A Special Mother's Day free porn video

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John and Sue Davies had 5 children between them, all boys. From their first marriages John had Alan, who was now 17, and Sue had Brian and Charles, who were now 15 and 14. When John and Sue got together they tried for one more child between them. Sue, of course, secretly hoped it would be a girl. Instead she had twin boys, Michael and Nathan, who were now 11. Their house wasn't large, and only had 3 bedrooms for the children. Alan got his own room, though it was the smallest. Then Brian and Charles shared a room, as did the twins Michael and Nathan. As Mother's Day approached, the boys had decided they wanted to do something special for Mother's Day that year. They were out of inspiration, but had resolved to meet early on the morning of Mother's Day in Brian and Charles' room, in the hope of any last minute ideas. The older three were already there, when the twins came running in excitedly. "We know how we can make Mother's Day special!" said Michael. "Yes, we can do something magic!" said Nathan. "Magic?" asked Charles, "Yes, magic!" said Michael. "We bought some fairy dust at the school fair, see!" They produced a jar of crystalline white powder, which seemed to sparkle by itself. "Hey, woah" said Alan, "are you saying this is real fairy dust?" "Yes," said Nathan, "we've tried it." "How?" asked Brian. "Well..." the twins giggled. "You know how in Harry Potter, Dobby makes the cake fly?" said Nathan. "We did that yesterday with the cookies." "So that mess was caused by you, when you weren't even the room?" asked Brian. "Yes!" the twins laughed together. "OK OK," said Alan. "Before we get carried away, can you give a little demonstration." "Sure!" said Nathan. He got a little out. Michael stood with his hands outstretched. Nathan sprinkled some on him and said a little spell. Michael flapped his arms and began to levitate, to the amazement of the older 3 boys. Then Nathan snapped his fingers, and Michael fell on the bed. The twins burst into giggles. "Hey," said Charles, "maybe we can use this to give Mum something really special. Something she's always wanted." There was a silence. "Well..." said Brian. "We all know what she's always wanted more than anything else..." All the boys knew what this meant. Mum had always wanted a daughter. But surely not... "We could pretend to be girls!" said Michael. "'Pretend', why didn't I think of that!" said Alan. "We could cast a mind spell. Make Mum think we're girls, without actually changing us." "How?" asked Brian. "I saw a spell in Grandpa's old magic book that did this, I'm sure," Alan continued. "I used to read that book. Of course I didn't believe it, but now from what I saw, I think it might be possible!" Alan went to his room and brought back the old magic book. After a few minutes searching he found what he was looking for. "Here it is... 'Feminine for a day spell'." He kept reading: "Subjects are made feminine in their characteristics such as dress, hair, grooming and mannerisms. People they meet who know them have their memories temporarily altered, to think that the subjects have always been female; but the subjects remain completely male... The spell ends at midnight." "Sounds perfect!" said Brian. "It makes us appear female, but doesn't actually change us." "It would be kind of fun," said Charles. "OK then," said Alan. "Nathan and Michael, you do realise we'll need all the remaining fairy dust to do this." "That's ok" they said. So each boy took a little scoop of fairy dust, and Alan held the spell book. "OK, on the count of three, we'll all pour fairy dust on ourselves, and I'll say the spell," said Alan, "OK? ... One two three" They all sprinkled fairy dust on themselves, and Alan said the spell: "Abracabra, Abrcaday; makes us seem female, just for today!" ~~~~Shimmer~~~~ A shimmer of light spread through the room for several seconds. "Say, we're all wearing pink!" said Brian. It was true. All of their shirts or jumpers had changed colour to be pink. Also, each boy had a clip in his hair, giving it a more feminine style. "Say, you do look a bit girlish, Bri" said Charles to his older brother. "Why did you call me Bri, Charlotte?" said Brian. "Sorry, I called you Charlotte. I meant to say Charlotte." "Oh man, this is too weird," continued Brian, "I can't say your name, I can't avoid calling Charlotte Charlotte." "OK, let's say our names," said Alan. "I'm Lana. I'm ... " he tried to force out his male name. "Lana. That must be short for Alana. But I can't say Lana. There, I did it again." "I'm Natalie," said Nathan. "And I'm Michelle," said Michael. "And I'm Brianna, or Bri for short," said Brian. They all experimented for a while and found that their female names came naturally, and none of them could say their old male names. ***** "Well, it's time to go in to their room," said Alan, "This should be interesting. I'm not convinced by our disguises - we just look like boys dressed in pink and with hair clips to me - but I guess the magic will do its work on Mum and Dad." So they went down the hall and burst into their parents' room. "Happy Mother's Day," they all called out. "We thought we'd give a treat," said Alan, "of a special day with your daughters." But as soon as Alan had finished speaking, in his rather deep 17-year- old-male voice, there was a shimmer throughout the room. ~~~~Shimmer~~~~ "That's lovely of them Alan, but what are you going to do?," she said. The other boys looked at Alan, and realised that he was dressed as a boy again. But when they looked around, they realised there had been other changes. They were all now wearing dresses and had long hair. "Well then girls, go to the kitchen and I'll be out in a few minutes. After breakfast, I'd love to do some baking with my girls. And Alan, you can join in too if you want." The boys headed back to the kitchen. "What happened there?" Brian asked Alan. "I don't know. Let's go back to your room and check the magic book again," Alan replied. Alan found the spell and the others waited while he read. "OK, I see," said Alan. "I didn't notice this part. It says:" "If there is insufficient fairy dust, each boy is only partly feminised." It also says, "Any time one of the group acts in a way which is obviously masculine, the femininity leaves him and redistributes to other people in the group, making each of them more feminine." "So," said Alan, "I think what happened is that when I spoke in a deep voice, the magic left me and redistributed to the rest of you, making you all more convincingly disguised as girls." "Yeah, it even make our hair long!" said Charles. "We really look like girls, except that we're flat chested." He paused. "I'm sorry that I get out of it and you girls don't. I had no idea it would work like that." "That's ok," said Michael. "Yeah, this could be fun," said Nathan. "And Charles," said Brian, "Since our voices have broken, we'll have to make sure we put on higher voices." ***** The morning passed happily doing baking. Everyone agreed that Mum seemed especially happy, doing things with her supposed daughters. They weren't sure how she'd remember it after today, but at least she was having a lovely time. The magic made the 'girls' all call each other by their female names, and sometimes it was easy for them to forget that they were actually boys. At one stage Charles dropped a bowl of mix. "Eeep," he squealed in a very girlish voice, "hee, hee, sorry everyone," as they gathered in to tidy it up. Charles was shocked. How did a sound like that come out? Had his voice actually unbroken? "Charlotte," Brian whispered, "how did you do that? You sounded just like a girl?" "Well so do you!" said Charles. "Just listen to yourself." "Hello. Hello." (Brian tried a deeper voice). "Hello." ("That wasn't very deep," Brian thought to himself). He relaxed and said one more "Hello." It WAS high pitched. "Do you think our voices have actually changed?" said Brian. "Well... it does seem so," said Charles. "But I don't get it. The spell was only meant to change our appearance. Isn't our voice a physical thing - our voice box gets bigger when our voice breaks?" "I agree," said Brian. "But maybe the spell classes voice as a 'mannerism'." Charles rubbed the front of his neck. "I guess, but my neck does feel kind of different. I know my Adam's apple was never prominent, but... I dunno, maybe it's my imagination." ***** While waiting for the cookies, everyone had lunch. Eventually the cookies were out of the oven and the kitchen was mainly cleaned up. Then their mother said, "Girls, if we're going to have a girls' day, why don't we go out shopping? Maybe get a nice outfit for tonight, and perhaps go to the spa?" The boys weren't even sure what a spa was, but they had resolved to act like girls today, so they all agreed to go. After they were cleaned up, Mum looked at the twins. "Do either of you need to go to the toilet before we go?" Michael ran off to the toilet just off the room. Everyone heard him lift the lid and the sound was very obviously that of a boy standing to pee. The other boys looked at each other in dismay. Wasn't that a bit of a giveaway? Sure enough, moments later, there was another shimmer. ~~~~Shimmer~~~~ "OK, are my three girls ready?," Mum said to Brian, Charles and Nathan. "Wait a moment, I'll just go and brush my hair." They looked around at each other. There was only one noticeable change, but it was a very obvious one. All of them now appeared to have boobs. They each felt their chests tentatively. Each discovered that they were wearing some sort of a padded bra, giving the illusion that they had boobs. Even Nathan had a small training bra on. "Wow, this is weird," said Charles. "I guess the disguise is now complete." Nathan noticed something else. Charles had the longer hair, but he could see that Brian had ear studs. He felt his own ears. "Brianna, Charlotte, I think we've all got pierced ears too." Brian and Charles felt their ears. Nathan was right. "I guess that's what would have happened if we were girls," said Brian, "We've got to look the part to Mum for her mother-daughters day. Though it's more convincing than I'd like." ***** They got into the car and drove to the mall. Nathan sat in the front with their mother, while Brian and Charles sat in the back. Charles put his hand on his thigh. It didn't feel right. It was too smooth, and just felt different. Softer. He looked over at Brian. His legs looked smooth too. "Brianna," he whispered, "do your legs seem different to you?" Brian rubbed his legs. Then he realised. "They're shaved, Charlotte!" he whispered. "It's part of looking like girls." "But there's more than that," said Charles. "They're... don't they look different to you? I think our thighs are little... plumper." "No," said Brian, "the spell only changes our appearance, remember." But silently Brian thought, "He could be right." ***** They arrived at the mall. "Let's go to the spa. I was going to get a manicure, and I thought you girls would like that too. It'll be fun to do that together." "OK!" her 'daughters' said, doing their best to play along. As they walked, Nathan dropped back to talk to the older boys. "Girls, do either you feel kind of... itchy... on the chest?" "Where?" asked Charles, "Well you know, in two places. Where girls get boobs." "I've heard that happens when girls start growing boobs," said Brian. "Hopefully it's just part of the illusion." "But how does an itchy chest help the illusion?" asked Nathan. No one had an answer. They arrived at the spa for their manicures. Cream was applied to their hands, and their nails were trimmed and painted. While they were waiting for their nails to dry, Brian looked. Were his hands smaller? "Do your hands look... different?" he asked Charles. "I hadn't thought about my hands, but there's definitely less hair on my arms," Charles replied. "But look," said Brian, "my hands look smaller. And smoother. They couldn't pass as a guys' hands." "Are you sure that's not just because of the manicure?" asked Charles. "I'd like to think so," said Brian, "but I'm sure my hands were bigger than this. Don't they look like girls' hands to you?" Charles held his up. "I think mine look smaller too. I got distracted by having coloured nails. But I think you could be right." Brian and Charles were both getting bothered now. The spell was not meant to change them physically. What was going on? ***** After the spa, they went to the department store. Mum was really getting into this mother-daughters day, and was looking to buy each of the 'girls' a nice dress to wear out on special occasions. For both Brian and Charles, Mum helped pick out a cute semi-formal dress. Charles went all out and chose a dress which was mainly pink. Brian resisted slightly and chose a dark blue dress, though he till looked hopelessly girly. Finally it was Nathan's turn. He chose a light green dress. "Mum..." he called out from the change room. "I'm having trouble getting it on." His mum went into the change room. It turned out Nathan was trying to put the dress on backwards. "Silly girl," she thought. Then aloud she said, "Here, we'll need to take it off and turn it around." She took the dress off him, and Nathan was standing just there in his training bra and panties... with a very obvious penis bulge. ~~~~Shimmer~~~~ Again reality shimmered. Suddenly Mum and Nathan were in the boys' change rooms, and she was helping her 11 year old son Nathan get into a new pair of pants. Outside, Brian and Charles felt a shimmer. "Uh-oh, I think Nathan's blown his cover somehow," said Brian. "Well you just called him 'Nathan', so I think you're right," said Charles. "So have we changed any more?" said Brian. Charles looked down. "I dunno. But my chest feels funny." Charles walked into a corner out of view from any other shoppers, and gently prodded his chest. "HOLY-" he squealed, but managed to drop his voice. "Holy crap!" He pulled the neckline of his dress and looked down. There was something inside the bra. He could feel them and he could see them. He had boobs. They weren't big and they didn't fill the bra, but he definitely had boobs. When Brian saw Charles' reaction, he also hurried into the same corner. He too touched his chest. "Holy crap!" he whispered. "I can feel something. My chest has... boobs. You too?" Charles nodded, wide eyed. "Our suspicions were right," said Brian. "Our bodies are changing. But this wasn't meant to happen. We were meant to just LOOK like girls." "Like... girls... oh no..." said Charles, and reached his hand towards his crotch. A relieved smile spread on his face. "Phew, at least everything's still down there, as far as I can tell." Even though he'd tucked his penis under for the dress fitting, it seemed the same size as before. Now Brian reached down, and he also was reassured by the feeling of his tucked penis. "But we'd better stop feeling ourselves. We don't look very ladylike, looking down our dresses and feeling our crotches!" Mum and Nathan came out. Nathan was dressed as a boy, his hair was short and his ears were no longer pierced. He had completely reverted. "OK, let's buy these things and go home now," Mum said. No one was sure if Mum had a memory of her son Nathan at the spa, but she certainly now thought she had only two daughters. As they were walking to the car, Nathan whispered to the others. "You girls are shorter!" "What?" said Brian. "Usually you two are taller than Mum. Now you're about the same height!" Brian looked. Nathan was right. Also, he was usually taller than Charles. Now they were both about the same height, and about the same height as their Mum. "Wow, our boobs weren't the only thing that changed," said Charles. "What, you girls... have boobs now?" whispered Nathan. "Yeah," said Charles. "I don't know why. The spell's not meant to change our bodies." "We've got to check that spell book when we get home," said Brian, "Something isn't right." ***** When they got home, they immediately went looking for Alan and the spell book. They knocked on his door. "Alan!" said Charles in a very high pitched voice. "Who is it?" "Brianna and Charlotte of course!" Alan opened his door. He was shocked. He hadn't recognised the voices, and when he saw them, he couldn't believe how much his stepsisters had changed. "What happened?" "Well, when Michael peed standing just before we went out, we changed again. Then Mum saw Nathan in his underpants at the store, and we changed even more." "Oh I see," said Alan. "What's happened is the spell is concentrating. Every time one boy is removed from the spell, it gets more concentrated on the others. So that's why you're dressed so convincingly." "But we're more than dressed like girls. Our bodies are changing," said Charles. "Can't you tell, we're shorter," said Brian. "And... other places have changed too," said Charles, pointing at his chest. "What, that's not meant to happen!" said Alan in shock. "Can we see the spell book?" said Brian. "Sure," said Alan. He got the book, still open on his desk. "See, the 'Feminine for a day' spell." They looked at the book, and read: #### (begin quote) # FEMININE FOR A DAY SPELL # Subjects are made feminine in their characteristics such as dress, hair, grooming and mannerisms. People they meet who know them have their memories temporarily altered, to think that the subjects have always been female; but the subjects remain completely male. # The spell ends at midnight. # If there is insufficient fairy dust, each boy is only partly feminised. Any time one of the group acts in a way which is obviously masculine, the femininity leaves him and redistributes to other people in the group, making each of them more feminine. # Invocation: Sprinkle fairy dust and say, "Abracabra, Abrcaday; makes us seem feminine, just for today!" # SEE ALSO: 'Female for a day' spell. #### (end quote) "Hmm" said Brian. "We'd better check the, 'Female for a day' spell." So they turned to it, and read: #### (begin quote) # FEMALE FOR A DAY SPELL # Subjects are made female for a day. People they meet who know them have their memories temporarily altered, to think that the subjects have always been female. # The spell ends at midnight. # If there is insufficient fairy dust, each boy is made only partly female. Any time one of the group acts in a way which is obviously masculine, the femaleness leaves him and redistributes to other people in the group, making each of their bodies more female. # Invocation: Sprinkle fairy dust and say, "Abracabra, Abrcaday; makes us seem female, just for today!" #### (end quote) "Wow, do you see that?" said Charles. "The invocation is only one word different: 'Abracabra, Abrcaday; makes us seem female, just for today!' But the 'Female for a day' spell actually changes the subjects' bodies." "Did you say, 'feminine' or 'female' Alan?," asked Brian. "I don't remember," said Alan. Though secretly, he had a guilty feeling that he'd said 'female'. "Oh wait," said Brian. "There's more. Look, there's a warning on the 'Female for a day' spell:" #### (begin quote) # WARNING: # This spell should be used with extreme caution, because the reversal spell takes the path which requires least amount of magical energy. # If a person is completely female at the end of the day, and he has met a majority of people he knows, then it is a lot of magical energy to reverse the spell. The magic might 'decide' that it is less magical energy to leave him as female and simply alter the memories of everyone else who knows him. In that case, the person is left permanently female. # Because of this danger, it is STRONGLY recommended that beginners use the 'Feminine for a day' spell instead. #### (end quote) "Wow" said Charles. "I don't mean to keep saying this, but... holy crap!" said Brian. He continued, "If this gets concentrated into one of us, there's a big danger of that person becoming female... for life." "So we've got to try as hard as possible to not let that happen," said Charles. "I guess we're both half female at the moment, though I'm glad we're male where it counts most. But so long as we both stay that way, we'll both revert back tomorrow. But if one us becomes 100% female, there's a danger of the spell becoming permanent." "Yeah I'm sorry you're in this mess girls," said Alan. "Just both be super careful not to out yourselves as male, and you should be ok." Brian and Charles went out. Charles went to the kitchen to get a drink. Brian went back to his room. ***** Charles went and got a drink of water. This is quite scary, he thought. But as long as Brian and he stayed cool, and neither gave themselves away, then they would be ok. ***** Brian sat in his room and thought. This was a dangerous situation. If Charles accidentally outed himself as male, Brian would be female for the rest of the day. Worse, there would be a chance of him being stuck female for life. Charles might only do it by accident, but Alan, Michael and Nathan all outed themselves by accident. Then Brian had a thought. It wasn't a very honourable one, but it was motivated by self-preservation. Or at least, penis-preservation... If he, Brian, deliberately outed himself, then he would be safe. Yes, Charles would be in danger of being permanently female, but at least he (Brian) would be safe. It's selfish, but there was so much to avoid losing. Potentially, his manhood. And then Brian thought, what if Charles is thinking the same thing? ***** Charles sat down and thought more about what happened. Yes, the twins had been careless and outed themselves by accident. But the twins were young and silly. He was sure he could trust Brian. ***** Brian pulled his neckline down and looked at his beginnings of boobs. No, I don't want a life of this, he thought. And if I don't, he probably will, he thought. I have no choice. Brian was conflicted, but decided he had to do it. He reached under his dress, and untucked his penis, so it would be really obvious once he was in panties. Then he grabbed the new dress his mother had bought, and headed for his mother's room. ***** Charles saw Brian walking past towards their mother's room. He thought nothing of it. He didn't see the new dress, because Brian was concealing it. ***** Brian was in luck. Mum was in her room alone, reading. "Can I come in?" "Sure Brianna." "Can I shut the door?" "Why?" "It's this dress. There's something funny about it. I don't think it fits right. Can I get changed into it and show you?" "OK," she said. Brian shut the door and began to get undressed in front of his mother. "You can get changed in the corner." "No, here is ok," said Brian. He dropped the dress and stood in front of his mother, in just a bra and panties, with the panties showing a very obvious penis bulge... ... which Mum saw. ~~~~Shimmer~~~~ Brian was now standing there in his boxers, holding up his new pair of pants. "Hurry up and put them on Brian. I don't really need to see you in your boxers!" Brian pulled up the new pants. He smiled contentedly. Mum was looking at how the pants fit, but he was barely listening. "Yes, they look fine Brian. I don't know what you were worried about. And get changed back in your room, if you don't mind." ***** Outside, alone in the lounge, Charles felt the shimmer. It was much stronger than the other shimmers, and seemed to go through his whole body. After it passed, he composed himself, and looked down. His boobs looked bigger. He realised after a moment that they felt bigger too. He could actually feel the bra material with his skin. His boobs had expanded to fill the bra. Gently he touched them. They were full sized. They probably weren't that big. But to a boy who'd never had any until a couple of hours ago, they seemed huge. After a few moments he realised he hadn't thought about down below. In fact, he couldn't feel anything down below. Was that good or bad? Probably bad, because he then realised he couldn't feel the squeezing, and he couldn't feel his penis tucked underneath. In fact, he couldn't tell where his penis was. He could sense it, but it didn't seem to be against anything or pointing in any direction. He reached a hand up under his dress and ran it up his leg. He was used to finding a penis, of course. To his shock, he got to the top of his leg and felt where it joined his body, but there was still no penis. He reached across to his groin. Nothing. Just flatness, with a slight vertical indent. "No!" he gasped. But it was true. He felt under and around. His penis and balls were gone. He was entirely female. Just then he saw Brian, looking 100% male, coming from the direction of his parents' room. Charles stood up. Brian saw him and went red. "Brian! What did you just do?" "I, err, I was talking to Mum..." Charles saw the pants in his hand. He raised his voice. "Did you get undressed in there??" "Well, I..." "DID YOU?" he said in shrill voice. "Look, calm down sis, the dress didn't fit right..." "Oh come on, what did you think was going to happen? We discussed not outing ourselves, and 5 minutes later you're getting undressed in front of Mum." Brian said nothing. "You did this on purpose, didn't you?" "Well..." "DIDN'T YOU?" Brian swallowed and tried to gather his thoughts. "Well what was I meant to do?" "You were meant to not out yourself!" "I felt I had to!" "What, so you saved your dick and risked me being stuck?" "It was you or me!" "No, we could have both kept up the act and we both would have been alright!" "But you saw what happened today! Alan, Nathan and Michael revealed they were male by accident. It was bound to happen! And I couldn't risk it! It's just a game of chance, so I figured the chances may as well be in my favour!" "No it wasn't bound to happen! All we had to do was be careful! You're not 11 years old like Nathan and Michael!" Brian was silent. "Look what you've done to me! I could be stuck like this!" said Charles. "Why is that so bad? 50% of people manage." "Then why don't you try it?" Brian had no answer. "I can't believe you Brian." He began to cry. "I trusted you, and you betrayed me. I'm... I'm all girl now. And I could be stuck like this. And it's your fault!" Even though Brian now towered over him, Charles felt like hitting him. Just then, Mum came out. "Brian, Charlotte, is something going on?" "Umm... just a brother-sister argument," said Brian. Charles glared at him. "Well, it's almost time to go out. You know our Mother's Day routine: no cooking for me tonight! The whole family goes out to a restaurant. You can wear that lovely new dress Charlotte." Charles stormed off to their room. He picked up the dress, which he knew he'd have to wear. Mum made a big thing of the Mother's Day dinner, taking a photo for the album before going out, so she'd want everyone in good clothes, which meant him in the new dress. Brian came in sheepishly. "O hello Judas," said Charles. "I don't want to share a room with you!" He grabbed the new dress, and went to Alan's room. "Oh, Charlotte, did something happen?" said Alan. "Yes, Brian got undressed in front of Mum. So now I'm the only girl. And I am ALL girl now, if you know what I mean." "Oh... that sucks," said Alan. "But look, I tell you what," Alan continued. "The spell is only for tonight. We can swap rooms for tonight. I'll take my stuff and share with Brian and sleep in your bed." "Thanks," smiled Charles. Alan gather some stuff and headed into Brian and Charles' room. Charles put the dress down and went back and got his laptop, pillow and pyjamas. Then he returned to Alan's room and shut the door. ***** "Well," thought Charles, "I might as well see what I look like." He removed his dress and looked down at his body in just bra and panties. (There was no mirror of course, being a boy's bedroom). He was amazed at how much boob was visible over the top of the bra. He reached around and, with some difficulty, undid the bra and took it off. He was stared in wonder. The nipples looked huge, and each entire boob was soft and supple. He had a little feel. There were quite sensitive. Certainly not unpleasant to feel or touch. Although they got in the way, and he wished he didn't have them, he had to admit that they did feel nice. Even before he pulled his panties down, the sight of his crotch was almost too much to bear. He was so used to seeing a penis bulge. But the pink panties hugged his shape in an entirely alien way, or at least alien to him. No bulge at all, just smoothness. With trepidation, he pulled his panties down, and saw a bush... and nothing else. He sat on the bed and spread his legs so he could take a look and have a feel. Pubic hair seemed to begin at about the same place as before, and the top of the pubic mound felt about the same as before. But as he ran his fingers down, instead of finding a penis coming out, his shape just continued down and around. Eventually he came to an opening. The outer lips, he knew they were. He pushed inside them and felt the inner lips. At the top of them was something which felt very sensitive, rather like a very small penis. He tried to look, and it did look perhaps like the tip of his former penis, but much smaller. His penis had become a clitoris. Then there were the inner lips, which seemed rather difficult to get a finger in, so he left them. It was time to get dressed for dinner, after all. So he pulled the panties back up, noting with disgust how they pressed against the front of his crotch, a constant reminder that he had no penis there. Then he had to get the bra back on. It wasn't easy, but after several tries he managed to hook it at the back. The dress was kind of easy to get on. Again he silently cursed Brian. If he ended up stuck female, Charles wasn't sure if he could ever forgive Brian for this. He fumed. He slipped his shoes on, and went to the bathroom to brush his hair. His spirits were lifted for a moment when he realised that he did look pretty darn hot, and the pink dress was pretty. But then he caught himself: "why am I thinking this?" he thought, "I don't want to be 'hot' or 'pretty'. I just want to be Charles!" It took him several minutes to brush his hair, and put the hair clips back in. Finally, before leaving the bathroom, he thought he'd better use the toilet. As he prepared to sit, he realised the seat was up. "Oh great," he thought. "I've got to always put the seat down. Another reason I don't want to be stuck like this." He hiked up his dress, lowered his panties, and sat down. He was surprised at the sensation of pee dribbling out. It came out lower than where he thought it would. Even though the clitoris had the sensation of a penis, pee was actually coming from below it. He took another look at his vulva as he wiped it, trying to be sure all the pee was off before pulling up his panties. He came out of the bathroom and went downstairs. All his brothers, being boys again, were already ready. Everyone had been waiting for him. He was embarrassed, but told himself it wasn't his fault: he wasn't used to this, and the only reason he was like this at all was because of the mistakes (or in the case of Brian, deliberate mistakes) which his brothers had made. Dad took the traditional Mother's Day photo of Mum and her children. Usually Nathan and Michael were on either side of her, but this time Charles was in the middle next to his mother. Am I the favoured child tonight, Charles thought? Mum does seem more fond of me than usual, anyway. ***** Dinner at the restaurant was fairly uneventful. It was interesting to see how his parents treated him differently though. Mum seemed to assume that Charles (or Charlotte as she though of him), not Alan, was the most mature child; so Charles was tasked with pouring cola for the twins. Dad was very kind and complimentary to him. He evidently enjoyed having a daughter. Charles did find himself shut out when Dad started talking sport with the boys, even talking straight past him to ask Nathan's opinion on one football player, even though Charles had remembered watching last week's football on TV. Oh well, Charles thought. He talked to Mum instead, who was next to him, when the others got talking sport. Mum seemed to enjoy having a girl to talk to. Part way though dinner, Charles noticed Melissa, a girl from school, sitting at another table, presumably with her family. He turned a little so his back was to her. He knew that he should be seen by as few people he knew as possible, because the spell said that the more people who knew him who saw him as a girl, the more chance there was of him not changing back. But fortunately, Melissa didn't seem to see him, and the rest of the time at the restaurant passed without incident. The family got home, and Charles was relieved. Despite going out to dinner, he'd managed to go the whole day without seeing anyone he knew outside his family, so the spell only had to temporarily alter the memories of his mother and father. That should be enough to have him safely change back tomorrow. He went to Alan's room and got changed for bed. Charles went on Facebook. He didn't post anything, but he looked and was glad to see that everyone on there referred to him as "Charles." There was no indication that anyone thought he was meant to be called Charlotte. That was a relief. Most people thought he was "Charles," so he should be safe. He looked at Alan's clock. It was 9.55, but Charles was already ready for bed. It had been a long day: he had gone out twice and done a lot of things with his family, especially his mother. And then there was the emotional toll of the day, topped off by the betrayal by Brian. So he turned off the light and went to sleep, looking forward to a normal day tomorrow. ***** Charles woke up early on Monday morning, around 6.30. "Why am I in here?" he thought, realising it was Alan's room. Then he remembered the day before. But this was very different from Alan's room as he remembered it. The colours were mainly pink. There were dresses draped on the chair and an assortment of girly looking things on the dresser. A girl's room? Charles sat up with a start. His pyjamas had turned pink too. Worse, there was two bulges on the chest. Nervously, he reached under the sheet to feel his crotch. His hand got closer and closer, though he had a feeling what he would find... Nothing. Just smooth panties over a female vulva. "No!" he said in that unfamiliar high voice. He felt more around his smooth crotch but it was true. He was still a girl. He got up, and saw that the room now had a mirror. He looked. Yes, this was the same Charlotte he had been yesterday. "So, this room has changed and I haven't. Has anything else changed?" he wondered. He went on to Facebook and his heart sank. His page now said, "Charlotte Davies." And when he saw the first item in his newsfeed, he saw why. His mother had posted the family Mother's Day photo on Facebook. Mum hardly ever used Facebook, but she had posted that photo of her and her 5 children. She had also tagged Charles (as "Charlotte Davies"), meaning all his friends would see it. It was, unfortunately, a very good photo, with everyone smiling, and Charles looking lovely in the new dress. 56 friends had "liked" it. Who knows how many others had seen it. Charles groaned, then began to cry. His mother had sealed his fate. By posting the photo to Facebook, most of his friends had seen him as Charlotte. With so many memories altered, the magic just left him as Charlotte. It was done. Charles was gone. He was stuck as Charlotte. He began to cry. ***** But then his thoughts turned to Brian. Yes it was also Mum's, Alan's, Michael's and Nathan's fault, but they all did it by accident. Brian had stabbed him in the back on purpose. He was going to make him pay! Though he wasn't sure how. He went down the hall and burst into his old room. Alan and Brian were both still in bed. "Charlotte!!" said Alan. "Wrong room Sis!" said Brian. "Don't you 'wrong room Sis' me. This is your fault." "What?" "That I'm still like this?" "Like what? Your bed hair?" Charles stopped. There was no trace of irony in Brian's voice. After a few seconds, Charles spoke again, "Don't you know there's something I'm meant to be angry about?" "No" said a genuinely puzzled Brian. Charles turned to Alan. "Can you remember me venting to you, Alan?" "No," said an equally puzzled Alan. "OK," Charles sighed. "Sorry guys." He closed the door. In desperation he went into the twins' room. They were still in bed too. "Good morning guys." "What are you doing in here, Charlotte," said Nathan. "That fairy dust we used yesterday, can you get any more?" "I don't think so," said Michael. "It was at the school fair, and it was the only jar there. We don't know who it came from or anything." "We only bought it for a bit of fun. We had no idea it was real," said Nathan. "Not that it was that great," said Michael. "We tried looking like girls for Mum's sake, but we all blew our cover. So by dinner time it was back to just you. We all made terrible girls. I guess it was fun for a day, but I like it better now we're all back to normal, with you as the only girl." "So I don't think there's much chance of getting any more," said Nathan. "Why do you want some, anyway?" "It doesn't matter," said Charles, starting to cry again. ***** Charles went to the bathroom and locked the door. Partly to use the toilet, but partly to compose herself. The seat was up again. "Stupid boys," he muttered, "does this mean I have to put up with this too from now on?" He pulled down his panties and sat down. He looked at his crotch. He was so used to seeing a penis there. Now there was just nothing. Well, he knew he had a vulva in there under the hair, but it seemed like his penis has simply been removed. He relaxed, and again heard the girly "pffft" and the strange feeling of pee dribbling out from underneath. He felt so helpless. Never again would he just stand and point. There was no escaping it. He was not male in any way. He was a girl. And no one remembered him being a boy. It was Brian's fault. Worse, Brian doesn't even remember doing it. So he couldn't even be angry at him. "How can I blame him for something he doesn't remember, something no one remembers except me?," he thought. But then he wondered, maybe it's not only Brian's fault. Maybe, in some sense, it was his fault? He did seem to be the girliest girl yesterday. It was he who squealed in the kitchen, he who enjoyed painted nails, and he who picked the prettiest dress. And most of all, it was he who kept up the female act while everyone else couldn't. Maybe it was fate? Maybe, if he deserved to stay male, he would have done what Brian did? "Either way, it doesn't matter," he thought. "I'm a girl now. And there's nothing I can do about it." ***** Charlotte walked back to her room. She didn't bother shutting the door. She looked again at the Facebook photo on her laptop. She had to admit she was smiling like someone who was enjoying looking pretty in a dress. Mum had written the embarrassing photo caption, "My kids are growing up: four handsome young men and one beautiful young woman." "How ironic" she thought to herself. "Mum probably only posted that because she enjoyed having a daughter so much yesterday. And now, thanks to her posting it, she's got one for life." Mum walked past the open door. She could see Charlotte looking at the photo on her laptop. "Good morning Charlotte. I hope my photo didn't embarrass you." "Sort of... it's just weird seeing myself called a 'beautiful young woman'. I'd never thought of myself as a 'young woman' before." "It's just part of growing up, Sweetie. I wrote it because it's true. You ARE a young woman." "Yeah," said Charlotte with a resigned smile. "I know I'm a young woman now. It just takes some getting used to the idea." The End.

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My mothers bedroom window

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mothers day

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Dont Open Till Doomsday

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Mothers and Daughters

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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

2 years ago
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SMOMS Submissive Mothers Organized for Mutual Support

"H-hello. My name is Claire McBice, and I have been under my son's control for nearly two weeks." It's hard to take a breath after introducing myself. The small circle of women listening may be my last hope to escape dire circumstances. My marriage is on the verge of collapse. My eldest daughter has fled our home, and my youngest boy will undoubtedly, soon discover his older brother's crimes against me and his father. I am filled with fear, but right now I am more afraid of these...

4 years ago
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Mothers and Daughters Motel Fuck Part 2

“You cunt” the mother said “$100.00”, “no way $50.00”, I said “unless you want to go for broke and give up that ass of yours”. “$5 K” the mother said, “Fuck off” I said, “$500”, “no way” said the mother, “that monster cock is not going in my ass for less than $3 K”. “There are a 1000 dollars in the nightstand, take it or leave it” I said.“YOU Cunt” said the mother, turning to her daughter she stroked her hair kissed her forehead and turned and said “Show me”, standing and walking to the...

4 years ago
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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 5 Creating MommySluts

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Creating Mommy-Sluts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich thrust into his mother's pussy. She was bent over the break room table for the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Ulrich was one of the young men who worked there, all devotees of the new god, Henry Archer. They had formed their own Mother Fuckers Club, Ulrich's mom, the supervisor of the shipping...

3 years ago
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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an office-slut story.This is a story around a mother, Connie Mason, and her daughter, Dawn. Connie is 36 and Barb is 19. Both women are trim with blonde hair that is...

3 years ago
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Mind Controlled Mothers ClubChapter 2 Mommy Slut Orgy

In the shipping department of The Institute of Apotheosis Research, Ulrich Geller threw his mom down across the sorting table, his hands ripping up her tight pencil skirt. The short, black-haired women moaned and wiggled as she squirmed. “I ... I have to become a slut, don’t I?” his mother asked. She ran the shipping department where the young man worked. Recently, they sent out a Halo to create their newest God, Henry Archer, and his lesson had inspired Ulrich to finally claim what he ached...

4 years ago
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Mothers Manifesto Centre Of The StormChapter 2

I had spent a couple hours in the mall by myself - brooding and thinking, hating myself, hating my life. After the mall closed I made my way by skateboard to the back of the house, parking myself between two large garbage bins and waited in that dark cold alley. It was like Jason had explained, it was dark and empty as promised. He had even given me a slip of paper with the fucking alarm code on it. Too easy. Gord had reminded me to wear gloves and all I had was my old baseball batting...

4 years ago
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Indian Widow Mothers Hero Part 3

Now alone, Madhav couldn't believe what had happened. The events of the day all seemed to mesh into one outrageous orgasm of emotions. First there had been happiness at his homecoming, then rage at Ramesh, then humiliation of being aroused by his mother. Next had come the hot, steaming stimulation that it had lured both of them into an act so vile and depraved, he still couldn't believe it had happened. How would all this change their life, he wondered? He didn't know, but he did know it would...

2 years ago
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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial story.This is a story around a mother, Michelle and her daughter, Natalie. Michelle is 40 and Natalie is 20. Both women have dark brunette hair that...

4 years ago
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474 mothers ruin

474 mothers ruinIt was fully midday on the Tuesday when Beryl got home, a large and a small cottage pie under a cloth lay on the counter showed Amy had been a busy girl, Tony wasn’t expected till just after Three, so they had coffee together then Beryl helped her mother select clothes that she felt appropriate, Amy saying, “she felt like a bride on a first night, strangely nervous and excited in one for some reason!” and that she, “had never had sex to order before, sex at a set time, sex that...

3 years ago
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This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a story around a mother, Karen, and her daughter, Lily. Karen is 43 and Lily is 18. Both women have golden blonde hair that falls to the shoulders. Karen’s breasts are D-cup, Lily’s...

4 years ago
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473 mothers Ruin

473 mothers Ruin It was Monday again, just one more week till Easter Would be over, Beryl was packing, for her departure, they would all miss her. This week Jim was double shifting, his oppo, Sid having flue, it was their way, covering for each other. Mother was starting out with her hubby about 5.30 of a morning. Beryl was in her brothers bed by 5.40! Amy got home via a bus at around 9 or 9.30, by when the deed had been done and two happy souls were up and in Tony`s case off to school, Beryl...

2 years ago
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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW:This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three c***dren. Olivia has dark brunette hair...

2 years ago
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This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a bestial story. This is a story around a mother, Olivia (Liv) and her daughter, Patricia (Pat). Olivia is 49 and Patricia is 22, the youngest of three children. Olivia has dark...

2 years ago
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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial story.This is a story about a mother, Erin and her daughter, Fran. Erin is 47 and Fran is 20. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the...

3 years ago
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This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is an interracial story. This is a story about a mother, Erin and her daughter, Fran. Erin is 47 and Fran is 20. Both women are dark brunette hair that falls to the shoulders. Both...

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