My wife an my boss
- 3 years ago
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This incident happened in 1988/1989. Then I was employed as a clerk by a
Chettiar who owned provision stores and Godowns. I was looking after his
grain Godowns and I was to take care of all activities there including receiving cash for the items sold and depositing the cash in bank. For petty expenses like paying cart charges et cetera I will keep a small amount with me. When major payments are to be made he himself will pay the cash or issue cheques from his bank account.
Daily in the night (if he does not come to the Godown) I will lock the Godown and go to his house to give the key to him. Though I used to go to his house quite often I would remain there for minimum time only. He had two wives. Both wives were sisters. The elder sister did not
get any children and so he had married her younger sister as his second wife.
She had given him two boys and one daughter, and they were studying in school.
The elder wife’s name was Govindamma and younger wife’s name was Venkitamma. I
will address them as “Periamma” (Tamil word for Elder or Senior Madam) and
Chinnamma (Tamil word for Little or Junior Madam) out of respect for them.The senior Govindamma ( I will refer as G ) was about 40 – 45 years old and she was a very big bodied woman. When she walks it will be like a small mountain moving. She was so fatty that her buttocks looked like two big pumpkins.
She was dark and her face was pock-marked. She had very uneven teeth and when she speaks sometimes spittle will be sprayed. (While speaking with her, out of courtesy for her, with some difficulty I will refrain from wiping my face sprayed with her spittle). She was not very literate and was ignorant. But she was very soft natured and will speak kindly and courteously with everyone. Whenever I go to his house if she sees me she will enquire about my welfare and she will normally ask me to have coffee or fruit – juice.
If I happen to go during hot afternoons she will give me cool buttermilk or sherbet to drink. Altogether she was a very nice woman and I will make it a point to see her and offer my greetings to her whenever I go to his house. But her sister (I will refer as V ) was quite opposite. She was about 40 years and she was lean, dark and very ill tempered. She had a bony dark face, very hard set and without any smile. She will talk very rudely and often she will
command me to do some errands though
I was not at all supposed to do such works. But she was educated, shrewd and knew well about Chettiar’s business matters. It was well known that she was keeping Chettiar under her thumb and she wielded absolute control over him. We used to joke that that she was the real Mr. Chettiar and our boss was only her dummy. I had to necessarily contact her many times in connection with Godown matters like cash payments et cetera. Knowing her nature and power and fearing she may speak badly about me to Chettiar,
I will do whatever she commands but I normally would avoid meeting her as far as possible. In my movements with her I will always feel very much disturbed by her abrasive and irritating manners though I cannot make an outward show of my resentment to her for obvious reasons. One day some load of oil tins were received in the Godown but Chettiar had not
given me the money for settlement. The vendor wanted immediate payment and so I telephoned Chettiar.
He said the cheque was kept ready in his house. He told me to go to his house, get the cheque and settle to the vendor. Then I went to his house. First I met G and after some polite talk with her I told her the purpose of my visit. Then she called for V and when V came from the rear portion of the house, G told her “this boy wants some money for the Godown and Uncle (Chettiar) has asked him to take it from the house — see what it is”. Then G went upstairs. I explained my requirement to V.
V told me “Chettiar has not told me anything and he has also not given any cheque to me — but if he has kept the cheque ready then it should be on his table only — so you go and see in his office room”. So I entered his office room and found nothing on the table. V had followed me
inside the room and standing close to me and she was watching my search on the
table… V then told me “open the drawer and see inside also”. Then I opened his table drawer to see inside.
I found the cheque book in the drawer and took it outside. Chettiar had written the cheque for settlement to the oil vendor and also signed it. I showed it to V and said I will take it. She asked me to show the oil delivery invoice and I showed it to her. She compared the invoice and cheque and after satisfying herself that the payment was correct she asked me to take the cheque. While doing so she had moved very close to me and she was standing just one or two inches from me.
I placed the cheque book on the table and tore the particular cheque foil from
the book. At that time she moved even closer and she suddenly touched my crotch with her hand. I got a jolt and moved back with some fear and misgiving. She grinned at me and I was now quite confused. She again touched and grabbed my cock with her hand and lightly squeezed it.
With her unexpected touch my cock became raised and it started pressing against my pant cloth. I did not know what to do and with some confusion I looked at her. As I was always afraid of her temper her act now totally unsettled me and I could not believe it. I fearfully looked at the door to ensure that G or nobody was seeing it. She giggled and said “akka (Tamil word for elder sister) has gone upstairs to sleep — so don’t fear”. She caressed my cock even more and I became excited and afraid at the same time and looked at her with more confusion.
Looking at my fear and confusion she softly asked “why — don’t you like my
touch?”. I could not reply and just stood mute. She was now rubbing my cock
vigorously and it had bulged to bursting point and I had very much difficulty in controlling my erection and my emotions. I said with some tremor in my voice “Madam — I will now go”. She tittered and said “how — will you go outside like this when your stick is standing huge and
I could not say anything and looked at her with utter confusion. She told me in soft Voice “I know what you do in the Godown — there you daily fuck the ladies kept for cleaning Grains — is it not?”. I looked at her with trepidation. What she told was correct. There were three women in the Godown for cleaning the grains and I was fucking them, of course with their full consent. But we were keeping it a secret and I had no idea how it came to the knowledge of V. So in a weak voice I said “madam — I am sorry — I do not do any such thing — somebody has said to you wrongly about me”.
She grinned and said “don’t lie — I know everything about what you do in the
Godown”. I again weakly said “no madam — you have got wrong information about
me”. She tittered and said “I know all things because sometimes I call those
women to come here and do some work in the house — I have enquired with them
about your behavior and they have told me in every detail about what you do with them — so don’t deny uselessly.”
I was now quite afraid because she was a powerful lady. One word from her to
Chettiar will end my job. I am from a poor family and the income I was earning
as Godown keeper was very much essential to our family. So I looked at her
fearfully and again said “it is not correct madam — I do not do anything wrong — I request you to please believe me and not think badly about me”.
She giggled and said “I know everything — but don’t fear — I will not tell it to anybody — those ladies told nice stories about how you fuck them — so I just wanted to check myself whether you are real good man — now I find you have very nice Pudukku (Tamil word for penis) — so how about giving me a taste of it?”.
I was totally shocked and looked in extreme confusion at her. I had not expected such words from her and I stood rooted there catching my breath. I looked at the door to confirm nobody was watching this. She saw my looking at the door and said “don’t fear — we are alone and none will trouble us”.
All this time she had kept on rubbing my cock and I could not bear it any
longer. My erection was tremendous and I feared my cock will pierce through my
pant zip. I very badly wanted to ease the pressure but her rubbing kept on
increasing it. At the same time my fear for her was also too much and I could
not do anything. So in a weak voice I said “madam — please allow me to go — I
should not remain here longer — if elder madam or somebody sees us it will be a danger”.
She tittered and said “who is there to see us? – don’t worry about akka — she
has gone to sleep and will not come down now — even if she comes and sees us
what she will do? – she will keep quiet because she is my sister — she will not tell this to Chettiar — so come and do it to me”.
I could not say anything and stood mute because my fear of her was still there. She sensed my uneasiness and teasingly said “what? — it seems your Pudukku prefers only the pundai (Tamil word for cunt) of those ugly women in Godown and not me — do you find I am inferior to them?”. I really was perplexed and said “no madam — you are very superior to them — but you are also wife of Chettiar — my boss — so I am afraid”. She tittered and said “come — relax and Have no fear – let us not waste time”. All along she had been rubbing my cock and it had raised to full height and was pushing against my pant. In spite of my fear for her I was also getting quite excited and my cock wanted to burst through my cloth. My breathing also became shallow and with confused thoughts I stared at her and remained mute.
She sensed my hesitation and she pressed herself even closer to me and winked.
Automatically I embraced her and caught her buttocks and squeezed them. She
smiled and said “now you are doing it fine”. She grabbed my cock and started to squeeze it and vigorously rubbed it to increase my feeling. I caught and madly squeezed her buttocks. She was only wearing a sari and beneath that she did not have petticoat or underwear.
Her buttocks were bony and felt hard because she was not having much flesh in her buttocks but they were hot and I got a thrill squeezing them. She winked at me and said “why only kundi (Tamil word for buttocks) — what about my mulai (Tamil word for tits) – don’t you want them?”. With her left hand she took away her sari covering her chest and her boobs were now jutting beneath her blouse. Her boobs were also small and a little sagging. She unbuttoned her blouse.
As she did not wear bodice or bra under her blouse, her tits became free. They were also black and her nipples were out of shape like crushed black grapes. I caught both her tits and roughly squeezed them. In the meantime she had opened my pant zip and inserting her hand inside she
tried to pull my cock out. Because I was wearing tight fitting underwear she
could not pull out my cock and it also gave me pain. I stepped away from her and undid my pant and underwear. Now I was nude below waist.
My cock stood rigid and rocked. Water had started oozing from it and my cock was very moist. She saw it and said “nice pudukku — the Godown women have told correctly about you”. I felt a little shy but in an instant she pushed me and I sat in the chair behind the table. She knelt and placed her mouth on my cock and busily sucked it. I had not expected it and tried to get up but she forced me to sit and kept on sucking and licking my cock. She also nicely rubbed my shaft while sucking the cockhead. I felt I was in a paradise and closing my eyes
I leaned a little back so that my cock would jut out more for her sucking. I placed my hand on her head and ruffled her hair with tenderness. She mouth fucked me vigorously and soon I came to release my water as I could not hold it anymore. I also feared whether I can shoot my semen inside her mouth. So I said “little madam — please remove your mouth — my water is coming — let me squirt it outside”. I said in Tamil “Chinnamma – enakku thanni varudhu – neenga vaaya edunga – naan velila peechchidaraen”.
I thought she will remove her mouth but she simply grabbed my hips more tightly and pulling herself still closer she buried my cock deeply in her mouth and sucked even more. I could not hold any further and spurted inside her mouth with a little moan. I had a deeply satisfying ejaculation and she drank all my juice and we remained like that till I went fully limp inside her hot mouth.
Later she got up and smilingly said “now how do you feel — whether I am better
or those old cunts in Godown are better?”. I grinned and said “little madam —
you are really superb — previously I always feared you but now I love you very
dearly”. She laughed and said “okay — you should now leave — correct your dress, take the cheque and go”. She corrected her blouse and sari and stood away from me. I was eager to have a look at her nude body so with a little smile I said ”
I showed my cock to you — I want to see you — show your kundi (buttocks) and pundai (cunt) to me”. She looked at me with a little frown and tersely said “you should know how to behave — when I say go then you should go”. I did not like her tone and felt very bad about it. But I got back into my senses and left from there. Later when I reached the Godown, I hotly asked the three ladies there “why you people have told to Little Madam that I fuck you people”. First they denied it but I hotly told them ”
Little Madam is very well aware of it – she questioned me today about it and I had to admit it — it is all due to your mistake — why you people did not keep quiet?”. Then they became a little afraid and confessed to me “whenever we go to do any work for her in the house she would question us about how Chettiar and you treated us – she was asking very particularly about you — you know her nature – we are more afraid of her than Chettiar – when she deeply questioned us, we could not deny it and admitted you are fucking us —
Please pardon us — we did not mean any harm to you”. They were afraid for my safety and expressed concern as to whether I will lose my job now. I kept quiet and did not tell them about what happened. Thereafter on numerous occasions I went to Chettiar’s house but each time I will politely speak with both ladies. I was careful not to take any sort of liberty with Little Madam and she was also maintaining her hard exterior to me. Further also there were no occasions for us to be alone.
After a few weeks one day I had to go to Chettiar’s house when he was away from Chennai. The children had gone to school. I needed a few records related to commercial tax and I asked Senior Madam for it. As usual she told to her sister to see about it. V then took me to the office room. Because he was not there that room was locked and she opened it with a key. We both entered it. The records were kept locked in a cupboard and V gave me the key to open it. I
searched the files inside and took those wanted by me. V was standing behind me.
Suddenly in between my legs she inserted her hand and rubbed my testicles and
cock. I turned my neck and looked at her. She smiled and said softly “today we
will celebrate”. I looked at the door and said “madam — the senior madam is just outside in the hall”. She giggled and said “so what — should I call her also for joining in our play?”. I was perplexed and stood agape. She said “come — take out your Pudukku”. I weakly said “but the room door is open”.
She giggled and said “how long you are going to worry about my akka — don’t fear her”. I gulped and stood mute. She then asked me to turn and I did so. I was holding a few files in my hand. She took them and threw them to the table top. They landed with a thud and
fearfully I looked at the door. She tittered and pulled me to her. I then
grabbed her buttocks and squeezed them very hard. She grinned and unfastened my belt and my pant fell down.
She then untied the string of my underwear and it also fell down exposing my cock. She was wearing only a sari and I lifted it above her hip and grabbed and squeezed her naked buttocks very hard. By now my cock was raging and a drop of water fell from it. She pushed me to the floor and I lied on the floor. She pulled away my pant and underwear. My shaft was standing erect and dancing. She simply lifted her sari above her hip and I got a view of her cunt. She was black and her cunt was very big.
Her cunt lips were loose and covered with dark bushy hair. Her clitoris was very pronounced like a big brown nut and she rubbed it a few times with her finger. It became more rigid and the sight excited me. Then she uncovered her chest and unbuttoned her blouse to make her tits free.
The door to the office room was in front portion of hall and chairs and sofa
were put in rear portion of the hall, where I thought G was sitting. Lying on
the floor of the office room and with its door open I was fully exposed to the
hall. I feared that if G were to come to the front of the hall she would see us.
I also felt if I remain a longer time in the office room she may come inside to see why I was still there. I did not want G to know about me and V. So I said “little madam — the door is open — I will go and close it”. I was about to get up when she said “remain quiet — do you want to advertise what we do by closing the door?”. I did not know what to say and remained lying on the floor with my pole standing erect and pulsating like a tree in strong wind.
V stood over me with her legs on both sides of me and sat on me taking my cock
inside her cunt. My cock went easily and fully inside her cunt. Her cunt muscles gripped my shaft tightly and she started to move up and down increasing the pressure on my shaft. I enjoyed it and I grabbed her tits and pressed them madly. She liked it and smiled at me. I caught her nipples and crushed them with great force and she increased her pumping speed.
Her cunt muscles were exerting tight pressure on my shaft and I felt a hot rubbing sensation which was divine. In those days I had one very bad habit. In my line of work I had to talk
roughly many times using foul language with the cart pullers or loading and
unloading coolies coming to Godown. They were illiterate, short tempered and did not know good manners. Many times I will even scold in foul language the three cleaning women to get faster work from them. It was never done with any ill will.
But the working atmosphere was such that using polite language was mistaken for show of fear and weakness. At that time I was regularly fucking those ladies in the Godown who were illiterate and very rough natured. While fucking I will moan and make loud noises in ecstasy. I will scold them with very nasty words to goad them for putting more speed in fucking. I felt it increased my enjoyment and also induced the ladies to show more vigor while fucking. Of course they did not mind me using such foul language.
The more I scolded them, the more they laughed and they will also use more filthy words and it was all very enjoyable. Hence that habit had formed in me. (After I got regular employment I dropped this habit, and now while fucking I never use foul words because my wife does not like it). In my excitement I started to moan and blabber. Because she was wife of my boss, out of respect and fear for her,
I first said some nice words, praising her dearly for the pleasure she was giving me. Soon my excitement increased and I started urging her to show more speed and out of habit I slipped into using foul words. I said “headless women — with your rotten cunt why are you rubbing my cock in a dull fashion? — give me a very hot fuck”. (I said in Tamil “Mundai Ennadi unnoda avisa pundayai vaichukkittu enn pudukkai summa thadavikkittu irukkae — pottu kuththudi nalla soodu parakka)”.
As soon as I uttered these words I realized my mistake and looked at her with
fear. Even my penis became a little limp due to my anxiety. However she tittered and said “shit eating beggar — do you want more heat? — I will give you such a heat that your penis will get roasted very well”. (In Tamil she said “Pee thinni paradesi — innum soodu vaenuma? — podara podula unnoda pudukku nalla vendhu pogum paaruda)”.
Her these words gave me comfort and I grinned at her. She planted both her hand on my shoulders and enthusiastically fucked me and I reached maximum tightness in my loins. I wanted to shoot but was afraid about it. I had not worn condom. She was about 35 — 40 years age and so she was in danger zone. So I said in a soft voice “little madam —kindly get up from me — my water is coming”. She tittered and banged herself on me fully burying my shaft inside her cunt and I could not control any longer and shot out my semen in mighty jets into her cunt.
She fell on me taking all my water inside her and I closed my eyes in pure ecstasy. I grabbed her buttocks and kneading them like dough, I closed my eyes and blabbered sweet nothings into her ears. I think we remained like that for a few minutes. Later I became fully limp and
she got up from me. I opened my eyes and I saw someone moving away from the
door. I became immediately concerned and in a fearful voice I said ”
I am afraid senior madam came and saw us — she just left from the door”. But V only giggled. She corrected her dress and went outside. I remained there for some time and later got up and corrected my dress. I then took the files from the table and after locking the cupboard I came out of the office room. I did not find G or V in the hall and assumed they had gone to the rear portion of the house. I stood hesitatingly for sometime but they did not come to the hall. I had to leave that place after telling them and also returning the cupboard key to them. So I called to them and G came to the hall.
She intensely looked at me and I averted my eyes. I returned the key with thanks and bidding farewell I left that place. I was quite sure that G had seen our act. I did not know what she will do and I feared about meeting her when I again go to Chettiar’s house. She was a very
good lady and I had great respect for her. She was also very nice to me always.
So I was afraid now about what she will think of me after seeing my act. I had
fucked her sister, the wife of my boss in his own house and both G and V were
his wives too. I felt now I have lost her goodwill and only prayed she will keep quiet and not say about my conduct to Chettiar.
I will go to his house usually on the nights only when he does not come to close the godown. Then I will lock the godown and give keys to him or any person in the house. During my visits in the night, I may not see G or even if I see her I will just give her the key and immediately leave. It is only when I happen to go during daytimes, I will chat with her and such occasions were not many. So after this incident, I went several times in the night but I carefully avoided meeting or speaking with G.
Some days later one trader gave me a lump sum for a settlement. The invoice was not in godown. I telephoned Chettiar to know whether to issue receipt and
deposit the cash in bank account or I should keep the cash with me for him to
take in the evening. Chettiar could not immediately confirm whether the
settlement was in order. He told the trader to take receipt later and told me to take advice from V as the invoice was in his house.
I telephoned and she said in a soft coquettish voice “you come here — I will show you all” and tittered. I felt a stirring in my cock and at the same time I was afraid of G. So I said “Senior Madam may not like me to come there when Chettiar is not in the house — so please see the invoice and tell me”. She simply said “you do what I say — I will not waste my time talking on telephone” and ended the talk.
So I went to his house and much to my dismay I found G opening the door. I was
feeling guilty when I saw her and with trepidation and in a faltering voice I
told my purpose. Her look did not convey me anything but this time she did not
offer me coffee which she always will do. It indicated she did not like what I
did and I had fallen from her favor.
She merely asked me to come inside and
called V to come and attend me. Then she went and sat in hall sofa and started
stitching some garment. V came and we went to office room. I gave the cash to her and she counted it. Then she took several invoices from the table drawer and gave me. I located the one concerned and verified. I confirmed to her that the settlement was correct.
She took some amount from the cash and locked it in the cupboard. She gave the
balance to me and told me deposit it in bank. Taking the invoice and balance cash I started to go. She winked at me and said “is that all — nothing more is there?”. I could not reply anything and weakly said “that is all” and stood looking at her. She giggled and said “come — take away your dress and lie down”.
I looked at her and said in a weak voice “senior madam seems to be angry with me — let me go”. She said “so what — do you want me or not?”. I stood mute and she said “if you don’t like me then go away”. I gulped and said “I like you very much — but I do not want to make senior madam or Chettiar angry”.
In the meantime she took away the sari from her chest and opened her blouse. Her tits became free and I stared at her nipples. My cock started to grow rigid. I kept the invoice and cash on table and quickly removed my pant and underwear freeing my bulging cock. She caught my penis and briskly jerked it. It stood even more bold now. I grabbed her tits and pressed them very hard. I tweaked her nipples and pulled them. She gripped my penis hard and jerked faster and it increased my pleasure and made my cock more swollen.
Then she lifted her sari above her hip and lied on the floor. Now her naked cunt and ass were in my view. Her buttocks were dark and bony. Her asshole was also dark. I knelt between her legs and caught her thighs and raised her to position. Then I just pushed my cock into her cunt and madly banged her. She gripped my hips and moved me faster. It gave vigorous rubbing to my cock. In a short time I exploded into her hole draining my hot semen in great bursts inside her. Fully exhausted I fell on her and crushed her body beneath mine and she tightly embraced me and I buried my face in her shoulder.
I remained like that till I was totally limp. I tried to get up then but she
locked her legs behind my back trapping me in her hole. She raised my head from her shoulder and I eagerly mouthed her nipple and deeply sucked it. The other nipple I caught in my fingers and crushed with full strength. She hissed and I lessened my pressure. She took my testicles and gently shook and rubbed them to my liking. I sucked her other nipple now and she speeded up her massaging of my testicles. With one finger she tickled my anus and then inserted a finger halfway into my asshole and tickled there also.
We remained in that way for quite some time. Once I looked at the door when I
sensed I saw a shadow there. But I was not sure whether G had stood there. I
assumed she knew what we were doing and she had come and seen our act. I said in a slow voice “senior madam knows this — she is angry with me — she did not offer coffee to me which she normally does”. She said “but what do you want — her coffee or my koodhi (Tamil word for cunt)?”. She then lightly squeezed my balls and I grinned and said “anytime I want your koodhi only”. She also grinned at me.
But my fear had not entirely vanished. Even if G did not see us in the very act, the very long time we remained in office room is enough to raise doubt and alert her. (I don’t need beyond five minutes to take my papers from the room). She was nice to me but she will not go the extent of permitting me to fuck her sister. She may not tell about it to Chettiar, but she may tell him to stop My coming to his house. Chettiar is not a naïve person and he will immediately find the reason. He may not do any harm to V. But I am nobody for him. He has no reason to forgive me and he will crush me like a bedbug.
Therefore in a pleading tone I told her “little madam — what I do is wrong and
senior madam will not like it — she will want to end this and all she has to do is to stop me coming here anymore — this she herself can do by ordering me —
then I will stop coming here further but it would at least save my job and life — but if she asks Chettiar to stop my coming here there is danger —
He will find the reason and I cannot bear the consequences — so please save me”. Then in a low voice she said “akka knows — how she will not know — she has got eyes and ears?”. My fear doubled and I said “little madam — I don’t want trouble — if one word reaches Chettiar he will kill and bury me”. She giggled and said “whether he buries you or cremates you — why should I care?”. I was aghast with her callous reply and looked at her with fear. Then in a pleading voice I said “please protect me —
I cannot face Chettiar’s anger”. She tittered and said “don’t worry — akka will not tell anybody anything”. I was not convinced of her reply and looked doubtfully at her with worry. She
tittered and said “see — when I tell you not to worry then you should believe me — akka will not do any harm to us — she may not like this but she will never interfere to stop this — she will keep quiet and allow you total freedom to please me — so have no fear”.
I was still doubtful and said “little madam — I cannot believe what you say —
senior madam will not harm you — but I am nobody — why would she tolerate this
when what I do is wrong?”. When I spoke like this she looked at me angrily. Then in a very loud and angry tone she said “I tell you and you take it – like a mad person you are talking about your fear for what she will do — you know her better than me? — she is my sister — she knows what you and I do – she will not stop this or harm you — so drop this matter now and never speak it again”.
I was taken aback by her hot and loud words. I fearfully looked at her and at
the door. I was sure her voice was heard in the hall. From the hall senior madam asked “what happened?”. Then in loud tone V replied “it is nothing”.I fearfully looked at the door but to my great relief G did not come to see us. (I was still locked inside V). Then in a soft voice V said “see — are you satisfied now or still having doubts? — I told you she will not trouble us — so don’t bother about it anymore”.
I was now feeling a little bit easy. G was very much in the hall and she had not interfered with us. So it convinced me that G will keep quiet about us. With this realization my tension left me and now I eagerly looked at V. She grinned and ruffled my hair and I squeezed her bums very hard. Then I pulled her to me and deeply kissed her and our hot mouths locked for a long time.
Later rubbing her back I asked “little madam — don’t get angry —
But why senior madam allows this”. She giggled and said “are you still thinking about akka? — why? — do you want to fuck her also?”. Her words caught me off-balance and said “no — no — I have great respect for her”. She giggled and said “so you will not fuck her?”. I immediately replied “no”. She tittered and said “but you fuck me – that means you don’t respect me”. I did not know how to reply and said “no –
I have great respect for you also”. She said “but you fuck me”. I replied “it is because you wanted it”. She said “then you don’t want it?”. I said “it is not like that — really I want it very much”. She said “then you will fuck akka also if she wants it?”. I did not know what to reply and kept mum. She tittered at my dismay and gave a hard slap on my buttock.
All these talk put my mind at ease and I now felt my cock stiffening and I
wanted a second fuck. I eagerly squeezed her breasts and grinned at her. She
sensed my cock swelling inside her and smiled at me. I mouthed her one nipple
and sucked it vigorously while rubbing and massaging the other nipple. She
tickled my anus and rubbed my testicles which increased my pleasure.
Now my cock had risen fully and was beating inside her cunt. I wanted to fuck and said “little madam — I am now ready”. She smiled and said “I know”. Then she unlocked her legs behind me and spread them so that I can move. She bent her legs and catching hold of her knees I vigorously moved inside her and she matched my movement by raising her hip. I banged fast and she cupped and gently squeezed and shook my balls. I was transported to heaven and soon I
started moaning.
Because I was not having any fear of G now I loudly moaned and ground my penis in her cunt with all my force. Soon I lost control and started to blabber filthy words at her and she smiled at me enjoying it. Then in a great burst I came inside her spilling my hot semen like a flood. Then with my eyes closed I lay exhausted on her breathing like a python. She again locked her legs behind my back keeping my warm penis inside her cunt.
All this had taken about one hour and I felt I should not stay any further
because I had to go to bank etc., So I told her “I should go now — otherwise
bank will be closed”. She unlocked her legs. We got up and corrected our clothes and she left from there. I collected the invoice and cash and came outside. I did not find V but G was sitting in sofa doing her stitching. She just looked at me and shifted her eyes to her stitching. I felt somewhat uneasy.
Had she scolded me or said any harsh words I would have felt better. But she totally ignored me and I felt bad. I also wanted to pass urine urgently but so far I had never asked them for using toilet in their house. So hesitatingly I asked her “senior madam — can I use toilet?”. Without looking at me she said “go inside”. I went to rear side of the house and found V in the kitchen. She asked “why are you here — have you not left for the bank?”. I said “I wanted to pass urine — senior madam allowed me to use bathroom”.
She smiled and said “should I come and hold your pudukku for it?”. I grinned and said “no”. Then I went to urinal and finished it. After taking leave from V in kitchen I came to hall and took leave from G. She did not reply and it saddened me much but I left from there. After this on many occasions I went in night only so I did not meet/speak with either of them. On one occasion when I went during daytime some of their relatives were present so I did my work quickly and returned.
After some weeks, one day I had to get some documents from the house and so I
telephoned Chettiar first and on his advice I spoke with V. She eagerly invited me. I went and met them. When I offered my greetings to G she simply nodded her head. Then V and me went inside the office room. I first located the records needed by me. In the meantime V removed her dress entirely and stood nude before me with an inviting smile. I was excited and quickly I removed my pant and underwear. V lied on the floor and I knelt between her.
When I positioned my stiff cock to enter her she said “first suck my pundai”. I then mouthed her cunt and sucked it. I rubbed her cuntlips and clitoris with my hot tongue and inserted my tongue inside her tunnel and licked there. She moaned with little noise and soon her juice started to flow and I greedily sucked it. Then her cunt had become very wet and I got up to fuck her.
She said “you lie down” and I did so. She sat up and mouthed my raging cock and busily sucked it. I had already neared climax when I was licking her cunt. So when she mouthed and sucked my cock I could not control anymore and so very soon I spurted inside her mouth and she readily gulped all my semen.
When I became limp in her mouth she sat up and I looked at her and grinned. She asked “what do you want now — to suck me?”. I nodded my head and she lied down. I sat up and catching her buttocks I raised her hips to bury my mouth in her cunt. But grabbing her buttocks gave me a different idea and I looked at her bums and asshole with a desire to fuck in her buttocks. Her buttocks were dark, bony and covered with hair.
Her asshole was also dark and looked like small black button. The sight of her buttocks was not appealing to me. From the first time of my sexual awakening, say around 12 years, I have been
fascinated by the buttocks of women. I love to watch their bums, and I am fond
of anal intercourse. But somehow her black bony buttocks did not entice me and
so I mouthed her cunt and sucked her again. She enjoyed it and encouraged me by uttering small moans and foul words.
Soon I became erect again and I pushed my penis inside her cunt and fucked her. I did not hurry and slowly fucked her for quite some time and she urged me to put more speed. I grabbed and squeezed her tits and increased the speed. But it was not enough for her and she started banging me by raising and lowering her hip. With both our movements my shaft was rubbed very much inside her cunt and I climaxed with a happy sigh and fell on her crushing her beneath me.
After I became fully limp inside her I got up from her and she immediately
dressed and left the room. I dressed and came outside with the documents. I
found G sitting in sofa and I felt I should at least talk a few words to her. V had gone to rear portion of the house. Collecting my courage I began saying
“senior madam…” She said “toilet is back side — go if you want”. I felt bad and said “it is not that — I know you are angry with me — I want to explain”.
She looked at me intensely and I looked at the floor timidly. She said “what you want to explain?”. I said “what happens between me and little madam — I know it hurts your feelings — I am very sorry for that”. I thought of saying that it was all started by V and I merely went along with her wishes. But I did not say it because then G will hold me in still lower esteem if I throw all the blame on her sister. I said “I know it is wrong and I am afraid what will happen to me if Chettiar comes to know this”.
After a few seconds she said “I will not say a word to him about this — there is no problem to you from my side”. She still did not say she understood my position and she pardoned me so I stood hesitating before her mutely. In the meantime V came from inside and looked questioningly at me. She asked me “what is it?”. I said “nothing” and stood looking at G. V asked her “what is it — akka?’. G said “this boy fears I will tell uncle about him”.
V looked at me and said “she will not tell — you go now”. I said “it is not like that — senior madam is angry and not happy with me — so I apologized to her but she has not said anything in reply”. V looked at me with irritation and said in a blistering voice “so what you want her to do — should she put garland in your neck and kiss you? — I told you to go — then go — don’t stand here like a tree”.
Her harsh words stunned me and I looked fearfully at her. G got up and went inside without even looking at me. I realized that I should not stand a second longer there and so immediately left. However I was now fully convinced that G will not harm me, though I will never
regain her affection. I also realized that I can fuck V whenever we are alone
but I cannot take her lightly. To her I will always remain a simple clerk and
nothing more.
I was not given any concession with her just because she allowed me to fuck her. While having sex with her she allowed me full liberty to use her body as I pleased and even encouraged me to fully explore her in many ways. But when it came to office work she was always very rude and quite taxing. After sometime I fully understood her character and kept myself within the limits
After this I had sex with V almost on every occasion when I went during daytime. First I will finish the office matter and then with a grin she will allow me to take her. I would fuck her one or two shots depending on the time I spent with her and it was always quite enjoyable to me and I loved her for the pleasure she gave me. Also I would always pay my respects to G during such visits. She would speak politely to me but remained aloof and she never showed me her former affection. Sadly I could not regain her former goodwill anymore.
Like this perhaps I spent close to two years. Later I got another job and my
visits to his house ended. When I got married in 1996, I invited them to my
marriage but they could not come. Then me and my wife went and saw them. Both G and V welcomed us warmly and spoke with us fondly for a long time. G lighted
camphor on a lemon and did “Drishti Kazhiththal” for us, a simple ritual done to cancel effect of “evil eyes” for newly married couple.
They also gave a big stainless steel vessel and a blouse piece to my wife as wedding gift. Me and my wife prostrated before them and did obeisance to them and they blessed us
heartily and sincerely and me and my wife were moved very much by the show of
their affection.
Later I have had no occasions to go to their house to see them. But sometimes I meet Chettiar and enquire about their welfare and from him I come to know that they are doing very well. My love and respect for G and V will always remain and I wish both of them well. (Recently I saw both G and V in a marriage reception where they had come with Chettiar. We exchanged a few words very happily)
Introduction: My wife strips for my sleaze of a boss and gets coerced into fucking him like a whore. I found this story somewhere on this site and just did a second draft of it. Enjoyed the premise, so all props to the original author, just wanted to try something different. Amateur Night It was one of those nights where my wife and me went for happy hour in the afternoon. We got pretty buzzed by 8 pm. We were on the way back home and took a detour to avoid traffic. In the path of the detour...
It is happened and still happening at my place. I am a guy working in a private firm. I married and brought my wife to my work place. She worked earlier with some company as receptionist cum secretary. She was little extrovert and I am not. To support family, I told her to look for some job. During that time I happened to meet my boss in some shopping mall, he saw my wife for the 1st time. Our firm is a proprietary firm and he is the owner of the firm. We chatted for some time. He was speaking...
This is my hubby's very first story!! I loved it so I decided to share, hope you enjoy!The following is a story that is not true but one that I hope soon comes to pass…My wife and I have been in a very fun hotwife/cuckold relationship for several years now. I am not a traditional cuckold, no cage for me, no humiliation. I do like it when she says she likes another guys cock more than mine or that their cock was a lot bigger. When we have sex we love telling each other out fantasies. Its been...
When I went into my employer's office for my next assignment I was startled to learn that it consisted of having him over for dinner so he could have sex with my wife while I watched. "Mr. Bouton," I "stammered," I have learned that the single most important aspect of a job is a good relationship with one's boss, but I'm not sure how to respond to this." "Steve, your efforts to build a good rapport with me have not gone unnoticed, or unappreciated," my boss told me in a friendly tone...
I was a middle class man not so rich ,i was studious and got admission for engineering .While in college i noticed a girl who was having big ass and boobs,but was not so beautiful but her looks were average .I didnt like her for her beauty but was so impressed by her ass.Till then i havent seen any girl having that big curvy ass.I used to masturbate thinking about her ass.At that point of time i didnt know wat exactly was fucking but i knew some things.As time passed i became close to her .We...
I have been reading stories for the past few years. So this is my 1st experience which I want to share with you and I would love to receive your comments mail me about me 25 years Single from Chandigarh. I am going to tell you how I made love with my boss wife. If any aunt or women from Chandigarh, Panchkula or Mohali (I love aunties from 30 to 45 the most) want to have sex with me can mail me on I stay alone, after completed my studies I start in a private company. My boss is in a nice man....
I'm working in a electronic firm and things have not been easy on our company. our management has no choice but to let go of some staff to keep the company going. However, my bosses are rich and they have other businesses that could cover from some of the shortfall. My boss Dan is a 48 year old guy from Chicago and he is married. However, he is known to be a womanizer and he has his fair share of ladies that he has fucked. We had few rumors in the past that he has fucked some of the...
Time with wifes bossMy name is Sandy and I am a 34 year old green eyed blonde married to my husband of 10 years. My husband Dave is an architect and engineer and gets busy as he flies around the US working on large projects. As a married mother of 2 daughters and the administrative assistant to the division sales manager in a large manufacturing company, I am required attend sales meetings for distributors from across the country. My girls stay with my mother and she takes care of them while I...
Hi, my name is Harish, I am married for the past couple of years, my wife works for a pharmacy company, she is a very sexy lady but at no point of time did I ever imagine she would betray me. One day when she was having her bath I accidentally saw a sms on her cell. It said lets enjoy today, it was send by her boss, incidentally that day I was supposed to go out of town on business purpose & was to come the next day, I was supposed to leave in the afternoon, she called from her office to check...
Sometimes things happen and sometimes our plans just work. Me and my wife had a lov marriage. And we have been married for 5 years. Although my wife is 4 years older than me she looks real good and is always hungry for sex. It was her idea to threesome. And who Better than my boss who has been single for couple of years. So lets get into the incident and it’s characters. I am Raj, 28,Delhi. I am a Engineer and I work for a construction company. I have been married for 5 years. I live with my...
Hello all. How are you all? Hope you all are enjoying your sex life. Myself Pankaj, 34, male, IT Professional working at middle management position in reputed MNC. My wife is Reshma, 32 working in government. We are happily married couple last 6 years and have one 5 years old son. Ours is arrange marriage and we enjoy sex with each other a lot. We do sex almost daily and we like to experiment in bed Recently we both felt that our sex life is monotonous and it is just 15-20 minutes game every...
Hai friends i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation...
Hai friends i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation...
i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation , he told me...
Hai friends i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation...
Hai friends i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation...
Hai friends i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation...
Cat had never set out to cheat on her husband. Her wedding day had been one of the greatest experiences of her life and when she said her vows she meant them completely. She never intended to be anything less than a loving and faithful wife and she truly loved Graham more than anyone else in the world. She’d welcomed the feel of the white gold ring as he slid it onto her finger and committed herself to him forever, but now the sight of that same metal band seemed to mock her. It represented all...
Wife went body modification for black lover and boss. Wife Customized by Black Lover and Boss I am Robert 27, my wife Bethany 28. Chapter 1 Situation I am a writer of fiction stories. Beth was my classmate. After a few years, I proposed, and we have been married for 3 years. She is a college lecturer, very boyish pixie haircut, slightly dark skin tone, whitish. Always smiling and very much attractive. She loves the company of friends. She attends parties with her friends. She always wears an...
WifeWhen we lived in Baltimore, MD. My wife was working downtown for an insurance company, part of her job was to be a part of a team that would travel from city to city and inspect and evaluate the companies that were under their corporate banner, to ensure all legalities and ethics, and rules were being met and followed.After a few years of traveling with her team, they were told a new manager was coming in from San Francisco and he would be assisting them and learning the process, so when he...
The owner of my company, along with the all of our sales management were in town for group sales meeting for the week so we decided to host a dinner party. I am in my late 30s and my wife, Kim, is in her early 30s and she loves to entertain and loves to flirt with the bosses. My wife sent the kids to the grandparents for the weekend. The group was my boss, his boss, the VP of sales and the owner of the company. My wife had only met the owner once briefly and she definitely thought he was hot....
"A special thanks to 'mikef52' for Editting" I am Robert 27, my wife Bethany 28. Chapter 1 Situation I am a writer of fiction stories. Beth was my classmate and after a few years, I proposed, and we have been married for 3 years. She is a college lecturer, very boyish pixie haircut, slightly dark skin tone, whitish. Always smiling and very attractive. She loves the company of friends and she loves to attend parties with her friends. She will always wear an attractive normal dress....
Introduction: Mostly true, not long after we were married A few years ago I worked in sales for a small manufacturing firm. My boss was a guy named Jack, and was the co-founder of the company. He was a good businessman, but also a notorious womanizer. In the first week I worked there I heard stories about how he had managed to bag almost every woman who worked for the company. He was in his late 40s and was one of those rich, good-looking guys who had always gotten his way. My wife was...
As hard as I’d tried, I was fighting a losing battle, trying to stay faithful to my husband.I’m what you would call a Jessica Rabbit. That is that I have very large firm breasts (36 DD) a very small waist (23) and a very curvy butt (36). All of this is very firm and is exercised regularly to keep it trim. Before I met my husband I used to podium dance in Nightclubs and on the odd occasion would earn extra money doing the odd striptease normally for private functions, Rugby clubs or Bachelor...
As hard as I’d tried, I was fighting a losing battle, trying to stay faithful to my husband.I’m what you would call a Jessica Rabbit. That is that I have very large firm breasts (36 DD) a very small waist (23) and a very curvy butt (36). All of this is very firm and is exercised regularly to keep it trim. Before I met my husband I used to podium dance in Nightclubs and on the odd occasion would earn extra money doing the odd striptease normally for private functions, Rugby clubs or Bachelor...
Previous stories: My Family Holiday With Boss: Mera naam raja hai main paiso k liye bahut poesssive hu.hamesha bivi kamaya ko job karne ke liye kahata hu par who nahi manti. Meri salary kam hai 6k/month isliye main condom bhi afford nahi kar pata. Waise kamala ke dad se paise lete rahata hu, thoda bahut aish karne ke liye main off main accountant hu aur sham ko ghar 8 tak aajata hu. Ek din mujhe pata chala ki off main mere boss ki personal secretary 6 month ka maternal leave par hai. Kisi kam...
My wife and I have been married for ten years and have a great sex life. However I have always had a fantasy of her being fucked by another man while I watch, or her getting fucked then coming home to tell me all the sordid details. I always encourage her to dress sexy and wear clothes that will show off her lovely tits. Her biggest fantasy has always been to get fucked by an older man. Very often my wife will have to go away on business, for a couple of days at a time. While she is away we...
This story is about my wife's boss she is middle age women 5ft 10 140 pounds very good looking women with killer blue eyes.MY wife was heading out for a business trip and told me her boss Lisa will be staying over for two nights and they where going to fly out.I was in my office working away and when they came home I recall looking at her wow tight dress on and nice silk dress top and notice and G-string when she turn around.Later on we all eat supper I could not stop looking at her she was...
Last year my wife got a new boss, a lady by the name of Kathryn who is 55, divorced and has a daughter at University.The first time I met her I was soon undressing her in my mind and with my eyes. She has a great figure and keeps herself quite fit and she dresses immaculately.Every now and then she has invited us over to her large house for dinner and we have been treated to some fabulous meals. These times have also given me opportunities to find out more about Kathryn and also what she wears...
My wife was interested the moment I told her about the guy. She always likes to hear juicy stories about people at work. When I told her some of the stories I had heard she said “I have to meet this guy.” When I asked my wife to marry me, she told me that she would always need more than one man, and she would only marry me if I was ok with her continuing to fuck other guys. I have always been good with that- in fact, I enjoy it very much. However, she surprises me sometimes. Jack is not...
indian storyNote: ——I am NOT the author!I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI signalled BINDU to go and open the door.she opened the door and welcomed myboss saying "aaiye sir most welcome".but when she saw that baburao was alsothere with the boss she got a little bit confused, because she was expectingonly one boss also understood her predicament and said smilingly"ohmrs harish,he is my friend baburao,he has come with me ,if you...
Hello guys. I am Maya. I am from Mumbai. I am a happily married woman. I am 36 years old and my hubby is 37 years. I have a voluptuous body and my figure is 40c-30-41. I am 5’9 in height, fair looking with long hair. My hubby is also a smart guy. He works as an IT manager in a MNC. I am a secretary in a production house which is into movies and modeling. I myself do a little bit of modeling sometimes. I have been working here for the past 5 years and its fun. Let me share with you a little more...
My husband, Ed, and I live in the Miami, Florida suburbs, and he is a resort development and management director working for a resort management company in Miami. One of the perks of his position is us being able to attend two industry conventions each year, and this allows us to meet the executives from other companies in the resort industry. My name is Marci, and we're still young in our late twenties, and hadn’t had children yet. We have been using the rhythm method of birth control, and it...
CuckoldLet me start off by saying that i have been secretly cross dressing for about 8 years now i also go to the local bookstore for an ocasional blow job ( i give and recieve ).I have been wanting to suck and be fucked for quite some time now and it is about to happen. It started when the wife brought home some fine under garments i just had to feel for my self. I was hooked and started a small collection of clothes . I dress up when the wife is away at meetings. Well as i said i was working at home...
BisexualI have been fucking my husband's boss for over a year. My husband doesn't have a clue about what is going on. Jim is my husbands boss. Jim is 6'3 and weighs about 210 pounds. He has short brown hair and blue eyes. Jim is very tall but muscular, since he is a carpet installer. He is a very good looking man, and a great lover. I don't really know why, or how this affair started. Im not all that great looking, at least I don't think I am. I am about 5'1 and I weigh about 130 pounds. Im kinda thick...
Cheating WifesHotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...
Wife LoversMy wife is all the time volunteering me to help her boss, Julie. It involves household repairs like changing out a faucet, checking out her air conditioner or trimming her trees, the kind of stuff that I don’t want to do around my own house let alone someone else’s. I usually try to get out of doing it but my wife nags me until I give in. Julie doesn’t even pay me, at least until recently, but my wife makes it up to me by giving me sexual favors in return for helping Julie out. Julie is not...
As you will know from previous tales of my wife and her desire for cock she had told me she was going to the finance meeting in another town which took place every three months and always with her boss. I was well aware that he would grew her a number of times whilst away. On this trip nothing changed other than that evening I had a caller who was the wife of her boss who I had met many times. She came in and said did I know the two were having a relationship. I told her yes and had at least...
Cheating WifesMy wife has been working late at her job at the restaurant. One day I went there to surprise her, but she wasn't there. The cashier told me it was her off day, but she got dressed and went to work as I thought. So I asked to speak to her boss about this, and she replied that he was off too. Lucky for me I knew where is lived at. So I went to his house to talk about my wife working over and not being at work today. When I got there I saw her car in the drive way, I was puzzled about that. I...
I had a really bad week. Actually, bad would be an understatement, shitty would be more appropriate. Problems after problems had punctuated my Days. I managed to get a new job as an assistant executive at an accountant firm. For some reason, I was the only man working in this office, and since I was the new guy they were bullying me. I thought that I might just need to pass the week and it would stop.I decided to change my mind by going to my favorite bar. It was a really popular one, it seems...
A little over a year ago, my wife went to work for a small startup company as an executive admin. One day she came home and was complaining that her boss was super anxious about a deal he was trying to land. I looked at her and said, sounds like he needs a blow job. I often tell my wife that other men desire her. We are both very verbal in our sex play and share fantasies with each other. In several of these sessions I had mentioned that I'd love to watch her blow another man. In others I...
Though I have started writing, but I am still in dilemma that I should write my sexual experience or not, because in my perspective changing name can never be enough to hide the identity especially from the person with whom I got involved sexually and certainly if that person will read this, it will be disaster for me because this is about my sexual encounter with a sister of my boss, and worst impact of this will be, I will lose my job. Still with changed names I am starting to write down with...
This is true incident about my wife which I am going to share with you all today. Let me first introduce you with my extremely hot and sexy wife Smita. She is 27, around 5’3 inch and well endowed (like a large boobs and a very round and sexy ass) lady. She is working with a real estate firm. She is very sluttish by nature, even in one of my office outing few of my juniors managed to touch and caress each and every part of her lovely body, though she is not aware about the fact that I knew...
Let me first introduce you with my extremely hot and sexy wife Karishma. ( official name Smita) She is 27, around 5’3 inch and well endowed (like a large boobs and a very round and sexy ass) lady. She is working with a real estate firm. She is very sluttish by nature, even in one of my office outing few of my juniors managed to touch and caress each and every part of her lovely body, though she is not aware about the fact that I knew this. This incident happened last month when my wife...
THIS STORY IS FICTION ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO AFFEND ANY PERSON SO PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASY AFFENDED THANKS.Hi my name is Tim Carter and my wife is Cathy Part of my job entails entertaining clients and potential new clients and sometimes their wives, husbands or girlfriends come along too. On such occasions Cathy my wife of five years will often come with me. She is excellent company and very good with the clients and their partners and just happens to look great too. Cathy loves...
My wife becoming a hotwifeMarie's journey from housewife to hotwifeThis is a true story about my shy demure wife's journey into exhibitionism and into being shared.I am Eugene and my wife is Marie. This a true story about her journey from a woman who would never even think about cheating, to the role of my hotwife and on to slutwife. She was 5'4"and tipped the scale at about 135 but she carried it well. Her best assets were her 38D tits with very prominent dark nipples which she always tried to...
Before moving from Cleveland Ohio to Jax. Fla. I worked for a heating and air conditioning co., my wife Veronika worked for a local school district. I started working part time at an adult movie theater in the evenings, a friend from high school worked the day shift and got me to work the evening shift 4 nights a week. Ronnie would drop me off then pick me up at11 pm, once in a while she would park in front and come to watch movies, the counter was against wall between theater and lobby with a...
My wife & I had a favorite country bar we went to several times a week for a little drinking & dancing. We became very friendly with the owner & several of the people who worked there. Les, the owner asked me several times to give him a hand on busy Friday & Saturday nights, by collecting the cover charge at the door & often backed him up as a bouncer when the drunks got out of hand. Al ( wife's nickname ) would often get behind the bar & help our bartender friends when it got very busy. On...
Cheating WifesWife's Bar Stool FuckMy wife & I had a favorite country bar we went to several times a week for a little drinking & dancing. We became very friendly with the owner & several of the people who worked there.Les, the owner asked me several times to give him a hand on busy Friday & Saturday nights,by collecting the cover charge at the door & often backed him up as a bouncer when the drunksgot out of hand.Al ( wife's nickname ) would often get behind the bar & help our...
My name is Judy, and now at forty-three years old, I’ve been reminiscing about how so willingly my husband, Don, who is now forty-five, and I seduced ourselves into a cuckold relationship with my boss and others, beginning three years ago in our hometown of Houston, and continuing to this day.I’ve been an administrative assistant to business executives since graduating with my associate degree in business at the age of twenty, and Don is an electrician, who went to two years of technical...
CuckoldMy wife is a senior manager at a company while I only work in a factory. I've discovered J prostituted herself to her boss several times for promotion. The pain almost destroys me but.... I feel secretly aroused. She's a GORGEOUS little sexpot of a longhaired brunette who was once a model, and now in her 30's, I never thought it would happen to me. She's 5 foot 1, slim, sexy with dark eyes like pools and little dimples when she smiles. She's a flirt, yes, but I never thought she would go so far...
Wife LoversHello there to all my horny readers. My apologies for taking so long in releasing the next part. I am overwhelmed by all the responses. My inbox was flooding with positive feedbacks and all readers were eager and pushing me to release the next part as soon as possible. For those readers who are new to this series, read the first part to understand where we left off. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get to it. After my wife’s first session with Krish, eventually, she gave in and realized...
The next morning Tim watched me getting dressed for work. I stepped into my sexiest lace thong panties, then selected a pair of black lace stockings with elastic at the top, a knee length red skirt with a slit up the middle so deep it ran all the way up to the middle of my panties. My thin black sleeveless sweater was cut low in front, exposing plenty of bare flesh down almost to my nipples. I also wore no bra, knowing if I bent over one or perhaps both of my tits might fall out. “You look...
Hi .. I am Sujata from Pune. I am a regular ISS Reader and enjoy this site a lot. Today I am sharing my own story with you all. I am 30 years old women with little pleasantly plump body with nice boobs and other curves in place. My husband Rishi is an IT professional and unfortunately not very good in bed. I have never felt like a complete woman after having sex with him. After I got married at the age of 25 I came to Pune and since I am from a very traditional family I never thought of even...
I work for a computer company in Lucknow as a project consultant. I wanted to share my experience of my relationship with my center manager, my boss, MRS. Sheetal. Sheetal is quite an arrogant boss who was a real pain in neck for all of us in office. In the month of April our company was undergoing auditing as a result I had to wait after the office hours and assist Sheetal with the work. It was in the first week of April, I was sitting in my cabin and preparing to leave for home, as it was...
This is actually my true experience. I work as a bussiness development manager at a media organisation. The best part why I love this place is because of my boss. She always like staying on top, ride like a cowgirl. It made me stand strong! Damn I love this woman.This is how it all starts."Hey, I'm looking for the recruiter. This is my first day!"I asked the sexy brunette who was in her tight skirt and a white shirt with her shades on."Oh! I would suggest you ask the reception!""Well! You know!...
IndianThis is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...
This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...