Marital Strife free porn video

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Marital strife By: Lyrissa "I can't wait to see her," count Varnus Flameshield said with a wide, lecherous grin. "Rumours and stories have spoken at length about her beauty, her grace, and her soft, full-" The count was tall and well muscled with a square-jawed handsome face framed with a mass of golden hair. His expensive clothing which bore the fiery shield that was his family crest further enhanced his looks. To a casual observer or someone who had not yet been exposed to the petty cruelty and selfish rudeness of the count he might appear to be a perfect male specimen. In stark contrast, the thin, black-robed figure who lurked behind Varnus seemed to be more like an animated shadow than a real man. The second man seemed very out of place next to the colourful count but stood there with an air of absolute confidence as if he and not his noble-born companion owned the surrounding castle. "You had best curb that attitude, Varnus. I need you to perform your part flawlessly," said the slender shadow of a man behind the count. Varnus huffed, visibly bristling at being treated like an obedient hound. The two men stood on the small balcony overlooking the courtyard of Varnus' keep with the gentle morning breeze ruffling their clothing yet neither of them paid any attention to the beauty of the view, the lush surrounding forest which shifted into verdant farmland further away, or the beautiful song of birds greeting the morning sun. They were both intent and focused on the dirt road stretching off into the forest. There had yet to be any sign of the expected guest. "Don't lecture me, my reclusive friend," Varnus said with a wide grin. "I know what to do, and I shall do it with pleasure. My lovely bride-to-be will be given the most charitable welcome possible." The hood of the warlock shifted slightly, and Varnus found a two pinpricks of light bore into him from within the darkness. "I know your attitude towards women, Varnus. Young, old, married, virgins... you're little more than an animal. But here I need you to act like the gentleman you want the world to see you as. In short, you need to keep it in your pants and not think with your dick for once." "Now listen here-" Varnus began, spinning around to face the warlock. He immediately regretted it. "I need the lady Delana's riches, Varnus. Or rather, the treasury and lands owned by her father. I do not have the means to take them by force or by spell without having a hold on the old fool, and his beloved daughter is exactly the means I need. Once you have married her you will be the legal heir to her father's whole estate, should anything 'unexpected' happen to him." Varnus nodded sullenly. "And until then I have to treat her well," he repeated from memory. "As if she was the most precious and fragile flower. Do this task for me and you will share in my power and riches, and you will have a noble beauty whom you can treat any way you like... after your vows are sealed." Varnus' sullen expression broke out into a wide smile once more. When the warlock explained it like that, even the rather slow-witted count found the plan delightful. What were a few short months of playing foppish, love-sick dandy for this noble girl in comparison to the riches that waited? "Milord, someone is approaching!" came a call from the battlements below. Varnus turned back to study the winding road. He squinted to see through the haze of the early morning sun, shielding his eyes with one hand. There, just where the road turned to vanish into the forest there was a dust cloud and soon the count could see a chariot approaching the castle. He felt his heart race, scenarios of forbidden pleasure already playing through his mind. "It's her. She's here!" he said just a little too loudly to conceal his excitement. "Very good. Now go greet your bride, Varnus," said the hissing voice behind him. When Varnus turned around to head down the stairs the warlock had vanished. *** The large gates of the Flameshield keep creaked open as grinding gears and clattering chains shifted their massive weight. Varnus stood at the head of his honour guard and the courtyard was lined by musicians, servants in their finest clothing bearing flowers and even some peasants with their children who had been invited into the castle and dressed up for the occasion. Varnus hoped it would make him appear like a charitable, kind lord. He also hoped that he had properly expressed what punishments awaited the peasants if they didn't behave around his guest. All in all it was a resplendent display which made the normally dull and utilitarian castle seem that much more vibrant. The coach that rumbled into the courtyard was escorted by only a few men- at-arms on horseback which surprised Varnus slightly. He himself would never travel anywhere without a strong contingent of skilled warriors. He couldn't help but be impressed by the ornate beauty of the carriage however, covered as it was in ornate carvings and gilded icons. The four white horses pulling it looked almost pristine as their white bodies gleamed in the sunlight and the driver expertly guided them to slow down and stop right in front of Varnus and his guard. The accompanying guards fell to the side as a servant clambered out of the coach, putting down a small wooden step from its other occupant. "Count Varnus Flameshield, I give you the lady Delana d'Arrendal," the herald proclaimed with a voice that echoed through the courtyard. Varnus gasped as his guest emerged. The lady Delana was widely reputed to be one of the fairest, most beautiful unmarried ladies in the Realms. Tales of her radiant beauty were sung by bards and recited by poets, and tales of her quiet, demure grace where whispered even among rowdy adventurers in rough taverns. Varnus had heard many of these stories himself and thoughts of young lady Delana had burned themselves inexorably into his depraved mind. He had longed to see her lily-white arms, her soft, caring face, her mass of hair the colour of ripe wheat, her radiant blue eyes... Varnus would have agreed to the marriage even had the girl been poorer than he. Warm, feverish dreams of ravaging her had danced across his sleeping mind for months since the proposal was accepted, and now... the count was face to face with the truth behind the stories. The first thing he saw was a white and silver spike-heeled shoe confidently swinging out of the gilded coach and landing on the small step provided by the servant. Instead of a dainty, elegant exit, the lady Delana instead stepped down onto the carpet laid out across the flagstones with a confident, easy grace. She was much taller than Varnus had expected, standing almost as tall as the guards forming up around her, but the surprises didn't end there. The young lady did possess a waterfall of golden hair, true, but it was arranged in a series of practical braids looked more the texture of rope than silk. She wore a flowing dress of ephemeral white adorned with countless gilded patterns and crests, true, but beneath that dress he could see the ripple of muscles as the lady strode towards him. He blinked at her wide shoulders and the hint of thick, strong thighs beneath her dress. He found himself staring at how strong her hands appeared within the white silk gloves she wore. Finally his eyes gravitated up to her face and he blinked. She was indeed beautiful, but it was a beauty with a hint of underlying untamed fierceness. She gave him an impression more of a tigress than of a frail flower. Varnus wondered if there had been a mistake. Perhaps this was a chambermaid or servant of lady Delana, sent to deliver a message? Perhaps the real lady was still hiding within her carriage, too demure to step out? "Count Flameshield, it is an honour," said the woman and extended her gloved hand for Varnus to kiss. Unsure of how to react, Varnus took the offered hand and gathered his courage. "Lady d'Arrendal?" he asked. She smiled a wide smile filled with shining bright white teeth. "Indeed I am, count. Were you expecting someone else?" Varnus bowed down and gracefully kissed her hand, and at his command all the guards and servants arrayed around the carriage knelt down in respect as well. The lady seemed amused by this and waved her hand for Varnus to stand back up. Behind her some of her servants were unpacking her luggage from the coach. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble on my behalf," Delana said, still smiling. "My father sends his regards, of course." "Thank you milady," Varnus replied smoothly, falling in next to Delana and leading her towards the main tower of the keep. "I wanted you to see my county at its very best before the ceremony." "If there is a ceremony." "Beg your pardon, milady?" "I am not merely here as a courtesy call, lord Flameshield," Delana said calmly while studying the walls of the keep. "I'm here as the eyes and ears of my father to see if you are... worthy... of this arrangement." Varnus sputtered but quickly bit his lip. "I assure you that I'm quite worthy, as indicated by the letters we exchanged and the emissaries I hosted!" "Writing on a piece of parchment and hearsay can be faked, lord Flameshield. I am here to see with my own eyes just how far your devotion goes. You wrote many flowery stanzas about my beauty, but little of what you intend to do to improve and change your domain to accommodate our wedding." Varnus entered the keep as his honour guard held up the massive oak doors for the prospective couple. Varnus cast a sideways glance at his bride- to-be as they entered the cool shade of the castle. Now that he could see her more clearly he was surprised at how strong and assertive she looked, even though she was clearly beautiful. He felt slightly uneasy as lady Delana was not at all the retiring flower he had expected. "I'm afraid I don't-" "My father," she said, striding deeper into the corridor and leaving Varnus to trail behind her like a puppy "harbours concern that your county is not... so to speak... modern. He believes you may be mistreating your commoners in the pursuit of personal power and money. A silly delusion, of course." "Of course milady," Varnus said uneasily. "And so he simply wants me to survey the conditions here before we sign the contract for the marriage and make sure any changes necessary are implemented," Delana said with a bored tone, smiling at the pair of guards who opened the door in front of her. The pair entered the ground floor reception room of the keep, and Delana walked around studying the furniture and decorations critically. Varnus suddenly felt as if he had lost control of the situation and he didn't like it one bit. The future countess traced one finger along one of the bookshelves and nodded approvingly at the lack of dust. "Ehm, yes milady, but what sort of improvements are we-" "You'll find out eventually," said Delana, turning towards him with a pleasant smile. Varnus' eyes once more traced along her fit body and he swallowed. "Now, perhaps I can retire to my room to freshen up? The journey was most tiring. You may send a servant with your schedule for the coming weeks up at your leisure." "As you wish... milady," Varnus said. Whatever he had expected out of his future wife, this wasn't it. *** Over the next few days the lady d'Arrendal settled in at Flameshield Keep and seemed to have made herself quite at home. She travelled surprisingly light, with only a couple of large trunks of belongings carried in her massive coach. Varnus reasoned that perhaps she was yet unsure of whether the wedding would happen or not and so wouldn't want to bring too much. The count was of course more desperate than ever to ensure the wedding did happen now, and spent most of his waking time instructing his guards on what to do around the castle and the surroundings to give the lady the best possible impression. As the two dined together and talked it became abundantly clear to Varnus that not only was lady d'Arrendal assertive and calmly self-confident, she was also educated and eloquent. She liked to lead conversations into areas of political science, history or philosophy, all of which led Varnus to struggle to keep up. His chances at impressing her with his personal education or good looks seemed to dwindle by the hour. The lady was also adamant not to be confined to the keep or to Varnus' company. She frequently left his side to go on small tours into the surrounding countryside, sometimes alone and sometimes accompanied by her servants and guards. What exactly she did during those trips Varnus only vaguely knew by interrogating militiamen or peasants. It seemed Delana was quite interested in how the count ruled his people and the general state of the local commoners. Varnus hoped that the copious bribes he had sent out ahead of time after the lady had revealed her intent to inspect his lands would be enough to convince her everything was fine. Meanwhile he was getting mentally exhausted from all this worrying and quietly started to wonder if it was all worth it. He needed to take control back from his guest by showing her his personal interests, and so he made plans. On the sixth day after lady Delana's arrival, Varnus rose early and got dressed in his hunting clothes, grabbing his massive bow and heading down to the courtyard. He always hunted on weekends and he had invited the noble lady to accompany him. Though she had not responded, he assumed she would be there as she was quite interested in his personal life. Striding down the spiral staircase from his bedroom (which he hoped to soon share with lady Delana), Varnus pushed open the door and stepped out into the cool, sunny early morning. He froze and stared. The courtyard was as good as empty. There were no huntsmen, no local peasants handling hunting dogs, no horses eager to set out. The only living creatures were his own massive jet-black horse and one of his elderly servants who was feeding the animal. Varnus rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was still asleep. He rushed over to the servant who almost jumped out of his thread worn boots at the approach of his lord. "Where is everyone? Have they forgotten what day it is? Well?" he shouted. "B-begging your pardon m'lord, but the others were sent home by orders of the lady d'Arrendal," the servant said, visibly shaking. Varnus blinked. "What? The lady did what?" "I sent everyone home," came the calm feminine voice of lady Delana from behind him. As Varnus turned he saw his future bride approach riding a pure white mare. Delana was dressed in a tight pair of pants with thigh-high riding boots, a jacket, gloves and she had her long hair in a long braid which bounced against her back as she rode. The tight, practical outfit enhanced her fit body and revealed to Varnus just how muscular and athletic his future bride was. He licked his lips. He did not find her appearance unpleasant, only her attitude. "But why? We're going on a hunt, we can't ju-" "Hunting for your own pleasure is such a barbaric sport," Delana said, wrinkling her nose at Varnus from her saddle. "I learned from the local trappers that game is getting scarce in the whole region because of incessant and indulgent hunting. And even worse, much of the meat is just fed to the dogs and the furs thrown away. Such a waste." "But-" Varnus began but cut off at the cool, determined glare of his future bride. "You must curtail these expeditions, count Flameshield. We will tour the countryside today, but not with the goal of slaying some defenceless beasts. Simply learn to enjoy the beauty of untamed nature as it is without a bow in your hand." Varnus fumed and opened his mouth to protest violently but then remembered the warlock's warnings against jeopardizing the plan. He reluctantly decided that he could stand to not go hunting for a few months while the final details of the wedding were settled. After all, once it was done and all the riches of the bride were in the hands of him and his partner, Varnus could do as he wanted again. "Very well milady, as you wish. Lead the way," Varnus said and quickly and nimbly swung himself into the saddle of his steed. Together the couple left the keep and rode out into the forest, leaving the still-shaking old servant to shake his head and wonder why his master was meekly accepting the lady's treatment. *** The following three weeks strained Varnus' patience even more, and the count was starting to regret ever agreeing to this marriage scheme. Not even the thought of ravaging the strangely attractive lady d'Arrendal. His bride terminating his hunting trips made Varnus surly, as he always derived a strange elation from killing, whether it was a helpless beast or an enemy soldier. Lady Delana however was not content there. Soon lady Delana demanded that Varnus sign a deed that allowed her to use his own funds at her leisure. Since the young woman had not travelled with much in the way of treasure, she insisted she be allowed to use Varnus's personal coffers. Varnus was distraught, but after consulting his warlock master agreed in order to perpetuate the charade. Soon the lady began making wedding preparations, ordering in decorations and delicacies from far away. While the count was horrified at the expenses, he also could sense triumph. The fact that Delana was already preparing for the wedding must mean that she had agreed that he was a suitable husband. All he had to do now was to continue playing along. However before he could gloat too much, count Flameshield's mood was ruined by other incidents. Lady d'Arrendal spent money to clothe and feed the villagers in the surrounding villages, constantly making trips into the countryside and 'borrowing' solders and workers from the castle for those meaningless tasks. The weekend after that, Varnus was holding a major reception for his closer allies and neighbours, only to discover that Delana had quietly screened the invitations, stopped some from being sent out altogether and then invited other guests in their stead. Varnus was stuck at a party where people he barely knew or didn't like feasted on his food and drank his wine while his future wife strolled around like she owned the castle and hobnobbed with the guests. The count had to bite his tongue when he saw that the lady had invited several commoners as well, including the mayor of the nearby town and some local merchants. And despite his rage, Varnus had to swallow his pride, smile and take Delana's arm while they attended the festivities. His patience was rapidly running out. The week after that, however, Varnus received his worst surprise yet. The count arose that morning with the same feeling of barely having slept. Worries and anger clouded his thoughts throughout both day and night and gave him quite distressing nightmares. He grumbled as he got out of bed and slowly got dressed, trying to bat away the cobwebs of sleep. He had woken up from a dream where he was being assaulted by hordes of peasants with large hammers who mercilessly battered him while Delana laughed. As he stood there in the quiet cool air of his bedroom the count suddenly realized something. The hammer sounds were real and they were coming from outside. Varnus rushed down the stairs with his stately count's finery still dishevelled and didn't stop until he reached the bottom floor where he could run out into the courtyard. He stared at the sight of several large carts pulled by oxen and stout workhorses parked here and there on the flagstones as hordes of craftsmen worked on raising wooden scaffolding around the castle walls and towers. Workers carried bricks and pails of mortar while apprentices assisted their masters with tools and diagrams and teamsters unloaded more goods. The bustle was even louder down here and it was no wonder that it had penetrated all the way into the count's sleeping mind. Varnus was thunderstruck for a moment, and then he spotted a familiar figure among the bustle and ran towards her. Delana was conferring with one of the older craftsmen as they studied an elaborate schematic laid out over an improvised table. "De- my bride, what is going on here?" Varnus began, measuring his words carefully. "What is all this?" The lady turned towards him and gave him a warm smile which still made Varnus' stomach flutter. "Oh my lord, I'm merely getting the renovation started. You remember the plans I spoke with you about last week?" Varnus raked his mind. "Wait, you mean those papers you gave me? With all the diagrams and ... things?" "Of course, yes," Delana said with a smile. "I assumed by your silence that you had no objections." Varnus felt like his stomach was filled with lead. The count was a very poor reader to begin with, as he had never considered that a vital skill. He only kept books around the castle because he believed it made him look sophisticated. The weird drawings and words on the bundle of papers the lady d'Arrendal had given him had certainly been beyond his degree of understanding. But if he admitted that he hadn't understood any of it to her now he would appear as a fool and an oaf. "I... yes. Of course. Of course I approve, I just didn't know it would happen this soon. I mean with the wedding next week and all." Delana gave him another cheerful smile. "That's exactly the time to begin rebuilding the keep for the future, lord. You don't want to receive my father in a run-down old military keep would you? By beginning rebuilding now we show him that we're thinking of the future. For us and our children." "Children...?" Varnus said with the same intelligence one would get from a village idiot. "There's just too many parts here that are dangerous for little ones, and it all looks terribly drab," Delana said matter-of-factly. Varnus felt anger well up inside him and once more had to restrain himself from roaring at the pesky woman who was wrecking his life. Instead he simply nodded and turned to storm off. While he couldn't do so during daylight with all the servants and guards about Varnus urgently needed to speak with his warlock ally. *** "She's wilful, arrogant and ... and... annoying!" Varnus sputtered. The thin, pitch-black silhouette of the warlock showed no sign of even hearing the count's rambling. Around the two the candles flickered, casting dancing shadows around the starkly furnished tower room. In the total quiet Varnus could hear the chirping of insects and the faraway calls of night-time birds. Then the shadow rustled. The count knew that the warlock was not there in the flesh but only as an illusory projection, but he still shivered. "In other words, you cannot handle a single woman who seems mostly focused on marriage and having children. Is that correct?" The voice cut through Varnus' stocky body like a knife and the dripping sarcasm was obvious even to the dim-witted Varnus. "Of course I can! It's just that she's constantly demanding, always disrupting my life an-" "That is what marriage does, count Flameshield," the warlock hissed. "You best prepare yourself now. Or have you forgotten about the prize?" Varnus nodded slowly like a little boy getting a scolding. "It's just that she... she's spending MY money now. My coffers are almost dry, and she doesn't allow me to tax the peasants further!" The warlock shifted again, drifting across the stones to gaze out the window at the construction work below. While the workplace was quiet and empty now, it still showed just how much had occurred over the last few days. "Your meagre savings are a drop in the ocean compared to what we can accomplish once we seize the d'Arrendal fortune, you simpleton. What matters it to me if you spend ten thousand or a hundred thousand of your gold if we can obtain millions more afterwards? It's starting to sound like my faith in you was misplaced, count. Mayhap I would do well to find a better accomplice?" Varnus froze. He quickly realized that if he broke his partnership with the warlock now, not only would be the subject to supernatural vengeance, but he would also never recover his money. "N-no. Of course not! I will see this through to the end!" The warlock spun around and fixated Varnus with his pinprick eyes. "Good. See to it that you do. If this marriage does not go through, you will pay for your failure." Then the warlock vanished as if he truly was a shadow chased off by the sun. Varnus rose to his feet from the uncomfortable position he had been sitting in and quietly rattled off a string of virulent curses. "Blasted magician and his parlour tricks, I wish I had never gotten involved with him. I can't wait for this to be over so I can just fuck that bitch's brains out and then cave her skull in and take her money. Then maybe I can find a new partner and send that warlock to hell as well..." Grinning at what he perceived as his own great cunning, Varnus went about extinguishing the candles. *** Over the last few days leading up to the wedding Varnus discovered a new steely determination that let him deal with lady Delana and her new whacky ideas. He focused on the goal ahead and counted down the hours, even when the construction work on the keep walls woke him up in the morning and he saw his coffers rapidly empty. At least the days seemed to pass quickly, and the castle was soon ready for the ceremony. Invitations had gone out and some guests had already arrived. Decorations had been put up over both the masonry and the scaffolding of the workers. Banners waved from every available steeple showing the combined arms of the Flameshield and d'Arrendal houses (those alone had cost a fortune). Food was being prepared and stored in enormous quantities. And the castle's long disused chapel had been spruced up and cleaned extensively to make it suitable for the most intimate part of the ceremony. Everything was finally going as planned. Varnus sat alone in his chamber, slowly working himself through a very simple book in the hope of improving his reading in secret. He couldn't focus, however, as the goal of becoming lord of the combined holdings of both families loomed over the horizon. The father of the bride was to arrive in the morning, and with him in the castle Varnus hoped that the warlock would allow him to eliminate the old man right away. Perhaps Varnus would let Delana live as his slave. Her strong body seemed resilient enough to endure rather rough treatment, and Varnus grinned widely at the thought of keeping the bothersome wench chained up and nude in his bedroom. There was a soft knock on the door. Varnus quickly dropped the book and rose to his feet, wondering who t could be at this hour. Most of the denizens of the castle were either asleep or working on last-minute preparations. The count snuck up to the door and raised his voice. "Who is it?" "It is I, your beloved," came lady Delana's voice. Count Flameshield's heart sank. What did the meddlesome woman want now? Still, he must play his part through to the end and unbolted and opened the door to allow her entry. Lady d'Arrendal swept into the count's private room dressed in a surprisingly sheer and flowing dress, quite different from the practical outfits she seemed to prefer. Her hard curves and muscles could be seen playing beneath the thin fabric and Varnus found himself mesmerized by her powerful, earthy beauty. Her hair was still in the long ponytail she preferred but overall she was dressed almost as beautifully as the stories he had heard of her long before he met her. "I thought you would be resting, my bride," Varnus said as he took Delena's hand and kissed it gently. "You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." "As do you," Delana said with a grin and sat down on Varnus' large comfortable couch crossing her legs elegantly. "But that doesn't mean we can't see each other, does it?" "Ah, of course. What is on your mind, milady?" the count inquired as he walked over to sit down next to her, taking her by the hand. Delana fixed his muddy brown eyes with her bright blue ones and smiled, then took him by the chin and guided him into a deep kiss. Varnus blinked in surprise. The attire and attitude of his young bride were certainly different tonight, and he wasn't going to complain. "What was that for?" he asked as he stroked her chin with the back of his coarse hand. She smiled bashfully and ran one finger along the cleavage of her dress, mesmerizing the count. "It is the night before our wedding. In the old days, the bride and groom were allowed a night of passion before tying their eternal bond." Varnus felt his throat become very dry and his heart start beating rapidly. At first he thought lady Delana might be joking, but he could see a rosy tone to her skin as well and her naughty grin convinced him that she was sincere. Varnus' manhood strained against his pants by the very idea of finally getting to lie with the girl he was to marry. "Is that your wish then... milady?" he asked as he gently ran one finger under her chin. "It is, my husband. Let us consummate our bond," Delana whispered, leaning down to lick his finger. Varnus had no idea his future bride could talk in a tone of voice that dripped sexuality since he had mostly heard her barking orders or giving calm, rational lectures. He was not a subtle man, however, so he wasted no time jumping to his feet and rushing over to bolt the door again. Delana was starting to strip out of her dress before he even returned, and Varnus began shedding his clothes as well. His erection was painful as he watched the beautiful woman slowly peel open her dress, revealing more and more of her tan skin. He licked his lips, eager to try her stamina and skill. He dropped his trousers and looked back up, surprised to find Delana already naked at his side. His eyes roved openly across her form now and he was overjoyed he no longer had to abstain ogling her due to any sense of gentlemanly behaviour. Delana's strong hands grabbed Varnus' pants and tugged them down along with his underwear, exposing his rock-hard shaft to the warm air of the chamber. With a grin, Delana led him over towards the space in front of the fireplace. The count was stunned that a noble lady wouldn't want to use the bed, but it suited him fine. His eyes darted up and down her body as she led him over, drinking in her each tiny curve of her muscled form. He had never been with such a strong woman, and it excited him. He knew he would end up breaking her eventually, of course, but he relished the idea of the challenge. Delana guided him down onto the thick rug in front of the fireplace and laid him out on his back, tracing lines across his muscular, scarred torso as she did. "My my, the count is powerful and experienced I see. But does that extend from battle to softer pursuits?" she said with a giddy tone. "I can assure the lady that he does. Can the lady d'Arrendal keep up?" She burst out laughing, reaching behind her head to undo her braid and letting her coarse blonde hair fall in a waterfall over her back and shoulders. Undressed and bereft of the trappings of civilization Varnus thought that Delana resembled a great jungle cat stalking its prey as she loomed over him. With a grin she grabbed his stiff member and pumped it up and down, apparently satisfied with the erection. She then climbed on top of him and slowly lowered herself down onto his length, grunting a bit as he slid deep into her. Varnus felt his head spin as his dreams were finally realized, and he eagerly thrust upwards into Delana's slit. As he felt himself enveloped by her warm, comforting lips he laid back on the rug and groaned in relief as he began thrusting harder and harder. Even in love-making Delana was far from a fragile flower. Rather than let the count have his way with her, she actively pushed down against him, wrapping her muscular thighs around his legs and riding him like a prize bull. He felt her somewhat rugged skin brush against his and shivered, loving the sensation of such a powerful lover. He could get used to this he thought, visions of Delana as his obedient but fiery slave dancing in front of his half-closed eyes. He saw her rosy cheeks bounce high above him as she happily took him in thrust by thrust and he felt as if he was finally rewarded for his months of patient suffering. "D-Delana..." he whispered between jolts of pleasure. "You're... finally mine." "And you're... mine, my dear Varnus," Delana responded in a surprisingly controlled tone despite the effort. Their coupling was becoming more violent, with Delana hungrily thrusting down against him making his ass brush against the rug. He felt every fibre under his back as sweat streaked his body and trickled down his forehead. He was finally doing it, he was fucking the near-legendary lady d'Arrendal like a mare in heat! The thought of triumph made him howl in pleasure as Delana's slick body bounced against him. Even the heavy pressure of her solid form wasn't enough to dissuade him, and Varnus kept going. All this time being quiet and submitting to every dumb idea this bossy female had had finally paid off. This wasn't just simple intercourse, this was his triumph. She had accepted him and swallowed his ruse, and tomorrow they would be wed. Varnus screamed as he came, pumping hot seed deep into Delana's cavern. She bucked against him sharply and jerked back and forth, gritting her teeth as she orgasmed in response. They were locked there like two primal beasts, grunting and sweating in the throes of ecstasy as their fluids mixed and trickled down their muscular forms. Varnus felt himself almost losing his eyesight for a moment as dizziness overtook him, but he grabbed hold of the surface of the rug and the edge of the couch and held on until his knuckles grew white as he finished pumping into his bride. Delana almost tumbled off him by the force of their coupling but managed to hang on using her thighs, and yelped weakly as their shared passion abated. Soon the screaming had stopped and all that could be heard was the sound of the couple panting heavily. Varnus released his death grip on the furniture and slid down onto the floor with a wet thud, breathing in to clear his head. He had never had sex like that, and he loved it. "That was... wonderful," the count panted as he opened his eyes again to let his eyesight clear. "It was... interesting," he heard Delana's voice. Suddenly he heard a sucking pop and felt Delana's weight leave his waist. His vision cleared so show his bride standing up to her full length, their mixed juices pouring down her toned legs. She was grinning, but for some reason the grin seemed out of place to Varnus. "W-what's so funny my love?" he asked, trying to work himself up to a sitting position. Delana ran a finger across her lips, giggling at something unseen. "Oh... just you." "I don't understand, what-" Varnus began, but quickly ended as he stared at his wife. Delana had extended one hand into the air and traced a swirling pattern across her sweat-covered stomach. Varnus watched like a transfixed man as the sharp nail left a pale impression in the tan skin. Apparently dissatisfied, Delana withdrew her hand and stared critically at her finger. "No no no, that won't do at all. Still too weak!" she mumbled. Then she shoved her index finger into her mouth and bit down hard, before tearing her hand back violently. Varnus yelped in surprise. As Delana's hand tore free, the skin of her index finger still dangled between her teeth. Instead, a large black-skinned finger tipped in a razor-sharp talon-like nail stuck out from her otherwise human hand. Delana smiled innocently, but Varnus found himself frozen in fear. "What in the hells!" he exclaimed. "Sssch, let me finish!" his bride said, putting the monstrous finger to her lips. As he watched she once more reached down to trace a pattern across her tummy, but this time instead of pulling away she jabbed the sharp black nail of the newly revealed finger deep into the muscular flesh of her body. Varnus' eyes went wide as Delana tugged her nail down across her abdomen, tearing a wide gash in her own skin. Instead of blood and gore pouring out, however, the skin parted bloodlessly and tore into loose flaps. And from behind Delana's flat, muscular stomach a large, erect penis flopped out. "Ah, finally after all these months," Delana cooed as she grabbed the manhood and pumped a few times. "I was getting tired of this charade." With the large manhood dangling between her legs, the lady d'Arrendal reached up to part the hair at her neck, and plunged the sharp nail deep into the flesh at the base of her hair line. Grabbing hold of the tear with both hands she began pulling, and Varnus heard a stretching, tearing noise. "Thanks for the exercise, loverboy, but you can say bye-bye to your girlfriend now," Delana said. And then she tore forwards violently. Varnus screamed, this time in surprise and fear. He had seen many horrible things on the fields of battle, but this was something entirely new and unnatural. With a forceful tug Delana tore the skin from her body. Her face emptied into a floppy mask with an unrealistic mane of hair attached at the scalp, her breasts became empty, floppy sacks and her muscular body became nothing more than a husk. Then she tore in both directions at once and her skin split and fragmented into a hundred fleshy scraps with fluttered across the room. Standing where Delana had been, still wearing her human feet and part of her hands was a tall, muscular male with jet black skin and a short covering of coarse black fur on parts of his body. He was very muscular and it seemed impossible that he could have fit inside Delana's smaller form. His form was not entirely human, with a much too prominent jaw and slightly hunched pose, arms that were just a little too long and a physique that seemed beyond what any human strongman could accomplish. Despite this and the savage, primal look of the creature he was strangely attractive and darkly handsome. His thick lips split and he gave the horrified count a pearly white grin. "Not as attracted to me now, count? I'm sorry, but the time for Delana is done. I take my leave now." Varnus jumped to his feet and dashed towards the creature that had been his bride up until a moment ago. Battle-honed reflexes kicked in as the count threw a sledgehammer punch at the intruder and... was sent flying by an almost effortless backhand by the creature. Stunned, Varnus turned on the floor and saw the monster approach him, gently tugging off the remains of Delana's skin. "Why? How?" Varnus stammered. "If it's any consolation, count, this isn't even about you. Well, in a way it is. You're allied with my creator, and thus you have earned my ire. This was simply the best way to ruin his plans." "The warlock? You know about-" "Of course I do. This has been planned for over a year. I admit it was tricky to intercept the letters sent between you and the d'Arrendal household and faking replies, but it worked out perfectly. And now I've also spent all your money for no return, meaning you are no longer of any use to your accursed master," the ape-man said. His voice was surprisingly refined and civilized despite his powerful body and savage appearance. "But... the money... all those expenses. You just wanted to ruin me!" Varnus sputtered, furious. Before he could react the creature put a heavy foot on top of his chest, pushing him down. "Exactly. I'm afraid the lady Delana got some very discouraging letters signed by you which broke up the courtship, and there is no money for you or your devil of a master." "But the invitations... the servants, the wagon...?" Varnus whimpered, his head spinning. "Delana's servants and guards were just hired mercenaries. Amazing what you can get for a few gold." Varnus' eyes involuntarily caught on half of Delana's face, discarded on the rug in front of the fireplace. "Ah yes, the skin. A nice invention isn't it? Of course nobody will believe you, least of all your ally." "You... killed Delana? Skinned her?" Varnus said, thoroughly confused. "Do try to keep up. No, lady Delana has never met me, at least not like this. She is safely back at her castle, having no clue about any engagement or marriage." Varnus felt black rage well up inside him. "You... you set me up. Took my money! I'm ruined!" "You earned it, count. Though I do admit you were an adequate lover. Now I bid you... farewell!" Releasing his foot from Varnus' chest, the ape-man leapt towards the inlaid glass window overlooking the courtyard and crashed through it, sending shards scattering onto the flagstones far below. Nimble despite his large bulk he then swung out and climbed along the tower edge to land on the peaked roof of the great hall of the castle before loping off towards the wall. Varnus staggered to his feet, raising his voice feebly to call for the guards. He knew it was already too late, however. Suddenly an icy fear gripped him. What was it the skin-shifting monster had said? That Varnus would now be useless to his master? The scheme was in ruins, as was Varnus' treasury. And all because he hadn't uncovered an impostor like this. Varnus knew true fear for the first time in his life. *** Later that night Graemba was relaxing at one of the seedy inns in the nearby town. He had recovered some of his own clothes from where he'd hidden them in the forest and now sat back drinking and laughing as he replayed Varnus' reactions in his head over and over again. Graemba had enjoyed playing Delana, but nothing could beat revealing himself to the foul count and shocking him out of his senses. He let out a raucous laugh and poured down another stein of ale as he noticed a comely elven lass approaching his table. She was dressed as an adventurer in tight, revealing leathers and had an amused smile on her lips. "It seems you're having a pleasant evening," she said. "Indeed, but it could be much better," Graemba said. "How so?" the elf inquired, playing along. "Would you believe I haven't gotten laid properly in months?" Graemba asked. That evening was one of the most satisfying in the ape-man's life.

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Extramarital affair

I am a long time fan of your site ”” but never wrote or contacted you. This is the first time i ever write to anyone about my personal sex life. Kindly publish it. After i got married i didn’t get attracted to any woman as my wife was very beautiful and always there for me to cater for all my needs. I live in Bangalore. I used to go to drop and pick up my kid to and from school every day. This was where i met this (a thin, dark, but nicely shaped) lady, who was a mother of...

1 year ago
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Extramarital affairs

First I shall introduce myself. I am Santhi Naidu, a horny wife in my early 30’s and living in heart of the city of Chennai. I got married to my husband six years back. My husband is a lazy fellow, who don’t used to stick to a job permanently because of his irresposible behaviour and bad mouth. He changes his job frequently and few months back only, he joined a company at Bangalore. Due to his irregular income, I am also working in a company. I have a 4 year old daughter studying in a school....

1 year ago
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Extramarital friendship

Hello all, a brief intro of myself. This is Kartik, I am 42 yrs old, 5.10 with good physique and have very strong desire for sex. Settled in Bangalore for last 10 yrs and working for an MNC. I respect womanhood and I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy it more than man and I have always committed in practicing what I have believed whenever I loved a lady in bed. I like ladies with good looks n figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer...

1 year ago
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Vegas Mayhem

When I stepped off the plane in Las Vegas I was met with a cold wind. I never dreamed Vegas would be cold in the winter. It is in the desert it is suppose to be hot. I was dressed for warm weather and so was my girlfriend I will refer to as "Tattoo Girl". She has eight tattoos on various areas of her body and three of them have my name in them. The biggest, on her right shoulder simply says "Marks Girl". (not my real name but close enough) We rushed to a taxi and quickly headed to our hotel. It...

2 years ago
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Sara and Mr Rostand The Fun Continues

Introduction: This is abit rougher than anything I have ever written before. Hope you enjoy and please leave your constructive comments Sara stood in the hallway, tugging down her shirt to expose a centimeter of her bright pink lace bra. The edge of the lace played peek-a-boo with her low cut black top. It was one of the few bras she owned, but it was her favorite by far. It was the last day of school, she had stayed clear of Mr. Rostand for the past three weeks, but now she was standing...

4 years ago
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Christmas at the shore part 4

Introduction: Will Joe succeed? Matt and I looked at each other at the table, smirks of eagerness on our faces. It was just me and him in a room with four ladies tonight. Well, I had Lisa, who was great with me, but Matt was up to his head in pussy. As we sat eating our dinner, I asked, Should I do it? Do what? he asked back. You know, do her in front of the girls. Well, they wont get mad. Theyll just get horny. Just disregard their presence, theyre attention whores. Well, theyre just whores....

3 years ago
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Hilary Irvines Return to the Dark ContinentChapter 3

Now alone Hilary collapsed in tears, sobbing her heart out. Sobbing because she'd been kidnapped, beaten, and raped. And because her future seemed to only hold more of the same. After a tearful while Hilary had cried herself out. So she wiped away hers tears and took a deep breath. "Today has been shit," she sighed out loud, "But tomorrow is another day!" With that determined thought she climbed onto the mattress, pulled the coarse woollen blanket over, and swiftly dozed off. The...

2 years ago
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A Sentimental HeartChapter 7

Depressing thoughts and disturbing dreams Miranda waved Peter off on the Sunday morning, and spent the rest of that day tidying the house. She knew that she would feel little inclination to do these chores during the week; and so she decided to get the house into as good an order as possible, so that she would only have to do the minimal amount, once she got home from work. It also kept her busy, so that she didn't dwell too much on how silent the house had suddenly become. Peter had...

3 years ago
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After the Fall Number 2 in STOPWATCHChapter 3 Crime and Punishment

Wendy tried real hard to keep a straight face. Violet sat and laughed. "OWsumabichmuthafucka," she said again. Wendy laughed, tried to get her game face back, but lost it. Rachael and Kimberley had to turn away, so I couldn't see their faces, but the shoulder shaking gave it away. "Yes, Ma'am. Move the airplane." "We'll put the rollers back and wind up the cable while you check for sticks and stuff." Wendy said, "we're not completely mean about it." "Don't forget to move...

1 year ago
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Classy Slut Maria

My wife loves . Quite a surprise when you appreciate how Maria was brought up to be such a lady. She has certainly changed a lot these past few years and prefers a stiff, brisk pounding to anything else. Particularly at the hands of a strong black man. At 35, she is a stunning woman. After having our daughter Lucy, she kept a wonderful figure and I’ve always been attracted to her upmarket, stylish looks. So lost in many of today’s women. Maria’s crisp, intelligent face, flirtatious ways and...

4 years ago
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Weekend With A Porn Star

LA, the city of angels. I had gone to meet up with an angel.It was not something I would have usually had done, but I had some holiday time and she had told me so many times to come that I decided, fuck it.I had been a member of Lush for many years and had met many fun and loving people, but there was a certain few that made an impression on me. Gina was one of them.Gina was an ex-porn star with a sexy accent and a great body. She was what most people would call a MILF or a cougar, all I know...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 2 His First Interviews

IT HAD BEEN 8:00am that same day, when Frank joined Katherine for breakfast in the dining room of his hotel. He had first met her about a month ago when he engaged her employment company to find him a travelling companion. Over breakfast, Katherine explained "we received 17 real applications, not counting a few obvious hoaxes and a couple of hate letters..." "Hate letters?" Frank interrupted. "Just a couple of cranks complaining that we were facilitating the commission of sin by...

4 years ago
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Learning a Lesson at Middlesex High Over the Lap Style Part C

The secretaries got spanked and that turned Bonnie on. It also made Dean Perkins very hard. Spanking Julie’s cute tush can do that to you! Then after the crying girls were sent on their way, mascara running down their faces and hands holding their scorched bottoms, Bonnie needed a poke real bad. With the front of the dean’s pants being pushed out, who was better to ask? “Bob, I need it now, can’t wait till later. But how do we do it with me in this tight business suit?” Lucky for Bonnie, Bob...

4 years ago
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Sexual Fantasies Sorry Honey

DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay. But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesSorry HoneyJohn walked into the house after a long day at work. He was ready to finally start college in the coming months and the job money would help. As he entered, he heard his mother calling him into the kitchen. Julia, a beautiful woman in her mid 40’s, was seated at the kitchen...

3 years ago
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One Good Turn Deserves Another

Chad was your average, everyday high-school student. He got good grades, he had many friends, and the women loved him. Chad had a strict schedule that he would follow every day of the week: As soon as he woke up and turned off the alarm, he would jump in the shower, brush his teeth, and masturbate. Once out of the shower, he would get dressed, eat some breakfast, hop in his Camaro, and haul ass down the freeway to school where he would meet his girlfriend, Kat. They would go...

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