Mistress PC free porn video

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In memorial of the Master PC saga started by JR Parz. Another story titled "Master PC: Mistress PC" (Very good I might add) was previously written by a "Kaia Golightly". I make no claims to that story, I just had this story line with this title in mind, then found out a similar title was used. Please search out the Master PC stories, done by many authors. Some are very good, many are better than my first attempt here.. Especially the ones by Xanthos Pendragon. Now, on with the story.... Mistress PC (Fixed formatting.. Corrected a characters' name Ron, Tom. Cleaned up the ending.) As morning light streams thru the bedroom window, two entwined bodies begin to stir to the morning sounds. Mark has his arm wrapped around Tina, who has her back nestled against Mark's chest, her arm overlaid around his, which is cupping her breast. Deep breaths are taken by both, as a satisfying smile emerges on Tina's face. "Mmm, g'morning lover" she whispers, as if she's avoiding being heard by a nosy sibling in a neighboring room. Mark gently draws his arm closer to his chest, drawing her body into a firm hug from behind. They remain there for a few more fleeting minutes, soaking in their glow from the night before. Mark is a self employed day trader. He previously worked for a boutique brokerage for a few years, but ventured out on his own when he realized he had more insight into the stock market than their computer modeling programs. He hasn't made his fortune, yet. But he is doing better than just taking the trade commissions from his former employer. Tina is an assistant manager for an up and coming clothing line, something Mark came upon researching for new prospects to invest in. The chemistry was instant between the two, and two months later, they are taking the next steps in their relationship with Tina staying the weekends. As Tina moves her ass against Marks morning wood, she whispers "I wish we could go at it again, but I'm gonna be late and I can't afford that right now. But what we did last night will definitely hold me over for a while. I wish you could know what you did to me last night, guys are once and done, but those moves of yours definitely got my rocks off several times.. I owe you. " "Careful," Mark chuckled, "I collect on my debts." As they lay together momentarily soaking in each others' presence and savoring the previous nights passion, their moment of solitude is broken with the sounds of his neighbors' daily morning argument. Cindy and Ron were his less than ideal neighbors. Their relationship was a matter of convenience, not love. Although there was some affection in the beginning, like most relationships, rather than breaking it off, they seemed to rely on each other. More her on him, and Ron new this. Mark had deduced that Cindy was a stripper and brought in good money. She had the looks, and the petite body that could rock ones' world. Ron was her 'body guard', making sure no one tried anything stupid, especially after work. Mark also seemed to be a small time dealer, so Cindy became accustomed to him supplying her habit. A symbiotic relationship, with benefits. But routinely, Ron would pipe-up on how the place looked, dishes in the sink, laundry not done, all woman's work. Of course she felt that since she brought in most of the income, he needed to pick up on his part. Stormy relationship, all for Mark and Tina to enjoy. "Don't worry", Mark groans, "it never lasts long". As Mark and Tina danced around each other in the kitchen, readying themselves for the day, they would give quiet glances to each other, gentle smirks on their faces. Each knowing the other was thinking of the night they just left behind. As Tina was just about out the door, she reaches into her handbag and pulls out a CD and hands it to Mark. " I bought this at that nice woman's yard sale on Saturday, it looks like a utilities disk you've been looking for." He grasps the case as he approaches her, nose to nose, eyes locked on eyes. As their gaze dances about each other's face, she gently smiled, lifted up on her toes to gently kiss him, breaking away just enough for their lips to part. "Remember," she pauses "I have to travel out of town for that potential new customer, we really need this account. I won't be back until tomorrow night. I hope last night will hold you over until then. If I land this, we'll have to celebrate." She says with a knowing smirk. Mark chuckles back, "I have enough work to keep me busy, but I'm sure I'll have a distraction or two, I'll manage". With that, she gives him another quick kiss, turns and walks away, ensuring her hips sway enough as she walks down the sidewalk, giving him a full view of what his distractions should be about. Later on that morning, Mark sits at his desk, ready for his day trading and reviewing his due-diligence of up and coming companies. His attention keeps focused on his work, he's building up his portfolio hoping to have a comfortable retirement, all at his doing, not at someone else's direction. Mark was raised in the Midwest by a family that had been farming for over 150 years, honest people who are self- sufficient. Mark was the first to venture out to college and get his business degree. He hopes to put his skills to good use for him and his family. Farming use to be so simple, but now there is more business dealings that need to be tended to. His mother and father have been able to keep up, but things change so fast. So when the time comes, Mark will be able to provide the business aspect to the farm while his siblings take up the other parts of the family farm business. That to him would be retirement. Being able to not worry on a career in a corporate setting, at someone else's direction. His terms, his family's farm. Later on, late in the afternoon as the stock market nears its close, he reaches over and absentmindedly placed his hand on the CD case. Picking it up, he reads the CD. 'MS. PC, install disk'. He had mentioned to Tina that his backup laptop had been acting up, possibly needing some cleanup or a full restore. She probably figured this was a repair disk. Since the laptop wasn't used for his daily work, which he specifically kept separate for security and tax reasons, he popped open the DVD drive in his laptop and threw the disk in. He figured that even if it messed things up, he'd just reload the operating system anyways, since that was in his game plan anyways. With the drive spinning up, the install dialog box appears on the screen. "Welcome to the MS. PC install menu, hit Enter to continue". The usual EULA B.S. comes up, and as everyone does, he just clicks Accept and moves on. As time moves on, the stock market reaches it close, Mark's attention is mainly on his stock transactions of the day, just breaking off enough to click thru the install questions, ensuring no other 'Freeware' gets piggy-backed with the main program, and entering his Admin password for install. He clicks OK and the program starts to load as he returns to his work, leaving it to finish. As he wraps up his days' work, unnoticed by Mark, the install program finishes its load and performs an uncharacteristic auto-reboot. The screen blanks out and a new boot graphics screen appears. "Welcome to Ms. PC, your virtual goddess to alter reality as you see fit". "Click on Enter to start your journey" Mark finally turns his head to view the install, pauses and sighs "damn, I must have either loaded a virus or this is some sort of role playing fantasy game". With nothing to lose, he clicks on Enter and the User Interface appears. A Menu bar across the top of the screen with the usual File - Edit - View- About drop down menus, and a vertical tools menu on the left side of the screen, Height - BMI - Body type - Reproductive - Psychological - etc.. To the right is a large blank area. As Mark scans the screen, a dialog box appears: "Please register your name as master of this domain:" "Role Playing game, some sort of D&D knock-off" he mumbles. "I'll bite", as he enters his name. "Nothing to lose, I'll just wipe the drive after this". "Accessing temporal database" message appears. Suddenly a naked 3-D view of Mark appears in the right side of the screen. Cursor controls on the screen allow him to rotate the view. "What The ..." Mark spits out as he can't believe the accuracy of the image. Another dialog box appears over his image, "You have control over the subjects' psychical attributes and mental status, please use wisely, karma can be a bitch. To choose another subject, select File - Load. For any further help, press F1." "Ok, so somehow they did an internet search on social media for my name and found an image of my face, clever" Thinking this was a sort of photo-editing part of the program, he thought he'd see what it could do. Clicking on the BMI section, a slider appeared. The stylus was at 13%, just about right for Mark, he kept himself in shape and was a bit on the lean side. So he slid the cursor up to 25% to see what he'd look like if he let himself go, then he clicked Apply. Within seconds, he felt his stomach was bloated, and he felt like he had bad gas building in his intestines. His arms felt heavy and he could feel pressure pushing out his pecks a bit.. Then he felt the tightness of the jeans start to set in. Looking down, he saw his stomach grow and start to overhang his waist band. Thinking quickly, he unbuttons his jeans and strips them off. Just in time for his ass and thighs to start swelling... Standing there, almost naked, a stretched tee-shirt with a belly sticking out, and constricting tighty-whitey's still around his waist, he raised his arms to survey the current situation. Noticing the chubby knuckles on his hands, scanning up his arms to see the flab hanging, he almost fell into shock. "Oh-shit!! Either I'm hallucinating or this thing just made me fat!". Dropping down the Edit menu, he spots an Undo command, and selects it. At the same rate as before, Mark deflates to his former self. Staring at the computer monitor, mouth agape with a look of disbelief on his face, Mark leans back to rest his back against the chair. "This can't be real" he half whispers. Thoughts start to swirl in his mind, the possibilities. No more working out, watching what he eats, heck, he doesn't have to shave anymore. No more colds, hell, even correct his slight near-sightedness. As Mark was contemplating the possibilities, his favorite neighbors chimed up in the background. Raised voices start to fill the quite that was Mark's house a few moments ago. He glanced at his watch, 4:35, time for their late afternoon quarrel. Ron had just arrived home from "work" and had proceeded to complain to Cindy on the lack of housekeeping, mainly the mess on the patio from the previous night, mostly Ron's doing. This chastising session was especially clear since they were outside, in clear earshot of Mark. He glances down at the laptop screen and ponders. He raises an eyebrow and gets a half smile on his face, a bit more devilish that he has done in the past. He scrolls thru the menus at the top of the screen until he finds an item labeled "Subject", clicking on it, a small window appears with a blinking cursor in it. Mark dutifully enters Ron's name and a 3-D model appears on the screen. Back at the menu bar, he locates "Manual Commands", selecting it brings up a help box with quick instructions on the function of this item, mainly it makes the subject a puppet of the program, saying and acting out the commands entered, no physical changes possible. Mark enters: -Be quiet -Sit in the chair next to Cindy -Obey all of Cindy's commands -Answer "Yes Mistress" when Cindy gives a command -After Cindy counts to five, say "Thank you very much, Mistress. I am sorry".. As mark entered the list into the program, he watched as complied with the first two commands, and wondered how the last three would be enacted. Cindy didn't say a word as Ron complied, figuring Ron had just had enough and sat down waiting for Cindy to clean up his mess. Entering Cindy's name into the interface, Mark gave some command and control to Cindy over Ron: -Tell Ron "Stand up, face the chair across from me". As Cindy instructed, Ron complied and said "Yes Mistress" as he stood with his back to her.. Typing to Cindy: - Instruct Ron to "drop your pants and underwear, bend at the hips over the back of the chair." Another "Yes Mistress" from Ron in compliance. -Pick up the small cutting board by its handle and paddle Ron's ass five times like he was a bad little boy. Count out loud each time. Cindy picks up the small board from the table, stands beside Ron, lifts the paddle in the air and SMACK! "One" Some guttural "unggg" sound can be heard from Ron as Cindy rests the paddle on Ron's bare ass. Lifting it in the air again, SMACK! An authoritative "Two" comes from Cindy's lips. Ron lets out a heavy breath. As if she's a batter, ready for another swing, RAP! "Three" as the corner of Cindy's mouth curls up in a subdued smile. Lifting the makeshift paddle halfway this time, but bringing it in with more force and accuracy, SMACK! "Four" Cindy states, as she straightens her back and lifts her chin up in a posture of authority over Ron. Lifting her free hand to brush some of her blond hair from her face, swinging her head slightly back and forth to allow it to drape down her back, she takes her final pound of flesh from Ron's red ass, SMACK! "Five" she says with finality. On cue, Ron quivels the words "Thank you very much, Mistress. I am sorry" Mark sends a series of instructions to Cindy, with Ron still mandated to follows her instructions. Cindy starts to berate him, telling him he has been a bad boy, back talking her, and he needed to be punished. Ron just nods in agreement, eyes cast down to the ground. "Stand up, pick up your pants." She barks to him. As he rights himself up to pull up his pants, Cindy notices his cock was at half staff. "You were enjoying that, weren't you? Tell me the truth!" "Yes Mistress" as he nods his head, eyes still cast down to the ground, not wanting to look at her." I've never had anyone do that to me before". "Pull your pants up" she barks.. "Yes Mistress" as he bends over and pulls up his underwear and pants. When finished, Cindy tells him "You've been acting like a child, so you need to be treated as a child.. Start sucking your thumb, like a two year old" With that, Ron places his right hand to his face, places his thumb in his mouth, wraps his lips around it and starts sucking. He even curled his index finger around the tip of his nose like a child. "We're going to visit Mark next door, I want you to be on your best behavior, take my hand and follow one step behind me, just like a little boy would do with his mommy, understand?" Nodding his head in compliance, he attempts to respond but only could muster "mess misress" with his thumb firmly buried in his mouth. Reaching up with his free hand, he grasps Cindy's hand, as she leads him down the driveway to the neighborhood sidewalk for all to see. Rounding the corner, the couple walks up to Mark's front door and ring the bell. "Who's there?" Mark playfully asks. "Its Cindy and little Ronny from next door, may we come in?" Mark had instructed Cindy to have Ron and her come over after his spanking, but he wasn't expecting this. He could hear the paddle striking Ron's ass cheeks, but was unaware of the subsequent conversation Cindy had with Ron. "It's open, come in" Mark responds.. Both enter Mark's living room and stand there with Ron standing half a step behind Cindy, with his left shoulder behind Cindy's right shoulder, much like a two year old would do, using mommy as a shield in an uncomfortable situation. Still suckling on his thumb, eyes cast to the floor. Part of Marks previous instructions to them was to both come over and to believe Mark was their closest friend, and to be completely honest with him. Complete trust, no matter what, this was all normal. As Mark scans Ron up and down, wondering what took place out of earshot, he noticed a substantial bulge in Ron's pants. "Do you have a hard-on right now?" Ron raises his eyes to meet Cindy's in a request of permission to answer. "Answer him, you can take your thumb out of your mouth now". "Yes sir, it started when she spanked me, and just grew when she made me suck my thumb and come over here, I feel so humiliated". Mark did not expect this, he just wanted to see what the program could do, he didn't realize the situation could bring out this in his neighbors. Looking at Cindy, he noticed her nipples were poking thru the tee-shirt she was wearing.. "You seem to be enjoying this" he mentions to her. "I don't know what came over me, but once I felt the power over little Ronny, I ran with it. After I saw that he was enjoying it, I doubled down and this is the result, right Ronny?" "Yes Mistress".. He whispers.. "Ronny, thumb back in your mouth, little boy". "Yes Mistress".. And then pops it back in his mouth like a pro... "He has to know who's in charge" she says with a small grin on her face. "Well," Mark interjects "let's have a conversation, I'll be in-charge from now on, OK"? "Yes Sir" Cindy responds, "mess smir" is all Ron could manage. "Ron, you can remove your thumb from your mouth now". Mark says laughingly. "So, I hear you morning and night, all I hear is you arguing, I'm sure you talk and get along, but I can almost set my watch to when Ron get home, I can hear him thru the bushes.." Ron and Cindy start to list their grievances of each other, one brings home the most money, the other is picking up after everyone with no mention of thanks, yada, yada, yada.... Then Ron finishes with "plus she just can't seem to get a simple blow-job right, teeth and all that". Taken back, Cindy quips "and you'd think that way he licks a little pussy was god's gift to women? Please.. You're all over the place, except where it counts..." Mark is wondering what Pandora's box he had opened.. Thinking about it, he pulls up his laptop and accesses Cindy's profile. Dropping down the menus, he finds "Reproductive" opening it he sees that Female is highlighted. He clicks on Male and a submenu appears with a slider bar at six. He clicks on the icon and slides it up and down, with the number corresponding to his moves.. He then settles on seven. Clicking Apply, the mouse changes to a swirl as it processes. Cindy fidgets a bit with a curious look on her face, moving her hips, she attempts to look over her tits to see her groin. A small bulge appears and her eyes widen in astonishment.. To calm down the situation, Mark tells her "Cindy, there is nothing to be concerned about this is normal." Cindy relaxes her posture. Mark turns towards Ron, "What I've learned over the years is that demonstrating by the person who knows what to do, is the best way to teach, right Ron"? "Yes sir, of course" he answers. "So Ron, what you will do is demonstrate to Cindy the proper way to give a blowjob. Women don't have a penis, so they can only guess at what is pleasurable. You will now demonstrate what you would like to see when getting a blow-job. Consider this play acting, show her how she should act and how to do it, and explain it while you're demonstrating.. Understand?" "Yes sir, now"? "Yes, consider this something normal, nothing odd about demonstrating this." With that, Ron approaches Cindy, reaches out and softly touches her shoulder and lightly strokes her arm up and down, as he gently kisses her. As they kiss, he says "hey baby, I really missed you today, I was thinking all day of you. I just was soooo horny and you weren't around." As he whispers this, he moves his hands over Cindy's groin, gently messaging the growing member in her now very tight shorts. "Seems like you're a bit horny too." As he pulls his lips away, with a devilish smile on his face. He places his fingertips down the waist band on her left and right hips, sliding them down until his thumbs are on the outside, he pulls them out and starts to gently slide them down her shapely legs. As the tip of her new penis snags on the elastic band as he pulls it down, is strains and then pops out from behind it shelter. At the same time, Ron bends his knees to lower himself down her chest, kissing as he passes her tits, then her naval on his way to his knees resting on the floor. Looking up to Cindy's face, he smiles and says to her "Someone if definitely happy" as he pulls his hand up from the shorts, now at Cindy's ankles. In reflex, she lifts one of her feet to release it from the constraints of the shorts being too close together, and places her feet about shoulder width apart. Ron takes his hand and wraps it around the tip of her now erect cock. With that new sensation, Cindy clenched her ass cheeks together, pushing out her hips a bit, pushing her cock thru his finger tips. Ron somewhat sings "Mmmm, someone does like this". With his free hand, he moves up the inside of her leg and cups her balls and starts to fondle them.. "How about this?" he asks. Again, Cindy responds with moving her hips forward a bit. Then he gently starts to stroke up and down the shaft as he looks up past Cindy's DD's to her face, as she closes her eyes and lifts her chin, enjoying the strange moment. After a few ministrations of him stroking, Ron tells her "A man likes to have her kiss starting at the base between the cock and the balls, and slowly moving up the outside of the shaft, with heavy breath." With that, Ron leans forward, puckers up and does just that. Gently kissing between her dick and balls, then slowly moving up, stopping before the tip. "Feel good?" Ron asks her.. She can just nod in affirmation. As Cindy unknowingly gently moves her hands to Ron's head. "Also, you start at the same place, stick out your tongue, make the tip of your tongue hard and pointy, press against the vein under the shaft, and run it up to the tip". Again, Ron demonstrates his instruction, as he does this, a small pool of clear gel accumulates on the tip of her cock. "That's pre-cum, dip the tip of your tongue into it and pull back a bit while looking up at my face, let the string of pre-cum stretch from the dick to your tongue, pause and smile a bit before going down on me." With that, Ron motions towards her dick in an attempt to perform his latest instructions, but he pauses before he gets there. He has a curious, almost pained look on his face. He's questioning whether he's actually going to thru with this. Mark, off to the side with his mouth agape in astonishment that Ron actually performed his commands, draws in a breath and casually tells Ron "What you are doing is normal, you are just demonstrating this to Cindy, you are enjoying this." With that last push, Ron sticks out his tongue, dips it in the pre-cum and leans back, performing just as he described. Looking up at Cindy, with a string of pre-cum glistening from his tongue to her cock, Ron opens his mouth as he leans forward and engulfs her member. Cindy's eyes fly open as she inhales a gasp, gently caressing Ron's head as he starts to bob lightly up and down the shaft. Keeping his hand wrapped around the base of the shaft, lightly twisting, he performs a few more bobs. Mark notices that he's not going down all of the way, so he offers some encouragement to Ron. "Now Ron, Cindy needs a full demonstration, take your hand away and start to give her the full effect." With that, Ron's hand moved from the shaft to her hip, with the new open field, with each bob, he advances a bit further than the previous. A bit of gagging can be heard from Ron, along with some spit starting to gather on the shaft. "You're doing a good job Ron, keep going" Mark encourages. He pulls up Ron's profile on the laptop and issues a command reducing Ron's gag reflex.. With Ron's newfound ability, he picks up speed and gains ground, making it all the way down, with the sparse pubic hairs touching his nose. Pausing, he feels the tip of her cock pressing against the back of his throat. He pulls back and starts twisting his mouth around the shaft as he moves up and down. Alternating opening his mouth wider and sticking out his tongue around the rod as he goes down with enthusiasm. Cindy clenches her hands around the back of Ron's head. Ron feels her cock starting to surge and throb, with that he knows what's coming and starts to lean back, but with Cindy's hands, she keeps him there and the jets of cum fill Ron's mouth, running over his tongue. She forces his head to bottom out again against her pubes, surging cum down his throat, as he instinctly starts to swallow. She allows him to pull back as she still spasms another delivery of cum to his tongue. He keeps his lips sealed tightly against her cock as he pulls off, pressing his lips against the tip, then leans back. Looks up and opens his mouth, showing the remains of the load in his mouth, then swallows. He then leans forward, and repeats his previous action of using his tongue to run up under the shaft, pressing the vein like a tube of toothpaste, pushing the remaining cum up to gather on the tip of her cock. Ron opens wide and swallows one last time, licking clean the cock, as if it was a delicious ice cream cone.. "THAT, is how a woman should give a blow-job to her man!" Ron states emphatically. Proud of his teaching session, not realizing he just sucked clean someone's cock (even though it was his own girlfriend). Mark, seeing the possibilities, wanted to help Ron know how to please his woman. As Ron stood up, Mark accessed Ms. PC to allow Cindy to help Ron know how to please his woman, it was only fair. Selecting Ron's profile, selecting the same menu as before, he checks Female for Reproductive, then in the dialog box that appears, the selections were only Virgin or Non-Virgin. Not wanting complications, Mark selected Non-Virgin. Upon clicking Apply, the familiar confusion arrives on Ron's face, his attention centered on his groin. But instead of the addition of a bulge to his groin, his once existing bulge disappears. Mark reassures Ron with the customary "Nothing is wrong, this is normal, all is fine." With the feedback, Ron relaxes and returns to standing by his woman's side. Mark enters into MS. PC, "your pants and underwear are itchy and uncomfortable, you need to remove those items." With a little squirming at his hips, Ron reaches down and slides his pants and underwear to the floor, stepping out of them. "Ron, have a seat on the couch." Mark instructs. As if this was all normal, Ron casually sits on the couch. "Cindy, your turn, you will demonstrate on Ron what it takes to please a woman, do you understand?" Cindy responds," of course, this wouldn't be my first." She casually states. Standing, placing herself in-between Ron's knees, she bends over and kisses his lips. Cindy slowly descends to her knees as she continues her kissing of Ron. She unbuttons his shirt, parting it left and right with her French manicured fingertips , exposing his chest. Moving her head down to his chest, she kisses, suckles and nips one of his nipples. Her one hand fondling the other nipple while her free hand moves down his abs, reaching Ron's new found flower. Using her middle finger, in rhythm with her tongue, she twizzles Ron's clit and nipple in unison. Ron has his own gasp and groan in pleasure in response to Cindy's ministrations. Almost on queue, Ron slouches down, moving hi s pussy to the edge of the couch for easier access. Spreading his knees in response, Cindy slides her middle finger into Ron's new found pleasure point, switching to her thumb on his clit, Ron raises his hips, he's on autopilot, lost in the rush of new stimulus to his prone body. She finds Ron's G-spot and starts to pleasure it with her fingertip with a 'come here' motion, causing a gush of warmth to flood around her finger. In response, Ron actually lightly bit his lower lip and thrust his chin in the air. Moving down his abdomen, lightly kissing his skin, stopping at his belly button momentarily, and then continuing to the fur patch that enveloped Ron's slit. Mark may have given Ron a pussy to play with, but he left the full beaver patch in tact. Cindy hovered over his clit, giving a few heavy breaths over it, letting Ron fidget in anticipation. She then did a few playful bits just above his engorged clit, causing heavy panting on Ron's part. Cindy pulls her drenched finger out, causing a small whimper from him, she places it at his mouth and has him wrap his lips around it, smelling and tasting his new self. With that distraction, Cindy tongues his clit, causing him to inhale deeply thru his nose. Pulling out her finger from his mouth, she moves it to the other nipple on his muscular chest. Taking the queue, Mark pulls up Ron's profile, finds the menu for breasts and proceeds to gift him with an ample set of DD's, just like Cindy's. With clicking OK, Ron's areola's start to widen and puff out. Below them his chest starts to bulge as Cindy begins to massage the fresh mounds of flesh in her palms. With his new set of tits completed, Cindy clenches one tit as she picks up her tongue speed on his clit. Ron's feet raise in the air to rest on the coffee table behind Cindy, then moves his hands down to her head, guiding her to his optimal spot. With that, his hips start to rock in and out to accent her actions. His whole body on fire, he raises his hips and arches his back as his eyes fly open, watching the light show in his mind blowing orgasm. "gnaaaw" with a release of breath from his agape mouth tells all in the room Ron had his first female orgasm. Collapsing back into the couch, his tits heave up and down to his rapid deep breathing.. "I'll give you two a few minutes to compose yourselves, stay here and cuddle together on the couch." Mark states as he leaves the room. Cindy sits next to Ron, but Ron is the one who places his head on her shoulder, just above her breast, she places her head on top of his, this is a switch in their typical Ron dominated poses. Ron's submissiveness has been released, for anyone to see. "What just happened?" Ron whispers as he snuggles his head on Cindy's shoulder, not realizing that he was casually circling up and down Cindy's flaccid member with his finger. "I wish I knew, I just know it felt great". The sight of the two of them on the couch was the ultimate odd couple. On one side was this beautiful, busty blond babe, with a generous cock between her legs. Snuggled to her was this masculine faced, muscularly built man, sporting a pair of tits many women would die for, and a pussy glistening with the results of Cindy's artful tongue. A few minutes pass and a familiar sensation returns to Cindy's groin, but as she peers over her tits to see what's occurring, she sees Ron twirling his finger around a shrinking dick, as well has her balls shrink too, both retreating back into their original locations. Leaving her original vagina back in place. Ron's turn, the tingling starts at his pussy, but this isn't another orgasm, this is the folds disappearing and a pre-pubescent penis and scrotum emerges, growing to its previous proportions. Likewise, Ron's newfound pleasure pillows tingle and start to retreat to his chest's original dimensions. Mark comes back into the room and tells the confused couple "What I'd like to try to do is to help each of you understand what the other wants, needs and desires. One of the best sayings I've heard is that you don't really know someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. Some people have done role playing exercises, but many people can't act, and that seems like a comedic routine. But what I can do is one better.. Stand up.." With that both pull themselves up off the couch.. "First off, no talking, I don't want to get distracted. Second, you will follow my commands, you will not harm me or have someone else harm me, is that clear?" Both nod slightly.. "Now don't be worried or nervous, you trust me completely." With that, their postures relax to a comfortable position. Mark than sits at his table with the laptop. He highlights Cindy's image and performs a Save As and types 'Cindy-Original'. Then to Ron's image and saves as 'Ron-Original'. This way, he can always undo any errant changes. With Ron's image still highlighted, Mark clicks on Open - Profile. A window appears with both file names he just created. He clicks on 'Cindy-Original' and selects the Apply button. With that, Ron starts to shrink in stature, he loses body mass, his hands and legs become slender. His hair starts to grow and lighten. His facial features soften, lips become fuller, cheekbones raise up and his nose becomes smaller. With his shirt still open from before, his areola's widen once again, nipples enlarge and puff out as this previous tits return to their glory. Further down his waist contracts as his hips widen and his ass becomes more pronounced. And that strange feeling returns to his groin, his penis and scrotum steadily reducing in size to pre-pubescent , childlike, infant, then finally retreating into the folds that now complete his new found gender. Now standing next to each other are a pair of identical twins, except for the remains of the clothing on Ron's new frame and the hairy pussy and legs. . Mark then performs a Save As function and labels it 'Ron- Altered'. Marks attention now is on Cindy's image. Clicking it he performs the same actions, this time selecting 'Ron-Original'. Applying the new parameters, Cindy's body starts to grow, except for her tits which are now reducing in size. But with the increase to a man's chest frame, the tee-shirt still struggles against the strain. Her blond hair shortens and darkens in color. Her facial features become masculine, her arms and legs bulk up to Ron's original proportions. And the final action is he closing of the folds between her legs. Her Clit becoming engorged to an infantile boy's feature, then childlike and finally a full set of manly dick and balls dangling between her manly thighs. Without moving an inch, Cindy and Ron just traded places. Marks final action on the laptop is to save her new profile to 'Cindy-Altered'. Now for the final instructions, Mark thought. Facing the feminine Ron, he tells him "You will act the way Ron wants Cindy to act. As far as anyone is to know, YOU are Cindy. You will ensure that anyone you meet, that they believe you are Cindy. You will not tell anyone what happened here. As far as you remember, you had a pleasant visit at my house with Ron. You will enthusiastically follow Ron's instructions, you will not attempt to harm Ron or myself in any way. Is that understood?" "Yes Sir" whispers Cindy and her mind processes the instructions, her body responds with slow, deep breaths, hardened nipples and a wet crotch. "Ron.." as Mark turn to the masculine Cindy, "For your part in this exercise, you will need to teach Cindy here the basics of feminine hygiene and grooming. Be helpful and understanding, she has a lot to learn. But as far as her interactions with you and the rest of the world, she is Cindy, and she will continue on as Cindy". A smile came to Ron's lips. "Does that mean Cindy keeping her appointments?" Ron asks. A look of surprise and fear grows on Cindy's face. "So then I would presume that Cindy needs to keep her OB-GYN appointment on Wednesday for her Porn shoot on Friday?" Mark was taken back by that new piece of information. "You see, Cindy needs to be certified she is healthy and has no STDs prior to her entrance into the porn world on Friday, this was Ron's idea." "In for a penny, in for a pound" Mark responds.. "Is there a script for this shoot?" "I wouldn't call it a scripts, actually", Ron smirks, "It's more like a laundry list of sex acts to perform at a specific time with a certain actor." Cindy starts to fidget a bit upon the realization of the upcoming appointments, generated by Ron, her former self. "Well Cindy, we all expect you to enthusiastically follow thru with your commitment to this. In front of the camera, you will be the best you can be. You will eagerly follow the script given to you, right Cindy?" With her eyes gazed down, she affirms her response. "Well Ron, I think you need to assist Cindy with rehearsing her roll in the upcoming shoot, the two of you will run thru the script to ensure everyone believes Cindy is Cindy, and Ron is Ron. Understood?" Both nod in affirmation, Ron happily, Cindy not so much. "I think the two of you need to get dressed in your appropriate clothes, and get back home. Also, stop back next Monday, I'm curious to find out how the movie shoot went ". Both start to shed their former clothes and start to dress in each others clothes. "Now Cindy, make sure you take Ron's arm and lean into him on your way home. You want all to see your devotion to him, understand?" Cindy responds by curling her small arms around Ron's bulging forearm, both turn and start to head home for their new adventures. "Honey, I have an idea" Ron comments, "I think we should go to the beach tomorrow. You know that yellow string bikini I love, you need to wear that tomorrow." Ron cheerfully states.. Cindy has no response. Mark now finds himself alone in the house with this life changing laptop. Curious, he sits down in his high back chair at his desk as he places down his laptop. Leaning back, he contemplates his possibilities. Wanting to explore the possibilities, he loads his name into the interface, bringing up his 3D image. Seeing the effect it had on Ron when he first changed him, got him wondering what it felt like. With this on his mind, he got a raging hard-on. Pulling down the file menu, he saves a base file of himself now. Then selecting Reproductive- Female, he exhales and clicks Accept. With an unfamiliar tingling, the bulge in his pants slowly deflates as the sensation grows of something being sucked into his groin. No pain, just a feeling of something missing. Opening his jeans, he spreads the fly open to allow his hand access, seeing the loose 'tighty whiteys', missing their once familiar support from his cock, he slowly moves his fingertips under the waistband and slides his palms down. With no obstruction present, his fingertips cover his newfound lips and sends a shiver up his spine, sending a flurry of butterflies loose in his stomach. Closing his eyes, he pulls up his fingers and discovered his new button, hiding in the folds at the top of his pussy. A warm sensation flows to his groin as his body sends a flood of warm blood to his new pleasure point. Mark stands up and strips off his clothes to get a good look at his situation. Turning to a mirror, he looks like a 5'10", androgynous Ken doll, no package between his legs and a flat chest. Finding the same menu as he did previously for Ron, he selects Breasts and moves the slider to C, he didn't want to have to deal with the DD's he gave Ron. With a click, he watches as his own areolas widen, puff up and inflate as if someone was adding air thru his nipples. He cautiously brings up his hand and brushes his nipple, instantly his chest thrusts out on the bolts of electricity traveling thru his nipples. Sitting back down, he begins to explore this alien flesh he just acquired. Messaging and clenching his breasts with one hand, the other travels back down to the awaiting clit. In unison, Mark diddles his clit while almost groping his breasts, each amplifying the others sensations. The more vigorous he was with one, the other responded. As he leans back in his chair, he raises his legs to place the soles of his feet on the desk, to the left and right of the magical laptop. Knees bent, slouching in the chair, Mark is lost in the enjoyment of the moment. Panting, biting his lower lip, head arched back, waves travel through his body, building as each one washes over his body. Just as the crest of the big wave is building, unknown to Mark, a black terminal window appears on the screen of the laptop. As the wave of his orgasm is cresting, Mark picks up the pace on his clit, arches his back and receives a light show of his first female orgasm. With the wave crashing over him and subsiding, catching his breath, he opens his eyes and sees the terminal window on his laptop. Letters appear "Stay in your seat, remain calm, do not touch the computer unless instructed" Mark straightens up in the chair, placing his feet on the floor, the initial feeling of fear disappears with the mysterious instructions. Unable to get up from the chair, Mark stairs at the blinking cursor in the window. "You will not call out for help. You will answer all questions truthfully. When questioned, you may type the answer into the computer, you will not attempt to power it off or close the program. Do you understand?" Mark reaches to the keyboard and types "Yes". "Are you alone?" to ghost asks. "Yes" "I've been monitoring you thru this program, I will say I'm very interested at what I saw. You are a curious one. You have questions and are brave enough to explore new horizons. Let me assist you. You wanted to know what it felt like for a woman, let's go the distance." With that, the mouse, under remote control, travels to the onscreen menus and starts its work. Mark can feel sensations in different parts of his body. His face tingling, his shoulders tickling from the hair traveling down to his shoulders. His view of the laptop changing, is the table getting higher? No, he's getting shorter. The soles of his feet, once firmly resting on the floor, pull up off the ground, as his legs shrink in size. His waist contracts as his hips press out side to side, all the while his ass starts to press against the back of the chair. The hair on his arms thin to whisps of what they once were, as his hands and fingers become more delicate. The nails on his fingers slightly extend about a quarter of an inch past the fingertips. Mark raises both arms flat out and rotates and manipulates his hands to view the results. "There you go, that should be a good start. What you are to do now is to go and get ready, as if you were meeting a close friend for a light dinner. Not a date, just an old friend. Do you have a girlfriend?" Mark slowly raises his dainty arm and uses his new nails to type "Yes". "Are any of her clothes in your house?" "Yes" "Use her clothes when you get dressed, to the best of your ability, as long as the item fits properly. You are to take a bath, just as if it was a long day and you wanted to be presentable to meet your friend. Understood?" "Understood" he types "You will tell no one of this, you will make no attempt to get help. You will ready yourself for dinner and come to the diner on the corner of Market and Church Streets, I will be in a corner booth. Be there at 8pm. Understand?" "Yes, I do" "Good, now you can move freely to do as instructed, see you in three hours." Wanting to reach out to the laptop, his arm fail his commands, all he can do is to get out of the chair to perform as instructed. Sliding forward in the seat, Mark has to drop down to meet the floor with his feet, his perspective has changed, once at 5'10", Mark now has to deal with being 5'4", six inches shorter. Turning towards the bathroom, Mark starts to walk across the hardwood floors. On the computer screen, the ghost starts to type as Mark has his back to it, "file_load feminine.dll " With the enter key hit, Mark slightly stumbles, as if his foot caught a loose floorboard. Looking back at the floor seeing nothing, he continues his walk. But somehow different now. Before, when he was walking to the bathroom, it looked like a trucker walking across the parking lot. Now, after the latest actions on the laptop, his steps are smoother. His feet swing out a bit, traveling from behind one foot to directly in front of the other, like walking a tight rope. With this action, his motion is more fluid, his hips sway with each leg motion. Walking on the balls of his feet, with his heels slightly off the floor, as if he had heels on his invisible shoes. His arms and shoulders gently flow with this action also, almost as if he was walking down a cat walk for a fashion show, another piece of his former self changed, unknown to him. Mark starts his bath water, as instructed. While waiting, he interrogates his new formed facial features in the mirror. Higher cheek bones, should length brown hair, fuller lips, kissable lips, which seem to accentuate the indent between his nose and top lip. Speaking of his nose, is it the larger lips that are making it appear smaller? Or, yes. Definitely smaller, more delicate.. Bringing up his hands to his chest, he cups his new found real-estate. Twin globes jutting out from his once flat chest. What may feel like an additional acre of flesh to his body, really is only another 100 square inches. Much less than what he lost in height. But foreign in feel at this perspective. He use to reach around and do this to his girlfriends, but he never had the sensory feedback he was currently experiencing. With the tub filled, Mark steps in and sinks down until the water covers his lips, leaving his nose to breathe thru. Gazing down his nose, it's apparent that his nipples are poking thru the water, as if he was wearing a shear bikini top. He tries to contemplate his predicament, when he instinctly dunks his head back to wet the generous locks that don his scalp. Lathering up his hair with shampoo, the foreign feeling of all that hair in his hands reinforces to him that this isn't going away soon. Another dunk to rinse, he grabs Tina's conditioner and completes the hair care process. Next is her skin soap, Mark sits up, water dripping from his nipples, lathers up a loofa sponge and starts to cleanse his arms, then his tits. Another shiver runs thru his body as he brushes his nipples. This is going to be a long night. He rinses the sponge and freshens it with the soap, he lifts his leg thru the soapy water, a skin of soap clings to his leg, leaving the forest of hair poking thru the soap. His eyes shoot open. Lifting his right arm up, he looks under his arm.. "Damn!" is all he can muster. Standing up, he surveys his body. He has the Black Forest on his legs, the Amazon Jungle around his pussy and shrub bushes under his arms. He locates his razor and shaving oil. Rinsing off the soap film, he gets to work to clean up his act. "No way can I go out looking like this." He mumbles as he lathers the shaving oil on his legs and starts shaving. 30 minutes and 3 subtle nicks later, he's finally pleased with the results. Clean legs and arm pits, and a small patch just north of his pussy. Smiling he thinks to himself, 'clean and classy'. "Did I just think that?" he muttered, with a questioning look on his face, is he starting to lose it? To finish it off, he grabs the can of Nair, reads the instructions and finishes the process. Wrapping a towel around his head, turban style, then a towel around his chest, covering his tits, he walks to the bedroom, with his ass just hidden by the edge of the towel. Standing in front of the full length mirror, he drops the towel and takes a long gaze at the complete package, turning side to side, he inspects the proportions of his ass to his hips, and to his waist. Moving up to his tits, seeing how the tear-drop shape of his breasts accents his triangular frame from his shoulders to his waist. This is trouble with a capitol T. With time drifting away, he locates Tina's clothing and slips on a pair of panty's, noting how it cups his mound between his thighs. The bra was a bit more work, but remembering how he saw other girlfriends don it, he puts it on backwards to clip it, then spins it and nestles his tits into each pocket. Reaching under each arm's strap with his hands, he lifts the shoulder strap up to each shoulder, feeling the support under each tit. Thinking it's like a harness for a dog. But this one is for his puppies. Looking in the mirror, ne notices how it just pulled up and accents his pert breasts. Finding a pair of Capri's and a nice blouse, he finishes, not noticing that he casually buttoned up a woman's' blouse with the buttons on the opposite side. His hair, he just works in a handful of mousse and brushes it back. Taking a hairdryer to speed up the drying, he finishes as he brushes out any tangles, keeping the hair tucked behind each ear. Mark has a sigh of relief when he sees that Tina took her make-up with her. He wasn't sure he could successfully manage that. Selecting a pair of shoes with slight heels, he grabs his keys and heads out the door with 20 minutes to spare. Walking up to the corner diner, butterflies circle Mark's stomach. Not knowing what to expect from the invisible person on the other side of the internet. Inside the door, he pans left then right, searching for the lone person in a corner booth. Spotting the back of such a person, Mark turns and slowly steps toward the booth, focusing on the back of the person's head. Once at the booth, Mark stops to look down at the stranger's face. A beautiful woman looks up at Mark and smiles. Mark has to reach out and grasp the table top for support, bracing himself from the orgasm he just felt. "Hello, my beautiful. Please, stand there for a moment and let me have a look at you." The beautiful stranger sits there and scans Mark from head to toe. "Now, give me a spin about, please" . The voice of the stranger was as beautiful to listen to as she was to see. All Mark could do was to comply, he was trapped in this body, which was not under his control. He was a mere passenger in this vehicle. Slowly turning, he gazes upon the other patrons of the diner. No one seemed interested in the pretty woman spinning about for this beautiful stranger. Finishing his task, he stops. "My, you did turn out very nice. But I do have a few touch ups to perform. The 3D image generator is not as good as life-like. So, first off, your hair, we'll keep it brunette but it needs to be longer, let's say midway between your shoulder blades and the small of your back. That should give you a good idea on what it is for women to keep their hair beautiful, plus it suits your face." With that, the stranger opens up her own laptop and starts to work. Within the minute Mark can feel his scalp tingle and the hair starts to traverse past his shoulders to come to rest in the middle of his back. The mane of this thoroughbred became long and beautiful, to accent his long legs. "Much better. Now, that frame of yours, very cute, but let's kick it up a notch. With that triangular frame of yours, very athletic looking, wide shoulders, slimming down to that narrow waist, you are out of proportion." Again, turning her attention to the laptop, she manipulates the mouse and Mark felt another familiar tingling, this time it was his tits. As she finished, she looks up at Mark to witness his blouse press out and up, the fabric in between the buttons puckers out with the newfound stress from his growing flesh. "You may want to open the top two buttons to release some of that pressure. I'm sure your bra might be feeling a bit constricting right now, let me ease that discomfort until you locate a better fitting bra." A few key strokes and the pressure abates, but the form stays. Unbuttoning the blouse reveals the top of Mark's now ample cleavage, a full set of DDs. Two sizes above Tina's bra, which is pressing them in together more than a proper fitting bra would, causing a slight bulging on the top flesh. This is also causing the left and right sides of his open blouse to widen a bit more, allowing anyone a good look at his equipment. "Much better. Please, have a seat my dear." The woman gestures with her hand, pointing to the bench seat across from her. As Mark sits down and slides his ass across the seat, the woman asks "So, tell me you name." He replies "It' Mark, may I ask yours?" "Why yes you may, where are my manners. It's Mistress PC, for now. The lettering on the DVD was MS.PC, which stands for Mistress PC, your new found guide in life". "So it's Mark? Sorry dear, that name does not fit you current appearance. Your new name is..." Mistress pauses for a moment. ".. Your new name is Marci. A very pretty association to your former name. So, now tell me your name." He replies "Marci." A puzzled look on his face.. "No, it's Marci.. Marci. " No matter how hard he tries, he cannot say his former name. "Sorry deary, try as you may, you are now Marci. I do that to help with any confusion in the future." A few more moments of typing on the laptop, she asks "So tell me what gender you are". Marci states emphatically "Why, I'm a woman.. Woman.. A girl..." the same quizzical look dons Marci's face. "Another one of my little safety features. From now on, you'll always refer to yourself as being of the female gender, neat, huh?" Marci could do nothing, Mistress was in control. "Plus, it keeps you from absent mindedly walking into the wrong bathroom." Marci starts to ask with a bit of a tone in her voice "How could you do this to people, what gives you the right to play around with ....." As she speaks, Mistress turns to the laptop and types a few characters, then turns back to Marci "... with peoples' lives like this. Like, I have a job to do. Like, my manager at the strip club, like, won't be happy with how small my tits are. Like, why am I talking like a valley girl stripper? Oh my gawd, what's going on? Like why do I have a need to go shopping for fishnet stockings and a set of stilettos? Like what's going on?" Marci says with a strained look. "Well, a little demonstration was in order. Your new name could be Mandi. You see, now you are a former high school cheerleader who tried to get into acting but failed. So you turned to using your body for income at the local strip club. You're quite the dancer now. With a set of 36GG tits, your stage name can be Mandi Mounds. You'd be quite successful. How would you like that? Shall I tune your body to match the profile? " Mistress asks with a smirk on her face. "Would you like that? Like, I can do what I want. Like, anytime I want." Mistress mocks the valley girl accent. Marci gets the point and lowers he gaze. "Please Mistress, I'm sorry. Like, please remove this." Marci pleads in an apologetic tone. "Much better". Mistress removes the profile. "Good girl." As mistress spoke those words, a small wave of pleasure flushed across Marci. "That's another one of my 'easter eggs' in your profile. The first was when you saw me for the first time. I programmed you to have a pleasing orgasm as a positive bond to me. The other you just experienced. Whenever I say 'good girl', you are flushed with happiness as a reward for pleasing me." Another wave flows thru Marci's body as Mistress said it again. "I've found that positive reinforcement like that can be very powerful and effective. You want to be a 'Good Girl' for Mistress. Don't you?" With a smile on her face, Marci nods slightly, smiles and says "yes I do." "See? Not so bad?" As Marci and Mistress are talking, a man gets up from a table from behind Marci and starts to walk to the register with the bill in his hand. It's a former co-worker of Mark's from the brokerage. Mark was not impressed with him, Mark felt that Jim was a bit of a sleaze, a bit full of himself. He frequented the strip clubs and always commented on the 'dumb bitches' bouncing around there. As Jim passes their table, he looks at Mistress then back at Marci. She looks up and recognizes him. She didn't want to meet anyone she knew as Mark, especially someone like Jim. He stops in the aisle, stunned by the rack this babe is sporting, he questions Marci. "Well hello. Have we met before? I know that sounds like a silly pickup line, but you do look familiar." You would have thought he was looking at her face when he was talking to her, but is gaze was on the top of her rack, bulging in the top of her blouse. The stare was like steel to a magnet, Jim couldn't help himself. Glancing at Marci's face, then back to her cleavage, he says "I swear I've met you before." Marci, nervous Jim might see some sort of family resemblance to her former identity, she needed to get rid of him. "Sorry, this face hasn't graced this town before today. I've had a very traumatic day today. So if you don't mind, we were having an important conversation." With that, Marci looks away from Jim and towards Mistress, who has a puzzled look on her face. Jim, nodding in rejection, "Well, then, have a good night. Sorry to have bothered you" as he goes to pay his bill. A moment of silence falls on the table, as Marci picks-up her cup of coffee, enwrapping both of her hands around it, taking a delicate sip. "What was that about?" Mistress asks. "That was Jim, he works at my former employer. I didn't want him to work out any family resemblance to Mark." As Marci refers to her former identity, in the third person, detached from her current form. Marci glances up towards the cashier and sees Jim walk out of the diner. Mistress chastises Marci, "Well, co-worker or not, that seemed very rude and cold. What you will do right now is to put a smile on your face. Trot out there and tell Jim that you are sorry for being so rude. And you will convince him to let you give him in apologetic blow job. Be sure you show him you are enjoying it, and swallow everything eagerly." With a smile on her face "Yes Mistress" as she rises up from the table and heads out the door. Trotting over the parking lot, just like Mistress ordered, Marci's tits bounce up and down constrained only by her ill fitting bra under her blouse. Her arms sway left and right in reaction to the giggling masses on her chest, just like a girl would do in this situation, while running in heels. "Excuse me, sir" as she approaches Jim from behind. Jim stops short of his car door and turns around, drinking in the sight of her tits fighting each other under that blouse. Marci stops in front of Jim and takes a deep breath. "I'm so sorry for being so rude. Like I said, today has been a very trying day, a lot of changes for me." She says as she reaches out with her right hand uses her fingernail and starts to trace a course. Starting from his top button, running down his chest like a slalom course, left one button, right next button, down to his belt buckle. Gazing at his face for a reaction, Marci sexily asks "I hope I can make it up to you." With a little pout on her lips, she starts to unbuckle his pants, and opens his fly. Jim smiles, then closes his eyes in acceptance of her actions. Marci's knees flex has her head descends to her next task. Using her delicate finger tips, she coaxes his cock out from his boxers. On her knees now, she's face to face with the eye of her first cock. Luckily, there were two box trucks to the left and right of Jim's car, so her actions were sheltered from the casual gaze across the parking lot. Semi-flaccid, Marci leans in, parts her lips and starts to suck his dick. She closes her eyes in discuss, she can't believe she's actually doing this. She's had this done to her former body before, but this is a new perspective. She wants to gag as she thinks of it, but that is not there. Jim places his hands on her head. "Good Girl" he mutters. Marci winces, expecting a feeling of glee, but the expected flush feeling does not appear, only Mistress has that power. His cock hardens as Marci glances up to Jims face, cock in mouth and a pseudo-smile on her face, she flutters her eye lashes in an attempt to follow Mistresses instructions. Wanting to finish the punishment, she speeds up her bobbing and with one hand, cups his balls. Fondling them for a moment, she moves a finger behind his balls and finds his asshole. Using her fingertip, she presses it like a button for the elevator. With that sensation, Jim's cock starts to throb as she twirls her finger around his sphincter. His cock twitches and a flood of warm salty goo jets down to his cock, not wanting to taste any of it, Marci actually forces her lips to the base of his cock, pushing the tip of his cock past her tongue to shoot it directly down her gullet. But surprisingly, Jim pulls back a bit and with just the tip past her lips, she gets the second and third shots directly on her tongue. Pausing at the taste, Marci takes a deep breath thru her nose and chokes down the slime. She remembers trying raw oysters before and not liking it. Well, this had the same taste and texture, with the same results for Marci. But, following orders, she looks up at Jim and smiles, looking for his reaction. Jim, with a lightly pained look on his face tells her "You bitch, you scratched me with your teeth!" As he raises his hand and strikes her temple with his fingers, his palm missing its mark. Marci falls back, elbows supporting her body on the tarmac. She raises her right leg by pulling back her knee, thrusting it forward she lands her heel straight into his groin. Keeling over, Jim grabs his damaged family jewels. Marci stands up, pulls back her right elbow and lands her fist straight into Jim's jaw as he straightens up. This lands him on is back at Marci's feet. Marci may look feminine, but she knows how to punch like a guy. Snorting back thru her nose, she gathers a loogy in her mouth and spits onto his face. Seeing his jism mixed with her saliva, she smiles and says "Here's you change!" As the slime slides down the side of his cheek, she steps over his carcass. Stopping at a large truck mirror she checks her face, straitening her hair and fixes her blouse, just like a proper woman would do. She struts back to the diner, chin forward with her head in the air, Jim shriveled on the ground. Marci casually walks back to the booth and resumes her position in the seat. Mistress's attention is upon her laptop, just casually noting Mari's presence. "So, how did it go?" Mistress queries. Marci already had her coffee cup to her lips, slowly taking a long drink with the intent to try and vacate the taste from her mouth. But try as she might, she won't be able to lose the memory of the event too soon. Lowering the cup, looking at Mistress, her gaze rises from the laptop to view the red mark behind Marci's left eye. "What the fuck did he do to you?!" Placing her cup down, Marci raises her hand and extends her thumb and forefinger to show a 4" gap. "Let's just say we now know why Jim frequents strip clubs and hookers." Referring to the length of his now aching member. " He said I used my teeth and he hit me while I was down. Being my first, I can't say whether or not I did. I took care of things after that." Mistress looks out the window to see Jim crouched over, walking in between the trucks to get into his car. "We'll see about that!" as Mistress starts to work at her laptop. "Mistress, that's not necessary." Marci responds. "Sorry, we're not finished, not by a long shot, tell me his full name". Marci complies as Jims car backs out and heads to the roadway, he pauses with his left turn signal flashing, waiting for traffic to clear. With the clicking of her keyboard, the left turn taillight on his car stops flashing and the right taillight starts to flash. "He just changed his mind on what to do next" Mistress gleefully sings. Jim reflects on where he's going, instead of home, he needs a drink after what that bitch did to him. There's a bar to the right about a mile away, he'll stop in there first, he thinks to himself. With that, he changes his directional and makes a right turn towards his next encounter. Mistress pulls out her cell phone, scans her contacts with her finger and makes a phone call. "Rod! How's it hanging fella??... (Pausing as she listens to his response)... Well, I have a gift for you. I'm sending you a gift to your establishment, he'll arrive in about 2 minutes. You'll know him, he'll be a bit out of place..... Uh huh, yes.... He hurt one of MY girls. And you know how I'm a momma bear when it comes to one of mine. So, Poppa Bear, I'm sending him your way.....(pause) ... Yes, he'll do wh

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Through the door walked a tall, slinky, dark haired beauty. Thigh high 5" spiked heel boots graced her feet and lower legs leaving her tanned upper thighs bare. Shoved into the top of the right boot was a riding crop. She wore a bustier with a little patch of satin attached to it that barely covered her pussy while at the top her nipples were covered but not all of the areolas. The black gloves that covered her hands went up passed her elbows and were fingerless but no mask hid the smile she...

3 years ago
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She walks out of the bathroom as pure perfection. Her long back hair is pulled back tight in a ponytail. Her bright blue eyes surrounded in smokey dark eye shadow. Hooker Red lipstick on her perfect cupid ' s bow mouth. She has on a black latex catsuit complete with opera length black gloves and thigh high boots with six inch heels. He can see there's a zipper on the crotch if the catsuit for easy access, and little ones on the nipple as well. She had a red pvc purse that he knew was full of...

3 years ago
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The Best Night of My Life

I was out with friends at a local bar. We were drinking and dancing and having the best time. I had a few drinks and then I noticed this very attractive man. He was exactly the type of man, that I found attractive. He was maybe six foot two inches and had short brown hair and brown eyes. He was fit and very muscular.I was always a bit wild and crazy and walked right up to this man and told him I wanted to have sex with him. I know it was very slutty, but I was feeling good and I wanted to be...

2 years ago
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We met on a sex site after all transcript

you currently appear offlineI sent a pic as a file here on the IMI've just logged in to messenger...Oh..that's where I was talking to you froma smile for you...for some strange reason I can use messenger through my email interface...Very nice!...thank youI'll send you some picsI hope i didn't shock you!!*laughs*I have your picture before me... the floral B/W numberOf course not...love the hair!!*blushes*I sent a few pics by emailthat is so lovely of you...These pics aren't on any...

2 years ago
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P Is for Peeping Tom

Tom Peterson fell in lust with the girl next door. Who could blame him? The 15 your old lad lived just ten yards away from the cutest girl in his class, Vanessa Von Tehvue, who had recently matured beyond her years and in all the right places. Only 14, Vanessa nonetheless had all the more of what it is teenage boys long to see and dream of touching. She had a great set of tits and a round little bum that drew boys' eyes and hopes like a magnet. Vanessa was certainly, what another generation...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter

We had been out drinking and dancing all night. Both me and my wife had been flirting and been flirted with. We were ready to fuck! We took a cab as we were too drunk to drive. Once at the house we ran inside me chasing after my wife. She ran past our babysitter, Angie, up the stairs to our room. I stopped for a minute and told Angie thanks and gave her four twenties and then I ran up the stairs also. My wife was sitting on the edge of the bed naked, legs spread wide. "You better get over here...

2 years ago
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Massage Room

I walk into the massage room and see you laying there on your back, face up. You are completely naked with just a towel over your middle of your body. Your breasts and vagina are under the towel. You have not met me yet but when you look up to see me, you are pleased at what you see. I am young and what you can tell, I work out a lot. I have just a T-shirt and gym shorts on. You can tell I have a six pack because of my tight t-shirt and you can almost see the bulge in my gym shorts. I...

3 years ago
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Flashing the Maid During Her Interview

Though I am retired and stay at home all day my wife and I discussed hiring a maid. We had wanted to hire one that was somewhat young, strong, and most of all quick to do her work as long as she was also efficient; not some old lady who would take all day long to do one room.I had already seen 4 or 5 other girls but didn't hire like any of them. Being an exhibitionist I was having fun and flashed the gals to see how uninhibited they might be. A few of them immediately avoided looking at my...

1 year ago
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The Package What would you do

When a shapely young woman in a red bikini shows up at the pool she is bound to get a certain amount of attention. I know she had my full attention. She had legs all the way up to her butt and what a perfect butt it was. As she walked, her skimpy red bikini was bunching up in her butt crack a bit. I felt like walking over and offering to straighten it for her, with my teeth. She looked like she couldn't have been a day over 25 though, and I was an old geezer of 46. She'd probably slap me...

2 years ago
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Official Chudai Menstrual Period

Note ye kahani thodi lambi hai or sacchi hai jin logo ko ek dum se sex ya chut ya lund ya gand ki baatein padhni hai wo koi or story padh le.. kyon ki ye story real hai or mai har ek baat likhna chahta hun.. or jisko Periods mei sex se problem ho wo bhi na padhe, ye story parts mei hai or kaafi dirty hoti jaayegi Karan kafi padha likha or MNC mei ek kaafi acchi position par tha. priya pahle naukri kar chuki thi shaadi karne se pahle lekin karan ke sath uski arranged marriage hui or usne naukri...

3 years ago
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My first time Bi

Have you ever had an affair you never intended to have? Ever had a love affair that got off to a bad start, and then proceededto get worse? Ever turned your best buddy into a love slave for you and his sister? Ever wonder how such a dumb thing could possible happen? I've been wondering for years how this story could have happened. Itwas really exciting at the time, but it was also really stupid. If you'restill reading, I have to warn you this story gets into straight, bisexual,and gay sex...

3 years ago
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Heather Panics But All Is Well In The End

When Heather saw the headlights of her husband, Tim’s, truck as it pulled into their carport, she went into a panic mode. She took her hands off of my cock, jumped off of her air mattress and seemed to figuratively run on the surface of the water of my swimming pool, as she rushed to get out, find and put on her robe and run through the gate of my privacy fence, to her house. When she got home, Tim looked at her and asked where she had been, dressed only in her robe and why did her body look...

4 years ago
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Fuck me Noooo fuck him actually her

Awhile back a friend called asking if I had some work for her neighbor, Jason, a general contractor. She told me his electricity had been shut off for nonpayment and he needed $1,800 to get it reconnected. My friend was concerned because she was friends with the guy’s wife and her children often played with this guy’s kids. I had met Jason and his wife, Wendy once before at a community social and they seemed like a nice couple in their late thirties with three young kids. Wendy is a petite...

4 years ago
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My Visit With Maury

My first marriage was a disaster, no matter how you slice it. We were ill-matched, hormone-addled, and hell-bent on messing up our lives. Or so it seems, retrospect being what it is. I'll not unearth details of something best left buried. Suffice to say, two years and no kids after the wedding, we were divorced. If there's one good thing that came out of my marriage, it was maturity. I recognized I took unrealistic expectations into my marriage, and I was too young and stupid. What did...

1 year ago
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Pure Magic

‘Are you sure you want to join our little group?’ Kia demanded. A smirk marring her perfect features as we looked around nervously at the woods. Angel and I exchanged glances and nodded together. Being 19, Lara was the eldest. Next came Kia at 18, me at 16, Angel at 15, and Star at 13. With an abrupt nod, Lara led the way. We climbed up a steep Cliffside. Ghostly winds shrieked and howled at us, while an icy fog played around our rapidly freezing ankles. Dressed in flowing white robes, with...

2 years ago
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Day Dream

It was a rainy saturday afternoon. Really rainy. There was no way wewere going to be able to go outside. So, we sat in Sarah's living room playing cards. Her dad was off on abusiness trip and wouldn't be back until the middle of the next weekand her Mom had had to go into the office for the day. That was why Ihad run over in the rain to keep her company.I lived just two blocks down the street and we spent almost all ourtime together. Usually at Sarah's house, but sometimes over at...

3 years ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 5 Dressed

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Elfhid was King Théoden’s wife. Théodwyn was his sister, and the mother of Éowyn and Éomer.] 24 February 3019 (Third Age), Edoras Éowyn knew she was dreaming. How she knew, she couldn’t fathom; she’d never before been aware of her dreams while still within them. Nor did she understand why she couldn’t just force herself to wake. Still, it was comforting to know that her current...

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mari do bhabhi 2

Mera naam bunty hai. Ghar par mere alawa bhaiya Vinod, vidhi bhabi Dipa hi hain. Bhaiya ki umar 22 saal, vidhi bhabi ki umar 20 saal aur meri 21 saal ki hai. Bhaiya ki shadi abhi 6 mahine pahle hi huyi hai. vidhi bhabi ka rang ek dam gora, aankhien bhoori, baal kale aur lambe, body ek dam slim, kamar ek dam patli aur boobs ek dam gol gol aur chhote chhote hain. Mere pados mein Vimal rahte hain. Unki umar bhi 22 saal ki hai. Wo mere bhaiya ke bahut hi achchhe dost hain. Unki bhi shadi 5 mahine...

4 years ago
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Julie In A Threesome

The four of us sit at the square table at our local pub, laughing at Julie's joke. We all used to work in the same office and even though we have all moved on over time, we still make a point of meeting up once a month to gossip and to catch up. We aren't that different really, either in looks or how we act; all of us are curvy but Julie and I have long blonde hair, Whilst Paula and Sue are dark. We're all married with kids too, and needless to say, we share almost everything with each...

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The Angel Demon on my shoulders

Would it be hard to believe that angels and demons are real? And that they play games with the mortals of earth. Both in attempts to control another. One trying to hide the eyes and actions of lust from the human mind. The other to break them free from the humiliations of dignity. Let’s say that it’s all true, and that they’ve been doing so for centuries. One of each for every man and woman on the planet. Never to actually be seen. Conveniently making themselves known only as subconscious...

2 years ago
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Where Will It EndChapter 6 Practice Hospitality

This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. She woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. Her bed was a mess, she was a mess. She felt someone in bed beside her and realize it was Jon. He was using her thigh for his pillow; she could feel his breath right next to her pussy. She just about...

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Perfect Mommy II

"This is good Mommy." I told her. She stopped eating just long enough to reply. "Thank you sweetie." and she went back to eating. "Really, really good Mommy." I said with a moan, and wrapped my legs around her head, holding her tight to me. "I'm going to cum for you Mommy... here it comes Mommy...Ohhhh Mommy I'm cumming..." and my orgasm that was building in my clit, ripped through me, exploding in my head. As I unwrapped my legs, freeing Mommy, she looked up at me. "You should...

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The Fortune of the ODellsChapter 21

I got on my horse and led Rory and Opal Anne, in the wagon, towards Daisy O’Rourke’s house. On the way I stopped at the bank to see Mr. Banks, waving the wagon to go on to Daisy’s house. As soon as I entered the bank Cody Banks stood to welcome me. “Hello Paul! Nice to see you so soon as seeing Mick.” I took his offered hand and then, very seriously, I spoke. “Cody, I would like to meet with you and Dewey after I’ve been to see Daisy O’Rourke.” He immediately assumed his full business...

3 years ago
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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 2 The Hogwarts Express

Introduction: James gets upto no good on the Hogwarts Express while Harry and Kingsley hold an important meeting. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 2 Quickly now Harry, the trains about to leave, cried Ginny above the din of the trains engines as the station master began to close the doors to the carriages. Harry and the three kids quickly ran over through the horde of parents and relatives...

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Soulmates and Sexmates Part 1 of 2

Mathias slowly and quietly opened the bedroom door. It was now Wednesday at 2:02 am; he had been up since just before midnight, sleep just wouldn’t come. Even now he was not very tired, but knew he needed sleep for work tomorrow.Softly walking through the dark room to the bed, he slipped under the covers he had left pulled back; he did not want to disturb his wife. As he was carefully pulling up the covers, he heard, “So you couldn’t sleep huh? Were you watching porn? I’ll bet it was the BBC...

1 year ago
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Joy and some friends

I had Joy dress in some short shorts and a little halter top with heels and told her I was going to call some friends over so they could fuck her. I often do this. I love seeing her getting fucked and guys using her body to dump their cum in and on. When they got there Joy led them into the bedroom. She sat down on the mattress and began to massage her own breasts, rubbing the crotches of a couple of guys and kissed one of them. He touch her gently and she let out an audible moan. Several hands...

2 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Kee Sex Story 8211 Part I

I am Divya , not very beautiful lekin aas-paas , ghar ke andar , bahar school college mey loag sity bajaate thheye, hai meri jaan kah kar bulate thheye to achchhaa lagta thaa… lekin hai re kismat , 21 saal kee ho gaee lekin naa to kisee ne kabhee chuma, chuchi dabaya yaa lawda hee chusaaya…Tarasti rah gaee . Graduation kiya aur ek university mey B.Ed kaa admission liya aur saath hee ek school mey naukari bhee kar -lee. Me and father tried a lot but could not get job in any city school. Lack of...

1 year ago
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The GodgranddaughterChapter 2 Annamarie joins the Sisterhood

Earlier, Mom had told me, “Dear, some cultures make a practice of having more experienced friends and family introduce up-and-coming kids to sexuality. I’ve talked to you about some female societies. They have lots of woman-to-woman sex, although many enjoy sex with men. When I told her about masturbating to the video, she was delighted. “I don’t want to rush you into things for which you’re not ready, but I’d love for you to get even more pleasure. You might try watching the video in sexy...

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Seans Story Chapter 2

Introduction: Enjoy Seans Story Chapter 2: First and Last Casey and I hadnt talked about our kiss again since that day. We had decided it was better to just pretend it never happened and move on. The school year ended a couple weeks after Casey and I shared our one kiss. It was summer and that meant that we were finished with middle school. Starting in August we would be high school freshmen and would be in a whole new world. I was finally able to enjoy myself for a couple months and not...

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BFF SecretsChapter 13

The sun was hot, but a breeze helped to cool Helen as she stood at the end of the swing set, her legs parted to allow the air up her skirt. It did not concern her that the wind occasionally lifted its hem. The people in the bleachers watching the ball game were too far off to notice any accidental exposure of her privates. The roadside exposure, however, had given the young girl a rush of arousal that left her dizzy and drained. Just as she began to recover from that sensation, peeing right...

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21st birthday party gang bang Part 2

Carina walked down the corridor of the yacht with Mandy Tse to the cabin of the birthday boy, Carl Tong. She was to spend the night with the millionaire's son before the gang bang tomorrow. He was old enough to be her son. Carina had never had any children, although there had been a couple of abortions from accidental pregnancies. "OK. You'll make sure he's enjoys himself," said Mandy. "No Miss Ice Queen. I'm sure you know how to fake it." Carina hated the old bitch but said nothing. She...

Group Sex
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EdenChapter 65

If anything, the pace of that progress was even faster over the next few weeks. The scientists were gathering an immense body of knowledge about both the planet and the aliens themselves. After hearing Meiersdottir's description of the mating process Heisinger and Komosaki were avid for a first-hand view; the Edenites showed no hesitation about allowing them entry to the nest to witness not only that but an actual hatching. "It's unlike anything on Earth," Heising­er reported afterwards....

3 years ago
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Sex With A Virgin At Home

By : Maha17g I am new to ISS to submit a story although a regular reader of stories whenever time permits. I always feel the stories presented are not real however I enjoy reading the usual stuffs. Let me present a true incident in my life, which happened 12 years before, when I was in my early 30’s. I was working in a company in south India, a small town. I, wife and 2 children rented a first floor of a house, as the owners were initially hesitant to give it on rent. The owners’ were staying...

2 years ago
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Elise employee of the year

Graduating college and joining the real world turned out to be less stressful than I anticipated. There were lots of changes, like my girlfriend Elise and I getting our own place together and starting to make a life for ourselves. Luckily money wasn't an issue for us as I got hired on full-time at the same company I worked for while I was in school. At first Elise and I worried about keeping in touch with all our old friends, but that turned out not to be an issue either. We still see them all...

1 year ago
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New Beginning

The heavy and powerful bass drums and guitar chords ripped through my ears and assaulted my senses as much as the sweltering heat, the bright white beams of light and the drips of condensation falling from the cool pipes above. I was pushed and shoved with the crowd in tune with the loud music. Angry voices yelled in cooperation with the lyrics of a world so cold, When passion's lost and all the trust is gone, Way too far, for way too long Children crying, cast out and...

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The Shack the Guardians

I’d heard the stories all my life. Kane, Pele, Maui, Kamapua’a; heroes and villains, impossibly beautiful women, tricksters, monsters and demons. It’s part of growing up in the Hawaiian tradition, part of the weave of life and the ocean. They’d always been far away though; from a distant time and place, lost in the years and the encroachment of the modern world. They’d always been distant. Distant, that is, until I found myself meeting some of those things of legend, landlocked, on the...

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Amber at Home

Standing at 6’5”, Micaiah was very skinny, almost to the point of anorexic. He had red hair, hazel eyes, and a slightly athletic build. Amber was 5’8”, a little less skinny, and had more of a dancers body. The room was simple, a closet full of simple things and a large queen size bed took up most of the room. Micaiah slowly took off her clothes and she started to undress him as well. He took off her shirt, revealing her size 36 c tits, and then moved down to remove her miniskirt. She bent...

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Roni and Monse come at uncle 2

Sexy siblings Roni and Monse come to live at their uncle Peter for further erotic educationBoth beauties come at their initial intimate inspection by me - time for the second tasty testI interview them about their earlier erotic experiences - I start with Veronica, in EnglishI guess that Monserrat has less to confess - cumbersome as Monse only speaks Spanish so farConfession of vices of VeronicaVeronica and Monserrat are still naked and aroused after their first orgasms at my inspectionVeronica...

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Dream ScapeChapter 3

I had just got up the next day and was making coffee when someone was beating on my door. It was Pete. I let him in and asked what he was doing over so early? He told me he needed to talk to me. He told me that I would never believe what happened. "Okay, Pete, what happened?" I asked. "I had a dream last night and you were in it," he said. "So, what's the big deal that you had a dream, and why the hell are you dreaming of me?" I laughed. "It's not like that, Ben. I never had a...

3 years ago
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AnimalLoving BrideChapter 5

The force of her second orgasm was just too much for Kate, and as she collapsed forward onto the floor, she allowed her head to turn to one side and her mind to drift to some ethereal plane. Dimly, she heard voices buzzing around her, occasionally punctuated by the growl of an angry- sounding dog, but she felt so wonderful that nothing mattered to her. She lay on her heaving belly, panting to catch her breath, totally unaware that her husband had entered the' room and was followed by a...

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BOUND TO PLEASE (PART 3 FINAL) ................. About in a sexual situation with other guys .. Not outside in public !.. "Get pedaling slave !" the same voice as last time.. Others joined in "Get Pedaling" ............. "Get pedaling" ........I started pedaling I didn't feel any sensation of moving, and I decided that it was on a kind of stand. I felt a little bit more relaxed now. Someone was pouring oil over my body, down my back, over my front, someone else was fastening a wide leather...

1 year ago
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Something for Everyone

                                Something for Everyone        At last Tina Tighttwat had finally landed her long time boyfriend after fighting him off for nearly six months. This is not to assume that he didn’t have options on certain portions of her anatomy. She belonged to him from the top of her blonde head to the elastic on her bikini panties, then down to the soles of her dainty feet. On rare occasions she allowed his middle finger to intrude into her holy grotto, but that was that no...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 73

Steve I feel as if everything is going faster. Time was rushing by the closer it comes to the time for us to sail. When I woke up Monday morning, I felt a sense of urgency to get up, do something, prepare for something, to take care of last minute anything. Mercy hugged me and whispered, "Relax, everything is taken care of. You have wonderful people who will take care of everything while you're gone. They can call you anytime, and can even e-mail you with pictures or other information, if...

1 year ago
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Waking up to a new Life 2

Waking up to a New Life. Ch 2. By Matthew. I felt something stroking over my face, putting my hand up to brush it away, I realized it was also a hand belonging to someone else. Yes this nanny woman. "It seems a shame to be waking a sissy from its lovely sleep, but we have a busy day ahead for you Sissy," it was that same woman from last night. I tried to burry my face back into the comfort of the pillow, not wanting to hear what I was hearing. "Yes we would all like to spend...

4 years ago
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Satin Panties

It was a full moon spring night and wanted to go dancing. I was wearing this tight tank top with a button up dress shirt, dress pants with no underwear and timberlands slide on's. Hit the local club before they started to charge cover. Ate oysters on the half shell with shots of tequila. Talked to a few people waiting for the crowd to get in. This one club is known for having Bachelorette party groups just about every weekend. As it was getting closer to 10 pm the girls were making their way...

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My Experience With A Friend8217s Friend

Hey readers I am 40 years old, not so handsome, single male from south India. This is about my experience with a friend’s friend. This happened when I was going through a very tough phase in my life. I had a friend called Shalini, with whom I have been friends for about ten years. She initially lived near my town, but later shifted to north India with her work. She had this childhood friend called Mina, who used to live with her, till Shalini shifted to north India. I had met Mina briefly a few...

4 years ago
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LA FunChapter 61

I woke up just before six and put my workout clothes and running shoes on. I was having a cup of coffee in the saloon when the three new women, Brindle, and Donte came in. None wanted coffee so we went to the gym. I suggested to them all to get used to the equipment here as it was similar to the equipment in Hawaii and in the hotels we traveled to for my job. I began stretching and I told them that stretching was a way to keep from pulling a muscle. Mitsi said, “We were told that you did...

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Lizs Adventures

er life and saga continues, Matt grows with his family and she gets a clearer picture of the future. This is fiction that follows Matt & I, and Liz Part 1.I looked around to make sure no one was watching as I retrieved my panties and blue jeans. I had cum, it felt great, but I also felt regret at having done it, perhaps now I could complete the drive without my mind drifting off. But I was still asking myself 'why?' why did I have to cum? I looked at my note where I had written down her...

1 year ago
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I Caught My 48YearOld Wife Cheating on me with a 19YearOld Hunk

My wife and I had known Justin and his family for several years. Since we had known him he'd always wanted to be an entrepreneur someday. When Justin turned sixteen he started up his own lawn care business. He had started with just a few accounts, but that quickly grew over the next few years. In the past he had asked if we would be interested in him cutting our lawn. I told him that I had it covered, but now that I was getting older I agreed to let him take it over last spring. A few months...

2 years ago
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Finding It

“I love you, Beth. I love you." The sudden awareness of the time snaps out of my daydream. Three years ago, Mark Taylor told me he loved me and became the first boy to say those three magic words to me. We lasted two years together, braving the perils of a long-distance relationship with me in Boston and him in Chicago. Before the summer of 2012 kicked in, Mark was offered a prestigious internship in a law firm in Hong Kong and accepted it without telling me. The last time I saw him was when I...

First Time
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HandsOnHardcore Janice Griffith Petites Pussy Fucked Hard

American bombshell Janice Griffith is a petite hottie with short brunette hair, sensual brown eyes, and amazing natural tits. The sweet glamour beauty is so horny and needs to feel a dick inside her very tight pussy, but boyfriend Mugur is more into playing computer games. She’s got a plan and dresses up in her hottest lingerie to seduce that boring couch potato. It works! Today’s DDF Network boy-girl Hardcore porn heats up when she takes over his dick and crams her insatiable mouth...

2 years ago
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EyesChapter 21

Saturday morning, the morning after some erotic group fun, I woke up holding a large breast and could feel fuzzies tickling my butt with a hand around my tender morning wood. I was lying against June's back with Sunshine at my back. There was someone in front of June so I raised my head to see a sleeping Sonya. As I attempted to extricate myself, there were multiple groans including Susan who was hugging Sunshine's back and one of her breasts. As soon as I slid out of bed the gap between...

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Seven for a SecretChapter 6

I did not need to watch the screen to know how my plaything spent that restless night. As I enjoyed my morning tea, the screen showed my girl kneeling in position, awaiting her fate, her choice obvious in her perfect posture. As I finished my tea, she never moved, patience is a priceless virtue for a slave. Entering the dungeon, I took my accustomed seat and made the necessary signal, the cell's door lock clicked a moment later. Still my plaything remained still, awaiting my command....

1 year ago
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Lips On My Neck

I was nineteen when I had my first serious relationship. I was petite, and blonde, with big blue eyes. And sure, I was pretty and I had dated, but all my boyfriends and I had never gotten past making out in the back of cars or at the movies. When I had met Alec I was captured in a sexual frenzy. He was so tempting with out even trying and he was the first man my body ever craved. He was 5' 11" and of slender build. He had muscle, but it didn't over power is body. And his eyes were a deep shade...

First Time
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A Fresh StartChapter 150 Graduations

June 2002 Charlie came home about a week later, his latest deployment finished. The Tarawa Amphibious Ready Group, which consisted of the Tarawa, the Duluth, and the Fort McHenry, Charlie’s ship, had arrived back in Norfolk. I had Captain Miller keep us apprised of the dates. Charlie had a fair bit of accumulated leave, and we told him that we expected him to spend at least some of it with his ancient and creaky parents, before old age and senility took us from him. So it was that on May 8,...

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