The Lottery free porn video

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The lottery Earth is an a petri dish for hyper intelligent beings, one day they send down a machine, we call it the lottery, it transforms nearly every person on the planet, swapping characteristics, both physical and psychological. What are the odds you get something... normal? Alex walked along the path through Eastwick Park, the dirt line, cut into the patchy grass by thousands of other people looking to shave a little time from their commute, joined Front street west and Harris road. Stepping over a gnarled root from a maple tree nearby he lifted his phone and switched songs, there was a new text he pulled up as well. "Grab eggs and ketchup on the way home." Sent by his live in roommate and... on and off fuck buddy, it was a cool relationship. After answering with "K" and stumbling over a small patch of exposed rocks that were slick from the morning rain Alex slipped his phone back into his pocket and focussed on getting to work, he couldn't afford to be late again. ... Nikki put her phone down on her desk and wiped her face, pushing back a few strands hanging down from her wild bedhead before taking a sip of coffee and studied the screen of her laptop. She pulled up a new slide, this displayed the limbic system in detail, and she'd have to fill in the bullets identifying its anatomy. Nikki felt a pang as she wiped her bleary eyes, Alex was a great guy, a great lay and a great roommate... she bit her lip and clicked open a new tab, procrastinating. Why couldn't he see that she wanted more; right, they'd had a conversation before all this fuck buddy bullshit happened and she'd promised that it wouldn't be an issue, purely physical. She thought back to the night before, they'd just finished, she was breathing hard, her cum leaking down the crack of her ass as Alex sat up, all she'd wanted was for him to stay, cuddle with her and say he loved her, was that so hard?! She leaned back in her computer chair and let her head loll, life was so unfair. ... Leaving work Alex quickly darted into the bodega a block away, dashing so he didn't get caught in the mad 5 o'clock rush and bought a few odds and ends as well as some more wine. Quickly turning his wrist he peeked at his watch seeing it was 4:54pm he grinned to himself noticing a steady stream of drones like him going by and into the small shop, he'd made it just in time. Seeming to float down Front Street, carried on the flow of other dead heads like him, he made excellent time dodging into Eastwick park again, the grocery bag cutting into his right hand. Taking a second to swap the bag to his left hand he fumbled, the bags handle tearing and sending his eggs rolling into the short crab grass, a few breaking on impact, and the wine skittered along the gentle slope stopping at a gnarled little tree. "For fucksake," he growled under his breath gathering up the good eggs into the carton again then walking over and stooped to recover the wine. Standing back up his headphone caught on his knee, roughly popping them from his ears, swearing again his words caught as he finally noticed a din of shouts and screams all around him that he hadn't noticed. Suddenly alert, his heart pounding, he immediately thought it'd be some kind of terrorist incident, he had to get back to the house, he had to get away from all the people--NIKKI! He sprinted, his groceries knocking against his leg, probably crushing the rest of the eggs, his headphones flapping behind him until they were jerked from his phone and pocket on a root that one of the buds caught on. ... Nikki woke abruptly from a nap, a faint buzz that crept into her 3rd storey room through the cracks in cocking around her window and through the shitty insulation, till it burrowed into her mind like a tiny but urgent siren. Sitting bolt upright, she rubbed her eyes, her head felt like it was filled with cotton, she'd slept too long, pushing her blanket off and shedding her sweaty hoodie--Alex's sweaty hoodie, he was gonna be pissed about that, she thought, she went to her window and swept aside the thin wool blanket that she used as a curtain to see what all the fucking noise was. Other than the similar prewar era home/apartment building smashed down no more than 10 feet from it she couldn't see any of the commotion at all, just hear it, like a wall of white noise. "What the fuck is going on?" she asked the empty room, goosebumps suddenly sprouting up on her arms and making her scalp itch. Her eyes suddenly widened and she hopped over to where her phone was charging, it was 5:17pm, she opened up her messages, nothing, bringing up her recent calls she rang Alex. "Come on, come on," she whispered as the phone rang, her throat felt tight, she wasn't going to cry, she wasn't going to cry. BOOM! Her phone slipped from her grasp as she felt more than heard the low tone, it vibrated her entire body, her teeth felt like they were being shaken loose. ... Within sight of Brook Street on the north side of the Park, Alex stumbled, his legs suddenly going numb, he knew he fell, but he couldn't feel it, he saw the grass come up to meet his face, but he couldn't feel the pain, he imagined it was terrible, but the fact that he couldn't feel it made it that much more frightening. Looking around out of his left eye, searching the ground for something that could have caused this, he willed his meat prison to move, MOVE! He screamed hysterically in his head. Alex hadn't realized he couldn't hear a thing until he sensed a low tinkle of sound, then gradually like someone turning up the volume madness flooded his head again, the sounds of shouting and cars colliding, a siren getting further away. Feeling dopey, his arms felt heavy as they finally moved, his hands slid through the short grass, his novocaine hands scraping dumbly across rough patches of well tread dirt. He remembered getting high on ludes with his father's old partner, they'd had them in evidence for nearly 30 years, no one would miss them right? His first thought was that this had something to do with that, like acid, when you went up into a plane and it triggered the high again. Slowly, more slowly than he'd ever moved before, ever single motion felt like a herculean effort-- CLAP! There was sound like thunder and he was free of the slow motion, his hands and shoulder felt raw from where he fell, but it was reassuring. Groaning he pushed himself up, sitting onto his heels and taking in a few deep breaths, his chest felt tight, he pulled at his tie, loosening it. Sucking wind he noticed that his wrist bumped something on his chest, he shifted pushing at it with his hand, he felt his hand touch his chest... but his hand was touching something soft. Alex's eyes widened, he slammed his chin into his sternum, staring down in pure, unadulterated astonishment, TITS, he had tits, on his chest. This wasn't real, he closed his eyes, this wasn't real, he clenched his thighs, his nails dig-- He didn't have nails that could dig into his thighs! He brought his hands up, they were smooth, no callouses on his palms from working out, his nails were a light blue and extended maybe a half inch past his fingers, there was a small scar on the back of his left hand near his thumb that he hadn't had before. In a panic Alex ignored his aches and pains darting off on wobbly legs toward home, he would be safe there, everything would be alright at home. ... Alex still hadn't picked up, Nikki had called his phone 3 more times, each one after the boom had been more frantic, she was racing down the stairs toward the first floor struggling to put on her jacket and keep from spilling her purse all over the steep staircase. Finally punching her arm through the sleeve of her jacket and rounding onto the last flight of stairs she stopped as the front door closed, there was... someone, Nikki froze, a soft sound welled in her throat and a small whimper was all that escaped. It was impossible, the absence of possibilities, unmanageable, she didn't know if she'd fallen or sat down on the top step, but she was seated now, looking down at Alex's face, his face, it was sat atop a body, it wasn't real. Alex's eyes widened as they stared at each other. "It's not real, I'm just high, someone dosed me," he stated, she could tell he was on the precipice of hyperventilating, his words coming quickly and in short bursts. Nikki swallowed sand, her mouth was so dry, she needed something to drink, something to drown in; Alex had tits. "I--" Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat. "I thought you were dead, the boom..." ... Sitting down in the slight kitchenette, the realization that he wasn't hallucinating making him feel like he'd been thrown in the lake mid- December. "You can see this too?" he asked Nikki, she sat across from him, her eyes unable to meet his, they looked anywhere else but him. She nodded, she had the ghost of a sleep crease on her cheek, her hair tangled and held back in a half assed ponytail. "I don't know what happened, there was screaming, I was on my way home, then I collapsed and everything went quiet... then I was like this," he gestured to himself but refused to look, as if that would help. He looked at Nikki, her eyes looking down, she didn't say anything, didn't move, he could feel his heart beating so hard, he could hear his heart beat in his ears, his hands were shaking; without a thought he brought a hand up and slammed a fist onto the dingy white topped vinyl table sending a bolt of pain from his hand to his shoulder and making Nikki jump in surprise. Alex was a little surprised himself, he was freaking out though. "Nikki... I'm losing it here, do you know what the hell's going on?" ... Nikki breathed out. "No, I, I was in my room when I heard the commotion... then there was this boom," she felt the relief draining from finding Alex alive and being replaced by a decidedly selfish one, why did he have to look like a chick? "then I tried to call you and when you didn't answer I was gonna go find you..." She looked up at Alex, well, across the small table, he a little shorter than her now, she'd put him at 5'4" or 5'5", why'd this have to happen to him? Why couldn't she have been given more uptop? She was the one that needed it, now he looked like this gross dyke chick with his short hair and glasses, his tits stuffed into his suit. Focus on his face, it was still the face of the man she loved? Had a crush on... her thoughts made her feel like shit. He looked scared. "So you haven't been on your computer or watched the news?" he asked, it was strange to see him so vulnerable, she couldn't help but be surprised how well he was holding himself together though. "No, like I said, it all happened so quickly, I didn't know what was happening," she explained picking at a loose string on the cuff of her jacket. Alex sighed, leaning toward the table, planting his elbows then pushing his glasses up and pressing his palm into his eyes he took a few deep breaths. "Okay, I'm gonna go and see what I can find out about this," he told her before sitting back again and setting his glasses back onto his nose carefully and crossed his arms briefly before grimacing and getting up. Alex was still Alex, Nikki swore at herself, he needed a friend right now, she wasn't being a very good one; Nikki bit her lip and followed, she'd be there for him. ... Alex realized he was still lugging the groceries around, he could see yoke through the bag and tossed it into the waste basket just inside his door as he went into his room. He was a little surprised to notice Nikki had followed him, she had been quiet and stand-offish since he got home, he brushed away the thought and laid his bag onto his desk suddenly very aware that he had been very rough with it he hurriedly opened it and pulled out his laptop. He groaned noticing a small spider web of cracks stemming from the top right corner of the screen, he heard his bed creak as Nikki sat back onto it. "What is it?" she asked as he pressed the power button, hoping against hope that it was still useable. He ignored her for a moment crossing his fingers, abruptly aware of the long nails and said a prayer to the gods that watch over very fucking expensive electronic goods. "Thank fucking god," he muttered plopping down into his computer chair and tilting the screen toward Nikki, she made a whistling sound sucking air through her teeth. "Lucky all you did was break the surface, doesn't look like the picture was affected," she mused leaning in closer as he typed in his password. Alex shifted his hips, aware that the arms of the chair were too high and the lumbar support was all wrong, he wanted to scream. An instant before his feminine fingers met the keys to open up his browser he caught the sight of Nikki collapse out of the corner of his eye then his vision darkened, bleeding to black. ... Alex woke up first, lifting her head from the desk, her jaw and cheek hurt but other than that she felt the same, opening her eyes she squinted and lifted her hand to rub her eyes, her glasses digging into her nose painfully. Sitting up and squinting she rubbed her eyes and adjusted her glasses... she lifted them and gasped, she looked through them again, she could see clearly without them! She was ready to shout for joy when her stomach dropped, what had changed this time? Putting her glasses down she swivelled in her chair and swallowed, there was a guy poured into Nikki's clothes laying limply back on her bed, was this Nikki still? Getting up as quietly as she could she leaned over the man, his hairy legs hanging off the bed, Nikki's jacket had risen up and she could see his belly button. "Nikki?" she asked tentatively, very aware of the fact that she wouldn't be able to defend against this guy if he came at her. Nikki... well, hopefully Nikki flinched, his right leg jerking and he shifted more onto his back, Alex lurched back covering her eyes as she caught herself looking down at his cock hanging below the bottom of Nikki's shorts. "Oh no, no, no," she mumbled under her breath shielding it from view and carefully looking only at the guys face. He looked a little familiar actually, she felt her brow furrow in thought, he had a couple days growth of beard, it ended abruptly on his sideburns and the rest of his head was bald, but he wasn't... unattractive she admitted, a nice strong jaw, a little chin dimple, smile creases around his eyes. She felt her hands sink into her bed as she leaned over him, he had big lips, and she wondered what they tasted like. So enthralled with her appraisal of him she didn't even notice that his sharp grey eyes had fluttered open. "A-Alex?" a soft familiar voice asked, completely at odds with such a large frame. She hopped back, nearly falling from her bed as she rested onto her heels feeling flush with embarrassment. "I--Uh, yeah, it's me," she answered, her eyes flicking briefly to his crotch as he came up to rest on his elbows. "This is so fucked, you sound so weird, Christ, am I a guy?" Nikki's voice asked looking down at himself. She cocked her head. "I sound weird?" Nikki jerked noticing her cock and quickly covered up looking surprised and embarrassed. "Fucking hell, I am a guy!" he groaned, his too tight jacket creaking with his sharp motions. "Yeah, you are, but your clothes aren't, you might wanna, grab some of my stuff," she told the big guy beside her. His eyes zeroed in on hers and she felt her cheeks warm, his eyes were so intense, god she felt so hot all of the sudden, she lifted her hand tugging her tie off. "Yeah, I think that'd be best," he agreed. Time felt like it slowed, she licked her lips lightly digging her nails into her thighs. "Alex..." She snapped back to the chaotic situation, realizing he was waiting for her to step out. "Oh, right, I'll be right outside--actually, do you mind if I find something more comfortable to wear from your room?" He hesitated for only I moment. "Yeah, that's cool." ... Nikki exhaled as the door closed, this was so fucked, she couldn't think about anything but the fucking 'thing' stuffed into her shorts, she looked down and cringed, she was so hairy! She even had it on her knuckles--okay it was nearly non-existent, but still! Unsteadily she got to her feet, everything felt off, she kept feeling like she'd lose her balance, and she was so tall, what was she 6'2" or 6'3" now? Taking a step she grimaced and shifted, how did guys do this, her balls were right in the way, she felt like they'd be squashed between her thighs, it was so uncomfortable, maybe she should have got Alex to help her with this? Shaking her head and screwing up her courage she walked to Alex's dresser with a bow legged gait, supremely aware of the appendage between her legs. "okay, let's go for full comfort," she said under her breath rummaging through the drawers then smirked and lifted his sweats from a drawer and a sweater, one of her favourites. It took Nikki a minute to tear herself from her clothes, literally tearing her t-shirt and pinching her sack as she shimmied out of her shorts, she was blissful as she pulled on the sweatpants and sweater, both felt just a bit too small, but she was comfortable none the less. Peeking out into the hall Nikki slipped from Alex's room into the bathroom and looked at the mirror in awe, she was bald, B-A-L-D, Bald, she rubbed a hand over her head and could feel a light stubble, she wanted to scream and cry, why was this happening?! She--she looked back at her face... brought a hand to her jaw, the stubble felt strange, she was- she was actually kinda hot, nice jaw, beautiful grey eyes, big lips, she would have been jealous of them as her normal self. She leaned away, looking at herself, she had broad shoulders, she was so big! She looked at her hands, they had callouses, the veins popping out on her wrists and the back of her hands, maybe this wasn't the worst thing ever. Biting her lip she looked down her chest and pulled at the elastic waist of her sweats-- ... Allie slipped into Nikki's room and closed the door, looking about the pigsty she twitched her lips and bit her cheek before going to his closet, I'm not gonna snoop, I'm just changing then going to see if we can figure this out. But why had he hesitated? Maybe she was just being paranoid. Pushing open his closet door she looked at the plethora of clothes, from dresses to swimsuits to sweats packed into a hanging shelf suspended from his closet rod. Unbuttoning her shirt and letting her dress pants fall to the floor she looked into the mirror attached to her closet door, she turned looking at herself in profile then gaped, she had Nikki's head on her fucking shoulders! She leaned in mushing her face and pulling at her lips, it was her face! She noticed the image in the mirror push a strand of breast length brown hair behind her ear, she hadn't even realized she ha--she, she, her, he--HE! He felt his throat tighten, Christ she--HE'D! been thinking of himself as a girl this whole time! What the fuck was happening?! With clenched teeth and being very conscious of his thoughts he looked at himself, he was short, 5'5" ish, his tits sat heavy on his chest, there were small white stretch marks on them and his nipples were a bright rosy red, blue veins stood out beneath the milky white skin. Allie chewed her bottom lip and drew her hands--HIS hands, his, over his stomach, he was chubby, a small pouch of fat hung at his belly, his skin was so soft, he squeezed it gently. Tracing his curves to his hips he noted how wide his hips were, they were almost incongruous how wide they were, her thighs were broad yet they didn't seem to hold the fat that she had felt in her stomach, she flexed her leg and could see the bunched muscles stand out lightly, what was happening to her? ... "Hey!" Nikki's voice screeched as she snapped her sweats closed and throwing the door closed sending a surprised Alex stumbling back into the hall. "Jesus, what the hell is going on in there?" he called through the door, his female voice sounded like a cute little pixie. Nikki felt terribly embarrassed, her cheeks flushing, her heart beating in her ears. "N-Nothing, it's, I'm just going to the bathroom!" she called. "Okay, well next time, lock it you goof!" his high voice sounded ridiculous but she still felt chastened, like she'd been slapped with words. After counting to 20 and turning on the water at the sink she washed her hands and opened the door, Alex wasn't there... she looked up and down the hall then went across and pushed open his door. "Sorry, I was going to the bathroom," she lied lookin in to see Alex sitting at his desk in a pair of track pants that looked painted on and a hoodie that was stretched tight across his chest. He looked her over and waved her hand dismissively. "No worries, so something weird has happened to you too? Like in your brain," he stated swivelling the chair, his legs dangly a couple inches from the floor. She tilted her head. "What?" Alex pointed at his face. "I have your face." Nikki's eyes narrowed before her jaw dropped, she could see it now, her, it, she, her head was on his fucking body, her hair, the small birthmark just below her left earlobe, it was her! "Now it's messing with our mind too?!' she exclaimed incredulously. "Yep, I've been talking to myself in my head as a girl, I thought it out when I was getting dressed," he told her, his tone was confident but the words sounded ditzy, he may not even realize he sounded... dumb. Nikki shifted over and sat on the bed. "You don't sound yourself either, you're speaking like an airhead," she told him, trying to cushion the blow. He swivelled his chair, his brow furrowing, fuck it was weird seeing her face on someone else's goddamn body. "Nu-uh," his eyes bulged, he clenched his eyes shut. "I. do. Not." The immense effort showing in his white knuckle grip on his armrests. "You aren't thinking dumb are you? It doesn't seem like it," she asked. He thought for a moment. "I think I got it straight up here, but it gets tangled in between," he explained to her, making wide gestures that made him seem simple. She nodded apprehensively, was she messed up now too? How could she tell? "Have I changed?" Nikki asked, dreading an answer. Alex looked at her, his eyes, her old eyes bore into him, he definitely wasn't dumb, he shrugged abruptly. "I dunno, I du-n't. think. So," He stuttered attempting to override the compulsion. Nikki felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Hopefully I'm lucky and just get stuck as a guy, I don't know how you did it... it's so uncomfortable," she griped shifting her hips, her junk felt ungainly thrust between her legs. Alex swivelled back to his computer bringing up his browser again. "Mhm, you're hot." Nikki could feel her eyebrows rise in surprise, had she heard him right? Did he even realize he'd said anything, he certainly didn't seem-- "Oh god," Alex's pixie voice gasped. ... Allie gasped bringing her hands to her mouth, she reread the headline. "Mysterious ship hanging in earth's orbit over the Atlantic, releases 'crafts', global pandemonium as transformations occur." She heard Nikki shift toward the screen on her bed. "A UFO is on earth and messing with us, like this," she said, frustrated at the words that she heard come out, and gesturing between them. Nikki crouched beside her his big hand turning the laptop toward himself so he could read it. "This is insanity, this can't be real," he said under his breath, Allie couldn't help but watch his lip move. "Alex?" he asked, she realized he was talking to her and she'd spaced thinking about kissing him, she licked her lips. "Wha- I was listening," she shot at him. "Mhm, there nicknaming the crafts that drop away from the main ship 'Lotteries' apparently it can change your body in numerous ways, from thought patterns, to physical changes, to idiosyncrasies... like talking like an airhead," he explained looking at her, he had puppy dog eyes. "This is nuts," Allie said shaking her head. "has anybody phoned these alien freaks?" Nikki shook her head. "Doesn't sound like there's been any contact, we don't know why or if it'll stop," he said getting up and plopping onto the bed. Allie's eyes were drawn to the bulge between his legs, she could feel her pussy warming up, she ground her hips against the computer chair and swallowed, she wanted to suck him off then sit on that beautiful mouth of his. "What?!" Nikki's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she looked up at his surprised face. "Huh?" "You just said you wanted to suck me off then sit on my face," he exclaimed. Her brow furrowed, did she? She didn't remember saying anything, he was just so yummy. "I can't help it, I'm so wet right now, wanna fuck?" The words were out of her mouth before her brain could filter them, oddly she didn't feel embarrassed in the least, watching him squirm at her words only spurred her on. "I've been dreaming about what that mouth can do, and I already saw your hammer, let me taste it." Allie got out of her chair and stepped in between Nikki's legs pushing them apart and digging her nails into his thighs. "I don't hear no," she whispered leaning in and lightly licking his lips, her tongue drawing across them lightly, his stubbly tickling her lip. Nikki's lips parted but he only nodded, looking at her timidly, she smiled broadly and pushed him back onto the bed. "Good, now take those off, momma wants to see it all," she ordered getting into it. ... Nikki felt herself jump when Alex clapped sharply, she'd never felt this intensity of lust, her cock was straining her sweats as she tore off her clothes, her hands shaking a little. She couldn't believe Alex, he had never been like this, it was hot though, she couldn't find it in herself to say no, not that she really wanted to, she wanted to do whatever he said. "Mmm, you are hot," Alex said to himself pulling her sweats off her ankle and throwing them near the door. His praise felt like a balm, her skin prickled with excitement, he stepped forward again and grasp her erection in his right hand, it was warm and soft, she flinched, shaking. Taking both hands he drew his fingers up and down it lightly, teasing her, she shuddered harshly taking in a hitched breath. "It's beautiful," he said and his hands left her shaft, she realized her eyes were closed and opened them, looking down her body at Alex. He'd taken the hem over his hoodie and slipped it up and over his head, his heavy tits fell back to his chest clapping loudly in the heavy silence of the room, Nikki took in the stretch marks and muffin top, her veiny tits, he looked like a postpartum mother. Without preamble or sexy stripping he slipped off his track pants, her eyes widened, her hips and legs were meaty with muscle, the forms bunching beneath his skin, and she wanted them wrapped around her head. Nikki felt her cock bob tapping against her naval as the image took hold in her mind, she flinched when Alex crawled up over her legs till he rested his hands on her shoulders his hips resting atop hers, she rutted against her lightly eliciting an excited moan from his lips. "My slit is aching to be filled," he told her, where did he get this shit? "is that big beaut up to it?" he asked in a husky--well an attempt at a husky voice and nuzzled her neck. She groaned rutting against him more roughly taking his soft hips in her hands. "Yes," she answered. She was hard, she could feel his pussy leaking as it split against her cock, but her mind kept going back to the image of him crushing her head between his thighs, him resting his pussy on his face till he passed out, licking her toes as she fingered herself, she wanted to worship him. "That pipe is eager isn't it?" she laughed lightly, it came out as a giggle, the sound of a hummingbird. Lifting his hips he leaned back, his turgid tits hanging low between them, she took in a sharp breath through her teeth as he guided her shaft to his pussy, instinctually she jerked driving her head into his pussy, the molten sheath clench around him and they both groan in unison, Alex squeezed her chest, his nails digging in and pulling at the light hair. He gently guided her cock into himself till their hips met and she sighed, his pussy quivering around her length. "Oh my god was it always this intense?" Nikki asked breathlessly praying she didn't come like a kinked firehose already. She opened her eyes and looked down at his bowed face, his tangled tresses draped across her chest, his arms quivering, with a slow, controlled grace she'd never have been able to duplicate he stretched, lifting his face to the ceiling, arching his back, grasping her cock within himself like a firm handshake. If his face was any indication he was in rapture as he lifted his hips and pressed them down, small motions that slowly sped up and got more frantic. "Uh, uh, uh" she squeaked as the sound of their hips grew louder. Leaning in she took hold of a heavy tit and brought it to her lips tonguing and sucking his nipple, his breath caught and his hand slipped on her sweaty shoulder and he came down roughly against her clutching her head to his chest and barely keeping her length inside of him at the same time. "Oh you naughty boy," he breathed taking her earlobe in his teeth and nipping it sharply, she couldn't help but buck against her, her cock painfully hard. "Fuck me bad boy, fuck me," he raised his voice, his tone commanding. She rolled him over in a flurry taking the demand to fruition and coming onto her knees she drove into him like a bull, the sounds of slapping flesh and cries of passion doubling as Alex came, his tits pooling up around his chin and his stomach jiggling with each thrust. Feeling a rise of passion, intense pleasure building to a peak she hammered home, her hips hummed as she gave it to the small woman, lifting both thick legs she brought his feet to her face and sucking his salty toes into her mouth, weaving her tongue between them and around them, kissing her soles and nibbling his heels. "Ah!" she cried pressing herself into him so roughly his head knocked into the headboard with a thud, her seed coming out like a torrent, she let his legs fall as she jerked emptying herself into him completely. ... Allie lay panting, she was coming down from the crushing pleasure of her orgasms, she was drifting like leaf on the wind, her legs shuddered as she'd was racked with 'aftershocks' then they subsided and she lulled, nearly falling asleep, it was bliss. Her revelry was cruelly interrupted as Nikki slipped from her pussy, she felt his cum slip out and roll down the crack of her ass, and with it came a sudden gut wrenching reality, she had a cunt full of cum, a possibly pregnant pussy; the sudden shift curdled her stomach. Nikki dropped to the bed beside her heavily, but all she could do was think about being pregnant. "We gotta go to the store, I need one of those pregnancy stopping pills," she turned imploring him, sharply bringing him out of his own revelry. He turned his head, affecting a dreamy look again. "No worries, I still got a Plan B left from last month when you blew that condom," he reassured her. She blinked a couple times relief washing over her. "Oh..." was all she could think to say, a small smile slipped back onto her face and she rolled onto her side throwing an arm and a leg across him weaving her fingers into his chest hair. She felt his cum smear between her thighs but ignored it. "I guess you are kinky now, feet huh?" She watched him blush crimson, he squirmed a little under her. "It's cute, silly," she told him reaching up a hand and tugging at his chin. He was still blushing but he smiled sliding hand up her ankle till he squeezed her thigh gently, she moan, it felt good, and then rested her head on his shoulder. "I think you need to clean up girl, I can feel my cum dripping onto my hip," he told her twisting to push a strand of hair out of her face. "Maybe I'll get my foot boy to clean me up," she teased playfully, but her eyes widened as she felt his cock throb beneath her calf. "I-I could do that," he said swallowing. ... 1 week later ... Allie ate a mouthful of stew and relaxed watching TV, her foot jerked in Nick's hands as he hit a particularly tender spot. "Sorry Allie," she apologized lifting her kissing her foot tenderly. She smiled but affected a 'harsh' tone. "Don't let it happen again footboy," she commanded, she knew he got off on that stuff and shifted on the couch resting the bowl on her chest. He shifted adjusting his jeans. "Yes, mistress," he answered quietly, she found it kinda hot too. It'd been a trying week, there was a length nationwide announcement the day after the ships came down, covering cleanup and trauma, establish connection and maintaining relationships after the change, and forging ahead; government bullshit, they didn't cover anything about the fucking spaceship! She'd looked after worm with a couple phone calls and was set up to come in the next day, easy as pie--Allie's eyes flicked over to Nick, he'd slipped off her sock and was sniffing it, he was her beautiful weirdo, her cute little sub.

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The Slave Lottery

The infamous Slave Lottery. A place were women can earn alot of money, but risk a very small yet tangible threat of becoming a sex slave for the rest of their life. Starting long ago in a unnamed country, the lottery has been air live across the world for years for the viewing pleasure of all. Taking place every 3 weeks, 100 ladies who applied are lined up on stage and given numbers. Every round, a machine with randomly pick a few of the girls numbers. The numbers that are picked move on to the...

3 years ago
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Lifes a Lottery

This is a long story and it is also my first, please be gentle!! I originally wanted to do this with images, but it proved too hard (anyone with help or images they feel suitable please email) normal stuff applies if you are under 18, of a nervous disposition or don't like bondage/tg etc (why are you here!) don't read. Please give feedback (except spelling, grammar mistakes - life's too short!!!) Denver I love your stories please write more soon. On with the...

2 years ago
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The Lottery

“If you won the lottery, would you still want me, Sylvia?” She was leaning against me, after just coming back out of the house. She went in to go to the bathroom and grab us some water. Both of us were tired after mowing and cleaning up the yard. It was really hot out. “Of course, sweetie. I saved an angel, and an angel saved me. I wouldn’t trade my angel for all the money in the world. I might buy her a ring and ask her to marry me, but I doubt she would say yes. She’s so young and pretty and...

3 years ago
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The Lottery

At South Bay University tuition is free. It is a haven for low income students and families who otherwise might not be able to send their children to a 4 year school. The reason they can afford this is their lottery. The lottery is a drawing where one student’s name is picked and for the remainder of their schooling they are to remain completely naked even when on weekends or break. The university thoroughly documents the naked student’s life and studies through both picture and video and...

4 years ago
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The Lottery

Frank Albert, the man with two first names, stared at his lottery ticket with disbelief. Naturally he was overjoyed, but part of him was also disappointed he didn’t win the money earlier. $700 million dollars. He could have used that when he was a young man, but he was still a virile 70 year old man and had some time to spend it well. There were lots of things he’d like to do, and now was finally his chance. There was a list of vacations to run through. One week later, he’s on the news having...

5 years ago
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Company Lottery

I work at an office in the mail room. I'm so much more than the mail person; if someone has a problem, they call me. I help people get their car started or give them a ride home. If they need something opened or need office supplies but do not have time to get them, I’m the man for the job. You work as an executive in the office. No one would care if you showed up at work or not. You work alone and are very antisocial. You even tell me to drop off the mail and get out. Even after you treated...

Office Sex
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Win a lottery lose a lottery

Ever wonder what winning the lottery might be like? Not just the paltry $1million dollar stuff but a really big Powerball hundreds of millions of dollars one. Well, I did and this is my story. I led a fairly normal life. At least for a practicing cross dresser with a bent for some submissive play now and again. I had visited many Mistresses in several dungeons in five or six states. The first session with each was always the best because of the unknown. What would this dominant do...

2 years ago
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The Lottery

The Lottery By: Melody Anne, aka Malissa Madison Sitting on the large wooden deck overlooking the Lake in the early Spring morning, a cup of Hazelnut Coffee on the glass top patio table she thought back over her past. She'd always been a troubled child. Always in trouble for one reason or another. Not because she was bad, but because she liked Dolls, and dresses and high heels, and anything else that society felt were reserved for little girls. Yes, she always knew in her...

1 year ago
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The Lottery

I won the lottery. Really big....over 300 million dollars paid out over the next 25 years. In my late twenties and now filthy rich. What to do? What to do? After I won, I did all the things that you are supposed to do: traveled, bought a nice house, not too big but certainly big enough, and pampered myself with all the gadgets and everything else to fill out my home. One of the things I pampered myself with was Sarah. She, I hired away from a local massage parlor as a live in maid/house girl,...

2 years ago
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I Won the Lottery

Foreword Normally, I write it, read it, fix the obvious screw ups, and then post it. This time was a little different. Ok, a lot different. I had an offer to edit my story and I’d like to thank a great lady for taking the time to do that for me. She is a writer here at Lit and her name is Alexis Haines. She did her best to correct my punctuation and grammar, which is a full time job. I took most of her advice, so any screw-ups should still be attributed to me. She also took interest enough to...

4 years ago
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Gender Lottery

It has been close to a hundred years since the last female was born. Nearly fifty years since they started being made. The Gender Lottery has been in place for the last thirty five years. Its still a mystery as to why girls stopped being born. One day the world was as it was before, the next day only baby boys were being born from the female womb. This was a hard thing for many to accept, and many at first believed this would be the end of humanity since males couldnt reproduce with one...

2 years ago
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Winning the Lottery

You snap awake just minutes before your alarm was set to go off. You shut it off, heart thundering in your chest. What you just witnessed was no dream. "Congratulations," it had said to you, though you hadn't been sure it had really said anything, the sound apparently coming from within your own brain, "you've won the Galactic Lottery! To receive your gift, please continue to exist for at least five hundred more galactic time units!" Looking around your bedroom, sweating now, though your heart...

Mind Control
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Like Winning A Lottery

Like Winning A Lottery By: Londebaaz ChohanThere was absolutely, positively no doubt that I was bisexual with strong sexual urges for both sexes. By the age of 23, I had lived with two women but both times; the relationship could not evolve into a flaring long term love because the need for gay sex took over me and the hetero relation had to end. All this aside; I also realized that it was not any easier to be known as gay or bisexual and I only had all gay episodes as one-night stand’s sexual...

3 years ago
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I won the lottery

Life Goes On Introduction: So the girl's a little older than I might have otherwise had in, but one has to observe the house preferences' As always, comments and a vote are always appreciated. So after 35 years of marriage, my wife decided she’d had enough (of what, she never did say) and one sunny day announced she’s going to go live with her sister. She wanted a divorce and half of my retirement. We went through several months of this and that legal crap and a few arguments over some...

2 years ago
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A lucky day playing the lottery

I stopped at the local deli this morning to get an egg sandwich and a coffee. When I walked into the store the first thing that caught my eye was the fiftysh blond BBW going over scratch off tickets in the corner. I quickly checked her out, trying to be discrete,  I could tell that she was curvy and had big tits. I went and placed my order and went to pay at the register. While waiting for my order, the BBW came up to the lottery station (next to the register) and handed over a couple of...

Oral Sex
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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This female boss is used to getting her own way even when an employee wins the lottery

Her name was Susan and she was a woman of excess and power. She was used to getting her own way with everything. But her anger seemed to dissipate very quickly as she spoke. “I heard on the radio this morning. Congratulations.” She seemed to mean it, and that took the steam out of my fire. “I suppose you are here to quit? Don’t blame you actually – given half a chance I would be out of here like lightning myself.” Oh, did I mention she was also smart....

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Planetary lottery

My name is Adam Ferguson, a 22 year old who has generally had a bad life and what I'm going through right now would have to be one of, if not, the toughest time in my life. I was broke and had nothing to go on due to me blowing my savings on a gamble. My career was young and I wanted to make a name for myself but to my bitter disappointment my gamble hadn't payed off and damaged the company's reputation. As a result of this, I'd been fired by my boss and was looked down upon by my colleagues....

Mind Control

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