A Loner Mentalist Pt. 01 free porn video

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Disclaimer: This is a story that is very low on the smut scale. Also, the protagonist isn’t perfect and is struggling to find his way around some supernatural powers, though he does have good and noble intentions. Hope you enjoy it and check my user profile for updates on sequels!

Edited by Over_Red

Whether you like, hate, or are left indifferent by this story, I strongly recommend you read his Dream Drive series, right here, on Literotica.


Jack Watts stood nervously in the dining room doorway. His father was sitting at the table and reading the paper. It was his first day of shore leave. Jack’s mother had told him not to bother his father with anything, but Jack just couldn’t hold it in any longer. It had been brewing since the last time his father was home on shore leave. As much as Jack wanted to speak up about it, he was afraid. He hadn’t been this nervous ever since his first day in middle school.

Jack’s dad’s posting to the aircraft carrier had happened in the summer and the family, consisting of Jack and his parents, had moved to this town, which was basically built around the naval base the carrier called home port. Nervous over how Jack was going to fit in with the new crowd, Jack’s mother had spent hours fretting and trying to make everything perfect. She had doled out one piece of advice after the next and fed Jack with so many admonishments that she had managed to make Jack nervous like he had never been before. He hadn’t even realized he desperately needed to go to the bathroom until they had actually gotten to school and were waiting for the principal to see them.

Jack’s mother had scolded him quietly, calling him a troublemaker, and refused to let him go to the bathroom. He had sat and waited, while the urge grew ever stronger, and then had to keep sitting while the principal welcomed him and then spoke with his mother. After their talk was finally over, Jack hadn’t gotten a respite. He had been escorted straight into the classroom, where the teacher had refused to excuse Jack to go to the bathroom, citing the fact that he had just come in. Not one grown up had listened to him that day and Jack had wound up peeing himself in class. He was a laughing stock amongst his peers, ever since.

The same kind of anxiety that had prevented him from speaking up soon enough, or loud enough, then was gripping him now. His mother had nothing to do with it this time. That incident and his mother’s stupid refusal to let him go to the bathroom had taught him to ignore pretty much everything that came out of her mouth. It had also taught him that grown ups can be ridiculously stupid at times. But this was different. This was his father and Jack dreaded the thought of disappointing him.

Jack wiped the palms of his sweaty hands against his pants and cleared his throat quietly. He took a step forward and said, ‘Dad?’

His father looked up from the papers. ‘Yeah, Son?’

‘I, uh… I need to tell you something.’

His father set the paper down on the table and pulled out a chair. He indicated it and said, ‘Well, come on! Sit down and tell me what’s on your mind!’

Jack took the offered seat and cleared his throat again. ‘I, uh, I think that… I’ve been thinking about the things that you were saying to me about… Duty and honor and… Service and I think that, while I do respect all that you’ve been saying to me… I think that I would rather be a basketball player, than a sailor.’

Jack looked up and met his father’s eyes, expecting to see disappointment, or scorn, in them. Instead, his father was pensive for a moment. Then a small grin grew on his face. Jack thought he could see a light twinkle in his father’s eyes. He sounded happy as he asked, ‘Are you sure about that, Jack?’

Jack nodded vehemently. ‘Yes.’

‘You’d like to be a basketball player?’ Jack nodded again. ‘And you’d be willing to put in the time and effort to train and become better, each and every day?’

‘Yes, I would,’ Jack said. ‘Honest!’

His father smiled and reached over to ruffle his short, brown hair. Normally, Jack didn’t like it when people messed with his hair, but his father was away at sea for most of the year and Jack was desperate to spend time with him whenever he was home. He gladly endured the hair mussing.

His father put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. His smile slowly faded. ‘You’re twelve years old, Jack. Pretty soon, you won’t be a boy anymore. You’ll be a young man.’ Jack watched the smile fade from his father’s lips and something else replaced it. His father opened his mouth to say something, but Jack’s mother walked in at that moment.

‘Come on, Bert,’ she said, ‘We are going to be late!’ She turned to Jack and said, ‘And it’s about time you were in bed!’

Jack rolled his eyes at the interruption. His father was home so rarely and half the time he was, his mother was dragging him off to spend an evening with these people, or those. Jack hated her for it. He hated her even more now, because he was having the most important talk of his life with his father and she was dragging him off to play cards with the neighbors.

‘Coming, dear,’ his father called back to her. He turned back to Jack and said, ‘Listen, Jack, I’ve got an important meeting tomorrow. I want you to come with me. We’ll finish this little talk then, alright?’

‘Alright,’ Jack said.

‘There’s a good boy! Now, go upstairs and get to bed!’

‘Yes, Sir,’ Jack said. He went upstairs. The one good thing about living on a naval base was that nobody bothered to hire babysitters for older kids. After they had moved here, his parents had decided that he was old enough to be on his own and that had made leaving all his friends behind a bit more tolerable.

The next day, Jack’s father took him to the cemetery. Jack had been expecting his father’s important appointment to be in some kind of an office building, not a graveyard, especially since his father put on his dress uniform, complete with medals. They walked silently amongst the headstones for a few minutes, before Jack’s dad stopped them. He crouched by Jack and said, ‘Jack, I need you to wait for me here. Ok? Just for a few minutes.’

Jack looked around at the tombstones. He had no idea what they were doing there, but he trusted his father. ‘Ok, Dad.’

‘I’ll wave when you can come over,’ his father said and stood up straight.

Jack stood still and watched as his father marched down a row of graves. He wasn’t the least bit afraid that his dad was going to leave him there, but he felt uneasy, all the same. His dad stopped in front of a grave and mechanically pivoted to face it. He saluted sharply.

Jack watched curiously as his father stood at attention in front of the grave. He could just about hear that his father was speaking aloud, but he was too far to be able to make out the words. It sounded to him like his father was making a report to a superior officer. He scanned the graveyard all around them. There was absolutely no one in sight. Jack spent a few minutes reading the names on the gravestones around him, but they weren’t all that interesting. Standing around in a graveyard was quite boring so Jack started wondering if his dad might be engaging in some kind of espionage operation. He let himself entertain such a notion, if only to pass the time.

Jack was so engrossed in his spy fantasy that he must have missed his father’s wave. He flinched when he heard his father call to him. He gave a big wave for him to come over. Jack lurched forward but then quickly remembered it was impolite to run in a graveyard, so he forced himself to walk over to his father. As he got closer, he read the grave marker his father had been seemingly speaking to. It belonged to a dead naval officer whose name had been Jack White. Jack was surprised to see that the man had died fourteen years ago to the day.

His father put his hands on Jack’s shoulders and dr
ew him close to himself. He turned Jack around to face the grave he had been talking to and said, ‘This is my son, Sir.’ Jack’s brow immediately bunched up as he could see that the rank of the officer buried before them had been lieutenant junior grade. His father was a lieutenant and had had lieutenants junior grade saluting him for a few years now. Jack didn’t know why his father was addressing the grave with the respect that was usually reserved for flag officers. ‘I named him after You, Sir. I think he’s old enough for me to tell him all about You, Sir.’

Jack’s dad knelt before him and looked him in the eye. ‘Jack, this is the grave of the man I named you after. Back when I had just finished the academy and got my first posting, this man saved my life and the lives of eight other men. If he hadn’t done that, then I would have died. I would never have married your mother and you would never have been born at all.’

Jack looked over his father’s shoulder at the simple grave marker in awe. He couldn’t even imagine never being born at all. His father described the shipboard accident that threatened all of their lives and made the young lieutenant’s selfless sacrifice necessary, but the specifics of naval engineering went over Jack’s head, so he only focused on the part of the story where one man sacrificed himself for nine others. Jack was shocked to learn that his whole life was predicated on one man’s selfless act and he tried to imagine what it had been like.

His father snapped him out of his reverie when he said, ‘Do you understand why I have brought you here today?’

Jack looked into his father’s eyes and said, ‘Yes. You wanted me to see this man’s grave. You wanted to tell me about how he saved your life.’

His father nodded and said, ‘Yes, but I also wanted to show you that there are such things as individual heroes. That one man can be more than just himself.’ He nodded at the grave. ‘Jack’s body might be lying dead in this grave, but he is still alive. He lives on in the nine of us and everything we do counts as if he had done it, because if he hadn’t done what he had done, then none of us would be around to do it. Everything that you’ll ever do, you’ll do because of his sacrifice.

‘Now, I know that I’ve been badgering you with the constant talk about how individual people are weak, and how they can gain power by banding together in service of the common good. This is true. It has been true throughout history and it will be true for as long as there are people, but I’m wondering if I’ve somehow made you feel like… Like a single person’s actions can’t make a change for the better, or that an individual has to ignore his own needs and serve the greater good?’

Jack realized his dad was waiting for an answer, so he shook his head no.

‘Because one man can always make a difference, Jack. Even with the little things. We can never know what the future brings us and how we will be tested, or when. No one knew that bolt would fail like that. The lieutenant didn’t know he would have to take immediate action that day to save the lives of others. He hadn’t gotten out of his rack that morning knowing he would be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice. He had carried duty and honor in his heart and when the darkness came, he was the light of salvation for the nine of us.

‘Only when we are put to the test, Jack, only then we can find out just how much we can accomplish. As long as a person holds duty and honor in their heart, they can change the world for the better. Even on their own. What I’m trying to say, Jack, is that you don’t need to join the Navy to be a good man. Ok? I’m sorry if I made you think that you had to. Whatever you choose to do, I’ll like it, so long as you choose to do it. In your heart. Do you understand me, Jack?’

His father’s voice was breaking with those words and tears were starting to slide down his cheeks. Jack was feeling uncomfortable seeing his father cry so he nodded. His father tapped his fist against his chest. ‘So long as you put all your heart in what you do, you’ll do good. You’ll do me proud.’

His father pulled Jack into a tight hug. Jack returned it, looking at the grave marker of his namesake. After a while, his father broke their hug, sniffed and said, ‘I’m sorry if I made you feel like you had to do things you didn’t want to do. I only told you those things over and over because I just wanted you to get along better with the kids at school. I wanted to motivate you to join them and have some fun. It hurts my heart to hear that you have no friends.’

‘Sorry,’ Jack simply said. He didn’t know what else to say. He himself wished he had friends, but the peeing on his first day thing was simply too much of a hurdle to clear.

‘Well, it’s not your fault.’

No, it’s Mom’s, Jack thought. He made no sound.

His dad ruffled his hair and smiled. ‘Things will get better, you’ll see! You can come upon the chance to make a friend even in the most unexpected of circumstances. The lieutenant, here, became my friend by pure chance. We shared a cabin aboard ship because our names were next to one other in the crew roster.’

He looked up at the grave marker and a tear slid down his cheek. ‘He’s the one that taught me what duty and honor really mean.’ He looked into Jack’s eyes. ‘You remember the lessons I taught you about them?’

Uneasy with his father’s tears, Jack quickly nodded and said, ‘To carry duty in your heart means to spend each day of your life working towards the greater good. To carry honor in your heart means to never let a wrong go by unopposed.’

‘Yes,’ Jack’s dad said and smiled. ‘Yes, that’s it in a nutshell.’ He patted Jack on the shoulder. ‘Good man!’ Jack stood up straighter at being called a man, instead of a boy. His father checked his watch. ‘Come on! We should be getting home.’ He stood up, faced the grave and stood at attention. He saluted sharply. ‘Goodbye, Sir!’

They walked out of the cemetery. ‘Dad?’

‘Yes, Jack?’

‘Will you tell me about him?’

‘Of course. The first thing you should know about Jack was that he loved basketball.’ Jack looked up at his father in surprise. ‘Yes, he did. A poster of Michael Jordan was taped up above his rack. Jack looked up to Jordan. He was his role model with his tenacity and devotion. Especially when he made his comeback. You see, Jack, even an NBA star can change the world for the better, by inspiring others with his performances.’

They came to the car and his dad walked around it to open the trunk. ‘Besides, even if you don’t become the best there ever was, I’d certainly love to see you play.’ He tossed Jack a brand new basketball. Jack caught it and smiled wide. It was a big, round, orange ball of fatherly love. He rushed into his father’s embrace.

‘Thanks, Dad!’

‘Just promise me you’ll have fun!’

‘I will, Dad! You’re the best!’

They drove away and Jack cast one last look back at the graveyard. The wind kicked up the fallen leaves, making them look like they were waving goodbye. Jack waggled his fingers and then faced front when their car turned the corner.

After his father left for his ship again, Jack took the ball out for a spin. He bounced it happily against the pavement all the way until he came to the basketball court in the park. A bunch of kids were standing under one of the baskets, looking like their parade had been rained on. They turned their eyes to the sound of Jack’s ball bouncing and he felt uncomfortable at the looks they were giving him. As he moved to the other hoop, he saw the problem. Their ball was wedged between the backboard and the side of the hoop.

‘Hey,’ Jack called out to them, ‘do you want to try and knock it loose with my ball?’

The kids nodded and Jack tossed the ball to them. They all tried to knock their ball loose, but it was jammed in too tightly and none of them could do it. When Jack walked all the way over to them, he saw that he was older, taller and stron
ger than them, so he gave it a few tries, himself.

‘How did you jam it in so tightly?’

‘We didn’t,’ one of the kids snapped. ‘It was the Navy brats!’

Jack realized why he didn’t know these kids. They were townies, the children of civilian parents. The feud between them and the children of Navy personnel was long standing and one of the first things Jack’s classmates instructed him in upon his arrival. Even though they mocked him and considered him the lowest of them, the other Navy brats still expected him to toe the line and hate the townies. Even the middle school grouped Navy children and civilian kids separately, since they learned long ago that minimal contact between the groups kept things quiet inside the school grounds.

Outside the school grounds, however, a war was raging, unseen by the oblivious grown-ups. Clean clothes and bikes were the casualties of that war. Spokes were bent with anything that could be found on short notice. Brakes were disabled and bells stolen as a matter of course. Knocking a kid over into the dirt and grass was a feat that brought kids greater standing in the eyes of their group, so they patiently staked out any mud hole they could find. Waiting for a lone member of the opposing side to wander close to it.

Jack considered the whole thing to be distasteful and wrong. Even if he hadn’t been dumped on by the other brats, he would take no part in it. In the ‘war’ between the brats and the townies, he couldn’t figure out which side was the injured party, so he had stayed out of it. He would have told on the kids, long ago, but both sides detested snitches and would unite against them, so Jack kept quiet.

He had been curious about the mysterious townies ever since he had first got there and now was his chance to make friends with some of them. ‘They can’t be any worse than the brats,’ he told himself.

‘The big one picked it up in one hand,’ one of the kids said, gesturing at the ball, ‘jumped up and wedged it in there. We’ll never get it loose. We need to go get a parent.’

The kids looked unhappy with the suggestion. ‘If I tell my mom that the Navy brats had been picking on me again, she’ll lock me up for my own safety,’ one of the kids morosely said.

‘You don’t need a parent,’ Jack said. ‘You can knock it loose on your own.’

‘How? Do you know where we can get a stick that long?’

‘Without any grown-ups seeing us get it,’ another kid said.

‘You can just pick up one of the dead branches from the green over there,’ Jack said.

‘We tried that already,’ the first kid said and pointed at a couple of dry branches not far from the court. ‘The branches aren’t long enough to reach!’

‘Not on their own,’ Jack said.

‘Maybe we could tape them together,’ one of the kids said. The kids looked between themselves as they thought about whose garage they could find tape in.

‘I have a different idea,’ Jack said. ‘If the five of you stand in a circle and hold your hands on the shoulders of the two guys opposite you and we put some of your coats over your arms, then he can climb atop them and reach the ball with a stick.’

The thin boy Jack indicated looked very unhappy with the idea, but the rest of the boys agreed with it. Jack positioned them in the circle and intertwined their arms to distribute the sixth boy’s weight evenly between them. After he tossed some coats atop their arms, he had them squat and he helped the sixth boy climb up. They stood up and the boy could now reach the ball with the stick. He whacked it repeatedly, but it still refused to be budged. The kids began to groan under the strain.

‘Ok, guys,’ Jack said, ‘different approach! Jam the stick into the very corner between the hoop and the backboard! Further in than the ball is wedged!’

‘I tried that already,’ the scrawny kid complained. ‘It won’t budge!’

‘Just jam it in and hold it there,’ Jack said to him. ‘Ok, the rest of you are going to take one step that way.’ He indicated the direction opposite of the ball. ‘Hold the stick steady! On three! One, two, three!’

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sabrina day one

I awoke slowly and flinched as I reached for my neck, expecting to find the collar. It was not there and I opened my eyes to see my room. Naked on the bed, I at first thought I had a very vivid dream but then as my mind cleared, I vaguely remembered Marsha unlocking me and helping me down the hall to my room. It had hurt even to walk, my muscles were screaming in response to the constant strain they had been under for however long she had me tied. I remember sitting on my bed as Marsha got me...

3 years ago
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Amandas Continuing EducationChapter 15

I looked at the outfits Nathan had picked out for me and selected a dark miniskirt and a dark red blouse. I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I had tried these things on before but I don't remember the blouse being quite this translucent. Maybe it was just looking at it now in the better light in my bedroom. I was nervous about how visible my nipples were. Except for being nervous about my exposure it was a pretty nice morning until I got to school. I sat in my car for a...

3 years ago
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Enjoying Lily

This was a roleplay my boyfriend and I did many years ago. Of course, my boyfriend did not go as far with me as Peter certainly would with Lily, but he did enjoy giving me a few slaps and I let him maul my breasts and my labia much more than I would have otherwise. I certainly bore him an unreasonable grudge for a long time after this. Like Lily, I was too proud to cry, and too proud to chicken out using the safe word as he taunted me (unlike her, I had a choice). We are now thankfully past...

1 year ago
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Along Bet is one of the newer casinos on the internet, having launched at the very tail end of 2022. I don’t know about you, but I’m always intrigued when I see a new gambling den, narcotics emporium or whorehouse open in my neighborhood, and I feel pretty much the same way when I see their online variations popping up on the web. That’s why I was eager to get in there and start dropping my coins into the virtual machines, if for no other reason than to test the odds. With any luck, I’d win...

Betting Sites
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Farm Sex

During spring break, I work at a mixed farm, grain and cattle. It is owned by Alex and Myra who are in their thirties and have no children. I’ve been busy all week shovelling grain, moving hay bales and cleaning out the barn. Cleaning out the barn means shovelling hay and shit and piss out of the stalls, onto a stone boat. Then I haul the stone boat out to the field and shovel it off as manure/fertilizer.This morning, I awoke at six with my usual boner and I jerked off in the bathroom. A normal...

Oral Sex
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I felt a little nervous as I parked in the medical arts building parking lot. It was not because my new doctor was a woman; I was secure enough in my manhood that it didn’t bother me. I just felt a little uncomfortable, as was natural, whenever you establish yourself as patient with a new doctor. The fact that I was running late, and had the last appointment of the day, did not help.The company I had just joined insisted on a physical exam, and since I was new to the area, I needed to find...

2 years ago
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Mom Son Acting

We live in a big town so neither mom nor I really get recognised on stage as we keep few close friends and none of them are really into the theatre scene. One of Mom's most successful roles was a captivating Juliet but being edgy, Verona was set in the present day and the characters were based around two competing companies. The role required some serious sex scenes including one in a corporate boardroom. I remember on opening day Mom sat me down and explained the adult nature of the play...

4 years ago
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The Car Wash Did It

Her smile was engaging. Her beauty turned heads as she entered the room full of dignitaries gathered to hear her husband speak to a small crowd of influential citizens. She stood dutifully behind her husband and off to the side, as he took the small stage to greet other candidates and dignitaries that had gathered to hear his speech. She wore a very stylish outfit with a modestly low plunging neckline, accentuated by a single strand of pearls that matched the pear drop earings she wore.She...

3 years ago
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Fucked An Unknown Girl During Marriage Ceremony

Hi guys and sexy girls this is XYZ from Bangalore today I am going to tell you how I fucked a unknown girl. Sorry guys and girls I can’t expose our real names To tell about me I am not good looking and not having good physic also and my dick around 5 inches and to tell about a girl her name is ABC her stats are 32,28,32 This incident took place 7 months back then In our home my mom’s younger brothers marriage ceremony was going on as u all know how much work will be there during marriage...

3 years ago
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Two Tops And No Bottom

Being dragged to the club by my buddies, after my relationship of six years breaking into tiny pieces was definitely not my idea of fun. I was still hung up on Sam. Even though it had been over two months, I couldn’t get his image out of my head, especially the ones where he was jerking me off or lying, tied, on our bed while I rammed into him. Mike said I just needed to get laid so he got our friends to pick me up from work and drive me to a club far enough away from my house that I had to...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Down in the sand dunes

Before my love of dressing en’femme I had already experienced the feelings and delights that another male could give me and that I could give to another male, so you will see that the ‘experience’ was there. Near to my home on the East coast of England was a long curving beach with dunes along it. From the WW II there were a lot of old concrete fortifications machine gun posts and the like and I used to spend hours and hours exploring them, just the mystery of them I suppose. Sometimes I’d have...

2 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 29

Supper was still half an hour or so away when we reached camp. I decided to look around on the travois just to make sure my director's chair type campstool hadn't come along for the ride somehow. Damn my lazy ass for not doing it sooner. There the orange thing was. Obviously no one had a clue what it was since it had been set aside by others who'd been looking for something else. I grabbed it and went to my rock's location, unfolding the stool when I got there and parking my big...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 1 Words And MusicChapter 39

"Are you in trouble?" I'd been nuzzling Tami's neck as we walked. I kissed it and said, "Don't think so. Why?" "Look." I lifted my head, Tami was pointing toward my house. Robbie's little Rodrigo was parked in front, and Robbie was sitting on the hood. "Should I make a break for it?" Tami smiled evilly. "Nope, she's faster than you." I made a face. "And tackles harder." For a few seconds I contemplated replacing Tami. A nice dumb blond. Judy Saunders was major cute. And...

2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 25

All of us collectively operated on autopilot over the next few days. Gina, with her public-relations background, somewhat reluctantly accepted the role of family spokesman for the media. At one point, the media identified her as “the wife of the deceased firefighter’s sister.” This resulted in, of all things, the loonies from Westboro Baptist Church announcing their intention to picket the funeral to thank God for killing firefighters as, I suppose, punishment for R.J.’s failure to disown his...

3 years ago
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My Hot Neighbours part 2

If you have not read the first part, I highly suggest you do, After I pulled up my shorts and watched as Amy scooped of my cum out of her well fucked cunt and sucking her finger as she looked at me. Luckily it seemed she had not noticed her mother standing in the door watching us, apparently rubbing one out over watching her only daughter getting fucked by her neighbour. Once she had tasted enough, Amy re-did her bikini and stood up and kissed me, making sure to rub her tits against my...

1 year ago
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Ronni Tempted MeChapter 2

Two days had passed since Ronni had seen Jack's erotic story on his home office computer. It was bad enough that she had coerced him into emailing it to her with a very sexy photo. Just seeing such a revealing image of a fifteen year old, not to mention a friend of his daughter's was enough to make him feel very guilty. But then after he sent the story, she sent him three more. In the first image Ronni was turned mostly away from the camera. Her top was still on, but her pants weren't....

1 year ago
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The Beginning 7

“Get it and get your ass in the bathroom. When you come out, you better look like my Whore!” I try to squeeze past you but you grab me by the hair and jerk me back and force my face to meet your eyes. “Do you understand me Bitch?” Your tone actually frightens me. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m not going to be the one to make it worse. I answer you, “yes Daddy. I understand you and I will obey you.” I go in the bathroom once you release my hair and point me in the direction. As I'm...

3 years ago
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Selection of the Fittest

Keith and Karen had been hard at it for over an hour now, and showing no sign of exhaustion, as a married couple shouldn't who were so very much in love with each other. But more than that, thought Keith, as his pelvic thrusts pushed his erect penis in and out and in and out of Karen's muscular vaginal grip, it was practice and exercise that made their physical love so successful. After all, if you were going to do something, and to do it as regularly as he and his wife did, after all their...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 321 Obtaining Our Next Home

Sunday, October 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006 The Democrats were having so much fun seeing the massive trouble that Majestic Countdown was causing the Republicans that they didn't want the scandal-creating leaks to stop. The Federal Government's paying us $36.8 billion required an appropriations bill this time, giving the Democrats an easy opportunity to derail the settlement process. [[The previous $18.4 billion had been paid out of spare money the Government had lying around! It came...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Whitney Wright In The Wrong Place At The Right Time

Whitney Wright and her lover Damien just wanted to enjoy the panoramic view of the Valley… well Damien maybe was enjoying the view while Whitney was enjoying sucking his cock… as least until Officer Gamble rolls up on them and BUSTED them in the act. Talk about blue balls. Whitney gets arrested and Damien is let go… What the fuck is this bullshit?!? Whitney will do anything to get out of that patrol car and into the officers pants though. She knows how to suck a mean cock and...

2 years ago
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Fatherly Love

A couple weeks had past since my last bit of action. My brother and sister were both away from home for a while and the house was pretty quiet. It was a Sunday afternoon, my mother had gone out for the day and it was only myself and my father left in the house. Eventually after alot of talking we get onto the subject of sex. He didnt ask for details but he wanted to know if I had been busy with anyone and I let him know that I had. My father however said to me that he had not had much action...

1 year ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 22 Eroji

We found a motel because it was late and we needed to park the car somewhere it wouldn’t get towed overnight. Plus, we were exhausted from the drive. Well, Kate and I were, anyway. Demie never got tired, it seemed. Kate opened the Chevelle’s trunk and shrieked. I rushed to her side. The trunk was just a trunk now; the portal to her lab was gone! “How did this happen?” she cried out. “It’ll take forever to set the portal back up. For fuck’s sake!” I rubbed her back, since there wasn’t much...

3 years ago
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Nate and Ariana Chapter 4

After their threesome at the frat house, Ariana saw a difference in Nate. His confidence increased. He began to become more aware of fashion and changed how he dressed. He even trimmed his hair and switched from glasses to contacts. Ariana missed the geeky young man that first walked into her store several months ago. Their romps in the store after hours became less frequent, stopping entirely when Nate found his first girl friend. Ariana continued fucking the young man from their threesome at...

Group Sex
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 42

Week 1 Day 6 – Saturday I didn't wake up at 6 today. I slept in until oh, must have been 6:20. I managed to get up without waking anyone. Used the bathroom, SS&S – shit, shower, and shave. Got dressed in casual clothes today and went down to the kitchen. Lisa, Maria and Billy were already up. The girls came over and both kissed me. Lisa grabbed my family jewels and rubbed. They were teasing me big time. But then they went back over to Billy and lavished him with kisses and titty rubs....

4 years ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 26

After a simple cold breakfast of stale bread and leftover bits of meat Sorcha and I stepped onto the deck. The cargo hold was already open and a growing number of barrels of water were accumulating on the dock; the crew seemed pretty proficient with this process after months of practice. My dream indicated a set of storms building out to sea with a high probability one would hit the island in a few days, but we would be at the estate long before the bad weather. The cloud cover was almost...

3 years ago
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I am to please and be pleased sexually, I love being licked by both sexes, I lost all my inhibitions between my second and third husbands and I love having sex with an audience. And I really do enjoy some racy commentary during sex, an extra dimension. Size is important for me and I love being teased and licked. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the...

1 year ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 47

Jollis' footsteps echoed as he walked into the shrine. It was there he found his Master just as he had on that day the Great Task had begun. Kyllos knelt before their patron deity of war. Whether he was asking for further guidance or for an end to the hostilities, it was hard to tell, and Jollis did not feel it was his place to ask. Kyllos lifted his head at Jollis' approach. He stood as the Wanderer stopped behind him. His eyes lifted to the soaring statue before him. "Have you truly...

1 year ago
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Summer SailingChapter 4

DAY THREE “Drink the tea first, then we’ll face the music” was Cheryl’s solution. So, not such a worrier I think. There was a splash. I wanted to look out of the port hole, wondered what to cover myself with, shrugged – she’d seen everything already - and got out of bed naked and looked. Fred was swimming past the side of the boat. A further splash signalled that another had gone in. Cheryl came to look too, she wrapped the duvet round her, but as she went to get her clothes, I...

3 years ago
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Sex in Winter

Winter was coming soon, a cold one too, judging by the breeze; living so close to Lake Michigan made predicting weather patterns pretty easy, especially as winter approached. I took in a deep breath, the crisp air was refreshing, like the feeling you get drinking cold water after chewing on Dentine Ice; unlike my boyfriend Jace, winter was quickly becoming my favorite season. There is nothing better than the smells of winter: nutmeg, cinnamon, oranges and cloves, and of course, roasted...

First Time
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mom and son

I couldn't remember the last time I was so nervous. I got caught. I can't believe I got caught. How could I have been so careless? And there I was sitting in her room... on her bed... waiting. I knew I was not allowed to watch porn, but one of my friends had a video and I was supposed to have been alone that night. Things did not go as planned. I was so wrapped up in watching the video; I didn't hear my nightmother come home early from the dinner party she attended. She walked in behind and...

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The Spell

Charlie was your average middle class suburban kid, currently studying at college. He was good looking, had an athletic body, a decent enough sized dick and did OK with getting girls but was certainly not a lady's man. Like every guy at college, he jerked off regularly and particularly enjoyed watching porn where the girl would be fucked by a big dick which also meant an enjoyment of interracial porn. Additionally, Charlie weight trained and despite being in good shape, he dreamed of being...

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XMAS Invasion

He creeps in as the clock strikes the witching hour, assuming that everyone is sleeping soundly as they should be, forgetting that bitch insomnia, He makes sure his Wal-mart stocking mask is on tight."Perfect," he whispers to himself before continuing inside the dark house lit only by the twinkling lights of the Christmas Tree, a soundless and slow strobing neon.For a moment he feels like the Grinch about to steal Christmas from the dumb little Whos in whoville but then he remembers where he is...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Massage That Had Gotten Out Of Control

It all started back when my wife and I had taken a trip to the mall. We were just spending the day walking around from shop to shop when we came upon a shop that offered massages. They gave massages ranging from 5 to 30 minutes in length. The massages were also very expensive. A gentleman at the front of the shop offered my wife a free one minute massage. He was hoping to drum up business by offering her the opportunity to try a free one minute massage. My wife immediately said yes as he gave...

2 years ago
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Experience of a Lifetime

This is not a fairy story it is the absolute God's Honest truth.I was fifty years of age, in a (late) mid-life crisis, holding down an extremely respectable job in the community. Visiting escorts over the previous two years had started to bore me, though I still got a buzz when driving to meet a new one - what does she look like this woman whom I have never met before but within the next hour she will be naked in front of me and allowing me to shag her? To those of you who have never punted I...

3 years ago
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Route 66

I went down the road, for no more than ten miles. It was getting late, i started thinking about pulling in at a motel for the night. About an hour went by until i came to a stop at a little motel just off the main road. It was then i saw that truck again. I walked towards the main entrance still looking at it, almost knocking a man over while doing so. If she was here, that might give me a chance i thought to myself. I went in, paid for a nice single room. I would say the view was nice,...

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