Sweet Temptation free porn video

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Lacey smiled as she made her way to her car. She was so happy for her best friend Kady. After an incredibly hard couple of months she was now happily engaged, with a newborn baby. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little jealous. Her ex-boyfriend, she thought bitterly, had dumped her several months ago for the slut down the hall in his apartment building. She tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear as she opened her car door. She sighed, she loved Kady but once again she was going to have to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. She wrinkled her nose as she thought of the awful saying, 'always a bridesmaid never a bride.' She couldn't shake the feeling Kady was going to try to set her up with someone named Luke. The way Kady had looked at Brad when he mentioned his best friend was coming to the wedding from London made Lacey wonder what she was up to. She pushed those thoughts out of her mind as she made her way to the school where she worked.

Luke walked out on to the balcony of his apartment in London. He was so happy for his best friend Brad, who after many years of being played in relationships had seemed to finally find the right woman for him. On top of that he now had a beautiful newborn daughter. He checked his watch; his plane would be leaving in an hour for America. He watched a bird flutter on to the railing of the balcony, and begin to sing. He ran his hand through his dark almost black brown hair. He was pretty excited about getting to see Brad, Kady, and of course Sophie. Brad had mentioned something about Kady's best friend, who just happened to be single, being at the wedding too; while Luke was talking to him in the phone. Luke had immediately told him to forget about playing cupid. Luke's divorce was still burning in his mind like an open flame.

Lacey watched with tear filled eyes as her best friend said 'I do', and kissed her husband. She couldn't help but notice the handsome man that was standing directly behind Brad. That must be his best friend, Luke, which she had heard so much about. He had a head full of shiny dark hair and as she watched she got the sudden urge to run her fingers through it. He had a strong face, which wasn't your typical pretty face. His features held something different, almost like a dark, dangerous beauty. He had carmel colored skin, which instantly made Lacey wonder what nationality he really was. Luke looked her way, and locked eyes with her. His eyes were dark, almost sinister, and an instant shiver shot down Lacey's spine. She looked away quickly; embarrassed he had caught her staring.

Luke watched the woman he was now sure was Kady's best friend, Lacey, he had heard so much about. He had caught her staring at him, but only while he was sliding his eyes over to look at her for what seemed like the hundredth time during this wedding. He guessed she had to be about twenty-four years old, which made him feel really old. He was only thirty-one, but looking at the beautiful youth that Lacey's face held made him feel fifty. Of course stress will do that to you, and for the past year he had had his fair share of that. He smirked at Lacey as she darted her eyes back over to him and then away once she noticed he was still looking at her. This wedding may not be as bad as he thought.

Lacey took a sip of her wine and looked around the dance floor. Everyone looked so happy, and she kept wishing she had a date. She did know one thing; she was staying as far away from that pretentious Luke as possible. He was now flirting with every single woman in the room, and it was really making her sick. Luke looked over at Lacey and smirked, she was sitting by herself. He half paid attention to the blonde in front of him practically throwing herself at him, and turned away to walk over to Lacey's table.

"Lacey?" Luke asked as he walked up to the right side of her chair.

Lacey's throat went dry. He had actually walked up to her, and his voice. Oh God his voice was a deep timbre, with the unmistakable British accent. A man with an accent always turned her on. She raised her eyes and saw Kady staring at her with a wide smile on her face. Lacey narrowed her eyes at her and turned her head to look at Luke.

"Yes. And you must be Luke," she said, barely trusting her own voice not to crack.

She stood up, and took the hand Luke was offering in a handshake. "Nice to meet you," Luke said with a soft smile. His very white teeth made a stark contrast against his carmel colored, smooth skin.

"So I guess our friends are trying to play cupid," Lacey said with amusement in her voice, as she sat back down. "Sit down if you want," she offered to him. He sat next to her.

"Thank you," he said softly.

Luke looked over at Brad and Kady, smiling brightly. "Yes it looks like they think since they found each other, they now know whom belongs with whom."

Lacey barely dared to steal a glance at Luke. "So you're from London? How long are you here for?"

Luke shrugged his jacket off, unbuttoned his cuffs, and rolled his sleeves to his elbows. She couldn't help but to notice his fore arms where muscled, and sprinkled with dark hair. She bit her lip, she loved it when men rolled their sleeves up. Just something about the look really got her going.

"I'm here doing some business too, so I'll be here for about another month." Lacey nodded her head, and looked over at Kady, who was smiling widely. Lacey rolled her eyes, and looked away.

"What business are you in?"

Luke leaned back in his chair, and crossed his arms leisurely.

" Real estate. Mostly overseas. I deal with real estate in London, Paris, America, Sweden. I inherited the business from my grandfather." Lacey looked down at his watch. It was a Rolex. A very nice Rolex. So he was one of those rich spoiled kids. She sighed, well at least she wouldn't have to deal with him after the reception was over. Luke looked over at her watching the conflict play across her face.

"So you're a teacher?" he asked watching her face light up.

"Yes. I'm actually a history teacher. I love it. It's a new challenge everyday. I teach at the high school level." She picked up a piece of bread and nibbled on it. Luke sat up rubbing the back of his neck. He was pretty amazed at how easily the conversation seemed to flow with this woman.

"I don't mean to be foward but you are a very beautiful woman, especially when you talk about your profession, your face lights up. It's very enchanting," Luke said watching her for a reaction. Her face turned a deep beet red, as she cast her eyes over to him.

"Thank you. I do love my job." Lacey scoffed inwardly though, beautiful was not something she had ever been called.

She leaned back to watch her friend dance with her husband. They continued to talk and Lacey found him surprisingly interesting. During that time she learned that his monther was American, and Caucasion. She had met his father whom was British, and African-American when he was in New York on business, and then, as Luke had put it, the rest was history. His voice seemed to weave its way into her mind, and cast a spell over her. When he asked her to dance she accepted without any hesitation.

The huge dance floor was packed, and they made their way to the middle of it. "I'm not really a very good dancer," Lacey said while looking around at the other dancing couples.

"No worries. Follow my lead."

Lacey did just that and to her utter surprise she was dancing like she had never danced before. The music picked up and they began dancing quickly, both enjoying the others company. Luke spun Lacey around eliciting a laugh from her. Her eyes were sparkling, and Luke was enjoying the way she moved in her tight light blue dress. He spun her again and when she spun back into his body their faces where mere inches from each other. Lacey's smile faded slightly as she looked into Luke's dark and dangerous eyes. Before anything could happen he spun her back out. Lacey laughed as he continued to spin her around the dance floor. She was having an amazingly relaxing dance with him until he pulled her closer. She didn't realize why until she heard a very slow, very romantic song come on over the many speakers spread out around the dance floor.

Luke could smell her perfume, it was very different than the women in London usually wore. Lacey smelled like a delicate flower, mixed with a hint of cinnamon. He smiled to himself, maybe it was the alcohol talking but he had a sudden urge to have her in his bed, and fast. He sighed and pulled Lacey closer as they continued to dance. Lacey let her head linger closer to Luke's shoulder, the music playing in the background was seeming to make Lacey forget she didn't know this man. What was wrong with her, just a few seconds ago she hated him, what was it about this man? She lifted her head slightly, letting her cheek rest against his. She could feel the hair on his face against hers, and it seemed everything about this man was setting her world on fire.

Luke's mouth was mere inches from her ear, and she could feel his hot breath. Not only that, but she could also smell his sent, a mixture of peppermint, and a light cologne; which was a spicy, very manly sent. She could slowly feel her resovle beginging to melt. She was quickly being caught up in his enchantment, and as much as she didn't want to she couldn't help it. He seemed to have a auroa around him that all but made women's underwear fall off. But she wasn't used to it, most of the time men like Luke didn't go for women like her. They liked the blonde, super tall, super skinny women. Not women like Lacey, she wasn't super tall, in fact she was a mere 5'4, and she wasn't super skinny, she used to be bigger than she was now, she had lost weight once she graduated from college. She had never managed to get that pesky freshman fifteen pounds off until she was out of school. Her frame held her curves quite well, and she was proud to say she weighed one hundred and fifty pounds, thank you very much.

She took a deep breath, and swallowed hard. What in hell was it about this man that could make her melt without so much as a kiss? Luke's hand tightened on Lacey's lower back as if he heard her thoughts. She looked up at him, and he smirked before planting a soft, but oh so powerful kiss on her lips. His lips were strong, and she felt the kiss all the way to her knee's. Lacey tore herself away from the kiss.

"I'm sorry," she said before pulling away from him, and walking back over to her table. Luke was quick to follow.

"Lacey. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who kissed you," Luke said quietly, so quietly Lacey almost didn't hear him over the music playing in the background. Lacey reached up and touched her mouth, which was still burning from the kiss.

"It's ok. I understand we both just got wrapped up in the magic of the moment. I mean we are surrounded by a wedding, and happiness. It's perfectly understandable," she said before picking up her glass of wine, and downing it in one gulp.

Luke took a step closer, "You can't deny there is a very powerful attraction between us."

Lacey dragged her eyes up the length of his torso to his face. The vest he wore over his dress shirt clung to his body, making Lacey's mouth run dry. His voice was really begining to get to her. It sounded like velvet wrapped in dark chocolate. She shook her head, and stepped back, away from the spell that seemed to flood her senses everytime Luke was within eyesight.

"Luke..." Lacey began, before Luke stepped foward engulfing her with his warmth and charm.

He wove his hand around the back of her neck, and dug his fingers into her thick hair. He put his mouth a breath away from hers, and looked into her eyes. "Why not enjoy it while we are both here? We are adults. Who is to say we can't just have tonight?" Lacey's mind was sending red flags left and right, but her body seemed to have a mind of it's own. She leaned forward only slightly, and that seemed to be the signal Luke was looking for. He crushed her mouth against his in one of the most powerful kisses Lacey had ever expierenced. Luke held her face in his large hands, while pushing her backwards.

They didn't even share words as they made their way to the elevator. Luckily the reception was in the same hotel Luke was staying at. He smirked at Lacey's flushed face as he pushed the button on the elevator to take them to the tenth floor. He pulled her back to him and crushed her in a powerful kiss that sent a wave of pleasure straight to Lacey's vagina. She felt the cold wood of the elevator against her back as they continued to kiss. Lacey bit down on Luke's bottom lip causing a groan to be pulled from deep in his throat.

Luke couldn't seem to get the door to his hotel room open quick enough. The alcohol he consumed had definately dulled him. He wouldn't usually be taking a woman he barely knew to bed; but there was something about Lacey, he couldn't put his finger on it. But he would sure as hell would like to try. Luke kicked the door closed, and began sheding his clothes.

Lacey watched him for a second, before joining him. Hell Luke was right. She was an adult, who was to tell her she couldn't share one night with a man she was very sexually attracted to. Maybe it was the booze talking but she felt fairly certain she could handle a one night stand. They continued to kiss as Luke guided her to the bed. Lacey moaned softly has Luke reached into her flimsy bra and pulled out her breasts. He let his head drop to take a small, pink nipple into his mouth. She ran her hands through his hair, a snap shot of her earlier memory of wanting to do that very thing flashing through her mind. She let her hands travel slowly down his back as he made his way up to her mouth, trailing hot, wet kisses everywhere his lips touched. He reached her neck, and bit down softly on the tender flesh. Lacey moaned loudly; her breathing becoming very labored.

Lacey reached down to unbutton Luke's pants, while he reached to push her panties down her legs. He succeed first, and took a step back to admire the view before him. Her body was not the tall, slim women he was used to seeing. He really enjoyed the fullness of her hips, and the strong hour glass figure she held. A deep growl of appreciation slipped passed his lips as he pushed her back onto the bed. He finished undressing himself, and joined her on the bed. Seeing the large frame cast a shadow over her made Lacey suddenly reconsider what she was about to do.

"Luke..I don't think..."

Luke cut her off, kissing her hard. "Don't think," he said, before sliding his leg between hers to spread her legs for him.

Lacey looked down realizing her bra was gone too. She had been so caught up in the whole thing she barely remembered how she got into this room in the first place. She looked down at Luke's body, and any doubts she had about it ran away. He was a tall, large man. He wasn't your typical model type, not to say he was fat by any means. His body held muscle in all the right places, while he stomach was flat. Lacey could tell he worked out by the feel of his heavly muscled legs and arms. He was big everywhere and Lacey's mind immediately went south. Her eyes wandered down wanting to catch a glimpse of Luke's penis.

He kissed her firmly, and Lacey lost her train of thought. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, tangling it with hers. He pulled away quickly, and reached for his pants pooled in the floor next to the bed. Lacey felt the sudden rush of cool air from the absense of Luke's body. She used her arms to shield her buxom breasts, while watching him reach into his pocket for a condom. He opened it easily, and locked eyes with Lacey as he began to slowly slide it on. Lacey couldn't help herself as she looked down to watch him. God he was magnificent in every way. His penis stood out proud, and hard from his body.

A shiver snaked its way down her spine at the thought of him inside her. He smiled at her as she dragged her eyes up to meet his. Lacey returned the smile, opened her arms to him. She was really enjoying this new found sex goddess she was becoming. Luke joined her, and used his warm hand to open her legs to him. He reached down, and slid a long finger between the lips of her vagina. She was already very wet, and very ready. Luke kissed her shoulder over to her neck, and dragged his tongue across her sweat moistened flesh. He brazenly pushed his index finger into her slowly, enjoying how deliciously responsive she was to him. He kissed down further to her breasts. He licked one of her nipples which stood out, and pulled it into his mouth.

The sensations where begining to become too much for Luke. He picked his head up and crushed his mouth against hers. He craddled his weight on his left fist, while using his right hand to guide himself closer to her opening. Lacey racked her nails up Luke's left arm, enjoying the muscles and veins popping out. She could feel him, and pushed up against him to guide him easier into her. She was tight, tighter than Luke had imagined. He slowly pushed his way in, as he felt her stretching to accomodate his girth. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him all the way in.

Luke's head dropped down next to Lacey's has he enjoyed the feelings shooting through his body.

"Oh God," he said, and was surprised to hear his own voice was hoarse with desire. Lacey tipped her pelvis up trying to get him to move. He lifted his body up, craddling his weight on his arms as he began pumping into her. Lacey was lost in a sea of passion, and she felt like she might drown. Luke swayed his hips back and forth, while pumping into her. He slowed his movements while locking eyes with Lacey. He could see the clouds of lust behind her eyes, and the fact she couldn't seem to get enough of him was making it all the more enjoyable. He slowly pulled all the way out, lightly dragging the head of his penis up and down her opening.

"What do you want?" he asked as his left hand traced a firey path down her body.

"I want you."

He slowly slid back into her enjoying the way her inner muscles contracting against him. He put his mouth against her ear as he began to show her just how much he ejnoyed her body.

"You have me."

He hadn't meant to actually say the words, but her sent was overwhelming his senses. Lacey opened her eyes to look at Luke and he was lost. The words bounced around in Lacey's mind for a second before she was lost in Luke's body once more.

She began to come strongly. Fireworks exploded behind her closed eyes, as she began to slowly come down from her high. She opened her eyes to find Luke staring at her, pure passion darting across his eyes. Her nails skated across his back causing his skin to ripple at her touch. Lacey's face became impossible hot as she realized Luke wasn't close to orgasm yet.

He pulled out of her, and flipped her over before Lacey could realize what was happening. She got on her knee's and positioned herself for him. His mind went blank as he entered her from behind. The new position made it impossible for her to control the pace, and that's exactly the way Luke wanted it. He grabbed a hand full of Lacey's hair, and pulled her head back as he began pumping faster into her. The second Luke pulled her hair a shot of pure passion went straight to her pulsing clit. Luke could feel his orgasm building just on the edge. He pulled Lacey up and reached in front of her to cup her full breasts in his hands. He continued to thrust into her using all of his might. Lacey was quickly losing what little breath she had. She could tell he was close, and so was she for the second time. She leaned back over, and reached down to play with her clit as they both started to come. Luke groaned before he slammed into Lacey roughly while he came harder than he could ever remember.

His face was hot, and he was sweating bullets. He collapsed next to Lacey on the unmade bed. Both were breathing too hard to even talk. Luke's mind whirrled as sleep began to over take him. He almost chuckled at the thought that that was possibly the fastest he had ever came. His breathing started to slow, as he closed his eyes. Lacey rolled onto her side sleep coming easily for them both.
--To be continued--

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The diminutive mage begins to weave wonders from sheer light, letting out a girlish chuckle as the brilliantly luminescent particles twirl and fade. A garish display that earns at least a few pained sighs from fellow students.With soft waifish features hidden beneath wavy blonde locks and piercing blue eyes that glimmer with ravenous curiosity, Miria looks like any other girl you’d find entombed within the depths of the Mage’s Guild. Her skin is frightfully pale from years of candlelit...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Mirias Temptation

The diminutive mage begins to weave wonders from sheer light, letting out a girlish chuckle as the brilliantly luminescent particles twirl and fade. A garish display that earns at least a few pained sighs from fellow students.With soft waifish features hidden beneath wavy blonde locks and piercing blue eyes that glimmer with ravenous curiosity, Miria looks like any other girl you’d find entombed within the depths of the Mage’s Guild. Her skin is frightfully pale from years of candlelit...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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BtVS Dawns Temptation

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Dawn's Temptation"I am so bored," said Buffy.""Me too," said Dawn.Buffy, Dawn, Willow, and Spike were all in the Magic Box. It was late, but they weren't tired. Just really bored. Really, really bored."We should do something," said Willow. She looked around to see if anyone had any suggestions. "No one? Well, ok, we could always just sit and stare," she added sarcastically."We could play a game," Spike said with a tone in his voice that mad everyone look at him with...

3 years ago
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Give in to temptation

A good friend of mine wanted to share her thoughts with a few other bbc sluts who want to cuckold their husband but might not be sure how to take the next step.Here's what she had to say:Well my name is Ellie and I have been in a cuckold relationship for the past 12 years. I'm now a 33 year old married woman with a sweet loving husband who I love with my entire heart and soul. We met when I was 20 and it was young love. We clicked and I truly believe even to this day that we are soul mates. But...

3 years ago
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The TenYear Temptation

One morning while awake but not yet out of bed, I was texting to K and she was in her usual teasing mood, full of innuendo and questions meant to drive myself, and in turn herself, mad with lust and enjoy the thought of it all until we both have beautiful orgasms. We were throwing around ideas and fantasies, pictures and pet names. Fucking at her workplace in front of her coworkers, treating her as a slut, fucking in front of her boyfriend, all sort of experiences for someone who was...

2 years ago
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Everyone knows that sometimes temptation is a little too hard to resist. And this was definitely one of those times. I've always been curious about females. Males bore me. Every inch of a woman's body fascinates me, though there are areas that I'm sure you can guess I pay a little more attention to sometimes. Being a photographer, I get to take photos of all manner of things: landscapes, people, architectural things, sunsets, and I enjoy them all…mostly the people, and yes, mostly the females...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Into Temptation

I love that picture of you in your pink underwear. It makes me wish that we were together, you modeling for me, stripping down, seducing me. I’d try and do the same for you, stripping to my gray cotton boxers, but you do it so much better. Your actions clearly excite me, as the outline of my bulging cock is clearly visible in my boxers. I love how you lift your breasts from your top, showing off each enlarged nipple in turn. It is beautiful to watch them in your hands, and how they sway when...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates A Favor for Anna Part II Temptation

Altered Fates: A Favor for Anna, Part II "Temptation" Author note: I'd just like to say thank you to Eric for beta reading and offering suggestions on this story, you've undoubtedly made it better! - Cheers Zapper ++++ Chapter 1 "Curiosity killed, ......swapped the cat" ++++ It was a cold Friday afternoon in February as Tom looked out his living room window at the snow covered backyard. The scene showed several trees coated in ice and a...

4 years ago
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Liz Giving In To Temptation

I have written before about Liz, about how easy guys managed to get her knickers down before we met. Liz in her teens and early twenties was stunning. She was very attractive, slim, with 34E breasts. She also had a very warm personality, so men were drawn towards her. Even when she had a boyfriend, men would still try for her, and being that she was more than a little gullible, more often than not, she ended up being screwed by the confident guys who tried it on with her. Then I came along, I...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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My Best Friends Daughter Part ITemptation

My Best Friend’s Daughter-Part One: Temptation John lived in Nottingham, between Manchester and Birmingham in the UK. At 43 John’s life was a bit of a mess and although he had a good legal practice and financial success he was just not very happy. There hadn’t been a serious woman for ages and John just didn’t seem to have the inclination or energy to go to clubs or anywhere and find “Mrs. Right”. Consequently it had been years since John had been on the receiving end of a wild fuckfest. John’s...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Temptation

Altered Fates: "Temptation" By Brad M. & Zapper Synopsis: Harold's stepdaughter, Alicia, is willful, dishonest, and a thief. At seventeen she is gorgeous and eager to explore her body with her boyfriend Chad. Alicia blames Harold for everything that goes wrong in her life and her mother Hanna is at her wits end. Enter the medallion of Zulo. Warning: This story contains explicit content. It takes a dark turn as power, magic, and madness come into play. Note: The rules...

2 years ago
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A girlfriend of mine, Shamita, and I have a mutual friend, who happened to be an ex of mine who had a fantasy of a three-some. We will call him Amit. Just kidding around we told him we were going to massage his whole body and then we were going to tear him up. Of course he knew we were kidding. That is until we each had a couple of drinks and relaxed a bit. Then what started out as kidding around turned out to be an evening we still smile to each other about. We did begin to give him a body...

2 years ago
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Sweet Temptation

Lacey smiled as she made her way to her car. She was so happy for her best friend Kady. After an incredibly hard couple of months she was now happily engaged, with a newborn baby. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little jealous. Her ex-boyfriend, she thought bitterly, had dumped her several months ago for the slut down the hall in his apartment building. She tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear as she opened her car door. She sighed, she loved Kady but once again she was...

1 year ago
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Strange Temptations

Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. If you feel offended by the subject, please skip to another story. Karen McAllister was furious. She had just received a phone call from the detective agency that she hired to spy upon her husband. An agent from Paris just informed her that for the last two nights a girl had been visiting her husband in his hotel’s room. This night as well she was there…for more than two hours....

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harems Passion 7 Taboo Temptations

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Taboo Temptations By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! September 13th, 2021 – Cruzita Gutiérrez “Cruzita?” I lifted my head to see the Hispanic girl coming out of the cloth curtain that cut off the waiting room from the back hallway. She wore a lilac, silk robe about her petite figure. She wore her dark-brown hair short, framing her face. She couldn't be more than eighteen, and wore a bright smile on...

3 years ago
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Academy forTemptation

My name is Jack Langley, aged twenty-two, and I was amazed that I had managed my first month of teaching experience without succumbing to the temptations that surrounded me and threatened my probationary year in Collington Academy.Four years of the educational and lustful university experience and the latter part had contained just as much learning as the former. I had ‘kissed the girls and made them moist’, and, satisfying that moistening, over four years had demanded increasing...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Academy forTemptation

My name is Jack Langley, aged twenty-two, and I was amazed that I had managed my first month of teaching experience without succumbing to the temptations that surrounded me and threatened my probationary year in Collington Academy.Four years of the educational and lustful university experience and the latter part had contained just as much learning as the former. I had ‘kissed the girls and made them moist’, and, satisfying that moistening, over four years had demanded increasing...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Intern Temptation

Not a whole lot, Hugo realises. His intern hasn’t put his iPhone down for the last five minutes, just endlessly scrolling something he’ll probably tell Hugo he’s too old for, with his stupid pretty face a mix of sass and sympathy. “I wouldn’t let anyone else catch you staring like that,” Ellis is looking at him now, looking like he knows everything there is and that Hugo’s a fool. ...Hugo is a fool. “No one else catches my eye,” he responds, setting his face in an attempt at...

2 years ago
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Fighting The Temptation

The wild life in the ski resorts, yeah right, Matt thought. His only wild life in this godforsaken town was the occasional wild animal he saw. He hated it out here in the mountains of Colorado. He had been lured here by the prospects of making good money working the slopes only to find out the recession of the country had hit here as hard as everywhere else. His dream job lasted a few months and he was laid off.So, after months of just scraping by, he was delighted to get a response to one of...

4 years ago
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Resisting Temptation

He sighed, looked away and licked his lips. When he looked back at me, he smiled. “Okay, Alice. I’ll see you when you get here. I can’t wait to see you.” I smiled back at him. “I can’t wait either. I love you, bro!” “Love you too, sis.” We logged out. As I started to get dressed, I couldn’t help but wonder why he seemed upset when I wouldn’t dress in front of him. He’s like my brother! That would be weird. So I just shrugged it off as I slid on my flip flops, put on my headband and bag...

3 years ago
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Andrews Temptation

Her high heels made a loud clicking noise as she ran up the steps to the front door, kicking off her shoes she sighed in relief as she felt a blast of cool air from the air conditioner climb up her smooth long legs, raising her skirt a bit. Giggling she began to make her way to the bathroom, wanting to take a nice cold shower before she left for the night. “What are you laughing at?” She heard as she entered the living room. That voice, she hated that voice, it could only be one person… Andrew....

2 years ago
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Island Temptation

There I was in my hotel suite somewhere in Hawaii, checking out the view of the beach from my balcony. I saw the beautiful blue ocean, the white sand, and lots of people in swimwear swimming and playing volleyball and the sun was brightly shining. So I decided to take a walk on the beach. I put on a pair of jeans and a midriff under my rainbow-colored two-piece bikini and stepped out. Not only did I love the feel of warm sand on my feet but I also liked the crashing of waves against the rocks...

4 years ago
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Loves Temptation

She should have known better than to trust him, he had done nothing but lie to her from day one. Of course she hadn’t been aware of this fact until it was too late. Way too late. John had asked Melissa out on a magical first date and had completely bowled her over. A whirlwind romance that turned into roller coaster ride that had stopped abruptly, leaving shattered dreams and broken promises. He had made so many promises to her, and had seemed to mean each one. She had lived for those promises...

3 years ago
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Mmmm, today was a good day.   I was sitting at work fantasizing about the sexiest man that had to be alive, in my world anyway.   I finally spoke to him on the way home last night…and that was all she wrote.   This man was godly, almost too good to be true.  He had a nice and tight body with a smile that could kill.   And you know what, he fucked me so good last night, I almost lost sight of who I was.   Shit, how does one lose sight of who they are?   Easy, when you do some shit you normally...

3 years ago
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Bad Habits Pt 02 Temptation

Author’s note: I didn’t plan to write a part 2, but something inspired me. This is once again dedicated to C, who seems to provide me with so much inspiration. ***** I have to confess, I was more than a little disappointed after the disappearance of Camilla. While she wasn’t the only motivator in my quest to get fit, that little throwaway comment she made set the whole process in motion. Over the passing months I logged into the FBFM forum regularly – partly because I wanted to see if she...

3 years ago
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Irresistable temptation

I passed her on the stairs to my building. She stopped to hold the door for me as I was taking a load of boxes to the street. The light came in behind her silhouetting a beautiful figure and a riot of short curly hair. “Lucky girl” I thought with just a smidge of envy. My 5’8” frame is rather more generously curved than fashion dictates and my long brunette hair takes an army of stylists equipped with an arsenal of product to hold a curl. I came face to face with her and was able to see her...

2 years ago
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Giving In to Temptation

Donna worked at the local five and dime store where one of the young bucks from her neighborhood had become a fairly regular customer. Regular enough that she started to wonder whether he really came in for pencils or a candy bar, or if it just made a good excuse to come in and see her.  She had often caught him staring at her ample breasts and at first, she passed it off as just the raging hormones of youth, but after five years with her trusty vibrator as her only lover, the thought of his...

2 years ago
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The temptation

*this story is an outtake from my novel ‘the Lovely Forsaken’ the scene does not appear in the book but I loved it so much that I decided to post it here. I hope everyone enjoys it!* I watched in terror as Daniel leaned over me and pressed his cold lips to mine. In shock I could not prevent his tongue from entering my mouth and it was an automatic reaction to let my own twirl around his. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want him. I had wanted him since that night in the woods when he had fed...

4 years ago
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My day had been lazy and generally unproductive – just the way I liked it, for a Saturday evening. I had lounged around the room all day in a pair of tight blue boxer briefs, watching television, eating whatever I fancied and idly playing on my laptop. This was my idea of a relaxing, enjoyable weekend alone. Nothing could disturb me. No sooner had I thought this than my phone vibrated on the table in front of me. An ear-piercing song that I had once loved – now a grating noise to be tolerated...

3 years ago
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Liz Giving In To Temptation

I have written before about Liz, about how easy guys managed to get her knickers down before we met. Liz in her teens and early twenties was stunning. She was very attractive, slim, with 34E breasts. She also had a very warm personality, so men were drawn towards her. Even when she had a boyfriend, men would still try for her, and being that she was more than a little gullible, more often than not, she ended up being screwed by the confident guys who tried it on with her. Then I came along, I...

2 years ago
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My Little Temptation

There she goes again. Now I know she is doing it deliberately. She has been sent here from the devil himself just to tempt me. Why else would my wife’s 18 year old sister be doing cartwheels in front of the sliding glass door to my office, in a bikini no less? She graduated high school last week and her parents offered to send her wherever she wanted to go and she chose to come stay with her sister and me in Louisiana. Anywhere in the world she wanted to go and she chose here. She arrived late...

2 years ago
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Camping Temptation

I had been looking at the white camper in front of me for hours, driving behind it with my black Civic. Lightly gripping my hands on the steering wheel I let my mind wander about the week ahead. I was on my way to go camping with Jake Austin and his family. His parents were driving in front of me in their camper, while Jake himself was laying down on the backseat, still suffering from a hangover from the night before. Julia, his eighteen year old sister, was sitting next to me in the passenger...

2 years ago
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Giving In to Temptation

Introduction: A smoldering look ignites a passionate fire Donna worked at the local five and dime store where one of young bucks from her neighborhood had become a fairly regular customer. Regular enough that she started to wonder whether he really came in for pencils or a candy bar, or if it just made a good excuse to come in and see her &hellip,. She had often caught him checking out her ample breasts and at first, she passed it off as just the raging hormones of youth, but after five years...

3 years ago
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Giving in to Temptation

As usual, she was the last one to leave the class, and as usual she took an age to tidy up her books giving me teasing glimpses of her long suntanned thighs, she smiled at me as she stood beside me at my desk."You were looking up my skirt weren't you, sir?""Nonsense, Kylie," I protested weakly."I saw you, you were trying to see my panties.""Kylie that's just not true.""I bet you've got a hard-on haven't you, sir?""I bet you were thinking how much you'd like to see my pussy weren't you?"She...

College Sex
2 years ago
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A Dangerous Temptation

As usual she was the last one to leave the class and as usual she took an age to tidy up her books giving me teasing glimpses of her long suntanned thighs, she smiled at me as she stood beside me at my desk."You were looking up my skirt weren't you sir?""Nonsense Kylie," I protested weakly."I saw you, you were trying to see my panties.""Kylie that's just not true.""I bet you've got a hard on haven't you sir?""I bet you were thinking how much you'd like to see my pussy weren't you?"She moved...

3 years ago
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Lead Me Not Into Sexual Temptation

Robert was a photographer who liked taking pictures -- people, animals, and objects. Today his focus was on a woman who was sitting on a bench reading her Kindle. She had been sitting there for at least ten minutes, absorbed in what she was reading and oblivious to what was going on around her. A cup of something apparently hot sat beside her untouched. Robert wanted so much to take pictures of her but he had a self-written rule: never photograph without permission.To many men, she was just an...


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