Supernatural Nation: First Encounter Of The Furry Kind free porn video

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Chapter 3

The shifting of the bed and the rustle of sheets brought Anthony to full wakefulness instantly. Sasha was moving quietly peering at the floor in the pre-dawn gloom. She bent at the waist giving him an excellent view of her perfectly shape butt and when she straightened he again saw the lacerations on her back and anger spiked through him. In her hands she held her shirt but couldn't seem to find the rest of her clothes. Anthony waved his hand and a black velvet sundress appeared on her. It took Sasha a second to notice the dress but when she did she spun to face the bed and Anthony could see her sheepish look even in the dim light of the not yet risen sun.

"Going somewhere," he asked with irritation. She didn't answer and lowered her eyes so she was looking at the floor.

"Home," she finally whispered and his breath sucked through his teeth in outrage.

"You can't want to go back to that place," he said at almost a shout that caused Cassie to stir restlessly beside him. Sasha shook her head indicating that she didn't want to go but she continued to look for her discarded clothes. Anthony leapt across the space dividing them in the blink of an eye and grabbed her shoulders spinning her to face him.

"Why are you going back if you don't want to be there," he demanded.

"I will already be punished for staying out of the house for a night with no permission. I don't want to add even more pain to what is to come. I will have to go sometime," she replied her eyes glued to her feet.

"Why do you ever need to go back to that house," he asked calmer.

"It's where I live," she said in confusion finally raising her eyes to meet his.

"No I distinctly remember last night that I said you are mine and you agreed. Since I live here for the time being you live here with me. Unless you have changed your mind already," he said. She stared into his eyes not speaking for a long minute then suddenly burst into tears. Anthony wrapped her in his arms as worry and bewilderment flooded his mind.

"Do you or do you not want to belong to me," he asked again when her sobs abated a little. She slowly raised her tear streaked face to look him in the eyes and studied his face for a minute. She found whatever she was looking for in his expression of worry because she nodded in answer to his question.

"Good use the bathroom and we will go to your parents' house," he said. Her eyes widened in alarm at his words and she began to quake.

"Why," she asked in a small voice.

"So we can get your things of course. Also so we can have your parents sign your emancipation papers," he said matter of factly.

"I don't have emancipation papers," she said. Anthony opened his hand and a small stack of papers appeared in his grip. The documents were all filled out and only missing the signatures and the notary stamp. Sasha stared at the papers reverently as she slowly took them from Anthony's out stretched hand. She gingerly placed them on the bed and headed for the bathroom. Once she was in the tiled room she slid the velvet dress over her head while reveling in the feel of the fabric across her bare skin. She slid into the shower and turned it on and stood under the cascade of hot water and let it wash away her tension.

"Jenny, are any of the vampires notaries," Anthony asked. He stood watching Cassie shift restlessly on the bed and listening to Sasha in the shower with his cellphone to his ear. Cassie moved in little movements she remained just on the other side of consciousness but would soon wake.

"Yes, I am actually," Jenny said with surprise in her voice.

"Could you meet us there in half an hour," he asked after explaining the situation and giving her Sasha's address.

"I'll be there. I'll leave Tina in charge here and head out now," she said.

"Tina the bartender," Anthony asked.

"Yes, you know her," Jenny asked in surprise.

"We met the day of my wedding. She was the bartender that day when I wasn't allowed to be home yet," Anthony explained.

"Yeah she is a really help. I promoted her to assistant manager so she is in charge when I am not around," she said.

"Good to know I'll remember. So I'll see you in half an hour," he asked trying to wrap up the conversation.

"Yes, see you shortly," Jenny said and they both hung up. No sooner had the call disconnected then the bathroom door clicked open and Sasha walked out. Her dress was folded over her arm and she was completely nude. Her hair was darkened with wetness and clung to her body causing Anthony's body to take notice. She looked at him and saw his growing erection as he watched her hungrily and smiled. She grinned at him and her tongue darted out moistening her lips. His eyes flicked to her mouth, drawn by the motion, and stayed there.

"Are we going," she tried to ask casually but her voice trembled slightly at the prospect of facing her parents.

"Sadly, yes," Anthony replied. He flexed his will and she was no long wet and the dress she had been holding now encased her. He had also conjured some velvet panties, sock, comfortable sneakers, and a floppy black hat that was perched upon her now dry hair. He had also dressed himself in a pair of black cargo pants and a white t-shirt. His pants were held in place by a belt with a buckle that was shaped the same as the symbol on his ring. He motioned her out the door and then followed close after. They met no one on the way out since it was so early. They got in the car and drove away neither speaking at all nor not feeling the need to break the easy silence.

"Are you ready," Anthony asked when they pulled up in front of her parent's house. Jenny was standing next to her car which they had parked behind. She had gotten out as they pulled up and now stood waiting for them to get out. Sasha's face now had a distinctly green cast as she struggled to calm herself. Anthony reached over and gripped her hand tightly and held it until she looked at him.

"I won't let anyone hurt you," he said.

"They won't sign your paper and I'll be stuck with them for another year until I can escape," she said fear etching her face as she looking into his eyes. Anthony let his feeling of rage that he had been suppressing leak onto his face and into his eyes. She shuddered in reaction to his now fiery gaze and hatred that he let her see.

"They will sign the paper," he said his voice reverting with power causing the whole car to vibrate like a tuning fork. She suddenly felt calm and safe as she watched him regain his self-control. His eyes faded back to normal and his face blanked hiding his emotions again.

"I am ready," she said and leaned over and kissed his cheek then opened her door and stepped out.

"Thanks for coming Jenny," Anthony said and walked up the walkway to the front door beside Sasha with Jenny following behind.

"No problem," Jenny said just before Anthony knocked on the door. Anthony could hear the footsteps approaching the door and then a tall blonde woman completely plain looking woman opened the door.

"Sasha where have you been we were so worried. You're in big trouble young women," the woman who Anthony assumed was her said. The woman turned her eyes to Anthony and she studied him from his sneakers to his face and pursed her lips before turning back to Sasha.

"Well get in here we will talk about your punishment later," the woman said to Sasha. Sasha flinched at the word punishment and moved closed to Anthony almost pressing herself against his side.

"If we can come in we have some things to discuss," Anthony said. The woman looked at him disdainfully and her eyes flicked to Jenny but dismissed her as unimportant, probably because she was in jeans and a t-shirt, before returning to Anthony.

"I don't think so," the woman said and reached out a hand as if to grab Sasha's arm. Anthony stepped forward crowding the door while pulling Sasha behind him farther from the woman. His anger rose up and his hand flashed out and he palmed Sasha's mothers' entire face in one of his hands and shoved hard. The woman stumbled back several paced before falling with a thump to her butt. She looked up at Anthony stunned as he stepped forward through the door and drew Sasha and Jenny in before closing and locking it behind them.

"Since you won't accept civility, even though you are one of the most disgusting people I have ever had the misfortune to meet, we will go with brute force," Anthony said towering over the woman. He had to restrain himself from striking them woman or just incinerating her on the spot and his efforts at self-control caused his breathing to go ragged.

"Honey who was at the door," called a male voice from farther in the house.

"Get up bitch," Anthony hissed at the woman. She sneered up at him and his anger rose again and he bent down and seized her by the hair. He did not hold her in the firm but gentle grip he had held Cassie in last night but in a painfully grip. He twisted her hair and pulled her to her feet and she shrieked with the pain. Anthony flexed his will and formed a bubble of silence around the house so no one would hear her.

"Honey," the male voice said again alarmed. The voice had moved closer and soon a man walked into the front hall and froze at the sight of his wife in Anthony's grip. The man froze for only a second then charged Anthony who backhanded the man when he came within reach.

"Is your father left handed or right handed," Anthony asked as the man stumbled back and shook his head to clear the double vision Anthony's casual blow had caused.

"Right," she answered. Her father again charged Anthony this time pulling back his left fist to punch him as he moved. The man lashed out but Anthony caught his fist in his free hand with a thwack, before the blow could land. He closed his fist on the other man's hand and the sound of bones breaking and grinding together filled the small space and were immediately overwhelmed by the man's scream of agony. Anthony let go of the now ruined hand and backhanded the man so hard his feet left the ground and his lip split wide open spraying blood across the wall. Jenny watched impassively at the violence and Sasha gasped at the sight of blood. Anthony heard and closing his eyes he forced himself back under control knowing that if he didn't he would rip the monstrous couple to pieces a little at a time in front of Sasha. He shuddered with the effort as he wrestled back a rage that he hadn't even known he was capable of.

"Anthony? What is wrong," Sasha asked timidly.

"I don't know," he answered not understanding where the overwhelming anger was coming from. He took a deep breath and left it out slowly and tried to regain control and that is when he felt it. Anger was flowing into him from the bond he had with the girls. He wasn't only fighting his own desire to hurt the couple in front of him but his desire fueled by the anger of ten others. He threw up a mental wall dimming the connection and lessening the bleeding of their emotions into his. He shoved Sasha's mother onto the floor next to her barely conscious husband and drew out his phone.

"Liz what is going on," he asked when she picked up the phone.

"Nothing. Where are you," she asked her voice tight with anger.

"At Sasha parents' house to get her things and have her parents sign her emancipation papers. Why are you all so angry," Anthony answered.

"Cassie woke up and told us what Sasha told you. I have seen those scars before but Sasha always just said she didn't want to talk about it if one of asked so we didn't pry. What will you do if they won't sign," she asked.

"Could you all try and keep your anger to yourselves it is so strong it is bleeding into my emotions and I am close to the point of killing them both with only my own anger to deal with yours it making it very hard not to just shred them and be done with it," Anthony said.

"Sorry, I'll tell the others just a second," she said. Anthony could hear her muffled voice talking to someone else and he figured she had put her hand over the phone. He immediately felt the anger dampen down and his mental defenses plus theirs managed to stop the emotional mixing.

"Better," Liz asked on the phone.

"A lot thanks," he replied.

"You didn't answer my other question. What will you do if they don't answer," Liz asked. Anthony looked down at Sasha's parents and her mother looked up at him with obvious fear. The father lay still staring at Sasha, who was frozen behind Anthony, balefully. Anthony stepped sideways blocking the man's view of Sasha and turned back to her.

"Sasha go get everything you want from this house we won't be coming back," he told her. She looked back into his face wide eyed before she nodded and hurried farther into the house.

"Could you go with her and help her," Anthony asked Jenny. She nodded in agreement and followed after Sasha and Anthony turned back to Sasha's parents. He knelt down so his face was level with her mother and he met and held the woman's fear and hate filled gaze.

"Here is what is going to happen; I am going to take out the emancipation papers for Sasha. Then you will both sign your names and we will go on our way and she will never see your disgusting faces again. If you refuse to sign the papers I am going to hurt you, if you say anything at all to Sasha without her permission or mine I will hurt you, if you breathe in a way I don't like I will hurt you. Do you understand?"

Both of the frightened older people nodded and he could feel their hate filled looks on his skin. He pulled the papers and a pen from his pocket and unfolded it on the floor. He handed the pen to Sasha's mother and she hastily signed the paper and handed the pen to her husband. The injured man looked at the paper for a long time as if considering refusal but one glance at Anthony's cold expression and he signed the paper and shoved it violently at Anthony. Anthony folded the paper and stuck it and the pen back into his pocket then leaned against the wall to keep an eye on the couple and to wait for Jenny and Sasha. The silence was making Sasha's father twitchy and finally he spoke.

"You won't get away with this," he said drawing Anthony's gaze to meet his.

"Oh? And why won't I get away with this?"

"As soon as you're gone I am going to call the police and Sasha will be right back with us," he said. The look of delight at the prospect that flashed across the man's face hardened Anthony's eyes and dropped his voice into an empty sonorous sound as it echoed with his power.

"I will kill you both before I give her back to you. If the police come for me it will be your word against mine. And with the scars all over her back as evidence against you I think the police are more inclined to believe my side of the story."

The man's face paled at the mention of Sasha's scars and Anthony's threat of death. The three of them sat there in silence until Sasha and Jenny came back.

"All done," Jenny asked looking at the cowering couple.

"Yeah," Anthony answered pulling the papers from his pocket and handing them to Jenny. She opened them gave them a casual glance and then folded them back up and slipped them into her own pocket.

"All good. I'll notarize them and have them filed by the end of the day," Jenny said and walked out the front door. Sasha stood staring at her parents Jenny must have talked to her because she seemed calmer.

"Are you ready to go," Anthony asked her softly. She shifted the backpack that held what little of her belongings that she wanted and looked at him. The sorrow in her eyes made him take the few steps to her and crush her to his chest. She was shaking but she didn't cry and after a moment she pulled back.

"I'm ready," she said resolutely and walked out the front door. Anthony paused in the door as he followed her out and turned back to her parents.

"If I or anyone I care about sees you or hears anything about you I will come back and kill you both," Anthony said. They both sneered at him and shot him hate filled looks. Anthony let a vicious grin that was more of a baring of teeth stretch his lips and he let his power flow into his eyes. He watched them through fiery eyes as their defiance swiftly turned to terror and then he turn and followed after Sasha letting his eyes returned to normal. The ride home was in silence, not an uncomfortable silence, but the others were waiting when they walked in the front door. Liz and Cassie and most of the other girls took Sasha and dragged her back to his room. He sat down on the couch to watch some T.V. and Megan and Wolf joined him. Megan sat on one side and lay down with her head in his lap and he slowly ran his hand through her long hair and Wolf curled up on his other side and went to sleep.

Anthony woke to sound of the phone ringing just before it stopped and he could hear Liz's hushed voice talking on the phone. He was leaned over Megan his head resting on her hip while her head was still in his lap and Wolf was press tightly against his leg. He carefully extracted himself from the pile and using an arm to drag Wolf over under Megan's head. Wolf open one eye and flicked one of her eyes at him then to Megan who was soundly sleeping with her head on Wolf's flank then closed her eyes and went back to sleep. Liz stood in the living room doorway with the phone in her hand. He took it from her when she offered it and gave her a peck on the lips as he walked past and took the phone into the kitchen.

"Hello," he said after bringing the phone to his ear.

"It's Jenny I just got a call from the Were Council. They said they will not come to the summit and they demand that you come to them in Brazil. They said "We will not allow this fool to jeopardize our existence. Have him come to us or else" then hung up," she said. Anthony felt irritated that they would try to order him about but he shrugged off the sting to his pride as having to deal with leaders of other species.

"Call the airport and charter us a plane there and having it waiting fueled and ready at the airport when we get there in case we need to make a quick getaway," he told Jenny.

"You're going," she asked in surprise.

"Yes. Aside from the fact that I would like to avoid open confrontation between us and any other supernaturals this will let us gain more information on the shifters. At the very least if worse comes to worst I can tell their council to go fuck themselves in person."

"I see," Jenny said with a chuckle.

"You will be in charge of the coven when I am away. Anything the girls need they can probably get themselves but if they need anything they can't get I'll give them your number," Anthony said.

"Sure, I'll talk to the airport and call you back with the arrangements."

"Thanks," he replied and hung up. Liz stood in the doorway watching when he turned to faced her. He explained the situation and she walked forward and hugged him.

"I'll take Risa, Kylie, and Jessica. We should have this resolved relatively quickly and be back in a few days," he said holding her tightly to him.

"I am going too," said a chiming voice. Anthony turned to see Sunshine standing on the counter hands on her hips as if waiting for an argument. He nodded in acquiescence to her statement and turn back to Liz. He pulled out one of the kitchen chairs and sat drawing Liz with him. Her knees where on the chair beside his thighs and her hands were on his face holding him steady as she kissed him. He groaned into her mouth as she lowered her body letting her weight settle into his lap.

"Anthony," she gasped when he reached up and ripped her shirt front in two giving him access to her creamy skin. He cupped her naked breasts and squeezed lightly before he lowered his head and took one of her nipples into his mouth. She let her head fall back as a guttural groan erupted from her lips. She suddenly stood up and slipped her panties down. She regained her position, now wearing only one of his old shirts that had been torn to hang open in the front. She reached down and pulled down his pants just enough to free his cock and gripping it positioned it at her entrance. She looked into his eyes and grinned and then sank down until he was fully seated within her. She closed her eyes and shuddered before beginning to bounce, with his help, on him.

"Oh Liz," he groaned as she moved. She kept up a steady rhythm until her orgasm drew near. As she began to get closer her thrusts became harder and jerkier, no longer keeping to their smooth continuous thrusting. As she got closer she could fell him swelling inside her.

"Yes! Give it to me, I love you big brother," she cried out just as her orgasm hit and she could feel him let loose and warmth filled her belly. A gasp drew both of their attention to the doorway and both were shocked into stillness. There stood there father staring with wide eyes at the place where their bodies connect. He had a look of confusion, anger, disgust, and hate filling his face. Anthony reached behind Liz and he pulled her shirt down hiding their merged bodies under the cloth. Her chest was pressed tightly to his and all of her nakedness was hidden. The only thing their father could see now was pale expanse of creamy skin on her back. His father met his eyes and when Anthony just stared back at the man cool he spun and practically ran out of the door.

"What are we going to do," Liz demanded hysterically.

"Nothing," Anthony answered.

"He'll call the police we'll be arrested or at the very least we won't be together," she continued panicking and not listening to him at all. She began to try to stand up but Anthony seized her hip and thrust hard into her causing her teeth to shut with an audible click as she shudder at the physical sensation.

"Nothing will happen to us I won't allow anyone to part us. You are seventeen and nearly eighteen you can do whatever you want and he can't really stop you. Plus he has been an absent parent and if it ever went to court he would probably be charged with neglect. We are alright," he said the last softly leaning his forehead against hers. She took a deep breath, calming herself, and then nodded before kissing him. She climbed off his lap and with a wave of his hand her clean both of them and their clothes, fixing her torn shirt and willing her panties back into place under the shirt.

"Thanks," she said giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Can you wake the others," he asked her and with a nod she when out the door. He sat down at the table and let his head fall into his hands and began trying to plan what to do. The meeting in South America he would just have to wing and hope everything came out well. He would ask the girls to all move to Eternal Night and use some of the spare rooms. They would be safe with the vampires guarding them and he would worry less about being apart from them. He would seal the basement so that no one could enter through the house. He was sure Eliza could have Sar-Rah make a door from the club so she could get to the lab. Risa, Kylie, and Jessica could act as guards as well as a medical care in Brazil if the worse should happen and violence become necessary. The sound of multiple foot falls in the hall brought his head up and he smiled at the girls as they each entered and kissed him good morning.

"Morning," he said when they were all in the kitchen making the room seem small and cramped. He told them what he had decided and managed to convince them all to go along with his plan even though they all wanted to go with him. Telling them that having anymore of them would put them all in more danger worked and they all agreed to move over to Eternal Night while he was away. The phone rang while everyone was eat breakfast and Jenny informed him that the plane was ready and waiting for this arrival to depart.

"Thank you Jenny," he said and hung up the phone. He turned back to the room filled with worried female faces and smiled at them. They all kissed him passionately with lingering kisses and he and the four who were going with him followed him out to the car. Sunshine sat on Kylie's shoulder in the front seat and the other got in the back and he drove them all to the airport. They arrived at the airport and boarded the private plane with no problem and were soon off the ground.

"How are we supposed to find the Weres exactly once we get to Brazil," Jessica asked after they had been in the air for an hour.

"Once we land in Rio we are supposed to have someone waiting for us then we will be taking a smaller plane out to their village in the forest," Anthony said. Jessica nodded and they all settled in to wait for landing. They dozed until the bump of the plane landing roused them from their slumber. Once the plane was no longer moving the pilot came back into the cabin.

"We will be here waiting here for your return unless I speak to one of you four face to face and you tell me I am no longer needed," the pilot said and they all nodded in understanding. They disembarked the plane just as a jeep pulled up outside the plane. A lean man jumped out of the jeep and headed for Anthony and Risa tensed at the man's swift approach.

"I am Louis," the man said holding out a hand for Anthony to shake.

"Anthony Caine, that is Risa, Kylie, and Jessica," Anthony said pointing at each one as he introduced them. The pilot was still watching so he refrained from mentioning Sunshine and he gripped the man's hand. When he tried to pull his hand back the man didn't let go and instead with a smug smile began to squeeze Anthony's harder. Anthony felt no pain at the pressure but the action itself annoyed him and he slowly began to close his fist around the other man's hand. The man's smug look vanished and his forehead beaded with sweat as he struggled against Anthony's crushing grip. Panic began to well up in the man's eyes as the pressure Anthony was slowly increasing began to reach the point of breaking bones and Anthony stopped tightening his grip. He held the man in a hand that gripped him like a metal shackle and the Were could feel the suppressed strength in that hand.

"Don't push me," Anthony said softly. The man nodded his head rapidly in agreement and Anthony released him and followed the man back to the jeep. They all clambered into the jeep and drove for a few minutes before they got back out. They boarded the prop plane in front of them and Louis jumped into the pilot's seat and they took off. The rocking and jostling of the plane made it seem as if the flight was very long but Anthony figured from the position of the sun that they hadn't been in the air for an hour before they touched down on a dirt runway that had been cut from the forest. He saw no village as they disembarked but followed the man as he headed off toward the trees. Once they reached the tree line he saw that down beneath the canopy of the trees, completely hidden from the air, was a good sized village. Anthony was disappointed about the small amount of people they could see moving about the buildings. He tried to hide his reaction but Louis must have seen because he chuckled.

"There are more of us; this is only the market village. The council and some merchants along with their families are the only ones who live in this village year round. Each of the were sub-types, wolves, bears, lion, panthers, eagles, etc., have their own village built nearby," Louis said. Anthony shot Louis a speculating look trying to decide what type of animal the man was. Again Louis chuckled as he caught Anthony's studying glance.

"Wolf," Louis said simply and Anthony nodded. They followed Louis to the largest building in the village and Louis knocked on the door. An elderly woman opened the door and took them all in before she turned and walked back into the building without closing the door. Louis followed her in and led them into a brightly lit kitchen. From the outside the building looked worn and simple but inside it was completely modern. Louis smiled in amusement as they took in the decor then he led them out of the kitchen and down a hall to a staircase. He led them up the stair and into what looked like a doctor's waiting room and motioned for them to sit. They did and he went and knocked on a set of double doors. When a muffled voice sounded through the door he opened it and slipped inside. Risa sat straight alert and ready to move at a moment's notice. Jessica sat with her legs and arms crossed and Kylie sat much the same way. Anthony lounged back in the chair and wondered about what would happen once those doors opened.

"You know it is extremely rude to invite someone come to see you and then keep them waiting," Jessica said off-handedly.

"That's what happens when you're raised by wolves," Anthony joked. He could have sworn that he heard muffled laughter come through the door after he said that. He looked over at Jessica and Risa and they nodded that they had heard it also. Kylie was carrying on a whispered conversation with Sunshine about the benefits in this or that plant when used in healing and didn't seem to notice. Feeling his gaze on her she turned her head and smiled at him before turning back to her conversation. The click of the door sounded and the whisper conversation stopped and everyone looked at the door intently. Both of the doors swung open and Louis motioned them in and closed the doors behind them. The large room was circular with bleacher style seating, except instead of uncomfortable bleachers there were rows of comfy chairs. They circle the whole room going three tiers high. The seat where filled with people of every ethnicity and they all watched as Anthony and the other four moved into the open center of the room. In the ceiling of the building was a large skylight. They were not offered chairs so with a wave of his hand Anthony created a comfortable chair that swiveled for each of them. There were many frowns and a wave of mutters went through the assembly when they sat.

"No one but the council is allowed to at a hearing," said a tall stern faced man after he stood. He was well muscled and had long dark brown hair and eyes that were two slightly different shades of gold. The man's eyes stirred a sense of recognition for a moment but it faded before he could grasp the memory.

"Hearing? Like a court hearing," Anthony asked leaning casually back in his chair. The man's eyes blazed with anger at his defiance but he nodded.

"And whose hearing would that be," Anthony asked.

"Yours," the man said smugly. Anthony raised an eyebrow as if intrigued and amused by the fact that they were trying to put him on trial.

"You know you are the second supernatural group I have come across that seemed to think I gave a flaming fuck about their authority," Anthony mused half to himself as he compared the Weres to the Elves. The golden eyed man flushed red with anger gritted his teeth. Anthony had to hold back from laughing as he watched the man's jaw muscles flex and a vein in his forehead throb with anger.

"Regardless of you not caring we will not let you put us in danger. If the humans find out about us we will all be destroyed," he growled.

"And how long do you expect to be able to hide here. South America isn't as uncivilized at it once was and I know for a fact that you have had to retreat farther into the forest twice in the past hundred years just to avoid notice. How long until you have to pull back again? What happens when there is no longer anywhere to retreat to? What happens when eventually the human find one of you? Don't fool yourself eventually they will find one of you," Anthony said. The room was silent for a heartbeat then murmurs started all around the room. The golden eyed man didn't join in any of the conversations the sprung up around him. He instead moved down from his seat and walked toward Anthony until he was close to him. Risa tensed at the Were's close proximity but made no other move other than to grip the hilt of the knife she had in her belt. The man saw her movement and studied her for a moment before dismissing her as no threat then turning his gaze back to Anthony.

"Look up," Risa cried as the man opened his mouth to speak. The sound of shattering glass brought Anthony's attention to the ceiling and hundreds of shards of glass rained down, lucky Anthony was standing just beyond the fall of glass. As a black form smashed through the skylight the figure hit Anthony with a thud and he was driven to the ground under the things weight. The golden eyed man was not so lucky he was impaled dozens of times by slivers of glass ranging in sizes from fist size the skateboard sized. One of the fist sized chunks cleaved through his neck leaving the man's head hanging by only a flap of skin. The black shadow thing was a wolf; Anthony could feel the fur and muscle as it twisted in his arms. It lunged at his neck but he managed to get his arm up in time to keep his throat from being ripped out.

"Fuck," he cried out as the creatures teeth sunk deep into his flesh. He looked down into the things eyes and froze staring as the little wolf savaged his arm. Risa's boot connected with the wolf's ribs and with a yelp of pain it let go and ran off through the open double doors and by the shattering of glass Anthony figured it had found another window. He held his arm to his chest and looked over at the obviously dead were and wondered what the hell was going on.

"Can someone tell me what that was about," he demanded loudly to be heard over the talking Weres. They went silent and turned to him as if surprised that he was still here.

"Rebels," a gruff voiced old man said.

"Against who," Anthony asked.

"Alpha of the wolves."

"What exactly have you done that they feel the need to rebel against," Anthony asked.

"Not me, I am an eagle not a wolf," the man said stiffly and straightened his coat.

"Okay, then what have the wolves done that some would rebel against their Alpha," he asked. Flicking a glance at the golden eyed man he thought that if that was the alpha they would need a new one. The old man hesitated and looked around but none of the others would meet his eyes.

"They have reverted to the old more brutal way of leading their people. Some of the panther and lion Weres have also done this. They decide everything by physical strength and they often kill each other in fights to decide leadership of their group. The female Weres of these species have become little more than possession and rape is not uncommon. Most of the females of all three species have banded together and begun killing off the violent males and Alphas of their own species. The only women that any of the three species still have are prisoners they managed to catch before they could melt into the forest and join the others," the old man explained. Anthony thought back to the creature that had attacked him and remembered its eyes. The eyes pulled forth the hazy memory of his dream and he remembered it all.

"Why have you allowed this brutality," Anthony asked his disgust plain in his voice. Kylie came over and began inspecting the wound and making sure no glass was in the wound before she began to heal it. The old man stiffened at the judgment in Anthony's voice but his face flushed.

"We don't interfere with how the other Weres rule their people," the man said.

"Then what is the point of a council," Anthony asked and didn't receive an answer.

"Well what the fuck ever, I am done with you," Anthony said and stood after Kylie was finished with his arm.

"Where do you think you're going," a woman said.

"You have all decided that you don't want to ally with us. You are all cowards who will allow rape and who knows what else to happen and do absolutely nothing to stop it. I am going to find these rebels and lend them my help until they are free of this brutality and then ask them if they wish to ally with me. They might say no but at least I will have tried and they will not suffer anymore under uncaring leaders," Anthony said and walked out, while the room behind him remained silent, with Risa, Kylie, Jessica, and Sunshine close behind.


Same as Supernatural Nation: First Encounter of the Furry Kind Videos

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation An Element or Four

Supernatural Nation: Chapter 1 Chapter 1: An Elemental or Four The day after their honeymoon Anthony awoke and stretched carefully so as not to disturb Eliza, who was sleeping naked and peacefully beside him. He ran his gaze down her golden skin tempted to touch her but he restrained himself and cautiously rolled out of the bed. He looked over at the clock and realized that Sar-Rah and Liz had gone off to school taking...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation The Beginning of the End

Thanks for waiting patiently here is Chapter 8! Supernatural Nation: The Beginning of the End He ran through the forest at a speed that would have awed any human who had caught sight of him, but no human saw him as he raced through the trees. Jumping over fallen trees and dodging low hanging branches he ran not daring to slow as the insane laughter of the monster followed him. All of his guards had died on the creature's blood soaked talons...

2 years ago
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Supernatural Nation The Gathering Part 1

Chapter 6 The ringing of his cellphone woke Anthony but the sound cut off after only two rings as Risa answered it. "Hello," Risa said in a slightly groggy voice. "Yeah, he's here just a second," she said, holding the phone out towards him. She mouthed the word hospital at him as he took it and then got up and headed for the bathroom. "Hello," Anthony said into the phone. "Hi, this is Dr. Carver at the hospital. I am calling to get...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation Prophetic Dreams

Chapter 2 Anthony ran through the dimly lit forest in pursuit of the small black wolf barely any bigger than a pup. It raced ahead of him leaping fallen trees and dodging shrubs at top speed. He ran after it mimicking the furry beast's movements and the forest blurred by. He was running so fast unable see his surroundings and completely focused on his target. Suddenly he burst from the tree line he...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Nation One Steps Back Two Step Forward

Chapter 5 Anthony sat in the chair beside Liz's unconscious body and held her hand and worrying. It had been a week since his father had attacked Liz and Kylie had been healing Liz each day she visited and the doctors were calling Liz's rapid healing miraculous but found nothing special when they checked her blood. One doctor who specialized in rapid healing came in to ask Anthony if they could examine Liz...

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My Second Wifes Secret Furry Fandom Life

After being born and raised in Glen Ellyn, a western suburb of Chicago, I got a relatively high-paying job right out of college, as a trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). My father has contacts there, and I was also in the top of my class, earning a Bachelor of Finance degree from the prestigious Northwestern University.My name is Paul, and although I dated a few women during my first three years at the CME, my focus was on learning the business and studying for the broker’s exams....

2 years ago
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The 400 Year WarChapter 4 The Origins of the Creek Nation

The Creek people, also known as the "Muscogee" in the early days of the conflict between the American Indian Tribes and the European settlers occupied a region of the current United States that include the States of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina. In actuality, it was not a single tribe but a confederation of several tribes that had cultural and economic ties similar to a country or "Nation". They were comprised of a number of original "Towns" that spawned new towns as...

1 year ago
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Furry Lust

When I donned my fursuit to go out for my first public event, I was flushed with anticipation. I was more than a little nervous too, not knowing what to expect and worried about etiquette and what others would think of me. But for the first time in a long while, I felt a bit like a child again, believing that I can be anything and do anything that I had dreamed about. I had custom ordered my fursuit months ago and received it last week. My introduction to the furry fandom had been accidental...

1 year ago
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So This Nation Shall Not Perish expanded

The Sins Of The Fathers In the shadow of The World Trade Centre I wrote a short story, something unusual for me and though I was reasonably happy with it, I wanted to say more. So I started on a second and then a third. They still don't say all that I want them to, but the individual stories I am happy with (sort of). This though is an exercise in what if? The question, which is the basis of all that claims to be Science Fiction. It may deal with a sensitive subject but I have no...

4 years ago
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Forever Furry

We who were friends during that year and summer met different fated futures. My fate and me was just beginning when a freshman in college. My whole body and the real I became as notorious physically and aroused sexual by her, my friend sucking on me, as she received the infectious transfer, dear Tabitha Brassier had spewed inside her by another, a furrier him. Tabitha and me, we became exceptionally friendly, and from her, my physical self began to show signs of radical changes. I dated Tabitha...

1 year ago
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FAP Nation

Let's have a wank at FapNation! Fap-Nation, what a name! I don’t know about you fucks, but I like to mix it up every once in a while. Sometimes I don’t want to watch the usual professionally shot, hardcore face fuck that I like to jerk off too. I need to take a step back from porn with real people and shit every once in a while. Comics, games, and hentai can be fucking awesome. Drawn porn can be a lot more interactive, at least for now. I’ve seen studios take steps in the choose your own...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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So This Nation Shall Not Perish

Just a little thing that came to me as I watch the horror and devastation that man will do to his fellow man. I wonder if there is hope for us on this planet until I see the selfless actions of those who fight to rescue those trapped, risking their lives as many did yesterday and paid the ultimate price for their devotion to duty. At this time my thoughts go out to all of you in the USA and my prayers are for those who have lost loved ones in this atrocity. May the bastards who...

2 years ago
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Virtual Furry Dream

It was amazing how much technology had advanced on the years that followed the pandemic. In part, it was due to the great effort of countries to invest in technology to help economic recovery. One of the things achieved was the advent of virtual reality. Not the glasses that allowed augmented reality. We are talking about the actual movie and cartoon promise of laying on a bed, with a helmet in your head that induced you into a sleep where you could dream of anything that you desired, allowing...

3 years ago
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Hybrid The furry project

First name=Male Characters name (scientist) Last Name=Female characters name (furry) National laws mean nothing when you live and work in the middle of no where, far from civilization. That’s why GenTek Labs put there research center here in international waters. Ten teams of scientists have all been working separately on trying to complete GenTek’s secret project known to outsiders only as ‘Hybrid.’ It is well past midnight and everyone else on your team left for bed hours ago. You can’t...

3 years ago
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Furry lover

In furry lover, I hope to encourage people to get into writing and explore their furry based fetishes, I hope people will really add to the story. I decided to make some fetishes off limits as they aren't ones I'm a big fan of. So are you ready to make a furry lover; before we can begin you need to write who you will be; then giving a description of the fake you; you can write your furry lover and the various scenarios you two (or more) will be in. And other chapters will be able to added to...

2 years ago
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A Nation ForgedChapter 2

James cracked open his eyes. It was still dark, morning light not yet peeking unwanted through the bedroom windows. The room was cold. Too cold. He should have closed those shutters on the windows, as the glass panes (which he was lucky to have at all) were not the highly insulating windows from home. He was warm, though. Ewa was snuggled against him, her soft skin all the heat he needed. The blankets and quilt, too, helped. His eyes looked across the room to the fireplace. Warm coals glowed...

1 year ago
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RedemptionChapter 15 National Cathedral

Sunday THE OLD COUPLE HAD NO chance. As soon as he heard them remove the chain, he’d shoved his way inside their apartment across Wisconsin Avenue from National Cathedral. When they saw his black mask and the knife in his hand they folded. Duct tape would keep them immobile and quiet on the sofa while he did his work. It was going to be a bitch of a shot, at least two hundred yards with a slight elevation. He’d made a shot from this distance more than once, but each time was a challenge....

2 years ago
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Forbidden Furry Love Part 4

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt something warm and furry rubbing against me. I opened my eyes and I saw the naked 5'9”, 38DD, foxy body of Caity rubbing against me. She looked at me and realized that she had shaken me from my tired sexual haze like trance that I was in. Caity smiled and her ears folded down a little which showed that she was relaxed now which was reinforced by her tail now slowly swaying from side to side. She cuddled up closer to me bringing her face closer to mine...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Furry Love Part 4

Introduction: READ ME FIRST!!! Hey guys! This is the 4th installment of my FFL series. I have had a few people confused about my characters the Shangoy and why I classify these as Bestiality. Shangoy do NOT exist, they are entirely fictional and the term Shangoy is used by me to describe Yiffs! I classify a theme of this to be Bestiality as it is the closest theme to Yiff. Also as always, any suggestions, questions etc feel free to send me a message if you have a account. Last by not least,...

2 years ago
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Furry Club

I am a bear, a furry, fucking bear. In real life my name is Rob Lawrence. I am an auto mechanic, a job that I use to fund my real passion of being the bear. Let me explain how it all started. I am a big man 6’6” tall and over three hundred pounds. Not ripped, not fat, just big, really strong, and really ugly. My face can best be described as prehistoric, as I look pretty much like any hunky neanderthal would have looked a hundred thousand years ago. Men cringe when they look at me, and women...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Stripping

What if you found a Genie's lamp, except all your wishes were twisted into rendering you naked? Or what about a witch that you unknowingly anger, who hexes you with bad luck and embarrassment at the worst possible moments? Maybe some magical creature gets loose, bringing naked havoc with it? An amulet granting some supernatural power at the cost of modesty? Or something more sci-fi, like a mad scientist unleashing a cruel invention onto the world! Or perhaps the character IS a scientist, with...

3 years ago
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Supernatural Underwear

The neighborhood was quiet as the delivery truck pulled in, The tall red-haired driver got out and picked up the large box with a smile, whoever sent this had paid a fortune to have this package delivered today, but didn't feel the need to pay for the extra security of a signature, the driver supposed it wasn't his problem, he gently placed the package on the welcome mat, then knocked three times before returning to his truck. He pulled out his phone "Hello? yes ma'am package has been delivered...

3 years ago
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Furry pet shop

Cocking an eyebrow you read over the letter again, "This has to be a joke" you mutter. This morning you had got up eaten breakfast and went to pick up the mail, what you had found in the mail though seemed unbelievable. There was a letter addressed to you specifically which is odd already but what was inside it was what surprised you. The letter invited you to a place called the Furry Pet Shop, a place where science had made a mix between animals and people which they called furries. It said...

1 year ago
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Furry Encounter

In this story the choices you make will drastically affect the outcome of the story. Make your choices wisely and make sure to try different paths! This is my first story as a writer, so there might be errors, feel free to message me with errors or requests you'd like to see in paths or another path you would like to see me add!

1 year ago
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Otherworldly Encounter

It's been a long, stressful day at work; I need to get away. My boss is a prick, annoying coworkers never quieting and Dan, from the cubicle one space over from mine, keeps leering at me with his peering, beady eyes. So, unsurprisingly, I was SUPER exhausted! I clock out and head for the car.After getting in my car and driving aimlessly, I find myself suddenly at the city's lake. I smile, the first time today, remembering all the hot, sunny days spent in this serenity. I shut off the engine,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Otherworldly Encounter

It's been a long, stressful day at work; I need to get away. My boss is a prick, annoying coworkers never quieting and Dan, from the cubicle one space over from mine, keeps leering at me with his peering, beady eyes. So, unsurprisingly, I was SUPER exhausted! I clock out and head for the car.After getting in my car and driving aimlessly, I find myself suddenly at the city's lake. I smile, the first time today, remembering all the hot, sunny days spent in this serenity. I shut off the engine,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Futa Furry Breeding Program

Greetings. Let's kick things off with a little exposition of what's going on in this lab. A very long time ago, scientists in a remote and isolated location unknown to the public had engineered a human animal hybrid originally intended for warfare. It backfired quite substantially for two important reasons: one, it was hermaphroditic. Two, it didn't display high amounts of aggression but rather high amounts of uncontrollable libido. It didn't help that it was quite voluptuous and "well...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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The Beginning A Furry Saga

The Beginning A story by R. d. LePew Legally copyright held by R.k. February 2, 2003 The Beginning Prelude Even as I sit here today to write this, not everything is known about Eric Laska and Mark Wingfield. In fact, little at all is known about their lives prior to the start of this story. We do know, through readily available records, that they grew up entirely separate from one another, one in Upstate New York, and the other in Ohio. We also know trivial things, such...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Furry Love Part 3 Julia joins in

Part 3 Julia joins in on fun and games So, there she was Julia, Caitys best friend who I hooked up with in a drunken stupor at the schools senior spring dance earlier this year, before Caity went to the same school as us. Julia was 6'0'' , just a tad taller than Caity, she had 40DD tits, which seemed a little bigger in here red t-shirt with a picture of Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory with his catch phrase “Bazinga” under it. This shirt was accompanied with her black mini skirt she...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Furry Love Part 2

Introduction: This is my second story in what I hope to become a series, as asked last time please leave somePlease leave some constructive criticism and please dont leave any messages saying that your looking for a girl and have a 9 dick, cause we both know thats not true Forbidden Furry Love Part 2 As Caity moaned from ecstasy beneath me, I started feeling the familiar sensation in my balls and cock, that I felt every time I masturbated thinking of her and other women, mainly porn stars,...

3 years ago
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Furry RoboSlut

Thank you for calling Furry Robosluts. We are the top selling robotic company of our class. We provided top natch Robotic sex dolls for over 8 years and now have gotten provision from several animation companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on your furry of your choosing. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your robotic lover in any way you see fit. Now please pick a Animals. For Reptiles, Press 1. For Birds, Press 2. For mammals, Press...

1 year ago
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Fuck a furry

"Hello, thank you for calling "Furry Fulfillment" for your furry friend needs. Please follow the instructions and answer clearly when prompted. If you have any questions press 9# to talk to one of our staff members. First question..

1 year ago
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This is a story for those who feel we need more furry characters getting exposed! Either its a cute fox woman losing her dress in a fall or a Gator with a "little" Secret losing his trucks at the pool there should be something for everyone! Feel free to add your own chapters! OC's and cannon furry characters both accepted! ENF = Embarrassed Nude Female ENM = Embarrassed Nude Male SPH = Small Penis Humiliation These are all things to expect in this story!

2 years ago
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Encounters with Tom Sneak Peek and First Encounter

Now I’ve been shy about my body, its curvaceous and yes I’m a bit overweight for my 5ft6 frame, my arse is rounded, my breasts are very large and my thighs are bigger than I would like. However, its all me and so that’s that. Most sunny days I love to wander in the garden topless (at least) sometimes completely nude, smelling the flowers and settling down to soak up the rays. So, anyway, there I was one Saturday afternoon in early August laying naked on my sunbed when a voice comes...

2 years ago
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Gay Encounter at the Thermal Baths True story

Me and my Wife (Chloe) have been exploring our sexual fantasies fully for the past year, mainly keeping it between ourselves except for when we first starting posting photos of ourselves on adult website. There has always been on fantasy that Chloe simply cannot fulfill me with and that is for me to experience a man fully and privately.We got married only 4 weeks ago and we went to Budapest for a mini-moon, Chloe was so tired after all the hard work she had put into the wedding and for the...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 3

Katherine could not repress a sharp twinge of excitement as she made her way to the bathroom with the furry Mongrel right behind her now and occasionally brushing against her naked legs. The feel of his rough fur along her slick skin sent sensual shivers all the way up her soft inner thighs and into the redly crinkled outskirts of her pussy. She felt faintly confused by this curious sensation and her subsequent reaction, but still was not prepared at the conscious level to admit to herself...

1 year ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 7

In Katherine Heigel's bedroom, the young blonde actress lolled lazily on her bed, the golden fingers of the late afternoon sun streaking across her tanned body as she reached one arm up above her head and stretched. Her firmly uptilted breasts jiggled with voluptuous resilience on her chest.She had fallen asleep, and was thankful for that, for after an orgasm with Kaizer's tongue and cock up inside of her, she was no better than a whimpering dummy for the longest time until her body floated...

3 years ago
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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

3 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 4

"But, fuck - Kaizer, oh..." the sex-hungry blonde gasped incoherently, not knowing who, or what or where she was. All she knew was that this powerfully demanding animal kiss was making her cunt literally churn with lust. Her hotly quivering thighs felt as if they were disintegrating, while the moisture of her passion trickled by the seeming cupful from her wildly tingling walls and trembling cunt lips to soak into her already thickly soaked pubic hair. Her hands seemed to be moving...

1 year ago
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Furry Pet Shop

Cocking an eyebrow you scanned over the letter again, "This has to be a joke.” You mutter with confusion. This morning you had got up, eaten a light breakfast and went to pick up the mail, which usually got here pretty early in the trucks route. Aside from the usual bills and garbage offers on the house there was something really odd in this round of mail. There was a letter addressed to you specifically, which isn’t really odd but what was inside it was what made it weird. The letter invited...

1 year ago
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The President Addresses the Nation

The President Addresses the Nation By Rosie Julie Weiss carefully put the hot dish down on her dining table. Her husband, Jake, and her son, Tommy, were hungrily awaiting the steaks she served them. They didn't even wait until she sat down at the table, they dug right in. Julie looked at her men with pride. Tommy was beginning to look more and more like his father gentle faced and slim. Not quite tall as him, but Julie never cared for too tall men. She wasn't a tall woman herself,...

2 years ago
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

2 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 13

Katherin Heigle, already trembling at the crest, jerked and rose to an even higher peak, her prolonged orgasm growing to unknown heights, reaching peaks she had never attained before. Her cunt clenched fiercely and her cock-hungry mouth overflowed. The two wolves pounded away, pouring the lava of their lupine lust into her in torrents. Katherine's cunt sucked, pulling more cum from the wolf's cockhead as he slithered into her drenched fuck tunnel, and her lips pulled greedily on the second...

2 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 11

She wanted to get everything into position before the fucking began, completely abandoned now to her depraved desires, lusting for wolf cock at both ends. She still held a shaggy cock in front of her. Now she tightened her grip and pulled that sweet prick toward her face. The wolf yelped in confusion. Mounting a bitch from behind was logical to the dumb brute, but he didn't know about the pleasures of a human girl's mouth. Katherine hiked her ass higher, feeling the massive hunk of wolf...

4 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 8

I The animal led her deep into woods, the night air blew gently across her skin increasing the erotic adventure of walking nude through the woods, soon the trail Kaizer was following disappeared and they were soon walking through virgin forest. Kaizer's name tag bounced between Katherine's large breasts raising goosebumps and causing her nipples to harden at this sensation, after a time the trees began to close in, deep folds in the ground appeared like wide moats choked with forest debri...

2 years ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 10

But it was not to be as Black Fang stalked to his position of honour on the highest point of the circle such were the instinctive laws of the pack! His mates were untouchable, and once given to the other males, became their own bitches to use as they saw fit! he barked a command and the pack surged forward. Please no?" Katherine Heigl asked plaintively, looking up through her long platinum hair with those bright blue, still childish eyes of hers. The wolves snarled and snapped at each other,...

3 years ago
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The Suite Life of Zack and Cody Another Brotherly Encounter

Zack & Cody had experienced their first sexual encounter with one another. While wrestling with each other one afternoon, Zack discovered Cody had developed a hard-on. They ended up getting naked together and one thing led to another. With their curiosity getting the better of them, they first made out with one another. Zack ended up jacking off Cody while Cody took it one step further and gave his twin a blowjob. Even though they were both totally attracted to girls in every way, neither...

1 year ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

2 years ago
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The New United Nations and You

World Civics in the Twenty-Third Century- fifth ed.Chapter 1: A Fresh StartYou and your classmates have grown up in an age of prosperity. The average world citizen can expect to live a long, happy life. Our leaders are honest and hard working, and our governments are good members of the world community. Large-scale v******e is a thing of the past. In fact, there have been no wars anywhere on Earth for over two-hundred years, but it might surprise you to learn that the world wasn't always so...

3 years ago
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The Day The Earth Went Furry

Time: 8:02 PM GMT +/-12, the 20th of February, 2002. Location: the midpoint average of the international date line. In years to come many theories will be advanced about the source of the; well, it will have a thousand thousand terms for it but the one which shall gain widespread acceptance in the international scientific community is "The Human/Animal Hybridization Energy Wave", or 'THAHEW' for short, but that term will not be commonly accepted for almost half a decade; but none of them will...

3 years ago
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Furry in the park

"I'm not a hooker" she replied. "I never said you were. Its late a young girl like yourself shouldn't be out walking at this hour." " My boyfriend kicked me off his bike." "Sounds like a class act." "What do you want?" Just to give you a ride." Victoria got an evil idea in her head at the thought of what this stranger had said. "You want to give me a ride? " "I would like to yes." "You can take me to the park." Victoria said climbing in the car. "Where is the park...

4 years ago
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A Night with my Friend Furry MM

Finally I got up, with the clump of tissues with my own semen in my paw and walked over to the bedroom, throwing it in the toilet before sitting down to go on with my business. I took my phone along and checked what was on the agenda. “Oh yeah, Luke wants to come by later. So what’s going on in the world?” I browsed through my news-feed with nothing too interesting going on except the usual political feuds, rising and falling trends in various stocks – only reading for curiosity and being on...

3 years ago
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Furry Fuck Flick

I run my padded fingers through my belly fur, feeling the softness. I pant a little, squirming as I look in the mirror. My purple eyes look back at me. It had been a stressful day at work and I just want to relax. It had also been awhile since I had last gotten laid. I wasn't much good at masturbating, never really could get off from touching myself, but that didn't mean it didn't feel good. So here I am, desperate for touch, desperate for a fuck. The fur on my thighs is wet and...

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Forbidden Furry Love Part 2

Part 2 As Caity moaned from ecstasy beneath me, I started feeling the familiar sensation in my balls and cock, that I felt every time I masturbated thinking of her and other women, mainly porn stars, that is when she screamed out “Oh God! I think I’m gonna cum!” I replied “Me to!” she looked up at me smiled and said “Lets cum together” and with that she held me close to her and we both went off at the same time as both our cum flowed out of her pussy she looked up at me, smiled then kissed...

4 years ago
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Vickis Furry Friend

Chapter 1 The cold, winter rain beat a relentless tattoo against the glass panes of the bedroom window, and Victoria Young shivered involuntarily beneath the thick quilt covering her firm young body. The curvaceous brunette drew it tighter around her chin, listening to the gurgle of water in the roof drains, and wished her husband, Kirk, were home on this afternoon of all afternoons. It was New Year's Eve. But he wasn't home, and he wouldn't be home until six...

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