Family Affairs Pt 5 - Ginger's Story free porn video

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Firstly a little about me; Ginger isn’t my real name, of course, it’s a sort of pet name. As you’d expect, it stems from my hair colour, not fiery red, but a rich chestnut colour. Not everyone calls me it, my father did, in fact it started with him, my husband does and some of our friends, my daughter does, as does her husband and my son, though not his wife. I gave birth to my daughter shortly before my 17 th birthday and she, much to my annoyance, had done the same with Sam, her eldest son.

I keep myself in good shape; I run, swim, go to the gym and do yoga. Everything is firm and in the right place, I have a curvaceous body with a slim waist and good sized breasts, I can still turn heads in the street and I still look good in the ‘special’ outfits my husband loved me to wear for sex.

So there I was on a lovely early summer’s afternoon, just a few weeks shy of 50 celebrating my Grandson’s 16 th birthday!. My husband arrived from work, gave his Grandson a manly shake of the hand, then a hug and wished him a happy birthday. Sam thanked him for the mountain bike, which he had been coveting for some time. My husband turned to me, I knew that look; bad news.

‘I’m sorry love, but I have to go away on business for a few weeks, right when we had our holiday planned.’

I had been looking forward to our holiday together at our second home in France, usually we were joined by family, but this year we would be on our own for once, the sex was going to be great. Now that was all out the window.

‘Why don’t you go and I’ll meet you there when I’m finished. It’s not like you need to be back here for anything.’

‘It won’t be the same,’ I started.

‘I’ll keep you company, Gran,’ Sam piped up, ‘I can take the new mountain bike the countryside is great for it.’

Everyone agreed that Sam should keep me company until my husband was free. I didn’t think it such a good idea, but my protests were dismissed ‘It’ll be fine,’ they all said. I wasn’t so sure, how was I going to keep a teenager occupied for a couple of weeks on my own. If only I had known.

The next few weeks passed quickly. Finally, I said farewell to my husband and we packed the car up, the mountain bike going on the rear rack. The following morning Sam and I headed for the ferry port. The crossing was only a few hours then we hit the road; midweek, by far the best time to travel any distance in France in the summer. The kilometres flew by, Sam was very good company.

We stopped for lunch then headed on, arriving in the little village early on a beautiful summer’s evening. We stopped at the home of our friends who looked after the house. After greetings and the customary aperitif or two, we were treated to a delicious meal. Then Sam and I got back in the car and headed out to the cottage. It was a couple of kilometres outside the village, in a secluded spot. The rear gardens were totally private, surrounded by hedges. Our friends had opened the house up, the pool was clean and the fridge had the essentials to start us off.

We unpacked the car, sorted our stuff out and went for a walk. We returned after an hour and were both ready for a good night’s sleep.

The following morning I woke early. Deciding that Sam wouldn’t be up for some time, I took the opportunity to do my morning yoga naked by the pool, I loved the feeling of freedom that it brought; the cool morning air on my naked body. Finished, I took a quick swim then dried off and slipped into shorts and tee-shirt and laid out our breakfast. Sam came into the kitchen and gave me a peck on the cheek, accompanied by a ‘Morning Gran.’ I asked if he had slept well and we chatted about plans for the day over our coffee and croissants; Sam wanted to take the bike out then we’d have a lazy day by the pool.

We cleared up and Sam headed out with the bike. I pottered around, tidying and making the beds. That was when things began to change. I went into Sam’s room and flipped back the covers to air the bed. The trials of having teenage boys around, sticky stains on sheets; I’d let it air and pretend not to have noticed. Hello, what was this, a girlie mag tucked under the bed. Only it was one with a difference, the models seemed to be older. The cover announced that it was filled with MILFs. I flicked through the pages with a smile on my lips, then put it back where I’d found it.

Next I went to dust the desk, Sam had left his laptop there and as I moved the mouse I noticed it was not locked. I thought I’d have a quick look to see if his interest in older women stretched to downloading. I soon found a folder marked “MILFS”. Opening it there were dozens of images of mature women, some just posing, but others in more compromising positions with men and other women. There were a couple of other folders in there too, with various genres of porn, blow jobs etc.

I was not shocked, porn had played a significant role in my own life and I had no problem with this. It was the folder at the end that caught my eye though, this was marked “GILF”. Intrigued, I opened it. My had shook as I scrolled through the pictures; the background was very familiar to me, it was right outside the window now and the subject of the pictures was me, that very morning, doing my naked yoga. There were a couple of dozen pictures, many showing my more intimate parts in explicit close up, you could almost count the few hairs of the little runway, just above my waxed pussy.

I was furious, I left the laptop as I had found it and headed to my room. I needed to clear my head, so I slipped into my running gear and headed out the door. My mind was in turmoil. I hadn’t worried when the pictures were of other women, but now they were of me...and what about the folder title, did he mean it, did he really want to fuck me? As I pounded the lanes I began to calm down and it was then that I began to form a plan. By the time I had returned to the house, I was totally in control again and I knew how I was going to deal with this, I just wasn’t sure what the outcome would be.

Sam entered the driveway just behind me and called a cheery ‘Hi Gran, how was your run?’ I replied that it had been just what I needed and enquired about the bike. ‘It’s great, thank you so much, it was just what I wanted and this is the perfect place to try it out.’

I entered the house and headed to my room. I set the dressing mirror at an angle, then in to the bathroom and set up the mirror there in such a way that, with the reflection from the bedroom mirror, I would be able to see the bedroom door from the shower. If I left the doors open, you could see straight into the shower from the hallway. I told Sam that I was going to take a shower then we’d have a cool drink by the pool before lunch. He called back OK and added that he too was going to shower.

I entered my room, peeled off my running gear and got into the shower, keeping a sideways eye on the mirrors. Running the shower I soaked myself and soaped my body, it wasn’t long before I caught a sign of movement in the mirrors; glancing cautiously, I could see Sam was watching round the door jamb.

I ran one hand over my soapy breasts and slipped the other between my thighs, my heart was pounding in my chest as I began to play my fingers over my pussy, the fingers of my other hand teasing and tugging at my nipple, all the time watching surreptitiously in the mirrors, to see if he was still there. I began to masturbate openly for a couple of minutes, then stopped as if I had suddenly realised what I was doing. I washed the soap off and reached for the towel. When I turned again Sam was gone. I smiled to myself; things seemed to be going to plan.

I headed out to the hallway and the main bathroom door was closed. I headed over and put my ear to the door I could hear the shower running, clearly accompanied by the rhythmic slap, slap of a wet hand hitting his belly as it reached the bottom of its stroke. Standing at the door I listened to my grandson masturbating, my hand involuntarily returning to my pussy. After a brief while I heard him pick up the pace, accompanied by a few grunts as he shot his cum into the shower. I counted 3 in my head and tapped the door saying, ‘Be a love and make sure you clean up after you.’ I had to suppress a little giggle.

‘,’ he stammered in response. I smiled to myself as I went back to my room and slipped into a little red bikini with a thong bottom and plunge top. My husband called it my sheepdog bikini, “because it rounds them up and points them in the right direction!” He was right, it gave my breasts a fabulous cleavage. I threw a sheer beach dress over it, everything visible through the flimsy fabric.

As I poured the drinks, Sam entered the kitchen in a pair of swimming trunks; a fairly impressive package seemed to be nestled in the front. He asked if there was anything he could do. I could see him taking in the outfit I was wearing and he flushed when I caught his eye. ‘You could put the little table out by the pool and get out the sun loungers,’ I told him.

He headed off as I finished making the drinks. When I took the tray out to the pool, he had put the loungers out and we sat sipping our drinks, just chatting about nothing in particular. I said that I had forgotten to bring out the towels, as if suddenly remembering and stood to go get them. He offered to go, but I said it was no problem. As I walked into the house, I could see his reflection in the glass of the door, watching me. I smiled again, things were going just the way I had planned.

Despite his sunglasses, the tilt of his head gave away the fact that he was watching me as I returned, so I leant forward to put his towel down, giving him a clear view down the front of the loose dress, then the same with my own towel, displaying my rear to him. Then I stood and peeled the dress off, and dived into the pool, swam a couple of lengths then asked if he was going to join me. ‘ a minute,’ was his embarrassed response.

Hmmm, did he have another hard on? I wondered, I could think of no other reason for his lack of interest in getting into the water. After a few minutes I threw a ball at him and chided him, so he got up and dived in. We threw the ball around and generally messed around for a while then I got out and stood by the pool, drying myself. His eyes were firmly fixed on my body. It was time for phase 2.

I sat on the lounger and Sam got out and sat on a chair. Picking up the suntan lotion, I began to rub the oil into my shoulders and arms, then over my tummy and the front of my legs, being sure to give him an eyeful of my butt as I bent forward. ‘You don’t mind if I go topless, do you Sam?’ I asked as I unclipped the bikini top.

‘, that’s OK,’ he responded. I squeezed some oil into my hand and began to massage it into my breasts, enjoying the fact that he was watching me, again his sunglasses were on but I could tell that his eyes were firmly fixed on me. I put the towel on the lounger and lay on my stomach.

‘Be an angel and rub some into my back, would you?’ I asked him.

He came over and picked up the bottle. Pouring some onto his hand he began to rub the lotion into my back. ‘Oooohh, that feels lovely, you should be a masseur,’ I joked ‘Would you do the backs of my legs, too?’ I enquired.

He took more oil and began rubbing it into my legs, venturing upwards, his fingertips just touching the cheeks of my arse. It was evident to me that he was testing the water. ‘That’s so nice, don’t forget my bum, I wouldn’t want to burn that.’

He began to stammer a response, so I cut him off saying, ‘Oh, come on, don’t be shy.’ His fingers were trembling as he began to massage the oil into my bottom and I moved a little, slightly parting my thighs. His hands were making the most of their brief period in contact with my flesh and a couple of times his fingers “slipped” into the cleft of my bottom, accompanied by a muffled apology. He finished and I thanked him, asking if he would like me to put some on him.

His response was too swift, ‘, that’s Ok, I’m just going to the loo, maybe when I get back...’ He headed indoors. I smiled again.

After a minute or so I slipped into the house and found his bedroom door closed. I gently placed my ear to it and could hear his breath, ragged and coming in short panting gasps. I knelt down and looked through the keyhole, I didn’t have the clearest of views, but I could see that he was masturbating, his hand moving up and down what appeared to be a reasonably large cock. I watched for a few moments then moved back from the door and called out ‘Are you OK, Sam?’

Again a stammered response, I smiled to myself and went back to the pool and sat on the lounger reading a magazine. When Sam emerged he had on a pair of football shorts, rather than the tight swimming trunks. I asked him why he had changed and he responded lamely that these were more comfortable.

We spent the next hour just lazing and chatting occasionally, he slipped me the odd glance when he thought he could get away with it. I checked the time, almost one. ‘We should get some lunch,’ I announced, slipping the sundress over still naked breasts and we headed into the cool of the house. When we had eaten and cleared up, he said he thought he might go out, but I stopped him saying I wanted to talk about something. We sat at the table.

My heart was pounding at what I was about to do, but the seeds were sewn now, so I summoned up my sternest voice.

‘I have a bone to pick with you, Sam. When I was cleaning this morning, I found some pictures on your laptop...Would you like to tell me what GILF means?’ I paused for effect. His mouth dropped and the colour drained from his face. ‘The pictures are of me doing my yoga, I was very upset. So, what does it mean?

He looked at the floor and muttered. ‘Look at me Sam and tell me what it means!’ I raised my voice for effect. He looked up and blurted a response that came out almost as one word, as if that would make it harder to understand


‘What did you say, it wasn’t clear!’

He groaned and said it more clearly, ‘Grandmother I’d like to fuck.’

‘What would your parents say, or your Grandfather for that matter...what have you got to say for yourself?’

He tried to stammer out a response, but he couldn’t form the words. I suppressed a smile and continued. ‘You have a choice. You can accept my punishment, or I can tell your parents, it’s up to you.’

He dropped his head and looked at the floor again, squirming in his seat. ‘Look at me and give me an answer!’ I said in a strong voice so that he knew I meant business. He looked at me, tears forming in his eyes.

‘I’m sorry Gran, I...I...just...’

I cut him off. ‘I don’t want your excuses; I’m waiting for your answer!’

‘Please don’t tell Mum and Dad, I will do anything you want...I’ll take your punishment.’

‘Right, stand up and take off your tee shirt, then drop your shorts.’ He looked at me, a protest forming on his lips. ‘The choice is yours, me or your parents?’

I had stood now, hands on hips. He took his tee shirt off and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts. ‘I’m waiting...’ He pushed the shorts down then stood with his hands covering his genitals.

‘Now bend over the table, hands on the table top. I am going to teach you a lesson you will not forget, young man!’ He did as I said and I placed my left hand firmly in the centre of his back, holding him against the table.

‘Part your feet.’ Again he complied.

I placed my right hand on his buttocks and felt him brace for the expected whack. I smiled again, this was working out perfectly. I laid several firm slaps onto him, then ran my hand over the warm pink patch on his buttocks. Then I slid my hand over his buttocks and between his legs, cupping his balls in my palm and began to massage them softly.

‘Gran...what...ughhh...wh...’ he began to stammer.

‘Shhh. I said I would teach you a lesson, in fact I intend to teach you several,’ I said as I changed my grip to encase the shaft of his stiffening penis and began running my hand up and down its length. Sam just moaned and I began to masturbate him more quickly as his cock hardened.

I stopped suddenly then said now, stand up. He raised his body from the table and his hands went straight to cover himself, a look of utter confusion on his face. I reached out and took his hands away. ‘I want to see it,’ I said in a slightly husky tone. He looked awkward as I inspected his now erect cock. For a youngster it was rather impressive about 7 inches and quite thick.

I reached out and took his shaft in my hand, massaging it slowly. ‘I must confess I was originally going to tell your parents, then I went for a run to clear my head and came up with a plan. The little show in the shower and the topless sunbathing, getting you to put lotion on me, it was all part of the plan and it worked. I know you watched me in the shower and went and masturbated in the shower after and I know you were masturbating after you put the oil on me, I watched through the keyhole. Now I want you to masturbate for me.’

I let go of his cock and led him out to the pool. Sit there, I pointed at the sun lounger. He sat and I slipped the sundress off. I sat at the foot of the lounger and said ‘Well, I’m waiting for you to wank yourself.’ He took hold of his cock and began to run his hand up and down the shaft as I watched intently.

‘Do you like doing that? You must do as you have done it several times today already.’

He nodded his head in response, the confused look still there.

‘Would you like me to do it for you?’ I asked.

Again, he just nodded his head. I reached out and took hold of him, moving one hand up and down his shaft as the other cupped his balls and began to massage them. ‘You really shouldn’t be shy about sex, you know. It gets better as you become more experienced, would you like me to teach you?’ He nodded again as I masturbated him slowly.

Sitting upright I told him that it was important to know how to give a woman pleasure and asked him if he knew where the clitoris was. He said in a hushed voice that he thought so. I stood and removed the thong, then straddled the foot of the lounger and sat back down, my thighs parted. I took his hand and guided it towards my pussy, pressing his fingers against my clit. ‘There, that’s it; now rub it firmly, but gently.’

Sam followed my instructions and I queried him about the g-spot. He had heard of it but that was all. I told him to put his finger into me and guided him into the right area, telling him to make a come here motion with his finger. I began to play with my clit with one hand, while the other tugged at my erect nipples, Sam’s eyes watching me intemtly. I began to get wet and told him to put another finger in; eventually he had three of his long, thick fingers in me, working my g-spot and I explained that he should feel it swelling and becoming ridged. He said he could, so I told him that was when he should really concentrate his efforts, as I was about to cum. He learned fast and I let out a yell as my orgasm squirted over his hand. He went to withdraw, but I told him to continue as I worked my clit and two more orgasms followed in short succession.

Now I took his hand from me and raised it between us. ‘Taste it,’ I told him and he looked enquiringly at me. ‘Go on, lick your hand, it tastes lovely.’ I said and began to lick his fingers myself. He joined in, tentatively at first then, as he became accustomed to this new taste he licked and sucked his fingers clean, then I kissed himTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Family Affairs Ch 52

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter fifty-two After Rick and Dianna left, Matt and Mary carried his camera stuff to the car and stowed it in the trunk. When that was done, Matt took Mary’s hand and started back for the elevator. ‘Matt, where are we going?’ Mary asked, confused, when the elevator began to rise. ‘I…I thought we were going to go home.’ Matt smiled at her and said, ‘I have another surprise for you.’ The elevator stopped on the top floor, the doors opened, and...

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Family Affairs Ch 42

Passion In James County XIX Family Affairs By D.C. Roi Chapter forty-two Dianna was pleasantly surprised when Rick, not Matt showed up at her door to take her to school on the Monday after Rick’s trip to State U. She was even more surprised when he held the door of his Charger open when they reached the car. ‘I’ve been thinking,’ he said as they drove toward school, ‘I need a date for the prom. Would…would you like to go with me, Dianna?’ Dianna’s heart leapt and, without thinking, she...

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Family Affairs Ch 29

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter twenty-nine When Matt got home, Mary met him at the door and they shared a long, passionate kiss. ‘What will we do all weekend?’ she asked after the kiss ended. Matt grinned at her. ‘Silly question,’ he said. He grabbed her bottom and pulled her against him. When Mary felt the young man’s swollen member pressing against her, she went a little weak inside. The weekend was going to be wonderful. ‘Maybe we could go over to my place tomorrow...

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Family Affairs Ch 48

Passion In James County XIX Family Affairs By D.C. Roi Chapter forty-eight After the door closed behind Matt and Mary, Rick turned to Dianna, who still wasn’t sure how he felt or what he was going to do. He looked at Dianna, who was standing there, looking back at him waiting for his response. ‘What do you think?’ he asked her. Dianna shrugged. ‘It sure is a wild story, isn’t it?’ she said. ‘But…but I think Matt does love your Mom. And it kinda sounds like she may be in love with him, too....

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Family Affairs Ch 30

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter thirty While Matt was enjoying his ecstatic afternoon and evening with Mary, Dianna was having a miserable time. During cheerleading practice, the other girls, led by Lisa, ignored her and treated her as if she were some kind of leper. Dianna, confused and hurt by their behavior wasn’t sure why they were treating her like they were. She had no idea Lisa thought she’d displaced Lisa as Miss Conklin’s plaything, and that Lisa was very angry...

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Family Affairs Ch 41

Family Affairs: Passion In James County XIX Chapter forty-one Matt and Mary were already in the kitchen when Rick came down the next morning. ‘Hi, Rick,’ Matt said. He was standing at the kitchen counter, making fresh-squeezed orange juice. ‘Hi, Hon,’ Mary said. She was standing next to Matt, whipping eggs, preparing to make scrambled eggs for them. ‘Sleep well?’ ‘Yeah, Mom, I sure did. It’s always good to get home to your own bed,’ Rick said. He pulled out a chair and sat down at the...

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Family Affairs Ch 53

Passion In James County XIX Family Affairs By D.C. Roi Chapter fifty-three Matt opened his photography studio the week after graduation and, as they planned, Mary went to work for him as his assistant. Business was good, and they were busy, almost from the day they opened. Rick and Dianna continued to date and were thrilled about going off to college together. Matt bought a small apartment building in the town where State U. was located so they would have a place to live. Mary liked...

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Family Affairs Ch 26

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter twenty-six Dianna, headed for the van the cheerleaders rode to away games, was feeling a little disappointed. She walked past the school bus holding the team after the basketball game without glancing up, all the while hoping that Ricky might call to her, but he didn’t. The game was exciting, especially the way they won on Ricky’s last-minute basket and the girls had cheered themselves hoarse. As she neared the cheerleader’s van, Miss...

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Family Affairs Ch 51

Passion In James County XIX: Family Affairs Chapter fifty-one When the last dance ended, Matt, Mary, Rick, and Dianna returned to their table. All of them were disappointed that the prom was over, but the two young men, despite their disappointment, were looking forward to what lie ahead. Rick knew what Matt’s plans were, because he was part of them. His friend had arranged for something special for all of them after the prom. They walked out into the hotel lobby. ‘Why don’t you guys go...

4 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 01

‘You do know that he is coming back to work today,’ the lieutenant asked. ‘Yeah I know. Please don’t tell me you are putting him in my platoon,’ The sergeant said. ‘He isn’t going back on patrol. He is going to be working with Internal Affairs,’ the lieutenant replied. ‘I’m giving you a heads up so that you can warn your men. I do not want any harassment.’ ‘Couldn’t they put him somewhere else?’ the sergeant asked. ‘We aren’t that large of a department,’ the Lieutenant replied. ‘If he...

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Chapter 18 The Affairs Circle Crumbles Is My Husband Leaving Me I Move Up

Erica's blabbing about our country-western bar hop and Thumper transformed “A-T” to "Now Now" into an “Affairs Circle” star. A trophy ring quest among the members ensued. It was notoriety I didn’t relish. Outsider’s gossip about members would eventually compromise my staid super mom/wife image. I wanted out.To exit, I stopped aiding and abetting their affairs, renounced mine, avoided those in the group and only smiled if one was met by chance, then scurried away. My parting advice was.“Put...

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Family Affairs 3

Hi for a quick recap now sandy is happy with the family and now she is pregnant with my baby,mom is also enjoying togeatherness,dad is happiest person as his whole family is united once again. Saturday dad came home early in the evening,on asking whats the matter he told me something i had to get excited.he wanted to try double penetration on sandy.alright,we all sat in our little lounge in our home,with sandy in dads lap,with dads whisky peg in her hand,she was relishing making him drink his...

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Family Affairs Pt 4 Angelas Story

‘What the fuck is going on?’ I screamed ‘Stop that and get dressed. NOW!’ It would have been bad enough to have come home unexpectedly to find my 18 year old daughter, naked, bouncing up and down on a stiff cock. But the cock in question was a big strap on and the wearer was her 17 year old sister! Slamming the bedroom door, I went to my own room where I threw myself onto the bed, curled up into a ball and began to cry. My husband was away on military service; why did shit always happen when...

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Family Affairs Pt 6 Karas Story

As an eighteenth birthday present and for gaining entry to a good University, Kara’s parents paid for a European holiday for her and her twin sister Jayne. With the intention of broadening the girls’ outlook, the aim of the gift was achieved in more ways than one. The holiday began in Spain. The weather was hot and sunny and there was a great waterside hotel on the edge of a bustling town. The room was shared but well appointed. It contained two queen-sized beds, all the usual facilities, plus...

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The Neighbourhood of Affairs Matures and Boy

Introduction: It is one of the hottest days of the summer and for those in the quiet English street exposed to it, the heat wave is doing strange things to the body and mind. Playing into an environment of a neighbouring home alone 47 year old housewife and a home alone 17 year old teenage boy whose own ways of dealing with the heat leads to a passionate encounter that threatens to involve the 30 year old sister in law of the housewife and another neighbour, a sexless never married 65 year old...

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Family Affairs Niki and Olivia Ch6

I want to thank everyone for the feedback and the suggestions. I’m truly glad that you’re enjoying this story. With that said, here is part Last. Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it! 4/13/2013. Niki and Olivia “I've missed you Daddy!” I hugged her back as tightly as I dared, I didn't want to crush the little thing, and I said, “I've missed you too, little one! But do you want to know a secret?” She looked at me and nodded her head, a slight look of conspiratorial...

4 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 09

Roger had given it a lot of thought. All he had was Hillary’s vague confession to him. There was no real evidence against her. It was just the time line. I was the wake up call he needed to convince him it would take years to be safe, if he ever managed it at all. Having the cops that pissed off at you wasn’t like having your neighbor pissed. Cops could do all kinds of things to a guy. They weren’t likely to kill him, but they would likely have no problem killing his dog. He didn’t have a dog...

3 years ago
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Dangerous Affairs Ch 02

‘Man, this is some shit! There are allegations of all sorts here. Harassment, bribery, excessive use of force, and so much more it makes me sick. Who is this Michael Tempton and why on earth wasn’t this investigated before? I mean, there are complaints here from more than three years ago.’ Brian wondered. ‘That’s the thing, someone might have been covering for him. According to this, he is even accused of conspiracy to commit murder,’ Damien interjected, showing Brian the name on a page of...

4 years ago
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Family Affairs

I’m 43 now but this all started thirty one years ago. You can do the math. I use to have to stay with my grandma in the summer when my parents were at work. My cousin was four years older than me so I thought he was really cool and wanted to hang out with him. But of course he really didn’t want anything to do with me so I just hung with my girl cousin May. She was 2 years older than me. We use to sneak behind the garage and smoke cigs she stole from grandma. It was blocked on 3 sides and only...

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Affairs of a HousewifeChapter 3

A few days went by and the guilt of cheating on her husband, now twice, consumed her. She never intended to have thoes affairs. She was looking for some level of recognition, but was not ready for what she did receive and the crushing wave of wanting and lust that consumed her. In the first month of work, she felt like she was so much more than a boring housewife. The looks she received from coworkers, her bosses, and complete strangers on the street always made her feel good about herself....

1 year ago
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Family Affairs2

A fast recap of the previous story,now sandy is completely happy with what the love me and dad are pouring on her after a week i asked dad about what mum had in her mind about me,he will fix the thing by evening,night after dinner,mom dad and me met in the tv room,after a while i was signalling dad,whats up,he showed me a thumbs up i could not control my excitement,i went to my bedroom saying nothing,as i expected the door opened,she came,as i was hiding behind the doors,i came from behing to...

4 years ago
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To Serve and Protect Internal Affairs

Lieutenant Linda Shannon studied the report in her hands. She knew there would be nothing there she had not read and thought about four times already but it gave her an opportunity to collect her thoughts and decide on the best tack to take. She realized that investigating accusations of officer misbehavior was an extremely important job. That still didn't mean she had to like it. And this particular investigation promised to be explosive, both on a personal and a professional level. She...

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Family Affairs Ch 45

Matt and Mary stopped at a fast food outlet and got some take-out food, then they headed for the Forrester house. ‘You know,’ Mary said as they walked through the door into the kitchen, ‘Rick’s going to have to be told about us sometime.’ Matt put the bags of food down on the table. ‘I guess so,’ he said. ‘But…’ ‘I’m going to have to be told what?’ Rick said, walking into the kitchen from the living room. Matt and Mary turned, startled, and gaped at him. Neither of them expected him to be...

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Internal Affairs Ch 12

‘So what did you want?’ Peter asked Trish. ‘I wasn’t kidding. I want to be part of your group,’ she answered. ‘Don’t you get it? There is no group. I’m just looking into this case in my spare time. Which you are taking up. I had permission to work till on it till the end of the day. Anything we do after today is off the books and will screw up your recommendations from Iva. This is not some glamorous revolution. It’s just a lark,’ Peter replied. ‘Deacon, it’s something that isn’t just a...

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Family Affairs Ch 25

Ricky was excited when he got home from school. ‘Coach made arrangements for me to go talk with the basketball coach up at State,’ he said, ‘He thinks I can get a full scholarship.’ ‘That’s really neat, Rick,’ Matt said. ‘Yes, honey, that’s wonderful,’ Mary agreed. ‘Yeah, we’re leaving Friday night, after school. We’re going to fly up there and spend the weekend. State is paying for everything,’ Ricky said. He was almost beside himself with excitement. ‘That’s super!’ Mary said. ‘How long...

1 year ago
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Family Affairs

There is an alternate ending to this story. Please contact me if you want to read alternate ending 2. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel lay in bed, unsatisfied as always. The vivacious forty-three-year-old mother of two teenagers watched as Tom, her husband of 20 years, put on his pants with a grin on his face. He had enjoyed their brief sexual encounter. The routine that she had grown bored of was satiating for him. He touched her tits, she...

Group Sex
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Internal Affairs Ch 08

He still had the patrol car parked outside of the insurance agent’s office at night on his mind. He should bring in all the officers, of the squad on duty at the times of the complaints. He had a feeling that since it was a morals issue that would never happen. He could get a general warning about girlfriends and sex on the job issued, but he wanted to target it a little closer. He also wanted it to come from the desk cops, if they felt the brass badge group felt it had to come out at all....

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Dangerous Affairs Ch 06

Brian had finally managed to get Lucy calm enough to tell him what was going on. He had gone to the gallery only to be told she wasn’t there. He then, tried calling her at home but no one picked up. He decided to go to her place. He was feeling uneasy, something was wrong. He rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. He then tried knocking. ‘Lucy, it’s Brian.’ He shouted. ‘Brian…’ Lucy opened the door slowly. ‘Jesus!’ Brian pushed the door wide open, stepping in. He put his arms around...

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Secret Affairs With My Friends Son Part 23

I wished that I could stay with Adam forever. Now that I had realized my love for him, I enjoyed having sex with him more. These past few days that I spent with him were the best days of my life. We spent every second looking into each other’s eyes, kissing and fucking hard. Adam was almost half my age, but he learned how to take care of me in the bedroom. Two more days passed. We didn’t go out to the market or any other place. We just stayed at home and on his wish, I didn’t put on any...

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Montgomery Affairs

The Montgomery Conglomerate: a legacy built upon the principles of truth, liberty, and respect with descendants that held up said principles without fail. The three branches of the Montgomery legacy are spread throughout the globe, but the main one was centered in the US and dominated the majority of the world market. Heir to this branch and the entire business itself was the one and only Oliver Montgomery. Oliver was the middle c***d in his small family, but brought his family up from the...

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Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs By: Jo Jo ([email protected])Internal Affairs (95% True, if you're interested, and this is an amalgamation of two orthree real life incidents and a sexual fantasy) When I was 23 and pregnant with my second c***d I went for an earlyscan at my nearest hospital, I had the gel applied and a nurse ran the scanner thing over my belly. All was okay, 3 months pregnant, and hardly showing. I was in a curtained cubicle, and "decent " as in all covered up bar my little belly....

1 year ago
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Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman Part II

Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Woman "For they are subtle and quick to anger." Part II By Zapper *** Part I Previously *** James, while attempting to help Kristina soon found himself in her beautiful blonde body. Her request seemed simple enough, "Live my life for two...

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Family Affairs

But when I was ten I walked into their room. I found Mitchell's head between Dale's legs. Dale was throat fucking Mitchell. Mitchell tongue wiggled on Dale's cock. I didn't see Dale's cock. But I saw something so gross it changed my life. Mitchell puked up his lunch all over Dale's cock and balls. It was yellow and chunky like mashed bananas. Mitchell didn't know what to do. Dale pulled him off and jacked off with the gooey stuff on his cock. And overted my eyes before he unfurled his...

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Family Affairs Ch 24

First thing the next morning, before he went down to breakfast, Matt called the attorney who was handling his folks’ estate and made an appointment to meet with him that afternoon. The lawyer was hesitant until Matt told him why he wanted the appointment. The attorney listened to Matt’s explanation and, after he heard what Ezra and Serena were up to, he said he thought the idea of Matt moving in with Mary and Rick was a good one. ‘I’m sure there won’t be any problems with what you’re...

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Family Affairs

Sandy let out a deep sigh as she exploded with an orgasm,as i was pumping my hot lava into her i can be sure she can be mother this time.thats my little sister sandhya,dont be surprised about our all started about three months ago when she tried to commit suicide.we rushed her to the hospital to know that she had consumed sleeping pills,how stupid.she got a second life . I had this strange attraction towards my sister,always looking her the way a brother is not supposed to...

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Alysins Black Affairs

The following is the result of an interview this author had with a white woman named Alysin Carter. Alysin loves black men. She was reluctant to talk about it publically until she gave me this interview. Interviewer: You consented to give this interview on tape. I am going to turn on the recorder now. You are thirty sevenyears old. You have an eighteen year-old daughter. You grew up in southeastern Virginia and attended the University of Virginia. After you graduated, you worked as a...


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