Summer Holidays free porn video

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Author's Note The wicked step mother is a familiar theme and Aaron Swindling's Step Mother Knows Best, is my particular favourite. I wanted to write one where the step son refuses to be a victim and succeeds in maintaining his dignity and essential decency under difficult circumstances. Be warned there is very little sex and no humiliation. Summer Holidays Holiday Plans Shay Pegg gazed out of the window of the rapidly moving train, idly watching as the countryside flashed past. His thoughts were directed to the upcoming school holidays and the phone call he had received from his step mother 2 weeks earlier. Shay attended an exclusive boarding school where he had just finished his third year. He was expecting to spend his holidays at the large comfortable house to the west of London where he had grown up. However the phone call from his step mother had changed all that and he was still not sure if he would like the change or not. He had at best an uneasy relationship with his step mother, Mandy. She had married his father 3 years earlier and each had taken an instant dislike to the other. Shay probably resented this new woman in his father's life, especially as he had been strongly attached to his real mother, who had died of cancer when Shay was 12. He also found her quite cold, very materialistic and self centered. Mandy was 20 years younger than Shay's father and it seemed to Shay that he had married her partly out of loneliness but mainly for her obvious physical attractions. Martin Pegg had made a considerable fortune in business and enjoyed spending a great deal on his new wife. He and Shay were never close as Martin was too busy making money to spend time with his son and more recently with his new trophy wife. Mandy for her part sensed Shay's hostility and secretly felt intimidated by the boy's obvious intelligence. 6 months previously Martin had suddenly died of a massive heart attack leaving Shay and Mandy as an unlikely family unit. Mandy's dislike of her step son had only deepened when she learned the contents of Martin's will. Although not a particularly good father, Martin Pegg had felt a sense of duty to provide generously for his only child. He also realised that Mandy was essentially a gold digger and would likely fritter away his money. He provided Mandy with what most would consider a very generous allowance which would continue unless she remarried. He set up a trust fund to provide for Shay's education and upkeep until he was 21, at which time he would inherit the bulk of Martin's estate. None of this sat well with Mandy who had expected to inherit everything. Her extravagant lifestyle meant that, despite her allowance, she was frequently short of money. Shay had not seen his step mother since his father's funeral and so the call from Mandy had come as a surprise. "Shay, darling, it's Mandy here, how are you? I'm so looking forward to seeing you when your term ends." Shay was immediately suspicious as his step mother never addressed him in such sugary tones. Mandy continued, "Now Shay darling, I have some news for you for the summer which I am sure you are going to like. I have just received an invitation from an old friend to accompany him on a trip to New York for the summer. He has some business there and would like me to help him with some of the paper work. Now I know that you normally spend the summer at home but this time it is simply impossible. This trip with Duncan has come at a perfect time as I have been so devastated by your father's death." Shay strongly doubted this and suspected that as usual Mandy was looking after herself, but he didn't say anything. Mandy gushed on, "Now Shay it is quite impossible for you to stay here on your own so fortunately I have made arrangements with an old friend for you to spend the summer with her and her partner just outside Oxford. They have a lovely place in the country and I am sure that you will love it." Shay spoke for the first time. "Mandy I am turning 16 in 3 weeks and I will be quite capable of looking after myself at home." Mandy's voice lost its sweetness and became sharp. "Don't be ridiculous Shay, I could not possibly leave you alone, there's no telling what a young man like you could get up to and besides I would be failing in my duty as your guardian to leave you unattended." Shay realised that further argument would be pointless and he also thought that perhaps any arrangement would be better than a summer spent in Mandy's company. "Right then, that's settled," said Mandy briskly, "I'll pick you up at the station on the last day of school and drive you over to Clare and Sonia's. Don't bother packing anything, I'll arrange for your trunk to be shipped home and I will bring you some clothes to start your holiday. I have arranged an account at a clothes shop in Oxford where Clare and Sonia will take you to get the rest of your summer stuff." Shay stirred from his thoughts and looked at his watch, which showed that he had a further 20 minutes before his train reached Oxford. He only had a small backpack with him which contained his laptop and a battered copy of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, which had been left for him by his mother shortly before she died. Jessie Pegg had been a lecturer in philosophy at a regional university and she had passed on her love of literature and philosophy to Shay. "Shay, I'm not going to be around to watch you grow up and I know that the next few years will be really hard for you. When things seem at their blackest I hope that you may find some consolation in the words of Marcus Aurelius. He wrote them years ago but their wisdom is timeless." Shay had frequently taken comfort in the book and had also eagerly read works from other Stoic philosophers and the Existentialists. Although Shay was a serious student he was popular with his classmates due to his friendly nature. He performed well at sports and was never the target of bullying. 5 foot 8 and of relatively slender build Shay was a ferocious competitor who never backed down, something potential bullies found to their cost when he was new to the school. Shay's quiet optimism however would have been destroyed had he been a party to the conversation that had taken place between Mandy and her friend Clare to set up his summer holiday. Although Mandy had referred to Clare as an old friend Clare did not rate Mandy very highly. She found Mandy quite shallow but also knew that she could be manipulative and quite spiteful when she did not get her own way. "Clare darling you simply must help me. I have the chance to go with an old friend to New York for the summer which I just cannot turn down. The problem is Shay, do say that you can take care of him for the summer, it would mean so much to me." Clare had been astonished by the request. "Mandy that simply is not possible. We would not have a clue how to manage a 15 year old boy. If it was a step daughter that might be different but not a boy, the three of us would be very uncomfortable." It was then that Mandy played her trump card. With a giggle she explained to Clare about Shay and the changes he was going through and the steps she was taking to address them. Clare was astonished and sympathetic but not completely won around, and so Mandy changed tack. "Clare do tell me, how is the lovely Sonia? She must be coming up for tenure at the university by now? Well, I was just looking through some old pictures on my computer and guess what, I found some wonderful shots of Sonia about to go skinny dipping at that rather dodgy party we met at a couple of years ago. I've been meaning to send them on to you but you know how it is. Perhaps I can do it before I leave for New York. Now about Shay, oh you'll take him that's wonderful, Clare I owe you one for this. Ok then, I'll be in touch in a week with all the arrangements, bye for now." The train pulled into the station at Oxford and Shay headed for the exit. He did not see his step mother immediately until he realised that she was unlikely to have moved from her car. He found her in her Ferrari GTC 4 Lusso in the parking lot. She made a superficial show of affection without bothering to remove her designer sun glasses. "Good to see you Shay, but we must get moving as I have lots to do. I'm on the evening flight to New York and there are still lots of packing and such to attend to. Still I really wanted to see you settled with Clare." During the drive she gave Shay some information about his summer hosts. "You'll love Clare, one of my oldest friends and so good of her to have you, so don't let me down Shay, I expect you to be on your very best behaviour. Clare is the PE and Games Mistress at Highcliffe a very good private girls school, so I don't doubt she will be able to rein you in if you step out of line, don't cross her. Her friend Sonia is a lecturer in mathematics at one of the Oxford colleges, I forget which one. Now I've arranged for some pocket money for you that Clare will provide and I told you about clothes. I've thrown a few things in a bag but you will need more for the summer. Now I expect you to help around the house and make yourself agreeable." Mandy continued to drone on and Shay found himself tuning her out and just murmuring occasionally in response. They were now driving along country lanes and presently Mandy turned into a tree lined driveway and Shay had his first look at the house where he would be spending the summer. It was a gracious two storied white stoned cottage set in a spacious garden. As they pulled up the front door opened and a tall athletic woman walked forward to meet them. Mandy jumped out of the car and rushed forwards to embrace her. "Clare darling, so wonderful to see you. This is Shay, I just know that you 2 are going to get along famously. Shay this is Miss Kenton." Shay and Clare exchanged polite greetings but any longer pleasantries were interrupted by Mandy. "Well we mustn't dawdle must we? Shay sweetie, I couldn't help notice that you are a little stinky from your train journey. Why don't you pop into the shower and freshen up. Leave your clothes in your bedroom and I will take care of them and I'll leave your case there so you can change when you are all clean and fragrant." If Shay found this behaviour surprising he didn't comment and Mandy showed him his room for the summer while Clare busied herself making lunch in the kitchen. Shays room was spacious with a fine view over the surrounding countryside. It was decorated in a feminine fashion which on reflection did not surprise him. Mandy handed him a bath robe and hustled him into the adjoining bathroom. "Pass your clothes out Shay and I will get them cleaned for you for the new term. Now hurry you don't want to keep Clare waiting." Mandy's scheme surfaces Shay luxuriated in the hot shower enjoying the feel of the foamy suds against his skin. Although his school was quite exclusive it was modern in terms of permitting a variety of hairstyles. Shay had let his grow past his collar and he now shampooed and washed it thoroughly. After he dried his hair he put on the bathrobe and went back into the bedroom. Just then there was a tap at the door and he opened it to find Clare smiling at him. "Oh good you are all done. Shay I've just got the lunch ready so why don't you get dressed and come on down to the kitchen. . Your step mother had to rush off and Sonia is at a seminar in Oxford, so it will just be the two of us." When she left Shay walked over to the overnight bag that Mandy had brought and placed on the bed. He opened it and stared at the contents in astonishment. The case contained 3 casual skirts, two summer dresses, some feminine tops, a pair of low heeled sandals, a pair of pink tennis shoes and a pair of 3 inch pumps. There was also a selection of lacy bras and panties in pretty colours and a full white slip with a frilly trim, there were no boy's clothes of any description. Shay sat on the bed with his head in his hands for a long time. "What has the bitch done to me," he kept muttering. Eventually his thoughts were interrupted by a call from Clare to come on down for lunch. Realising he could not remain in a bathrobe all summer Shay picked through the clothing in the case and selected a denim skirt, a white T-shirt with "Girl Power" emblazoned on the front and the pink tennis shoes. Checking his reflection in the mirror he was surprised at how much like a young girl he looked. He slowly went down the stairs and into the kitchen. Clare's face lit up with pleasure. "Shayla dear you look wonderful, come and sit here and we can have a nice chat as we eat." Shay did his best to smile at his hostess and as he sat he said, "Miss Kenton we don't need to chat we need to talk." Clare looked surprised, especially when Shay said, "Miss Kenton I need to know exactly what has taken place between you and my step mother and why there are only these girl's clothes for me to wear. Although I am a guest in your house I think that I deserve an explanation." By now Clare was looking absolutely bewildered. "But Shayla your step mother explained all about you wanting to transition, to become a girl and how we could help you over the summer." "She did what?" said Shay incredulously. "Miss Kenton, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about." Clare gaped at him. "Are you saying that you are not transitioning and that you do not want to become a girl?" she asked. "That is exactly what I am saying," replied Shay, "I can only surmise that this has come entirely from my step mother. Please Miss Kenton, tell me exactly what she has told you." Clare took a deep breath and began. "Mandy said that during the Easter break she came home unexpectedly and found you wearing some of her clothes. She confronted you and you broke down and admitted that you had always wished that you were a girl. She said that after a long talk she agreed to help you." She paused for a moment and Shay said, "Miss Kenton, this is a complete fabrication. I did not go home at Easter. If you contact my school they will tell you that I spent the Easter break at school with about 20 other students." Clare slumped into a chair unable to process what she had heard. As the truth of how she had been duped dawned on her she became angry. "That unspeakable bitch! Oh my God how could I have been so blind?" She stared wildly at Shay and then to his embarrassment she broke down into an uncontrollable fit of sobbing. Shay moved over and put his arm around her. "It's not your fault Miss Kenton, I know how manipulative and how plausible she can be. Sometimes I think she even believes her own lies." Still sniffing Clare said, "Shay what are we going to do? She will have left the country by this evening and I'm certain she won't take any calls from me or you." "Can I just stay with you as Shay for the summer?" asked Shay hopefully. "Shay it may not be that simple," said Clare miserably. "You see she has told your school that you will not be returning in the next term and she has enrolled you at Highcliffe,the girl's school where I teach. It may not be easy to undo all that." She thought for a moment and then said, "Do you have the name of the solicitor that your father used when he drew up his will?" When Shay nodded she went on. "I think that we should call them and find out exactly what provisions your father made for your schooling." Shay found the number on his computer and called the office and gave his name and asked to speak to Mr. Prescott. When the solicitor came on the line Shay introduced himself and outlined his problem and asked Mr. Prescott for a legal opinion on the provisions of the will. Mr. Prescott promised to review the document carefully and call back with his opinion. Clare looked at Shay and said, "Look Shay I am really sorry for what has happened and the unwitting role I have played in this." Shay replied, "It's not your fault Miss Kenton, don't worry, I am sure that we will find a solution." "That's very sweet of you, my dear. Look I want you to call me Clare while you are staying here." She thought for a moment before continuing. "Shay I want you to know that you are not alone in this. Sonia and I are also victims of your step mother but of course in a less serious way." She then proceeded to tell Shay about the incriminating photographs that Mandy had of Sonia posing while naked and drunk. "If that bitch did make these public it would probably completely wreck Sonia's hopes of getting tenure at Oxford," said Clare bitterly. Shay was silent for a while thinking over what Clare had told him. "There may be a solution Clare if you trust me." "I do trust you Shay, I believe that you are a thoroughly decent young man." Shay laughed. "I don't look much like a young man dressed like this, but thank you anyway. Do you have any photos of Sonia in a bathing suit" he asked? Clare looked puzzled but replied, "Well yes I am sure that I do." "Send them to me electronically," said Shay. "What on earth are you going to do with them?" asked Clare. "I am going to hack into the evil step mother's computer and replace the naughty ones with the very innocent pictures you are sending me." Clare looked appalled. She said, "But Shay that's illegal, what would happen if you were caught?" "I won't be caught," said Shay confidently. "And besides what she is doing is illegal, she is blackmailing you and goodness knows what she is doing to me. I promise I will not leave a trace." Clare was still apprehensive but her urge to be out of Mandy's clutches overcame her reluctance. "Do you know her password?" asked Clare. "No but I am sure that I can get it," said Shay. "Step mother is very unimaginative so I don't think I will have trouble guessing her password." Shay opened his email and saved the two pictures of Sonia in a modest one piece bathing suit that Clare sent him. He then bent over the keyboard for several minutes in silence. Eventually he announced, "I am in." A few minutes later he called Clare over to his laptop and pointed to a file marked "Sophia very useful." He opened the file and brought up 2 pictures of a young and beautiful woman, completely naked and grinning inanely at the camera. "Are these the pictures?" he asked. "Yes," whispered Clare. Shay pressed delete and the pictures vanished. "All gone," announced Shay with a smile. He quickly transferred the pictures of Sonia in a bathing suit into the file and showed Clare. "Knowing my stupid step mother she would probably just send the file to whoever she wanted to without looking. I can imagine how puzzled they would be to receive these," he said with a laugh. Clare stared at the screen in disbelief for a few moments before bursting into tears of joy and throwing her arms around Shay and hugging him with all her considerable strength. Clare was still hugging Shay when they heard someone say, "Oh please ladies don't let me interrupt you, I have obviously come at an inopportune moment or perhaps Clare it is a most opportune moment." Clare and Shay hurriedly broke their embrace and twisted around to see a beautiful slender woman surveying them with an ironical smile on her face. Clare burst into laughter much to the surprise of Shay and the newcomer. When Clare recovered she managed to say between giggles, "Shay this is Sonia and Sonia this is Shay our summer guest." Sonia stepped forward and greeted Shay affectionately. "She doesn't look like a Shay," she said with a twinkle in her eye. Clare said, "Sonia my darling, I think we need a drink and yes that includes you Shay" and she hurried over to the kitchen and returned with 3 gin and tonics. "I know we should not encourage a minor to drink," she said handing one to Shay. "But under the circumstances I think it is justified." They sat in the lounge and Clare proceeded to bring Sonia up to date with the latest developments. Sonia listened as though transfixed and when Clare reached the part about Shay deleting the compromising pictures she gave a squeal of delight and rushed over and hugged Shay almost as violently as her partner had a few minutes before. When they finished their drinks Shay asked to be excused and went to the bathroom. After he had finished he spent a few minutes checking himself in the mirror and adjusting his hair to better fit with the image of a young girl he was seeing in the mirror. When he returned to the lounge Sonia said, "Shay darling, Clare and I feel awful about the dirty trick your step mother has played on you. You don't have to spend the summer with us dressed as a girl just to satisfy a couple of old lesbians like us, we will go into town and get you some boy clothes tomorrow." "That's very nice of you Sonia, but honestly I would rather spend the summer with you as a girl than spend one day with my step mother. I think that we need to wait until I hear back from the solicitor before we make any further plans." They talked for a while before Shay rose and began to gather up the glasses and take them through to the kitchen. Sonia and Clare did not notice at first but when they heard him moving around in the kitchen they went to investigate. To their surprise they found Shay washing the lunch dishes. "Shay you are our guest you do not have to do that," said Clare. "A girl has to make herself useful," said Shay with a grin as he finished the last dish. The Will Clare was prevented from answering by the sudden ringing of Shay's cell phone. He answered the call which was from Mr. Prescott. Anxiously Clare and Sonia waited as Shay engaged in a lengthy conversation with the solicitor. By the expression on Shay's face they guessed that the news was not good. Eventually Shay ended the call and turned to his two hostesses. "Well this is not what I expected," began Shay. Clare and Sonia insisted that he sit with them in the lounge before giving them the latest news. "It seems that my beloved step mother did her homework thoroughly," he said with heavy irony. "What did he say?" asked Clare and Sonia anxiously. "Well," began Shay, "my father wanted to make sure that I had a good education but also that it was contingent on me continuing in school. In his will he stipulated that Mandy as my guardian was to ensure that I attended a private school of good quality, it had to be in the top 20 academic schools in the country as listed by an independent grading company. The same applied to university which was guaranteed until I had graduated with whatever degree I chose. If I dropped out of school for any reason the money would stop and be transferred to Mandy's allowance. Unfortunately he did not stipulate which school I attend, only that it be in the top 20. As you may know Highcliffe is ranked number 11 in the country and it is to Highcliffe that my step mother has enrolled me having convinced the Head Mistress and Governor's that I am transitioning to be a girl. If I do not attend for any reason I lose all my education benefits and any chance of a good education. Since I am determined to follow in my real mother's footsteps as an academic it appears that I have no choice but to attend Highcliffe, ostensibly as a girl." He paused for breath and Clare broke in angrily, "This is monstrous, there must be something we can do to overturn this." "According to Mr. Prescott there is nothing we can do to change the will as stated. Either I attend Highcliffe as a girl or I lose my education," said Shay gloomily. "Darling we don't have to decide anything right now," said Sonia soothingly. "Let's sleep on it and decide in the morning." "Good idea Sonia," said Clare. "Look I think that we need to get out of the house for a while and take a walk and then go out for a meal. How does that sound Shay?" "I'm willing to go out dressed as a girl as long as I look like one," said Shay. "So could you please help me look presentable?" "Of course my dear," said Sonia. "Come with me." Sonia took Shay through to the en suite bathroom attached to the main bedroom she shared with Clare. She sat Shay down on a stool in front of a large mirror and proceeded to apply makeup to his eyes and face deftly. She carefully plucked and trimmed his eyebrows before turning her attention to his hair which she arranged in a feminine style. When she was finished 30 minutes later Shay was astonished at the transformation, he really felt that he looked like a teenage girl. Sonia found Shay a light grey hoodie which went well with his denim skirt and T-shirt and then accompanied him back into the lounge to show Clare. "Shay, or perhaps for tonight I should say Shayla, you look wonderful. No one would know that you are not a natural girl. Let's head off and enjoy the beautiful countryside." They drove for 15 minutes and parked near public footpaths that lead into the surrounding farmland. Clare had chosen a circuit that took them a little more than an hour to complete and when they were back at the car they all felt refreshed from their walk. By the time they reached the outskirts of Oxford they all felt ready for dinner. Clare had made a reservation at a small Italian restaurant that was a favourite of hers and Sonia's. She ordered a bottle of Chianti and they settled down to study the menu. After they had ordered they began to talk. Shay insisted that they not discuss his summer options but instead get to know each other better. He listened attentively as Clare described her teaching position at Highcliffe and was impressed at how passionate she was about her job, especially her desire to see teenage girls become more vigorous and physically active. "Too many of my students think that physical activity is unfeminine and that it will discourage boys from being attracted to them," she said. "The boys who would be turned off by that are the very ones that they should avoid," observed Shay. Clare felt a surge of pleasure at this remark, but she said, "You try telling them that." Shay smiled and said, "Maybe I will, before the summer is out maybe, I will." When it was Shay's turn he told Clare and Sonia about his early life and his love for his mother and the devastation he felt when she died. Their hearts went out to him when they thought of the terrible traumas he had experienced in his young life and how well he seemed to be taking this latest setback. "Shay we will stand by you, whatever decision you make," said Sonia. Shay smiled and just said, "Thank you." After they finished eating Clare called for the bill and they drove slowly home. Shay suddenly felt very tired and asked to be allowed to retire for the night. "I'm afraid we don't have any pyjamas for you," said Clare apologetically. "Do you terribly mind wearing a nightdress?" "A nightdress will be fine," said Shay, pausing only to give a brief hug and kiss to his hostesses. "And thank you both so very much for taking me in over the summer, I know it is not easy for you and I will do my best to be as easy and agreeable as possible." "Shay we will love having you," said Clare and Sonia together. As Shay left the room to go upstairs Sonia went after him. "Shay I will help you take off your makeup," she said. She brought him a silky nightdress and assisted him in cleaning his face of makeup. Lastly she placed a soft kiss on his cheek and left him alone. Shay took off his new clothes, put on the nightdress and minutes after getting into bed he was deeply asleep. Downstairs Clare and Sonia continued to talk about their guest for a long time. "What a remarkable young person we have with us," said Sonia, "I think we are going to have a very interesting summer." Shayla makes Her Appearance Shay slept until after 9 the next morning. He woke with a start and when he realised the time he put on a dressing gown over his nightdress and hurried downstairs. "Good morning Shay dear," greeted Clare. "Did you sleep well?" "Really well thank you," said Shay sitting down to the breakfast that Clare had prepared for the three of them. Just then Sonia entered and gave Shay a quick hug. They lingered over breakfast and as Clare rose to clear away the plates Shay said, "Clare and Sonia I think my sleep helped me to make a decision about my summer which I hope that you will support." Clare and Sonia turned expectantly towards him and Shay continued, "Last night I dreamt of my mother and in the dream she was urging me to be the best person I could possibly be. When I woke up this dream was still very fresh in my mind and I realised what I have to do. I have decided that if you are willing I want to enrol at Highcliffe next term and not give my step mother the satisfaction of appropriating my education money. I'm calling her bluff." Clare and Sonia stared at Shay in amazement. "Shay are you really sure about this?" asked Clare anxiously. "Shay you don't have to make a decision now, we have the whole summer," said Sonia. "Yes I'm sure," replied Shay. "The longer I leave it the harder it will be. If I am going to attend Highcliffe the more practice I get being a girl the better." "Sonia and I feel so wretched for you," said Clare. "No boy should ever be put in this position." Shay laughed and said, "Surely being a girl cannot be all bad, after all both of you were girls and you seemed to have survived very well." "But we weren't boys first," said Sonia. "Well not many boys get the chance to experience life as a girl," said Shay, "I intend to make the most of it." Sonia shook her head and said, "I am just amazed that you can be so philosophical about this." "I get that from my mother," said Shay, she not only taught philosophy but she lived it. Before she died she gave me a copy of one of the great works of philosophy, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. He and others like Victor Frankel, hundreds of years later believed that whatever situation a person found themselves in they still had the freedom to choose how they reacted to it. I have read quite a lot of those works and they have helped me through many difficult times." "Shay, Sonia and I will help you all we can," said Clare. "Where would you like to start?" "Perhaps you could start by calling me Shayla, which seems to be the name my step mother has registered me as at Highcliffe. Also you had better start referring to me as she and her," said Shay. "After that you could help me choose something appropriate for a 16 year old girl to wear from what step mother has left me." "I'll come with you now and see what would work best for today," said Sonia, "And I will also give you your first makeup lesson." "Your step mother has kindly set up an account for you at Marks and Spencer's in Oxford," said Clare sarcastically. "Typical of Mandy to choose one of the cheapest places she could, but we will do our best to find you clothes that will help you to fit in. Also, I checked and the account stipulates that it is only valid for women's clothing, so we won't be able to buy you some boy clothes in case this doesn't work." "Well we'll just have to make sure that it does work," said Shay. "I'll call my hairdresser," said Sonia, "you will need a different cut before you can look the part you will be playing." "I've just had a thought," said Clare suddenly. "I can't imagine that the Governor's would have accepted Shayla without some sort of medical certificate to say that she is on a transitioning programme. I know, I'll call Elsie at the school, she deals with all new applications so I am sure that she will know. Sonia, why don't you help Shayla and I will call her now?" Sonia looked through the overnight bag Mandy had provided and selected a pale blue cotton dress with an A line skirt that reached just above Shay's knees. "This looks young enough for a girl your age but it also gives you reasonable coverage," said Sonia. "Now I know that you do not have anything up front but you should wear a bra, it would only attract the wrong sort of attention if you didn't." Once Shay was dressed Sonia showed him how to apply makeup and helped arrange his hair in a somewhat feminine style. "That will have to do for now Shayla, until we can get you into my hairdressers." Shay stepped into a pair of strappy sandals and they went down stairs to join Clare. Clare looked up as they entered. "You are not going to believe this," she said. "Elsie said that she was going to call me today. Apparently Mandy told them that she had arranged for me to drop off the medical certificate sometime this week." "What are we going to do?" said Sonia incredulously. Clare thought for a moment and then said, "The way I see it is this, without a certificate Shayla cannot attend Highcliffe." "I think that was her backup plan," said Shay. "If I agreed to go to school as Shayla I wouldn't be able to provide the proper documentation so I would still lose my schooling." He turned to face them and said, "I won't let her beat me, can you help me?" "I have a friend who is a doctor," said Clare, "I think we need to talk to her." Clare picked up the phone again and dialled a number. When it was answered she gave the receptionist her name and asked for Doctor Welland to call her back when she had a chance. "That's all we can do for now" said Clare, "I think that we should follow our original plan and take Shayla out for shopping and grooming." Sonia had called ahead and arranged a hair appointment for early afternoon so they had the morning clear for shopping. They left the car in a parking garage and walked into the city center. "You'll need underwear Shayla, so let's start there," said Sonia. "I think you would be best with some high cut panties that can give you firm support if you know what I mean," said Sonia, feeling slightly embarrassed. They found some that looked suitable and put a dozen in their basket. Next Sonia and Clare grabbed a selection of bras of different styles together with some inserts and guided Shay to a changing room. They spent 15 minutes trying different sizes and styles until at last Clare and Sonia were satisfied. They added 6 bras of different colours to the basket. "I know girls rarely wear slips now," said Sonia, "but in your case it would be a good idea as it will give you a little more covering." She put 2 full and 3 half-slips into the basket which was starting to get full. When they selected 3 nightgowns they needed an extra basket. "Shayla," said Sonia, "I think that you are going to have to accept that you are going to be a different type of girl." "I think that is fairly evident," said Shay with a grin. "Oh right," said Sonia. "Well I didn't really mean it in that way. What I meant was while most teenage girls will wear tight jeans and shorts a lot you won't be able to because..." Here she paused in embarrassment until Shay finished the sentence for her. "Because of the different architecture in my groin," he said, "that's what you mean isn't it Sonia?" "Well yes that is what I was trying to say," said Sonia. "So what you are suggesting is that I need to be more of a girlie, girl and dress mostly in skirts and dresses for the sake of my modesty," said Shay. "I'm afraid Sonia is right Shayla, your immediate future will be in skirts and dresses," said Clare. She went on to say, "There are two other reasons why this is necessary, one is that it will be easier to move and act like a girl if you are wearing dresses and two you will need to wear a skirt for school as it is part of the school uniform, so the more practice you get the better." "I fully understand," said Shay. "And so in that case let's go and find the nicest skirts and dresses we can, after all my wretched step mother is paying." So for the next hour Shay tried on a huge selection of dresses and skirts and Sonia and Clare narrowed the choice down to those that were full enough to avoid unseemly bulges and attractive enough to be acceptable for a teenage girl. They ended up with 6 skirts and 5 dresses and were about to take their selections up to the cashier when Sonia paused before a longer dark blue evening gown. "Shayla" she said, "This is just an idea and you don't have to say yes, but Clare and I have tickets for the theatre, it's "Hamlet," in Oxford on next Saturday night and we would love to take you if you would like to come. The thing is you see, we occasionally like to get all dressed up in elegant gowns, like fine ladies out for the night and if you did come you would need a dress like this. But," she said hastily, "we completely understand if you would rather not." Shay looked at Sonia and said with mock seriousness. "So if I agree to come I would need to be a fine lady as well?" "Well yes I suppose so," said Sonia awkwardly. "Well in that case we had better buy the dress," said Shay with a smile. "Oh Shayla, you are just the most wonderful person imaginable," said Sonia giving Shay a huge hug. Fortunately the dress was a perfect fit and after buying some matching shoes together with more shoes for the other outfits they made their way back to the car to load their large bags into the boot. "Time for lunch," said Clare, "shopping always makes me hungry and we have done a lot of it." They lunched at a small restaurant on a side street and after they finished there was still half an hour before Shay's hair appointment so they browsed around some of the shops. They stopped in at a second hand bookstore where Shay was pleased to find a copy of Hamlet which he felt would be good to read before and after seeing the production. When they entered the hairdressers Sonia was greeted warmly by Anna the owner. Sonia introduced Shay as a young cousin staying for the summer. Anna escorted Shay to a chair and handed him a book of styles and cuts. "Have a look and see if there is something there you like Shayla and we will create it for you. Your hair isn't very long so we will be restricted to the styles that go to your shoulders." Sonia decided to stay with Shay while Clare went out to do some shopping on her own. Shay and Sonia looked carefully through the book and eventually settled on one they liked. It was a layered bob with bangs which met with approval from Anna. "Shayla that will suit you really well," she enthused. "Now just sit back and enjoy yourself, you are going to love the result." Sonia suggested that Shay should also have a pedicure and manicure at the same time as the hair styling. She stayed for a while and when satisfied that Shay was comfortable in the salon left to join Clare. "Anna says that you will be at least another 2 hours Shayla so we will come back to collect you then." Sonia met Clare at a caf? where they sipped their caf? lattes and discussed their summer guest. "I am worried about Shay," said Clare, "he seems to be accepting all this too easily. Do you think that he might really have gender dysphoria?" Sonia thought for a while. "I'm not sure," she said, "but I'm inclined to think not. He is unusually mature and self-possessed for almost 16. You know, I think that he is doing all this for a reason and I suspect that this will reveal itself over the next few months." "I hope you are right," said Clare. "I never thought it would happen that I would come to care so much about a teenage boy." "How are we going to handle the doctor's appointment?" asked Sonia. "If your friend feels that Shay is being forced against his will to transition she will feel bound to report it." "I think that we need to have this discussion with Shay when we collect him," said Clare. Back at the salon Shay found the hair styling process so relaxing that he found himself drifting off to sleep. When he awoke Anna was just finishing. Before looking in the mirror he glanced down at his hands and saw the freshly painted pink nails. Strangely this seemed to affect him more than all the other changes. "I've really crossed a divide into a feminine world," he thought. "Let's hope I can survive." Anna was about to show Shay his new look when Clare and Sonia returned. "Oh good you are just in time for the unveiling," cried Anna. She removed the light scarf covering Shays hair and spun him round to face the mirror. There was a collective gasp from Shay, Clare and Sonia. "Shayla you look absolutely gorgeous," from Clare and Sonia and, "Oh my God, I'm a girl," from Shay. "Well yes, she turned out rather well," said Anna modestly. "Anna, you are a true artist," said Sonia in wonder. "Nonsense, I had great material to work with," replied Anna. Shay was momentarily speechless. After Clare had paid they ushered the still stunned Shay out of the salon. "We have to keep moving," said Clare, "your doctor's appointment is in 45 minutes and we have a few things we need to discuss before you meet Dr. Finch." She explained about the concerns that she and Sonia had discussed earlier. Shay listened carefully until Clare had finished before replying. "I can understand your concern," he said. "I am sure that I am very unusual in this because all the boys I know would freak out at having to present as a girl. Maybe it is my mother's influence and the books she encouraged me to read but I don't find this as strange and traumatic as you think, after all I was nearly a girl." "What on earth do you mean?" asked Clare. Shay smiled and said, "Well it's only one little chromosome isn't it, a y instead of another x. All three of us have x's, you just have more. If I had been born a girl I wouldn't be any less of a person would I?" "No of course not," said Clare hastily. "My mother used to say that you often got more out of life if you said yes instead of no. She didn't of course mean harmful things, but when opportunities present themselves they can take you in directions you might never have gone. I have the opportunity to be a girl for perhaps a year and if I didn't take it I might always live with that regret." He looked hard at Clare and Sonia before continuing. "I have only known the pair of you for a couple of days, but I feel warmth and love from both of you that I have not felt since my mother died. I know that you will both look after me and I feel happy to be with you." Clare and Sonia were unable to speak for a few minutes but all three embraced each other powerfully and cried in each other's arms. "Shayla that is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard," said Clare when she had recovered some of her composure. "I can't respond now and even if I could we all need to repair our faces and get to the doctors." They only had a short wait at the medical center before the receptionist showed Shay and Sonia into a treatment room. She explained that Dr. Finch would like to talk to Clare first before meeting Shay. 20 minutes later Clare came into the treatment room accompanied by Dr. Finch. Dr. Finch was slightly plump with iron grey hair and a pleasant reassuring manner. "I'm very pleased to meet you Shayla," she said. "Clare has been explaining to me a few things about your situation but I would really like to hear it all from you." "Where would you like to start Doctor?" asked Shay politely. "Well I understand that you want to live and attend school as a girl, at least for the next year, is that correct?" "Yes doctor, that about sums it up," replied Shay. "How long have you had this desire?" asked Doctor Finch. "Well it is really quite recent," said Shay. Sonia and Clare smiled at this understatement. "And how long have you been presenting as a girl?" "Two days," answered Shay. "That is not very long to be making such an important decision," replied the doctor. "Yes I realise that," said Shay, "but I am sure that I want to do this." "What makes you so sure," persisted Dr. Finch. "My mother died almost 4 years ago and since then I have lacked any real parenting. My step mother hates me and my father was distant, but he too died less than a year ago. Sonia and Clare have given me more love in 2 days than I have had in 4 years and I want to stay with them. I want to live with them as a girl and go to a girl's school where Clare teaches." Clare and Sonia had to fight very hard not to start crying again. "Shayla I am very sorry for the terrible loses you have suffered and I would like to help you, but I must think this over for a bit. Clare could you please come back to my office I need your help to think this through." They left the room and Sonia and Shay held hands while they waited. 15 minutes later Dr. Finch and Clare returned. "Well Shayla I have given this a lot of thought with Clare's help. Here is what I propose. I am willing to help you be a girl for the next year as you explore whether this is something that you want to do on a more permanent basis. Normally I would want more time, but I am very impressed by your sincerity and maturity and of course the fact that you will be with Clare and Sonia makes a big difference. I am going to prescribe you some hormone suppressant drugs which will just delay puberty. Your voice will not deepen and you will not develop facial hair or other male characteristics. If you decide to live as a boy again the effects are completely reversible. Is that ok with you?" "Yes Dr. Finch, thank you so much," said Shay with real pleasure. "Right let's examine you then," said Dr. Finch briskly. Once the examination was complete Shay left the clinic with a prescription which they filled at a nearby chemist shop. Shay turned to Clare and Sonia and said, "I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me." "Just stop right there young lady," said Clare firmly, "I for one don't want to start blubbing again. Let's head home for one of Sonia's wonderful dinner's at which you can model one of your new dresses." "Certainly Miss Kenton," said Shay with a grin giving a little curtsey. "Enough of that Missy," replied Clare as Sonia gave a little chuckle. While Sonia prepared dinner Shay went up to his room and unpacked all the clothes from the shopping trip and put them in drawers and the wardrobe. He looked carefully at the dresses they had bought and finally selected a simple yellow off the shoulder dress with a full skirt. After putting on one of the new full slips he stepped into the dress and slowly zipped it up. As the dress closed around his body Shay was suddenly engulfed in a glorious erotic sensation and an instant and powerful erection. He hurried into the bathroom and grabbed some tissues which he inserted into his panties. It only took a few gentle strokes and he felt his knees buckle and he gave a cry as he erupted into a shattering climax. He waited a few moments to regain his composure before heading downstairs. "Shayla are you ok," called Sonia from the kitchen, "I thought I heard you call out?" "Oh I just stubbed my toe," Shay stammered. He entered the kitchen and Clare and Sonia gushed their approval. "Shayla that looks wonderful, I am so glad that we bought it," said Sonia excitedly. Sonia had made a shrimp risotto and a green salad and Clare had lit some candles to add to the mood. "We want to celebrate this very special day with you Shayla, welcome to our world," said Clare as they sat down. "Thank you," replied Shay, "I really do feel welcome." Over dinner they began to discuss the summer months before the return to school. "We don't think that you will want to spend the holidays just here with us," began Clare. "It would be good if you could spend some time with other teenagers, but we were wondering...." She paused awkwardly before blurting out, "It's just that we wonder whether you would rather be with girls or boys." Shay laughed, "Don't be afraid to ask Clare. What you really mean is whether I am straight or gay?" Clare became very flustered. "Oh help me Sonia," she said. Sonia began, "Not that it's any of our business..." before Shay cut her off. "Well now you come to mention it I suppose that I am not straight," began Shay and as Clare and Sonia gasped in surprise he hurried on, "I have to confess that for the last two days I have become a committed lesbian and show every sign of remaining one for the next year." "Oh you little tease," cried Sonia, "you really had us going for a moment, lesbian indeed!" "When in Rome," said Shay and all three burst into hysterical laughter. When they recovered Clare said, "In that case I think it would be a very good idea if you could meet some of the girls who will be your classmates next term. Let me give it some thought and we will arrange something." "Shayla I have a favour to ask you," said Sonia. "I need to go into my college tomorrow to finalise some of my exam grading and generally bring the year to a close. I was wondering very much whether you could help me? You could do a lot of the sorting and filing and I am sure that the two of us could get it done much more quickly, after I could show you around the university." "Sonia it would be my pleasure to help you and I would love to see some of Oxford's great sights." After helping clean up the dishes Shay began to feel tired and excused himself in order to have an early night. Once in his room he quickly undressed, carefully removed his makeup and selecting one of his new night-dresses climbed into bed. He tried reading for a while but became so sleepy that he abandoned the attempt and quickly drifted into a deep and satisfying sleep. By the time he came down in the morning Sonia was waiting for him with breakfast. "Clare has gone for a run so we won't wait for her. Finish your breakfast and then get dressed and we can go. I think one of your nice skirts and a T-shirt would be fine." It was only a 30 minute drive to Sonia's college and as Sonia had a parking pass they were soon at work in her office. As Sonia had predicted the work she had to finish went much more quickly with Shay's help and after 3 hours they were done. They had lunch at a small restaurant near the college and when they had finished Sonia took Shay for a tour of some of the highlights of Oxford. First they went to the Bodleian Library and slowly walked through the ancient building just absorbing the atmosphere of over 400 years of academic learning. Shay gazed in wonder at a copy of the Magna Carta and later was transfixed at the sight of Shakespeare's First Folio. He asked Sonia if she would mind if they spent the rest of the afternoon in the library and she readily agreed. Later as they drove home Shay felt that he had taken a very special trip through history and made a silent promise that one day he would return there as a student. Clare has an idea Clare was delighted that they had enjoyed such a successful day. She waited until Shay had finished his excited description of their afternoon before she asked for his attention. "Shayla at your previous school were you ever involved in their rowing programme?" she asked. "Yes I quite liked it," replied Shay, "but last year I found that I wasn't quite big enough to compete so I concentrated more on rugby and tennis. Why do you ask?" "I am the coach of our school programme, we only have about 20 girls involved but we have a 4 girl boat that is quite good. I think that they can make a name for themselves at our main regatta later in the year which involves all the best girl's schools. Many of the girls in this competition go on to row at Oxford and Cambridge. Unfortunately," she said, "I have just heard that one of the crew had a fall horse riding and has broken her arm. She will recover fully of course, but she will be quite unable to do any of the summer training we had planned. I don't have another girl to put in the without disrupting the other crews." She hesitated a moment before saying, "Shayla I wonder if you would consider filling in for her while she recovers? Now of course because you are not born a girl you would not be eligible to row in the regatta but Jenny should be fine by then. It really would help the other girls stay in competition during the summer. What do you think?" "Gosh I'm not sure if I would be good enough," said Shay. "I'd hate to be a real weak link and frustrate the others." "I suspect that you would be fine if you have rowed at your other school. I am familiar with the programmes of all the schools, boys and girls and I suspect that you have been well taught. Would you please give it a try?" "I'd love to try," said Shay, "but what would the other girls in the crew think? They are bound to know that I'm really a boy." "Oh I'm sure that they would be delighted to have you, it will mean that they can do proper water training. Also the three of them will be in your class at school so that would give you some much needed companionship throughout the summer," said Clare. "When would you like me to start?" asked Shay. "I've scheduled our first training session for Monday morning, but I suggest that you and I go down to the river and take out a shell tomorrow, to help you get your rhythm back." "That sounds great," said Shay enthusiastically. "In that case Missy you will need an early night, so after dinner I suggest that you turn in." By 9.30 Shay found himself in bed and was quickly asleep. He did not stir until he felt Clare gently shaking him awake in the morning. They had a light breakfast and then Clare found Shay some of her athletic wear. "They might be a bit big but they will do for now and we can get you your own kit later." Highcliffe had an agreement with the University to use their facilities on the Upper Thames and it took about 40 minutes to drive there. Clare unlocked one of the boat sheds and went over to a rack where the racing shells were stored. She took one end of a slim craft and with Shay at the other end they carried it out to one of the jetties. She then selected an oar for each of them and held the boat steady while Shay climbed in. After climbing in herself she gently pushed off and allowed them to drift out towards the broad expanse of river. "Ok Shayla let's start with some slow easy strokes to let you find your rhythm." Although out of practice Shay quickly found himself settling into the familiar sweep and with some encouragement from Clare began to relax and enjoy himself. After a few minutes Clare suggested that they try to increase their rate but to still stay relaxed. "You have been well taught Shayla, I think you will be a very good fit with the other girls." Shay smiled at the thought of him being thought of as one of the girls. They stayed out for about an hour at which time they were able to row at a very respectable pace. Finally Clare called for a halt and they slowly paddled back to the boathouse and stored the shell and oars. "Shayla I am delighted," said Clare as they drove home, "I can't wait to see you with the rest of the crew on Monday." Later that afternoon they returned to Oxford and Marks and Spencer's and bought a selection of loose jogging pants, leggings, short and long sleeve T- shirts and a windproof jacket. "Now Shayla," said Clare with mock seriousness, "remember what Sonia and I said, these pants are ONLY to be worn when rowing or training, NOT around the house. We expect to only see you in skirts like a respectable young lady." Shay pretended to sound dismayed. "But Clare I was hoping you'd allow me to wear dresses as well." Clare shook her head and said, "Shayla you are impossible." The next day was Saturday and Clare suggested that she and Shay train together in the morning which would leave the afternoon open for getting ready for the play in the evening. First Clare took him for a 5 mile cross country run and despite being reasonably fit he struggled to keep up. Clare had set up a gym in the garage and they both did a routine of chin ups and weight lifting which left Shay with an enhanced respect for Clare and her fitness. "I am going to learn so much from you while I am here, thank you," he said. Clare smiled and said, "Yes you will learn a lot but that it because you have really opened your mind to learning. Still it won't be easy, you have only a few weeks to learn to be a girl. Your classmates have been working at it all their lives" An Evening at the Theatre After lunch Sonia took charge. "Shayla this afternoon you are going to be introduced to one of the pleasures of being a girl, the sensory pleasure of pampering yourself and preparing yourself to go out. I hope that you will enjoy the experience as much as we do." First Sonia ran Shay a hot bath laced with scent and inches deep in bubbles. "Take as long as you like to soak and enjoy yourself," she said. "When you are done you can shampoo your hair and I will help you to set it." Shay, who was tired from the strenuous workout, found the bath so relaxing that he dozed off and only awoke when the water began to cool. He then showered and washed his hair luxuriating in the warm water cascading over his body. He wrapped himself in a large fluffy towel and called to Sonia that he was ready for her help. Sonia carefully styled and dried his hair and then taught him how to apply fresh nail polish to his fingers and toes. Then Shay sat in front of a mirror and with Sonia giving precise directions began to apply his makeup. "It's best if you do it dear," said Sonia. "We have lots of time so it does not matter if you make mistakes." Sonia proved to be a hard taskmaster but at each fresh attempt Shay became a little more proficient until at last Sonia was satisfied. "I think that is perfect Shayla," she said, "I suggest that you get your underwear on and then relax. I'll help you with your dress just before we go." First Shay used a pair of tight control panties to help control the bulge of his boy parts, before sliding a pair of lavender coloured silk French cut, tap panties up his freshly shaved legs: He felt a guilty pleasure at the sensation as he did so. He selected a lacy matching bra and inserted some small gel inserts to create a little cleavage. He carefully rolled a pair of stay-up stockings up each leg, once more revelling in the wonderful sensation as he did so. Shay deliberately prolonged the process of dressing so he could get maximum enjoyment. "If I'm going to be a girl for a while I may as well enjoy it," he thought. Finally he called Sonia in and asked her to help him on with his full satin slip. "I could do it myself but it feels so much more exciting if you do it," he said. "Does this mean that I am really turning into a girl?" "Do you want to," asked Sonia with a smile. "I'm not sure," replied Shay honestly, "But I never thought that I would enjoy this so much. I hope this does not make me weird." "No darling it just makes you human," said Sonia softly as she lowered the soft sensuous garment over Shays raised arms and smoothed it down his body. "How does that feel?" she asked. "Out of this world," replied Shay dreamily. "Ok darling I suggest that you relax with a book while Clare and I get ready and then I will put you into your dress." For the next hour Shay toyed with his book but really his thoughts were on the radical changes that had occurred in his life during the last week. Reluctantly he had to admit that in many ways the changes were very pleasurable. Finally Sonia sashayed into the room wearing an elegant ball gown which swept to the ground. Her hair was piled up onto her head and she looked wonderful. "Sonia you look amazing," gasped Shay in admiration. "Thank you kind sir," said Sonia and then giggled. "No that can't be right, thank you Miss Shayla, you are too kind." She picked up Shay's dress and said, "Ok sweetie time to get you into your dress." She faced Shay and held the back of the dress open for him. "Lift your slip up darling and step in." Shay did so trembling slightly and as Sonia slowly drew the zip up his back Shay felt a strong shiver run down his spine. Once she had the dress fully zipped Sonia produced a needle and thread of the same colour and added a few stitches at the top to complete the fastening. "Just a precaution darling, we don't want anything to come undone during the evening." She placed her lips next to Shay's ear and whispered, "Now you really are committed Shayla darling, you won't be getting out of this dress by yourself, perhaps we should keep you like this all sweet and swishy." Shay calmly replied "Of course I will always follow your wishes Sonia." "Touch?," she replied with a grin. She steered Shay over to the full length mirror and he gasped when he saw his reflection. Looking back at him was a very pretty young woman in a long gown, with a softly pleated skirt that reached his ankles. The gown was sleeveless with wide shoulder straps so that his padded bra was fully covered. Sonia helped him to step into an elegant pair of pumps with a 3 inch heel and then suggested that he walk around the room. "Let yourself glide Shayla, let your gown talk to you, feel it swirl around your legs. This is the most wonderful sensation, you are so feminine, now enjoy it," she said. Shay began to feel the most wonderful sensation as he promenaded around the room and he was only brought back to reality by the sound of clapping. When he looked up he saw Clare beaming her approval. "Shayla you look sublime, you are a natural," she said. "Hold still now I have to just make the finishing touches." Clare briefly left the room and returned with a small package which she handed to Shay. "While you were in the salon Sonia and I got you a couple of small gifts." Shay opened the package and drew out a necklace with a Celtic design etched in silver and a pair of dangly hooped earrings. He blushed with pleasure and stammered his thanks. "Let's get them on you," said Clare. "Don't worry I know you don't have pierced ears, yet," she added with emphasis which Shay could not help catch, "These have a spring attachment which look just like the real thing." She attached the necklace and then the earrings and stepped back to study the effect. "Perfect," said Clare, "you look the perfect young lady about to go out on the town." She then handed Shay a small bag with a long slender strap that hooked over his shoulder and a fine wool shawl before ushering him out of the room and down to the car. The drive into Oxford only took 30 minutes and they were able to park at Sonia's college which was a short walk from the theatre. Shay was particularly careful walking in his heels on an uneven pavement but his natural sense of balance ensured that he arrived at the theatre unscathed. "My goodness you do make a beautiful girl," said Sonia with admiration. "Much too pretty to be a boy, I'd love to keep you like this." "Oh I heartily agree," said Clare, but noticing Shay's alarm quickly added, "But that will be Shayla's decision." Shah could not help notice the admiring glances he got from many of the men they passed as they made their way through the theatre. Many people were dressed formally but Shay, Sonia and Clare really stood out. Shay felt confused with his emotions. On one hand he was mortified to be attracting the attention of men but on the other hand he felt a strange pride that he was considered attractive. Their seats were in the middle of the dress circle and as he sat down Shay was conscious of the delightful rustle of his satin dress which he carefully smoothed under himself. The performance was spectacular. The play was done in late Victorian style with military uniforms for the men and long dresses with layers of crisp petticoats for the women. Hamlet was played by a young actor who gave the part an energy and zest that made the production sparkle. Shay found himself totally absorbed and was surprised when the curtains fell for the interval. "Come on Shayla we want to initiate you in another of the charms of being female, the queue for the toilets," said Sonia. As Clare had predicted into the queue was long and Shay was surprised to feel an indignation at the way the men quickly streamed into their toilet while the women's line inched along. When he mentioned this Clare and Sonia burst out laughing. "Shayla you have only been a girl for a week and already you are raili

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Young and SingleChapter 6 Holidays

It was Xmas next Tuesday and I had just managed to get the last of the presents for the family wrapped. Xmas paper and ribbon littering my living room floor when there was a knock at my door. “Wait.” I shouted. “There’s stuff all over the floor.” That didn’t stop Luciana and Febe from coming in and looking about the room. “What did you get us?” They said excitedly. “I like Diamonds,” said Luciana.” and I like Pearls.” said Febe”. They both cracked up laughing and rolling around on the...

2 years ago
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Home For The Holidays

I was excited to be going home after spending four months away at college, and I was looking forward to spending the holidays with my family and friends. When my parents heard that my roommate, Sarah, was going to be spending the Holidays alone in our dorm back in Boston, they insisted that she come back to Minnesota with me. We couldn’t get Sarah a ticket for the final leg of the trip to Duluth so we landed in Minneapolis and rented a car to drive the last 175 miles up to my hometown in the...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Donnas Holidays

Donna went into the office at work to book some holidays, Steve and Richard were there doing the rota’s, she knocked on the door and Steve opened it, apparently when it shut it automatically locks. As she went over to the desk she asked if she could see the holiday rota, as Steve showed it to her it was obvious he had something else on his mind especially after the store room incident, and Donna would do virtually anything to get her holidays.She stood at the side of the desk as Steve showed...

2 years ago
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Young and SingleChapter 8 Holidays

The Mothers day portrait was a huge success and Grandma looked spectacular and took center stage in the picture. I had on my suit and tie and all the girls had worn summer dresses and had had their hair done. Febe pointed out that my pubic hair was poking above my new swimmers and suggested that she shave me. I agreed and sat on the bathroom sink while she first snipped then took up the razor and shaved. She told me that I would have a rash there if I didn’t put on some moisturizer on the...

4 years ago
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Part 1 June School Holidays

The weeks leading up to our June school holidays Cassi and I save up a bit of money so that we could book into a hotel room and spend some quality time together. It was Wednesday morning of the first week of holidays when we planned for cassi to be dropped off at the mall "to spend the day shopping and watching a movie with her friends". Of course that wasn't the case shortly after 9 when she got dropped off I picked her up and we made our way to the formula one hotel. We booked in and made our...

3 years ago
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A story for the holidays

Christmas is a time of joy and happiness, OR boredom and loneliness.Let me back up a bit, Christmas time, three years ago, sometime during the night, my cock was running in and out of Anna's pussy. It was all wet down there, well lubricated and it was fun. I was kissing her shoulder, fiddling her titties and ramming her pussy with my cock. Back, forth, back, forth, ... Anna turns over, she kisses me on the lips and starts sucking them. I am fingering her around her butt hole and spreading her...

1 year ago
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Flat Mates Part 2 Chapter 8 The Christmas Holidays

FLAT MATES - Part 2 Chapter 8 - The Christmas Holidays Note to Readers: It had been my intention to call a pause in this story after Chapter 7. I had, I thought, written a story that ended with a "cliff-hanger" that would enable readers to imagine their own, and different, outcomes. However, Reviewers were kind enough to say they liked what I had written so far and to encourage me to continue; so I have! I hope you enjoy. For new readers discovering "Flat Mates" for the first time;...

1 year ago
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Luv Sex Filled Holidays

We recently spent a week in the Maldives at a very nice resort. Brad organised everything and I just had to turn up at the airport on time and was so pleased he had booked me to fly First class. What style and luxury, although Brad does refer to me as `The Talent`. Brad flew in later the next day. That 24 hours head start on Brad`s arrival gave me a chance to Rest and Relax and also see who and how I was going to be please my substantial sexual desires.Hey I am on holidays and I like a hard...

1 year ago
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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 11 Holidays

By the time school closed for the Christmas and related holiday season recess, our extended family had reached a new stasis. Misty lived with Penny, Joan, Doug, and me all the time. There was no longer the pretense that she’d go home two or three evenings a week. Instead, Brad and Marjorie came to us a night or two during the week, and on the weekend. Sometimes it was only one of them during the week, as the other traveled for business. We also had a place for them – a guest room that they...

2 years ago
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Home for the Holidays

There was a knock at the door of the old brownstone.When Henry Page went to answer it, he saw his daughter standing there in a jacket that was way too light for an east coast winter snowstorm. Her boyfriend Jeremy was standing right behind her with their luggage in hand as they both shivered in the heavy flurries that were beginning to fall as the day went on. The neighborhood had already gotten a foot of snow by that point and the taxi that had dropped them off had barely made it down the...

2 years ago
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My last Friday of my schooling holidays

It was the last Friday of out last holidays of our schooling career. Both Jessica and myself knew that once back at school and starting our final few weeks with final exams that we wouldn't see much of each other. We therefore made sure that we would spend time together on the last Friday of our holiday. I woke up that morning and a little after 8 30 am I hopped into my car and made my way over to Jessica's house. We were alone for the day and on arrival she met me in the entrance hall wearing...

4 years ago
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A Journey of PassionChapter 10 The Holidays

This year he had so many things to be thankful for, Seth reflected. Shelby and Dallas both were smiling more after Rex's death. They both were healing and moving on as best they could. Then there was Gabriela. She was the best thing in his life. His office staff even teased him about the way he'd changed since he met her. They assured him he'd always been a nice guy but now he looked happier to them. It didn't even surprise them when he took off in the middle of the day...

3 years ago
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JESINTA 7A School Holidays

I was on my final school holiday break for the year, before the end of the school year. “Beep, beep, beep.” The alarm clock sounded at 6:00am. It was my school holidays but VP still had to go into school, for work. When I woke, I found VP had cupped my bare breasts with one arm and had another across. I grinned when I felt his cock had been resting up against my ass crack. So I decided to rock and wriggle my butt against it, hoping to make it slowly respond and grow. His cock...

2 years ago
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JESINTA 7A School Holidays

Introduction: My name is Jesinta Jovanski. I am a 16 year old school girl, who is thinly built at (32-25-34), my breasts haven?t developed like most girls my age and am a B-cup. I am a brunette, with past my shoulder straight hair. Currently I have a live in arrangement with the school Vice-Principle aka Mr. Anderson aka VP. Also I have started experiencing a new relationship with my boxing trainer, Jim Broadbent aka Jimmy. I have drifted away from the biker club that I spent so much time with,...

2 years ago
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This story is where I plan to write holiday chapter's involving vampires, succubus, possibly were stuff like wolves , futas , stuff like that, and possibly other Halloween creatures. Follow different characters, including me through their life as it gets changed during the holidays.

4 years ago
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Back home after December holidays

Once back home after a good December holiday, my husband was back at work and it soon was the first weekend since back home that I would be off my period. It was a Saturday afternoon and while my daughter was playing, my husband and I were sitting at the outside table having a drink each and chatting.This is when I reminded him of our little deal we made at our over night stay on our way back from our December holidays at my parents in Jeffery's Bay. He remembered and said that tonight it will...

1 year ago
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Double Offer In Holidays

Hi, this is Radhakrishna with a hot encounter with my aunt (mom’s sister) and cousin (her daughter). I was 18 years at that time with cute looks and charming face. I looked like a baby with innocent face. Let me describe the females also. My aunt, Lakshmi was 45 years with huge boobs and bulky sexy ass. She must be 5’4 height and 70 kg weight. Her main sexy feature was her personality and homely face. The second one, who is her daughter name, is Sneha. She was 20 years with somewhat bigger...

1 year ago
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Fuck the Holidays

I walked along the side of the carpark, occasionally stumbling on the cracked paving. Like I was paying any attention to where the fuck I was going. Honestly, these seaside holidays were fucking boring as hell, and it was getting worse every year. I’m 19, I’ve reached that stage where I’m just growing apart from my family, and as sad as it is, there’s nothing I really can do about it, even if I could be fucked… Is this where I go into the “I’ve got...

4 years ago
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The Chauffeur 47 The Holidays

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As we got closer to the holidays, shopping for everyone got more difficult. Originally, Ronda had spent time with me to start getting things for some of the group. I had bought that gorgeous diamond necklace for Dakota, but I still didn’t have anything for Jill that I was happy with. My idea about getting a couple of vehicles for Boddy and Sammy made sense in my head. I just needed to find out what color and which vehicles I should be buying them....

1 year ago
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Gay School holidays

Uncle Ernie, with my parents approval of the scheme, took me to meet his friend Steve, and so it was all arranged; I would start on the Monday, and Steve would pick me up first thing that morning. Everything went well. I found Steve to be easy going, and he chatted away in a friendly manner the whole time. The job was an extension to an existing house, and Steve showed me how to measure up and saw the timber, and soon we were both working away busily. As I mentioned, Steve chatted away...

3 years ago
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home for holidays

just as long as there is no more then 15 there and no beer" i said "yeah sure theres only gonna be 10 of us and none of us will drink" i asked if she was going to be home she said yes and then i went to bed because of my long trip across the country to come home the next day i woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked my room was next to the kitchen so whatever some one was cooking i would wake up to the smell everything ( some times i wish i did'nt) but when it...

1 year ago
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Home for the Holidays

It began like that cheesy Christmas movie, where the guy was in a race against time to make it home for the holidays. Except instead of racing, I was taking my time. Why, you ask? Have you seen the movie ‘Christmas Vacation’? Well my family is actually like that. It’s stressful, embarrassing, and a ton of other things that aren’t fun. After a 5 and a half hour drive, I finally arrived in my home town. Like it always is in the winter, my town was really snowy, and really cold. You couldn’t take...

3 years ago
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The holidays

Thomas woke up. It was the first day of the holidays and he was looking forward to a month of fun. His mother was at th kitchen making breakfast. She saw him and said, "There you are my handsome boy!". He smiled at her and sat next to his father at the table. His mother brought the food to the table and his father announced, "I will be going overseas for a business trip tonight. It was a last second decision so I couldn't tell you about it." Thomas' mother said,"Ok. When will you be coming...

4 years ago
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Home for the Holidays

It began like that cheesy Christmas movie, where the guy was in a race against time to make it home for the holidays. Except instead of racing, I was taking my time. Why, you ask? Have you seen the movie "Christmas Vacation"? Well my family is actually like that. It's stressful, embarrassing, and a ton of other things that aren't fun. After a 5 and a half hour drive, I finally arrived in my home town. Like it always is in the winter, my town was really snowy, and really cold. You couldn't take...

Straight Sex
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April varsity holidays

The first semester of my 2nd year at varsity came to an end, and it was also school holidays. I was still in contact with Krystal the 17 year old matric girl who's brother I was coaching cricket. After taking her to a hotel room once and fucking her we continued chatting and on another occasion when we met up she sucked my cock, but I really wanted to fuck her again. It was a Monday night when we messaged each other making plans for Wednesday. We planned that I would pick her up from the mall...

4 years ago
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Part 7 June School Holidays

Friday morning arrived waking up just after 8 and immediately messaging Jessica as I made my way to my stepsister room. She was too awake as our parents had just left a few minutes earlier. I hopped into bed with her and we chatted for a few minutes while i exchanged messages with my new girl. Soon I had plans sorted and I was going through to Jessica house again. I soon went to shower trimming my ball hairs at the same time to be neat and tidy. Getting dressed rather comfortably in tracksuit...

3 years ago
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Part 6 June School Holidays

Tuesday soon went by and our parents were back home and in a good mood. I told them that tomorrow night I would be going out with a few friends to a club and would be home before 2 which they said rather to make it by 1 which I didn't argue with. Cassi and I messaged each other a bit as I was dying to here that she started her period but by the time I said good night to her there wasn't any such luck yet. I had also been messaging Jessica who I initially was looking forward to see but with what...

2 years ago
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April school holidays

During the April school holidays Cassi went with her parents to coast and therefore I didn't get to see her in a while.Not having a car and my parents busy at work and my stepsister busy at varsity it was rather difficult to go anywhere without transport. A few nights Cassi and I sexted but I was still rather horny as you can surely imagine. It was a Tuesday night when my mate James and I made plans for him to join me on the Wednesday for the day and to sleep over that night so that we could...

1 year ago
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My Neighbour Anu Aunty Who I Fucked During Semester Holidays

Hi, friends this is Vijay who is from Tamil Nadu(Chennai).I am 20 years old and I have completed my B.Sc degree in a reputed college in Chennai.Coming to the incident I had a huge desire on my neighbor aunty her name was anu (40)she was short slim and dusky color and had a considerable size of tits and ass.She was married and had a boy who was studying 5th standard.I will often visit her home during my childhood days and I am so close to her as she had seen me from the day I was born. She also...

4 years ago
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Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays By Morpheus T'was the day before Christmas and all through the mall, it was packed full of people making Cole feel lonely and small. Cole was 13 years old, close to 14, though just a little small for his size. He had shaggy dark brown hair that was in need of a cut and well worn clothes that had passed down from several other owners before him. And at the moment, Corey was standing at the edge of a crowd, watching the display with the mall...

2 years ago
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Homo for the Holidays

Homo for the Holidays by Peg Thebois It had been twenty years since Jim had lay awake on Christmas Eve, unable to sleep, staring at the clock as it counted minute after minute. Unlike the eight year old boy he once was i wasn't eager excitement at the thought of what was under his tree that kept him up this time. The thing he needed most wouldn't be waiting for him in boxes and shiny wrapping, there was no job with a bow on it. He needed a new job and immediately, as it was he...

3 years ago
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What I did on my Holidays

Standard DisclaimerThis is a work of fiction, and ALL the characters are fictional. In particular I refer to the chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall. I wish to make it clear that I do so in a fictional context and am not referring to any real holder of this post, past, present or future. Caught in the Act - Dave was bored. He’d finished his first year exams at university and returned home to Cornwall for the summer vacation. After the endless hours of drudgery involved in working for his...

2 years ago
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Mala aunty me durga puja holidays

It was the day of the bhog. I was waiting for Mala aunty to get ready, so that I could take her to the pujo pandal. Aunty had some work and had gone out. She came in just as my mother was leaving for the pandal. She wanted to freshen up asked my mom to proceed for the bhog ceremony. My mother told me to wait and bring Mala aunty to the puja pandal, once she is ready. She also told me to lock up the house properly, before we leave. I agreed as I really did not have any choice in the matter. Mom...

1 year ago
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Home for the Holidays

I’m back. It’s winter break and I get to be home for a few weeks. Military school doesn’t really afford many luxuries so I plan to make the most out of this break as I can. My dad picked me up from the school since freshmen aren’t allowed to have cars on the campus. We talked about how my year was going so far, how my grades are, things like that. Penny never entered our conversation. After we had gotten home that day he burned the brown paper bag in our fireplace. I went to my room and...

1 year ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 16 Holidays

I was kissed awake. "You're so cute when you sleep," Nancy said as she ran her fingers through my hair. I looked at the clock. There was an hour before my alarm was to go off. I grinned, having an idea why she had awakened me. "Good morning, Sunshine. Why are you so happy this morning?" "Because my man was so good to me last night I couldn't see sending him off to the salt mines without a little loving," she almost purred. I rewarded her by giving her a deep soulful kiss. Nancy...

4 years ago
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In Her GenesChapter 22 Holidays

Two weeks later, the Hartwell/Olsen/Renault household was breaking camp. Suitcases and duffel bags were stuffed with clothes, laptops were backed up for security, and last minute arrangements made. Then, on early Saturday, they boarded a regular flight to Missoula, hogging almost the entire business class of the small plane. Dani was flying high on a cloud. She’d been noticed by talent scouts from USC, UCLA and ASU and offers were coming in. It also helped that she came from a respected prep...

2 years ago
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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 11 Into The Holidays

Thanksgiving came up more quickly than Mel was ready for. Three weeks after Halloween and he was still getting used to the woman, the very sexual being, that was Tracy. He had come to an understanding with Tracy, an acceptance of her desire to continue seeing other people, even though deep within his heart he wished she would tire of her need for variation and see him as the one who could meet all of her needs. Yeah, totally unrealistic, but Tracy seemed to like him being there as the one big...

2 years ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 8 Happy Holidays

Kids are amazing. They can pick up on things that you don't realize without anything ever having been said to them. In our case, the idea that I might leave the home again and not live there was off the table. I guess it was our body language that made it obvious. Diane and I never said anything to give them that assurance, but they knew. They knew and they quit worrying about it. Little Sandy, now in kindergarten, knew. She knew Daddy wasn't going anywhere except on his big silver bus and...

1 year ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 19 Busy Holidays

Billy came out while Jesse was still separating the milk. "I couldn't find anybody worth a damn. There were a couple of winos passing through who stopped for a glass at Ed's and that's it." Jesse nodded. "Billy, from what Marie tells me I may have put the ranch in jeopardy. She is going to be busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. We are going to be away off and on for the next few months. So let's feed extra heavy and less often. That will make it a little easier on...

3 years ago
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The LandlordChapter 4 Holidays

I know I should feel like scum, but I'll be darned if I could find a twinge of guilt in my whole body. If anything, I felt amazing. I felt completely empowered. I loved fucking Jenny. I loved every second of it. I was looking forward to the next time. I dreamt about different positions I would try, how I would take her. I thought about buying her sexy outfits or making her wear her waitress uniform. I thought about making her do humiliating things like lick my ass or licking my cock after it...

1 year ago
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Jamaican holidays

5 years ago my wife and I took a couple of weeks holidays in Jamaica. We found a nice resort with bungalows in Negril. We are from France and living in the US (near Atlanta). We are in our early forties, healthy and fit as we work out regularly. My wife is however, say, shapy. She has light blue eyes on a delicate and beautiful face with large pulpous lips and nicely drawn jaw line. She is tall with an athletic figure, large shoulders, small waist, large hips and a wonderful round butt. And she...

1 year ago
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Summer Holiday

This is a true story, it may not be the ultimate fantasy to some, but for me it was the moment of my sexual awakening… Many years ago when I was 12 I went to school with a lad who lived just down the road, I had known T for about 6 years, we had got to know each other in junior school and we both passed our eleven plus so ended up at the same school. T was great he had a brother, D and we used to spend loads of time together, after school and especially in the summer holidays. I was...

3 years ago
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Summer Holiday

Summer Holiday pt 1 By Ashtree The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. It is not meant to condone orencourage forced sexual acts between females. Hello again, it's Jenny here with more tales of my favourite sexual pastime;raping other women. These ones are from the best holiday I ever had in my life,and the first episode, which is what I'm going to tell you now, was a strangeone, but as they say never look a gift horse etc. Normally I've always targetedwomen my own age or older, young...

2 years ago
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Summer Voodoo

Continuing the Summer saga, this story picks up where "Summer is Hot in Cozumel" left off. "So, John, what's the deal with you sexually propositioning Aaron?" "WHAT?!" Grinning, Summer poked him in the ribs. "Don't try to deny it, you glorious freak. I heard you on Dave's phone call, trying to talk Aaron into helping you join the Mile High Club." John leaned back and laughed, "Oh god, you heard that? Okay, fine, Summer, you're onto me! My secret is out!" Still grinning,...

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Summers Story

The two of them walked through the double glass doors of the convenience store with a whoosh of wind following them, blowing through the center aisle way next to the service counter, magazines and pages flipping through the wind. There was no one else there but Jeff, the clerk working the register, who at the moment was using the customer restroom on the other end of the convenience store. The cameras were the only things that caught them at first.One was male, tall and skinny, seemed to hide...

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Summering in Femininity Part 12 Summers End Continued

The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...

2 years ago
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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

4 years ago
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Summer Is Hot in CozumelChapter 3

"Aha! I see you found the old tank top," Dave said, hugging Summer from behind as she stood at the kitchen counter chopping potatoes. Wrapping her arms around his, Summer smiled. "Did you think there was any chance I wouldn't? I'd already found it way before you left your phone message." "Well, I was right, you do look absolutely amazing in it." "Thank you, sweetie. I'm glad you like it on me. It's shorter than that little nightshirt you love so much, which at least sort of...

3 years ago
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Summer My Sisters Best Friend

This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote. * Stephen’s love of his life is his sister’s best friend, Summer, a woman eight years older than him. Summer, I’m in love with Summer, my sister Christine’s best friend and I don’t know what to do about it. Love at first sight, it all started the first time I saw Summer in the summer of 1968. She was in the backyard with my sister in the pool. As if my sister was swimming with an angel, a woman with a model’s face and a porn star body, I...

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Summer Is Hot in CozumelChapter 1

"Jake, promise me that I'll never wake from this dream..." Sighing contentedly while pulling our light blanket over us, she hugged herself against my bare chest. Once she was all settled in, I wrapped my arms around her slender shoulders and kissed her forehead before giving my happy girl a gentle squeeze. Summer and I lay together on our back porch, staring up at the brilliant starry night sky of Cozumel. She was curled in my lap, purring like a kitten. Bathed in soft, warm candlelight,...

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