good reason.  Kelly had been masterful with her though. She had skillfully played May’s body like a finely tuned instrument, and driven her to orgasmic distraction while May was...

3 years ago
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Kellys second letter about Darius

This was another letter I got from Kelly while I was in Germany. I still had another week to go before I headed back stateside. While nothing happened this time, it tells of something possible when I returned home. I am posting it because Kelly can get so graphic and I thought you might like this! I have a big box of cards and letters from the entire time we were together and I will keep looking to see if I can find Hi Babe,I miss you and I love you so much. I cried just thinking I let you...

2 years ago
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Seducing My Neighbors part

It was something of a surprise when I found out that Paul Dirk had been making love to my daughters. Both Susie and Becky were now in college and only came home during the holidays and the summer. So they must have used that time to have fun with Paul. I must admit I was jealous. I had not been well serviced by my husband, Cal, for years now. Oh we often went on cruises and such, but he always ended up playing poker and then getting drunk and collapsing in our room. I hardly ever got a really...

4 years ago
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The Christmas Party

Christmas parties.I hate them.At our office they are mandatory, which isn't very fair if you ask me. Why be forced into something you don't want to do just for the sake of "office relations"? If only the high-ups knew what kind of relations were going on, they might change their minds. When I take my boss' job, which I will one day, I will stop the parties being mandatory. They have this thing where they choose a male and female to be "sexy" Santa's. This year my friend Wendy, was chosen as the...

Office Sex
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My Last Morning With Me

Ah, Melissa. That’s a name that brings back fond memories of a time of passion and illicit romance. Even now, I can taste the hint of cinnamon on her lips and sense the subtle fragrance of an obscure flower that was the essence of the perfume she wore.Melissa and her husband, a stoic and foolish man whose unpronounceable name I have chosen to forget, lived in the same apartment complex as I. Even so, she might never have come to my attention if not for the fact that we did our laundry at the...

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A Private Pleasure

I must have slept for fourteen hours that night. The week before was very tough and my schedule was completely out of whack. By the time Friday night rolled around all I wanted to do was sleep. It was 11:00 am Saturday morning by the time I woke. By then, I felt as fresh and rested as I had in weeks. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for a man.I rolled over onto my back, enjoying the morning sun that filtered through my blinds. I stretched out and before I consciously realized it,...

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Laney Scoops the City

Laney Travers walked down the ill-lit corridor and paused outside the doorway to her virtue's doom. Apartment twenty-nine again. Heaven help this well-raised girl. Well, maybe not Heaven ... Mike's voice sounded in her head: “News – real news – is what someone doesn’t want you to know, Laney sweetheart. The rest is fuckin’ propaganda. Keep searchin’ for truth among the bullshit. Rigour, determination, guts – that’s the only kinda newspaperman to be. Or newspaperwoman. Remember that.” He’d...

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The Sex Rehab Diaries Stac

“I’m Stacey, and I’m a sex addict.” I knew I wasn’t the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer’. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I’d read the mission statement that had been emblazoned on the front of our orientation binders at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. My mind immediately substituted “cum” for “come” and… anyway, yeah I guess I was probably one of...

3 years ago
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Kellys Passion The Final Chapter

Kelly awoke slowly from the first peaceful sleep she’d enjoyed in many nights. Daylight poured through the window, filling the room with the welcoming warmth of the morning sun. As she opened her eyes, memories of the night before filled her mind in vivid detail, almost as if she had been dreaming of them in her sleep. She felt cozy and relaxed with Alex spooned behind her and she snuggled deeper into the gentle embrace of his arm as it lay still over her hip. She could tell he was asleep....

3 years ago
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Kellys First Time

I was the summer of my 19th birthday, and college parties were the norm. I had been in a few relationships with guys, but they never seemed to work out. There was always one problem or the other. I often found out they were cheating on me, and this really upset me. My name is Kelly and back then I was sort of innocent to the ways of the world. I had dark hair that I always kept short, my brown eyes are big and round, that helped that innocent look I had about me. I had just finished yet...

1 year ago
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Kellys 20th birthday

BY: KellyOn my 20th birthday, I had a home party. It was just my dad, brothers and me. Afterwards, my brother asked dad if he could take me to a party as a birthday present. He said no at first, but after I pleaded with him and brother # 2 promised to watch me like a hawk, he agreed. We jumped in the truck and drove a mile or so. I was wearing A bra, thong and a dress. The dress was thin cotton and showed the outlines of my bra. My brother told me to give him my bra and panties. I did as he...

2 years ago
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Girls Like That

She was so tight she made my loins ache. I wanted inside of her. The slutty little thing wore a shiny lick of a dress that reminded me of the black paint on my favorite ride. Now I wanted to ride her ass just like I ride my bikes, with a lot of speed. No brakes would be needed for that piece of tail; she wasn’t after safety. I could tell by the way all five-foot-nothing of her prowled the bar floor in those spiked stilettos. There was nothing passive or tentative about her. She had game, but...

Quickie Sex
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Zone Defense

Zone Defense, written as Gavin E. BlackChapter OneNathan Kent wasn't thrilled with the idea of completing his final year of college at a completely different institution from where he'd started, but the opportunity to join one of the top varsity football teams had been too much of a temptation to pass up.   The truth of the matter, Nathan was glad to have an excuse to move away. His last relationship had ended badly, and the thought of having to play a defensive position in conjunction with his...

Gay Male
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The Escort and the

My heart was pounding in a symphonic surge as I lingered in front of the hotel room door. I checked and rechecked the metal plate bolted to the rich, dark oak. Number 2412. Yes, this was definitely the right room. The hallway corridor was empty. The dimly lit sconces glowed invitingly along the richly textured walls. They had led the way from the elevator of the lushly swank boutique hotel, The Hazelton, just like beacon lights leading me towards the precipice of a decision I still wasn’t sure...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 43 Departures

Althea stepped off the elevator at her New York City office holding a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a large folder in another. As far as anyone was concerned, hers was a failed road trip as she tried to secure a controversial biography that would have belied her publisher’s label as “Young Adults Read Us.” With everyone well into their work day, acknowledgments of her arrival were restricted to a few nods hello, with many people at their desks missing her arrival completely. She did...

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The Sex Rehab Diaries Broo

“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...

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Jennifers Eggnog

The first shot struck Jennifer under the chin. That one came from Lawrence. She was still yelping when Trent’s delivery took her full in the face, filling her mouth and blinding her in an explosion of thick white. She spat and wiped her eyes clear, then pursued her boyfriend, scooping snow as she ran. Trent taunted as he fled, but stumbled knee-deep in a drift. “Bastard!” She laughed as she pelted him, then pushed him over while he was still off-balance. He pulled her with him and they rolled...

Group Sex
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Lonely Housewife

She needed to have her senses challenged, to feel nature close to her; she didn’t want to hug-a-tree, she wanted the trees to hug her. Feeling more at home sitting on the wooden staircase than anywhere else, she observed the door that lead out into the front of the property. She stared, admiring the beauty of the oak grain, before raising her head to look up to the small window above the door frame. Before she arrived at her new home in a new state with her family, watching wispy clouds drift...

4 years ago
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Nights To Remember

I escaped my fucked-up life into late-night erotic fantasies for years as waves crashed onto the sand beneath my balcony. I frequented my favorite site and started writing stories after becoming enamored with an author. Her stories had dirty, rough stuff I loved but also sensual and tender in a way I tried to emulate but couldn't master. I fantasized she spent hours getting aroused reading my words as I did hers. When she joined a new site, I quickly followed, seizing an opportunity to become...

Straight Sex
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The First Story A bj darling Tale

The First Story - A "b.j. darling" Tale By Grace Love ------------- While this story contains truthful elements, it is a work of fiction and should not be construed as anything else. Nor should it be seen as condoning risky or violent behavior. All relationships portrayed are of a consensual nature and involve only individuals 18-years-of-age or older. ------------- Master does not allow me to cum. At all. Ever. i literally do not remember the last time i came. It was...

1 year ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Kyli

“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...

Group Sex
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Shelbys Dirty Vacation

“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...

Group Sex
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Billion Dollar Booty Call

Chelsea was late, the victim of a failed alarm clock and cab shortage. She silently cursed her tight skirt and heels as she flew through the lobby, skidding across the polished marble floor just in time to catch the elevator. Breathless, she jumped in, glanced at her watch, and exhaled in relief. The button to the fifth floor was already glowing, pressed by the elevator’s only other occupant. When she turned to say good morning, the words stuck in her throat. It was Liam, the gorgeous new...

Group Sex
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Bad Habits Need Hard Measur

For the first few weeks working at Joelle’s, my feet never really touched the floor. This was everything I had dreamed of, and more. In case you don’t know about her - though I’d be curious if you didn’t - Joelle’s the woman who turned makeup into a true art. Where others only “applied” lipstick, rouge and eye shadow, she painted with an artist’s skill and turned the plainest women into goddesses, into true artwork. Nobody knew her surname, and nobody needed to. All the big stars flocked to her...

3 years ago
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Fade to Black

Aidan Black stared at the online text that flashed up onto the screen. ‘I luv ur stories!’ He yawned, and took another sip of his Jack Daniels. He quickly typed a reply and then leaned back in his chair. ‘What do you like about them?’ He smiled at the long pause. All these fans are the same, he thought to himself. Innocent young girls that dream of being treated like dirty sluts and too afraid to tell their college boyfriends that doggy-style after a long alcohol-fused pub crawl just wasn’t...

4 years ago
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It had been five years since my wife died. I was stuck in a rut. It was as if my life had stalled the day Gina passed away. I was as emotionally healed as I would ever be, yet I lacked the will to go out and start anew. I worked, I came home. I slept, and then I headed back to work again the very next day. My life became a cycle. Rinse and repeat, ad infinitum.Maybe that’s why I allowed Christie to get so close to me. I told myself I just needed the help, but had I thought it through, I would...

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Im Sorry Daddy

Kailee knew she shouldn’t be here. He warned her of what would happen if she came into his space alone again. Shane, her father in-law was a good man, but he liked things his way. He wanted everything run his way. When Kailee and his son had to move back in with him and his wife while their place was being finished, the rules had been simple. Stay out of his office. Last week Kailee had been wandering around the large house, bored and looking for something to do. She walked down the hall and...

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Danis Dilemma

I watched his plane lift off and disappear into the eastern sky. As I slowly walked across the airport terminal to the parking lot, I tried to compose myself as I wiped the last few tears from my cheeks. I could still feel his lips on my lips and the lingering scent of his shaving soap was still with me, but both sensations were rapidly vanishing. As I climbed into the car, I leaned back one last time saying good-bye to the man I loved. The feeling of the strength of his arms around me in our...

3 years ago
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Caught in the Act

Anna had only been living with Lincoln for three months, one week and five days when he walked in on her masturbating. He’d originally left with an overnight bag swinging from his clenched fist and a casual comment thrown over his shoulder to let her know he'd be spending the weekend at a friend’s place. Ten minutes after he'd walked out the door she'd stripped down to her tank top and panties, feeling the urgent need to relieve some of the tension that being around him regularly caused. In...

Straight Sex
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The Cabo Connection

Damon: I’ll bet you’ll get up to some trouble in Cabo.  I smirked at the text that flashed up on our chat-log from the computer screen. He was always teasing me. Ashleigh: No trouble. At least not the good kind of trouble. I’m going with my boyfriend don’t forget. There was a pause, and while I anticipated his next words, I took a sip of the vodka soda I was prone to drinking while I spent my online hours chatting with my favorite virtual stranger, DamonX. I leaned back in my computer chair and...

2 years ago
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Totally Unacceptable

Dedication: This story is just a bit of fun and is respectfully dedicated to all the tireless story checkers on Lush, whose hard work makes this site possible and who have to put with rubbish like this every day. Also, thanks must go to Fugly, whose story "Bag of Lush All Sorts" was the inspiration for this piece.I was in only my second month at Global Biofuels and still finding my way around the organisation. As the head of procurement in a modern, forward-thinking, ethical company, I had to...

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Totally Chesty Tales Tale 04

Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 04 – Toolbox of Fun(Featuring Casey, Dave and Jeff Valony) That Saturday wasn’t just for the ones who wanted to be outdoors and hang out around Steelport. It was a day also for the ones who wished to take a rest from the weekdays’ hard work and enjoy a well-deserved rest. Somebody like Casey Mancini.At her bedroom, she read magazines laid on her bed by 10AM, after a week of work and house chores. The weekends were her time to take a rest, go shopping and enjoy life...

4 years ago
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10 Items Or Less

Robyn thought about sex a lot. She craved sex. Robyn wanted to feel a man’s strong masculine hands all over her naked body, to hear him whisper dirty words in her ear and make her pussy sopping wet.She imagined his hands pulling her hair back and his tongue in her ear as his thick hard cock penetrated her wet cunt. She wanted to feel his bulging biceps caress her sides and the feel of his sweat mixing with hers on their warm wet bodies.Just then Robyn looked up and saw bright red brake lights...

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Bag of Lush all sorts

Anal “You like that, don’t ya Fugs, hey?” asked Eric. “You like a big cock going deep in that sweet tight little puckered up ass?” “You know I do, Babe,” I said between thrusts. “But, do you want to talk or fuck?” “Oh, let’s talk please,” Eric smirked. “How was your day, sweetheart?” “Well asshole, it was going fine... until you opened your mouth. So, stop being a smart ass, shut up and”... BDSM “Take it like the bitch you are,” I said, as I rammed my condom covered rubber opaque cock...

Straight Sex
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The tale about the Laughter of Azbezil Prologue

The Tale about The Laughter of Azbezil Prologue During the age of darkness, there existed a country where the people were proud of their happiness, but in truth, the kingdom was headed for chaos and sorrow. In the following years, many would question why none saw the danger and reacted before it was too late. The wise answer is that the problem was not lack of knowledge, but rather the opposite. The danger to the kingdom had been foretold many hundreds of years earlier. With the warning...

2 years ago
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Kinky Twisted College Sex

(episode 31) Prelude to the Party: After finding out about Mary Beth’s kinky tryst at the lesbian club and also allowing myself to participate in Jennifer’s twisted drug-fueled gang bang, I found myself in a very strange mood. In fact it was like being apathetic, ashamed, strangely aroused and creeped out all at once. Despite all the bizarre events of the past weekend, I thought I’d try to maintain my relationship with Mary Beth. I figured my participation in Jennifer’s twisted orgy and Mary...

College Sex

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