Dangerous Attractions
- 4 years ago
- 29
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I hope that you’ve enjoyed the story series and the conclusion to this tale. Your feedback or comments are welcomed. I’ll be submitting more works in a variety of areas on literotica. Cheers!
The weekends never lasted long enough. Monday morning felt a bit ominous as the weather was overcast and raining softly. Dr. Connie Hatcher put on her champagne coloured satin blouse, maroon dress skirt and black jacket. She smiled as she adjusted her garter belt and smoky nylon stockings. Then she put on her burgundy heels that were a fairly close to the same colour as her skirt.
After getting dressed, made up, and having her morning coffee she grabbed her car keys and notes, then headed off to work. When she got to her office Denise had left her a sticky note on the door. She read it and smiled, then unlocked her office and signed in. After setting down her coffee and checking her answering machine she grabbed her notes and headed down the hall to Denise’s office.
‘Morning babe! You rang?’
Denise smiled.
‘We’ve got all morning before any clients today. I wanted to go over some things with you for our book. Some things that we agreed to almost three weeks ago. I needed to show you some things on video. But before I do I have to share a short clip with you. Have a seat. You’ll want to be sitting down for this.’
Denise closed the door and locked it. Then closed her blinds and curtains. She started the clip as Connie watched the large wide-screen TV in the corner of her office. This was normally a therapy tool, but today Denise seemed up to something odd. Connie was intrigued and curious.
As she watched, Connie saw herself on the video clip. The volume came on and she spoke.
‘Hello Connie, it’s me. I’m leaving you or perhaps I should say, leaving myself a message to be viewed in a few weeks. Denise and I have been discussing the emotional and provocation affects sexual dominance and interactions between both genders before, during, and after sexual encounters.’
‘In order to engage in this study we spent the past four weeks scouting out and recruiting male test subjects to engage in situation specific tests with an unprepared female subject who is to be subjected to various sexual situations and compromising positions. Male volunteers were screened for venereal diseases, dangerous tendencies, criminal records, and selected for their physical, mental, age, and socio-economic backgrounds. All of them signed a consent and release form and agreed to participate.’
‘Further, because of the need for real results and emotionally accurate responses from all male and female subjects test subjects agreed to be placed under hypnotic suggestion and set up to trigger a-typical sexual behavior toward the female subject based on verbal or behavioral cues.’
‘But after each act subjects were to compile in depth notes which were to be submitted to our research project before their minds are made to forget everything about the events that transpired and any actions or behavior that they engaged in.’
‘Due to the forced nature of some of our research scenarios and the need for in depth clinical observations made by a professional psychologist familiar with the subject matter, Denise and I agreed that one of us would need to volunteer to be the test subject while the other served as operations manager and data compiler.’
‘Given our skill sets it was only logical that Denise compile and screen the data while I interacted with the test subjects. I will forewarn you even though the project has not yet started, our scenarios are set up to place us in not only compromising sexual situations, but also to have video recordings and compilations from surveillance and spy cameras which were preplaced in each location and timed in sequence with each act.’
‘You will see me, er, you’ll see yourself engaged in some demeaning or strange situations. You will be shown having sexual engagement with colleagues, men that you know casually, and men that are unfamiliar to you. It’s part of the research and obviously it’s a choice I am making willingly for the better good of our project and the science behind this study.’
‘The exact same parameters exist for me as they do for our male subjects. After the fitness and health screening we will engage in the pre-established scenarios, followed by a time in which I will be mentally focused on every aspect of what took place and what I was thinking at the time.’
‘Consciously I will believe myself to be engaged in writing and working on our joint book venture. But subconsciously I will be forcing the mind and body to gather notes pertaining to what happened to me, how I felt, and any special mental or physical observations. After this time period I will completely forget or mostly forget the encounters and be unable to differentiate them from dreams or lustful fantasies.’
‘Doctor Wilder will conduct the hypnosis while Denise and a female staff member do the written data and compositional information gathering. I will be placing cameras and surveillance in the various sites along with our male volunteers even though they will not participate in viewing the acts or footage after they are done playing their part in the research.’
‘Please do bear in mind that the behavior that we experience from co-workers has been programmed into the test subjects and can have either little or no bearing to their actual personalities or proclivities.’
‘The same holds true for the participants of any of the more forceful or bondage related sexual encounters. Male participants will remember nothing and have no idea of what they were subjected to or behaved like without the video and written evidence to expose the truth. They have all agreed to participate and have their minds erased afterward. Every single participant has signed a release form.’
‘Good luck with the study. Hopefully what I go through, or in your case by the time you are watching this, what you have gone through, will greatly aid us in our emotional and mental studies of these interactions and dominance struggles! Knock ’em dead kiddo! Good luck Connie!’
Then the video cut out and static filled the screen for a second before it went blank. Denise looked at her quietly.
‘How are you doing Connie? You okay sweetie? Do you need a moment?’
‘I um… well, I’m a bit surprised. But I can’t remember having sex with anyone recently. Hell it’s been a few months since the last time I had sex Denise!’
‘Wellllll… Actually you had sex two days ago. This last Saturday Connie.’
‘I did? With whom? No. Wait. Scratch that! I don’t want to know just yet. First I have some questions. You recorded the stuff that happened?’
Denise shook her head.
‘No dear, WE recorded what happened. Every intimate encounter in great detail. Over a short period we pulled off what took us just over a month to set up. And the notes and observations are incredibly detailed! Really top notch stuff Connie! You were masterful!’
‘So you plan to show me the video footage?’
‘Well I will need your help to study and go over everything. I have a condensed track loaded up for you if you want to look it over briefly, but I have a lot more unedited and compiled footage to pour through and months and months worth of work ahead. It’s good stuff! Seriously. Twisted, but good!’
‘And every scenario has been staged?’
‘Precisely. Male participants did exactly as they were hypnotically programmed to do. So did you! It went perfectly!’
Connie took a deep breath.
‘Okay. Show me the condensed footage.’
Denise loaded it and spoke. ‘This is only a few highlights from each scenario. There’s a massive amount more to go over. But this should give you a basic idea. The videos for the moment will be played at a slightly faster than normal speed and there’s no sound.’
As the video played Connie watched herself driving
and noticing a shoe store. She pulled in to the store and was greeted by a nice looking Italian man who spoke with her and then she left to a changing stall and emerged wearing a cute new cocktail dress.
The man helped her try on shoes, taking the time to repetitively look up her dress and touch her legs and body. She went into a change booth with him and wound up sitting on a bench with both heels tied to brass hooks and her hands bound above her head. The man began having sex with her and then the video cut to the next scene.
One of the monthly office parties. The last one in fact. Denise and her were standing and talking. John tucker approached them and stared at each other them. They spoke. But the videos had no audio playing. After Mr. Tucker leaves Dr. Klines approaches and chats with them.
Then the video cut to Doctor Klines office. She saw herself on her hands and knees reaching behind the side of his desk for something. She gets stuck and the old man and her try to tug out. After a few tugs Dr. Klines flips up her dress hem and lowers her panties. Then he pulls out a huge erection and fucks her.
Connie gasped in stunned disbelief.
‘Old Doctor Klines? HE fucked me? Oh my God the man is a horse! Look at how huge he is!’ She gasped.
Denise laughed. ‘Oh there’s more.’
Now Connie saw Klines and Mr. Tucker tag teaming her over the doctor’s desk. ‘Mr. Tucker fucked me?’
Denise nodded. ‘Yeah, but not for too long. Just watch. There’s a lot of sex girl!’
As she watched the next scenario was at her house. Tim the lawn guy was there and had her looking over a contract. He kept looking at her as she absent-mindedly flashed him on a bar stool in an oversized T-shirt. Then she watched him go into her bedroom and start fucking her on her bed. Tim fucked her quite a bit and then in a shower before leaving her.
‘Wow! I have been busy!’ Connie exclaimed.
Denise nodded. ‘It um, it gets better. Watch!’
The video showed her driving around in her car running errands. Then a near miss and her flying into a rage and yelling at a man in a green car. She flipped him off and drove away. That shocked her. She never acted like that or road raged against anyone.
Then in the video the car pulled up to the curb by her front lawn. A tall angry looking black man came up behind her and they spoke. Obviously it heated up and he pushed her inside and closed the door. In the video he force fucks her briefly in the hallway before carrying her to the bedroom. She couldn’t believe the wild fight she was putting up!
The man tossed her onto her bed and prevented her from escaping. He binds her in her own silk scarves and fucks her. Then repositions her and fucks her some more. After more sex and some painful looking spanks to her butt he makes her suck his cock. Then he leaves the room and returns following Denise into the bedroom.
Connie looked up. ‘Aren’t you the control? What were you doing there?’ Denise blushed.
‘I’ll tell you later what happened. Meantime just watch!’
Suddenly the man forced Denise onto the bed and tied her down and fucked her. Then he left the room and returned to blindfold them. Soon three other black men entered and both her and Denise found themselves facing multiple partners in single, double, and triple penetration sex. Finally they get stripped down and fucked until the men climaxed and then left.
Then the video screen went blank and Denise killed the power.
‘So anyway, welcome back to work. You’ve had a busy week dear. Are you okay?’
‘I’m fine. Shocked or surprised perhaps, but fine. But I still wanted to know why you showed up in that last scenario. Was that something prearranged?’
Denise shook her head.
‘It’s going to sound awful and unprofessional as Hell, but Lamont was so hot I just had to get in on the action. The men were programmed to screw whatever female was there. So I took advantages and triggered Frank’s action word to get him to include me into the scenario. Then we both got fucked. Sorry girl. Sue me.’ She laughed.
Connie shook her head.
‘I might have known.’ But then added. ‘What I didn’t know was how old Sigmund Freud was hung! OH MY GAWD! I can’t believe I got fucked with that big ol’ monster penis!’ She said in an amused state.
‘Yeah I know. I didn’t realize he had so much to um… offer. It’ll be hard to look at him the same way again. That’s the only downside to all this. But he has no idea what happened. He doesn’t know that he fucked you, touched you, or had anything to do with you other than casual interaction during the party. So you’re fine!’
‘I wonder what would happen if he knew?’
They looked at each other and giggled.
‘Who knows Connie? From what I gather the hypnosis represses but doesn’t fully erase things. Modified behavior could exert itself, new impulses. Hard to say. But we have enough work to do without that sort of distraction!’
Connie nodded. ‘Agreed!’
Then grinned. ‘Still, I want to see all of that footage! I hope you got some good shots of that!’
Denise shook her head smiling.
‘I’ve created a porn monster! Great!’
They laughed and Denise opened the curtains and unlocked the door.
After lunch the two attended their appointments and then finished their work. They signed out but decided to stay after hours and study the videos since everyone else would be gone. There was no sound playing but Denise showed them at regular speed and both women sat on her couch facing the screen and started to take notes.
But watching Doctor Klines fucking Connie soon devolved into first Connie and then Denise as well hiking up their skirts and touching themselves as they watched everything. Denise did not realize that her office door was slightly ajar.
Nor did she care since the office was usually deserted about a half hour before closing except for all but the most dedicated or studious of employees. One such person was Doctor Klines.
Silently he stood by the door and listened to the soft moans and pants of the two women as they sat with their backs to the door and watched a huge TV screen. He cracked the door wider and as it silently opened a bit he could now see what it was that they were watching.
What he saw initially shocked and confused him.
HE was in the video!
But he wasn’t being the professional he prided himself on being. Instead he was behind Doctor Hatcher and obviously fucking her hard! As he watched the video he began to get strange flashes and memories in his head. Animalistic impulses flooding his mind.
It was as if a more primal and darker second personality had appeared and exerted itself in his thoughts and desires. The sounds of soft gasping women attempting to finger themselves to climax was driving him into a rare fervor.
Coupled with a sudden raging erection and the urge to dominate and fuck someone. He knew that he was going to have to act. His professional detachment was gone. Replaced by the need to capture, control, and ride these two hot younger women into sexual submission. He stepped quietly into the office and carefully closed and locked the door.
The two moaning and panting women didn’t hear this and continued to watch the video. They were obviously masturbating. He looked at the huge Victorian style leather couch with its oak scrolled hardwood inlays along the upper backrest. An idea hit him and he opened Denise’s desk drawer.
He knew she dealt with a variety of sexually dysfunctional patients and was pretty sure he’d find some toys or fetish items in that drawer. What he spotted was prefect. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs and three pairs of manacles with about eight inches of chain between the cuffs.
Then he snuck up behind the women and handcuffed the cuff through one of the wooden scroll openings in the middle of the couch. Denise and Connie were both wildly distra
cted and flush. Denise had one arm and her left hand resting over her head along the top of the leather cushion. Connie had both hands down between her legs.
So Doctor Klines clicked the cuff closed over one of the manacle chains and then clicked the cuff swiftly and quietly over Denise’s raised left wrist. As it closed and clicked her eyes popped open wide and she jerked her arm reflexively only to discover that she was manacled to the back of the sofa by one wrist.
Her gasp and wild jerk caused Connie to stop and look at her panicked coworker as Denise tugged and apparently had her left arm stuck up over her head. THAT was really strange she thought!
But stranger still was the pressure and click of a cuff on her right ankle causing her to glance down at her foot. Someone had manacled her foot to the leg of the sofa!
Both of them gasped in astonishment.
‘What the Fuck is this?’ Denise cried out.
‘My ankle is hooked to the sofa!’ Connie gasped in dismay. As Denis reached up to check the manacle the other cuff snapped down over her free right wrist and she was trapped. Now Doctor Klines stood up and walked around from behind the sofa much to both women’s bewilderment and disbelief.
‘D-Doctor Klines!’ Denise cried out. ‘W-wh-what are you doing here?’
He glanced at the screen and then at the disheveled women.
‘I might ask you the same thing ladies! How is it that I’m in a pornographic video with Doctor Hatcher?’
Denise hesitated. He was not supposed to see any of this. The hypnotherapist had warned her that visual exposure could trigger odd behavior and impulses as the mind struggles to put memories that have been suppressed back in order and focus.
‘It’s a long story Doctor Klines. It’s part of a research study. Believe it or not you and Connie both willingly consented to this and signed release waivers. But we had to hypnotize you both as part of the study. That’s why details are a bit cloudy.’ She explained.
‘I see. So Doctor Hatcher you consented to this carnal episode with me? Sex? Fucking? Lust?’
Connie was a bit embarrassed. ‘Yeah, pretty much…’
‘Hey we’re all adults here.’ Denise ventured. ‘It’s not like we haven’t all had sex or seen male or female body parts. It was done for science. No harm really. Just a man and a woman having intercourse. Right?’
He smiled.
‘Yes indeed! You’re right! Just a little sexual experiment right ladies?’ He walked around behind the couch and they didn’t see his pants come off or his shirt or underwear. They were trying to gather their thoughts and not look at him directly. ‘Well by all means then. Let’s do our part for scientific research. Why watch a video ladies? I have a better idea!’
Connie gasped as he grabbed her hands and manacled her wrists to the wooden scroll-work over her head along the couch back.
‘Um Doctor Klines, you’re not mad at us are you?’ She said timidly.
He walked back to the desk and grabbed more toys and then returned to the back of the couch. He shoved a ball gag into Connie’s mouth and put his index finger to his lips. ‘Shhhhhhhhhhh. Let’s not spoil our research with needless jibber jabber!’
He walked around to Denise’s side and stood up on the cushions before her with his monster cock hanging out. She started to speak but he shushed her too.
‘Shhhhhhhh, just open your mouth and suck it! Then I think you are both going to have to get a serious fucking and perhaps some other fitting actions to alleviate the situation! Now suck my cock!’
Denise opened her mouth and watched as he guided the huge organ between her soft wet lips. Beside her Connie stared at it and glanced back and forth between the sex on the TV screen and the oral sex taking place to her left. Her heart raced and her breathing quickened. This was real now!
Doctor Sigmund Freud Klines, aka, ‘Old man Monster cock!’ was here right now and getting himself ready to fuck one or both of them and there was nothing that either she or Denise could do to stop him!
Knowing and accepting the fact that sex was inevitable Connie decided to use this as an opportunity to observe her reactions and feelings. To really focus on remembering the important details so that later on she would be able to add them to the study data.
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A Year in Heels The Memorial Day party had wound down and all that was left were my wife and I and our hosts. Patty, my wife, was sitting beside me running her fingers lightly along the inside of my thigh. It was driving me insane. Her fingers glided easily over the silky stocking just below the hem of my skirt. I desperately wanted to guide her hand further up my thigh but instead I just smiled and kept on chatting with our neighbors. Frank and Sheila were sitting across from us....
That evening I convinced my loving hubby to drive me to the shopping mall.I wanted to purchase some new sexy heels for me and my girlfriend Helena had told me there was a little shoes shop at a corner, where I could get some sales…We went there after dinner at home. I had dressed for a kind of sexy dinner out with just Victor and me. I was wearing a black stretch miniskirt, with no panties and a very tight black tank top to cover my hardened nipples…We finally hit the little store around the...
A real story…I work now in a large office and with the hotter weather coming more and more ladies seem to be wearing less and less. This is great and I often sit at my desk, staring into space…remembering the smell, view and outline of the lady I followed up the stairs that day. It is not so easy sometimes to walk with a stiff cock in your trousers.I have two scenes I like to play in my mind while at work … one of which came true. The first – and still a dream – is one of my co-workers is a...
Further Misadventures of Miss High Heels Inspired by the classic Miss High Heels, I fell to wondering what other misadventures the divine Denis(e) could have at the hands of stepsister Helen and the sinister Miss Priscilla. Thus I came up with the following tale, narrated by Denis(e): Ritual Milking A week after the "death" of Denis Beryl had been announced and I had been reintroduced to the household as Denise, Phoebe was dressing me one morning as usual, but stopped once she had...
“High heels have always been Lee’s thing as well.” Olivia’s words hung in the air for a brief moment before a few of the other ladies let out a knowing cackle.Claire looked around, slightly embarrassed by her drunk friend’s somewhat loud, suggestive comments. Their party had arrived early and Ludovico’s was still almost deserted. That hadn’t stopped the drinks flowing early where the accounts girls were concerned; it was as if a few of the girls wanted to liven the venue up all by...
I had always kept my friend paul going about how much I fancied his girl mel , infact all of our group of friends did but he always laughed and joked along with us about it . she is gorgeous and how she has stuck him I will never know as he is a horny cunt and has been caught with other women a few times . any way we were in the bar at the weekend and usual banter was going on , we were all drunk and after a while ones were drifting off to other seats talking which left me and paul still...
The Hitman Wore Heels By Michele Nylons The well dressed man looked with disgust and loathing at the bum rummaging in the dumpster in the dark alley. Tony 'Tough Tony' Provalono had just left Scalini's, one of the best restaurants in New Jersey, where he had tipped the waiter more money than the hobo was likely to see in his lifetime. Tony was dressed in Armani; the gorgeous woman beside him in Prada; her Jimmy Choo...
I am just waiting for a text message, telling me where to meet Marcus. With Marcus, you never can tell what he’s up to. So today I decide to get a little adventurous with him and do what he wants. Any sexual encounter with Marcus is great, although I have a few rules, like no slapping or leaving any marks. “Come to my office around 2pm. Dress up in a dress and heels,” his text reads. Marcus had a thing for feet, pantyhose, stockings and high heels. That gives me an hour. So, I change out of my...
I am just waiting for a text message, telling me where to meet Marcus. With Marcus, you never can tell what he’s up to. So today I decide to get a little adventurous with him and do what he wants. Any sexual encounter with Marcus is great, although I have a few rules, like no slapping or leaving any marks. “Come to my office around 2pm. Dress up in a dress and heels,” his text reads. Marcus had a thing for feet, pantyhose, stockings and high heels. That gives me an hour. So, I change out of my...
FetishTHIS STORY IS LINKED TO MY GALLERY PICS OF GFS FRIENSDS HEELSSo the other night my gf's friend came to our house after work and asked if she could stay as she had fell out with her BF. Obviously we said yes. So she a secretary for a big firm and had a nice short skirt on and some sexy sexy heels (has great feet to and tattos) So we all ended up having a drink as you do and all night i was perving at her feet in the heels, even taking sneaky pictures. Anyway we was all stood on kitchen and...
I was around seventeen at the time. I was going through my rebellious, pot smoking phase and never really wanted to be around my family, so I basically lived with my best friend, Jon. He lived in a condo downtown. We just hung out, smoked, and played video games all day and night. It was a lot of fun. This story takes place during the summer post junior year. As I said, I was essentially living at Jon’s place at this time. So, let’s get to the point. Jon’s mother was a smokeshow. Her name was...
FetishThe first time that I remember, is that when a friend of my mother’s had come over to the house to give her a permanent. She was in her late twenties, single, medium build, a pair of sexy legs, red full mouth and I was horny and in a constant state sexual arousal . She kept smiling at me and licking her lips while giving my mother a permanent. I think it was because I kept staring at her sexy High-Heeled legs. She was wearing a very Tight Fitting Red Sweater, Black Form Fitting Skirt, Black...
Head Over Heels By Mary Beth Sanford Players: Martin, Sandy and Helen. Synopsis: Martin has fallen head over heels for a woman as she walks past his table in the library. He decides she's worthy of his best efforts as a conquest. He succeeds but it wasn't from his efforts. Actually it was Sandy's efforts and before long Martin is "heels" over "head" in love, and no, that isn't a mistake. His heels were far above his head most times. Facts From Fiction Before I...
She gazed at her shiny, red heels. New heels - freshly out of the box in which she had carried them home, complete with new-shoe smell and a gleam they would never quite achieve again. Tall heels. Daring heels.Slutty heels. They were perfect. She had plans for these. Tonight. She was getting horny just thinking about it. She sat, mesmerized, for a little longer, fantasising about her plans for later. She could feel herself becoming aroused - wet even. She began to move a hand towards her...
Been a while since ive wrote a story , got a new girlfriend and its just been normal sex so nothing really to write about until this morning . we were out on Saturday night along with 2 friends at a nightclub , just a normal night out drinking and dancing . I was all excited when my girl sent me a pic of what she was wearing , a black dress with her clevage showing , black tights and heels . I nearly had a wank just seeing her dressed like that lol . so we were out at the club and my girl and...
It is very difficult to be a Preacher's wife. Sue thought of all the things she had to do in order to live up to her Ms. Goody Two Shoes image. She must always dress modestly, never wear anything suggestive or serve as a cause for comment. Never, ever flirt with a man, no matter how young or how old. Never wear red lipstick or eye shadow. But, the thing she hated most was the ban on high heeled shoes. She loved wearing the high heels, the higher the better. Her customary flats made her look...
Bra, Panties, And High Heels Mom told Dad and I that we had to attend, that it was required, and that our admission had already been paid. Apparently we had donated several hundred dollars to Breast Cancer Research to save the Ta-tas. My mother has a bodacious set of ta-tas. My sister is well on her way to an even better set. I have been totally engrossed with female mammary glands since I hit puberty. My grandmother has a saggy set that grandpa calls Meat Puppets. We won’t go into...
Young Girl In High Heels When I first saw her in those shoes I was amazed that she could even stand up in high heels. She couldn’t have been any older than eleven or twelve at the time. I still called her ‘Brat’ but in an affectionate way of course. Brat is actually an acronym for Betty Rachael Ann Turner my pretty little niece. She is my sister’s daughter. She had two annoying little brothers that are several years younger than she is, so she became the built in babysitter. She...
Introduction: Exhibition & Mild Bondage and is written for and about older women that think they have been passed by and have lost their attractiveness and sex appeal! All you need is a pair of high heels Exhibition & Mild Bondage and is written for and about older women that think they have been passed by and have lost their attractiveness and sex appeal! Sharon was now almost 50 years old, an age that she had dreaded, in high school she had been a very skinny dark haired girl, her nick name...
I I had problems when I was young. I won’t go into all the horrific details because I want this to be a happy story and no one likes a whiner. I’ve always been blamed for the decisions I’ve made going all the way back into early childhood when I didn’t even realize I was making decisions. But they say children are not responsible. So at what point did I cross the line? at what point was I “supposed to know” the right and the wrong thing, for me and for everybody else? I don’t know and I’m sure...
LesbianHighway in Heels By Sabrina G. Langton This story is autobiographical. When I was 20 years old I used to drive a van for my parents from Brooklyn to Tarrytown New York once a week to drop off merchandise for retail shops in the area. I always had a full van on the way up, but on the way down the van was almost empty. It was the summer of 1985 and I was given twenty to forty dollars to make the drive. I did this for the entire summer while I was home from college. I was a...
The well dressed man looked with disgust and loathing at the bum rummaging in the dumpster in the dark alley. Tony 'Tough Tony' Provalono had just left Scalini's, one of the best restaurants in New Jersey, where he had tipped the waiter more money than the hobo was likely to see in his lifetime. Tony was dressed in Armani; the gorgeous woman beside him in Prada; her Jimmy Choo high heels echoed off the brick walls of the quiet streets. "Why do we always have to leave by the back door...
I am just waiting for a text message, telling me where to meet Marcus. With Marcus, you never can tell what he's up to. So today I decide to get a little adventurous with him and do what he wants. Any sexual encounter with Marcus is great, although I have a few rules, like no slapping or leaving any marks. "Come to my office around 2pm. Dress up in a dress and heels," his text reads. Marcus had a thing for feet, pantyhose, stockings and high heels. That gives me an hour. So, I change out...
Exhibition & Mild Bondage and is written for and about older women that think they have been passed by and have lost their attractiveness and sex appeal! Sharon was now almost 50 years old, an age that she had dreaded, in high school she had been a very skinny dark haired girl, her nick name was tooth pick, and she had never been looked at twice. She had a steady boyfriend did the prom thing, dated a lot, hugged and kissed some, but was never all that serious about marriage. After...
Meine Hochhackige Nachbarin MariaNa dann, meine Geschichte. Es ist schon eine Zeit lang her aber mir kommt es manchmal vor als wäre es gestern gewesen. Ich war 19 und wohnten abgelegen am Rande der Stadt. Unter uns eine Frau, Spanierin 30 Jahre eine Tochter und schon fast geschieden. Ihr Mann war sehr oft auf Montage und fickte da anscheinend alles was sich bot. Es kam oft zum Streit, meine Nachbarin Maria ihr Name war oft sehr traurig und einsam. So ein dummer Mann, er hatte eine wirklich...
You enter the room, wearing nothing but the red high heels I sent you. As you saunter across the room to the couch where I am sitting, I can't help but notice how gorgeous you look in high heels. My eyes travel from your feet, up your thighs. My eyes catch a glimpse at your recently trimmed pussy and I catch my breath. Your ample breasts are swaying side to side as you come closer and closer to me toward the couch. Once near the couch, you place one leg up on the couch, right next to my thigh....
Straight SexThe Mysterious woman in the Sexy High HeelsHe was at one of those old time Costume Ballsthe ones where everyone was wearing an intricateeye mask. He was drawn like a moth to the flameto a Mysterious woman in sexy High heelsDrawn to her curves of sensualityDrawn to her beauty from head to toe.She wore an anklet on one lega choker around her neckAs he drew closer to her hewas intoxicated by her scenttheir eyes methe saw into the paradise of her soulhe was enchanted and intrigued.She smiled at...
After Serena's visit to The Fetish Shoe Shop, Mrs Wyles, the owner, was in touch with her again. This time she wanted to know whether she would be willing to be photographed wearing her fetish shoes for publicity for the shop. Mrs Wyles pointed out that of course her face would not be shown in the photos. Serena agreed and Mrs Wyles told her that Roger, her photographer would soon be in touch with her. Roger phoned in a few days and made an appointment to visit her. One the day of the visit...
Her red heels means mom's ready for Teddy bare. by Oediplex 8==3~ “Hi everybody. I'm a little nervous, this my first meeting of SA. Deep breath, okay, here goes.” “Hi, my name is Ruby, and I am a sex addict. I guess we are suppose to tell our story? I'm here because my therapist said that I needed to cum, I mean be here - not . . well, sorry I didn't intend to make that pun . . but that is kind of the point isn't it? I needed to cum, and cum and cum again and again. I...