One Mistaken Wish Part 1 free porn video

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"Ugh, why, why, why is sex the only thing on your mind?" Lucy questioned as she turned to look towards her husband of 12 years. Sam rolled away huffing. "If you ever gave me some I would not have to pester you so much." Lucy felt guilty but ever since she had been diagnosed with cancer, her sex drive had dwindled. She was a 36 years old, mother of one child to Sam. They had been together since college and still loved Sam dearly but the illness had forced her body into an early menopause ruining her appetite for sex. She was always a fun loving girl, with the cute girl next door look, but since she got ill she had let her body go, gained weight and lost confidence. She was 5'4," tall, with should length auburn hair and large breasts that had grown from a 34DD to 38H but this was partly due to the weight she had gained in the past few years. She was about 3 stone overweight as her body had struggled to recover from the steroid treatment. Sam was also 36, he was 5'10," with a broad chest and large muscular arms, however, he had slipped into the comfort zone was carrying some extra weight around his stomach. He had dark greying hair and would have been considered handsome. He loved Lucy with all his heart but had his needs and still had a very high sex drive. Before Lucy got ill they had had a very healthy sex life but now he was masturbating more than he ever did as a teenager. He hated putting pressure on Lucy to make love to him but had his urges and has no desire to cheat on her. Sam and Lucy now lived alone most the year as their only son had left to go to college. Sam was a police officer and Lucy's illness ended her career in hairdressing and beauty therapy prematurely, so she was now a house wife. They lived in a lovely house 4 bedroom house at the edge of town, with a private fenced garden and whilst they were not rich Sam earned enough to give them comfortable lifestyle. Sam turned back to Lucy and noticed her shoulders were trembling and shaking, and she was crying quietly. Sam immediately regretted her word and rolled towards her to comfort her. "I'm sorry," he whispered as he gently kissed her neck and hugged her from behind in a type of spoon position "I don't want to put pressure on you but sometimes I forget myself and my instincts take over" "I wish I wasn't like this, I wish you could know what it's like to me," Lucy whimpered as cuddled back against him "I wish that as well honey," Sam responded before they both gently drifted of asleep, with Sam's arms wrapped around Lucy. That night Sam's dreams were strange, he found himself sweating, feeling like he was rolling around the bed all night. He felt like there was fierce thunderstorm inside his head. He opened his eyes slowly, the first thing he noticed was that he was at Lucy's side of the bed, looking towards the window and he felt an arm resting on the side of his thigh. He reached down to grip her hand and instantly knew something was wrong. Her hand felt larger than he remembered, her skin felt rough and she appeared to be wearing a large wristwatch, like a man would wear. He heard her snoring gently and He went to turn to her to ask why she had his watch on. But struggled to turn as he felt a large weight on his chest holding him down. "What to hell is that?" he thought. He lifted the duvet and looked down to see two huge mounds of flesh where his pecks had been. He brought his hand up and felt the flesh that appeared to be "his" breasts. "Oh my god, this is some weird dream I'm having," he thought, and thought the best thing to do would be to close his eyes and thought if he just went back to sleep he would waken again and he would tell Lucy the following morning. He had closed his eyes for only minutes when he heard himself saying, "Good Morning Love," followed by, "WHAT IS GOING ON SAM!?!" as the hand on his thigh was quickly withdrawn and he felt the weight shift on the bed behind him. "What is it honey?" I replied as I opened my eyes once more, startled I also jumped up, recognizing that Lucy's voice had just said the words he had been trying to speak. He jumped on the bed and turned to see what was happening. As he did felt this strange weight on his chest moving with him again. Whatever this was it weighed a lot took more effort than usual to sit up. As he turned around he screamed what came out caused him to scream louder as it was a high pitched squeal that he could never have reached. But was had caused him to scream was what he was looking at. He was looking at himself, eyes wide open, looking straight at his. He watched as his body said again, "What has happened Sam? Why can I see you in my body?" "I really don't know, this feels like some sort of weird dream," I said hearing her voice mouthing my thoughts. Looking ahead of me looking at my previous male form sitting opposite me, my large chest decorated with some dark hair, the large arms and I was a little but shocked see how much weight I had put on "But I really need to hit the gym" "You think this is time for jokes Sam, you are in my body!!. How to fuck did this just happen?" she or I mean he shouted at me. I felt myself welling up and emotions coming over me that I am not used to, I was about to cry because my wife in my body had shouted at me. I was never this emotional, but I knew tears would cure nothing. "Pull yourself together," I thought before I remembered, "Lucy remember before we went to sleep last night, we both made a wish" "Oh yes, but I didn't mean like this," she responded as she looked down making gestures with her hands "Neither did I, but someone or something obviously thought we did and decided to grant us our wish? Look we will have to try to wish back again before bed tonight and for today spend the day in each other shoes. How many married couples have ever had this opportunity before?" I suggested. "But if I am you, I will have to go to work and I do not have the first idea about being a police officer," she stated. "It ok I have a few days off before we have to think about that, but for now I have to think about being you, plus at I can always take a few days off to look after my sick wife? I'm pretty sure that we will wake up form this and be our normal selves again soon anyhow," I reminded her. She got up. "I need to pee," she said as she ran to the bathroom, I heard her put the seat down and sit as she normally would "Argh, what do I do with this thing?" she shouted. I laughed. "Just hold it and point into the bowl, relax and your I mean my bladder with do the rest." I heard her sigh as she emptied her bladder into the bowl. "I never thought that thing was going to stop. I'm going to get bath," she called into me. "Ok Love, take your time and don't worry you will get used to your new cock," I laughed. I assumed she was using the bath as an excuse to give her some time to get used to my body. I decided to do the same thing and got up and to survey the body I would be living in the rest of the day. As I stood, I felt completely different, gravity certainly affected this body in a different way to what it had mine. My chest and ass both felt heavy and it was noticeably harder to stand. I eventually got up and took amount to get my balance. I removed my nightie so I could have proper look. Looking at myself through the mirror, I could still she the women who I had been married to and had loved for many years looking back me. My large breasts sagged slightly as they were so heavy "it feels that it they weigh over a stone each," I thought, as I lifted each one in turn before dropping it, letting it bounce and rest on my over-weight tummy. As my hand brushed over my nipples I felt a strange sensation going down to my groin, causing a shiver down my spine. "Hmm, nice," I thought enjoying the new sensations I was feeling. It felt a lot better than when I had touched my male nipples. Standing I front of the mirror removed my knickers to have look at my vagina - I would never have called it a vagina before but already it felt crude to think of it as my cunt, pussy or another other slang name I may have referred to the female genitalia if was with my male friends - I could see a large mass of ginger pubic hair. "Wow Lucy has really let it go wild down there, it's like the 70's," I chuckled to myself before thinking that I couldn't even remember the previous time I had saw her naked. I brought my hands down to my hips and felt how big they were, checking the size in the knickers I had just removed I could see that she, I mean I, had ballooned up to size 20. This was mainly because the illness had taken so much out of her she had no time or desire to look after herself. Now I was completely naked in front of the mirror, I could see that my head looked too small for my body, I was never meant to be as big as I was, in fact each of my breasts were bigger than my head. I was in my mid 30's and looked older as my body was tired and exhausted. As turned around to look at my ass, I felt pressure from my groin. I needed to pee. Lucy was still in the Bathroom but I had no option but to burst in, I sat on the seat and felt wetness against my thigh, where she had obviously dripped after getting up from her pee. "Ugh Lucy," I moaned. "Now you know how I have felt for all these years," she laughed as she watched me sitting on the loo. I ignored her comment and reached down to push my penis inside the toilet bowl, forgetting that I no longer had one, only to feel my hand comb throw my pubes and touch MY vagina for the first time. It felt strange to be touched, not unpleasant but strange. I was sitting on the toilet needing to pee but nothing was coming, I looked at her and she could tell I needed help "Just relax babe, and lean forward slightly, my body will take care of the rest," she reassured me. I did as instructed and felt a strong constant stream of pee, leave me splashing against the side of bowl and into the water trap below. It felt like it went on for a lifetime and when I finished I went to stand up. "No, no, no Hun remember you're a girl now, you need to wipe to keep yourself clean down there. I don't want you getting any infections," Lucy reminded me. At which point I wrapped a load of toilet roll around my hand and wiped cleaning around my private area. I flushed the toilet and turned to the basin to wash my hands. As I did I heard movement behind me as she was getting out of the bath. I felt her hands caress my sides just under my arms, sliding down towards my hips as she pulled herself closer to me. Then I felt it. Her, I mean my cock, was fully erect and jutting against my ass and she brought her face to the side of my neck and kissed me softly "I'm feeling horny babe," she whispered as I felt her light stubble rubbing against my neck she began to nibble my ear lobe softly. I closed my eyes and moaned softly. "We can't do this, it doesn't feel right, you are me and I am you." "Exactly," she interrupted. "We are man and wife, this is perfectly natural," as she placed her hard cock between the crevasse of my ass cheeks. I felt a strange tingling in my vagina, I felt it heating up and getting moist. I turned to her to protest further and as I did she pulled my body close to hers, my breasts pressing against the top of her stomach as she groped my ass with one hand and had the other pressed against the top of my back preventing me from escaping. I brought my arms to push away from her, but I was no match for her new strength as I looked up, she pressed her lips to mine, kissing me deeply. Her tongue invading my mouth and dancing with my tongue. We were sharing the type of passion we had not shared in a number of years. My resistance began to melt, as my hands stopped pushing and just rested on her chest as I kissed him back, with just as much passion and vigour. Her hard cock now pushing against my stomach, as the kiss seemed to last for a lifetime and was truly beautiful. She broke of the kiss and took my hand, leading me to the bedroom without saying another word. When we entered the room, she kissed me again softly and motioned for me to get on my knees. I did as instructed to see her cock, inches from my face "Suck it babe," she requested "I know you always used to like me to do this and I want to know why." "But I'm not gay, I can't suck a mans cock," I argued. "Look at yourself, you are a woman, and you sucking a man's cock is not gay. Plus it's not just any man's cock. It's yours," she said looking deep into my eyes "But, but," I attempted to argue "This may me the only chance we get to do, this and if we change back tonight you we will not have this opportunity again. You know how many couples would love this opportunity - To live a day in each other's shoes. Everyone love. Plus, whilst I'm in your body I seem to have my sex drive back, I want us to make the most of it and I promise whatever we do today, we can do again tomorrow," she stated She had made a very compelling argument, and I was convinced so I decided it would be best to stop protesting and simply make the most of this experience. After all I was excited as well and curious as how sex as a woman would feel. I decided this was better than any other person could ever experience so I should just let loose and make the most of it. With this in mind I decided to go for it, I reached up caressed her balls, squeezing gently, as I moved my head closer and breathed in inhaled the scent of her cock as I parted my lush lips, and took her cock between them, sucking gently. I heard an auditory moan from her as she gripped the back of my head, and slowly thrust her cock further into mouth. Her cock was average, about 7 inches long but quite thick, but even so it very quickly filled my mouth, I tried to suck on it as hard as I could massaging her veiny shaft with my tongue, I bobbed my head slowly. Both of her hands gripped my head and thrust her cock hard and deep into my throat causing me to choke and gag on her cock as salvia escaped from my mouth fell over my breasts. "Oops sorry," she laughed. "I got a bit carried away." Opened my mouth to reply she instantly stopped me by using the opportunity to fill it once more with her cock, I obliged by sucking again as massaging her veiny shaft feeling it throb between in my mouth. Her heard her breathing start to quicken as she moaned and groaned "yes Babe, I'm close," then suddenly I felt her cock straighten and get rigid as it seemed to swell and get bigger as she shot load after load of her hot semen into my mouth, I pulled my face away as I was not sure I wanted swallow the cum as she continued to shower my face and breasts with her cum. "Oh my god," she panted. "I tried but I just could not hold it back any longer, I'm going to have to learn how you guys do that. I didn't expect you to be such a good little cocksucker," she teased. I tried to ignore her comment and went to get up to get a towel to clean myself up but she stopped me and "no my dear, just rub into your skin, I want to smell of sex at least for a little bit." Knowing there was no point in arguing I complied and rubbed cum into my chest and neck area as she commented, "Hmm aren't you a naughty little slut, all covered in your husbands cum" I was a little taken back by this comment, but I also felt a tingle of excitement at her domineering attitude and how submissive I felt to her now. "Now it's your turn dear," as she helped me back to feet before pushing me down on the bed. I lay on my back on the bed, as she climbed on top of me, kissing me hard as her hands pawed roughly, kneading my breasts, with her hand as she did. She kissed down my neck and down my chest until her mouth reached my hard sensitive nipples. She wrapped her lips around my left nipple, suckling hard like a baby feeding. She sucked so hard, it was almost hurting. Her other hand was pulling, twisting and tweaking on my right nipple. I could only close my eyes and groan as I had not yet learned to cope with the new sensations I was experiencing from her body. Instincts took over and without thinking I began to grind my crotch against her thigh that she was resting between my parted thighs. She slowing continued to make her way down my body, kissing and licking her way down. She slowly tongued my belly button, pushing it inside and swirling it around which I had to admit, felt a little strange. However, her hand also found my slit, as she started from the bottom and presses the inside of her index finger inside, part my wet lips slightly and slowly bring her finger up towards the top of my mound. Suddenly, I screamed out loud as I felt an instant shockwave of pleasure hitting me so hard I tried to pull away. "What the hell was that?" I yelped. "I have just touched your clit for the first time," she laughed as she circled her finger around it clearly enjoying the facial reactions she was getting from me. I squirmed and wiggled under her, enjoying the pleasure but also trying to pull away as I was not used to so much intense pleasure "oh my god, this is so good," I whimpered as I felt her weight shift on the bed once more. Looking down I could see her face now positioned between my legs, I could feel her hot breath on my lips as she blew gently on my clit. "I think we might have to give you tidy up," she commented as she lowered her mouth onto my now swollen clit. At this same time she pushed two fingers inside me, spreading them into a wide 'V' as she did. This was the first time I had been penetrated, whilst my vagina was not virginal, (I had fucked it so many times in the past 15 years or so and I was not her first) it felt strange to have someone inside me. She continued to thrust her fingers in and out of me, twisting her hand as she did. She wrapped her lips around my clit, sucking on in and whipping it with her tongue. I arched my back, pushing my hips towards her. I legs spread wide, as I dug my hands into the bed sheet as if I was holding on for my life. She knew exactly what to get me to peak, as of course only a few hours ago, this was her body. It didn't take long at all for her to make me cum, and oh my god did I cum. I was writhing with pleasure, and screaming and wailing like banshee as my orgasm hit me like tidal wave, starting with ripples of pleasure steaming from my clit and vaginal cavern, quickly transforming into waves, before climaxing in a typhoon of pleasure. My whole body felt a warm afterglow, as the pleasure didn't want to stop, as she kept stimulating me. "Please fuck me," I heard myself begging, although I'm pretty sure my mind didn't say it. I know that women always say men think with their cocks, but right now I was thinking with my vagina. "No You don't need to ask twice," she said as she came back my body, she positioned her cock and the entrance to my wanton pussy, teasing me with her fat cock head as parted my lips with it, and touching my clit, until with without warning she slammed her hard cock deep inside me, it seemed to knock the breath completely from me as my body was rocked against the mattress. I felt every part of my body jiggle as my breast swung as well as the fat on stomach, hips and ass. I released a deep whorish moan as feeling a cock deep inside me for the first time, and I was a little embarrassed to admit I loved it. Lucy also seemed to enjoy it, pounding me hard, with her cock ramming in and out of me hard and fast and my whole body continued to shake and jiggle with each powerful plunge. She stopped momentarily and lifted my thighs, placing them on her shoulders, she started to pound me again. "Oh fuck, fuck, harder, deeper," I found myself begging. And from this angle each stroke seemed to get deeper and touch different parts of vaginal walls, until I felt her balls slapping against my ass and the tip of the cock hitting my cervix. I felt tightness in my thighs and ass as the muscles were not used to being stretched so far, this pain was completely lost in the pleasure I was obtained from her cock, fucking me deep. I could feel her slowing down, and panting yet I knew she had not cum yet, I wondered what was wrong. "Keep going love," I pleaded. "You get on top and finish me," she answered as she withdrew her still hard cock from me and lay on the bed with the cock jutting up in the air. I moved across and spread my thighs over her as best as I could, reaching down with one hand, I guided his cock to my wet opening. However, I could not see over my large breasts and tummy. After a few near misses, I finally found the target and sighed as I took her inside me once more. Learning as I was going, I slowly began to rock my hips, sliding up and down her shaft being careful not to left it escape. My breasts and fats still jiggling with each movement as I decided I would start to test out what control I had in my vagina. I started to squeeze and tense up with my walls around her cock trying to grip it tighter as I rode her. Bouncing harder as I started to learn and find out what I was doing. However, just as I was about to take of my learning wheels I notices, Lucy had started thrusting her hips towards me as she moaned out as she came for second time. I felt her shooting a little bit of cum inside me as she quickly softened and her cock slide out of me. "I'm sorry hun, but I'm really tired," she said as she went to roll over to go to sleep. I know that after sex as a male I could easily sleep but it wasn't even 10 am. My old body that he was in was healthy and fairly fit she should not be like this. I was in the sick body I should be tired. I then felt her cum starting to ooze from me. "Ugh, I'm going to get a shower Luce, shout me if you need anything," I said as got up from the bed. She didn't answer I assumed she was sleeping already. I was still very uneasy on my feet, as gravity seemed to pull against in different ways than I had been used to previously. My breasts and ass seemed to swing with every step. "This would take some getting used to," I thought as I entered the shower cubicle. I turned on the shower and decided I would not wish my hair, I thought it best the Lucy did that when she was back home in her body. I used the shower head to clean all around my body, around my chest and breasts and down between my thighs and around the mass of pubic hair which Lucy had promised to sort out again I thought that was not really a job for an amateur I would leave that to her. With all the extra weight I was now carrying it took a bit longer than expected cleaning under all the extra lumps of skin she had developed. However, I would never tell to lose weight as I knew how hard it was for her to anything energetic because of the illness. Which again made me wonder why I was not tired as she normally had her first nap about 11 am. However, this only feeling I had at this moment was hunger. I knew I had to get dressed to go downstairs in case someone came to the door, Lucy would kill me if I let someone else see me or I mean her naked. I wrapped a large towel around my chest, covering from just above my breasts to just below my ass, as I had seen Lucy do many times before and walked into the bedroom. I approached her bedside drawer and opened it to pick out some knickers to wear. I was pleased to see that all of her knickers were all quite plain, either white, black or pastel colours and were almost all full briefs. I wasn't quite ready to try to tackle a thong or a g-string Since Lucy had gained weight she had lost confidence and didn't buy any more sexy lingerie because quite simply she didn't feel sexy. I selected a plain white pair I pulled them up and until they covered me completely. I quite liked how the material cupped my crotch tight, giving a smooth appearance to my front, although a few ginger spider legs had escaped out the side. The first thing that came to mind was 'Bridget Jones Granny Pants' as I gave a little chuckle to myself. I looked over at Lucy, and I could see her fast asleep snoring in my body. Unfortunately I was not going to be getting help with my next task: getting on a bra. I had taken off plenty but never put anyone. I thought that surely it could not be that difficult. I selected a plain white lace bra from her drawer. It was underwired and thick straps to help support my heavy breasts. I checked the size, 38H, to ensure I was not trying to get into something too small for me. Then I tried to recall how I had watched Lucy do this before. I pulled the straps up my arms, then bent over at the waist to let my breasts dangle. "I always thought she was exaggerating when she said they were heavy," I whispered as I pulled the cups up under my breasts and stood up straight. Reaching around the back grabbing the straps after a few attempts I finally managed to fasten it. I then straighten the straps on my shoulders. "phew I'd done it," I thought feeling the support the bra was giving me as it lifted the heavy breasts and spreading the weight across my back. "Now, I have to decide what I'm going to wear," and I knew this could cause problems and colour co-ordination was never my strong point and I did not want to look like a fool. With this in mind I decided that long dress would be the best idea, that way I didn't have to match a top and bottoms. I looked in her wardrobe and selected a long blue Maxi dress, which had multi-coloured flowers on it. I pulled it over my and the light material dropped towards the ground, stopping about three inches above my ankle. I adjusted the top, fastened the buttons on my chest showing a little bit of cleavage as all of the clothing like this appeared to do. "Shoes, shoes, shoes," I thought as I examined her collection of shoes. I ruled out heels immediately, I didn't think Luce would appreciate me giving her back her body with a broken ankle. So I picked a pair white of strappy sandals and put them on. "Now I'm ready," I said before I caught my reflection in the mirror "once I do something with my hair." I found a brush and combed through my hair, getting rid of all the tats of my hair. "Something simple," I thought I found a hair band, pushed it onto my head keeping the hair away from my face. I decided that that would do me for today as Lucy didn't always wear make-up. So I left the room and walked down stairs. Even with the support of the bra my breasts still jiggled a bit, but it less noticeable that when they hung free. I opened the curtains downstairs and let the sun, it was a beautiful day, a clear blue sky with a very few clouds and a gentle cooling breeze. I was thinking it would be a lovely day to sun bathe. I went to fridge, get some milk to make a bowl of cereal and it dawned on me that I was meant to get some on the way home last night. Lucy was sleeping in my body, and she had never learned to drive. I needed to get to the store, which was only 10 minute walk away. But I could not go outside as Lucy, as everyone would know I was not her. As I was pondering my next move there was a loud knock at the door. "Oh shit, oh shit. What will I do?" I looked out the window and saw the mail man at the door with a package. "Just leave it on the door step, I can't find the keys," I shouted, happy that I had been able to think fast on my feet. "Sorry Ma'am, I can't do that," he responded, "it needs to be signed for. So you can either come to the door or collect it from the depot?" "That would not solve my problem it would simply delay it," I thought. "Ok give me a minute," I shouted as I plucked up the courage to answer the door. I slowly opened the door and saw older male, about 50 years old, 5'8," tall, unshaven with messy grey hair. "Where do you want it Miss?" he asked with his eyes glued to my cleavage. "Excuse me???" I retorted. "The package," he said as he motioned to me with his hands lifting it. "Oh Sorry, please put it on the table," I answered as I opened the door fully and directed him to kitchen. I was pretty sure, his eyes hardly left my chest as he got me sign for the package before leaving the house. I made myself a coffee and thought, he didn't know, he thought I was a real women. I wasn't a big fan of black coffee and I knew I would have to brave the walk to shop if Lucy didn't get up soon. I noticed that the washing machine had some clothes in it that needed dried, so I thought going into the back garden would be fine as no one could really see me their but my neighbour and it would let me be outside for a little as well. I filled the basket with clothes, and went into the back garden. "This is heavier than I remember it being before," I thought as struggled out to the back door. I found it difficult stretching up to hang up the clothes. I didn't appreciate that even simple tasks like this would be harder as I was a little shorter now. As I was hanging out the washing I heard a familiar voice calling "Good Morning Lucy" I turned around to Beth, our next door neighbour. Beth was an older lady in her late 50's about 5'3," tall, with short curly grey hair. She was wearing a white blouse and dark bottoms. She lived next door alone mainly, however, it was unusual for one of her grandsons not to be with her. "Morning Beth, It's a beautiful day isn't it? How are you doing?" I answered. My heart was pounding fast and I felt myself blushing slightly as I thought, will she know something is amiss, I will try to carry one as best as I can. "Yes, it's wonderful, you're looking well. How's Sam these days I haven't seen him for bit?" she asked. "Erm... he's fine. The lazy sod is laying down having a nap," I replied whilst thinking, "Why is she asking about him she knows something is wrong." I felt my face flush completely red as I started to panic. "Awe, Bless him dear, he deserves rest. If there is anything I can do let me know. See you later love," she said as she turned and entered her back door, disappearing out of sight. I finished hanging the washing and returned to the kitchen table. I sat down and slowly sipped my coffee. The conversation with Beth had confused me. Did she know I was really Sam? Is that why she was asking about Sam? Sam deserves a rest? But its Lucy who's ill not me? Then I thought why is she so tired in my body? My body is healthy I should be tired, it Lucy who had the brain tumour not Sam.. So I am in the sick body.. So many questions.. I needed to clear my head I thought stuff it. "I'm going to the shop, I'm a female body, in female clothes, no one will know any different unless I tell them." I lifted Lucy purse and went to put it in my pocket until I remembered I was wearing a dress and didn't have any pockets. So I grabbed handbag and stuffed her purse inside, grabbed my keys and walked out the front door before I could change my mind. The handbag had a long shoulder strap, so I slung it over my head meaning the strap was hanging around the left side of my neck and the bag was hanging against my right hip. The leather strap of the bag came down the middle of my chest, right between my breasts, pulling the material of the dress in slightly and emphasizing the how large my breasts actually were. I took a deep breath and closed the front door and started walking. I was getting used to taking smaller strides that I was used to the movement of my body, as my tissue jiggled a lot more that it had ever done when I was male. I turned out of the corner of my street, which had been sheltered slightly, and I was hit with a gentle gust of wind. The wind went under my dress and I had to admit I loved the feeling of the wind blowing under my dress. It felt so liberating. After I short while I stopped feeling stressed and enjoyed walking in the spring sunshine. The breeze through my hair and under my dress stopped me thinking about all the questions I had and helped clear my head. I could see my destination in the distance. This was small collection of local shops that included, a convenience store, a butchers, a pharmacy, an off sales, a coffee shop and Chinese takeaway. When I got there I was completely shattered. I was breathing heavy as notice my breasts lifting up and down as I inhaled deeply to try to replenish some oxygen to my lungs. "I really need to lose some weight," I thought, "as I am too tired to walk back straight away." I decided I would take a short break in the coffee shop. I went and ordered and Americano and paid using Lucy's debit card as I didn't know her pin I had never been so grateful for the invention of contactless payments. I took a seat by the window and decided to do some people watching until I recovered enough to walk home. When I say people watching I was mainly watching the women but not how I usually as man. I was taking note of their mannerisms, how they moved, how they got up and how they had dressed. I was lost in my thoughts that I was startled when my phone rang. It was Lucy. "Where are you? I woke up and the house was silent. I came downstairs and you had gone. Is everything ok?" she asked in a worried voice "Yes Love its fine, I just walked to the shop as we are out of milk, but I was tired so stopped for a coffee. I will get the milk and be over soon. Is there anything else you want?" I enquired after I tried to calm her down. "Surprise me," she answered as we said our goodbyes and ended the call. This was always one of Lucy's favourite things to say when I was shopping. It usually meant to get her something sweet like a cake or chocolate. But I thought, I will surprise her and get something healthy and try to change her attitude as my body can't afford to put on any more weight if I wanted to complete my job to a high standard. So I went into the shop and bought some milk, fruit and yoghurt. I approached the counter to pay and set my bag down. As opened my purse to check for change and noticed something was in there that shouldn't be. It was a driving licence, with a picture of Lucy, and all of her details. Had she learnt to drive and not told me? I paid for the items and went to leave, as I did I noticed the pharmacist beckoning to me. I walked over and asked how I could help her. "Sorry Lucy, it's just Sam's next lot of medication is ready and I thought you were going to leave without it," she said as she handed me quite a large parcel of medicine and smiled at me. "Thanks June, I had forgotten, you saved me a return journey," I said as smiled back at her. I walked away thinking yet more questions. I, meaning Sam, always collected the medicine how does June know Lucy? And also I, meaning Sam, am not prescribed regular medicine so what exactly is in this package. I placed the medication in my handbag and started my short journey home. The weather had changed slightly in the time since I left the house, a few grey clouds had appeared and the wind was little stronger with a colder bite to it. I tried to walk a little quicker to get home before it rained. I was looking down to keep my eyes from the wind when I noticed that my nipples were hard due to the cold weather, and if I could see them everyone else could. I was almost home, when I noticed two teenage boys walking towards me. They were both giggling as they approached me. "Are you cold Mrs?" I heard one of them say before he burst out laughing and the other was telling him to shut up as I knew his mother. I was absolutely mortified, too embarrassed to look to see who it was. I just wanted to get home. I got into my house and saw Lucy sitting on the sofa, wearing a pair of my pyjama trousers and nothing else. She looked absolutely exhausted. "Are you ok Luce?" I asked worried about her. "Just a little tired, I think you took it out of me this morning," she smiled. "But look at you wearing a dress, wow, I would never have expected that. I thought you would wear jeans and top to keep it as gender neutral as possible." "When in Rome," I said as we discussed everything that had happened so far. "Luce can you tell me how you feel? Apart from being a man? Do you feel any different.... Any healthier?" I asked. She shuck her head "No Sam, I feel like a I always do, tired and drained.. although this morning I was very horny and that gave me a burst of energy. I suppose it's true that they say a man will never say no to sex, no matter how bad he feels," she laughed. Lucys strength through her illness had always been been her positivity and her sense of humour, she had always stopped others, particularly me, from getting down hearted about the whole situation. "That's what I thought," I said as I pulled out the bag of medication addressed to Sam from my bag. "This is all of your medication but it now appears to be in my name. I think the illness is now in my body and not yours. So I am not really getting to understand how it is to be you," I explained as I lay down on her resting my head against his chest. "and when did you learn to drive?" I enquired as I fished the drivers licence from her purse. "I can't drive Sam, you know that. Sure I never learned and with the brain tumour I would not be insured to drive," she answered as she rested her arm on my shoulder. "Interesting," I thought. "I will be back in a minute," as I went to check all of our paperwork. It was really strange. All of the paperwork regarding that was previously in my name had been changed to Lucy's name and all of the letter's from the hospital were now in my name. I showed this to Lucy and we were both completely perplexed, it was as if somehow our lives had been completely switched. I had to check one more thing. I checked in Lucy's purse again and noticed another card that should not be there. It was my police warrant card but it had the name PC Lucy Whyte, instead of PC Samuel Whyte and unsurprisingly a picture of Lucy beside it. "At least you don't have to worry about pretending to be a copper," I said with a smile as I showed her my new warrant card. But I was worried, if we didn't change back, I would not be able to complete the job as a woman, particularly an overweight one. It was Monday afternoon, wasn't due to work until Thursday so I decided that I would cross that bridge if and when I had too. I made us a quick bite to eat, just a small sandwich and a cuppa, then Lucy said she was going to get dressed so we could go out for a bit. She came down stairs a few moments later, dressed in a pair of jeans and a polo top with white training shoes on. "Wow, I have never got dressed so quick in my live," she said with a smile, having just go a burst of energy from her lunch. "I think we should go for a while, so I have a chance to see the world through your eyes," she suggested as she put the car key in my bag. "I'm well rested now, so we should be ok for a few hours at least." She stopped me as we were about to leave, taking a firm hold of my arm. I looked up to her eyes and she looked back at me and told me to sit in the kitchen table. She returned with her make up case and said "If you are going to be a girl today may as well have the full experience." Once she got used to her larger hands she was able to apply my make-up expertly as she had been trained to previously. I noticed the sparkle in her eye and I could see she was enjoying herself. She applied foundation first, followed by some blusher and light pinks lip gloss. "Beautiful," she said with chuckle. Then she applied nail polish to both my finger and toe nails. "Now we are ready to go out," she said with a big smile as she escorted me to door and out to our car. I got in the driver seat getting as I would as male. "Count yourself lucky you're wearing a long dress Sam, otherwise you would have flashed your underwear to Chris," she laughed as turned to see our neighbours 20 year old grandson leaving the house. He was tall, about 6ft tall, with short dirty fair hair, and a fit muscular body. "Oh Lucy, I have so much to learn," I giggled. "Speaking of which I think you should call me Lucy for the rest of day, as I would get away with calling you Sam but I really don't think you could pull of being called Lucy right now." "Good point," she laughed as she reached across and squeezed my breast, "and with tits like these you are definitely Lucy." "Hey stop it you," I said playfully. I was trying to work out how I was going to drive with this body. I couldn't reach the pedals. I pulled the seat in when I could reach the steering wheel my breasts where almost pressing up against it. "Hmmm I will have to take my time and drive quite slow until I get used to driving with these things," I thought out loud. "Another reason why I never learned to drive," she laughed "I'm glad somebody is having bloody fun," I retorted. "Where can I take you to Sir?" I asked hoping she had a plan. "Our reservation is not until half past five she said it's in the Steakhouse in town. So we have a few hours to kill before then. Maybe we will just go to the seafront and have a walk along by the sea first," she said. "Oh somebodies been busy haven't they," I said as I slowly pulled out of the drive way. "You don't know the half of it Sa...Lucy," she said with a familiar glint in her eye. "I'm intrigued now, please tell me more," said drive slowly from the street until the main road. She then changed the subject, and started talking about the weather, music or anything else that came into her mind avoiding my questions. This continued for short time as I drove towards the main car park at the sea front. I turned into the carpark and went over speed hump a bit quickly and gravity took over made my tits higgle wildly, bouncing so high they almost blinded me for moment, before they settled in again in the confines of my bra. "You could have warned me about the speed bumps, I almost crashed," I giggled. "Some lessons are better learned by doing, instead being told," she said with a wicked grin on her face as she continued, "there might be a few more tonight." I parked up and climbed out of the car, this time I was little more lady like as I swung my legs around together and made getting up two distinct movements. I was pleased with myself as Lucy came around to join me "Well done Lucy, but don't forget your bag," she reminded me. As I turned to gather my things I felt a strong hand slapping my ass hard, making ass tissue jiggle. I smiled to myself thinking I will just play along and let her have her fun. I placed my bag over my shoulder and turned and took hold of her hand. "let's go for this walk Sam," as I pulled her away. As usual the wind was bit sharper down here, I felt the cold biting wind making me shiver, my nipples were erect again. The wind was flowing under my dress and lifting it slightly. However, I was really loving the fresh air flowing all over my body up to my knickers and around my crotch She lowered her head to mine, resting her hand on my large ass and whispered "Cold or horny love?" as she slid her middle finger down the crack of my ass. "A bit of both I think, I'm still learning how your body reacts to things," I answered as I felt a little bit dampness on my knickers. I still whispered again "I have to admit I'm as horny as a teenager and I feels like this happens all the time at the minute," as she guided my hand down to groin letting me feel her hard erect cock. I was lost for words I really didn't know what to say. We walked back towards the car, but as I went to walk to the door, she pulled me away and suggested we go into the nearby hotel to have a drink at the bar. "I have never had lager, or me one and get yourself a drink, I have to go pee and I'll join your shortly," she said as she pointed me towards the bar. I got the bar and the young barman took my order, a pint of lager and a glass of white, and took it to window overlooking the sea. I thought it was very romantic. I was checking my phone for the time as I sipped my wine. Ten minutes had past and still no sign of Lucy. I called her to make sure she hadn't collapsed or anything silly like that. She didn't answer but text me and told me to go the reception. As I was approached the desk, I was greeted by a pretty young lady, with dark hair tied up in a bun. Before I could speak she greeted me, "Good Afternoon, Miss Whyte, I assume?" she said with a smile. I nodded and she continued "Your husband is waiting for you..... Rodney!!" she called towards the bellboy. I turned slightly surprised to see a tall black man approach. He was dressed in his work suit, a red jacket, black trousers, thin black tie and shiny black shoes. He was carrying a top hat under his left arm. He greeted me with a smile and spoke with the girl at the desk for second before he motioned for me to follow him to the elevator. I was still standing with my glass of wine sipping slowly. I asked the man, "Sorry Rodney is it? Where are you taking me to? Do you know where my husband is?" It felt so weird to be asking for the whereabouts of my husband before I went asleep I had wife, and now less than 24 hrs later I was the wife. Just then the elevator door opened and Rodney motioned for me to follow him in. "I'm sorry Ma'am, I can't answer any of your questions as I don't know the answer. Sophie just asked me to bring you to your suite," Rodney said. He spoke with an accent that was not local, but quite sweet and easy to listen to. He was towering over me, he must have been at least 6'4," and as I looked at me I felt very self-conscious that he could see a lot of my cleavage than I was comfortable with. I felt myself blush slightly. Did he say my suite? I don't have a room at the hotel? I opened my mouth to question him further before I could ask the door opened and he motioned for me to get off. "This is your stop, it's suite 604 Ma'am, the third door to the left," I left the elevator and turned to ask him what he was talking about but the door closed before I could any words out. With no other option, I walked to the suite and nervously knocked the door. There was no answer. I knocked again and started to fumble and search my bag for my phone. Then the door opened, I was looking down as I was searching my bag and noticed the male was wearing brown shoes and not the white trainers Lucy had been wearing. I took a step back before I heard my old voice asking "Are you coming in or do you want to stand outside all night?" It was Lucy.. I breathed a sigh of relief and entered the room. "You scared the crap out of me, you didn't tell me where you had went.. or that we had a room.. I didn't know who I was going to find here.. I could have been raped or worse," I moaned at her as I hugged her at the same time "It was all part of the game Sam. This morning I was pretending to sleep when you got dressed, I watched your determination to get dressed, and you struggle with the bra. I was genuinely surprised to see that you chose to wear a dress and I thought that you making the most of this experience so I should try to make it a day you would not easily forget. You are going to get the full experience of being me, of being Lucy," she explained as she moved away from me and opened the wardrobe. "Viola," she continued, "this is was what you will be wearing tonight for our dinner date." I looked inside the wardrobe and saw a little black dress, that was shorter Lucy and worn for some time. I estimated it was go to about 3 inches above my knee. I saw black heels on the floor, on the bed she had lay out, what I can only describe a black basque and suspender combination with a matching thong and black silk stockings. She smiled as she informed me "I have been keeping these for a special occasion and I don't think there will be a more special occasion that tonight." I was dumbstruck, I felt nervous enough walking and around as I was never mind in heels, stockings and suspenders. "I don't think I can do this," I said trying to get her to change her mind. "Nonsense," she retorted. "You are me, and you would expect me to do it. So why would I not expect you do the same? Now strip and go into the bathroom we need to get you ready for tonight," She ordered as she took my hand and led me in. She helped me remove my Maxi dress, and I stood before her in my under wear. I unclasped the bra, and let out a sigh of relief. Now I knew why she always enjoyed taking off bra it did feel like a good as the stress was removed from my back. I then stepped out of my knickers and asked if I could do a pee before she started. She agreed and went into bed room and returned with a little bag. I wondered what was in there as I cleaned myself and awaited further instruction. "ok Love, into the shower with you and stand still," she requested as she approached and bend down towards my crotch. "Time to trim the rain forest," she joked as she cut a load of my pubic hair and let it fall into the basin. When she had finished she said, "Much better, it so much easier trim from this angle." I looked down and laughed. "Gees Luce, I have lost less hair in the barbers. Did you have to seek special permission to cut that much in that go. I hope the local wildlife will not be affected!" "Haha, very funny," she jested. "Ok I admit I may have let things go a little wild down there, but its better now," she said with smile. She handed me a lady razor. "You can do this bit, soap up your body shave of all the hair you can see apart from your pubes." "Yes Sir," I replied as I mockingly saluted her. She smirked as she turned the hand basin to shave her face. A few moments later I had finished shaving and my legs felt very smooth as did my underarms. I have to admit I did like the it. She turned around just as I was finished and took the razor from me and again started working on my pubes. "all done," she giggled. I looked down but I couldn't see past my breasts and tummy. "What have you done?" I queried. "I will show you." She laughed as he picked up her phone and took pic of my pubes. "O M G why did you do that?" I asked as looked at the picture of the remaining pubes that she had expertly shaped into a nice little heart just above my clit. "Because it's cute and pretty," she responded. "Now time to get you dressed. Our table in booked for about 45 mins downstairs." After I dried myself I walked into the bedroom and picked up the little thong and went to put it on. Lucy stopped me. "I'm just giving you some advice here, if I was you I would put on the thing after your basque otherwise you may have some difficulty if you need to use the loo." "There is no way I can get that thing on without your help," I said as I picked the basque. It appeared to have numerous fastenings that a bra has and struggled with that. "No problem Lucy, just turn around," she said obviously trying to get used to calling me her name. She stood behind me and reached her arms around so it was pressed against my stomach, she asked to place my arms in the straps and make sure my breasts were in the cups. Then she began to fasten the clips behind me telling me to breathe in and hold my breath. I did this for as long as I could as I attempted to relax I noticed that my stomach barely moved. I complained it was too tight. "Well it's meant to be, it's a cincher. So it's takes a few inches of the waist as well and let's be honest dear, we need it or you won't fit into that dress," she said. "Don't worry hun, us girls do it all the time, your body will adjust, just take smaller breaths for a while and you will be great." She then bent down and slowly rolled my silk stockings up my left legs until they reached the full way up her hand was now only inches from my crotch as she fastened the suspenders to the stockings her hand only inches. Then she rolled the other up and fastened that. "Now you put your thong on whilst I get your shoes," she commanded. I could tell she was enjoying this, having me as her own little doll to dress up and do as she wanted with. I pulled them up my thighs right up tight against my mound. The back part went right up my ass in between my cheeks as I pulled it tight. I sat back down as Lucy returned. "They are only 3 inch heels so you should be ok," as she placed the heels on my feet, then she helped me to my feet. "Now practice and walk about the room, till you get used to it." I walked back and forth, slowly, getting my balance and I heard her laughing "What is it?" I asked. "You need to stop walking like that, I didn't notice under the Maxi Dress but you are walking like a man, your legs are too far apart like you are leaving room for a penis. Walk like you're on a tight rope, one foot in front of the other. It will make your hips sway, it's so much more feminine and so sexy." "Like this?" I said as I walked up and down the room feeling like catwalk model. She a wolf whistle and felt so good, hot and proud. "Oh stop it," I giggled, waving my hand at her pretending to be shy. "It's almost time for our reservation, we need to finish getting you dressed," she said as put on her own shirt that she pulled from the wardrobe. I stepped in my dress and pulled it up until the straps were around my shoulder and the bottom was around my thighs. It was very tight around my stomach, chest and thighs. But it really emphasised the size of my boobs as they were pushed up and it looked like they were trying to escape. I turned around and Lucy pulled up my zipper for me. She freshened up my make-up and tied up my hair in some sort of fancy up- style with a few strands around my face. I look in the mirror and I thought "Wow, pretty hot for big girl." Lucy put her arm around me and as we looked in the mirror. "I brush up quite well, even I do say so myself," and kissed the side of my face. "Now let's go babe," she said handing me a small black clutch bag no bigger than my purse. Opened it to see she had put the hotel room key, my debit card, some lip stick and a compact mirror it in it. She assured me that it was all I would need and we left the room together. We made small talk until got to the restaurant downstairs. We were shown to our seats and by a young man who held out my seat for my so sit. I thanked him as I sat at the table. Lucy ordered some drinks as we read the menu. I was absolutely starving so with my male mind I was thinking and ordered a mixed grill. Lucy ordered the same. After the waiter left Lucy said, "There is no way you will be to finish that, I could not even eat half of that I that body!" "Of course I will I'm starved," I replied. "Ok then how about a little bet Dear? Just to make things interesting.. for every item you leave of the ten that comes with the mixed grill more than me You have to do a forfeit? And of course if you eat more than me I will have to do the forfeit," she said with coy smile on her face "Yes no problem," I answered even without thinking. As there is no way she is going to do anything that will embarrass herself as I am in her body I surmised. A short time the meals arrived. The plates where huge, I already knew I wasn't going to eat it all, so much meat on one plate. I was definitely thinking with my male brain when I ordered it. My only hope was that her female mind stopped her eating before I got full. It was clear to see that from very early on I was struggling. I was taking my time and trying not eat too quick otherwise I would have made myself ill. I put my cutlery down after eating about half what was on my plate. I had 5 items left and I couldn't squeeze anymore in. Lucy was also getting full and she finished leaving too items. "Are you finished Love?" she asked, I nodded meekly as she could she the defeated look on my face. "Ok Dear, I have two left to your five, so that grants me three forfeits for you. And don't worry I'm not going to be too hard on you," she said as she looked me with her face full of glee. "You are looking very warm, maybe you should take something off? Forfeit number 1 is to go to the bathroom and remove your knickers, put them in your handbag and then come back once you have done that" "Are you being serious? I can't do that," I pleaded but my words were falling on deaf ears, so I knew I had no option but to comply. So I lifted my clutch, got up and walked across to the bathroom. This was going to be my first time in a ladies public toilet. I walked straight in trying not to look nervous and was happy to see that there was not queue, I found empty stall and entered it. I needed to pee anyhow so I hiked up my dress around my waist and lowered myself on the seat. I slipped my knickers off and stepped out of them scooped them up and placed them in my handbag. The clutch bag was so small that it was almost full with them. When I finished I pulled my dress back down and fixed myself and it actually didn't feel too much different to wearing a thong. I walked back to the table and I couldn't believe that she actually insisted on checking my bag. "Good Girl, I paid the bill when you were away, let's go for a little walk," she said as she got up and stood behind me pulling my chair out and helping me up. We got up and walked towards the lobby and he led me outside and we walked back out to the along the sea front. "How are you enjoying the cold breeze on your pussy?" she asked looking down me "I'm still getting used to having one, but I must admit it feels quite nice," I giggled. As we turned the corner Lucy said, "Time for forfeit number 2." I looked around and noticed there was no one else here "I don't care what you say but I am not I am not stripping naked in public. You would never have done that so there is no way I am," I protested as strongly as I could. She laughed. "I would never do that Love, we are only going to do things that we have done before," she said to reassure me. "Now as I was saying number 2 is that we are going to have sex outside right over there, just like we did years ago," as she pointed to small wooded area and started to walk me over. I recalled that many years ago when we first dated, we were still teenagers and we were a little wilder. Bringing these memories back get me a little excited, I felt a little damp. She told me to bend over slightly and I felt her pulling my dress up over ass, she rubbed the fat head of her cock against my lips and guided it inside, slowly working herself deeper with each thrust. There was very little finesse in what she was doing, I knew this was just going be quick, hard sex for her to cum before anyone spotted us. She gripped my hips with both of her hands and began to increase the force and power of her thrusts, instincts took over for me as I found myself pushing my hips back to meet her thrusts as I gripped onto a tree with my hands to stop myself from falling over. Her hands gripping tightly onto my pelvic bone as she fucked me hard, I could hear the loud slapping sounds from her flesh pounding against mine a her cock prodded all around inside me. I was biting my bottom lip to suppress my moans, I was enjoying the sensations I was getting as she was getting deeper She kept going, occasionally slapping my ass and calling me her slut (which I am ashamed to admit was turning me on even more) until I felt her start to lose her rhythm, her thrusts becoming more infrequent but more powerful. Then with one final thrust I felt pull me back hard, her cock fully buried inside me, as she released her seed deep inside me. Then we heard voices and quickly tried to fix ourselves before the people were close enough to work out what we had done. I pull my dress down covering myself again as Lucy did up her trousers. We walked back to the hotel like giggling teenagers, barely believing what we had just done. I could feel her cum escaping from me, seeping from my slit, running down the inside of my thighs. I was worried it could be seen on my black dress so made sure we got into the elevator as quickly as possible. As soon as we got into the room I started to undress, as Lucy came over and help me get out of my dress "Remember we still have to forfeit number. Which is.... Anal," she said and pushed me down on all fours on the bed. I gulped as I knew this was not something Lucy enjoyed and we had only done it a handful of times because she found it painful. "Are you sure love? I thought you didn't like anal sex," I pointed out more in hope than expectation. But she was already behind me squirting some lube on to her cock and pushing the head against the tight little rosebud of my ass. She eased inside me, slowly at first, stretching out my tight anal cavity. It had been so long since anything had been put in her ass, it was really tight. I felt a shot of pain as she pushed in deeper and tears welled up in my eyes, I lowered my head to duvet and bit into trying to stop myself from crying. She started to increase the pace of her thrusts, each one appeared to get deeper and push further into my ass. She used her hands to spread my cheeks wider as she tried to get even further. The full weight of her body pounding down on my helpless ass. Each thrust seemed to push my face further into the mattress. I was trying to relax and I remembered reading that it was the tensing up that made it sore, and eventually the pain did start to change into a little more pleasure, I reached down my hand to stimulate my clit hoping that that the pleasure from my clit would overtake the pain from my ass. Within moments my body was relaxing and I was enjoying the full experience more. I was moaning and screaming until I climaxed in an earth shattering orgasm, as Lucy came in my ass. She lay beside me panting as we both gently rolled over to sleep. Before I fell asleep I whispered, "I wish that tomorrow I am me again." "So do I dear, so do I," I heard Lucy reply from behind me.

Same as One Mistaken Wish Part 1 Videos

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A family gathering at a rented house leads to a mixup and mistaken bed partners

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Mistaken Identity Daphnes Chapter 5

Hello, girls, pets, fans, and the newly initiated, I've been under alot of stress lately, so I'm very sorry this revised version of Daphne's Chapter 5 took so long to come out. I can't believe I wrote this whole chapter in the first person before. Anyway, Chapter 6 will be available on Patreon on Tuesday, March 3rd, and Scott's Chapter 7 on Wednesday the fourth. As I'm sure you can guess, Chapter 5 is out publicly today! And At the end of the week, I will be releasing RBF publicly, and...

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Mistaken Identity Scotts Chapter 6

The transformation arc is over, and here begins the action arc! Things are about to get different starting at this point until probably part 9. Daphne and Scott have been separated and will have their own version of this crazy adventure until they are reunited. So unlike chapters 1-5, it won't be a retelling of the same story from alternative perspects, but two stories happening concurrently with one another sharing similar themes... How will their adventures continue? Well... it...

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Mistaken Identity Daphnes Chapter 9

This is the end of the action arc of the story. I hope you have been enjoying it so far. This is the climax of the story and next month's chapter tens (not sure how ten plural works, lol) will be the conclusion. Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual...

1 year ago
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Mistaken for a Hooker

My lovely little brown Filipina wife is very attractive and loving caring person. Ella is 5'5'' - which is very tall for a Filipina - and she has a firm slim sexy body with long flowing black hair. I married my wife in Philippines four years ago now and in spite of the twenty years age difference - my wife is 29 years old - we have had a very good marriage. Apart from cooking, my wife enjoys sex every day and she is a very good lover. She even had her tongue and pussy pierced to be able to...

2 years ago
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Wishs Chapter 3 Reluctantly I grant my husbands birthday wish

 We ate in the hotel restaurant. I had eggs benedict, Aaron had huevos rancheros. I took a sip of my Bloody Mary and meekly confessed, “You were great this morning. I am surprised at how strongly I reacted.”"I was surprised as well. I do not ever remember you being that turned on," Aaron reflected.My face and upper chest were burning crimson now from embarrassment. "No, I have never climaxed like that before. Once I started, I could not seem to stop." I took another sip of my Bloody Mary,...

4 years ago
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Limitless Wishes Dajinni and the Wish Flurry

[Edited version. Thanks a lot to Catfish who did a great job at painstakingly pointing out thousands of minor and major errors!] ==== Chapter One: Dajinni ===== I walked home from school. The P.E. class had run late, so it was already 5 PM. I was alone, too - my best friend Maputo had skipped the afternoon classes. It was my birthday - I was eighteen as of today. So I was pretty sure I knew what was going on: Maputo was preparing a surprise for me at home. Just as I crossed...

1 year ago
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Boone The Early YearsChapter 07

The trip to San Francisco, California, goes at a faster pace than Boone likes because Peter, the trader, is pushing to get there and back home. Boone has little choice about matching Peter’s pace if he wants to get the extra money for hauling the goods. At camp on the night after the first full day Boone walks over to Peter and ask, “Is this the pace you’ll be keeping all the way to San Francisco and back to Arizona City?” Peter looks up at Boone from where he’s sitting as he says, “Only on...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 03

After Boone sees everyone in the camp is properly set out for their first night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he goes over to the cooking fire for the Gray contingent, asks for both Olive and Nellie to walk with him, and he walks toward the horses. He stops short of the rope corral they’ve put up for the stock, turns to the two young ladies, and says, “A couple of weeks back your mother told me both of you want to be my wife and have insisted I’ll be your man for some years. Is that...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 08

The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 04

Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 05

When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...

3 years ago
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Boone The Early YearsChapter 02

Following the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 06

The trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...

3 years ago
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My FatherInLaw mistakenly fucked me in the dark

My Father-In-Law mistakenly fucked me in the dark-2 read this story in the above link and start reading the continuation of the same story.Hi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple house wife residing in...

1 year ago
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My FatherInLaw mistakenly fucked me in the dark

My Father-In-Law mistakenly fucked me in the dark-2 read this story in the above link and start reading the continuation of the same story.Hi, FRIENDS this is Nalini again, Thanks for the wonderful response I got from you people for my story “Aunty seduced by her Nephew”, urged me to start my new story of my Jaya Aunt which happened in her earlier days of marriage. I a simple house wife residing in...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Identity Ch 04

(Author’s Note: This is a ‘what if’ side story for The Perfect Pussy series. I never felt that I really had a chance to let Waylon talk about his feelings for Keni and think over what drove him over the edge. A lot of you have suggested that for his crimes he be locked up or sent to a mental hospital, maybe he will agree with you, but let him speak for himself and then decide from there okay, after all this is still America and the process of being innocent until proven guilty is still a part...

3 years ago
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Mistaken Display

Introduction: Jessaica is asked by the local butcher to sit in his window display to show off her meat untill his late meat shipment can arrive. Mistaken Display Story: #45 Copyright 2009 Written: March 22 2009 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Jessica woke up this morning to the sound of her mother calling her from the kitchen, Jessy, Jessy dear come on down here She...

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Mistaken identity

Zoe arrived home both angry and frustrated. Since she succumbed to her boyfriend’s pleas to give up her virginity about two weeks ago, they had only had sex once. Zoe’s unwillingness to submit to his constant requests now seemed unexplainable. In fact the night she gave up her cherry changed her completely. It was like a eureka moment, the feelings and sensations she experienced on that first night opened up a whole new world to her. Yes she had often masturbated, and had regularly felt horny,...

2 years ago
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Mistaken identity

Zoe arrived home both angry and frustrated. Since she succumbed to her boyfriend’s pleas to give up her virginity about two weeks ago, they had only had sex once. Zoe’s unwillingness to submit to his constant requests now seemed unexplainable. In fact the night she gave up her cherry changed her completely. It was like a eureka moment, the feelings and sensations she experienced on that first night opened up a whole new world to her. Yes she had often masturbated, and had regularly felt horny,...

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Mistaken for a BBC whore

His was pounding me. His big cock thrusting in and almost out of my hungry cunt. He’d been fucking me half an hour, at an unrelenting pace, which left me breathless. I’d lost count of how many times I’d come, many of them just rolled from one, to the next. I dug my red nails into his back, as I came again, and then again, gripping his waist with my legs. He still hadn’t come. I wanted him to, I wanted to feel his cum inside me, feel as it hit the walls of my pussy, and my cervix…………………….“So...

4 years ago
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Mistaken Identity

Cathy was happy to get checked into the hotel after a long day's journey. Life has been hard for her since her husband told her he was bored and wanted a divorce. Somehow she had never thought at thirty two she would be on her own again. Now that her divorce was final she decided to go to the beach for a week and try to think of what to do next. Her now x-husband was rather blunt with her about how boring she was in bed. Cathy had been raised by her conservative mother who was certain that sex...

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Mistaken identity

Zoe arrived home both angry and frustrated. Since she succumbed to her boyfriend’s pleas to give up her virginity about two weeks ago, they had only had sex once. Zoe’s unwillingness to submit to his constant requests now seemed unexplainable. In fact the night she gave up her cherry changed her completely. It was like a eureka moment, the feelings and sensations she experienced on that first night opened up a whole new world to her. Yes she had often masturbated, and had regularly felt horny,...

1 year ago
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mistaken for my son

A chance overnight stay in my son's flat leads to me being mistaken for himby his drunk boyfriend***************It had been a great Festive period. Though my son Ricky hadn't made it forChristmas due to some wild party with friends, he had come home for NewYear and, as always it was good to see him. Ricky was at university in Yorkand with us living just outside London he had moved up there and with ourhelp. Susie and I had bought a little flat for him which would hopefully bea good investment...

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Mistaken At Night

It was late one Saturday night, I was home alone and decided to sleep in my folks room. My folks were away for the week end and I was to stay home to wait for my Uncle to arrive early Sunday. Sometime later that night I thought I heard some one moving about in the hall way, paying it no mind, no one was home but me I drifted back off. I was suddenly awoke by a heavy body on my back and a stiff penis probing my neither region. Just as I was about to cry out the huge head found my bung hold and...

2 years ago
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A Case of Mistaken Identity

If there are any real witches out there reading this, please don't be offended. Mindy may archive this. If anyone else wishes to, please contact me. A Case of Mistaken Identity. By Morpheus I was really looking forward to staying at home for a little while and taking a break from college. Don't get me wrong, I like college and being on my own, but I can't help but missing my folks every once in a while. Dad told me that I could stay with them again, in my old room for a week...

3 years ago
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Mistaken Identity

Identity A Hugglebugs story By Prudence Walker (c) 2000 Tom was waiting impatiently for the delivery. It was supposed to be here in 5 minutes and they guaranteed it would be delivered on time. He had a date with a girl he had met only a few days ago from the office and he wasn't about to blow it just because his old tux wouldn't fit anymore. He'd put on more weight than he'd thought since the last time he wore it. Looking for a solution to his problem sent him to the phone book...

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Mistaken For Chanda People

Hi this is Suraj going to narrate a real incident. While in College final days I used to roam with my Area friends. They were not studying in college but used to do other stuffs like helping their father in shops. My close friends were Bapi and Dinesh. Dinesh used to roam around full areas and used to collect all sorts of information. He used to collect Chandas also for Pujas. So oneday we were drinking and discussing about females , Dinesh told that he had seen a Hot Aunty at some function. He...

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Mistaken Identity

Man gets to lead the life of a rich man...if only for a day...Mistaken Identity.Back in the day, the early 1980's to be precise, I was badly in need. In need of a job, to be more specific. These were times of prosperity for most. The Dow had recently hit 2000, which was a record. The economy was booming and would continue to do so throughout most of the decade. Everyone and everything seemed to be doing great, except for me. Being the remarkably perceptive dude he was, my friend Rich sensed my...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Whatsapp Messages To Losing Virginity

Hi, everyone. I’m also just a regular ISS reader like everyone here. Been a fan of this site for about 4 years. The story that I’m about to tell is between me and my hot, sexy aunt. First, let me introduce myself. I’m abhi. I’m 20 years old. Still in college, average height guy, with a good body shape and dick of 5.1″. I know that’s too small, but it satisfies just like everyone else’s. Now about my aunt, she’s 44 now. With a 34D boobs and 90cm panty size. I never really had any interest in...

3 years ago
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Mistaken Identity 8211 Part 1

Sister-In-Law Hey Guys! My name is Ajay and today I am writing about how a mistaken identity changed my life completely. This is a story of how I mistook my wife’s elder sister as my wife and it happened all of a sudden that we both gave in to the carnal desires. This is actually a true story that has happened to me. A little background before we start the story. Let me tell you about my wife, Shilpa. She is 30 years old, very fair with awesome structure. Her elder sister, Devki is married and...

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I8217m Beena Chechi 8211 Mistaken Identity

Hi dear, i hope you remember me. This is your own Beena auty/Beena Chechi or simply Beena. Its your wish you can call me the way you want. Last time i introduced my self with my real life experience in the form of “Sales girl”. I hope you enjoyed it well and i hope i made you guys shoot out you loads reading it. But iam sad about one thing, because of me your loads were wasted into the air, i wish all that could have gone into my mouth so that i could have drank each and every drop of it…he he...

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Mistaken Identity Scotts Chapter 1

Yay! third Sunday of the month is here! And with it, Daphne's version of Chapter 2 on Patreon, as well as Scott's version of Chapter 1 on Fictionmania (and! I've been anxious to get these both out for weeks now. Lol. I currently plan to release publicly one version of each chapter, a month after the release of the second version on Patreon... so everyone gets the whole story, but those of you in my patreon get both versions of each chapter, meaning not only do you get...

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Mistaken Identity Daphnes Chapter 2

Yay! third sunday of the month is here! And with it, Daphne's version of Chapter 3 on Patreon, as well as Daphne's version of Chapter 2 publicly based on the votes (1) that I got for it. Yup, only one of you voted for Daphne, and none for Scott, lol. That's fine, Chapter 2 brings the excitement, and you have a chance to vote on which version of chapter 3 you want in December! Big Kiss! Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not...

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Mistaken Identity Scotts Chapter 3

You voted for Scott's version of Chapter 3, so here it is! Daphne's version is on Patreon, and as of yesterday both versions of Chapter 4 if you would like to see more! The holidays have struck, so I am a couple days behind, I am sorry. However, December is a critical month now, do I carry on with Chapter 5 as an end to the story? Or is Chapter five the first part of Scott and Daphne's adventure? The feedback I get in the next five to ten days wil; determine this. Kisses for now, and...

2 years ago
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Mistaken Identity Daphnes Chapter 7

Hello to all my favorite pets out there! Just wanted to send a thank you for spending your time reading my stories, and a bigger thank you to those of you who write to me (It is encouragement, especially on those days when I want to write a lot and am looking for the spark. lol). This part has a lot of sex compared to most of my chapters, super femme- dommey, so I hope you enjoy it! Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize,...

3 years ago
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Mistaken Identity Scotts Chapter 8

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Identity Scotts Chapter 10

And now the finale for Scott. A long adventure that started over a year ago for me, and about ten months for most of you! I'm glad to have had you here for it, and look forward to the next big adventure we see played out over months! Let me know if you are happy with the conclusion! Apologies that it is late! :( Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that...

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Mistaken identity

Hey every one rah here….naam tho suna hi hoga.nyways there r goin 2 be a lot of storie s 4m my part so in case u wanna know any story in advance or any next episode of the existing stories dont hesitate 2 mail me on (preferrably gals) There were some reports of prostitutes setting up shop at our local ski resorts. Now i really have no problem with a woman selling her services, but the law is the law and it my job to enforce it. It was a cold friday night in late march when deputy jefferson and...

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Mistaken Beauty

Mistaken Beauty Written by Princess Kay Partly edited by Penny Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content warning: This story contains scenes with transphobic characters and an attempted murder. Colorful tents lined the plaza. The shops and restaurants had closed, and in their place...

2 years ago
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Mistaken for Pain

The look on my fourteen-year-old daughter's face could have easily been mistaken for pain. And if her furrowed brow, her flaring nostrils, or the row of pearly teeth biting into her lower lip might have somehow left an observer unconvinced of her discomfort, perhaps the rest of the scene would have settled it. As she lay back upon the top of our washing machine, with her dimpled knees pulled up nearly to her bared, bra-less, apple-sized tits, the petite eighth-grader struggled with both little...

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The Mistaken One

The Mistaken One Miranda and Melissa Katdare are identical twins of Hindu descent, at least physically they are. The 16-year-olds both had the same dark skin pigmentation that their heritage gave them, both were petite at 5'2", and both have long raven hair which they both styled in the same way, letting it cascade over their shoulder. And though their tits were only 34s, their petite bodies made them look humongous. Many a times one would be confused for the other, even by their closest...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Identity Revisited

I had previously fucked young Dani (see Mistaken Identity story). I had been house-sitting for my step-daughter and her husband Colin when Dani had slid into the bed expecting to find Colin there. Instead she found me - I'm 53 yrs old and have a very fat 10 inch cock, a fact that she finished up enjoying after some initial doubts. My step-daughter had told me that Dani was going to be house-sitting for them for a few days. I still had a key so I decided to pay her a return visit. Especially...

3 years ago
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Mistaken IdentityChapter 28

"That wasn't such a bad drive," said Sarah as they pulled into the parking lot of C. Woods Real Estate. "Not bad at all," replied Sally. "We probably should try a few different ways so we have some choices when one gets clogged up." "Agree. So shall we go inside?" "Might as well." "Good morning, Margaret," said Sarah and Sally. "You're early. Cynthia left me a note that she would be in about 9:30." "Good, that will give me time to get acquainted with my office. Is Sally...

4 years ago
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Mistaken When DrunkChapter 2

This is a follow up to Mistaken when drunk. It had been about a month since that wonderful night. The images burned in to my brain of my sister’s best friend Janelle sucking me and fucking me and the feeling of me cumming inside of her. I had used those memories to shoot many loads of cum since. Janelle had been over a few times since then also. Each time she tried her best to avoid me or at least not make eye contact. The biggest difference was she wasn’t putting me down like normal....

1 year ago
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Teachers PastChapter 2 Mistaken Identity

Kerri was 28 years of age and nothing like this had ever happened to her. She lived a sheltered life and devoted much of her time to her teaching duties at the college. The dilemma now facing Kerri started a few weeks ago when one of her students found out about the one unfortunate indiscretion in her life. He was now blackmailing her into doing things that were truly degrading for someone who held a high position of authority. Sky smiled with satisfaction, as his plan to shame and humiliate...

2 years ago
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Mistaken IdentityChapter 11

"We probably should go back to the reception," said Alice. "I agree," replied Sarah. "Before we go out I have a couple of questions. That way I can digest the answers while we are at the reception and talk about later." "Oh, no. She is setting us up for a quiz," said Judy with a smile. "How about inquisition?" "We're saving that for the woman later," replied Alice laughing. "Although by the time I get down there she may be ready to talk her head off and do anything to get...

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...

4 years ago
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Mistaken at the Halloween Office Party

It was October 31. Halloween again. I had to decide on what my costume would be for the annual office party. I didn't want to dress up and go this year, but it was mandatory. My boss Brent Rose was an ass. He ruled the office with an iron fist or so it would seem. I knew if I didn't show up I would most likely get a lecture about setting an example to the other employees. I stopped procrastinating and walked the two short blocks to the local costume shop. I hoped they had something I could...

Straight Sex
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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...

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Persephone milks Pluto Part 2

Pluto was rudely awakened by a loud dinner triangle, ringing as Persephone walked down the stairs. “Time to eat up slave!” as she walked down the spiral staircase. Pluto had been locked into the large cage he had seen the night before. He was still completely naked, save for the chastity cage which very uncomfortably suffocated his penis. He looked up and his jaw nearly dropped. He had seen Persephone last night, but that was in a confusing, hazy daze. Now he had his full senses about him and...

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