Thirty Milky Days - Day 2 free porn video

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Thirty Milky Day - Day 2 by Fahzbehn I awoke slowly to my alarm going off. Smacking the snooze button, I began to roll over to get fifteen minutes more sleep, when the weight of my chest pulled me further than expected. My eyes bolted open and, in the dim morning light, I slowly looked down at my body. My large, round breasts were there, of course, along with the rest of the curves of my body. As much as my mind rebelled that the last two days had been some kind of dream, when I pinched my nipple, the feeling of pleasure, not to mention the milk spurting from it, quickly killed that idea. Slowly, I got up, noting that Mistress... Alicia, that is, was gone. I slowly unbraided my hair, letting it fall around my shoulders. When I stood, I once again found myself unable to walk comfortably. I tried to stretch, but, no matter how I did my legs only felt comfortable when I was on my toes. Mincing my way to the shower, I spotted the note Alicia had taped to the mirror. "Gone to pick up a few things. I left the milk pump in kitchen and clothes for you in the top left drawer. I expect you to be wearing them when I get home. Love, Mistress Alicia. P.S. Your job understands you needing to take a leave of absence." Leave of absence? I guess that made sense. After all, how was I going to explain what had happened to me? "A spa magically turned me into a lactating lesbian with huge tits. Can you hand me that Cat5 cable?" I had a hard time believing it myself. Stepping into the shower after relieving myself, I turned the water on then realized both my brainwash and my shampoo were gone. All that was left was the body wash Alicia used that smelled of lilacs and vanilla, along with her high end salon shampoo and conditioner. Sighing in irritation, I understood what she was trying to do. I looked like a girl, maybe thought a little like one, but I may as well smell the part. As I washed myself off, I took note of one thing that was quite different from when I was a man: aside from the shape of my body, the fact was that I had no hair left at all below my neck was a new experience. My body was perfectly smooth, though I did still have a trace of my old freckles on my arms. For a moment, as I soaped my breasts and inner thighs, I was tempted to play with myself, but I managed to resist the urge. Were all women secretly this horny or was it just my old male mind reacting to my very feminine body. I rinsed out the conditioner from my hair and turned off the shower, toweled my body off and sat down to blow dry my hair. I decided to put it all in a pony tail and held it in place with one of Mistress's pink scrunchies. Mincing my way back to the bedroom, I opened the drawer. Inside was a dark red t-shirt, the cow-print nursing bra from yesterday at the spa, along with a pair of dark red, nylon yoga shorts. I carefully wiggled into the panties, and the yoga shorts were pretty straight forward. The bra though? That took some effort. I never realized how challenging it was for a woman to get dressed. It didn't help that the bra had six hooks going up the front, either. Pulling on the tee, a grabbed a pair of Mistress's socks, then set down to put them on. My shoulders felt a little sore already from holding the weight of my mammoth mammaries, though, at least some of the weight was distributed to my back. "What have I gotten myself into?" I thought out loud. Slipping on the heels from the spa, I made my way to the kitchen. As promised, the milk pump was sitting, along with an extra bottle, on the table, my cowbell choker next to it. My breasts began to ache at the sight of both. "She really did turn me into a cow." I slipped the choker around my neck and sat down comfortably. Lifting my tee, I carefully peeled away the padding from the cups of the nursing bra. Holding the suction cup to my nipple, I mooed in relief as the breast pump sucked and drained the milk from my overfull udders. Breasts. Wait, did I just moo? It didn't matter. All that matter was the pleasure being milked. I just wanted to sit there and close my eyes as I found relief. Another scent, this one muskier, begin to hint at my nose. I had a hard time pulling myself from the fog of pleasure. My body felt warm and tingly and the pleasure from my tits and pussy were so distracting. My eyes opened to find that I'd slid my hand, subconsciously, down my short and panties to my slick pussy. Worse was the fact that the bottle was full and Mistress was staring right at me. "Now, now," she said with a knowing smirk, "don't stop on my account." I decided then that, if she was trying to make a point, well, I could play that game. Instead of stopping, I pulled my hand from my pussy and licked my fingers clean. I then changed the bottles and switched the pump to my other breast. My free hand slid down my shorts, down my panties, and went to work on my pussy and clit with gusto. I moaned loudly as I got into it and rocked my hips erotically. "Am I a good girl," I asked with a gasp, my breathing quickening, "or a naughty one?" All she did was smile at me. "That depends on if you cum before I tell you to, pet." She replied. She made no effort to stop me. She made no motion to pleasure herself, but I knew she was getting off on the show. I think I had a better chance of stopping a freight train than I did from cumming and, as my fingers darted against my clit, I came with a high pitched scream. When I came down from my orgasmic high, I smiled as Mistress licked my fingers clean. She then took one of the jugs and drank it to the last drop. "Mmm... so tasty." She smiled at me as I tugged my shorts and panties back up. "Since you've been a naughty girl, you'll wear those panties while we go shopping. I need to get you a new wardrobe for your new job." I blinked. "New job? But what about my leave of absence?" Alicia sat across from me and smiled. "Well, I want you with me whenever possible, pet, so I've arranged for you to be interviewed to be my new personal assistant. The interview is in two days. Plenty of time for you to practice acting like the woman you are now." A secretary? Her secretary specifically? I had to admit I had the skill set and it would be nice to see more of Mistress... dang it, I mean more of Alicia, but working as with her? "I imagine there's a catch." She smiled at me. "Several. First, you'll be expected to be near me at all times. This way, should we have some time alone and together, no one will think a thing." I could see where she was going with this. "What else?" "Well, I've got a few unique clients that are looking to leave my firm and want me to go solo," she explained, "so, I'm going to need a lot of help making sure I keep them." "Keep them how?" I asked, a tinge of worry in my voice. "Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head about that, pet." She stood up and grabbed her purse. "Now, come on. Time to get you some things of your own. It's going to be so much fun." Sighing, I stood up and followed obediently. I'd honestly avoided women's clothing when I shopped before, partly out of embarrassment, partly out of what was likely a hidden desire to wear what I saw. Now, given my figure, there was no way I was going to look right in men's clothing. On the drive to the mall, a thought occurred to me. "Mistress? The last two days have been pretty pleasurable, but it can't be this easy, can it?" She patted my thigh. "No. For you, it's just new and exciting. It's going to take a lot of work. It takes me at least an hour each morning to get my hair an make-up right. This new body's a little curvier than it used to be, but I still love my morning jogs. The bad parts will be when it comes to that time of the month. Cramps suck." I nodded and stared out the window until we pulled into the mall parking lot. The one thing that struck me most, as we entered, was the stares. Some were disgusted, some were jealous, some were intriguing. When one guy looked me up and down, I felt my cheeks begin to burn. Worse, for the briefest of moments, I wondered what it would like to press up against him, but only until Mistress grabbed on to my wrist and pulled me into the store. I had hoped that Mistress... Alicia... I really need to stop doing that. I had hoped Alicia would guide me in what to buy. Oh, no. She simply told the saleswoman that I needed a new wardrobe in business casual, along with a few things for fun, as I'd lost all my clothes in a fire. I was more than happy to pick up slacks, which I was used to; however, they fit so differently than men's slacks. I also picked up a few sedate black skirts and white blouses. The problem with the white blouses were that they showed my cow-print bra. When I asked Miss... Alicia, she promised me that she knew of a store in town that had bras in my size and that we'd head there later. Once the practicals were out of the way, I did venture into riskier territory. There were a couple of V-neck tops I liked but, for some reason, I kept gravitating toward nylon tops that were form fitting. Alicia insisted I pick up a few chemises in different colors, which was when it finally dawned on the saleswoman that we were a couple. Mistress did encourage another pair of shoes, which I inevitably agreed on: a pair of two inch pumps with a zipper up the side. Last was a pair of jeans, which I left the store wearing. We were about to head out of the store when a small piece of my old self shined through. Stopping at the front of the retail goth outlet, I put my hand out and pouted cutely. "You took me shopping for stuff you wanted. Hand over the black AmEx." Mistress laughed at me and handed it over. I walked in and instantly recognized the guy behind the counter. A month ago, I'd ran into him at the local bookstore while perusing supernatural romance. Nice guy, well versed in the same books, and, much like me a few days ago, lanky, a bit of a geek, but kind of cute. I walked right up to him and jutted my chest out at him. "I'm, like, looking for a top in my size... oh, and goth boots, the taller the heel the better." Inside, I was laughing, because I knew I was toying with him. His chin about hit the floor before he shook his head and guided me toward the back. I actually knew the store pretty well, but I let him show me what he thought would look cool. All and all, three shirts, a black latex micro-skirt, and a pair of knee high, gothic stiletto boots that had buckles running up the side. Setting them down at the register, I handed him the credit card. I winced a bit at the total, but, well, Mistress did hand it to me. When he asked if there was anything else he could get me, I'm not sure what came over me, but I wasn't done playing. I smiled, leaned forward, and kissed him on the lips. He tasted of cloves and, while part of me objected to kissing a guy, another part reminded me that I was a girl. This was, after all, okay. I leaned into his ear and asked for his number before standing back. He handed me the receipt flipped over, where his number was written. I winked at him, grabbed my bags, and headed back to Mistress. Once we were away from the store, she bust out laughing. "That was priceless," she laughed, the way he looked at you? He was about to cum in his jeans, I bet." Remembering the kiss, I wondered if maybe I was, too. That was when I noticed the odd look in Mistress's face. "You're actually getting into this, into him, aren't you? Tell me you're not." I couldn't help but blush. "Well, well. Only a couple of days and you're already ready to be a switch hitter. I'm impressed." I shrugged. I wasn't sure what I felt. All I knew was, that if I were that guy, I'd be crushed if something like that ever happened to me and the girl didn't call me back. We arrived, about a half hour later, at the boutique Mistress had mentioned before. Much like when she'd taken me clothing shopping, she'd handed me off to one of the saleswomen and let me choose for myself. That was when it dawned on me. She was making it all about my choice. I'd been a man two days ago. Now, here I was, choosing women's intimates that I'd only wear and that only she would ever see. I tried to keep my choices sedate, and, due to needing nursing bras, their selection was pretty limited. Mistress, however, got fed up with how much time I was taking in deciding. "The three you've chosen should be enough for now. I knew we should've gone back to the spa." I winced at that, but, remembering the sheer variety they had, I had to agree. Mistress paid for the three bras then led me back to the car. I could tell she was upset, but not why. "Can't you ever make up your mind on anything? It's like you need to be led." "I'm your pet, remember?" I replied, her sour tone upsetting me as well. "This is what you wanted, remember? I'm a woman because you didn't want me to be a man anymore. You wanted me to be your busty, lactating pet." She glared at me and stopped the car. "Don't backtalk me, Erica. You won't like the results." "Really? I'm already stuck like this. What else can you do aside from kick me out?" I gasped as she quickly turned into a parking lot. "A lot. If that's how you want to behave, fine. I'll just have to punish you." I saw the evil glint in her eye, the same one she got when she knew she was going to get what she wanted no matter who thought they could stop her. "You are to stay in the car. I'm running inside to pick up a few things. You think you're ready to make choices? Ha." I looked up at where we were and realized it was a large drug store. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Whatever she had in mind, it couldn't be that bad if it came from here. So, I sat there and waited and waited. As I did, my mind wandered back to the guy at the goth shop. He really was kinda cute. I imagined leading him to bed and sharing him with Mistress. It might be fun. It would definitely be new. Mistress finally came back and tosses two large bags in the back seat. She didn't even speak to me on the way home. I realized then how truly pissed she was and, honestly, I hadn't meant to make her mad. "Mistress, I'm sorry. I went over the line. I..." She put her hand on my lips. "I appreciate it, pet, but you forced my hand. You never grew up like this and I imagine your emotions are all over the place." She got out and handed me the bags from the mall. "Since you don't seem to know how to behave, tomorrow, you're spending the day tomorrow learning." She led me inside and closed the door behind me. "Until you can prove to me you can be a grown up and a big girl, I'm going to treat you accordingly." With that, she pulled out two large packages of adult diapers. I recoiled in shock. "But, I'm not an infant." She simply smiled at me. "Oh no? I bet I can argue that. Do you argue with the person in charge?" "I..." "And do you need them to lead you?" Mistress continued. "Do they need to show you how to dress? Buy clothes for you? Do you pout when you don't get want you want? That sounds pretty childish to me." "Well, when you put it that way, but..." "I'm not done. The most damning evidence is two fold." With that she sat down on the couch, unbuttoned her blouse then pulled aside the flap on her nursing bra. I was instantly drawn to it, laying across the couch and drawing her nipple into my mouth. I didn't realize, until that moment, how much I'd missed drinking her milk. "First, babies drink from their mommy's breasts. Second," she said with a smile, her hand sliding down my pants to my damp folds, "babies wet their panties. Big girls don't." Suckling from her, I didn't care to argue. My whole world was pleasure: her milk and her hand. I heard her hum as she held me there. I quickly forgot my argument, why she must be wrong, and what I was doing. I was so content. Before I knew it, I was asleep. I only woke briefly. I vaguely recall Mistress helping me to bed. I remember her removing my clothes and laying me down. Sleep overtook me, my last conscious thought being the lullaby she hummed. Rock-a-bye baby.

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Milky aunty

Hi, This is santosh from Bangalore, I am regular to this site since from past one year, till now I had sex with all kind of gals/aunties in blore, but today I thought to write my most beautiful sexperience in my life. Once when I was driving my kinetic Honda in afternoon in the posh locality in Indranagar, suddenly a lady came in the middle of the road, and I put the break suddenly and she fall down and her carry bags has been fall down, from that bag all the vegetables and fruits were fallen...

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Soma8217s Milky Adventure With An Old Lady

Soma, a beautiful busty young girl, got married two years ago to a well-known family in Kolkata. Soma and her husband Paresh have been separated from the family since the marriage. And 4 months ago, she had the good fortune to be a mother. For Soma, a 26-year-old young mother, it became increasingly difficult to work and look after her family. So, Soma’s mother decided to hire a housekeeper. Soon she found one. The housekeeper was an old-aged woman. Her age was around 56 or 57, a thin and...

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Life Buoy for an Amputee or an Amputee Who Is a Life BuoyChapter 6 The Life in Our Galaxy the Milky Way

I took the DNA samples to the diagnostic laboratory and was not surprised when the test results were positive. I brought the official results home a week later and commissioned the farmable certificates. I directed these be sent to my wife. That night I showed the official results to Wendy and she hugged and kissed me passionately. We made love for a long time that night. Wendy paid the for tests and the farmable certificates so her birthday present plan was complete. When the certificates...

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Thirtyone Days Part 1

CHAPTER ONE This is certainly not the best part of the big city. Sitting in the parking lot across the street from my destination, I see nothing but dull, worn, dirty brick. The street level windows are covered in metal caging. Graffiti is sprayed here and there. The building I am interested in is two stories high and at least a hundred years old. The ground level started life as a small manufacturer, with offices and living quarters on the floor above. The entire neighborhood is made up of...

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CHAPTER ONEThis is certainly not the best part of the big city. Sitting in the parking lot across the street from my destination, I see nothing but dull, worn, dirty brick. The street level windows are covered in metal caging. Graffiti is sprayed here and there. The building I am interested in is two stories high and at least a hundred years old. The ground level started life as a small manufacturer, with offices and living quarters on the floor above.The entire neighborhood is made up of...

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THIRTYONE DAYSPART 3 chapters 1214

Introduction: A young man engages in sex with 31 different women before fallling into the dark, gay underworld. CHAPTER TWELVE The chemical crashed hard against me. My knees completely buckled, I fell back hitting the bed with my bare ass. The blood had left my extremities and was charging towards my skull and cock. My head pounded. I could see my cock throbbing. I was flat on my back, not a clue as to how I got here. The tipped up lighting slashed off the mirrors and blinded me. I felt my...

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ThirtyOne Days A Bitch Chapter 2 The Masturbator

Introduction: Daisy Bitch is both a good and disciplined wife and a shameless bitch and slut on the opposite hand. Daisy feels estranged and companionless, kind of. Preston has fared off to work, and she is all friendless and forsaken in this giant and massive house of theirs, wandering this way and that other, checking how the pack of women and men that she has bade and summoned here are pulling off their business and affairs of gracing and beautifying everything up. Yes. They are honestly...

2 years ago
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ThirtyOne Days A Bitch Chapter 1

Introduction: Daisy Bitch has got only one month to get pregnant, failure to do so of which it is punishable severely. $450 million dollars might just be suffered forfeiture of in one single dead of the night. Aged, frail, but a greatly rich manIan Bitch grew to be a prevailing multi-millionaire all in credit to Preston Dick. A youthful, irresistible and atrocious man: monstrous at the same time and causing so plenty a people to be transformed into dominant millionaires on one requirement that...

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CHAPTER FIVESaturday. Time for kickoff. Inauguration night for the big sex quest. Our regular bar, the Double Eagle, was packed and I didn’t have to work until Monday morning. I planned on getting a double to start this little competition with a bang. One before midnight. One after midnight.Our town was indeed a hick town, but it was party bar central for a large geographic area. We had nine decent pickup bars to choose from. Country, rock and roll, dance, metal, a cougar bar, everything in...

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ThirtyOne Days A Bitch Chapter 3 The BDSM Lecture

Introduction: Sofia Vaccaro teaches Daisy how to be a sweet, mean, and nasty good BDSM bitch. Daisy Bitch is one hundred per cent stripped naked as the day she was born while telephoning Sofia in the pleasant and comfy Jacuzzi. She is not telephoning her in fact, but phoning her on her individual cell phone while letting her hair down into the temperate, hot water and feeling at ease whats more. As she lingers for Sofia to pick up the phone, she carries on to stroke and caress her breasts and...

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Dont Open Till Doomsday

Music wafted through the warm spring air like ribbons of sound, reaching my ears in jumps and starts as I went to answer the phone. ‘…Don’t open ’till doomsday, destruction’s not far away…’ It was the Misfits, playing through my crappy two dollar speakers at the other end of the house. When I reached the phone it had already rung six times. I was really hoping whoever it was would give up, I hate phone conversations. Of course, I had no such luck. ‘Hello?’ I asked, in that...

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The Milky Way

I had not been taking the pill for about six months. Greg and I had decided that after two years of marriage we were ready to bring a baby into our life. Our usual active, satisfying and spontaneous sex life was now more controlled. I had been charting my periods, trying to pinpoint my fertile window. All the literature said the day of ovulation was usually fourteen days before my next period should begin. Since I was as regular as clockwork, we had sex at least once a day, four days before and...

1 year ago
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Teen Diaries 15 Milky Breasts

My name is Jenny. I'm eighteen and somewhat of an outcast at school after having a baby three months ago. A lot of girls won't hang out with me anymore and I've been labeled a "slut," even though the guy who got me pregnant is the only guy I've ever slept with. His name is Jack and he's in college. He disappeared after finding out I was pregnant, but I'm working on getting some child support out of him. My parents have been really great about it, paying for my pregnancy. My mom even quit her...

3 years ago
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Milky Tits Indian Part 2

He hugged me but this time he groped my ass more freely. I went to get changed. When I came out of the bathroom I paid close attention to his reaction. His eyes were so intense on my legs and thong which was clearly visible.He remarked, "You look so hot. I do not know how I will concentrate."I smiled and giggled like a teenage girl.We started yoga as normal and he was well behaved to my disappointment. We were working out for 30 minutes when I offered, "Do you want to try the downward dog or do...

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Friends Mum with Milky Tits

When I was just a lad I visited a friend’s house on many occasions where he lived with his sister and parents. His Mum ( Jill )was a rather large lady and even at a tender age I could not help but be mesmerised by her oversized Tits. They really were huge and so was her belly and bum. She often wore dresses and tops that showed quite a lot of cleavage and there was certainly plenty of it. Our friendship spanned many years and although my friend and his sister were growing up, his mum became...

4 years ago
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milky tits

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!I’ve mention in another story Steve, my workmate and Chris the young apprentice. Well this story goes like this.We were all sat one wet Friday in the works shed down on Cardiff...

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Milky Adventure 8211 One Off Event In The College

Hello friends. Hope you are having a good day. This is a one-off story from my ‘Milky Adventure’ series. Please, after reading this story, please give your views about it and give me your feedback. I will be eager to read it all. (This episode takes place before Riya meets Rahul and Aman.) It was Monday, sunny morning. Riya woke up early since Rajesh had come home for the weekend. Now both Shreyas and Rajesh had to go, and their college bus could come anytime soon. Riya went to the bathroom...

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Milky Adventure 8211 Part 25 Mom Son Hot Group Sex

Aman saw some movements in Riya’s bedroom and got surprised. So, he went further towards her bedroom and saw the mom son actions. Riya placed her lips over Rajesh’s cock, held the bottom with her left hand. And with the right hand, she moved her palm up and down over Shreya’s cock. Her upper body was bare, giving a great view of her naked and gorgeous breasts. This was not strange to Aman as he already sucked milk from her breasts. But her gown was down till her thighs. Her panty was open,...

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Milky Adventure Alternate Plot Pt 1 Shreyas Brings His Friend

So it has been a while since Shreyas started feeding milk from me. Though I felt uncomfortable initially since he is older to my feed. But later I started feeling normal about it as it created a bond between ourselves. He started paying more attention to me and started loving me as a mom since this happened. Moreover, it helped me release the pain whenever my baby doesn’t feed completely and there is a lot of milk left in my breasts. So I decided I will allow him to feed on me, whenever he asks...

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Milky Adventure Part16 Making Her Sons Good Lovers

(This is the continuation of my last part so please read it first before reading this one. Thank you.) Having sex with Varun made her feel used, just a receptacle for his semen. He had become a brutal lover. Over the years Riya had tried to be a good lover for him. But she sensed that he knew she was not really present with him, that she found it hard to respond to him intimately, and he seemed to resent that and became rough and insensitive with her. It was as if she had turned a switch off...

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Milky Adventure Part 9 No More Breastfeeding

Hello, this is the next part of the milky adventure. This one really touched my heart and I could feel it while writing. Hope you guys like it too. Please read my older stories of this series to understand more about Riya. The light coming in through a chink in the curtains woke Riya from a deep sleep. She kept her eyes closed but the light still made her stir. It was warm in the bed already, and she kicked off the blanket from her leg and dangled it over the side of the bed. She stretched...

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Milky Adventure Part 6

Hello’s been a while I have uploaded my story..sorry for the delay. Hope u like it and please do comment ur view about it. Please read all my previous stories in the series. This story is more about feelings and less about sex so hardcore sex readers this story is not to ur liking sorry. ( this part is the prequel to the previous part where Riya has not yet given blowjob to her stepson and aravindo. This part is about how she first gave blowjob to them) Aravind was a bit lost. His...

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Milky Hot Sardarni

Hey friends your maddy is back with another kamukta story. First of all thanks for replying me on my mail about my previous stories and please do comment on my mail for this story too. For all the new readers let me tell about myself. Maddy from mumbai height 5.5″, like to party make new friends and hangout. And now let me introduce to gorgious sardarni, her name is simo, got fair milky skin, boobs 36c with perfect ass wer u can hit on and have fun. Let me cont in hindi now cz from ur comments...

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Milky Adventure Aravindo8217s Prospective

Hello friends. I hope you like reading my stories. Now I am giving the aravindo ( Rajesh) perspective of my story. Please read milky adventure part 2 to have a clearer idea and enjoy it more. I have completed this with the help of my friend PETER HUNT. I am very thankful to him for helping me in completing this part. As u know my series is more of feeling and emotion than sex. Hope u guys like it. Thank you I am Aravindo, I am an orphan. I became an orphan when my parents died in a car...

1 year ago
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Hottest Sex With A Milky White Sexy Girl

Hi ISS readers. Bunny (changed) here. I love this site because reading stories here help me keep my sexual intentions up always. About me, I am an IT guy working for an MNC at Hyderabad. I am handsome, 5″7 tall with muscular body and I am fit as I play sports and visit gym regularly. Any girl who passes by lusts at me for sure! Let us get into the story. I had many sex encounters in my life. This story is about my intercourse with my love during by graduation. I was living in Vizag when I was...

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MilkyBy Surtea.     2009.     [email protected]: I liked Rachael Ross’ 2003 story ‘Turning Japanese’.  My starts in the same place but after a while the story heads off in a somewhat different direction.Story codes: M/F, M+/F, F/F, humil, blckmlSummary: A pretty American woman gets transferred to the Tokyo office. There she finds some of the customs very different.Chapter 1 - Graduate As I had majored in Japanese at college it made perfect sense that when I got my MBA I would...

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Milky BooBs

Hello friends this is rahul..21yrs old frm mumbai..this is my first story..i have been reading iss frm yrs..just thought of penning my best incidence of my life..any unsatisfied desperate house wifes or girls wanna contact me then mail me or add me at used 2 regularly go to hills for trecking..thts y i had a gud body..1 day 1 of my neighbour ruchika..she is 25 n married asked 2 whether she could join me for trecking..i welcomed her..first v used 2 go at 5 in morning then 1 day v decided 2 go...

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Milky boobs of sister

Hi all readers of ISS, I am Sharad 27 from Pune. Here is my real life incest story happened with my elder sister Poonam. We grew together and shared same room, but nothing was happened between us. It happened after both of us got married and settled in our respective married life. So friends here I have narrated that how it happened. I am married for last two years. My wife Nila is 25 and we don’t have any issue. My elder sister Poonam is 29 and married for last 5 years. Her husband Paresh is...

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Milky Adventure 8211 Rahuls Insatiable Lust

Hello friends, I am back with another off-story from my ‘Milky Adventure’ series about Rahul’s lust . Looking forward to your valuable feedback and views. Happy Reading. This part takes place just after the . So I will recommend you to first read it. It was Friday evening. The warden of the orphanage in which both Rajesh and Rahul live had announced that they had planned to hold a camping trip next week on Tuesday. But as Rahul was ill, he was not given permission to go camping. This made Rahul...

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Milky Adventure 8211 Part 26 Rough Sex Experience

Hello everyone, I am back with a new part from my Milky Adventure series. First of all, I want to thank you for the response you gave to my previous story. Hope you like this story about the rough sex and give your love as much as you gave to the last one. Happy Reading. It has been a couple of weeks since Riya came to know about the devastating news of her health. Since then, she has forgotten how to smile. Yes, She still breastfeeds her baby and both the boys and also relieves both of them....

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Milky Adventure 8211 Part 27 Shreyas8217s Terms and Conditions

Hello everyone, I am back with a new part from my Milky Adventure series. First of all, I want to thank you for the response you gave to my previous story. Hope you like this story about Shreyas’s terms and conditions and give your love as much as you gave to the last one. Happy Reading. The next morning, everything was again back to normal. Shreyas just woke up and was brushing his teeth. Tarun was sitting at the breakfast table, reading the newspaper with his morning tea. Riya cooking...


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