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Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, and she was only a little over sixteen years old, which is the minimum legal age for employment in Britain. Sally-Anne wanted to save money towards paying for driving lessons when she turned seventeen next year, but, after several fruitless attempts at the few vacancies available, she had resigned herself to wasting the holiday period just hanging around with her school friends – which, nice as they were, would be frustrating, and probably soon get boring. However, she had happened to mention her disappointment to her school geography teacher, Ms. Gilmour (a pleasant, attractive and always very smartly-dressed woman in her early 30s, who Sally-Anne really admired). The teacher had looked at the pretty blue-eyed blonde teenager appraisingly for a long moment and then, as if coming to a decision that had been long-maturing, had said that she knew the manageress of the large modern hotel on the edge of the town – a Ms. Carrington – and that she would mention Sally-Anne to her. In fact, she added to the delighted schoolgirl’s chorus of thanks, she would positively recommend her, and be glad to provide a reference.

Ms. Gilmour had been as good as her word (‘no surprise there’, thought Sally-Anne, with gratitude and affection, ‘she’s so wonderful – I wish I could be like her’), and within a week the eager teen had been given an appointment for an interview with Ms. Carrington. She turned out to be a rather formidable lady, brisk and efficient, and clearly very much in command of her domain. The manageress appeared to be in her late 30s: it was hard to tell, as she was tall and slim, with collar-length brunette hair in a style that was both elegant and rather severe, but from the slight lines around her lips and eyes, she was possibly even a little over 40. Ms. Carrington was dressed with an sophisticated simplicity that Sally-Anne envied, in a charcoal grey business suit, with the flared jacket and tulip skirt tightly-tailored to her slender waist and mature curves. Beneath this was a buttoned blouse in scarlet silk, its flash of vivid colour effectively offsetting both the grey of the suit and the black of the manageress’s leather stiletto-heeled boots. Sally-Anne had been quite intimidated by the woman’s effortless assurance and authority, and felt that she had come across as quite shy and rather immature at the interview. In fact, she had been surprised when, at the conclusion, Ms. Carrington had said – with her first smile – that Sally-Anne seemed to be a nice and dependable young girl, that she had been strongly recommended by Ms. Gilmour, who’s judgement the manageress trusted (there was a slightly odd, assessing look in her eyes when she said that, thought the schoolgirl), that she was willing to give Sally-Anne a two-week trial, and that – if all went well – she would employ her for the whole eight weeks of the summer break, and indeed probably in the Christmas holidays and again the following year.

Sally-Anne was determined to seize this marvellous opportunity, and put all her efforts into demonstrating that she was an ideal employee. It was now the start of her third day, and already she had mastered the routine of her main duty. This was to clean the rooms of the guests, either when they had checked out and before the next arrivals, or – if they were staying over – at some time convenient for them, when the room was unoccupied. Everything seemed to be going well – in fact, at the end of the previous day, when Ms. Carrington had inspected the rooms that Sally-Anne had been assigned, the manageress had given the girl one of her rare smiles, and told her that she was ‘coming on well’.

So Sally-Anne had begun this Wednesday morning in a cheerful frame of mind, and was undaunted by being presented with a longer list of rooms to clean – on the contrary, she was encouraged by this sign of greater responsibility. She would have to get going if she was to finish them all before the rooms were scheduled to be available to the incoming guests, but as she finished up in Room 517 she was quite pleased, as she had already done several in her first hour, since starting her shift at 9.00 a.m. It helped that most of the people who stayed at the hotel had come to the town on business, for, unlike holiday-makers, they were usually up and on their way early, often having checked out even before Sally-Anne arrived at the hotel to begin work.

After finishing the cleaning of Room 517, who’s occupant had left after an early breakfast, the teenager paused for a moment and glanced at her own reflection in the full-length mirror that was fixed to the front of the wardrobe. Ms. Carrington had placed particular emphasis on the importance of maintaining a neat and professional appearance at all times, and Sally-Anne straightened and smoothed down her plain and simple chambermaid’s uniform. This consisted of a black one-piece short-sleeve dress in a light crinkle-resistant artificial fabric; it came down to a little above her knees and had buttons at the front from the collar to her waist, where it was drawn in by a belt made of the same material. Apart from her underwear – a plain and modest matching set of pink cotton bra and panties – the only other things that Sally-Anne was wearing were a pair of comfortable slip-on low-heeled shoes, and a pink plastic Alice band to hold back her straight blonde hair. The cleaning work was quite strenuous, even in the air-conditioned bedrooms, and Sally-Anne had accepted her new boss’s advice not to wear tights or stockings – she would get far too hot in them, and they would only get snagged or laddered. Instead, below the hem of her uniform was an expanse of bare leg, shapely and lightly-bronzed from Sally-Anne’s many sporting and outdoor activities.

The sixteen-year-old took a moment to appraise herself in the mirror, turning from one side to the other to present her profiles. Sally-Anne was normally a shy and retiring girl, and did not tend to think of herself as particularly noticeable or pretty – but, in fact, she had becoming increasingly so over the last year, as her body had developed some quite pronounced curves. Of average height for her age, around five feet four inches, her bust and butt were rather more than averagely rounded and jutting – already, she was having to take a C-cup fitting in her slender 28 inch bras. Sally-Anne had a lively face, with a slightly turned-up nose, an unblemished smooth pink complexion, and a sparkle to her sky-blue eyes.

The truth was that she was an alluring young female, on the cusp of the transition from girl to woman. In a technical sense, she was the latter, for she had lost her virginity a few months before, but she was quite naive and sexually inexperienced. Sally-Anne had only had penetrative sex twice, and hadn’t found it very pleasurable on either occasion; her then boyfriend had pestered her into agreeing to do it, and then had come into his contraceptive sheath within a few seconds of pushing his thing into her hole – there had been almost no foreplay, nor any afterplay either! He had remained lying on top of her for about a minute, and then withdrew with a grunt, leaving her completely unsatisfied. Sally-Anne was quite glad to have lost her virginity – as most of her friends seemed to have done so already – but her reluctance, and indeed eventual refusal, to repeat the exercise had been the cause of breaking up a few weeks ago, about which Sally-Anne had few regrets. Nor was she in any hurry to get involved with another boyfriend, who no doubt would make similar unpleasant demands, and getting this summer job was a good way of taking herself out of circulation for the vacation.

Sally-Anne wheeled her trolley of cleaning equipment out of Room 517, closing the door behind her, and considered her next move. She was also due to clean the adjacent room, number 518, but this was occupied by a businesswoman who was booked in for the whole week and would not be leaving until Saturday morning. Ms. Carrington had specifically mentioned this guest as an important client; she was the regional manager of a large well-known company, and stayed regularly at the hotel for one week in each month. Her name was Ms. Milne, and she was a striking figure – a handsome woman in her mid 30s, nearly six feet tall, with jet black hair cut quite short and shaped around her ears and her sharp cheekbones, and with a slim waist and trim hips that emphasised the thrust of quite a prominent pair of breasts above – they looked like D-cups at least. Sally-Anne had only encountered Ms. Milne twice during the previous days, both times briefly, and if anything she was even more in awe of her than she was of Ms. Carrington. On the second occasion, she had felt quite intimidated as she felt Ms. Milne’s searching regard appraising her from head to toe, and had embarrassed herself by blushing like the young schoolgirl that she was.

There was no ‘do not disturb’ sign hanging on the outside door-handle of Ms. Milne’s room, and all seemed quiet within – although the heavy door was quite sound-proof, so it was hard to tell for sure. Still, it seemed to Sally-Anne that the room had a deserted air, as did number 519 on the other side – the room occupied by Ms. Milne’s PA, a lithe blonde in her early 20s who looked like a recent college graduate. It really would help Sally-Anne to get through her schedule in time if she could do both of these rooms now, and not have to trail back to them later. After a moment’s hesitation, the pretty teenager knocked quite firmly on the door of Ms. Milne’s room; as she had expected, there was no response. The chambermaid concluded that the vigorous businesswoman and her assistant had almost certainly gone out for the day (on the previous two days, she had seen them leaving quite soon after she had begun work at 9.00 a.m., and it was now nearly 10.00), and she assumed that Ms. Milne had simply forgotten about putting out the sign indicating that the room was ready for cleaning.

Sally-Anne unlocked the door of Room 518 with her pass key, padded in for a few steps – and then stopped, rooted to the spot in open-mouthed shock. The bedroom was very far from being unoccupied, very far indeed – for on the large double bed were two naked figures, and they were certainly fully occupied! In the centre of the bed, crouched on all fours and with her ass towards Sally-Anne, was the blonde PA, her full soft breasts dangling beneath her chest and swinging wildly from side to side. Kneeling at the side of the bed, between the younger woman’s parted legs, was the dominating figure of her boss, who was not – as Sally-Anne realised, staring transfixed at the stunning scene – as completely naked as her assistant. Ms. Milne was wearing some sort of belt or harness around her waist, with straps that went around each thigh; the businesswoman’s back was towards Sally-Anne, as her hips jerked backwards and forwards, driving something at the front of the harness in and out of her PA’s cunt with a wet sloppy smacking sound, whilst the recipient gasped and moaned at each thrust.

The young chambermaid was not totally naive – she knew at once what this must be: a strap-on dildo, the kind that lesbians used on each other. The teenager had never seen one in reality before, but she had once on film, when her best friend, Eleanor, had shown her a lesbian porn DVD of her father’s that she had found, in which several women had done unbelievable things with each other, including the insertion of enormous vibrators and plastic strap-on cocks. Eleanor had seemed somehow disappointed at the lack of effect of the hardcore movie on Sally-Anne, but in truth that had been far from the case – the blonde teenager had been simply stunned, shaken to the core, and ever since the images had returned constantly to her mind, especially at night and in her dreams.

Seeing lesbians fucking in the flesh, however, had a whole different level of impact in its unbridled lust-filled immediacy – the vision before her was like a blow in the solar plexus, driving all of the wind out of her. Sally-Anne’s eyes were like saucers, her stomach was full of butterflies, and her legs went so weak at the knees that she had to reach out to grasp the nearby dressing table in order not to fall over, giving a shocked gasp as she did so.

At once, Ms. Milne’s concentration on reaming out the pussy of her pretty young aide was broken. With her dildo still rammed deep into the PA’s vagina, her head jerked round to stare at the intruder, giving Sally-Anne a full view of her heavy mature breasts with their large erect nipples. A flash of intense anger crossed the businesswoman’s sharp features, her mouth snapping closed into a tight line. With one convulsive movement, she ripped the dildo back out of her young assistant’s hole – eliciting a shriek of protest in the process – swung off the bed, and advanced on the hapless chambermaid. Behind her tall spare frame, Sally-Anne had a brief but vivid view of the blonde PA’s gaping cunt, her parted labia almost dripping with sexual juices, as with a bubbling moan of frustration the younger woman collapsed face downwards on the bed, like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Ms. Milne stormed past Sally-Anne, who flinched instinctively, as if she expected to be struck. Instead, the mature woman slammed closed the half-open bedroom door, and turned the inside bolt with an ominous thunk. Only then did she round on the teenager, who shrank back against the dressing table for support.

‘How dare you!’ snarled the angry woman, with her hands on her hips and her breasts thrust forwards aggressively like twin missile warheads, primed to launch. ‘What do you mean, sneaking in like this, and spying on people! What were you up to, creeping around? – were you trying to steal some money, is that it?’ The black-haired woman gestured at the dressing table, and Sally-Anne registered with horror that the hand which she had put out just to steady herself in the moment of initial shock was resting only a few inches away from Ms. Milne’s open wallet, in which the edges of several banknotes and a set of credit cards were clearly visible. With a squeal as if her fingers had been burned, Sally-Anne snatched her hand away, and began a stammering incoherent apology. However, the older woman’s angry tirade stormed on, sweeping aside any apologies and explanations:

‘You sneaky little bitch!’ snapped the glowering and aggressive woman, ‘I’m going to complain about you, in the strongest terms – oh, yes, I’ll see that you’re fired, at once!’

Hearing this, Sally-Anne moaned in despair, almost collapsing as she begged the handsome businesswoman not to do that, oh please, no, anything but that, please, no! Inside her head, she wailed to herself – when everything had been going so well, how could it have gone so disastrously wrong so quickly?

‘So – you don’t want us to complain, you don’t want to be fired, yeah?’ said Ms. Milne, with a strange flush on her face and a burning intensity in her gaze. ‘In that case’, the mature woman continued with relish, ‘we’ll just have to punish you ourselves, we’ll teach you a lesson you won’t forget!’

A harsh endorsing laugh came from the bed behind Sally-Anne, and she glanced over her shoulder to see that the young blonde PA had recovered sufficiently to sit up, and was kneeling in the middle of the bed, heedless of her total nudity, with her thighs parted and her cunt fully exposed. Gazing at the teenaged chambermaid, the PA licked her lips avariciously, and added an eager endorsement:

‘Yeah, let’s do her, do her real good, hot fucking little tramp, she needs it, fucking needs it!’

Ms. Milne was a decisive woman in every respect, and this seemed to be all the encouragement that her rampant lust required. With lightning reflexes, she seized the thunderstruck chambermaid by the arm, and dragged her towards the bed. Reaching the side of the mattress, the tall and powerfully-built woman spun the blonde girl around to face her. However, Sally-Anne had no time to register a protest against what was happening, as immediately Ms. Milne shoved her roughly backwards, and the teenager’s legs caught against the side of the bed, sending her tumbling over to sprawl on her back across half of the width of the bed, her head landing a few inches from the squatting PA.

‘Hold her, Debbie – keep her down, hold her firm’, Ms. Milne tersely instructed her PA, who moved instantly into action, partly following the orders of the commanding boss to whom she was utterly in thrall, and partly also in cruel anticipation of what would now befall the cute and innocent-looking schoolgirl. It took only a second for Debbie to surge forwards and use her knees to pin Sally-Anne’s shoulders to the mattress, imprisoning the girl’s head between her sweat-sheened thighs. To make quite certain that the chambermaid was trapped, Debbie reached out and with each hand she grabbed one of the teenager’s arms just below the elbow, spreading them wide and using her superior position and weight to hold them down. Sally-Anne struggled uselessly against this assault, and looked up in shock at her captor – of whom she could mostly see the underside of the full firm breasts poised above her, their nipples erect twin peaks, with the young PA’s hard-eyed face framed in the cleavage.

The sixteen-year-old was about to voice a protest when something else, even more appalling and frightening, riveted her attention in a different direction. Ms. Milne had grasped the hem of Sally-Anne’s flimsy maid’s uniform, and with a rough jerk had hauled the skirt up to the girl’s waist. The mature lesbian gazed for just a second at the naively girlish plain pink bikini-style panties that this action had revealed, before hooking a finger into their waistband at each hip – and then, with one firm yank, stripping the panties down the squealing girl’s legs, and tossing them aside. The businesswoman seized the naked cunt that was now exposed, with its tightly folded vaginal groove surrounded by a fringe of neatly-trimmed dark blonde pubic hair, and she pressed her thumb firmly into the lower part of the trapped teenager’s slit, parting her trembling dry flesh. Then Ms. Milne stood upright and pressed forwards, forcing the powerless teen’s thighs apart, until the spear of the out-thrust dildo bumped against the chambermaid’s cunt.

It was only at this moment that Sally-Anne’s brain caught up with what was happening, and the reality hit her like a ice-cold douche. She was going to be raped! – these terrible lesbians were going to use her for their kinky perverted pleasure, were going to take her and violate her, and, what was worse, there was nothing at all that she could do to stop them!

‘Oh, no – no!’ moaned Sally-Anne, pleading in desperation: ‘no, no, oh – please, don’t! Don’t do that to me, I’m not a lezzie, please, no, not that, oh! oh God, oh no, please, ple-mummff! ugumpff! uggghuff!!’

The pretty blonde chambermaid’s tearful pleas had been cut short by the action of the youthful PA, who had risen onto her haunches, spread her legs further apart, and then smacked her cunt down over Sally-Anne’s mouth and nostrils, effectively gagging the girl. Debbie now released her grip on the teenager’s arms (for with the whole weight of her body resting on Sally-Anne’s face and shoulders, there was no way that the slightly-built girl could wriggle free), and swiftly unbuttoned the front of the chambermaid’s uniform. Sally-Anne squirmed in alarm at this new violation but was powerless to prevent it, and tears of shame and fear leaked from her eyes as she felt her top being tugged open and her breasts being scooped out of their bra cups and exposed to the view and use of these terrible lesbian rapists. Debbie enjoyed the feel of mauling the pretty young girl’s soft breasts, and rolled the teenager’s hardening nipples between her fingers as she leaned forward, and said:

‘She was just about to make me come – she was just about to get me off, you pissing little cunt, when you came sneaking in and interrupted! I’m so fucking gasping for it, and you’re gonna set things right – so eat my pussy, you little bitch! Eat my cunt and make me come, and you’d better do it good!’

With that remark, Debbie pressed down harder onto the teen’s face, and ground her sticky wet labia over Sally-Anne’s nose and mouth. The young girl froze for a moment, her mind in a whirl between fear and shock on the one hand, and on the other a sudden vivid memory of the scene in Eleanor’s porn DVD in which an older woman had made a younger one devour her pussy until she came in shrieking wild abandon. However, Sally-Anne’s momentary pause angered the impatient and highly-aroused PA, who gave the blonde chambermaid’s tits a sharp slap and then a pinch, whilst repeating her instructions:

‘C’mon, fucking eat me, you fucking little twat, get on with it, you stupid slit-hole! Eat me, make me cum!’

Galvanised by the painful abuse of her nipples, Sally-Anne began to apply herself to the amazing and intricate folds of flesh that were smothering her mouth. She had no idea what the proper technique should be, so she decided to cover up that fact by giving it all of her energy and effort. Within seconds, Debbie’s vagina – which had already been well-penetrated by Ms. Milne’s long thick plastic phallus – was parting easily before her tongue, and Sally-Anne almost began to enjoy the strange hot texture of pussy flesh and its accompanying cocktail of musky seeping lubricants. The teenager began to shove her tongue in deeper, encouraged by the shudders that periodically rippled through the PA’s body and by the young woman’s harsh cries, which were mounting inexorably to a not-too-distant crescendo.

Debbie was actually 24 years old, and had been working for Ms. Milne (who was ten years older) for the last fourteen months. She had been her boss’s willing sex toy ever since she was forcibly taken – almost raped – on Ms. Milne’s desk in only her second week in the job, after being ordered to stay on late after work for some ‘special training’. It hadn’t quite been rape, because Debbie had surrendered her pussy willingly, having already been an active lesbian for nine years, when her schoolgirl crush on a teacher was rewarded by a crash-course in lesbian education. Now she did anything that her dominatrix boss demanded of her, including being spanked and put in bondage, and being loaned out to Ms. Milne’s circle of mature lesbian dykes. Helping her mistress assault and rape an innocent teenage girl gave her not a moment’s pause for concern, and indeed Debbie exulted in the rare experience of making someone even younger be submissive to her.

Whilst Debbie’s weight pinned Sally-Anne to the bed, and her forcible cunt-grinding cunnilingus effectively gagged the trapped teen, Ms. Milne took a few seconds to relish the sight of her helpless young victim, and to savour the way in which everything had gone according to her plan. For, whatever the appearance, this was no spontaneous assault, but a carefully-prepared ambush, and the foolish naive girl had fallen completely into the trap. Ms. Milne had noticed how cute, fresh and appealing Sally-Anne was on first spotting her, two days previously on the girl’s first day at work. However, it was the next occasion, on the day after, that caused the experienced dyke to decide that she would have the chambermaid’s pussy, and hopefully take her lesbian cherry. Yesterday, Ms. Milne had left her room just after 9.00 a.m. on her way to her regional headquarters office, and as she walked along the corridor to the lift, she had seen Sally-Anne cleaning one of the other bedrooms. The door was open, and Ms. Milne stopped, arrested by the enticing sight of the youthful and pretty blonde chambermaid bending over as she made up the bed – as Sally-Anne reached across to straighten the pillows, her jutting bubble-butt rose up in the air, stretching tight the fabric of her maid’s uniform, and its hem rode up to give a tantalising glimpse of the gusset of a pair of plain white panties. As yet unobserved, Ms. Milne had watched in appreciative interest as the girl had stood up, noting the swell of fuller breasts than might be expected for someone who was clearly still in her mid-teens. Ms. Milne had then asked Sally-Anne some inconsequential question, whilst her eyes rested upon the girl’s chest – not just to enjoy the view of her pert bust, but also to memorise the name printed on her staff badge.

Later that day, Ms. Milne had asked her long-time friend and regular sexual partner, the hotel’s manageress, about the new chambermaid, and had been advised that the girl was ripe for plucking and fucking – that she had been recommended to Ms. Carrington precisely as an excellent prospect for lesbian initiation, ready to be taken. Ms. Carrington had intended to do so herself fairly soon, but generously agreed to let her friend go first – knowing Ms. Milne’s forceful, even brutal, methods, and that they almost never failed. The businesswoman’s plan was a simple one, based on the experience that complicated stratagems tended to go wrong, whilst the direct approach was often the most effective. On this third morning, Debbie – who, of course, had spent the night in Ms. Milne’s bed, where she had been dildo-shafted with unusual severity as the older dyke savoured the prospect of teen-rape ahead of her – had risen early, and, after the usual morning ritual of soaping Ms. Milne’s body during her shower, and orally servicing her slit in the process, the PA had stripped the upper sheets from the bed and lain down again with her boss, softly licking the older woman’s tits and gently caressing her cunt, keeping her dominatrix boss pleasantly aroused whilst they waited to spring their trap on the innocent unwary teenager.

It had been arranged that the hotel manageress would assign Sally-Anne to clean Ms. Milne’s room, and she and Debbie were careful to make no noise as they heard the chambermaid enter the adjacent room and whistle cheerfully as she worked. After a few moments, Ms. Milne had risen from the bed and silently stepped into her favourite strap-on harness, whilst Debbie, with long practice, assumed the ‘fuck-me-hard’ position on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed, with her butt towards the door. Ms. Milne then stepped up to her PA’s ass, slid the long plastic rod easily into the younger woman’s already wet and open vagina, gripped her at the hips and began a slow rhythmic shafting, all in complete silence and with every sense attuned to hear the opening of the door – the moment when the fly would blunder unwittingly into the spider’s web, to be caught and devoured. It had, of course, been synthetic anger that Ms. Milne had displayed at Sally-Anne’s intrusion, though it had been given real heat by the older woman’s burning lust. In fact, every single move, and every single word uttered, had been carefully planned in advance, with Debbie given instructions on her part in the little drama.

Now, Sally-Anne was entirely at Ms. Milne’s disposal, and she relished the sight of the frightened novice frantically eating pussy for the first – but very definitely not the last – time. As ordered, Debbie had scooped the teenager’s sweet pert breasts out of her childishly plain cotton bra, and had teased the nipples into a pink stiff erectness such as Sally-Anne had never experienced before in her life, and which was having effects that were a bewildering mixture of discomfort and arousal.

Ms. Milne took hold of the chambermaid’s trembling thighs, and with an iron grip forced them further apart, ignoring the girl’s fearful whimpers as she slobbered under Debbie’s pussy. The mature black-haired businesswoman licked her lips in anticipation as she lined up the thick ribbed plastic dildo on the centre of the trapped blonde’s tight teenage twat. Forcing this would be a delight, made all the more delicious by the girl’s futile feeble struggles.

Sally-Anne screamed as the tip of the huge dildo broached her labia, even though the first stroke only entered her for an inch. In her terror, the girl’s back arched convulsively, and her body was locked in a rigid curve as Ms. Milne thrust into her again, harder and deeper – three inches at least. The violated teen howled in anguish, but almost nothing was audible as her face was squashed under Debbie’s cunt. In fact, the vibration of her shrieks was transmitted directly into the PA’s vulva, with orgasmic effects, and Debbie moaned in ecstasy, pinching Sally-Anne’s nipples as she came, and further terrorising the helpless schoolgirl. Tears coursed over Sally-Anne’s cheeks (some of pain, some of fright, some of humiliation, and some of shame in the fact that she was actually in some strange way being aroused by what these two cruel lesbians were inflicting upon her), and they mingled with the fountaining squirt of cum-juice that sprayed from Debbie’s vagina, and which the chambermaid almost instinctively lapped up and swallowed.

Sally-Anne’s body was responding to the torrent of sexual stimuli that it was receiving, on her tongue, her tits, and now in her pussy. As Ms. Milne rocked her hips forward for her third violating intrusion, the dildo surged home more easily, for Sally-Anne’s own juices were starting to flow, and were easing its passage. The pulverised teen abandoned all resistance to what was happening to her, and – without consciously having decided this – from now on, she went with the flow, and let the two women do with her whatever they pleased. Sensing this, Ms. Milne’s smiled to herself in satisfaction – once again, her instinct had been right: as Ms. Carrington’s unknown informant had surmised, this was a girl ready for the taking, almost certainly a lesbian even if she was as yet unaware of it herself, and now destined for a lifetime of submissive service to any dominant dyke who stripped down her panties and conquered her cunt.

Ms. Milne increased the pace and force of her thrusts, provoking renewed screaming and squirming from the pretty young blonde, whilst the girl’s pelvis betrayed her true nature as it began humping back against the dildo, adding to the impact of its entry and making the penetrations even deeper and more forceful. Sally-Anne’s body began to shake and tremble in a new way – no longer of fear, or at least, not entirely of fear, but now also of arousal, of building to her own sexual climax. The rape victim hardly understood what was happening, but her body’s responses to its first ever real fucking (her former-boyfriend’s pathetic little prick having made almost no impression, quite literally, on the two prior occasions that anything had entered her vagina), and her subconscious lesbian orientation (which had been first stirred from its slumber by Eleanor’s porn movie), now took over her consciousness. The shocked teenager began to gasp and moan with desire, whilst still continuing – but now, quite voluntarily – to lap and suck at Debbie’s gaping pussy. Unbelievably, Sally-Anne realised that she had taken the whole huge length and massive width of the dildo into her vaginal passage, and indeed that she was desperate for more – although she felt utterly taken and filled to the point of splitting apart, still she wanted to be rammed even harder and speared even deeper! Then, suddenly, her back arched once more in a violent spasm, as her first-ever true orgasm burst upon her – it was a revelation in its burning intensity and deep erotic satisfaction, and its backwash left her shaken and dizzy, almost fainting.

As Sally-Anne gasped for breath, Debbie lifted the weight of her pelvis from the teenager’s face and shifted sideways, so that she was now kneeling beside the spent and quivering girl, who no longer needed to be held down. It took Sally-Anne a few seconds to reorient herself, and her eyes – which had been closed whilst she had performed oral sex on Debbie – were briefly dazzled by their return to daylight. Ms. Milne had not withdrawn the dildo from the chambermaid’s cunt, and it was still buried deep in the girl’s vagina, right up to the hilt, with the leather face-plate pressing down on Sally-Anne’s riven and squashed outer labia. As Debbie moved aside, her mature boss leaned forwards with arms outstretched, and braced herself by placing her hands on the mattress, just above Sally-Anne’s shoulders. The teenager blinked upwards at her rapist, who now loomed menacingly above her, a predatory smile curving her lips into a thin line and a hawkish glint in her eyes. Ms. Milne’s full breasts were bigger and heavier even than her PA’s jutting and bouncy pair, and Sally-Anne thought they must be 34 inch D-cups at least, probably E-cups, as they swayed above her face, more mesmerisingly than any stage hypnotist’s swinging pendulum.

Having paused until she had the teenager’s full attention, Ms Milne very slowly arched her back, withdrawing the heavy dildo for just a couple of inches, before using her whole adult weight and the leverage afforded by her dominant posture to sink it back in again slowly, to its full extent. As the thick plastic rod once again drilled Sally-Anne’s almost-virginal vagina to the fullest depth, the blonde girl moaned and shuddered, flinging her arms wide at each side.

‘Oh! Oh, no – stop!’ she cried out; ‘Oh, God – please, no, no more!! – oh, stop, help! please, I can’t take it, I can’t take any more!’

Ms. Milne completely ignored these splutterings, for in fact Sally-Anne’s cunt was taking it, and doing so more smoothly and slickly than had been the case in the initial rape. Far from stopping, in an impressive display of muscular strength and physical suppleness which spoke of many hours spent at the gym, Ms. Milne flexed her lower back and pulled out the dildo a little further, before pushing it back in just as hard and as far. Sally-Anne yowled with distress, but as Ms. Milne began to increase the length of her withdrawals and the pace and depth of the returning impalements, her noises changed to grunts and then moans, whilst her breathing audibly quickened until she was snatching panting gasps, sweat running off her brow and cheeks. The raped chambermaid whimpered under the powerful woman’s inexorable reaming out of her vagina, giving a quavering moan each time the long hard phallic rod was rammed home. Ms. Milne delivered her strokes more slowly than in her first fast and furious rape of the delectable teen – but her insertions were all the more devastatingly effective for their ponderous pace, which was matched only by their utter inevitability.

As her boss steadied into a rhythm, arching her hips and spearing her victim’s cunt to its deepest limit, Debbie reached forwards into the gap between Sally-Anne’s flat stomach and the curve of Ms. Milne’s pelvis above it. The PA slid her fingertips into the top folds of the chambermaid’s slash, and, within a couple of seconds, she found what she had been questing for – the prone teenager’s clitoral nub. She began abrading this, rubbing her fingers around it, first clockwise and then anti-clockwise in rapid alternation, and then teasing it and even pulling on it, with dynamic results. In response, Sally-Anne gave a curious mewling noise, and her slim girlish body shuddered under the explosive twin effects of the frotting of her clit and the penetrations from the huge ribbed dildo. The blonde teenager’s ass began to bounce up and down on the bed, as if was a trampoline. This was not mainly at the girl’s conscious intention, even though she was now meeting each dildo-impalement with a reciprocal return thrust. From far away, Sally-Anne could hear a voice gasping and groaning – and then, with a sudden shock, she realised that it was her own:

‘Aaarrgghh, ohmigod, no! Christ alive ... oh, no, NO! Shit, oh! Mmmm, ahhhh ... oh, mmmm, yes ... aah! yes, yessss, YES – do me! Ahhhh – DO ME, OH! FUCK ME, FUCK ME! OH, AAAAIIEEEEHHHH!!’

With this wild shriek, the teenager crested the wave of her second-ever climax – and her second sapphic orgasm – which took her even more volcanically than the previous time. With her eyes wide open and staring fixedly upwards at Ms Milne’s jutting melons of breasts, and above them at the mature dyke’s vulpine smile of triumphant possession, the blonde chambermaid flopped back on the mattress, with her arms outstretched and her hands clawing at the crumpled bedsheet. Timing it to perfection, with the benefit of her long expertise in babe-fucking, the tall businesswoman slammed the strap-on into Sally-Anne with sudden and almost vicious force. The girl yelled again, as her back locked in a rigid curve, sending her attractive pert tits jiggling. Then, with a deep sobbing groan, her legs and thighs twitched and jerked as her pussy went suddenly loose and her vagina flushed wetly, the cum-juice flowing down her inner thighs as she orgasmed for the third time.

The pretty young babe did indeed look totally taken and utterly fucked, thought Ms. Milne with salacious satisfaction, gazing down at the inert body of the innocent whom she had assaulted and raped. The girl looked bewildered and confused, and not just about what had happened to her – it was evident from her physical and verbal responses that she had been aroused, that her first experience of lesbianism – although forced upon her – had not been completely unwelcome or unpleasant. Indeed, it might not take much more to mould her into a submissive sapphic sex-toy. Which, thought Ms. Milne with an inner smile, was good – for the teenager’s initiation was far from over, whatever she might think.

The tall black-haired woman pulled the dildo out of Sally-Anne’s vagina, the rounded end emerging with a soft wet sucking sound. Ms. Milne took a step backwards, undid the harness of the strap-on, and tossed it onto the bed, near to where Debbie was kneeling. Then, standing with her legs placed apart and her hands on her hips, the mature boss nodded to her PA, giving the signal for the next stage. Debbie slid her hands under the slender teen’s shoulder-blades and urged the girl into an upright position, whilst at same time pushing her forwards to the side of the mattress. Her mind in a whirl, Sally-Anne gave no resistance, and in a moment Debbie had slipped the girl off the bed, so that she sank to her knees in front of her conqueror, with her lower back against the side of the bed, and her face just inches from the puckered labia of Ms. Milne’s clean-shaven pussy.

‘Lick me, girl!’ snapped the dominatrix, ‘eat me – show me what you’ve learned doing Debbie, show me what you can do! Make me cum, and cum hard!’

All of Sally-Anne’s school-teachers agreed that she was a bright girl, quick on the uptake, and once more she proved them right. Between the example of the porn actresses on Eleanor’s oh-so-memorable DVD, her forced first attempt at cunnilingus on Debbie’s pussy, and the example given by the young PA’s dextrous manipulation of her own clitoris, she now had a very much better idea of what to do. Surprising herself by her eagerness – which she could still, at least partly, excuse by ascribing it to fear – the chambermaid bent forwards and placed her lips on Ms. Milne’s outer labia, and then parted them gently with the tip of her tongue, before darting its full length in between them.

Ms. Milne gave a short gasp, as the girl was bolder in her approach and better in technique than she had expected, and was also showing herself to be quite willing – too much so for it to be explained away as just the result of coercion and fear. The mature woman found herself becoming aroused quite quickly, and she shifted her stance to give even easier access to her pussy, whilst also grabbing a handful of Sally-Anne’s blonde hair at the back of her head. Ms. Milne used this as a handle with which to grind the teenager’s face into her broad and fleshy vulva, giving Sally-Anne no choice but to inhale with every breath the heady musky smell of the woman’s vagina as it had rubbed sweatily and stickily against the inside of the strap-on harness during the dildo-rape. The young blonde gulped and gasped, but she made no attempt to struggle or to squirm aside, and if anything the taste and smell of pussy seemed to be stimulating her. Emboldened, Sally-Anne emulated the women she had seen on the hardcore porn DVD, and she shifted the focus of her oral efforts to the upper part of her conqueror’s slippery and rubbery slit, whilst bringing up her right hand and poking two fingers into Ms. Milne’s hole.

‘Aaahh, fuck, yes! Oh, you little lezzie bitch! – yes, more, go on, slut, do more!’ hissed the busty businesswoman, as her hips began to jerk and judder in response.

Sally-Anne felt a sudden surge of excitement and energy at this evidence of her success, and churned her fingers around inside her rapist’s vaginal tube, eliciting further gasps. Then Sally-Anne gave a little squeal of her own, as two hands cupped her breasts and squeezed them. For a second, the teen was confused, for Ms. Milne hands were already accounted for – one of them gripping Sally-Anne’s hair and locking her face into pussy-pounding position, and the chambermaid could see the other in her peripheral vision, as the mature dyke grasped and pulled at her own engorged nipples with increasing urgency. Then the girl understood where the extra hands had come from: Debbie had moved to sit on the edge of the bed immediately behind her, framing the teenager’s light and slender frame between her legs, and now the PA had reached down, under Sally-Anne’s armpits, to take possession of her tits. And what nice ones they are, thought Debbie admiringly – firm with youth, but fuller and rounder than would be expected from the chambermaid’s slim body and her youth, for the hotel manageress had imparted to Ms. Milne the delightful news that this cute babe was barely past her sixteenth birthday.

Debbie rolled the chambermaid’s nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, and then pinched and tweaked them, alternating between the girl’s two pertly jutting breasts. Once again, Sally-Anne moaned as her face was crushed against a cunt, so that the sound was transmitted directly to the pelvic bone that she was pressed against, and sent an erotic vibration through the myriad of nerve-endings in the walls of the woman’s vagina. Driven almost frantic by the simultaneous stimulus from Debbie to her tits and of Ms. Milne’s pussy against her mouth, Sally-Anne pumped her fingers in and out of the older woman’s hole whilst her tongue surged around and under her clitoral hood, and rasped across her clit.

‘Aahh, yeah, fuckit – make me cum, fucking cum me, you lezzie cunt!’ gasped Ms. Milne.

The swearing and loss of control of the haughty superior businesswoman both shocked and excited the chambermaid, as also – in a profound and disturbing way – did her assertions that Sally-Anne was a lesbian. Part of her mind instinctively shouted a silent denial – but only part, and she knew with sudden certainty that this automatic rejection had a false and hollow ring to it, and had not even convinced herself. Then her thoughts were blown away, as Ms. Milne’s hips suddenly spasmed, and, with a hoarse cry of fulfilment, the dominatrix climaxed, pussy-juice spraying from her hole over Sally-Anne’s fingers and face. In the process, the businesswoman released her hold on Sally-Anne’s head, but the girl was at once imprisoned by the PA, who wound her arms around the chambermaid’s chest. In truth, escape was unlikely: Sally-Anne was nearly exhausted, both physically and mentally, and had neither the strength nor the willpower to make a bid for freedom – if, indeed, that was what she still wanted.

Recovering her breath and poise with impressive rapidity, with an imperious gesture Ms. Milne ordered the teenager to rise. Shakily, and needing Debbie’s supporting hands at her hips, Sally-Anne managed to do so. Her reward was to have her cheeks cupped in the mature woman’s firm grasp, and to be kissed fully on the mouth, as Ms. Milne pushed her tongue between Sally-Anne’s lips and tasted the flavours of the young teen. As she prolonged the deep French kiss, the woman rested her hands on the girl’s shoulders; this support kept Sally-Anne upright, and allowed Debbie to slip aside from her position on the bed behind their victim. Once the PA was out of the way, Ms. Milne spun the chambermaid around 180 degrees, and then pushed her forwards onto the bed. Sally-Anne had no choice – to break her fall, she instinctively thrust out her arms, and so she ended up on her hands and knees, in the same pose and almost in the same spot that Debbie had occupied in that memorable moment, which now seemed almost a lifetime ago, when she had innocently walked into the room.

‘What? Oh ... aaahhh!’ gasped Sally-Anne, for it was obvious what her new position meant, even before Debbie reached for the strap-on dildo and buckled around her pelvis.

‘Oh, no – no, not that! – please, please, I really can’t, I just can’t take any more – oh! please, no more!’ mumbled the shell-shocked chambermaid, but she knew that she was wasting her breath, and she did not even try to struggle.

Without any difficulty, Ms. Milne’s firm and authoritative hold on Sally-Anne’s lower back kept the girl in position during the moment that it took her assistant to adjust the harness straps to her narrower hips. The blonde teen seemed to have accepted her fate, and did not protest again when Ms. Milne pushed her chambermaid’s uniform up past her waist, exposing her naked cunt and ass. Then the boss and her PA swapped places, as Debbie took up a stance between Sally-Anne’s spread legs and gripped the whimpering girl’s hips. With a satisfied grunt, the PA thrust forwards with the dildo, and it slid with almost no resistance into the teenager’s hole – which now was gaping open and slickly coated with vaginal fluids. Sally-Anne gave a noise that was partly a moan of violation and partly a sigh of satisfaction, as her cunt was invaded for the third time in less than twenty minutes.

‘You’ll like this, slut’, grunted Debbie, between thrusts into the girl of mounting force and frequency; ‘it’s the best way to get done, yeah – any les will tell you that, for sure!’

Ms. Milne watched with pleasure the erotic sight of her normally submissive PA, who was a decade younger than her, fucking doggy-style a pretty schoolgirl who was less than half of the business boss’s age. Then, not to be left out of the action, she squatted on the bed next to Sally-Anne and reached under the girl’s chest to the unbuttoned front of her uniform, where her breasts were dangling out of their bra cups and freely swinging with each hammering impact of the dildo. Like her assistant, Ms. Milne admired the size and texture of the sixteen-year-old’s mounds, and relished the opportunity to grope and squeeze them.

It was all too much for the formerly inexperienced and naive teenager: the doggy-fuck was a final overload to her sexual senses, and Debbie – caught up in her own heady enthusiasm – was riding the blonde sixteen-year-old really hard. The PA was an athletically fit young woman who had been a sporty girl in her school days, and she now worked out at a gym four times a week – partly for its own sake, and partly to have the suppleness and stamina necessary to cope with the rampant fuckings dealt out by her boss, and sometimes as well by her boss’s mature lesbian business friends in an all-out dyke gang-bang. Debbie’s pelvis pivoted with the smoothly-oiled efficiency of a pumping machine, and it was a good thing that Sally-Anne’s vagina had been opened and lubricated by Ms. Milne’s double-fuck, for the PA was ferocious in her forceful penetrations. Sally-Anne’s eyes bugged out and her hands clawed for purchase on the sweaty wrinkled bedsheet, as unbelievable sensations radiated out from her abused and tender pussy. The girl’s mouth hung open, but the only sound that came from it was a frantic panting for breath.

As Ms. Milne had anticipated, being shafted in this posture of utter submission was the completion and confirmation of the teenager’s lesbian conversion. Sally-Anne was just blown away – after a few moments, her head and shoulders slumped down limply onto the mattress, with her right cheek pressed against it and saliva dribbling from her half-open mouth as she mewled in rising ecstasy. The inexperienced near-virgin who had entered this den of lust less than half an hour previously now seemed a stranger to her, and she gave herself up to the heat of the moment, thrusting her ass up higher in the air and spreading her hips apart. Sally-Anne could sense how gaping and open her pussy was, and her vagina was slick with juices as the long fat plastic pillar reamed in and out of her with an ease that she would previously have thought impossible for a thing of such massive size. Now she was taking it, every inch of it, and Debbie’s convulsive pistoning was sending the shuddering teen soaring to yet another explosive climax.

As the trembling in Sally-Anne’s flanks became visible and her breathing shortened to shallow high-pitched gulps, Debbie reached forwards to grab a hank of the girl’s blonde hair. She used this to haul the chambermaid back into a more upright posture on all fours, which gave the PA a better angle of attack from which to slam home the dildo even more directly. It was the final overload for the abused teenager’s vagina and clitoris, and Sally-Anne gave a hoarse scream as she climaxed for the fourth time, with even more of a bone-shaking and mind-blowing impact than the previous three orgasms.

In the aftermath, the young chambermaid slid off the end of the dildo, and with a bubbling sigh collapsed face-down upon the bed. Sally-Anne felt so totally fucked, in a way which she had never dreamed was possible, and so completely taken – seized, raped, abused, used, and filled to the bursting point by that incredible huge long dildo, with sensations that still resonated through her mind.

Ms. Milne bestowed an approving smile upon her PA, as Debbie unbuckled the strap-on and wiped over the plastic phallus with a tissue; the young woman had played her part well, as indeed she always did, following her adored dominant mistress’s instructions to the letter, whether working or fucking. The imposing businesswoman then turned and looked down with satiated satisfaction at the raped chambermaid’s prone form, enjoying a full view of the girl’s ass and pussy, as Sally-Anne’s uniform was still rucked up around her waist.

‘Don’t think of making any complaint about this, young lady, either to the management or the police – and not a word to your parents or friends’, Ms. Milne coolly remarked. ‘If you do, we shall say that you discovered we are lesbians and offered to have sex with us for money, and I can get some other women who have stayed here to say that you did the same with them – so it is you who will end up in trouble, not us!’

In fact, Sally-Anne had not thought of doing any such thing – or rather, her thoughts had shied away from the prospect at once: who could she possibly tell, how could she possibly describe it? And, still worse, what if she was questioned about her reactions, was asked how it had felt?

Then the business executive and her PA slipped on their cotton towelling bathrobes, and Ms. Milne informed the dazed chambermaid that they were going to Debbie’s bedroom next door, to shower and get dressed (as this had all been carefully planned, Ms. Milne’s bath items, lingerie, business suit, shoes and work papers were all already in her assistant’s bedroom), and that when they went out they would remove the ‘do not disturb’ sign from that door, and Sally-Anne could then clean the room.

‘Take your time to clean this one’, said Ms. Milne, not unkindly. Then, feeling that the young girl had given full satisfaction and deserved some reward, the businesswoman picked up her purse from the dressing table, and removed from it two twenty-pound banknotes. Crossing to stand beside the bed, she undid the tie-belt of her bathrobe so that it hung open and gave the chambermaid a point-blank view of her cunt. Slowly, her gaze holding Sally-Anne’s dazed eyes, Ms. Milne wiped each banknote down the length of her sticky pussy, as if they were cleaning tissues. Then the tall black-haired woman folded them into a moist and musky wad, and leaned across to tuck this inside one of Sally-Anne’s empty bra-cups.

‘Buy yourself some proper grown-up underwear, my sweet’, murmured the businesswoman, an attractive husky tone in her voice, continuing with a curious half-smile: ‘I think you’re going to need it’. Then she picked up Sally-Anne’s discarded panties and added ‘you won’t need these again – and I like to keep a souvenir of my conquests’, as she slipped them into her pocket. With that, Ms. Milne closed up her bathrobe again, turned on her heel, and led the way out of the room; Debbie, following behind as was her place, paused in the doorway, looked over her shoulder and blew a kiss to the pretty young blonde whose violated body they had so much enjoyed.

For a few moments, Sally-Anne lay inertly on the crumpled sheet, her thoughts a kaleidoscopic whirl, forming and reforming, as she struggled to understand what had just happened to her, what she had really felt about it, and what that meant. Then her eye fell upon the clock on the bedside table, and she gasped and sat upright. Half an hour had passed since she had blithely entered this room, believing it to be unoccupied and ready for cleaning. What if Ms. Carrington should come looking for her to monitor her work? – dear Lord, what if Ms. Carrington were to find her here, in this state?

With the speedy recovery of wholesome youth, Sally-Anne leaped from the bed, and stripped it of the creased and cum-stained sheet – though not without holding it to her nose for a moment, and breathing in this reminder of the powerful mature woman’s sexual prowess and dominance. The chambermaid completed her usual duties, changing the pillow cases and the upper sheet as well, smoothing them all down and neatly making up the bed. Then she moved into the bathroom, but before cleaning here she caught sight of herself in the large mirror. She was dishevelled, her hair was sweaty and tangled, and her face and chest – still exposed in her unbuttoned uniform – were streaked with vaginal juices. Her uniform would quickly recover from its crumpled state, as it was made from some artificial fabric that was designed to remain smart during physical work, but there was no way that Sally-Anne could go into the public corridors – or be seen by Ms. Carrington – whilst she looked like this!

With sudden decision, the teenager stripped off her maid’s uniform and her bra, putting them on hangars, and placed the cum-scented banknotes, with a slightly trembling hand, on the shelf above the hand-basin. Then the chambermaid took a rapid shower, rinsing herself with steaming hot water and washing her hair, and quickly towelled herself dry. She refastened her bra, the cotton cups brushing against her still-tender nipples with disturbing effect, and then donned her uniform and fastened the buttons. It felt strange as the smooth nylon material slid over her naked hips and butt, and Sally-Anne was very aware that she had no panties on underneath – a fact which produced a curiously contrary feeling of vulnerable availability and a powerful erotic charge. After just a second of hesitation, she picked up the two banknotes, held them to her nose for a moment and breathed deeply of their musky aroma, and then put them in the side pocket of her uniform, next to the master key that unlocked the bedrooms. The girl then quickly wiped around the bathroom, and replaced the damp used towels with fresh ones from her cleaning trolley.

Just at this point, the chambermaid heard the sound from Debbie’s room of the door opening and closing, and of voices in the corridor. Sally-Anne wheeled her trolley out of the now serviced and cleaned Room 518 in time to see the smartly business-suited form of Ms. Milne, her taut ass and mature silhouette framed in an elegantly tailored pin-stripe pencil skirt – quite a short and sexy one, but she had the fine firm smooth legs to carry it off – and a flared jacket, proceeding away from her towards the lift, accompanied by her similarly-attired PA. Sally-Anne stopped for a moment, leaning against her trolley for support, as her eyes drank in the swaying hips and strutting assertive stalking strides of her two lesbian rapists. It was in this cathartic moment that there came to Sally-Anne’s turbulent thoughts a soothing calmness, as she recognised and accepted something long-hidden from herself: her attraction to women, and the conclusion that she was, almost certainly, a lesbian.

However, the teenager pushed the implications of this realisation from her mind, for she was now nearly an hour behind schedule, and – although she had made a good quick start before the events following her entry into Room 518 – it would be almost impossible to finish the rest of her scheduled rooms on time. The energetic girl did her best, but she still had three rooms to do on the third floor when Ms. Carrington appeared in the doorway of the one that she was completing.

Once again, Sally-Anne noted admiringly how well-dressed the manageress was. Today, Ms. Carrington was wearing an A-line skirt in navy blue, of midi length, coming down to several inches below her knees and overlapping the smart black leather boots that she was wearing below it. The skirt was in a complete button-through style, with a row of brass buttons running down the front from the waistband to the hem. As intended in such styles, the last four or five buttons were undone, leaving the bottom flap of the skirt to shift eye-catchingly with every movement, and offer tantalising glimpses of the legs and stockings underneath. Above the waist, Ms. Carrington was wearing a simple but elegant white silk blouse, and clearly visible through its almost transparent thinness was the shape of the full-cup black bra that encased her generous and still firm breasts. It was not just apprehension that she was in trouble that made Sally-Anne’s mouth go dry, for in her sensitised state the proximity of another authoritative and sexy mature woman sent a shiver through the girl’s body, hardening her nipples and causing a hot flush in her pussy.

‘You seem rather slow today, Sally-Anne’, observed the manageress with a note of disapproval. ‘I need to see you in my office – come along there as soon as you have finished your work; get the rest of the rooms done, and then come to see me at once.’

The chambermaid’s heart sank – she knew that she had made a really good impression on her first two days with the combination of her quick work and thorough cleaning, and she so wanted to keep this job, especially given the prospect of further employment after this summer vacation.

Sally-Anne presented herself at Ms. Carrington’s office as quickly as she could, and, as on her previous visits, she admired the manageress’s neat efficiency. Ms. Carrington was seated at her large L-shaped desk, with the side portion to her right occupied by a computer screen, keyboard and mouse, a printer, a telephone and two neat trays for paperwork. The long main expanse of the desk in front of the manageress was completely bare; this was clearly the woman’s habit, as on the previous two days when Sally-Anne had arrived, the only item in view had been the cleaning schedule of the rooms – clearly, Ms. Carrington was a woman who believed in keeping on top of things. Now, which Sally-Anne hoped was not an ominous sign, there was not even a single sheet of paper on the shiny polished wooden desktop. At a gesture from the manageress, Sally-Anne came to stand immediately in front of the desk, as she had done each morning when receiving her instructions (there had been a chair to sit in at her interview, but clearly its usual place was over against the wall, and the hotel manageress did not like her staff to take their ease).

Ms. Carrington’s opening words caused Sally-Anne’s heart to drop like a stone:

‘Ms. Milne called in to see me, on her way out’, remarked the manageress in cool tone, her eyes sharply scrutinising the teenager’s face. Then, to Sally-Anne’s immense relief, a hint of approval appeared in Ms. Carrington’s eyes and voice, as she continued:

‘She was pleased with your ... adaptability, I think was the term she used ... this morning, and has asked that you be assigned to clean her room and her assistant’s for the rest of their stay – and also when they next return, in two weeks’ time. Of course, I agreed at once – Ms. Milne is not only a highly-valued regular guest, but she is also important and influential in business circles in this region; indeed, she has organised a special ... network ... of businesswomen, through which one can make very useful contacts.’ The manageress looked at Sally-Anne shrewdly, noting the girl’s sudden blushing reaction to Ms. Milne’s praise and request, and continued: ‘It may take you some time to do their rooms properly, so I will put them at the end of your schedule, at two o’clock – do all the other rooms first, and then you can take as long there as is required, as I want to ensure Ms. Milne is quite satisfied with the service she receives.’

Sally-Anne was stunned by this, for she understood exactly what it meant – she was sure that Ms. Milne and her PA would arrange their schedules to be back at the hotel at 2.00 p.m., and then they would fuck her in rotation for as long as they wanted, and make her take their strap-ons and eat out their cunts. Her reaction was a churning swirl of shock and – unmistakeably – excitement and arousal, and unconsciously she licked her lips, unable to form words in reply. The expressions that had flashed across her youthful features had in any case telegraphed their meaning to Ms. Carrington, who also noted the sudden perky prominence of the girl’s tits, poking through the fabric of her bra and the thin chambermaid’s uniform.

‘I trust that you have no objection to this arrangement, Sally-Anne?’ enquired the manageress, one eyebrow raised in interrogation. The teenager lowered her eyes to the floor, blushed again, but found her voice enough to reply in a whisper:

‘No ... I ... that is, no ... no objection, Ms. Carrington.’

‘Good, that’s settled then’, crisply answered her superior, before continuing with more of a smile, and to Sally-Anne’s great relief and delight: ‘I think you have come on very well, Sally-Anne, yes – very wel


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My Slave Lesbian Maid

Hi mera naam shefali hai. Ye meri indian sex stories par pehli sex story h. I hope aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Ye sachi kahani nahi h bas ek kalpanik kahani h. Kaise maine apni 45 yrs old maid ke sath lesbian sex ka anand uthaya.   Mere ghr me main aur mom hi rehte h. Dad ne 6 saal pehle mom ko divorce de diya tha. Lalita sunty humare yaha 4 saal se kaam karti h. Vo roz subah 9 baje aati thi aur lagbhag 12 baje chali jati thi. Aur shaam ko bhi 4 baje se 6 baje tak humare yaha kaam karti thi....

4 years ago
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Our naughty lesbian maid

Last summer my girlfriend and I went on holiday to the beautiful Greek island of Lesbos for two weeks of fun in the sun. I had a met Sasha a few months earlier at a club when I was out dressed as Tania. She was fascinated by my appearance and looks even though she knew that I was a slutty transvestite. Sasha was herself a free-spirited woman who was looking to meet other open-minded people so right from the start we hit if off with each other. We quickly got involved in a relationship and she...

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Vince left his hotel room and was heading to a conference when he realized he’d left his wallet in his suitcase back in his room. When he returned to get it, he found that Amy – a hotel maid – had opened his suitcase and was stealing money from his wallet. Vince started to call the manager and have Amy fired, but she stopped him, and Vince made her give him a blowjob, instead, blasting his spunk all over her face and tits. Vince was still erect and horny from being angry and having Amy totally...

2 years ago
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A Lesbian Rape

Chapter One I sat in the back of the seedy run down bar. I was scanning for my next victim. The bar was full of rough looking people, dock workers, construction crews, and few biker types. This was my kind of bar, but I was not looking for a rough type tonight. I was looking for someone craving some excitement, someone you would not expect to see in a place like this. I sat there for a few hours, watching the strippers and sipping a few beers. I was watching the strippers on stage,...

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Epilogue For 8220Not Maid But Mermaid8221

Hello, I hope readers of ISS might have had exciting reading of my autobiography of how our maid Sudha Rani seduced me to give heavenly nights and then how I got two kids from her after setting a chota ghar. Now I want my readers to w know about Sudharani in her own words. One night while we were completely mated I asked about how come she is so beautiful and also an expert in sex while her parents are not so good looking and also not properly educated. Then she whispered her story in my ear as...

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My Slave Lesbian Maid Part3

Hi iss readers. Ye meri 3rd story h . Aap sabne kafi saraha meri stories ko so thanks. And please suggest me some more fantasies so that I can write more stories and satisfy u all. Ab main story continue krti hu. Mujhe piche se 2 log ne pkda hua h aur vo sb has rhe h ab aage: Ek dum se kmre ki lights band ho jati h. Main chilla rhi hu lekin unhone mera muh cover kr liya aur mere kpde phaad diye. Mujhe sirf bra aur panty me bed pr patak diya aur bandh diya. Aunty boli saali tune bhot maze liye...

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My Slave Lesbian Maid Part 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. Thanks for all your support. Aap sab k itne mails mile jisse mujhe aage likhne ki prerna mili. Thanks. Ye meri story my slave lesbian maid ka second part h. So jin logo ne 1st part nhi padha h please padh le aur apne comments kare. Thanks once again Ab main aage ki story start krti hu. Jaise hi maine apni susu wali panty unke muh me dali vo rone lagi aur apni gardan hilane lagi. Maine bhi unke 2 thappad diye aur zabardasti muh khol kr panty andar tak dal...

4 years ago
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First Lesbian Experience With My Maid

It was the summer holidays after my tenth class final exams. There were two months of vacation and I was completely bored after the first week itself. My mom had gone out for work. I was curled up on the sofa, lazily browsing through the TV channels. I was wearing a round neck, sleeveless, white t shirt and a tight denim shorts. I was also having my small ear rings, a thin waist chain and a pair of anklets on me. I stared at the TV, switching the channels one by one. Suddenly I remembered the...

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A couple of months after my seventeenth birthday, I discovered three things. The first was that I am a lesbian; the second was that I have an eager appetite for sex – I’ll spread my legs for almost any woman, any time; the third was not just that I am a slut, but a bondage slut – that I get my biggest thrills from being tied up and taken by another woman (better still, by women in the plural). The first was not a great surprise, but the other two were! This is how it all happened. I...

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Hotel maid

I spend a lot of time travelling with my job and one of my favourite places to cum is in hotel rooms, especially out on the balcony where I can get a good view of the guests below – if you have ever lazed in your bikini by a hotel pool then there’s every chance that I have sat not too far above you, staring at your body while pumping my cock in the hot sun. Last year I was enjoying a particularly good wank watching a mom and her two daughters stretched out just below me (the stupid husband was...

3 years ago
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Not Maid But Mermaid

We were then staying at Vadodara and had recently come from Mumbai on transfer. For few months we stayed in Makarpura and then shifted to Tarsali. I was then 38 years old and my wife was 35. I had two children one daughter and one son. Since several months my wife was sick due to multiple reasons. It all started with pelvic inflammatory disease. Then severe stomach ache. Many gastroenterologist conducted many tests like endoscopy, colonoscopy etc and treatment was on. after few months she...

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The Maidenly Maids

The Maidenly Maids Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a caption by Commentator] Rita Lopez hung her head as she looked down at the documents in front of her. She could not believe that Jack had been so reckless. She had known him since he was a young boy. She had watched him grow up in front her eyes. She had never had a child of her own. Watching her business partner raise Jack was the closest she ever came. When Jack got out of college with an accounting degree, Rita...

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He closed his suitcase, placed it on the floor and pushed it underneath the bed with the toe of his shoe. Then he grabbed his room key, stepped into the hall, heard the lock click into place as the door closed, and turned to begin the long walk to the elevator to take him downstairs. As he turned away from the door, he noticed a young woman dressed in a maid’s uniform rummaging around on a cleaning cart in the hallway right next to his room. They nodded silent “good mornings” to each other,...

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Hotel Maid Gives Me a Special Treat

I stayed in a hotel in South Africa and liked to have fun with the maids.I was "working" one morning and so to keep privacy she brought her cleaning cart into the room and closed the door. This is against the rules as they must be seen when they clean, but she figured I should not be disturbed, so my trap was set.As she cleaned I had a good look at her. Under her uniform she had a good body, nice firm ass. I talked to her, asking how many rooms she does every day - small talk to relax her. When...

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Hotel Maid for Life

It all started when I was an executive with an insurance company, traveling around the country on business. I would frequently stay at mid-range type hotels, nothing fancy, but reasonably priced. Often, because I was bored and lonely, I would befriend many of the hotel workers---even the housekeepers. Well, I was at a small business class hotel in Atlanta, when my life took a drastic turn. Because of the sour economy, my company decided to lay me off. When I got the news, I asked...

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Maiden Maid

Author: Powerone Title: Maiden Maid Part: Chapter 8- New Girls from the Orphanage Summary: This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and whatthey are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Keywords: M+F, nc, anal, reluc, humil, oral Copyright 2002, 2003 and 2004 by Powerone. The author can be contacted [email protected]. This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they areforced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old...

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Maiden Maid Ch 5 The Punishment

This is the story of orphans that become of age in 1933 and what they are forced to do to survive the Great Depression. Sara is an 18-year-old orphan during the depression and life is hard. In Chapter 1 and 2, Sara is given a job as a maid for Michael. In Chapter 3 she is spanked for breaking a glass and is forced to masturbate Michael’s cock. In Chapter 4, Michael takes further sexual liberties with her young body including teaching her how to suck his cock. Maiden Maid Chapter 5-The...

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Maiden MaidCh 6 John Teaches Sara

Maiden Maid Chapter 6 John Teaches Sara The next morning, Sara walked slowly into the kitchen, her body still aching from the punishment and the fucking she had endured. She had gone back to her room after Michael had fucked her hard and lay on the bed, naked. She allowed her legs to spread, wider and wider as if forced to do so, until they hung over the edge. She let her fingers trace down the flat plane of her stomach until she reached her flaming red bush. She could fill the heat from...

4 years ago
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First Lesbian Experience With My Maid

It was the summer holidays after my tenthclass final exams. There were two months of vacation and I was completely boredafter the first week itself. My mom had gone out for work. I was curled up onthe sofa, lazily browsing through the TV channels. I was wearing a round neck,sleeveless, white t shirt and a tight denim shorts. I was also having my smallear rings, a thin waist chain and a pair of anklets on me.I stared at the TV, switching the channelsone by one. Suddenly I remembered the CD Renu...

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Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid

Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...

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Real Time Maid Service

Maid had served Ms. Treat for six months. Its training over that time had been rigorous and methodical. After the first meeting with Ms. Treat, maid learned how to address its Mistress properly, how to ask its Mistress questions in the proper form, then to never, ever look directly at Mistress unless so directed, and lastly it learned its positions of "inspection" and "punishment." After instilling the basics in maid, Mistress Treat then instructed maid in the fine art of maintaining...

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Maid in Error

MAID IN ERROR by enduringshades "Good morning Mr and Mrs Eddington, how are you both?" asked DCI Hunter. "Relieved now the trial is over, Chief Inspector," replied my wife Diane. We were shown into a meeting room by the DCI. A woman was sitting at the table. "Stella Brightman is our witness protection liaison officer," explained the DCI. "She is now responsible for you two and I'll leave you in her capable hands. I will no longer be in contact with you so I wish all the best in...

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The adventures in becoming the maid Trish

The adventures in becoming the maid Trish.By Lindsey AnastasiaIt was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived at this place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run by Mistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size and Mistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males into beautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first day I arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off at the front...

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The maid

Becoming the maid..It was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived atthis place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run byMistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size andMistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males intobeautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first dayI arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off atthe front automatic gate. I gave the driver his fare and then...

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Maid to Order

NOTE: The original version of this story has been previously posted under the title "Maid" by JLS and is still freely available on the web. I enjoyed reading the original story and decided that it should be rewritten with a TG twist. I acknowledge and thank the original author and hereby declare that this new version should not be shared with anyone under the legal age of majority and/or distributed for profit or other personal gain. I welcome and implore all feedback and suggestions. If...

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The Story of Lisas Maid

The Story of Lisa's Maid My feet were killing me. But I guess I shouldn't expect anything less after standing and working in 5" heels for the last thirteen hours. My "shift" was almost up - only an hour or two left to go - and I still had the bed to turn down, the candles to light, the strawberries to chocolate, and the champagne to pour. Then my aching arches would finally get some relief. I put the last dinner plate into the cabinet, then minced over to the refrigerator to get...

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Me Mother Maid

"Oh God......" Lalit panted. "It feels so good. You suck cock so good."Both a smile and a tinge of embarrassment covered Malini,s face as herassumption proved true. Her eighteen year old son was getting a blowjob. "I wonder who it is?" Malini said to herself as her curiosityovercame her embarrassment.The thought of interrupting them never entered her mind. She knew thatwhen the time came, there wasn't anything she could do the prevent herson from becoming sexually active. No more than her...

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The Pampering of Maid Paula

It has been almost a month since Paul Collin's loving wife made the decree that she would never be Miss Jennifer again. Even with hearing those words and knowing how honest Jennifer was, in a dark dirty crevice of his mind the unsure man knew it was too good to be true. He did not accept the fact that his wife did not look down on him for his urges to dress like a woman. How could she be so loving to him when he was so weak and give into dressing how no real man would? The crevice of...

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Maid On My Own Will

MAID ON MY OWN WILL By Monica Graz CHAPTER 1 APRON, THE INITIAL SEED She startled me as I was doing the dishes humming one of my favourite tunes. She came behind me, put her hands around my aproned waist and whispered in my ear, "Robin darling I loved the dinner tonight, your cooking skills are getting better by the day. And you look so neat in your apron, doing the dishes now. Thank you for being such a jewel". She kissed me again and her tongue played a bit more with my...

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A Lady’s Sissy Maid - Day OneSteve was single and it had been awhile since he was in a meaningful relationship, so one Saturday afternoon, he was aimlessly perusing a local fetish contact newspaper when a particular ad caught his eye. It read: “Sissy Maid Sought by Refined Beauty"Classy, beautiful and refined lady is in search of a sincere sissy to perform my household duties and become my personal servant. Applicants must be docile, follow instructions and have a sincere desire to serve and...

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First Sex With My Maid8217s Daughter

Hi I am Eshwar. Now my age is 35, I am from Karnataka State and this is my first sex story that I wanted to share in ISS. In the age of 20-21, I had more sexual feeling on girls/ women’s. I used travel in rush areas such as shopping malls, Buses because I can touch girls / women’s boobs, body. Some times I used to stand behind women/ girls in bus/ shopping malls touching my penis to their ass. I was getting more less thrill, and I had a deep felling to have a sex with women/ girl. Imaging some...

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The Ruined Maid

The Ruined Maid Belladonna Charles' heart raced as he slipped up the steps of the servants' staircase to their corridor. Not a sole girl was remaining there as they had all changed into their black, afternoon uniforms, leaving their freshly worn lilac dresses from the morning to him for the take. Charles searched the floor in silence to ensure that he was alone as he set about proceeding with his plan. A grin came upon Charles's face and grew wider as he removed his clothing...

5 years ago
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Extreme Maid Training with Mistress Madame C

Life has become an extremely busy in the C household – and, the general house slave as of late had NOT the met the high standards and range of ever changing skills set out in his contract. As a result -he was fired! The household had to advertise for a new assistant; one with an open mind, one who was adept in the art of assisting Madame’s every whim and alternative lifestyle and, one who was aesthetically pleasing to Madame’s eye and that of her guests. After many months of searching, the day...

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Crystal Maid Cystal Broken

Crysatal Maid Crystal Broken Mariam eyed him with her big doe eyes as Hamid entered the room. He gestured at her to join him at the small padded bench in the middle of the room. With a single finger he slipped the bra strap of her shoulder. No words were needed and Mariam unhooked her red demi cut bra and stepped out of her matching knickers. He noted with satisfaction her little cock was standing erect. Hamid patted the bench and obediently Marian climbed up and knelled on all...

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Maid Service

If you are not old enough to read this, don't. I know! I know! Yes, I know that this theme has been worked to death but I thought I'd try my hand at it too. Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Belt Humiliation Corset Categories Bondage Femdom Synopsis Jason had a little hobby, dressing in a French maid costume before he was married and was afraid of telling his new wife. He thought of playing maid for his wife, but he was afraid to but one day she confronted him and his...

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Playing the Maid

Playing the Maid As far as old country houses go, this one was entirely too big to be quaint, but too friendly to be imposing. It stood on its own acre of land about three hours north of San Francisco, up near Napa Valley. While this was a long commute for us, my wife Emma and I had already been telecommuting to our respective offices a few days each week, and we made arrangements so we only had to be in San Fran the same two days out of the week. It was only by luck that we'd...

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Maid at Arms

Maid at Arms By The sheep of the China Shepherdess Hortence De La Tour awoke before the dawn. She fought off the last bit of sleep in order to prepare herself for the day. This done, she removed the sleeping corset and nightgown. Like the clothes in her closet all her days were the same. The black underwear with a hint of frill. The corset that fell into place that she was able to lace ever so tight. Her body could not...

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Maid To Order

Being almost broke, and being told by her landlord to pay up fast, or lose her apartment, Susan Chambers was desperate for a job. In the classifieds, she found an ad, and decided to at least apply, it sounded like it wouldn’t be that tough a job. “Wanted, a young, attractive female for maid service. Apply to Lady Elizabeth Wentworth, 19 Hudson street. Please apply in person only, no mail in resumes or telephone calls.” She imagined what a maid would do, dusting, cleaning,...

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The Maid In Plain Sight

The Maid In Plain Sight *** The surgeon looked his patient in the eye. From behind a surgical mask and a pair of clear safety glasses, his eyes looked alert. "Before we begin, I have to ask you. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" asked the surgeon. The patient nodded. "You understand that these procedures are major, and it's going to be a long time before you can change anything back. Some of it can't be reversed. This is your last chance to back out." The...

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Maid of Buxcombe Manor

MAID OF BUXCOMBE MANOR By Lisa Lovelace After two humiliating years as a male maid in petticoats at Buxcombe Manor, I was desperate to escape - but I had to time my attempt perfectly. Through the kitchen window, I could see that the rear door of the caterers' panel truck was open. I needed to duck away from Ms. Buxcombe's party, at which I was serving as the maid, and stow away in the truck just before the caterers closed the rear door and drove away. With luck, the truck would...

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The Making of a Maid

The Making of a Maid Belladonna My name is Annie Jones. I was born a rich man's son. My parents named me Tommy Richards after my grandfather who had built our family's multibillion dollar company from the ground up. I had a life of privilege that was most would kill for. Like the other children I grew up around, I was left a substantial trust fund by my parents just as their parents had done for them. By the time, I came into my families money, we no longer owned my...

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Damsel Dominated The Life of a Maid and her Mistress

Damsel, Dominated The Life of a Maid and her Mistress By Lea Rose I have a friend, let's call her Amanda. She's an intelligent, university educated woman with an increasingly exciting career working in digital marketing. She's open-minded, liberal, not scared to experiment. She travels (made obvious to anyone who takes five-seconds to look at her instagram page), takes part in all sorts of athletic feats that I wouldn't dream of (do I want to spend my Saturdays...

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Chrissie The Saga of a Lovestruck Sissy Maid

Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...

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Maid in Africa

MAID IN AFRICA My life changed because I'm too helpful. That's the truth. I suppose if you asked my wife Cynthia or my mother-in-law Debra they'd say my life changed because I'm weak - mentally and physically. They'd say my life changed because deep down I truly am nothing but a sissy and was masquerading as something else for too long and that my real place in life is in my maid's uniform, with my apron and cap and heels and tampons and panties and bras serving as reminders of my lot...

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The Bettor Maid

The Bettor Maid Belladonna [Based on an idea by Tondelaya] Trystan Pretto stared at the large brown box containing the only clothing that he was going to be permitted to wear that month. He peered up at his wife, Natalie, with a smile as he wondered what ridiculous costume she was going to make him wear given their ever escalating series of bets. They started making bets with each other a few months after they won an interstate lottery. The sum of money they had received ensured...

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Jennifers Maid

Jennifer's Maid By Susan Day This is a story of a fireside chat between Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie', and her old schoolfriend, Jennifer. Jennifer asks her husband for domestic help. When she finds how expensive it is, her friend introduces her to a special agency where a special kind of maid can be found. After employing a maid from the agency, her husband takes a greater interest. (number one...

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Dad8217s Secret Affair With Hot Divorced Maid

Hello all, this story is real-life incident which happened between my lovable dad and hot maid. My dad is a handsome person in his early 60s. My mom is a homemaker. I am their only son who witnessed the hot sweaty sex between my dad and maid. We had a maid – a divorced woman of 45 years who used to take care of household works. She has a slightly brownish skin tone and is slightly chubby with fat in the right place. The main highlight is the fold in her hips. She wears her saree in such a way...

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Lady Heathers Maid

Lady Heather's Maid. By Trish. This is the story of how I was seduced from a university course that bored me into a life of skirts and service to Heather Lane. I first heard of Heather when I was about thirteen. It was after school one evening and as usual my mum was picking me on her way home from work. I was on first glance a typical teenage boy in most respects, for instance I was not happy about being forced to sit in the back because mum was giving Edith, her best friend a...

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The Earl Maid Chapter 4

The Earl Maid By Susannah Donim In the face of threats from local villains, Rob is forced to hide out as Martha, the housekeeper. Chapter 4 "The Earl's not here," I squeaked in my best Martha voice. "We'll wait," said Eleanor's brother. "Through here, Tank." Tank? Never did a man's nickname suit him better. "Just a minute," I said. "You can't..." Apparently they could. They made their way into the main drawing room and threw themselves down in our best easy chairs....

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My First Sex With Maid Aunty And Stepmom

Hi, my name is Rohan if you like my story mail me at …..This happened when my parents left me alone at home with my maid for a week. Now I am 20 and its still happening and i love it ….. So this is how it went… When I was a month old my mom left me and my dad… I grew up with my grandparents (dads parents) and when i was 2 year old my dad got married again but she didnt have a child so she took me as her own child at the age of 18,it was in the middle of march were my mom(step mom) got a call in...

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