The Snake Catcher's Daughter.....Chapter 1 free porn video

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Year 36, second month of the inundation, day three, under the majesty of; the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Usermaatre-Sepetenre, the son of Re, Ramesses II, Beloved of Ptah.

Preparations are well under way here at Malkata Palace for the court to celebrate, in three days time, the twentieth birthday of his majesty's beloved granddaughter, my niece, the princess Bint-Anath Meren Meretseger; divine adoratrice of Isis, priestess of the temple, The House of Menmaatre.

Princess Anath, as she prefers to be called of late, is an intelligent and accomplished young woman and the gods have blessed her with great beauty. However, her facetiousness, rebelliousness and general lack of courtly decorum have, on numerous occasions, sorely tried the patience of her tutors, myself chief among them. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, she remains his majesty's favourite grandchild and, as is true of all doting grandparents, he will forgive her anything.

- The Chronicle of Prince Khaemwaset.


Evening. Queen Isetnofret loves music and for tonight's entertainment she has hired a troupe of the finest musicians and dancers. Since sunset they have entertained us; myself and a group of seven other fine ladies of the court.

It is a cool night. Gone is the heat of the long day, to be replaced now by a soothing breeze from the river. All the ladies are richly attired but perhaps not in their finest court garb. The queen wishes it so, disliking an excess of formality particularly when his majesty is absent. Tonight, it is in the beauty and grace of her ladies that she exalts and she delights in the candor of their smiles and in their relaxed conversation. There is much talk about my impending birthday and I am the victim of gentle gibes and benign teasing. I smile and nod graciously while secretly plotting revenge; I can give as good as I get. But take heed gentle reader, I am amongst friends whom I love and whom I would never wish to hurt. 

I am not the youngest of our company; the lady Neith is a year younger than I and none of the ladies are more than three years my senior. As such, we have much in common. Tonight we sit in two rows on either side of the queen and we are all beauteous to behold by lamplight. Queen Isetnofret is pale and resplendent in her robes of royal linen, highlighted with spun gold. Her diadem is of electrum and fine silver and she wears a collar of pure lapis with in-layed rings of turquoise, gold, carnelian and sardonyx. All of the finest craftsmanship and so wonderful to look upon.

Of the ladies, by far the most alluring is Neferure; excelling us all in beauty and quiet dignity. Then there is Renpit Nefert of the lustrous lips and wondrous eyes, Tuya; the sweetly and softly spoken, Tetisheri our arbiter of elegance and golden skinned Sitre, Mutemwiya the wise and Neith; little, slim hipped Neith, the mistress of all mischief and all gossip. As for me, there is little to tell. I am Anath, a name I bestowed upon myself, reserving my full name for formal matters.

What you hold in your hand, gentle reader, is my day book. It is a record of all that has happened to me since I chose to press reed to papyrus. When I began this record on the suggestion of my uncle, the learned, wise and most venerable Prince Khaemwaset, I feared that it would be a mundane document; devoid of all art, all drama and interest. My uncle assured me that it would not and he could not have been more correct. I have found writing it a most stimulating experience.

But I digress. As the Queen's pleasant musical evening wore on, food and wine was served and while the dancers took their rest, our conversation turned, as it inevitably does, to affairs of the heart. Of course Her Majesty is always silent on such matters, as befits her regal dignity, however she does nothing to discourage those others of us who find the topic a subject of endless fascination.

Of all our company, the lady Renpit Nefert has the most outrageous escapades to recount, although the majority of her tales seem to have happened to a well travelled 'aunt' of hers who lived during the reign of King Djeserkheperure Horemheb, the justified. Renpit recounts the amorous exploits of this aunt in such detail that I find it difficult to support their veracity. However they are never anything short of entertaining and she always seems to gather a rapt audience around her.

“Forgive me for saying so majesty but frankly, aunt Bebbi loved nothing better than the sensation of a man's cock deep in her throat...”

This is met with a cascade of giggles and even the Queen cannot help smiling. Of course she says nothing, thus giving Renpit all the encouragement she needs to continue.

“On one occasion, she was abducted by a crew of Mitannian pirates who perpetrated all manner of unspeakable indignities and outrages upon her person. She was only saved when my uncle paid the brutes a huge ransom in gold. It took over a year for her to return to us, we had given her up as forever lost...”

“Why did it take so long,” asked Mutemwiya, “didn't you say that your uncle was governor of Byblos, right on the coast of the Great Green Sea?”

“Yes, but you see the pirates were all illiterate brutes and it seems that it took aunt Bebbi over a year to compose a ransom note that they could then send to my uncle… I suppose she just couldn't find the time...” She tried to suppress a laugh and failed.

“Journeys to foreign lands are always fraught with danger.” Surprisingly the Queen offered this comment.

“Indeed majesty. Now a few months after her return, she fell madly in love with my uncle's charioteer, so much so that the most intense and irrational of passions gripped her heart….”

This story grew until it totally surpassed the bounds of all probability and during its increasingly wayward course, the wine jug was passed around a good five or six times.

As Renpit regaled us, I noticed Neith rise and go quietly to the corner of the room, where she had placed her basket of cosmetics amongst the sundry stuffs and necessaries that the ladies bring with them on such occasions as this. She opened a sizable circular container and placed it on the floor where it could not be seen. Immediately I knew she was up to some mischief but what, I could not tell. She then picked up a mirror and pretended to check her rouge. She turned, eyes averted, and with just the faintest hint of a sly smile playing upon her lips, then padded back to her place at the Queen's side. Several minutes passed until, as Renpit was just about to begin the next chapter of aunt Bebbi's decline into debauchery, Sitre gasped,

“Lo, by yonder basket, a snake, majesty!”

We all turned, some rather unsteadily, and looked to where Sitre was pointing. There, by the basket of pomegranates, an amply sized, bright green snake meandered slowly over the blue-tiled floor. As I was sitting nearest, I stood up to take a closer look at the animal. I was momentarily reminded of images of the serpent demon Apep, the sun god's mortal enemy. But this snake seemed so docile that I began to suspect it might have been an errant pet. Even in the shadows, the snake's yellow eyes caught the lamplight like polished jasper. It was indeed a beautiful animal. I knew little then of snake lore but it seemed to me a rather inoffensive creature, having more in common with a hair ornament than with some malevolent deity. Nor could it ever have been mistaken for a horned viper or one of the sacred cobras; those dread incarnations of Wadjet, Netjerankh or Meretseger; the goddess who is my protector. I kept these thoughts to myself as I heard the Queen's measured tones.

“Anath, take care.”

We all looked at the Queen. And plainly saw that she didn't seem to be overly concerned. Coolly she summoned one of the servants,

“Though the hour is late Bati, see if you can fetch me a snake catcher.”

The woman bowed and quickly departed. The Queen spoke then,

“We must be mindful that the Gods speak to us through signs and their meaning is often veiled in obscurity. Should I have called one of the palace guard and had this creature dispatched upon the cruel blade of a sword or should I allow its release into the wilderness whence it came, where, be it a harbinger of some God, it may give good account of our kindness?”

“A pious sentiment and a wise course majesty, and may I say, you are a paragon of virtue.” said Neferure.

The queen grinned and signaled the musicians to continue their playing. Wisely, they chose a quiet melody for the reed flute, tabor and sistrum. We all listen attentively, while also keeping an eye upon the snake the entire time. One of the skills which my uncle, the venerable Prince Khaemwaset, has been at great pains to teach me is poise; serene dignity particularly in the face of calamity. While this minor incident hardly qualified as calamitous, in the near future I would have good cause to recall his teaching.

Our conversation then turned to the forthcoming embassy of the Kheftiu; those mysterious seafarers from beyond the Great Green Sea. Their ambassadors had always brought choice, rare gifts in the past, going all the way back to the time of King Menkheperre, the justified.

Renpit Nefert took up the story, “Their men are slim hipped and wasp-waisted, broad shouldered and tanned. I have heard that their women wear heavy, layered clothes to guard against the cold winters and that they bare their breasts in public when in their youth but cease to do so when they marry. The Kheftiu live on several islands the chief of which is a land of white mountains, fertile valleys full of grapevines and mighty black bulls. They are a wise, pious and peace loving people, although their ships are said to command the Great Green Sea.”

“Dear one, how do you know all these things?” asked Mutemwia with more than a note of skepticism.

“One reads of such matters in books. One may also speak to those who know or, with a little effort, one may learn the languages and lore of foreign lands. The tongue of the Kheftiu is my current study. In fact aunt Bebi spoke it well…. Apart from the word 'no' which she evidently could not pronounce.” We all laugh.

After what seemed a long while, I noticed that the lamps were burning low. The musicians too had changed their tune several times before the servant that the queen had sent to fetch the snake catcher eventually returned. The woman had obviously been running and reported the success of her errand to the queen in a breathless voice.

“Splendid, ask him to enter.” Said the queen.

We all turned as a tall man entered the room carrying a sizable, coarse cloth bag. He was tanned and broad shouldered, naked from the waist up but wore a fine pleated kilt and a bright blue serpent amulet. Dark eyed and fine featured, this, I would soon learn, was Rahotep the son of Ankhtifi. His hands were broad and strong, his torso of the finest proportion. But it was his noble features that I found most alluring. His head was freshly shaved and below his dark, arched brows were large, mysterious orbs of blackest onyx. At first he seemed a little confused as his eyes passed from one of the ladies to the next. I could now tell by the subtle shift in the mood of my companions that they too found him fascinating. As the queen spoke to him, he lowered his face and bowed.

“Please be so good as to remove a snake for us. It seems to have settled in that corner by the basket of pomegranates.

“Yes Majesty.” he said softly.

He moved swiftly, raising his arm in an elegant dance-like gesture. There was purpose and ritual in that move and we soon saw that he had grasped the snake just behind its head. As he turned, we saw that it had wrapped itself around his arm and looked to be quite comfortable and content. He faced the Queen and stepped back.

“Is it dangerous?”

“Thankfully, no majesty.”

With that, he deftly put it into the bag and tied the cord.

“Excellent, you have served us well. Might I ask your name?”

“Rahotep, son of Ankhtifi, majesty.”

“And from where do you hail?”

“Originally from Hiu in the Sistrum Nome, majesty.”

“A fine town. Please arise. I do not insist upon ceremony.”

As he straightened his back, a whisper of admiration escaped the lips of the ladies.

“Very well Rahotep,” the Queen continued, “Kheperkare, my steward will pay you in whatever commodity you wish from the palace stores.”



“I only wish for a pomegranate, my elderly father is very fond of them.”

The Queen smiled in her good natured way.

“Of course, take one or two if that is your wish.”

Rahotep bowed low then fetched the fruit. As he returned, the lamp illuminated his fine brow while casting shadows across the ample muscles of is chest. He couldn't have been more than twenty summers old; a well wrought and finely crafted man.

He bowed again to the Queen and after the servant had shown him out Her Majesty asked,

“Now, who shall recite some poetry for us?


An uneventful week passed since I wrote the words above. To say that I have been a little preoccupied would be to mislead you gentle reader. In the days that followed the Queen's evening of courtly diversions, I have thought of little other than Rahotep. I have even neglected my weaving and bead work, much as I love those pastimes.

My day begins with my devotions. I pray to Amun, Mut and Khonshu and to the Nine Great Gods and Goddesses. I pray to Hathor the goddess of love and I pray to Meretseger; my patron and my protector. That she loves me and watches over me, I am never in doubt, for my dreams and my heart tell me so. Now these ten days past, to each and every deity, I have prayed most fervently, imploring them to send me Rahotep.

Last night in my chamber I lay upon my bed looking out over the placid waters of the palace lake. Built many years ago by the great king Amenhotep Nebmaatre as a love token for his queen. It is a gloriously colourful place by day and a serene and sweetly scented jewell by night. Last night was unusually warm and the full moon cast its silver light so brightly that I could see to the lake's far shore. The hour was late when I rose from my bed and stepped out onto the balcony, feeling the welcome coolness of the tiles beneath my feet. There was no hint of a breeze but the shores of the lake were sonorous with soothing cricketsong. I quickly shed the light robe that I wore.

Nude in the moonlight, I was bathed in the delicious scents of the night flowers. Like a thousand gentle hands, the aromas caressed my body and delighted my senses. I ran my fingers through my long hair and down over my breasts; impetuous and irrepressible are they, much like the rest of me. My hands naturally found their way between my legs. My pussy tingled as my fingers rubbed it. Often it yearns for my touch but I am not always at liberty to indulge it. Not so this night.

On my balcony there is a low couch strewn with cushions. I settled back upon it and licked my fingers. My pussy is like a lotus flower. I spread its delicate petals and therein I find a secret world of delight. I feel myself moisten and I rub the juices all over my perfumed, petaled lips and folds. I payed particular attention to my sacred nub; that sweetest and most succulent of fruit.

I lay back on the cushions, spread my legs and let my fingers enter my pussy. I caressed its every fold, making circles and waves. My fingers plunged in and out of my wellspring of pleasure, going deeper and deeper, faster and harder. Sweet waves soon lapped over me; growing in intensity until, with a sigh I was spent.

I lay back upon the couch serenely and gazed up at the stars; perfect are they, beautiful in their courses, unknowable yet like old and treasured friends. They revived my senses. Soon I rose and stepped back inside. Beneath my bed I keep a cedar box. Inside are two treasures, rare objects from some unknown land. I open the box and take one out. I grasp its ample width, noting once again its considerable weight. It is an ivory tusk cleverly carved to retain its natural curve and wrought in the shape of a thick headed cock. Even in the moonlight I can see its finely polished surface shine. Whence it came, and from what strange animal, I do not know but it is a marvel. This is 'The Tooth.' Having once belonged to Hatshepsut Maatkare, it is clearly inscribed with her names as is it's fellow. The other object is made of horn, but a horn of prodigious size. It is of comparable workmanship' and polish but it is ribbed and grooved. This is 'The Horn'.

I took both Tooth and Horn out onto the balcony and I knelt by the couch. I slipped the Tooth eagerly into my pussy and my muscles immediately embraced it. I slid it in and out, slowly at first, feeling my pussy tighten and relax around it in turn. The rim caressed my inner depths and soon I thrust it in deeper and deeper; feeling the head and shaft fill me totally. Like a ripe peach, my pussy dripped with its own nectar and I anoint my precious nub with it until it glistens. I did this again and again until I felt as though I was drunk with rich pomegranate wine. Soon the Tooth unleashed a storm of pleasure within my loins; wave after wave like the waters of the Nile at inundation. I grit my teeth and drank it all, abandoning myself to pleasure, losing myself in the languorous scents of the night flowers.

Setting the tooth down, I reached for a bowl of water. I dipped my hand in and rubbed the moisture over the cleft of my ass; again and again until I could slip my fingers in and gently stretch my hole. By now my ass too was yearning for my touch. My fingers rubbed and kneaded it until it was ready for a greater treat; the horn. I grasped this object by the base and slowly arched my back. It's form touches my sweet little tunnel in just the right way, it's tapered shaft spreads my hole until I can feel the shaft working its delicious sorcery deep inside me. I thrust it in and draw it out so that its sculptured length explores every hidden nook. Changing its angle, I again feel cascades of pleasure as the Horn's thick base stretched and stretched my ass. I am filled with joy, I am overcome by lust and my mouth waters like I am enjoying the tastiest of dishes. I drool and say over and over,

“Oh, this cock of horn! Oh, this cock of ivory!”

Reluctantly I set them down, glistening. With difficulty I rose, only to collapse immediately onto the couch. My body tingled in its entirety as I lay back upon the cushions. I attempted to catch my breath and I caught a glimpse of the full moon. My thoughts soared; intoxicated by pleasure, they were wild and wanton thoughts.

“Does the moon god Khonshu see me? Do I please his exalted eye? Does he desire me this night? Surely he does for I am beautiful. Shall I give myself to Khonshu? Gladly I shall!” 


Early next morning, I swam in the palace lake and after I had completed my devotions, I went to find Bati, the servant woman whom the Queen had sent out a week ago on the night of the snake. I found her in the kitchens baking bread in the company of her four daughters. Their good cheer and animated banter made me smile and I paused briefly to listen before entering the room. Sometimes I curse my exalted rank. The baking of bread seemed to be a rewarding and pleasantly diverting task, especially in such good company.

Needless to say, the women were quite surprised to see me. Immediately ceaseing their work, they formed a line and bowed. Ah, and what a comical line they were; up to their elbows in dough, with flour on their faces and their hair platted in elaborate patterns. It was Bati who spoke.

“Highness, your presence honors us.”

“I do not wish to detain you from your work ladies but I would speak to you in private Bati.”

Bati bowed again and led me to an adjoining room. She invited me to enter with one hand while signaling to her daughters with the other that they were to resume their work. I was pleased to see that they obeyed her silently and promptly. She shut the door and offered me a chair which I politely declined.

“What is your wish my lady?”

“It would appear that there is a snake in my chambers. I want you to fetch Rahotep; the snake catcher you brought here before. Do you know where to find him?”

“Yes, my lady.”

“Then go and bring him to my chambers.”

“At once Highness.”

I took a sizable nugget of turquoise from within the folds of my robe.

“Take this for your trouble and use it to buy your daughters some gifts from me.”

Being a loyal retainer of long standing, Bati betrays no emotion. She simply accepted the gem, bowed with quiet dignity and slipped it into her apron pocket.

“Oh, and tell no one about this...I do not wish to alarm the palace.”

“As you wish Highness.”

With that, she slipped away into the courtyard.

I walked back to my chambers to prepare myself. Once there, I dismissed my servants for the rest of the day. I applied my makeup with special care but also with subtlety and restraint. A man such as Rahotep would hardly be impressed by heavy makeup, he might think I had taken my face from a painted coffin. Next, I put on a light pleated skirt and a loose, semi transparent robe, to bring attention to my breasts. A few jewels only – restraint! I own much splendid furniture but one piece is an especial favourite – a large chair of gilded cedar inlaid with lapis-lazuli and beautifully inscribed with my names and titles. There I sat with as much dignity as I could muster and waited.

The mere thought of Rahotep made my pussy tingle and my heartbeat quicken. I rose and paced the room for what seemed a long while then I went out onto the balcony. The lake was beautiful to behold, as always. At last I heard Bati's voice.


Bati stepped forward and bowed. Did I detect a faint smile upon her lips?

“Rahotep the snake catcher, Highness.”

“Thank you Bati, that is all.”

“Yes my lady.”

Rahotep was as I remembered him; dark eyed and fine featured. His body; proud, lean, tanned and beautiful, his head elegantly shaved. But as our eyes made contact, I felt a wave of tension rise from the pit of my stomach. I swallowed hard before I could speak to him. Perhaps sensing my unease he spoke first.

“You wished to see me my lady.”

“Yes, I was impressed by your skill in catching that green snake in the Queen's chambers the last time you were here.”

“Thank you my lady, it is my vocation.”


I noticed then that Bati was still standing outside the door; awaiting and further instructions. I stepped out into the corridor and spoke to her quietly.

“You have done well Bati. You may go.”

As I turned back and entered the room I noticed Rahotep peering under one of my couches.

“Can you tell me where you saw the snake last Highness?”

“The snake, oh, hereabouts. It was early this morning. You know, I might even have dreamt it.”

I was surprised to hear him chuckle.

“Are you sure Highness?”


“Even so, I should still search the room.”

I sat down on a couch facing the balcony and lay back. Rahotep proceeded to look under and behind the furniture, occasionally poking about with a forked cane that he had brought. As he did so I took the opportunity to indulge my eyes. He wore a short pleated kilt and, at his throat, his blue snake amulet but other than that, in the manner of our country, he was naked.

My eyes followed him hungrily around the room until he finally stopped and looked at me. The couch upon which I sat was the only item of furniture left. He approached slowly, a faint smile playing upon his lips. He crouched down and took a good long look to the left and to the right. I could see the top of his smooth head so, after a moment, I reached down and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up, naturally somewhat surprised. I said nothing but met his onyx eyes invitingly with my own. My hand pulled my robe from each shoulder, releasing my breasts. What use had I for words?

I could see that he was impressed and I was reassured, gentle reader. I clasped him by the shoulder then slowly lay back upon the couch. My hand guided him closer and at last our lips met. It was a most welcome meeting.

He lay next to me as we kissed long and deep, our lips and tongues locked in the combat that is their most pleasant deed. So sweet are the fruits of love that one quite forgets to tire, to breathe, or indeed to bear any burden apart from the cares and needs of pleasure.

Pleasant moment followed pleasant moment; passing like the Nile's blue waters. I then guided Rahotep's lips to my breasts while I slipped the robe off and threw it on the floor. He smiled good naturedly, then proceeded with consummate skill to lick and suck my nipples. I cradled his head as he kneaded and caressed each of my breasts in turn. My flower bud nipples stiffened rapidly and stood up from their cradled rest as his tongue lapped and tickled them. He looked up at one time to see if I was pleased with his efforts. I smiled at him approvingly and caught sight of my magnificent, beautifully glistening breasts. By now I was moistening elsewhere as well.

I made Rahotep stop and I indicated that he should stand by the couch. With one hand I loosened his kilt and it dropped to the floor. Without saying a word I looked his cock up and down then met his eyes. There was an eagerness in them, along with an inquiring smile. I did not grace him with any reply but simply took his long, thick shaft in my hand. He tensed momentarily while I slid my lips and tongue back and forth over the head of his cock. With my hand firmly at it's base, teasing and licking, I imagined his shaft was a delicacy that made my mouth water. Before long, my efforts were rewarded and I felt him becoming harder and harder in my mouth. He has a long, thick and upwardly curving shaft with a sharp head. I could imagine, even then, the mighty curve of his shaft sliding into my pussy like a curving dagger returning to its scabbard.

I shut my eyes as I settled down to my newly found task. Of course, gentle reader, I have had other lovers, but at that moment with Rahotep's divine cock in my mouth, sliding further and further down my throat, I could scarcely remember their names. If I am nothing else, I am a considerate lover and I was mindful of Rahotep's needs. After a while I opened my eyes to see his smiling face and beaded brow.

“Are you hot Rahotep?”

“A little Highness.”

I giggled reassuringly as I pumped his shaft harder.

“Well, my apologies, but I'm going to make you hotter.”

I stood up and with two sways of my hips, my skirt dropped to the floor. I kept my light robe on and basked in Rahotep's admiring sight. I slowly settled back on a couch and raised my feet up onto its edge. I was so wet that my pussy lips glistened like pebbles just drawn from the river. I looked up at Rahotep as I caressed my pussy.

“Kneel,” I whispered and he knew exactly what I meant.

He placed his hands gently on my inner thighs and spread my lips. His tongue lapped at my pussy juices and I relished the thought that they were mixing with his saliva; a precious unguent if ever there was one!

As his tongue traced delicate scrolls across my every fold, his fingers spread me open, gently at first, then wider and wider until his tongue could gain entry into the inner sanctum of my body. His tongue moved faster and faster, up and down and I felt his hands opening me up like a ripe pomegranate. After long delicious moments of this, he stopped and looked up at me. Seeing that he had pleased me, he then focused his attention on my precious nub; that crowning place of pleasure, Re's gift to every woman.

Now my body began to fill with hot, flowing honey, my limbs and my eyelids tingled as wave after wave of pure sweetness radiated out from where Rahotep's tongue was setting my pussy aflame. My hands tightly grasped the cloth of the couch as though some tempest was about to sweep me away. I arched my back again and again as Rahotep's hands settled between my legs and my torso; holding me down so that his tongue could work its sorcery. I drew in the sweet air; made sweeter by the scent of his sweat and my nectar. No perfume could be finer.

So that you, gentle reader, don't accuse me of being a lazy lover, let me tell you now that I raised my hips and met each stroke of Rahotep's tongue with a thrust. We complimented each other beautifully and soon my nub had had its fill of our heady brew. The honeyed waters overflowed the jar, sending rays of rapture through every inch of my flesh. I gasped and cried out; unable to think, to speak, to breathe or to remember my names. So overwhelmed was I by delight.

When I did at last open my eyes it was to see a serious young man kneeling between my legs like a devotee before Thoth's sacred baboon.

“Did I please you Highness.”

I propped myself up on my elbows and nodded, adding gently,

“You are not my servant Rahotep.”

“Still, it would honour me greatly to serve you my lady.”

“Shhh, when we are alone call me Anath.”

“Very well...Anath.”

I sat up and with the sleeve of my robe I wiped the sweat from his brow.

I fetched a jug of water from the adjoining room and a pair of cups. I sat on the floor by his feet and drew him down next to me. How snug and intimate that feeling was; naked bodies pressed against each other; flesh upon flesh. I poured him a cup,

“There you see, I am your servant now.”

“Thanks, my….Anath.”

I laughed and took a gulp straight from the jug then I poured water into his mouth until a rivulet ran down his chest and into his lap. We both laughed as I rubbed the water into his shoulders, chest and legs. His body delighted me and soon I found myself exploring his every line, his every muscle. He sat back, enjoying the cooling sensation of my wet hands passing over his flesh. I took his hand and dipped it into the water jug then smeared my face, neck and breast with it. He needed no further prompting. Like some innocent childhood game, devoid of penalty or restriction, we took it in turns to rub water into our bodies. By now my senses were revived and my body wanted more, more of what this fine man had to give.

When my turn came, my moistened hands found their way down to Rahotep's balls; hanging loose, low and neglected. I took them gently in my palm and massaged them until I felt them respond, which was almost at once. Rahotep turned towards me and I took his shaft in my free hand while continuing to massage his rapidly retreating balls. I squeezed and pumped his cock as we sat, on the cool floor, bringing it back to life. Then I started to lick the whole length of his shaft as it grew and hardened before me. My lips made his cock glisten and my tongue explored its every line. My mouth enveloped his entire shaft until I could feel him at the back of my throat. All this time he had not been idle either; his fingers found their way to my still drenched pussy. Casually I spread my lips apart and guided his hand in. We looked into each others eyes as pleasure once again took hold of us.

But now it was time that I fully rewarded his sweet devotion. I stood up and strode to the back of the room where my bed lay. I turned and bid him follow. He was quick to respond. I made him lie down and took his cock once again in my mouth. I worked upon it with long slow strokes until I could feel it harden to my liking. To describe Rahotep's face at that instant would challenge a writer far more gifted than I, gentle reader. So, I smiled at him and without warning, slid his shaft deep into my pussy.

With my knees on either side of him and my palms upon his chest. I moved my hips slowly at first, then with gathering power, until I bucked for all the world like an unbroken colt. Faster and harder, like the desert wind; taking down all before me. He moved hardly at all; he need not have. His cock; that perfect curve, slid tightly but smoothly into me until it filled me to the brim. I looked down at him and he smiled at me; delirious though he was by now.

Long, delicious minutes passed while stroke after stroke; the lapidary skill of my pussy brought this new lover of mine to extatic heights that neither of us had reached before. Rahotep's hands grasped my hips lightly at first, like I was some holy object, not to be defiled. Then, as his lust and pleasure grew, his fingers pressed into my flesh while I in turn, brought the entirity of my skills to bear down upon him. He sighed and tensed, relaxed and tensed again; several times until I felt his cock finally achieve the apogee of it's hardness. Now my nether muscles gripped it and milked it tenderly. Before long, I could feel his sweet juices welling up inside me to the welcome accopmpaniment of his groans and sighs. And what wondeful music it was !

We spent the rest of that wonderful day eating, talking and relaxing. Towards evening I suggested we go swimming in the palace lake. I noticed though that Rahotep was somewhat reluctant.

“Fear not, no one will see us and the palace servants are discreet.”

“And the... other residents?”

“I care naught what they see or think. But they too will be discreet. The lady Neith occupies the neighboring suite of rooms and I know enough about her own activities to ensure her silence.”

Rahotep chuckled goodnaturedly and shook his head.

The water was cool and refreshing. We cleansed our bodies in the shallows amongst the gently swaying reeds then swam into deeper water. Rahotep demonstrated his prowess as a swimmer and a diver. I was impressed.

Later, after we had dried our bodies and dressed, I kissed him.

“Go by the palace stores and speak to Kheperkare. Tell him to give you some food on my behalf, make a feast for your parents.”

He bowed. “You are most kind High...”

“Anath”, I whispered.

We kissed again.

“When will I see you next?”

“Soon, I promise. I will send Bebi, my servant to fetch you when I am free. My duties are only to the Queen and she will soon be leaving for Mennen to join my grandfather. Thankfully she has not asked me to go with her.”

“Your grandfather, the Pharaoh?”

“The very same. You now move in exalted circles my good snake catcher. Now go before I order you to stay the night.”

I kissed his smiling lips again and he was gone. I lit my lamps then wandered around my rooms looking for something to do. At length, I took a small gilded box from a trunk and emptied the contents onto my bed; a packet of needles, thread, many beads and amulets. The box also contained a few small bags with some of my unfinished pieces in them. I took one of these out and threaded a few gold and onyx beads onto what will eventually become a necklace. After threading on a few more beads, I put the necklace down. I reached under my bed and pulled out the box containing The Tooth and The Horn.

(Read next….Chapter 2 of 'The Snake Catcher's Daughter'.)


Same as The Snake Catcher's Daughter.....Chapter 1 Videos

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A Love Story Emily and Snake

Hey, This is Emily’s short romance. She was introduced in A Love Story: Dina and Daniel. Emily is special. The only girl of four brothers, she has always stayed one step ahead of her brothers. She knew so much about them that I wondered what if she has a secret. In this story, her secret will be revealed. All the characters in this story are above the age of consent. Enjoy IR2R Emily Graves was exhausted. It was exhausting being the only daughter of a prominent lawyer dad and a socialite...

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I Belong to Snake NowChapter 5

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Snake - by: Beverly Taff. Ever since I was a child snakes had fascinated me. Every year my curiosity for Herpetology took me into the fields and forests around our farm where I searched diligently for any amphibians or reptiles. Firstly, as a very small child, I would come home with frogspawn and toad spawn from the many ponds to be found near by, then, as I grew older and my skills improved, I would discover newts and snakes. By my early teens I had a thriving collection of...

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Charming the Snake

I liked the idea of this story base. It was posted anonymously in another web site and I wanted to develop it in my own style, It is with sincere wishes to the original author and trust I have not contravened his copyright or aroused his displeasure. Since reviving this story from my archives, I have received the original author’s approval. By mistake he used his given name so I won’t state it here and it was in 20004, I have edited it in various ways, some spelling, some continuation, some...

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The Snake Catchers DaughterChapter 2

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Indian MILF fucks Exotic Snake Charmer and Assistant

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The Temple of the Snake God

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Preetis Enjoyment With Snake Massage

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I Belong to Snake NowChapter 3

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I Belong to Snake NowChapter 4

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Motherless Incest

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Snake Chapter 9

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

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 When I awoke I was entwined in Teia's arms. The last things I remembered from the night before was Teia's gentle, sibilant voice and her large, luminous eyes. We had kissed again and again for what seemed like hours. She didn't speak much of our language but she did know the word for beautiful - “Nefer, nefer, nefer Anatha !” I was touched and honoured.She was still fast asleep so I gently drew my arm from beneath her neck, kissed a lock of her hair then looked around for some item of...

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The Snake Catchers DaughterChapter 4

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

2 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

1 year ago
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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

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1 year ago
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

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Fuzzy Faced Allia Snake in the Mud

As a result, the poor girl was a freak by the age of 18. The strange potions made her very chubby and grow dull brown fur all over. She grew oversized breasts and long cow-like tail, which constantly got in her way. Her cute fuzzy face mostly kept human properties: large dark green eyes, small pouty lips and puffy cheeks. Soft tan fur covered her freckled face, but people never saw it because she hid behind her long brown hair. She strongly resembled a cow, and that wasn’t too bad....

4 years ago
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Colon Snake

Thanks to Dom Ginger I was introduced to a colon snake. She told me about her experience so I decided to purchase one myself....A Mistress friend of mine used the colon snake on me. Two days prior I prepped with fleet enemas and a total colon cleansing.OMFG what an experience. She started with CBT and just simply made me her "bitch". While she was inserting the tube her slave was playing with my tied up cock. when she hit my prostate, the sensation was un-fucking-believable. She inserted the...

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