Over His Knee, Under His Spell free porn video

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She walked into the diner with no less than a hundred butterflies dancing in her stomach. The online flirtations between Jon and her had gone on for months now and they both anticipated this first face to face. Shay felt a kindred spirit in Jon. They shared many of the same thoughts and desires, and to top it all off, he was sexy as hell. It was completely unlike her to just jump in the car and drive the eight hours to Boston but she couldn’t fight her desires anymore. It wasn’t fair to her or to Jon.

They decided to meet in a public place at first, that way they could make small talk and become comfortable with each other before moving on to the more intimate items on their agenda. Shay looked around the cozy café, looking for a glimpse of the man who had intrigued her so with his written words. There he was, in the back corner booth, gazing out the window waiting for her arrival. He was even more stunning in person and her breath caught in her throat when he turned to meet her gaze. It was like an electric shock up her spine causing her to shudder with excitement.

He stood to meet her as she sauntered over to the table and embraced him in a friendly hug. It was funny, she thought, how at ease she felt with this man who, shortly, would have her in a very compromising position.

“I’m so glad you decided to come,” he told her with a winning smile.

“How could I not?” she asked. “You’re a hard man to resist.”

They sat and sipped their drinks and made idle chit chat. Jon asked about her drive up and Shay asked about his day. The innocent pleasantries soon gave way to the reason for this visit.

“So, young lady,” Jon began. “I think it’s about time we get you checked into your hotel and take care of some business.”

Shay thought it cute that he called her ‘young lady’ when she was a good three years his senior, but it also sent a shiver down her spine. This was finally going to happen! After so many conversations and fantasies, it was finally real! 

“I think you’re right,” she agreed as they got up to leave.

They thought it best if Shay stayed in a hotel, he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable at all so they kept everything very safe and low key… for now. She followed him to the hotel in her own car and was surprised and pleased when he came to open her car door and take her travel bag for her. He was as much a gentleman as she thought he would be and it put a smile on her face.

Shay got herself checked in and made sure they had a corner room on one of the upper floors for privacy’s sake. They got in the elevator and started the slow ride up to the top floor. As they stood alone in the elevator, Jon leaned over and told Shay exactly what she wanted to hear.

“As soon as we get in the room I want you to get yourself into the corner and think about what is going to happen to that behind of yours.”

She was trembling with excitement and was already starting to feel moist. She nodded her head at a loss for words. Jon playfully landed a smart smack on her backside and told her sternly “I expect a ‘yes sir’ when I tell you what to do. Is that understood?”

“Yes sir,” Shay whispered huskily.

The door opened and they walked the long hallway to the end and entered the room. Shay did as she was told and went to the far corner of the room and stood facing the right angle the two walls made. She was sorely tempted to peek behind her to see what Jon was up to, she heard him rustling around and moving things. Her curiosity could hold out no longer and she turned her head slightly to see what was happening.

“I didn’t tell you to turn around did I?” Jon said from directly behind her and landed another smack on her behind, harder than the last one in the elevator. Shay turned back around and said “no sir.” 

She stood there, contemplating the fate of her bum for nearly fifteen minutes before Jon called her over. He sat in a straight backed chair in the middle of the room and motioned her over. She stood directly in front of him and he held her hands as he spoke.

“Now young lady,” he began, “we both know you’ve had this coming for a long time now. You’ve denied yourself something you desperately need and I know I am the man you need to give it to you. Your behavior, your self-destructive tendencies, your need to be in control… all of those things led you here today and I know, when we’re done here, you will be much happier. Now we’ve already discussed how you need a good discipline spanking and, believe me, you will get one, but I think we should start out slow and build our way up to it, okay?”

“Okay,” Shay agreed.

“Now I want you to come over to this side,” Jon pointed to his right, “and come over my lap.”

Everything felt almost surreal to Shay as she placed herself over this strong man’s knees.
He shifted so her feet were about an inch from the floor but her hands could touch the carpet beneath her.

“I’m going to give you a little bit of a warm up now,” he warned her before his hand landed sharply on her right cheek then on the left. He continued at a steady pace for a minute or two before he told her to stand up. He unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down to mid-thigh and pulled her back over his lap again and resumed the spanking. SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP! The smacks were becoming harder and closer together and Shay’s bottom was slowly warming with a pleasant heat and a slight sting. She knew the whole spanking wouldn’t be as pleasantly warming as this warm up but the thought of Jon’s strong hand raining down on
her bare ass was enough to start the swarm of butterflies again. She felt herself getting wetter and she had to fight back the orgasm that was threatening to come.

After another couple of minutes Jon slipped his fingers in the waistband of her black silk panties and pulled them down to her jeans. The cool air rushing over her backside was exhilarating and the feel of his hand lightly rubbing her skin was even more so.

“That was your warm up,” he explained. “I’m now going to give you the real spanking
you’ve wanted your whole life. You can kick and cry out but I will not stop until I believe you’ve had enough. Is that understood?”

 “Yes sir,” she obediently agreed.

SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! Jon’s strong hand alternated from right cheek to left with perfect accuracy, reddening every inch of Shay’s round derrière. SMACK, SMACK!
He was spanking harder and harder, all the while lecturing her on not having to be in control all the time and letting herself give in to her desires. He lectured her about procrastination and even added a few words on speeding as she admitted to topping the speed limit on her drive up to meet him. Every minute over his lap felt like ten and she swore she was in that position for over an hour when he finally told her to stand up again. Much to her surprise she was only there for about fifteen minutes. Never before had she had a real spanking and it had been more than she had expected. The excitement she felt and the release he gave her was cathartic.

After she stood up, Jon brought her to sit on his lap and he held her close, ran his fingers through her hair and told her what a good girl she was for taking her first spanking of her adult life. He then kissed her cheek and told her to go back to the corner to think about what
just happened.

As she stood there, bottom on fire, butterflies beating their wings to get out, she was struck with such a lustful desire she could have almost yelled out. She tried to convince herself on the ride up that she would behave herself and not let her libido take over for her, but now… being so close to this man that she was extremely attracted to, that she shared so many intimate feelings with, she wasn’t sure she could just let him leave for the night.

Jon called her out of the corner ten minutes later and asked her if she brought everything she was supposed to bring. She did. He told her to get the butt plug and some lube along with her new wooden hairbrush she picked up on the way there and bring them to him. She did as she was told, shuffling over to her bag on top of the dresser, moving clumsily as her jeans were still down around her thighs. He then pulled her back across his lap and told her he was going to put her plug in so she could focus on what was happening to her bottom and nothing
else. She was a bit nervous to have him probe into the most private areas of her body but she was so turned on the embarrassment seemed silly. 

He playfully parted her cheeks and dabbed a little bit of lube onto her tight hole before he placed the tip and slowly pushed the butt plug in. He teased her by pushing it in then pulling it out, pushing it further then pulling it out. She imagined what his cock would feel like in her ass and almost came at once. She could feel his stiffening member against her side through his jeans and knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him, but oh, his self-control was amazing! She could only imagine what a passionate lover he would be. He finally pushed the
plug all the way in and she orgasmed then and there, quite unexpectedly. He must have been pleased because he chuckled and pushed lightly on the plug.

“You liked that didn’t you, you naughty girl,” he teased.

“Yes sir!” she panted as another wave hit her hard when he pushed on the plastic plug.

“Naughty girls get spanked with the hairbrush you know.”

“Do they?” she played along with him. This was quickly becoming a more playful and
erotic spanking. Neither of them complained.

“Oh they certainly do,” he said, emphasizing his point with two sharp smacks with the hairbrush, one on each cheek. The sting on her already reddening backside caught her by surprise and she jumped. “Ahh,” he teased, “a little more painful is it?”

“Just a tad,” she admitted through gritted teeth.

“Well then, let’s see if we can make it sting more than just a tad.”

He began to rapidly rain down smack after smack with that hard wooden brush causing Shay to squirm and squeal and breathe more heavily. It was no secret he was growing more turned on as she wriggled in his lap. He threw his right leg over both of hers to stop her kicking and held her more tightly with his left arm pulling her against his ever growing member. After a few minutes the spanks became slower and softer and Shay let her body relax as she felt more comfortable in his embrace. It was funny, she thought, that this man was causing her pain yet she wanted him, more than ever, to make passionate love to her. Trying to wordlessly convey her desires she lifted her ass a little higher and moaned deep in her throat. She lifted her hand from the floor and began lightly caressing his leg, being the only part of him she could reach.

Jon read her signals loud and clear and was more than willing to give her what she wanted. He placed the hairbrush on the bed and began rubbing her reddened and sore cheeks, every so often stopping to plant a light smack here or there. He purposely put pressure on the butt plug, still in place, as his fingers found their way to her glistening wet pussy. She was clean shaven, save for a small patch of hair at the crest of her lips, and he slid two fingers in easily. She could hear his breath as he quietly moaned above her and she arched her back inviting him to do more. He pulled her up and placed her on his lap again, looked at her longingly and gently pushed a stray strand of hair from her face to behind her ear. Jon’s hand lingered on her cheek before he pulled her face to his and kissed her sensually, deeply, passionately. Shay responded with deep kisses of her own, their tongues danced with each other, their lips married and parted then met again.

Jon lifted her in his arms as if she were nothing but a feather and gently laid her on the bed. He stood at her feet and slowly removed her clothes, stopping to kiss everywhere from her feet up to her neck, lingering over her ample breasts where he licked and sucked and playfully nipped at her nipples. While he trailed his kisses Shay was slowly undressing him, running her slender fingers over every part of his naked body she could reach. She wanted this to last yet she wanted him inside her now. Never before had she felt such conflicting emotions when it came to men and sex. This man with her now was different. She met someone of like mind and that could only lead to mind blowing sex.

Their naked bodies were now intertwined, pressed against each other, her soft body against his hard one… like yin and yang, they fit perfectly together. 

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jon panted, not wanting to stop but feeling the need to make sure before they reached the point of no return. Shay already felt they had passed that point and had no intention of turning back now, knowing she’d always regret it if she did.

“I’ve never wanted anything more,” she told him and wrapped her legs tightly around
him pulling him into her.

He slid in easily and they both gasped when he entered her. Months of flirting and playing out their fantasies, their eventual meeting was finally here. It was real, tangible and utterly incredible. Jon moved slowly at first, as if he was dancing to his own personal soundtrack in his mind. Shay responded by arching her back, thrusting her hips in time with his and moaning his name over and over. Her hands lightly caressed his back, his buttocks, his stomach and chest.

She reached up and kissed his neck and ears and face. He kissed her deeply and picked up his tempo. He whispered her name and groaned in pleasure as she tightened her grip on his waist with her legs. She pushed him to the side and easily rolled on top of him, swapping places with him. Now he was at her mercy.

She sat upright, straddling his hips, his pulsating cock still deep inside her. Jon looked up at her and let his hands trail from her neck to her breasts down to her hips. Shay began slowly riding him, lifting her body until only the head of his dick was in her wet pussy, then she’d slide back down his shaft. Over and over she teased and taunted him with her slow lovemaking, driving him crazy. Just when he thought he couldn’t take any more she quickened her pace. Her hands gripped at his strong chest and she thrust her hips faster and faster, tightening that muscle within her so it felt like a strong fist wrapped around his cock. They were both so close to orgasm they could feel it happening at once.

“Oh God!” they both muttered out over and over again.

With one final thrust time stood still. Up was down, left was right, right was wrong. They exploded in the most intense climax either of them had ever felt before. Shay collapsed onto Jon’s chest. They both breathed heavily. He lifted his hands to lightly caress her back, up and down his fingers trailed leaving goose bumps in their wake. Shay covered his bare chest with light kisses as she lay in his arms.

Finally, having caught their breath, Shay rolled off of him and curled up next to him, her head resting on his shoulder. They let their fingers discover each other without really paying attention. Jon’s hand found itself in Shay’s hair and he played lazily with her blonde tresses. Shay drew nonsensical patterns on his chest with her fingers, occasionally trailing them down his stomach to lightly play with his still stiff member, sending shivers up his body.

“Wow,” was all either of them could say.

They dozed lightly, never really falling asleep and came out of their daze some time later when Jon rolled over and propped himself up on top of her again. He looked at Shay longingly and kissed her deeply as he slid back into her wet warmth again.

“Ever think a spanking could lead to such passionate sex?” he asked her.

“Only in my fantasies,” Shay admitted.

“Roll over,” he commanded her and she did as she was told. “I see you still have your plug in.”

Shay had honestly forgotten all about the butt plug in her ass.

“I think we can take that out now.”

He slowly removed the rubber device and tossed it aside. He lifted her hips up to him and she felt his cock press against her tight ass. She had told him before she’d like him to fuck her in the ass and, oh God, he remembered. 

“Tell me what you want Shay.”

The butterflies were back again full force. She was still more aroused than she had ever been in her life and when his hand fell on her bottom to get a response out of her she arched her back in intense pleasure.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you Shay,” he insisted again.

“I want you to fuck me in the ass,” she told him.

“Good girl,” he said as he slowly slid all the way into her tight hole.

The feeling was so intense and he felt so good inside her she never wanted to stop. He thrust slowly and deep, relishing in every moan Shay made.

“Good God Jon, don’t stop!” she panted.

Jon was more than willing to oblige. He quickened his tempo, grabbed hold of her hips and slid as deep as he could go. Faster and harder until they were both moaning and gasping for air and calling for God and each other and any other nonsense that happened to spill from their mouths in the moment of intense passion. He came deep in her ass with one last thrust and they collapsed to the bed, thoroughly exhausted and completely sated… for now anyway.

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Ashish Made Me His Slut

Hi mera nam kamran he. Ye story mere aur ashish ki hai.Ashish mera padosi hai.About me me 1 gay pure bottom hoon. Mujhe gaand marana bohat pasand hai aur meri gaand bohat bari aur naram he aur mere boobs bhi kaafi bade aur naram he bilkul girls ki jesi body he meri. Mere body par baal bohat kam he. Agar aap janna chahte he ke me gay kese bana to meri pichli stories parh le. Story parh kar feedback zaroor de mera email he Coming to the story now ye 2 mahine pehle ki bat he jab me rajiv se...

4 years ago
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The Spell

May be posted at any free site. The Spell A dabble by Ellie Dauber Copyright 2001 Three identical women stood in the room, staring at one another. ?It worked,? the first one said. ?That spell works.? ?I?ll say,? the second one said. ?We match down to that thread on the sleeve of our blouses.? ?It?s hard to believe that two of us are really guys,? the third said. ?We know the spells work, now we can use them to get rich.? ?Yeah, but two of us need to change back...

2 years ago
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The Gypsys Spell

Mark had been buying up real estate lots on the street with the plan of clearing the land and building an office building. So far, the one holdout was the owner of this tiny shop, and after his lawyers had struck out attempting to buy out the lady, Mark decided that he would try to sweet talk her. After all, Mark was well aware that he had a way with the ladies, and few could say ‘no’ when he laid on the charm. In fact, even though Mark was married, he still played the field whenever he...

3 years ago
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Revolutionary Magic 100 A Cell A Spell

Sure enough, after the polite raps the door swung open and one of her jailors slipped into the room. Lady Bellemir was dressed in her winter work clothes, a long blue-gray woolen skirt, a thick dark-blue woolen overjacket, soft low-cut leather boots, and a floppy yellow woolen cap holding her hair. Neress shuddered as she realized that the lady's story of being able to dress lightly in the winter because she was less affected by the cold than most must be a lie. If Bellemir saw the shudder...

3 years ago
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As a young man I fell under the spell of a mature lady who enjoyed having me call at her cottage to satisfy her desires.She was in her early forties with a well rounded figure beautiful dark eyes a smiling mouth and thick dark hair which she always had up in a big teased style .On this occasion I had a call from her to say she wanted me to call at 10 am on the Sunday and to be prepared to spend the night.She opened her front door dressed in a thick white dressing gown with her hair up in the...

1 year ago
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Set Here a Spell

Copyright © 2003 (A Somewhat Belated Entry For The Virago Blue Challenge) It wasn't that long after The Great War, and a lot of people still distrusted magickers of any type, but I'd been there when the king bound The Wizard to his oath, and I knew the terms of the treaty. The key item had been the new oath that every apprentice witch, warlock, wizard and mage must take, using his True Name: "I, , vow not to harm humankind or their allies, nor through...

1 year ago
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Maa Mere Dost Ashish Ke Saat Kashmir Trip Pe Gayi

Hello friends, I hope aap sab thik honge, and enjoy kar rahe honge. Aap sabko mai batana chahta hun meri maa kaa name Vinni hai. Wo ek gathile badan ki maalkin hai. Uska figure 36-28-38 hai, aur height 5.5 hai, to aap khud andaza laga sakte hai ki wo kya maal lagti hogi. Ab mai zyada time waste naa karte huye seedhe story pe aata hun! Meri maa kaa affair mere ek dost ke saath chal raha tha. Ye baat mujhe kuch time pehle hi pata chali jab maine apni maa ke phone me WhatsApp pe uski chats padhli...

1 year ago
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Mathis the Mountain Man

There he was, sitting near the rocks, whittling a piece of wood. Naked. Half the time, he was naked. I guess that was the perks of living in the woods by yourself. He was a real mountain man. A big, rugged fellow with tanned skin and dense dark hair all over, from his chest to his ass. He had a bulky body, but his arms and legs had natural muscle carved purely from physical labor from living out in the wilderness, and his thick uncut cock hung low like a third leg down between his...

3 years ago
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Jyoti Sharing Desires With Own Bro Ashish 8211 Part II

Hi this is Jyoti again I am very thankful for your warm response to my first story. For new reader I would like to describe myself again is I am 17 year and 5.6 ft tall with good curved figure ie.32C-26-34. I love to where western cloths and when every I wear tight top and jeans my curve become more attractive and I got hot comments also… My colour is fair and has long silky hair… my breast and bust are in good round shape and my brother is Ashish Bhaiya was 21 with handsome looks… his height 6...

2 years ago
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Shellys Spell

Shelly's Spell By Mia Pink It all happened so innocently. All I wanted to do was to run my fingers through her silky and satiny panties that called to me. They had always called to me, you see, because I've been a crossdresser all my life. I've been putting on my mother's bras and panties and pantyhose and makeup on since I was a little transgendered boy. I always looked at Mom as she was putting on her makeup and felt a little exquisite pang of jealousy. I would watch how...

2 years ago
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Insatiable Chapter 01 Under Her Spell

Time. The inexorable march forward. A precious commodity to most, though they rarely acted like it. A triviality to the Chosen, though they arguably spent more of their waking hours living in the moment. A paradox? Or just a cruel joke? Did having time in abundance cheapen its value? That's how it worked for everything else. Scarcity determines value. If that were true, it would mean... No, time was different. No matter how much people imagined they had, they craved more. It was the one...

3 years ago
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Insatiable Chapter 1 Under Her Spell

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Time. The inexorable march forward. A precious commodity to most, though they rarely acted like it. A triviality to the Chosen, though they arguably spent more of their waking hours living in the moment. A paradox? Or just a cruel joke? Did having time in abundance cheapen its value? That's how it worked for everything else. Scarcity determines value. If that were true, it would mean... No, time was different. No matter how much people imagined...

4 years ago
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The Day An Anarchist Died

‘God Bless America’ I was in study hall at 8:47, at New Lebanon Jr./SR High school. New Lebanon lies just before the Massachusetts border, about 20 miles from Albany, the state?s capital. It is a jerkwater little town, and the only things in it are cows, pigs, cornfields, and two gas stations. One little supermarket where you could buy expired meat for a cheaper price. I was an anarchist, I believed, and still believe in a small echoing way, that Anarchy, the utopian form of government where...

3 years ago
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This story is a rendition of a dream I had some time ago. For some reason I keep returning my thoughts to it. The tale is frightening, and the dream was more than horrific. I do not make any claims toward the character of Mephisto, who he is, his origin, or even what the actual word means. I cannot explain why the word Mephisto comes to mind when I think of the character, but it was very clear to me that Mephisto was the word that was supposed to be used to identify the character. I would...

1 year ago
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The Slag Whisperer

My name is Stefan and my fetish is fucking dirty older women, I don’t care on looks or age just that they have full figures and are no good whores. A bit about me, I am 26 yrs. Old, 6 ft tall average build with olive skin and a decent 9” cock that’s pretty thick. I got in to this fetish through a dating app on my phone, I was chatting to a lady who was in her early forties size 16/18 unhappily married with huge tits. We spent weeks chatting and speaking on phone and each conversation got...

3 years ago
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Sex Trafficking Part 1 Morris Uses Aircraft to Deliver Chistmas Presents

Edward was on a business trip to evaluate Raymond as a possible location to set up a second plant for his carpet manufacturing business. He was a hard driving desk pounding entrepreneur and instead of quenching his drive, his success only fueled a growth in his drive and ambition. Drive and management skill were what he credited as being the key elements that had allowed him to take an idea and grow it to be now being in a position to expand its manufacturing base and he was proud of his...

3 years ago
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Daddy I Whispered1

"DADDY?" I whispered Stephanie Seduces her Handsome Father THE PAST – JUNE 1994 - PITTSBURGH "Daddy," I whispered as I glided across the moonlit room, stopping only when my trembling knees gently brushed against the silk sheets on his king size bed. "Daddy, are you awake?" I asked again as I leant over my fathers body, purring into his ear, my tongue twitching just an inch away, already eager to lick inside him. No don't, I thought to myself, pulling back even as I felt...

3 years ago
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Mi primera experiencia LsbicoFetichista

Hace poco tuve un reencuentro incidental con una ex amante femenina, de hecho fue la primera con quien compartí experiencias de corte fetichista, ya que es poseedora de una espectacular belleza y hermosura, y en particular posee el más perfecto y sensual par de piernas, y el par de pies más sexys y atractivos que son capaces de volverme loca de placer y excitación. Hoy me propongo relatarles cómo es que comenzó mi locura por esos hermosos pies… Su nombre es Norma, y a la sazón...

3 years ago
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My Pregnancy Fetishism Chapter 3

Must be 18+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I got my Exam results last week for my Biology class, I scored an A+ of course keeping my GPA at a steady 3.8. Laura will be back tomorrow so I can finally finish my business with her. From my last story, you've learned that I wasn't perfect. But guess what; no1's perfect. Not me, or you, or your role model who you look up to. We all are destined to make mistakes. That's how God made us. But it's...

1 year ago
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It was Friday morning. Jan’s eyes flickered open. Instinctively, she moved her hand across the bed, feeling disappointed at the empty space beside her. Since meeting Keith two weeks previously, she had seen him whenever possible. As a consequence of her relationship with him, Jan had seen considerably less of Samantha, who did not approve of ‘her lover’ being involved with a man. Stretching, Jan placed her hand upon her smooth, hairless vulva, feeling a pleasant sensa-tion flood...

2 years ago
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This is a story inspired by the striking looks (and sheer sexiness) of my friend Me_Pink_Girlie. Seeing her photos, I just had to incorporate her into a story. She is a truly beautiful lady! I used her photos to guide me as to the outline of the story. I hope you like it. Jan stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around her. Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled, thinking: ‘You’re not ‘that’ bad looking.’ She turned away and walked into the bedroom, looking down at...

2 years ago
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amishis fantasy for a friend

This one night we had gone out for a girl’s night at a bar and Pamela drifted off mid night because she had been picked up by 3 guys. The next morning she told me all about her night, she had always fantasized about 3 guys at once. Although she couldn’t walk straight and said it was the best experience she had ever had but yet she said that the largest guy was only 5” which dint live up to her expectations. It was Pam’s birthday in a week and after she told me she was not fulfilled I knew...

4 years ago
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my bitchis1 capturing my love

I told my mom that i did not do the dishes when i told her that i asked Ani to do them so that i could study for my finals my mom said, yo should've done them yourself, they're your chores, and grounded me for the first week of summer from seeing my friends and going outside, except when it involved cleaning. that's when i started to think of my plan of revenge. I have 4 sisters who are Ani, Sindy, Lindsay and Maria. My mom's name is Teresa. They were all pretty hot but i seemed not to...

1 year ago
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Whispersssssss In The Night

After being in San Francisco for a week on business Tom came home with a big victory for his company. They gratefully gave him a bonus week off. During his week off we were notified that his next assignment would be in Dallas. Two days before Tom had to fly out to Dallas one of his colleagues named ‘Rocky’ came up from Ga. to spend the weekend with us. Rocky was familiar with who Tom would be meeting in Dallas so they thought it a good idea for Rocky to coach and prep Tom for the upcoming...

4 years ago
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Mi primera experiencia LeacutesbicoFetichista

Introduction: Norma y la belleza de sus piernas me tení,an obsesionada Como he expresado ya en relatos anteriores, soy una fogosa bisexual fetichista de pies femeninos, y si es que han leí,do mis relatos, verá,n que só,lo me habí,a limitado a narrarles acontecimientos de corte fetichista ocurridos con mis amantes varones. Hace poco tuve un reencuentro incidental con una ex amante femenina, de hecho fue la primera con quien compartí, experiencias de corte...

2 years ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 7 The Cunt Whisperer

My sex life has really sucked since the night I took a pathetic victim of spousal abuse from his home to a safe house. Since then, Mr. Fuscia has come a long way toward recovering while I have been haunted by the things I witnessed and the things that I did to him on that night. I’ve since become his sponsor and he has become my second male protégé, having taken the oath after I convinced him that we had more to offer him if he committed to an alliance. I visited him at the safe house and...

4 years ago
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The Chat Whisperers Letter

The sender's name on the new message notification read 'TheChatWhisperer.'The drink in the recipient's hand went airborne.Shauna, who was still a bit groggy after the intense dream she'd been reluctant to leave, could hardly believe her eyes. Or her luck.Burton? Is that you?She was wide awake now and eager to reconnect with the mysterious, supernatural stranger who appeared in her flat from out of thin air only that very evening.Her mood had been vexed after the uber hot, sublimely fuckable...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Pequeas y Humillantes Historias

Primero que nada me presento. Soy Guillermo, y tengo 25 años de edad. Además, como descubrirán en las historias que les voy a contar a continuación, tengo el pene pequeño. 10 cm flácido, 12 cm erecto. Es así. Ya lo acepté. Que lo haya aceptado, no quiere decir que no me avergüenza el hecho de ser objeto de burlas por parte de otras personas. Pero creo que hasta cierto punto he avanzado desde mi adolescencia, cuando realmente me mortificaba. Esa fue una etapa en la que sufrí uno de mis primeras...

4 years ago
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Whispys Urban exploration

Whispy is a purple goth fox sporting some pretty feminine features if you didn't know him you could have thought he was a girl. He wasn't new to urban exploration but he wasn't experienced. This would be the first time he went to a site alone. He griped the steering wheel of his car tightly as he pulled up to the building. It was early in the morning when whispy reached his destination. A town near his own had a state of emergency after some bad earthquake leaving the buildings in bad...

Mind Control
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Feuchte Muschis

In dieser Mitschreibgeschichte soll sich alles um Frauen und ihre Familien, Freundes und Bekanntenkreise drehen. Es soll kein Kunstwerk werden. Einfach locker drauflos schreiben ... Folgende Charaktäre stehen dir am Anfang zur Verfügung:

2 years ago
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The fetishists multitool

Just like any other morning, you wake up at 7 am. A little tired, a little sore, nothing out of the ordinary. Your name is John, and you're 25 years old. You're 6'2", strong, with well kept short brown hair, and a handsome jawline. Surrounding it, is a short, but good looking beard. You're sore from lifting weights last night, but you are glad. If you're sore it means you're getting stronger. Not that you needed to, you were pretty beastly. What was out of the ordinary was the thing next to...

3 years ago
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Historias CFNM y ENM

Empezaremos esta historia presentando a los protagonistas que vivirán todas aquellas vergonzosas, eróticas y muy desnudas aventuras: Jonas un chico muy inteligente, que con 19 años sigue siendo virgen, no a tenido contacto con ninguna mujer además de que duda de su sexualidad, su cuerpo no es muy grande, es pequeño y delgado con muy poco vello en el cuerpo, pero a pesar de no ejercitarse la adolescencia hizo frutos en él, haciendo que tenga unos cuantos abdominales marcados; cuenta con cabello...

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