The Neighbour free porn video

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I was in my kitchen finishing off the washing up, I was dressed as I normally was, on a Saturday lunchtime, in my afternoon uniform, white lace bra, white French Knickers, white lacy suspenders, tan stockings, three inch high heeled black court shoes, a white multi layered nylon net petticoat trimmed with white lace, which rustles every time I move and fans out the very full dress of my uniform showing off the lacy edges of the petticoats. My short black dress has a white lace collar & cuffs. Finally I have a starched white apron and a white maids cap, a black shoulder length wig. I am heavily made up and my nails and lips are scarlet. Imagine my absolute terror when I turned around to see my pretty petite neighbour Sarah sitting at my table smiling. "Well, well, well, What have we here? I thought I saw someone in a fancy black dress taking out the rubbish, I thought that you might have a girlfriend at last, so I thought I would pop round and say hello to her, but what do I find; a little sissy maid. So I got to thinking, my house needs a bit of cleaning and unless you would like me to tell everyone about your little secret, you will be round mine in ten minutes - just as you are - and ready to spend the rest of this weekend in cleaning my house". With that she left and I was left swallowing, I could feel my heart pounding against my false breast. "Shit" I thought "now what am I going to do" But I knew exactly what I had to do, so I very quickly ran around and slipped in the back door of her house. She was now sitting at her kitchen table with a huge grin on her face. "I didn't think you'd be long, now, we need to start as we mean to go on, so GET OUT" she shouted "and knock" I did, "Come in" I entered "Curtesy" I did so "You'll get better" she said "with practice, and I intend to give you quite a lot of practice" she giggled. "Now I think we'll start with a bit of floor scrubbing you'll find all you need under the sink after that you can wash up, clean the oven, vacuum the carpets, dust the rooms, make the bed, oh and there's a whole load of ironing, now busy busy busy, say Yes madam, curtsey to me and get on with it and don't make too much noise!" "Yes Madam" I said giving a neat little curtsey and found a bucket complete with scrubbing brush and some floor cleaner, I worked the entire afternoon, through the evening and well into the early hours without so much as a minute's break. I went home at four in the morning collapsed on to my bed exhuasted. At about 9:15 on Sunday my phone rang waking me. "Where are you? I am sitting here waiting for my breakfast, now get your self dressed and report for your duties - I expect you to be here in fifteen minutes - understand?" I groaned and got up I had been so tired when I got home that I had slept in my uniform and on inspection I saw that it was very crumpled and soiled. In my wardrobe I found my plain black 'A' line dress with white collar and cuffs. I took off my french knickers, corset and stockings which I swapped for pink briefs and tights, my net petticoat was exchanged for a plain white slip and my courts for flats. I made up my face straightened my wig and put on a clean white apron and cap. Six months later Well he has been with me now for six months and from the outset I knew that I would have to de-feminise my new acquisition. You see I now have quite a bit of time to research sissies, they do like to dress up in all their finery and high heels, ponce about shaking a feather duster around and generally look as if they are cleaning, but I need someone to work as a skivvy, to clean and cook, do the laundry and ironing, shop and generally look after this house and garden and to wait on me hand and foot. So I think that they should both live and dress the part. His entire wardrobe now consists of two white aprons and one striped one, one pair of sissy white panties with a little red rose pattern on them, so that if anyone sees them there is absolutely no doubt that they are girly knickers, and, more importantly they can never be confused with mine, one plain white bra, one plain white nylon full slip, one pair of tan tights, one grey polyester cotton overall dress, from Alexandra's, one pair of flat black shoes, one pink cotton night-dress and two little girly handkerchiefs. A black bobbed wig and a little maids tie on cap. He knows that everything must be kept in perfect order at all times - or else. He is allowed to replace items as they become worn out but first he has to make do and mend. He also has a cheap suit, a nylon shirt, a pair of socks and shoes to go to work in. He has to ensure that he is always perfectly made up and I make him buy cheap cosmetics from the pound or 99 pence shop. His room is a tiny windowless room in the attic with a two-foot-six iron bedstead, a very thin old filthy mattress, a second hand pillow and a well worn blanket. The only other things in the room are an old wind up alarm clock and an old chipped enamel bucket. There is no light and I have had a strong iron barred door fitted like those you see in the old westerns. He has to be up and out of bed before the alarm finishes ringing, he has ten minutes to shave wash dress and get down to work. Boy does he work! He gets up at 5:45 and works until 8:45 and then goes to work in his office, he is a clerk, he gets home at 13:15 changes and works until 13:45 and then its change again and back to work, home and in uniform by 5:15 and work until 10:15 then bed, every day no exceptions no excuses just work when he doesn't have to go to work he works here from 5:55am right through to 10:15pm with three ten minute breaks to eat or pee or drink. He is not allowed to sit or lay unless he is in his room. And there is the corrective discipline. He told me that most sissies like to be disciplined with a few slaps on the bottom., but I thought that if I were to put him across my knee it wouldn't be so much of a punishment as a thrill because I am quite petite! So we work the demerit system, he gets demerits for all his misdemeanours until he reaches 24, which I keep a tally of, in my little black book and when he reaches the total, I make him ring my friend Sharon and arrange an appointment for her to visit he also has to beg her for 36 strokes of the heavy cane, she always tries to talk him down to 24 but he has to insist on 36, telling her all the things he has done to earn such a dire punishment. She always brings a huge sack of ironing with her which he will have to complete perfectly later or he goes over Sharon's knee for a very sound hair-brushing. Sharon is a very large lesbian lady who dislikes men in general and him in particular! He is so afraid of her he trembles with fear as soon as he knows that she is coming. She rings the bell and he lets her in she gives him her keys and tells him to fetch her stuff from the car, he is not allowed to use the front door at all, so he has to close the door, run down stairs, out of the backdoor, down the garden, out of the back gate, and round to the front, locate and unlock the car, get the sack of laundry and the empty hangers, lock the car, run all the way back, put the laundry in the utility room and get up to his room in the attic and he better not have kept her waiting too long! Sharon orders him to strip off his shoes, tights and pants, put his pillow in the middle to raise his bottom and get on the bed where she spread eagles him. She fastens him to the head and foot posts of his little iron bed, there are four loops of stout cloth attached to his bed two each at the foot at the head he puts his wrists and ankles in the loops and a small piece if tubing is pushed down so that escape is impossible. She then pushes up his skirt and slip baring his bottom and proceeds to lay on 36 solid strokes of a heavy cane which has him balling and crying and whimpering from the start and he is in quite a lot of pain for a whole week or more. He has been known to wet himself which can't be very nice for him to go to bed in a wet bed. After it is over she releases one hand and tells him he has 15 minutes to report to me. He has to dress, brush his hair, fix his make-up, make his bed and come to me and thank me profusely for tending to his needs, pandering to his fetish and keeping him on the straight and narrow, as I am usually in bed or having a bath and he is sobbing so much he has difficulty getting the words out, I just wave him away telling him to bring me coffee and to be quick about it, I feel that to administer punishment and then send him to bed feeling sorry for himself is almost a reward, so just to enhance his experience he has to get Sharon to come over in the morning which means that he has to go to work in a state of extreme distress but no quarter is ever given and beg as he may there is no allowance at all he has to work and keep to his times and he has a huge bag of ironing to do after his normal chores so little sleep for him. No wonder he prefers to be thrashed on a weekend! Not that that is the easy option, oh no, Sharon will often stay the whole weekend following him and hounding him and slapping him during the entire time if he so much as slows down for a second! If he can go a month without a hiding all demerits are cancelled, he hasn't managed it yet, but what he doesn't know is that in the unlikely event of that happening too often I will lower the tariff. Sharon likes seeing him in pain, making him cry and so do I, so I want him punished at least once a month and he seems to get plenty of demerits after about three weeks! I also keep him in a state of enforced chastity, sissies always tell you that they crave this but actually they like to masturbate two or three times a day! I tried various devices but the kali's teeth is the most effective of all. It gives exceedingly painful reminders to keep down all thoughts of a sexual nature, it comes off once a month for three minutes, if he's lucky and he's not often very lucky! After two months he is really at breaking point and will cry at the least little thing - I really like that. I want to get him to go for a whole year and I am thinking of filling the lock up with super-glue! The other thing is that I don't like him to chatter, so he is only allowed to say certain things without first asking permission. His stock phrases are "Yes Madam (Miss or Sir, if he's not talking to me)", "No Madam", "Please Madam", "Thank you Madam". Nothing else is allowed on pain of a demerit and he will do anything to avoid getting a demerit and each phrase must be accompanied with a nice curtesy which I must say he is now very good at. I feel like a queen, he waits on me, he pampers me, and I haven't lifted a finger in this house for months. I am all powerful in my own domain, when I come into a room he curtseys and with a wave of my hand he disappears and when I feel really mean I will give him a demerit for not completing whatever task it was that he was doing and at the snap of my fingers or the tinkle of my little bell he reappears anxious, eager and willing to obey my every command. One Year later I now have the most awful life imaginable, the old adage be careful what you wish for in case it comes true, certainly applies to me. I have been a virtual slave for a about a year, my dreams of being a maid to a strict mistress have indeed come true, but golly what a difference reality is from my fantasy. I am a real drudge, not one minute of my time is unaccounted for; I have to work here for three hours before I go to work and rush home at dinnertime, change into my uniform and prepare and serve a perfect lunch for Miss Sarah, change, rush back to work and then at five o'clock run home to begin another five hours of drudgery. My punishment kicks in so to speak when I reach twenty four demerits Miss Sarah is a small quite petite woman but it is her friend and I think, lover, the amazon, Miss Sharon who administers all the punishments and she does this without a scrap of mercy. Miss Sharon frightens me like you would not believe. She is over six feet tall, weighs in at about sixteen stone, is vey powerfully built and she has the most evil hatred of me. I know that when she gets a call from me, asking her to come and cane me, she will be on her way over the next morning and will arrive about seven thirty. It is decreed by miss Sarah that punishment is carried out in the morning before I go to work. I don't sleep much once it has been decided. I have to telephone Miss Sharon to make the appointment the night before and I have to insist that she gives me thirty six of the very best she likes to tease me by saying that I cannot possibly want that many strokes (which of course I don't but when she did this for the first time I agreed and subsequently I had twenty four strokes each Monday for six weeks). She normally brings a big bag of ironing, but sometimes it is all her laundry and I know that I will have to complete all the washing and ironing by the next morning how ever much there is, and however sore and tired I am, or receive more demerits, I try to do anything to avoid that. On average I normally get a hiding about every three to four weeks and the pain is awful for four or five days after that it becomes manageable, but the marks stay for weeks in fact I always have the marks of a recent thrashing. I nearly always cry myself to sleep now. My cock aches entrapped as it is in its spiked prison and hasn't been released for over six months and there is no end in sight. On the last Friday of every month I have to go to Miss Sharon's flat for a "holiday" let me say right now its no holiday for me. I have to catch the bus right after I finish on Friday evening and it takes about half an hour, I run from the bus stop to the house and hope that I'm not too late - Miss Sharon does not use the demerit system, I just get thrashed if I displease her in any way and believe me its not hard to do. She makes me wear the full works; black frilly dress, lace bra, French Knickers, Black corset, Black seamed stockings, like I used to do but the five inch high heels really make my feet and legs ache. I have to make myself up like a real tart and I have to work just as hard as I do at home if not harder and then I am expected to "please" her during the night with my tongue and boy does she take some "pleasing". I work all day Saturday and Sunday morning and then have to change and catch the bus home and be there by one o'clock Sunday lunchtime and woe betide me if I am late! When I get home I am expected to be in my usual uniform within three minutes and I must catch up on all the work because Miss Sarah won't have lifted a finger. there will be laundry and washing up, bed making and tidying and vacuuming before I can go to bed, and if she decides that I didn't catch up with or perform all of my duties to perfection I can expect some demerits as well! Sharon will phone a report which will undoubtedly reward me with five or six demerits even though I will have already been over miss Sharon's knees during my holiday weekend and had several severe doses of her hairbrush so much so that my poor bottom is permanently sore and swollen. Six Months Later I had been quite excited I had managed against all the odds not to get a single demenit for thirty days, I came home from work and was getting changed when I saw on the notice board the following notice Imagine how distraught I was, I had 21 demerits already and hoped that they would for the first time ever be cancelled. I broke down and sobbed. Madam came in and I forgot to curtesy , which did not go unnoticed and I was immediately awarded another demerit and she asked if I had seen the new regulations. Unable to speak, I simply nodded and curtesyed."You have 22 demerits and therefore need to be flogged, I have phoned Sharon and she will be here in the morning, she is very excited about the new procedure as she says she will probably see more of you. I take it that youtwo are ot having an affair behind my back?" she giggled My Neighbour

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Younger married man fucking 45 year old neighbour

I am now a 31 year old male, who had an experience with a woman 18 years older than me. Soon after my 14th birthday, we had new neighbours moving in next to us. They were a young couple both in their late 20's. They had one son only, who was only 3 years old. They had a second child a year later. But, the husband was a wild guy. Enjoyed partying with his buddies and going out every weekend. She on the other hand was a more homely type. She was'nt the most polite of people, but greeted when...

2 years ago
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The Neighbour

THE NEIGHBOUR Joanne Pare At the age of 18, I spent the summer at my parent's country chalet. Our neighbour had promise them that he would keep an eye on me. He lived there year round and was always alone. Our family came on the week-ends and I would be alone during the week. Andr?, the neighbour, would often come for supper with us and he proposed to my parents to take me for three days on a canoe trip. Since they had known him for years, they accepted. Our trop was planned for M...

4 years ago
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My mamis neighbour

Sarita hesitating removed her old blouse and was now in her bra exposing some amount of her boobs. I was pretty excited. Lata remarked, "Oh, you have not nice boobs, you need not feel shy in exposing it in front of both of us. I shall be glad if would remove your bra also before trying on the new blouse." I was shocked; I could not believe my luck; I hoped Sarita would do as requested by my mami. Sarita said, "Nothing doing; how can I expose myself in front of this boy;it is all right...

4 years ago
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Friendly Neighbour

A good few years ago I lived in a little flat in the suburbs. It was a small, two-story block, with only 6 residences and a little parking area with garages out the back. I was living there with my girlfriend at he time, a dark haired, B-cupped woman with whom I argued incessantly.Often, on my way out to work in the mornings I would pass one of the neighbours, a woman of about thirty with shoulder length, mousey hair cut into a neat sort-of bob. Her eyes were amazing. The little laugh lines at...

3 years ago
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My Wife8217s Affair With My Neighbour

Hi all ISS members and sex story readers. I am Jayanth from Bangalore writing this sex story for the first time since I became member of pride ISS club (). This is my true story written without hiding anything from my heart except the real names of us. Please read this story and send your sincere comments to enable me send some more real stories happened in my life. I am basically an engineer working in some reputed private organisation in Bangalore. I am married to mirmala in 1991 to a bsc...

2 years ago
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The Old Man finally has enough of his teen neighbour

I giggled into my scarf so as to muffle the sound. The faint scent of brandy and rum assulted my nose as my breath caught in my scarf's blue silken folds. Attempting to tiptoe lightly to my appartment door, I stumbled into a thin side table which thanks to my imbalance slammed against the radiator, sending in turn a deep metallic bang through the buildings heating system."Right you little cunt, 19 is old enough to have gained respect for elders..." I heard Mr Linton mutter as the door...

3 years ago
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The Neighbour

During May 2010 David and I had been to a party at my sister’s - an adult party –By the time we were ready to leave it was late at night and my sister dared me to let my hubby drive me home in nothing but my heels leaving my clothes behind, I accepted the dare, yes I’d had a few wines, so not thinking too much about it, it’s about 12 miles back to our place mostly through some countryside and some streets. I also know another reason why I accepted her dare was, I had previously told her...

4 years ago
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the new neighbour

Sonia sat at her computer browsing holiday sites looking for a last minute deal. As the sun moved round and made it difficult to see the monitor she began to wonder why she needed to go abroad. It was absolutely glorious outside, and indoors she was hot, even though she only had on her skimpy cotton shorts and a little vest top.She decided that she would give herself another half hour then wash the car before her husband got home. She needed to do something about the glare on the monitor first...

1 year ago
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The night I was pleasured by my neighbour

I am Natalia, a shemale and I have enjoyed rough sex a lot. I like fucking both men and women as long as I am satisfied. This one night I was literally made to get pleasured by my neighbour and I enjoyed it a lot. He had just jumped me and entered my apartment forcefully. I got scared and resisted but the minute he kissed me I relaxed. “So, you want to have a dalliance with me?” I asked Jory. “I want to fuck you and suck on your cock. Will you let me?” he asked. I smiled and hugged him,...

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The Neighbour

I live in a quiet neighbourhood. My house is surrounded by grass for the most part, but quite a lot of vegetation is present on the edges of the garden, so I'm completely shielded from the street. The only place from where people can have a look at me is when I'm sitting in the garden, from a window on the upper level of my neighbour's house. The same goes for my neighbour's garden and boy, I've been peeking a lot at that garden since I moved to this area... My neighbour Doe is a rather small...

2 years ago
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Fucking my parents sexy neighbour

Introduction: When I was a teenager living at home with my parents house I was increasingly attracted to our next door neighbour Christine during my teenage years. Unfortunately the following story is only a fantasy as much as I would wish otherwise… When I was a teenager living at home with my parents house I was increasingly attracted to our next door neighbour Christine during my teenage years. Unfortunately the following story is only a fantasy as much as I would wish otherwise… My parents...

3 years ago
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The Spying Neighbour

Jenny was thrown when she heard the doorbell, opened the front door, and saw her neighbour’s twenty-two-year-old daughter, Samantha, standing there. She smiled uneasily as she had just this moment come back downstairs after masturbating on her bed. The thing was that she had been fantasising about Samantha. Jenny was thirty-seven-years -old but was so taken by Samantha. “Hi Samantha,” Jenny managed to say looking her up and down. She looked so gorgeous in her pink cropped vest top showing off...

4 years ago
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My neighbour is in his 70's but a fit old chap he's very friendly to both myself and my wife, his wife died about 6 years ago and as far as i'm aware he doesnt have any lady callers.His bedroom is the other side of our bedroom wall so i would imagine he has heard us fucking a number of times as my wife isnt the quietest when she is in the zone.Let me set the scene we had been out for a number of drinks at out local so she was not dressed up just jeans and a blouse i wasnt even sure if she had...

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TO CANE A NEIGHBOUR he was born in 1957 and over the years developed an interest (perhaps an obsession) with spanking and especially caning since way back, in fact he said; “I guess the first time I can definitely attach a date to this ‘obsession’ was 1967. My elder sister (6 years older than me, she in the seniors and me in the juniors) went to the same school and at the end of one lunch break I saw my sister’s best friend, Sandra Fletcher, standing outside the Headmaster’s study sobbing...

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Fucked By My Neighbour

Because of my job I've had to travel up and down the UK, living in accommodations and hotels. I usually have around three months off in the summer so that I can go back home and see my family whose house I still technically live at. Upon arriving home I was greeted by parents as they were talking to the new neighbour. Now, despite being in a relationship with a girl for the last five years, I've always gotten off with men. The neighbour, named Tommy, was around six feet tall, with a pot belly...

4 years ago
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Steamy Sex With Hot MILF Neighbour

This sexy story revolves around a woman named Khyati who turned out to be my neighbour in a building I had just shifted in. Khyati was a 44-year-old single mother milf who could have easily passed on as a 25 year old. She was tall and a dusky woman with fat at the right places with a figure of approx 34-28-32. She had long curly hair and dark brown seductive eyes. Any straight man could have a hard on just by looking at her. My first encounter with her was while I was moving into my new flat...

4 years ago
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My Beautiful Neighbour

This is a real life incidence if my friend and his sexual encounter with his neighbour! So story has been elaborated! Get ready for a hard on! I am Bharath and i am 5ft 6 inches with an athletic muscular body. Am 20 years old. And I have a very active social life with full of thrills. Let me come to the point. Let me introduce my neighbour. Knock! Knock! “Whose there”, she said. It is your neighbour. She opened the door way to heaven..? There she stood in her half length shirt and a tight...

2 years ago
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Being An Escort Enjoyed My Busty Neighbour

Hello friends. This is Raunak Singh. I’m from Mumbai. Aged 19 and currently studying. I am also an escort serving to local ladies on their request. People liked my previous two sex stories and they mailed me too which encouraged me to share more of my real life incidences. Again, ladies from Mumbai do not feel shy to mail me at as I maintain complete privacy and I change the name and place of my clients while narrating my experience. So getting back to the story: a lady lives on my floor just...

5 years ago
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Entertaining the Neighbour

She twirled the phone cord around her fingers as she listened to the dial tone, impatiently waiting for him to pick up at the other end. 3 rings, 4 rings, 5 rings.“Hello, Jack speaking,” he answered, his deep and masculine voice vibrating to her very core, making her already wet sex, ache.“I need you, I need to feel you against me. 7pm, our normal place. See you there?” she breathed down the phone line.“Baby doll, I can’t tonight. There’s no way I can escape," his voice now hushed into a...

1 year ago
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When phone sex turned into an intense sex experience with my neighbour

Hello everyone. My name is Emma and I am typically a shy girl. I recently shifted to this new place away from my parents due to work and was feeling very lonely those days. I had been through a bad experience in my relationship, so I had decided not to date anyone for some time. I usually kept myself busy doing other things and it made me feel happy and content. I was not the type of person to hook up with someone or even have a casual relationship. This was because I used to feel very shy...

Real Hookup
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Checking out the new neighbour

Sonia sat at her computer browsing holiday sites looking for a last minute deal. As the sun moved round and made it difficult to see the monitor she began to wonder why she needed to go abroad. It was absolutely glorious outside, and indoors she was hot, even though she only had on her skimpy cotton shorts and a little vest top. She decided that she would give herself another half hour then wash the car before her husband got home. She needed to do something about the glare on the monitor first...

3 years ago
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Helpfull Neighbour

This is a very long story with a long lead in. Hopefully the wait will be worth it. Helpful Neighbour. My names is Jerry and I am 27. My wife is Mona and she is 25. We have been friends since we were in nappies. Through her teen years she went a bit wild and got a bit of a reputation. Especially with regard to her clothing or in some stories lack of clothing. But then she suddenly seemed to become happy being with me. I considered myself to be very very lucky to have such a gorgeous woman...

4 years ago
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My new BBW neighbour

Just the other day, I noticed a removals wagon parked in front of the house next door. It had stood empty for a while, so new neighbours moving in was to be expected. My last neighbours were very old, and moved into a warden controlled flat for the elderly, so I was interested to see who the new people were.I peered through my curtains to get a look. I saw the two burley removals men back and forth with the furniture, but no one else.Then I saw a woman of about 40 bring out a tray with coffee...

2 years ago
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Black girls get revenge on their posh white neighbour

Introduction Mrs Amsel scrubbed at the inside of the oven with the small scouring pad, her manicured nails had been ruined by this weeks unaccustomed manual labour but it was almost over.  It was Friday and in a few hours she'd be paid and able to salvage a grain of dignity by declining further cleaning work from Mrs Fumbe.  The most irritating part for Mrs Amsel was how the black women feigned concern for her financial woes and offered the small amount of cash as almost mocking charity.Unlike...

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The Neighbour

I'd lusted after my beautiful neighbour since she and her baby daughter had taken the house next to ours. Now, finally, I was getting a chance to make a move on her.... THE NEIGHBOUR by BobH (c) 2020 "You really think you have a chance with Mrs Holt?" said Bethany, sounding dubious. "I really do," I said, giving my appearance a final check in the hallway mirror. My daughter gave a small snort of derision, adding a dismissive shrug of the sort that 14 year-old girls do...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbour

It was late, around midnight, when something woke me. I looked at the bedside clock, my mind still struggling to reach rational thought. Damn, only been in bed half an hour. What woke me?The knocking was repeated, soft yet persistent, answering the unspoken question. Quickly throwing on a robe to cover my nakedness, I went downstairs to see who was going to be screamed at. To my surprise it was Alison, my next door neighbour. Fully dressed, even to having a coat and shoes on."Marie, I am so...

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My 42year old neighbour

his is the story about my neighbour when I still lived with my parents house. At the time I was about 22 years old and at the neighbours they had 3 sons, the oldest one, Robert, aged 19 was my good friend. Only their mother was living there as his parents were divorced about 10 years before. She was about 20 years older then me, so a mature 42-year woman. She was quite chubby with a pair of big tits, I guess minimum D-size. She had curly blond hair and grey eyes and always in a happy mood. Her...

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Bhabhi8217s Sex Adventure With Handsome Neighbour

Hi, I’m Anjana from Chennai. This story was narrated to me by one of my girl-friend few days back. I am portraying myself as her in this story. The story is real but it’s not my experience. It was shared by my friend. Note: I am married. Just because I write sex stories doesn’t mean I’m open for hookups, sex chats and meetups. I am not interested in any of those. Please don’t disturb me with those. Although I would welcome feedbacks of the story and will reply to every feedbacks. Email me at ...

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Sex With Hot Neighbour

First of all, I would like to thank all those who liked my previous story. Though I just got replies from very less, I was lucky enough to have sex with one of my fans who turned out to be my hot neighbour. I am 20-year-old boy living in Chennai. All those girls who want to have fun with me, either sex or webcam or roleplay chat or anything mail me. I had received a mail from a girl who said she liked my story. She said she is 22 years old, just finished college and was working as a trainee in...

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