Strange Relationship – Chapter 3 Version VI free porn video

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(Author's note: this is an early version of a much longer erotic novel. It's been through a lot of edits, but I really like some of the early versions that got canned. I hope you don't mind me reproducing them here. Of all the stories I've written - which is a lot! - Caitlin is one of my favourite creations, and I'm always looking to giver her greater exposure, as are the men (and women) in her life! You can follow her continued adventures in the different versions of the story called "Strange Relationship")

With a Sunday afternoon unexpectedly free – many thanks to Richard’s rabble of students, to a man seemingly unable to cope with the dual pressures of actually doing work and handing it in on time, leaving Richard with piles of marking to do – I decided to hit the bookshops. Sounds sad, I know, but I find little to compare with the simple pleasure afforded by wrapping myself in a good book! Internet sites are all terribly convenient, but for me book shopping should be a tactile, sensual experience. I need to pick up and flick through fifty books before I decide. Thus, opting for the tram over the car in case I fancied a glass of wine with lunch, I set off after a long lie-in, feeling distinctly smug that I was enjoying such a laid back Sunday whilst Richard slaved over a pile of hot books.

By two, and with five confirmed purchases already painted on the side of my shopping bag (making me officially a shopping ace) I trained my sights on my favourite Italians – a good red wine and a mushroom pizza! There’s a little place that I like to go for lunch, with the girls sometimes but more usually when I’m on my own, where there are some private little booths, and it was here I aimed to get through a couple of chapters/glasses at my own leisurely pace. The waiter smiled with recognition and, talking and laughing far too rapidly for any comprehension on my part as he showed me to a corner booth, with a single continuous semicircular sofa. I understood through his failure to bring me a menu that he would simply bring my normal order, and when he quickly reappeared with the actual ark that Noah built and begin filling it with red wine I knew he and I were in sync.

I was only three or four pages into my chosen first read when the world ended. Well, not ended as such, but certainly the thunderous banging on the window was enough to convince any god-fearing lapsed Catholic like me that it was at least nigh. Somehow, I wasn’t surprised to see Ben banging on the window. He was with a friend, and there followed an elaborate miming game, in which Ben I think pretended to be a long distance lorry driving chipmunk with a chainsaw. Soon however they were seated across the table from me, so upon reflection I imagine they were in some way asking if it was okay to join me for lunch.

“Caitlin, this is my friend Christian. We were at university together.” Can’t honestly say I was paying attention at this point. Once again I was struck just how gorgeous Ben really was, and similarly struck by how much my girly crush on him was growing. Not that his friend was a moose, you understand, far from it.

“Bon après-midi, Caitlin, it is nice to meet you.” His accent sounded to these uneducated ears like French. He was slightly taller and broader than Ben, with close-cropped hair and small dark eyes that were exactly the right distance apart.

“How do you do, Christian,” I said, aware that it seemed a very old-fashioned thing to say. “Is that a French accent?”

“Mais oui, Madame. I was born on the island of Corsica, in a small village near the town of Bastia.”

“How do you come to find yourself so far from what must be a much more pleasant Mediterranean climate?”

“I work with computers, writing software. My company has recently opened an office over here, so I thought it would be fun to look my friend Benjamin up again!” They laughed, looking at each other, and it wasn’t difficult to guess where Ben’s distinctive laugh had come from. It was that sort of shared laugh that makes other parties feel paranoid and excluded, so I broke it up with another question.

“So you and Ben were in the same classes?” I asked, sipping wine and closing my book reluctantly. Not sipping wine reluctantly – that’s never a problem for me, you understand – just having to close my book. Could be worse, I reasoned, it’s not as though either of them were terribly hard on the eyes. The question actually made them laugh more.

“No,” Christian giggled, “Ben and I like to fuck the same girls!” Again I silently deplored the decline in morals in public speaking. When did it become okay to speak like that with strangers? Did I miss a memo? Something of my feelings must have seeped through to my expression, because Ben stopped laughing momentarily in order to clear up the mis-understanding.

“Whilst we were first years, we discovered we were both seeing the same girl. We were innocent enough, she was leading both of us on. We arranged it so that I walked in on her whilst she was with Christian, and that way we could confront her.”

“And what happened?” I asked, fearing the answer but unable to stop myself. Christian spoke first, laughing loudly.

“Ben decided he would rather watch us two fuck than split up!” Ben and I simultaneously wished Christian could master the art of speaking discreetly in public, but apparently for different reasons. I just wanted him to stop shouting the F-word at the top of his voice, but by Ben’s grimace I could tell his friend had exposed a raw nerve. “Ben has not spoken of this with you, no?”

“Our acquaintance has been rather brief.” I rejoindered prissily.

“But you two are fucking, non?”


“Most certainly not!” I huffed. “Ben’s father and I are… involved,” I added, seeking a word that would add gravitas to our relationship. Christian looked serious for a moment, his countenance radically different when he was not laughing. He lowered his head in silence.

“Madame, I am truly sorry. I did not realise this was so, you are Ben’s (French for step-mum), his… ah, his step-mother, non? Again I am very sorry!” Actually, I think the suggestion that I was in some capacity Ben’s mother was worse than the suggestion that we were sleeping together.

“That’s no problem Christian, you weren’t to know, and clearly Ben had failed to apprise you of this situation.”

“Oui Madame, during our brief conversation on the way into the restaurant this was not what Ben told me.” Wondering and worrying precisely what it had been that Ben had told his friend of me, I tried to change the subject back to something more light-hearted.

“So tell me how you resolved the situation with the young lady you were sharing?” I asked, hoping this would lead only to laughter and not more swearing. There was a look that passed between them, lasting only for an instant, but clearly something important was communicated in that time. I longed to ask what it was supposed to be, but without being rude I couldn’t very well demand to know.

“Well, as I said before,” Christian offered, mercifully lowering his voice, “Ben was supposed to storm into the room whilst I was, you know, ‘with’ her, cause a scene and expose her little fun.”

“Supposed to?” I asked, looking at Ben whilst draining my glass. In turn he had found something very interesting across the street to watch amongst a group of pigeons. Christian paused, and I was left with the feeling that he was waiting for Ben to interject, but as Ben remained motionless, Christian took it as permission to continue with the story.

“I arranged my rendezvous with the young lady, in her room, and as agreed I made sure the door remained unlocked, in order for Ben to enter and catch us at it, as you say.” Watching him, listening to him tell the story, left me in no doubt as to how Christian was able to get the unnamed young girl into bed. Just his presence was mesmeric.

“Ben never entered. I had to, uh, keep going for as long as possible, thinking Ben must have been held up, but Ben never arrived.”

“And where was our mutual friend? I assume he must have been delayed.” I asked as Christian refreshed my glass again.

“Pardon Madame, but non. I should have been more precise. Ben entered the room, but did not interrupt.” With a look that my late husband always said made me look at my most stupid, I indicated that I wasn’t following the story. Again he looked at Ben, but this time they held each other’s gaze. This time the interlude ended with quiet grins from each man. “Well, as agreed I was entertaining our girlfriend. She was in a particularly, umm, imaginative, exotic mood and took some satisfying. I was…” There was a brief whispered conversation in French between them as I waited for the story to continue. “Pardonnez-moi, Madame. I was pacing myself, believing Ben to be on his way. The young lady in question took this to be a game on my part, some way to delay her climax. Accordingly our love-making became quite a battle”. That was something I could identify with, although not quite in the way that Christian meant. Getting Richard to make love was the battle for me. I’ve never considered myself to be particularly highly sexed, but then in truth I’ve never really had chance to find out. My late husband was devoted to the restaurant, working late and very hard, with little energy left over for me. It does make me wonder if there’s something wrong with me, although I suppose if I’d dared to ask either of them they tell me not to be silly and stop taking it so personally. Always easier to blame yourself though, isn’t it?

“Caitlin?” Snapping from my reverie, I looked up and smiled at the sound of the French accent. This was a particular favourite spiral descent for my thoughts, and always left me maudlin. Red wire and maudlin thoughts were not a combination I yearned for at this time. I had these two gorgeous young men for company, and red wine always goes better with hot men!

“Sorry! I was miles away.”

“I thought we had offended you with our story, that was not my intention.”

“Absolutely not,” I said, laughing with slightly forced gaiety, “in fact, let’s hear more of them! How does this story end?”

“Well, Ben was nowhere to be seen, so I availed myself of our young lady. In fact, he was there the whole time, watching us. Ben was discovering that he liked to watch, perhaps more than he actually liked to screw!” I smiled demurely at Christian as he told the story, but my thoughts were with Ben. As they slipped easily into other stories of shared escapades – most of which seemed to feature Ben as director and audience simultaneously – my thought continually strayed until I found I had cast myself in our own little productions, thinking that if he were in the room I don’t know how I would keep myself away from him no matter who my co-star should have been.

They ordered pasta and we ate together, as they seemed to have no other plans for the afternoon. Christian ensured that no-one’s glass ever emptied, and here I admit that I should have been attentive, for I was become well lubricated in more ways than one. Each story seemed more ribald than the last and Christian grew more animated in the telling, and we all laughed together at each one. Desserts were ordered and I caught myself thinking that it was a shame we would all have to leave soon. I’m not at all a morose or introspective person but it was a long time since I had laughed this hard for this long. The waiter brought over three servings of strawberries and cream, setting them down with a flourish and collecting empty wine bottles in the same movement.

“So Caitlin, you have no stories to share with us?” Christian, clearly the unofficial spokesman for the group, asked upon his return from the bathroom. I wasn’t too far gone to notice that Christian had sat on the opposite side on his return so that I was effectively captive, with one on either side of me.

“I don’t Christian, nothing like yours anyway.”

“But you are a beautiful woman, sexy (no, the sun didn’t just go supernova, that’s just me blushing), some man somewhere must have been inspired to do any number of depraved acts?”

“Well, I married straight out of university myself, that’s where I met my late husband. We were together until he died, four years ago. I had known Ben’s father for some time. He asked me out, we have been together the last year or so. That’s it, really.”

“That’s it? Two lovers?” Christian asked, with, it has to be said, remarkably little tact, for which he received a thump on the arm from Ben. “My apologies, Madame,” he continued, bowing his head graciously, “but you are beautiful, you are intelligent and you are very sexy. How have you had only two men in your bed, it is all wrong! Quelle scandale! You should be, pardonnez-moi, what is Ben’s saying? Shitting them with a stick?” There was a pause while we tried to understand what Christian meant. Suddenly Ben slapped the tabletop with his palm, laughing.

“The phrase is, ‘beating them off with a shitty stick’!” We laughed as Christian blushed at his mistake.

“Yes, yes, ca va,” he smiled at his friend, “but my point is the same. It is not right for Caitlin to only have had two men in her life, even I have had more men than that!” He shrugged as Ben looked at him with incredulity. “Hey, I experiment a little here and there, there is much yet you do not know about me, mon ami!”

His point was rammed home with force with this last revelation. He was a beautiful young man, no doubt, but if he has had sex with more men than me I should pack up and become a nun now. Seriously.

“Well, there’s little I can do about it now. I can’t go back in time and I’m with Ben’s father now.” I should have seen Christian’s trap, I fell into it quick enough and it was clearly very well signposted.

“Ah Madame, what Monsieur ??? Does not know, cannot bring him any harm.” I looked at Ben, expecting an outcry, but his countenance remained unchanged. I watched him constantly even though Christian was the one speaking.

“Let us just speak, ah, with the imagination?”

“Hypothetically.” Ben corrected gently.

“Let us speak hypothetically, je tu remercie Ben. Let us say that you were to have sex with someone else. It’s just the sex, no hearts, no minds. Everyone has sex and no one gets hurt because only people who need to know do. Where is the harm in that?”

“Because I would know, and I think that I could not help but feel guilty.”

“The guilt only comes with hurting someone, someone you care about. Perhaps it would hurt less if you were to tell that someone that they were inadequate, a bad lover, and you were going to leave them for someone who wanted to have sex.” His argument was flimsy, but it made me think, particularly when combined when with his jibe about having slept with more men than me.

“But even if I were to start having sex behind Richard’s back, it would be difficult for me to find someone compatible, someone I could trust. Still speaking hypothetically, of course.” Yeah, right. There was nothing hypothetical about this conversation any more, somehow it had become very serious.

“Why do you want someone compatible?” Christian asked. “It sounds to me more like you need someone who can show you what you’ve been missing.”

“And even if that were true, which I doubt, who would I -” Like Road Runner, the trap in front of me was obvious to everyone else and should have been to me, and yet still I blundered into it. “You? Why? How, more to the point? You wouldn’t be interested in an old housewife twice your age.” Sounds harsh, but what was worse was that I actually believed what I said. I think it was a legacy of largely being ignored in the bedroom for so long. Christian opened his mouth to answer me, but stopped.

Instead he smiled, first at Ben, then at me. He shuffled his bum a little until he was sat a little closer to me. Removing his hands from the table top, he fumbled around in his lap until it struck me precisely what he meant to do. In horror I stretched out a hand, intending to stop him, but instead I put my hand straight onto the shaft of his cock and before I could move it he took hold of my wrist.

I counted them later and I remember feeling about twenty different things at that point. Horror at the fact he was exposing himself in public (although no one inside the restaurant could see anything, not even close), shock at having my hand on his, or indeed any, cock; incredulous at his sheer temerity, loads of other things. Holding my hand in place at the wrist, with his other hand he curled my fingers around his shaft and began playing with himself, using my hand. He grinned, slyly.

“You see, Madame Caitlin, the effect you have on me. Since we came to sit with you I have thought about nothing else but fucking you.” His voice was low and hypnotic, and I half-expected him to start singing ‘trust in me’ with googly eyes. “I could take you now; throw you over this table here, pull your skirt up and rip off your knickers. I would thrust hard, make you make a lot of noise. Hold your head down so you couldn’t move, slap your ass and leave bright red handprints on your skin. When I was done fucking you, I would turn you round and make you kneel and front of me. Then, I would wank myself off so that when I come, I come all down your tits.” Leaning in all the time he was talking, I could smell the wine on his breath. His lips were almost touching my cheek. “And you know what? Ben here would like to watch while I do it to you.”

Shaken a little from my trance, I looked at Ben. Still his face had changed little, as though he was used to his friend propositioning his father’s girlfriends. He probably was used to in fact, but that did little to help me. Head spinning, I don’t think the things that were happening to me were fully internalised. My thoughts seemed to come incredibly slowly. For example, it was several seconds since Christian had released my left hand, yet I was still playing with him under the table. Slowly, what had been a promising start was becoming fully realised as his erection became fully formed in my hand. I looked down at my hand, still wrapped around the shaft, as though it were someone else’s. Finally managing to loose my eyes – if not my hand – from his prick, I looked Christian in the eye, looking for a hint of motive. His eyes seemed black and dead, like a shark’s. I was dimly aware he was talking again, casting a new spell on me.

“Caitlin, I think you’re being very selfish. I think that Ben would also like to show you that he feels the same way about you.” I felt my head nodding as though controlled by someone else. Turning slowly to face Ben, I thought that he seemed to be sat closer than before. Whatever controlled my body at that point moved my hand into Ben’s lap, set my fingers fumbling at his zip. I started at the sensation of red hot flesh on the back of my fingers before realising that Ben had no shorts on under his jeans. In a flash – how appropriate – Ben’s prick was out too, and I was massaging it with my right hand as I looked after Christian with my left. Like a spectator at Wimbledon my head went back and forth, looking at first one then the other. Christian’s penis was like the two others I’d seen, veined and hairy around the balls, but slightly longer and wider. Ben’s, on the other hand, was overriding proof that God was a woman. Hairless and smooth, and longer than Christian’s by more than an inch, it was truly a joy to be holding and for the first time I consciously contemplated having it inside me, in my mouth, in my poor, soaking little vagina.

As Christian inhaled to speak I stopped him with a kiss, short and chaste, but enough. I needed quiet for contemplation, and Ben seemed to understand that better. I hadn’t noticed his hand on my thigh, engrossed as I was in my own little feel-athon, but now it slipped quickly and easily further up my thigh, under my skirt, over the taut, damp material of my knickers. With a swift, practiced movement the material obscured my hole no longer, and deftly his digits sought my lips, my hole, my clit. Such was my soaring arousal I could not help but emit sounds, noises of pleasure, released in syncopation with the movements of his fingers around my sex. He concentrated on my clitoris, working it slowly and delicately, as though not wanting to rush. With teamwork that seemed too practiced to be off the cuff, Christian’s long and dextrous fingers replaced Ben’s in manipulating my hole. This was arousal as I had not experienced it since I was young woman in the throes of being a newlywed, and all it took was a prick in each hand and the feeling of being masturbated in public by my boyfriend’s son and a stranger I’d known for a couple of hours!

After a little squirming and wriggling on my part I managed to get my legs open wider to allow the boys better access. Christian now had two fingers inside me, working them in and out slowly, not quite in time with Ben’s massaging of my clitoris but certainly close enough to ensure that an orgasm – my first in so long that even an ascetic, celibate nun would advise me to get down to the toys department at Anne Summers – would not be long in arriving. We were safe in our little gropers’ corner, there being few other customers and our waiter amusing himself with two pretty young things on a table at the other side of the room. I looked down at my two cocks again. Christian’s was already leaking fluid, clear and glistening, and I had the impression from his snatched, hurried breathing that like me he might be close to coming. He was mumbling under his breath and often screwed his eyes shut tight. I wanted to go down in him, take him in my mouth, which was something I had done only once or twice in the last four years. Fumbling under the table was one thing; I doubt our luck would extend to oral sex on the sofa.

And then I felt my heart lurch as I entered the home straight. I could no longer masturbate my two beautiful boys as it took all my concentration not to scream out. Instead I followed Christian’s lead and closed my eyes, repeating yes, yes, yes under my breath and digging my heels into the floor. My ascent continued steadily yet unbearably slowly.

“Make me come, oh God make me come!” I hissed at them. It was too much for Christian, who lost all sense of timing and rhythm. He grabbed at his cock, effectively taking hold of my hand again, and began wanking in time with the thrust of his fingers in and out of my pussy. He starting kissing and gnawing at my neck as he too started to lose control, and it struck my how glorious it was to initiate such abandon in another. This gorgeous young man, who could surely take his pick of any girl when he stepped into a room, was on the verge of orgasm at the thought of me.

That was too much, my bridge too far. Catching my breath I thrust backwards into the sofa as my orgasm rocketed through me, and I did my best to maintain both decorum and silence. Christian fared worse, speeding up the manipulation of his shaft with a series of harsh, guttural grunts. Both stopped suddenly as he too reached his orgasm, and although he did his best to contain it a strangled jet of thick, white fluid shot forth and landed across my thigh, startling me with its heat.

As our orgasms subsided we sat back together, the sound of laboured breathing being brought under control the only sound. I still had hold of their penises, Christian’s rapidly subsiding, Ben’s still proud and tense. At that point I set off on a daydream of the restaurant being empty but for Ben and I, so that I could take care of Ben too in a much more leisurely way. This I felt was the essence of their teamwork. Christian was about carnal urges, fucking in it most base sense. Ben was about the build-up, the mood, and the execution rather than the act. Christian was the warm-up; Ben was the main act, and it was he whose prick I now coveted.

The slimy seeping of Christian’s semen onto the sweat-sticky leather sofa brought me about. Dropping their pricks like they’d suddenly become dead rats, the reality of what we had done hit home and I rose quickly and excused myself to the bathroom. When I emerged ten minutes, white and shaken, the two men were at the bar settling the bill. I grabbed my bags and quietly slipped out of the restaurant without them seeing.

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(This story is the continuation of "Ann – At The Beach – 1. A New Bikini". Please do read that first!) girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers and Alex's younger sister Ann had just arrived at the beach on a gorgeous, sunny day during the summer holidays. Alex asked me to turn over so she could apply sunscreen to my back, and then asked me to return the favor. To my surprise, she'd brought sun oil instead of the typical sunscreen...

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Ann ndash At The Beach ndash 1 A New Bikini

It all started one beautiful day during the summer holidays. The early morning already promised great temperatures, and when we left for the beach, the sun was shining pleasantly warm on our skin. When my girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers, her younger sister Ann and me arrived at the beach, it was already pretty crowded.After finding ourselves a nice spot, we began settling, spreading out our towels and changing into our swimwear which we had already put on at home. Until then I had never taken...

3 years ago
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Interlude 3 ndash The FarthestOut Times so far ndash TV

Interlude 3 – The Farthest-Out Times (so far) – TV/CD , mast, fetishesWell, I believe I may have covered most of my fetishes between my previous blog posts and my intro paragraph here on Xhamster, but I may not have covered the extreme maxxximum extent to which I have taken each one. So for a quickie post, left let see if I can remember the “best of the best,” so to speak. I started typing one up for a conversation I was having with another user, and it got me so exxxcited I had to go...

3 years ago
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Losing my anal virginity ndash Part 3 ndash In the Morning

This is a continuation of one of my previous stories. Please see parts 1 & 2 on my profile.I woke up spooning Rick; my arm d****d over him, my face directly behind his neck, breathing in his skin. But I had had such a peaceful rest, which I hadn’t had in a long time. As my groggy eyes opened, I realized how cozy I was nude under the sheets with him. Of course my first thought was of my raging hard-on, as is customary each morning, but this time it was pressed against the small of his back....

2 years ago
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First threesome ndash a fantasy ndash part 1

I had been on XHamster chatting with Paul for a little while now. Even during our first chat in the messages he’d hinted that his wife was open and adventurous in their sex life. So, when we skyped and watched each other wanking off, he showed me the double ended vibrating dildo that she’d fucked his arse with. There was a short and long end with a disk in between, Paul slowly slid the long end, (his) into his arse and switched on the vibrator. From the way his body jumped, I guess he liked it,...

2 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash First Threesome Part 2 ndash

Julie out on her own – First Threesome (Part 2) – CD/TV/TS, MFM(Continued from Part 1)Sure enough, there was Vicky was, head above mine, eyes closed, sucking on her fingers. I reached my arm up and snaked it around her head, and pulled her lips to my face quickly, making her faceplant into pools of sperm. She was surprised, but relaxed and started slurping – I knew I had her. I whispered quietly, “You still owe me … bitch!”To my surprise, as much as she’d seemed to be into it, sharing Mike’s...

3 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash First Threesome ndash CDTVTS

Julie out on her own – First Threesome – CD/TV/TS, MFMRemember how Vicky, the blonde busty sexpot, owed me a favor, because she knew I knew she’d blown my best friend Mike at the bowling alley, but was going to keep quiet for her? If not, see the story two entries ago! Anyway, about two weeks later I called her up during the week, when I knew her boyfriend Frank wouldn’t likely be at her place. After a few rings, she picked up the phone.“Goodbody’s Mortuary, you stab ‘em, we slab ‘em, Elvira...

3 years ago
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Red ndash Part VIII ndash The girls meet up with Marcus

Sara flipped off the radio when she turned into her Tinderwood Apartment complex. It was late and she was exhausted. Her younger sister, Lauren, was asleep on the sofa with her chemistry book open on her chest, when she walked in. Sara looked frazzled and worn out for a 19 year sophomore in college. Her hair was windblown and her makeup was a mess. Her new flowered sundress was wrinkled and only held closed by three buttons. When she plopped down in the chair, Lauren could see her bare breasts...

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Julie out on her own ndash Bowling Aftermath ndash CDTVT

Julie out on her own – Bowling Aftermath – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about how my roommate Mike hooked up with flirty Vicky at the bowling alley, how I knew about it, how Mike knew I knew, and how Vicky knew I knew, but how Vicky didn’t know that Mike knew I knew. Confused? Read last entry!Anyway, when Mike and I got home that night, we thought it was hilarious how Vicky’s horny lusts had gotten the better of her, how she’d blown Mike in the bowling alley men’s room while I watched over...

4 years ago
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Red ndash Part VII ndash A Quick Trip

Sara was jolted from her nap when the phone rang. She glanced over at the kitchen clock. It was 6:15pm. She’d been studying hard since school started three weeks ago and had passed out in the process. It was her trucker friend, Cliff. “Hey babe, I’m coming north on 95 and was wondering if you’d like to meet me at the truck stop up above Richmond?”Sara could feel pussy waking up faster than she was. It quivered in her fleece shorts. “Ummm, yeah, sure. How long before you get there?”“Probably...

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Red ndash Part V ndash Grace takes the Wheel

“Lauren, wake up. Wake up hon, we need to get on the road,” Grace said softly as she nudged at her daughter. Grace yanked back the covers to speed things up, and paused to admire the eighteen year old's tall, tan, beautiful body.“Yaawwwnnnnn, good morning. Did you say we? You’re driving me back?” “Yes hon. I talked with your dad and since you’re still on Percocet, we think it would be better if I drove you,“ Grace stated. Lauren had her wisdom teeth removed Friday morning, but was still hurting...

4 years ago
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The Dating Game ndash Part 3 ndash The art of teasing a wo

Hey to you all, what`s up? :)Here it is another blog post about the Dating Game topic, which means one step forward for you to start learning how to approach and date women the right way.This time, we`ll cut straight to the chase, I mean, no more introductory, bla bla stuff. ;)In one of my last blog posts I`ve been recommending you to meet and hang, as much as possible, around the right people, which consists of, among others, the guys that are already successful with women. Naturals, if...

3 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike and Vicky ndash CDTV

Julie out on her own – with Mike and Vicky – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about and my roommate Mike, how we’d come to terms with my crossdressing, my attraction to him, and his willingness to have a horny busty T-girl go wild on him.Since we both were comfortable with it, as time went on, I began staying dressed more in our apartment. Nothing fancy, but during evenings and practically all weekend, more often than not, if I had no immediate plans to go out, I would wear the following. Pink...

4 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash more with Mike ndash CDTVTS

Julie out on her own – more with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about my first sexual experience with my roommate Mike, how I’d “ambushed” him when he came home one night, and I was dressed like one of our sexy busty slutty blonde friends, Vicky. The next morning, I was awake and eating breakfast in our kitchen (not cross-dressed), just in shorts and a t-shirt, ready to do some weekend chores.Mike came in behind me and cleared his throat nervously. He said, “Um, did what happen last...

2 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike ndash CDTVTS MM

Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMLiving with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or...

3 years ago
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Julie out on her own ndash with Mike ndash CDTVTS MM

Julie out on her own – with Mike – CD/TV/TS, MMLiving with my folks was OK, but when I finished college, like most k**s, I got a decent job and was eager to get a place of my own and taste more freedom … and COCK! (Well, most k**s want to taste opposite gender genitals, but you know what I mean.) Several of my friends had moved out earlier than I did, having not gone to college for a full four years, some not having gone to college at all, yet getting decent jobs through what they knew and/or...

2 years ago
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The birth of a yng whore ndash pt4 ndash hurting parentin

Parenting a property or learning must hurtThere she was, 15 years old, naked in a stable, bound like a piece of livestock. Before this day she was cute, virgin, in any way really greenly, she had dreams, she had a boyfriend, whom she loved, she had a family, who looked after her, all something normal in 1965, in Western Germany, somewhere in the hinterland of Heidelberg. Now, after grandpa taught her, how it feels to have a cock between her lips, how hurting treason could be, and he and his...

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The birth of a young whore ndash pt3 ndash tortured deflor

The birth of a young whore – pt3 – tortured deflorationsequel of : mom lay in this straw, 15 yrs old, weak, trembling all over after my uncle destroyed her ass, after he fucked her with his big 8 inch cock ballsdeep in that asshole, that has been virgin when she woke up in the morning, she relaxed. Made plans how to escape these two monsters, my...

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The birth of a whore ndash pt2 ndash end of close season

The birth of a young whore – pt2 – end of close seasonsequel of : are still in the near of Heidelberg, Germany, back in 1965, this wonderful era, when women knew about their position, when men controlled women's life, with strong mind and hands, when chastisement wasn't reprehensible, when emancipation was unknown, when youngster didn't automatically get mentally disordered when they were taught "ethical" values, and when they...

4 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Ch 9 ndash Lack of free will

Gender bent – Ch 9 – Lack of free will“Nikki, he Nikki?, Wake up” I heard a voice as I opened my eyes. “What happened?” I muttered as all I could remember was being dolled up like a bimbo slut encased in pink latex looking like a flat chested girl with a bubble butt with a ton of fake tats on me. “The process finished” J said as Kandi stood right next to him. “Wow did It work?” Kandi said. “Did what work?” I replied. J looked at Kandi and then pressed a button on the watch and said “Looks like...

3 years ago
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Gender bent ndash Ch 8 ndash Made for pleasure

Gender bent – Ch 8 – Made for pleasureAs I Kandi led me around the parties’ hallways I realized I didn’t even know where I really was or how big this place truly was. I remembered once I agreed to be his “Girl” Dave pretty much had a ton of rules before I couldn’t even set foot in the party. One was no cell phones which I left at his place. Another was I needed to be blind folded the whole time we traveled there. It wasn’t long from his place, about 30 minutes. I remember being hand-led into a...

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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 3 ndash

Chapter 3The DecisionSissy got out of bed at her usual time and went about her morning routine of shaving, showering, and getting dressed. Sissy thought maybe she got an hour of restless sleep. After not being able to perform last night she had pretty much laid in bed all night crying and pondering how she became to be such a sissy. To her own surprise she didn’t put much thought into what decision she would make b/c deep down she knew the answer already. If she couldn’t perform with her...

2 years ago
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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 2 ndash

Chapter 2Sissies Opportunity BlownSissy was dead tired. It had been a long and tiring day. Mistress was very picky today at inspection and sissy had to redo some of her work several times. Sissy would admit that some of her work was sloppy, but sissy could not concentrate. Mistress had just told her the biggest news and she still couldn’t wrap her head around it; no wonder her work was messy. As a result sissy had to spend an hour in the corner tonight and was sent right to bed following...

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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 1 ndash

“sissy come in here, W/we need to talk.”“Yes Mistress, coming.”Sissy enters the room and curtseys, with sissy’s eyes downcast she sees Mistresses finger pointing towards the floor. Sissy hobbles over to Mistress and kneels at Her feet. Today, Mistress has sissy in her black satin maids uniform with pink lace trim and a pink apron. Sissy also has on a matching pink hair bow, pink petticoat, matching pink ruffled panties, black hose with matching garter, a black bra, and black 4’’ locking pumps....

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Part 5 ndash Her Divorce ndash True Story

To continue the story, after my future wife moved in with me she discovered that she could make me cum hard and fast when she shared stories of her past sexual adventures. And if you have not read the first parts, she learned she liked sex early. Sex with guys, gals, black guys and multiple guys.So to continue, her first husband graduated from college without knowing she was fucking her work boss, fellow workers, and a few of his college teammates. So he got a job and they moved to the Texas...

3 years ago
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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 8 ndash Se

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 8 – Seiichi and EmikoSunday, September 9, 1985I woke early Sunday morning and managed to slip out of bed without waking the wives. It was barely starting to get light out so I grabbed my swim suit and headed to the beach for some much needed exercise. After stretching and warming up, I began jogging on the beach. As I approached the far end of the beach away from our bungalow, I spied a young couple lying on the sand. It appeared that they had passed out while...

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