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Hospital Stay The smell of wet earth wafted towards their nostrils before the two young men walked up the hill. Their shoes squelched in the mud before they reached the top. The tallest let out a little huff of air before he could finally see the city below. Off in the distance there was a strange glow that seemed to blot out the stars above. "Can I get a little help?" the other boy asked with a little annoyed sigh before his friend leaned down to help him up the hill. Yuuto could feel his pulse racing from the thought of their excursion tonight. He had always been excited to see different abandoned buildings near their region. His hobby of collecting a few pictures from the area of the old buildings and simply exploring was the reason he had been ecstatic when his father got a new job in Chiba rather than in the much larger Tokyo. That huge city still had a few old buildings on the outskirts, but there were more here near the shore. Jiro on the other hand just enjoyed spending time with his friend. He was shorter than Yuuto, and had to push his glasses up without getting too much mud on them. The hill had been much harder for him to climb than his more fit friend. The lights from the city made it difficult for him to see the shore just below them. Unlike Yuuto he was much more superstitious, his grandmother having lived with them until a year ago when she passed away. Searching abandoned buildings always made him feel like he was entering a new world that might devour him. His pulse raced in a way that stated he was afraid. Not that he was going to show Yuuto. He had always been smaller than his friend even when they were little. For some reason, the fates had decided that they were going to live next to each other no matter how many times their parents moved. Whether they went to the same school or not Jiro and Yuuto had lived next door to the other. Jiro let his eyes adjust before he looked down. "I can't see it." Yuuto rolled his eyes a little bit before he checked his pocket to make sure the camera hadn't fallen out during their climb up the muddy hill. "It is there. I saw it during the day when I was looking for it. A website I check regularly listed it. This is the ultimate excursion. Not just a building, but an entire village." he grinned a bit. His friend looked even more nervous now with a sense that he was getting in over his head. But, they were going to graduate soon. Both would have to go to college where they might be able to keep together. Then they might work at the same company, but that wasn't even assured. He would have to invest too much time to go out like this. Maybe Yuuto understood that as well. Not that Jiro would have bet on it. His tall friend had always seemed a little too odd for himself. If he wasn't careful he might become the proverbial nail that stuck up. With his eyes adjusting to the darkness, Jiro glanced down the hill. The ground cleared slightly with land that had once been developed. Grass and vines appeared to have reclaimed much of the area. Not that this region had been paved when it was abandoned. The more he looked, the more Jiro could see. Buildings wreathed in darkness came out of the shadows with a few collapsed due to age or bombs that had gutted them with fire long ago. The supports for each wooden beam were rotted. A breeze wafted across them both so that they could smell the slight damp scent of the little fishing village. Even the air itself seemed to have been impregnated by the destitution of the town below, shadows playing off the building. Jiro had to keep reminding himself that it was all in his head. "Are you sure about this?" Jiro asked with a little nervous motion of his hand. Since his grandmother had died he hadn't carried the prayer beads that she had given him. His fingers gently moved across his pocket in a habit that assumed those beads were there. "Yeah. We got to or we won't have time when we take our entrance exams." Yuuto stated with a little smile before he walked down the hill. His long legs meant that Jiro had to hurry in order to keep up. They stopped in front of the entrance to the village. Warning tape had been placed around the two land entrances to the village. The writing had faded slightly from the weather, but that bright yellow color was something that no one could mistake. Yuuto confidently ignored it, moving his legs over the barrier to start walking into the village. He wanted to see inside, to get every inch of this village in his memories so that he could remember it when he had to give up these kinds of excursions. Jiro followed, though for a second he noticed that there seemed to be something mixed with the tape. "Coming?" he heard from his friend. Jiro didn't investigate any further before he ran after Yuuto. If they had made the shimenawa thicker, then he might have noticed that it was right behind the police tape. But, it had been made thin so that it would fit with the tape itself. The two boys moved around the buildings with a strange sense of the weight of what they were entering. The village itself only had about 15 buildings total. Of these only about 9 were still standing. A few had fallen in because of the passage of time. The smell of rotten wood could be easily caught by their noses when they passed. On the outlying part of the town they could see two buildings that had probably held boats. Charcoal came from those burnt remnants. Something had burned both buildings to the ground decades ago. Yuuto turned quickly around a corner, Jiro rushing to catch up. By the time he reached the corner he found that he had disappeared. He grumbled to himself about the situation. Being alone wouldn't be best in a place like this. His eyes roamed around each corner of the buildings. For a split second, he could swear that he saw an unearthly glow pass by another one of the alleys. His eyes closed tightly as he concentrated on calming himself. His friend on the other hand was having the time of his life. Each building had something unique about it. The decorations that the structures had or even what they were used for. He pulled out his camera to get a few pictures. From Jiro's nagging he had learned to check to make sure that there was nothing unusual on each picture. Each one came rather clear with nothing to suggest any supernatural foul play. One of the buildings had a little more space than the others between alleys. He moved closer to get a better view. The building sagged slightly from the weight of time and nature. Mold grew on the support beams. Yuuto squinted when he walked near. Leaning forward he could see a little bit of bright red that hadn't faded. Using a tissue, he kept in his pocket he could wipe some of the grime away. "A dagashi," he said with a little surprise. Some of the paper had survived inside the building. Each was a small colorful advertisement to sell children cheap candy. Yuuto took more pictures with his camera. A little grin grew across his face. His father had been a fan of different candies when he was a child. Since he worked he couldn't get into it as much as he might have liked. Though he did always bring him any new flavors of Kit Kat that he could find. The dagashi had a dozen different advertisements that had survived, and for once he was able to find a date; 18th Year of Showa. He took another picture of the faded paper. When he checked to make sure it had been clear he forgot to check the earlier pictures. A slight chill ran down his spine before he turned to walk out. The strange sensation of eyes following him made him move a little faster. Jiro moved faster without the air of any sensation of eyes on him. Instead, he tried to get the entire excursion over with as fast as possible. His eyes caught a small house near the edge of the village. Like many of the buildings in this area the house slumped to the side. This one had to have been there awhile because half the house had collapsed. The part that hadn't slumped towards the collapsed section. Jiro wondered if the rest simply stood because it was too proud to fall. That it might have been considered a defeat to give into mother nature. He smiled at the thought. Jiro bent his head in apology for violating the owners home. He wanted to make sure that any spirits knew that he didn't want them to be angry. If he found a doll in the house he was running the hell out. He didn't find a doll. Every speck of dust or item that he found seemed to belong to someone who fished. Rusty hooks, poles, and even a part of an engine in the corner told him that this person fished. When he reached an old chest, he found that the lock had been broken. He lifted the top of the chest open. The scent of dirt and rot filled his nostrils. Jiro almost keeled over in revulsion. His gag reflex made him hold his throat. The entire experience made him wish that he could throw up. But, he swallowed the bile that slid from his stomach to look inside of the chest again. Whatever had once been inside had gone rotten long ago. Whether it had been food, clothes, or something else he didn't know. His eye caught something. Inside of the chest remained one item that hadn't become corrupted with age. Reaching inside, Jiro picked up the little collection of beads similar to the ones he had left behind. They were slightly tarnished, but had kept their form together. Without a conscious thought his hand slid the beads into his pocket. The weight of the item felt comfortable. "I'm sorry," he said, his hand having betrayed him. Yet he couldn't bring himself to remove them. Jiro looked around the house for a second. Comforted by the item he didn't feel in the mood to rush out of the old fisherman's home. His mind wandered to the many ways that the man's story might have ended. There was a sense that the man was superstitious like himself. He could see a few items that had broken from age that were amulets against evil. Yuuto had given up on finding anything new in the dagashi. Any candy that might have been there decades ago would have long since been eaten or rotted. That feeling of someone watching him didn't seem to end either. Yuuto thought it might be due to some of the old adverts having pictures of human faces, but that hadn't panned out. He squinted his eyes slightly to see better in one of the narrower alleys. He had passed the two burnt out warehouses. A few yards away was a metal stake that had been placed to hold down the tape. Yuuto turned to go back into the village. The space between buildings felt rather large the further he went. Had it been this long before? "Why is it so dark?" he asked himself before he passed one of the lone telephone poles. There had probably been a phone inside of the warehouses before. The wires hung low against the ground. No other telephone pole seemed to be nearby. Something crunched behind him. Yuuto turned himself slightly to see what might be behind him. Had it been his own foot? He checked to see that there were no leaves, glass, or anything else that might have been crunched underfoot. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Turning away from the ruins of the warehouses he began to walk faster. His heart rose into his throat. Jiro's stories of spirits and other demons was making him jumpy. He had grown up hearing similar stories, but hadn't had it so long or effective as his friend. Still hanging around someone with such supernatural interest had rubbed off on him. "JIRO!!" he shouted to try to get his friend to come out. Maybe they could just take a short break from the village until he could get his nerves calmed. That wasn't too tough. Sometimes the danger of the buildings themselves had made him leave early before. "JIRO!!!" he yelled for his friend. Jiro turned to the noise. He had just left the old fisherman's home when he heard it carried by the wind. The voice sounded worried, even a little frightened. There was a slight sinking feeling in his own throat. Yuuto didn't scare very easily. That would mean that something had spooked him. His habit returned, Jiro fingering the beads in his pocket. The biggest problem for him now was finding where his friend happened to be. He thought that he could hear the voice coming from the burnt down warehouses. His feet carried him quickly past the narrow alleyway that lead from the house towards the buildings. He turned towards where he had last heard the voice of his friend. Nothing. There was no one there. The sound of Yuuto's voice wasn't coming from anywhere now. Jiro felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Yuuto tried to push towards the dagashi. That would help him to figure out where the exit would be. If he got into the sea then he could drown. There was too much to be concerned about. He stopped to catch his breath. Walking fast didn't really work when he was feeling more scared. He gulped air into his lungs before he heard more breathing. It came in a slow gasp that filled the lungs with pain. The hiss that escaped sounded like the ragged lungs were barely able to contain any of the air. "Jiro," Yuuto said with a little quake in his voice. He moved again to go down another corner. In front of him was the remains of a thick stone wall that leaned against two buildings. The home that had once been behind the wall sunk against it. Little stones tumbled from the wall with every ragged breath that he could hear. He wiped a little sweat that had dripped down into his eyes. There was no way that the building was expanding with every breath. That must be his imagination. The wood creaked with the raspy breath, more pebbles rolling from the destroyed slate roof. Slowly he backed away from the house, his eyes following a slight movement from the wall. Little tendrils of black seemed to expand from the walls. Each crack filled with the blackness that curled around with a sense of urgency. His eyes grew wider when he saw the little clumps, and realized that it was thick black hair. Random strands of the hair followed along the path that he found himself on. Yuuto didn't want to turn his back to this mass of hair that was pooling from the wall, but he couldn't back up quickly enough. He turned on the heel of his foot to run. For a second he could hear a deep gasp from the house before he pushed off. Something suddenly sliced across his ankle. It yanked him backwards, Yuuto gritting his teeth from the red-hot pain that ran across his leg from the harsh motion. His body fell with a brutal smack against the floor. His vision blurred slightly from the shock of the fall before he saw the mass of hair suddenly flood towards him. A primal scream rushed out of his mouth, the hair suddenly shooting into his open mouth. Yuuto's throat expanded with the hair rushing down his throat. His arms spasmed from the assault against his body with his eyes rolling backwards into his head. The young man's world went dark. Jiro jerked his head towards that scream. He had been searching for his friend for what felt like an hour. The tingling fear rushed up his spine. The sensation reminded him of a bucket of ice water being poured down his back. His fingers were almost crushing the beads now. Jiro carefully made his way towards where he had heard the scream. Unlike before it had a very definitive direction that he could follow. There were a few pieces of broken wood that he could hear crunch under his shoe. With shaking hands, he pushed his glasses back on his nose. Sweat beaded down his back with concern before he turned along one of the alleys. On the far side, he could see a wall that leaned heavily against two buildings. A house behind it seemed to have collapsed onto the dividing wall in such a way that it was forcing the wall forward off its foundation. "Jiro." There was a strange sensation on the back of his neck that made him jump forward. Jiro spun around to look at his friend. Yuuto stood rather still with his head sagging to the side. His jacket's first buttons were unbuttoned, and his arms hung lazily to his side. When he looked towards Jiro he could see that his eyes were a pale white. "Yuuto." His voice shook at the sight of his friend. Movement drew his eyes downward to see a feminine hand sticking out of his friend's chest. It curled into a fist before it slid inside of him again. Yuuto's body spasmed, his limbs shaking before he suddenly grunted in pain that originated deep in his chest. His arms gripped against his side. The shaking from his arms moved down to his legs, Yuuto dropping onto his knees. His mouth opened into a deep gasping breath that shuddered across his whole form. Jiro wanted to rush to his friend's side, but he found that he couldn't move. That hand had entered his friend's body. And there was no way of telling what it might be doing to him. Yuuto let out a pained yelp that grew in volume the more that he held himself. His hips cracked with an audible pop, the edges of his pants being forced outwards with the expanding flesh. Bones stretched and changed with an unpleasant crinkling sound that moved deeper the longer that Jiro heard it. His friend appeared to be shrinking before him. His clothes fitting differently the more that he looked at him. His hair grew shaggier, his face obscured by the darkness of the area along with his hair. Yuuto fell forward with his hands catching him against the ground. The dirt pushed against his open hands the more that he pressed against it. Yuuto's voice warbled in tempo with his voice growing higher with every small yelp. Yuuto's jacket was open from the struggle, and Jiro could see down the front of his shirt. Panting for air let little beads of sweat roll down his chest. The valley of his chest seemed to expand with the flesh underneath growing fatter and fatter until they were pressing against the thin material. Jiro couldn't deny what those were. Even though he was a little sheltered the boy couldn't deny that his friend was growing a pair of breasts. They had expanded into two large orbs that stretched the fabric of his shirt. His head jerked upwards to stare right into Jiro's eyes. Jiro jumped backwards again to get away. Those eyes weren't his friends. The curve of the eye glowed with a bright blue color that delved deep inside of his own. A lump grew inside of his throat the more he looked at his friend. Or at least what had once been his friend. The clothes didn't fit Yuuto anymore. His wide hips were barely holding the pants up with his shirt struggling to hold the two large breasts inside of the material of his jacket. The female in front of him was someone else, even if she did remind him of Yuuto's mother a little bit. "Oh such innocent souls." Yuuto's body floated a few centimeters from the ground. Those blue eyes filled with menace. Jiro felt his hand shake inside of his pocket. "Such innocent, delicious souls." That female voice was intimidating, Jiro's eyes following the hair that seemed to cascade from every crack of the buildings around him. He looked back towards Yuuto's body before it moved closer. "This is your friend? Is this your lover?" She asked with a turn of her head before she seemed to suddenly end the distance before them in a blink of an eye. "His soul is already ready. I am going to devour it, to taste it. You can join him." her smile spread from one ear to the other. That long smile stretched even further beyond human ability or endurance. "Please don't," he said with a weak expression. "Is he your lover, your friend?" She asked again with a small hiss. Jiro's breath came out cold against the air; a small cloud passing his lips. Her hand reached against his cheek with a little trailing motion. Those soft lips were close to his. A feeling of paralysis took over him before she moved a hand lower to his crotch. "You want this body now?" she asked with a wide smile. "No, I want my friend," he refused with a little shaking of his head. He wouldn't give into her trying to use him for that kind of fun. This was his oldest friend. And he wasn't' going to let her use him like that. She reached again, this time Jiro able to force himself to grab her wrist. "No, I will not," he demanded. "You will give me my friend back." The nerve was hiding the fact that he was terrified. Right now, he felt like he was going to fall over from just dealing with it. But, he couldn't' let this ghost take Yuuto's soul. That was something that he couldn't allow. And being brave for his friend was driving him forward. The blue of her eyes seemed to grow even brighter in front of him. Jiro could hear his heart pounding deep in his chest before long sinewy black hair jerked forward. It wrapped around his wrists to force them backwards against the ground. A strange cracking sound reached his ears, and despite the pain of having his arms yanked with such force he tried to follow it with his eyes. Only after a few seconds did he realize that she was gritting her teeth tightly. The cracking of her jaw was what made the sound. "I gave you a chance for a little fun beforehand. And you dare touch me." Her voice rose with an angry shout before she pushed herself within a few centimeters from his face. Jiro could see the blazing blue eyes staring right into his soul. "Fine, I will simply devour each of you." She pushed her lips against his, opening her mouth. He felt something tickling against his lips before something forced his own mouth open. The desire to gag filled his throat when he realized that hair was cascading deep inside of him. The more of it that pushed into his body the fuzzier he felt his head grow. The world seemed to go out of focus before he felt himself lifted slightly into the air. She was going to do the same thing to him. Maybe she would use his new transformed body to devour his friend's soul. Then she would simply get rid of him. Those big blue eyes stared directly at him. Jiro grunted in pain when he felt the rush of changes over him. He remembered the cracking bones, this time that crunching sound his own body being shrunk and formed by her angry spiritual powers. With the hair, still down his throat he couldn't scream or hear the change in his voice. Any energy he had seemed to sap from him the more that he felt it, and his glasses dropped from his smaller nose when it popped into place. Weight seemed to grow on his chest, making Jiro sigh when he felt the strange sensation of the rough material of his shirt rub against his new sensitive nipples. And his new thighs pushed together with a strange absence when his genitals reformed. Jiro felt the world slipping away as he neared closer to completion. He might have lost himself to the darkness that Yuuto had been unable to resist. His mind flashed memories before his eyes. His grandmother sat on the floor with her hands fixing one of her old shoes. She had a dozen different trinkets and would hum different tunes to herself. Some were old patriotic songs that his generation found itself with little use. But, others were old spiritual tunes that he could hear in the back of his head. Jiro took a deep breath through his nose, feeling the hair flowing into him. The corruption it forced to reform him making her smirk with that long snakelike smile again. He curled his fingers around the beads into a fist before he lifted it up to smash right against Yuuto's new face. The ghost might not be able to be touched, but Yuuto was certainly vulnerable to physical force. He had never hit someone before, and Jiro thought that the surprise was worse than anything else. Willing himself to think of a million different hand positions he tried to think of something to purify himself. Yanking the hair back he felt his gag reflex again. His chest convulsed as he vomited a long mile of hair onto the floor. The experience left his eyes watering, and gasping for air before he looked at his friend. "Yuuto" That strange new voice seemed to come from nowhere. His friend needed to be rescued too. What kind of friend would he be if he abandoned him? Jiro stumbled a little on the floor with Yuuto turning with those blue eyes flashing with rage before he lifted his hands together with the beads. The prayer seemed to come from the deepest region of his mind. Those bright blue eyes seemed to threaten him with every beat of his racing heart. Jiro pressed his hand forward. There was a sense that he was speaking from direct memory rather than anything else. He could barely feel anything, and to be honest wished that he could comprehend what he was saying. Instead, he felt a fear that it would just make the spirit laugh. There was a hint of a rotten meat smell that wafted towards his nostrils before he saw the blue eyes fade. Yuuto shuddered a little bit, a dull confused expression washing over that new feminine face. The hair had recoiled slightly from whatever he had done, the area directly around Jiro clear. Without thinking, Jiro stood on shaky legs to grab onto Yuuto's wrist before he began to drag him behind him. The movement of his body felt off, and he did his best not to look down before he yanked Yuuto along. There was a sense that Yuuto was still in a daze with his feet not landing right with every step. He could hear behind them both, the hair moving around with preparation for a renewed attack. His shoes slid across his feet. Jiro tried not to think about anything other than escaping. Almost by habit he found himself heading back towards the old man's house that he had found the beads. "Jiro" he could hear Yuuto saying in that young girl's voice with a sense of bewilderment. And at the same time, he could hear the cackling of the spirit. The rustling of hair was rushing towards him. Jiro jumped over a bit of debris. Yuuto seemed to stop, his friend turning to look at him. Yuuto's eyes flashed blue for a second with the confusion written across his face even worse. The area that he had created with the purifying prayer had just bought him a little time. Jiro gulped the fear in his throat before he could hear the ramblings of the spirit. Yuuto couldn't resist the control of the woman for very long. That rustling hair could be seen from the side of his eyes. The rustling came from in front of him as well. Jiro turned to see the dark mass rounding the corner to cut off his escape. Quickly he turned towards the clinic that was in the way. Using his shoulder, Jiro forced the front of the door open so that it popped off its hinges. His shoulder screamed at him before he was able to rush into the dilapidated building. Medical equipment was strewn across the floor of the old clinic. A brown patch in one of the corners told him that someone had probably not escaped this small building intact. His breath caught in his throat when he dragged Yuuto into the building. The resistance of his friend's body was getting worse. Jiro's shoulder ached at the energy he was using to force him forward. His breathing filled his lungs with every gasp of air when he looked upwards. Hair pooled around the clinic with a rather wide pair of teeth stretching above. "Escaping little boy." Yuuto's voice was rather harsh in his ears. Jiro tried not to let his heart leap into his throat when he looked upwards. The cold blue eyes above that had been separated from Yuuto suddenly shot outwards towards him. He felt his shoulder burn when he pulled and almost slingshot Yuuto outside of the door. Some of the hair had hardened, stabbing right into his body. It cleaved through his flesh before he began to roll after Yuuto. The roll threw him past the entrance of the clinic onto the ground. Holding his side, Jiro could feel the warm wetness of his blood pooling from the wound. Yuuto was sitting in a heap where he had been thrown. Jiro gasped for air, the pain stabbing into his body so that his arms shook. He tried to maintain pressure on the wound, but could still feel that hot blood seep through his fingers. "OOH still trying to run, such a good little girl." The voice like Yuuto's sounded. Jiro wasn't going to be mocked by her, grabbing onto Yuuto's hand before yanking him back onto his feet. His shoulder screamed at him again, but Jiro ignored the aching pain. Holding onto his side, Jiro kept running. If he stopped she would be able to completely take hold of Yuuto again before devouring both of their souls. What would happen to their bodies wasn't really his concern right now. Maybe she would use them to escape this village. That felt even more terrifying than before. Was that why she had transformed them? Yuuto was laughing behind him. That evil sound seemed to tell him that time was quickly running out. Jiro fell, coughing a bit with the warmth trickling down his pants. Yuuto's grip was like a vice before he stumbled into the old fisherman's home. There was something else here, he begged the fates. He knew what he needed; a slip of proper paper. Yuuto stayed by the door with that laughter growing worse. He knew the resistance he had helped create was disappearing. Trying to open drawers with a wound on his side wasn't making it easier. The new body he could feel growing numb didn't help either. His old habit took hold. He kept opening drawers, wrapping the prayer beads in his hands. There was so much junk that he was being forced to sift through. Jiro's eyes opened wide in surprise when he found it. There hidden underneath with another pair of beads was an ofuda. He'd wanted to see if the old fisherman had the prayer slip against evil creatures. Something came from behind, and he felt Yuuto's hand suddenly smash into his wounded side. Jiro screamed, that girlish expression of his voice ringing in his ears. Blood created a slight river down his leg. "You didn't want me. You denied me, and then you tried to kick me out of this body." Yuuto's fingers dug deeper into the wound. Jiro thought that his teeth would clench so hard he would crack them. The finger dug inside of the hole, scratching a nail against the open wound. His vision blacked for a moment before he slid down onto the ground. Gasping for air from the pain he barely got his hand around the ofuda to take it out. Yuuto's glowing blue eyes looked at him with malice. "I am going to make you feel the most exquisite pain before I eat you. I will devour this one first, and enjoy the look of horror as his soul is destroyed forever." That soft pink tongue rolled across the plump lips. Jiro slid his hand for support, seeing the prayer slip didn't have the last character to finish it. Turning away to try not to look at the spirit preparing to destroy his friend he slid a finger across the blood that had soaked into his pants. Using his thumb, he finished the slip with little droplets of red flowing from his pressed thumb. Thankfully she was more concerned with turning his head sharply to look at her. He could see the way her eyes opened wide, her smile predatory. A little glow grew from her mouth. Jiro could guess she was about to do it, time seeming to stand still even though a handful of seconds were passing. That light blue mass moved towards her mouth, her teeth preparing to snap shut over it. "No," Jiro said a little weakly before he placed the slip right onto the forehead. Without thinking he muttered something that had been written on the slip itself. He hoped it had the desired effect. Yuuto took a deep breath with a nasty shriek filling the room. The old walls shook, threatening to fall onto their heads. Long black hair cascaded out of Yuuto's mouth, a tidal wave of hair larger than before. Nothing seemed to remain of the spirit inside of his friend now. Jiro's eyesight blurred for a moment. He needed to take them both out of here. With it thrown out of Yuuto's body they would have their chance. Grabbing his friend's hand again, Jiro ran out of the house. Their best bet would be to head for the shore to escape. Using all his willpower he reached the burnt remains of the warehouse. There was a growing darkness behind him that he couldn't ignore. "What...what happened?" he heard Yuuto sound completely like himself, even with the new voice. Then she hadn't eaten his soul after all. Jiro felt happy about that with his hand firmly pulling Yuuto along with him. " that you? What?" His confused friend suddenly let out a shocked exclamation when he collapsed onto the ground. Willpower couldn't keep his body moving. The transformation itself had drained him, and now the blood loss and wound to his side was taking any energy from his body. Yuuto could see the darkness behind him. His friend had obviously done enough. Despite feeling a little weaker he grabbed his friend to heft him onto his arms. Jiro was nonsensical at the moment. "Get out.... need to get out." he muttered, his head falling to the side with his eyes fluttering slightly. Yuuto still felt better than his friend before he bolted towards the entrance. The darkness was behind them, and he could feel it prickling on the side of his neck. He dug his feet in before he saw the line of police tape that separated the town. Doubt filled his mind. Yuuto vaguely remembered that he had been possessed. If the spirit was still inside, he couldn't leave. Even the tape still stuck to his head didn't make him feel confident. But, if Jiro didn't go to a hospital soon. Confident in his friend he raced before almost leaping over the tape. He could feel cold fingers right at the back of his neck. His shoes slid when he hit the other side and stumbled. Panting for air, Yuuto made sure that he gently placed Jiro in the crook of his arm. He turned to look back towards the village. A dark pair of eyes looked straight at Yuuto. Ice went down his spine before he turned to look at Jiro. His friend was completely different, but those disheveled clothes were the same that he had worn when he convinced his friend to come here. "Help," he thought to himself before he walked up the hill with more energy than he thought was possible. His mind racing to where the closest police box may be before he raced towards the city. She hoped that it didn't devour her soul. Jiro's mind had wandered to a nightmare that the spirit had eaten Yuuto's soul before killing her. Those cold fingers of her friend wrapping around her throat before the breath was stolen from her. Her eyes opened to a strange beeping sound that filled her ears. She tried to sit up, finding that her arm was connected to an IV stand. The hospital room she was in had grown rather dark. Jiro looked around the room. She'd been placed in a gown that was a few sizes too big. It felt like she had been given a blanket. For the first time Jiro realized that he was female. She had never allowed herself to worry about it before. Now sitting up he could feel the weight of breasts against her chest, and the absence of anything between her legs. There was a mirror in the corner, and she could see the oval shape of her face in the mirror. The way that her hair was short, but still framed across her face. Jiro sighed before she leaned back in the bed. Her side ached, the painkillers not able to keep all of it at bay. They have lived with their souls intact. Jiro felt relieved that she had been able to at least escape that malicious creature. At the same time his mind slowly went to how he was going to explain this to his parents or the world at large. A ghost that changed Yuuto and himself into girls so that it could devour their souls and possibly hitchhike on their bodies to escape its prison. His grandmother would have believed her. She would have held her hand and looked into her eyes to tell Jiro that she was her grandchild. His parents weren't so understanding. He could hear Yuuto facing that problem right outside of the door. Yuuto was in another room. "Yes I swear it's me. Look I know this isn't normal. Please..." She sounded desperate with a little bit of worry in her voice. "Yes....please just see us both. I swear we can prove it's us. Just...please come." That voice wasn't as confident as she was used to. Jiro could see Yuuto from the doorway when she entered. They had given her a set of shorts and a shirt that fit. It looked like a sports loving tomboy in a school uniform. Yuuto was taller than the new girl that she had become. Her breasts were bigger too. That made Jiro feel a little sting of jealousy. Then shame when she remembered they were supposed to be boys. She came into the room with a little annoyed sigh. "Jiro are you awake?" she asked before she leaned over to check. "Yes," she said with a little sigh. "I called our parents. They think it's a prank, but we have ID of who we are, and....I think we can convince them we are related. We look enough like our mother's to at least be close." Jiro sighed before offering a hand. "Glad to have you back. I was worried for a second. Thought she might have actually eaten your soul." Yuuto blinked, then shook her head. "No, it's me. And we have a lot to figure out. But, we escaped. And that's what matters." "Yeah," Jiro said with a little worry in her voice. This was going to be tough to figure out, but she had survived. Being a female wasn't her biggest problem when the other alternative had been to die and have her soul devoured. No, whatever challenges she faced would be nothing compared to that.

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Hospital Men often complain that their wives aren't interested in sex, but my husband doesn't complain at all---I'm the one with the complaint! From early morning to late at night, my husband works as a heavy equipment salesman. He makes tons of money, but he never makes love to me except for a half-hearted effort on some weekends. What's even worse, when he gets home at night he usually falls asleep on the couch. We never see a movie, go out to dinner, or even just go to the mall to get out of...

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Hospital Hijinks Part 2

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Hospital Hijinks

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 8 The Team is Ready

Sunday: Sushi woke us all. It was 0900. Oh it felt so good to sleep in. Sally and Waush Shaua were given permission to hunt. Sushi and I rode to my folk's home. Mom took one look at me and started to cry. She asked, "How long do we have?" "Mom we have a lifetime. We leave for Bangalore on Friday. It's my plan to be back in September. Besides we are cats, and you know we have nine lives." She boxed my ears for that. Sushi stole the show and asked, "Do you want to listen to your...

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HOSPITALITY By Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Police corruption in post-colonial Kenya is a fact of life.  Transparency International, a watchdog organization, ranks Kenya as the 11th most corrupt nation in the world. The average city dweller in Kenya pays 16 bribes per month.  In 2007 an English family was enslaved by a corrupt and depraved Police Inspector.  PART 1: Kate & HarryThey were always shaking someone down and making them pay.  They operated out of the Langata...

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Hospital orderly

I seriously love hairy men as well as men with uncut cocks. Both get me hard and randy, and I love to orally pleasure them even more than any other type of man. This incident, I believe, is the root of my fascination of, desire for, and never-ending quest of hairy or uncut men. I was 17 years old and in the hospital with pneumonia, although recovering nicely. Probably in the last 2-3 days of my stay, I was restless at night, and so awake when the evening orderly came into the room to change...

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Hospital Fun

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Hospital orderly

I seriously love hairy men as well as men with uncut cocks. Both get me hard and randy, and I love to orally pleasure them even more than any other type of man. This incident, I believe, is the root of my fascination of, desire for, and never-ending quest of hairy or uncut men. I was 17 years old and in the hospital with pneumonia, although recovering nicely. Probably in the last 2-3 days of my stay, I was restless at night, and so awake when the evening orderly came into the room to change...

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Hi friends, indru kathaiyil night shift velai paarkum nursesai usar seithu avalai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Raj. Naan kalluri padithu mudithu vittu veetil velai thedikondu irukiren. Enaku pengalai ookavendum endru aasai irukum aanal ithu naal varai naan entha penaiyum oothathe kidaiyaathu. Than kaiye thanaku uthavi endru ninaithu thinamum kai matum adithu kondu irunthen. Nan niraiya kama padngal kama kathaigal padipen athanaal en paarvai pengalai paarkum pozhuthu ooka...

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Hospital Nurse Udan Midnight Kaamam

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil night shift velai paarkum nursesai usar seithu avalai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Raj. Naan kalluri padithu mudithu vittu veetil velai thedikondu irukiren. Enaku pengalai ookavendum endru aasai irukum aanal ithu naal varai naan entha penaiyum oothathe kidaiyaathu. Than kaiye thanaku uthavi endru ninaithu thinamum kai matum adithu kondu irunthen. Nan niraiya kama padngal kama kathaigal padipen athanaal en paarvai pengalai paarkum pozhuthu ooka...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 13 The Plan

Day 19 Bangalore: I was up early. A few minutes later Sushi joined me in the bathroom. She reached around my waist and hugged. We were off on another daily adventure. Sally had a great breakfast ready for all of the humans and smart cats at the farm. After breakfast, I walked with Anu to the hospital. We had a meeting planned with Mark. Mark had a major proposal he wanted to talk about. I decided to have each of the department heads at the meeting. We met in the large conference room. We...

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Hospital Hijinks

Back around 1969 I had medical problems and was sent to a military hospital (which I won’t name) for treatment. While there I engaged in some hijinks with the wife of a member of the military who had been sent on assignment for several months at a remote duty station. After all these years since then I cannot recall her name because at my age my memory is even shorter than my pecker. I will just call her Edna for the purpose of relating our sexual activities together. Edna was from South...

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Hospital visit

I injured my knee and needed surgery on it, the Doctor set the date and I booked a private room. Not liking a roommate with a bunch of noisy visitors.The date came and I checked in at administrations, and was taken to my room. My nurses came in and introduced themselves and said if there's anything I need just push the button. That afternoon a nurse came in with a hospital gown and said I need to completely undress and put it on. I waited for her to leave, then I stripped down and put the...

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I recall years ago when I was laying on a hospital bed and getting an ultrasound done to see if I had a bloodclot in my leg. I had not had any sex for awhile and all the nurses were hottttt to look at. As I lay on the bed waiting for the ultrasound tech to arrive, my mind wandered to sex as usual due to all the pretty nurses walking around. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door and in my doorway was one of the hottest looking gals I'd seen in a long time. She had long brown hair with brown...

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Hospital Hijinks Finale

Having just enjoyed the most volcanic ejaculations anyone could ever imagine, I was weak and at least temporarily sated and spent. I lay on my back on the landing at the turn of the stairway, breathing heavily. Edna sat next to me and began gently kissing me on my face, chest and stomach, as I slowly began to regain my stamina. After a few minutes, which seemed much longer, I was able to put my arms around Edna and pull her down to where I could kiss her on her lips and insert my tongue between...

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Hospital by shalimar I went to the hospital because I'm a diabetic and my toe had an infection. They admitted me to a double bed room and told me they would need to remove the toe. Charles, my roommate, was in for pain in the abdomen. Although he had been in the hospital for a week the doctors still didn't know its cause. "Maybe you're pregnant," I kidded. He gave me a chuckle before we talked on other subjects. Just before I had my operation the next day Chuck came back...

2 years ago
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Hospital mein masti 2

Mujhe hospital join kiye ab kaafi time ho chuka tha aur kaafi staff ab mere saath khul ke baatein karne lage the , unmein se kaiyon ne mujhe bataya tha ki mere paas hospital ki kaai nurses treatment ke bahane sirf mera didar karne ko aati hain, shaq to mujhe pehle se hi tha par unki baaton ke baad ab yakin sa ho gaya tha, aisi hi ek nurse thi LEELA. Dekhne mein to saavli thi par uski figure aisi jisko dekh ke bade bade santon ka bhi andar hi chut jaae , saali ke mamme to bra ke andar samate hi...

4 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 17 Back on Bangalore

Sally Hi I am Sally. While Tag and Sushi are back on Earth I have been given the job to fill you in on what is happening on Bangalore. Waush Shaua and I are in school and are working on the farm. Our farm is growing all the food needed for Bangalore. After Sushi and Tag left for Earth it was time for our first harvest. The corn was a real hit. I got all of the students at school to volunteer to help with harvest. Of course we had a corn feed when the harvest was finished. Waush Shaua and I...

4 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 21 Home again

The trip home was a non event. We all arrived safely. We were met at the space port by Sally and Waush Shaua Chow. Everyone ooh'ed and ahh'ed over the kittens. We had a pleasant surprise, the light rail line was open to Malik Mills town center. We had a short walk from the station to our home. Sally had a party planned to welcome us home. Anu and his set were there. Lake and Hunter Backus had been hired as Wellville Park rangers, and they were there too. Shannon Crosby met and introduced...

3 years ago
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Hospital Hijinks Part 2

The next morning, after Edna and I had jacked and jilled each other off with our feet and she had left abruptly without saying even one word, I made it a point to watch for her in the hospital hallways. Eventually, around 10 o’clock, I saw her walking toward me. I stepped in front of her, stopped her and said, “Hi, My name is Phil, that’s short for Phillip. Do you remember being with me in the telephone alcove off of the hallway last evening?” Edna grinned, reached down with one hand and...

4 years ago
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Hospital Exposure

A few weeks ago, my wife Dee and two co-workers were returning from a client meeting and while entering a taxi, the cab was struck by a pickup truck . Dee was thrown against a parked car and was knocked unconscious. Ted, one of Dee’s co-workers injured an arm and luckily, Joanne, the third member of the group was uninjured. While Dee and Ted were attended to by the EMTs and placed in the waiting ambulance, Joanne called and told me what happened. I ran out of my office building and went...

4 years ago
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Hospital Hijinks Part 3

Sitting there in the stairway with Edna I didn’t know whether to feel passion or compassion for her. I had seen a tear trickle down her cheek as she told me about the medical condition that had changed her from a faithful wife with normal sexual desires into a sex starved woman who needs to have sex of any kind, anywhere, with any man. I could tell that she didn’t like being what she had become, but that she was being driven by a force she had no control over. Turning toward her, I wrapped my...

5 years ago
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Hospital Appointment

Since being diagnosed with chronic lung disease and requiring oxygen particularly when out and about the last thing on my mind has been sex, or rather 'getting it'. Not that it's stopped me from having lengthy wanks whilst looking at online porn. It just takes me longer to achieve the end result. Weirdly being out of the loop as t'were it's meant my 'tastes' have broadened. I've always had a 'thing' for ginger uncut cocks and saggy low hangers since I was at school. One of my school mates had...

4 years ago
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Hospital Happy Ending

You see all these ads on TV about heart attacks and wonder will it happen to you. You never know! I was having what I thought was a bit of indigestion so I decided to go to the local hospital and have them take a look at me. I usually would just take some antacid for something like that but I felt like this time I was passed that stage of treatment and needed a more in depth treatment. So I drove myself to the hospital and checked in. Once there I sat in the waiting room for about 15 minutes...

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Hospital Wali Aunty Ki Chudae

Hi all indian sex stories dot net readers. Me rocky from mumbai se. Ye story meri aur ranju aunty ki hai. Ranju ek shadi shuda aurat hai jo 2 saal se sex ki pyasi thi. Wo 1 patni warta aurat hai, but use halat hi kuch ause hue ki wo reh nae pae. Uska pati 3 saal se bimar hai. Aur jitna paisa un dono ne kamaye the wo uski ilaj me lag gaya, ab wo hospital me aya ka kam karti hai, aap logo ko pata hoga ki hospital me nurse, doctor, cumpounder sex karte hi hai. To wo ye sab dekh k control nae kar...

3 years ago
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Hospital Hijinks Part 3

Sitting there in the stairway with Edna I didn’t know whether to feel passion or compassion for her. I had seen a tear trickle down her cheek as she told me about the medical condition that had changed her from a faithful wife with normal sexual desires into a sex starved woman who needs to have sex of any kind, anywhere, with any man. I could tell that she didn’t like being what she had become, but that she was being driven by a force she had no control over. Turning toward her, I wrapped my...

4 years ago
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Hospital Bathroom Encounter

I work EMS and have had some very interesting experiences in my job. Some people say EMS stands for Extra Marital Sex and it can be like that. Working in highly emotional situations late at night and in close quarters creates emotions and feeling. Relationships can develop and then after friendship flirting and finally possibly a hot and heavy sexual relationship that can only be described as pure lust. Such was the relationship I had with Cindy.Cindy and I were about the same age 38 years...

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Hospital Visit 8211 Part I

Hello everyone i am Arya from Hyderabad writing my new sex experience i had with a girl older than me.about me i am 6 ft height well built and cute smile as all say me,i am doing my btech from a well know college in Hyderabad only coming to this incident this happened few weeks back but the start lies a a month earlier only.the beauty in this incident is shweta she is 23 yrs a p.r in an hospital in banjara hills.about her she is 5’10 height a very rare si8 to be found in the girls now a days...

4 years ago
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Hospital Exposure

A few weeks ago, my wife Dee and two co-workers were returning from a client meeting and while entering a taxi, the cab was struck by a pickup truck . Dee was thrown against a parked car and was knocked unconscious. Ted, one of Dee’s co-workers injured an arm and luckily, Joanne, the third member of the group was uninjured. While Dee and Ted were attended to by the EMTs and placed in the waiting ambulance, Joanne called and told me what happened. I ran out of my office building and went...

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Hospital sex

Hi friend! This is Nikunj here. I will like to tell you a real story of Nidhi… Nidhi, and 18 year old high school senior, really enjoyed her afternoons working as a volunteer at the local hospital. Sometimes she would read to a patient or maybe take one for a walk in their wheelchair. Her duties seemed to run the gamut, and she loved helping people. Where ever she could help is where she wanted to be! After watching the doctors and nurses in action for the past year, Nidhi had decided that she...

4 years ago
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Hospital mein masti

As you all know a doctor has to deal with many patients and of course many nurses too, and all nurses and patients are of different character. The story which I m here to tell you is just one of my many experiences and I will share all of them with you one by one, I will tell you the story in desi language so as to make more interesting. Us waqt meine bass apni degree complete kii hi thi aur thankfully mujhe ek private hospital mein achi job mil gayi to I was very happy , sab kuch mil gaya tha...

4 years ago
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Hospital Visit

I'd never met her and to this day I do not remember her name. My infant son was in the hospital with a high fever, and I had volunteered to take the night shift.  My wife and other children were safely ensconced at home, and I had my cell phone and laptop. Back in 1996, the internet was slow dial-up and AOL. There were adult Usenet groups, but AOL was basically adultery online, if you knew how to play it. And I knew. We'd been talking for a few weeks and she was thinking of moving out west in...

4 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 7B Making New Friends

Saturday: I woke up to Sally and Waush Shaua playing chase me chase you. They were doing it over our bed. I looked at the clock. It was 0705 early in the morning! Sushi was awake and smiled at me. I went and made a pot of coffee. I looked at Sushi as she was brushing her fur. She is so beautiful! I went and gave her a five-alarm kiss and she kissed me back. "Today is the day we test the new bios. Are you ready?" I handed Sushi a cup of coffee. We went out on the deck and watched the ocean...

4 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 12 The Farm and Capture

Day 7 Bangalore: Remember that I said that I felt something was wrong. Well I was right! The evil Doctor Steele wanted to get to the farm. He had two more controller boxes stashed in a storage locker here. He took control of the farm... Yep Sushi and I were captured too. Nancy had been on watch and she alerted Joe, James, Helen and Beth. They suited up in their Gore-Tex and headed for the farm. Joe did not ask questions, he shot the controller box out of the Evil Doctor Steele's hands....

4 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 14 Decisions Decisions

Day 25 Bangalore: I woke today and knew it would not be the same old humdrum. First, the Endeavor was due back. Fran and Gail should have a large load of needed construction equipment and supplies. The most important single piece of equipment was the planing mill. With that, we could plane our rough sawn lumber to smooth siding. The mill could make tongue and grove or ship lap lumber. We now had a supply of finished lumber for walls and cabinets. Mark and Anu would now have some quality...

5 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 16 More to serve

The hospital is working smoothly. Inverness is under construction. We are getting response to the ad for more staff. The staff has setup three scholarships for any centaur foal that wants to go and get their doctorate in medicine or psychology. We might as well grow our own. Mark had me also set up two scholarships for civil engineering. Since we have no birth restrictions on Bangalore our schools need teachers. We do have one rule. If you have a youth in school you or your spouse must...

4 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 18 Having Babies and the New Doctors

Tag I was never so glad when the announcement to buckle in for landing came over the PA system. We landed without incident. Then we disembarked and picked up our baggage. The next challenge was customs. Earth was a little paranoid about disease organisms or animals that might mess with the ecosystem that was finally getting back to normal. All luggage had to be inspected for possible contamination. Our WE were also polled for any indication of problem life forms. Our screening took one...

2 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 20 Baby showers and the interviews

The Saturday after Christmas was Josie's baby shower. James' and Joe's wives, Beth and Mira Spio and Sushi all went together. I had dad and Alex escape to James' home. We played cards. I made reservations at Cafe Davis in Santa Rosa for all of us for dinner. New Years Eve was a party at the James' house. It was sort of bittersweet. Soon after the party we would all be going to our homes on Bangalore and Felandia. Sushi, Beth Spio, and I would stay until the interviews at the end of...

4 years ago
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Hospital Fantasy

There was something about hospitals that really turned Amy on. She had never worked out exactly what it was that made her pussy flood with juices whenever she had to visit some unfortunate relative or friend, but just the thought of the clinical corridors and sterile sheets caused her to flush in horny anticipation.It was a fairly quiet Monday afternoon as she found herself walking slowly along a seemingly endless, pale green corridor. Interesting tramlines in various colours were apparently...

3 years ago
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Hospital Rounds

It is the 11PM to 7AM shift at a Hospital, where an attractive nurse by the name of Amber is working with Angie, and a male nurse who is asleep. Angie, an attractive blonde of a voluptuous build at 5’1” of height, has gone downstairs to pick up a late night visitor to the ward; it is one of the psych nurses by the name of Erin, who is a slender attractive blonde. The two nurses know Erin but are surprised that she is visiting at this hour of 1AM; so they figure that something important must be...

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Hospital Ops

I was on the afternoon shift and checked the new arrivals for duties. I looked at Tylers file- he had been transfered to the ward after having a heavy concussion and was on rest to be reviewed daily. He was 20 a jock and the injury was from playing rugby and was sleeping soundly on d**gs. I closed the curtain around his bed and slowly pulled back the sheet for a better look. Nice body , blond hair and a very nice bubble butt. I felt his arse , firm and my cock showed me I liked it. I undid the...

5 years ago
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A story wrote by my friend gutak72 with input by TANGYou are rushed into my examination room on a trolley, you are pale and weak. My two nurses have to help you to the table as you are barely able to stand by yourself, each of them hold an arm around your slutslim waist and hands on your filthbuttocks, groping them as you are gently slumped down on the couch! I take up a thick hospital journal and read out loud:"Tang, aka The Cumwhore SpunkStrumpet, suffering from a severe case of Spunkemia and...

4 years ago
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hospital visiting

An old friend had had a serious traffic accident and Donna and I had driven the 25 miles or so to visit him. The hospital car park was a trek away from the ward he was in. The nurses were sorting him out so his mother, Milly, was stood in the corridor talking to Donna, she was saying her husband had a stroke five years ago that changed him into a nasty controlling bully.When the nurses had finished doing what they do half an hour had passed. We went in and sat with him for a couple of hours,...

4 years ago
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Hospital Me Chudai

Hello friends mera naam raj hai or mai haryana se belong karta hu mai jo story aap ko batane ja raha hu vo ek real incident hai. Maine is story me diye nam badal diye hai kayonki koi bhi apni sacchai ko duniya ke samne pesh nahi kar sakta jis sacchai ko duniya accept na kare. Ab mai aap ko jayada bor na karte huye apni story par aata hu issi saal january mahine ki hai aap jante hai is mahine me north india me kitni thand hoti hai.Meri age 31 saal hight 5’10” hai or body bhi achhi hai.Meri...

2 years ago
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Hospital Fun

There she stood, a gorgeous vision in a nurse's uniform. We had been secretly meeting for a few days now. I walked over to her not speaking a word. Her soft green eyes caught mine and a naughty smile shown on her glossy pink lips.I crossed the path to where she was stood against the side of the building and smiled at her as I slowly pushed her back into a dark corner, my fingertips softly trailing down her arm. She looked at me with her naughty grin and I was amazed at how even with that 'fuck...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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hospital visit

i had to go to the hospital to get a lump in one of my balls,i walked into the room to find a female doctor and her assistant.I was told to tack off all my clothes and put on a green smock,just as id done that the phone went! it was the labb saying they had some things wanted picking up for the doctor,the doctor told her assistant to go and pick up what she wanted and to tack her lunch brack at the same time.the doctor and me were on our oun now, she told me to sit in a large seat that had...

4 years ago
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Hospital Main Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hi dosto mera nam pankaj hain aur main 22 sal ka hu main punjab se hu aur jalander main rahta hu ye mari life ke real store hain meri ye pahle story hain is liya agar koi mistek ho to maf karna agar aap ko mari story pasand aaye muje is id par mail kare Baat un dino ke hain mere dost ke girne se laat tut gai ur ko hospital main ma dekne gaya use ganral ward main shift kiya tha waha par kafi log dakil the hamare samne ek bhabhi apane sass ko opration kar wane aaye thi kay bhabhi thi vo bahot...

3 years ago
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Hospital Rounds

It is the 11PM to 7AM shift at a Hospital, where an attractive nurse by the name of Amber is working with Angie, and a male nurse who is asleep. Angie, an attractive blonde of a voluptuous build at 5'1" of height, has gone downstairs to pick up a late night visitor to the ward; it is one of the psych nurses by the name of Erin, who is a slender attractive blonde. The two nurses know Erin but are surprised that she is visiting at this hour of 1AM; so they figure that something important must...

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