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At first we just wanted to spice things up a bit. Leanne and I had been married for ten years and although sex had always been good with us, we'd fallen into bit of a rut. So we tried a few different things, like role play as someone else or we'd each change our look as if it we were having sex with a new person. We tried having riskier sex, in public places or in rooms in our house where we might be seen. We also used more toys, like vibrators or massagers, as well as some bondage gear like thumb cuffs and collars. Leanne suggested I take a dominant role, forcing her to serve me sexually. Everything worked a little at least at first, except perhaps me as a dominant. I mean I just couldn't pull it off believably. So, we role played an imaginary person to dominate us both. We began to use a large realistic dildo, black with large balls that contained a reservoir that could simulate ejaculation. She would have me go down on her orally, bring her to multiple orgasms, and then fuck her using the dildo. She loved the contrast the black cock provided, both in color and large size compared to me. It did hurt my feelings a little, since I was only average, cock wise, but it was fantasy play. Eventually she scripted me sucking the dildo before using it on her and of course, I had to clean her pussy once it had 'cum' into her. This whole fantasy angle seemed to create the most excitement we had during sex in a long time, so Leanne looked to expand it. That's when she bought the chastity device for me. Even though it was just a toy for sexual play, she had gotten a nice metal design that fit snuggly around the base of my cock, the balls wedged between a metal ring and the tube that held my penis. It had a metal cup that fit over everything and locked to the base ring with a small brass lock. The design kept me from touching anything but the balls that poked out under the cup. I would have to wear it a day or so before the role play and then after she had experienced three or four orgasms she would unlock me and I would have the best orgasms of my life. Something about having me nude with only the chastity device, serving her orally, and then pleasing our 'master' as he fucked her gave me thrills like I hadn't experienced in long time. I could tell she loved it too; she was submissive, so it worked well that our imaginary lover filled the dominant role. At first when she unlocked me, it was a bit disconcerting to put my cock into her pussy, stretched out by the large dildo. We soon learned that by having her get on top and ride my penis, I would come very quickly. We'd repeat this scenario once or twice every week, mixed in with straight sex it made our sex life much more exciting. The only request I made, was that we keep this private from our friends. Leanne was good with that too. Other than this fantasy sex, our lives were quite normal. We were similar in height at 5'7", trim, and in our early 30s. She had dark brown hair that she wore to her shoulders, bright green eyes, and a curvy body, highlighted by her perky B-cup breasts. I had a Nordic heritage with blue eyes, pale skin, and light blonde hair. She tended to dress more fashionable than my generally conservative look and was always asking me to try some new fashion or fad; the one consolation that I made for her, was to keep my hair long enough to pull back in a ponytail. I worked a typical 9-5 job; Leanne managed our house. Since it was a duplex and we rented out the other side, she also handled our rentals. We had been lucky to have an older couple in the duplex for a couple of years. Their requests were simple maintenance issues that I could handle or could arrange for a handyman to cover. I did all the yard work for both sides of the house. So overall, the rental gave us an extra income with few demands. When our renters left to move closer to their grandkids, Leanne started advertising and interviewing possible replacements. Our town was a small college community, so there was the usual mix of students, visiting professors, and technology buffs among the applicants. She was quite selective as we didn't want young students that might party too much or cause damage to the place. I was pleased when she told me she had found a suitable renter and a contract had been signed. He worked for one of the financial firms in town, but only expected to be here a few years until he moved on to a bigger area, so he didn't want to be tied down by a mortgage. It seemed like a nice fit. I was at work when he moved in, but took the time when I got home to bake a fresh batch of homemade brownies. Although Leanne did most of the housework, she was not a cook and I had assumed that role in our relationship. I had developed quite a knack for cooking and had even taken a few classes in night school so I could make ethnic cuisine as well as special desserts. We went over after dinner, so I could meet our new renter and give him the welcome brownies. Knocking on the door, we waited to meet him. When he opened the door, I took a quick breath. He was about 4 inches taller than me, about 6'1", slim, and was wearing a suit from his work. His hair was short, and he had a neatly trimmed goatee. But what caused me to startle was his ethnicity; he was black. I had grown up in mixed communities and really had never thought about race before. But because of our recent role play with the black dildo, I had become anxious about black men. Leanne loved to talk when I fucked her with the dildo, about how better black men were as lovers, how she had longed to be a black man's sex toy, and how serving a black man would be heaven. As I introduced myself and shook his hand, I shot a quick glance at Leanne. She was smiling smugly and winked at me. The rest of the conversation with Malik was routine, although I was nervous. He was a day trader and loved how our duplex was set up with the latest electronic connections; he imagined he would be able to do more of his work from home. His whole demeanor was of a calm and cool person who was used to being in control under any situation. The stress of making short-term trades where lots of money was involved seem to run off him like water off a duck's back. When he complemented Leanne on the brownies, she corrected him and told him that I had made them. He looked at me in a new way and told me they were excellent, and asked if I cooked other things. Leanne jumped in and described how I did all the cooking, and basically ran the kitchen. Malik smiled broadly, even more so, when she asked him if he wanted to come over on Friday for dinner. He readily accepted and we returned back to our side of the duplex. I was full of questions and began asking Leanne as soon as we were in our own place. "You didn't tell me our new renter was black. Are you sure he was the best choice?" "Most definitely, he met all my financial criteria and even paid 3 full months in advance in addition to the security deposit. He works for one of the best firms in town and had a real nice personality. Besides, I liked the idea of a handsome black man next door." "So you admit you chose him in part because of his color. I must say it makes me a bit nervous." "Lewis Reece, just relax will you; I admit it was a bonus that he was black. I mean now, we can have a real identity for our imaginary lover. But truthfully, he impressed me more with how suitable he was as a renter. His references were outstanding, his finances secure, and he was quite accommodating on all our requirements. The fact that he was black and is next door doesn't mean I will be unfaithful. I love you and realize that fantasy is fantasy. If I wanted a secret lover I wouldn't put him under your nose. I bet you become good friends; he mentioned he liked to run to keep trim. So you already have that in common." I muttered my consent and we talked some about what we needed to do for his dinner visit on Friday. I decided to make one of my signature fish dishes, with a white-wine sauce, wild rice, vegetables and a bread pudding dessert. It was very unique, appearing to be difficult to make, but was really quite easy. It would also let me judge him a bit since it was not usual fare. We had the place cleaned up and I had bought all the ingredients for the meal, when Leanne approached me at bed time on Thursday. "Lewis, let me put your chastity device on tonight. I want you to wear it tomorrow and through dinner. That way when Malik leaves, we can have sex. Knowing you are locked up while he is here will get me horny as hell; I think it will do the same for you. Since we have him next door, I'd like to use him for our benefit." I wanted to say no and deny her offer, but it did sound good. So I let her lock me up. The next day, sex was on my mind constantly at work. When I got home, she had laid out some clothes for me; simple black pants, white shirt and a black tie. She was wearing a short black dress and heels, simple but sexy. I thought we might be over-dressing, but she insisted. When Malik showed up, I was right. He was wearing polo shirt and jeans, much more casual. He was cool about it though, I could tell he wouldn't be rattled if he showed up to a black-tie event in a swimsuit. As he entered, he nodded at me and then took Leanne's hand and kissed it. "I want to thank you for the invitation. I hope this is the start of a special relationship. You look really nice, that dress is very attractive. I like women who wear heels and dresses; so many that I work with seem to be locked in pant suits." Turning to me, he smiled or was it a smirk. "I see you dressed up as well. Although given your assignments in the kitchen, I thought you might be wearing an apron or a pearl necklace rather than a tie." His jovial laugh finished the comment, indicating that he was joking. Leanne joined in, leaving me to smile and mumble something about men being chefs, etc. I already felt nervous and this comment made it worse. Of course my cock was throbbing in its cage. I retreated to the kitchen to continue cooking, coming out as I could to bring them both a drink and slip into the conversation. Malik was sitting next to Leanne on the couch, and I could tell they were hitting it off. The sounds of laughter came into the kitchen as I finished cooking and brought the meal to the table. Dinner went well. He loved the fish and even the bread pudding, complimenting me on its taste and texture. His comments made me feel better, but I could see his eyes taking in Leanne's figure as we talked. She definitely was attractive to him. Again, I had to leave them alone as I was stuck tidying up the kitchen a bit and putting away the left overs. We finished the evening with a nice after dinner brandy. After an hour or so, he said he needed to leave, as he had errands to run tomorrow. We said goodbye at the door, and then Leanne literally dragged me upstairs to our bedroom. "Strip Lewis, I want you naked in 30 seconds." She peeled off her dress and lay back on the bed watching me disrobe. As soon as I had my clothes off, she pushed my head between her thighs and made me start licking her already wet pussy. Her orgasms came fast and hard, she had been very aroused by our evening. It only got better when I began to suck the black dildo. She lay back in anticipation. "That a boy! Get Malik nice and hard for me. I want to be fucked by a real man; a man who has a cock worth screwing. He looks ready, put him in me." I slowly began to move the dildo in and out of her pussy. She reacted wildly coming in minutes. She insisted that I screw her more, until she had come two more times, each one more violently than before. As she climaxed the last time, she told me to help Malik cum too. I squeezed the balls and the artificial ejaculate, a homemade recipe of corn starch, water, lemon juice and corn syrup, shot into her. That sent her over the edge. As she began to relax, she looked at me and told me to clean her up. That Malik had left a nice present for his kitchen boy. As I finished licking her clean, she directed me to clean him as well. I was going down on the dildo when she rolled me over, unlocked my cock and mounted me. It took only a few strokes for me to blast my cum into her. She obviously needed more, so she pulled the dildo from my mouth and straddled me. I licked her to another orgasm cleaning my own semen from her pussy, a first for us. Finally she collapsed next to me, smiling broadly. That had been our best sex in many years. The tension built during the evening was all released during our sex. Her use of his name had made it all seem much more real and exciting. We fell asleep in each other's arms in short order. The rest of the week went by normally. We didn't talk about our sex after his visit, and I only saw him briefly entering his apartment one evening. I had almost forgotten about it, when Leanne approached me at bed time on Thursday. "I need to lock you up now. I invited Malik over for dinner again on Friday. I want you to be as horny as before." "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? I need to plan something to cook. I was just going to make a simple beef stroganoff for us." "Oh that will be fine. He is a single guy and even your ordinary dishes will taste great to him. Just stop by the store on the way home and get some fresh bread. You'll have time to make a few of your peach tarts for dessert. I know you have everything for that." I wanted to be mad, but she had locked me up and insisted she needed me to lick her before we went to bed. I complied even though I was upset. To be honest, I was glad she had invited him over, but wanted to be able to make a more striking dinner. Although I liked playing submissive in bed using him as our imaginary lover, in real life I wanted him to be impressed with my cooking. I felt a bit odd doing the cooking for another man and I wanted to show-off my skills. I didn't want him to think it was just some ordinary meal but more like a meal a talented chef would prepare. It took me a while to fall asleep as my mind went over everything. The next day I was distracted at work again. My cock alternated between being hard and soft, frustrated by the cage. I left work a little early, picked up the bread, and got home to start the dinner. The tarts baked quickly and I soon had the dishes simmering. Leanne called me upstairs to get dressed. As I entered she was holding a black silky shirt with a gold pattern on it. It looked a bit exotic, not my normal fare at all. "I found you a casual shirt to wear. I wanted us to stay looking sharp, but the shirt and tie was too stiff. Just put on your black slacks and then you can wear this over them." "I can't put on the black ones. They got dirty in the kitchen last weekend, so I took them to the cleaners and haven't picked them up yet. I'll just wear a pair of jeans." "Jeans won't do. Don't you have another pair of black pants?" "No, it's not a color I wear often." "Well you'll just have to wear a pair of mine then, because I want you to wear black with this shirt." She went in her closet and rumbled around a few minutes, finally returning with two pairs of black pants. The first pair fit my legs, but was way too tight in the waist. Also, the large baggy style and shiny fabric didn't look good on me. The second pair fit much tighter through the legs and hips as it was a skinny style, almost a legging, and the fabric was simple cotton. This pair was too tight in the waist also, although only by a little. I was about to suggest I just wear something else when she went to her dresser and pulled out a black spandex item and gave it to me. "Try this, it's a shaper and should make you smaller in the waist and hips." "I don't think so; it was one thing to wear your pants, but not your underwear." Leanne just ignored me and told me to try them. I reluctantly took off my underwear and pulled the shaper up my body. It fit like a really tight pair of boxers. Once I had it on, the pants fit nicely, very snug, although I again protested the look because they were so tight and even zipped up the side. Although I didn't mention it to her, I was also nervous about how the flat front molded around my chastity-bound cock; it looked more like a smooth pussy mound than a cock-type shape. "Don't worry; the shirt is long enough to cover the zipper. Put it on and let's see." I slid the shirt over my head, as it only had buttons part way down. The band collar and puffy look was much different than my usual style. Leanne eyed me and then went back in the closet. Returning with a gold and black braided belt, she fastened it loosely where my waist was. That gave me some shape and she liked the look. She also clipped a gold chain around my neck; I could see she was wearing a similar necklace, only hers had the key to my chastity device hanging off it. Handing me a pair of tasseled black loafers she told me I looked good and to go down and make sure dinner was okay. She started dressing and was still upstairs when the bell rang. I hesitantly went to the door. Malik was there; this time in only a t-shirt and baggy jeans. It was as if he was going to go more casual than me at each turn. He glanced up and down at my outfit, and commented as Leanne came into the foyer. "Nice blouse, the gold pattern is the same as the Saints use. That's my favorite team." I wanted to correct him that it was a shirt not a blouse, but the confident way he said it made we wonder so I glanced down, but it looked fine to me. But before I could respond, he turned to Leanne. She was wearing a tight pink dress and very high heel sandals. The dress was so tight; you could see she was wearing a thong and bra both in lace. The low cut top showed her cleavage and the little gold key to my chastity device was nestled in between her boobs. I was floored at how she looked, but Malik just smiled. "Now that is smoking hot! You look fabulous babe. Between your sexy dress and Lewis's blouse you two look very inviting." She thanked him and lifted her hand for him to kiss it, which he did. She then led him back to the den, telling me to bring them a couple of drinks. I was mad, a bit humiliated, but also straining against my cage. I knew deep inside that Leanne was playing with me, so that our sex would be better later, but even so it was a bit hard to take now. I brought us all drinks, and told them that dinner would be ready to eat as soon as they finished. Malik did not seem to be in a hurry, as he sat on the couch with Leanne again, only this time he was sitting closer so their thighs touched. I sat in the arm chair opposite and we talked a bit about our week at work. He had apparently made some killer moves that earned him a nice reputation at work, as well as some bonus cash. He asked what I had done that week; my reply that we had revised an inventory form sounded pretty lame, but he just smiled and said it sounds like I was a good admin person. As we had finished the drinks, I stood up to gather the glasses. I could see him eyeing my waist with a questioning glance. "Lewis, I know that is a blouse, but are you wearing women's pants as well? They seem to have a side zip and that's not normally a man's style." I blushed and hurriedly pulled down my blouse over the zip, although I knew it was too late. I was trying to answer when Leanne giggled and spoke up. "He had to wear a pair of my pants to match his top. His black slacks got some sauce on them last week in the kitchen when he was cooking for us, so they were at the cleaners and unavailable." "So you two share the same sizes? I know you're about the same height but you look trimmer than Lewis." "The pants were a close fit, but with a pair of my Spanx shapers, he could zip them closed." "He's wearing your underwear too. How sweet! I know it makes his legs look killer. The tight fit of the pants highlights their pretty shape. In fact your whole outfit looks dynamite. The only thing I would change is the shoes. As sexy as those pants are and the way they taper to the ankle, they need some heels to match, maybe something in gold." "Yes your right! I do have a pair of gold pumps; I know we wear the same size shoe, as he is always wearing my flip-flop sandals at the beach. How bout I go get them and we see how they look?" With that, Leanne hopped up and quickly went upstairs. While she left, Malik watched her butt jiggle in the tight dress, ignoring me. I was mad as hell because Leanne had told Malik so much and indicated I had willing wore her clothes, that I left the room to put the empty glasses in the sink. As she came downstairs again, she called out to me to come in the room. "I don't think that is necessary. These loafers look fine to me." "Come here and stop being so sensitive. Malik had a good suggestion and I want to see how it looks." I reluctantly went back to the den, where she was standing there holding her pumps. She came to me and indicated that I should lift my foot. I did as she wanted and she quickly had switched out the comfortable loafers for the pumps which fit, although tightly. I had to put my hand on her shoulder to steady myself at first, but she stepped away and told me to try walking with them. The first few steps were awkward, but she gave me a tip or two about walking in heels, and I made it to the hall and back without breaking my neck. "I was right. The gold pumps look hot and they really emphasize how nice your legs are. You don't happen to shave them do you? I'd love to see them in some sheer hose and heels." "No I don't shave my legs. In fact, I've never even had heels on before now. It is not part of my usual wardrobe. This is the first time I ever wore anything like this." "Well you might consider making it a regular part. I mean they match your blouse better and are in keeping with the spirit of your lingerie too. Just saying, around the house it might be a nice touch to see your sexy legs. I know I appreciate how Leanne dresses to emphasize her assets; I just thought you might be willing to do the same. You need to get an apron at least. That way you can keep your clothes clean and not have to borrow your wife's clothes." I blushed at his suggestions, especially when Leanne agreed that I had pretty legs that would look good in hose. I was getting embarrassed by all this talk, so I told them that dinner was ready and to go sit at the table. I was tempted to take the heels off, but decided I wear them through the meal. It was a bit awkward serving them in my feminine outfit. But Malik seemed to be totally focused on Leanne and she was flirting back at him. The meal went quickly, Malik again praising my skills. He asked me to bring them a glass of brandy before I cleaned up. I was a bit taken back by his assertiveness, but I wanted to be a good host, so I complied. They took the drinks and went out on the deck while I stayed inside to take care of the dishes and leftovers. But I wasn't going to let them control me totally, so I slipped off the heels while I worked; I'd show them. When Leanne called for a refill, I went to get their glasses and she saw my bare feet. "Lewis, where are your pumps? No one wants to see your bare feet while we are eating. Go put them back on. I expect you to wear them the rest of the evening. It is insulting to our guest to not follow his wonderful suggestion about your attire. Maybe I need to buy you a few pairs to wear around the house so you get accustomed to their feel. That way it will be natural for you. Now bring us our drinks!" Her sudden outburst surprised me and as I started to leave the deck, I looked at her. She winked at me and gave me a sly smile. I could see she was playing this up for later. Malik stayed another hour or so, sitting close to Leanne. She continued to flirt while I sat by, the pumps firmly on my feet, and the Spanx shaper holding me tightly. When he left, she showed him out. They stood in the doorway, while she held her hands up for him to kiss and he did, holding them a while after he kissed them. They were softly talking while I put away the last glasses. "I enjoyed tonight, your company is the highlight of my week. I can't make it next Friday, but I can come over on Saturday. That work for you?" "Of course Malik, whatever is convenient. I'll have Lewis make something special for dinner. Maybe a seven course meal; he took some classes on European dining and can make a meal that lasts all evening. I can't wait to see you again." With that she leaned in and kissed his cheek. His broad smile filled the doorway as he left. She immediately turned and walked to me. Undoing the belt from my blouse, she reached under and un-zipped the pants, pulling them down. I had slipped off the pumps and wiggled my legs out of the pants. I stood there, the longish blouse looking so much like a short dress, with the sheer shaper peeking out beneath it. She slapped my butt as I bent over to pick up the pants. "Put your heels on and get upstairs. I think you need to show me how good you are with your tongue, before I let Malik fuck my brains out. You need to realize your new role in this house since I've found a real man to take control." Looking at me, she winked again and leaned in for a long French kiss, our lips and tongues running wild. I was as hot as I had ever been. The mix of the humiliation in front of Malik and how he had unknowingly pushed all the right buttons made me want her so badly. She felt the same and we spent the night awake in bed. I ate her to four orgasms, fucked her to three with the dildo, and came four times in her pussy myself. It was the best night of sex we had ever experienced. Whatever humiliation I had endured during Malik's visit was well worth it. The week flew by. I had planned out the meal in grand style, including appetizers, soup, salad, a beef wellington main course, dessert, and after drinks. The key for such a meal is to make the portions small and take your time. It is as much an event as a meal. The sexual afterglow of the weekend extended into the week as well. We had normal sex on Tuesday night that sparked like when we were first married. The heightened sexual tension created by our interactions with Malik was remaining strong. So I should have been expecting it, but was caught off guard when Leanne approached me in bed on Wednesday. "Lewis I been thinking about this weekend, and I want to increase the sex play. I had never thought about feminizing you as part of our play, but when Malik made the comment about you needing pearls or an apron, something clicked and it seemed sexy somehow. I intentionally put you in a blouse last weekend thinking that after dinner I would point it out to you for effect. Even when I had you wear my pants and shaper, I truly didn't think Malik would see them. Most men are clueless to such details. I really expected him not to even notice you, especially the way I was dressed. But his discovery and playful interactions were scary but thrilling. So, after the rewards we reaped last weekend I don't want us to fall back into a rut. I want to implement Malik's suggestion." "I agree that last weekend was magic, but what suggestion are you talking about?" "He thought you'd look good in heels and hose. I think so too. Having you be more androgynous, even feminine will make the role playing much better. I can just imagine how he'll react. It will be like adding gasoline to our sexual fires." "I don't know. It seems over the top to wear something like that. I wouldn't feel comfortable in front of anyone in a dress. It was humiliating enough that you told him I was wearing your underwear." "I thought of that already. I found a nice short-and-vest outfit for you and bought all the necessary accessories. I think he'll be surprised but he seems capable of reacting on the fly, so I think it will be fine with him. But he's right about your legs. They will look dynamite in hose, after they are prepped, which means I want you to shave them tomorrow night." I started to protest, but I knew it was futile. Also, I thought about it. The only time my legs were exposed was when I ran, and that was early in the morning, with long basketball shorts it would be okay. It wouldn't take the hair too long to grow back and since they were light blonde like my head hair, they really weren't noticeable at a distant. I made the mental calculation that the potential sexual excitement was worth any short-term humiliation. I had been pretty nervous about our bedroom secret becoming known by someone else, but Malik seemed fairly safe. I mean he was new to town, knew none of our friends, our businesses weren't related, and we had a bit of control over him since he was our renter. If we had to involve someone else more in our fantasy, even if they didn't know it, then he seemed our best bet. I imagined he would just think we were a bit of an odd couple. Thursday after dinner, Leanne took me to the upstairs bath and helped me shave. To my surprise, she insisted that I shave everywhere, so soon my body was smooth. She took great pleasure in carefully shaving my cock and balls, leaving me with a narrow little strip of pubic hair above them. Of course she couldn't leave it like that, so she just announced that I would wear my chastity device till Saturday evening. The sexual tension had been building all night and I willingly gave her a couple of orgasms with my tongue after she had locked me up. My throbbing cock would wait till the weekend, which was okay as the explosive orgasms were worth the wait. The next day when I was getting dressed for work she gave me a little white lace thong. She said when she bought my outfit for Saturday she went ahead and made some other purchases of female items for me. Even thorough it was just a plain white style I was focused on it, what other clothes she might have gotten, and my chastity all day. Relief did not come Friday evening either, on top of giving her two more orgasms orally; she bluntly told me she had made an appointment in the morning for us to get our nails done. She said that my feet were a mess; that a good pedicure included removing calluses and rough skin as well as working on the nails. Without a good pedicure I'd have runs in my hose within minutes. Not knowing whether that was true or not, I didn't try to argue. I woke with a bit of dread. The idea of going somewhere public to get a feminine procedure like a pedicure was more than I had originally bargained for. I almost went ballistic when she showed me what I was to wear. The satin pink thong was okay, but she paired it with a tight pair of Capri-style jeans and a very light pink tee shirt. That and a pair of her beach sandals. I complained immediately, but she pointed out that the pedicure would involve me soaking my feet, so if I wore pants they would need to be rolled up. Shorts would show more of my shaved legs, so capris were a good compromise. Even as I pulled them up, I was worried. They were very tight, had no rear pockets, and sat low on my hips. I had to check that the thong was not visible at the top of my butt. The tee shirt wasn't much better as it had a scoop neck and cap sleeves. She wore a similar outfit, only in baby blue. I could tell the reversal of colors, blue for her and pink for me, was intentional. Luckily the shop was not close to our duplex, and it was small. Even though it was a Saturday, we were the only customers. We each sat down in front of a nail technician to begin the work. They soaked our feet first while discussing the details of our services. Leanne had long fingernails and wanted her normal dark pink color. It was pretty straight-forward for her. But for me, she detailed that my feet needed the full treatment. She was a bit concerned that my fingernails were too short, but the girl insisted she'd make them look nice. That was a bit of relief, because I definitely didn't want any extensions. Leanne had told me that we would just get mine shaped and buffed. The tech said if I really wanted them to look nice, she would need to polish the nails. Short nails needed that extra pop to be attractive. I immediately disagreed. But she seemed to realize who was calling the shots and talked to Leanne, telling her that she could put a narrow white band on the tip of each nail and coat the entire nail with a light pearlescent polish that would be pretty but subtle. She recommended a pearl color with just a hint of pink. Although Leanne promised me I wouldn't get polish, she readily accepted the girl's recommendation. I was mad but also worried. She said I would just have to live with it through the weekend. That was code to me, that she wanted Malik to see me more feminized. The throbbing of my cock in its cage ended my resistance. The whole process only took about 30 minutes once they started. I was amazed at how soft the pedicure made my feet and the nails did look nice when they finished. I just hoped no one I knew saw me going home. My relief when I entered our house was immense. We spent the rest of the day getting our house clean and prepping food. Leanne had decided that we would eat at our small Parisian style caf? table. It was a bit higher than our dining room table, with two high back chairs. It was really designed for two, providing a cozy, romantic dinner setting, especially with the flower center piece. But she persuaded me that I could sit on a bar stool at the side closest to the kitchen. That way I could easily get up to serve and clear. It was obvious that she was going to fuel the idea that Malik was her lover and I was just a domestic servant tonight. Finally it was late afternoon and time to start getting ready. We both took a quick shower; she kept her hair dry but had me wash mine. She intended to style it so it looked femininely to match my outfit. I got out and shaved my face while she finished. I was stunned when she came out of the shower. She had shaved her pussy totally smooth. I had longed for her to do that and tonight I would get to kiss and taste her in a way I never had before. I thought my cock would explode in the chastity device. As we dried off, she sat me down and put very small rollers in my hair. I sat under her hair dryer while she began to do her makeup and get dressed. She was only wearing a small sheer G-string in white. Her dress was also white, very short, tight, in a thin spandex fabric, and had a tube top that molded to her breasts. Without a bra, the dress clung to her curves and looked like it was painted on them. She curled her hair with a curling iron so it fell in soft waves to her bare shoulders. She used just subtle makeup, her long lashes complimented her green eyes, and the thick dark pink lipstick glowed sexuality. Her only decorations were some large gold hoop earrings and the gold chain with my key. It snuggled in between her breasts, teasing me with how close my release was. I was amazed at how hot she could look and wished we could fast forward through the evening to get into bed. After she finished dressing, she checked my curlers. They were dry enough for me to start dressing. She handed me a small black lace thong. By now I was used to them and actually liked how they cupped my chastity device. The pantyhose were next. She had chosen a smoky gray color that shimmered due to a hint of spandex in the nylon weave. She rolled them up and put them on my legs, having me point my toes as she guided them up. The hose were extremely sheer and bare, with no toe or heel guard and only a thin waistband, being a sheer-to-waist style. I didn't tell her but the silky feel as she slid them up my legs was magic. That and how they snug they held me was totally unexpected. She then picked up a bodysuit type garment. It was nude with black lace overlay and lace trim on the straps and the built in bra cups. "Leanne, what is this? I didn't think I was going to wear anymore of your lingerie?" "You're not silly! This is something I bought for you. It is one of the sexy Spanx shapers. Although the pantyhose feel snug now, as you wear them they will stretch. They will tend to sag and droop. Wearing a tight shaper over them will keep everything in place. Besides, the vest and shorts are a bit see-through so you need a little more coverage." I reluctantly stepped into the garment and she pulled it up, positioning the straps over my arms on my shoulders. She reached into the garment bag and brought out a couple of small silicon pads. I recognized them as breast pads. She slipped one into each cup, moving them until they settled in place. "The shaper is an A-cup, but even though you have some breast tissue, you need some help to fill them out. This won't be too noticeable, but will make everything look nice and rounded." Looking down I thought they were more noticeable than what she indicated. Leanne smiled to herself, as she saw me check out my padded bust. I was right, they were noticeable, because the pads were for a B- cup, as were the cups on the shaper. Like a lot of things, she knew I would not question her if she just said something about a subject I was not familiar with, even if it didn't look correct. Next she took out a dark grey crocheted pair of shorts. Slipping them up my legs, she positioned it at my waist and tied them using the ribbon that served as the belt. A similar designed vest was next; it tied at the front with 3 small ribbons. They were both very snug on my body. I could see in the mirror that the shorts extended barely below my butt, and were not lined. The vest had widely spaced opening in the knitting, a deep v-neckline, and rather large arm openings. The bodysuit shaper was very visible through both items. When she had mentioned a short and vest outfit earlier, I immediately thought of a set she had worn before; it had Bermuda length shorts and the full coverage vest, both in a small floral print cotton fabric. I wanted to protest that this was too see-through, too lacey, not what I had in mind at all, but I knew it was too late at this point. She completed the outfit with a pair of ankle strap heels also in a metallic gray. They had a narrow strap that crossed right behind my toes, and even with the hose, my white tipped toenails were visible. The heels seemed a bit higher than the pumps I wore last weekend, but with a few practice walks around the room I felt comfortable. I sat back down at her vanity as she asked. She took out some makeup and was looking at my face. I looked at her questioningly and I saw she understood. "Lewis, I just want to put a little touch of cosmetics on your face. I've curled your hair and it will look slightly feminine, so I think your face needs something too. I will just put a little eye shadow, some mascara, highlight your eyebrows and give your lips a touch of color. The eye shadow is a smoky color I picked to match your hose and the lipstick is a pearly pink that will go well with your nail polish. Just sit still and let me do my work, we don't have much time now, and Malik is due here in a few minutes." She quickly and efficiently made up my face, undid the curlers and teased out the curls. My face and hair looked really feminine and totally matched my outfit. I had to admit I looked pretty cute, especially for a guy, but realizing I would soon be seen this way by another man made me blush. Leanne saw me and laughed. "You ready for your debut? I think Malik is going to like what he sees. I'm warning you, I will tease you a bit about your appearance in comparison to him. I want to build that fire that we felt last week. So keep in mind, that my comments are just fantasy-based. I love you and would not hurt you in any way. We are going to play this game to the fullest. If you feel humiliated, just channel it inside and it will come out when are alone together later." She squeezed my hands and we rubbed noses. I wanted a kiss, but our lipstick would smear and I knew it would have to wait until Malik left. We headed downstairs and I had just finished mixing the drinks when the doorbell rang. Leanne went and opened it, letting Malik in. I swallowed hard, trying to steel myself for his first look at me, hoping this wasn't a big mistake. I put the drinks on a tray and stepped out to greet him, as Leanne shut the door. I could see his eyes focused on her, taking in her tight curves. "Honey don't you look delicious. I didn't think you could top that pretty pink dress from last week, but this one looks even better. You make me weak seeing you like this. Leanne, you're just blazing hot." He took her hands, kissed each one, and pulled her closer to kiss her cheek. I could feel my emotions start to boil; I just hoped I could handle this. As I moved a step closer, my heels made a clicking on the hardwood floor of the foyer. He heard me, and turned to look. A wide grin spread across his face. I could see he held a flat package in his hand, topped with a red ribbon. His eyes went up and down my body, taking in my appearance, his smile growing wider. "Well I see Leanne isn't the only pretty one in the house tonight. I was hoping you might have taken my suggestions last week. I couldn't have been more correct. Your legs are great looking. I must admit I hadn't expected you to be so fem looking, but I can't argue that it doesn't suit you. I assume those drinks are for us?" Taking two drinks off the tray, he gave one to Leanne, took her by the arm and headed back to the den. I was left with no option but to take my drink and follow. He led her to the couch, where he sat down, and then pulled her down to sit close so she was right up against him. As I entered the room after them he looked me up and down again. Raising his drink, he indicated that he wanted to make a toast. "Here's to my new friends, you've made we feel welcome in so many ways and here's hoping that we continue to develop our special bonds." We lifted our drinks and took a sip. The tone and words of his toast made me even more nervous than I had expected to be. As we lowered our drinks, he looked at me again. "Do a little spin for me, I want to see your whole outfit." Embarrassed, I slowly turned around. As I finished he motioned me to repeat the turn and then told me to come closer. Placing his left hand on my right leg, he slowly moved it up to the edge of my shorts, and then back down. "My, my, that feels so sexy. I love the feel of nylons on a pretty leg. I see you've got another pair of heels too. I appreciate your effort to please me. You two make a guest feel very special; wearing heels, hose and a pretty dress just for me. I hope your wife doesn't mind you borrowing them" "I'm not wearing a dress, these are shorts." As soon as I said it I felt stupid. Did it really matter? I was standing there in front of him, dressed as femininely as possible, the fact that I had lace shorts on rather than a dress was not real important. I heard Leanne giggle. "Yes, he was nervous about wearing a dress, so I told him he could wear shorts tonight. But those are his. I decided it wasn't fair for him to have to borrow mine. All the clothes he is wearing are his." "I see, so the pantyhose and pretty lingerie under his shorts and vest, those are his too? I guess he wanted to be fully accessorized for his debut. I noticed he seems to be walking a bit more confidently in his heels too. I guess it comes pretty naturally to some." As he spoke he moved his hand up my leg, slipping under the edge of my shorts. I could feel his hand caressing my butt through the lace shaper. He ran a finger under the edge of it, tracing the line up and down my ass. Although it was strange to have someone else touch me, it gave me electric shocks. But I could also feel my face turning a bright red. I tried to step back a bit, but he kept his hand firmly gripped on my ass, so I kept still. As he resumed moving his hand, he turned his attention back to Leanne. He put his drink down on the table, and smoothly slid his right hand along the top of her breast, dipping into her cleavage to grasp the gold chain with the key. Pulling it slightly, it forced her to lean toward him so the chain wouldn't break. "I notice you wore this same necklace last weekend too. The key is shiny, but seems too realistic to be jewelry. This is a real key, a key for a real lock. What are you keeping under lock and key?" I was stunned by this move. He had blatantly touched her breasts, while he grabbed the key. As he spoke my heart seemed to stop. Malik was obviously more observant than we had expected. I could see the shock in Leanne's eyes as well. This evening had quickly taken a turn we hadn't expected and she was a bit unnerved. His question had caught her off guard, and I could see her struggling to find a believable answer. As she hesitated, he pulled the necklace a bit more, putting her face almost touching his. "What lock is so special that a woman wears the key on her necklace all the time?" I saw her blink, her face a blank. She was caught and didn't know what to do. Her mind was racing with no real answer, but the truth. So to stop his withering gaze, she blurted it out. "It is a key for Lewis's chastity device. I lock him up on occasion." Malik smiled broadly and turned to me, still holding Leanne close to his face. I could see his eyes glance at the round little mound, where my cock should be, highlighted by the tight crochet shorts. He slid his left hand around the edge of the shorts and then grabbed the mound through my shaper and hose. I could feel his fingers exploring the edge, feeling the hardness of the metal cup through the fabric. "Well that explains one thing. Last week and tonight, I could plainly see a little mound highlighted by his clothes, rather than the outline of a cock, even a small white cock; it looked more like a pussy. So you let Leanne lock you up? That can make for some fun sex play." I couldn't think of anything to say or do. I stood there stunned with a face burning red. Turning to face Leanne again, he smiled. "So is this the only key? Normally little locks come with two, do you keep the other here in case you lose this one?" Befuddled by the turn of events and a bit embarrassed by his sudden intimate knowledge of our practices, she boldly answered him. She wanted him to know that he was not holding the only key. "No, we put the other key in our safe box at the bank. That way we always know where the spare is and it is protected." Satisfied, he slipped his hand out from my shorts and moved to the back of her neck. Releasing the pressure on the necklace slightly, he quickly unhooked the clasp and pulled it off Leanne's neck. Glancing at me, he slid it in his pocket, while he kept her close to him with the other hand. "Well enforced chastity can be a wonderful sex enhancer. But it works best when the key holder is outside the couple. What is the longest Leanne has kept you under lock and key?" My heart was pounding and my mouth was dry. All I could think about was him putting the key in his pocket, and how he was holding Leanne so closely to him. I swallowed weakly and softly answered. "A few days at most, it is not a big part of our routine." "A few days, I guess you're really ready to come after that. But those feelings of frustration, anticipation, and anxiety can really build with a longer period of chastity. After a longer period of confinement the sexual release can be much more explosive. Maybe we should try that. Part of the excitement of being locked up is the loss of control and not knowing when release will come. I now have the control here, at least until the banks open on Monday." With that, he turned back to Leanne and pulling her in closer, kissed her fully on the lips. It was a shock at first, and she gave a bit of jerk as if to pull away. But the pressure of his hand and his soft lips lured her to stay and they exchanged a deep French kiss. Finally releasing her, he turned back to me. Taking the present off his lap, he gave it to me. I was standing there stunned, not believing he now had my chastity key, that he had just kissed my wife in front of me, and was so calm and cool about it. I took the present almost as if I didn't know what else to do. He indicated that I should open it. Looking down, I pulled off the ribbon, lifted the lid and took out the item inside. It was fabric, and opening the folds I could see what it was. It was an apron, red with black hearts printed over it, and black lace trim on the halter top and hem. Across the bodice was a script version of 'I Love Lucy'. I held it up, both puzzled and embarrassed by it. Leanne had begun to recover from the shock of losing the key. She knew we had another one and decided that Malik's actions would only make things hotter. The kiss was a surprise, but she liked it. If she had her way, they would continue to tease me and then I would spend tonight and tomorrow with my head between her legs and using the black dildo to work her to orgasm after orgasm. She decided to get back in the game. "Oh how nice, it is a pretty apron. It really has that fifties housewife look. Are you a fan of the Lucy shows? They were hilarious at the time." "Not really, I prefer raw, cutting edge comedy. But I was looking for a nice apron for Lewis. I mean I felt sort of responsible for his getting his black slacks stained that first week he cooked for me. In a way, I thought he wound up wearing your clothes because of me. When I saw this at the store, it seemed perfect. When I had been here before, he acted like an innocent housewife, intent on impressing her guest through her cooking and how nice everything looked. But it also suggested a solution to a problem I had with him. My best friend growing up was also named Lewis. He was a rough and tumble guy, someone who wasn't afraid to try anything and who would fight you in a second if you crossed him. Nothing personal, but your husband just didn't seem to deserve the name. When I saw the apron, it gave me an idea. Maybe his name ought to be Lucy rather than Lewis. Now that I've seen him in his sexy little outfit, the not-a-dress-but-shorts-outfit, I know I made the right choice. So, put it on for me Lucy. Let's see how you look in a pretty little apron." Leanne burst out laughing, and looked at Malik. Grinning she stood up to help me put on the apron, spinning me around so she could tie the strings into a big bow in back. I was totally confused. I thought she would be scared, worried and a bit outraged at how controlling Malik had become. And to top it off, he was now suggesting I be called Lucy. It was too much. But when Leanne got up and tied me into it, I didn't know what to do. Standing there, I just looked at her. Smiling she stepped back to check me out. "That is totally darling. I couldn't agree more Malik; he definitely needs a new name. Lucy is perfect. I've always wanted a nice little housewife. Now that we've put him in an apron, I can work on that. I assume you'll keep the key for us? It will be easier to extend his time locked up, if I can't give in to his whining. I'll talk to you about a suitable arrangement for how and when you return the key. For now, let's just enjoy the show and the wonderful dinner my little Lucy has prepared." She laughed and offered Malik her hand. Standing up, she led him to the table and indicated that I should start serving. Sitting intimately at the romantic table, they enjoyed the delicious gourmet meal I had prepared. Malik made it clear from the start that I wouldn't be sitting at the table with them. Instead he suggested I stand and eat off the sideboard serving table that was adjacent to their table. I wore the apron in the kitchen, but slipped it off while we ate. Wearing only the open-weave crochet outfit seemed almost like wearing nothing. I felt totally humiliated by how the evening was going. However, Leanne loved how he took charge. She was getting wetter and hotter with every turn. She imagined how I was straining in my little prison and how my mind was tortured by the loss of the key. She was content knowing it would be all unlocked on Monday and so relaxed to enjoy my torment. She knew I would translate that angst into sexual release for her. She also was bathing in the attention from Malik. He was a younger man, a handsome man, and a man who exuded confidence. That he found her so attractive was complimenting to her. She thought that a little foreplay between them would only stoke my fires, especially if I had to wait two more days to release them. So, she didn't resist his overtures. The stroking of her cheek, the lean in to exchange a kiss, or the feel of his hands along her thigh or waist, all these made her hotter and me more tense. Malik's mind was also racing. He had been on edge ever since he came to look at the apartment for rent. The place seemed perfect and he also got the distinct impression that the owner, Leanne, found him attractive. She was extremely friendly the first time he looked and when he returned for a final check through and to sign the papers, she was wearing a tight shirt and small shorts. She had a lovely body with a round ass and small but perky breasts. Malik had learned early on to judge people not just by what they said, but also by how they said it and the subtle body clues they gave off. This woman found him attractive and desperately wanted him to rent their place. She also knew she had a nice body and took special measures to emphasize her breasts. He got the feeling she made them more noticeable because in reality she wanted them to be bigger; so he would remember to pay attention to them. That would make her like him even more. The feeling of attraction continued when he met the husband, Lewis, after he moved in. Leanne gave off vibes that she wanted him. Lewis on the other hand was a bit shocked and nervous when they met. Malik could tell that something, likely his race, was making the man nervous, not in a racist sort of way, but more of an intimidation factor. He sensed the husband had a submissive nature. A nature that his wife was working to enhance, deliberately portraying the husband's cooking as a domestic role. The offer for dinner was not unexpected, since he thought the woman had some ulterior motive. That first dinner gave him more clues about them. He had decided to be a bit aggressive in approaching Leanne and to throw out a dismissive barb at her husband, cloaked as a joke. Lewis was embarrassed and a little angered by the so-called-joke, but Leanne loved it. Malik knew then that she wanted to further subdue her husband. He suspected they were using him to stoke some sort of sexual game. The second dinner quickly confirmed his analysis. When the husband opened the door, Malik could see immediately that he was wearing women's clothes. Many men would not have seen the clues, but Malik had worked in a clothing store during college. He knew right away that the top was a woman's blouse, from the button locations, the cut of the shoulders, and the small print pattern. The pants looked like women's wear as well. Men just didn't wear skinny ankle gripping pants like that; later seeing the side zipper waist opening clinched that diagnosis. His other suspicions were confirmed during the course of evening. Again, he threw out a loaded comment to see how the Reece's would react. The wife did as he expected, taking the opening to further feminize the husband in front of him. Why else would she have told him that the pants were indeed hers and that she had forced Lewis to wear something as overly feminine as a control garment as well? The pumps were the clincher. The submissive nature of the man was now fully established. But Malik also gained clues from Leanne's appearance. Again she wore overtly sexual clothing emphasizing her boobs. But nestled between them was an odd piece of jewelry, a small key on a chain. He'd seen keys that represented love, usually with a matching lock on another chain, but they were representations of keys. This looked to be a real operational key; there were even small scratches where it had been inserted and turned in a lock. What would she be locking up? As the evening wore on, he spotted it. The skin tight pants would have highlighted any man's genitals, even if they were small. There was a pronounced bulge in Lewis's pants, but it was an ovoid shape, symmetrical without the lumps or protrusions that testicles and penis make. It looked like his genitals had been hidden in or under something; maybe something like a chastity device. That fit perfectly with his analysis of the couple using him for a private sexual boost. Now that he had that established what would he do with the knowledge? He decided to push the edge a bit to see how the couple would react. He gave Lewis an order, sat close to Leanne, and generally took control. While Lewis was in the kitchen, Malik started hitting on Leanne, leaning in, being suggestive in his language, accidentally brushing her boobs, or making a show of looking at them before gazing back into her eyes. She reacted positively to all of it. She was a natural flirt and the attention he gave her breasts was well received by her. By the end of the evening he had a plan, in mind. He would research it over the next week; he confidently invited himself back for the next dinner, even changing the night just to prove he could. By the time Malik knocked on their door for the third dinner, he had worked out his plan for success. Just like his day trades, he had learned as much as he could to be prepared. First, he searched online for chastity devices that might look like the profile that Lewis showed. The one he found that looked like the best match had a metal cup that was ovoid in shape and would look smooth under clothes. If this was the model, he was in luck, because it was well made and would be difficult to get out of without the key. In case Leanne was a little slow to push Lewis, Malik wanted to put him in something feminine himself, an apron would be perfect. He looked online till he found something suitable, the 50's housewife look. He had noticed that some of the aprons featured Lucille Ball, an icon for that era. That gave him the idea to not only give Lewis a new feminine item, but to rename him, if possible. He made up a story that would support the name change. He had decided that Leanne wanted Lewis to be submissive and it looked like feminizing him was her strategy If so, providing him with an apron, a universal sign of both femininity and submissiveness, and a girl's name would be well received by her. Malik also found out about Lewis's job; his boss, what he did and what the company produced. Lewis was what he appeared to be, a middle level administrator in a small local company. In a lucky coincidence, Joe Simons, the owner of the company had approached the firm where Malik worked for investment advice. He had originally been assigned to another broker because he only wanted to invest a limited amount of funds; Malik had started getting assigned bigger investors because of his success. But Malik had been able to trade a larger more lucrative account to get assigned Mr. Simons' account. He might make less money, but his odds with the Reeces' would increase tremendously if he had leverage, real or just perceived, on Lewis through his company. As Leanne opened the door that night, Malik started his operation. Looking at her, he was pleased that she continued to dress so provocatively and that she was wearing the key. He was overjoyed at how Lewis was dressed. Leanne was literally forcing him to be feminine in front of Malik. Malik saw the embarrassment in his face as well as the gleam in Leanne's eyes indicating she loved seeing her husband squirm. The presence of the chastity device was also confirmed quickly. Leanne snuggled close to Malik as they sat down, giving him more encouragement. By the time, he had directed Lewis around, and fondled his leg and ass, Malik was almost certain that he was going to succeed. That gave him the courage to pull the key maneuver. It worked better than he had dreamed possible. Not only did she tell him about the chastity device, she also confirmed that the only key accessible that weekend was in his hand. By the time, he pulled her close to kiss her, Malik knew that all the phases of his plan would work. Even Leanne's initial resistance to his kiss seemed almost scripted for Lewis; her tongue plunged into his mouth as if she were starving. She quickly became a co-conspirator, pushing Lewis, now Lucy, further into a feminized submissive role. However, Malik knew Leanne's secret. He saw it in her eyes when he grabbed the key. As much as she wanted to dominate Lewis, she also craved someone controlling her. That would happen, but just not tonight. Tonight he needed to get the couple to the point where it could all be tied together tomorrow. He would allow her one more night to think she was pulling the strings. The dinner was now complete, and I wanted to clean up and get back to the kitchen. The evening had been a tug of war between my sexual arousal of being humiliated and dominated and the agony of watching my wife flirt with a man; now the sexual tension was becoming unbearable. I had been able to convince myself that the kisses shared between my wife and Malik were meaningless, done just to ratchet up our lust. But it was still hard to watch and the heels, shaper and cosmetics were becoming more annoying with every minute. I don't know how women stand it. What was even worse was how Malik seemed to find a new button to push every minute. I just wanted to speed everything up; the idea of waiting till Monday to be release was playing in all my thoughts. I was just getting ready to clear the table, but now Malik wanted something else. "Lucy, you've been flashing that pretty little lace shaper all evening, how about slipping out of your manly shorts to let me see it fully? I think it would be cute to see how your new apron would look just wrapped over your lingerie and hose." "That's a great idea, Malik. Lucy you do as he says. I know you were eager to wear your new sexy shaper tonight. Let him see how good it looks on you." I looked at her with disbelieve. I know she was teasing me purposely to increase my humiliation so she would receive the benefits later, but she no longer even winked at me to signal she was playing a game. Plus, he would not know what was true from what was fantasy. But I felt I had no other choice, so I stood by the table and slowly untied the bows that held the vest together. Sliding it off my arms I put it on the couch and then turned to slip the crochet shorts down my legs. I did manage to angle myself so that my butt was not in full view as I bent over, but I had some trouble with the shorts catching on my heels as I tried to step out of them. They both laughed at my struggle. "Leanne, I think you might want to invest in skirts for Lucy from now on. Now that he has made his point tonight with his shorts, it might be easier for him to just wear dresses when he feels the need to show off his legs. You do look very cute in that lacey shaper. Turn around let me see your butt. Nice. Just one more request. Leanne indicated that she locked you up in a chastity device and asked me to hold the key. Why don't you let me see it, so I can appreciate the value of this request?" I was dumbfounded. He expected me to undress and show him my bound genitals? I glanced at Leanne but she just smiled bigger, as if she was an innocent bystander to this whole evening. I knew I either had to come up with an excuse or go ahead. I thought momentarily, but had no reason not to show him. Defeated, I bowed my head and started to slip the straps off my shoulder. I heard Leanne giggle and saw her shake her head no. "Lucy, you don't need to take it off. Just reach down between your legs; the crotch has two snaps you can release to pull up the bottom so you can get to your hose and panties. Malik, please understand, Lucy is new to girls clothes. She has a lot to learn about the intricacies and subtleties of her new fashions. Sometimes I think i

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The cops pushed their way up to Nancy and demanded, "OK, you little bitch, where is our money?" Nancy was feeling her oats since she knew that help was so close by. "Go fuck yourself, you whore to slaves!" The cop was staggered by that statement. No insult could have cut her more. She raised her baton to hit Nancy in the arm or shoulder with the intent of breaking a bone. She didn't want to hit Nancy in the head and render her unconscious so that she could not feel the beating that the...

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One Fit Sizes All

ONE FIT SIZES ALL By Persephome © 2017 Synopsis: Vic brought home a beautiful dress as a present for his wife. She loves it but says it's too small. He insists it's not. She says prove it. His life will never be the same. Chapter One Vic needed some new jeans. Usually his wife bought them for him but when he asked her to pick some up for him she told him. "Vic, this is a three day weekend. I made plans and I have way too much to do today to take time to buy you jeans....

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MrsTaylor Will Jason

Mrs. Taylor was by far the sexiest teacher to ever walk the halls. Jason and Will were the horniest 18 year old football studs to ever lust after such a sexy woman. Jason the taller and dark haired of the two was always talking about her. But today it was more than his imagination that has him excited. “Dude, today she told me she needed me to come over after school. She said it was really important that I bring you and not tell anyone!” Mrs. Taylor conveniently lived next door to Will, the...

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Sallys Slut Stories Ch 01

September 1978 Sally Johnson could not suppress the nervous feeling in her stomach as she accompanied her stepfather, Ted Bissett, into the crowded bar of an upscale hotel in downtown Los Angeles. It was a warm Wednesday night near the end of summer, and a small bead of sweat trickled languidly between her breasts, emphasizing – as if the stares of every man in the bar weren’t enough – that she was all but naked under her thin dress. The day had finally come, when Ted would start to offer her...

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Perpetuas Revenge

He walked out of the cemetery gates blinded by an accusing sun. Its harsh glare seemed to persecute him. The only woman in his life who was worthy of his love and respect, and now she was gone. If ever he had been lonely for a woman before it was a feeling he could always counter, but in his current state it was a deep trench of emptiness and loss. He would never have thought to reach out to anyone for support in the past but he decided to contact a woman who had pursued him several years ago....

3 years ago
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Santa BabyChapter 2

Suzanne was bent over him holding a large mug of steaming coffee in her hand. Jack peered at her through one squinted eye, then swung his feet to the floor and sat up stiffly. The coat from his Santa suit, which had been draped over his upper body like a blanket, slid off and fell to the floor, leaving his bare arms prickled with gooseflesh under the short sleeves of his t-shirt. Suzanne handed Jack the coffee and opened the fist that had held the mug. On her palm were three reddish-brown...

3 years ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 17 An American Cousin

ACQUISITION ANXIETIES "Igor Ivanovitch?" "Da, Anatoly Sergeyevitch. A pleasure to speak with you again. How can I help?" "A client has asked me to arrange some arrangements. A meeting and discussion with you would be helpful. This afternoon?" "Da: where shall we meet?" "Tverskaya?" "Tverskaya, agreed." It is 5 o'clock in the afternoon and, Doctor Mendeleyev arrives at Anatoly's office at the Red Square end of Tverskaya Ulitsa. Anatoly has arranged for tea and for a few...

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Me And Alicia First Date Part ll

It was just a week after my first trip to strip club and it was a long weekend. I couldn’t join my friends for a 3 day trip to San Francisco due to my official work. I was all alone at home. Strip club experience made me so hot in the whole week and I wanted to enjoy more such experiences. So I thought of calling a stripper to home and have fun. I started checking few out call strippers’ websites and found a comment that if you are expecting more than just stripping, then you should call an...

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Accidently Samantha

Accidentally Samantha BY Karen Flynn [email protected] My girlfriend and I were at the dock in Keywest for a snorkeling trip when Jennifer suddenly started complaining about how her stomach was bothering her. This was no surprise, Jennifer never wanted to do anything but this time I thought she might go. She said "You go, I don't want to spoil your fun." What could I do, I went, As the 60 foot Catamaran pulled away from the pier she waved then headed back to the hotel. I am about...

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The hacker

This story is a literal translation of my own German story "Der Hacker". I appreciate it if you point out bad English in my text, it's not my native language and I'd like to improve my story. The keyboard clacked, Thomas stared at the computer screen as if spellbound. The instant noodles had already gotten cold, his cola just tasted stale, he hadn't closed the lid. His eyes burned like hell and his head ached. It had to be possible. Another line of codes flowed from his fingers, another one, he...

Mind Control
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A Visit to a Fan Ch 12

After another plate of pot pie and a glass of wine, Gale felt as if he’d won the lottery. This had all been such a risk. What if she would have been a nut case? What if he’d been wrong about the feelings he’d had when he read her works? He set the plate in the sink and took his glass into the living room, joining her on the couch. It made his heart flutter when she crawled over to him, putting her arms around him and giving him a hug. ‘What are we watching?’ ‘Oddly enough, Particles of...

3 years ago
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Truth Or Dare part 2 The New Guy

I lived just a few blocks from my school. We were now walking toward my house. All of a sudden the new guy said Im so fucking horny right now! I then said well you are going to suck dick and hsi dick first and you`re going to get fucked first got it? Yeah he said I love sucking cock! After a few mintutes we got to my house. I got in first. I lead them both to my bedroom. They both got in the room with me and I shut the door. I put my back against the wall. I said, new...

3 years ago
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Discrete Affairs Of Two South Indian Wives 8211 Part 2

I was glad to see encouraging responses for my first report on my sex life and am encouraged to write some more. Those who have not read the first part, do read it before you continue because I will not be repeating what I wrote there again. So, here goes! I and Padma had a wonderful morning with Rishi that morning and then went out for a non-veg lunch. Even though I and Padma were both traditionally pure vegetarians, wild sex always demands some meat afterward. So, we had our fill and all...

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The Oracle Of New Delphi Part 1

The Oracle Of New Delphi By Hypatia This is my first attempt at a story that sort of got away from me and despite the fact that I have three other short stories on the go since I started this I have not been able to finish them as this was always rearing its head to distract from my thoughts. So after six months of playing around with it I present to you my monster that has emerged from my unconscious mind. I don't know whose taste it will be for it is a very long and involved...

1 year ago
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Kim and Bryan

by BootyLover This story is a work of fiction. Any appearance of connection to real persons of events is purely coincidental. My name is Jack Winters. I'm 44 years old and live near Monterey California with my wife and daughter, a senior in high school. We have a son in college. A couple of months ago, I had an experience which likely changed my life, but I'm not yet sure what it means for me. I've never been promiscuous, but I've always loved looking at beautiful women. My...

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BrownBunnies Aaliyah Hadid Squirting From Double Penetration With Anal

Aaliyah Hadid needs oil spread over her hot body. She asks the pool guy and gardener for a lending hand. The two where happily in shocked as they walked toward her. She gets her big tits and juicy ass oiled up before inviting the two inside for some naughty fun. She sucks one off as she gets dick in her pussy and ass. She gets both her holes by the two guys in a while threesome that includes double penetration, squirting and even as they inserted both dicks in her pussy at the same time. She...

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Jack and Sarah Chapter Two

While her father Jack was in LA working out his fantasies about her with a call girl, Sarah was in Chicago in the big bed she shared with her cousin Sylvie whenever her father was out of town on business and she stayed with her uncle and her cousin. Neither of the girls mothers’ were around. They had been sisters. Sarah’s mom died in a car accident before Sarah was even old enough to remember her. Sylvie’s had run off with another man. All they had left of them was some faded photographs and...

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Master Aunty From Chennai

Hi, I am Nithin from Kerala, I am working in an MNC in Kerala. From a very small age itself, I started fantasizing and masturbating and from that time itself, I was interested in aunties because of their structure. So please read my sex story. Talking about myself, I am an average person with average height and weight and I am 25 years of old. This is a fantasy which I always wanted to have with an aunty whose is my aunt’s friend. Her name is Rekha, age was around 35 and she had a nice...

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BlacksOnBlondes Riley Star 02132018

Swipe right! We’re sure you’ve heard that phrase before. Beautiful, blonde Riley Star sure has, especially when her boyfriend is out of town. Riley’s swiping right on social media whenever the profile she’s looking at is that of a Black Bull, and today she’s got one heading over! Thank goodness her “man” is across the country on a business trip. Riley has the house to herself! The thought of cheating with a big, black Bull always makes her want to...

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Trainer meets His Goal PT4 Blacken

Lisa took in Marc's handsome body with its thick dark penis and the tightly curled pubic hair encircling the thick shaft where it met his smoothly toned abdomen as he closed the door to the shower and walked away. The last thing she noted was his nicely rounded mocha colored ass, and she felt an excitement in her loins as she remembered the thrill of holding his ass with her hands and pulling it toward her body as he fucked her only hours before. Her excitement was mixed with shame and...

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Finally i tamed MOM

Hi readers , I live in Chandigarh , n i hope u enjoy my story So to give you a brief about my mom , she’s a bomb in one word , she’s tall , healthy and fair . She’s 38 32 40 , long hair n great legs . You might be now getting the idea how tasty thing she is..I always wanted to knock her up from long, i have seen her getting eaten up by my father through pinholes .It was when i was finished my B.com , i was restless , all i wanted is to nail her badly , so one day i made a plan to get inside her...

2 years ago
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A Curious BetrayalChapter 2

Supermarket Thinking back over things you can sometimes see a mundane event was pivotal. A Tuesday morning for instance. The quietest day of the week for the supermarket, so I’m across town to Sainsburys. But my peaceful amble round the aisles is interrupted when I bump into Monica, an old school friend I’d never been that keen on. She natters on while I do the nodding in that female form of verbal masturbation. Monica has a glamorous sort of social life and she’s shopping now for her...

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MyFriendsHotMom Julia Ann 22415

When you need to make some extra money, there’s always a hot horny MILF who needs some work done around the house! As is the case with Julia Ann, who’s willing to help her son’s friend Tyler put a little extra change in his pocket. She puts Tyler to work by having him clean her pool, and then sweetens the deal by putting him to work on her hot pussy! The big tits hot mom warms up Tyler’s dick with just enough time to spare to get cleaned up, proper and warm up dinner for her son when he gets...

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Bookstore Surprise

One of my favorite adult bookstores was just outside of the town I grew up near. There were two of them, one on each end of town. This was the one that was most active [usually] and, I considered it the best. There was a low end motel across the road…no big surprise there and, another about two miles away. It – this bookstore - was the cleaner of the two choices and, if you’re gonna spend part of the night on your knees, a cleaner floor is a good thing… Bookstore surprise.This one seemed to...

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The plumber see too much

Ding Dong!.......no answer?I Rang the Doorbell again, and just as I turned to walk away, the Door opened a little! "Hello luv..I've just come to repair your boiler" "Oh right, you'd best come in then" the lady replied.She opened the door fully and i walked in squeezing past her. "It's in kitchen she said"' pointing down the hall.She was wearing a housecoat and looked as though she'd just got up out of Bed. "I'll be back in a minute" she said, and with that went upstairs. I watched her walk ,...

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Naa Katha telugulo

hi friends my name is shekar and Iam from kakinada yenti telugulo sex story ani hi antunnadani choostunnara andaru raastunte naaku raayalanipinchindi ok ok direct gaa naa katha lo Ki vachesthanu. Naa vayassu 17 ame naameeda 2 year peddadi peru avasaram ledu ame pani naaku coffe ivvadam bojanam choosukovadam class ki velletappudu bye cheppadam anthe. Anukokunda okaroju classki 30 nimushalu munde vadilesaru. Nenu vachesariki taalalu teesi unnayi sare ame vachindani nenu lopaliki vellesariki maa...

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My Wife Jans Panties

Darren a good friend came to visit. Jan my wife wasn't home at the time she'd ducked out to grab a few goodies for our housewarming party that evening. Darren was helping me arrange all the garden furniture in the BBQ area and as he walked back inside he noticed Jan's panties hanging on the line. Well he darn near wet himself from sheer thought of what Jan would be almost wearing under her tight skirt or sundress. Darren was beside himself as he toyed with a pair of her lace panties that he...

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The Last ManChapter 5

In Washington President Nancy Bellows had just finished with a security council meeting. The number one subject for many weeks was "Who had done this and how are we going to get them?" After chasing down thousands of leads the CIA and FBI had not found a thing. The Air Force had planes running around like chickens with their heads cut off and nobody had found diddly-squat. What they knew wouldn't fill a paragraph and what they didn't know about the disease and more importantly its shady...

2 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 21 Cayman Island Girls Family Reunions and a Couple of Weddings

Characters Introduced: Penelope, 40, Brianna's Mother, 5'5, White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38D Breasts and a swan-like neck Iris, 18, Brianna's Sister, 5'4 White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38C Breasts and a swan-like neck Julian, 16, Brianna's Sister, 5'2,White, Blond Hair with Green Eyes, 36C Breasts and a swan-like neck Jillian, 16, Brianna's Sister, White, 5'2,Blond Hair with Green Eyes, 36C Breasts and a swan-like neck Keiko, 16, Orphaned Child adopted by Ben, Asian,...

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Betsy CarterChapter 5

Gary stayed away from the house while the rules of the house were explained to the rest of the staff. He was dreading going inside. There was no telling what he’d find when he got inside. He sat in his car staring off into the distance. Stacy said, “One guy and six women in a clothing optional house. You must be in heaven.” “Hell is more like it,” Gary said. “Don’t forget that one of those women is you.” “That still leaves you five women, mister ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em, ‘“ Stacy...

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No KingChapter 5

It was maybe three weeks later when Marnie went to answer the door there was Kathy and a quick look said that had to be her mother. “Oh Kathy, sorry you missed him this is Paul’s weekend with his father.” “Oh I knew that, mom and I were talking and she wanted to meet you, this is my mother Moira.” Marnie was very nervous, what was going... “I told mom about you and me and Paul.” 9 words that hit her like an sledgehammer! Moira pushed by her and they ended up in the kitchen. Moira sat at...

2 years ago
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Jeans Fitting Day

Jean’s Fitting DayM/f, F/f  Long Term Chastity, anal, bondage, spanking, humiliation, domination and punishment, light, long build up (You may learn a lot about Chastity Belts) but exciting ending – At least I think so.Jean is driven to her chastity belt manufacturer to pick up her belt and be locked in. This leads to some interesting adventures for her and a discovery about her daughter.Jean has been my live in girlfriend for the past five years; she was a single mom with an 18 year old...

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Guinea Pig

I'm beginning to get a bad feeling about this.  I'm a student here at uni, and I make some extra cash as a guinea pig for some of the medical pracs.  You choose the prac, and some are really good, like being paid to sleep.  This prac caught my eye cause it sounded almost too good.  The notice on the volunteers board read:Fit guys wanted to test human growth stimulator drug for the Phys Ed research unit.  Testing involves 1 hour daily sessions over 2 weeks, all accomodation and meals provided. ...

2 years ago
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Crazy Ex1

    When I hit 30 I had realized it was now or never. I felt like I had wasted so much time and didn't want to waste any more. I was getting older and was sick of being miserable so I left. It was a difficult decision but I knew if I stayed in my kids lives, I could live a more fulfilling and happy life. I knew I had to finally allow myself to be happy as well.    The break up was full of anger and hate. She stole a lot of my things but I soon met a girl that made me shrug my shoulders to...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter21 Is Beth ready To Take Things to The Next Level

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 21 Is Beth Ready To Take Things To The Next Level? Aaron spent the rest of the break staring at the picture of Beth in her jersey and panties. He had never seen her panties before, he had only seen her bra a view times and had never seen her bare breast. They knew that some people ridiculed them for their approach to sex and for wanting to maintain some purity. But he couldn't stop thinking about that picture. He wondered what...

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Wife Wants to Watch Next Time Gay

My wife and I have been married for 7 years, and have been very happy. We have never really had a great sex life but she is very hot and whenever we do have sex it's pretty good. We are in the norm I think with the 2-3 times a month and we never get into anything crazy or kinky, mostly light foreplay and then straight sex till we both cum. I have always had a much higher sex drive then my wife as she is 31 and I am 37, but I think she is starting to get into her horny stage in life. I hope!!...

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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 6

The box I carried in was, indeed, clamps. Lots of slide-bar clamps. Clamps four foot down to three inch. I had a bench full of clamps. The laser cut 4mm plywood parts were of a precision I could not possibly match. A light swipe with a bit of sandpaper removed the char from the laser cut. I swept the concrete floor and wiped my area with degreaser. Shit ... Walking on it left shoe prints. I quickly retrieved my plastic wrap from the dumpster and wrapped my shoes. No tracks. Figuring I’d...

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Who watches the witchers

It is not easy sleeping with someone when you’re used to being alone for so long. I'm not complaining but the same, costume party turned orgy, day I confessed to Sara that I was in love with her, she all but moved into my room. Not in the traditional sense, her stuff was still in her room at her house. She sneaked into my room through my second story window each night. I would have thought she would want at least a couple of nights to herself. I know now, I should have known better. We had been...

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Sexy Wife Maid

This story is about my sexy maid Sumitra and my wife Rittu who is 36 years of age very fair complexion with plump ripe body and big boobs and heavy hips my sexual life with Rittu was very wild and we used to fuck in all the positions as we used to see in porn films even she used to take all my cum in her mouth and on her face as the years passed on our sexual life was getting very boring as we used to do every day the same sex positions. And even the children were also growing up one day my...

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Patriarch Alliance Travellers Saviors

I have no thought, I have no thought,???????????????????????????? I have no desire,???????????????????????????? I have no love,???????????????????????????? I am nothing to my Master???????????????????????????? I have nothing but my Master7th ChantWay of the Female?????   The ship?s engines burst into life. Pushing at full capacity, they thrust ?Savior? away from the space station. The Middleton Space Fortress is a safe enough place, but for the trader and sometimes smuggler Soshi...

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Just Another Day

WARNING: This story contains elements of police brutality, torture, terrorism, extreme violence, sexual assault, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia and coarse language. Depiction does not equal endorsement, and the attitudes and actions presented in the story do not necessarily reflect the views of the writer. Recommended reading music: Kid Rock - Bawitdaba (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OrNS2zbTZg) - "Lovelace is untouchable." "Nobody is untouchable, Detective Othmani....

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Looking Through the LensChapter 23 Celebration Day

Heather pulled the car to a stop in the beach lot, and quieted the engine. “Sure you don’t want to go home and sleep?” she asked. “No, I’m feeling better already.” Heather smiled at me. “Okay.” “I never thought the talk with Julie was going to be easy,” I said, “but that was definitely way more than I expected!” “I think Brian’s trying to leave his legacy as being the town’s biggest asshole ever,” Heather said acerbically. “And he’s doing a good job of it, too.” “Do you think he’s going...

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Rani And Rain

Hi every one in indian sex stories site mera naam siddu hai. Mera height 5.5 weight 59 aur 5.5 lund hai… Now lets come to story. Raani aur mai best friends hai. Ham dono ke baare hamare ghar bhi pata hai. Ham ek dusre ke ghr ko jaate aaate hai.. Let as begin the story… Us din ham dono evening raani ka naya scotty lekar gaav ko aa rahe the.Usi waqk baarish aane laga maine kaha ki raani baarish rukne ke baad ghar ko chalege… Lekin wo nai maana aur kaha ki baariah to tej nai.. Maine request kiya...

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Daddys Baby

Hi! My name is Pan and I am 20 years old. I have black hair and blue eyes. I stand about 5'6" tall and weigh about 120 pounds with a DD rack. I have a dad named Jaxon. He is such a handsome man and does not look anywhere close to his age of 42. He has jet black hair and the bluest eyes you have ever seen (you can definitely tell where I get my looks from). Daddy likes to workout and keep in shape, maintaining a six pack that everyone seems to drool over.Daddy and I started having sex on my 17th...

2 years ago
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BimboTech Chapter 8 Bimbo Wife DPed

Chapter Eight: Bimbo Wife DPed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Alice Jackman, Chief Research Scientist of BimboTech Chemicals The fume hood roared as I worked with the chemicals in it. I had an idea for how to make the intelligence serum last longer than an hour. It required just the right combination and percentage of chemicals so the solution didn't burst into a toxic cloud. Hence, the fume hood. I sat on my stool in my private lab in the bowels of BT Chemicals. It was wonderful...

1 year ago
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I want to be a tweeker groups gangbang party whore

Well as this who know me and read about my past know I had to what most would consider a rough c***dhood but it fit me. After the months of being d**gged and pimped when I was 13 I was removed from my home and placed into foster care where I was raised through the system. I went on to college and finally graduated from medical school. I have been a family physician for the last 20 years. About a year ago I started see8ng a mistress who I told of my past and as you also know from my previous...

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Last night his fingers played with my puss while he kissed me wildly, holding my hair tight in his grip, his lips nearly devouring me alive all while he probed gently teasingly at my puss. Getting me wetter than ever. Sliding his fingers on me gently, playing in my wetness. Bringing string after string to my clit, gently covering it, stroking my lips, slipping his middle finger gently between my lips and then down to my puckered ass. Sliding wildly all over my sensitive areas, never relenting...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 6 A Quickie

It was getting late and I had work to do. She continued her poses on the bed. I was ready to try her on again. The poses of her body were very arousing, especially the rear views which she seemed to promote in her posing. As I was considering this she asked about how she might go about asking for more. She was not talking about the meal or the conversation. Also, she did not blush as she spread her legs wide, then used her fingers to part her inner labials, showing me her pink, wet flesh...

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A Shy Kid Ch 07

When I got home from school I did my usual homework plus some chores my mother always gives me. When she got home I greeted her with a soft kiss and a big hug. She said that she had a long day and was tired so there was to be no early hanky panky. She cooked us a nice meal and we chatted about nothing.After dinner, we cleared the table and washed the dishes doing some light grab-ass'en and then went into the living room to watch some TV. My mom suggested that we just cuddle until bedtime; I...

3 years ago
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BethChapter 76

October 19, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, We did not wake to Meka in our bed, about which I had mixed feelings. On one hand, who wouldn’t be attracted to such a sexy young woman? On the other, I am not at all sure that I want to add anyone to the Sisterhood, nor to the large web of sexual relationships in the house. I am certain, at least as far as I can be without confirmation, that Meka is on Sandy’s list. I know that Dad will put his foot down, but Meka is an attractive and very sexy young...

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GirlsWay Chloe Cherry Kendra Spade Showcase Kendra Spade

Kendra Spade is all dressed up and ready to hit the town with her girlfriend for her 21st birthday. However, she’s crushed when her girlfriend texts that she forgot about the special ocassion. As if that’s not insulting enough, her girlfriend even asks for a raincheck! As Kendra mopes, she’s gets a visit from her best friend, Chloe Cherry, who gives her a birthday cake. Although she promises to keep the visit brief, Kendra tells her there’s no need since her girlfriend...

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Confessions Of A West Palm Slut Chapter 17

It had been a few weeks since I had last had sex. Three, to be exact. I had been working as many hours as possible and my new home in Palm Beach Gardens did not have nearly as many men around as my downtown apartment. This may have been the longest I had gone without sex since arriving in West Palm Beach, but to be honest, my memory was so cloudy I couldn't be sure. It was a Sunday in late June, and Courtney and I were spending the day lying on the sofa, trying to find the type of...

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Mistress Ashley Meets Her Match part 4

 My name is Roxanne and I am a Domme. Several months ago, I met  another Mistress and made her my sub. It has been awhile since I have been in touch with Ashley and have decided to take her with me to an event I was planning to vend at. I send her a text.Beep. Hello, pet. I have a new adventure for you. We will be going away for a week. I am vending at a camping event and I want you there with me. I will send you the dates and information you will need and you must make whatever arrangements...


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