Watching Jenna II free porn video

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Watching Jenna II By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I continue to work on my grammar. There are some errors and I do care. Thank you for your comments. The plot of this story is compound yet it is tied loosely to "Watching Jenna". "Watching Jenna III & IV" are underway. Scene Six I had left our rock group with no anxiety or regrets. We could fill a bar but the noise we made wasn't enough to make a life and living on the road was hell. The money was not regular enough and I was tried of the late nights. The other three said they would find a new singer. I needed to get to some place else, away from the scene. I had an old friend who had gone quiet several months before and I sought to check in with him. His parent's had moved out to the edge of the town we had lived in since meeting in upper school. He could play a little piano and had helped me see the potential of my voice. I drove out to his family's house to check in with him on Wednesday. His cellphone seemed to have been terminated. It was near five on a late March afternoon when I rang the bell. I waited for a few minutes before tapping the buzzer a second time. The houses nearby were on large lots so I just looked about and waited. It was cold and I was now wondering if anyone was home. I turned hearing a soft bang to see the door swing open. A tall woman stood in the wide door and her apparel struck me, which would be more under-dressed. The scant garments barely concealed her slightly zaftig curves and I had to force my eyes from her strong nipples caused by the chill. We studied each other for a few seconds before she asked for my explanation as she shifted back a half step. I told her I was looking for Rob my friend from school. "Oh, I'm so sorry." Her hand reached to cover her eyes, "You see, the family passed on the vacation to the Alps some months ago; Austria I think. The bus bringing them back to Zurs crashed. We got the house clear and settled only a month or so ago." I had known Rob was a skier but his pa was a member of the team that did well in Innsbruck years ago. "I'm Florence and my sister and I have the mortgage now." My apparent shock seemed to relax the woman. She invited me in and I walked a few steps behind. I wondered how I had missed the news as I step through the doorway. "The living room, we changed the windows and the flooring," she said as I my eyes did a quick study of her body as she moved ahead of me. "The notes from the Estate mentioned your friend and a younger sister. They had been on a Spring Holiday when the crash occurred. They must have died nearly a year ago.? The satin gown defined her hourglass and the ease across her bottom. The soft rose-colored material moved with luxury as her wide hips rolled atop her heeled shoes. ?That may explain my error. I was singing down south about that time,? I said. As I walked into the front room following Florence I looked around. It was much different from Rob?s parents furnishing and d?cor. Though it wasn?t a large house someone had paid attention to the details and it was elegant and minimal. I smiled and told her of the surprise, ?You and your sister have very good taste Florence. There must have been quite a lot of work to upgrade the place.? She turned and the gown revealed her long leg well passed the knee. Her voice was soft but an alto and she spoke of the changes and the time to complete the renovation. After a few minutes I spoke of my friend Rob and my band. We seemed to like one another for Florence became more relaxed and she asked if I could stay for a few minutes. ?I?m happy for some company James. I have some food in the Frig but now I tend to enjoy a glass of wine. Can I pour you a glass as well?? I glanced at my cell and saw the time. Thirty minutes had passed. As I stood to leave she turned to hand me the wine. Her cleavage convinced me to pause. Though a crazy idea I thought that I might get laid. She handed me the long stem glass and sat just to my right in the club chair. Her gown now shifted and I saw her tanned legs. We enjoyed the Bordeaux and I spoke of the band and my intent to enroll in the University in the fall. Florence smiled. ?I found I had a mind for business and finance James and I did not complete my degree. The Market was easy for me to understand. Now I work from here and trade.? She explained that her trading wasn?t a daily activity. She had grown up in Chester an adjacent Village prior to moving overseas in the nineties. ?With a bit of capital I found that being careful is more rewarding and less risky.? I told her I couldn?t imagine how I would ever begin to invest. We spend the next thirty minutes discussing her last group of trades and the status of the changes. ?Six trading days on and the ten grand I place in the special account has grown almost to sixteen. With my math that?s a nice daily wage. With even say two grand you could get a start James.? I had that amount in the account. Florence suggested that she could guide me. ?Tomorrow I could share a few insights.? I guess she was inviting me to stay a little longer. I like her but I was unsettled by her dress. She was sexy and charming and I had to conceal my stiffness. With a simple dinner she served us a burgundy. We talked of the old memories of the town and we even knew several of the same families. It was passed ten when I realized I needed to get back. I was a bit intoxicated. Florence suggested the cops might be an issue. ?No James, I had hoped you would stay the night. Tomorrow my sister will arrive and she would like to meet you I am certain.? Though she still moved about causing me to enjoy watching her there was no sexual tension between us. She showed me the guest suite with its clean white bath and I sat on the bed. ?I don?t actually need to anywhere for tonight Florence but we just met. I don?t want to be any trouble.? "You are no trouble James," she turned and said goodnight. As I undressed for sleep I realized that the familiarity of the house had allowed me some comfort. Rob?s passing was something I would have considered with sadness a week or a month after his death but it was over eleven months ago. There was no grief and I could move on. Scene Seven The wine allowed me a restful night. I awoke without a sense of the hour. I heard no movement in the house as I rolled from the guest bed and walked to the Kitchen. I saw a car in the drive beside mine. It was a large sedan from Germany. I turned on the espresso machine and made a cup. I then spent an hour looking at the photos and books about the living room. It was after eight o?clock; I had been on my own looking at several books she had on trading when I heard the shower. A few minutes later a woman came into the Kitchen talking and barely covered with her white robe. She surprised me. ?Florence told me she had a beauty spend the night. Please get me a coffee, no sugar, Jamey.? Her manner was clear and without aggression or authority but still commanding. I looked at her and wondered if Florence had mentioned her name. I recalled that her sister was to arrive today but I had assumed she meant later in the day. She was a magnificent beauty where as Florence was simply beautiful. The woman had hair nearly white that fell almost to her bottom. I saw her bare toes and the black polish as my eyes swept up her naked legs. The robe was not roped closed but hung open and I saw her bare vulva and her pierced nipples atop her breast swell. My heart raced as my groin stiffened. ?Don?t be shy Jamey. Flo knows a great beauty and therefore I?ll allow you to blush looking at my pussy.? She came close to take the small demi-cup of hot coffee I offered her. I was nearly her height but she was a bit shorter than Florence. Her smile was infectious and I could only smile as she brush up against my hip. ?I?ve had a hot shower. Now please listen and don?t put up the opposition you did last night to Florence. You can get in there and use the special soap I have left. It?s the blue plastic jar. Great look by the way and a nice cock I see.? I moved the robe I was wearing to conceal my erection. ?Don?t be sorry Jamey. I like looking at your dick. I like looking at you, your hair is perfect by the way.? I hadn?t cut my hair since the band thought the Cobain look would help. It was passed my shoulders and scruffy. She looked at me with an attitude of ?get moving dude? so I went toward the bath. While the water streamed over me I considered what might be happening. I didn?t have a care and last night Florence had proposed that she help me invest my small sum. Now her sister, whose name I did not know, had me at her beck and call. I open the jar of blue gel and lathered my skin. There was a tingle from the soapy blue stuff. As I stood enjoying the shower I considered shampooing my long hair. I found a bottle and rubbed the scented stuff into my hair. Rinsing I wiped my chest with my hand and noticed the smoothness. I had never been a hirsute man and had taken to shaving my groin years earlier but as I cupped my balls there was no doubt that the soap had an agent that had removed the fleece across my body. I saw the foam at the drain speckled with small brownish dots. I wondered now why I had decided to spend the night even though my mind was set on leaving just after ten. Florence hadn?t been pushy and I could have gotten back to my place, though it was nearly thirty minutes away. Now a sexy woman, her sister, was telling me to get naked and shower and I just followed her suggestion? As I dried I heard someone in the outer bedroom. The next moment the door moved and I saw Florence smiling. ?Good morning Jamey, I see you have met Celone. Need anything ?? I was mostly covered with the large towel, ?No, ah yes, what?s the blue stuff ?? She stepped into the bath and reached passed me to the jar. ?Humm, I wonder how this got in here? Its to keep my legs smooth between shaves.? I decided to not ask the follow up. It was done. I had no down on my body. ?Do you need a brush?? she asked and reached to a drawer. As she stood she offered, ?Here let me do it Jamey.? That time I heard her clearly. She and Celone had used a familiar version of my name. I had several friends that did the same. Florence patted my head dry and brushed my hair. When it was damp it was well passed my shoulder blades. ?The scent is beautiful huh? Lavender. I heard that Prince always wore a similar perfume.? She seemed to enjoy brushing my hair. ?Celone stepped out for an hour. Can you chill until she returns?? I looked at her in the reflection still brushing my hair. She was taller beside me today and she was wearing a robe like her sister?s but hers was tightly closed. ?I heard she was in her display mode earlier.? ?Humm, yeah, I guess that would describe it,? I said. ?The nipple pins were a gift from an old lover. Her tongue is pierced as well.? As she said this her hand moved to release my hand from my towel and it fell away. She reached around me and took hold of my soft penis. She turned to look at me and I watched her slowly drop to her knees. ?Jamey, put it in my mouth. I want you to begin to listen to me completely. I do want your penis in my mouth. Do this please?? I wondered what lay behind this speech. Celone?s earlier statement regarding resistance seemed a little weird now as I considered the soft mouth in front of me. My penis stiffened as I looked at her and then she closed her eyes. ?Put your penis in my mouth Jamey.? I followed her request and her tongue touched the upper edge of the helmet. The highly erotica act made me even harder as her tongue caressed me. Her hand came up and held me though her eyes were still shut. I considered her face and noticed her eye shadow and mascara. Her shoulder length blonde hair was in a soft tail and it bobbed with her sucking action. The fingers of her right hand began to pump along my shaft and she looked up and smiled. Her other hand came to rest on my ass cheek. ?Celone wants you to cum in my mouth. I want you to as well. Your penis is smooth Jamey.? She rolled her tongue across the helmet several times and looked up as I shot into her mouth. The orgasm was my first in nearly a week. I didn?t masturbated very often. ?I like how you taste Jamey and hope she can convince you to stay. How do you feel ?? I reached to help her off of her knees. The robe had loosened exposing her lingerie. She had worn heels and hose? with a garter of red lace. I asked her about the outfit. ?I always wear hose? and heels when Celone is around. She enjoys seeing me in them. Don?t you like them as well ?? She touched my penis as she said this and I twitched slightly even though I had just erupted. ?I, I guess so Florence.? Now standing she reached to hold me and initiated our first kiss. The salty flavor on her tongue reminded me of her statement; ?Celone wants you to cum in my mouth?. ?Tell me something about your sister please.? She moved to hug me after her intimate loving of my cock. ?Well actually she is ten months younger and just moved in with me two months ago. I take care of the bills and she keeps me company, well mostly.? Celone had been away for a week until early this morning. She previously ran a Web-based business until selling out to a larger competitor last year. ?Celone was actually born in Singapore while our mother were stationed there. Dad died when Celone was an infant. He worked for a private military firm in the Middle East. Mom still lives in Singapore. We try to visit her once a year.? Celone had studied in Singapore at the School of Economics and worked for the Government for two years afterward. ?So she tends to lead for you two ?? I wasn?t anxious about these two women but curious. The thought that Florence could have easily slept with me last night stirred me. ?Well she has a curious sexuality that has come to include me. Celone is just better at communicating her desires then I am. I wanted to be in the bed last night beside you Jamey. You could sense that but I didn?t act on my wish. When she got in early this morning she found my toy on the night stand and suggested I help you this morning.? She turning hearing the car arrive and the door slam. I considered that she had fucked herself thinking of me in the bed nearby. ?She will have your attention for a bit Jamey.? As she clicked off to the Kitchen I looked around for my clothes. They were gone. Maybe Florence had decided to wash the underwear and the shirt. I found another robe but it was a different hue from the one I had on this morning. I pulled the tie tight and walked to the other room. I hear voices as I walked barefoot. ?He has beautiful hair Flo.? It was Celone standing with several bags. She asked her sister, ?Are his clothes gone?? ?Yes Celone.? Somehow Florence had taken off her robe and was now dressed in a soft red dress with half sleeves. In the time it took me to discover my clothes had been removed she had dressed. I spoke without aggression, ?Hey girls, what?s the meaning of this?? I walked a step closer to Celone. ?It is really quite simple Jamey. We?re asking you to stay with us for a short while. You clearly respond to direction and you have no pressing business and my sister loved swallowing your juice.? She continued to present the reasons she wanted me around, "Beside, I like looking at you too." I stood listening and watching her. She wore a dress similar to Florence?s and heels but hers was a soft ivory tone with a gold belt. While she spoke I didn?t notice that Florence had moved behind me to lie across the table. She had her panties pulled down and her fingers were rubbing her wet vagina. ?You see Jamey we have a thought and want to try it on you.? She pointed at the scene behind me. I saw the beautiful woman with her dress lifted over her hips and her wet slit exposed. She rubbed her fingers across her clit, playing. ?I want you to lick her pussy. Now please.? I turned about and immediately I became aroused. ?His cock is hard for you Flo,? Celone spoke as I took in the scene. I was going to get laid. I heard the younger sister moving toward the table as I reached for Florence?s legs. I caressed the hose? as she moaned softly. My other hand traveled up to her mons and I pushed her thighs open as my fingers touched her gently. ?He has the right touch Celone, gentle as you assured me.? I bent to kiss her shaved pussy. This smooth bare pussy was a first for me. Her juice seemed to be everywhere as my fingers moved back and forth and my tongue settled on her button. My robe slipped off as my tongue began to dance on her pussy. I closed my eyes and enjoyed her sex but was alerted by a feeling beneath me. I remained still and stopped licking her. Celone was on the floor and she was licking my bare ass. I tensed and moved upward and away from the intimate kiss but she held me close and her tongue licked intently. The tip seemed to actually get into my butthole. I moaned softly. ?That my girl. Keeping kissing her pussy or I will stop.? I turned to look into Celone?s eyes. No woman had ever licked me there. I just went back to her sister?s pussy. She somehow was able to get me to follow her will. A moment later her sister flooded my mouth as she came strongly and moaned. ?Thank you sister. She?s may be the best.? I took her to mean Celone as a sister, she was the best. I would later understand the meaning clearly. Meanwhile Celone had reached for my hard cock just she slipped her wet finger into my bottom! I jumped away, ?I will draw the line there sister!? She still held my penis, ?I think you liked my tongue here. Let?s stop the protesting Jamey. I want your attention and while I hold this stick I think you will comply.? She squeezed me a bit and I both enjoyed it and wanted her to stop. I sensed that I had give up a level of control to this beauty. I wiped my face on the back of my hand enjoying Florence?s moisture and scent. I considered just standing and leaving. Her sexual game could lead to unknown territory and the two of them seemed to have a plan. ?I had an old boyfriend in this situation awhile ago in Thailand. She is no longer a he and it didn?t take a hurricane to help her see the world anew.? She now licked again and the finger entered me. ?That?s better Jamey, relax on my little prick.? The finger remained still as she now pumped my very hard penis. I had ejaculated less than an hour earlier. Then I felt Florence shift and her warm mouth covered me. These two would bring me to peak shortly. A few moments later I felt Celone push her second finger into me. Florence?s warm mouth stayed atop my cock and played her tongue on my sensitive member. ?Much better Jamey. I want her mouth filled again please.? I felt the fingers slip away but then heard the hum as she pushed the small toy inside me and it seemed to be swallowed whole. ?The first egg is in your bottom. You may never be the same Jamey. Fuck her mouth now please.? Celone?s tongue continued to play at my hole as the vibrations deep within me intensified. ?She?s close Florence. Suck on just the head of her cock.? Celone continued to lick my asshole. A moment later I came again as the vibrating egg started to pulse strongly and Florence?s warm tongue rolled along the helmet of my dick. It was the most intense orgasm of my young life and they knew it. I had never had two women bring me off. I fell to my side and relished the intense sexual act I had just experienced. I couldn?t settle the conflict but the feeling and memory made me more aware of how exposed I was. Celone wouldn?t easily release me that I knew. Her ?curious sexuality? had marked me and I would not easily walk away from these two easily. Scene Eight The past twenty-four hours had caused a shift of my mind and openness. Somehow these two women had co-opted my sense of what I was or simply they together had allowed the true me to come to the surface. I could be lead and it frightened me a bit. It was only partially about sexuality. These two women had caused me to consider my past sexual adventures in a new light. Several of my old girlfriends were able to push me to do their will, whether it was in bed or out on the street. I thought of the submissiveness now and recalled another event. My friend years back had sucked me off but I hadn?t reciprocated. We were drunk and never spoke of it again. That two boys had enjoyed playing together wasn?t sufficient explanation for my willingness to allow Celone to direct me though. There was some inherent natural timidity in me that had allowed even the quiet, reserved Florence to attract and hold my gaze. I considered the first moment; that simple doorbell stood as the passageway to a different world. Maybe it wasn?t a rabbit hole but maybe it was a gateway to my personal realization. This first day with Celone would never leave me. After our sex play Celone had me shower with blue soap again. Her sister was there as well and focused her small razor on the soft rippled skin of my anus. ?She is not smooth here Florence,? Celone spoke as she pulling my cheeks wide. I turned and Florence stopped, ?What?s with the ?she? shit Celone?? She simply smiled and Florence turned me to resume the close shave. Over lunch Celone asked about my sexual history, ?Any boys or men?? It was a personal question that I could have easily passed on but I didn?t. I reluctantly told her of my amour with the soccer trainer two summers ago. I didn?t mention my earlier blowjob though. ?He was there when I was vulnerable. I had lost a good singing gig and was depressed. I was just nineteen and he and I spent the night together.? ?Anal and a fellatio?? I hesitated again aware that her prying wasn?t necessary. ?You two have a way of coaxing me toward honesty. Yes both, just that one night.? They seemed lewdly happy with this acknowledgement. ?What was his name?? ?Jorge? ?Did you enjoy his giving or receiving more Jamey?? Again I chuckled, ?You are going to know aren?t you Celone?? As I seemed to pause she added, ?Feminine, yes Jamey?? ?You must have me under a spell. I liked both actually but he was gentle. Like you were this morning. And yes, I guess it was somehow feminine.? Celone stood. ?Flo I want you to show Jamey how you wear your undergarments. Run back and get that special one on please.? She was looking at me as she spoke and of course her sister stepped off to follow her direction. I was sitting still in the robe but wasn?t uncomfortable. She walked to me. She still wore her ivory dress and heels. ?Can you help me with my belt?? I unfastened the gold item about her waist and it dropped to the floor. She slowly lifted her dress to expose her hose? and suspender. Her hand dropped and she pulled her panty to the side and I saw her thin two-inch long strip of hair on her mons. ?I see this, ? Celone said quietly as she rubbed her finger along the soft darker hair, ?as another eyebrow. But like all brows this one requires skill and attention to make it beautiful.? Her finger slipped along her now moist vulva lips. Wet now she extended her finger to my lips. ?Just a subtle kiss Jamey.? She turned hearing her sister?s heels on the wood. ?Dear, now as we have practiced show Jamey what we have in mind.? Florence stopped five feet from the table and I noted that she had changed her shoes to a sexy high red heel with a strap at the ankle. The red dress seemed tighter as well. But the deeper design of her makeup called out her beauty. I realized that in error I had thought her somewhat less beautiful then her sister. As she swung to her left the dress seemed to split and partially exposing her red slip covered body. Celone sat down in my lap and immediately she felt my erection. ?She is ready sis.? The music just seemed to come from nowhere as she moved in time. The dress straps fell from each shoulder as she shook her hips slowly and it hit the floor. I saw the beautiful lace and satin red slip. It slipped off of her body as well and into the pool of red on the floor. She stepped over the clothing and smiled. Her corset held the lovely red lace top stockings and I saw the rather tall heels and wondered how she could dance in them. As she moved closer I saw that she had not worn a thong and I saw her pussy, which was slick or oiled. ?Florence enjoys arousing me and I think she has your number as well Jamey.? Celone shifted on my hips and I felt her moisture. ?Next time we will make certain that penis is restrained. It?s distracting from her show.? There was no question that the three of us were aroused. I had nearly cum again and I could smell Celone?s arousal. She got up and the two of them walked to the living room sofa. ?Coming Jamey? We can talk about our goals and the future.? I can?t explain how the day had transpired to end as it did. They both spoke of their desire for a companion that I might agree to become. Florence didn?t speak a lot but did annunciate her feelings as Celone spoke. After twenty minutes they stood and walked back to the bedroom leaving me to consider their proposal. It wasn?t complicated. They wanted to affect my life and have the freedom of a three-way relationship. I added an important dimension to their lesbian relationship. In highly specific detail Celone described the plan to be accomplished over the following weeks. The notion was clear to them and I closed my eyes and considered the idea carefully. They suggested that I would join them as a sort of concubine but as a feminine one with some extra equipment. Florence told me that she hoped for a child some day and actually wanted me to consider the possibly of being a parent. They weren?t aware of my family members still living within a few miles of here but there was little I would risk in their estimation. Nor was I overly concerned as I sat by myself thinking. The pile of red garments was at my feet. They promised that this unique arrangement would evolve as we found our aspirations rise. ?You will always be free to leave, or return Jamey,? Celone stated. I didn?t immediately comprehend the notion that I would become a female but by the end of the discussion the girls were clear and my head seemed to be in agreement. They wanted to bring me into their sphere and aid and foster the gender shift. It helped that they slowly brought clothes and their kits and every thirty minutes my visage changed slightly. Later that afternoon with the two of them I stood as they slipped the new white lace covered hose? up my smooth legs. They knelt and each helped fasten the clips to the suspended about my waist. ?There we are Jamey, so sensual right ?? Earlier I had allowed Florence to do my nails. Celone just watched as now her sister began to apply the moisturizers to my face. But the big shift was the hair styling. Celone had real skill and within thirty minutes my floppy longish tumble of hair was shaped to a feminine style parted in the middle with the entire mane cut to a feathered length that enhanced the shape of my face. ?I think you will be surprised James.? Celone said. ?There is only a ?Jamey? here with us now,? Florence added. I smiled as I glimpsed my face forty minutes later, ?Oh my god, where did she come from?? The surprise was mine alone. ?Florence saw this in you yesterday afternoon when the bell rang. She called me to tell me and sent a snap of you with her phone text. A girl was buried within the bad frock and thatch of skanky hair.? As I looked at myself I asked softly, ?That?s why it took a few minutes for the door to open. By the way why are you doing this Celone?? She came to me and held my shoulders while Florence was applying the second coat of mascara. ?Because I, or we can sweetie and Florence can explain to you how much she loves a ?Ladyboi? can?t you dear ?? ?Watch her face Flo,? as they pulled me up to stand in the heels and Celone removed my robe. Florence placed the brasserie onto my shoulders and fastened the clasp at the back. Then Celone placed the fleshy breast forms into the lace cups. ?The affect is amazing girls! I cannot express the, I don?t know how, it?s a bombshell seeing myself present like this, as feminine!? ?You are our special Ladyboi Jamey,? said Florence and she kissed me intimately as Celone rubbed my arm and lick my neck. As Celone brushed out my hair she spoke of her visit with a friend last night. ?I was with Cathy and her new mate last night for dinner. The girls name was Michaela. I was attracted to her but the name seems off. Unless she was ? Florence chuckled softly as she completed the thought, ?a fem name I?m sure.? Scene Nine Several weeks passed with me in the girls care and each day we grew closer as they slowly continue their transformation of their new sister. My look had been altered by their constant attention and the hairdresser came each week and adjusted the look of my growing blonde hair. She offered, ?I would suggest we try different styles and see which is you Jamey.? In the second week Celone found a special pair of breast forms that could be attached and dressed to look and feel as part of my chest. These felt nearly real without a surgical visit. ?If Jamey wants real breasts we will travel to the City in a couple of weeks.? Florence said, ?All of changes you have made have a strong affect on the woman you are becoming but nothing is permanent. You should live with us for several more weeks before you commit to such a revision Jamey.? Celone stay close these first weeks but there was a reason for her to travel in the third week. ?My sister will try and seduce you each day, and night Jamey. She wants to pretend that your first intercourse with her may cause a pregnancy therefore she is resisting playing with your penis.? We were in the sun room wearing the bikini?s Florence had found the day before. Mine was white with ties at the hips and a halter-top. Getting a subtle tan was her goal. I felt self-conscious due to the weight across my tummy but I enjoyed watch the two sisters. The details of a transition seemed known to Florence so I asked her about it. She was too shy so Celone spoke, ?My sister?s first sexual encounters were with lesbian transgender women in Bangkok.? ?Oh, and she has marked me for this role now ?? I asked. Celone wasn?t nervous, ?No Jamey. Flo could have exercised that idea independent of your arrival. She just enjoys the dual nature that you presently have. She will continue to develop her true feelings only with more time. She wants only that you are happy now.? I considered this and knew when I had parted ways with the band that I was in need of a new direction. Florence was clearly falling in love and she was pretty special. I spoke quietly as I considered the statement, ?I can see now that I was ready for this attention Florence and you have lavished on me. But can I really just change so quickly?? I was wearing a heeled mule and slowly paced about as I spoke. ?Is this feminine world my world Celone or is there a mask covering something within me?? She giggled, ?Jamey you are way beyond. I just love the sex we are sharing. There is something to that on it?s own honey.? Celone paused, ?Jamey she, I mean we, didn?t trick you into this. We simply allowed it to evolve.? ?And by the way, being near us is quickly affecting your gestures and simple movement. Even your speech has changed.? I knew that my voice had shifted though I had worked towards this. I suggested, ?I think the microcosm we?re in has speeded my femininity, a transition is underway.? Florence stood and came to my hip as I saw her computer go dark. As she kissed me I knew that there was something developing between us. She would talk when Celone was out of the room but generally answered with sighs, small words or signals. I saw her fingers directing me to come along. She had closed her trading platform and wanted me. The investment day had closed and she was happy. Each of the past weeks her efforts had increased the fund I had by almost ten percent. Now she want to relax. ?Jamey I want you to come to bed with me. My body needs some loving,? Florence said as she turned and walked away. Once she closed the door she sensually purred, ?I need you to be with me Jamey. My body does want yours to fuck me but not quite yet please so instead I have another idea.? Florence rubbed her cheek on mine as she whispered in my ear. ?There more of me to love Jamey.? Then Flo kissed me. I needed her kiss. The soft lips were moist and I felt her desire behind the movement across my face and mouth. Her passion was rising as we continued and I couldn't breath. I knew she wanted to be certain. She wanted me here with her and with Celone but alone as well. I felt her hand slip down and inside my bikini bottom. She caressed my bottom as the tongue inside my mouth played with mine. Florence?s lips didn't left mine as her tongue licked and sucked my lower lip. She was teaching me something. Girls kiss and kissing each other was her seduction. She was an amazingly oral lover but the hand at my bottom was telling me to love her. Her mouth came to mine and her tongue licked my lips gently biting just along the rim. I opened my mouth and again her tongue entered my mouth as her fingers took my right hand and ran to her backside. Then she pause and turned to the bed. At the edge she moved atop and positioned herself in the middle of the bed on her knees and hands. She turned her head back to me as she lowered the bikini bottom to expose her butthole. With her saliva on her fingers she moisten the opening as her finger played there and then I saw it entered her bottom. ?Jamey can you fuck me here tonight, please?? I had never had a woman ask for anal and the one time with Jorge was passionate rather than loving and it hurt me. ?Just go slow sweetie. I?m clean here and ready.? Her bottom looked so inviting as I stepped nearer still in my mules and I moved her knees a bit further apart. The pink puckered opening and the moist crinkled skin drew me to her bottom and my tongue kissed her rose while my hands held her wide bottom. I had never kiss a girl?s ass but hers was sweet and I guessed that she had prepared. ?You wanted me here all along didn?t you Florence, on my knees licking you sweet ass, peach lube?? ?Uhmmm Jamey, yes, kiss me there please.? I wanted to be with her but I wanted it clear that we were lovers now so I rolled her to her back and moved so our kissing could speak for me. ?Yes Florence I do want you,? the kiss was mine now and she relented as my tongue moved deep into her mouth. ?My penis will need you mouth to moisten it. Lick me Florence.? Her earlier blowjobs were good but now she turned and pushed my bikini bottom lower and grasped my prick softly. Her kiss began with licking the shaft before sliding her lips across the tip. Then it began. Flo started to take me into her mouth, a bit at a time but soon I felt the back of her throat and her tongue playing about the shaft bottom. I felt her nose on my nuts. She had my six inches inside her mouth. The deep throat was a complete surprise and when she pulled back my cock was thickly coated in her saliva. As my member felt the air she looked at me. Her mouth slipped down atop my shaft again. Her eyes smiled at me as she reached my balls again. Her loving tongue played with me for a minute before she released me and returned to her previous position on the bed. She looked back and her smile called me to move atop her. As I slid my stiff penis along her cleft I slipped into her slightly. ?My ass is well exercised for us my sexy Jamey. I have played with my toys but I want your warm penis to enjoy this first time and every time. Be greedy with my bottom.? She pushed back on to me and I fully entered her canal as her hands held her bottom open. I looked down to see her brightly painted rouge nails. The fire inside her felt amazing as she rolled her tight hole about back and forth as my penis slipped slowly deeper. ?I don?t want you to be patient Jamey. Fuck my ass.? I was deep within this woman who was courting me to be her feminine lover with a penis. She wanted exactly this. Florence wanted a re-made girl in her bed, in her world with her. ?I?ve been using my butt for sex for years to prevent a pregnancy. Now I want you to fall for me. I want you to be my partner Jamey.? But now she was fucking me. ?God Flo you feel incredible on my penis!? as she continued to move her hips and she twisted her butt on my hard shaft. I decided it was my move now and saw she had released her cheeks and her fingers were gripping the sheet tightly to prepare and I slid in and out smoothly and slowly in her bottom. After fucking her tight ass for a few moments I moved closer to her and thrust my hips forward. Flo looked over her shoulder and we kissed as I reached to hold her beautiful breasts. Pausing the kiss I looked at her but now she was half-lidded as she focused on the cock deep in her bottom. She whispered, ?You?re at the right depth Jamey but keep it slow. I feel every inch of you.? Finding a rhythm I reached my left hand to hold her hips as my pace seemed to please her. She began to moan and reached back to hold her cheeks open once again. ?See? Your penis is fucking me Jamey.? Now I pulled her onto my shaft with each deep penetration and her moans became louder. ?I want Celone to hear us Jamey. She has helped bring you to me and I love her for this.? The action of her tight ring on my dick had caused my peak to begin. ?I?m going to, ? I moaned. ?No Jamey. Try to finish me with your fingers.? I reached around to her wet pussy and gently caressed the tip of her mons. ?Yes baby, that?s perf ,? That was the last sound she made as her body became rigid and her muscle clamped down stopping my motion within her ass. The orgasm seemed intense for she swung her head back and forth. Her hair moved across her back as I held her close. As she cried out loudly my fingers stayed still on her button while her climax continued. I saw the sliver of light from the open door disappear. Celone had been watching us. She turned to kiss me, ?God Jamey that was powerful. I felt it in my breasts sweetie.? The next day Celone called me from the media room. ?Jamey we would like to share a movie with you dear." I entered the darken room wearing the new blue dress with red piping she had given me and a pair of medium heels. I had been growing more comfortable preparing my own face and had hoped for them to review the results but the darkness prevent that. Celone was curled up with Florence on the wide extended sofa. She had her glasses on and Florence was smiling at me. ?Jamey you look good. The medium tone over the eye is good for this afternoon,? Celone said. So she did see my face. I turned toward the wide screen and blinked at the image. ?What is this video?? I asked as I slipped into Flo?s arms, my heels still on. ?Oh Jamey, this is Jenna. She is the best. Watch her and see how she seduces us every time,? Florence told me as she snuggled against me. I saw the panty that Celone wore pushed aside to expose her pussy. ?So Jenna has helped Flo get a handle on her love of anal and as we know she has introduced this passion to you now. Boisterously I must say.? I saw Celone?s quick smile after she teased her sister. Florence said, ?It is somewhat true Jamey. I have learned a thing or two from this sexy skinny bitch. What Celone would like is that you too could learn from Jenna.? I sensed that Flo was implying that her sister wanted me to receive anally and though I had once it was not enjoyable. I became nervous and Flo detected this. ?No commitment Jamey, just watch her,? Celone said. ?She can take small and large cocks into her ass but we love how she dances as well.? I considered them both but was still anxious. Celone moved closer and took my face in her hands and turned me so she could kiss me. ?You are a bit taller than Jenna but your diet has reduced your tummy. The Jenna movies will help you with this Jamey. I hope you can keep an open mind and enjoy her films.? Ninety minutes later I had watched them both masturbate as Jenna took a big black guys dick into her bottom. It did amaze me. Midway through the clip Celone had produced a small plug and pushed it into her bottom. ?These can help Jamey. We have a collection just for your training. Flo will get one after the show and demonstrate for you how it can be good.? After the movie we moved to the Kitchen for some wine and Florence disappeared for a minute and returned holding a velvet lined Plexiglas box. Inside were five different anal plugs. There was an engraved plate on the side. It said ?Jamey?s Toys?. ?We don?t share these generally Jamey so Celone had this prepared for you the other day on her trip,? Florence said handing the box to me. I looked a bit perplexed but they both came to me. Celone?s hand slipped beneath my dress and caressed my bottom for I was wearing a thong to restrain my penis. Florence pulled me into a kiss. The sensual existence I had fallen into still astonished me. ?So this is another step sisters ?? I moaned as their hands caressed me. I couldn?t imagine how I would accommodate these various toys but deep down I knew I would allow them to educate me. Each of their desires had brought me some new consciousness and pleasure so I had to consent that this might be as well. ?It is, and we will do this together Jamey,? said Celone as her finger played at my back rim. Scene Ten Each week the three of us would do something in town together but only after we had spent hours pampering each other. The awareness that they had shape me to their will was of no distress to me. I loved the carnal life we were sharing. When the three of us were in town there was a stir since most of the Villagers were working folk. While we shopped or lunched we heard many compliments about the clothes, the shoes and the bags but also comments regarding the risqu? style of dress. I had become their fashion whore but I glowed with the warmth of my feminine family. ?This was much easier than I would have imaged Jamey,? Celone said as we walked along window-shopping. Florence hugged me close and I felt her breasts rubbed my faux pair. ?You were so willing,? she said. I paused in my four-inch black spiked heels on the sidewalk, ?Well I think you put something in the wine that first day but if so I?m quite happy you did.? I kissed Florence and whispered, ?When will you let my penis inside your pussy?? She said, ?Jamey you are as much a woman as me now so I don?t need the stick when I?m with you in bed. But I could see being pregnant in say sixteen months. After we all travel to see mom in Singapore.? A woman walking by heard this and frowned, ?Whores!? Celone had been using the anal toys to penetrate my bottom for several days now but Florence only wanted me in her butt or mouth. ?So do you think I should schedule a visit with Doctor Albright Flo? I mean Jamey are you ready for a real rack?? Celone asked. Florence answered for me as her and I had discussed this yesterday, ?She wants this sister so yes.? On the ride home Celone saw her favorite dance club. ?Ladies tomorrow we will go dancing. I haven?t seen Cathy in almost a month and she is always fun.? Florence agreed, ?Jamey can wear her new dress.? Celone asked her sister, ?What was Cathy?s girlfriends name?? Florence had not met the girl but recalled the woman?s name, ?Michaela?. They had helped me find several new outfits since my weight had dropped to one-thirty-four. With the new mini-corset Flo felt I could have a twenty-eight inch waist. Celone had ordered this special one from England for me. That afternoon Florence helped me try the restrictive garment. ?It?s a good fit and the quality is superb. Celone knows how to acquire beautiful things Jamey. How do you feel ?? I asked if the corset was fully secured. ?No only about fifty percent drawn in so far. I will tighten it two or three more times over the next thirty minutes which will allow you to be comfortable.? Near four the next afternoon she helped me slip the new little black dress on after getting the corset set. The waist adjustment was important for the slim bodycon fabric. ?Good, this dress looks very nice. Let?s practice your face work okay Jamey. Take the dress off for now sweetie.? Awhile later Celone came in after I had re-dressed. ?Holy shit Jamey!? Florence smiled. ?She looks amazing huh Sis?? Celone came and kissed me, ?Girl come to my room now please.? Florence laughed as we walked away, ?She just now finishes getting ready and you?re going to eat her all up Celone?? Celone closed the door softly as I stood near the bed. I had never felt so feminine. The underclothes were beautiful french lace with a narrow thong holding my balls away. The stockings Flo had given me were nude toned silk with an interesting enchained script up where the back seam might normally be. The new heels were almost too high but as Celone now rubbed my bottom they had the proper affect. I saw her attaching the strap-on to her hips. She was going to fuck my bottom for the first time. ?If we are going out I want you sated Jamey. I think we both know that my sister is in love with you. There will be girls and guys interested in you at the club and my girlfriend Cathy will definitely make a pass, I guarantee that.? She was wearing a silk robe lose about her and the white faux penis was glistening. ?We have allowed your opening the proper preparation Jamey. It is my joy to initiate you to my cock tonight.? I had moved to sit on the edge of her large bed. I had become unaware of the corset except for how different the hose? felt when held by the clasps attached to the lower edge of the taut garment. My black dress hem swept away to exposed the hose? and I saw the brass hoops holding the silk. As Celone moved closer I slipped to my knees and felt the tug of the stockings. ?Jamey, careful not to ruin the hose.? My deep red lips actually wanted to suck her dildo. I smiled up to her eyes as I considered the act I was keen to participate in. These past four weeks had so changed my reality and I wanted more. Celone stood close as I studied her toy cock. Celone said, ?I have wanted to fuck you from the moment I first saw you Jamey. Now you are ready and, ? The realskin dildo entered my mouth. It wasn?t too big and my hand reached to hold Celone?s bottom as she allowed me to lick at the head of her toy penis. ?you look good with my cock in your mouth sweetie.? As she held her penis toy she bent to reach across my corset covered back and her moistened finger grazed about my hole. I tried to focus on the dick in my mouth but I had to stop a moment. ?Celone, are you sure ?? The three times this week she had pushed the small anal plugs into my bottom. Each was different but the sensations the objects caused had me convinced I wanted what Celone had in mind for this evening. ?Suck my dick Jamey. Get me really wet because I?m going to be your first fuck.? Her finger had now entered my ass as I enjoyed the scent of her pussy. She was excited as well. ?You have me so gooey Jamey!? I hadn?t seen that Celone had one of my small plugs in her hand but as she removed her fingers the metal toy?s wide base opened me as she began to insert it and I yelped. ?Oh my God, Celone!? I bit down on her fake dick but she only giggled. ?Girl, you need to be ready, and watch the teeth. You are about to lose this virgin opening. You are still tight. Think of something nice and soft.? I focused on her penis and the thought of Florence?s bottom and the plug moved into place and sealed my hole. ?Much easier today Jamey and the biting wasn?t nice.? As I continued to lick and suck on her faux prick my tongue moved along the lower side as I covered my teeth. ?Ahh, you are such a girl, that much better. Someday we will have to bring a warm cock home for you.? This thought didn?t register in my brain at the time. Later she would come back to it. ?The dance club will be filled with both men and women ogling you tonight Jamey. I want your little dick to be empty and to stay tucked so maybe a tighter panty would be good. I wasn?t listening though. I was relishing the new activity and my eyes were closed, as I was no longer thinking of my genitals. I was a woman giving head, fellating her lover?s cock. This was interrupted by her pulling the plug from my bottom. ?Now for the real dick, ? She removed her dick from my mouth and swung me about with my tummy at the bed edge. ?I want to watch this enter you butt. Reach back and pull your cheeks apart Jamey,? as she pushed her stiff penis into me and I gasped. ?Ahh, Celone, please, ooh.? Though she was slow the first movement caused me to wince in pain. This was short lived, for it was a slim phallus and I my opening was moist from the lube on the plug. I still squeezed my eyes shut as she leaned over me and held my waist as she slowly pushed into my body. ?Celone, it does not hurt so badly now,? I said as I nodded that it was fine. ?Then roll your hips slightly and do some of the work Jamey.? I did and she slipped in deeper. ?Yes baby, rolling on my cock,? she began to withdraw as she moaned the words softly. I turned to look at her as she smiled. Her fingers moved from my hip to my right falsie and she giggled realizing her error. ?We can remedy those in a few weeks Jamey. Then I?ll have something to grab.? As she fucked my body slowly I concentrated on the penetration. Her anal penetration was now feeling good. She was only using a few inches of the six-inch cock but something was happening even though my penis was soft. The sensations were so different from my previous lovers. I wasn?t the dominant player but the receiver and now I started to push onto her penis as she moved. The phallus went into me deeper on each thrust now and I felt the extraordinary pleasure rising within me. ?Oh Jamey this toy is going to make me cum,? but she kept fucking me. ?Ahh, Jamey, I do hope that you are close,? she was about to peak and though I was enjoying the dick that fucked me I wasn?t near quite yet. Her loud scream announced her orgasm as she pushed her phallus deep into my bottom. The toy must have hit my prostate for I immediately experienced my first prostate orgasm, intense, and I shot into my thong panty. I shook with this new sensation as Celone fell onto my back and moaned. ?Wow Jamey, you came as well huh?? I was out of breathe and her cock was still in me. She held me across my back. ?Yes Celone, some how I climaxed but ? I couldn?t talk for I was still humming from the release. ?Oh Jamey, you had a girl orgasm huh?? I didn?t know what to make of this sexual event but I was certain I wanted more fucking and soon. ?I love that you are holding me after this Celone. You penis is still hard for me.? She giggled as she held me, ?That?s worth something right?? Scene Eleven After our sex play both Celone and I had showered as Florence set the meal out. I came to the Kitchen wearing the corset but without a thong. Tonight we had ordered a simple dinner. Florence had received the delivery and we enjoyed a Pinot while we re-dressed for the Club. ?She enjoying fucking you Jamey and I am quite pleased she did. I love making my sister happy,? Florence said. She reached and pushed my penis between my legs as she started to tighten the garment again. ?Now go and put on a thong. I want you little nuts back up in the hiding spot before we cinch this,? she turned my hip and smiled. She kissed me. The cab to the Club was the first time that I was dressed and out at night. The corset had settled and though I knew it was the structure making my figure feminine I just focused on the girls and the event ahead. The cab was a comfortable ride and I was between the sisters. ?The tones for makeup we use for nighttime are different Jamey,? Flo said as she turned my face from side to side. ?There is even more drama by concentrating the darkest pigment on the lids.? I was lost in thought as she reviewed her work on my face. ?Now remember Jamey, we are all going home together, sisters tonight. No competition for the women okay?? Celone said, ?And no men tonight.? Celone took care of the cash so we waited while she paid the driver. I was swinging my eyes back and forth to take in the crowd of beautiful girls and their outfits. There were others there as well. Men. ?Jamey, looking is okay. Just don?t flirt with them,? Celone said as she took my hand. As we crossed the dance floor I was glad Florence had insisted I change to the three-inch heels. I could see others weren?t interested in the dancing for some women were in super platforms. My height with the shoes meant I was about average but Celone was much taller in her heels. She kept hold of my hand as Florence walked just behind. ?This is a good table. Flo stay here with Jamey a moment, I see Cathy at the Bar.? ?Who is Cathy?? I asked but immediately remembered. Florence smiled as her sister sauntered across the wood floor, ?an old girlfriend. Crazy fun at times but like a fox.? I couldn?t recall something Celone had said the other day about this friend of hers. It bothered me that she had rushed away but then I saw her and Cathy. The long hair of the tall beautiful woman was amazing and she moved so sensually on her heels as the two women approached. ?Jamey, please say hello to my good friend Cathy,? as Celone stepped aside the woman came nearer and took my hand and kissed my fingers. ?So good of you to join our group Jamey.? Turning to Celone she said, ?Yes it is remarkable. She looks lovey.? She seemed to be speaking of me. Then Cathy looked back to me, ?You have to meet my new lover Michaela. You two will share many things as you get acquainted. Florence you seemed to have found your mate hum?? Cathy said as she hugged and kissed Flo. ?Jamey is special to me Cathy and yes we are quite close,? Florence had my hand and lifted it to kiss it. ?She has a special gift I see,? said Cathy. Florence now stood and moved to my hip, ?Yes she does and she is mine Cathy.? Then I recalled the discussion about the Ladyboi?s. I could see that Cathy had read me and she smiled as she came even closer. ?Yes Michaela will love to meet you Jamey. Your outfit is wonderful, the dress just short enough.? As Cathy?s hand touched my waist I knew that she could feel the corset beneath the dress. ?Structure is important for our women Florence,? Cathy said as she sat down beside Celone. ?Don?t worry about me taking her away Florence. You have wanted to find her for years and I want your happiness. Oh, here is Michaela!? Cathy stood and waved slightly to the beauty across the room. As she approached I saw the pearl necklace the woman wore about her neck. Her dress was a beautiful bias wrap in a deep red with thin straps. I noted her petite breasts for her nipples clearly pressed against the red fabric. Her tall silver sandals were sexy and she smiled as she saw her girlfriend. I saw her right thigh exposed as she took each wonderful step towards Cathy. She had only eyes for her lover. As Cathy and her mate cheek kissed, Cathy introduced everyone. I was mesmerized by these lovers but quietly listened to the batter of the women. ?I met her about a six weeks ago,? Cathy said. ?Finally I have a lover who understands me and enjoys the things I do.? I watched Michaela as she also listened and moved to sit tightly along side Cathy. I was attracted to her in the same manner as I had fallen for Florence. The change of my dressing had allowed me to realize how deeply I loved being near women. Celone smiled at me as she spoke, ?Florence met Jamey about the a month ago too. Jamey hasn?t left her side since. She is like a sister to us now.? I considered the four other women near me. Michaela and I were about the same height and shorter than the others. Florence stood, ?I came to dance. Please come with me Jamey.? I had been practicing with her and she had been a good instructor but I nearly tripped as I stood. ?That was close,? Celone said as she reached to hold my arm. ?Enjoy Jamey but careful now.? ?Let?s all dance,? said Cathy and the others also moved to the floor. We danced for the entire set and my feet needed a break. Michaela took my arm as she wanted to rest as well. She spoke softly, almost whisper quiet but I heard her clearly as we stepped to the table. ?You move quite well for a boy Jamey. I only noticed when you started that hip thing you just did next to Florence. That?s a rocker move from Mick.? She squeezed my arm slightly as we reached the table. I was anxious as we stood looking out at the others as they enjoyed the beat. ?I can imagine how difficult it is, I meaning learning so many things quickly. It was a subtle thing I noticed so do not be concerned. I will not say anything.? I was immediately next to her as she turned to look at me and then I saw the small bump on her neck just beneath the pearl choker. ?You are a boy too?? I asked. We sat and quietly discussed how we both had come to be with these beauties. The three girls were unaware and had matched up with others on the dance floor. Seeing Florence and Celone move on their tall heels impressed me and I asked Michaela about her girlfriend Cathy. ?Cathy is wonderful but I have only been with a few women you know. She can be aggressive towards other girls but she has been great for me. I needed someone who can make me happy and handle stuff I can?t. I guess I would say I?m a bit passive like that but she is kind.? I felt comfortable with Michaela but wondered if anyone else had read me tonight. She saw my concern, ?Jamey, you are doing wonderful for having been a girl less than a month. Florence is clearly into you. Even now she is smiled as she looks at you.? I saw that she was dancing with a tall guy now but I wasn?t jealous. The ponytail the man wore reminded me of my recent past. I told Michaela of my singing with the band, ?but I?ve not found enough of a feminine voice to try to sing.? ?You know there are coaches that can help. I can sense and feel that Celone is the primary of her sister and you. You just need to ask her for a coach and she will find someone Jamey. As meek women we need to have that guidance correct?? I saw the three women coming back. ?Can you text me so that we can share Michaela?? Cathy looked at me and I knew she sensed what we had been talking about. It could have been a subtle look from Michaela as well but she just smiled. ?I am happy the sisters have found you Jamey,? Cathy said. Later after more dancing Michaela walked toward another table to talk with a tall girl and I accompanied her. She introduced us. ?Tony and I work together and are close friends.? I felt Cathy at my side as she moved to Tony and they kissed lightly. Tony said, ?I haven?t seen you here before, Jamey right?? I was between Cathy and Florence, ?Yes Tony. It is the first time I have been to this club.? ?Cathy you have kept Michaela away too long and work hasn?t been easy.? Michaela told the group that the Dan their Manager had left for a competitor chain. ?The accounts department is out of sorts with a interim manager reviewing the past five months.? Tony said, ?First Cathy steals my friend and then the department is shifting. I don?t see Michaela sometimes for a week.? Celone and Cathy moved to talk with another woman. ?I was wondering if you have heard from that hunk Keith?? Tony asked Michaela. ?He texted me that his sister was keeping him busy. We cancelled the date you know,? Michaela said. Cathy came back and moved to hold her lover. She had overheard the topic, ?He is a handsome guy and gentle but he will have to find another girl. You are all mine sweetie.? She kissed Michaela intimately. Celone also walked over and added, ?That?s the Cathy we all love. Keeping her fire lite! Public sex display.? Tony smiled and said, ?You can?t keep your paws off of her can you Cathy?? Cathy was risqu? and lifted Michaela?s dress to expose her bottom. I saw the smooth cheeks and the thong of this beauty as well as her dark suspenders crossing her bottom. ?I didn?t plug my little wonder tonight!? Celone moved to touch the girls naked flesh, ?I could enjoy playing with this girl too.? ?Not this night Celone, but maybe, ? Cathy sighed. Tony?s other friends took over her focus and we moved back to our table. ?At least she has a few lesbians about her tonight,? Cathy said. Cathy continued to say something about her friend Tony but I couldn?t hear. Michaela interrupted her. ?Excuse me girls. Your lurid talk must cease. I have to pee.? Michaela walked away. I decided to join her, ?Excuse me too.? We sat in adjacent stalls and talked softly, ?I think Cathy is good for me but she can be raw at times. I have enjoyed living with her these passed four weeks.? I asked her about sex and protection. ?We aren?t worried. Why, are you having sex with the sisters?? I giggled, ?Yeah! They both love my special parts. Florence even wants us to make a baby. I may have a new worldview but that hasn?t settled in my head yet.? ?You are fortunate to have someone, a woman as beautiful as Florence that wants to be with you.? ?Of course but Michaela I never expected to meet someone like you tonight. You have given me some perspective.? I told her that Celone was arranging for my breast surgery. ?Then ask her to have your trachea shaved too.? She told me her hormones had shrunk her boy bits. ?I am happy with the trade off. Natural breasts are wonderful.? I told her I had been captivated when I first saw her tonight. Her hard nipples reading through the dress fabric. ?The silicone tits will be better than nothing.? I said. ?Can you still get hard and orgasm though?? ?Sure, I can cum but an erection is another matter. Cathy has a way of helping me with that though.? When we returned to the table the girls were ready to leave so Michaela kissed my cheek, we saw them smiling. ?Thank you for the support, and your number Michaela.? I whispered. On the cab ride home I told the girls that Cathy knew of my history but I did not share Michaela?s sexual history nor that we had shared numbers. Celone said, ?I had no doubt she would read you but she has her own secrets. Michaela is beautiful but,? she paused as she considered her thought. ?I think we all had a grand time girls,? Celone offered. Florence moved closer to kiss me as Celone reached up my dress and felt my smooth thong. ?Tell me Jamey. Did you like Cathy and Michaela?? ?I liked them both. Cathy?s wildness wasn?t like you had described though.? Celone felt that Michaela had tempered Cathy?s games. ?They seemed to be in a serious relationship and that is new for Cathy. Usually she has two or three women she?s seducing.? ?Does it bother you Jamey that she knew you were dressed?? Celone asked. ?No and yes. I need to be more committed to the life you and Florence have offered me to share. It is easier than I would have expected to make this transition. Yet there, I mean I have questions.? ?Can you now see that this is your decision?? Celone asked. I hesitated before I answered, ?It has always been my choice. I elected to be with Florence.? Celone said that I was prompted toward remaining. ?That is somewhat correct Celone but I could have left weeks ago and returned to being just a boy. Yo

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Welcoming Jenna

Jenna closed her trunk and held the last box in her hands. She had finally gotten herself completely moved into her new apartment. Her cute, cozy little apartment may have seemed small to some people, but it was all the space she needed. She walked up the stairs to the front door of the building, struggling to get the door open because of the weight of the box. “I got it,” a deep baritone voice spoke from behind her. Before she could protest, the box was pulled out of her arms and up into the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Cousin Jenna

Jenna and I are watching TV in the basement, drinking some vodka and lemonade. The conversation turns to her asking me about her ex-boyfriend. “Hey, do you think I should call my ex up? Maybe ruin his time in North Carolina? Because look at this.” I look over at her phone and it’s a picture of her ex with another girl. “What a dick!” Jenna says. “We’ve been broken up for only a month and he already has a bitch around his arm”. I tell her not to worry and move on. “At least you had a...

1 year ago
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Revelation for Jenna

Jenna's home life was such that many would call it an old fashioned upbringing. She was expected be a good girl, not let any boy touch her and to 'save herself' for marriage; to find a God-fearing young man and marry him, and to not look at any other. Although it wasn't specifically said, Jenna knew that her father would be part of the process to her meeting that God-fearing young man whenever he felt she was ready. These rules and teachings were intended to keep her safe from greedy boys...

2 years ago
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Twist of Fate Jenna

Twist Of Fate: Jenna By Slacker PART ONE It all started that day a few months ago when we had that really bad thunderstorm. I mean, really bad thunderstorm. Y'know, the kind that flares up at 4:30 PM and spawns tornados and leaves more than 150,000 people without electricity. Yeah, we get a lot of those in the Chicago area, except for the twisters. Those are a little bit further west. Anyway, it was a clear day, maybe 60-65?F, and I was out with a bunch of my friends....

2 years ago
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Trish Jenna

Trish couldn’t sleep. It was gone two and she had work the next day but somehow she just couldn’t unwind. Harry lay there like a balustrade, inert and snoring. She cuddled up to him, her hands slipping down his hairy belly and between his legs, with out thinking reaching for his penis. It was flaccid. She let go of him and rolled onto her back trying to clear her mind. She had had a bust up with Jenna, her step daughter, earlier that day, well yesterday now, about seeing boys. In the heat...

3 years ago
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Meeting Jenna

"Jenna," I said, with a smile on my face, "Could you move out of the way, please? I'd like to get to the kitchen.""Err, how about no!" She grinned back, her big brown eyes sparkling at me. As she stood in the hallway, her legs were stretched out, with her toes touching the skirting board on either side. Her arms were positioned likewise, her left hand on one wall, her right one on the other. She was spread out like a star.I put a stern look on my face and walked toward her purposefully....

2 years ago
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Peter is naked and strapped down on a special table in a windowless room. He is blindfolded and wearing a ball gag. Stereo headphones are clamped around his ears playing loud industrial music. His two tormentors, his wife, Angelica, a 30 year old raven beauty, with long tanned legs and incredibly large natural breasts, is instructing Jenna, a cute blonde college coed, in the fine art of "masturbational torture". Angelica takes Jenna's hands and moves them to her husbands straining erection and...

1 year ago
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bMy Secret Pleasureb Part 1 Pleasuring Jenna

Introduction: This is my first story so please feel free to make recommendations and pointers and let me know if you enjoy it!! I hope you have a good time reading it. Enjoy Jenna waited in the car looking at the time, which told her it was just about 2 a.m., her fingers tapping against her steering wheel impatiently waiting. She had been looking forward for this whole thing between her girlfriend Stacey and her. It was hard for the two of them to have alone time since she had an annoying...

1 year ago
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Alex and Jenna

*Note* This story is totally fictional and a complete work of my imagination. It is also my first submission to this website and I would love some feedback. I apologize for it being so long, but I tend to be particular about details. Hope you enjoy! Jenna bounded down the stairs and paused for a moment to examine her reflection in the hallway mirror. She was wearing a very short jean mini skirt and a new white halter top that showed off her tan perfectly. Satisfied with her hair, makeup, and...

4 years ago
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bMy Secret Pleasureb Part 1 Pleasuring Jenna

She glanced at her watch again thinking Stace was running really late. Not that she was complaining since she needed time to calm her nerves from the excitement. She told herself before she left that she was going to stay cool headed but knew she got a little carried away with what she was wearing. She usually stuck with jeans but tonight she was wearing a white miniskirt with a red buttoned up cardigan and some cute heels to go with them. She even let down her bouncy blonde curls. She...

3 years ago
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My best friend Jenna

"Mmm, yeah baby, fuck me!" I moaned into my pillow as I slid my dildo in and out of my tight little pussy.Suddenly I hear a knock at my door, which is closed thank god, that scares the crap out of me. "Sweety, dinner's ready.""Alright, thanks, mom," I reply.I get up from my bed and walk over to dresser to put some clothes back on and hide my dildo. I see my reflexion in my full size mirror.I stand there and examine my tight 17 year old body. To me I'm perfect. My long dark brown hair reaching a...

3 years ago
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Seducing Jenna

As I slowly woke from my slumber the first thought in my mind was that I was incredibly horny. This was nothing new as my libido had been in overdrive lately. What was somewhat surprising was that I had spent an hour the night before fucking my needy pussy with my longest, thickest dildo. Monster Max, as I called it, had gotten me off so many times by the time I drifted off to sleep I was lying in a puddle of my own juices. Now my insatiable pussy was wanting more. I opened my eyes, squinting...

3 years ago
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Ms Jenna

My best friend, Eddie, has been my friend ever since I can remember. And his family has always lived across the street from me for that long also. Eddie's mom, Jenna, is one of those "kool-aid" moms, that is one of those moms that are really cool and all the k**s hang out at that house during the summer and she serves kool aid. Eddie and I hit puberty at the same time so we were always thinking, talking, and looking at girls. At the store, the pool, school, it did not matter where we were we...

2 years ago
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Life with Jenna

When we grew up she married twice and had one kid. Both her husbands were handsome, they both were charmers, I liked them both, but they both turned out to be cheaters. I was married only once, but I had two kids. My wife came from a family of heart disease victims, and she died very early. It took a while for me to get over it, but the kids helped. I knew I had to be there for them. Jenna was through with men after her second marriage. When I say that she was gorgeous, she was...

1 year ago
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Hot Diver and Jenna

As she swam laps in the university pool, Jenna couldn't help but admire the dive team practicing at their art. Each time she took a rest, she was inspired by the incredible acrobatics the divers could accomplish with just seconds in the air. There was one diver in particular she enjoyed watching, morning after morning as she trained in the pool. Unlike the other members of the team, he was broad and muscular, tall and dark-skinned. Somehow he was just as graceful as the other divers as he...

2 years ago
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Daddy and Jenna

As I was raising my daughter, Jenna, I wondered how she became the free spirit that she was. My then-wife was quite conservative. Diana stopped short of wearing dresses constantly, but her shorts and skirts were always at least knee-length. She always wore a bra, even in bed, despite having only 32B boobs. Never wearing a sleeveless shirt, she always wore blouses and shirts that had sleeves at least halfway down her arms. In bed, her nightgowns were always ankle-length. She didn't enjoy being...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E05 Annette Bogle 44 from Truro with Jenna

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a touristy little street of terraced stone buildings. Shopfronts with apartments above – restaurants, gift-shops, etc. There are two lanes of traffic – one parked, the other moving smoothly - all facing/moving in the same direction. Walking up the street toward us, a blonde sex-bomb – her fantastic body wrapped in the tightest red mini-dress ... She’s big tits and blonde hair, white teeth and a strong jaw, it’s our hostess, the...

2 years ago
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I saw Jenna from across the park. She’d bolted from the school office and had hidden by the time the teachers emerged from the office. She was fast, I gotta give her that. I could understand how they couldn’t see her, she’d ducked into our old hiding place – Jenna used to be my best friend, but things change… she changed. It seemed like one day she was my best friend, the next she’d blossomed, moved on to the in-crowd and left me behind.I strayed over to where she was hiding, school was...

2 years ago
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I saw Jenna from across the park. She’d bolted from the school office and had hidden by the time the teachers emerged from the office. She was fast, I gotta give her that. I could understand how they couldn’t see her; she’d ducked into our old hiding place - Jenna used to be my best friend, but things change… she changed. It seemed like one day she was my best friend, the next she’d blossomed, moved on to the in-crowd and left me behind.I strayed over to where she was hiding, school was...

4 years ago
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Taken Chapter Three Jenna

It turned out that Morgan did get pregnant much quicker than Dasha. After just one week, her pregnancy test showed a little pink plus sign. Like Dasha, she was rewarded with chocolate cake, and then the anal rape began. And as Dasha and Morgan suspected, Karl brought home a new girl to impregnate. She was wearing a black hoodie and purple skinny jeans. Her name was Jenna, and she was sixteen. She had shoulder length straight brown hair, and was a little shorter than Dasha. She was skinny, but...

2 years ago
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First Time with Jenna

First a little about myself; I’m 16 years old, 5’6”, and although I seem pretty wild to others I’ve always been very protective when it comes to sexual activity – my only experiences being with my fingers and my pillow late at night. I’ve got dark green eyes and long black hair which reaches just below my waistline – which is quite small, enhancing my 32D breasts and tight ass. Jenna is pretty similar to me, apart from her hair being shoulder length and dark brown, and her eyes are light blue....

2 years ago
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Linda and Jenna

My name is Linda, I am a 32 year old nurse and I assist in giving medical exams. The doctor’s office I work in specializes in women’s health and performs routine pelvic and rectal exams. One case that I will never forget involves Jenna. Jenna is a stunningly attractive office receptionist. As I was doing the preliminary work-up on her prior to the physical, I noticed that she had recently turned 36. I told her, “Jenna the current medical guidelines are to include a proctological examination of...

3 years ago
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Linda and Jenna

My name is Linda; I am a 32 year old nurse and I assist in giving medical exams. The doctor’s office I work in specializes in women’s health and performs routine pelvic and rectal exams.One case that I will never forget involves Jenna. Jenna is a stunningly attractive office receptionist. As I was doing the preliminary work-up on her prior to the physical, I noticed that she had recently turned 36. I told her, “Jenna the current medical guidelines are to include a proctological examination of...

1 year ago
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I Owned Jenna

I Owned JennaBy: Londebaaz Chohan I remember very vividly; it was a not a very cold November so far. School had set a dance in the small gymnasium room attached to the main Gym hall. School Principal knew, I did not much like the loud blaring music at such affairs but still he put me in charge to monitor and make sure, this event went on and ended without an incident. I came in on time as the musicians and the DJ were getting ready to set up their instruments, checking all the connections,...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E09 Vanessa Moore 34 from Manchester with Jenna

We begin this week’s show with a shot of a collection of impressive, modern tower blocks. Each has a different style, format, and color. From browns, to greys, to whites. Lots of windows and lots of balconies. We move along a new, black-topped road, toward the towers, noting the lack of old buildings, and the lack of greenery (a few freshly planted trees and a flower bed, nothing more). There’s an ornamental sculpture up ahead at the side of the road – it looks like a stack of cubes twisted...

3 years ago
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Fucking my sister Jenna

One day i was working on my laptop, Jenna was taking a shower. I heard her scream from the shower, i quickly ran towards the bathroom. It was locked, i had to break the lock to get in. Jenna was laying on the floor naked, she had slipped while taking a shower. It was the first time i saw her naked body. I immediately picked her up and took her to the bed. She wasnt much worried about her being naked infront of me, she was in pain. I brought her clothes and made her wear them. We went to a...

2 years ago
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Daves Family His Wife Jenna

Dave, my business and I, had taken the overnight flight back to our home city. It had been a satisfying few days - we had landed some very valuable contracts that would ensure the continuing prosperity of our company. He and I went to school together and had been friends for the past 35 years. We had met as 5 year olds at school. Unfortunately Dave had to catch another flight as soon as we landed - he had to go visit his sick mother. Dave's wife Jenna met us at the airport with another...

2 years ago
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The Elusive Jenna

I don't get the chance to get away from my consulting business very often but when the opportunity arises (literally) I take full advantage of it. My name is Mike Bradley and I retired from the military a number of years ago to pursue a career as a consultant in the security business. You can read what you will into that lifestyle and a lot of your assumptions will probably be correct. I may share some of my life-secrets with you in the future but, being a fairly closed mouth white Anglo-Saxon...

1 year ago
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My Love Jenna

Letter to Jenna I got home from work very late last night, and used my key to quietlyopen the door to your apartment in L.A. When I entered the room, my heartlightened as I was greeted by the fresh, clean scent of your perfume. Ipulled off my shoes and left them by the door so as not to disturb you. I smiled when I heard the familiar clicking of the keyboard, and I knewthat you were still awake. I walked up behind you, admiring how you looked;your silhouette aglow from the light of the computer...

2 years ago
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Trish Jenna

Trish couldn’t sleep. It was gone two and she had work the next day but somehow she just couldn’t unwind. Harry lay there like a balustrade, inert and snoring. She cuddled up to him, her hands slipping down his hairy belly and between his legs, with out thinking reaching for his penis. It was flaccid. She let go of him and rolled onto her back trying to clear her mind. She had had a bust up with Jenna, her step daughter, earlier that day, well yesterday now, about seeing boys. In the heat of...

1 year ago
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Welcoming Jenna

Jenna closed her trunk and held the last box in her hands. She had finally gotten herself completely moved into her new apartment. Her cute, cozy little apartment may have seemed small to some people, but it was all the space she needed. She walked up the stairs to the front door of the building, struggling to get the door open because of the weight of the box. “I got it,” a deep baritone voice spoke from behind her. Before she could protest, the box was pulled out of her arms and up into the...

4 years ago
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Letter From Jenna

i serve my Master at this very moment. He studies a great deal, and when He does i am allowed to serve Him in quiet gentle ways. He reads, tonight, for pleasure; and while i am encouraged to read as well, tonight He has asked that i write. My service to JaredMaster in these quiet times varies. Sometimes i touch or suckle, sometimes i take notes that He dictates, but tonight, i am His lap table. Earlier i sat astride Him, face toward his feet while He fucked my eager cunt with His magnificent...

3 years ago
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Judging Jenna

I’m Jenna. I am 25 years old, have brown eyes and long brown hair. I would refer to myself as ample, yet fit. My perky C cup tits and my plump ass are always the first thing a man notices. I have a smart-ass persona and really could care less what people think of me. I tell people what you see is what you get, if you don’t like it, then you can take a walk. As a teenager, I was wild and out of control, my cocky attitude got me in a lot of trouble. I’ve since then calmed down and I owe it all...

2 years ago
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My Love Jenna

Letter to Jenna I got home from work very late last night, and used my key to quietly open the door to your apartment in L.A. When I entered the room, my heart lightened as I was greeted by the fresh, clean scent of your perfume. I pulled off my shoes and left them by the door so as not to disturb you. I smiled when I heard the familiar clicking of the keyboard, and I knew that you were still awake. I walked up behind you, admiring how you looked, your silhouette aglow from the light of the...

2 years ago
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Judging Jenna

I'm Jenna. I am 25 years old, have brown eyes and long brown hair. I would refer to myself as ample, yet fit. My perky C cup tits and my plump ass are always the first thing a man notices. I have a smart-ass persona and really could care less what people think of me. I tell people what you see is what you get, if you don't like it, then you can take a walk. As a teenager, I was wild and out of control, my cocky attitude got me in a lot of trouble. I've since then calmed down and I owe it all to...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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My best friend Jenna

‘Mmm, yeah baby, fuck me!’ I moaned into my pillow as I slid my dildo in and out of my tight little pussy. Suddenly I hear a knock at my door, which is closed thank god, that scares the crap out of me. ‘Sweety, dinner’s ready.’ ‘Alright, thanks, mom,’ I reply. I get up from my bed and walk over to dresser to put some clothes back on and hide my dildo. I see my reflexion in my full size mirror. I stand there and examine my tight 17 year old body. To me I’m perfect. My long dark brown hair...

3 years ago
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I Fucked Jenna

I am Roy from small village of Alleppey dist, aged 42 married heights 5.8 and have a weight of 67 kg, very good looking once I accidentally to read ISS stories that time I decided to share my true incident which happened before 6 months. My wife from Ponkunnam at kottaym dist very smart we have very enjoyable life we do sex almost all days, and can satisfied each other. But normal case I like to kiss her pussy very long time and like to move my tongue bottom to top and insert my tongue as deep...

2 years ago
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I wasn't exactly a virgin when I married Tim, I just hadn't fucked him. I'd had a great sex life during the past few years at College. If you wanted a couple of party girls my sister Liz and me were it. We'd partaken in a couple of gang bangs and several orgies. I liked nothing better than a good DP. However it was all going to change when I married Tim, or so I thought. He was a real gentleman, never attempting to get inside my knickers. I fell very much in love with him. Three months...

3 years ago
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Handjobs Under The Table By Jenna2222

I am a 19 year old female, full-time college student and part-time assistant at a local bank in my area. This past summer I attended a young businesspersons forum expo out in Arizona, that consisted of 3 days worth of nothing but lecture seminars. While some of these seminars were interesting and fun, others were downright long and boring.Most of these seminars consisted of 200-500 people sitting in a room listening to a bunch of college professors up on stage, sitting at a banquet table...

3 years ago
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I'm in town for a couple of days and decide to pop over and pay you a surprise visit. I knock on the door but no answer; I'm pretty sure someone's home as I can hear music coming from the lounge room so I think to myself “I’ll just check out back in case she’s out in the yard”. As I walk past your bedroom window I hear a slight gasp and when I look around I notice the curtains slightly open, I look through the window and get a pleasant surprise. Your laying on your bed in a little lacy...

4 years ago
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I told her you know, like a peeping Tom, or somebody I don't know who's sneaking a look at me while I'm touching myself. "And you get off on that?" still sounding confused. "Well, yeah. You have things that turn you on. Right?" "Yeah. Okay." Still unconvinced. Where do sexual fantasies come from? A lot of places I'm sure, and as far as I'm concerned I don't care where the fuck they come from. They're just my fantasies. Tori thinks too much. But that's just my...

2 years ago
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I ,used to kid him about that and he said his wife could not take it all and did not like to even try anymore.It seems they just grew apart. I,thought I bet my wife janet could take it all,I always teased her about her having a big pussy.Now janet liked jack and she also liked his wife,and she felt sorry for them. One night after having pounded her pussy,as I held her close I whispered," I,bet jack is pretty horny about now." " He has to take two hands to jerk-off that big cock" she...

2 years ago
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Firewatching Can Be Fun

Prologue During the last war the British Government required companies to provide a Firewatching team of at least two people to sleep on the premises at night. To douse incendiary bombs and put out small fires to stop them spreading. This was done using buckets of sand and Stirrup pumps... For small or medium companies it was usually just two people who were paid four shillings each by the government. It was not unusual for a person to fire watch every night in place of another person, and...

1 year ago
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Firewatching Can Be Fun

Prologue : During the last war the British Government required companies to provide a Firewatching team of at least two people to sleep on the premises at night. To douse incendiary bombs and put out small fires to stop them spreading. This was done using buckets of sand and Stirrup pumps.. For small or medium companies it was usually just two people who were paid four shillings each by the government. It was not unusual for a person to fire watch every night in place of another person, and pay...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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I tell my wife that I'm going birding, going to watch owls, so I'll be out all night. She packs me a snack, some sandwiches and a flask, and she goes off to bed, alone. I pick you up on the corner " you're waiting there with a bag of your own " and we drive out of town, my hand on your leg, stroking your thigh, rasping my nails over your jeans. A few miles down the coast, down some twisty lanes, we find a beach " dark, with the calm water sparkling in the moonlight. We park, and I reach for...

Erotic Fiction
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Watching Little Casey Next Door

Introduction: High school girl next door puts on many a show for her neighbor, then takes it to a higher level by seducing him. Takes a while to develop, so please dont neg-vote it if youre in a hurry. Dan Dixon, mid thirties and six years divorced, lives alone and works from home but is frequently on the road. His is the kind of lifestyle that doesnt lend itself to a stable relationship, and aside from the occasional part time girlfriend, hes comfortable being single. Hes lived in his suburban...

2 years ago
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Watching Little Casey Next Door

Plain looking with straight shoulder length dull red hair, pale skin and freckles, Casey is a very average young girl, about 5’4” and a little on the soft side. Cute in simple Irish sort of way, but unassuming; the sort of girl who goes overlooked. She’s generally a good kid, does well in school, plays violin in the orchestra, and has a few friends but is far from popular. She likes to help Dan with his dog Pixie when he’s busy or away. Sometimes she comes home from school and walks her,...

1 year ago
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Watching the Boys Part 10

I still couldn't believe my eyes as I watched these hot Speedo wearing boys happily frolicking with my son under the warm Miami night sky. The other boys must have been from the other two condos that lined the outside of the private pool area. As I stepped out onto the patio I noticed two large muscular Latin looking men sitting at a patio table in front of the middle condo watching the boys playing in the pool. They were only wearing loose board shorts with the rest of their impressive...

4 years ago
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Watching Porn With Mom During Lockdown

Hi guys, this is Abhinav back with the latest erotic mom son story during covid 19 lockdowns. This story is about how I was watching porn with mom during the lockdown. Let me tell you about my mom first. My mom’s name is Neelima. She is 42 years old beautiful woman. She has a white skin tone and a slim personality. She looks like she is in her 30s. She does exercises and eats healthy food to maintain her fitness. She doesn’t have any signs of aging. She is decent and down to earth woman. She is...

3 years ago
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Watching the Boys Part 19

Watching the Boys - Part 19 The sounds were overwhelming! Boys moaning, men grunting and talking dirty in low murmurs. Slappingskin, and the wet sounds of large cocks ravaging and defiling young boybodies. The yelps and moans of young boys echoing from every corner of thenearly dark basement playroom sent erotic chills through my body. The smell of weed was strong down in the hot confines of the basementplayroom, and I could also make out underneath the weed, the unmistakablesmell of poppers....

2 years ago
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Watching the Boys Part 17

Watching the Boys - Part 17 Leif disappeared back into the lavatory area with Jonathan followingclosely behind. I heard the sound of one of the doors unlocking and Iturned around in my seat looking back down the aisle. I could see Leifenter the small lavatory followed by Jonathan. The last few images I saw of them before the door closed was Leifleaning over the toilet, looking back over his shoulder up at Jonathan. Hehad pushed his khaki board shorts down revealing his beautiful...

2 years ago
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Watching Becky

Every day, at three o’clock, my neighbor sunbathes in the nude. She has a pool in her backyard and a concrete patio between it and the house that she lays out on. She’s the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She’s about twenty years old and has a very athletic body. She’s 5’5” and has the longest tan legs that are shaped quite beautifully. Her breasts are firm and I’d say they’re about 36C cup size, and she keeps her pussy shaved clean.She has long dirty blonde hair that reaches to the bottom...

1 year ago
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Watching a Friend 3

Friday evening, Amy and Renee had a date with a bottle of wine in the gazebo behind Renee’s bungalow. The yard was sizable and bound by a low stockade fence. Amy showed up at twilight. The women had kicked off their sandals, put their feet up on the gazebo benches and each finished a glass when Renee started talking about her sort-of boyfriend. She hadn’t said much only interesting and handsome. Amy blushed at the description – having surreptitiously watched Renee’s version of “interesting”...

2 years ago
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Watching a Movie with Emmy

It's hard to explain, but not seeing my little sister Emmy has made me really sad. I've missed her so much since we've both moved out of the house. My role as big brother was really important, maybe because I know how much Emmy appreciated my help with everything.My sister Emmy - well - her name is Emily really, but I've always called her Emmy. It's my little pet name for her, and I'm the only one that calls her that. Anyway, she was excited on the phone when I told her we should meet at the...

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