Time To Pay (Chapter 1) free porn video

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Time To Pay By Anna Na Maus This is the story of a philandering husband and his wife's revenge. Chapter one sets the scene and introduces you to the main protagonists. Michael, the philanderer and Jenny his poor, wronged wife. Chapter One I first met Michael when I was just eighteen years old. I was a first- year student doing my BSc in Pharmacology at Bristol University. Michael was doing a degree as well over at the University of the West of England, the other University in Bristol. To some people in the city it is still called the Old Polytechnic. Michael was doing a BSc in Computer Science. I can remember the night we met, even now. I was out with some girl friends from the course, as all students do when they first arrive in Bristol we were enjoying the delights of Whiteladies Road. We had already sampled a couple of cocktail bars by the time we met these boys in the Jersey Lily so I was feeling kind of happy. There was this one guy that caught my eye, he wasn't the best looking in the group but he had these eyes, these beautiful brown eyes that just drew me in. I guess I had a lot to drink because my memories are only patchy but I remember dancing at some point, outside some bar or another on the street, the memory felt very romantic. I also remember a goodnight kiss that felt absolutely amazing, and a decision not to call because we were at different universities so it would be difficult. That didn't feel amazing, even if it made sense at the time. Of course, when something is meant to be, it just happens; and it did. I bumped into Michael the following week, and the week after that. In fact, it seemed that ever where I went Michael was either there or turned up later and we always hooked up. I believed at the time that our love was destined to be, I was so smitten and I convinced myself that he was as well. For my birthday that November he had surprised me with a trip on the Eurostar and a weekend in Paris. We had dinner on the train, served in our seats not bought from a buffet car and there were roses waiting in the hotel room. I knew Michael wasn't rich and that this must have taken pretty much everything he had but that was Michael all over. The only things he seemed to care about were his studies and me. Whenever we were out with his friends, who only ever talked about computers, Michael would make sure that I was involved as much as possible. If the conversation got too complicated then he'd just ignore his friends and talk to me. Either that or we'd sneak out and go up to his bedroom, which was always my preferred choice. With my friends it was completely different, no matter what drivel we talked about, he always listened and somehow managed to join in. My Michael could talk chick flicks, make-up, he was even there when Sally's boyfriend dumped her and she cried for a week. I remember our first summer. Rather than spend the whole twelve weeks apart I invited Michael to come and spend the week with my family in Norfolk. We weren't rich but we were fortunate enough to live in a large house in a secluded location. The house was rented to us by a wonderful couple, both in their sixties, who had read in the local papers about the problems we were having with my sister and they offered us this place as a way of escaping. I remember my Dad telling them we'd never be able to afford the rent and Dominic, the owner, asked how much we paid at the old place. When Dad told him, he asked if we could afford that, Dad said 'just about' and Dominic said that that's how much the rent is. Just like that. I'd never met anyone like him before. Ever. Maybe I should explain about the issue we had with my sister. She wasn't a problem, and none of the family had a problem either, it was just idiot neighbours and locals. You see my sister used to be my brother, but she didn't want to be a boy. Bill was four years older than me and I idolised him, he was the best big brother in the world because he didn't mind playing dollies with me. We'd sit for hours making up stories have having the dolls play the characters. Every year he bought me a new dolly for my birthday. He told our parents that he didn't want to be a boy anymore when he twelve. Dad didn't take it very well at first, Dad was a fireman and had wanted Bill to follow in his footsteps. Best thing is, Bill did, just as Billie. Of course, Dad had accepted Billie long before that happened, it only took a few weeks for him to come around to the idea. I think when you love your kids it doesn't matter what they are, you always love them and my Dad was brave enough to show his love for Billie. Mum never had a problem with it from day one, she said that Bill had always been a sweet boy and it explained a few things. She also said that Gran had been convinced that Bill was going to be a girl all the way through her pregnancy and was quite put out when he came out as a boy. I always thought that it was a shame Gran died when I was three years old and never got to find out that she was right. So, at home it was all right, but when Billie started going out wearing girls clothes people got really horrid. People that we'd always thought of as friends were calling him a freak and saying that Mum and Dad were bad parents. Even the school sent him home saying that he was inappropriately dressed and he could only go back if he wore proper trousers. Being eight at the time I didn't think that was fair because the girls in my school were allowed to wear trousers so why shouldn't my brother be allowed to wear a dress. One night somebody painted 'child abuser' on my Dad's car bonnet and somebody else through a brick through the house window. We moved to a new house a couple of times to try and escape but the haters always found us. Billie was getting very sad and I could tell Mum and Dad were worried that he'd hurt himself. That was when Dominic and Lynne got in touch and offered us this house. They owned a whole village, almost, and were very strict on the type of people that they let live there so, for the first time in ages we were able to relax a bit. Billie and I were both home schooled at first but Mum eventually got me a place at a local Primary School with a very nice Headmaster called Mr Edwards who knew about Billie but never told anyone else. Billie never went back to school but she did go to college when she was sixteen, by then it wasn't so easy to tell that she had once been a boy. The day Michael arrived at the house Billie and Dad were at the fire station showing a school class around. Neither of them were full time firemen, that sort of thing doesn't exist in the countryside much anymore, but they were both given time off their normal jobs to carry out their duties as fireman. Most of the time Dad worked in a factory making vegetarian sausages and Billie was a barmaid, but fighting fires was what they loved and what they should have been allowed to do all the time. But, as I know only too well, life isn't like that. Michael turned the charm on with Mum, possibly a bit too much but she seemed to like him. He looked at the pictures in the living room, laughing at the one of me sat in a big tin washbowl in the garden on a summers day. He stopped when he came across a picture of Bill holding me when I was a baby. "Is that a cousin or something?" he asked. I had already told him that I had a big sister, but I hadn't told him about her past. "No that's my brother," I replied. "You never mentioned a brother before." A look of concern came over his face, "did something happen?" "What? No, nothing like that anyway," I answered and then, without thinking of the consequences I carried on, "I used to have a brother but now I have a sister. Billie was Bill." My boyfriend went quiet for a moment. "Are you all right, Michael?" I asked suddenly realising that, although Billie was perfectly normal to me she might not be to him. "Is there a problem?" "What? No." Michael tried to smile. "Nothing at all. I can't wait to meet her." By the time Dad and Billie had made it home Michael and I were unpacked and sat in the front room with a cup of tea and a very talkative Mum. Michael held back while I raced forward to hug my big sister and my dear old Dad. I simply assumed that my boyfriend was a little nervous at meeting Dad and wanted to give me a bit of space to get emotional. When I introduced him, he was very polite to my sister but I did notice that he didn't catch her eye. I wasn't worried, I just thought that he was a little bit nervous at meeting his first gender fluid person. I was sure that he'd come around, just like Dad did. My first indication that things were not as perfect as I'd hoped came half way through our second year in Bristol. I'd wanted us to share a flat and be like a proper couple but Michael told me that he had agreed to move in with some of the lads of his course so that they could work together on projects. That wasn't my problem, it made sense academically even if it spoiled my visions of a happy home. My problems began when a friend insisted I went with her to a pub in Portishead, a place on the outskirts of Bristol that I normally wouldn't visit because I didn't have a car. But she did and I assumed that she wanted to get away from something or someone so I agreed to go. As we pulled up outside a Brewers Fayre with a big hotel attached to it Marie, my friend, turned to me in the car looking very serious indeed. "Jen, I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't know how to tell you...so I thought I should show you instead. Now I'm not so sure it's a good idea." "What do you mean?" I asked, clearly puzzled. Marie took a deep breath. "Come on, we're here now. As I said, I'm sorry." With that Marie got out of the car and I followed, with trepidation. We pushed open the door to the pub come restaurant and stepped inside. The room, like all such rooms around the world was dimly lit and had a constant buzz of noise from the customers, music and fruit machines dotted around the walls. Marie was clearly looking for something specific so I did the same, even though I didn't know what, or who, I was supposed to be looking for. Not that I needed to know when I saw him, my Michael in the arms of girl I'd never seen before. Marie must have felt my body stiffen because she followed my gaze and grabbed my arm when she saw where I was looking. "I'm sorry, Jen," she said for the third time since we'd arrived, "come on, let's get out of here." She tried to pull me away but I couldn't move. It wasn't that I didn't want to leave, if I could have been anywhere other than that bar at that moment I would have, but my legs wouldn't move. I stood there, frozen to the spot, watching my boyfriend snogging with another girl. I watched as his head turned, in slow motion towards me, I watched as his eyes opened mid-kiss, something I never knew he did, and I watched as his brain registered that I was standing there, right in his line of vision. I saw the horror in his eyes as he pushed the girl away and I regained my ability to move as he rose from the seat and ran towards me. "Don't you come near me," I spat as he got close and he actually recoiled at the venom in my voice. "Don't you ever come near me, go back to your new friend and I never want to see you again." At that point my legs started moving, possibly on their accord, and I turned around to walk out of the bar. I wish I could tell you that I never saw Michael again and that I met a wonderful man and had a happy life. But that wouldn't make for a very good story. I did manage to keep him away from me for three weeks, friends would answer the phone and turn him away from my door for me. But when he started sending gifts and dedicating songs to me on the radio I began to weaken. When a Mariachi band serenaded me under my bedroom window, I caved and let him into the house, vindicating myself by claiming I did it to shut the band up and save my neighbours. But the upshot of it all was that Michael was back in my life, albeit with promises he would never stray again. He did, obviously, two months later in fact. I surprised him at home because he'd told me that him and his roommates were working on a piece of software and wouldn't be able to get out. I hadn't intended to stay but, knowing them as I did, I thought it would be nice if I took them a few pizza's so they'd at least get something to eat. When the door was opened by Phillip, one of the roommates, I could see from his eyes that I was the last person he wanted to see. Now I have to tell you that Phillip was a real sweetie and exactly what you'd imagine a computer geek would look like. After an initial, fruitless, attempt to stop me, the poor boy ran after me apologising. Why do people always apologise when you are about to find your boyfriend messing around on you? As I passed the living room I glanced in but only two of the five computers were switched on and one of those, I knew, was Phillip's. "Is he in his room?" I shouted, already storming up the stairs to Michael's first floor bedroom. Phillip trailed after, no longer trying to stop me, just resigned to what was about to happen. I didn't knock, simply barging the door open, piping hot pizza's still in my hand. "You son of a bitch," I shouted before, instinctively, hurling the food at him and the blonde he was sharing his bed with. I guess I was lucky that I didn't burn either of them but at that point I didn't care. I just threw the pizza's barged past poor old Phillip and ran home, tears streaming down my face. I was lucky, back then, because I lived with the most wonderful group of friends in a shared house in Redland. I'm also pretty sure that I tested their patience, and our friendship, to breaking point over my student years. They warned me, time and again, they told me not to give him another chance. But did I listen? Well, I did, but Michael can be very convincing and, once again he talked me around. It took longer than the first time, but I still caved and I still believed him when he told me it would never happen again. By the end of my third year, and the end of Michael's course he had cheated on me a further three times. I didn't learn my lesson though, every time he did it he managed to convince me to take him back. On the day of his graduation ceremony Michael pulled of the biggest con of his life. He proposed and, despite everyone I knew telling me not to, I accepted. We were married in a small ceremony in the Church of St Michael back home in Norfolk. Billie was my matron of honour and Dominic's granddaughter my bridesmaid. Michael had a friend from university as his best man but his family refused to attend. They did not approve of our marriage either it seemed. After the wedding, we returned to Bristol so that I could continue my studies and Michael took a job with a burgeoning software house. Marriage seemed to bring my new husband to his senses and there were no further dalliances, at least, none that I knew of. I worked hard at my studies and he worked hard at his job so that, by the time I graduated we were already in a relatively comfortable position. Things immediately jumped to another level when I landed a very prestigious job at the local Davenport's Pharmaceuticals Laboratories. Davenport's were reputed to be the world leaders in the field of gender reassignment, creating drugs and devices especially for those wishing to correct mistakes of gender that nature made. Because of my sister I had dreamt of landing a job with Davenport's and now it had happened, my life was perfect. To be continued... If you can't wait the next chapter has already been published and is free to read on my blog at https://anna-namaus.wixsite.com/mysite/blog

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Payne and Purging

‘I hurt myself today- To see if I still feel- I focus on the pain- The only thing that’s real- The needle tears a hole- The old familiar sting- Try to kill it all away- But I remember everything- What have I become?- My sweetest friend- Everyone I know- Goes away in the end- And you could have it all- My empire of dirt- I will bring you down- I will make you hurt’ –Johnny Cash, ‘Hurt’ On days when I’m tired, truly tired – when fatigue seems to weep from my aching bones and I have neither the...

3 years ago
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Payal Na Shanu Ko Apna Pati Da Diya

Hi it’s Vijay from bangalore This is my second story after getting good response on my first story Sex with my younger brother’s wife. I would love to share one more experience with you. Let me describe the characters in the story my self 25 well built 5.8 75kg My wife Payal 24 ‘5.5 34 30 36 Shanu bhabhi 28 5.7 34 28 32 They both love sex Jab ma office sa ghar lotta Meri wife aur shanu bhabhi bat kar rahi thi mera Anna sa Achanak chup ho Gayi mena un logo ko hi boll ka andar chala gaya phir...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Payal Aunty During Pooja 8211 Incest Story

This story is a continuation. Please read the first part and then come here for a better understanding of the story. After my aunt Payal sucked my cock in the bathroom, she behaved normally when everyone was around. I found it hard to believe. I was amazed at how women were so good at hiding certain things. Every time I saw my aunt Payal, I had sex with her in my mind but my aunt was very calm and composed. I touched my aunt and kissed her on that day here and there but nothing lasted for more...

2 years ago
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Tmkoc Episode 11 Yahan Bhide Wahan Payal

Hello friends I am Humraaj and I am back with the next episode of TMKOC. In case you don’t know me, I am Humraaj from Ahmedabad. If any one wants to contact can mail me on Now lets go on to the story. Jaisa ki aap sab jante hai Bhide Babita aur Anjali ki bich fass jata hai aur dono abhi satisfy nahi hoti hai. Anjali ander room se Vicks ko bottle lati hai aur Babita ko de deti hai. Babita Vicks nikalti hai aur Bhide kuch samajh paye isse pehle Bhide ke lund pe Vicks laga deti hai. Bhide ki...

3 years ago
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Productive Day With Secretary Payal In Husband8217s Absence

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10″ tall and muscular. My tool is 8.1″ long and 3″ thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the Middle East and India. I am located in Dubai, and I am a frequent traveler. This is a continuation of my previous story, “Milking My Secretary – Part 1.” I had mentioned in my previous story about my secretary. Her name is Payal. She is a Punjabi girl, 27 years old with a sexy and slim figure. Her...

1 year ago
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Productive Day With Secretary Payal In Husband8217s Absence

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10″ tall and muscular. My tool is 8.1″ long and 3″ thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the Middle East and India. I am located in Dubai, and I am a frequent traveler. This is a continuation of my previous story, “Milking My Secretary – Part 1.” I had mentioned in my previous story about my secretary. Her name is Payal. She is a Punjabi girl, 27 years old with a sexy and slim figure. Her...

4 years ago
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My wife Payal

I got married three years ago to a beautiful Payal. She wasn’t kind of pin up girl but she surely is a kind of woman men would wish to have her once in life. She looked amazing in salwar as well as in sarees. We used to go on a drive after our engagement. I remember those goose bumps when I first touched her thighs during our drive. Our first night was the time when I saw her completely naked. I couldn’t believe my luck as i saw her naked, those brown erect nipples which were so chewable. I...

3 years ago
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My Maid Payal 8211 Part II

Hi! Prakash here! I hope you have read my first submission “My Maid Payal”. This is the continuation of what happened next. As you know, I got lucky with my hot maid Payal and here I will tell how our last sex was before she left Bangalore. After 1 year of having sex with Payal… My holidays had begun and I was home. I was watching TV and my parents were home. Payal was doing her chores. Suddenly my mom gets a phone call and she hands it over to Payal. She looked at me while she was talking and...

1 year ago
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Mortimer and Myrtle A Love Story

Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry. Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...

1 year ago
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Payal Ki Sachai

Payal aur mein class 8 se 12, ek hi school aur ek hi class mein the. Padhai mein bahut achhi thi. Uska sabse distinct feature thi uski height. Wo 5 ft ki hi thi aur usse zyada nahi badhi. Sab use “Bachi” ke ke chidhate the. Lekin she was very cute. Uske gaal pe dimples aate the jab smile karti thi. Bahut chulbuli thi aur hamesha bahut excited raha karti thi. Meri aur uski jaan pehchaan thi. Hum koi bahut zyada ghane dost nahe the. Mann hi mann mujhe bahut pasand thi par main kaafi shy aur...

2 years ago
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Payal Ke Bhabhi Ka Body Massage Aur Sex

Hello dosto .This is rajan how ru all.How ur doing well.Aap sab log ko thanks apne mere story padhi aur like kiya .Jinho ne mail unko bhi thanks.Aise support karte rahe .Mai aur real story ap se share karunga. Toh dost jo muje nahi janti unko liye mere pehle story te shadi suda girlfriend anju ke sath sex aur uske bad anju ke behna sanju ko choda .Aur payal ek housewife ka body massage karke uss uske ghar mea kiya sex ke barme.Payal ke friend anjali ko bhi bahut choda.Sare story apko iss par...

1 year ago
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Inkaar Karti Payal Ko Itna Seduce Kiya K Usne Meri Bajaa Daali

Hi to all..Me rajkot gujarat se hu..28 saal..Average looking middle class average guy..With thick and a bit long dick..Story desi english me likhi he taaki aap ko mazaa aaye..My partners name is payal.. Aap bhabhi ho to aap ke liye wo payalbhabhi.. Aunty ho to payalaunty.. Girl ho to payal..Esa isliye k aap ko mazaa aaye.. Saamne vaale ko agar mazaa aaya to aap ka kaam ho jayega.. Wo khush ho kar jaisa aap bologe waisa karega hi.. Der lagti he.. Lekin milta zaroor he.. Payal or me whatsapp or...

1 year ago
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Payton and I

This is a true story about my first time with a girl named Payton. Payton and I were both eighteen at the time. She was about 5'7'' with the bluest eyes and most amazing blonde hair. After days of stressing over it, I finally asked her to a movie. She said yes. Upon arriving at the movie, I bought everything and we quickly settled in. We, of course, chose the back row as it had the best view and was the most private. Half way into the movie she layed her head on me and I wrapped my arm around...

First Time
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Payal Ki Chudai

Hi Dosto Rocky Again with 7 inch Mota Lund from Delhi In my colony was this gorgeous sexy girl named Payal. She had just turned 18. She had such a slim but curvy figure Her tits were large say about 36 in size and had nice round hips the kind you wanna grab and hold on to when thrusting into such a delightful desi girl. Her ass was so peachy and round, my was it nice. She generally wore a kurta with a chuniya. The kurta being low cut at the front showing enough cleavage through the opaque...

1 year ago
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Life Gets A New Blast Payal I Love You

This story is real and took place around one month back. Let me tell you about myself. I am Subh. I am no call boy stuff. I am a simple average looking plump Marwari boy, coming from a well to do family, of Kolkata. This was my first sex experience and was unexpected but gave me the feeling of ecstasy. I am in third year of my graduation and am a rank holder in academics. I have rarely given time in my life for sex as was always busy with books. College changed my life. Friends, Hookah, Drinks...

3 years ago
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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 08

37. Miles to Go before I sleep Dycke was sitting at the kitchen table, with his mother and father, talking about the events of the preceding day, as Marti entered the room. All of them greeted her and asked her to sit down and join them. Marti declined and said to Dycke, ‘I want to talk to you in private.’ ‘Marti, by the tone of your voice, I think I would have rather have this discussion here. I think I would be safer.’ ‘Alright Dycke, we will do it your way. Did you have that disc...

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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 06

29. The Challenges Lay Alongside Piker Temple met Dycke and Chad Snyder at the principal’s office in the morning. Piker told the principal that due to the change in Dycke’s circumstances, the school now had a security problem and there were only two ways to solve it. Dycke was now a high risk student, because he had inherited a great deal of money and it was now, or would soon be, in every newspaper, on TV and on the internet. Every person in the world, with evil intent, would know where Dycke...

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George Payne Pt 01

Sure, little lady, you can come aboard. Deelighted ya stopped by, whatever it’s for. Let me give ya a hand. Nice day, isn’t it? May get a bit rough tonight when the storm blows through. Can I offer ya something to drink? Now, now, I’ve got all kinds of stuff here: bourbon, Scotch, gin, vodka. Even got some craft beers from the monastery, Belgian stuff young folks like you seem to like. Oh, all right. I’ll get ya some water. Think I got a bottle below. C’mon down, your price is right! Here ya...

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Payal Ko Itna Seduce Kiya Ki 8211 Part 2

Hi all, Jignesh from Rajkot. Back again to complete my story. If any one want to contact me you may contact at Please read first part so you can enjoy. Coming to the sex story.. Jaise ki maine bataya ki penty k upar se hi maine lick kiya to uspe payal aaahhaa a karte huve paani nikal diya. Uske baad thodi der usko mai hug krke so gayaa. Tight hug kiya. Yaad rahe ki sex is not every thing for any female. Usko love pehle do badle me aapko bahot mazaa aayega. Uske baad hum dono 15 min tak relax...

2 years ago
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Love Making With Payal On The Shoot

Hi friends, this story is about the sex which I had with a model during the shooting. It was in the month of April when I got one shoot for a digital ad. As it was the still shot so selecting the model was a little tedious task. Finally, we got the model name Payal and she was from Delhi. The shoot was in one of the farmhouses situated at Faridabad with lots of greenery and covered swimming pool. Due to the hot weather, we decided to shoot in the early morning and went to our rooms. Everyone...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Sexy Maid Payal

Hey, I am Akshay and this is my story my sex experience with my maid payal. She is so hot her figure is 34-26-36. Ab soch lo kitni hot hogi wo. I am an average guy 5’11” tall. Mera lund 7″ ka hai. So coming directly on to my story. I am studying BE and i live in a house which i rented. A maid her name is payal she comes to my house in the. Morning to prepare my mean for college and cleans the house and then comes in the evening for the same.clg tym tak maine use itna notice nahi kia tha bt jab...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e19 Reece Payne 26 activist

Series 7, Episode 19: Reece Payne (26) from Yeovil We open on a full length shot of this week’s guest. The first thing we notice is that she has a length of duct-tape wrapped stuck over her mouth. She’s slim and pale, no make-up, shoulder length, loose, blonde hair – fairly unkempt. Dressed in a pair of loose jeans and a baggy black sweatshirt bearing the legend “ANIMAL WRONGS”. She folds her arms across her chest and stands there, glaring into camera, her body language reads ‘anger’. She...

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Payal Aur Mai 8211 Part I

Hello dear readers.. mai kashyap. meri age 20 sal hai. aur mai nagpur ka rehnewala hu. mai ISS ka purana reader hu. mai engineering 2nd year ka student hu. so storie begeins…mai jub naya2 nagpur me aya tha to mai ye city dekhke bahut khush tha. chuki mai yaha naya tha to mera nagpur me koi dost nahi tha. aur meri koi girlfriend bhi nahi thi. muze holidays me ghumna pasand hai. so mai ek sunday ghumne nikla. mere pas tub bike n hone ke karan mai bus se travel kiya karta tha. so mai bus me ja...

4 years ago
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Payar Hi Payar

Hello sislover fir se hazir hai ek nayi bhadakati hui kahani le kar. Ummeed hai mere bhai issko padh kar pani behno ko chodne ki scheme banayenge aur meri behne apne iss behnchod bhai se pyar ka izhaar karengi. Apne bhai logon ke lund ke liye shubh kamna aur behno ke liye apna lund samarpit karte huye ye kahani apni latest behn/friend Mona yani Fareeha ko bhent kar raha hoon. Apne comments mujeh par likhna mat bhulen. Aapka behnchod bhai, Man. Ab kahani par aata hoon. Mera naam Rishu hai aur...

3 years ago
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FaceTime with Ann Next Door

I never FaceTime. I'm not a adolescent girl. I don't need to see your face when a simple text will do. Call me an old bastard, get-off-my-lawn type, but that's the way it is. (By the way, I'm not that old).So when that mechanical beeping emanates from my phone that someone wants to FaceTime me, it's definitely out of the ordinary. Especially when it's 10:30 on a Tuesday night. I got to my phone and it said "Ann FaceTime video."Well, this was different. Ann Next Door and I been fooling around on...

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Halftime Stranger

It was a warm October night and I was at a college football game with a few buddies. Throughout the first half of the game, I looked to my right and there was this hot sexy bald guy 3 sections to my right. He had huge arms and was wearing a black wife-beater and jeans. We kept looking at each other and at each time, he would show that bright smile of his.At halftime, I went to the restroom and used one of the stalls, luckily I was the only one in the bathroom. As I opened the stall, he was...

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Payal Gayi Baj 8211 Part III

Hi Friends mein Payal apke samne hazir hu apni agey ki kahani apke samne batane ke liye.Jese ki aap meri baki kahanio me padh chuke hai “Payal gayi baj-I aur Payal gayi baj-II” me. Jinhone na padha ho padh lijiyega. Ab hum log mein mera chota bhai aur dad tauji(Uncle) ke yaha shift ho gaye the uncle ke sath kaam karne lage the aura b mein sabki randi ban chuki thi dad,uncle,bhai(Anuj) aur dono cousin(Amit & Sumit)….or agey badhne se phele bata du ye kahani sach hai na ki koi kalpnic gatha. Ghar...

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Summertime In Colorado

Summertime In Colorado I absolutely love summertime. The hotter it is the less the girls wear. Instead of long jeans they wear short shorts. Instead of full blouses they wear skimpy tops. Coats are strictly out of the question too. Bikinis are popular even if it is just the top half with a micro mini skirt. Like I said I absolutely love summertime. Girls of all ages are wonderful to look at. Touching them might be a different story but looking at them is still legal. The problem...

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Summertime Blues

Summertime Blues Author's Note: This is an old story of mine which I self-edited using the great suggestions I been receiving. I will go back and edit it more. I want to see how well I could implement the suggestions which I got. Also, I want to give a thanks to all the people who had help me in my writing. It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon in July yet it was raining in Joe's mind. This was for Joe was having a run of the mill bad day so he headed to the bar for a drink. He...

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Around noon, the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, there were two very rough looking men there. One was medium height, and seemed to have the presence of a “man in charge”; the other was a bigger, stoic man, who appeared to be a protector of some sort. I got the immediate impression that he was the shorter man’s “muscle”. Well, as you’re about the find out, my instincts turned out to be right. The ‘boss’ said he wanted to speak with my husband, so I turned to the back of the house and...

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FaceTime surprise

I have a new job working away and I bought an iPad to keep in touch with the wife, it’s great seeing her when away I miss her so much so it’s great when I’m bored in my room. Jane and I for years have spoke about sharing? But she never comes through, it must be 4 years now we have had the same conversation about it and it’s always the same answer maybe! Jane is great in the sack she knows how to please, I keep telling her she needs to give it out cos it’s going to waste on me as I only last...

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