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"Come on guys, we can do this. Don't be chicken. There'd be nothing she can do about it." "I don't know Tommy, it seems like a big risk." "We're going to be seniors next year, so we'll have to step up, take chances, make decisions and lead the charge then anyway. Let's get a jump on having a big year. We'd be legendary." The other seven boys looked at each other and then back at their ringleader, Tommy. He had gathered them together in his dorm room, intent on finalizing their plans. As they tried to decide, the small window fan hummed away, making little appreciable difference to the sweltering heat. That damn heat, unseasonable, record-setting heat. Why did it have to get so hot right before summer break? The forecasts weren't any help either, they all projected the heat wave to last through the middle of June, and about the time they were through finals. It was bad enough in the dorm rooms, but classrooms were horrid. The old buildings looked special, historic even, and had been a part of Jennings since the beginning. But because they were old, they lacked a lot of modern conveniences, like air conditioning. Most years, it didn't matter because the climate was generally temperate until the end of school. But not this year. All they had were the ceiling fans. The ceiling fans were so high, and turned so slow that you couldn't even feel a breeze. As soon as you sat down, you'd start to sweat until your shirt and pants were plastered against your skin. If you were a guy that is. The girls didn't have it as bad. They were much cooler in their uniform. Of course, the short skirts and sleeveless blouse meant they were less covered than the guys. That is why it was so unfair. Even they agreed. Tommy and a few of the seniors had gone to Mrs. Wilson to plead their case. Couldn't she suspend the dress code and allow the boys to wear shorts? Just for the end of the school year? The students knew all the rules could be adjust if she approved it, so why not shorts? Really they were longer than the girls' skirts, so it couldn't be that outrageous? But she had been firm in her opposition. She argued that if she allowed this now, what could she say in the fall, if the weather was hot then too? Mrs. Wilson finished the discussion, by telling the boys that if they came to class in shorts, even as a protest, then she would suspend them for the rest of the semester. That meant they would be stuck here in summer school or for the seniors, they would be prevented from graduating this term. Mrs. Wilson's position was strong enough that the seniors said they would just sweat it out and be done with this place. That left on the juniors, like Tommy, to lead any resistance. He had talked with his friends, the de-facto leaders of their class, and most weren't ready to stage a protest in shorts with those consequences. So Tommy went to the student handbook to look for answers. That's why he had them here today. He thought he found a way to pressure Mrs. Wilson into allowing them to wear shorts. To be sure he talked with Tiffany and Bethany, the two leaders of the junior girls. They supported his idea and in fact, loved it. So now it was time to convince his pals. "Tommy, what makes you think this would work? Why wouldn't that old hag just suspend us like she threatened?" "Because there is nothing in the handbook against it, that's why. I looked it up. It's clear about what must be worn, color, style, and all that stuff. Let me read it and you'll see. Boys' trousers must be dark blue, cuffed so as to hit the top of the shoe, worn with a belt and be made of either cotton, wool, or linen. Boys' shirts can be ......, blah, blah, blah. The language is real straight forward. Nowhere does it say shorts are allowed. For girls, the same thing. Girls' pants must be dark blue, no cuffs and fall around the ankle. Again, there is no section that says they may wear shorts." "So where is this wiggle room you're talking about then?" James was the most resistant to Tommy's idea and was leading the counter questioning. Tommy knew he was just trying to be sure they'd not get in trouble, and in fact liked how James was making Tommy explain his solution. It would be good practice for the showdown with Mrs. Wilson. "Well if look further in the clothing description you see where it talks about skirts and dresses. Skirts can be worn to everyday class, dresses are more for formal events, like award ceremonies, outside excursions, and such. The descriptions are real specific about what kind of skirts or dresses are acceptable, like dresses are navy blue, either sheath or fit and flare, and fall between mid-thigh and bottom of the knee. But listen to the working exactly: Skirts must be blue plaid, in the Jennings's school tartan pattern. They must be pleated, and be no higher than mid- thigh. Do you see what's missing?" The other boys didn't see what Tommy had found. They looked to each other in a puzzled way and then back at him. Bret shook his head no, as did a couple others. Tommy smiled as he knew he had found the weak link to beat Mrs. Wilson. "The handbook doesn't specify that the skirts, or dresses, for that matter are only for girls. For the other items, pants, shirts, even shoes, the handbook labels them as boys' or girls'. But in the description of skirts it doesn't have those modifiers. So, in theory, we could wear skirts as long as we follow the guidelines. There would be nothing old wart Wilson could do. She couldn't find a specific rule we'd be breaking. Once she saw how we had her buffaloed, she'd have to give in to modify the rules to let us wear shorts. I've even worked up some suitable language for her to add to the handbook, that shorts could be worn if daily temperatures exceed the average by 10 degrees or maximum temperatures by 15 degrees." "Well that's all fine and good, but the last time I checked I didn't have any skirts in my closet. So how do we make this protest?" "I thought of that too. I talked with Tiffany and Bethany. They loved the idea, turns out they hate the old bag as much as we do. Something about old fashioned rules against makeup, jewelry, and stuff like that. But they promised they could get us each a skirt to wear. Sleeveless blouses too. That's another item, not gender specified in the rules. They were sure we were close enough in size that someone in their group would have a skirt to fit each of us. I mean, the only guy that they couldn't handle would be Donald, no girl is that tall or big. Now all we have to do is man up and do it." The guys had been pretty resistant, but now they understood the loophole. All of them crowded around Tommy's copy of the handbook. He took them line by line to show where the descriptions were and how skirts were not gender identified. The boys flipped back and forth through the pages, to be sure Tommy hadn't missed a heading, or sub-category. Finally, smiling at each other, as they began to agree with him, all seven boys committed to the plan. As a precaution, Tommy asked James to take the handbook back to his room, and go over it all again. If he found no flaws in the logic, then the Tommy would see Tiffany to get the skirts and sleeveless tops. He went around the room, and wrote down the boy's shirt and waist sizes so Tiffany would have what she needed. As they left his room, the boys were in high spirits. Rebellion was an exciting thing. Later that night, after getting the okay from James, the two of them met the girls in the visitors lobby of their dorm area. The school was set up with a wing for boys and a wing for girls. They branched off of a huge lobby at the entrance to the living quarters, but each wing had a small lobby where visitors could see the residents. Tiffany and Bethany were excited that the guys had decided to go through with the plan. Within 30 minutes, they had the skirts and tops the boys needed. They promised that those girls who provided clothes were sworn to secrecy, so the plan would be surprise to most of the school. After returning to their dorm, Tommy and James went to each boy's room and gave them their skirt and blouse. The plan was for all eight of them to meet in Tommy's room, get changed into the protest outfits, and entered the main hall just a minute or so prior to roll call. Mrs. Wilson had all students report to the main lobby prior to classes, just to be sure there were no unplanned absences. So the boys would make a grand entrance to maximize the effect of their protest. "How does everything fit? Everyone okay? I got to tell you, I can already feel better without those long pants and long-sleeve shirt. It does feel awkward to be so open between my legs, but I tell you this is really worth it. Old Mrs. Wilson is going to crap herself when she sees us. I'm sure she'll get mad and make us go right to her office. But once we show her what the handbook really says, then we'll have her. At that point we can negotiate a settlement so that we can wear cooler clothes if the weather is too warm. If everyone is good, we leave in a couple of minutes." Tommy looked at his crew. They did look silly. The skirts seemed so short and the shirts were much thinner than he had anticipated. But he knew it was worth it. With this action, he'd be fully established as the leader for senior year and since he's actions would benefit all the boys, he'd have their support. Plus, most of the girls would like how he stood up to the administration too. There might be something they wanted, so he'd likely be involved in that too. That would be good thing, too, in many ways. So, he could handle a little embarrassment if it all went according to plan. With the clock at two minutes to eight, they boys left his room. As they walked down the hall, he could feel the heat already ramping up. But in the loose, open skirt he felt cooler. The absence of sleeves and the wispy material of the shirt also felt better. This made him envy the girls. Probably the first time ever, he thought they had a better deal than boys. The crew made their way down the hall, two by two, and approached the steps to the main lobby. Tommy glanced at all the guys. He could see a couple were nervous, but no one was backing out. So with a big grin, he gave the signal to follow him and they went down the stairs. As he stepped into the room, the usual preliminary chatter of the students had already died down in preparation for roll call. Mrs. Wilson, flanked by the girls and boys dorm supervisors stood in the front, facing him. The students faced toward her, split evenly with girls on his left and boys on the right, with a wide corridor in the middle. They could not see the approach of the rebellious group down this corridor. But as the column of boys, led by Tommy and James in front, passed each row, the students could see them and their attire. Each row immediately responded to their presence. So a wave of chatter and giggles, only slightly suppressed, broke out among the students. The noise swept forward with each step the group made, gradually building in intensity. Their approach caught Mrs. Wilson's attention immediately, as they were already on the borderline of being tardy for roll call. But as she saw how they were dressed, she focused in on them. Ms. Kelly, the girls' dorm supervisor, let out a gasp as she saw them. Mr. Dunn, the boys' supervisor, grimaced and shook his head. He knew Tommy and his crew were high-spirited but he realized this stunt was crossing the line. As director of the summer school schedule, he mentally ran through how much disruption he'd face with the addition of eight more students. However, Mrs. Wilson remained calm and said nothing. She watched as Tommy and his crew made the way to the front and then slid down the row to their assigned spots. Mrs. Wilson insisted each student line up in the same row and spot every day for roll call. That way, with a quick glance, she and the supervisors could see if anyone was absent. Once they were in place, Mrs. Wilson looked back over the gathering of students who were still lightly murmuring, being constrained only by their fear of breaking her ban on talking during roll call. "It looks like we are all here, finally. Mr. Dunn and Ms. Kelly, unless you see any gaps, we can go on to the announcements." She stepped back to let the supervisors give out the usual updates regarding the school schedule, daily reminders, and the lunch menu. You could see they were confused at the lack of response by Mrs. Wilson to the cross-dressed crew, but they carried out their assignments. The students too seemed, stunned. They had expected an outburst from her, so they didn't know how to act either. Most surprised however, were Tommy and his friends. Hadn't she seen how they were dressed? Why isn't she ranting at them? When Ms. Kelly finished her announcements, she turned to look at Mrs. Wilson. She merely smiled and nodded, the normal signal for Ms. Kelly to send the students on to their classrooms. As they were dismissed, the students resumed to gossiping and seemed reluctant to leave given the boys obvious violation of rules. All of them wanted to talk with the conspirators, but no one was brave enough to speak up, even those boys standing next to them in the row. But without a scene to delay them, the students slowly began to file out of the lobby. Not knowing what else to do, Tommy and his friends did likewise. They had moved down their row, out to the wide center hallway. They were completely puzzled by the turn of events. They had never considered that Mrs. Wilson would fail to act at their appearance. So they had no plan of action for this. They had never imagined having to go through the whole day, dressed in skirts. Hell, they didn't even have any place for their school ID card, required to be on them at all times, their phones, or money they used to buy snacks at lunch from the vending machines. The damn skirts had no pockets. Their hands were already full of books, and so this other gear really complicated things. But as they gathered in the center aisle, looking at each other as if to see what the others would do, Mrs. Wilson approached them. Tommy had to suppress a smile, as he just knew the confrontation he had expected was about to occur. He mentally ran over his arguments, preparing to parry her attack. "Thomas, James...." The two boys turned to face her, their insides starting to tighten in anticipation of the battle. "Next time, don't cut it so close for morning roll call. I would hate to have to mark you tardy for being a few minutes late. Have a good day in class." With that innocuous remark, she passed them on the way to her office. The rebels were left standing there. Without a clue as to what had happened. A couple of the boys cursed Tommy under their breaths, and then they all slowly began to make their way to the school buildings where classes were held. They moved slowly, in a tight cluster, like a timid school of herring who were trying to disappear. James looked lost and leaned into Tommy to whisper. The others turned toward them. "What happened to our plan? Did the old hag not see how we were dressed? I don't want to go through all my classes like this. What can we do?" "Hell if I know what happened. She had to have seen us. I could see Kelly and Dunn both cringe when they spotted us. But I can't figure out what she's doing. You know the doors to the dorms will be locked shortly, so we can't go back and change now. We just have to gut it out and regroup at the end of the day." "Shit - you know we're going to get hammerd all day. The seniors will be merciless in teasing us and the last thing I want to do is have to explain what we're doing to everyone. One. At. A. Time." Tommy shook his head, and muttered something about trying times make you tougher. All the guys were scared, angry, and confused. But they realized time was short and picked up their pace, so they could get to class on time. They slowly split apart as they went separate ways. They each had different class schedule and wouldn't all be together again until last period, Junior-level English. As expected, it was a long, tortuous day. Each one was teased and questioned in between classes, even by students they didn't know very well. In class, they could hear the snickers and whispers beneath the drone of the teachers up front. None of the teachers said anything, but most shook their heads and had to suppress a smile when they saw any of the eight boys. By the time last period came around, all of them were broken down and humbled by their failed rebellion. They still didn't know how it failed or what to do next. As usual, they headed toward the seats in the last two rows, where they normally held court. But as they did so, the teacher, Ms. Erin called out. "Thomas, boys, I got a call from Mrs. Wilson. She wants to meet with you after my class. All of you go there as soon as the bell rings." The gloom of the day suddenly disappeared. Their plan might still work. It made sense now. Old wacky Wilson needed to time to try to figure out what they were doing. She had been caught so off-guard by their appearance, she couldn't react this morning. With the sudden turn of events, the boys looked at each other, nodded and smiled. When the bell rang, the gathered outside the class room and began to go to the administration building where Mrs. Wilson's office was. Tommy encouraged everyone to stand strong. He'd do the talking, and promised he'd negotiate a good resolution for all their effort. When they got to her office, they knocked. Her response to enter, was at the same tone and volume she normally spoke at. They opened the door, and moved in front of her desk. She sat in her chair, flanked by Kelly and Dunn. But unexpectedly, standing next to Ms. Kelly were Tiffany and Bethany. "Boys, I know you were disappointed that I wouldn't agree to let you wear shorts because of the heat, but that is no excuse for not wearing the required uniform. We expect you to follow the rules here at the Jennings's Academy, no exceptions. Now, Thomas,,," Tommy was ready now, and interrupted her to show her how we had followed the rules. That would begin the negotiations. "Excuse me, Mrs. Wilson, we did follow the rules as outlined in the Student Handbook. If you look there is no restrictions on wearing skirts or even the sleeveless tops. They are not identified as for girls only, so we did nothing wrong. But if you want to talk about a solution, I have a proposal." It felt great to put the old bag in her place. Especially with others, like Tiffany and Bethany, present. He actually wanted to continue, but hesitated briefly. Tommy thought she might pull out the handbook to check for herself. "Oh you're quite right. When we wrote the handbook, we assumed boys wouldn't want to wear a girl's skirt. But that's not your problem. You obviously checked to see if there was a loophole about shorts and found the skirts as an answer. But your violations in attire, are related to what the handbook says about wearing skirts. You must not have checked all the entries in later sections. So all day, you and your partners have been committing dress code violations. That severe a transgression normally results in a lengthy suspension. Coming now, it would prevent you from completing your spring class assignments and require your attendance at the summer sessions of the academy. Do you understand?" "I.., didn't see what you mean. How did we violate the dress code if it doesn't exclude boys from wearing skirts or sleeveless tops? What did we fail to do?" Tommy was panicked now. He didn't want to believe that they had somehow missed a requirement. I mean, he had poured over and over the handbook section on skirts. What didn't he see? The idea of spending the whole summer at this god-forbidden place was horrible. "Well dear, you needed to look at other sections. You see, the dress code for girls is much more specific and detailed than for boys. It doesn't just deal with outerwear for example. If you had looked at the section describing shoes you'd understand that boy's shoes weren't appropriate. Look at what Ms. Bethany and Tiffany are wearing. Do you see what I mean?" Tommy was confused. He looked at the girl's feet. All he saw was two pairs of shoes, girls' shoes, one black and one brown. Looking down at his, they seemed close enough. He looked over at Tiffany and then back at Mrs. Wilson, a bewildered expression on his face, slowly shaking his head no. Tiffany spoke up, answering Mrs. Wilson question as it was clear that Tommy didn't know. "These are called ballet, or dress flats. They usually have a slightly pointed or rounded toe, a low heel, a ? inch or so, and can have a band across the arch of the foot. Yours are oxfords and James has loafers. Neither are acceptable footwear with a skirt." At this point, Mrs. Wilson chimed in. "Add to that, all you boys are wearing crew-style socks. That meets your guidelines, but to wear a skirt, allowable styles are only knee-socks or tights, although they may be worn bare. Listen to the rule." With a skirt, the student may wear only full tights, knee high socks or stockings, or bare legs, if presentable. "You see, this is not a specification just for females, but applies to any student in a skirt. Wording for shoes is the same. So, all of you committed two dress code violations, one for shoes and another for socks. As for your top, you are again correct that the sleeveless blouse is not gender specific. But look at the girls and how they wear it. Maybe you can see the difference." Tommy was starting to sweat now, even in the skirt and top. He looked at Bethany and then Tiffany. Their blouses looked like his, but they had necklaces. Was that it? His lost look, prompted Bethany to speak up. "It's the underwear, silly. You have to wear something under a blouse. Didn't you see how sheer they are? I mean I can see everything, even your navel. We have to wear a camisole or bra, or both under these garments. We thought you'd know that. Tiffany told me you'd probably wear a tank top or something. God, you guys can be so dense sometimes." "Well we didn't expect you to rat us out. Why did you tell on us?" Tommy's outburst at the girls came from frustration. He could see his well-thought out plan collapsing in front of him, which made him mad. Mrs. Wilson just chuckled. "Oh she didn't turn you in, Thomas. I just figured you had to have had help with this idea. I knew none of the seniors would help an underclass student and you'd be to prideful to go to the sophomores or freshmen. That left only the junior girls. It was pretty easy to figure out, that you'd go to the two leaders of that group. Tiffany and Bethany told us what happened once I called them into my office at lunch. They had no choice but to cooperate, unless they wanted summer school too. So with your failure to wear an undergarment suitable for your blouse, you now have three code violations. But that's not all. If you look further, in the back of the book, under personal guidelines you'll see you missed another requirement. Here, let me read the section." When wearing a skirt or dress, the student must be well groomed. Acceptable practice is to remove noticeable hair and keep skin well moisturized. "A similar note is present for the use of short- or sleeveless tops. No one wants to see hairy armpits, or even forearms. That's one reason, it's specified that boys wear long-sleeve shirts." "But that's archaic. Girls should be allowed to not shave if they want." "Oh but Thomas, they can. The specifications regarding pants for girls, don't require shaving. However, they must wear what is called a 'shaper'. It's a restrictive garment designed to keep a girl's natural curves from being too loose or wiggly. I know it seems old-fashioned, but it was put in during a time when fashions for women were much more modest." "Why do you think, Tiff and I never wear jeans? I don't care how comfortable pants are, if you wearing Spanx or some other tight thing, it's more trouble than a skirt." Tommy didn't even respond. He felt horrible. All he could think about was his lost summer. His family had planned trips to Cancun and a sweep through some National Parks out west. Not to mention, just hanging out with his friends with nothing to do. He felt like he might throw up. "With your grooming violations, you now have five total demerits for your stunt today. We generally forgive one demerit, but after that you get a week's suspension for each one. That would easily take you past the end of spring term and require you to attend summer sessions to pass the junior grade and be seniors next year." At that point, one of the other guys groaned. Tommy looked over. They were all steaming mad. At him. That made summer school not seem like the worst part of the deal. He was sure no one would talk to him again for a long time. Any plans he had for a leadership role as a senior were shot. He felt lost. The blood had drained from his face and he felt like he might faint. He cast his eyes downward unable to look at Mrs. Wilson any more, but that was worse, because all he saw was that damn skirt. How could he have been so reckless? "Even though you've broken the rules and deserve a severe punishment, it would seem cruel to give you an incomplete and force the eight of you to attend a whole summer session. Luckily for you, Tiffany and Bethany have proposed a solution. Mr. Dunn who runs the summer sessions agrees with the proposal, as you don't really fit the profile of his summer students. All of you have good grades, have done sufficient community service work, and are generally good boys. Everyone makes mistakes and at Jennings Academy, we are not here to ruin students' experiences. So, if you agree, then the next two weeks you will adhere to the dress code guidelines appropriate for wearing skirts and sleeveless blouses. That will allow you to finish junior year on schedule and have a summer break as you had planned. I have a feeling an extended time in these clothes will impress on you the value of following the rules. Does that seem like a suitable solution?" Tommy couldn't believe the reprieve. All he could see was being an outcast and having to go to school virtually continuously for two years. He never imagined Mrs. Wilson being so considerate and forgiving. True, it sounded like they would have to dress like the female students. He could only imagine the teasing and taunting that he'd have to endure. Also, even if they weren't suspended, he'd expect some retribution from the other guys. But it was only for two weeks. Given the alternative, he would do it. He only had to glance quickly at the other boys, to see the relief on their faces. But before he could respond, James spoke up. "I think that will work, Mrs. Wilson. Thank you for being lenient with us. We will do whatever it takes to make up for this mistake." Tommy realized he would be paying more than the others, as he had lost any leadership role he had. It also dawned on him, that more than likely so had James, even though he was now taking the spokesman role for the eight boys. Likely, the other prominent junior students, Tiffany and Bethany would ascend to the senior president and VP roles next year. "That's good James. Now for the details of your punishment. You will have to meet all the requirements listed in the handbook for students who want to wear skirts and sleeveless blouses. The girls will help you borrow some items to meet those requirements. Tiffany and Bethany will canvas the other girls to find shoes to fit. Because most girls only have one or two pairs of dress flats, you'll have to use the shoes normally associated with more formal dress. These are high heel pumps. The handbook specifies a 'high-heel' but the exact height is left to the preference of the student. Thus, the heels include 2-, 3-, and 4-inch styles, and even 5-inch platforms, preferred by Ms. Tanner. Because the requirements for pumps include hose, you must meet that as well. Beyond shoes, the girls will help you with smaller details. Look to them for guidance and I expect you to do as they ask. Because some items are more personal, Ms. Kelly went out and purchased what you will need. Luckily, the school has emergency funds for each student to cover unexpected items. These items include the afore- mentioned hose and proper underwear. We had a pretty good idea of your sizes, based on the sizes of clothes you borrowed from the other girls. Of course, you'll have to do the proper hygiene and grooming requirements as outlined in the handbook. Ms. Kelly has what you need for this as well. Each of you get one bag with the items. Miranda will pass them out. Finally, prior to roll call each day, you will meet with Ms. Kelly for an inspection. I know this might seem unusual, but to be honest, I think it is a very appropriate solution to your episode. Jennings Academy and the staff have prided itself on teaching students valuable lessons both in class and out. This is that sort of lesson. Unless you have any questions, I'll let you get your accessory bags from Ms. Kelly and then you can be dismissed to the care of Tiffany and Bethany to be sure you're ready for roll call and classes tomorrow. I want to stress that you must follow what your female advisors say, as I can always institute a suspension." The boys formed a line to take a paper bag from Miranda Kelly. She had a sly smile and her eyes twinkled as each of them took one. You could tell the teachers would enjoy seeing their humiliation the next day at roll call. The boys' rebellion may have been aimed at Mrs. Wilson, but it also threatened the power of every teacher as well. So having the boys suffer a bit, would be a valuable lesson to all the Jennings Academy students. Everyone left the office, quietly and subdued, the boys following their new instructors, Tiffany and Bethany. The next 24 hours were going to be hell. Once the boys were safely out of ear shot of the teachers, Tommy wanted to cross examine the two girls. It seemed too convenient that Mrs. Wilson located them so easily. But he was cut off, as Tiffany turned to face them. He could see a determined look on her face, tempered by a know-it- all smirk. It was clear she was going to be demanding in her new role as an advisor. "Now pay attention, I want to be clear about this. Because of Tommy's arrogance and obvious ignorance, you boys are going to have to pay a price the next two weeks. But if you do exactly as we tell you and trust us to help you get through this, you will be okay. This stupid stunt put Bethy and me at risk too. If we hadn't been quick to think of this option, all of you would be spending the whole, long, hot summer in this place. So remember that, when we ask you to do something. If we feel you aren't being cooperative, then we'll just hand you back to Mrs. Wilson and she can implement her original punishment. First, things first. To meet the guidelines in the handbook, there are certain areas that must be kept free of hair. We don't want to take any chances on Ms. Kelly not being satisfied with your appearance. So, your entire body, with the exception of your private area or bikini area as we call it, will need to be shaved. That means underarms, chest, legs, and arms, everywhere. I assume most of you have a razor, even if you don't have to shave your face every day, but shaving your body is completely different animal. So we'll help you the first time, but after that you'll need to do it on your own. Once you are smooth then, we will help with your outfits. Since this is likely a new experience for you, I'll clue you in that it is easier to shave yourself, after soaking in a tub. That's one reason, our bathrooms include claw-foot soaking tubs. We'll arrange the area for your use in about 30 minutes, after we make sure no girls need it. Although she didn't say, I suspect Mrs. Wilson wants you in skirts for all remaining school activities, so I plan on having you dressed properly for dinner tonight." At this point, Bethany spoke up. She was smiling much more broadly, probably because she relished the opportunity to put a few boys in their place. Tommy had noticed when the boys went to her and Tiffany for help acquiring the skirts that she seemed to think they were making a mistake. It was like she saw how they might fail to comply with the associated requirements. But Tommy couldn't dismiss her off-hand, as he was intent on doing this right to avoid summer school. "Ms. Kelly told us she had purchased disposal razors for you, as well as two pairs of panties, hose, a camisole, and a bra. Because you are limited in what you have to wear, we will also show you how to hand wash them. That way, you can have a clean pair for the next day of classes. While you're shaving, Tiffany and I will make the rounds to find you shoes that fit. I also will try to find a second blouse for each of you. That can be hand washed as well. I want to reiterate what Tiff said, we expect you to follow our suggestions, whether you think it needs to be done or not. We feel like we went out on a limb with our proposal to Mrs. Wilson. We don't want to have it come up short and reflect badly on us. So expect us to go beyond the minimum standards listed in the handbook. We've both been at Jennings since middle school, and know Ms. Kelly quite well. She has a way of reading between the lines when it comes to standards for the girls. Now that you've joined us, so to speak, we will insist you exceed any and all requirements. Are we clear? " Now that their punishment was laid out, Tommy briefly considered whether summer school would be a better option. But he shook off that idea and reluctantly opened the bag Ms. Kelly had given him. The other guys were doing the same. Inside, the reality of what he would have to do hit him. He gingerly looked at the items in the bag. At the bottom was a package of disposal razors, in pink. There were two packages of tights, or more specifically, pantyhose. One was a nude shade and the other a darker style, both with a built-in control panty. The girl on the package looked like she was thrilled to be wearing them, but Tommy could only imagine how horrid they would be once he had them on. There were two pairs of panties. They looked incredibly small, in what he'd guess is a bikini style. One was white lace, in what felt like a stretchy material. The other was silky and covered in small pink and blue flowers. He could see the camisole was also white, in a stretch lace that matched one panty. The last item of clothing was the bra. It had solid white cups but the straps and band were a mix of blue and pink flowers, like the other panty. Tommy reached in to pick it up. Feeling the cups he could tell they were padded, as a sizeable amount of foam was hidden under the soft fabric. Realizing how they would look on him, he blushed. A quick glance around, showed he wasn't the only one embarrassed by their new attire. As if to break a spell, Tiffany spoke up again. "We'll meet you in the lobby of our dorm. I'd suggest you remain in your skirts and bring your bag along, so you can get dressed for dinner there. And boys, just relax. I see the shock on your faces and really, it won't be that bad. We wear these clothes all the time and once you get over the newness of it, these last two weeks will go by almost like normal. See you in a few minutes." With that, she and Bethany started out toward their dorm. Tommy stood there a moment, before stuffing his new underwear back in the bag. The guys reluctantly headed out to their dorm to drop off their books. Along the way, they talked, quietly. Thomas, knowing he had screwed up, apologized. The other guys, now that the shock had worn off and they realized they weren't going to lose their summer break, grudgingly accepted it. Although James, maned up and chimed in that no one had seen the possible problems, so they were all somewhat responsible for the failure. They quickly put the books in their rooms before gathering in the lobby of their wing. They slowly began to trudge toward the girls' wing, walking as if they were headed to an execution. Waiting for them, was Jennifer, a sophomore, who was notable as perhaps the giggliest girl at Jennings. As they approached her, Thomas looked at her a little differently. Before, he had seen her as cute, with a fun although sometimes annoying personality. Now he saw how her hair was styled, with loose curls flowing down either side of her face. She wore pale lipstick, a sort of pink shade that he now noticed matched her manicured nails. Her eyelashes were dark, in stark contrast to her very blonde hair. Her cheeks were also quite pink, which had to be some kind of makeup too, as her skin was generally pale. When she saw him, she giggled, of course, and then smiled broadly. "Hello Tommy, boys. I thought what you guys did today was great. I mean, too bad it failed and all, but I like how you made a statement. But don't worry, Tiffany explained it all to the rest of us and we'll be glad to step up and help you out. When we heard you were called to the principal's office, we thought you'd be gone for sure. The way you got out of summer school was really neat. I mean it may seem like punishment to you, but all the girls thought you'd pulled one over on old Mrs. Wilson. Who wouldn't trade getting to wear some cute clothes over a long, hot summer here? Anyway, Bethany assigned two girls to each of you. We are supposed to help you get ready now and then each day be sure you are prepared for class and everything. Tiffany told us, we couldn't really expect you boys to know how to do your hair or makeup, or even how to adjust your bra. It's just too bad that the rules are so restrictive on makeup. It be so much better for you if we could use foundation, eye shadow, liner and all that. But we'll make do with what we are allowed. We've set up the second floor bath, as your prep area, so follow me." Thomas and the others fell in behind her, quiet and subdued. He was disturbed by having 'personal' assistants assigned to him. It was going to be bad enough as it was, but having a couple of girls who thought it was going to be fun was almost too much. I guess that's one reason it took him so long to process what Jennifer said. Why were the boys of need of help with makeup and hair? Was that in the guidelines? "Jennifer, just a moment. You mentioned earlier about you helping us with makeup. Why would we need that, it's not in the handbook is it?" She turned to glance at him, giggling of course, as they finished the climb to the second floor and were right outside the bathroom. Her tendency to giggle at every moment, was already getting annoying. In his situation, it was like she was laughing at him. "Oh no, makeup is optional. The only thing mentioned is that certain items are not allowed. But don't worry girls at Jennings have long ago figured out what we can use. So you will be well within the restrictions." "It's not that so much, as to I would rather not use them at all. I mean if Mrs. Wilson doesn't expect them, then why do it?" "The way Bethany explained it, the final decisions are up to her and Tiffany. They want to be sure our dorm super, Ms. Kelly, doesn't see any issues with your appearance. I know from personal experience that if your appearance is not presentable, then she'll go critical. I actually had to go back to my room once before breakfast to fix up my look. But don't worry, Bethany assigned girls that had similar hair and skin colors to each of you. That's one reason Chauncey, you know her right, and I are your helpers. Bethany thought our blonde hair was close to yours, and we both have fair skin too. Since all the sophomore girls are on the second floor, each pair of roommates were assigned a boy to take care of. We were lucky to get you. It's going to be so much fun, I swear." Tommy still didn't understand why we were doing more than necessary, but Jennifer had moved on. As each boy came up the stairs, she directed them to a waiting pair of girls. He could see quickly how her description of matching similar looks came into play. When everyone was matched up, she told them that the schedule for bathroom time was posted. Finished with her official duties, she turned toward Tommy to whisper in a giggly tone, that James and him would be first to get ready. By then Chauncey, a tall willowy girl had moved next to him. Both girls had goofy grins on their faces. Tommy guessed this was quite a silly turn of events. Jennifer told him to follow them back to their room. He could get ready for my bath there. Entering their room, he felt a mix of emotions. All of the guys at Jennings had dreamed of entering one of the girls' private rooms. Of course, their intentions were entirely different in their imagination. They'd be there to explore the sexual pleasures that teenagers thought of all the time. But now, entering Jennifer's room meant crossing over to the other side so to speak. Tommy looked around nervously, as his heart raced. It was decorated in way that reflected both girls. Around Jennifer's bed were posters, decorative items, and personal notes that emphasized her attraction to boy singing groups and the latest fashions. Chauncey's bed was obvious too, as she played soccer and was in the drama troupe. Both interests, as well as a few photos of attractive pop stars surrounded it. The overall feel of the room was definitely feminine, as it had far more decorative touches than his room did. Minor things like coordinated bedding, window shades and a throw rug, were a far cry from his standard issue items. He had to admit, their room looked far homier and inviting than did the room he shared with James. The inviting nature of the room did nothing however, to quell his anxiety at what was about to happen. The click of the door being shut behind them, snapped him back to reality. Starting with a soft giggle, Jennifer began to explain the plan. "Since we have limited time to get all you guys ready before dinner, Bethany decided it would be quicker to have us shave you to save time. With two of us for each one of you, we can get you smooth and neat much faster. However, that meant we'd have to be in the bathroom with you. To avoid any privacy issues, she suggested that we put you in one of our swimsuit bottoms. That way you can soak in the tub, and we can shave you without anyone being embarrassed. The good thing is, you're about my size in the hips, so I've picked out a cute bottom for you to try on. It's small, but it should cover everything, I think." Tommy blushed at her suggestion, as she held up what he assumed to be the bottom half of her bathing suit. But it looked so small, it was hard to believe it would cover him. He reluctantly took it and held it in both hands to get a better look. It looked like two small triangles of fabric connected by strings on each side. How would that be big enough to keep him from being exposed? Chauncey must have read Tommy's mind. "I know it looks small, but that will make it real easy for us to shave you. I suggest you do an old acting trick male actors use when they play a woman. It's call tucking. You just manipulate your boy parts, so some go up inside you and you pull the rest back between your legs. Then you slide the bikini up your legs and the cloth holds everything tight against your crotch. That way, there won't be any unsightly bulges or you won't be tempted to get erect or anything. When you have it on, you can put on this robe to wear to the bathroom." Jennifer giggled at the last part making him feel really uncomfortable. It sounded painful, but Tommy didn't see any other options. The girls stepped out of the room, telling him to let them back in when he was decent. After they left, Tommy took off the blouse and skirt, laying them on Chauncey's bed. He then removed his underwear. Normally he would have expected to be hard at this point, being naked in a girl's dorm room, but the circumstances were so odd, that Tommy stayed soft. He stepped into the bikini and pulled it up to his knees. He more or less understood what Chauncey meant in her description, as he knew enough about his anatomy to realize that the testicles could withdraw into his body, usually under extreme situations like severe cold. Tommy gingerly began to push them around until he found where they slipped inside. He was a bit amazed at how easily they went in, so he quickly positioned his cock back between his legs and pulled up the suit. Once it was up around his hips, the thicker fabric of her suit, held it tight against his body. A quick glance at the suit made Tommy blush again. There was no bulge or protrusion, just a small mound between his legs. It was as if he really had a girl's pussy and not a cock and balls. How could he show this to the girls? He was about to move his junk around, when Tommy heard a soft knock on the door. Jennifer's giggly voice asked if he was decent and she slowly opened the door. As they walked in, she giggled harder and Chauncey softly gasped. "That looks amazing, so flat and smooth down there. I had heard about it, but never seen a boy do it before. This will be perfect. Here slip on the robe, we need to get started. We have a lot to do to get you ready for dinner, and we aren't allowed a lot of time in the tub." While she slipped the robe on Tommy, Jennifer grabbed the bag of razors from the paper bag and in one smooth motion, picked up his briefs and dropped them in her trash can. It was like she was making a statement about his manhood being tossed aside for the next two weeks. They quickly lead him down the hall. He could see another pair of girls escorting James ahead of him. Inside the bathroom, they took Tommy to one of the tubs. It was already full of warm water, so they slid the robe off, as he stepped in. The warm water felt good, but Tommy was nervous as he knew it was just the precursor to being shaved smooth. He could see James was nervous too, but it was too late to say anything. Within minutes, Jennifer told Tommy it should be ready to start. They had him stand up with Chauncey behind and her in front and they smoothed on some sweet-smelling gel foam. With his upper body covered, they both began to shave. Once Chauncey finished Tommy's back, which had little hair, she had him lift up his arms. By the time Jennifer had shaved his chest and stomach, his underarms were also smooth. They then each took one of his arms to remove the fuzz from them. By now, Tommy could see how removing even the small amount of hair on his body, changed his appearance. His chest didn't have muscular pecs or other big muscles, but now the slight mounds on Tommy's chest looked more like breasts than a boy's body. But again, he had little time to think about it, as they had him sit back down in the water to soak his legs. Tommy glanced toward the other tub and could see James was being done the same way. After a few minutes of soaking, Tommy had to lift both feet out of the water. Each girl took one, shaving his ankles and part way up the calves. When they were done, he was told to stand up again. They each took the same leg, Chauncey shaving the back and Jennifer the front. Once that one was done, they switched to the other. It was like clockwork, and didn't take long at all, other than having to rinse the hair off the razors, to complete the job. But before Tommy could ask if they were done, Chauncey grasped the sides of the swimsuit to pull it up higher on his torso. That revealed both more of his ass cheeks, and the pubic hair on either side of where his cock normally was. With a subtle giggle, Jennifer began to trim that area. Chauncey also started to shave the curve of his cheeks. He wanted to protest that they had done enough, but his embarrassment had gotten the best of him and by now all his resistance was gone. When they felt he was smooth enough, they had him dunk down in the tub to rinse off any remaining hair before stepping out. They took large, fluffy bath towels to dry him off, while the tub drained. Once Tommy was dry, they gave him the robe to put back on. Turning him around to face the tub, Jennifer handed Tommy a large sponge. "Here you need to wipe off the inside of the tub. Rules require each girl to leave it clean for the next one. Since you're now one of us, at least for two weeks, you need to follow our dorm rules too When it's done, go ahead and slip off your swimsuit. It needs to be rinsed in the sink and hung up to dry." The whole process was just another humiliating step. Heading back to their room, naked beneath his robe made the once brash boy feel really vulnerable. It was embarrassing to admit, but Tommy was glad when Chauncey reached into the bag and took out the flowered panty. She held it up, in both hands, spread open so you could see the design. He heard Jennifer, of course, giggle. Looking him in the eye, with a smirk on her face Chauncey gave them to Tommy. "Here slip these on. Just be sure to tuck like you did your suit. Once you're in your panties, we can fit your bra. It may take a little adjustment, but seeing how your chest looked in the tub, I imagine you can fill out your cups okay. If not, I'll show you a trick younger girls use to get enough shape to their bust. It was painfully obvious today that your blouse was ill-fitting without the right stuff up top. We don't want to have any of that going forward." "Tommy, those are so cute. I love the pretty flowers and that design will fit you perfectly. I have a pair like that, with the narrow sides. That hug you tightly and ride low on your hips. Also because they're what's known as a tanga style, they have minimal fabric in back, which keeps them from riding up on you. Best of all, you won't have to worry about visible panty lines, because you'll be in a skirt." He looked over at her, trying to decide if she was teasing or what. She giggled at everything, so it was hard sometimes to tell if she was being truthful or not. Tommy finally decided she was just being honest. Chauncey's actions however really surprised him, because he didn't know her much at all. He really hadn't interacted with her in class. Tommy wasn't normally attracted to taller, slimmer girls, so he hadn't even talked to her outside the classroom either. But the way she mocked him about his chest, caught him off-guard. He decided for some of these girls, getting to torture us guys was fun. But he kept his mouth shut, and just stepped into the underwear. Tommy slowly pulled them up his legs, trying not to let the robe fly open. Seeing as neither girl was going to look away, he turned so he could adjust himself, trying to be as subtle as possible. This time his balls went inside his body even easier than before. He held the cock back as he finished by pulling the panty all the way up. Even with them pulled tight to his crotch, Tommy felt partially naked. The cutoff the panty left both sides wide open, and the rear material only went part way over each butt cheek. The front was also so narrow that it was right at the edge of the small amount of pubic hair the girls had not shaved. He felt like if he hadn't tucked, that there wasn't enough fabric in front to cover it all. That made him wonder why Ms. Kelly had bought such skimpy panties. Once they saw Tommy had the panty on, Jennifer reached to remove his robe. Chauncey handed him the bra, still with that smirk on her face. "Although it may seem hard to put on and take off, it really is easy to do. First wrap it around your body, with the clasp in front. That way you can hook it together. Then, slide it around until your cups are in front. At that point, most girls kind of lean forward so their boobies fall into the cups as they pull up the straps. For you, we just need to pull up the straps. I can then adjust them if needed. Go on try it." Tommy did as she described, only it took a bit more to figure out how to position the bra. It had to be set up so when you moved it around to pull up the cups the band wasn't twisted, or backwards. But once he got it lined up right, it went on easy. He always knew there had to be some sort of trick girls used to put them on. The one time Tommy had made out with a girl and tried to unhook her bra it seemed like a Chinese puzzle. But she took one hand, made a simple move, and pop it was off. With the straps on across his shoulders, Chauncey studied him a second, before adjusting the little metal thingy that let out more fabric to make the strap longer. That allowed the cups to be aligned better over his nipples. When she was done, she stepped back. Her smirk was really irritating him now. Tommy felt his face blush. This was even worse than the panties. Mostly because the small mounds on his chest actually filled a good portion of each cup. He would have really preferred to be flatter, so it wouldn't look like he might actually need a bra. But Chauncey seemed pleased, as her smirk broadened into a smile. She then reached over to her desk and lifted up two oval, rubbery looking pads. "I thought you might need a little help, although you do fill out most of your cups. These are little silicone helper pads. I borrowed them from one of the freshmen, who had a couple pairs. I think most every girl, except those that developed really quickly have used these at some point when they're younger. We sometimes call them chicken cutlets, as they look like boneless chicken a little." Chauncey actually giggled at that point, the first time she'd done that all day. But what she did next really surprised him. She reached into the bra cup, sliding her hand around the nipple toward his arm pit so she cupped his small mound. She then pulled the handful of flesh toward the center of his chest. With her other hand she placed the silicone pad into the cup, so it rested on the side closest to his arm. She released the breast, removing her hand, so the little mound settled on top of the pad. It felt cold at first, noticeable to the touch. With no hesitation, Chauncey repeated the move on his other breast. When she removed her hand from the bra cup, she giggled again, joined this time by Jennifer. Tommy glanced down at his chest. What he saw horrified him. With the pads in place to augment the small mounds on his chest, Tommy now had noticeable cleavage. Plus, the combination of the padded bra, silicone inserts and his own flesh had filled out the cups completely, producing two definite mounds that for all purposes looked just like a girl's breasts. "Oh Chauncey, you done a wonderful job. You've given Tommy her own little boobies. That will look so much better in her blouse. Don't you think they look great Tommy? I was pretty sure we could make you look better, but this is even better than I hoped. But we need to move on, we still have your hair and makeup to do. But first, we've got to do something about your nails. I can see from here, they are too rough as they are." He was still reeling from how much his chest looked like a girl's now, but her mention of my nails, ratcheted up his concern. Certainly, he didn't need anything done to them did he? "Nails? Why do I need to do anything to my nails?" Both girls looked at each other, but refrained from giggling, at least. Jennifer looked back to him, and reached out to take his hand. Holding it, she held it up between our faces, so Tommy could look closely at it. "See how rough your nails are? I can see it from here. They're in desperate need of trimming and filing to give them a smooth finish. I could tell when I shaved your legs, that your feet have callous and lots of dead skin. Not to mention how horrible your cuticles look. I know it may not seem necessary as a boy, but for a girl you have to have smooth, soft feet and nick-free nails. Both finger and toe. The main reason is not appearance, although you will look nicer. It is a necessity if you plan on wearing hosiery. The slightest little edge, rough patch, or even a hang-nail can snag your pantyhose and create a run. That would ruin them. You only have two pairs to last the next two weeks. That may seem like plenty, but believe you me, it only takes a second to ruin a pair. Bump into something poking out from a desk, or door frame and you have a snag. A little snag can turn into a long run that ruins the look of any hose. Ms. Kelly would never let you go to class like that. So the first thing we have to do, is make sure your nails aren't going to be a problem. Luckily since you've just soaked in the tub, they should be easy to do. While we're at it, we'll remove your callous too. That way you can safely put them on and wear them with confidence." With her decision justified, Jennifer took Tommy by the hand and pulled him to it on her bed. She and Chauncey both grabbed a chair and sat in front of him. Much like they had shaved him, each took a hand and did a quick manicure. Tommy's nails were not really long, coming just to the ends of his fingertips, but after they gave them an oval shape and pushed back the cuticles they looked more feminine. When she finished, Chauncey switched to his foot, lifting it up on her lap while she used a pumice stone to remove calluses and repeated the nail treatments she had used for the fingernails. He was so occupied by what she was doing, that Tommy didn't notice Jennifer. She was still holding his hand and it was a few seconds before he noticed her making slight movements. He looked at what she was doing in horror - she had painted the nails of his little and ring fingers and was starting to do the middle finger. Tommy jerked in surprise, but she had grasped him firmly. "What are you doing? You didn't mention polish." "Oh just relax. What's the point of doing a manicure without finishing it with polish? It will you're your nails stronger, helping prevent any splitting. Besides, this is just a soft nude color. It should go well with any outfit. I mean you're already sitting there in pretty lingerie, and you're going to be wearing makeup, skirts, hose and heels. You can't really be upset if we want to complete your look, can you?" Jennifer resumed her work, without even waiting for a reply. Still surprised, Tommy couldn't come up with a real reason not to do them. She was right, he had enough feminine trappings that a little polish wouldn't be much more. He could tell this was right up her alley, as she smoothly applied a full coat to each nail, quickly finishing both hands. By then, Chauncey had finished one foot, wedging the toes apart with a foam divider, and Jennifer moved to do his toenails as well. Within 10 minutes, she had two coats of color and a clear overcoat on all 20 nails. By then, Tommy had become self-conscious of how his body looked in the underwear. Sitting on the bed, with his arms close to his sides, added even more push to his boobs and created more realistic cleavage. The flat front of his panties was just like any girls'. He was so ready to get his blouse and skirt on, that he no longer thought of protesting whatever the girls wanted to do next. When she finished, Tommy looked over at the clothes next to him on the bed. "Can I get dressed now? It's a little awkward sitting here in underwear." "Not yet, I want to get your makeup done, while Chauncey looks to see if she can do anything with your hair. Besides, you have to put your pantyhose on before your blouse and skirt and I want to give your nails more time to harden. Just change places with me, and sit in this chair. That way I can sit on the bed to do your face, while Chauncey works on your hair." He made move she requested. Jennifer stood up, and went to get her makeup. Chauncey already had a brush in her hand and was toying with his hair. Tommy had adopted a style current for teenage boys. It was not particularly long, at least on the sides and back. But it had long hair in front, swept across the forehead from a side part. It gave him a shaggy, sort of surfer dude look, or at least he thought so. Chauncey was brushing it different ways, as if she was seeing what might work. When Jennifer returned with her makeup bag and sat down on the bed, she looked at her. "Got any ideas? At least he doesn't have a buzz cut, huh." "I think I see something that might work." With that, Chauncey combed all of Tommy's hair forward. It fell across his face, easily going past his nose, from one ear to the other. He couldn't see what she was doing, but felt her part his hair across his head, just a little bit off the forehead. She brushed it back and used a couple of clips to keep it from falling forward. The way she had it combed, he could feel it just reach the nape of his neck. But what she did next really surprised him. Tommy saw scissors cut his hair, directly in front of his eyes. The resulting couple of snips cause a big swatch of hair to fall down in his lap, opening up his view. A couple more snips, on the side and back, and with the use of a small hair trimmer to tidy up the hairs on the back of his neck, Chauncey finished her work. She seemed satisfied. Tommy could tell from Jennifer's' expression that she liked it too. "That looks cool Chauncey. How did you think of that?" "I just have a knack for styling short hair. In soccer, you either wear your hair long enough to put in braids during a game, or short to keep it out of your eyes. Tommy's hair wasn't long anywhere but in front, although from the way he had it combed it didn't seem that long. But a simple part and cut to give him bangs, while shaping his sides and back in a staggered bob is a perfect choice. In fact, I wore my hair that way in middle school because it was so easy to do. Take a look Tommy. What do you think?" Chauncey held up a mirror so Tommy could see her handiwork. He was stunned. By simply parting his hair side to side rather than front to back, she could comb most of it back toward his neck and over his ears. The hair that had been combed forward and cut, now stopped right at his brows from the outer corner of one eye to the next. But longer hair remained on each side to frame the face. These side pieces were the longest part of his hair, as the length quickly shortened as it went to the back of the head. Tommy had seen this kind of hairdo on girls before, and he always thought they looked cute. Sexy in fact. But having my face surrounded by it, was disturbing. Both girls seemed really please by it and Chauncey used some light hair spray to keep it in place. In a matter- of-fact manner, she told him that once he shampooed it and let her set it so it could dry properly, the style would be easy to maintain. Seeing how radically the new hairdo changed my appearance, made him realize how far into a girl's look he had gone. Tommy feared how much further they would push him by applying makeup. "Chauncey, Jennifer, this is much more of a change than I expected when I agreed to follow the handbook regulations for wearing a skirt. No one mentioned get a girl's haircut, polishing my nails, or even going so far with shaving my body. The way you've taken everything to the limit is far more than I expected. Is this really necessary? Can't we please come to a more moderate look? I'm worried about what everyone will say when they see me like this. How can I go back to the boys' dorm looking this way? I'm begging you please." They could both see how traumatic the process was for him, but they looked at each other, not sure what they could do to stop it. Chauncey continued to toy with his hair, and Jennifer took a Kleenex she had for her makeup application, and dabbed at the corners of his eyes to get the tears welling up there. Tommy was now so embarrassed by showing them how scared he was by all this. Jennifer leaned in closer to him, as if her presence would soothe his concerns. "Tommy, I know this seems radical to you. But really everything we've done for you, is to make it easier. Rather than be some half-way, sort- of-insulting interpretation of a girl, you'll look authentic. You won't just be a dumb boy in a skirt. You won't be just fodder for others to tease

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Katie's BrotherMatt was five foot eight, maybe about two hundred pounds, short blond hair and blue eyes. Matt had a few tattoos but the one in the back of his neck was evident that he was a rebel and did not care what anyone else thought. He had a bad boy look about him which I found very sexy. I have always been attracted to bad boys. A bad boy with cutest dimples. No, not cute, sexy. They were sexy. He was what some women would consider “cute” but to me, he was handsome. He was intriguing. He...

2 years ago
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You Be Woman Now

YOU BE WOMAN NOW by Joanna Michelle I was naked in a cage. Through the wooden bars I watched her every move. She was magnificent. She defeated all the males of her tribe in event after event. Foot race, spear throw, wrestling match, in all contests she finished triumphant. At last, as her final opponent was left crawling in the dust, she jumped up with a wild yell. She picked up a spear and a shield and danced around the fire. Her powerful muscles gleamed in the...

1 year ago
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Very Special Birthday

As a single parent, he did his best to provide a well-rounded home life for his daughter. He tried hard to be her friend and her father and it worked. She trusted him, kept no secrets from him and never failed to ask his opinion or advice when making an important decision. He was proud of his girl and she knew it. It came as no shocking surprise when on the eve of her 13th birthday she asked for birth control pills. "You planning on a big orgy for your birthday princess?" He jokingly...

2 years ago
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Die Wahrsagerin

Ingrid ist eine lebenslustige Frau Mitte 50. Wie ist immer auf Achse und hat viele Freundinnen in der Stadt. Durch ihre unruhige Art, gepaart mit ihrem Interesse für Mode und Kosmetik, geht sie doch vielen ihrer Bekannten auf die Nerven und eine dauerhafte Beziehung entweder zu einem Mann oder einer Frau konnte sich so nicht aufbauen. Ingrid achtet sehr auf sich, geht regelmäßig ins Nagelstudio und zum Friseur, und das alles noch mit der Erbschaft ihre Eltern. Denn ernsthaft hat sie nie...

3 years ago
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My First Threesome

Henry opened the door in response to my knock and when he saw me, a big smile lit up his face. I couldn’t help but be pleased at his reaction – even though there had been a couple of emails and phone calls back and forth, this first meeting was nerve-wracking. He stepped back and waved me in, bending down to take my knapsack from my hand as I walked by. It was a nice house in a quiet neighbourhood, never giving away what would be going on inside. A sweet, portly woman with beautiful, flowing...

Group Sex
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 42 Burn It To The Ground

Althouse College Gymnasium, London 9:11pm, Friday, December 28, 1979 When I pulled into the parking space reserved for us behind Althouse College, a security guard came running up to my deep purple Barracuda. As Wayne and I got out, this rotund man yelled, “Hey! That spot is reserved for members of the band playing, tonight. You’ll have to find some other place to park.” “If this spot is reserved for the band,” Wayne calmly replied as he walked to the front of my car, “then we’re in the...

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PenthouseGold Joanna Angel Desperate For Dark Dong

Tattooed honey Joanna Angel is getting an X-rated massage from well-endowed hunk Jax Slayher in this raunchy Penthouse interracial porn scene. He licks the Milf’s puffy pussy, making her scream with pleasure and beg for a fucking before the busty sex pot gives him a blowjob, struggling to get his massive cock in her hungry mouth. The filthy femme fatale fingers her clit as he bends her over doggy style to pound her from behind until he fills her up from every angle and cums over her wet...

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Our Fashion Show

I suppose this story really began when my husband of fourteen years, a professor at a local university, walked out on me one day for one of his students, leaving my ten-year-old daughter Kim and I to fend for ourselves. God, it was hard, learning how to manage as a single mother. But I was lucky enough to get a job I could do from home, so I could still be on hand to raise my little girl. And Kim, bless her, was a wonder – helping me out in every way she could, always giving me the...

4 years ago
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By Jax_Teller©2017 The crew I was working with were mostly retarded red neck type good old boys who never grew up. I had just done three tours with the Marine corps in Afghanistan. I was 6' 6” 200 lbs and was working new home construction as a crew leader. I was happy to be working but knew this wasn't my end game. Working kept me physically fit and the money wasn't bad. I resisted getting involved in any romantic relationships while I was active duty and had left for boot camp three...

2 years ago
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The Mulberrys Nanny Part 1

“You must be Miku,” she said holding out her hand. I shook her hand, “Yes I am, and you must be Ms. Mulberry.” “Sharon is fine.” “Ok Sharon it is.” She sat me down on her soft velvet like couch. She served me a drink of water and asked me about myself. Like how old am I, have I had a job like this before, what was life like in Japan. I answered all of her questions, mostly with nods and uh huhs. “You speak great English!” “Why thank you,” I repled. “My writing and...

2 years ago
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Carol Part Five

Carol had spent most of the previous night detailing her sexual history. I had told her that her disclosures were not something I needed to know, but she had insisted that I know about her past activities and slide into sexual addiction. Her words, not mine. She wanted to be frank and open at the outset of this new relationship. As well, the telling of her personal secrets to someone she was learning to trust was a continuing and necessary part of her on-going therapy. The underlying message...

3 years ago
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Meeting A Gorgeous Aunt In Hyderabad

Hello readers, I’m a big fan of ISS. It is my daily routine of reading stories over here and getting self-satisfied. I’m an average dusky guy working in an MNC of age 26 years. I’m average built with a 7-inch long tool in my pants which can satisfy any women. I would like to share my own story which happened with me here in Hyderabad. All this happened 6 months back. I always had a strong attraction to mature women. I had installed tinder which is famous for dating as you all know. My luck was...

4 years ago
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Bus Route Four

Everyday I would ride bus route four home from work. I would get on the bus at the same time everyday give or take a few minutes. A couple of times I have came out and the bus was pulling off and as a ran after it the bus would stop and I would get on from the back. I admit this bus driver was the sexiest bus driver I had ever seen. As he rode me home everyday I would just think about what his life was like after he got off the bus. One day I was early getting off work and as he pulled up I...

1 year ago
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E125 The Beginning Of A New Life Together

Donald wants to talk to Emma about something that evening when they reach home after the celebration, but he realizes it should wait until morning.  Especially when their passion from seeing the couple at the Institute and just the joy of the whole evening overtakes them.They can’t get undressed fast enough.  When Donald sits on the side of the bed, pulling his pants off, Emma plops on his lap, her legs on each side of him.  She jerks his prick quickly to get it hard and then slides it into her...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Failures of PerfectionChapter 4

While sipping on her latte she imagined her being with GIS and what she knew about her future job. Then she remembered Jeanette’s revelation about the martial arts training, realizing her wardrobe was lacking any appropriate and suitable attire. Remembering the spark in Janette’s eyes when she had admitted she had no experience in any kind of martial arts made her feel excited, knowing she was going to learn something new. Natalia thought that Jeanette looked amazing and she was actually...

2 years ago
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The Syntax of Seduction

Copyright© 2003 by Carlos Malenkov Can anyone be more lonely than a shy linguist? Josiah Finn loved language more than life. To him the spoken and written word was a feast of complex intellectual delights. Studying linguistics gave his existence direction and purpose. It shielded him from the messiness of relationships with his fellow humans. It filled his hours and his days and provided him with everything he needed. Almost everything. He was lonely. He craved human touch. He needed the...

4 years ago
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Eve Chapter 1

You see those successive rolls of the dice ended in what you know as Adam. Evolution is meant to grow in very small steps. But God got lazy. He pushed the limits a bit and messed with the rules of the craps table. Normally those small steps let the next step still procreate and continue. But Adam was to big a step, and male. So he should have been the first and the last. But God was so proud of Adam. So in order to keep humanity alive He made me. There are a few truths in the Bible. Though...

2 years ago
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Im Dreaming of a Gray ChristmasChapter 6 Hogmanay

The party was already in full swing when they arrived and the band was mobbed as they walked into the middle of it. Robbie found himself grabbed by Laurie and dragged over to a couch. He was deposited between the twins and then Laurie and Kate took a knee each, cuddling in to his chest. One of the twins put a bottle of beer into his hand but it was somewhat redundant, as Robbie had no easy route to his mouth with all the girls surrounding him. Laurie snuggled up to him and whispered in his...

2 years ago
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Jessica and Owen Chapter 1

  I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his trousers. I slid them down his legs so they were piled around his ankles. I looked at his beautiful cock and took it into my hand. I kissed his thighs and the his tip. Once it was hard I stood up and began to kiss his lips. He nibbled on my in return. I kissed his down his cheek to his neck where I continues to kiss and every once in a while would run my tongue over his skin. I then moved to his ear where I began to gently nibble on his lobe. I ran my...

1 year ago
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Painful Piano Lesson

Looking back now, I can hardly believe that my parents agreed to me being spanked by my sexy piano teacher. I chose to learn the piano when I was 11, thinking I would soon be able to play all the latest pop music. I was still being made to play proper piano pieces and it wasn’t cool for a 16 year old boy to play the piano so I decided to give it up. My Dad had other ideas and insisted that I continue with the lessons as it would be another ‘positive’ on my university applications. I might...

1 year ago
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Carpet Cleaners Young Wife Part 1

Introduction: Introduction Jim meets a married couple who want to have a baby to get more welfare. The young girl is very immature and somewhat retarded but very horny. Jim was looking at porn videos as he started his evening jackoff session and came across a video of a dumb bitch getting screwed by several guys. The girl reminded him of Yolanda that he had knocked up last year. The video triggered all his memories of the strange incident with the dumb married couple who lived near him. They...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Fun

One day when I was really horny, well lets face it I always am, but this particular day I knew what I was going to do. I was really horny as I said, I wanted a dildo in my ass, I had just finished shaving my cock, and it was a gorgeous California day in LA. I had the weekend off and I had a visitor coming over to my house. One that I jacked off in front of many times before. My ex-wifes niece. She was a little freak and she had been fucking guys since she was 15. I had been cumming in front of...

2 years ago
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The LottoChapter 6

I saw Brad three times the next week and he was upbeat. I asked him, generally, about Patty and he only offered that they got along great and that he had no problems with anything as it was. I didn't hear from any of the girls until Mandy called me on Thursday and said she was dropping over in the afternoon. When she came in, she seemed a little down, but chatted brightly about Patty and her classwork, in which she said she had a great project the details of which went right over my...

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Buddys Mom Chapter 5 6

CHAPTER 5 “Batching it isn’t all that it’s cut out to be,” I  thought. My dad had left a to-do list that kept me pretty much occupied. The gardener still came once a week to do the flower beds, but it was up to me to take care of the grass and clip the shrubs. Their new maid, Angela, tidied up on Wednesdays and did some of the laundry, but he would rather wash his own underwear than have her messing with them. Some days, I aimlessly wandered around the house, and poked into my Dad’s den. I had...

3 years ago
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Constant in All Other Things Chapter 03

Constant in All Other Things Chapter Three by Fakeminsk Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent -Much Ado About Nothing Amanda Lang. God, what an amazing chick. Screw that--woman. Chicks are the silly little things you pick up at the bar and bring home for a night's fun and forget about soon after....

2 years ago
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The sound of air rushing past her ears and the sensation of the wind in her dark blond hair almost made Kristal believe that she herself was flying. But the comfort of strong arms around her body kept those beliefs at bay. The sights she saw as she raced high across the sky invaded her eyes and flared her imagination. ‘This is beautiful,’ she shouted above the whistling air. She spoke to the one that carried them on their flight. The only person that could fly without the help of any man-made...

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Angel of Desire Ch 02

Celina broke into a frantic run, snatching her linen gown before darting into the forest. She could hear the man crashing through the woods after her. Her heart was pounding madly. No one ever came into the forest, even though the river ran straight into it. The villagers all believed it was haunted. The secluded waterfall had been her haven since she was ten and first started venturing out on her own. Having her special place discovered, and being watched while she… while she… Well, she felt...

4 years ago
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Catle busenstien

*********** The rusted out old car had whined and spluttered for over a 100 miles. The east European Trabant was famous for two reasons. Firstly for being mass produced on a scale Henry Ford would be envious of, and secondly for being crap. This Becky had learnt all too soon after parting with her cash. A hundred dollars seemed a bargain for her own transport, after all the buses and local trains were almost non existent. However over a day at 30 miles an hour with little suspension and...

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Getting Clyde

Grabbing the phone and answering with my usual “What’s up” to which Clyde replied “My Dick”, a long pause ensued as I turned red trying to think of what to say with Mom not 10 feet away. That’s great I remarked, turning my back to the room where Mom stood ironing cloths. “Why don’t you come down, moms at work and I have some great new mags my uncle left. We can get naked, look at them and jack off” said Clyde. Jacking off with Clyde was nothing new, we had been doing it for a long...

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Second ChanceChapter 1

Death came barreling at me in the form of an overloaded vegetable truck. My brain was even more overloaded as the reality of it hit me. I'd lived this exact scene before and FAILED to survive. In a moment I would be dead ... again. In fact my deadness would lead to all sorts of aliveness, which, if history really is repeating itself, would lead to a lot more deadness. So ... though I was alive, right now, I would be very dead in just a few moments. Really. Truly. Dead. R.T.D. The...

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The All or Nothing Game

THE ALL OR NOTHING GAME Eva converged with Fate at a crucial point. She got a terrific offer, and now she was on her way to her life’s adventure! She was to join the world tour of Julian Woolfe!! One man’s loss is another man’s gain as they say. Eva Sanderson knew that, but the harsh reality of it was nonetheless hard to accept. And as always, in moments of crisis, she went back home to Granny to talk it over with her and get her advice. Back home was in South Dakota, somewhere on the...

1 year ago
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No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded A Cops Story

I was a newbie, a rookie cop finishing up my field training when I was confronted with an ethics situation that would test my worthiness as a police officer. It wasn’t something I am proud to write about, but I am telling the story to relieve my anxiety and hopefully paint a picture that us cops are not bad guys, just real people with human frailties. We try to be perfect in our character and at work, but even the best cop has an off day.As a uniformed cop, most of my days were pretty mundane,...

Group Sex
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Not Got A Name Update

Yes I did just sort of accept the fact that I no longer had a life, There was one little niggle that did bother me then and to this very day (even though it's only been a few of them) still does, The same question I keep asking myself over and over again *Why haven't I moved on*, Yeah so that is still something I would like to know but we will leave it for now I guess you are probably wondering what I did for the next few days that would bring us to this present day, Well I know you will...

3 years ago
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24 ChristmasesChapter 14

Cherise is wiping down the bar when the door opens and a handsome man walks in. A guy at the bar lifts his hand in the air, catching her attention, but it isn’t for her, it’s for the guy that just entered. She is about to go back to cleaning when that wave does turn into a signal for her. “Two beers please,” he says, gesturing toward his advancing brother. “One for each of us, please.” Cherise grabs two from below the bar and pops both caps. By the time the new arrival is sitting down, she...

1 year ago
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Washing Day Procrastination Part 5 Finale

PART 5 You’d have to agree that cookies are bloody fantastic. So many different shapes, flavours and textures and full of sweet, sweet sugar ,o) . Now if you found the one perfect, best tasting, mouthmelting, senfukensational, ultimate cookie in the world, it would be fair to assume that your appetite would be satiated and you would be happy dipping that one ultimate cookie in your coffee forever, to the exclusion of all others, right? Not so, my friend. Variety is the spice of life, and I –...

2 years ago
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Mi VidaChapter 21

Dave's turn: We have Carlita registered for college, major to be determined. We had a long talk. The local school board was willing to foot the costs of some of her college if she promised to teach when she graduated. Carlita's not stupid. She talked with Pat, my sister, who IS a teacher in public school. "My students WANT to be in my classes," Carlita said. "Pat's students, some of them do NOT want to be in school. I am not ready for a life of dealing with that." So me being a...

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Pizza Delivery With Extra Cream

Well, I was halfway through the shift and was just finishing my break when an order came through. So after waiting for the order to be processed, I got all my gear and went off in the car, I was actually making some decent time as for once all the lights seemed to go my way. If I had known what was going to happen later, I may have bought a lotto ticket, haha. I pulled into the end of this street and was just looking for the number of the house. Most of the houses were pitch black. Well, seeing...

Straight Sex
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The Promotion She Deserves Part One

Two fucking percent! Rebecca couldn't believe what she was reading. The letter had been dropped off at her desk via courier, she'd been expecting something extravagant. Truly, even one else was seeing spikes in annual pay since the merger, why was she shown such poor love!Despite the bad news, there was still work to be done today. Rebecca paged her assistant to join her in the office, Penny came as quickly as she always did. Her black skirt hung just below her knees, hiding away most of her...

Office Sex
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 29

Tabby and Collie were there. They gave us an appraising look as we came up from the basement, Lana having been crying, but looking more happy than upset, my pep-talk having boosted her mood. “Hi,” I said lightly. “What’s up?” “I wanted to apologize again for dinner,” Tabby said and I could tell she wasn’t going to let it go. “Okay,” I said. “I’ve already forgiven the slap,” I told her. “Unless you mean the apology for more than that?” She nodded. “I should have asked you why you were...

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Halloween with Kym1

by Jackie Offee' My first ever story based on a fantasy that will most likely never happen... (All characters of are Adult age). I am a cross-dresser, who while I had custody of my Daughter Kym, stopped dressing. The characters are real, (names have been changed to protect the innocent), the locations are real. Only the events are made up. Should they ever actually happen, I would be very, very happy. After Kym moved away, I started wearing my pantyhose again under my...

3 years ago
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Lovemaking With Simran 8211 Wow

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I have worked across many countries and work for an MNC and live in Bangalore. Married with kids, 50 years and 5’10”. Life is good, but love and intimacy have not been there for years! I was on the lookout for some fun, intimacy, and sex but has to be extremely discreet. I was a senior member in one of the forums and there was a very nice looking woman by the name of Simran who was leading the coordination of the group. Let me...

1 year ago
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SugarDaddyPORN Destiny Mira Destiny Mira has that magical vagina that can8217t be beat

O…M…G… Destiny Mira is an angel. Only 18 years old but she will have you feeling like your the only man in this world. She really pays attention and does her best to satisfy, which she’s most certainly a PRO at. I enjoyed pretty much every moment with Destiny. I would rank her blowjob in my top 3 EVER! Glad I took TOOHARD for this one… gave her a HUGE NUT. Something I wanted to also let my fellow daddies know. After I paid Destiny and before she left, she blew me...

2 years ago
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Desert was great

I had been managing a well known restaurant for about 3 years when the supervisor moved me to another one to help it get its sales up. I liked it there, but it was not the same as my old one. I made friends with at waitress there named Debbie. We worked one really slow Sunday and spend some time sitting in the dining room talking. She starts to tell me about this one hot cop that ests there. He was Italian and about 6ft 3 and hot... according to her. I thought.. maybe the transfer might be a...

3 years ago
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Indian SteelChapter 10

Traveling on, they came to a city, well, a large town. At the gates were beggars, one of whom was dressed in yellow and orange robes, while the others were in tattered loin cloths if that, some so miserable they lacked even a turban. Vedeya said the robed mendicant was not a beggar as such, but a member of a religious cult who foreswore material goods (aside from the robes, a badge of office of sorts) and would rather food than alms, as long as there was no animal flesh in the food, and would...

1 year ago
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My Life as a DogChapter 2

Jack looked up in surprise at the large black dog which kept looking at him and starting out then turning and whining, coming up to him and permitting him to only very briefly pet or scratch before grabbing his sleeve gently in his teeth and tugging meaningfully telling him in unmistakable terms to come with him. He groaned in defeat and started to put on his fur coat and snow-shoes. He also decided to see if the dog would put up with a harness and pull sled, since he was insisting on Jack...

1 year ago
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The Slave Speaks Chapter 1

EVERYTHING IN THIS STORY IS PURELY FICTION. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO reality IS COINCIDENTAL. I opened my eyes but quickly closed them. It was bright. It brought on much confusion when I realized I was not in my dimly-lit apartment. "Oh, she's awake." I heard someone murmur dissatisfiedly. "Hush, Liz. I know she's not what you wanted, but--" she cut off when I sat up. "What's going on?" I asked, confused. The two women looked at each other. One was tall and slim, but not skinny. Her green eyes...

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Temptations Kiss Ch 07

Cassidy woke up, her alarm screaming in her ear, and sighed. She felt well rested and her mind was pleasurably foggy and heavy due to the amazing dream she’d been having involving her and Rand. Her only regret was that when she’d waken up, the dream had ended. With a sigh, she turned the alarm off and climbed out of bed. She walked into the bathroom and avoided looking at her reflection as she turned on the shower. She’d went to bed with her hair wet, so she knew her appearance was eerily...

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FlintkoteChapter 31

You never saw a CPA (Child Protection Agency) agent switch targets so fast in your life. Junior was already wishing Mom had dissolved that bureaucracy ... because she was going to be dealing with them in a few months. Bureaucracies come and go ... but the bureaucrats live on. Some people couldn’t mind their own business ... they had to stick their nose in mine. Right now ... Miss Bulldog Lover was already fixing to bedevil me, Surprise Me Flintkote. “You. Mrs ... or is it Miss ... I see no...

4 years ago
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Dannys Cleavage Part 2 of 6

Danny's Cleavage - part 2 of 6 In which both Wil and Danny try on a girl's swimsuit, Wil begins wearing a bra and is caught wearing one at school, and Danny begins wearing his Mother's bras occasionally. Wil and I were at school yesterday afternoon for band practice and I guess we had been kind of goofing off and not really rushing to put our instruments away because we suddenly realized that we were alone in the band room, and in fact, from the quiet, might have been the only...

2 years ago
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Professors Rape GamesChapter 6

When Hill got home, there was a note on the kitchen table. His wife had gone shopping. The note also reminded him that they had Molly Carpenter for a weekend guest. Helen promised to be home as soon as possible. Hill winced, and hiked at his pants. His constant, raging hard-on was getting on his nerves. It seemed that even cherry-popping wasn't good enough. Nothing would do for Hill but to have his own daughters. But how would they react to such a heinous act--a father taking his own...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Nickey Huntsman My Anal Prom Date

Nickey Huntsman was super hyped for prom and so was her date! Not only was it a huge moment in their lives, but it would probably be the first time either of them would besex. Nickey wanted to retain her virginity though, so she came up with the genius idea of getting fucked in the asshole! This turned out to be the best thing either of them could have asked for. Nickey got to feel the amazingly intense sensation of getting her asshole plunged while her date was able to experience a pressure on...

1 year ago
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Raat Ko Gaadi Mein Biwi Ne Liye Laude

Biwi ne raat ko anjaan laude hilaye car mein Hi doston, hum phir aa gaye ek nayi fantasy le ker. Jaise aapko pata hai ki hame gande log pasand hain jaise bhikari, rickshaw wala, auto wala ya mazdoor. Hum dono kisi aise gande aadmi ko meri biwi chodte hue sochte hain aur phir toh zabardast sex hota hai…..Waise bhi hame kale laude pasand hain….Aur in logon ke kale he hote hain….. Ek raat ko ghar per baithe hue hame ek naya idea aaya sex ka…Hum dono ne yeh socha ki raat ko nikalte hain aur jitne...

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