The Wages Of Sin-Part Three free porn video

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This is part three of a series. I suggest reading “The Wages of Sin Parts 1 and 2” first.

It was the following Sunday. I was standing outside the Acolyte Room waiting for Erica and Meredith to get done changing. Meredith and I had some “disciplinary matters” to “discuss”. I could hear them talking, and was about to knock to see when they would be out when I overheard…

“So what happened?” asked Erica. “I waited as long as I could, I had to leave. If I had gotten home late, my Dad would have added eighteen lashes to the thirty that the Verger already gave me. My ass was already on fire.”

“I got thirty, too.”

“How come only thirty? That’s what I got for one bottle of wine. You’ve been taking wine all summer; I know because the Rock twins blabbed.”

“Well, remember how you had to take your alb off?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Well, so did I.”

“Wait, he made you take off your alb? But, you weren’t wearing anything underneath. Not even underwear. You mean…”

“Yep, thirty with a belt on my bare ass.”

“Forget that part, Mer; he saw you naked!?”

“Oh, yeah. Real naked.”

“What does that mean?”

“You know how you had to lean against the wall and not move? Well, I’ve never, and I mean never, been spanked; much less spanked on my bare ass with a belt. I couldn’t hold still, so he tied me over the prayer desk with my legs spread. EVERYTHING was sitting up for him to see.”

“Oh my god! What was it like?”

“It was…stimulating.”

“What does that mean?”

“C’mon, you mean you didn’t see that huge bulge in his pants after he got done whipping you?”

“Well, yeah, but so what. My Dad is the same way after he gets done whipping me.”

“Geez, Erica, how naïve are you? The Verger had a boner! A stiffy! An erection, for god’s sake!”

“Ew, gross! You mean he was getting off on spanking me?”

“Yes, and apparently so does your Dad.”

“I don’t even want to think about that! What about you? Did he get off hitting you?”

“Oh yeah, big time.”

“Oh, wow…”

“And so did I.”


“It was, I don’t know, hot. I mean I’m bent over, and he’s whacking my ass and each time he hit me I could feel it on my ass and it hurt; but I could also feel it in my pussy and it made me wet. Then he started rubbing my ass with lotion, and I’m like out of control.”

“He touched you? On your naked butt?”

“Amongst other places.”


“Well, first he’s rubbing my ass with lotion, and I’m getting super horny; and suddenly he’s fingering my asshole and my pussy while diddling my clit. I’m no virgin, but I’ve never had anything up my pooper. It was the most amazing orgasm I ever had.”

“You came?”

I needed to stop this conversation. I quickly rapped on the door, hard and loud, and asked “Are you girls done yet? I’ve got things to do and I need to get into the room.” There was silence for about thirty seconds, and then the door slowly opened. “What was taking so long?” I demanded, knowing full well but testing to see how much they’d admit to.

“We were just comparing our punishments from last week, Sir,” Meredith quickly offered.

I noticed that they were both still in their albs. “You’re still vested. How much longer will you two be?”

“Give us another five minutes, Sir, and we’ll be done,” chirped Erica.

“Okay, five minutes. And try to nip the gossip, please.” I closed the door, but remained just outside. I wanted to see how much more Meredith would reveal. But all I heard were whispers. At the end of five minutes, I knocked again. “Ready?”

“Ready!” they replied in unison, and the door opened. They were both still in their albs, standing shoulder to shoulder in the center of the room. They were hiding something behind them, but I couldn’t tell what it was.

“Okay girls, what’s up? Fun is fun, but you two are still in your vestments and I already told you I’ve got things to do,” as I looked Meredith square in the eye.

“We know, Sir,” Erica replied. “We’re sorry we wasted your time. We deserve to be punished.”


“Yes, Sir. Punished; just like I was last week,” Meredith chimed in.

I was stunned, to say the least. Obviously, at least part of the whispering was Meredith filling Erica in on the rest of the events that had taken place. But that couldn’t have taken a whole five minutes considering they had not even changed. Something else was going on. “What exactly do you mean?” I asked. The girls parted, revealing the brass “prie dieu” that I had tied Meredith to the week before, back in position in the center of the room.

“I want to be punished like you punished Meredith, Sir. I want you to spank me on my bare bottom; I want you to…well…”

“She wants you to take her virginity, Sir. You know, pop her cherry,” Meredith offered for her.

“You don’t need me to punish you to get that,” I said. “I’m sure that there are any number of boys your age willing to take on the task.”

“I would rather it be you, Sir. Here, and now, Sir.”

I could feel my cock beginning to swell at the thought of having another naked young girl at my mercy. “Are you certain?” I asked. “Do you know what this means?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, in a meek voice that sounded much younger and innocent than her age would otherwise indicate. “Meredith explained how I got you excited when you beat me last week, how your penis became huge and hard. She told me how you saw her naked, and spanked her naked; how you rubbed your hand on her bare bottom. She told me about how you put your fingers into her anus and vagina, how you fingered her clitoris until she had an orgasm. How you then shoved your swollen penis into her vagina while you fondled her breasts and pinched her nipples until you both had an orgasm. No man has ever seen me naked or touched me naked. No man has ever put anything into my anus or my vagina. I’ve never had an orgasm. I’ve never made a man have an orgasm. I think I want those things now, Sir. I want them from you, Sir.”

I was stunned, but even more so when Erica loosed her cincture, unsnapped her alb, and let them drop to the floor; revealing herself to me just as Meredith had done. And what a revelation she was. A little taller than Meredith, she was also a little slimmer, her body not quite as fully matured as evidenced by the lack of any real curves at the hips. If there was a plus to her lesser development, though, it was that her breasts sat firmer and higher than Mer’s. Glancing down, I noted that the hair on her Venus mound was also more sparse, but her vulva and labia were just as swollen as any woman I’d ever fucked. If my mind had any doubts, my dick didn’t. It was now hard as nails.

“Okay,” I said. “If that is what you truly want, then bend over the front of the prayer desk.”

“Yes, Sir. But there are two conditions, Sir. First, please don’t use your belt. That would remind me too much of my father punishing me.”

“Okay, I will use my hand. And the second?”

“I want Meredith to stay and watch. I do not want to be alone.”

I looked over at Meredith, and the look I got back was curious. There was a hint of a gleam in her eye. “Well?” I asked. And she agreed.

Erica walked over to the desk and assumed the same penitential position that her mate had. I was about to pick up the cincture to fasten the girl in the same exposed potion when Meredith took off her own and said, “Please, let me do it.”

“Okay.” As I stood back and watched, I noted that Meredith seemed to be getting some sort of thrill from trussing up her fellow server. There was an unstated sensuousness as she moved each extremity to its spread position before tethering it to the desk. I got my first glimpse of Erica’s untapped sex, the part of her lips directly between her legs devoid of hair; making it just that much easier to see the arousal she was feeling in such a vulnerable position. I could see her cute little pink rosebud, slightly flexing open and closed to her increased breathing rate. I could tell that Meredith was looking also.

“On with it then,” I announced. “Now this will hurt, even though it is my hand and not a belt. We will start with ten. You will not need to count them or thank me, as this is not a true punishment.” I slowly ran my hand over her bare flesh, feeling the tautness of her youthful posterior.




At ten I stopped. Her cheeks were a nice shade of dark pink. I ran my hand over the punished area, feeling the heat. As with Meredith, I let my index finger trail down the crack between her cheeks, lightly brushing across her sphincter. She flinched, but moaned. I could see the dew beginning to form along her slit.




At ten more, I stopped again. Again, I examined the effects of my work. Erica moaned and pushed back at my touch. Her arousal was even more evident, her more delicate inner lips now starting to protrude from between the thicker outer lips; her pronounced clit fully engorged, echoing her pulse. She was so wet now that her juices were running down her legs. I was sorely tempted to bend down and lick her pussy lips; to bury my tongue in her hot, wet crevice; to take her nubbin between my lips and suck on it until she came.

Instead, I stood back. “Final ten now.”




Thirty. Her ass was really red. So was my hand. I looked over to Meredith, intending to ask for the hand lotion she carried, Erica and I both needed it. She was mesmerized. “Hand lotion,” I barked, snapping her out of her reverie. Taking the tube, I squirted some onto Erica’s abused butt; then began rubbing it in, soothing us both.

Just like Meredith, this elicited groans and a backwards thrusting. Taking my cue, I moved on to the next stage. As this was her first time, I decided to skip the anal play, and work on getting her pussy prepared for deflowering. I slowly drew my finger up and down her crease, each pass going deeper between until I was able to locate the entrance to her tight tunnel. I then began to inch my finger in, pushing until I came up against her maidenhead.

“This might hurt a little,” I warned, as I pushed through the tightness. She moaned, but it sounded more like pleasure than pain. I withdrew about halfway, then pushed in again. Still tight, but still no pain as far as I could tell. Getting braver, I started a slow, shallow pistoning motion as I got her used to the feeling of an in-and-out penetration. I was rewarded with sighs and moans as she rocked her hips in time, her juices flowing unabated now.

Aided by her natural lubrication, I inserted a second finger; stretching the opening and her hymen even wider and pushing both in even deeper. Erica continued to move in response, apparently feeling more positive than negative stimulation as I worked to loosen her up for what was to come.

Finally, with two fingers and a good rhythm going into her hole, I began to rub around her clit in little circles, eventually touching the sensitive pea directly. That took her over the edge, as suddenly her cunt started clutching my fingers, her whole body shook, and her little pucker opened and closed wildly as if gasping for air. As she grunted and bucked through what was probably her first ever conscious orgasm ever, I heard moaning and groaning that was clearly not Erica’s.

I looked over at Meredith. She had her alb open, and she was also naked beneath. She was squeezing her left breast with one hand, and had two fingers of her other buried in her sopping quim as she flicked her thumb over her clit, obviously extracting an orgasm herself. Well.

Everyone had now come but me. Taking my fingers out of Erica, I quickly shed my own clothes until I too was naked. With my eight inch erection leading the way, I stood behind Erica’s splayed thighs. I ran the purple crown of my manhood where no man had gone before, getting good and slick. Placing the head of my dick at the entrance, I again slowly pushed in until I felt the resistance of her stretched but still intact tissue. Again I warned that this might hurt, then with steady effort pushed past the barrier; cautiously inserting myself into her essence until I was up against her cervix.

I paused, letting her get accustomed to the difference between the thickness of my two fingers and the substantial girth of my shaft. Then, holding on to her hips, I slowly withdrew halfway, and then slowly re-penetrated to the hilt again. I repeated this about fifteen times until I was certain that she could accommodate something more forceful; then began to thrust harder and faster, my dick almost fully withdrawing before ramming home.

Up until now, except for the orgasm, Erica had been very composed. I recalled that she had absorbed the strapping last week without sound, so I assumed that she must be stoic by nature. But as I began to pound her pussy in earnest, she began vocalizing her pleasure; alternating between mantras of “Oh god, oh god!” and “Harder, harder! That’s it!”

Assuming that a naïve virgin couldn’t possibly be on the pill, when my balls told me that they were ready to deliver their payload, I pulled out and asked her where she wanted me to spew my spunk. “Come inside me!” she pleaded, “I want to feel it inside me! It’s safe, don’t worry! Please!” Lining back up, I shoved back in, my balls slapping against her little man. Two more thrusts and I was shooting the first load of gism ever into her newly fucked cunt. The feeling overcame her, and she rocked out a second coming; her spanked ass cheeks undulating in primal movement.

I pulled out again, just in time for Meredith to power through her own additional finish; everyone’s sex now covered and glistening with bodily fluids. I untied Erica from the desk; she staggered to stand. I took her in my arms and held her, letting her come to grips with the emotion of the events that had just transpired. Thinking we were now over for the moment, I started to pull my jockeys back on.

“No! Wait! We’re not done!” Erica suddenly blurted out. I looked at her in curiosity as she came to me and knelt. Then it dawned on me; Meredith had told her every single detail. Erica took hold of my flagging erection and looked up into my eyes. I nodded, and she took me in her mouth, tasting herself on me as she cleaned off the liquid evidence of our act. Meredith, who by now was dressed, looked on in a combination of awe and envy.

As Erica and I dressed, I bravely asked if she had gotten what she wanted. She gave me a pensive look, and then said no. I must have shown more of a crestfallen look than I had intended, because she immediately took my hand and said, “No, you don’t understand. Everything was wonderful. It was everything that Meredith described…except…well…”

“What?” I asked, “What wasn't right about it?”

“Well, and don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but I don’t remember anything going up my bottom; and I don’t remember you grabbing my breasts.”

“Maybe next time?” I ventured.

“Well, I am on the schedule again next week.”

“Hey wait!” Meredith retorted. “What about me? When will it be my turn?”

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The Wages of Courage

The Wages of Courage Joannebarbarella I came round the corner into the alley. I was looking for a place to spend the night, where I could be reasonably certain that I would be physically sheltered and safe from passing predators. This was my eighth night of sleeping rough and I was getting a crash course in the hazards involved. Although it was dark it was still pretty early in the evening and I was surprised to see a figure silhouetted against a distant street light raise its arm...

4 years ago
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It is not a Sin

A word from the Author: I left the state, political affiliation of the Rep vague on purpose so it does not take away from the main message of the story. I made the interstate a mythical one, even number ones runs east to west and if they have three digits they are a bypass into an urban area not in a rural area. *********** Whenever a person tried to brand themselves to others, they were really trying to convince people their opinion of who they are as a fact. This statement held...

1 year ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 13 The Cousin Who Isnt

My positive experience with caging my husband's cock in chastity and spanking his plugged ass has me on a sexual high for several days. I make love to him, and I mean really make love several times each day during those days. I had worried that I would think less of him, that he would no longer seem as manly to me, but I discover that I can't keep my hands off him and I aggressively undress, cuddle, kiss, suck and fuck him as soon as we get home from work and again before sleeping. I know that...

Straight Sex
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My Sin Chapter 1 I wonder how many other women spend as much time as I do fantasizing about sex during their work day. Although this is frequent and I often fear my boss will come to my desk and realize my chest is red hot and I am out of breath from the mere thought of a throbbing hard cock being thrust into me -this does not occur as much as I would like. Sometimes the mundane facts of life and a busy day take up too much of my time and thoughts. So much time taken away from my passion, from...

1 year ago
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Sin VR

Sin VR! Attention all gamers. Does 3D animated porn with game-like characteristics appeal to you? Then I introduce to you the forbidden world, Sin VR. This is an advanced 3D animated game that allows you to interact with sexy virtual avatars by providing you with a virtual 360° experience in which you will be fucking these virtual characters that have been made to look like your favorite movie stars. Expect to feel strange feelings of attraction to these babes, which is the whole point, to...

Best Porn Games
2 years ago
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A woman named Sin

A man was walking on the street, his one hand, fingers tightly clenched around the handle of a black suitcase that has a million dollars’ worth of uncut diamonds and the other busy with the phone.“Yes, I have the diamonds… No they didn’t doubt a thing… I’m coming back home and then we can leave together for good.”“You can leave your past behind, Synnove and we can start our new life. I love you so much.”“I love you more, Damien,” a woman’s voice cracked from the other side of phone.“Heyyyy,...

4 years ago
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House of Sin

David lived on the other side of town, in a pretty okay neighborhood. He had told Katie to park in the alley behind the house and to text him when she was there. The houses in this area were old, but were maintained well. No broken down cars on blocks or anything like that. It was easy enough to see where her uncle wanted her to park and soon she had her bag with her and was standing on David’s back porch. She texted him and a few minutes later was greeted at the door. The woman who looked at...

3 years ago
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Merey Cousins Mohsin Ki Zubanee

My name is Mohsin..I lived in Lahore. Mein iss waqt 18 saal ka tha… I have a whitish complexion height: 5’2″… Weight: 112 lbs…. I always keep my body free of all unwanted hairs specially the hairs on my leg. My legs look like that of a girl. And have very sexy and smooth but masculine looks.One of my cousins …named Naveed….who was 8 years elder to me …ie about 26-27 years old…used to live in my house. Naveed family lived in a village and he had come to Lahore for studies. It was a summer night...

4 years ago
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Mohsin Apney Cousin Babu Key Saath

Hello….my name is Mohsin from Islamabad-Pakistan… this story I’ll like to tell you my story in which my gay cousin raped me just as someone rapes a woman . I am 18 and my cousin Habib is 27…..he is better known by the pet name ‘BABU’…. Right from childhood BABU was gifted by a well-built masculine body….. he was 6″ ft tall…..healthy…. about 72 kgs…. with a muscular body…. and above all a 9″ inch long and very thick… steel hard cock. he is wheatish….he lives with his parents in Lahore. I am...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sin 4

On the way home a million things went through Jake's mind, he was sorta pissed about all the cheating and fucking around Cindy had been doing. However the part that bothered him the most, was how turned on he was about it. He use to be the real jealous type, but not anymore, in fact just the opposite. Nothing he found out tonight really bothered him deeply, in fact he was really looking forward to reliving a lot of Cindy's adventures with her sooner or later as she confessed what she...

1 year ago
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Sin and Sin City

I knew going into this trip that Sin City wasn't my cup of tea. "Sin" would be the last word anyone would use to describe me. The irony of it being the beginning of my given name is not lost on me or my friends. But when given the opportunity to go for a weekend and participate in a bachelor party, I didn't say no. Sinclair Reeves. Has an old-fashioned feel to it that I hated as a kid, but I've grown into it in the last few years. My life has been relatively tame, devoid of...

4 years ago
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Jade and Tamsin Part 1 The Seduction

Jade was lying on her bed, worrying again about her best friend Tamsin who'd been down recently. Having been together for 5 years since they were in their early teens, Tamsin's long term boyfriend, Mike, had split up with her a few months back. She'd done everything she could could keep him happy over the years, never looking at other guys, pleasing him in bed, and keeping her body in good shape. She'd even had a boob job for her 18th birthday, taking her from an A cup up to a perky and full D,...

2 years ago
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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Twelve Wanton Sin

Chapter 12: Wanton Sin by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Jezebel groaned in delight as her enemy, her hated foe, pleasured her cunt. The demon gloated in the depths of the priest's soul. He howled in agony as he was changed, transformed by the demon's domination over an angel. Even an angel as corrupted as Aurora had become still held a tenuous connection to Heaven. The succubus's red wings spread wide in Father Augustine's soul. The angel and demon were both inside the priest,...

3 years ago
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Mom had never slept in satin sheets, nor with me. By Oediplex 8==3~ It was autumn. Not just the Fall, but Indian Summer too; one of those perfect set of days, when it was not too cold and the humidity remained low. My favorite time of the year. Mom's too, and since I live in a pretty part of New England, with the foliage in full flourish, I invited her out to my place. I wanted to get her out. Not just out to visit me, but out of her apartment, out of the City; and out of her...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 3

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 3 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 12 - Rentr?e des Classes pour Chris Pour des raisons diff?rentes, les deux cousins ?taient tout aussi inquiets. Chris faisait sa rentr?e dans la l'?cole de beaut? et Sam avait mis ses nouveaux v?tements et esp?rait plaire ? Jessica. M?me s'il avait dit le contraire ? son cou...

3 years ago
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Let He Who is Without Sin

This was going to be the most difficult day of my working life, I was about to preach a sermon that would either bring my flock onside or alienate them forever. I, Matthew Ridgway, have been the Minister of a church in a small country town for some three years. The time has been something like the Curate’s egg, good in parts. I have been accepted into this town and have made many friends and enjoyed my work in the community, that has been the good part. The bad part was the loss of my wife of...

3 years ago
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Preachers Sinful DaughterChapter 3 Sinning Behind the School

I must be the most sinful preacher’s daughter in the entire world. How else to explain why I was on my knees at the back of the school giving my former steady, Ricky, a blowjob with a dollar bill clutched in my hand—his payment for my service. And he was just the first blowjob I would be giving this morning before classes. Two more guys waited their turn to spurt cum into my naughty mouth, their dollar bills ready. It was all my hypocritical father’s fault. If I hadn’t caught Daddy fucking...

2 years ago
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Sin Bravely

Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan? There was a temple in the basement. A simple enough place with a wooden altar, solid and sturdy, made by Adam the very day he'd purchased the house. It had been covered with a coarse linen sheet, woven by Eve, and dyed to a pleasant, golden hue. There was a chalice of red clay, also made by Eve, along with a platter and two candlestick holders. The candles had been made from the fat of a cow and Cain had learned the method from his father. One of the bones...

3 years ago
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Sin 2

"I mean sure, I was eventually in the back of that same van later getting plowed like a $20 whore. However, at least I waited until we got back to the hotel and then snuck out when I thought you were sleeping!", Cindy was laughing. "My gosh, that was such a great night, I can't believe I let both of those guys fuck me at the same time. I don't need that kid back there, just the thought of that will keep me sopping wet for the rest of the night! You know what Carla? I've been fucked a...

3 years ago
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Breastfeeding Sister And Her Brother 8211 Pt 3 Sweet Dirty Sin

So dear readers, this is Kishore again with my new experience. Thank you for your immense response for my previous episodes. This is my third in the series. As you know, I enjoyed my Di just before the cradle ceremony of my Di’s daughter and on then the next day, I fully enjoyed her. After that, I fucked and sucked Di daily, bunking college. In these days, a lot of kinky things were done and we were very happy. I explored every charm of di’s body. I fucked her ass, her milky boobs, her mouth...

4 years ago
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A Mothers Sin Chapter 1

Introduction: A Mother’s Sin – My excuse These events took place in November 2011, a little over a year ago….. My mind wanders frequently; often in ways I do not intend, or want. I do not know if I am unique or not, but on occasion, I find myself thinking about things that society deems highly inappropriate. When I allow myself to explore inappropriate fantasies, I used do so with the strong belief that these were only fantasies; I would never actually act upon them. Further, I was comforted...

2 years ago
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Rewritten Sin series

Well after I looked at it for awhile I decided that this series really needed a rewrite. So here yah go :)'ThoughtsLyrics to MagnetEnjoyThe lights go dark and as you walk off stage you are immediately engulfed in praises and congratulations from your co-workers. Though some are strange you love these people, they are like your family and one of them will forever mean more to you than that.As if on cue that one person comes out of the back dressed in a familiar costume and already your heart...

4 years ago
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Occasions of Sin7

Two days later I got my period, and that’s the first time I realized I could have gotten pregnant. I swear, it never entered my head until then. I was in the bathroom, putting the pad in my underwear, when I suddenly went cold all over. I was so relieved, but I was scared, too — scared because if I let a boy put his thing in me again, I could in big trouble. And I wanted a boy to put his thing in me again. I went to my room and, taking my rosary beads out of my top drawer, I knelt down...

2 years ago
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Sin Sity Singer Club in Sydney

In order to reach Sin Sity in Sydney you have to climb a steep set of stairs almost hidden behind a nondescript pizzeria, not far from the of town. At the top of the stairs the space opens up to a bar-room with plenty of wood and in a corner a Jacuzzi, lovely for relaxing with or without friends. A spiral staircase winds itsd way up just next to the Jacuzzi, and behind it several other rooms opened up, variously occupied with beds or sofas for lazily or not so lazily lounging in. Upstairs there...

1 year ago
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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 14 Love Story in Sin City

I fell in love with this town. This town called Sin City. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. I fell for it as an adult ironically. The first time I went, I was about eight or nine. There's really nothing to do until you're of age. This story is a tale of coincidence, luck, and sin.~~I went to Vegas almost every single year. I was looking forward to this one especially. I had plans to go a strip show. Until in the casino on my first day, I saw someone who I never thought I’d see there:“Chad?”“Becky?” I...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 14 Love Story in Sin City

I fell in love with this town. This town called Sin City. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. I fell for it as an adult ironically. The first time I went, I was about eight or nine. There's really nothing to do until you're of age. This story is a tale of coincidence, luck, and sin.~~I went to Vegas almost every single year. I was looking forward to this one especially. I had plans to go a strip show. Until in the casino on my first day, I saw someone who I never thought I’d see there:“Chad?”“Becky?” I...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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The sin

You can't think about hot girls when you priest... The sin. I was zealous catholic. Church was everything for me. I believed in God and was in church every day. I didn’t date anybody. Maybe once in a while I would go on a “blind” date. If guy was cute we had sex. If no – home and Netflix. Usually mass’ were boring. Sometimes I was asking myself why am I here? Until I saw him… I think God wanted to see my reaction because I had only one idea in my mind...

1 year ago
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Paying the wages

It started when these three owners of Savita's ass were commissioned to build Savita's beloved home. They did and then misfortune struck as Savita's business went bust. Bankrupt, she had almost all her property sealed by the bank; all the property except for the house. So when the workers demanded their leftover pay, Savita had nothing left to give them; or did she ? They had been keeping an eye on the haughty women for a while who had an authoritative streak in her. At 5'3" with a...

4 years ago
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Making Wages in Mongolia

MAKING WAGES IN MONGOLIA PART IIBy Helena AranatovyaJoan and William had a game of snooker.  They played for like nearly an hour.  Joan would once in a while take a peek at the clock that hanged by the bar wall. It was 10PM. Nearly getting late but she had her motor bike parked. As for the club, it was actually opened up for 24 hours.  While William and Joan played their game,  Jonathan and Michael were sat down by their table and drinking their vodkas. But Joan did not like where the game was...

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