Zerophilia free porn video

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I met Laura in a hotel bar, while I was staying in a different city for a short course. It was she who approached me and ever since I've wondered whether she knew somehow that I was interested in gender issues, indeed a transgender fantasist. She never mentioned it at the bar. We got on like a proverbial house on fire, so I invited her up to my room. It was while I was opening a condom packet that she said casually, "You'll get infected anyway, you know." And then, on my startled reaction, "with zerophilia. Do you know what that is?" "Well, yes I saw the movie, but it's not real, surely?" "It is, because I've got it, as you'll soon find out. That is if you're still interested?" I was very interested and intrigued and terrified all at the same time. Magical gender metamorphosis, my dearest fantasy, was suddenly and unexpectedly within my grasp. "Are there any side effects?" I asked nervously. "Ah, so you do want to get infected, then? It's quite simple, after you've had it off with me you'll switch gender at every orgasm. It's great fun, actually. It would be nice if it did have some side effects, like providing things you'll need such as clothes and ID." I was so excited by this amazing news, that I came long before Laura was ready and I must have fallen straight asleep because she was calling me "sweetie" as I awoke to many new sensations in my drastically altered body. "What name do you want?" she was asking "You can't be called Dave any more, even if you choose Davida. I recommend you keep your initial, it makes things easier for ID." "No, I don't like Davida either," I said, startled by my new high voice, "Davina perhaps or, better, Diana." "Well hello Diana!" she cried. "How about bringing me off, now?" "Gosh, I've never had gay sex before, but I suppose this is different because we just did it when I was male." After exploring my own new female body for a bit I got into a 69 with Laura and, having previous experience of that, at least, I ate her out to an early and spectacular orgasm, while she seemed to go easy on me, despite the fantastic new sensations coming from my new groin and my nipples. Just as I had, she fell straight asleep and then rapidly changed shape. It scared me, being in bed as a woman with a sleeping strange man next to me. I put off waking him up, instead going to the mirror to get used to the new me. "Hello Diana," I quietly said to my reflection. I wanted to be attracted and turned on by the naked woman in the mirror but it was just me, Diana, imperfections and all, and I seemed very ordinary. Behind her was the bed and I could just see the strange man's face, which was suddenly more interesting. I turned around and stared at him. I supposed he was Laura's brother, if the movie was the basis of all this, but he looked quite different from her. I suddenly felt very shy, standing in front of him naked, so I went to my suitcase to get my dressing gown. I smiled to myself that the thought of putting on any masculine clothing now seemed alien, so I turned to the white robe provided by the hotel and pulled it around me, right edge over left, as I would want all my clothes to do now. I was still scared of the strange man on the bed, mainly because I found him attractive, but eventually I plucked up the courage to wake him up. "Hey, fellah, wake up! You didn't tell me your other name." "Oh, hello Diana!" came a new deep voice. "Yes, sorry, I'm Len. Don't be shy, you're beautiful, come back to bed." Hesitantly, I replied "But I don't know you at all. I know, in theory, you're the same person I just made love with, but this is so new to me I can't just leap into it. I mean you're Laura's brother now and I've never met you before." "Go girl! You're dead right! Make me woo you. You're right about siblings too, you'll find you're Dave's sister now, Diana. There's another bit of magic Laura could have told you about when you asked her about side-effects, but now you're a 'Z' I can tell you. If you go home to Dave's Mum, as you are now, she'll recognise you as her daughter and, as soon as she hugs you the first time, the rest of your whole past and reality will fall into place." "But Dave already has a sister. I've not become her, have I?" "No, you'll be a new sister. You see, I was really born as Laura and when I first went to see my parents as Len, I took a suitcase with clothes for us both. As Mum hugged me, I saw it actually change colour, luckily behind her, and when I opened it, they were all male clothes. There was even a driving licence which checks out on the police computer. I don't know who set this magic up, or how they did it. Maybe I don't want to know. Laura and I both exist, but not at the same time. That can be awkward at family gatherings!" Astonished by this news, I pondered: "I wonder if I'm older or younger than Dave?" "Well I felt my body change slightly when I first hugged Mum and it turned out that I was getting three years younger so I'm Laura's little brother now and I've got another sister in between. I think you'll adjust to fit feasibly into your family, too. Won't you at least come and sit on the bed?" I was warming to Len and he was beginning to look terribly handsome as a yearning grew between my legs to resume the night's enjoyments. However, I kept the gown on while I sat next to Len for a long chat. He said I was his first girlfriend since Tom/Tina who had infected Laura, eight months before. Len talked very openly about his/her previous relationships and so did I, though it was a little embarrassing to think of those being the other way around from the present situation. We were rapidly forming a warm friendship, with so much in common. Eventually, I could hold back that yearning no more, so I stood up, removed the gown and got back into the bed. He gently took my hand and led it to his aroused member. I had never felt anyone else's election before but I rather liked stroking it. "Where do keep your condoms?" he asked. "It's very important and you'd better get yourself on the pill soon." I was almost more shocked by that thought than by first becoming female. We might be instant soul-mates but it was far too soon to be planning a family. I did ponder about taking turns at it, though. My aroused nipples reminded me of babies, too. Len had certainly learnt what a woman needs in his previous life as one. After long, gentle foreplay, he had me far more than yearning to be penetrated for the first time and it was glorious. After wave upon wave of my mind seeming to explode into a million rainbows, the next thing I knew I was being called Dave as Len woke me. Now I found myself naked in bed as a man, alongside another man and I recoiled slightly. "This is not my cup of tea," I said. "Neither is it mine," said Len. "You see, we'll have to practice cumming together if we want to avoid this. Would you like me to go in the bathroom and come out as Laura, or would you prefer to be Diana again?" "What do you think after I've just discovered female orgasms?" "OK, but I've got to go to work tomorrow as Laura, so only one more switch, please." I needed a shower anyway, so I wore the shower-cap, as Len had suggested, to save having to dry Diana's long blonde hair. With all the arousing events of the night and probably because I was a newly created version of Dave, I brought myself off quite quickly. As Len had said, the falling water and discomfort, slumped in the bottom of the shower, woke me quickly as Diana. I wondered what it would be like to change while awake, as they did in the movie, probably very painful with the skeletal changes, so I was glad this was painless. I was still too shy to leave the bathroom without the gown and I blushed when Len looked very disappointed. "So here we are again," he said, like Luke and Luca, Max and Michelle. "How many of us do you think there are?" "Well those four were just actors in a movie but this is very real, isn't it? When he infected Laura, Tom said he had no idea when this started or how many of us there are. Oh, before you come back to bed, Diana, have you got a tape measure here by any chance?" "Er, no, I didn't pack one. What for?" "You'll need to start buying new clothes. I don't think Laura's would fit you. You're taller with bigger feet so you'd need your own lady shoes to go with her dress anyway. You can try her bra on, though. Tomorrow I can help you shop if we do it as Dave and Laura. We'll need to swap for work in the morning anyway." Shyly I took off the gown and picked up Laura's discarded bra. I knew the easy way from watching girlfriends so fastened the back on my tummy and then pulled it around and up under my tits. Before trying the cups on, I realised that it was far too tight because I could hardly breathe, so I had to give up. "I think Laura will be able to guess your sizes now," said Len and I noticed that I too was easily referring to Dave as a different person. Laura had already told me that she had lived with Tom/Tina for several weeks but it hadn't worked out. I found myself falling in love with both Len and Laura but I didn't want to say anything until we'd known each other a bit longer. I was more eager to get into bed as Diana with Len this time, though, and started with a very long kiss. My second female oragasm, fourth that night in total, was even an improvement on the first, less hurried, so that Len could come too. He had made sure I set my alarm clock and, the next thing we knew, it was ringing and I was Dave in bed with Laura. As I had to reach over her to stop the alarm, it was extremely tempting to start again, but we both resisted, laughing. Laura had to go back to her flat to change for work. She wouldn't let me buy her breakfast in the hotel, I think because she'd be embarrassed in her short evening dress. We met as arranged at five to go shopping. It was certainly easier to buy women's clothing in her presence and when an assistant asked if she was sure about the size, she answered quite truthfully that they were for my sister, but then teased me by saying that Diana was due out of prison. It was very exciting in the shop to think that I would be wearing them myself as Diana. When Laura invited me back to her flat to try them on, sex could not have been more obviously implied. However, I took it more as confirmation of a trusting relationship and was delighted to progress it. I found that Len had a separate bedroom and I thought that would be a good idea for Diana in my own flat. Laura offered to cook for us but said she'd rather take me out when we were Diana and Len, so we got into her bed, with an alarm set for 40 minutes and had a lovely romp to cum together. When the alarm woke us, Len and I went into his room where we'd left my new clothes and at last I was able to wear a bra which fitted properly. I tried on the tops, shorts, jeans and skirts I'd chosen but Len insisted I wear the short evening dress for our meal, while he put on smart casual clothes. I insisted he wore a tie and adjusted it for him affectionately. Len guided me putting on my make-up, saying "Oh look, your ears are already pierced!" "Yes, I noticed that last night." "Well you can borrow some of Laura's" he said and came back from her room with dangling hoops. I disliked the way they increased my self consciousness but didn't complain. Maybe it was payback for the tie. Our first date as Diana and Len, I have to say, did not go as well as the one the other way around, the night before. In fact, we had our first row. Neither of us was as relaxed and comfortable, so perhaps it was only to be expected. It centred on how we might live together. I had commented that the issues with careers would be much worse than with family gatherings. We found we both prefered our current genders to the ones we were born in. Len said it was well worth leaving female orgasms behind to gain the power of a man. The problem was that Laura had established her career while Len was effectively unemployed, though he had discovered good qualifications in that suitcase of his newly constructed past. As I had not yet been to see my mother, I had no idea what my past as Dave's sister was like. If I were to build up my female career, what would become of Dave's? Laura had had eight months to consider that dilemma, yet hadn't really solved it. She had become Len only in her spare time and he could hardly get a good job in non-business hours. That's what we rowed about. I called him a sponger on his sister and he had no defense but to get angry. I could see plenty of career opportunities for myself as Diana. It was frustrating to have to wait for that Mum-hug for background information. I noticed that I thought mainly of myself as being female now, giving little thought to Dave's future. I was really loving being a woman and, as far as I was concerned, Dave should wrap up his career and take a back seat. So, although we were over the worst of our row by the time we left the restaurant, I would not stay at Len and Laura's flat when I'd collected my new suitcase full of my new clothes and insisted on making my own way back to the hotel. I was very nervous as a woman on my own but I enjoyed riding two busses in my new dress and heels, dragging my suitcase. I was not noticed getting into the hotel with Dave's key and there was no one in the corridor of his room. I first wanted to spend longer trying on my new clothes. My favourite outfit was a red tartan ladies lumberjack shirt with a heavyweight denim miniskirt. It made me feel tough and strong while still very feminine. I was tempted to go down to the bar like that, or go to breakfast before switching into Dave, but I might get challenged over my room number. I wished I had bought a nightie so that I could feel really feminine when I woke up but I decided I would rather wank before sleeping than in the morning. I took a relaxing bath, with a more detailed anatomical examination of my new equipment, avoiding getting too aroused until I was in bed with an alarm set for the morning. I really missed Len and found my own ministrations did not compare with his but eventually rose into waves of ecstasy before the alarm woke me as Dave. Back in the classroom on the last day of my course, I found I was preoccupied by thoughts of Diana's future. I needed to hug our mother as soon as possible. My parents had moved since I left home to a village that was nearer to where I was now than my flat, so it made sense to call in on the way home and that way, when I arrived as Diana, I could avoid staying the night of that first visit. The problem was how to switch and where. I didn't think I could get away with booking out of the hotel as Diana. Len/Laura had helped me out a lot and I needed to repay them rather than asking another favour, or even insulting them by using their flat to wank. Presumably Laura was at work all day today anyway. I would have to find a very secluded spot to park on the way to my parents' house. The lectures and wind-up seemed interminable. At last I got to book out of the hotel and head off towards my parents' home in my car. I had Diana's favorite outfit in a carrier bag on the seat beside me. I was soon passing a forest so I took a side road and then a track. It all went to plan: my phone alarm woke me with tits under Dave's shirt. The only hitch was that my hair was all over the place and I had forgotten to put a hairbrush and makeup in the carrier bag but, after all, it had been packed by a man! I was very nervous and afraid someone would come along as I removed Dave's shirt and struggled into my bra, red shirt and miniskirt. Then I had to get out of the car to get my hairbrush and makeup out of my suitcase on the back seat. Before long I was a smart Diana, driving Dave's car on down the motorway, very carefully because I didn't have a licence yet and working out how I was going to explain borrowing it to Mum. I did wind down the window to feel the wind in my hair, though. I pulled into my parents' drive and waited for my mother to come out, hoping it wouldn't be Dad, because Dave hadn't brought his key on his course. Luckily she did and when I stepped out of the car she was surprised but not shocked: "Diana! What are you doing with Dave's car?" I told her mine was in for a service and I'd had an urgent appointment where Dave's course had been, presuming that course wouldn't exist in the new order of things. The Mum-hug was amazing, seeming an even greater magical transformation than my first becoming female, mainly because I was awake. This time there was hardly any physical change, though I felt a sort of wave of magic run through my whole body, but I suddenly felt emotionally different, more wholly Diana, more separate from Dave and very certain that I prefered being her to being him. I was disappointed that there was no change of memory, no new knowledge of my past as Diana, so I would have to be careful what I said until I had time to examine the suitcase. I had intended to make my visit as brief as possible and examine the suitcase when I got home but now I really wanted to hug Dad too when he got home. Dave had work in the morning so could not spend the night here but, with my new separation from him, I decided he could call in sick. That way I could find out more about my new life. So, I turned back to the car for my suitcase to find that it hadn't changed colour, being pale green already, but Dave's had disappeared into thin air. My handbag had got heavier and in it I found a really good smartphone, better than Dave's, and my eagerly awaited driving licence. I wasn't at all alarmed at "being stuck female", indeed I found it really nice. I dragged my case into the spare room and opened it to find a red laptop and a folder of documents including my birth certificate and passport. I was now three and a half years older than Dave, older than his other sister, too. I was now just over thirty. I found out that I was a lawyer, a big surprise, in fact already a barrister, though when I thought about it, legal matters seemed familiar to me, so I must have gained some memory in the hug. There were also two formal white blouses and a skirt suit in the case, which I hung up in the wardrobe. Chatting to Mum seemed so right and familiar, not just because I knew her well as Dave's Mum. I told her I had a little work to do and took the laptop and files into Dad's study so I could get more detailed background on myself. When Dad got home the hug was magic in a different way. This time I was aware of squashing my boobs against him, though there was absolutely nothing sexual about my finding him very manly. In fact I became sure that I had grown up as his little princess. I couldn't help thinking, though, how different it would have been if I'd come home as Dave after a sex-change op. The evening with my parents was somehow better than any I had spent as Dave. I was now their highly successful oldest daughter instead of their unambitous youngest son. It was just a pity that I had to keep changing the subject when asked for detailed information on my career. Luckily, it seemed that I had always been very careful not to betray any client confidentiality. I soon realised, though, that the Magic had a lot to do with this. It was still moulding my past and I could influence it as I made it up myself. I told them that I'd met Len and truthfully that it wasn't going anywhere, especially as I was older than him. When I went to bed, I found I now possessed a nice nightdress. I emailed Dave's work, from his address of course, that he was too unwell to go back into work tomorrow and found from my own calendar that I had a law firm meeting at 2pm, which I could easily make after breakfast with my parents if the traffic was reasonable. I was both excited and terrified by the prospect of going to work in that skirt suit and blouse, yet it seemed oddly normal for me. In the morning, I put on jeans and t-shirt which were found in the case, not bought by Dave. I loved the way the zip curved smoothly away between my legs. I put my hair up into a high pony-tail to make me feel younger. After a delightful breakfast with my parents, I packed quickly and set off home. Back on the road, driving my brother's car, I felt the contrast from how I had been before the Mum-hug. My whole attitude to life had changed. I now knew my own car was much better than this. The more I thought about Len, the less I thought of him, yet how could I now have a decent relationship with a non-zerophiliac? How could I find another Z? I certainly didn't want to infect anyone who didn't want it. As I thought about that, the new word Z-dar sprung to mind, similar to "gaydar", and I knew that it had come from the Z-magic too. Perhaps I would know another Z by their aura and perhaps I could locate fantasists, as perhaps Laura had. I could not be certain because my new memories and knowledge would not go into detail. Anyway, I could not be stuck with Len, there were plenty more fish in the sea. When I got back to "our" flat, I found my room already set out as my own, no longer Dave's spare. There were loads more clothes to try on but I barely had time to get some lunch before my meeting. A text pinged into my phone that my car was ready to collect from servicing. Luckily I'd seen the booking with the garage address, quite near my workplace, in my calendar and the vehicle documents in my file. I could pick it up after the meeting or, if I ate and changed quickly, I could do it on the way. I decided on the latter, more because I wanted to arrive at work in my own car than because it would only involve one taxi. Dave had left enough food behind for me to manage for lunch, especially with my smaller appetite. I put on tights, a formal blouse and skirt suit, all from my wardrobe, not my case, so they were smoother. I tried on a few other shoes but ended up with the heels Dave had bought because they were more familiar. Despite my changes of attitude, my red shirt and denim mini is still my favourite outfit, too. Before doing my hair and makeup I rang for a taxi because I was running out of time. I found some lovely stud earrings and deep red lipstick and nail varnish to wear. I brushed my hair down round my shoulders and decided I looked great by the time my taxi texted from outside. At the garage, I was a bit surprised how pleasant I found the admiring looks from the mechanics. One in particular caught my eye and my Z-dar told me he was imagining being me rather than screwing me, so a ripe candidate for infection. However, I couldn't stop to think about that just now. I was delighted with my BMW coup?, it more than lived up to my expectations from the vehicle docs and it was a shame that it was such a short drive to my law firm. I found my own parking space marked with my registration and recognised colleagues from pictures in my file and in my phone. My first big mistake was to try to enter the meeting at the start. The guy who pulled me back and explained that the partners met first for about 15 minutes before calling the rest of us in had looked more familiar than the others, for some odd reason. When he grabbed my arm to pull me back I felt another wave of magic, so I was sure he was another Z. I knew from my research that his name was Tony Smith. At first I was amazed that I'd found one so soon but then I realised that all this law firm stuff had been set up by the Z-magic anyway. Tony knew I was a Z straight away too. "What's your name? ", he whispered, "The others think you've been here ages." "Hi Tony, I'm Diana. Can you explain more afterwards?" "Sure, can I take you out to dinner?" "Hey, whoah! I know we've a lot in common but I've just been burned once." "OK, but these people think we're an item already." Something told me he was right and once again I felt trapped by my new limited choice of relationships. "Well, it'll have to be Leonardo's at seven, then." He tried hard to suppress his grasp at my expensive choice but failed. After the meeting I found my office fairly easily from memorising the plan last night, then got down to more research. My new job turned out to be very hard. I would be in court at the end of next week, a small case but I was to be lead barrister. I had found a solution for Dave while driving home in the morning. He had always been fascinated by coins and had a small collection. Now I decided that he would quit his job as a salesman and become an Ebay dealer. That way, I could keep up his rent contributions while being him for the absolute minimum of the time. I had already told my parents that Dave was bored with his job. I had to be careful not to paint too bad a picture or they would contact him urgently. As a junior barrister, I didn't have my own secretary but Jenny from the pool usually did my typing and simple research. I really liked her and was pleased to meet a fellow female with whom I could interact with no sexual implications at all. I really needed a friend but Jenny was my subordinate, so I decided to search my phone and diary when I had time. I did not encounter Tony again that afternoon. I went home when most people did at five thirty, so that I had plenty of time to get ready for my date with him. There was glorious sunshine when I got outside and my legs felt hot in tights, so I pressed the open-top button on my convertible and enjoyed the envious looks as the roof folded slowly into the boot. Then I drove off home, with the wind really in my hair this time, a bit surprised that I didn't mind, indeed enjoyed, being so conspicuous in my bright white collar. Glancing down at my nylon-clad knees poking out of my pin- striped skirt, I decided I loved my new life. I tried on a top and skirt, then two dresses before settling on the dress I'd worn on my first date, despite its association with Len. Laura and Dave had chosen well, I decided. I wore different shoes, though, and a different shade of lipstick and nails, so that Tony would see I'd made an effort. I called a taxi because I wanted to drink and now knew I had plenty of money. Tony was waiting at a table in secluded corner. That made me wonder again how many of us Zs there were and if it was spreading fast. How long would we have to be so secretive? I was less shy than I expected as I approached and sat with him. The Z-magic seemed to be giving me familiarity with my past but no specific memories. Thus it felt like I'd been dating Tony for many months. Habits made me want to go and kiss him, at least on the cheek, before I sat down, but I rebelled against them, feeling trapped, and didn't. "Hey, how much did you yourself have to do with this 'been an item for ages'?" I asked. He replied thoughtfully, "I don't think so. Unless it sort of automatically followed from the way I so liked the look of you when you turned up at work." "Flattery might get you everywhere," I blushed and before I could go on, he took the words out of my mouth: "I too want to choose my life and loves, not have them thrust upon me. It's strange how our pasts are constructed in this process, isn't it?" "Well, I only got my Mum-hug yesterday, so I'm still getting used to it. How long have you been a Z?" "Only three weeks. I was born male. I know you were too by the way your female part just appeared into my firm. I hope you don't mind that we're both male-born?" "Er, no, I suppose not, but who says anything is going to occur between us?" I found teasing him like that came easily to me. With Len, I had known his sister first so assumed that my new feminine intuition had been sort of learnt from Laura. Now I could feel it strongly and independently and I was proud of being able to assess Tony almost expertly. I was a bit annoyed that I was so attracted to him. I supposed it was partly because he was "available" as a fellow Z. From the start of the date I was thinking 'surely I don't have to leap into bed with every Z I meet?' and that made me determined to go home alone, however well we got on and however much I felt turned on by Tony. He did seem strikingly handsome and it seemed so natural to flirt with him in my short evening dress. I had to keep reminding myself that I worked with him and that he was my junior. "What's your Z-sister's name?" I asked Tony. "Ann" he replied. "Ah, oh, I see. So you didn't break the initials rule, then, Anthony?" "Nobody calls me Anthony, except my Mum and then only if I was naughty." "Well, my Z-brother is Dave and I think he should return this date with Ann before we think about getting intimate. That doesn't upset you, does it?" "No. I've only met one other Z after the one who infected me and nothing happened there either. This Z thing sounded so good at first but now it's becoming a bit of a drag. I don't want to infect any new people and I don't want to be limited to Z's either." "What about Ann? Does she have fun? What does she do for a living? Dave's a sales representative." "Oh Ann's just a waitress. It's really scary, not knowing anything about her." "What do you mean? Hasn't she had her Mum-hug yet?" My Z-dar had been telling me that there was something strangely innocent about Ann/Tony and, from the look on Tony's face now that I had asked the question, it was clear that I had hit the nail on the head. I suddenly felt very confident as a woman now that I knew how much braver than Ann I had been. "She can't put it off forever," I said, "How far away do your parents live?" "Only across town." "Would she like me to come with her?" "That's very kind of you, Diana, but I'm (I mean she's) in no hurry." "She'll be amazed. She must do it. I tell you what, Dave won't go out with her until she's done it. There's incentive for you!" "Ah well, I suppose she could do it tomorrow evening. Where could she meet you? You, I mean, not Dave." "I can pick her up in my car anywhere you like. You don't have to tell me where you live." "Do you know the Westland roundabout? The bus stop just on the town side?" Ann was getting up from the seat in the bus stop as she recognised my car coming round the roundabout. She looked like Tony's sister, with shortish brown hair, wearing jeans and t-shirt. She had a bra on but it looked like it was too big for her and I guessed she had only been confident enough to shop on-line. I was wearing an old lacy green top with my new denim miniskirt. She complimented me and then, after a pause said "It's really strange being just another girl with you now." "Yeah, fun though," I replied. She directed me to their parents house and I gave her a little pep talk before she went in on her own. I stayed parked nearby in case she chickened out but within five minutes I got a text from an unknown number which must be her own mobile, just appeared in her handbag, inviting me in. We had discussed the difficulty of explaining our friendship with me being a barrister and she a waitress but as I walked up to the house I felt a strange wave of Z-magic and suddenly I knew that Ann was now six years younger than Tony and still at school. She had just done a week's work experience at my firm. I felt much older than her when I saw her, with her bra obviously fitting correctly now. She seemed to glow with new confidence, a completely new Ann from the one I had brought here. She introduced her parents and it was clear that she was as delighted to become a daughter as I had been. I praised up her performance in work experience, telling her parents that she was well suited to follow in Tony's footsteps and would almost certainly overtake him. She shot me a look of daggers, but then winked. I accepted a quick cup of tea and a thankful hug from Ann before driving home. The experiences with Ann/Tony made me even more determined to live mostly as Diana. I dug out Dave's employment contract and found, with my new legal skills, that there would be no penalty if he resigned without notice. He would miss some of his colleagues but could go back for a "retirement party" when he'd recovered from the sick-leave. I even started trading in coins, pretending to be him, on that same evening after Ann's Mum-hug. I was getting floods of texts from Ann, wanting to share her new delights but I was feeling much more like her mentor than her friend now, so I put her off rather coolly. I was not at all surprised to find out in the office next day that Tony had called in sick. I was also ignoring texts from Len. When I checked Dave's phone the next day, I found two from Laura that I felt more inclined to answer, pretending to be him. I told her that my sister was a barrister and would find her own boyfriend. She was finished with that layabout Len. We lived too far apart anyway. I went to bed happily alone in my favourite nightie, not even bothering to wank. I didn't want to be Dave for a while anyway. The end

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Chapter 1 Our next door neighbors, Dawn and Jeremy, were friends of our parents and also friends of my brother and me. They were younger than our parents and older than we were, like half way between. I was thirteen, my brother, Hank, sixteen, Dawn was twenty-three and Jeremy twenty-six. So, we were basically all friends including my parents. Hank and I would often spend the night at Dawn and Jeremy's and play games or rent movies, eat pizza and make popcorn, mostly fun stuff and we all got...

3 years ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 22

We kept right on kissing and hugging, alone there in her cabin, and Geneva wasn't holding anything back. She was responsive and receptive, and any time I touched her or kissed her, on her lips or on her neck or anywhere, she would tell me, with her body, that whatever the hell I was doing, it was working just fine. We slowly and gently took each other's clothes off, and I was rewarded with my first look at Geneva's well-developed, slender, womanly body. Her breasts were not large, but...

1 year ago
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Hyderabad To Bangalore Bus Journey Turned Into A Nightmare

It was the last working day before a long weekend and Swati (25 yrs, sexy cute looking, 36 c boobs, and yellow skin) had awesome plans to be with her boyfriend in Bangalore and have some kinky fun At 6 p.m. When she was printing her ticket she realized that her bus was at 7 p.m. and not 9 p.m. as she was thinking. Getting angry over her stupidity she left office in hurry to catch the bus. That day she was wearing a loose deep cut white top with 3 buttons on front and low waist jeans which were...

4 years ago
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DNA I like to walk to work on the days that aren't too hot or humid. Virginia Beach weather can be very unpredictable with the exception that from May through October, everyone knows it will be both hot and humid. Today was one of those rare exceptions to the September weather pattern. It was seventy-five degrees and the humidity had dropped low enough to not guarantee the need for a shower by the time I got into work. I smelled the fresh cut lawns and the subtle hints of humidity...

3 years ago
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Awoken Naked

Eli awoke from a banging sound from outside she was in her older brother Derrick's room. Derrick was two years older than her. Her mom had left for work earlier in the morning and wouldn't be back until 11:00 in the night. Eli then realized her arms and legs were tied to the post of the bed, and she was completely naked. Her legs were stretched apart and sore. Her fully shaven 'virgin'(as she thought) pussy was completely exposed. Eli's pussy was leaking cum and it felt stretched and...

3 years ago
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Nephews panty fetish fuels great sex

This happened quite a few years ago but I thought it was a good story to share today in the light of what happened in our house the weekend just gone.It all began on a mid-week morning when on coming downstairs after getting dressed for work, my wife, Kath, confronted me holding a pair of bright red lacy panties.“Is this anything to do with you?” she asked.I had no idea what she was on about, the knickers were definitely hers so she couldn’t be thinking they belonged to another woman I might be...

2 years ago
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Teacher learns a lesson part 2

We left Mrs Collins in her car by the beach just after she had Joshs cum sprayed all over her face and hair .Right she thought im a strong women i can outthink this little freak as she took a deep breath and stared to drive back to the supermarket to drop Josh off .When they got there Josh just said see you Saturday at 10 00 am .Josh rode home on his bike grinning all over his face he had done it he never thought she would do as i told her Josh thought to himself .When he got home he went...

1 year ago
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Keelin A life in Rome Chapter One

KeelinChapter OneSimonius Catownerous sat at his desk dealing with the business of his vast estates. "Sorry to disturb you Dominus" said Quintus "A new girl has been delivered from the market for consideration as personal slave". Simonius grunted "She'd better be superior to the last few or I'll have that slave merchant flayed alive. Bring her in". Quintus signalled to the girl and motioned her in to his masters chamber. Even under the hooded cape that reached to the floor, Simonius could see...

2 years ago
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Hungry Housewife Seducing School Boy 4

Prajwal smiled and followed Savitha. He was seeing her sexy backless blouse where he could see her soft back and the juggling ass in her tight worn saree. Both walked till the hall and Savitha told Prajwal to sit on sofa.He sat like a innocent boy. She smiled and asked Savi : Water? Juice?Prajwal : Give me little water. Will drink juice laterSavi : (She thought he is asking the juice from her pussy) Sure prajwal wait will get youPrajwal : Thanks saviShe went near fridge and got him a glass of...

2 years ago
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The Grantham ClinicChapter 23

Angela woke up, her head feeling almost like it was swathed in cotton wool. Her hands and feet were bound to corners of a metal bed and her mouth was stretched around a solid presence that she determined may well be a ballgag. A thin sheet covered her body but she sensed that underneath, she was naked. An attractive nurse sat beside the bed, smiling as she watched her tug against the unyielding bonds. "Keep struggling," Ruth told her. "I like watching you. It turns me on." Angela...

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Babysitting for Mr Jones

Chapter 1 "Man, he is so hot!" 16 year old Jessie whispered to her best friend, Sara. They sat beside each other in Algebra I. "I know..." Sara replied. The person they were referring to was their 23 year old teacher, Mr. Jones. Jessie had thought he was fine since the first day of class, and every day, she found it so hard to concentrate because of the day dreams she had about her and Mr. Jones. And boy, were they wild ones! After class, Mr. Jones asked Jessie to stay after...

1 year ago
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The Story of Dave

A month passed since my first gangbang with John's friends, he had enlisted in the navy and was now going to do his basic training. We had arranged for a nice goodbye get together, but things didn't turn out the way we planned.My parents were divorced and my mom lived in a town, a few hours away. It was the weekend where I had to see her. We weren't close at all, years before I had found out she had cheated on my Dad with her now boyfriend, Dave. You see, I lived in a small town, one of those...

4 years ago
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Becoming a groups fuck toy

I'm not normally the kind of guy that hooks up through craigslist but I was feeling horny and I needed some release. I found an ad for an anon blow and go and responded saying that I was interested. He said he wanted me to wear a blindfold so it was completely anonymous. I agreed to wearing a blindfold and he gave me his address. I drove over to his place and walked up to the door. There was a note on the door that said to put the blindfold on then knock so I put on the blindfold and knocked....

1 year ago
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Ethan and Chanel 35

After a painfully thorough internal debate, I find my balls and press 'send' to deliver my message. Can I see you tonight? I ask Chanel, knowing she's off modeling at the moment. I walk around my house smoking a joint while I wait to see what she says, and ten minutes later, my phone beeps. It's only been 24 hours... she replies, and knowing she's not eager to see me hurts. She's right, it's only been a day, and I know she thinks we need more time apart, but I disagree. I know, but it can't...

2 years ago
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Blood and SandChapter 12

It may seem strange that a 9-year-old Indian boy would be included in the active defenders of a fort against attacking Indians, but the attackers were Chiricahua Apaches and the 9-year-old was a Mescalero Apache, two people who have been hereditary enemies for longer than history records. Thus, the officials at the fort would have been hard pressed to keep Running Bear from joining in the fight. On the other hand, they were not so stupid as to turn down the services of a experienced...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Aidra Fox Deepthroat And Deeply Acquainted

When Zak Wild is checking out his new rental he wasn’t expecting to find a sexy all-natural megababe sleeping in the bed, but he does. Brunette bombshell Aidra Fox has overslept and vows to get her things together and leave the house. But when the babe is prancing around in her lingerie, there’s simply no way Mr. Wild could resist her curvy ass and sizzling sex appeal. The two get quickly and deeply acquainted when the beauty deep throats his big cock and sucks the cum from his...

1 year ago
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Convenience Store

I’d called at a convenience shop on the way home for some cigarettes and the lad who served me looked really fed up, as I was the only one in the shop we had a conversation. It turned out that Richard was 20 and working in his parents shop, bored to death of his life, only had a couple of friends that he went to school with and was lonely.As we talked he said “Thanks for talking to me I’m so bored” I replied “It’s Ok”, after he’d served someone else in the shop he turned to me and said “I...

3 years ago
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Start of my FWB

Parveen was a girl I didn't know until about until I came to university even though we were both from the same country previously. When I first saw her I thought she was slightly cute but nothing more than that. We joined the same group in university and became closer friends. Since we also did the same degree, we found time to help each other with work. While our friendship grew, we became more open about our lives and in particular our sexual lives. She would tell me what turns her on and...

2 years ago
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El PasoChapter 33

Posted: August 17, 2007 - 03:25:52 pm I was sitting in the kitchen of the Hotel Restaurant with Hector and Ramona the morning after Howard was arrested for showing his ass over in San Elizario. We were drinking coffee and kibitzing about how to heal the rift that was growing between El Paso’s Anglo and Mexican communities. During this time, as it was in my future, the rift was caused mainly by two things. The first was that many of the Mexican-Americans did not feel a need to assimilate;...

1 year ago
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making me CUM

I had gotten up in the morning and rolled out of bed to the sound of my doorbell. “sign here please”. The (suprisingly seductive) delivery man asked. He pushed me inside ,before i could grab the pen, duct taped my mouth shut, stripped me to my bare skin, and angled me over the couch for my fate. I heard ripping fabric and knew he was naked. He thrusted his cock into me making me screech, and he continuously fucked me until below my hips were numb. He then ripped off the duct tape and shoved his...

3 years ago
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Joans Story Ch 07

March 28th – Another Visit To The Swinger Club. It’s been a month since our last orgy which was my birthday party. The sex in between was basically with Vanessa and John having me joining in three times a week. It’s pretty enjoyable sex but rather vanilla. Hah! A bisexual threesome with anal is vanilla sex. How my life has changed!! Vanessa asks to go to the Swinger Club for some fun. I think she’s missing Jim. Of course, the other ladies want to go. Both Maria and Sue tell me they are more...

2 years ago
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A Summer Lust

Chloe had been holidaying with some friends. A week had gone by already ,but she was really enjoying her time away from the hustle and bustle of the city. She liked to cycle through the quiet country lanes whenever she got the chance and it was on one of those cycles that she first saw him. He was about the same age as Chloe and turned and smiled,Chloe smiled back and before long they were deep in conversation. He too was interested in cycling and both of them sat on the wall of the old stone...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Natana Brooke Stripper Takes It Slow And Sexy

We are lucky today, the gorgeous Natana Brooke knocks on our door, looking as sexy as ever. We talk to her a little bit about her experience as a stripper, she shows us some of her moves. Eventually, I get her to strip down and I am absolutely amazed at her perfect booty. She sucks my dick really slow and sexy, I love it. Eventually, I start to fuck her. Her body is perfect, and to top it all of, her face is absolutely beautiful. This one was a lot of fun. She can’t wait to get a huge...

1 year ago
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Semper Fi Pt 07

Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2012 Thank you for reading. A special thanks to Bill, Michael, Lewis, Cassandra and Elliot for editing, reading and commenting to make this tale that much better. Chapter 26: A minor inconvenience Three weeks after Solvang… Diego Gonzalez casually strolled down the hallway, a bag of chips in one hand and a soda in the other, slowly twisting his head to watch the three cheerleaders sway by. Although he had only three minutes left to get to...

3 years ago
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Aging WellChapter 14 Sandy writes

We came to my door. I said, “Come in. What details are there to review?” We went inside and I closed the door. “Jack, would you like some more coffee?” “Not really.” He took me into his arms and pulled me tight to his body. I was looking him in the eye as he brought his head to mine. We kissed for a long, long time. We were entwined and rubbing each other’s bodies. We finally broke our kiss panting. I pulled him to the couch sitting beside him facing him. I almost straddled him. He looked...

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TeensLoveAnal Chloe Cherry A Bootylicious Bet

Chloe Cherrys friends have all been wondering what her stepbrother is packing in his pants, so today she videos him getting out of the shower. Unfortunately, he is soft like they are in Aspen, and this gives Chloe the wrong impression. She does not think his dick gets any bigger, so they make a deal. If he sticks his cock in her butt and she squeals, she has to the video. He blindfolds her and sticks a dildo in her butt before replacing it with his rock hard johnson and taking her for an anal...

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lsquoWhored Out to his InLawsrsquo Pt 4

STORY – ‘Whored Out to his In-Laws’ Pt 4.....Stephen tried to get out of his sexual-high promise, but knew he would agree to anything to keep Lisa, she was becoming his world and his world was becoming filled with more and more sexual experiences. Experiences that Stephen could only have dreamt of before Lisa, dreamt of and fantasised about while spending so many hours alone viewing porn on the internet. But now things were happening for real and Stephen would do anything Lisa asked.....Lisa...

2 years ago
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The Door

Chapter 1 I knocked the door. She came and opened the door. "Come in, "she said and ushered to her room. "Where are your parents?" I asked. "They've gone out, "she said. "What'll we do?" I asked. "Let's watch TV," she said and opened the TV. There were not much interesting programs. "Don't you have any good movies?" I asked. "Look there, "she said showing towards a cupboard. I searched but found no good movie. Then behind the cupboard there was a small drawer and inside...

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Dominated By Shemale

By : Sam2mas Hi this is Sam and I am going to share my experience with a Shemale and this is true. Once I was travelling in a bus and I was seated in the last row and my next seat was empty. After travelling for 30 min a stopping came and some people came into bus. A lady around 35 came in and took the seat next to me. She was wearing a shirt and a mini-skirt. Her boobs were 34 D and she is looking sexy. After sometime she started talkingand we introduced ourselves and I came to know her name...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Sex Underway Chapter 2

"Cold baby?" I asked."Not really," she replied. "I've lived here all my life, so I'm used to it. Wait until the rain, and then snow hits, then its fucking cold!"We finished our drinks and headed back into the bedroom, getting under the covers."I could get used to a guy like you, Lee. You really know how to treat a woman, on a date, just casually, and in bed," she said softly.I just pulled her to me and kissed her softly as we cuddled, drifting off to sleep.I woke up the next morning, it must...

Straight Sex
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Amavum nanum

Hi All, This is the true incident happened in my life. For the sake of Tamil Readers I write this in Tamil. Enaku ippo vayasu 19 ammaku 38 agudhu ana pakka oru 35 vayasu mathri irupa, nalla kunda solla pona sema nattu katta. 2 years back appa ernathuttar. Athuku apparam amma nan mattum than so ore roomla paduppom. Appo oru naal night enaku thagam eduthathu appo thanni kudikalamnu eluthen appo amma marapu vilagi irunthathu, mula veliya vara thudikithu atha pathathum enaku amma mela mela mood...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Megan Marx Tiny Conjugal Cum Visits

Megan Marx is the perfect little slut our stud needs to get his rocks off today. She shows up to his jail cell looking extra cute with her perky titties and bubbly ass. And even though she looks like the innocent, girl next door type, she has a naughty streak that she cannot wait to let out. She strips down and pleasures our studs fat prick with her tender, wet mouth. Then, as she feels her pussy start to drip, she mounts his cock for an extra tight cockride. How he fits all that meat inside...

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Coming of Age With Benefits

If you haven’t read Coming of Age, you might want to back up and read it first. My wife and I had been married about 4 years and we had an amazing sex life. She would try just about anything once and more if she really liked it. My Aunt Mary was never jealous of my wife and in fact she treated her extremely nice. I tried not to be too obvious when I was around my aunt as, I did not want to give our little get togethers away. She would call me on occasions and ask if I could come over and help...

4 years ago
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Church Ladies PT 2

After that night at home and of course after that weekend alone as well she came in to work all prepared to find Catherine and see what was going on as far as she was concerned but she didn’t. Seeing as it was Monday, she came in that morning and of course wondered if Catherine was already in however Sarah’s schedule dictated that she had way too much to do. Sarah didn’t even look around for her. She didn’t look for Catherine at all. She didn’t even know if Catherine was there yet. In truth,...

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Brandon Sudden Realization

I followed Janice down the hallway of her rented, two-bedroom modular home. That's what it's called when you or someone you know, lives in one. Trailer is so white trash. Her slender figure, accentuated by the work clothes she still wore, was enough to elevate my heart rate a little. She was slightly taller than my five-foot-eight frame, but that just afforded me more leg. Wearing a standard pair of her black pantyhose and a skirt that only stretched a third of the way down her thigh, I was on...

3 years ago
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Pleasing a stranger

Leaving work you’re heading for your car on the third floor of the parking garage. It’s late, and the garage is dimly lit, with only a few remaining cars left. You’ve been flirting with a guy at work, and you’re kinda feeling giggly as you rummage through your purse for your keys. Not paying any attention to the darkness, as if in your own little world. Nearing your car you notice that a few spots down there’s a gentleman sitting in his car with his head back on the head rest. You naturally...

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Vanilla Fantasy

I grab a fistful of your silky gold locks, exposing your neck. I bite into it with passion, like a vampire sucks blood. I inhale your skin and suck your bottom lip into mine. I nibble your ear and flick my tongue. I bite into your shoulder, while running my hands to and fro over your body. I am excited at your scent and the color of our skin, brown and crème gets me hard. Your body is so soft and inviting. I place my hands in yours and devour your breasts, pressing them with my tongue. I lick...

2 years ago
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A Tease Unlike Any Other

Well, in a way, this is a continuation to my first story. So, if you haven't read it, I'd suggest reading it for a general description of Madi. If ya don't care, then continue reading on! This happened about a week after I had sex with Madi, a very lustful bbw that wanted me more than anything. Despite the good pleasure she made me feel, which made going back to masturbation horrible, I couldn't risk the off chance that she'd go out with me, find a guy she wants, and simply break it off, like...

1 year ago
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Pokmon The Conquest

CHAPTER I: DEFEAT It was an unimaginable outcome for many in the ranks of Team Rocket. Giovanni, the very leader of the organization, had been defeated at his best. By a kid no less! The man behind Team Rocket had also been in charge of running one of the Pokemon Gyms in Kanto. Not like the League knew of Giovanni's position in Team Rocket, otherwise they'd never have allowed him the position at all. But while losses in the line of his "job" were unavoidable (the Pokemon League's standards...

2 years ago
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My Weekend with Carl

Introduction: A fun weekend My Weekend with Carl Carl arrived at his slaves house at 5:30pm, half an hour late but purposely done of course. She had answered the door as instructed, only wearing her dressing gown, with collar on as tight as it went, clamps attached to both nipples, her large vibrating egg inserted inside her and black beads half inserted to look like a tail. They both went straight to her room to start the punishment for the weekend. As soon as they got to her room he...

4 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 24

Armando awoke to a terrifying reality - his reality! There were manacles on his wrists and shackles securing his ankles. The short chains allowed for some movement; but not very much. The chains were solidly anchored in the rock wall. There would be no escape from here Armando was certain. He could only make a guess at how long he had been kept in this windowless dungeon cell. His only visitor had been an enormous silver gray wolf with an impressive set of teeth. Ever since he had left the...

3 years ago
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A Lifetime Chance With 44DD Boobs

Hello everyone.. This is Rohan Sharma with my second story. In case you haven’t read my first story then please read it. This is a little lengthy story so please avoid it if you do not have patience. But trust me you would get goose bumps reading this story.. Please leave your valuable feedbacks on my email on I’m eagerly waiting for your replies and I’m dying to fuck you all my beautiful sexy hot readers.. I’m a professional masseur. And I made few clients with all the adds on fb and...

1 year ago
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A Chance Encounter

The woman sitting at the bar was all alone, and if anyone had been watching her closely, they would have seen that she was not a happy person. At forty two years old, Katie felt like she had lost everything, and she just wanted to have a few drinks by herself and wallow in self pity. She had been sitting for nearly ten minutes on the comfortable bar stool, nursing her drink, when a person sidled up to the bar and sat down two seats from her to her right and ordered a light beer. It was a...

2 years ago
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Latha in Menage

I am Latha, a 23 years old housewife. My husband Ramu is employed in a private company as a clerk. I am having a child, aged about six months old now. It happened about a year ago. My husband had left for office in the morning. It was about 9.30 in the morning when I got a telephone call from him. He asked me to urgently come over to his office. He insisted that I should rush immediately. He did not tell me the reason, but his voice made me feel that he was in some trouble. Although I had not...

1 year ago
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Fiances taken

My penis aches with pleasure. When I drunkenly suggested to a group of female friends that I wanted my fianc?to be taken advantage of as she had taken advantage of me I had no idea they would be so willing, or the ideas they would have, some of which were even wilder than mine. One of them, probably Clara, had spiked her drink with rohypnol after several strong cocktails, after she had already had enough to start sending her to sleep. After finding out from a mutual friend that she been...

2 years ago
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Dorm StoryChapter 2

Ali froze, her fingers still inside herself. She couldn't take her eyes from Jaime's. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry. Jaime's eyes drifted closed and she let out a long loud snore. She had been asleep the whole time, Ali told herself. She slid her fingers from her crotch and put her knees down. Carefully, so as not to get any of the sticky goo on her sheets, she pulled her arm out from under the covers and pushed them back. She got up and her bare feet slapped on the linoleum...

2 years ago
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Paid by husband to fuck

Hi readers well its me Snajay (call boy) from Bangalore…and I hope u all would have read about my story how I became a call boy in the title “my first sex with my Aunty.” Well now I have come back with another story of mine One day I got an Email from Mr. Kumar saying that he needed call boy service for her wife. I got the mail verified and we met at place and he took me to his house in his car. We reached the home and it was very big, He rang the door bell and a whitish but sexy female dressed...

2 years ago
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My sister and me

Sorry for the bad English, I'm writing through an interpreter!Briefly about my sister: my cousin, we are the same age (21 years old). Thin with a small chest and middle ass. The vulgar, can calmly talk to me on vulgar topics and discuss. We live now in different cities.All this happened on New Year's Eve. We met in a circle of friends at the apartment, celebrated, had fun, drank. Closer to the morning, we decided to go home, as there were then other plans for us, and the drunks were already...

2 years ago
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Melody Came AlongChapter 3

I stretched out on my bed and opened my grandfather's journal to the next entry. When he had died ten years ago, he had left all his journals to me. He had kept one up until the last month of his life, when he had suffered a stroke that he never recovered from. I had been reading an entry each night since I had received them. This one was about fishing and had references to the first time he had carried me out on a Minnesota lake. With fishing, it's not the size of the boat, motors and...

2 years ago
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Remarried in Style

REMARRIED IN STYLE Here's a belated Christmas present for all those who, like me, love a bridal fantasy ... ================================== When my wife of 14 years caught me cheating with my beautiful young personal assistant, Nicole, I thought our marriage was over for sure. Sophie didn't speak to me for the best part of a week. But over the next few days the ice thawed and we began talking again. I made a clean breast of my affair with Nicole and apologised profusely....

2 years ago
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4 wonerful days with my aunt

The next week I called my aunt if he still need comforting. “yes, will you still come here?”. She said curiously. “of course I will! There’s nothing that I won’t do for you! :)).” Then my father called me. “Hey! Iceman let’s hit the road! Hang up there you and Anne will meet soon! So come on! ” He said (I like my drinks with lots of ice and I eat a lot of Ice cream that’s why he called me Iceman). “hey uh Imma hang up now cause we’re leaving” I said excitedly. “okay see you soon,...

4 years ago
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Annies Education Ch 05

That night I dreamt of Amber. Strange, silent dreams that made me warm and moist and made my nipples stand out like tiny erasers. I was sitting at one of the long tables at the village library where I’d grown up. I heard the librarian come up to the table, but when I looked up, it wasn’t Edith Hilgart…it was Amber, her long blonde hair tumbling over her shoulders, her full lips glistening in the soft light of the table lamps. She’s stark naked. Her full 36 C’s are firm, the nipples hard. She...

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Trisha And The Academy

TRISHA AND THE ACADEMYPart 1 – Introduction     Trisha was so worried.  Semester report cards were coming out today, and she knew that she was going to be in trouble.  She just didn’t know to what extent. In the past, she had always been able to talk her way out of any trouble with her dad.  After all, she was ?Daddy’s Little Princess?.  And, although daddy would get pissed off at her at times, all she had to do was pout, cry a few tears, give daddy a big hug while telling him how sorry she...

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Alice gets Hitched

As can be imagined, a pregnant, used mistress can be rather difficult to palm off. Difficult, that is, unless a large dowry accompanies the lusty little vixen. Alice was no exception to this social rule so prevalent in late Georgian England. Alice’s belly was now thick with healthy child from the almost constant amorous attentions of Lord Elton. The baron of Kingston manor had thoroughly enjoyed both of Alice’s tight, responsive holes for months now but keeping true to his promise,...

1 year ago
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Dependency By Beverley Anne Miles The body was lying in the darkness, partially hidden in the corner of shadow at the foot of the wall next to the back entrance to my shop. I was coming back from the pub one night, quite late, when I found it. I checked around me to make sure it wasn't a set up for a mugging - it's been tried before, then leant down over the prone body - when I first looked I wasn't sure what gender I was looking at. Face down, the long lank hair hid the facial...

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