The Ring Of Chaos (RoC): Innocence Lost free porn video

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The following is my intellectual property, wish I didn't have to say this but posting anonymous works on the internet can be scary. Please, just enjoy and feel free to critique, this is literally a rough draft but my first in this... genre. I was inspired by a few authors, namely the guy from the relatively recent Wet Dream series. I intend to correct and expand upon what may possibly be a new universe to write about and explore... The Ring of Chaos (Brings very good or very bad luck, at a cost...) My cock pressed against my shorts painfully, solid granite at the sight of her. My girl stepped out of the bedroom ready for work, Hooters... She had asked for an application ages ago thinking the money MUST be good enough if girls are willing to work there. Her hips were wide, her height barely to the top of the television. Too late I realize, I'm staring. "See something you like?" She grins coyly as she bends a tanned leg over the other, sheathed in her pantyhose, her white socks bundled above her sneakers. I smile and growl as I hop of the couch and pick her dainty frame from the floor, I kiss her hungrily and drop her chest up on our bed. She shouts and giggles as I bury myself into her. I kiss her thick lips moving lustily to her neck and then her swollen chest. Her boobs were huge - just over handfuls on a small 5'2" body with thick hips and a large ass, she barely comes to my chin when we kiss. She worked out and her thick thighs were solid beneath her nylons and pleasant to the touch. I buried my face into her and made to eat her pussy through her orange Hooters shorts. She giggled more and gave away to moaning as a rocked my face her, feeling the intimate parts of her womanhood - hidden under her pantyhose between her legs. She smelled terrific. "Oh fuck it, I got time," she purred as she wiggled out her shorts and hose. I smiled like a child and drew myself, dropping my shorts. She was wet and willing when I entered her. Her breasts bulged from her Hooters top as sweat built on her forehead, her naturally white-blonde hair sticking to it in ropes. We rocked against each other moaning until we both came. Goosebumps cloaked her skin as he pulled out of her, limp and swollen. ... "Ok! How do I look?" She asked, somewhat perturbed after having to reconfigure after our sexual encounter. I still tasted her on my tongue. "You look great babe," I smiled, admiring her hourglass shape. That's when I noticed it. The ring.. It was unnaturally bright almost as if illuminated and was obviously new to me. "Hey! New ring huh?" I said, pointing. "Yeah!" She said, grasping her hands together and jumping. "It's supposed to be this ancient witchcraft thing! Brings luck and all that, it was my grandmothers." She extended her hand so I could have a look, then things got weird.. I hopped up from the couch only to feel as if I was falling as the room seemed to stretch around me. The ground rushed up and I tripped, grasping onto Natalie before falling upon my face! "whoa!" She blurted, somewhat deeper than what she had sounded like before. Thinking I was just momentarily lightheaded I noticed Natalie was nearly as tall as I was! Silence impregnates the air as confusion gently creeps upon our faces. "Are you tall--" I begin to say when I feel the falling sensation again and Natalie grows before me. Her face lights up in surprise as I see her hair is darkening, her shoulders are also widening! "Josh what's happening!" She cries as her hands grow around my shrinking shoulders. Her Hooter uniforms is tearing and bursting. Her tits were surprisingly tiny as the shirt tore itself across, flinging itself and resting just over her shoulder which was surprisingly muscular. "Josh..!" she muttered, her voice wavering and deep - like a mans. Her eyes were wide and changing before me. She was turning into me! I gasped and stepped back in disbelief when I felt a tugging sensation on my chest and groin. Oh no! My hands went to each, my penis formerly swollen from sex was rapidly shrinking! My balls grew tiny and my sack shrunk under my dick as my head came to meet my body between my legs. "Oh god Nat-A-LIEEE!" I cry as my voice cracks and climbs higher just like a girl! Not just any girl, but Natalie! My legs thicken and tighten, originally being modest runner legs the muscle and fat swell on them making me feel a warm wetness between my legs. Natalie is staring at me, her mouth open, the tiniest of stubble marks her masculine face as her tense pecs quake while she attempts to get the words out: "JOSH! OH MY GOD YOU'RE TURNING INTO ME!" I almost laugh as I reply, "I.. know! I feel weird!" her head snaps down as a bulge develops in her still relatively untorn orange Hooters shorts. "Josh.. I..!" She stops when her hand wraps around her growing dick, swelling under those tanned pantyhose and short shorts. I step back in disbelief groaning as I feel my butt getting thicker. My breathing gets faster as I feel what I assume is my new clitoris getting stimulated from all the pressure of my widening hips and growing ass. I just now notice my hair streaming down before my eyes, as pale and bright as the sun. Natalie is breathing hard, sitting on the bed staring at the corner her gaze far beyond the limits of the room. My senses return and the arousal fades. Holy shit I'm a woman! I almost do a 180 and respect my swollen body. My breasts are large DD cups on a young and fit 26 year old blonde college student! "Natalie!" I cry, my voice a high pitched girls. "Oh my God Josh!" She yells way too loud, deep as a man. It surprised us both. The change in her mass didn't cause her pantyhose or shorts to tear and she looked absolutely gay in the make-up she still had on, albeit smeared from the transformation, but she was undoubtedly male. "This is so tight!" She wiggled out of her shorts and pantyhose and let them pile on the floor around her feet. Her dick fell limp between her manly legs when our eyes meet, both wide as if tormented by ghosts.! "This is so weird!" she almost whispered. "Oh my god I'm you!" "Oh my god I'm YOU!" .. "Josh, I have to go to work!" "You can't be serious..." "I can't miss a day this early! I just got the gig! The pay has been unreal so far, way better than the library on campus! I miss a day now I'll be fired for sure.." Her manly face grew grim. She was looking down at me, I realized.. She almost TOWERED over me now! Is this how I appeared to her? Holy shit.. She fiddled with the remnants of her torn shirt, tossing the scraps to the ground and disappeared into the closet. I looked down at my hands, long French manicured nails on tiny pink hands were before me. French manicure right? I think to myself, trying to recall my girlfriend previously having saying something of the sort when talking about them. Then she stepped back in the room, in her hands she had something... my heart dropped, my throat tightened, near fear overwhelmed me as if I was about to go on front stage at the Apollo to a sold out crowd. "Natalie.. no!" I shook my head, no way can I dress like a girl! I CAN'T BE A GIRL WHAT IS HAPPENING! "Josh! Please!" she pleaded, her face sullen and worried. Lipstick still marked her thin man lips making her sincere expression appear comical. Tears welled in her green eyes, oh god those are my green eyes and I'm seeing Natalie in them! Just what the hell is happening here!?" I feel bad, a wave of empathy comes over me as the plight of what has just happens hits me. She's holding a neat pile of clothing, it's her Hooters uniform, the tanned pantyhose is on top. I take a deep breath, and reach for the pantyhose. Natalie's face lights up into a rugged smile as a tear drops from one eye. She timidly hands me the pantyhose, our hands touch as I reluctantly grab them. "I can't believe I'm doing this.." I say quietly in Natalie's voice, looking at the wad of dark tan pantyhose in my cute, manicured hands. I hear Natalie sniff, "here let me help!" she says in a surprisingly chipper voice that was once mine. She takes the wad from my small hands and grips me by the upper arms, my small but firm shoulders, setting my bubble butt on the edge of the bed. She sniffed again quickly before speaking, "here! Gimme this leg" She almost giggles gripping my left left by the calf. This is too fast! I'm breathing quickly again, I wiggle a little on my large bottom and try to gently resist. Natalie only smiles and pulls my leg harder, her increased strength was overwhelming! "Wait! Natalie-" "Aww wassa matter?" She spun and put her man-ass in my face as I felt the pantyhose begin to grip me around my toes and then spread passed my heel and then pinch off just above my calf! "HEY!" I cry, again my voice sharp. Natalie giggles and turns around. "Now c'mon," She encouraged. Mascara (mascara right? Is that what she called it?) smudged her manly cheekbones but she was all smiles as I wiggled under her grip. My butt slid up as I writhed away, this only encouraged her making her actually laugh. "Josh, seriously it's just the rush - 3 hours at the most!" She said boldly, almost laughing. "Seriously I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of it!" And with that she pounced! Her left knee poked into my chest pressing uncomfortably between my boobs, oh my god my boobs! I can feel gravity on them tugging slightly, but Natalie's leg is making my nipples hard I realize! "No!" She ends up getting the pantyhose onto my other leg and shimmies it up my legs passed my knees and looks at me. The pantyhose is surprisingly strong and is almost like rope around her knees. "Just a few hours babe, please..!" "You fucking owe me Nat.." I mutter, and grab the pantyhose and pull them up my thick thighs. Natalie giggles again, the hose only stretched so much stopping right at my pussy. Wait my pussy? I looked down where the tan nylon pantyhose met my pubic hair, a faint triangular patch of blonde hair crowned what felt like the tiny pink folds of my vagina. Natalie laughed again. "here, let me." She grabbed the pantyhose lower and worked it up until it sheathed my pussy which I was only just now realizing its differences from my old penis. For one, it felt like was I was "wet" down there. "Hard part's done!" Natalie said cheerily as she slipped the orange shorts up my tanned legs. I stood up and felt the tightness of the hose. "Weird.." Oops. "What's that?" she asked. I smile, blushing (I think). "I loved the feeling of your legs in these pantyhose, and now here I am... wearing your pantyhose in your body." I shake my head laughing, "this isn't happening..!" She turns around suddenly smiling deviously. A pink bra is in her large hand. "Trust me sweetheart.." She got close and pressed the bra against my heavy breasts and clipped the back in 2 smooth movements. Wow! They no longer feel so heavy! Am I smiling? Natalie giggles. "What is it this time, 'Natalie?'" I shot her a mean look and she chuckled, her thick arms wrapping her side. She hands me the white shirt, "here, I think you can manage!" And with that she walked out, her tall frame eclipsing the light from outside the room as she passed in my body. The shirt was simple, I slid it over my blonde head and down myself. I felt its squeeze and my tits rise below my vision, straining against the material... "fuck me.. cleavage..." ... A whistle pierces the air and resonates off the plain opaque walls of the apartment. "Lookin' good Miss Natalie!" I stomp my foot and notice my boobs jiggle but remain firmly tucked within my tight uniform. "Don't call me that Natalie!" "Natalie? Like that's not confusing!" Natalie leaned back and howled in laughter. "Besides, you want them to call you Josh all night at work?" My new girl guts drop as I remember I actually agreed to go to work as my girlfriend, in her fucking body! In her Hooters uniform!! "So..? Natalie?" "Yes...?" "What's your name?" "Natalie..." I say quietly, glaring at her. I can't believe she wants me to say it. She just smiled, there's something about her in my body that makes me feel weird. I notice Natalie's expression turn a little less enthusiastic as she looked down. The shorts she took from me earlier were bulging. I gasped and her eyes locked onto mine. Nothing needed to be said, she was getting an erection. She looked back down as her bulge grew and her hips began to gyrate ever so softly. Then, she looked back up at me. Again with my green eyes, but I still saw her behind them, and I saw this look before. She was horny. "Wait.." I spoke, stepping back. My legs swished softly as the Hooters pantyhose material rubbed between my thighs. My pussy feels warmer than it did, and the moistness is definitely there. Natalie says nothing, but a smile creeps across her face. She steps toward me slowly, grinning. "What are you-" I step back again and my calf bumps into my bed temporarily distracting me. That's when she jumped on me! Natalie roared playfully as she leapt upon me, tossing me against the top of the sheets with such force my chest strained against the tight Hooters top, my legs split as she forced her body between them. I felt herself bulging against my warm and moist crotch, horror fills me and I attempt to disentangle, all the while chittering like a little girl. "You can't be serious! Natalie! C'mon please! Work is ok but nothing else! You seriously CAN'T expect me to be ok- HEY STOP!" her hand rubbed against my clitoris, yep that's definitely my clitoris. It was slow but powerful and turned into a molten pile of pink flesh with a swollen set of tits and ass. I let out a soft groan in Natalie's voice and involuntarily arched my back thrusting my tits into my girlfriend's face. "I don't know sweetie, I think you're gonna be doing somethings you've never done before.." she purred, her voice a deep baritone like any man. Like I used to have. Her thumb is still gently rubbing me between my legs nearly making me senseless when I see Natalie holding something in her hand and entering my vision. NO! I pull my head back but she grabs me by the hair and shoves her dick passed my bright pink lips. GNGGHH! I gurgle. The hair pulling doesn't even hurt, my heart races and my pussy begins to ache, as if craving something.. Oh no... it's not moist anymore I notice, its flat out wet. She can't reach my pussy as her hand guides my head over her cock. I can't believe but I find myself doing most of the work, even with her grip on my head. The dick indeed looks familiar, oddly I have a sense of de'ja vu swallowing my dick, my thick lips wrapped around it. Usually it's her lips around my cock! Warm saliva floods my mouth as I accept my girlfriend, who is now in my body's cock. I suck slowly while she moans. "Oh God, so this is what it feels like?" I moan in agreement, my pussy aches and Natalie pulls herself from my mouth. Our eyes lock and she bends down, her cock lowering from my vision. "Josh..." I look at her and then I feel it. "Natalie..." I whisper. My vagina welcomes her penis and I feel her slide gently inside me. We collectively gasp as the pressure building between my legs welcome her manhood. The inside of my thighs tingle as her hips work gently into me. We are remarkably silent as the sensations we both feel are not only entirely alien, but intense. Our breath quickens and sweat again coats our flesh. My skin turns pink and my hair burns as Natalie quickens her pace, pumping her dick into me more deeply and more quickly. I begin to moan clearly now, and my skin is on fire! "Natalie, no.. I mean, yes!" I breathe weakly into her ear as she pumps her swollen penis into me. I can see my knees flailing just beyond her elbows while she thrusts herself into me. My- or rather HER (why did I think it was mine?) uniform lay crumpled beside my head. I could actually smell myself on it- it made me hornier and that's when I began to lose myself. I grabbed the pantyhose and breathed them in, smelling both her and myself. I felt an overwhelming warmth pulse from my pussy when I did. Natalie's pumpings intensified. "josh... josh I'm.. I think.." I grab her hips, I see the strain in her arms and shoulders and admire them for a moment before realizing that's exactly what my arms had looked like at the gym when working out. I press her into me as I moan loudly! "Oh Natalie! I can feel it too!" "JOSH! OHHH!" Her pace quickens! My vagina is a furnace and Natalie's wide dick is the fuel. My pussy burns and I begin to scream. "NATALIEEEEEE!!!" "JOOSSHHH!!!!" She arches her back, our cries are so loud they echo off the stars. Her cum fills me and my thighs feel as though they're being turned to rubber. I gasp for air as my senses come to me after what felt like days but could have been only seconds. Natalie gasps, smiling on top of me - our eyes looking beyond themselves to see each other hiding beyond our own bodies. Oddly the ring seemed to come to mind... I realized I was smiling when Natalie attempted to withdraw from me, her swollen member shriveling after our orgasm. I looked down and almost did a double take. No. Natalie drew another deep breath and looked back, she was shrinking! In what was once my masculine body, hardened from years of military service and sports, Natalie looked at me in surprise as her frame diminished. She was getting younger, and fast! "um.. josh! I feel funny!" she said oddly as she shrunk on the bed, still between my legs. I began to feel odd too. My stomach was feeling really strange and I had an unbelievable compulsion to spread my legs. Like REALLY spread my legs... and it was feeling... good! "JOOoosshhh!!" she squealed as she continued to diminish before me, my teenage years flew before me and the pubes around her flaccid member melted away. Her voice grew higher and her testicles shriveled. HNNGHHH! An odd pressure builds within me.. Natalie's stops mumbling and shrinks to infant, gurgling before her legs worked themselves into my vagina. "HEY NOW WAIT ON-" Too late, I felt the intense pressure build like a balloon and felt myself swelling... my tits grew before me and I lifted myself up more to glimpse what was left of Natalie shrink and get sucked into me. This is not happening.. I put a hand on my tummy, now swollen enormously large. I nearly encompassed the entire bed. My butt was much larger and my tits? I now thought of them as "jugs". They were enormous and felt full and heavy. Not anything like what they did when Natalie had put her push-up bra on me. I jolt when I realize just how large my stomach really is. I'm preggers..!

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Chaos Calls 03 the Dragon DilemmaChapter 02

I smile when I enter the bank vault. For some reason it’s grown in size and there’s room for us all. I lead my horse, Gaza, to the side to give them more room while the rest arrive, and I wait for them to join me. The portal vanishes when the last mare exits the portal. I stick my finger in the hole and my box arrives. It takes just a moment to go through the box. I arm Kira, Warren, Carla, and myself from the many weapons stored there. I also take out my other Chaos clothes and strap them to...

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Chaos Calls 03 the Dragon DilemmaChapter 04

The next morning we’re up early to get ready for the exchange. I’ve several troopers organise twenty bullocks and twenty sheep with fifteen horses. Twelve of them pulling the four wheeled cavalry wagons after we unload them in the barn and put a load of blankets in them, along with food and water. I want to be ready to cart the people out if they can’t walk that far. Twenty of us head off to the exchange. Mid-morning we arrive at the glen. To show my good faith I herd the bullocks and sheep...

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Chaos Calls 02 The First RescueChapter 03

I arrive in the bank and call for my lock box. I take care to select the weapons and gear I’ll need for this mission on top of what I’ve got with me. I leave in it a couple of the extra items I brought but won’t need this time. I’m heavily loaded: two swords, six knives, bo-shuriken, hat, hanbō, cape, back pack, first aid kit, money pouch, the mini-crossbow loaded and ready for use in my left hand. I’ve my armour on and the rest is set for easy access. I’m ready to face the world of...

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The Price of Innocence

The Price of Innocence by captv8td [email protected] 1She stretched herself under the bed covers and then curled up, hugging a fluffy pillow to her body as the morning sun streamed through the window.  She sighed happily and smiled.  Life was good.  She couldn’t imagine being any happier.It had been a month since she was married and she felt very fulfilled.  At twenty two, Innocence was living life beyond any of her dreams.  Everything was perfect.Her husband, Richard, was twice her...

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Innocence Lost Ch 02

In Which Blanche learns the Truth about Innocence and Chastity, whilst Chastity furthers the experiences of Innocence. Innocence’s sister, Chastity, had many friends, some of whom came from other shires and parishes. One such was Blanche, who came from Brook, a county, Innocence was fascinated to discover, where naturism was pretty nearly the rule and where most people felt comfortable not wearing any clothes at all. Blanche was no exception, though this didn’t inhibit her from a tasteful...

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Innocence Lost Ch 03

In Which Alice is introduced to Innocence and Chastity, and discovers that of the two she prefers Innocence, her friends practise the thespian arts and learn the theatrical skills of Innocence, and, to her disappointment, she discovers her lover prefers the charms of Chastity. Alice wasn’t so sure she liked the idea of being identified for her incestuous relationship with her sister, so when Dinah told her that this was the main reason why Blanche’s friend Chastity and her sister Innocence...

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Innocence Lost Ch 27

In Which Innocence returns to the pleasures of Eve and Dawn, Eve is enjoyed in the pleasant environs of a garden and Innocence is exposed to greater fame than before. Eve gradually recovered from her experience with Innocence and indeed even initiated a correspondence with her deflowerer. She had been right, it seemed to her, to insist on having her maidenhead taken by the famous Innocence rather than by some hairy unsubtle man. She may not ever want to have sex again – and, indeed, after the...

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Innocence Lost Ch 35

In Which Innocence is exposed to the world and the world learns to love Innocence. * * * * * Innocence had never known before what it was like to be so wealthy. Thanks to Leon’s expert negotiating skills, Innocence had gained the relatively uncommon position of earning a percentage from the sex films she was performing in, and as the demand for them grew, so did Innocence’s wealth. She and Dodie were able to put enough money by to put down a mortgage on a flat in Congress, and still live a...

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Innocence Lost Ch 36

In Which the virtues of Innocence are spread throughout the world and are prominent in Congress, Innocence and Virtue are conjoined, old friends are reunited and Chastity is resolved to the service of Innocence. * * * * * Innocence found that her fame brought with it not only the material rewards which meant she was able to exchange her Congress flat for a country mansion, but also the cost of selling her virtues through the media. In actual fact, it was a cost which Innocence found that she...

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Innocence Lost Ch 07

In Which we learn about the pains of Humility, and Innocence leaves Religious devotion and we rediscover the virtues of Chastity. When Sister Innocence had returned from Brook to her own Convent she was to find that Sister Charity’s bed in her room had been taken by a new nun, Sister Humility, who seemed to take the literal meaning of her Christian name very seriously indeed. In fact, the first time Innocence met Sister Humility she was knelt down on the floor with her robe pulled forward over...

5 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 26

In Which Innocence is made more widely available and Dodie enjoys Innocence with a client. Innocence had never known before as much wealth as her new pornographic career promised her, and she found herself and Dodie spending it with a wild abandon that was both reckless and, as it turned out, foolish. There was not only the extortionate rent she was paying for their expensive Congress flat. There were the income tax bills to be met. There were also the purchases on furniture, computers, audio...

2 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 08

In Which Innocence is found in a Vegan Commune, and gains profit by untrammeled display to an unknown public, and in which Dodie discovers Innocence in the cool mountain air. Innocence made the journey to Brook by train, waving goodbye to her sister and Kedi and wearing the clothes she thought best suited her destination. These were a pair of baggy shorts, sandals and little else except for the rucksack she had over her shoulders. She had decided that the clothes of her sister’s district were...

5 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 06

In Which Innocence is embraced by Religious Faith and found in a Convent, the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity are also revealed and Charity finds her natural place, Purity is found in the spiritual home of Faith but lives outside its confines. The Convent of St Mary Magdalene the Prostitute was situated a long way from any town or city and surrounded by fields and woods. An ideal place Innocence believed for peaceful meditation and religious contemplation. The order of Magdalenites was...

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Innocence Lost Ch 01

In Which the Pleasures and Virtues of Innocence, Chastity and Purity are Revealed. 18-year-old Innocence was the most attractive girl in her school. She had beautiful rounded breasts, the perfect figure, long sandy blond hair half-way down her back and the most attractive face anyone could wish for. When she smiled, boys melted into helpless submission and she was the envy of all the other girls. However, Innocence had a secret. Although the perfect girl in almost every way, between her legs...

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Innocence Lost Ch 09

In Which Innocence is restored to Purity, the beauty of Innocence is immortalised on film and Purity and Innocence are exposed to the virtues of great wealth and proportion. Dodie and Innocence were staying at different resorts on opposite sides of the mountain where they met, so despite Dodie’s entreaties that they stay together and further what she said was potentially a beautiful relationship, Innocence returned to her hotel room to spend a few more uneventful days in the shadows of Les...

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Innocence Lost Ch 34

In Which Innocence is lost in the country, there is much self-discovery and the less savoury aspects of country life are revealed. Innocence and Dodie didn’t share very many interests in common, but one that they did and which Innocence was particularly keen on pursuing was a love for walking in the countryside which they often did together. It was lovely to get away from the city and out into the open air, feeling the country air on their skins and finding deserted spots where they could make...

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Innocence Lost Ch 31

In Which Innocence remains with Honore, Innocence is recorded in the photographic media and Dodie returns to the comforts of Innocence. Honore hoisted up her huge breasts from underneath the desk where she was working on her word processor, and rested their immense weight on the surface, relieving herself of the strain of supporting them without assistance. She glanced behind her at Innocence and Hyacinth, her current belle, lying outstretched and naked, like herself, on the sheets of the...

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Innocence Lost Ch 14

In Which Dodie rediscovers Innocence, and Innocence acquires a new fame from past endeavours. Dodie had been away from Wonderground for so long on her travels which had taken her as far as her stamina and savings allowed her. She had seen so many different countries and districts, and had met so many different people. And frequently made love to them. She’d accumulated possessions and had them stolen. She’d lain for days in foreign hospitals and frequently been so intoxicated or drugged up...

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Innocence Lost Ch 24

In Which Innocence prevails upon Dodie to perform and Griffin is reacquainted to the virtues of Innocence. Dodie enjoyed hearing about Innocence’s new job. She loved listening to Innocence’s accounts of the sex she was having in the series of Quinze Cunts and Bizarre Bazaar films that she appeared in, and where there was any particular activity that she found especially erotic she would persuade Innocence to join in similar activity with her in their tiny bedsit. However, Dodie was quite...

2 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 25

In Which Innocence is matched with virginity, a career in giving pleasure to unknown benefactors is reviewed and Leon’s own artistic vocation is revealed. It took quite a lot of persuading and rather a lot of money, but eventually Innocence agreed to make a Virginity Loss film (or Bleeding Fanny Film as they were less subtly known). It wasn’t that Innocence hadn’t taken a girl’s virginity before, she just felt that there was something sordid about the whole notion of making a film about it,...

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Innocence Lost Ch 19

In Which Alice rediscovers Innocence and learns the virtues of Purity, in which Innocence and Purity are shown in the practise of religious devotion, and in which Innocence leaves Chastity and Purity loses Innocence. The fruition of all plans is often much less than the ambitions associated with their formulation, and so it was with the vacation that Purity had planned together with Innocence. They had scarcely been away a day when over a drink in a café that was near the hostel they were...

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Innocence Lost Ch 05

In Which Innocence is embodied in the value of Twelve, and joined in a fury of pain and pleasure, and in which Chastity pursues love of a woman and Innocence the Love of God. It was in another field, this time within Une’s extensive estates, that Une and Innocence were happily fucking together. Being her own estate, Une naturally chose a comfortable field where the grass was short and green enough for there to be relatively little scratching or discomfort from the ground as the two lovers...

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Innocence Lost Ch 33

In Which Blanche returns to Innocence, consideration is given on the sole pleasures of her virtues, and Dodie learns more about Blanche. Blanche didn’t often visit Congress and when she did she always felt the restrictions of wearing clothing very uncomfortable, which on a body as plump as hers were rarely as flattering as total nudity would be. It was not something that she could avoid for too long as it became necessary on occasion to visit her suppliers to get the literature she needed to...

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Innocence Lost Ch 04

In Which Innocence and Chastity are found in the countryside. Une just loved to be fucked. But with a cunt as large as hers it took such an effort for her to be satisfied. Generally, one man just wasn’t enough, she’d need two or maybe three simultaneously pounding away in her nether regions for her to be satisfied. It was sometimes awkward to arrange such a meeting of pricks inside her, but practice had brought great facility and imagination to her. Two was easy enough. One from above and one...

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Cock ring chaos

Angela and James were always experimenting with sex. They had been together almost six months and had gone through every position and every room in the house. Angela loved the little quickies in the kitchen when James came home. The only place they hadn’t done it was on the staircase, but she was working on that. One particular Friday afternoon, James had come home early and was eager to try their new toy. They always talked about things first, although it had been Angela’s idea to get him a...

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Innocence Lost Ch 30

In Which Kedi rediscovers Innocence by choice, Chastity by circumstances, and meets Honore who is herself reunited with Innocence. Kedi knew that Innocence was soon due to arrive to spend a few days with her, but she wasn’t exactly sure when she’d arrive. She had been quite surprised to hear from her, although they’d kept in touch all the months since they’d lived together with Chastity and Mouse in Wonderground. Innocence didn’t say why she felt the urgency of the visit, nor why she felt it...

4 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 22

In Which Innocence is found in work and in work is found revived passion. Innocence had achieved her independence: she had at last found a bedsit and a job that paid well enough for her to afford the rent. Honore had loaned her the money necessary to pay the deposit on her new home, but she hoped that with overtime she’d be able to repay her eventually. It was a very small bedsit – much smaller than what she’d been accustomed to in Labia or Wonderground – but at least when she shut the front...

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Innocence Lost Ch 18

In Which Purity is reconciled with Innocence, Purity is separated from Chastity, and Purity appreciates the value of Twelve, but is displeased by the association with Chastity. Purity hadn’t seen Innocence for such a long time, and she was very pleased when she heard that she and her sister had left Wonderground. She’d never cared to visit a place with such a poor reputation for racial discrimination, so it was with rather more enthusiasm than might otherwise have been the case she took the...

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Innocence Lost Ch 23

In Which Innocence is displayed on film and is shown together with an old friend. It was Dodie who reminded Innocence of the interview she’d had with Fuck Films Today and her appearance in Forbidden Love. ‘It seems absolutely ridiculous to me that you should be working for virtually nothing at the Fierzehn, especially as you don’t really like music, when you could be earning a hell of a lot more in fuck films.’ ‘I’m not sure I want to be filmed fucking people,’ Innocence retorted. ‘Don’t be...

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Innocence Lost Ch 20

In Which Innocence is lost in Congress, and Twelve introduces Innocence to the literary merits of Honore. Twelve had no intention of returning to the flat to rejoin Chastity. She’d had just about enough of her and how she’d persuade her to do things with her young lovers that made her feel guilty and soiled. She carried her rucksack of possessions over her shoulder through the streets of Labia, relishing the attention her appearance aroused, and made her way to the railway station. She wasn’t...

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Innocence Lost Ch 29

In Which Une joins in the study of Algebra, the properties of Twelve are examined by Algebra, and Chastity returns to Innocence. After their one session of lovemaking, Algebra was disappointed to find that despite her attempts to repeat it Dodie was decidedly unenthusiastic to do so. Algebra soon came to conclude that her brief love affair with Dodie had finished almost before it had begun, and resigned herself to her studies as a means of keeping her mind off her continued passion. Her...

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Innocence Lost Ch 32

In Which Honore learns about the relationship between Purity and Innocence, a film is made illustrating Innocence’s virtues, and Honore is introduced to Leon. Honore was struggling with the composition of her Adventures of Priccho, in which she’d now managed to get her hero to a Land of Naughty Boys, where he was having sex with a number of boys and admired how large their penises were, in many cases more than eighteen inches long, not knowing that this was merely the first stage of a...

4 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 13

In Which we learn about the rewards and joy of unbridled pleasure, but also see how it may compromise the better virtues of Innocence and Chastity. What could be done about Null? wondered Kedi as she sat astride Innocence thrusting her crotch backwards and forwards on Innocence’s wonderful penis. She was unable to avoid wondering about this as Null was sitting opposite her on the floor, chained as always to the furniture frantically masturbating herself while Innocence and Kedi were in the...

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