Vanessa's Secret free porn video

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Vanessa's Secret Part one By Jason Morgan A beautiful young woman is abused by her cruel master. She is hoping to soon win her freedom when a caring young man enters her life and hopes he can win her heart and help her get her freedom. The young woman does her best to hide her past and a dark secret that could shatter all everything for her. Part 1 Hey Miss Priss, our drinks are getting hot and they are hungry, Get some sandwiches too, get your swishy ass in here!" A harsh voice called out loudly breaking the young woman out of her day dreams. "Yes Mr. Antonio I will. Sorry for being late, sir." She took a deep breath and prepared herself for this. A tear went down her face requiring her to quickly repare her makeup. She stiffened her back and tried to look as dignified as she could wearing her maids outfit with his totally transparent sheer top so her breasts were clearly visible to everyone she would be serving. Picking up a large pitcher, and silently cursing everyone who put her there. She walked out to meet the guests Antonio had called for this day. She curtseyed as she entered and went to serve them. Feeling very self conscious and embarrassed that they could see her this way. Vanessa desperately wished she could cover herself, but Antonio demanded that she display herself this way. She curtseyed demurely and went to serve the guests assembled at the table. Most of the guests just figured it was how things were here, and didn't mind or interfere with it. They knew about Antonio and Vanessa. They were all men and had certain ideas about what a women's place in life was. They all didn't agree with treating her this way, a woman should not be seen in company like this. Wives and such were kept away during business. But Antonio enjoyed the power to humiliate and demean this woman, and it wasn't their place to interfere. One young man looked into her face as she entered the room and curtseyed to them all. He didn't approve at all, and the look in her eyes touched something inside him. He briefly looked into her eyes and what he saw bothered him. He saw total an intense sadness in her eyes. She went around refiling the guest's drinks and curtseyed to them all as she served them. She stopped by his spot at the table and refilled his glass of tea, she addressed him respectfully. "Is there anything more that you need, Mr. Michael?" she asked with her downcast submissive eyes as a serving girl. She did not conduct herself with any real dignity as a woman, wife or lady of the house. He knew no man treated his woman in this way. He saw the deep sorrow in her eyes and began to develop a hate for this Antonio. Michael needed to find out more about this man, and this young woman he so openly mistreats in front of guests. He felt such sorrow for her that as she reached out to refill his glass, he put a comforting affectionate hand on hers to reassure her. It was only meant to be like a gentle affectionate caress on her hand. She jumped sharply from his touch. Her body jumped as she was startled and a fearful cry escaped her as she jumped back. Michael had meant to frighten her. The other guests saw, but didn't mind. They were his family. Antonio saw what he did, but he didn't admonish him for what he did to her. He probably figured Michael was flirting with and that was acceptable and expected. He was angered at her startled reaction and her spilling the tea all over the floor. Antonio bolted up angry and yelled, "You clumsy cunt, how dare you treat our guest that way. We will discuss this infraction later, you will clean up your mess, you clumsy moron! Now get a towel to clean it up." Michael reached out and took her hand in his. He said to Antonio, "That is not necessary, Antonio. It was my fault for startling her and I will clean the mess." Then he looked into Vanessa's eyes. "Forgive me Miss, I didn't mean to scare you." He stood up and followed her into the kitchen. He told her, "You Stay here and I will clean it up. You don't have to face them again. I will reason with Antonio and he won't punish you for this." Michael entered the room in Vanessa's place. He knelt on the floor with a rag and began cleaning up the spilt tea. His family watched with wide amazed eyes and some had their mouth open as if they could not comprehend a man doing this sort of woman's job. Their brother was demeaning himself. Antonio saw, but he could do nothing about this. Michael could do anything he wanted to do. Michael's thoughts were on Vanessa, this situation had him very disturbed and he could not get her out of his mind. It was wrong on so many levels. Most women wouldn't mind such a touch from a man like him. , If they did mind, they would have no problem with telling him no. Many have told him no, or slapped him at times. One waitress even deliberately spilt the drink down his shirt. He has never encountered a terrified reaction like this from an innocent touch. Vanessa nearly jumped out of her skin. That was extremely disturbing. Such a frightened reaction from just an affectionate touch. What had Antonio done to this young woman to make her so easy frightened? He had to find out. He cleaned up the mess and approached Antonio respectfully. "Mr, Moleno, I meant no offense to you or your family. I made the mistake by frightening Vanessa. I apologize if I offended you or her. Please don't punish her for my error in judgment and reassure her that I do not want to harm her. I am an honorable man and I was raised to treat women respectfully. I take responsibly for my errors. If you want to punish someone then you punish me. If I have offended you, you can tell us to leave. If we are to have business together, please respect my wishes. We have many interests and our family is well connected around the world. There is much we can do for your company." Antonio's blood ran cold. He knew a threat when he heard it. This family had a way of phrasing something that can sound totally respectful, but the implications are made clear. He also seemed to take an interest in the young woman. That could work out either way for Antonio. "It is alright, Mr. Andolini. I promise you that I will not punish Vanessa for this. Let's forget it, okay." He nodded his head. "You are a wise man, Antonio. Let's discuss our business." Michael took his seat across from him. Michael then said, "Now with the unpleasantness taken care of we can discuss how I can help you. My family wants to invest in businesses in this area, and your salon appears to be a good place to start. We could become silent partners in your Salon Demur that you run with Nanette. We could invest a very considerable sum in your salon." This could really be a good thing. With their families allied, there may be no limit to what they could accomplish. Antonio smiled. "I think there is a good chance we can come to an agreement. I must confess that the decision isn't mine alone. I am but a small partner. I must discuss this with the owner Nanette. She will make the decisions on it. I think she would be very favorable to such a partnership." "My family must also discuss the issue from all angles. We have many things to discuss and agree on before we can come to a final agreement. I welcome the opportunity to partner with a man like you." Michael smiled. "I know we can do great things together." Their meeting went on for another three hours. Vanessa didn't return, there were other things around the house that needed taken care of. Michael made sure Antonio understood that he didn't want her to return to the room. He didn't like how she was mistreated or abused, and he didn't approve of the overly revealing outfit he forced her to wear. They got their own drinks and food during the meeting. Vanessa was left alone. She began to dust one of tables in the other room and went into deep reflection on her life. She was not a free woman. Antonio ruled her life. He was not her husband and she would never marry a horrible cruel man like him. Her family gave her to Antonio as part of a reward for his loyalty. She was his slave girl. She served him in any way he desired. She cooked his meals, washed his clothes, cleaned his house, she even slept with him when he told her to. She was his slave. She would get her freedom from him in a year. What would she do then? She would get her name back and be free to determine the course of her own life. What would she do then? Could she be the person she was before this horror? She knew there was no way she could be that person ever again. No one would ever believe it. She could never be the person she was before. That person was gone. That was the past, and there was no way to go back to that. She had to accept that she was who she was now, and she could be free. She could make new dreams and a new life once she was free. So what would she do with her freedom? That was a year away. She knew one thing she had dreamed about every day in her service of this monster of a man. She wanted to watch him die. She wanted that more than anything else. Her cruel heartless step mother put her here with Antonio. Her step brother watched it all happen and he was happy. Her stepbrother, free living the life of wealth that she should have had. She wanted to take it all back, but that was impossible. Maybe it wasn't impossible. She smiled a dark cruel smile to herself as she thought about facing Brent again to take back what was hers. Seeing the look on his face as she returned to take everything he stole from her. She was going to return and she was going to raise hell. She would return some day, and raise hell. She has carefully suppressed the years of white hot rage, it was going to be released on those who did this to her when the time came. It was a year away. The men stood up and said their goodbyes. They filed out the door. Vanessa was required to greet them as they left. She said bye to each of them as they walked out the door, giving them all a limp wristed handshake and let them kiss her hand as she bent her knee submissively. It was humiliating; most of the men ignored it and just walked out. Michael approached her and took her hand gently in his. She said, "It was a pleasure meeting your acquaintance Mr. Andolini. I will be pleased to see you again." She curtseyed to him as he took her hand in his. "It was a pleaser seeing you Mrs. Vanessa. I will be happy to return and see you again. You tell me if Tony harms or punishes you for what I did today. I would be most displeased in that case." He saw a look that he could not quite identify. It almost looked like fear. Or something that she was not sure how to feel about this. She was uncomfortable, that was for sure. She probably never had a man genuinely care about her feelings before and did not know how to feel. She probably thought he was just trying to get in her panties. Michael approached Antonio. "Make no mistake, I will be seeing the young lady again. I would hate to hear that you have harmed her in any way for my mistake. We are arranging a business deal, remember that and we won't have any problems concluding it." Antonio was disturbed and got the hint. "I won't punish her. It is forgiven. Thank you for your company Mr. Andolini." Vanessa heard Santino Say to his brother Michael as they walked away, "Why are you so concerned with the maid there. What he does to his maid is none of our business." "I know. There is just something about her that I feel the need to intervene. She looks like she needs someone to help her. Did you see how frightened she was? No one should make a woman so fearful." "I know," Santino replied. "But it is none of our business. Stay out of it." Michael laughed. "I can't stay out of it. You know my nature, Father may be displeased. Why start listening to him now." She knew that no matter what Antonio promised to Michael that he was still going to punish her. She knew she had it coming. There was nothing Michael could do to protect her, and she didn't trust his intentions anyway. She knew what he wanted from her. Like most men, he pretended to care to get what he wanted. If her life had taught her anything, it taught her that people only cared about themselves. No one cared about her feelings and she would be a fool to think anyone did. She feared what Michael wanted to do with her. She wouldn't mind spending some time alone with Michael's sister Constantia. That would never happen. She headed toward the dining room to clean up and then she had the dishes to wash. She began taking the dishes off the table and putting each one in a cart to take into the Kitchen. She cleaned off the table and wiped the food off. She disinfected and scrubbed it off and took the dishes into the kitchen and started washing them one by one. She was elbow deep in soapy water washing the dishes. She was scrubbing the plates clean when she felt someone come behind her and wrap his arms tightly around her body. He squeezed her breast and she felt him nuzzle his face in the crook of her neck and his hands slide up her body to cup her breasts. She had stopped scrubbing the dishes as he began squeezing and pinching her breasts. She trembled in fear and disgust. It was Antonio behind her taking his sexual liberties on her. It was his right and she could nothing about it, even if she felt the man was the most repulsive disgusting vile man in the world. She curssed as she felt silent revulsion as she felt his lips leave a trail of wet kisses along her neck. His hands pinching her nipple as she cried in disgust. She just stood still as the she felt the man's large hands squeezing breasts. It made her feel so dirty and used. He kept licking and kissing her neck. His hands slide under her maid's uniform and started play with her bare breasts. She felt disgusted as his hands were touching the naked soft skin of her breasts. Complete disgust overwhelmed her as she felt his hands on her bear nipple pinching them between his fingers. He whispered in her ear, "Those dishes can wait; am so horny now. Let's go to the bedroom, I need a blowjob from you now." He took her hand and led her into his bedroom and she knelt on the floor. She saw him pull his pants down as he sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her to pleasure him with her mouth. She shut her eyes in disgust, in silent desperate whimper escaped her mouth as she learned forward. The foul organ slid between her soft wet lips. She did her womanly duty for the man who possessed her. Her head bobbed up and down along his penis, her unwilling mouth gave him much pleasure. A loud pleasurable groan was heard around the room. Her soft lips wrapped around his penis, she licked around the head and bobbed her head along the length of the penis. She hated giving men blowjobs. It was one of the vilest acts. It made her feel disgusting and she hated the taste when it shot in her mouth. Men enjoyed receiving them. Antonio loved making her do it, and he knew how she hated it. He made her do this almost every night. She found herself bobbing her head slowly back and forth. Her lips stimulating the length of his penis as her tongue teased the head swirling around the sensitive head going back and forth in her mouth. She silently cursed him. Her mouth would be stimulating him for over an hour. He didn't like quick orgasms. He loved feeling the stimulation of her soft moist lips for over an hour before finally letting himself go. It was better for him this way. It was a totally grotesque act for her. Her shoulders and neck and jaw began to ache after thirty minutes. She knew that she had to keep her slow pace on his penis until he was ready to ejaculate in her mouth. Her pace maintained is slow methodical up and down motion on his organ, stimulating its sensitive skin with her lips. She had to maintain the pace he desired. Her lips maintained is soft contact with his hard penis. Her tongue kept its motion to stimulate the sensitive underside and head of his penis as it slid back and forth between her lips. She had to keep her lips tightly sealed around his penis to give him a good blowjob. The shoulders and back were beginning to burn and ache much more. Vanessa's head had been maintained it's slow up and down motion for over an hour and fifteen minutes when he made her quicken her pace. She felt the penis in her mouth quivering. It was very to an orgasm in her mouth. She hated this part most of all. It would also mean this disgusting act would be allowed to end. She still hated the taste of semen in her mouth. He finally unloaded a massive ejaculation in her mouth at about two hours. Four enormous ejaculations right in her mouth. She struggled to swallow the first two entire loads that were shot into her mouth. She squealed in despair as two enormous loads shot into her mouth. Her cheeks expanded as she swallowed it. Some spilled down her lips, it was unavoidable. He pulled back and shot more into her mouth. She swallowed it and then a third one followed which she swallowed. As she was getting her breath, she gulped air and a sudden fourth shoot in her throat that she inhaled and streamed out of her nose. She choked and gagged she looked at him as he laughed and pulled her into bed with him. She stared at the wall as he drifted off to sleep. Vanessa covered her face silently sobbing. Why was Antonio so cruel? She laid down beside him with the grotesque pungent taste of Antonio's semen in her mouth. She did her final preparations to sleep, knowing what Antonio may want in the morning. She fell into an uneasy sleep only to be woken up early as usual. Antonio needed his early morning quick orgasm before going to work at the salon. He forced Vanessa on her hands as knees to get her ass serviced by him. She let him get her into the proper position for him. Disgust overwhelmed her as he prepared to enter her. She knew she had to lube the night before when she slept with him. He pounded her unwilling anal opening until he had a satisfactory orgasm deep inside her. He silently stood up and dressed. He whispered in her ear before he left, "This would probably be less painful for you, if you were an actual woman. It would also be more natural for you. Then you would have proper body parts to make this better." She looked up and replied, "You would also not be as interested in me if I was a woman. We both know you like men. You only want to torment and demean me, for some reason." "Your list of daily duties will be on the wall when you get up. I expect them to all be done when I come back from Nanette's." He left silently. She had cleaned all of the windows and washed all of the dishes. Most of the floors had been mopped or vacuumed. She had begun washing the clothes when she heard someone enter the front door. No one had knocked, it just opened and someone stepped though. Vanessa went to check wearing her sheer maid's uniform that she always had to wear. She wasn't concerned about her revealing appearance. No one came in who wasn't allowed or approved by Antonio, so they would know what to expect. There would be trouble if she wasn't dressed this way. Walking through the front door was Michael Andolini, the man who so blazingly flirted with her at the dinner last night. She stood stiff, then let out a cry of pure terror and ran as fast as she could into the bedroom. The door slammed as she ran to the bed nearly hyperventilating. Her entire body was trembling in fear. What did he want from her? Why couldn't he leave her alone? Terror had overwhelmed her at this man who had invaded the house. She ran into Antonio's bedroom and locked the door. She could have went to hers, but it didn't lock for obvious reasons. Michael followed her and knocked on the door. "Please open the door, Vanessa." She screamed when he said more sternly, "Vanessa I would hate to break this door, I just want to see you. I promise I won't hurt you. I would never lay an unwanted hand on a woman. You are such a beautiful woman. I just want to talk to you." He sounded nice enough, and she didn't want to have to explain how Antonio's door got broken. Vanessa knew that Antonio wouldn't accept her explanation of a man entering interested in her. He would probably believe it, but blame her for being rude to a man. There were certain exceptions of her. She was expected to be curious and inviting to any man who came. No one could come in who was not approved by Antonio. He had security make sure of that. So she opened the door to meet this man. She prepared herself for whatever indignity he had planned. He saw her trembling in her revealing outfit with tears in her eyes. His heart wept wondering how anyone could do this to such a beautiful woman. He said to Vanessa, "What Antonio does to you is not right. You are much too beautiful of a woman for any man to be treating you as callously and cruelly as he treating you." Vanessa's entire body trembled with fear as was backing away from Michael, eyeing him warily as if she expected him to attack her. "You have nothing to fear from me," Michael said comfortingly. "I give you my word; you are safe Vanessa. I will never hurt you." The suspicion in her eyes and the doubtful look in her face told Michael she didn't believe anything he said. She looked like she actually wanted to snort in a way to show she didn't believe him. She knew what men wanted from her. "You are a beautiful woman Vanessa. Your beauty is stunning and enchanting. I will help you with Antonio. I don't understand why you don't stand up for yourself with him. No woman should allow herself to be treated like that." Her only response was the distrust and fear in her eyes as she waited for him to molest her, "I don't understand it, but I am here for you. Why do you let him do what he does to you?" She didn't respond, in fact she looked more alarmed and fearful than before. The look in her face and the way she trembled told Michael she had been though many painful experiences with men. She didn't believe a word coming out of his mouth. He began to feel intense anger and she saw it too. He started turned to leave. He was now resolved to find out about this woman. He wanted to know more about Vanessa help her in any way that he could. Michael felt rage boiling inside him as he walked away. He wasn't the least bit angry at her, but she thought he was. He was angry at Antonio for making her so distrustful of men's intentions toward her. He didn't blame her for not trusting him. Anyone treated this way would be very reluctant to trust anyone. He had to find a way to show her that she could trust him to protect her. Later that night when Antonio came home with another man in his arms, she was very thankful that she would be sleeping alone. The man in Antonio's arms were very slim and pretty with long blonde hair, just the type Antonio liked. Antonio was the dominant one. The younger man looked like he would enjoy what Antonio had in mind. The only thing that mattered was she would be alone that night, that always made it so much better. However, Vanessa still had her duties to perform. The two lovers had a romantic evening together and Vanessa waited on them in her revealing outfit. She made sure his glass stayed filled. She curtseyed demurely, waiting on them. She cooked their meal for them, waited on them when they called. She did everything that she expected and the two excused themselves when they were finished eating. Vanessa excused herself once she was finished cleaning up the table and washing the dishes. She enjoyed having her bed to herself. The empty bed provided her with her own relaxing evening alone. Vanessa was so thankful. Michael kept his word to her when he came back to see her a few days later. Michael and his brother Santino returned to have another meeting with Antonio. He had called her ahead of time to tell her that Michael and his family were coming for another business meeting. Vanessa have the meals ready when they arrived. Everything was ready when Michael walked through the door with his brother Santino. They sat at the table and she began serving them drinks and treating them respectfully. She started to leave to get them their plates of food when Michael said, "Vanessa, You don't have to be a serving girl with us. Please sit by me and we can eat together." Fear flashed in her eyes when he said that. "Michael let her do her job. We need to eat and get our business done." "A man can serve himself Antonio," Michael said with a stern tone in his voice "Let her sit with me so we can eat together. If not, I am sorry we came all the over here for nothing. I can't tolerate how you treat her. It's your business what you do with her when you two are alone, but I hate to see a woman demeaned. You won't do it in front of us." That solved the problem. There wasn't anything Antonio could do to stop that. Michael stood up and got plates of food for Vanessa and himself. Vanessa felt uncomfortable with the man, but it was a clear order. She simply sat and ate her meal with Michael. Michael had been very kind toward her. He had not attempted to make any move on her at all. He treated her with kindness and respect. He asked if there was anything he could do for her once they finished their meal. She declined and continued to sit beside him. "May I ask you something, Vanessa," Michael asked into the silence. He was looking at her. Her eyes darted up at the unexpected question, unsure of what this was all about. "Sure Mr, Andolini," she replied respectful. Still unsure. "What do you want in life?" "Excuse me," she replied. "I don't understand." No one has ever asked her, nor cared what she really wanted. She was very confused and a little afraid of this. Why had Michael asked her, why did he even care what she wanted. "I mean, what kind of life do you want yourself? What do you want to do with your life? What do you want your future to be? What do you desire," Michael explained. "I don't know," she replied shyly. "No one has ever asked or cared about what I wanted. I guess, to be a good servant and make people happy." Michael had secretly got people to dig into her past and he had found out a little about her. It wasn't much, but it had just been a few days. He was sure he was going to find out a lot more. He had figured that he could guess what she wanted in life from what he had dug up so far. He knew he was right about her, from the look in her eyes and her dismissive reply to his question. Her submission and docile behavior around him may make Antonio happy with her. Michael was a good judge of people and Vanessa was anything but broken. "I care about what you want, Vanessa. You are an extremely beautiful and strong woman. I want to spend as much time with you as possible. I hope that we can see each other alone sometime soon. Would you like that," Michael said to her. "If Antonio agrees, I would have no choice. It is my duty to serve, Michael. I don't get a choice," Vanessa told him, mainly so he knows what the deal is and she does not get a say in things like this. So he should stop bugging her. Vanessa suspected he had no intention of leaving her alone. He was going to know that he was forcing this on her, and she wasn't going to make it easy, or let him think that this was her choice. Michael saw that she still didn't trust him at all. She expected him to come on to her in some sexual manner like the other men had done when they arranged time alone with her. Other men had arranged time alone with her, and she hated it. She knew he was no different. That frustrated him, but he didn't blame her. Vanessa ate with him and was greatful when the meal ended. He said to her, "I had a good time with you this evening. Thank you for a good meal." "You are welcome, please don't do this to me again," Vanessa said as he was leaving with Santino. The next date with Michael was announced after a very rough and demeaning session of sex with Antonio. He told her just after he finished and his semen was oozing down her ass cheek, "Vanessa, Michael is going to take you out this afternoon. I expect you to be ready for him when he arrives. Don't fight him when he makes his move. This is important because you know about our plans and deals. So don't mess up it. Make a good impression, if you know what is good for you. Antonio warned. "Please don't make me go with him," Vanessa begged, tears flowing down her face. She hated being used as a prostitute. "Just let me serve you alone, my Antonio. Please don't use me this way." "Enough!" Antonio shouted harshly. "I have already decided. He just requested time alone with you this evening. I have accepted, so you will go." "Remember," Antonio said in a low dangerous voice, warning her. "Don't reveal anything that you aren't supposed to. We don't want him to know too much about certain people we are connected to. Michael's power behind our organization can be much help. The Sisterhood's influence will expand with an alliance with Michael's family. You do your job and there won't be anything to worry about." Vanessa smirked as she thought about his plan. There was one serious flaw in his reasoning. She replied smirking, "Getting involved with the Andolini's could possibly be fatal for you, dear sweet Antonio. I am sure you know who they are. Getting involved with him, could be a bad idea if it doesn't work out. If you get on Michaels bad side, Santino or another of their button men may pay you a visit and I will be freed sooner than anyone planned. I wouldn't mind that." "There is nothing to worry about; we have the sisterhood looking out for us. You know what happens if you cross them," Antonio said to her. "Oh I know too well," she replied, having experienced it herself. "The Sisterhood is ruthless and cruel, just like you are. But the Sisterhoods power and ruthlessness is nothing compared to what you are getting involved with. Michael is Cosa Nostra; His family won its power and reputation in the vicious gang wars in Sicily. They crushed an alliance of the Fanucci and Bocchicchio family's. The Andolini's were the only family left when that brutal war was over. If the Sisterhood thinks they can face a war with the Andolini's, they will have another thing coming. They are nothing, the Andolini's will destroy them all. I would love to see the Sisterhood try to fight them. But they don't have the manpower or weapons to really fight a gang war. We know what they do to men anyway." "There is nothing to worry about, just don't mention the sisterhood to him." Antonio turned to leave. "I won't, so don't worry. I can keep our secrets," Vanessa said as Antonio was leaving. She was used to being threatened and keeping the sisterhoods secret. Vanessa was sobbing as Antonio left for the day. She knew that Antonio hoped that arranging this would help their business deal. She had little choice in the matter. Michael wanted her to date him and What Michael wanted, he got. Vanessa began her day after Antonio left. She took a long bath to help her relax and clean herself. The sweet smelling oils she used really helped her to relax. The relaxing bath helped her, and her mind began to drift to Michael. Dread was beginning to grip her as she thought about what he wanted. He talked nice and told her what she wanted to hear, but that is what men did until they got her alone. Once they were alone, all pretenses were gone. Michael talked nice, but it was all talk. Just like all of the rest. He wanted to possess her like all of the rest. That was all. She had finished cleaning the house by the time Michael arrived at the door. The floored were cleaned. The windows were washed. The clothed were washed. All of the dishes were washed and dried, and they were put in their place. The house was all clean. She had to make time to prepare herself for her date. She had washed and set her hair. Her hair was done in light curls that draped down her back and below her ears. Her makeup was exotic and beautiful the way most men seemed to like it. He arrived at her door by the time she was finished. Vanessa answered the door wearing a tight high cut miniskirt that went above her knees showing much of her thighs. The pink nylons that encased her legs made a very sexy statement. Her skirt was high enough it showed some of the straps that held up her pink nylon stockings. She wore a pair of bright red shiny heels. The low neckline of the floral top revealed part of her bra strap and much of her cleavage was on display. She assumed and hoped she looked ready for what she knew he wanted from her. She prayed that once he got what he wanted from her that he would leave her alone. Most men left her alone once they got what they were after. Only a few became repeats, the more ruthless ones who wanted to possess her over and over. That was a nightmare. None of them came close to the cruelty of Antonio. He needed her so bad he arranged to own her. He arranged it with her family who was only too happy to give her away. Michael wearing a usual business suit when she walked out to see him. He greeted her respectfully and went to the car in the driveway. Michael asked her as they headed toward his black car, "Is that how you want to dress to go out with me?" She replied curtly, "Let's not pretend here. I know what you want from me. I will make it good for you, and I will dress for the occasion. I am ready for you. Isn?t this appealing?? ?No,? Michael replied. He looked very upset. ?I am not pretending this is anything more than it is,? Vanessa said, in an offended and hurt tone. ?I know what you want and you will get it. You will get a very hot time. I will please you in any way you desire. I hope that will be it and you will leave me alone.? She replied to him. Michael looked very offended at what she said. A hard cold look overcame his features. He stood outside of his car, and his entire presence radiated danger and malice. He looked like someone you wouldn?t want angry at you. She just faced him waiting for a reply. Then he smiled. It was a warm friendly smile. ?Vanessa,? he said in an affectionate loving tone. ?I have no sexual intentions. There is nothing sexual about this. No expectations like that. I have no desire to harm you in any way. I will respect you. I give you my word; I only want to help you feel safe with me. That is something that I think you desperately need in your life. I will give it to you. I want to fulfill your personal needs, not mine. We will go out; I hope you feel at ease with me. We will talk; eat at a nice public place. Relax and hopefully get to know each other. You are safe with me, Vanessa.? She still didn?t believe him. ?You will attract much attention where we are going and may offend more of the people there. That can?t be helped now. I understand what you had expected from this date. You are mistaken, and hopefully in time, you will realize that I am for real. My only concern is your safety.? ?Sure you are,? she replied as they got in the car with Michael. Michael told the driver to go. She felt anything but comfortable as they rode together. They pulled into a fine Italian restaurant. Michael got out and she followed him into the restaurant. A waitress noticed them and approached. She looked disapprovingly at Vanessa, noticing that she had dressed like a prostitute. The waitress led to a nice secluded spot in the corner. They sat there alone for a few minutes before another waitress approached to get them drinks. She also noticed how Vanessa was dressed and looked very uncomfortable and almost offended at Vanessa. She spoke Italian and asked Michael what he wanted. Then they spoke about Vanessa and how she felt uncomofrtalbe with her dressed like that. Michael dismissed her consern and Michael asked Vanessa what she wanted. Michael was stunned when Vanessa turned to the waitress, and said in Italian, ?I apologize for how I am dressed. Please forgive me. I misunderstood Michael?s intentions toward me. I hope you can understand and forgive me for this.? Then she ordered what she wanted. Michael ordered what he wanted and the waitress left. He stared at Vanessa with his jaw open for a few seconds, and then said in Italian, ?I didn?t know you spoke our language. I guess I shouldn?t be so surprised. You look very intelligent. There must be much about you that I have yet to find out. Much of your past is hidden and clouded. Probably because you don?t want Antonio to know too much about what you know. The less he knows; the better. I am impressed.? She smiled. ?I don?t know your language. Michael. I am fluent in Italian. She was native Italian from the north. You are Sicilian, that?s a little different. I know a lot about you, Michael.? ?What do you know about me?? he asked inquisitively with a warm smile. She just smiled. ?I know what I need to know about you.? She smirked. ?Let?s leave it at that. I am not surprised if you know everything about us too.? ?No,? he said honestly. ?For some reason, your history is clouded and I can?t find out much. My people are having much trouble finding out what I want to know. There are serious questions I have about your situation and how this happened to you. I know little about Antonio. People are doing their best, we will find out what we need to know.? The waitress returned with their meals and they started eating. She then asked, ?What will you do when you find out what you want to know?? ?That all depends on what I find out, I don?t know until the information I seek is revealed. Either I will decide Antonio won?t make a good business partner, Then I will break off our negotiations. Or I will continue our negotiations if I decide he will make a good business partner. I need to find out everything that I can about Antonio?s past and his business arrangements he made with others. I want to know about you too. I want to know if he is truthful and reliable. I also need to know if association with him will sully my family?s image.? She chuckled. ?With your life and business, Michael I thought you were used to dealing with some very shifty and low people of the underworld.? ?We are,? he admitted. ?We try to stay away from the really messy and nasty stuff like Drugs, and other things like that. Prostitution and human trafficking. It hurts our image. That?s what for my father. He is very conservative and traditional. He wants to keep things like that away from his business. But he will like you.? Michael smiled. ?I am very concerned with what Antonio does to you.? He could see that Vanessa was still very afraid of him him. The way she looked at him with fear in her eyes and her very defensive posture when he was around her. Her face showed him much distrust. He saw clearly that Vanessa was not comfortable at all around him. ?Mr, Andolini. I suggest that you cease your negotiations with my Boss Mr. Molino if you don?t want your image sullied by having association with nasty people. He is part of exactly what you said you don?t want your family associated with,? Vanessa told him. ?I know,? he admitted. ?He is directly associated with human traffickers and drug smugglers, but I am willing to overlook that to help you escape it all. I will do anything that I have to, in order to rescue you from that monster. Even dealing with Antonio and those that he is connected with. You deserve so much more in life.? They had finished their meals and he kept his eye on Vanessa. He was watching her finish her plate. Sadness came over him as he realized she had not came out of her defensive posture. He hoped that she would relax with him soon. He led her back to Antonio?s place. He wished that he could keep her with him longer because he hated that he had to deliver her to Antonio. ?I wish I didn?t have to give you back to that monster. I hate Antonio and he makes me feel dirty just having to do any business with him. I will do anything for you.? She looked at him with her sad distrusting eyes. He saw a spark of something within her. Maybe some measure of trust. He wasn?t sure. ?I would prefer to suffer this life for another year than to drag your family into this mess I am in. I would hate to see your family compromise its principals just because of me. Its just another year and then I will be free to do anything I want. I can do that,? Vanessa told him. Michael said flatly, ?This is not right, Vanessa. I cant just leave you and do nothing, not now. Something must be done and I will do anything that I have to, to get you free of him.? ?No, please. Please, don?t see me again,? Vanessa pleaded. ?I don?t want to see you again. You cannot help me. It will cost your family too much.? Their first date ended and Michael took her back to Antonio?s. She went to her bedroom to dress. She had some duties to perform before she could end her day and relax. Sitting her bed, she silently began wondering if Michael would still want to help if she knew the truth about her. Michael probably wouldn?t lift a finger for her if he knew the truth. Vanessa had finished her duties for the night and had went to bed. Her night was very restless and she tossed and turned in her bed for hours before finally drifting off to an uneasy sleep. Images of fear and pain had filled her and her body was sore from all of her work. She was curled in bed totally asleep when she was rudely awaked by a hand squeezing her breast and rolling her on her back. She awakened to see a man with a raging hard-on fondling her and crawling on top of her. The man was Antonio and he was totally nude and climbing on her. Vanessa cursed to herself and had a feeling he would do something like this tonight. Antonio used his strength to climb up on top of her, his strong hands pinning her to the bed as he began crawling on her chest. He threw a leg to the other side straddling her face. Vanessa?s desperate cries were heard though the house as she loudly squealed and screamed. Her feet desperately kicked the bed trying to throw Antonio off of her as his penis forced its way into her mouth. It all happened so fast that she had no chance to stop it. He started humping her mouth as he put one of his hands behind her head to steady his thrusts. She was unable to stop the back and forth motions of Antonio?s hips. Her high pitched squeals of protest were barely heard with her mouth being humped as she endured a slow steady face fucking from Antonio. Her legs flailed about the. She tried slapping at Antonito, but the slow fucking of her face continued without interruption. She eventually realized there was nothing she could do, so she relaxed and let Antonio have his way. She had learned to relax during this time and breathe though her nose. ?Gawk, akkk, Gawk, akkk, Gawk, were the sounds that were coming out of Vanessa?s throat from the slow back and forth motions from Antonio?s hips. Antonio was rough with Vanessa. His eyes were closed enjoying the feeling of Vanessa?s lips around his cock. Eventually after more than an hour of face fucking Vanessa, Antonio felt it coming. He griped her hair tightly and pulled her mouth in as far as he could. He had done this to her many times before and she learned to deal with it. She hated the continuous gagging and choking that went with being face fucked in this way. She tried desperately to get relief from the cock pumping in her throat as it began spurting hot semen down her throat. Her former training and experience with this had taught her to relax and let it happen. It was far easier that way than trying to fight it. Breathing through her nose as she felt the penis lodged in her throat quivering and pumping semen out directly down her throat and it finished. She finally got her much needed release as the penis lodged in her throat pulled out. She gagged as it pulled out, but it wasn?t removed from her mouth. Antonio kept the head of the penis between her wet lips and let it shoot another few loads into her mouth. Her cheeks expanded to accommodate the enormous load he had just shot. She closed her eyes and silently swallowed the entire load in disgust. She hated it. One last shot went into her eye and she began crying as he wiped his cock in her hair. Disgust and shame was always what she felt after he made her do this disgusting act with him. Antonio curled up with his arms around her as he feel into a very satisfied sleep. Vanessa silently swore to herself that someday, she would destroy him and everyone who was responsible for putting her here. She wanted to repay the favor they had done to her. It was only fair. Vanessa laid in bed in Antonio?s erotic embrace with the taste of Antonio?s semen still in her mouth. He wouldn?t had liked her washing her mouth out. She started sobbing. Vanessa started her morning with a very long relaxing bubble bath that she spent twice the allotted time to do. She felt especially filthy that morning. Being alone after Antonio left pretty much allowed her to set her own schedule and work on her own time. Antonio insisted on starting his day with a very long rough intimate session with her. She has hoped desperately that after the very vile disgusting thing he did to her that night would satisfy him, but she was wrong. He forced sex on her after he woke up. He sat down and grabbed her; he forced her to ride him for over an hour. It was painful, messy and very degrading. She had to face him, cling to him as a lover while riding him to a satisfactory orgasm. He kissed her passionately and left. That combined with last night demanded she spend extra time bathing just to wash off the disgusting shameful feeling. She sunk into the steaming hot tub and spent over an hour violently scrubbing her skin trying to wash off all of the dried semen from her chest and body. She did her best to rinse it out of her hair. There were other duties for her so she couldn?t spend all day there. She got out and dried herself and dressed for her maids duties. Her uniform was very thin and revealing so anyone who came in the house would though the uniform. Demeaning her as a person was the point, but the place had tight security. No one could come unless they were either approved by Antonio himself. Michael who could do anything he damn well pleased and get away with it. She found out that Michael was not approved that day he rudely barged in the house on her. Antonio never found out about that, but he didn?t need to know. Michael came in because the security didn?t want to vanish for some unexplained reason. He let Michael come in the house that day. She wondered now how much of Antonio?s security are also on Michaels family?s payroll. After thoroughly washing her body she spending extra time doing her hair and curling it right. Her makeup needed to be done next. She sat at her vanity and carefully applied her makeup. Much intensive training, painful methods were used to instruct her how to apply her makeup and style her hair as a woman. Then she got to work. The instructions were on the table waiting for her and she began her daily duties cleaning the kitchen. Then the bedrooms were next and the main living room. She washed all of the dishes, cleaned and wiped off the stove, scrubbed it clean. She washed the silverware and mopped the floor by noon. A quick break to eat at noon was allowed then she had to start working again. She had washed the table of the dining room, wiped off the chairs and then began her work in the bedrooms by three in the afternoon. She replaced the sheets and blankets from the beds, vacuumed the floors and wiped off the surfaces. By the time she finished the main living area, she was exhausted working in four inch heels. Her feet were aching too much and she sat down for an hour. The totally rigorous schedule of cleaning and washing everything, she was in desperate need for some time to herself to relax and try to forget the hell that her life had become. She had spent almost every waking hour at her brutal unrelenting schedule. She felt like she had white hot irons attacked to her feet. Her arms and shoulders and calves burnt so bad. Her body was screaming for some time off. The soft sofa felt great. It allowed her to take the weight off of her feet and let her body totally relax in comfort. It usually worked, as she shut her eyes. It was not to be this time. This blooming relationship with Michael was really starting to scare her. She didn?t trust his intentions toward her. Knowing what sort of power Michael had and his weird infatuation with her made her highly doubt he would leave her alone like she told him to. These sort of people operated by their own set of rules, and not used to a woman telling them no. IfMichael arranged it with Antonio then it was out of her hands and she would do as she was told. It didn?t mean she had to like it. Of course, she didn?t like any of it. She began to feel an intense boiling anger as she tried to relax in the comfort of the sofa. Her mind kept drifting to her enslavement and brutality she had experienced. Vanessa had felt this intense hot rage return from time to time over the past year. This anger she felt always occupied her mind; it was like a constant companion to remind her of what her life had become. Her body was tense and trembling with silent rage. There was no way to relax her mind was flooded with old memories of pain and discipline that made her a slave. Her mind drifted to how her family turned against her, entrapped and enslaved her. Her father?s marriage other woman who seemed to hate Vanessa. She remembered her step mothers odd behavior and fake kindness she used to entrap her. Her mind went through that fateful day when she was attacked by people her step mother hired, and her step mother?s cold cruel voice telling her how her father was so disappointed with her and what she was going to make Vanessa. She thought about her father telling her that he supported it. Her own father coldly turned against her was to the point that he had no problem watching his wife enslave and brutality her. Her father had given his love and support to his wife?s son Brent, while she was enslaved and humiliated. Her mind wondered to how Brent had taken her status and future as her father?s son, while she was humiliated and betrayed. Then she was given to Antonio in a vicious betrayal. Her face went red, she said outloud, ?Brent, I will come for you some day. I will rip apart your life like you did to me.? Then she stood up and started work again. She had just started washing the windows when the phone rang. It was Antonio?s voice, ?Hello my sweetie. I wanted to tell you that Michael was coming by around six for another date. He plans on taking you again so be ready by then, I will cut your duties short so you have time to make yourself especially sexy for him when he arrives. Monica will come by to finish it all so don?t worry.? She burst into anger and shouted, ?God Damnit Antonio don?t make me keep doing this. I hate being used to barter a deal with that family. Tell him no.? He laughed a bit. ?Sweetie you know I can?t do that. The date has been set and I expect you to please him. I would hate to hear that you upset him. I would have to spank you.? ?Damnit Antonio, how much is he paying you for this,? she demanded. ?Nothing, he just likes you,? Antonio replied. ?You will be ready, won?t you,? His voice had that threatening tone. ?Yes I will be ready,? Vanessa replied in a defeated tone. ?You know, I am still not happy with any of this and I can?t wait to be free in a year.? ?Yes I know,? Antonio admitted. ?That is in a year. You must do what I say until then. Helping Michael will go a long way to pleasing me.? ?Considering how cruel you have been to me, Antonio, you should think about what I will do once my time with you is over. Would you want me to keep my grudge against you then,? Vanessa said in her own sinister tone that made Antonio?s hairs on the back of his neck tingle. ?I may decide to get a gun and find you. I know how frightened you were to betray Nicole?s friends and the Sisterhood. They would have taken terrible vengeance against you and you may have lost everything if tried to help me escape. You would have survived it. The same can?t be said for my retribution. I still hate you. You could have made this time with you good, but you have treated me with nothing but mindless brutality and cruelty. I won?t forget it.? ?Vanessa,? he said sternly. ?You know the deal and I had no choice.? He tried to reason with her. They had been through this a number of times. Vanessa troubled him, she had turned very vicious and unfeeling from his time with her. She harbored this deep seated hatred and rage, and a desire for retribution. She wouldn?t give it up no matter what. He considered calling Nicole about his concerns, surely the sisterhood could do something, but he began to fear if he did that, Vanessa just might snap. ?You had many choices,? Vanessa said. ?We had good times together and you could have helped me after what I did for you. You know what ever retribution the sisterhood took on you isn?t anything they have done to others. With your reputation and resources. You could have separated yourself from them and suffered nothing. You are wealthy and powerful. You would have lived no matter what; you may not live with what I have in mind.? ?You would lose everything,? he said to her. ?You will be free in a year, You can go back to your own life and do anything you want. You won?t have a life if you do that to me. You will never be free again. You would be arrested and tried for murder.? He tried to reason with her. He knew she could and may do exactly what she said. He had seen the frightening levels of rage she had held inside her and it was frightening. He had begun to fear her. ?You can be free in a year, and live the way you want. You can do anything you want and live your life freely. You can be anyone you want then.? ?We both know that isn?t possible. You know I can never be who I was before the Sisterhood changed me. I can?t live that life anymore. Everything was changed, my body and my life was ripped from me. There is simply no way to recover from what the Sisterhood did to me. I may get my identity back, No one will believe I am Vincent. I have nothing left. There is nothing left, but revenge.? She slammed the phone down and started to prepare for her second date with Michael. She was ready for him by the time he pulled into the driveway. She had taken the curlers out of her hair bathed again. Her makeup and hair had to be redone. Preparing herself for another date was a lengthy process because of all of the grime and smells she accumulated from her brutal workload. She looked stunning by the time Michael knocked on the door. She decided to wear a beautiful full length evening gown. The car pulled out as Vanessa was silently cursing him. Vanessa saw they had driven to another Italian restaurant this time. It wasn?t as classy or formal as the first one he took her too. This one was different and much smaller. He told her the food was better and the cook was his personal friend. They people at this place obviously knew Michael as he walked in. They were immediately led to their table. They were directed to a corner private booth. The waitresses were dressed formally as they waited on the customers. Vanessa thought the waitresses here were a little more sexy. Michael ordered the drinks and they were left alone. ?You don?t look happy to be with me, Vanessa,? Michael observed as he sipped the wine the woman served them ?No one bothered to ask me if I wanted to go out with you,? Vanessa snapped. ?You just called my boss and set it up. He told me to go out with you. No one gave me a choice in the matter, so I am here whether I like it or not. How can you expect this to make me happy?? ?I hope you will see this as a good thing someday soon,? he told her as the sexy waitress returned and they ordered their meals. ?I take you out places just so you can feel some sort of safety being out of Antonio?s authority. That is honestly my desire, Vanessa. I wish you could see that, and try to feel comfortable being with me. I know Antonio is a very heartless and cruel man. I really hope that you can start feeling joy and happiness in your time spent with me.? ?There is little evidence that you are different from Antonio. You are doing business with him and you ignored my request to leave me alone. What do I have to judge your real character on,? Vanessa asked him directly, her eyes boring in to his. He saw the intense distrust and suspicion deep in her eyes. ?I can see that I have to prove my intentions to you. I know I have much to do in that area,? Michael admitted to her. ?You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and you deserve a man who can protect and bring you joy.? ?I don?t think I can ever feel happiness or joy in my life,? Vanessa said to him. ?Those things were stolen from me. I can?t get them back.? ?That breaks my heart,? Michael replied to her depressing statement as he ate. ?I only want to provide you with joy and some measure of safety. You are safe with me. I make you this promise, Vanessa. While you are with me, that no one will ever hurt you. You are free to express your desires to me. I will never hurt you for any reason at all. You can rely on me beautiful Vanessa.? ?It is not possible for me to feel happiness or safety at this time,? Vanessa told him. Her desperate eyes bore in on him, pleading that he would understand what she wanted to say. ?Even if your intentions are for real, and everything you say is the honest truth. There is no way I can feel safe and happy at this time. No matter what you do or how good you treat me, I must still return to the monster and do as he wishes. You are unable to do a thing about that.? ?I know, but for the time you spend with me, you can try to forget him. I won?t stop seeing you and you can rely on this time with me to be safe,? Michael pleaded. ?In the meantime, I will find a way to rescue you from him. Then he can never hurt you again. I will rescue you and protect you. We can have a future together.? ?There is no future for us, Michael,? Vanessa said louder. ?I have my secrets. My secrets will make you very unhappy with me. You won?t be able to tolerate and accept. Just please, leave me and don?t call for me again. You can?t be happy with me.? Michael smirked. ?There is nothing you can tell me that will make me unhappy with you. Nothing at all, and I think I know about you and what happened. No matter what those secrets are, I accept you. You are a woman, and a beautiful woman. I can accept you as a woman, and I can accept you, my beautiful Vanessa. Other people couldn?t accept you, but I can. I love you.? She looked down in frustration. He figured he knew about Vanessa?s past and he thought he was being accepting and open minded. Michael had no clue. ********************* © Jason Morgan 2015 All Rights Reserved

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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 5 Teacher8217s Darkest Secret

Hi, my cutie pies. How’s the day? This is a continuation of my story. Please read the previous parts to enjoy the story. But before I continue my story, I would like to thank the ISS team for publishing my story. I got to make many friends who read my story and send their valuable feedback. Some became very close friends of mine. Thank you very much for being my buddies. Here I continue. The next day I was fidgety. It’s been a long wait since I proposed her. And after yesterday’s incident, my...

2 years ago
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Vanessa Hudgens Slutty sleepover

"What's going on here?" Vanessa Hudgens asked Alyson Michalka as they walked past a trio of teenage girls. "Is this why you couldn't go out tonight?""AJ's having a sleepover and I got roped into keeping an eye on them since my parents are out of town," Aly explained."How cute," Vanessa said, letting her eyes wander from AJ to Selena Gomez and finally to the third member of the sleepover, Demi Lovato."Hi Vanessa," AJ said. "We're going to watch School Of Rock if you guys want to join us.""Ooh,"...

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Maggies Secrets Secret

Maggie's Secret's Secret This story is purely fiction. No corporations or names represent real people or companies in any way. I appreciate all story reviews to help me become a better writer or, from a purely selfish perspective, make me want to continue writing. If you like the story I've written numerous others that you might want to read. You can search for all my stories by using the 'author search' and typing in the author, 'Want2BaGirl'. I hope you enjoy. Part One -...

3 years ago
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Vanessa Gets Shorty Blacken

Vanessa is 36 years old, married to her high school sweetheart, Brian. Brian is 5 years older than her. He is not the fittest guy for his age even. He has gained a few pounds over the years. Vanessa however, still looks after her appearance. She has maroon red dyed curly hair at shoulder length, 5"4", 32C cup, a size 8 and very attractive. Some people make jokes about beauty and the b**st but there is always a degree of truth about it. She also has a seductive look that comes naturally and she...

1 year ago
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The Deep Dark Secret

The Deep and Dark Secret. By Susan Brown It was on Paddington Station in the heart of London that their eyes met across the crowded platform. Susan's heart missed a beat when she saw him glance at his watch and then look up at her. He smiled handsomely; his gleaming white teeth brightened her day and most of the platform. She went wobbly at the knees. He was at least 6-foot tall, wide shouldered, about 29 years old, blond...

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Vanessa gets Shorty PT2

The next morning Vanessa opened her eyes, she hoped that it was Shorty that is next to her. She suddenly felt an itching sensation inside her pussy. It felt like a million little micro nerves tingling around the inside of her pussy creating a ticklish sensation. She tried to brush it off and forced herself out of her bed, still feeling a bit sluggish and hit the shower. Brian has prepped Kelly to school. That's the good thing about Brian, he doesn't mind to do share the load, sometimes even...

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Vanessa and the workmen

The three workmen were slaving away in the back garden, in the hot sun. Vanessa watched them from the upstairs bedroom window, getting more excited by the second. Under her robe she was wearing a beautiful red basque with a red g-string, black stockings and five inch heels. This was topped off with the tiniest lycra red halterneck dress which barely concealed her ass or bulge. She undid her robe and looked at herself in the mirror. Her long blond hair and heavily made up face looked as good as...

1 year ago
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VanessaChapter 3 Training

As Joseph stepped through the first door to the conditioning chamber, he once again considered his paraphrasing of Genesis, “On the seventh day, God made slave girls.” Repeated testing had proven that a typical girl’s will could be broken within five to nine days, with most being broken after a week of torture. He stepped into the chamber to determine if this was so. After Vanessa’s electric stun wand treatment a week ago, she had been lowered to the mat to lie unconscious in her own waste....

2 years ago
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The Presidential Secret

The Presidential Secret By Gigi Julianne Langworth is the first woman president of the United States. It all happened very suddenly. It was about two in the morning, local time and 30,000 feet over the Atlantic flying from Paris on Air Force Two when Langworth was awoken from her nap. "Madam Vice-President, uh, we have bad news," whispered the secret service agent, "We just confirmed that President Hunt is dead of heart attack." Julianne's eyes opened in shock. Jason Hunt was a...

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Vanessa Cums Over

When our new employee Vanessa was first introduced in our sales meeting, Natalie had shot me a wide-eyed look. Her slender form slipped into the room and as she took her seat, I noticed her tight bum curving under her black skirt. The curly locks of her black hair pinned behind her head allowed a look at her elegant neck. I had looked back to Natalie, whose smirk revealed that she knew the exact contents of my filthy mind. That had been weeks ago and since then, smiles had ramped up to...

2 years ago
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Vanessa Embarks on a Journey into Unknown Territory Expands Her Social Circle

Author's Foreword & Acknowledgement It probably goes without saying, but the main story, while set in the ‘present day’, does predate the COVID pandemic. It reinforces the point that this story is purely an erotic, fictional fantasy, developed solely from the present author’s weird imagination. The events & individuals portrayed are completely fictional & not based on any actual real-life cases from either group to my knowledge. The following story is set in a particular context, & partly...

1 year ago
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I leaned against the fence watching the cheerleaders practice their routines. The sun was warm on my back and a drop of sweat ran down the side of my face. I wiped it off, not sure if it was because of the heat or me being horny. Vanessa did a few cartwheels and came to a halt only a few yards from me. When she saw me she waved.“Hi, Ben!”I waived back but didn’t have time to answer her because she ran back to her friends. She was so hot in her uniform and long tanned legs. When she jumped or...

1 year ago
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A Shower with My Secretdesire

A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...

3 years ago
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I Spy with my Little Eye Something Beginning with S Secrets

Part 4 I woke up the next morning and groaned deeply as I felt a pair of lips sliding down my morning erection. Even before I was fully awake I was thrusting my hips upwards to meet that willing mouth. “Isn’t your sister good at sucking cock, my little baby!” came the whisper in my ear. My eyes shot open and I would have been panic stricken except for the feeling of a pair of cheeks hollowing against the side of my cock. I looked at my mother lying beside me as her pointed nails took hold of...

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One night touch from SecretFriends

Story taken from forum!I'm relaxing in a luxurious motel room in Northern Florida, watching out the window every now and then and wondering what the hell I'm doing here. I realize what brought me south; a holiday trip to visit a relative in Georgia, but what made me stop here in this five-star motel on my way home? I recognize what I'm doing isn't right, but, this time, I’m just out of control. Or I must accept that I want to be out of control. And then again, my deviant mind...

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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand III Executive Secretar

Hopefully, most of you who have arrived at this story have already read “Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand I and II”, so I won’t belabor the principles behind my Streams of Fuckmeat. I’ll just give a bit of an introduction here, and talk briefly about Thai women before diving in to Fuckmeat Stream Three. Work in international corporate and governmental consulting has placed me in the position to have fucked eight hundred three women, spread out over 46 countries worldwide. In five of those countries...

2 years ago
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A Shower with My Secretdesire

A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...

Straight Sex
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Do you have a secret stash? Of course, you fucking do! We all do! Whether you are talking about that ounce of reefer you have stuck behind your bookshelf or all those old VHS porno tapes you are hiding from your mother for some reason, we all have one! Or did have one, until we moved out of our parent’s basement like the big boys we are!Well, Secret Stash also has its own secret stack. So much that it named the premise Secret Stash! The platform has a fuck load of videos available for you to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Me And Mrs Hotter Our Little Secret

It was without doubt the most embarrassing moment of my life. There I stood in a back street with a brown paper bag between my feet and its contents, five dirty mags, spread out on the pavement in front of me. Not only that, but Mrs Hotter was standing there staring, hand over mouth.Mrs Hotter was her real name, by the way, which occasioned a great deal of sniggering among us boys-becoming-men, but that’s neither here nor there. Let me give you the background.It was the day after my 18th...

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STREET STORIES:My Homeboy’s Girlfriend (The Secret)By WebbHe that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore. -Sigmond Freud The very best part of a secret lies in the telling. -Stephen Pinto I have contended for a long time that the best part of a secret is in the telling…yeah I’m Stephen Pinto, a.k.a. Big Webb. This story is an example of that....

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My Secret

This is a strange, short story that I wrote a long time ago, which is what it is – nothing will be added to it.  It’s much more gentle than the usual fare that I come up with, and is dedicated to a lovely woman I used to know named Beth.  Any comments, suggestions, feedback – postive, negative or otherwise – appreciated, to [email protected]~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~I have a secret.? A little hidden treasure that I keep locked away.? Nobody knows about it yet, because if they did, I never know what...

2 years ago
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Vanessa Gets it from a stranger

Introduction: Vanessa, my wife, gets it from a thick stick Vanessa is my wife of five years. She is half Latino and half Irish and she is quite the stunner with a luscious smile sporting perfectly straight white teeth, a well rounded apple bottom bosom, and beautiful perky tits and even thicker luscious nipples. Thats my perfect wife. She dresses very classy too. She never dresses like a skank. She wears long skirts and flat shoes and gowns that hide her beautiful hour glass figure. This was...

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Vanessa and the girl next door

I’m five feet eight, slim, a little too slim in the breast department for my own liking but I hadn’t had any complaints. My eyes are brown as is my hair which is cut short. I live in my own house and have done ever since my divorce ten years ago. I’ve had a couple of flings but nothing too serious. About nine years ago a nice couple moved in next door. They had a teenage daughter called Julie and one night she knocked on my door saying she had forgotten her keys and could she come in for a...

3 years ago
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Vanessa and the Girl Next Door

I’m five feet eight, slim, a little too slim in the breast department for my own liking but I hadn’t had any complaints. My eyes are brown as is my hair which is cut short. I live in my own house and have done ever since my divorce ten years ago. I’ve had a couple of flings but nothing too serious. About nine years ago a nice couple moved in next door. They had a teenage daughter called Julie and one night she knocked on my door saying she had forgotten her keys and could she come in for a...

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Vanessa Zach Passionate Pleasure

Introduction: I havent written in a while so please be nice. Enjoy Vanessa looked up into Zachs eyes and smiled. The brilliant blue always got the best of her. The light gleaming in from outside made them both retreat to the covers and hide from the outside world. Zach reached out to Vanessa and touched her delicate, cold face. They both stared deeply into each others eyes until Zach chuckled, breaking the bond, and rolled on top of Vanessa, pinning her arms down. Vanessa giggled cutely and...

4 years ago
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Vanessa gets more than she bargained for

Vanessa had it all planned out meticulously. She had taken the day off and planned on doing a bit of last minute shopping before checking into the hotel in the early afternoon. She eventually decided on buying a massive dildo to get her ready for the party. This would give her plenty of time to take a long bath, shave and make herself look as alluring as she could. Her date would arrive about nine and hopefully, as he had said, would be bringing a few friends along as well. He had explained to...

1 year ago
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Vanessa Needs Some Cock

It is not uncommon for men of a certain age to experience erectile dysfunction but this was of little comfort when it started happening to me a few months ago. Vanessa was certainly not mollified by knowing she was not the first woman to discover she had a malfunctioning husband on her hands. “Don’t worry, sweetie, we’ll try another time,” she said, or similar, the first couple of times, but her patience wore thin as the failures mounted. It was always the same. I would get hard, no problem,...

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Roberts Secret

ROBERTO'S SECRET by Spanky Dee Cody Daniels was only trying to help her country; she never dreamed things would come to this. She was patriotic and felt compelled to do whatever asked of her to aid in the capture of the terrorist known only as "Roberto." But lying in his bed, bound and gagged, Cody wondered why she let herself go this far in the Bureau's plan to nab the world's most wanted and hated man. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It...

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I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...

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Girlfriends Futanari Secret

I'm copying this story from here: because I prefer the interface of this site. Please feel free to copy entries from the story map, found here: In the original story, underage sex was allowed, but since that is against the rules here on this site, please make the appropriate modifications to fit site rules. I tried to...

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SRU Hanks Secret

SRU: Hank's Secret By Bashful ******************** Author's note: Many thanks, once again, to Janice Dreamer who improved this story immensely with her skillful editing and nit picking. I am deeply grateful Jan. ******************** Hank Wilson was the kind of son any parent would be proud of. He was the starting center for the Gus Grissom High School basketball team, the Astronauts. He had a solid 'B' average and he was popular with most of the kids in his senior class. ...

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Fictionmanias Secret

Victoria has her Secret (she used to be Victor), and so does Mindy. Many know what is really going on at Fictionmania, yet come back repeatedly. Thus, for the first time, a detailed expose by a victim; and a warning: "Don't do what I did!" (With "apologies" to Mindy, Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh, Jodi Anderson, Jackie, RH Music, Edith Bellamy, Ellie Dauber, and Pamela for any untruths and for mentioning their stories: acknowledgements are at the end of this story. I apologize to anyone I was...

3 years ago
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I close my eyes for a moment and thenreluctantly tear them open again. My desk is a mess and I start to tidy up my desk. I see the time and realize it is so late and by now I should have been home already. I leave my office and walk down the corridor and soon realize that I am completely alone. The quiet is so welcoming after a day of challenges. My iPod is a welcome companion and I put on my earphones and select shuffle. A soft slow song starts off, its just easy listening with almost no...

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Vanessa the pleasure masseuse

This story happened a few years ago. Every time I remember it, I get an erection. It all started one day when I went to an administrative office to do a paperwork. I entered, they gave me a turn, I sat down to wait. While I waited I read a book I had brought. After several minutes another person enters. He sits in front of me. When I saw her I was surprised by her beauty. Was beautiful. She had blond hair, light eyes, small nose, thin red lips, very delicate skin. I was wearing a shirt through...

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Vanessa gets the dick she wants Part 1

Halfway through the shitty romance movie Vanessa begged me to watch I noticed her squirming around on her end of the couch. I take note of this since she tends to sit through a movie without moving like some jacked up zombie. She suddenly turned to me and said "I have to go to the bathroom, pause the movie for me" then rushed off towards my bathroom. I paused the movie and sat there waiting for her to come back. After almost 5 minutes had passed she came back "you all good?" I asked "yeah...

2 years ago
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The Other Side Of The Secret

January 2019Half an inch from clearing the history, the cursor skids to a halt when five forgotten downloads rivet her attention. What was an innocent routine of moving some trip photos between devices takes a disturbing twist as a seaside day's souvenirs are eclipsed by the radioactive, quintet wink of his name. Their viewer's carefully applied cosmetic calm dissolves as if the screen's icy flicker were a bank of thousand-watt floods, and she, the soloist whose voice had cracked on the...

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Aunt Sadies Secret

Another from me I hope you’ll enjoy. Again, as usual with this site, I wrote this in what was almost one continuous effort and, once more as per usual, because of time constraints, it’s largely unchecked and has received no edits. To that end, please forgive any typos and/or other errors in the text. I hope any fuck-ups which remain don’t detract from your enjoyment of the scene.Thanks for reading.Ricky – Cambridgeshire, UK – 12th of July 2020***“What is at about me?”I felt awkward, embarrassed...

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One Secret

I had only kept one secret from my boyfriend of 21 years. Or so I thought. We have a great relationship, even down to what we feel is our kinky side. And it is not so kinky from what I have been reading about others.I discovered chastity several months ago while at a pool party. My boyfriend, I should mention, travels alot for his job and is gone usually about 4 days out of each week. Anyway, while at this pool party, a good buddy of mine was in chastity and showed me his device. He was wearing...

2 years ago
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Her Dirty Little Secret

Title: Her Dirty Little SecretRating: NC17Summary: After the Golden Globes Award Party Laura comes home to her only secret slave who nobody in the whole wide world knows about, not even her real life boyfriend.Feedback: always appreciated!Note: Just a fantasy. Not a real story. *sighs* I Wish!Mistress! You're home! Did you have fun?" the slave asked as he opened his arms wide to give her a hug, but his Mistress grabbed both filthy hands, making sure that they did not stain the expensive...

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My Friends Secret

My Friends Secret It was a normal day in Brookfield High School. "Here we go, another boring week is starting" thought George. He was a 16 year old teenager not too different from other guys. He was a friendly boy, always optimistic and always ready to offer a hand to anyone who needs it. He had a best friend Michael, a boy who was in many ways like him, with the difference that while George was sociable and optimistic, he was much more timid and pessimistic. Like every other Monday...

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Adventure of Secret

I watched her dancing on the dance floor, I watched her watching me watch her, and I started walking toward her. She was moving sexily as she danced, so many people around us, but we never noticed any of them. "Secret" was the only one I paid any attenion to. When I got up to her, I pulled her close to me, looking down into her beautiful, sexy blue eyes. She was shorter than I am, she was only 5' 2" tall, but she was so beautiful and sexy, built like a dream, with a body made for loving...

4 years ago
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VanessaChapter 4 Testing

Vanessa stared at her surroundings as she walked behind her owner through the house. The mansion seemed huge to her, certainly far larger than anything she had ever lived in before, although she no longer had any coherent memory of where that was. She padded naked as he led her through the rooms into the kitchen. Once there she saw that two of the other slave girls, Marcy and Jane, were working, washing and drying dishes. Unlike her they were wearing the abbreviated French Maid costumes....

4 years ago
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Amy Learns A Secret

He takes her by the hand and leads her to the far corner, a place where shadows will screen them from the eyes of smokers who come outside to sit at wooden picnic tables. It will be a place of half-darkness. They will not be disturbed.She watches him glance back, checking no one has noticed them slip away. He is a married man, his wife an old friend of her Aunt Ruth. Her eyes follow his and she sees people coming and going, but nobody she knows. She is anonymous. The knowledge releases her from...


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