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Tuesday, March 13. 4:30 PM "Do you know what a fetish is?" asked Elizabeth. Dr. Mason paused before responding. "A fetish...." "Yes." "I assume that you are referring to a 'sexual' fetish?" "Of course," Elizabeth teased, while playfully twirling the bow on her crisp white blouse. Today is Dr. Jonathan Mason's (just 'Jon' to most people who knew him) first meeting with Elizabeth. Last week Elizabeth was Greg, a slight and introverted young twenty-something man who barely spoke during their hour-long sessions. Greg began his therapy three months ago at the suggestion of his e-wife, Shannon. They were still friends following their ever-so-brief marriage, and Greg was willing to try anything to uncover what Shannon described as "your inner demons." He was beginning to feel more comfortable with Dr. Mason during the past few weeks, opening up a little more with each session until he confessed of the existence of Elizabeth. When asked if he wanted to meet Elizabeth, the doctor responded enthusiastically. A "breakthrough", he called it. Now, the person that Dr. Mason knew as "Greg" sat in front of him dressed in smart women's business attire comprised of a white bow blouse and gray tweed pencil skirt. Dr. Mason almost did not recognize the delicate strawberry-blond woman his patient; her green eyes and sugary voice conveyed a confidence that he never saw in "Greg." He was eager to get to know Elizabeth better. By contrast, Dr. Mason was a rugged, outgoing character. A married father of two teenage daughters, he was always ready with a quick smile and compliment. He had male model good looks; with his casually tussled sandy hair and pale blue eyes he reminded some of a young Robert Redford. The casual observer might assume this man had a huge ego, but they would be wrong. Dr. Mason had an easy way with everyone he met; he had a way to make everyone feel that they were his peer and that they were the most important person in the room. Now these individuals sat across from each other in a small room well- appointed with rich leather furniture and dark wood walls adorned with the doctor's ornately framed diplomas and pictures of family. Neither of them could have imagined what would eventually transpire in this room. Dr. Mason continued, "Well, a fetish...the one that you are referring to, is usually described as the state of experiencing excitement in response to an object or body part." "You make it sound so scientific," replied Elizabeth. "That's no fun..." "I'm sorry, I don't know how else to describe it. Do you?" Elizabeth paused to ponder her response. "I think..." she began as her eyes searched the ceiling. "I guess that's sort of the same way that I would describe it," she chuckled. The doctor smiled while recording their conversation on his small lined pad. Elizabeth continued. "But do you know why people have their fetishes? Like, what is it that makes a guy get a hard-on when he sees a women in high heels, or....sees her feet, or whatever?" "Well," Dr. Mason replied, "if you are looking for the clinical reason there is a prevailing theory among psychologists that when you're in a high state of sexual arousal, your disgust impulse weakens. And so the things you'd normally find repulsive, like feet, or spit, or feces may not seem so gross. It's almost like a heightened state of arousal changes your perception of the world, and that changed perception might lead you to incorporate different things into your sexual acts." Elizabeth wrinkled her nose. "Ew. You actually made it sound worse than I thought you would." "Well, you asked for my opinion!" "I think that fetishes are based on life experience, and that they are connected to your first arousal. Like, I can remember when I was younger, maybe about twelve or and my brother would go fishing with my dad. But after about an hour or so we would lose interest and we would go playing in the woods, like hide and go seek or something. It was one time when I was the one hiding that I found a bunch of old porn magazines in the woods...and there were pictures of women on their knees with the guy's junk in their mouth...I never saw anything like that and I was shocked! I mean, I vividly remember feeling a warmness rush run through my chest and it felt so forbidden. So I quickly dropped the magazine and ran out of there as fast as I could. But that image of the woman with her lips around the guys, that stayed with me for the longest time." "You say that it felt 'forbidden'....and that you threw the magazine down. You were repulsed." Said the doctor as he leaned in and rested his elbows on his knees. "Yeah! But the more I thought about it I would get aroused...I sometimes wondered whether it was because it was around the time that I was entering puberty?" "It may have been....but I also believe that your experience demonstrates exactly what I was explaining. During puberty you were in a vulnerable state and easily aroused. When you found that magazine it contained pictures that would normally have disgusted you. But those impulses were weakened and now those images and the act of oral sex are inexorably linked to your own feelings of sexuality." "So you think that has a connection to why I like to be 'Elizabeth'?" "That's difficult to confirm. There are many reasons why men prefer to wear women's clothing and I think that it varies between all cross- dressers." "No, I think you might be on to something," said Elizabeth. "Maybe, by being 'Elizabeth' it's a way for me to justify these thoughts. When I think of sex, it's the thought of giving a blow-job that consumes me and it's what makes me most excited. I constantly fantasize myself in a scenario, as Elizabeth, giving blow-jobs to men...blowing multiple men...I swear, I'm not a freak or anything but it really turns me on when I think of myself being the 'slut' at a party or the office...sneaking away to suck on some naive guy and satisfying him...sometimes I even image being in the center of a circle of guys and taking turns sucking on each guy or even two at the same time. Having them blow their loads on my face, and---I'm sorry, I'm being vulgar, aren't I?" "Having these fantasies is healthy, there is nothing abnormal about your thoughts." "I didn't mean that, I just...maybe I was just talking too much," Elizabeth replied. "Listen, I understand, but please don't ever think you need to hold back on anything you want to tell me, that is why I'm here. I'm happy that you feel comfortable enough to express yourself in that way," Dr. Mason explained. "Your assessment of yourself is very astute." Elizabeth smiled and nodded. "Have you ever acted out any of your fantasies?" the doctor continued. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Elizabeth replied playfully. "Purely a clinical curiosity." "Uh huh...sometimes I think you might be a little kinky yourself, doctor. I have not had an opportunity to be with a man, if that's what you are asking. Perhaps that's a story for next time." "I think that's a good idea," said the doctor as he glanced at the clock on the wall. "I would like to thank you for such an interesting hour, this has been very enlightening. And I'm very glad that I met you, Elizabeth. Unfortunately, our time seems to be up and I must allow my next appointment to see me. You don't mind, do you?" "Not at all, and the pleasure was all mine. I had a wonderful time too. I do hope we meet again." Elizabeth stood and Dr. Mason followed and draped her black cardigan over her shoulders. "Thank you, Dr. Mason. I look forward to our next meeting." "Very good, I shall see you next week." He watched Elizabeth from his second floor window as she crossed the parking lot and entered her compact Honda. Tuesday, March 20. 3:55 PM Greg sat in the plush leather chair across from Dr. Mason, sipping the lukewarm coffee that he bought at the cart parked on the corner. They exchanged in some small talk about the weather ("this weather can't make up its mind lately. No wonder my allergies are out of control!") and what both of them have been up to since they last met. It was Dr. Mason who first brought up the topic of Elizabeth. "I think we made a great deal of progress last week, you seem much more relaxed when you are Elizabeth. Would you agree?" "Oh yeah, I mean sometimes I feel like that is the true me. I think that's one of the main reasons I was so upset when Shannon didn't accept her. Well, me." "That's quite understandable. But before we discuss your relationship with Shannon, tell me more about your cross-dressing. At what age did you begin to try female clothing?" Greg cleared his throat and explained, "Not as early as you would think, or at least as early in age as other cross-dressers that I've read about. This is going to sound weird, but I remember being turned on by Marcia Brady. Not really by her but I was attracted to her clothes. There was a purple button down blouse that she wore that I remember just loving how she looked in it. It was very feminine to me, for some reason that I can't quite explain." And one day after watching T.V. I was feeling aroused and I snuck in my mom's room to try one of her bras under my shirt. This became a frequent event and after a while I was trying on her panties...then her blouses and skirts. It was easy because she worked a lot, so I would have a lot of time to smuggle her stuff into my bedroom to try on before she got home." "And how old where you at that time?" replied Dr. Mason "I guess about ten or eleven." "So, this was before the discovery of the adult magazines that you told me about last week." "That's right," said Greg. "The best days were when I would stay home sick from school had the house to myself. My mom had some really pretty outfits, since she worked in an office. You know, like a lot of polyester skirt suits, button down blouses, silk and satin blouses, that sort of thing." "Do you think that your mother's style influenced your own sense of style?" "Oh, most definitely. I tend to wear either stuff that you might see a professional woman wear, or just casual 'housewife' stuff. Nothing real fancy" "You looked very attractive yesterday, I must commend you. Now, I'm interested in whether you had any formative experience during this time that you were just beginning to experiment. Had you gone out in public dressed up when you were that age? For instance, Halloween costume of school play or something?" Greg shifted in his chair and nervously rubbed his mouth. "There was this one time when I was over my friend's house...this was during the summer and his parents were at work, so of course we had the run of the house. Ummm, I'm a little fuzzy on the details of how we ended up doing what we did...but I'm pretty sure it started by us playing strip poker." "So this is just you and your friend..." "Steve, yeah. Well, there were a few of us there...I remember Steve's little sister, I think she was a year younger. And there were two other girls there from the street where we lived. God, I don't know what got into us, but we were playing the game and one thing led to another. I do remember feeling no inhibition at all; I had no problem stripping down in front of the girls. None of us did, I guess it was just one of those rites of passage, or whatever." "Sure, children at that age have a natural curiosity," said Dr. Mason. "I guess. Eventually, I remember me and Steve both running around the house, not a thing on! The girls did not strip, though. Now that I think of it, I guess they weren't as curious as we were," Greg said with a chuckle. He could feel a swelling in his pants and wondered, 'would the doctor notice'? "Man, I can't believe I'm telling you we were both naked and I remember us all dancing around the play room, me and Steve shaking our penises and the girls laughing at us. Then I ran upstairs and I went through his little sisters closet and put on one of her know the kind that little girls wear, it buttoned up the back and had a white rounded collar and frills. It was so little on me it barely covered by butt. I ran downstairs with the dress on and they all just laughed like crazy. We continued playing and the girls got it in their head to dress me and Steve up." "How did Steve react to this? Was he as into it as you were?" "He played it off like he was but he went with it. We went into his mom's closet and picked out outfits, his mom had some really pretty gowns and stuff. The girls did our makeup and hair and dressed us up in his mom's panties and bra. Me and Steve played like we were doing a fashion show, we stuffed our bras to make us look like we had huge was so much fun." "Did you continue these games with Steve or the girls after this day?" asked Dr. Mason. " was weird, none of us ever brought it up again. It was almost like we all took a solemn pledge 'to never speak of this again'," Greg bellowed dramatically in an ominous-sounding voice. "In fact, we all slowly strayed from each other over the course of that year. I always wondered whether one of the girls told their parents about what happened. Although, my parents never confronted me about it...but I always felt a bit 'shunned' by Steve and his family afterwards. Not that they outright ignored me, it was just different. It's difficult to explain" "So was this the extent of your experimentation into cross-dressing, or did you continue?" "No, I just did it in private. I still stole clothes from my Mom and dressed up while locked in my bedroom. I normally waited until I knew my parents were asleep so that I wouldn't have to be caught off guard if one of them knocked at my door." "Was there ever a time when you quit?" asked Dr. Mason. "When I moved in with Shannon. We were almost always home at the same time so it didn't really give me a lot of free time," replied Greg. "But there was a time where this became a conflict for you; you explained when we initially met that your marriage failed because of your desire to dress in women's clothes. Tell me more about that." Greg groaned and shifted in his chair. "Well, I told you that there was a period where I was not dressing up. It was actually about three years, and I was really beginning to get the urge again. So, about six-months after we were married I began to use her panties to masturbate. I would discreetly snatch a pair from the hamper and use them in the bathroom before a shower, or something." "But, I'm assuming that it wasn't enough?" "It got so that I couldn't complete with Shannon when we slept together, unless I was imagining myself dressed up in her clothes. I had all kinds of fantasies of going out with her and her friends, like a 'girl's night out' and being accepted. They would all tell me how cute I looked, and these thoughts would get me so hard I would explode," Greg explained. "If these were fantasies, then how did Shannon discover your penchant for cross-dressing?" asked Dr. Mason. "I got greedy. We were both drunk and fooling around and she was hinting around that she wanted to try new things. So I thought this was my chance, I was tired of staying quiet while we watched T.V. and not being able to comment on how cute I thought a dress or outfit was. I couldn't stand to continue to be silent, so I gave her some story about how I read about couples dressing up like each other and how hot I thought it was. When she agreed to my suggestion I was shocked! I was sure she was going to shoot me down" But she was actually into it, and she changed into one of my casual shirts and pants and I chose a dress from her closet. We fooled around a little and I played submissive, you know, like getting into a more feminine role. But she couldn't commit, and told me it was weird and to get out of her dress. I pleaded a little too much and after a lot of back and forth I admitted how much I enjoyed wearing dresses. Long story short, here I am today." Dr. Mason allowed a pause in the conversation in case Greg wanted to continue and scratched notes into his leather binder. The antique wall clock ticked away. Greg listened and felt that the ticking was in sync with his own heartbeat. He felt relieved to be able to explain this issue to someone. The doctor spoke up, "I can understand the conflict with your need to cross-dress. But there are many couples that have been able to make it work. As it turns out, Shannon was not that person. This type of thing occurs all the time when two people find themselves clashing over fundamental values. Those values are built over time and are influenced early on by family and environment. Those are hard things to break and, normally they cannot." Greg nodded in agreement. "You will find someone who understands you, I'm sure of it. These days the opportunities to meet people from all walks of life are virtually limitless. I find myself caught in a similar struggle sometimes within my own family. And I think I can learn a lot from you as well." Dr. Mason continued. "Tell you what, I had an opening tomorrow afternoon. Why don't you come by and we'll try something out. I think you might benefit from it. Are you game?" "Absolutely, doctor," Greg replied. "What time?" "See me at three o'clock." Wednesday, March 21. 2:55 PM Greg walked into the small lobby of suite 505 and noticed immediately that Michelle, Dr. Mason's pretty assistant, was not at her desk. He thought is strange that she would have left already, the office didn't close for another two hours. Apprehensively, Greg tapped lightly on the office door and called, "Dr. Mason? It's Greg...I'm here for my appointment?" After a couple of seconds the door opened. "Greg, of course. Come in! We are still on." "Where's Michelle, did she go home?" Greg asked. "Yes, I let her go early. As this is an important session for both of us I wanted no interruptions. I hope that her absence does not make you uncomfortable." "No, not at all. I was just wondering." Greg glanced at the plush leather chair where typically sat. Across it lay a tan garment bag. This must be part of today's therapy, he thought. There was also music quietly playing, was it Taylor Swift? Another first. Dr. Mason lifted the garment bag from the chair, "Have a seat, we'll get to this soon. I was thinking a lot about our last conversation, you revealed a lot of details that I think we can use to help you. In fact, I believe I may learn a lot from you." Greg relaxed and crossed his legs, listening intently to what the doctor was telling him. He was intrigued. Dr. Mason continued, "As I explained in our prior sessions, the act of cross-dressing is a perfectly healthy means of expressing yourself. In addition, when you have sexual tendencies towards men while cross- dressing, you are identifying yourself as a woman, and that means that you are able to reach deep inside and surrender to that "other person" that resides in all of us. In your case that is a good thing, despite what your ex-wife thought of your fantasies. I think that I can help to take you to the next level." "Great, I feel ready to move forward," said Greg. "We are going to engage in some role-playing today. Have you ever tried it?" asked Dr. Mason. "Other than chat rooms I never have. What did you have in mind?" "I would like you to change into the clothes I have packed in this garment bag. When you exit the rest room your name is 'Amy'. You are twelve years-old and I am your father. Do you understand?" "Sure, that sounds easy enough." "And we must not break character. I will lead us in conversation and you can answer in any way you want, but allow it to be a natural reaction of your character." "Got it," said Greg, picking up the garment bag. "See you in a few secs." "Very good. Remember, you are 'Amy'. See you soon." Greg closed the door to the rest room behind him He unzipped the garment bag, and reached in and took inventory of the clothes that were contained within. The clothes appeared to be a school uniform; there was a white polo shirt with the words 'St. Theresa's' stitched above the left breast side, along with a pleated green-plaid skirt. A plastic supermarket bag wrapped around the hanger contained a brunette wig, some hair ribbons and some makeup items. Wadded together at the bottom of the bag were a pair of saddle shoes, white knee socks, a small white bra and floral print cotton panties. 'I guess these must belong to his daughter,' he pondered. He held the polo to his nose, there was a faint aroma of perfume combined with fabric softener. Dr. Mason's daughter Amy wore 'Princess' by Vera Wang so often that its fragrance resisted the wash cycles. Greg supposed he may as well commit to this particular method of therapy. After all, this was a really cute outfit and whatever the doctor had in mind, it gave him the opportunity to dress up today. Something he hadn't planned on. A pleasant surprise, indeed. He had the struggle a bit to put the bra on; it was smaller than he usually wore and it dug into his skin. He crumpled some toilet paper into petite breasts, the size he imagined a twelve year-old might have. The cotton panties were also too small, despite his own small frame. He played with his cock under the soft fabric, it felt nice. He pulled the polo shirt over his head and it clung tightly against his thin frame. As he pulled the short skirt up to his waist and tucked the shirt in, he began to transform into a pre-teen schoolgirl. The transformation continued as he slid the bright white knee-socks over his smooth legs. A little makeup and cute hairdo, and he would be completely reformed. Thirty minutes had passed and Dr. Mason sat at his desk, tapping his pen patiently when a young schoolgirl exited the rest room. She wore her long brown hair in a ponytail in an emerald ribbon tied in a bow. The doctor's blood immediately rushed to his nether regions and he felt his penis swell at the sight of this young girl in front of him. He composed himself to play his role. "Amy, it's about time you've come home. We need to talk, come over and have a seat," the doctor demanded. Greg, as Amy, walked to the chair in front of the large desk and sat. He smoothed his skirt and held his knees together. "What is it, Daddy?" he said. "I was just online reading your grades. What is this about you not handing in your homework for the past month?" "That can't be true, Daddy. I do all of my homework." "Are you calling your teachers liars?" said Dr. Mason. He stood now and sat on the desk in front of Greg. "I'm more inclined to agree with them, you do nothing but sit in your bedroom on your phone all night. Am I mistaken?" "No, Daddy I do my homework. I swear I do!" Greg replied. He was enjoying being a young girl. He was enjoying where this was going. "Bullshit! You spend all of your time on the phone with your friends and your grades prove it. I'm afraid I'm going to have to take your phone away from you until I see improvements. And MAYBE I'll consider giving it back. You have to learn that there is more to life than that damn Facebook!" "Oh Daddy, please. I promise I'll do better. The teachers didn't post all of the grades yet, I'm doing better than it says!" "You're not going to convince me, young lady. I want your phone now." "Daddy, please! Please! I'll do anything you want, just please don't take my phone, I need it!" Greg pleaded. "Amy, I've heard this all before..." "No, no, I mean it this time. Let me show you..." Greg knelt in front of the doctor and nuzzled at the mound under his expensive dress pants. "Mmmm...oooh Daddy..." he cooed breathlessly. "Let me make it up to you." Dr. Mason unfastened his belt and unzipped his pants, exposing a rigid, thick penis. He leaned back and gasped when he felt the soft lips wrap around the tip of his cock. His eyes gazed from the ceiling down to the top of his patient's head, which was rhythmically gliding up and down his shaft. "Amy, baby that feels so good..." Dr. Mason groaned. Greg locked his eyes with the doctor's as he massaged the penis with his tongue and throat. The more he sucked, the more turned on he became. His own penis was thickening as well, until it poke out of the small girls' cotton panties he wore. He could feel the little nylon bow at the waistband was moist with his pre-cum. He felt like a little girl and this was so dirty; the thought of sucking on her father made increased the craving. "Daddy, you taste so good...I love your hard cock..." "Oh, honey you are so good. You are making Daddy feel soo good." Dr. Mason "I like to make you feel good, Daddy," he whispered. "Can I be your little cum slut?" "Yes, Amy...oh yes you are my little cum slut" Hearing this, Greg feverishly gulped at the doctor's cock; spitting on it and rubbing his lips up and down the length of the shaft. "Amy, honey, lick my balls. Please baby, lick Daddy's balls." Dr. Mason pleaded. "Mmmm, yes Daddy," Greg replied, smiling. He swirled his tongue alternately around each smooth ball while he jerked the doctor's rock- hard cock. Then he inhaled sharply and sucked both balls into his mouth and slurped on the sack. "Ooooh, Amy..." Greg released the ball sack from his mouth with a loud pop. "Daddy, would you fuck me?" he asked playfully, and resumed sucking the doctor's cock. "You dirty little want to fuck your own Daddy?" "Yes, I want to feel your huge cock inside me. I want to feel my Daddy's cock on my little pussy...c'mon Daddy, wouldn't you love to fuck your dirty little girl." Dr. Mason's body jerked. "Oh my God,'re going to make me cum now!" "Mmmmm, okay, you can fuck me later then, Daddy. Let me taste your cum; I need to taste your load." "Amy, I'm ready...oh Amy, I....ah..." Dr. Mason grunted. He inhaled a deep breath and held it. At that moment the doctor's cock pulsed and spurted hot cum down Greg's throat. Greg grabbed the doctor's ass cheeks and pulled him in tight, loving the feel of the throbbing meat in his mouth. He could feel the cum shoot violently against the back of his throat and he groaned with arousal. He held the cock in his mouth until the throbbing diminished and he performed small, quick suckling on the shrinking cock. Dr. Mason shuddered, his cock was so sensitive and he almost could not stand how delightful it felt. He breathed heavily, as if he just ran a hundred yard dash. Greg sat back on his feet, eyes closed and enjoying the lingering salty taste in his mouth. He moaned and caressed the small, pre-teen breast forms under the soft polo shirt. This was the realization of all of his fantasies and he wanted more. Dr. Mason finally broke the silence. "I hope that this was therapeutic for you." He said under labored breath. "Um, yeah I think it was," Greg chuckled. "I guess I better get changed." "Certainly, I think our time is up on our session anyway." Greg turned and the doctor flashed him a satisfied smile as he tucked his penis back into his pants. He blushed and closed the door to the rest room behind him. Thursday, March 22. 1:00 PM It was the next day and Dr. Mason entered the office and took a seat on the deep leather chair that faced the large ornate and cluttered oak desk. The man on the other side of the desk watched him sit and folded his hands. "So, are you today? You appear to be a bit more cheerful than during our last meeting." "That is true, I feel like a considerable weight has been lifted. You remember our conversation last week?" replied Dr. Mason. "Of course," said Dr. Chamberlyn. "You were worried about some impure thoughts that you were having concerning someone close to you. I trust your method of lifting this 'weight' was healthy and not damaging to anyone?" "Oh yes, doctor. I feel that I reached a breakthrough both mentally and physically." "Good, good...then let's start from where we left off, shall we?"

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Liz Prosser was in her office in the Town Hall. She had spent the afternoon in a hotel room with Marion Carswell. During their joint trip to the Maldives they”d recognised that their sexual needs matched even better than they”d first believed and that afternoon they had indulged themselves. Carswell was a dominant woman in her work and in her play and Prosser had the red arse of a well spanked sub. Her chair, soft though it was, did not make her comfortable but the constant reminder of the...

1 year ago
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The Book

You have never been quite close to a girl and you know it probably won't happen soon. You start to wonder how sex feels like...wait no you have to clear your mind, you can't walk to your house with a raging boner out in the open. Focus. On. Something. Else. You start to wonder if you had any homework for any of your classes. Damn, it looks like you forgot. Maybe if you asked Jasmine what the homework was you could be set. You decide to pull your phone out and text Jasmine for the homework. She...

2 years ago
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The Seduction of Alexis

Jacob ran through the lush forest surrounding his home. He was angry and needed to work off some aggression. That damn Bella! He was finally coming to the knowledge of just how much of a tease she was. He could not understand how she thought it was alright to play with his heart, while Edward was in one of his usual depressing “woe is me” moods. The anger traveling through his large body only made his temperature sky rocket. He was burning up. Dressing only in cut off shorts, he phased into his...

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Kimberly 20Chapter 22

Kim's turn: Let me tell you about Aunt Jenn's wedding. It was an adventure. Getting to California for the wedding was my first time flying off somewhere. Aunt Jenn, before Tim, was my rescuer, my rock. Mom's younger sister, the one who went to college, got a degree, became a schoolteacher. Decent person, and according to Mom, "One a'them bull dykes" like Mom's heterosexual alternative was somehow superior. When Mom went to jail, Aunt Jenn took me in without batting an eye and opened...

4 years ago
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College life spring semester 30

.*******************After lab with Scott and Michael and a full of classes, the three of usheaded back to our dorm with great anticipation of tonight's softball game.It was easy to see Scott was doing his best to put the incident behind witha bruised cheek and a few scratches on his arm. I said goodbye and hopedthe door with most of the crew crowded in my room."Go grab Scott," Kris said to me.I yelled at him just before he opened his door. He walked back and weentered the room. Jess was waiting...

2 years ago
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Delhi8217s Lovely Life

Hi people first of all I would like to apologize in advance for the spelling grammatical n narration mistakes it’s my first n true story so please do give me suggestions n feedback where I can improve. Im Ankit , basically m from Chandigarh and working in Delhi for past three years , I’m 5 10 , broad shoulder and typical Punjabi looking guy , it was back in 2007 when after completing grad I was looking for a job , then one day a I got to call from a consultancy for an interview in a Delhi’s MNC...

1 year ago
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A New Vacation Experience

A New Vacation Experience. Tom had inherited a fair amount of money and a cabin on a lake on 25 acres of land in the beautiful mountainous region of our state. To celebrate he invited my girlfriend and I plus one other couple. All of us were fairly close friends, and we all were excited about spending two weeks on the beautiful lake together. Tom and Joe had been jocks in high school on the football team and were beefy linemen, I on the other hand was somewhat of a computer nerd...

2 years ago
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Patty And The Bunk House Boys

It started with the chickens. As Patty walked towards the henhouse, intent on gathering the daily egg production, she was alarmed by the racket inside.That damn weasel is back, she thought grabbing a stick and rushing to unlatch the door.She was ready to dispatch the intruder as she ran inside but stopped short, amazed at the scene unfolding in front of her. Instead of a weasel, their rooster normally confined to an adjoining shed had somehow managed to get inside. He had pinned one of the...

Group Sex
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Trapped by the Pregnancy ClubChapter 12

Okay, so what should have happened is this Someone realizes that this cluster of girls are all pregnant for their final year of college. Under interrogation, one of the girls confesses to being part of a "Pregnancy Club". It is enormous news around the country. News reporters flock to our little town, trying to figure out who fathered all of these children. Someone makes the connection to my sudden resignation and my summer disappearance. I am dragged before a district judge and thrown in...

1 year ago
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HobyBuchanon Ryder Rey Newcomer Ryder Rey Gets It Rough

Hot newcomer Ryder Rey stopped by for some rough sex. I start by having her get my dick hard before taking it out. I then put it all the way down her throat and begin roughly face fucking her. I stretch her mouth out, slap her and put my fingers down her throat. I fuck her face more until she gags and spit in her mouth. I begin fingering her little pussy & fuck her hard on the couch. I then stand on the couch and fuck her face and have her eat my ass. I turn around and have her eat more ass...

3 years ago
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Loving Carol Part II the dark and the dawn

He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him; with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn't like it when he cried, but sometimes... She offered him no hope, but at least she didn't hang up. He remembered bits and pieces of some of those calls for years: "Charlie, I promise you'll get over me. Someday you're going to find someone really special." She...

1 year ago
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WAMbam Thank you Maam

He came rushing through the kitchen “I’m late.” he said flatly, slamming his briefcase down onto the table. "Would it be too much trouble for you to be something resembling a wife? You know? The good kind, you wake me up with a smile, make sure my clothes are neatly pressed, have dinner on the table for me, as well as breakfast." He glanced around as she sat calmly with her coffee. When she said nothing he glared at her. "Nice. You know something? You suck." With that he grabbed his briefcase...

1 year ago
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I let my brother take my virginity

My brother was always the mean one in the family. He was a bully, standing 6ft with well toned muscles. He never worked out, yet he had huge muscles. He always just sat home watching TV and football whenever he felt like it. He was 20 years old, with no job and had refused to go to college till he was 21. He had promised ma and pa, that he would definitely go to college, put them out of their jobs and help with the house when time came. And now as he sat there, eating pizza and rubbing his...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 155 PostAwakening

Solona and I got some strange, concerned looks from Avanna as we left my office, but I ignored them. I asked Avanna to accompany Solona to her new quarters after they dropped me off at mine, and she agreed politely enough. Two guards who I vaguely recognised stood attentively outside my suite, and I shut the door and locked it after bidding them all goodnight. Solona shot me a slight smile as she turned to walk away, and I returned it thankfully. _Maybe I didn’t screw up completely. It...

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Home for the Holidays

There was a knock at the door of the old brownstone.When Henry Page went to answer it, he saw his daughter standing there in a jacket that was way too light for an east coast winter snowstorm. Her boyfriend Jeremy was standing right behind her with their luggage in hand as they both shivered in the heavy flurries that were beginning to fall as the day went on. The neighborhood had already gotten a foot of snow by that point and the taxi that had dropped them off had barely made it down the...

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SleepIn For DaddyChapter 12

It didn't take many strokes before Lester Carter shuddered and let go into his wife's back tube. His balls flexed and coiled, to pump a roaring ejaculation of his semen into that tight hole he'd never tried until then. Debbie quivered with her husband, nailed from behind at the same time she was being avidly eaten in front. Her head snapped from between Angela's writhing thighs and she cried out in the sharpness of her overwhelming ecstasy. Jerry clamped a tight grip upon his prick,...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 3 The Brawl

"You heard of a guy named Gunny?" Ben yelled to the bartender in the Horny Bull over the cacophony of the live music. God knows how, but they had hauled in a live band to play tonight. They weren't bad either. The leader singer was a dark haired chick in a black leather mini skirt and she and her band were dishing out a kind of retro bluesy-rock. They were inside a plexi cage that showed signs of extreme wear with explosions from hurled bottles and mugs and various stains caused by beer,...

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White Tigers Summer of FunChapter 9 Day Two

Sunday was similar in ways to the first day, I was awake and up much earlier than I wished, but I would have to deal with it like I had the day before. The good thing was I felt just as good, without any strains or bruising that might hamper me today. I followed the same procedure with food and water, having enough to keep my energy up, but not too much that would weigh me down when things became tight, which I really hoped wouldn’t happen, but doubted I would be that lucky. That day we...

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KellyChapter 21

The President was addressing a special session of both houses of Congress. Normally, he addressed a joint session once a year to report on the State of the Union. It is very rare otherwise. If it does happen, it is normally reserved for most serious matters such as declarations of war and major national crises. This special address was scheduled for eight o’clock in the evening. The TV networks were carrying the speech live, although there had been no advance word regarding its subject...

2 years ago
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Mothers Submission Chapter 9

"I thought I'd surprise you and take you out to lunch", Bill said angrily. "Who is this punk you're fucking?" "I'm Alex. Alicia is my mother", Alex said as he looked the man up and down. Despite the man's angry tone, his posture wasn't aggressive. Then Alex spotted something. "I have a question, Bill. Did seeing me fuck your wife turn you on", he asked. "What the fuck kind of question is that", Bill demanded, but his cheeks burned red like someone who had been caught in a lie....

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Emma Watson Used

Emma woke up at about 8:00 AM after her date that lasted until 1:00 AM. She had a first date with a guy she had met the previous week at rehearsal for her latest movie. They had seen an enjoyable play and they were getting along great!When he escorted her to her door, they turned to each other and kissed deeply. As their tongues met in her mouth, Emma decided to ask him inside for a drink. What red blooded man could refuse her invitation?Emma was smart enough to know that her invitation would...

1 year ago
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Marinas Regime part 3

Marina's Regime by Aken Chapter 7 Advanced Training I nibbled on my apple, wondering what I should do to prepare myself for the next shipment of surprises from my Mistress Marina. It might arrive at any time until 6 PM. My trusty Jets shirt would protect my modesty from the waist up and a pair of sweat pants could also prevent the sight of a chastity belt or thigh-highs. But high-heel pumps locked to my feet were not so easy to disguise, nor were the sounds of padlocks...

3 years ago
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A chance meeting at the pub Pt 1

Chance meeting at the pub Part oneWe had been at the pub s couple of hours. Dee was dressed up as usual. Her thin black dress that when standing in front of the light would silhouette her underwear. Tonight she had black stockings with a matching suspender belt, a half cup black bra so you could see her nipples through the sheer material and finally black silk crotch less panties and heels.We sat close together and as we sipped our drinks my hand would occasionally slip between her legs and my...

3 years ago
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Pictures at an Exhibition

She stands at the door, wavering between knocking or running away (for d) She stands at the door, wavering between knocking and running away. She glances one last time at the crumpled note in her hand: If you are ready, I will be waiting That?s it; no specifics, no signature, just the one sentence. She takes a deep breath, puts the note back in her coat pocket, and knocks. The door opens as soon as her knuckles leave the wood. He smiles as he beckons her into the house, only one word...

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John and Becky

John found Becky quite wild, and he had to admit it, some of the things she was into he found a little scary. But most of it he was cool with, and didn’t have a problem with being introduced to new and exciting things. They had known each other through mutual friends for about a year before they started dating. The first time anything sexual had happened between John and Becky, they had spent the evening with their friends in the pub. After a few lagers, he noticed how hot she looked, and...

2 years ago
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A morning surprise encounter

A morning surprise encounter by MaxMon Jack felt frustrated because his girlfriend did not want to have early morning sex with him before she went to work. At thirty-five years old his sex drive was still interminable as an average teenager, if not insatiable. They had sex frequently and last night was enough for her, since at six-thirty in the morning she still felt sore. She complained he was too rough with her last night in that he fucked her too hard with his big cock and she needed more...

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Sometimes Fantasies Do Come True

Terri has worked in our firm about two years now. We’ve become pretty good friends since then as we have worked on several projects together. We would go to lunch together a good bit and discuss work, our families and spouses. Terri is a very good-looking woman in her mid-40’s, nice trim body that she keeps fit with a mighty fine ass and great legs. Over the past few months our conversations had become deeper and more personal. She started asking me about my marriage and our relationship. She...

4 years ago
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Rose Fantasy

I stir slightly, moving ever so slowly from sleep to wakefulness. The scent of roses fills my mind, & I smile. roses, I love that smell-there’s something so soft and sweet– & an underlying sensuality — nothing is sexier than the smell of roses.. Something tickles my nose and I stir further, the gentle touch brushing over my cheeks and lips.. I slip closer to consciousness. I peek through one sleepy eye to gaze at you, sitting on the edge of the bed, a mischievous glint in your eye. I smell...

1 year ago
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My 20th birthday gift

Note : This story is completely fictional! 'Good morning dear n a happy birthday' said my parents waking me up. It was a my 20th birthday. Kissing me on my forehead they said 'now lets get reaady soon and don on the new clothes we got for you'. They followed me to the bathroom. I was surprised by this strange behavior of theirs. I gave them a puzzled look. 'Cmon. Dont u want to piss?' asked my dad. 'I'll help u with it' he said and unzipped my pant. He searched with his fingers for my penis,...

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Do As Youre ToldChapter 17

Sister Janice was now sixty-eight years of age and far from as alert as in her younger days, so she didn’t notice the signs of the break-in at the convent of Saint Jeanne’s. The orphanage was affiliated with and administered by the convent and all of its permanent staff were nuns or novices. There were some forty-nine orphans at this point, thirty of them boys and nineteen girls, though these were kept separate as always as much as possible. Julian recalled that from his own adolescence, how...

4 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 32

During breakfast I ask Setsuko, Chie, Haruko, and Hideko about certain places I’d read about on the Internet, and I heard spoken of since our arrival in Japan. All of the girls smile at my asking, and I get the distinct impression they’ve been waiting for me to ask. Setsuko, as the one with the most recent knowledge of this, tells me about the places. She gives details about one she knows of near to us, which it has the advantage of being within the territory her father controls. I ask her to...

3 years ago
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Asia and her boy toys

The junior college baseball team would be starting practice in an hour and the boys would be starting to come around. This was one of the best spots, like shooting fish in a barrel. Asia has used many location, enough that she does not come back often to the same place. This Ball Field is an exception as she scores 100% here. She got out of the car, leaned against the hood, one leg up on the bumper, splayed away at a 45 degree angle. Leaning back her perky breasts push out against the thin...

1 year ago
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Mumbai Male Escort 8211 My First Client

Hello ISS readers. I am a huge fan of iss and I just love this site. I am a male escort from Mumbai. Though I have fucked just 4 clients till date (milfs, college teen), I am pretty good at this.I am 23 years old, well built 5’5″ in height with a dick size of 6.5′ long and enough to satisfy anyone out there. Well without wasting much time let me jump directly on the story. This story is about my first client(true story, upto you to believe it or not),how things happened, how I satisfied her....

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Jenny 1

Jenny was quite excited; her friend Susan was back from her short holiday and they were meeting for lunch and a catch up at Jenny’s well-appointed house. These two had been very close friends for many years and the two of them enjoyed time together with their husbands Derek and Simon. They also enjoyed time together on their own in a very special way. These two very attractive ladies, pillars of the community and both on various committees for both the church and other local institutions. How...

2 years ago
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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 26

I thought fast. I had forgotten about the microphones when my testosterone level rose. As quick as I could, I said, "I'm afraid you fell for my plan. I had found the three bugs in the house, the two in the van and the one on the phone. I hope you enjoyed our performance." "You did not know at all." "Then tell me how I knew how many bugs there were? Do you want me to tell you exactly where they are? Now that your blackmail bolt has failed, what do you want?" "We will talk about it...

4 years ago
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PrivateerChapter 9

We left the restaurant after a nice dinner. Mari had limited herself to the one glass of wine and then water for the rest of the meal. Anna and Katherine had a few glasses of wine each, just enough to get them to the giggly side of tipsy. We wandered around the lower level for a while in our little diamond formation, working off the meal and stretching our legs before heading back to the hotel. It was early enough that I asked if the girls would mind if I went the gym for a bit and they said...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Cuckold

Charlotte is a short, flame-haired, firecracker of a woman, with petite breasts and large hips. I'm at my happiest when I'm serving her with my head between her legs. I'm 5'9" and rail thin, in a way that hides lean muscle. I keep myself in excellent shape, biking hundreds of kilometers each week. My wife loves to run her hands over my six pack, admiring my muscles and teasing me with a touch that's tantalizingly close to my cock at the same time. Last year, Charlotte realized...

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Chris ChrissyChapter 10

I found Dad working in his office. I rapped on the door and he said to come in. "I suppose my sister told you everything we did when we were younger?" he surmised. "All she told us, last night, was what you generally did nothing really specific. Don't be mad at your sister, please—Dad. She told Chrissy and me that she thought she was in love with you, really in love." "She actually said that?" dad responded. "Yes, she did. I think she still cares deeply for you, Dad. Talk to her,...

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A different fertility treatment

Em and Jay pulled up at the hotel; it was their anniversary and they had both decided a night away was a good idea. Jay had been a little frustrated lately. The couple had been trying for a family for over a year and so far nothing. Jay couldn't help but think it was his fault. But tonight would be different. He knew how much Em wanted a baby and he was prepared to try anything to keep her happy. The couple had checked in, dressed for dinner and walked down to the restaurant. As they sat at...

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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 12

Again, Qamaar narrates the story * * * * * * * * * * “Furry, no offense. When you are narrating me now the story, you do not seem to be worried about what happened then. But I am pretty sure your mood was the exact opposite back then right before anything started on the bus. Even though you had had much sex by that time, I do not think you wanted to have sex with any more people, especially a bus full of men, right?” I said as I again prepared to write down. She smiled at me. She seemed to...

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Ellen Given Control Chapter Two

Ellen spent the next week enforcing her disciplinary control over her husband, John. John was fifty-years-old but had readily accepted his forty-eight-year-old wife’s authority over him. In fact he got aroused every time Ellen ordered him to lower his trousers and underpants and even as his bottom stung he happily gave his wife tongue sex before wanking off in front of her. Even after a hand spanking and a spanking with the particularly painful wooden backed paddle hairbrush Ellen so enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Private Lulu Love The Apartment

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to new girl Lulu Love, a gorgeous blonde who has come to Bucharest in Private Gold, Romanian Romance, ready to unpack and settle into her new apartment. However, upon arrival Lulu finds stud Stefan Steel already living there and to her surprise the two immediately hit it off as they go on to enjoy a long night of fun Private style. Watch the sexy Lulu in action as she reveals her beautiful tattooed body with a game of strip poker before offering up...

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Ninas unexpected winter adventure

Nina sat idly flicking through a few magazines while she was waiting for her appointment with the dentist. For the last three years, she and her mates had hit Southern California beaches, where they swam, surfed, danced and drank themselves silly for about three weeks solid.This year Nina wanted something different, a much more relaxing and hopefully a more romantic setting place to visit. She closed her eyes for a moment, maybe somewhere with a lake, mountains, spa, hiking trails, and clear...

2 years ago
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VeraJane and Susan

Introduction: Jane and Susan do it! Vera, Jane and Susan This is fiction, any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************** Jane looked in the mirror admiring her new nightie. Actually, it was a T shirt that had a red heart printed on the front. It was a present from her sister Susan. Even though the shirt was large, Janes pink panties winked into sight when she walked. Three days had passed since Susan had her...

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Trailer trash teen ch6

was sitting on a lawn chair just outside the front door to the trailer home smoking a cigarette. She was agitated: her body was trembling uncontrollably. She felt like she should probably eat, but had no appetite. Her mind was racing and she found it difficult to concentrate on anything. The sun had set and it was almost eight o' clock. She'd been fucked by two loan sharks a couple hours before. She still couldn't believe how fantastic it had been, how incredibly awesome...

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The WagerChapter 2

Ren decided to take a shortcut through the student union. He spotted Scarlet sitting at a table. On it was a paper, face down. She flipped it over, scanned it and turned it face down again. Cradling her forehead in her palm she drew in a deep breath and sighed. He approached her. "Hi," he said. "Oh. Hi, Ren." "Sorry I didn't return your text on Saturday. My phone was on the charger and I didn't see it 'til this morning. I had a real good time, too..." He regarded her and thought...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 48 Developments

May 30, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Did you see what happened in Argentina?” Alejandra asked as she came into the kitchen on Tuesday morning. “Yes, I did. Riots and looting. But it kind of got pushed off the front page of the paper by everything that’s going on in China.” “That statue they put up in Tiananmen Square is a real provocation,” Jessica said. “It is,” I agreed. “And at some point, something bad is going to happen. The protestors are flouting martial law, and either the government...

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