I Love My Bestie Part One free porn video

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"Good morning beautiful," Alan said while he caressed Sonia, softly kissing her as he outlined her curves through her bathrobe.

"Good morning baby," she replied with a bright smile while cooking eggs.
"Imagine it, in two days we'll have this big old house to ourselves."

"Mmm you got that right, two days. Which means you can tell Mr.Happy down there to cool himself while I cook breakfast," Sonia replied with a chuckle

Alan laughed his deep throaty laugh as he turned Sonia towards him and kissed her fully on the lips. Sonia simply melted into his huge frame and let him advance without restraint. He worked his way under her silk bathrobe to her naked body underneath and gently pinched her pert nipples. Sonia moaned and dropped to her knees and went down with his boxers. She instantly went to work on him, moaning for effect.

"Well Mom I thought I smelled eggs and bacon for breakfast, not sausage." I cocked my head to the side and smiled at the both of them.

"Ok wise ass, breakfast will be done in a few minutes." My mother said with a smile, standing up and getting back to breakfast.

My BEAR of father jumped over to me, picked me up and flung me into the air several times while I screamed in ecstasy.

"How's my College cock-blocking little girl doing this morning?" He said wrapping me into a bear hug.

"Well speaking of cockblocking, put that thing away Daddy before you put a hole through my stomach!"

"Good morning everybody." My older brother Josh greeted us as he sat at the table.

"Unnghh" I greeted the animal as my father set me down and pulled on his boxers.

"Allyyyssonnn." My mother said with that mom tone in her voice "Good morning Josh sweetie. Ally, where are those pajamas I bought for you on Thursday? What did I tell you about parading around the house in your underwear?"

She handed me the spatual and I finished the eggs as she sat down.

"Its how sluts dress these days." Chirped my little sister Tessa while she stretched the waistband, letting it POP back to my waist and taking her place at the table. I yelped.

"Believe it or not these are the most clothes any boy at school has seen on her." Josh triumphantly announced while Tessa snickered.

Conked him clean across the head with the spatula.

"Ouch. . ."

"Mom we're in Australia in the middle of summer for crying out loud, it's to hot to be wearing cotton pajama's."

"Then honey wear the silk ones I bought you on Tuesday."

"The feel of silk on my skin makes me drop-dead horny." I said matter-of-factly while pushing a loose strand out of my face and back behind my ear.

"Surprise, surprise." Josh just HAD to reply.


"Ouch. . ."

I set the table up and served everyone. I grabbed my own plate and sat up on top of the counter stuffing myself silly with eggs and bacon.

"Allyson, you need to clean out your room today, you're leaving in two days." My mother said, pointing her fork at me. "I want everything that's not going with you into the attic."

I looked up at her with a piece of bacon hanging out my mouth. I must of been pretty funny looking because even Dad stop eating to laugh. Tessa started choking.

"Karma's a bitch." I said when the chunk of egg came flying out her mouth.

I hopped off the counter and put my arm the men's shoulders.

"Awww Mommy, I was wondering if my big, strong Daddy and my brother could do it?"

"I don't care who does it Ally, I just want that room clean." She told me.

"What do you say guys?" I smiled real wide at the both of them.


"Sorry baby," He said while getting up. "Your mother and I have some unfinished business to attend to." He winked at me.

My mother laughed and they both set their plates in the sink and went upstairs to their room. I sat in Daddy's chair and clung on to Josh's arm.

"Mmm Joshy you've been working out!"

"Nopeeee." He felt proud of his answer

"Pretty please Joshy?" I gave him my most pleading look.


"How about I bake your favorite brownies today?"

"Unh unh."

"Sirloin for supper?"


I crossed my arms in mock frustration.

"Ok asshole I see what you want. I'll give you $50."

"You'll have to work harder than that sister."


"No deal."



"Alright $300!" You can see how clearly I DON'T wanna do this.

"I got paid yesterday." He told me with a smug grin.

I threw my hands up in the air and then got out the chair. I came up behind him and ran my fingers down his bare chest. I stooped down close and licked the outside of his ear carefully. I powered on the most sensuous, sultry voice I could muster.

"Please Joshua. . ." I continued rubbing his chest, going lower and lower. I continued licking and nibbling on his ear.

He moaned, closing his eyes and hung his head back. I had him.

"Nahh!" His eyes suddenly popping open, laughing.


I continued the act, this time moaning rabidly into his ear, pressing my breasts into his head, and sending my hands under the waistband of his boxers.

"How about a full-body massage?"

He shook his head.

"A shower?"

Once again. denied.

I played my last card.

I closed my eyes and moaned hard into his ear. He remained completely flaccid.

"How about a nice blowjob big brother?"

"I'M EATING!" Tessa exclaimed, her mouth full of eggs.

Josh seemed to be contemplating my last offer.


"Ughh,, asshole!"

Joshua laughed and set his plate in the sink and went off to his room.

I sat exasperated and looked down at my vibrant pink nails sitting in my lap. Tessa got up to put her plate in the sink and walked out the kitchen.


"NO ALLY." She said over her back.

I grabbed my plate from the counter and continued eating.

"KEEP IT DOWN UP THERE!!!" I screamed up towards my parents incessant thrashing.

I am surrounded by assholes. (-.-)


I almost had a heart attack when my friend Sarah appeared next to me.

"Oh my God Sarah! What the hell!" I said clutching my chest. She started laughing and I loved how her thick red curls bounced when she did. She plopped herself down in my lap and began eating.

"Damn girl, all that ahh!" I said

"You guys left the door unlocked. Ally, guess what! We got invited to QUT's Senior masquerade party!"

"Oh my GOD! SHUT UP!" I squealed in delight.

"My cousin heard we were coming to QUT and he got us some invitations! And we're only Freshmen!" She told me between forkfuls.

"Oh my God I love you soooo much for this Sara!"

She pushed the empty plate away and turned around in my lap to face me. Her hand came up to caress my face and she outlined my jaw with her index finger.

"Now how much exactly is that?" She inquired with a seductive smile as I lost myself in her touches.

Sarah began to massage my naked thigh while with her other hand she outlined my collarbone. She pressed into me, my firm nipples in turn pressing into her chest through the think fabric of my t shirt. Her hands dropped to my stomach and outlined my curves as she began to lick and suck my sensitive neck. I moaned and hung my head back to give her more access,, more room to please me. Her hands slipped under my shirt and slowly massaged my stomach, before sliding to my back. I was in flames as Sarah hit more and more of my erogenous zones. I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy on my bare thigh, and I could soon feel her own juices mixing with mine.

"Ahhh. . ." Came the slight release from deep within me. Sarah's hands drifted down towards the waistband of my panties and came around to under my stomach. She ran her fingers through the trimmed, golden curls of my now wet pubic mound. I was wet like mad. Her finger found my hood and began to rub it furiously on top of my now very engorged clit. I yelped in pleasure and squirmed under her kisses which were now getting closer and closer to my lips.

"Sarahh. . . I love it when you do this. . ."

"I know you do. . ."

She found my lips and electricity shocked through my entire body as she subtly slid her tongue into my mouth. I couldn't get enough of her full, soft lips as she continued to rub me faster, and faster. She slipped a finger into my wet slit and I almost fainted from the pleasure. She brought the finger out of my panties and I could see my juices glistening in the morning sun as she slipped it in between our lips.

"Mmmm. . ." We both moaned in unison as we tasted the sweetness of our mixed nectar. She smiled at me and went back to rubbing my clit while her other hand fell onto my attention-craving nipple.

"Ohhhh fuck yes Sarah. . . you are making me soo hot right now. . ."

She picked up speed in both processes, and I could feel myself going over the edge. She knew it too, we did this too often for us not to know.

"Mmm Ally are you enjoying this as much as I am?" She purred.

My shallow breathing was getting even faster, and I answered her while I was teetering over the edge into the ocean of my orgasm.

"SARAH!!!!!" I tried to contain the orgasm that was wracking through me, and then I succumbed to its power and let its waves wash over me.

"Oooh Allyson that seemed intense." Joshua told me.

He stood behind us masturbating with a huge grin on his face.

"You fucking creep how long have you been there!" I screamed.

" 'Oh Sarah, I love it when you do this!' " He mocked.

Sarah burst into laughter with Joshua and was already planning to kill him.

"Wow little sister, you seemed to let Sarah have all the fun, I didn't see you do ANYTHING."

For once, this idiot was right. I shifted Sarah off of me and grabbed her hand, heading towards my room.

"Awww why did you guys stop?" Joshua said still stroking that monster he had.

"Fuck you Josh." I said while leading Sarah to my room.

"Awww Ally, look at the poor baby!" Sarah cooed.

She pulled her hand away from me and dropped down to Josh's stiff rod with a smile. I tapped my foot impatiently as I watched Josh take it all in and wink at me. Sarah was really working him and he was loving every single minute of it.

"C'mon sis, two are always better than one!" He chimed.

I flipped him the bird, two to be exact and he laughed it off as he shot his load into Sarah's mouth.

"Mmmm.. ." He grunted as he milked every single last drop onto her tongue.

"Yummy!" Sarah exclaimed

"Ew!" was the word I was saying.

Joshua laughed and I grabbed Sarah off her knees and led her up to my room. I don't know why but seeing Sarah suck off my brother had me horny as hell. I pushed her onto my bed and pulled the tank over my head to free my breasts. The sight of Sarah with her red hair fanned out and her ready for me made me shudder with pleasure. I disappeared under her skirt, pleased to find out she wasn't wearing any underwear. I lovingly licked at the inside of her thighs,making her shake with anticipation. I licked the soft red hair that was growing on her mound.

"Allllllyyyyyyyy, stop teasing me! You know *moan how much I moan hate thaattt. . ."

I continued to lick up and around her sex, lapping up all the stray the juice before descending onto her clit.

"Mmm. . ."

I circled around her clit with my tongue, sucking and oh so gently nibbling her plump little button.

"Ohh fuck yes Ally. . . That feels so fucking good. . ."

My own pussy was dripping and making a puddle on the floor. I pushed two fingers into and began moaning myself.

I outlined her labia with my other hand and she began squirming under my touch like I was before, under hers. I slipped two fingers into her pussy and began rubbing the wall in deliberate, systematic circles. Sarah was breathing fast and I kept working.

"Ooooohh Alllyy!" She said.

She pushed me into her pussy and I ate hungrily, sucking and licking everything I could down there. I pulled out my fingers from myself and slowly turned and got on top of her, positioning my pussy over her mouth. My eyes closed and I shivered in pleasure as I felt her tongue slip inside me. Her hands were pushing my ass down into her face, hungry for more of me. I jumped back down in between her legs and the moaning from both of us added a beautiful vibrator into the mix.

"Ohhh fuck yes Sarah! Eat my pussy out! Fuck yes!!" I said before getting back to hers. I could feel her body tighten as she bucked and shook under my lithe frame from what seemed to be a mind-blowing orgasm. I happily lapped up the increase of juices from her orgasm and soon I could feel the familiar urge building in my pelvis.

"Oh my God Sarah I'm going to fucking cum!"

Sarah pushed her head deeper between me and continued her non stop rhythm. The urge was getting stronger and I was getting hotter and hotter. Once again I was going over the edge

"Mmmmm YES!" I screamed in pleasure.

I jerked and shook for ten seconds until I felt the cum shooting out of me. I fell limp as Sarah slurped and sucked at my cum.

"Holy fuck Sarah that was intense!" I said smiling.

"Who said we were done? It's my turn to be on top bitch!" She giggled as she said it

Sarah pushed me over onto my back and spread my legs as knelt in between them, and started to vigorously rub her clit against mine. We both screamed out in pleasure as we began to grind harder and harder onto each other's sex. The sight of her little patch of red above her pussy and her breasts bouncing up and down made me bump even harder. I grabbed her breasts and squeezed, then began rolling her nipples began my fingers.

"Oh fuck Ally, Ive never felt this way before!!"

I moaned in response and soon Sarah was bucking on top of me.

"OhmyGod ohmyGod OhmyGod Ally!!! It's happening!! I'm cummmiinnnngggg!!!" She screamed

For the first time Sarah shot a squirt of cum onto my hot, wet pussy. She wearily collapsed on top of me, both of us panting heavily. I turned her over and fell onto her pussy, eager to taste her first cum.

"Yummy!" I exclaimed

She laughed and I moved up to share her cum with her. I lovingly caressed her face as we kissed and swapped the taste of each other.

"Allyson. that was fucking amazing!!!!!!" She squealed in pure delight.

"Oh my God I know right!!" I told her.

"We HAVE to do that again! I'll stay the whole day if I have to."

"Great! We'll do it in Tessa's room when we're done cleaning mine out." I said quickly


"C'mon lover girl we have to clean all of this out and into the attic before we both head out to QUT." I told her.

"Ughhhhhhhh." She groaned.

We both put on some clothes and pulling down posters, medals, trophies, and all other kinds of things into boxes for the attic.

"Hey Ally what's this?" She was holding a tiny box full of drawings and other things.

"Oh my God!" I said.

I rushed over to her and flipped through the box.

"These are things from my best guy friend in the whole world when we were little! We grew up together since we were babies. We used to everything together, even shower! His name was Corey. I wonder what happened to him? He used to live next door to me."

"That is so cute and so sad at the same time!!" Sarah told me. "I always wanted a guy Bestie!"

"I'm gonna go ask my mom what happened to him. She used to be really tight with his mother."

I walked down the hall and up the stairs to my parents room.

"Ma!!!!" I shouted into the hallway before I got to their room.

"In a minute dear!! Ooooh yes Alan!" She replied

"Ughh. They're like rabbits, always at it."

I stood out the door for a few minutes until I heard both of them scream, and walked in 45 seconds later. They were panting and drenched in sweat, still naked.

"Mom, what happened to Corey?"

I crossed over to the bed and sat next to her. They turned to the spooning position and Mom thought for a moment.

"You know, the boy next door that used to my best friend? Look at these." I said.

Dad played with her nipples as she examined the paraphernalia in the box.

"Ohhhh! Corey! Oh yes I remember him and his mother Louise!"

"And his Dad Joseph." My father contributed as he lift my mothers leg into the air.

"They live in Brisbane now baby." She told me

Dad starting grinding into Mom and she moaned.

"DAD!" I screamed.

"You are such a cockblocker!" He teased.

I snorted.

"How come I never hear from them Ma?" I asked her.

"Why, I talk to Louise almost everyday honey! As a matter-of-fact, I heard Corey was accepted into QUT also. Wouldn't it be so nice if you guys met up again?"

I thought for a moment as I looked at the drawings of us holding hands.

"Yea, that would be nice. . ."

I must've sat there too long because soon Dad was picking me up and putting me out the room.


He set me outside with a laugh, and I could hear him run and jump onto the bed

Fucking rabbits.

I went back over to my room to see Sarah had done nothing since I left.

"So did you found out what happened to him?" She inquired.

"Yea I did, they live in Brisbane and he's actually going to QUT."

"Allyson!!! Oh my God! EEEEEEHHH!!!"

"WHAT??!?!" I jumped ready to run out the room.

"This is sooooooo cute! Ok, you guys are best friends since birth, only to be ripped apart, and then fate forces you two to meet years later!!! What a love story!!"

First, I slapped her upside the head for making me scared like that.

"You're right. That is weird." I said as I held one drawing of us getting married in the sunset. . .

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Taking My Bestie8217s Virginity

Hi guys. This is loving buddy (name changed) this is my second story. About me I m 23yrs of age not so much fair. Good physique due to love for games and gym. My dick is 6″long and 3″diam really. The girl in this story let’s say Sneha was a sweet slim body cute junior in my college. This started when I was completely broken during my last breakup. Then got request from sneha. I accepted and she started messaging me but I used to give quiet less reply. Then after some time I started talking then...

4 years ago
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Besties A man is struck by his girlfriend's best friend's appearance one day. He becomes obsessed with that vision, and it takes him to unexpected places. As I sat down, I caught a glimpse of her dress in the mirror. It was lilac with a subtle flower pattern on it. The dress was sleeveless, but with a boat neck so it did not show cleavage. It was soft and flowy, landing just above the knee on her (a woman three inches shorter than me). Between the hips and the knee, the...

2 years ago
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I Love My Bestie Part Three

‘Another glass of Diamond Sauvignon please.’ ‘Coming right at ya mate.’ Corey stared on through his mask as the bartender poured yet another glass of the dark liquid into his glass. He sat quietly as music pulsed on behind him, the crowd swaying with the rhythm. He nursed this one drink, being his fifth, and he could feel the incessant buzz of drunkenness warning him to slow down before he was consumed by it. He marveled at the beauty of the wine as he swished it around in his glass.  ‘How did...

2 years ago
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I Love My Bestie Part Three

"Another glass of Diamond Sauvignon please.""Coming right at ya mate."Corey stared on through his mask as the bartender poured yet another glass of the dark liquid into his glass. He sat quietly as music pulsed on behind him, the crowd swaying with the rhythm. He nursed this one drink, being his fifth, and he could feel the incessant buzz of drunkenness warning him to slow down before he was consumed by it. He marveled at the beauty of the wine as he swished it around in his glass. "How did I...

Straight Sex
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Threesome With My Besties

I am rajiv and today am going to share my first experience in this website. I am working in a reputed it company and love adenture. Telling about myself I am a tall guy 6’3 with average looks. I am sharing my first threesome experience with my colleagues in ooty. Me swathi & priya(name changed) are a group of 3 friends in office. We were together from our training days and we always stuck together. I was often teased by my male friends if I had any awesome threesome experience with them. Even...

1 year ago
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Brees Bestie

A little over 10 years ago, I joined LITEROTICA for what has been an incredible ride. I would never have anticipated becoming a published author or the fan reaction to my work or the friends I have made here. In celebration of this – my 500th piece written for the site – I am returning to some of my earliest characters. I hope you will enjoy this, a new, ongoing series. Let me know what you think and thanks to everyone for your long-running support. It has meant a lot to me over these past ten...

3 years ago
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Sleep Over With My Inexperienced Bestie

About four years ago I stayed the night and my friend’s (Sarah) house. at around about midnight we were talking and the subject sex came up.  She asked how far i had gone with a guy and i told her, everything but sex and anal. She started asking me questions like how do you hook up and how do you give a blow job and handjob etc. I explained and she asked if i could watch her practice on a cucumber and i thought why not! She was a natural!!!!! Next she asked what it was like to be felt up and i...

1 year ago
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Pillow Princess For My Bestie Finally Tasted Her

The familiar feeling of charlie's lips hungrily exploring my throbbing pussy brought as much sexual comfort as it did excitement. I let the pleasure she gave me bubble up out of my throat in a variety of gasps and sighs, the freedom I felt with her filling my body with anticipation and relief. Charlie is my oldest and best friend, since before she changed her name from Charlotte to Charlie. Her mouth swerved hotly back and forth across my tummy, teasing me before she plunged back down towards...

2 years ago
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Making Out With Bestie Turns to Hot Lesbian Sex

Sylvie's tongue explored my vagina as I lay immobilized on my bed, powerless to stop her though my mind protested with the thought "I'm not gay, I'm not gay, but fukkkkk...." I felt her pulling my labia into her mouth, then letting them slide out between her lips. My thighs trembled as she ate me. We both have boyfriends. She has talked about getting engaged to Camden for god's sake. But this thing with us, it's escalated and holy fuck she's down on me, diddling me with her mouth and I...

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Epic First Time Strapon Sex With My Bestie Vanessa

The way Vanessa ate my pussy was more like kneading and rolling dough in her mouth. She pulled and suckled and massaged and gripped my vagina and the muscles around it in a way I'd never experienced. The pleasure was so intense I could barely see straight. Her lips roved my labia, her tongue manipulated my clit while her hands pulled and pushed on my butt cheeks. I moaned uncontrollably, despite the fact that my sister was sleeping in the next room. I didn't even care if she heard us (she is...

1 year ago
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Bodybuilder Bestie

I have a big weakness for muscles and this is a story about one my favorite bodybuilders that I ACTUALLY got to meet in person and he's such a cool and sexy man. This bodybuilder from the Netherlands, Quincy Winklaar, is the bodybuilding man of my dreams and this story is fictional and derived from my imagination so just go along for the ride. Oh and just so you can get a visual on who I'm talking about in this story here's what he looks like:So this takes place in college around the fall...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Married Bestie

*THIS IS A TRUE STORY* My car was parked in the garage of my apartment. My newly married best friend was sitting in the back seat of my car in a pensive mood. “This is wrong”, she said meekly as I held her face and moved it towards my dick. “Oh please, you love it when your saliva drips down my dick” was my prompt reply. She gave a sly smile as she went down on me and kissed the head of my dick and then proceeded to spread her lips and fit half of my dick into her mouth. I pushed her head...

2 years ago
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A Day With My Bestie

Hi, this is my first story here and hope to write more if you people like it. Please ignore if there are any grammatical errors. Please do give your feedback at . Now let’s get to the story. I met Sejal about 4 years back in tutions. We both had a lot in common. We always reached tuitions one hour early as we came directly from college. We became good friends. After a year she moved to Delhi and we only chatted on facebook or WhatsApp and sometimes spoke over the phone. We shared everything...

4 years ago
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Sexperience With Bestie Before Her Marriage

Hello everyone, this is Prem again. Thank you for your comments and compliments on my previous stories. Sorry guys don’t ask me any details of my queens. I am secretive of their personal details. So don’t ever ask their details. Let me introduce me myself for those who don’t know me. This is Prem from Hyderabad, aged 25. I love bike ridings and fucking a lot. If you want to know more about me feel free to mail me. Coming to my experience, this happened in November 2018 between me and my friend....

2 years ago
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Making Love To My Sister8217s Horny Bestie

Hi friends, this is Aryan Batra from Delhi. I am a huge fan of ISS since last 8 years. Today, I decided to narrate one of my real life experiences. First of all thanks a lot for an overwhelming response to my previous story. Now, let’s jump to this story! Warning: This is my real story and a continuation of the previous one. If you haven’t read my previous story, just check it out for a better understanding of this one. I am trying to narrate it in as detailed as possible. So, this is going to...

2 years ago
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Drunk Sex With My Bestie Tania

Hey people! Thanks for the response to my first story. Overwhelmed. Here is what happened after that incident. Might be a bit long, sorry. After the encounter with my friend’s ex-girlfriend (previous story), I was caught up with college work. One fine day, my best friend Tania (name changed) called me up and said that’s she was coming back home and wanted to booze. It went like this, Tania – Hey ass! Me – Hi asshole, what’s up? Tania – I am coming to Coimbatore this weekend. Let’s booze. It’s...

3 years ago
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Bestie Isha Took My Virginity

Hi ISS readers, this is Pk4sex and this is my first story here. There was this girl in our class, her name was Isha. She was slightly dark but had a perfect figure. She was a sportsperson too and hence her physique always remained in perfect shape. We two used to be close friends right from the day 1. As days passed by our friendship grew stronger. She used to daily come to my room for projects and studies. We used to watch movies regularly in my room.She used to share everything with me. There...

4 years ago
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Losing Virginity With Bestie In Bangalore

My name is veer and I regularly read stories here and I always wanted such stories to happen to me and finally, it did. Kindly give me your feedback on Before starting a little about myself. I’m 5’10”. Girls do find me handsome and attractive and I’ve seen a lot of girls staring at me in public. A quiet fat and 7” long dick So this story is about a month ago when I was in Bangalore visiting my best friend. Her name is Natasha 5’5” with a figure of 34-30-32. She is a really beautiful and hot...

3 years ago
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The Time I Fucked My Bestie

Hi, all. This is Azuravithu. This is going to be my first sex story that I’m publishing here on Indian Sex Stories dot net. And I can tell you that this account is not going to have stories of a single person. I and a couple of my friends are going to be writing. And I can assure you that all these stories are real ones and not fantasies or fictions. All the names have been changed of course. Getting to the sex story. This is the sex story of how I fucked the brains out of a girl in class. Let...

1 year ago
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Fucking Indian Sex Stories Reader And Her Bestie

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, folks, this is Raj here. Hope all are super sexy. Most of my readers know me as I have received many emails from some girls and aunts to make them satisfied. Some for sex chat and mostly for sex encounters. I feel so honored and privileged that I made some of my female readers satisfy their sexual needs once they emailed me. Thanks for all your responses which I got for my previous story “Fucking A Cute Banglore Indian Sex...

1 year ago
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The Convocation Night With My Bestie

Hi indian sex stories dot net guys, I am Darshan from Bangalore. Recently I completed my MBA from a college in Pune. This is a story about how I fucked my classmate who was my best friend during college days at her apartment in Pune. I’ll like to start the story by describing the sex goddess of this real life event. Her name is Ninoshka, her height is 5’6 and stats are 34B-30-34. She’s very cute, as she’s fair which makes her look very sexy. I’m a 5’9 guy, average body, and dick size of 6. From...

2 years ago
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Theater Fun With Bestie

Hi, I am Jagadish from Chennai, this incident happened one month ago with my friend Hasini. I have read so many stories from this site and finally decided to share the lucky adventure of my sex story happened in my life. This is my first post on this site so, share your comments to this email id I will take my time to get into the story, so kindly bear with me fellas. I am from southern part of Tamilnadu, parents there are very strict, so, can’t experience any fun there, so I decided, that I...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Encounter With My Bestie

Hi all readers My self M Patel, Chartered Accountant working at a big company in Bangalore. I am a good looking guy with an average size tool. This story happened 6 months back when we were at Time of busy preparation for exams. The heroine of the story is inchara. We both worked in the same firm and we became great friends during the course of training. We used to spend a lot of time both discussing matters related to studies as well as personal things. The days were passing….. One day when we...

4 years ago
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My Bestie Fucked My Mom

Hi readers, this story is about the hot affair between my mom and my best friend.   It happened not long ago. I used to be a big fan of incest and enjoyed fantasising my mom and cousins. My friend however had a very bad opinion on incest and did not show much liking for it. He also did not like it when I told him that I had a sexual liking for my mom. However, all those things were about to change on that one day. The day he came to our house to drop off some stuff. I had gone out and only my...

2 years ago
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My Bestie With Benefits

The ultimate story of how two best friends took the next step towards quenching their thirst for Reading stories here at ISS has always been a guilty pleasure of mine and undoubtedly it has led to some great time masturbation sessions. So it is about time that I write about one of my own. If you guys get even a little horny after reading the story do send your feedbacks and requests at About me, I’m Varun 21, from Indore, 5’10”atletic built and it was recently that this incident took place and...

3 years ago
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How It Feels To Fuck A Bestie

It didn’t take quite some time to feel my dick getting hard looking at Nish take a dip in the beach, you could judge me to be pervy – but yes it was nothing less than fantastic when she took a dip in the water and her white tee shirt stuck through the skin of her lean body making the nipples so visible ! I would bet it wasn’t only me who had noticed yet! We were a bunch of undergrads who planned for a trip to Goa during the month of august – the month of rain and lust and a blissful period for...

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Cheating Mom 8211 My Bestie

Hi everyone this is Aryan Dsouza from south India, today am narrating this story to my mom who is a sex whore and now leading as wife for my dad and constructor uncle. Though dad is not around here mom and uncles relation grew also with me , she is really happy to have a son like me who supports in her every needs & in satisfying the uncle as am their son. Coming to the story on a fine evening day I was watching tv when mom and uncle having their weekly meeting in her bedroom after the session...

2 years ago
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Butt Fucking My Sister8217s Bestie

My 20 year old sister had 2 best friends, Shruti and Daisy. They were so close to our family that most of the time they stayed at our house only. They were as beautiful as my sister. Though I knew them for more than 10 years, I never looked them in a wrong way. But from the time they turned 15, they changed a lot and became my main subject for masturbation. Fortunately for me, they would never feel shy in front of me as I knew them since when I was a kid. They wouldn’t cover their cleavage in...

4 years ago
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Sleep Over With My Inexperienced Bestie

About four years ago I stayed the night and my friend's (Sarah) house. at around about midnight we were talking and the subject sex came up.  She asked how far i had gone with a guy and i told her, everything but sex and anal. She started asking me questions like how do you hook up and how do you give a blow job and handjob etc. I explained and she asked if i could watch her practice on a cucumber and i thought why not! She was a natural!!!!! Next she asked what it was like to be felt up and i...

First Time
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Experimenting With My Cute Bestie

Brie's vagina sat a few inches above my mouth. I realized I was salivating looking up at her. My eyes danced between her elated face, looking down at me from above and the delicate, moist flaps of skin whose warmth I could feel emanating across the short distance. Her thighs and butt formed a warm chamber in which my face felt surrounded by her private parts, swirling with the radiance and fragrance of her arousal. Slowly she lowered her pelvis down towards me. Her coarsely cropped pubes dusted...

2 years ago
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My Bestie Helps To Make Me Satisfied

Hello all, I am posting this story on behalf of my friend Kalyani and how . This was a real incident. I am Kalyani, 39 years old. I was married with one kid. For the past year, I am reading this portal. This is the right platform to share my sexual experience with the audience. I am sharing this story to relieve my pain inside my heart. I belong to a lower-middle-class family. I was married to Pankaj, but honestly, I didn’t like him at first glance. He is very thin and doesn’t have a good...

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Me and my bestie

This is how it started she new I was going though a hard time as my girlfriend had only dumped me the day before so she asked me to go out to a girls day shopping then back to hers. The strange things started when we went into a underwear shop and she made me try on a pink lacy bra and undies and after she saw they fitted on me she bought me them and bought her self the same ones except in black. After we got back to her house no one was home and suddenly pushed me into her room and onto her...

2 years ago
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Besties with Bennies

I would like to enclose that this story is fictional but based off of true events. All characters are over the age of 18, and nothing written exploited any person/persons. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear some constructive criticism from you. Thank you for your time. ***** It was just a casual night with Netflix and dinner… or so I thought. I invited Michael over after work so than we could hang out a little bit and catch up. We had both just graduated and hadn’t seen each other...

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