The New Mrs Harris Part 7 free porn video

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We arrived at the hotel, and walked into the bar. The bar area had mostly been closed off, so we went and sat on a couple of stools by the bar itself, I climbed up on mine and crossed my legs, thinking how feminine i must look perched on the bar still like this. Danny ordered us drinks, he got himself a bottle of beer and bought me another vodka and lemonade, even remembering to get me a straw. He started chatting about our night, and Danny kept glancing at my wedding ring. "I'm not sure we should be doing this," he said as he held my hand. "You're a married woman and I don't want to encourage you to cheat on your husband. Maybe its best if I call you a cab, Janice." I started to panic in my mind, How could I even explain my situation to this relative stranger, to a man I had met less than an hour ago. I needed to rescue the situation, I had convinced myself I was going to get the fuck I needed, and the prospect of going home without it was just not an option. I needed to rescue the situation, and I needed to think quickly. I stood up, and moved towards Danny. Even stood up, and even in my 5 inch stilettos, I was still a little shorter than Danny and he was sitting down! I stood close to him, his legs either side of mine, and leaned in and kissed him as passionately as I could. As Ive mentioned before, I found kissing men the worst thing I did with them, maybe because I found it more intimate and person. I reached down with a hand and started to rub his crotch through his jeans, my other hand resting on his cheek. I felt his cock start to harden in his jeans, and was shocked by how big it felt. "You like that?" I asked as seductively as possible, as I broke our kiss? I could see his resolve starting to break, as he smiled and kissed me back, his hands resting on my womanly hips, before sliding them round to rest on my huge ass and pulled me even closer to him. I put my arms round his neck, and whispered in his ear "why don't you show me your room?" Danny stood up and took my hand and we walked towards the elevator. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest with excitement and nerves. In the elevator Danny started kissing me again and buried his face in my huge cleavage. I was struggling to contain myself, my panties were already soaked, when the elevator pinged to announce we had arrived at our destination. We walked down the corgi to the room, and Danny swiped his card on the door, and held it open for me. "Such a gent," I thought as I walked in. Once inside we started kissing again, and I wasted no time in unbuttoning Dannys shirt, although my nails made it slow progress. He had a very muscular chest and I ran my hands over it, as i felt Dannys hand on my back, unzipping my dress. I wriggled my arms out of my dress, and Danny worked it over my wide hips and it fell to the floor. I was now standing in front of a strange man in a strange hotel room, wearing only a black balcony bra, black panties, and a pair of 5 inch patent black stiletto heels. I unbuckled Dannys belt and he pulled his jeans down. With one hand running through my hair he again stuck his face in my tits, before unhooking my bra with one hand, I immediately felt the straps stop digging into my shoulders and the considerable weight pull on my chest as the straps slid off my shoulders. With my bra on the floor, Danny cupping and held my boobs in his huge hands. "My God, your boobs are massive!" he said as he popped my right nipple into his mouth and I groaned loudly as the I felt waves of pleasure run through my body. I slid my soaking panties off, and went to kick off my heels, but Danny asked me to keep my heels on and I obliged. We collapsed on to the bed and Danny kissed me all over my neck and tits, and as his hands worked my nipples my level of horniness hit new heights. My nipples seemed a lot more sensitive than usual, and as his hand reached down to my pussy I parted my legs, and his finger traced around my clit I gasped and moaned, feeling my breathing get heavier and heavier. Danny seemed to love my tits and seemed content on playing with them and sucking on them. I was starting to think he was going to make me cum just by working my tits. I reached down and gently took his penis in my hands, being careful with my long nails not to hurt him. His penis was hot and huge, and I started to think it might be too big to fit inside me and started to panic again. Danny shifted position on the bed and lined his huge cock up before pushing it inside me. I screamed like a porn star as it entered me, shocking myself with the noise I was making, but I didn't care and Danny didn't seem to mind either, in fact, if anything it seemed to spur him on. For the next three hours Danny pounded me. It is had to describe how I felt, When I had sex with Allen in the past it was much more relaxed. This just felt primal. I lost count of how many times I orgasmed, and I'm sure other guests in the hotel could hear my squeal and cry out in sheer delight as Danny pounded me. During those hours Danny was fucking me, for the first time since the swap six months ago, I didn't feel like Michael. For those few hours I was Janice, I was a woman, and I was enjoying getting my brains fucked out by a much younger man I'd picked up in a club a few hours earlier! When I thought he had finally finished, he stood up, picked me up like I was a rag doll, flipped me onto all fours, and proceeded to fuck me doggy style. I tried in vain to cradle my huge and extremely heavy tits as they swung back and forward beneath me, but I just couldn't manage it and they swung right up to my chin on occasions. If it wasn't for the wonderful sensations I was feeling sexually, I would have been completely humiliated by the position I found myself in. When he finally emptied his load into me again, we both collapsed in a sweaty heap on the bed, and I feel asleep cuddled right up against him. When we woke a few hours later I was still exhausted, but for the first time in months I had woken up not craving sex. I was still fulfilled from our overnight romp. But as I lay on the bed, I was very much back in Michael mode, as always happened after I had sex, and the feelings of regret and shame came flooding back. If I didn't have these extreme sexual urges and what felt like an addiction, I wouldn't even look at man sexually. I got up to use the bathroom, and found my legs felt weak and my pussy felt a little sore. I sat and had a pee, and again cursed the predicament I found myself in. When I got back to the bedroom, Danny was up and went to the bathroom, kissing me and feeling my boobs as we passed, and I tried not to cringe. I lay back on the bed, my boobs flopping down by my armpits causing me to roll over onto my side and cradle them in an attempt to get comfortable. "Thanks for last night, you were amazing," said Danny as he came back from the bathroom. "You were fantastic," I said to Danny as he got back onto the bed and tried to muster a smile. "Will you do me a favour Janice?" asked Danny as he ran his hands over my boobs again. I was convinced he was going to ask for a blow job, and I felt my face flush red. "What is it?" I asked. "Well, said Danny, to be honest Janice you've got the best tits I've ever had the pleasure to play with, and I was wondering if you would give me a titty-fuck? I looked at him with a look of shock. I'd only ever seen a titty fuck in a porn movie i'd watched on a computer back when I would have been the one providing the penis, and not the titties. Danny got up and sat on the end of the bed. "Come on Janice, It'll be fun," he said with a smile. "What real choice did I have," I thought as i got up and walked round and knelt in front of Danny, I took his penis in my hands, and started to stroke his balls gently with my long nails, and Dannys penis sprang to life and got rock hard in seconds. Placing it gently in the cleft between my breasts, I used my hands to lift my heavy boobs and started to massage his cock with them. Danny lay back in the bed moaning softly, and I looked down at the sight in front of me, my small feminine hands, topped with long bright red nails, holding my huge tits against another mans cock. Waves up embarrassment went through me, it almost felt like an out of body experience as I watched my hands and my tits try and bring Danny to orgasm. I was a 17 year old boy, I wasn't supposed to have long red nails, and I definitely wasn't meant to have an enormous heavy pair of F cup breasts hanging off my chest. I felt Dannys body tense up, and I tried to speed up, but my hands and arms were getting sore from holding the heavy boobs, and my boobs were sore from the rubbing up and down on Dannys cock, so rather get this ordeal over with, I was actually prolonging the humiliation. The head of his penis was almost at face level, and as Danny eventually came, he shot a huge stream of cum all over my face, some getting into my mouth, the rest landing on my face and in my hair. I felt so much relief, as I was finally able to let go of my tits, my arms and my tits were both in agony, while Danny lay on the bed saying how good it was. I got on to my feet, and went to the bathroom, and looking in the mirror, my cum splattered face stared back at me, the cum dripping onto my tits that were now red raw with all the rubbing and extremely tender. I felt the tears coming again, but i fought them back, and got myself into the shower to get cleaned off, but the shame I felt at that moment simply wouldn't wash away. When I got myself out of the shower I got dressed, getting my bra back on, and pulling my still damp knickers up my legs. My arms were so sore from the titty fuck I had to ask Danny to zip my dress back up, before I stepped back into my heels. I felt embarrassed now to be dressed like this, as last night when I got dressed up I was feeling so horny and I needed a fuck. Now, when I wasn't horny, i felt one hundred percent male again, and the clothes and how I looked humiliated me greatly. I went into the bathroom to do my makeup, as when I looked in the mirror, I looked like, well, I looked like I'd been up all night getting fucked! I put my foundation on and mascara on my ridiculously long fake eyelashes, but the only lipstick I had was the bright red one I had worn the night before, so I put it on again, although I would have much preferred if I had brought one that was a more subtle colour, or even my trusty nude lipgloss. I swapped phone numbers with Danny, and then headed down through the reception, and out on to the street. I checked in my clutch bag for some money, and realised I only had my bank card with me so would have to find a bank machine to get money before I could get a taxi, as I was at the other end of town, and as much as I was OK walking in heels, I would never be able to walk the four miles or so home in a pair of 5 inch stilettos. I walked up the street, the cold morning air making my legs and the top of my bust feel cold, and the click clack of my heels broke the silence as I walked. There was a bank on the corner of the street by a bus stop, which had a crowd of teenagers at it. As I got closer, I recognised some of them as my old classmates from school and realised they were waiting on the bus to take them to a soccer game. The click clacking of my heels drew attention to me, and one of them wolf whistled. My face burned with shame as I tried not to make eye contact, but could see my old friends Paul Casper and David Harrison stood amongst them. "Doing the walk of shame, babe? One of them shouted while the rest started laughing. I put my head down to try not to look at them, and instead found myself staring at my wobbling tits. I got to the bank machine to a cacophony of cat calls from the boys at the bus stop, and put my card in to get money out. With the money out, the machine returned my card, but to my absolute horror I realised the little plastic protector were the card slot was wouldn't let me get my card out because of the length of these nails. For the second time in 24 hours my long nails were causing me huge embarrassment and problems with my bank card. Left with no choice I had to ask one my old school friends to retrieve my card for me. They all laughed again, and my old friend Paul stepped forward and got it for me. "There you go babe," he said as I took it off him and thanked him in a small high pitched voice. If only he knew who I really was. I walked off up the street, to shouts of "Nice ass," and "Show us your tits". Boys could be such dickheads I thought, as I minced my way be far up the street and prayed that a taxi wouldnt be far away. Having arrived home from my night with Danny, i threw my clutch on the chair and slumped my huge ass onto the couch. "What had become of me," I thought as I relieved the last 12 hours. My boobs still ached from the titty fuck, which just added to the discomfort of having to carry them around all the time. I got up and walked through to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. As I paced up and down the kitchen waiting for the coffee to get ready, the rhythmic click of my stiletto heels on the tiled floor made me realise that I still hadn't taken my shoes off. Immediately after the change I couldn't wait to get my heels off after being on my feet outside for more than a few minutes, and now it seemed I had got so used to wearing them I didn't even notice I was still wearing them, and these were higher than the ones I normally wore! I lifted each foot and removed the heels and sat them in the front room and padded back out to the kitchen barefoot. Sipping my coffee and lighting a cigarette I sat by the table to try and relax. My usual state of horniness still hadn't returned, which I was delighted about, and when I finished my coffee and cigarette I went upstairs to get changed and lie on the bed and try and relax. As I undressed and unhooked my bra, my huge tits flopped forward painfully, and I examined them in the full length mirror. I had a huge bruise on the inside of my right breast and smaller bruise on the left one, obviously the result of the mornings exertions. I really didn't want them flopping around free and adding to the pain, so I dug around my lingerie drawer to find my tatty old comfortable bra, and strapped myself back in before lying on the bed and drifted off to sleep. A few days later I was busying myself with the morning housework. It was two days until Allen was due home and my extreme horniness had returned with a vengeance after my brief respite. My boobs however, were still a little tender, although thankfully the bruises had mostly faded away. I really didn't want to have to try and explain the bruising to Allen. As I was mopping the kitchen floor my phone bleeped with a text message. I fetched it from my handbag which was on the kitchen table and scrolled through. It was Danny again from the weekend. Over the last couple of days he had sent me occasional messages and I had been replying. I had however spun a little web of lies that I was now regretting. Not satisfied with lying to him about my age, I had also told him I had a job. I really didn't want to tell him that I was basically just an ageing trophy wife! I had told him I worked as a P.A, and when he had messaged earlier asking what I was doing I had told him I was at work in my job, when the reality was I was in the middle of the glamorous task of cleaning out the kitchen cupboards. Now he had texted again saying he was back in the hotel we had stayed in at the weekend for another couple of days and if I wanted to come over? I read the message and felt weak at the knees at the prospect of another romp with Danny. I sat down at the table and wondered what to do, what to say. It had just gone midday, so I messaged back asking what time he had in mind? My phone beeped again seconds later and I read the message. "Any time after 4 is good for me, Janice," I texted back saying I would see him there, signing off with a couple of kisses and a little heart emoji, cringing as I sent the overly girly message. At 4 o'clock I found myself sitting in the back of a taxi travelling to his hotel. I had dressed as sexily as I thought I could, pretending to be going straight from my job. I had on a pink satin balcony bra with matching pink panties. My blouse was a pink and purple satin one that just about closed over my bust, which was held up and out by my bra. I left the top 2 buttons open to show off my impressive cleavage, and I had on a black skirt that fell to about three inches above my knees. I wore a pair of 4 inch black rounded toe stilettos with a pink sole on my feet. I had heavy makeup on again, with lots of mascara, eye shadow and a pink lipstick and lip gloss, giving me a shiny pink pout. I decided to keep my hair down as I thought I looked younger with it down. When I arrived at the hotel I went and sat in the bar and messaged Danny to say that I had arrived. Danny came through a few minutes later and hugged me. "Slight change of plan this evening, Janice. The presentation I am supposed to be at in the morning is now happening tonight here in the hotel. It should only last an hour though, so you can come along and pretend you are my PA. Then as soon as we are done we can go to the room and have some fun," he said with a cheeky smile. I smiled back and agreed, and we walked together towards the main conference room where the presentation would take place. At the corner of the room there was a disabled bathroom and baby changing room. As we were the first ones to arrive for the presentation and there was no one else around, I asked Danny quietly if he wanted a to come in to the room with me for some cheeky fun. He didn't need to be asked twice and we both glanced around to make sure no one was watching and darted into the room and locked the door. Danny immediately started unbuttoning my blouse, and setting it on the baby changing table, removed my bra and tossed it to one side before fondling my still tender breasts. He then unblocked his belt and said "Will you give me a blow job, Janice?" he asked. I didnt really want to give him a blow job as my pussy was throbbing and desperate for some penetration, but I wanted to impress Danny, so I obediently sank to my knees, and massaged his cock until he was hard. The size of his dick stretched my mouth as wide as I could go, and I started sucking on it, taking it as deep as I could, leaving rings of bright pink lipstick on the shaft as I took him deeper and deeper. With every bob of my head my breasts pulled uncomfortably on my chest. After about 10 minutes of work, and with my mouth aching, Danny put his hands on my head to set a rhythm, while I cupped his balls with my hands delicately tickling them with my long nails. Not much longer I told myself as Danny quickened the pace, and just as I thought he was going cum the lights went out and the fire alarm started going off. Danny withdrew quickly, my mouth drooling as he withdrew, and he quickly pulled up his trousers and handed me my blouse. "Shit! shit! shit! he exclaimed as he buckled himself up. "Where's my bra?" I asked in panic as I stood holding my blouse, the darkness interrupted by a red flashing light above the door. I couldn't see it anywhere. "Just get your blouse on we will come and get it later," said Danny handing me my handbag as i fumbled with the fiddly fussy fasteners on my pink blouse, a job made harder a combination of the darkness and my long nails. Grabbing my hand he opened the door and pulled me out, and with him holding one hand and me holding my bag in the other, and not having a bra on, I wasn't even able to retrain my breasts as they bounced about painfully and unrestrained under my cloths as we made our way quickly outside. Once outside we stood in a group in the carpark as members of staff came out and tried to make sure everyone was accounted for. As we stood outside a few people looked at me and smirked. "Had they seen Danny and I leave the little room together?" I thought. I certainly hoped not. I checked and double checked my blouse to make sure i wasn't giving everyone a free show, but I was all buttoned correctly, however my nipples were erect and clearly visible through the light fabric of my blouse, as were the outline of my boobs and it must have been obviously to anyone looking at me that I had no bra on. After about 40 minutes of standing around we were told that it was a false alarm and we could all go back in. I was delighted as my feet were starting to hurt after standing in my heels. Standing around for long periods was always much more uncomfortable for me than walking in them. In the lobby, a middle aged man spoke to Danny and said they were going to start the presentation straight away as they were going to be behind schedule. All I could think about was going to retrieve my bra, as Danny ushered me ahead of him into the hall where about 30 seats had been set out. I glanced over to the room we had vacated in a hurry to see it was in use. As soon as it was free I would go over and retrieve my bra. We took seats on the front row, as close to the room as I could. The seats were all taken and as I looked around realised I was the only woman present. I sat down and crossed my legs, and waited for however was in the room to come out. Just then I noticed the door of the room open and out walked a man of about 30 years of age. I went to stand up and go in until I noticed to my horror he had my bra in his hand. I felt my face flush red, as he walked to the stage. "Any of you gentlemen lose your bra in the bathroom?" he asked to raucous laughter. "It's a erm, let me see," he said looked at it closely, "a 36F if that helps anyone out," holding my bra up over his head to even more laughter and a few cheers. As he looked around the room he spotted me sitting in the corner. I couldn't even look at him, I was on the brink of tears with the sheer shame of it all. Danny tried to hold my hand but I pulled it away. I didn't even want to look at him either, never mind have him touch me. "I'll just leave it back in the bathroom," said the man walking over and throwing my bra back into the bathroom. "What the hell was I going to do?" I thought, struggling not to hyperventilate. I couldn't think straight, do I just sit there and pretend it wasn't mine, or hurry to the bathroom to get it before someone else did. The presentation started shortly after, and about five minutes in when everyone was staring intently at an extremely fat man giving a powerpoint presentation, I decided to make my move. I stood up an walked across the floor, timing it almost perfectly to a lull in the fat mans speech which only made the clicking of my heels more audible as I minced towards the bathroom. Once inside I got my bra, and removed my blouse and put it on, immediately feeling the relief of having my boobs lifted and taking the heavy weight lifted from my chest and transferred instead to my shoulder straps. I buttoned my blouse again and then caught sight of my reflection in the mirror. I gasped at the sight looking back at me, blonde woman with spectacularly beautiful eye makeup, and then her pink lipstick smeared all across her face. It looked like, well, it looked like the woman in the mirror had spent the afternoon on her knees sucking a cock. which of course was exactly what I had been doing. No wonder I was getting funny looks. All those men in that room must have come to the same conclusion, and the bra being found and held up. My God, they even all now knew my bra size too. I had never felt so embarrassed or ashamed in my whole life. I was so ashamed I had even momentarily forgot my horniness. Reaching into my bag for a makeup wipe, I removed the mess of lipstick on my face and spent the next 20 minutes repairing the mess. When I had finished I made the decision to try and get out of the hotel as soon as possible and go home. I opened the door and made a run for outside, my heels clicking loudly on the wooden floor as I held my left arm across my chest to minimise the bouncing of my boobs, and got outside. Once out in the street I flagged down a cab to take me home, and as I sat in the back of the taxi thinking about what had just happened, i fought back tears of anger, frustration and embarrassment. As the taxi pulled up in on my drive, I glanced out the window to see Mrs Harris in my body driving off with Melissa, no doubt off out on a date of their own. It seemed that today everything was going wrong for me, as I got out of the taxi and went into the house.

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The Dirty DoctorsChapter 7 The Interview Dr Harris

Peter and Linda walked into the office and met Dr. Harris. The doctor is an African American. They met in the middle of his office and after shaking Peter's hand and kissing Linda on the cheek, he pointed to a plush sofa and told them to sit down and get comfortable. Across from the Sofa was a plush matching chair where he sat down. Dr. Harris said, "So tell me Linda, why did you and Peter come to see me dear?" Linda put her head down a little and said softly, "My husband and I are not...

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Quinn and Kimberly Harris

She stared at me across the little table. She looked intense—no—determined. "I'm sorry Quinn, but I have fallen in love with Henry. Neither he nor I planned it, expected it; she looked away as she said this last, and then back at him. "It just happened. Please try and understand," she said. "And—I've already moved in with him." "Understand? It looks pretty straight forward to me, Kimberly. You've been fucking my brother, and now you're dumping me and damn the consequences," I said....

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 5

Ethel developed a really great liking for Adam Strong in the week she spent visiting them. He did not exactly remind her of her dead husband, Archy, but he had a lot of the same characteristics that she had loved in Archy. His main attraction, though, was that he let her be her. Adam did not try to change her to fit some sort of "ideal woman" in his eyes. Ethel hated to leave at the end of her week's visit, but she knew that she had to if she was ever going to satisfy her vendetta against...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 8

Ethel and Adam dropped off the gold at the bank in Wilsonville and rode to the ranch. They hastily packed supplies on a pack mule for an extended wilderness trip, picked four new horses so that they would have remounts, and dashed off for that cabin in the woods near Harley Springs. They pressed as hard as they could, but it was still the next day before they reached the shack described by Willy Simpson. The shack was empty, but there was a trail to follow. Adam was a very good tracker,...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 24 INTERLUDE CAPTAIN HARRIS

Harris watched the young man disappear in his quarters and then went back to Stahl who was still there. “You know this was an exceptionally cruel test. I felt like an idiot acting that way.” “And he had the guts to tell you.” Stahl responded. “That is a first one.” “He is the first one I know off who went to the end, all the way to that triple rotten Light gag. I would have pissed myself without those Saresii Sonics, looking in a TKU and suddenly seeing a light.” Stahl raised an eyebrow....

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Mrs Harrison

Looking back, I guess my parents were sort of latter day hippies. My father always said that they were serial entrepreneurs, but that doesn’t quite tell the whole story. The businesses that they started were almost always ‘fringe’ businesses – good for the planet but not so good for the family’s bank account. A few of them almost succeeded. But mostly they failed. And sometimes they failed spectacularly. I think that part of the problem was that both of my parents were easily bored. As a...

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Wild easy family By Harris Kathy

By: Harris Kathy Kathy Harris Wild easy family CHAPTER ONE "Good night, all, I'm going to bed," teenaged Julie Shelton said to her parents and brother as she rose from the couch where she had been watching the evening's television programs. "You're going to bed awfully early!" Carly Shelton said warmly as she returned her daughter's goodnight kiss. "Yeah, I know," Julie said with a smile, moving toward her father. "So, what's up? You're not feeling sick or anything,...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 2

Ethel bid farewell to the Flying H ranch and her friends there as she left to catch the train to Philadelphia. Jim drove her to the train station in the town five hours away. For someone familiar with the cities of the East, towns certainly were far apart in this part of Texas. Jim did not wait around for the train to leave, since he had so far to travel to get home that night. This particular railroad only ran as far east as Austin, so she bought her ticket for that city and sat in the...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 3

"What the hell are ya talkin' 'bout? Git that God damned gun outta my back afore I gits real mad!" "My pistol is on full cock and my finger is on the trigger. If you make a sudden move, I might slip and blow a big fucking hole in your back. Now, do you want me to do that?" "Shit, no! Don't do that. OK, I'll come with ya, but ease off on that gun muzzle. It hurts the way ya're pressin' it inta my back." "Not yet, I won't. Put your hands behind your back and cross your...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 4

Anna introduced Ethel to her father, Jonas Strong, when they met him in Wilsonville. Jonas was owner and manager of the bank and was a pillar of the community. He was surprised to see a woman dressed as Ethel was, but was completely taken by her when he found out that she had saved his daughter's life. He was impressed by any woman who had the gumption to be a gunfighter, and he was further impressed by the way she was armed. Jonas wanted to get to know Ethel better, so he and Anna stayed...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 6

The next afternoon, Ethel, Hester, and Anna rode into Wilsonville. Ethel had her horse, but the other two ladies were riding in a carriage driven by Anna. Ethel was planning to open her bank account and stay over to play poker, but the other two were going to do some shopping and return home in time for supper. They met Jonas for dinner (lunch to you damyankees) and had a very nice meal at the hotel restaurant. Of course, it was not up to what Hester could and would fix, but it was still...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 7

The poker game that Ethel and Adam found was in a rougher saloon than they realized. This was the kind of place where cheating was rampant, and, not only did you have to watch your cards, you had to watch your back. As a matter of course, Ethel and Adam did sit on opposite sides of the table so that they could keep an eye out for the safety of the other. That was not because of this particular saloon, they would have done it at any saloon. The first few hands did not bode well for Ethel, as...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 9

Ethel and Adam repacked their camping stuff and headed for Wilsonville as fast as they could travel. They had no idea why Charley Wilson would head for Wilsonville. As far as they knew, he had no ties to the town, so why would he go there? The most logical reason was because he knew who Ethel and Adam were, but how could he know that? The other possibility was that he intended to rob the bank, but a lot of towns had banks, so, why would he pick Wislonville? They might never know the answer...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 4 Prudence HarrisChapter 4

Florence came out to the barn to get Bobby. “Mrs. Harris is on the phone. She needs to talk to you.” “Okay, be right there,” said Bobby. He was wrestling with one of the front wheels of the tractor. It was flat, and he was trying to get the tire off, so he could patch the tube. He got to a stopping place, and noticed that Flo was still there, watching him. “How come Mary and Bev are being so nice to you?” she asked, suddenly. “Why wouldn’t they be?” he asked. “I don’t know,” she said....

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The Ring AOChapter 25 Mrs Jones Departs

Suzanne arrived at Mrs Jones house at 9.00 am. Mrs Jones was waiting for her to arrive. Dressed, packed and keys in hand, gave Suzanne a big hug. Then handed over the keys saying please enjoy your new, and my old, home. She has a few tears but was happy to leave. On the dining table was a package wrapped in brown paper. Mrs Jones requested Suzanne to hand the parcel to her good friend Helena. This is my thank you to Helena for her kindness and gift of the cruise. Mrs Jones said to Suzanne,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11E08 Maria Harris 59 from Peckham

We start this week’s show an establishing shot of a curved row of tightly packed two and three level orange-brick homes along one side of a street, with tree and grass parkland on the other side of the road. We move along, looking up at the impressive looking houses before coming to a halt and looking back down to the street ahead of us ... And see a familiar figure walking toward us... It’s everyone’s favourite odd couple ... Fat Cockney, Dennis Baxter, and sleek Doberman. Dennis is short,...

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Tiara harris nude model

Tara harris is the most beautiful black woman in the history of ebony women living with a roommate sheena walking around her naked all the time. When she works out she wears a body suite with nothing underneith. Then of course sheena is in her presents takes it off and gets naked in front her. Whether it be the beach,gym,home are at a party tiara is always going to wind up naked infront of sheena. She in the most exhibitionist female that you have ever meant. Sheena has seen the woman tiara...

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Danielle Harris the shape stalks

Danielle Harris was enjoying the annual convention for Fangoria, it was a group of horror fans not unlike herself that loved showing their appreciation of all things horror. She tried to make it to one every chance she could get. She was flattered at the girls that would dress like her character of Jamie Lloyd from Halloween 4 & 5, and a little creeped out by the guys that would dress like Michael Myers/The Shape. She was signing autographs and talking to the fans in the Halloween area of...

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Mrs Baxters New Lodger

Mrs. Baxter's New Lodger By Trish Shaw The shimmering garments in the lingerie store window captivated Andy the first time he walked past the place. Everyday he walked the long way to and from the train station just to pass the shop and get a brief glance at the window display. It was the sign in the window advertising the attic flat for rent that gave him the opportunity to finally enter and meet the owner as he walked past after work on the Thursday evening. Muriel...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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Mrs Masons New Nightmare

Mrs. Mason's New Nightmare. This is an original story based on the characters in "Slumber Party Nightmare". When I first read and rewrote that story I didn't think that those characters deserved what happened to them. So when I wrote another story using the Mrs. Mason theme I made sure they did deserve it. Years later I don't think it matters anymore for these type of stories. This is my first original story written a long time ago. You will notice a lot of the same themes as the...

1 year ago
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Mrs Grant and her new Sissy

New Little Sissy"I'm done planting the flowers Mrs. Grant," I said."Justin honey, I swear I have no idea why you keep coming over to dochores around here.""I am rich you know just like your Mother, I do have a gardener.""There's no need for you to do these things.""Not that I mind paying you, but you certainly can't need the moneyeither.""I just like coming over here Mrs. Grant."She appraised him slowly now, was this a little slip, or was she justimagining things? Was he actually saying he was...

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A New Moon Julies Week With Mrs Wysong

Julie's plane touched down at Atlanta International Airport just after ten the that morning. As she debarked from the plane, and entered the terminal she saw a Chauffer holding up a sign with her name on it. Next to him stood a refined, smartly dressed older woman with a silvery head of perfectly coiffed hair. As Julie came up to them she said, "Hello. I'm Julie Detwiller. Are you Mrs. Wysong?" "Yes, I am. And... from the description Craig sent me, you... , must be Julie," the older...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 4 Prudence HarrisChapter 2

Bobby told her that the paint would have to dry before they could assemble everything into the door opening and suggested that, if she had anything else to do, that would be a good time to do it. She decided on getting lunch started, and began peeling potatoes. While she did so, her mind whirled. She had never thought about things like Bobby had laid them out. Being honest with herself she admitted that, back then, she’d known, or at least hoped she was good looking. Harry had swept her...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Mrs Higgsley and the Graduate Party

Mrs Higgsley and I have been sleeping together for about three months now. She’s a strawberry blonde, 42 years old, with a body made for pleasure and a mind designed for domination. At her age she’s still young enough to be sexy and old enough to know it. She’s an estate manager at the university where I worked as a 25 year old assistant professor of physics. My responsibilities as warden of the student hall I where lived meant that we had regular chats to update each other on events and new...

First Time
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Mrs Potter has a new client

After a few days working for Mrs Potter Amy was enjoying the work. Although there hadn't been anymore sexual action between them there was plenty of signs that there would be some soon. On Wednesday Mrs Potter said to Amy, 'I've got a new client coming in later today and I think it will be good experience if you could assist me.' Amy replied, 'Thanks, I'd like that.' Mrs Potter said, 'The lady is question is called Clare, a 43 year old mother of two. She has blonde shoulder length hair and...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 3

mrs watson gets a text#all the cameras are up mrs watson#good boy come round when your housemates are home and we'll check the views togetherjustin arrives at mrs watsons later in the evening strips then knocks on the door'come in' mrs watson opens the door lets justin in'was it fun positioning the cameras?''uh yes mrs watson''did your tiny cock get excited ?''yes mrs watson it did''but you didn't touch it ?''no mrs watson''good boy , would you like me to touch it as a reward for being a good...

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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 4

Justin is in the kitchen trying to ignore the sounds coming from gerrys room when his phone rings'hello ?''hello justin i see gerry has his girlfriend over i'm watching them fuck now you placed that camera well would you like to watch it''oh yes please mrs watson''well i need you to do something for me then i need to catch gerrys girlfriend doing something so i can have some fun with her''um i don't know mrs watson how could i do that''well something i find usualy works is cash leave some...

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mrs watsons new neighbourhood part 2

3am justins phone rings he picks it up and answers'good morning justin did i wake you ?' asks mrs watson'uh yes good morning mrs watson' says justin sleepily'what are you wearing ?''nothing i sleep in the nude''pull back the covers put your phone on videocall and show me your clit'justin pulls back the covers points his phone at his tiny cock'hmm no morning wood ? keep the phone pointed at your clit while we talk''uh no mrs watson its very early''have you been good or have you been touching...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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mrs watson makes some new friends

'please mrs watson i don't want to keep doing dirty things for you and don't want you to do dirty things to mewhat can i do to end this ' asks katy while fucking her own arsehole with a cucumber'you don't like it then why do you keep cumming ' mrs watson asks while pinching katys nipples ' i can't help it but really would like to get back to a normal life what can i do ? please may i cum mrs watson ?'katy is shoving the cucumber harder and harder up her arse' of course you can cum ' says mrs...

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mrs watson moves to a new neighbourhood

'can i help you ?' justin asks as he answers the door'hello dear my name is mrs watson i live next door i moved in a few weeks ago just thought i would pop round and say hello to my neighbour' says the little old lady at his door'oh hello mrs watson nice to meet you''yes well i think you should ask me in young man''um well i was about to go out so maybe another time?''no i don't think so we need to have a talk young man''uh about what ?''well some of my clothes have been going missing from my...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 4 Prudence HarrisChapter 3

The girls split up in the hallway, as each went to the room she shared with another sister. Mary didn’t clean up. Instead, she pulled her nightgown up and lay on her bed, her legs spread. Bobby’s slippery spunk was all over her pussy lips, and she had two more orgasms as she rubbed it all over her pussy, torturing her clitty. Knowing that that slipperiness was a man’s sperm just made it even better, somehow. As for Beverly, she’d known how to masturbate for a long time too, though she did it...

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New Jock TalesChptr 4Me and Mrs Jones

Me and Mrs. Jones--- Meeee and Mrs. Jo-ones---we got a thing---goin on. Well, actually it was Mrs. Clark. She lived over on the west side, in a semi uppety neighborhood. Mark had called and asked if I would like to come with him to clean her pool—said he would throw me a few bucks, and of course we could swim a while while we were there. I said ya, sounded great. We arrived around 2:00 that afternoon, and went right to work. Mrs. Clark wouldn't be home for a couple of hours, so...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

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Little IndiansChapter 1 New Visitors at Mrs Beales House

It was Penn Fillis' last year at school. It was high summer, and he was keen to get back. He knew that his work was exceptional, and he thought he had a good chance of being accepted into university. The whole world was opening to him, his sister was proud of him, and his schoolmates impressed. His twin sister Dee had Penn's brains, but enjoyed life far too much to want to be a bookworm like he was. She was always up to some kind of mischief. She climbed the huge oak trees around town, she...

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Mrs Franklin Teaches something new

“Kyle, you’ve failed all the tests do you want this class again?” “Not really, I just don’t get the stuff” “Then stay after for help, but that is little help to you now” “Is there any way I can make it up” asking in that pleading voice used so often in hopes of evoking sympathy. “Well there is one thing but I doubt you’ll want to do it” “I’ll do anything to pass this class” “Well then, I have had a sexual fantasy that I’ve wanted to do for a while” “Wait one sec, you want me to have sex...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites

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