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NORDYKE (c) 2017 by Anthony Durrant "It looks like he's dead to the world, sir!" I said to Captain Swanson. as we looked down at the bunk in which his first mate was lying with a champagne bottle by his side. "It looks like you'll have to leave him here for now; he's too drunk to move." "Then, mister, you'll just have to replace him!" the Captain replied, and he scooped me up and carried me physically to his vessel, the Congo Eel. There, he put me down on the deck, and we went into the cabin together. There, he introduced me to Professor Hancock and his assistant, Molly Malone. Theodosia Swanson, the Captain's wife, served us all haddock and hops for supper, and as we ate, the professor explained his mission: "I have been sent by the Oceanographic Society to locate my lost colleage, Professor Martha Falkyn, who went missing while on a hunt for a giant creature that has lately plagued these tropical waters!" "What's your name?" Molly asked me, and I replied: "My name's John Nordyke, and I'm the first mate on this voyage, the regular one being too drunk to come." After supper, the Captain ordered me to whey anchor, and I did so reluctantly. He then himself cast off the bow line while I cut off the stern line. The ship then set off across the ocean with the Captain himself at the wheel, while I quietly went to bed below decks. *** The next morning, I awoke and went to the upper deck. The professor was standing on deck already, as was Theo. The professor smiled at me and said: "Time for breakfast, young man!" "Yeah, I know!" I replied, and then we entered the galley and seated ourselves at the table for breakfast. "That was wonderful, Ms. Swanson!" I said as I cut into one of my waffles and put the piece I'd cut in my mouth. "Where did you learn to make such delicious waffles?" "That's my secret," she replied, "which I'll never tell!" "Amazing woman!" I said - just as a large creature rose from the water and zoomed past us. "What was that?" I asked the Captain, who replied: "That was probably the creature Professor Falkyn was following when she vanished, Nordyke!" All of a sudden, I saw the creature again in the bow porthole. It charged directly at us, and as it approached, I realized that it was a gigantic angler fish with glowing golden eyes! It rammed the ship right in the port bow, shattering it and flooding the hull. forcng us all to run for the lifeboat and climb into it. The captain cut the support ropes, sending us all tumbling into the sea. We were forced to right the lifeboat before we could climb into it. I asked the Captain as the ship sank to the bottom before our very eyes: "So, now what?" "Now, we row toward that island over there in the distance!" And so both Theo and Molly rowed the lifeboat as I relaxed with the Professor and the Captain. After several hours of rowing, the two women switched places with the Captain and I. In this way, we followed the creature to an island that none of us recognized.. As soon as we hit the island, we climbed out of the lifeboat onto the shore. Leaving the boat in the sand, we wached as the creature headed toward the shore, opened its huge mouth, and roared, before setting off into the sea again. "At least we're still alive and kicking!" I said quietly. "Stilll alive and howling!" said the Professor. "Still alive and yowling!" said Molly. "Just like Johnny Doolan's cat!" said Theo. We went into the jungle, which was lush with fruit and full of game. As we entered a clearing, however, we discovered a small village whose residents were all Xanti trolls, creations of a long-dead geneticist during the Robot Wars so long ago and so far away. They had strong facial features with tiny noses and sharp fangs, and their bodies were covered in short white fur. "I will try to talk with one of them!" Professor Havelock said, and he walked up to a female and said: "Greetings! We've been shipwrecked here and mean you no harm. Is Professor Falkyn about?" All at once, the trolls burst out laughing, and the woman to whom the Professor had spoken said: "Look for her in the Temple of Ghi-Shini!" "Thank you, girl!" he replied, and then he led us to the temple, which was at the back of the village and made from rocks that had been very carefully fitted together, and had us all go inside. "Damn!" I said as we looked around us at the temple anteroom, which was lit by torches and featured an altar at the back, accessible by a set of steps at the very front. "Who's that on the throne at the back?" Theo asked, and a woman's voice replied: "It is my Lord and Master, the mighty god Ghi-Shini!" A tall woman with long ash blonde hair stepped forward. She wore an oval spiked mask with a yellow face and green painted hair on her head and was clad in a red halter top and green grass skirt. She was lean and muscular, and her arms were bare. "Dr. Falkyn?" I asked her, and she replied: "No longer! I am the High Priestess of Ghi-Shini, ruler and god of this island. Please come with me." She then had the temple guards lead us to a hut in the village, where we stayed with a native couple and their children. For lunch, they gave us bowls of fruit that proved to be not only delicious but also energizing, especially for Molly and Theo. Molly cried: "I feel like a new person!" "So do I!" Theo cried, and our hostess, whom we'd learned was named Narquata, replied: "Ghi-Shini is the one who makes the fruit potent and the small animals much easier to hunt!" "Do these fruit actually grow naturally on this island?" Professor Hancock asked Nanquata, who replied: "Yes, in the jungle all around us, Hancock!" "Amazing!" the Professor replied, and our host, Verdegras, replied: "For us, it is just a part of everyday living." "You're certainly doing very well!" I said, and Nanquata replied: "Thank Ghi-Shini for that! Our children, Malliya and Ombertu, eat the fruit as well and have sice they were small; as you can see, it has done wonders for both of then." After lunch, Nanquata and Verdegras took us back to the temple for the afternoon service. We knelt at the foot of what I assumed was the idol belonging to the temple: it depicted a tall slender man with long legs wearing a black suit and helmet with a transparent visor. I looked directly into his face and saw that it was both human and handsome. "That's no idol!" I thought. "It's a man wearing some sort of containment suit to protect others from whatever it is that his body is emitting - radiation? Anti-energy?" As a matter of fact, although Ghi-Shini's eyes were closed, I had no way of knowing whether or not he was asleep or as dead as a doornail. After we said our prayers to the god, we returned to our guest house to spend some time relaxing with our friends. "Ghi-Shini certainly provides, darling!" Theo told her husband. "Our hosts are right about that." "But how does Ghi-Shini provide for his people?" I asked. "Radiation? An energy matrix? or something?" "You are absolutely right about that, young man!" the Professor replied. "it could be something dangerous." "Thanks, Prof!" I replied, and the Professor smiled and nodded. "Good man!" the Captain said with a big smile of his own, never realizing tomorrow would turn out to be worse. *** The next morning, we all woke up with a start, only to find the whole village in an uproar. Running out to one of the trollwives nearby, I asked her: "What the hell is going on here?" "Ghi-Shini's mask has been stolen frok the temple!" she replied. "The priestess is furious!" "We'd like to help you if we can!" Molly said as she followed me out of the Verdegras family's hut. But then we heard a dry laught coming from the centre of the village itself. There, squatting on the ground like a dog, was the High Priestess, who said: "What need do you have of the castaways, when my own powers are stronger than theirs. Look! I will ask the spirits themselves where we can find the mask!" Everyone crowded around her, including all five of us. We watched quietly as she built a fire, it it and then dropped some sort of powder in the fire, then saw her chanting away. Unable to recognize the dialect, I did hear the name Ghi-Shini repeated over and over nonetheless. Then, at the end of her chant, she opened her eyes and shouted: "The spirits tell me that the mask is at the home of Verdegras and his wife and children. Chieftess, if you go there, you are sure to recover the mask!" The Chieftess, a huge and powerful female troll, then had the five of us captured and taken to a small hut at the edge of the village, where prisoners were kept under guard. "We're suspected of having taken the mask out of the temple!" The Captain said, and I nodded. A few minutes later, the Chieftess entered our cell and spoke to the Captain, saying: "We found the mask of Ghi-Shini hidden away right where the Priestess told us to look. Her oracle spoke the truth, although we heard it not. Come!" She led us out of the hut and into a larger hut, evidently the home of the Priestess, because there were a number of various items and tools I assumed she used for her divinations. There was even some clay at the back, which I helped myself to as the Chieftess showed the mask to the Priestess and said: "Your oravle told us where to find the mask." The Priestess smiled at the Chieftess and said: "Now, to complete the oracle: Ghi-Shini told me that she who found the mask must now wear it!" "'Tis done,O maiden of magic!" the Chieftess said, and she put the mask on over her own hairy head, then rose to her full, imposing height with a start. "I hear a voice!" "The voice is that of Ghi-Shini, my Chieftess!" the Priestess replied, never noticing that I'd sculpted an image of her in the clay I'd stolen a few minutes earlier. When she did turn around, I grabbed a pin and jabbed it into the area just above the statuette's chest at the back. She screamed in pain and knocked the statuette out of my hand, then shouted: "You know the sentence for the theft of the mask just as well as I do. Now, take them away!" The Chieftess then had her guards take us to the seashore just as the creature came near the shore. They hurled us all into the creature's mouth. As it submerged and turned away from the seashore, we heard the sound of gears moving as it dove deeply into the water. When I came to my senses a few minutes later, I the "I bet it was built around an existing hull, too!" I told the Professor as I helped him back onto his feet. "Look at this place!" Theo cried. "It's all metal in here - even the creature's organs!" "Where are we?" Molly asked, and I replied: "We're in the belly of the beast!" "Why are those gears moving?" the Captain asked, and the Professor replied: "Because the creature's moving, of course!" "We better take a look around!" the Captain said." "I managed to gather a basket of the fruit," Theo said, "so we won't be hard done by yet!" "That should make us a delicious supper for tonight, Ms. Swanson!" I replied. We all headed directly into the creature's bowels, looking for its control bridge or control area. We finally located the main control area, where a robot pilot sat guiding the big fish through the water. The Captain grabbed the robot and tore it out of its chair depite its protests, then hurled it into the wall. Seating ,myself in the robot's control chair, I took over the controls and was able to steer the damn thing back toward the island and its lagoon. I told the Captain: "It's fighting me all the way - it must know I'm not its robot pilot!" "Keep up the good work, then Nordyke!" Theo cried as she fed me one of the fruit. A canoe with several of the native trolls on it suddenly appeared, and I pulled back on the joystick, causing the big fish to leap out of the water and zoom across the beach into the cliff, which it struck with great force. Opening a hatch in the beast's belly, we all clambered out of its breat and looked around. Looking down at the big fish, I saw that it was built on top of an old hull - probably that of a cargo vessel, because of its large size - a typical thing for robots in te Robot Wat to do to save time and effort. We all stepped down onto the seashore, and as we headed back toward the temple, the Captain said: "Now, we must try to get back to the temple and find out what Ghi-Shini actually is!" "Ghi-Shini may be our only hope of escaping this dreadful situation!" the Professor added thoughtfully. "We need to stop the Priestess!" "Then that's just what we'll do!" Theo replied, and we sneaked back toward the village and entered the temple through the back door. Again facing the prone form of Ghi-Shini, the mysterious man in the containment suit, I asked the Professor: "How d'you think we should wake him up?" "That will be your job, Nordyke!" he repilied. I lit one of the safety matches I carried, then pulled out one of my shoelaces and tucked it under Ghi-Shini's right foot. Then I used the match to ignite my shoelace and blew it out, then watched the flames gradually go up that one shoelace toward Ghi-Shini until it passed over the temple floor and under Ghi-Shini's foot, where I watched as the foot burst into flame. At exactly that same moment, I felt a surge of pain in my right foot just as Ghi-Shini opened his eyes - a pain that surged through the whole of my body minutes later. The next thing I remember is finding myself seated on the throne of Ghi-Shini. Rising to my feet, I walked over to the pile of clothes lying where I'd once stood and knelt down, then snuffed out the flames with my foot. "Who d'you think you are, Nordyke?" the Captain asked, and I replied as calmly as I could: "I'm Barnabas 'Barney' Baxter, also known as the radioactive man and later, Ghi-Shini! I also should know better than to play with matches!" "But, how did you come with us earlier?" Theo asked, and I replied: "That was a solid holographic manifestation of my id that arose while I was still asleep on my throne. Now that I have revived and am awake again, I'll help you survive on this island." As we left the temple and headed into the jungle, we failed to notice that the crouching winged figure atop the temple turned its head to look right at us . . . *** I had evrybody gather some of the othe fruits and berries on this island for an afternoon snack as well as the energizing fruit. While I was picking some of the dates from a palm tree near the shore, I heard a cackle in the back of my head. "Who's there?" I asked, and a new voice replied: "Damn telepathic mionster!" I said to myself.

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Sex With My Hot Maid

Hi, Last month my regular maid went on holiday for 1 week. After 1 week she didn’t come so we got a new maid. Her name was sarika. She was around 30 years old. She was average looking slim and dark. She had small breasts. She had very less fat and her ass was a nice tight one. She would wear sarees or Punjabi suits. When I saw her for the first time my dick rose immediately! She wasn’t very good looking but her body was good! She was wearing a Punjabi suit and her ass was just awesome! It was...

1 year ago
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Boys Will Be Boys

Dave, Steve and I were like the three musketeers growing up. If there was one of us, there was usually all three. Occasionally when one of us had chores or such, the other two were up to no good. I'm not sure how old I was, but the teen years brought on some changes. Dave and Steve had older brothers, Jason and Mark, that we idolized. We thought they were so cool. They of course thought we were pest. Well, one day when they asked us to be in there club, we jumped at the chance. They said they...

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The Story of Hobo Jimmy

The years have come and gone. His melodious sweet mellow voice is now forever stilled. Yet... , sometimes late at night, in my memory, if I listen closely, I can still hear my dad's soft voice, singing sweet and low, floating languidly, out of that old back bedroom. One of the songs he often used to sing to my siblings and me, which we always loved, was entitled, "Hobo Bill's Last Ride." It was a song about the tragic life of a Hobo named Bill. That song, became my inspiration for this...

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The Perfect Girl

The perfect girl By Tytus I am a handsome guy and quite good looking. I never considered my self a superman or macho. I was more or less someone just of the opposite type. I was always shy with women, so at age of 27 I have not have many relationships. And those I had I found were boring. Especially in bed, where they would lay flat on their back, making no sound, like they were dead! And me trying everything to please them! I got never fulfilled my dreams to have anal sex, or...

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The Breakup

As he waited, he thought about why she had called the meeting. Did she want to get back together? Was she pregnant? Or both, maybe? After waiting for thirty minutes, he was almost ready to get up and leave, when his tall, blonde ex-partner walked through the door. She instantly locked eyes on him and waved, then made her way to the counter to order a coffee. Cole's kept his eyes fixed on her, and remembered the last time they had a hot night of sex. He felt his cock grow hard under the...

2 years ago
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The Sacrificial Boy Chapter 5

Macha walked back and forth at the edge of the herb garden, watching the road that led into the village. Biting her lip, a habit her mother had unsuccessfully tried to break, the young apprentice finally sat down. "You're nervous." Looking up, the young girl smiled. "A little, Aislin seems to be taking her own sweet time coming home." Ina put her hand over her eyes, blocking the rays of the setting sun; the carriage that had taken her grandchild away had been gone for most of the...

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AllGirlMassage Lily Glee Ashley Aleigh Does My Sister Know

Ashley Aleigh can’t wait to be done her shift at the massage parlor so that she can spend some quality time with her girlfriend. Fortunately, she only has one more client left for the day… but when Lily Glee steps in, Ashley knows that this isn’t going to be a straightforward appointment! Lily instantly recognizes Ashley as her sister’s roommate. Of course, unbeknownst to Lily, Ashley is secretly her sister’s girlfriend! Ashley’s afraid of accidentally outing...

2 years ago
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Sex Roles 101 Part 1

Sex Roles 101 -- Part 1 By Dana Lange Dennis had one semester left before graduation. He couldn't believe he was this close. The plan was to go on to graduate school - what else could you do with a degree in Women's Studies anyway? He was thinking either law or policy studies, but hadn't really decided yet. He had sort of fallen into the Women's Studies major by chance - taking a core Gender Studies class primarily because he knew there would be a lot of girls taking it as well, and...

1 year ago
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Bake ShopChapter 4

Chance barely dries himself off before he is pulling on his clothes. Then he rushes for the front of the store. “Sorry for the wait,” he says, stepping out to stand behind the counter. The man, who looks like he has been doing more window shopping in the glass display than waiting, looks up and smiles. “I was wondering if you forgot to put up the out to lunch sign.” Chance grins. He feels that there is more behind the words. “Yeah, things took longer in back than I expected.” The man looks...

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Charleston Girl

24 year old store clerk decides to spend the week with me in my motel, and I'm almost twice her age. TITLE: Charleston Girl I met a 24 year old in Charleston WV, there was a Convenience Store just behind the Motel where I always stayed, I was going to be there all week, I got in Monday afternoon and then walked over to get a coffee, this young girl was behind the counter, her name was Trudie.... I got my coffee and a snack cake. It was strangely quiet for this time of day. I made small talk and...

2 years ago
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No Greater Love

This was by far the longest time we had been away from each other since our marriage 6 months ago. She was coming home this afternoon and I wanted her so badly. Anita was a blonde about 5'11" tall with long legs and a somewhat girlish figure. She hated the fact that her breasts were fairly small but it really didn't bother me since I was a leg man anyway. Just thinking about her hot sexy body was giving me a raging hard on. I was so excited that precum was leaking from the tip of my long...

3 years ago
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How mom made him state champ pt 3

"So how was the hand-job?" Gail asked her sister as they spoke on the phone."You mean hand-jobs?" Michelle answered."You got him off more than once?" Gail asked."I got him off twice in the shower, twice in bed last night, once this morning and twice on the car right home. I believe that makes seven if I'm not mistaken." Michelle said proudly."Holy fuck, Michelle. Seven orgasms? Are you serious?" Gail exclaimed."He's like the energizer bunny. He just keep going and going and going." Michelle...

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Black Guard TalesChapter 3

The sun was well up and streaming into the cabins. Rada saw Rasida's shutters were still firmly shut and she smiled. She opened the door and confirmed she was alone - there was only one lump under the blanket. "Hey!" she called. "You going up to Hook river?" "Mmm," Rasida mumbled. "You go." "George has already taken your place," Rada told her. "Left about an hour ago. Where's Schecter?" "Huh? Oh, he's gone." "Clearly. When?" "Shit, I dunno. Sometime ... Would you go...

2 years ago
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Pates evening out

Pate was in a really slutty outfit, no bra or panties for our evening meal in a restaurant We sat in a booth and I would take the ice from the drinks and slide it into her pussy and one into her asshole... Then sit back for a few minutes and watch her squirm. As she squirms I can see her nipples get erect as can the waiter who is ogling her magnificent tits. We order some wine and I spill a little while helping he drink which stains her blouse, we look around and I ask if she wants to please...

3 years ago
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Scarlet Part Seven

SCARLET by Jessica Drew Part 7 Lorenzo de Luca found his grandmother's handbag on the kitchen side and pulled fifty euros worth of notes from her purse. He could already hear her shrieking from the living room. "Don't be spending it on drugs, you hear? We need groceries! I swear if your grandfather were still alive he'd knock some sense into you." Her Italian was old school, bringing an added harshness to her words. "Lay off Nonna, I've got this, okay?" Lorenzo pocketed the...

2 years ago
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You can learn a lot in college Part II

For much of that day Gail pondered over Wendi’s question. Were the roommates now lesbians? After all they had spent the night wrapped in each other arms. The first time lesbian sex had been a remarkable experience for both girls. Gail was sure that what happened last night would not be a onetime thing. Yes, Gail wanted to do it again. She wanted to again feel the gentle caress of another woman’s hands on her breasts, the soft lips and tongue working on her nipples, the smell and taste of...

Group Sex
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Sex with a mature lady

I lived next to this lady for years and didnt know anything about her even though I would occasionally go to her home to repair small things in her home and sometimes cut the grass for her. She never did say very much when I was around her but she seemed very nice and was very polite. Every time I would do something for her she would repay me the next day with something she had cooked, I would come home from work and there would be something wrapped in foil on my porch with a simple thank you...

1 year ago
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Dawn PatrolChapter 4

We were jumped by five D. VIIs on our way to the target. My God, those Germans were aggressive! We were higher than them, yet they attacked us. The D. VII had a decent rate of climb, but not as good as the SPAD 13. Maybe it was the 5:4 advantage that they enjoyed. Whatever it was, they came at us like a swarm of hornets. We had no choice—we had to answer their challenge or be shot down as we tried to get away. We had talked about a change in tactics when in a dogfight over the last few days....

2 years ago
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New Start Rays StoryChapter 2

"He used to just put a belt, a stick and a wrench on the kitchen table and say 'choose'," the blond man on the screen said. The kids were in bed. And for one Friday night, rather than retreat to his office, he sat next to his wife on the couch to watch the DVD that she had rented. When the movie started Ray wondered why she got it. It was interesting but seemed geared for college kids. As it progressed he couldn't help but like it. "Gotta go with the belt there... ," the well known...

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Susie and me part1

When I was born my parents decided I couldn’t stay with them, so a nice middle-aged couple adopted me. I’d always known that I was adopted; it had never been kept from me. What had been kept from me though was that I wasn’t the only child born to my parents. By the way, my name’s Benjy. My story begins from the time I started school. First day at school, I was scared, I knew no one; I had never gone to nursery school. Everyone else seemed to know another person, so I was left all alone. I was...

3 years ago
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(Pita aur Neha) JUST A FANTASY... Apni true story sunanay se pehlay men thora sa background aap sub ko bata doon. Meri mother ki 3 saal pehlay traffic accident men death ho gait hi. Us waqt men koi 16 saal kit hi aur apnay Pitajee ki akeli beti thi. Hum log kafi saal pehlay Lucknow se Agra shift ho gaye thay. Yahan Agra men siwai hamaray ek do family friends ke aur koi rishtaydar na tha. Bus hum teeno akailay rahtay thay. Mummy ki death ke baad hum sirf 2 rah gaye thay. Ghar k ek...

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What Might be Fun

“Oh, you remember, it was…, you know, Him, his name escapes me, my mind thinks differently now, rather than when our vacation began. He and I we were friends, I remember that about him. Friends, no not lovers, I can see that evil mind of yours is thinking along the usual lines of depraved ideas. J… ah yea, John, and myself we planned a vacation of picture taking, something we both enjoyed, and liked the idea of being away from civilization. It was late in the fall season when we thought to go,...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 15 One Choice

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fifteen: One Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies “A god,” I said. The word rippled through my soul. I had set things up to be hero-worshiped, for the entire world to see me as something more than them, but to hear my wife say it was intoxicating I glanced down at my phone, at the power it held. So many edits left... We used to be good Christians, but then we learned about all...

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Round one good morning

Mmmmm now pretty much every man out there gets morning wood. Oh the fabulous morning wood. The best is when there is a hot lil redhead there to help with this "problem". Me personally start helping before you get up by rubbing on you're dick at first, kiss on the neck maybe a few fingures in the hair. Pull my body nice and close my titties are rubbing against you.Now work my way down give the head of youre dick a lil kiss and trace the top with my tongue ring on my way down massaging either...

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Colleague Asha With Big Busty Boobs

Hi everyone. This is Krishna (name changed). I am from Tamil Nadu and I am 36 years old. This incident is from 2012 when I was working in Chennai with a multinational company. The heroine of this story is Asha (name changed obviously). To describe her, she is one sexy girl with the right amount of flesh at the right places. Her USP was her big melons which can make any guy’s dick stand and salute! I used to travel to my office in the company cab. Asha was a co-passenger in the cab. Most of the...

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Blood and SandChapter 8

King had insisted that Queen come along, so there was a real parade as they left to find Otto. Martha and Jane were in the wagon, John and two cowboys were riding horses, and the two dogs were leading the way. They traveled as fast as they could with them all staying together, so they were at the cutoff into the brush in less than an hour. King dashed ahead, leaving Queen to lead the humans to where Otto lay at the foot of the rock steps and within reach of the cougar that they had been...

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Life in the Harem

Cast: Calista: Lead character Master: Master and owner Sir Jon: Master's longtime friend Lady Martha: Master's first wife Lucinda: a very ambitious slave who takes an interest in Calista Jacinta: Paired off with Calista, she too is a house slave Mildred: Mother hen to the slaves, she is the eldest house slave Jasmine: Arab slave girl who took over for Calista as greeter Clara: den-mother to the harem slaves Petra and Paulina, Roxanne, Quan-Yi, Gretchen and Barbie: harem...

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