Neeta My Love – Part II free porn video

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Read this and send me feed back or mail me ta raaaza or now read net part Nita realized her robe had fallen open, and Bob was treating himself to yet another free show of her feminine charms. She also noticed he was getting a hard on. Words continued to fall out of her in bits. ‘Uhhh, uhmm, So you can’t leave until…?’ He finished the sentence for her. ‘Until your husband fucks you silly! I’m here to make sure that happens. You clicked, he dicks! What’s so hard to understand?’

Her eyes moved from the obscene cherub to the bag on the bed. Before she could ask, he told her, ‘It’s a nice little outfit he won’t be able to resist. I’ll take care of the rest.’She blinked, trying to comprehend. ‘You mean…’Bob smacked his forehead. ‘Son of a bitch! Do I have to explain everything? Ok, here goes. In about 10 minutes John boy is gonna come through the door. There’s gonna be a drink waiting for him, his favorite. And then another. While he’s relaxing, you’re gonna sneak back up here, and put this little get up on. About 30 seconds after he sees you in this, I’m one step closer to getting the fuck out of here. Got it now?’

He snapped his fingers, she was instantly in a long black dress that accentuated her every curve. Another snap, and a full length mirror appeared in front of her. She gasped in surprise. The dress had a subtle shimmer to the fabric which highlighted her body with every motion. It clung to her, showing all, revealing nothing. Which was what she had on underneath.Her hair, nails, make up and jewelry were perfect. A pair of silver earrings matched a tiny chain bracelet and anklet set. The shoes were a sexy tribute to her gorgeous feet. Nita had a hard time recognizing herself in the mirror.

A door closed downstairs. John was home. Nita asked Bob ‘What about you? What do I tell John?’Bob gave a ‘no big deal’ shrug. ‘He can’t see me, only you can. Let’s get this show on the road Ok? Go downstairs, and say hello to your husband.’ She found John in the living room, shoes off, feet up, drink in hand. The same odd radio station was playing, he had his head back and his eyes closed.

Nita moved silently behind him, covered his eyes with her hands, placed a soft upside down kiss, and whispered sexily, ‘Guess who?’

John smiled and guessed. ‘Uhhhh, Lana?’

Nita kept her hands over his eyes, and moved around in front of him. She gave a deeper kiss, and whispered, ‘Nope, try again’

He crinkled his brow in thought and guessed. ‘Carol?’

Her lips moved to his ear, and traced a trail of heat.

John gave a low ‘mmmmmmm’ and guessed, ‘Uhhh, Bubba?’

She whispered ‘Nooooo’ and looked up to see Bob impatiently checking his watch. She slyly gave him the finger.

She stood, removing her hands from John’s eyes. They opened and went wide, absorbing the vision that was his wife. She handed him his drink, he gulped it in one shot. She turned slowly, letting him see the whole show. He grinned from ear to ear.

He didn’t know where to start. ‘Wow! I-I-mean you look soooo….. Wow!’She smiled, and went to get him another drink. Bob, floating, held one out to her. She brought it to John, bending so he had a perfect view down the front of the low cut dress. Nita glared over the top of John’s head at Bob, who had moved in for a look.

John didn’t notice, unable to tear his eyes away from her display of freckled cleavage. He felt a heat building inside himself. It seemed the room was getting warmer. Nita looked back to John, and noticed a flush on his cheeks. There was a gleam in his eye she hadn’t seen since they were dating. She began to think maybe Bob wasn’t so bad after all. She stood and told John, ‘You relax for awhile, finish your drink.’

She moved to the stairs, and up, Bob floating behind her. They entered the bedroom, she closed the door. In a hushed, yet sharp tone, she demanded, ‘What the fuck? Are you going to watch my every move?’ Bob grinned and replied, ‘I have to, best part of the job actually. Satisfaction guaranteed, remember? Besides, I happen to know there’s a little part of you that likes to be watched.’

Nita’s blush gave her away. Bob gave her a smug ‘I knew it’ grin. He snapped his fingers, she was nude. His eyes again traveled her body, lingering on her newly shaved surprise. Without moving his eyes, he asked, ‘You going to get dressed, or do I get to look at Bald Valley all night?’

Nita sighed in exasperation, and opened the shopping bag.  She pulled out a pair of low cut white cotton panties, one size smaller than she normally wore. Next was a lacy white bra. It felt like it was made of smoke. She slid on the panties, saving herself from Bob’s leering eyes. The bra was magic. It fit perfectly, and did things for her chest that nothing store bought could do.

Next from the bag was a pair of white, just above the knee stockings, made of the same material as the dress. Small silk bows decorated the top of each. They slid up her legs, and stayed perfectly in place. A pair of sexy black patent leather shoes with adorable little ties came next. And then, a small white Shorty top. It left her midriff bare, the white of the shirt contrasting with her skin. She tied it under her breasts, leaving the buttons undone.

And finally, the classic red plaid skirt. Except this one was slit up the side to give a tantalizing peek at the panties beneath. And short, stopping just above her rounded cheeks in back, and just below her cotton covered mound in front.

Bob snapped his fingers, the mirror was back. Nita’s reflection was the sexiest ‘Fuck me’ schoolgirl she had ever seen. Another snap, and a silver and black cross necklace appeared between her breasts. Nita felt a thrill of nervous excitement run through her. Bob leered and winked, admiring his handiwork.

‘Babe’ he said, ‘You’re about to get the ride of your life. Your going to thank me every time you sit down for the next couple of days.’ He snapped, the mirror vanished.

Bob went on, ‘Ok, now listen up. John’s not going to be able to get out of that chair until you say “Fuck me like the bad girl that I am”. Until then, you can do anything you want, if you get my drift.’ Nita nodded, she had never felt sexier. She was already getting moist from the combination of anticipation and built up need.

Bob smacked her on the ass, shocking her into action. ‘Let’s go Chiquita! I’m on the freakin’ clock here!’ She sauntered from the room, working her hips. A low sting remained on her bottom where the little cherub had so rudely planted one.

One by one, she made her way down the steps. The patent shoes really did reflect up, she could see her panties peeking out with each step. She moved to the living room, noticing the same radio station still on, and in the center of the floor, a wooden stool, surrounded by a pool of light. It was the only light in the room. Nita paused, took a breath, stepped in front of her husband, and into the light.

John’s eyes bugged at the sight of her. His mouth opened and closed, searching for words. He had been getting more and more uncomfortable waiting. The room seemed hot, his crotch was aching. He could think only of her, he was getting hornier by the minute.

Nita stood for a second, watching his reaction, and unsure what to do next. She let her imagination take over, slipping into the role of Naughty Schoolgirl. ‘I’m sorry I’m late, Sir.’ she lilted, getting into it now. ‘I’ll do my best to catch up on the work I missed. I think my books are right down here….’

With that, she turned her back to him and bent to a low shelf, knowing exactly what her skirt was doing behind her. Exposing her cheeks, with a white strip of cotton between them. She stuck out her bottom, and wiggled saucily as she ‘looked for her books’ John tried to lunge from the chair, but couldn’t. He had never felt a desire so strong. For him, the room was getting hotter, growing hazy, with a reddish tinge. She was just getting warmed up.

Having located her book, Nita turned back to him, and moved to the stool. She slowly straddled it, one leg at a time. Her bottom floated to meet the seat. She opened the book, pretending to read, crossing and uncrossing her legs. His eyes were locked on her panties, as they peeked out and then disappeared with each movement of her legs.

She set the book aside, and stretched deeply. Her back arched, the shirt pulled open, putting her beautiful cleavage on full display. A hint of her perfume, and her own natural scent floated to his suddenly ultra sensitive nostrils. The beast that was John’s lust roared, yet he remained riveted to the chair. Nita thought she heard him growl.

She looked up into red rimmed eyes filled with primal lust. He was like a caged animal, straining for release. She cooed, ‘Ooh, I’m sorry Sir! It’s just seems to be getting so warm in here’

With that, Nita pulled the tie of her shirt loose, allowing it to fall open. At the same time, she raised her feet to the cross slats running between the chair legs. Her knees moved wide, fully exposing her cotton covered sex. A bit of her puffy outer lips peeked from each side of the white band.

She closed her eyes, cradled her head with one arm, while running her other hand down her neck, between her breasts, across her stomach, finally coming to rest just inside the waistband of her dampening panties. Had John been able to move, he would have ravaged her right there.

Nita was really into it now. She decided to take her peep show to the next level. Her free hand teased back up her body. The other met it where her shirt hung open. With the flourish of a stripper, she peeled it off, her eyes locked on his. She held it to the side at arm’s length, and let it drop to the floor.

John watched hungrily, a not so willing prisoner. She could feel the heat of his stare. Over his head, in the darkness, Nita could see the eerie glow of Bob’s eyes as he too, enjoyed the show. She really enjoyed being watched, feeling so desired. The thought took her excitement and performance to a new plateau.

Her hands slid slowly down her body again. The fingers on one pulled the panties aside, giving John his first look at her newly shaved sex. His nostrils flared, capturing more of her wet scent. For a second, she could swear she saw a red glow from deep in his eyes.

She breathed, ‘I just can’t help myself Sir. I try not to, but it just feels…so…goooooood’. The index finger of her other hand found her center of pleasure, tracing slow circles over and around it. Her eyes slid shut as sparks raced and collided with each other, growing with each movement of her fingertip.

She added another, and picked up the pace, pressing harder. Flashes of light went off behind her eyelids, her body took over. Nita’s knuckles went white as she pulled harder on the panties. Her body tensed, shook, the seat beneath her bottom grew wet with her juices. She grunted, her fingers working hard.

She peered from under heavy lidded eyes at her audience. Their expressions spoke more than words ever could. It sent her over the edge. She tensed, stroked furiously, and then let go.  A sharp, jolting climax ripped through her. Her mouth fell open, sounds of release escaping it. She pressed her thighs together, another vortex of pleasure crested and passed. Through a haze, reality floated back in.

She panted, faking embarrassment. ‘Oh Sir! I’m so sorry! I’m such a bad girl!’ She looked down coyly, as if ashamed, but also to dislodge her feet from the slats of the stool. They found the floor, she slipped off the shoes. She rose on still trembling legs, and moved to John.

Nita leaned in close and in a sultry whisper asked, ‘Don’t you think I deserve to be punished Sir? I’m sooooo naughty! Would you like to spank me Sir? I really, really deserve it.’ Bob snapped his fingers, and John suddenly found he could move his arms. They shot out, roughly grabbing Nita, bending her across his knees.

In one motion, one hand caught Nita’s arm, bending it up behind her back. The other raised her skirt, and began raining a quick tempo of stacatto palms to her upturned cheeks.Nita yelped between each, ‘hey! ow! i thought-oww! you-ow! saidooh! he couldn’t-owww! move until-ouch! i-ow! said so! ow! ow! ow!’ Bob laughed cruelly, ‘Yeah, I’m kind of a prick that way, ain’t I?’

Nita’s other hand came up to protect her stinging and now pink ass from John’s assault. He made another quick motion, and both arms were pinned to the small of her back. She kicked her legs, trying to get free. It was no use, the splat of flesh on flesh filled the room, along with her anguished cries.

Tears of pain ran from Nita’s eyes as she got the bottom warming of a lifetime. John began alternating his strokes. Faster, slower, harder, softer. She never knew what to expect next, except that it would really sting. And then he stopped. Somehow, that was worse.

She squirmed, his surprisingly strong grip still held her. The warmth from her tush began to creep forward. His fingertips played slowly across her abused flesh. A tingle went to her slit, a chill to her skin. Goosebumps stood out over her entire body. A single hard shot took her by surprise. The jolt of pain shot through her, the tingles and chills set in again as his fingertips did.

He continued this pattern, merciless teasing and then the unexpected sharp impact. Nita found herself arching in anticipation of the next. She began to pant, her mouth hung open, the panties now soaked. It was sweet torture, building her desire to previously unknown heights. Her body shook, every fiber of her screamed with need. Finally, she could take no more.’Fuck me’ she begged. ‘Fuck me like the bad girl that I am’

He roared to life, suddenly free of his invisible bonds. John had ceased to be a functional, thinking human about the same time Nita began her strip show. He was now only a creature of pure lust, and she was going to be on the receiving end of it.

He threw her body effortlessly over his shoulder. One hand tore at her skirt, it shredded. With an animal grunt, he turned and fairly flew up the stairs, Nita bouncing on his shoulder. She was shocked, he had never shown this kind of strength before. He also seemed bigger, more muscular, and hard.

With strong and purposeful strides, he stormed to their room. He stiff-armed the door, it blew open, rocking on it’s hinges. Nita felt a push, and squeaked as he tossed her onto the bed. She landed hard, and would have flown off the other side, save for the rough grasp he put on her ankle. He grabbed her white robe, and pulled the sash from it.

Before she could protest, she found her wrists tied together, and then to the headboard. She was thrilled and terrified all at once. The man she loved was now a stranger to her, she was at his mercy. The thought made her wetter. He moved to the closet, returning with two black leather belts, and a bandanna. There was no compromise in his eyes. Nita suddenly feared for her safety.

He looped the belts through their buckles. His hand shot out, catching an ankle. She tried to pull away, he tightened his grip. He fit the circle of leather around her ankle, and tied the loose end to the bedpost. A moment later, the other foot followed. She pulled experimentally against her bonds, they held fast.

The bandanna descended, covering her eyes. Nita trembled. Lust, fear and trepidation each tried to overcome the other. He made her wait, the only sound was that of the radio. Finally, she whispered, ‘Bob?’ He replied ‘Sorry Toots, I’m on lunch.’ She lost track of time. Her mind played between fantasy and reality. The thought that John was watching her was making her crazy. She squirmed, trying to rub her thighs together. She tried moving her still rosy bottom into the sheets. Nothing. The tension built, along with her desire.

She gasped and jerked as something; something soft touched the arch of one foot. And then the other. Jolts of pleasure ran up her legs and crashed between her thighs.  The softness floated it’s way up her skin in a non pattern of stop and start sensation. When it touched her, the stimulation was almost unbearable. When it stopped, it was worse, leaving her breathing deeply, tensing against the bonds keeping her from the next touch. It tickled her skin, and sent sparks beneath it.

The exquisite torture moved higher, deftly avoiding her nipples. It was gone for a second, and then was at her neck. She shook as it found her ears, and played. As it crossed her lips, she realized it was a large feather. And then it was gone. She was left panting, helpless, and wondering where she would feel it’s next soft agony. She gasped loudly as it found the ultra sensitive spaces between her toes.

It teased over and over them, never repeating the same pattern. Each served only to add more fuel to the inferno her body had become. It played her arches, between her toes, ankles, the tops of her feet. She groaned, becoming consumed by the sensations, not knowing where the next would come from. It traveled slowly up her legs. As it reached her thighs, she was moaning loudly, arching her hips, desperate for any contact with her now flowing pussy. It teased ever closer, and then away.

A long groan of frustration filled the room. There was no way this could get any worse. She was wrong. A second, stiffer feather introduced itself the tender flesh of her stomach. Her wetness gave a few involuntary contractions. The additional stimulation overwhelmed her senses, moving her to a state of delirium. Her entire body felt like one raw, exposed nerve. The inner flames licked her to near insanity.

Nita pulled hard on her bonds, biting her lower lip, every muscle tensing. The two pronged stimulation continued, keeping her a safe distance from the edge, but just close enough to let her think she could make it. She felt like she would lose her mind.’Please’ she begged, ‘Please I can’t take anymore.’  It stopped. Nita wailed in frustration. ‘No! That’s not what I meant! Don’t stop! Oh please, please don’t stop!’

She was left shaking and unfulfilled. A moment later, the lacy bra was pulled from her body. She felt a strong hand in the waistband of her panties. A quick tug, and they ripped away. She only thought she had felt vulnerable before. Now she was completely nude, and still helpless. A hard kiss exploded on her lips. The human contact surged through her, she kissed back with all the passion she had. A small explosion went off in her overloaded mind. She surrendered to the fire.

His mouth moved away from hers, leaving her panting. It began a slow downward tour of every inch of her skin. Nita moved back to a trance state as the mouth worked magic on her. She had several small orgasms, one after the other as his lips and tongue paid homage to her breasts, and the extremely sensitive nipples capping them.

It slowed at her stomach, licking trails of fire on the tender skin. Her breath came in shudders, between moans of delight. And slower still as it moved past her bellybutton, which received some exquisitely detailed attention. She planted as his lips grazed where her soft curls used to be. He lingered here, the tip of his tongue slipping over and over her newly exposed flesh until she thought she would scream. And even more slowly, lower.

She lifted her bottom off the bed in a silent plea, and then sank back in disappointment as that wonderful mouth alternated between thighs. Up and up, exploring the crease where her leg joined her body, achingly close to where she wanted it most, and then down the other. And then back up, her body tensing in delirious anticipation. She threw her legs as wide as they could go.

Nita felt his warm breath blow gently on her sweet, aching lips. Her entire being shuddered. A long, slow lick started on one side of her dripping folds, and moved to the other. More explosions went off inside her. Nita was a trembling pool of need as he licked and licked her outer and inner lips. She could feel each beat of her racing heart in her as yet untouched dark pink button.

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Shirley 8211 My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 7

Hello readers, I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 7th part of the story series SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/ or a normal...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Restroom Lust 8211 Part 2 8211 The Fuck Part

Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...

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Juhi Part 3 8211 Our Sexapartment

Hi Friends, My name is Juhi. I’ve published two stories earlier. Every story I narrate re-ignites the hunger in me to re-live that moment again. This story particularly is the continuation of my previous Story ‘Juhi 2- Sex with Male flatmate’. Well, back then my stats were 34C-28-36 and I was staying with a guy Neil and a girl Shreo (36dd – 30 – 34) in central London in Neils 3 bedroom apartment, which he had offered us as we were practically homeless. Now, in my previous story, I’d narrated...

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Hello readers Again Sonia is here with a new story sent by Jehha ajay and i am writing story in her own words ,With out wasting ur time straight away to story I am Jehha Ajay(Ajay my husband) i am 35 married lady with one baby girl of 11 .i am 5.6 milkey white ,round face,cute juicy lips and good cute hands and feet my figure is 36.24.38 i got a bid round ass when walking in choureedar ,every body looks at my ass moments am married by 13 years my hubby is in garmnet busniss so many times on...

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How I met my Nympho Online 8211 Part3

Hola chicos, this is Rahul welcoming you all back to my story. I request you all to go through my previous stories before reading this further. Sorry for making you wait for this long. Thank you for supporting me and showing love towards my previous stories. I didn’t expect I would get such huge support and love for my very first story. It’s all because of your support and love that encouraged me to write this erotic story. Let me jump directly into the story. I am going to continue narrating...

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Burning Lust 8211 Part 1 8211 A Forbidden Love Story

My story started when I was a kid. I was a single kid, so I grew up with my cousins, spending most of my time with them. The eldest was my favorite, even though we used to a fight a lot when we were young. She was 10 years older than me and as a kid, I used to sleep with her, hug her close and nothing seemed wrong. But we were growing up fast and my innocence gave way to adolescence. The day that changed my life altogether, happened in an upstairs room at my cousins place. We were cleaning,...

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My First Encounter With My Teacher 8211 Part1

Hey, guys, I have been an ISS reader from almost 6 years. I want to write an incident which happened to me when I was in class 12th. Every boy would have desired a teacher at some point in their school days. I was no different in it. I went to a Co-Ed school. I gradually developed the interest in a woman. More than class girls I was into teachers when I was in my 12th grade. This was mainly due to my Maths teacher. To tell you about myself, I’m 6.2 feet tall with an athletic body. I’m tanned...

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Varsha Mami Ki Chootki Malai 8211 Part1

Hi friends…I am extremely delighted because of love and response from you to varsha mami stories. Un dino mere mama ki shadi ke liye hum uske gaon gaye the shadi ke baad main, mari behen aur maa , vahi mama ke ghar ruk gaye. Mama ki wife ka naam varsha tha. Woh kafi sundar thi. Uski figure lagbhag 32-24-32 thi. Mera dhyan toh uski gaand aur boobs se hat hi nahi pata tha. Thode dino baad meri maa aur behen bhi ghar chale gaye. Ab main or mama mami hi the. Mama dun bhar job pe jate the. Maine ab...

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Spellbound Beauty 8211 My Manager Part1

To the most erotic, sensual, lusty, romantic and passionate readers everywhere, hello! This is Sagar here, 26, from Vizag, been reading here stories here for about seven long years and thought to pen down some of my best experiences. This is my real sex story. As this is my first sex story here, kindly excuse me as this is a long sex story and if there’re any mistakes or couldn’t help you to finish your shag for the day. Any comments or suggestions are deeply appreciated and you can write to me...

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Lost My Virginity By A Married Girl 8211 Part1

Hi boys and girls. I am abhilash from gurgaon, 27 yrs old with 5’10 height, 8 inch dick size with attractive fair body and this is my first story on ISS, I ‘ll be using hinglish to describe this story to you guys. This story is about me and a married girl from my society who meet me on wechat. Her name was nisha (name changed). She was to much attractive with naughty eyes and voice, anyone can get attracted towards her easily, what a sexy figure those 32 curve boobs, 26 slim waist, 36 bubbly...

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Lizzy 8211 Part1

The conference promised to be just another week of my life wasted listening to middle-aged project managers drone on and on about their progress. Every so often there was some eye-candy in attendance, but usually the women were not that attractive, and were certainly suppressing any sensuality under their business suits. Maybe that’s why I was so floored when I saw her walk in on that first day. She was wearing a blue skirt with matching jacket, a white silk blouse, and black Italian pumps....

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Shirley 8211 My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 8

Hi readers .. this is Steve again with 8th part of the story.. I have been receiving lot of feedback n very recently from female readers who are impressed with my writing style.. thanks to all of you guys and it’s been a pleasure writing .. also to those readers who have urged me to write your stories and post it here , you just need to be patient for a while as I’ll be starting to post your stories as soon as I finish writing them from your short summaries.. Any ladies wanting a casual/sex...

2 years ago
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Hungry mouths 8211 Strap on time with Cynthia

“Hungry mouths always find each other.” We were married with husbands that no longer thrilled us and had 3 children between us. Cindy a BBW with long blonde locks sang in a band some weekends, and that was what made her seem exciting in the beginning. She had been seeing me for massage at my home office. And that is how we met. The first time Cynthia visited me at my home, we were alone in my computer room with the door shut. My hubby’s was at work, and the kids were visiting...

4 years ago
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College students fuck one of their horny mothers 8211 and then do each other too

Shit! This was crazy. I was just out of high school by a couple of years, barely 18-19. I went to study with a buddy at his place, on campus, well probably not, most likely off campus. Yeah. We were in his apartment off campus. We were studying. Then this woman crashed into the apartment, drunk as a “shit house mouse,” as daddy used to say. She was babbling like mad, in many meanings of that word. “Ah, damn it, I didn’t get fucked tonight,’ she slurred....

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Gigolo 8211 Male Escort 8211 Rent Man 8211 Call Boy Odisha 8211 Part 5

Hello to all readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your...

2 years ago
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Love Sex And Neelam 8211 Saga Continues 8211 Part II

Hi I am Vibhore again back with the second part of my story. As you all know in my first part I explained you how my assistant Neelam screwed me up and ended in a wonderful sex. After her request I stayed in her home for that night. I should once again tell you people about me and my assistant Neelam. I am Vibhore (Name Changed), 38 yrs old male from Delhi. I am highly educated and working at Senior Management Level in an MNC in Delhi. I am simple, decent man. I had been married since last 12...

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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

Hi friends, this story is about cousin love. Life is unpredictable. Life is full of surprises. Life is all about being happy and making others happy. We get one life. We must enjoy it to the fullest. Happiness can come in different forms and from different people. Sometimes expected, sometimes unexpected. I am narrating one of such unexpected encounters with my loving cousin sister Maya. Vinay, I am from Chennai. Mail your comments, feedback. You can chat or connect on hangouts @ . Maya was...

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Burning Lust 8211 Part 2 8211 The Consummation Of Love

Hi this is Rahul, thanks for reading my story, which is based on actual events.. Thanks for the comments.. Love happens where and when it can, between any two people.. We cant predetermine any of it, it just happens.. As long as you are true to your feelings and care about each other, I dont think any love can be wrong.. Even if its a forbidden love.. I am a single guy, I love my sister and this is our story.. Will always enjoy your feedback.. Thanks.. (Story continued) I smiled and lifted...

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Rinki aur merre beeche jo pichli raat ko hua us se hum dono bohat khush the, agle din jab mai utha toh mai ek alag he insaan tha mere viaktitav mai parivartan ho chuka tha, aap keh sakte hain ki mai mard ban chuka tha –such hai par badlav ki is lehar ne mujhe us se kuch jyada diya tha.mere ander ki aag aur jyada bhadak gayi thi.Ab main aur rinki dono hi sex karte samay bohat aakarmak ho jate the. Jald hi yeh mera routine ban gaya gaya tha ki mai rat ko uski chat par ya uske room mai jakar use...

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Lizzy 8211 Part2

The meetings were better since we had broken into small working groups and I was pleasantly surprised to have Lizzie in my group. Her comments were excellent and I could tell she was as professional as she was beautiful. Right before lunch Liz stopped me and asked if I was still okay with our little arrangement. I assured her I was. “Well, do you want something to eat first?” Liz was trying to accommodate me in every way. I gave her a sly smile and whispered “I’m looking forward to a liquid...

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My Honeymoon 8211 Every Woman Should Have 8211 Part 2 Final Part

I am Garima here with the subsequent story of our honeymoon. Keeping them astonished I walked upstairs wearing only panties and carrying 40,000 cash. I knew I have cheated them. I entered into bedroom, saw Rajiv still in the same pose. I kept money safely in my suitcase and laid on the bed beside him. First I thought, what they would be thinking or doing ? After Garima went out of sight, Sunil was first to speak, “Yaar, I think she is cheating us. She does not talk like a virgin” But his...

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How I Met A Girl 8211 The Story Of How I Fell In Love With A Girl 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am sinner499 I am writing this story to share my experience with a really hot and sexy girl!! Something about myself I am 22 yr old guy not very muscular body as many would imagine I have a slim body and I have an 7″ long and fat cock. I live in Bangalore.Completed my engineering now doing training !! Now cumming to the story I was just one of those guys who thought that I could never get a gf. But time changes and I met this really beautiful girl in college! She was beautiful and just...

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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 2 Igniting Passions

I said, “I think igniting passions is the only thing we have not done till today.” She said, “Yes, but now I don’t care about what Chetan thinks. I am sorry, Vinay. I hope you will forgive me for whatever I have done to you and made you feel ignored and alone for so many years.” I said, “It’s fine, Maya, let us leave the past behind and start afresh.” I looked at Maya with a male perspective for the first time. She had grown to fully blossom woman, smoking hot and deliciously sexy. Her boobs...

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Shraddha 8211 My Love My Passion 8211 Pt 2 Our First Sex In A Hotel

My beautiful Shraddha was coming to my country to work alongside me. Remember, in the first part, I had mentioned that a common work assignment brought us together. She was asked to join her team. We both were so happy we will be able to see each other finally and be in each other’s arms. From that day, we started making plans. Where to meet? When to meet? What will she wear and so on? We kept going on and on as to how we will kiss each other, undress each other and finally make love. And...

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Love Thy Neighbor 8211 Surbhi 8211 Part 1 Introduction

I live in a colony in Gurgaon for the better part of my life with my entire family. (Parents, wife, siblings & 2 kids). I’m 31 yrs of age. 6 feet tall & a little on the non-trim side these days (blame it on being a food lover & weekend drinking :) ) I am a decent looking fellow with a sense of humour & LOVE sucking boobs, pussy & assholes. After sex, i love just sucking womens breasts endlessly. I’ve had my share of relationships before marriage with girls/women & now experiment with consenting...

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Swetha Loves Her Life 8211 Part 15 Movie Making 8211 Part 2

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discreetly. Any girls and aunties who are interested to make some money and also enjoy the fun, reach out to my email id. Also, any husbands who like to see their wife or girlfriends getting fucked? Let me know. Thanks for all those who wrote to me and it was overwhelming. I tried to respond to...

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Priya 8211 Queen Of Family Love 8211 Part 1

It’s almost 1 in the night and Priya is unable to sleep, shes in her room alone and in front of her laptop, desperately watching porn and browsing through incest stories, Mrs.Priya is a lady of about 40, from a affluent family , her husband mr.Vikram is successful businessman and moreover a good man, respected and liked by all.They have been married for over 21 years now, Priya has had no major issues with her hubby apart from one and a big one, he is rarely at home , his work and ever growing...

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Shraddha 8211 My Love My Passion 8211 Pt 3 Our Roomy Affair

For the first few days, Shraddha’s company had given her hotel accommodation. Later she managed to get herself a small room. The room was quite small but very cozy. It had a small kitchenette and en-suite apart from a single bed. We used to refer to it as ‘Our Home.’ As soon as she moved into it, I received her message. In the office, we avoided each other as much as possible. “Sonu, when would you come to visit our home.” Now that there was a kitchen, she was quite eager to prepare some food...

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My Loveable Aunty 8211 Part II

Hi, This is Shankar again. Thank you all those friends who have read the first part of my story with patience. I never forget to thank ISS to publish my story and more over help me to reach to my friends. Here the second part is for you. While caressing my little stud in her palm, aunty asked me- Aunty-Shankar, tell me one thing. What made you have the desire in you to be so close to me? Me-Aunty, to be very frank, since earlier whenever I saw you whether in my or at your home, I always felt a...

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History 8211 Chapter 4 8211 The Party

Chapter 4 continued. “Baby you seemed bit strange, are you alright!” He stopped with his lucky adventure of deflowering her pussy lips, when she replied that she is bit tired and lied by his side. She got deeply engrossed in something else. “You are very lucky lady that you got a husband who loves you so much and in addition to it he has a very lovely cock. So long and having such a thickness in its girth! I was hypnotized by it when I saw it for the first time and I should also mention that he...

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Moolchand Marwadi 8211 Love Guru 8211 Ll

Scene was too erotic for me to witness. Chandra was a dusky bitch and had sat on Moolchand’s lap was teasing and caressing him so was the Moolchand. He was kissing his pray, was caressing her big melons, both were engrossed in love and lust game. That scene was making me horny and crazy. My tool has started regaining his Beast Avataar. Soft moans can be heard by now and you can imagine readers the atmosphere as well perfect time to get physical.Thunders were on in the atmosphere, breeze was...

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Swetha Loves Her Life 8211 Part 16 Movie Making 8211 Part 3

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discreetly. Any girls and aunties who are interested to make some money and also enjoy the fun, reach out to my email id. Also, any husbands who like to see there wife or girlfriends getting fucked? Let me know. Thanks for all those who wrote to me and it was overwhelming. I tried to respond to...

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Swetha Loves Her Life 8211 Part 14 Movie Making 8211 Part 1

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discreetly. Any girls and aunties who are interested to make some money and also enjoy the fun, reach out to my email id. Also, any husbands who like to see there wife or girlfriends getting fucked? Let me know. Thanks for all those who wrote to me and it was overwhelming. I tried to respond to...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXIV 8211 Lesbian Love

I was alone, in the evening, doing some household chores leisurely at home waiting for my hubby. The time was about 5.00 in the evening. We had plans to go for shopping and a late night dinner in a restaurant. I had almost finished everything and proceeded to the bathroom for a refreshing bath. Had a nice bath and dabbed perfume to entice my hubby, expecting to have a quickie before going out (he usually falls into the trap). I pulled out a transparent nightgown and changed into it. I heard...

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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 3 Our First Fuck

Maya got better at her emotions as she held my dick to rub it gently on her thirsty pussy. She positioned my dick on her fuck hole. She looked at me. I could see the lusty hunger in her eyes. Without wasting a second, I pushed my dick in her pussy. Her pussy was tight. I could feel my dick skin being peeled as it entered her hot pussy. Maya closed her eyes as again I thrust my dick inside her. Her hot body moved back with the force of a hard insertion. I could feel the heat of her pussy on my...

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Love To Define Some Good Anticipation 8211 Introduction 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS friends, this is dev from karnataka but now I am in rajsthan .. I am 25 yrs old, not so well built but I think I am okay with my all body parts .. 6.5′ long dick Let’s start the 1st encounter and 1st sex of my life Tho kahani suru hoti jab maien 11th class maien tha .. Us time jyada tar huma ladkiyon taraf kuch jyada hi atract hote hain and hamare hermones bi wahan khinch ti hai … But aj ke date maien koi sunder ladki mila na matlab lohe ke chane chabane ke barabar hai .. Avi story...

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Dee And Kavi 8211 8220The Lovers8221 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone! This is Deepak back with another episode of my life. Happy New Year to everyone. I wish this year to be grand for all of you. I was a little busy lately. So here I am with another one to keep you occupied. New readers, you know the drill (go back and read the past parts). After last night, it’s not casual anymore. We are not fooling around playing with ourselves. We both truly love each other. And the fact that Kavi is mad about me is making me feel very special. Picking her up...


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