Mystery Motel 15 free porn video

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Regina woke up the next morning on Donald's chest and she started lightly rubbing up and down on his chest. She did this to prove to herself that she wasn't dreaming and when she was happy to find that she wasn't dreaming she started to kiss him and then he grabbed her and he started kissing her and he started kissing her. He said, "Good morning Mrs. Addison." She laughed and said, "Good morning Mr. Addison. When do we have to be at the airport?" He looked at his watch and said, "Not until about 2 to 2:30 tomorrow morning." She said, "Thank goodness I have to at least get a swimsuit and no it won't be a bikini because I do want to swim and I don't think you can swim too well in those bikinis." He said, "I can understand." He put on the morning leisure bottoms and went out to get a cup of coffee and as he was getting a cup he heard a door open and he turned around and saw it was Stephanie. She asked, "Now, that you 2 are married would you want me to find another place?" He said, "Regina and I talked about it you have a job and for now you can stay here for as long as you need and want to. We know you will want to spread your wings." She laughed and said, "You just make me feel like a teenage girl who just graduated from high school. " Donald laughed and said, "Well chronologically I know you aren't but I know since that night you are like one." She laughed and said, "I never looked at it like that, So when are you leaving for your cruise?" He said, "Not until about 2 or 2:30 in the morning by the time you get up tomorrow morning we will be gone." "So the 3 of us will be eating dinner together tonight." She hugged them and said, "That will be wonderful." She ate her grapefruit and he asked, "So what did you do before that fateful night?" She said, "I was an auto technician." He said, "Really?" She said, "Yes, but I am thrilled with what I am doing now. These cars are becoming so computerized now. You know this one car I had to hook up to the computer diagnostic machine just to find out that the car needed a new set of spark plugs. What I would love to do is to restore a 1967 or 68 Ford Fairlane GT with the 390." He said, "Really?" She said, "Yes." He said, "Go ahead forget what people say is ladylike or not ladylike." She said, "Well, I will be saving up." She said, "Well I have to go to work now but I will see you, 2.' She grabbed her purse and walked to her car. Donald said, "Children grow so fast." Regina laughed and said, "You are so bad." Regina and Donald started to eat breakfast when Regina said, "I think you need a few suits of new clothing especially some shorts some of those shorts of yours are stained and torn." Donald was about to protest then stopped himself and Regina started laughing and said, "I thought training you would be a bit of a challenge." Donald sighed and said, "Remember I have been trained pretty well." Regina said, "Yes, I am glad Susan already trained you." They got dressed and Donald said, "We better to take the Tahoe I am going to need to wash it off." Regina said, "Yes, you do and there is a car wash close to home." They walked out of the house and Donald walked with Regina to the passenger and he opened it for her. After she got in and he went over to his side and got in and Regina said, "Regina Addison has a nice ring to it don't you think"" Ronald grinned and said, "Sounds good to me." They drove to the car wash and Donald pulled into space and he got out but so did Regina. He reached into his bin and found he had about $4 in quarters and saw that was enough. Regina said, "You think all of that shaving cream will come off that easily?" Donald said, "I do hope so." He put a dollar of quarters in and the wand started up and he started spraying prewash. He sprayed the whole Tahoe and turned it to wash and they saw the shaving cream come off and he started smiling and after that, he put $3 of quarters in and started to really thoroughly wash it and 15 minutes later the Tahoe was shining and Donald inspected it closely He said, "Looks like the finish is in good shape." They got in the Tahoe and Regina said, "So how does the Tahoe look?" "It looks good don't see any of the finish damaged now let's get to the mall." Regina put her hand into Donald's and Donald took hold of it and Regina put her head back into the headrest in bliss. They got to the mall and Donald parked the Tahoe and he got out and opened the door for Regina and after he closed the door behind her they took each other's hand and walked up to the mall. As they got to the door he held the door open for her and they walked in. They went to the women's store. The sales lady said, "Hello how can I help you?" Regina said, "I need a swimsuit and I am not interested in a bikini because you really can't swim in those." The sales lady said, "Oh yes I understand, I am on a swim team and I know some suits that I trust and I love." They went to the rack and she showed her some one piece and she brought out one. She said, "I love this style. it does such minimal creeping up and down I rarely have to pull it up or down during the whole meet. What is your size?" Regina said, "About a size 5 I believe." The sales lady looked at her and she said,, "You are about 5'6" inches aren't you me I am 5'3" my whole family is pretty short." Regina said, "Oh well you look still look good." The sales girl said, "Thank you and here are some size 5s." Regina went into the dressing room and spent about 30 minutes trying on different swimsuits and then she came out in a navy blue swimsuit and Donald really noticed, He said, "That swimsuit looks so sexy on you." The sales lady came and she said, "Wow, you look really good in those." Regina said, "Really?" The sales lady said, "Yes, now what kind of water are you swimming in?" Regina said, "Ummmmm since we are cruising in the Mediterranian I would love to swim in the Mediterranian." The sales lady said, "You will really need a good pair of swim goggles." The lady went back and brought out a really good looking pair of swim goggles. Regina tried them and she noted a real strange vision when wearing them. She said, "Everything seems kind of wavy." The lady said, "They will help in really bright sunlight. I wear that particular brand." The lady brought out a well-worn pair and showed Regina and said, "I have had this pair for 2 years and worn them in hundreds of meets. One thing I will only recommend swimwear that I would be willing to wear or use." Regina said, "Thank you." Then she brought out a skull cap and said, "Try this on." Regina put her hair up in it and pulled it down her head. Regina said, "Feels kind of strange but it seems to fit." The lady said, "I wear that brand on swim meets." Regina said, "Well, thank you I really thank you for your help." The lady said, "Oh my pleasure." Regina went up to pay for the purchases and said." What store would you recommend for good men's wear.? We are going on a cruise in the Mediterranian and my husband is so wonderful but he has some really stained and torn shorts." The sales lady held her hand over her mouth and said, "My goodness, go to that store across from us." Regina said, "Thank you." By now, Donald was beet red but he knew better to say anything. They walked across wide aisle to the men's wear and walked in and the young sales man said, "Hi how can I help you?" Regina said, "We are going on a cruise and my husband has some shorts that well are really stained and torn." The young man said, "You know I believe we have shorts that really fits his style I presume he is a professional." He said, "Yes, I am a realtor." The salesman said, "Well, follow me." They went to some sales racks with shorts and matching shirts and they looked at them and saw that they would come to just above the knees and matching button-down shirt. Don went into the dressing room and tried on the shorts and shirt and came out Regina liked what she saw. The salesman said, "Wow, you look really good." Regina said, "You are so sexy." They got three more matching pairs of shorts and shirts and also a new pair of sandals and a swimsuit for Donald. Donald was carrying about 6 shopping bags full of new wardrobe and after he put them in the back seat of his Tahoe he held the door open for Regina and Regina kissed him as she got in. He went to the other side and he got in and he started the Tahoe. She said, "Wow, you have been single for too long." Donald shook his head and laughed and said, "Susan would agree with you." They drove back home and he parked his Tahoe and he went to the other side and he held the door open for Regina then he grabbed the 6 bags of clothes and they walked in. Regina asked, "So what should we have for lunch?" Donald said, "Why don't we go get a bite to eat?" They went back out to the Tahoe and he held the door open for Regina. He got in the other side and started up the Tahoe and Regina said, "I can't believe this we are spending our first full day as newlyweds." Don said, "I can't believe I am married again." "Well, we are married now." "Oh yes, we are." They got to the cafe and the hostess sat them down at a table and he helped push in the chair of Regina's. They were looking at a menu when Amy came in with Susan and Susan looked embarrassed and Regina called Susan over. Regina asked, "What is wrong?" Susan said, "I feel so bad about what I may have done." Regina looked sympathetically at Susan and said, "I wasn't irritated at you but irritated at that witch and oh by the way his deceased wife said she wished we could have met. I really want us to be friends and just turn your anger towards Adelaide.' Susan said, "I would love to be friends with you." Regina said, "Great, I am so glad and please don't just leave or anything like that we would all be terribly worried about you." Susan said, "I think I will live in this community." Regina said, "Great." Amy said, "I am taking her under my wing I think with some education and training she could be a CPA." Regina said, "Great, as complicated as this crazy tax code is we will need more of you. Maybe, Adelaide needs to attract more accountants to that motel." Amy, Regina, and Donald were laughing until they had tears in their eyes. Amy said, "You won't believe this I have to go back like almost every year to study more on tax compliance." Donald said, "Makes me thankful I am just in real estate and leave that stress to people like you." Amy laughed and said, "Thank you." Amy and Susan went to their table and Donald and Regina made their order. Regina asked, "How did Susan find out about that?" Donald said,' I don't know maybe overhearing a conversation.' Regina said, "Maybe, I am just glad I was able to make it clear to her I wasn't mad at her. If that witch does something similar to that again I might have to find a way to kill her." Donald laughed at the site of Regina going after Adelaide. Their lunches came and Regina said, "Wow, this looks so fresh." Donald said, "It is I always enjoy coming here during my lunch break." They finished eating lunch and they went back to the home he now shares with Regina. After they got home and he parked his Tahoe by her Honda Accord he got out and then he got to her side and opened the door opened for her. She got out and they held each other's waist as they walked up the steps of the porch and when they got to the front door he held that door open for her and once inside he looked around the house and took it all in. He said, "I am now home." She said, "Yes, you are and how does that feel?" He said, "Wonderful." The phone rang and Regina answered and she said, "It is Michelle and she says she needs to talk to you." Donald got the phone and said, "Hello is this Michelle?" "Yes it is and I am going to make this quick but I am calling just to let you know that I have your house listed for $325,000 and in my honest opinion it should sell for that." "Great, I am glad and don't take it off the market just get it sold and of course you will have a great commission with that." Michelle said, "Great and thank you." Donald said, "Oh no thank you, you have been a great treasure for me." He hung up the phone and said, "Well, this is my home now my house is listed now for $325,000." Regina said, "I hope that doesn't make you feel bad." Donald said, "Heck no, I want to make my home with you hon." Regina smiled and she hugged him really tightly. They took their new clothes and started packing their bags. Donald got his suitcases and started packing his bags and he noticed a new swimsuit. He said, "Really?" She said, "Yes, I saw your swimsuit it is worn out." He said, "OK hon." She kissed him and said, "You have been single too long." He chuckled and he thought maybe Susan is right beside him but this time Regina. By the time they finished packing Stephane came back home and she said, "I see you 2 were busy." Regina said, "Oh yes we have been and Michelle has Don's house listed." Stepanie said, "Oh really? That was quick." "He told her to sell it after he found out she listed it for $325,000." Donald said, "Susan is all over that house and I want to start my life with Regina. I heard Regina has a set of antlers in storage. Stephanie laughed and said, "Ya she said she believed it wasn't real lady-like." Donald said, "Ok Regina, are you going to mount those up on the wall?" She laughed and said, "Ya when we get back and what about your marlin?" He said, "We can put up the marlin on the enjoining wall when we get back." She laughed and said, "Sure." Stephanie said, "Wow you 2 do fit together perfectly." They both said in unison, "That is why we are married." The 3 of them laughed until they had tears in their eyes. Stephanie said, "Let me make dinner for you 2." She went in the kitchen and started seasoning some chicken and preheated the oven. She scrubbed the potatoes and then poked some holes in the potatoes. After the oven was preheated she put the chicken in the oven. Regina said, "So tomorrow morning is the day." "Oh ya and will probably be in the air by 3 a.m. and will be flying I believe to John F, Kennedy airport then fly to Barcelona, Spain make our way to Greece then Paris and Italy we will probably stay in Italy for a good couple of weeks." She said, "Oh honey I will love it and I love the thought of swimming in Italy and also just strolling those brick streets." Donald said, "I love the thought of strolling with you." "Great babe I am glad." Stephanie said, "Dinner is ready." They got up from the couch and headed to the table and Stephanie said, "I hope you like this." Regina said, "Oh this smells delicious." Donald said, "This does." Stephanie said, "I am glad, and oh I sold a car today." Donald and Regina said, "Really?" "Yes, and in the next few days because the manager had to close the sale I should still be able to earn close to $1,000. That means I will be going to see Amy and yes I will be calling her for an appointment for when I receive my check. If I am not mistaken I will probably have to set up a savings account specifically for my income taxes after my initial visit with Amy." Donald said, "Well, nice." They ate talked and laughed around the table and after dinner, Regina and Donald helped Stephanie clean up. As they were relaxing on the couch Stephanie said, "I can't believe the changes that have happened with my life. Got to that motel as a man and poof I am a woman and now work as a salesperson at the dealership.' Regina said, "Oh, I know and look at me I am now married to this guy and some good things do happen because of her spells." Stephanie said, "Well, I am glad I don't have to hook up a car to a computer anymore, that is one good thing and the customers wonder why it is so expensive to have their cars repaired." Regina asked, "Any special man you have your eye on?" Stephanie laughed, "No, one step at a time I don't think I am ready yet." Regina said, "Well, I understand that." Donald looked at the time and said, "Honey, it is 8 and midnight will come quickly because we will have to be on the plane by 2." Regina said, "You are right and I am looking forward to this cruise." They told Stephanie good night and headed to their room and they started stripping and Regina started dressing for bed. After that, they climbed into bed and after Don was in bed Regina laid her head on Don's chest but then they started kissing and she said, "I love this and can you wait until we are on the cruise or our hotel before we make love?" He said, "Yes I can babe I do love you." After that, they slowly fell asleep in each other's arms.

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I surrender my body at a cheap motel

Every time my beloved Victor had to fly away from town on business, I started to get aroused and slutty; specially if he had not fucked me properly in the previous days before his trip…Friday night was not an exception. I had been home alone for two days and I could not stand it anymore without a hard dick up my horny cunt.But worst of all, my Black Master was on holiday with her loving wife and he could not come here to fuck me as I deserved. So Friday night I was thinking about nothing but...

2 years ago
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Tranny Motel

Tyrone and Kimberly Woods kissed as all of the guests at their house party cheered them on. It was their first anniversary and they were celebrating this night with family and friends. There were close to forty people in attendance – most of whom had brought some form of alcohol and all of whom had brought a gift. There was great music and excellent barbecue as Kimberly’s dad and Tyrone’s uncle manned the grill. Folks were laughing, dancing, and having a great time. In one corner of the yard,...

2 years ago
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Ellas Story2Taboo Motel

Ella's Story-2-Taboo Motel By billy69boy(In collaboration with my dear friend Ella)It seemed like forever as I waited for Ella, my sweet young "Sex Slave" (as she referred to herself) to emerge from the motel bathroom. She was wearing the sexiest black negligee that I had ever seen…or maybe the negligee was merely ordinary, and it was actually Ella who wore it so exceptionally well. Either way, she was a vision from heaven, and I found myself grinning like someone who had just won the...

2 years ago
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Destruction in a Motel

I come into the room and find you kneeling in front of the door.  I look at you, gaze over your entire body as you wait, trembling in front of me.  Your eyes are down to the ground, your hands submissively at your sides, and you await my command?? You came here of your own free will, paid for this hotel room, and surrendered yourself to me for the weekend.  You are here because you posted an add on a bdsm personal site requesting extreme abuse, humilitation, and torture.  You stated you would...

2 years ago
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Mystery EMail

Just as I always do, I sat down at my desk after dinner and logged on to my personal e-mail account. I had been separated from my wife now for about 6 months, and the divorce was taking forever to get done. And, after living on my own for a couple of months, I had decided to start dating again. So, I was on three different on line dating sites, two that were “vanilla” and one that was very much adult oriented. My nightly routine was to see if I had any e-mail from someone on the sites, then go...

4 years ago
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Mystery Sex

Mark lived in a rural area of his state, owning more than 200 acres of timberland. Actually, he owned in partnership with his mother as part a business he started and she supported. He was developing a reputation for high-quality, solid wood furniture that he designed and constructed himself. He had helped his dad build the large two story house that he shared with his mother, his aunt (mother's sister) and three sisters. His dad had died suddenly about three years ago, just as Mark was getting...

2 years ago
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Mystery Woman SnoopyChapter 2

This is a work of fiction based on the television movie series called, Mystery Woman. Book store owner carried out her fantasy of spy filled and intriguing adventures. I do not own Mystery Woman, its characters or make any money from the writing or posting of this story. Snoopy From Online To Undercover Schoolgirl It had all started with an online lie, well actually an omission. Samantha had already proven she could be quite the Snoopy. The nickname Chief Connor had tagged the pretty lass...

3 years ago
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Mystery Lover

I sense your presence before I see you. I feel your breath before I taste your kiss. My eyes arWoman meets her Mystery Lover.e closed before your lips touch mine. I don’t know what you look like. Your lips caress mine gently. There are other people around but you don’t care. You tell me to keep my eyes closed and take my hand. Where you are leading me, I don’t know. I feel something hard against my back. I hear a door open and you move me sideways. You push on my shoulders and I sit. The door...

2 years ago
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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 3

“’s you!,” I exclaimed, staring in astonishment. To this day, I don’t know which of us was the more surprised. Him, at suddenly finding himself staring at a completely naked eighteen year old blonde girl, showing off her teenage delights, or me, on discovering a young, tall guy, perhaps in his mid to late twenties, standing naked in front of my large mirror, with a pair of my lacy, pink knickers in his right hand, wrapped around a most impressive, totally shaved penis. On hearing my...

Straight Sex
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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 2

I stared for what seemed like hours, as I tried to make sense of the scene. Someone had stood at my dressing table and masturbated, ejaculating their load all over it. It was obvious from the results they had left behind that they had squirted their cum at least four or five times, to leave the trails of cream spread across the furniture. Judging from both the amount and the length of the various lines of cum, it must have been a series of very powerful ejaculations, especially the one which...

4 years ago
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Mystery in Mexico

Our ideal vacation was about to begin and we were off to explore ruins in Mexico. Little did we realize the powers that lay beneath the ground. One day we were plain old Sarah and Ben, the next day, our lives were changed only to wind up still together but very different........... Mystery in Mexico By: Rachael Free My wife and I were off on our two week vacation and eager to see all the sights. We had planned this vacation for over a year and were very excited to participate in...

4 years ago
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My Time at the Motel

Just as I was about to drift off I heard a shuffling sound from underneath my bed. I froze there, terrified as to what it could be. I remembered that my room door had been unlocked when I arrived, could someone be under there? I lay there on the bed trying to listen for what felt like hours. I did not hear any more sounds and soon my heartbeat slowed back to normal. I must have been hearing things. I rolled over to go back to sleep when I felt it. A hand grabbed my leg from the other side of...

1 year ago
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I own Joyce Chapter 3 Orgy at the Hampton Motel

Chapter 1 Preparation Chang was sitting on the sofa , getting blown by his petite black haired 50 year old Chinese mother Kitty , as he watched his dumbass cuckold stepdad Wilbur prepare the bar for guests who would be arriving soon. He jammed his prick tdown his cumsluts throat. Wilbur was dressed like a butler & would serve drinks and dinner only to the other couples , he was not allowed to participate , he had insured that when he had hypnotized him two years back . Wilbur could only...

2 years ago
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Being a little drunk and alot horny I did something I probably shouldn't have. I went on Craigslist and posted a message with my motel room. I don't know what made me do it. I knew I shouldn't but I was looking through the ads and got so horny. I was rubbing my cock through my panties and sucking on my dildo cock and I just wanted the real thing. It's been a over an hour and I haven't gotten any answer to my ad yet so I am probably safe. I probably shouldn't have posted it and I...

2 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel

This is an edited version of the original chapter. I made quite a few minor alterations to the text, but resisted making major changes. As a result, the chapter is still rather wordy in places. I should also warn you that there is a long build up over the story (hey, it’s romance), so no sex in this installment. ——————– Alessandro drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair as he glanced around. Flat panel TVs, leather armchairs, and oversized, modern light fixtures dominated the room....

2 years ago
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Adult Arcade Leads to Motel

I was at a conference in Columbus some years back, staying overnight for a couple of nights at a motel. Unfortunately, the motel’s wireless internet was not working, so I was left with no means of private “entertainment.” I had passed an adult bookstore a ways up the street, so I decided to stop by to watch some videos in the arcade. I had not done so in some time, and I approached the prospect with trepidation. Thoughts went through my mind … what if someone saw me, what if my car broke down...

3 years ago
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The Motel

It started out at a bar with me and two friends, Rich ( my gay friend ) and Jerry ( ? ) his Dad was a Pastor. We were all shooting pool and if you missed your shot, you had to do a Shot of Whiskey. Well Rich and I found out that Jerry was not good at Pool. Well by the time it got time to leave, Jerry was pretty Drunk. Well, it got time to leave and we helped Jerry out to the car and put him in the back seat as we were driving away, Rich looked at me and said, "We can not take him home like...

2 years ago
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Adult Arcade Leads to Motel

I was at a conference in Columbus some years back, staying overnight for a couple of nights at a motel. Unfortunately, the motel’s wireless internet was not working, so I was left with no means of private “entertainment.” I had passed an adult bookstore a ways up the street, so I decided to stop by to watch some videos in the arcade. I had not done so in some time, and I approached the prospect with trepidation. Thoughts went through my mind ... what if someone saw me, what if my car broke down...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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We get all showered and shaved (everywhere). I get dressed in slacks and dress shirt and she is really decked out sheer blouse, short skirt, thong panties, and thigh high stockings. I had everything already planned, dinner reservations, drinks afterward, and a hotel room. After dinner and drinks, we made our way to the motel room. When we opened the door, the candles were already lit and soft music playing from the CD. He was sitting inthe corner of the darkened room waiting. I took her inside...

3 years ago
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He was busy while I was out of country for my job. As to the nature of his business it was of the shopping variety. He sent out ads, posted messages with previous contacts and asked around. In the end he had found four guys. All four were shown my video’s on my profile and agreed to his plan. Me not having any idea what he was doing back in the states, couldn’t wait to get home. I arrived in the morning. Not sure what to do with myself I checked my XHamster account and found four new...

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The Motel

We make eye contact as you walk down the sidewalk at the motel towards me.? You reach out and slowly take my hand.? Sweetly, we grasp hands and feel that first shot of electricity go through our bodies.? A warm sensation begins to travel down my spine and find its way to my pussy.? It begins to swell and become aroused, wet, anticipating. ? We step inside, still seeming so innocent, but knowing what is waiting for us inside.? Coats come off, shoes come off...we start to go further but are...

4 years ago
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Farewell Lunch Motel

Farewell Lunch Now, with the company being sold and everyone out of a job soon all of their priorities changed to cleaning up their resumes and looking for work. They even stopped going out to party because morale was at its lowest. As the end approached Mark suggested he and Diana go to lunch sort of as a farewell. Diana agreed, what the hell, no reason knocking herself out at work if they were all being let go in a week or two. Mark drove and they went to one of the company’s...

2 years ago
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Mystery Encounter Her Story

It is dark and silent. I can see a very faint glow of light streaming in through the slit between the curtains, the moon is bright tonight. I am naked in the bed of a room which I have never been in before and I am waiting with anticipation. My heart is beating rapidly from the exhilaration of what I am doing, what I am about to do. I have never agreed to meet an online acquaintance until now and I have never been physically unfaithful in my marriage before. I am very nervous, excited, aroused...

3 years ago
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Mystery at Brackenwood Part 1

It was now May 2002. The incident with Tom was still in my thoughts, and whilst I knew that the outcome had been the right one, I found myself slipping down into a depressive state of mind. I had begun to recognise the signs a few days after seeing Tom that evening. The constant sexual hunger I had grown to accept as normal for me seemed to fade. And with it, the need to masturbate several times a day was no longer there. My energy levels dropped, and everything became an effort. Life had lost...

2 years ago
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Mystery Motel 2

Regina was slowly waking up when all of a sudden Amy came to her bed in a panic. She said, "Wake up Wake up Michelle is gone!" Regina's head was slowly engaging and she said, "What! Michelle was here last night!" Regina put on the satiny robe and she ran downstairs and she saw Elbert and Lillian. Regina said, "I was so worried about her I knew she was having a hard time with not having her former life. We have got to find her." Elbert said, "Your car is still here I don't...

3 years ago
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Mystery sex toy

Introduction: Family life Hard to believe how life turns out I am happily married man and a farther of 4. When my wife and I met we fell in love and completely lusted over each other we had sex so much it would cause my cock to hurt at times lusted so much we would use butter as lubricant just because we were in the kitchen at the time we wanted anal sex. We enjoyed each other bodies and what we could do for each others pleasure and excitement. Before we started our family which may I add...

3 years ago
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Mystery sex toy pt2

Introduction: The truth will cum out Me and Kate are laying side by side on our bed panting breathless from our incestual sex session with our 16 year old daughter but Kate has no idea it was her daughter sitting on her face no idea she was lapping up her daughters juices. Im now laying there panicking about what had just happened how caught up in the heat of the moment that I had our daughter join in or that even worse I tricked my wife into thinking I had arranged a threesome, how will she...

2 years ago
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Mystery Man

I don't know why I let Laura talk me in to coming to this place. It's so not my thing. I feel weird in this outfit too, with thigh high boots, short pleated black leather skirt and a matching bustier. What was I thinking? "It will be exiting," Laura had said giggling. "Something you will never forget in your whole life." I'd argued against it, saying I didn't need this particular experience. Then Laura had hit me with the deathblow to my argument, "Imagine yourself on your deathbed..." She...

3 years ago
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Mystery Man

Here I sit in a straight backed chair, my arms tied behind it. My knees are tied to the chair so that I cannot close them. My top unbuttoned so that my bra covered breasts are bare; my skirt hiked up to my thighs. I am blindfolded and totally unable to see the slightest hint of light. I turn my head at a sound to my left. It sounds like the scuffling of feet but I can’t tell for sure. I wonder what is going to happen to me and the anticipation is making me wet. I hear a door open, voices...

1 year ago
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mystery man and the fountain

I opened my door for my mystery man and he touched my shoulders, my neck, took my face in his hands and gave me a soft kiss. I kissed back and soon our tongues explored each other. As we kissed, his hands roamed my body, touched my breasts, my stomach, my ass, and thighs. I didn't even say hello. He took his shirt off and I saw the lean mass of muscles and I touched his bare chest. He took my hand and led me to my bed. I told him that I was nervous, that I haven't had sex with a man that...

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