Finding Her Master Pt.4 free porn video

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Finding Her Master

By Ropetease

c 2010

Chapter 8

Robin leaned her body closer to Joe, a heavy sigh coming from her lips as she melted against him. Dropping her suitcase to the floor, Robin stepped back from Joe, shrugging her shoulders back, the coat slid down her arms, falling around her ankles. Robin walked back to Joe's embrace, giving Joe a deep kiss on his lips. Joe ran his hands down Robin's back. His fingertips gliding down her spine, Robin's body trembled at his touch. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him deeper.

Joe continued down her back, his palms grasping her ass, pulling her closer. Robin tensed at his touch on her sore ass. Then she moaned deeply as the pain turned into pleasure sending a flood of her juices down her thighs. Robin ground her pussy on Joe's hard bulge in his pants.

"Ohh, goddd, Joe! What have you done to me? After you left, I felt so desperate for your touch, your voice commanding my body. I could not bear to be alone without you. This weekend has been intense for me. I have never felt this way, of being totally owned by someone." Robin said looking up to his eyes, a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

"It doesn't have to end tonight, Robin. Place your bag in the bedroom and I will order some dinner," Joe replied, kissing her forehead.

Robin bent over, picking the coat off the floor, Joe saw the red stripes across her ass from the whipping earlier today as he watched her walk to the bedroom, her ass swaying. What Joe did not see was the huge smile on her lips, the gleam in her eyes. Joe walked in the kitchen for the number of the pizza shop, dialing the number and placing his order.

"Sir, may I ask you for a favor, please?" Robin asked when she walked back naked to the living room.

"Yes, my pet, you may," Joe replied.

"I need to go over the case I have tomorrow in court, it will only take me a couple of hours," Robin asked holding the file.

"Of course, pet," Joe answered.

"Thank you, Sir," Robin smiled.

Robin walked over to the dining room table, opening the file as she sat down. Robin slowly sat her sore ass on the hard chair. She felt the stripes on her ass send signals to her nipples, turning them into hard pebbles jutting out from her breasts. Robin was reading the file when the doorbell rang. She looked up from her file, her eyes wide from the sound and her thighs suddenly flooding.

"Relax, pet, no one can see you sitting there," Joe said as he walked to the front door. She heard her Sir talk for a minute and the door shut. Robin watched Joe walk back towards her. She placed the papers back in the file as he placed the pizza down on the table.

"Hungry, pet?" Joe asked as Joe opened the box, the smell of fresh pizza filling the room.

"Yes I am, Sir," Robin smiled.

As they ate dinner they talked about the weekend they had just shared together. Robin explained how this weekend was more than she expected. Robin never thought she could go as far as she did, she never felt so free to let a Master take her as far as Joe did. Robin's mind had experienced new sensations, new heights of pleasure and pain that she never felt before. Robin had submitted to other Dom's before, but Robin couldn't let herself enjoy all the things that were done to her. Robin explained that she had never expected the emotions of letting herself experience new sensations that washed over her body.

While Joe cleaned the table, Robin went back to her file. Joe went to the bathroom to take a shower while Robin finished up her work. As he was washing his hair he felt a pair of hands touch his back, sliding down his spine. Joe felt Robin press her body against his, a soft purr coming from her as she kissed his back. He turned around wrapping his arms around her pulling her close. Joe felt her breasts press on his chest as he kissed her deeply. Joe moved his hands down her body, just touching her ass, Robin flinched a bit, moaning deeply, forcing her ass back on his hands.

"Let's go to bed, Robin," Joe said to her taking her hand in his, stepping out of the shower. Robin looked deep into his eyes as she dried off his body.

"Sir, may your toy wear your cuffs tonight?" Robin asked, "I want to be yours tonight, use me for your pleasure."

"Yes, my pet, I will place my cuffs on you, but you need your rest for tomorrow," Joe replied.

"Thank you, Sir," Robin sighed deep.

Joe placed the cuffs on her, locking her wrists in front of her, a small chain locking her ankle cuffs. Joe stretched out on the bed, pulling her closer to his body, his arm around her back. Robin fell into a deep sleep next to her Sir, she felt so safe being with him.

The next morning, Joe felt her warm body next to him as he slowly opened his eyes. He watched her sleeping body, her shallow breathing, and the hint of a smile on her face. Joe carefully moved his body away from her, Robin groaned as Joe got up from the bed moved her cuffed wrists searching for him. Robin turned over on to her stomach, Joe noticed the deep brown stripes crisscrossing her ass in the morning sun, visibly darker in the glow coming into the room. Joe placed his hand on her back, lightly following her spine, down to her ass. She moved slightly arching her back to his touch. A low deep sigh came from her smiling lips.

Joe sat back down on the bed, picking up the phone, and called Dave at his home.

"Morning, Dave. I’m sorry to bother you. Do you think you can handle the shop today?" Joe asked.

"Sure, boss, not a problem…is something wrong?" Dave asked.

"No, nothing wrong, I just want to take the day off if you don't mind handling the shop," Joe replied, adding, "Thanks, Dave, see you tomorrow."

Robin overheard Joe talk to Dave telling him that he was taking the day off and she moved over to Joe's lap, her hands grasping his growing cock.

"Good morning, Sir, why are you taking the day off? Is there something wrong?" Robin asked with a worried look in her eyes.

"Do you mind if I go to court with you today?" Joe asked.

"Oh no, I don't mind at all, Sir, please come to court with me," Robin purred as her lips kissed the top of his cock.

Slowly she lowered her mouth to Joe's cock, sucking it deep down her throat. Joe's cock responded quickly; swelling hard in her mouth. Robin cupped Joe's ball sack, giving it a light squeeze. Her tongue was licking the underside of his throbbing cock with each stroke and Joe felt his cum start to boil. Robin wanted him to cum fast this morning. She sucked her Sir's cock feverishly making Joe cum hard down her throat, his cum blasting in her mouth. Robin sucked his cock tighter, swallowing every precious drop.

Joe's body shook as the waves of his climax subsided, he did not realize that he had grabbed her head shoving his cock deep in her throat.

Robin licked Joe's cock clean with her tongue, making sure none of his precious cum remained. Joe released the cuffs from her wrists and ankles, placing them on the night stand by the bed. Robin placed her arms around Joe's neck giving him a hug. Then she jumped up from the bed, going to the bathroom. Joe watched her quickly walk into the bathroom, ass swaying with each step. A few minutes later she came back in the bedroom, walking to the kitchen. Joe heard the water running in the kitchen as she filled the coffee maker turning it on.

Joe went over to his closet, opening the door he picked out his dark blue suit. It wasn't hard to choose, since he only had one suit. He chose his light blue dress shirt and his only blue neck tie. Joe made a mental thought to himself that he would have to get a couple of suits if he went with her to court again. Joe laid the suit on the bed as he walked into the bathroom for a shower. When he was done, Joe walked out to the kitchen naked. His eyes saw her standing at the stove cooking breakfast. Joe thought he heard her humming to herself as she prepared their breakfast.

Robin turned around just as Joe walked up behind her. She had a huge smile on her face as she stood up on her tip toes, kissing him deeply on the lips. They sat at the dining room table eating their breakfast. Joe cleaned the table, placing the dishes in the dishwasher while Robin went to get ready for work. Joe sat down on the couch watching the local news while she got ready.

After a while Joe heard her foot steps behind him, turning his head to the sound of her heels on the floor as she walked back into the living room, his mouth suddenly opening, taking a deep gasp of air.

There she was standing there wearing a light brown skirt that ended just above her knees, a light beige long sleeve blouse, and a small tan scarf around her neck. Her three inch open toed heels matched her skirt. Robin walked in front of Joe, turning her body around so Joe could see her. Her hair was in a loose ponytail, hanging down her back and she was wearing just a hint of makeup, enough to high light her features. This is not the same woman that was here this weekend, Joe thought, Robin looked like the powerful attorney ready for court.

Robin asked, "Do you approve, Sir?"

All Joe could stammer out was, "Wow, awesome."

Robin bent over and kissed Joe's cheek, telling him to go get dressed. Joe quickly got up, going the bedroom to get dressed. When Joe was ready, he walked out to the living room. Robin had just closed the top of her briefcase and picked it up. Joe went to the front door opening it, letting her walk out to the car first. Robin had to stop by her office first to get the rest of her files for court and to check her messages. Joe sat in the chair by her desk, watching her in silence as she worked. Joe thought to himself about the weekend they shared, Robin was totally submissive to Joe, but now Robin was in control. He knew she was going to be a tough opponent in court.

Walking into the courtroom, Joe met her client and shook his hand, then excused himself to a seat the behind her table. Robin briefly explained to Joe about her client on the way over to the court house. Joe just sat there watching her arrange her folders on the table, talking to her client. The judge walked in, calling the court to order. Joe was not really following the trial, he was staring at her most of the time. Joe did notice that when Robin sat back in her chair, her body tensed.

The plaintiff's attorney presented his case, calling a few doctors and witnesses to the stand.

One doctor Robin cross examined, she asked him if these injuries were the result of the fall or were they old injuries from before. The doctor replied that these were possibly old injuries aggravated by the fall in the store, but he was not certain that they were old injuries. Just before noon the plaintiff's attorney rested his case.

The judge called a recess for lunch, after the recess Robin was going to present her defense. Joe had been amazed on how Robin conducted herself in court, powerfully tough for her client. Robin could not talk about her case, so they talked about the daily events. As they walked back into the courtroom Robin just smiled, giving Joe a kiss on the cheek.

Soon after everyone was seated the clerk called the court to order as the judge walked in.

"Be seated." The judge declared, striking his gavel on the bench top.

"Miss Harding, are you ready to proceed with your first witness?" The judge asked her.

"Yes, your honor, I call Mr. Wesley Brown to the stand," Robin said to the judge.

Robin's witness walked up the stand raising his hand taking the oath to tell the truth.

Robin walked up to him asking him, "Please state your name and occupation Mr. Brown to the court."

"Wesley Brown, I am a fraud investigator for Arnold Investigations," he answered Robin.

"How do you know the plaintiff, Mr. Brown?" Robin asked looking over to the plaintiff.

"Our firm was hired by the insurance company handling this case," he answered.

After a few more questions to her witness, Robin asked permission to view a tape the witness had brought.

Robin took the tape in her hand walking towards the video monitor, inserting the tape. The image on the screen was of the plaintiff as he exited his front door, walking towards his car. The image on the tape showed him moving a ladder and a five gallon bucket of paint.

Robin pressed pause and turned to the witness asking, "How was the plaintiff dressed that day?"

"He had a medical neck collar around his neck holding it up right. He also was wearing a back brace, a knee brace on his left knee, carrying a crutch." Mr. Brown answered.

"Was he using the crutch for support on his knee?" She asked

"No, he did not. He just carried it to the car in his hand," He answered back.

Robin restarted the tape. The image showed the plaintiff leaning the crutch against his car. The tape showed him bending over, picking up a five gallon bucket of paint, carrying it to the garage, closing the door. The plaintiff went back to his car, placing the crutch beside him. The last image of the plaintiff was his car driving down the street.

Robin stopped the tape again, asking Mr. Brown, "Do you know where he went, Mr. Brown?"

"Yes, we had found out he had a doctor’s appointment that afternoon. We set up a camera at the parking lot of his doctors office." he answered.

Robin started the tape again, the image of the plaintiff's car came into view. They saw him park the car, the door opening, the crutch coming into view, the plaintiff using the crutch for support as he walked to the doctor’s front door.

Robin stopped the tape again, asking Mr. Brown, "How long was the plaintiff inside the doctor’s office?"

"He was inside for forty-five minutes," Mr. Brown answered.

Robin started the tape again. The image of the man walking back to his car, the plaintiff removed the neck brace, rubbing the sides of his neck before pulling away from the office.

The image of the plaintiff's car filled the screen as he drove up to his house. Parking his car the plaintiff exited his car going into his house, carrying the crutch in his hand.

Robin stopped the tape again, turning towards Mr. Brown, asking, "Did the plaintiff walk normally without the use of the crutch, Mr. Brown?" Robin asked.

"There was no noticeable limp to his walk when he entered his house," Mr. Brown replied.

"How long was he inside the house, Mr. Brown?" Robin asked.

"He was inside for thirty minutes, when he came back outside, he was wearing cut-off shorts and a white t-shirt. I could see that the knee brace and the back brace were missing," Mr. Brown answered.

"What did the plaintiff do then, Mr. Brown?" Robin asked glancing over to the plaintiff once more.

"The plaintiff went to his garage getting a ten foot extension ladder and the five gallon bucket of paint he put there earlier that day," Mr. Brown answered.

Robin started the tape again showing the court what Mr. Brown had just described to the court. The tape showed the plaintiff extending the ladder leaning it against his house. The plaintiff placed the paint by a machine.

Robin stopped the tape again, turning to Mr. Brown, "Can you tell the court what that machine is next to the bucket of paint?"

"Yes, the machine he is using is called an airless sprayer for applying paint. Professional house painter’s use this to spray the houses," Mr. Brown answered.

"Mr. Brown, during your investigation, did you find out what the plaintiff's occupation was?" Robin asked.

"Yes, I did, he is the sole owner of Christopher Trent Residential Custom Painting," Mr. Brown answered.

Robin started the tape again, the image of the plaintiff climbing the ladder with the sprayer handle in his hands. The tape showed the plaintiff spray painting his house. Robin shut off the video monitor, turning to Mr. Brown asking, "In your observation of the plaintiff, did you notice any impairment of his movements while painting his house?"

"No, I did not notice any impairment at all in his movements," Mr. Brown answered.

"Thank you, Mr. Brown, no further questions for this witness your Honor," Robin said turning to the plaintiff's attorney.

"Any questions for this witness?" The judge asked the plaintiff's attorney.

The plaintiff and his attorney were discussing something when he heard the judge, "No questions, Your Honor," the attorney answered.

"Your Honor," Robin asked, "I am requesting the lawsuit brought forward by the plaintiff to be ruled in favor of my client. His claim of injuries suffered from the alleged fall in my client’s store is false. I would also ask that you rule in favor for any fees and costs my client has incurred to be paid by the plaintiff. I would also request that a transcript of these proceedings be sent over to the police department for possible charges for defrauding of my client and my client’s insurance company."

"So ordered, the case is ruled in favor of your client, Miss Harding, the plaintiff will be held responsible for all costs and fees incurred by your client. Also a transcript of this case will be forwarded to the police department for possible charges of fraud," the judge said striking his gavel down on his bench, adding, "Court is adjourned."

Everyone in the court room stood as the judge left the bench. Robin shook hands with her client. Then she packed her files back into her briefcase. Her client walked up to Joe shaking his hand, also.

"You have a very smart lady in her, treat her good," the client said to Joe as he left the court room. Robin said she had to use the ladies room and to meet her outside the court room. When Robin came out of the restroom, her stockings were removed, Robin took Joe's hand in hers, placing her panties in his hand. They were warm and moist. Joe smiled as he put them in his pocket of his suit coat. Robin turned and started to walk away from Joe, her ass swaying as he started after her.

"Will you take me to my house, Sir, so I can change my clothes?" Robin asked walking to the car.

Joe drove over to Robin's house, and parked in the driveway, "Come inside, Joe, while I change. I will make us a couple of drinks," Robin said as she exited the car.

When she entered her house Robin put her briefcase on the table walking to the kitchen. Joe sat down at the table while Robin made the drinks. Walking back out to the dining room she placed Joe's drink in his hand, leaning down and kissing Joe's cheek.

"I will be just a few minutes, Joe," Robin said as she went to the bedroom to change.

Joe heard Robin moving around in her bedroom, when Robin walked back to the dining room, she was naked. Robin was holding in her hands, her set of leather cuffs.

"Sir, will you place these on your pet?" Robin asked while holding them out towards Joe.

Joe took the cuffs from her extended hands. He held her wrist in his hand wrapping the cool leather wrist cuff around it, buckling the strap. Joe looked at Robin as he took her other wrist in his hand. Her eyes were closed, her chest slowly heaving with each deep gasp she inhaled. As the strap of the cuff buckled, Robin sucked her lower lip deep into her mouth. A deep moan from her throat as Joe slid his hands down her hips. She spread her legs wider as Joe brought his hands to her inner thighs, slowly dragging them up to her wet pussy.

Joe touched her clit. Using his fingers he spread her puffy pussy lips. As they opened to his probing fingers, a stream of her fluid coated his fingers. Joe raised his soaked fingers to his nose, inhaling her sweet aroma. He brought his wet fingers up to Robin’s sucked in lower lip. Robin felt the tip touch her lips. She opened her lips, sucking his wet fingers in her mouth, her tongue licked his wet fingers, her cheeks sucking in as she licked them clean.

Joe removed his fingers from her hot mouth, slowly letting the tips of fingers slide down the front of her body. Joe felt her tremble as the tips brushed across her hard red pebbles. She felt the pinch of his fingers on her hard pebbles, squeezing his fingers tighter making her moan loud. Robin’s arms shook, the D- rings on her wrist cuffs jingling from her trying not to move her arms up to his hands that twisted and pulled on her hard pebbles.

Robin was panting hard as Joe pulled and twisted them unmercifully with his fingers.

Her body was shaking, the pain going straight to her clit, her pussy walls contracting, squeezing more of her hot juice down her inner thighs. Joe slowly dragged his fingertips down her stomach, drawing them across the top of her slit. Robin opened her legs wider at his touch. She could not stay still, her arms reached out, placing them on Joe's head, grasping his hair.

Robin felt his warm breath on her clit, making it throb for attention. Robin moaned as the tip of Joe's tongue flicked across her clit.

"Ohhh, Sir, suck your pet’s clit, please suck your clit," Robin begged.

Joe stopped flicking her clit, "Is my pet giving orders to her Sir?" he asked, growling.

Robin pushed her clit closer to his mouth as she heard his growl, "God no, Sir, I am so close, your pet wants to cum for her Sir, ppllleeaassseeee let me cum," Robin begged.

Joe stood up, grabbing her by the hair, pulling her head back, his lips by her ear, telling her, "You will cum when I command you to cum, my pet."

Joe held her hair in his hand as he led her to her bedroom. When they walked in to her bedroom, Joe saw the items Robin had placed on the bed. Looking into her half closed eyes, Joe saw the hint of mischief looking back at him. There were two anal plugs, a vibrator with straps and two candles. Her bed had ropes on all the corners of the bed. Joe ordered her to lie on the bed. She quickly got on the bed, placing her arms over her head. Robin closed her eyes as Joe tied one of the ropes to her wrist cuff. Joe pulled her other wrist over to the next rope, tying her wrist tight. Joe took one of the pillows from under head, folding the pillow in half, placing it under her ass, raising her hips exposing her wet puffy pussy.

Joe touched her trembling leg, sliding his fingers down slowly, teasing her. Robin was going crazy, her pussy flooding the crack of her ass, trickling down on the pillow. Joe pulled her ankle, spreading her wider as he tied her ankle to the rope. Joe moved his hand back up her bound leg. He slid two fingers into her hot wet tunnel, slowly pumping them in her.

"Ohhh, yes, Sir, please let me cum!" Robin gasped.

Joe pulled his fingers out, sliding his hand down her other leg towards her ankle. Robin’s hips were shaking as Joe pulled her leg wider tying it off to the last rope. Robin was spread eagle, her wet wanting pussy raised off the bed. Joe watched her test the ropes holding her to the bed, pulling on her arms and ankles. Standing back to gaze upon her helpless body, Joe saw clothespins on her dresser.

Joe walked over to her dresser picking them all up. Joe started placing the clothespins in a circular pattern an inch from her areola, Robin moaned deeper as each one was placed. Joe placed a clothes pin on each of her hard red pebbles.

"Ooooo, godd, it hurts so good, Sir," Robin moaned between her gritted lips.

Joe stood at the side of the bed. Robin was trying to shake the clothes pins off her tormented breasts. Her struggles increasing as Joe placed his hand on her hot pussy, cupping it hard.

Robin thrust her pussy higher to his palm, her pussy juices flowing out of her down his hand. Joe grasped one puffy pussy lip in his fingers. He clipped on two clothespins to her swollen pussy lips. Robin gasped and moaned deeper as the flush of pain went straight to her clit. Joe took her other pussy lip clamping two more clothes pins to her other lip. Joe noticed that her breasts had a red ring forming where the clothes pins were. Her breasts looked like two flowers blooming. Taking the vibrator in his hand, he rubbed the tip down her soaked pussy, lubricating it with her juices. Joe placed the tip on the entrance of her soaked flowing pussy. He slowly pushed the vibe inside her hungry hole, the vibrator slid deep inside her, bottoming out against her cervix.

Robin tried to thrust her hips at the invading vibrator. She he wished that it was her Sir's cock filling her instead. Joe picked one of the anal plugs in his hand, sliding up her wet ass crack. Joe placed it against her puckered asshole. He slowly pressed the plug in her hole, watching it enter her. He felt her anal ring expand as he pushed it deeper inside of her. Robin was thrashing her head side to side as the plug filled her.

Joe turned the vibrator on low, the vibrations coming to life inside her pussy. Joe wanted these to stay inside her. Taking another rope from her dresser, Joe wrapped it around her waist, pulling the loose ends up between her legs, holding the vibrator and anal plug securely inside her. Robin was on fire from what he did to her, her hips slowly moving up and down on the pillow, the vibrator vibrating against the thin membrane of her ass, causing the anal plug to vibrate in her ass, as well.

Joe was going to torment his pet. He told her, "Don't go away, pet, I want to take a shower."

As Joe walked towards the bathroom he heard her pleads, "Don't leave me like this! Please, Sir!"

Joe smiled at her as he walked over to the dresser, picking up the ball gag, walking back, Joe sternly told her, "You will be quiet till I return, pet!"

Robin fought him as he tried to place the gag in her mouth. Joe pinched the sides of her nose until she had to take a breath, her mouth opening. Joe shoved the gag in her gasping mouth, buckling it behind her head. Joe then went to the bathroom hearing her moan's though the gag.

When Joe finished his shower, he stopped at the bathroom door, watching Robin's struggles; her guttural moans coming from her gagged mouth, her hips moving on the pillow, struggling to hold back the huge climax that was building deep inside her tormented pussy. Joe walked back up to his bound pet. Sweat covered her body, Robin had managed to shake some of the clothes pins off her breasts, but the ones pinching her hard pebbles remained. She was breathing hard through her nose, taking in deep breaths.

Joe reached down grasping the vibrator, turning it off. Robin let out a deep moan as the invading vibrator went still. Her breasts heaving on her chest, Robin was glad the vibrator went still. She was so close to exploding, it took every ounce of her strength to hold back. Joe slowly removed the remaining clothes pins from her body, as each one was removed, he heard her gasp though the gag. The marks left a line where they had been.

Joe unbuckled the gag from her behind her head and pulled the gag from her mouth, Robin took several deep breaths. As Joe picked up one of the candles, lighting it, Robin’s eyes opened wider. Joe held the candle upright, letting the wax pool around the wick. Robin saw the evil glint in her Sir’s eyes as he tipped the candle, several drops of hot wax falling onto her breasts.

When the drops hit her breast, the hot pain of the wax went straight to her clit, clamping her pussy around the vibrator. Joe watched as Robin tensed her body as each hot drop of wax fell onto her bound body. Joe moved the dripping candle wax between both of her heaving breasts. He watched Robin suck on her lower lip, her teeth chewing on it as each drop hit her.

Joe started dripping hot wax on her stomach, slowly letting the drips fall closer to her stuffed pussy. Joe let a few drops fall on her clit. Robin screamed as they hit her, her clit was on fire, she was closer to coming than before. Joe sensed Robin was on the verge of no return, reaching down to the vibrator, Joe turned it on the highest setting. Robin thrust her hips off the pillow, hissing between her lips.

"Sirrr…I can't hold back, I am going to cum, let your pet cum, please Sir, let me!"

Joe tilted the candle more, the hot wax flowing straight to the tip of her clit. Her clit was covered in wax, some of the drops coating her pussy lips. Joe heard her breathing become more labored, Robin could not hold on much longer, her stomach tightened, the wave starting to flow through her body when she heard the command to cum.

"Cum now for me, my pet! Cum now!" Joe growled.

Robin's body convulsed as the first wave surged though her, her pussy clamping tight around the vibrator, her ass clamping around the plug in her ass. Her whole body shaking as the waves increased in her pussy. Her wrists pulling on the ropes, her hips trusting in the air as each wave coursed through her. Robin felt the wave of blackness in her mind, her eyes closing, her body floating away from her. Joe removed the rope from around her waist, pulling the vibrator from her clenching pussy, grasping the anal plug pulling it from her tight ass.

Joe watched her quaking body, thinking to himself how this woman was dominating in the courtroom today, and so totally submissive now. Robin's limp body was sprawled across the bed, soft sounds coming from her mouth. Joe released the ropes from her wrists and ankles, removing the pillow from under her ass. Joe sat on the edge of the bed, watching her slowly come back.

"Oh Sir, that was incredible, thank you, Sir," Robin whispered as her eyes slowly opened.

Robin moved her weak spent body off the bed, stood on her weak legs. Joe watched her walk to the bathroom to clean the wax off her breasts and pussy. While Robin showered, Joe placed the toys on her dresser then walked out to the kitchen. Joe opened the refrigerator door looking for something to drink. Joe noticed the left over casserole on the shelf.

Joe removed a bottle of wine from the fridge, placing the casserole in the oven to warm up. Joe opened the cupboard doors looking for plates. He found the forks in a drawer by the oven and carried the plates to her patio table. Robin's patio was private, so there would be no prying eyes. Joe envisioned her laying naked on the lounger, day dreaming about these last few days. The dinner was done when she walked onto the patio naked, except the fading red rings the clothes pins had left. Her hands cupped her breasts rubbing them, her nipples standing erect.

As they ate dinner, Robin told Joe how she found out that this was a scam by the guy.

"This case didn't feel right, so I searched the public records. I was looking for any other lawsuit he had filed," Robin said while smiling. "I found an out of court settlement with another store. He had claimed almost the same injuries as this case, but the store opted to settle without a trial."

Robin cleaned up the dinner dishes while Joe went to the living room to relax. Robin walked into the living room with a tray of coffee, putting the tray down on the coffee table, then handing Joe a cup. Her light scent of perfume teased Joe's nose as he felt the softness of her body next his, her warmth resting against him. As they watched the evening news Joe felt her hand grasp his cock lightly. Just her holding it in her warm hand, had him hardening against her palm.

Joe finished his coffee and he told Robin to stay seated on the couch. Joe stood up, she groaned when his hard cock left her hand. Joe looked down at her sitting there with a slight pout on her face. He went back to her bedroom, returning with several lengths of rope in his hands. Robin saw the evil smile on his lips that always made her pussy flow. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the rope in his hands.

"Lie down of your stomach on the floor, pet," Joe command.

"Yes, Sir," Robin smiled as she quickly followed his orders.

Joe kneeled down by her side, taking both of her arms, placing them behind her back. He positioned her palms facing each other like she was praying. Joe wrapped several loops around her wrists tying the rope in a knot away from her fingers. Joe took another rope in his hands, this one he started to wrap it just above her elbows. Pulling the loops tight, her elbows were almost touching. Joe helped Robin over onto her back.

Joe slid his hands down her soft thighs, down to her ankles. Joe took one leg, bending her leg, her heel touching her thigh. Joe wrapped several loops around her leg securing her ankle to her thigh. Joe took her other leg, bending it so her heel touched her thigh, tying it tight. Joe stood up looking down on Robin’s bound form, her legs spread, and her pussy juice flowed down her ass. Robin’s eyes were closed, her lower lip sucked deep in her mouth, with just a hint of a smile.

Joe rolled Robin back onto her stomach, her legs tightly tied to her thighs. He heard her take a deep sigh as Joe ran his hands down her body. He leaned down putting his hands under her shoulders, picking her up to a sitting position on her bound ankles. Robin tilted her head back, her eyes looking straight into his as he placed the tip of his cock against her lips.

Standing in front of her, Joe grabbed her by her hair, shoving his hard cock down her throat. Robin gagged a bit as his hard cock rammed down her throat. Joe held her head down for a second. Then he released her hair. Robin slowly withdrew her mouth from his cock sucking in a deep breath of air. Robin looked up at Joe's eyes as she opened her mouth, her lips wrapped around his hard rigid cock. Slowly his cock disappeared down her throat, her eyes never leaving his until her nose touched the base of his pelvis.

Robin slowly pulled her head back from around his cock, she moaned deep in her throat sending vibrations down Joe's cock. Licking Joe's cock with her tongue, Robin slowly went down his hard throbbing shaft. Slowly she worked her way back to the head before engulfing it down her throat in one sudden motion. Joe could not hold back long, he was close to coming. Joe stepped back away from Robin. She leaned forward, almost falling on her chest as she chased his cock.

Joe was breathing heavy from what she had done to him, he had to have her now, he wanted to shove his hard cock deep inside his pet’s hot wanting pussy. Joe steadied her and laid his body on the floor next to her. Joe's strong arms grabbed her around the waist, picking her up off her knees. Joe moved his body under her, his rigid hard cock sliding deep inside her soaked pussy with one fluid motion.

"Ohhh, God, you’re tearing me wide open, Sir!" Robin groaned as his cock entered her wet hot tunnel.

Joe pushed his hips off the floor, Robins knees leaving the floor, Joe held her up in the air as her moans of pleasure flooded his ears.

Joe growled at her as he rocked his cock inside her, "Are you my cum slut, pet?"

"Yes, I am your cum slut, Sir! I am your toy! Make your pet cum for you!" Robin screamed as Joe thrust his cock inside her.

Robin's head flew back as each of his thrusts went deeper in her, her clit so inflamed with lust for him, sending bolts of electricity to her hard pebbles. Joe was close, he felt his balls boil with his cum, reaching up to her hard nipples he gave them a cruel twist.

Robin screamed louder, her pussy clamping tight around his cock, "Oh yesss, Master, fuck your pet!"

Robin was trying to move her pussy on his cock that was deep inside her. Joe released a nipple from his grasp, placing his finger on her clit, rubbing her clit with his finger. Robin was making sounds he had never heard before. He felt her orgasm building deep inside her. Robin could not hold back much longer. Grasping her nipples in his fingers again, Joe built up the pressure of his squeezing on them. Robin thought they were going to pop.

Then Joe exploded. His hot cum shot deep inside her hot pulsing pussy, Robin's body locked in a convulsion as her climax ripped through her body. Joe's hot cum sent her over the edge. She was shaking in her bonds, her body racked by wave after wave of a white hot climax. Her head fell to her chest. Her body suddenly going limp against Joe's body, the blackness enveloped her brain. Joe raised his knees up to her back supporting her limp body.

Robin was out, her chest heaving, her entire body covered in her sweat, Joe carefully pulled her off his body, laying her down on her side in her ropes. Joe was spent as he got up from the floor walking to the patio for a drink of wine.

A few minutes later he heard her call out, "Sir, where are you, Sir?"

"Right here, pet" Joe said as he walked up to her tied body.

Joe kneeled down and started to untie the ropes binding her. She was spent, her whole body numb, every muscle weak. Joe picked her up off the floor and carried her to her bed, laying her down on it, and he kissed her forehead.

"Good night, my pet, sleep well," Joe said as he walked out to the living room.

Robin did not hear his words, she was already fast asleep.

Same as Finding Her Master Pt.4 Videos

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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt4

New Neighbor Makes Me Her Bitch Pt4 [/image] The text said, “NOW”. I knew what she wanted. It was 10:30 Saturday night. I had just showered after my workout. I wanted sleep. I put on shorts, pulled a shirt on over my head, stepped into sandals. I went out the back door. As I walked past the small door leading into the back of the garage, light suddenly flooded out of it. “Get in here. Now.” I obeyed. She shut the door behind me. In the middle of the floor was a lift. The type of...

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WOW WHAT I DISCOVERED – PT3I have been thinking I should do a character studY on each of these guys This guy's name is Peter known as PeteSince Chris shared his story to the group, we have had others of the group tell their story after an intense session or to fill in time.The next guy is Pete. Pete's cock is like a Boerewor sausage when deflated and 10-12 inches long when stiff and needs 2 hands to work it, and leaks precum like a dripping faucet Pete is 21 has been doing similar classes as...

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Who Took My Cherry pt4

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Straight Sex
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Are you sure, you've had enough for now? Do you want to give so easily?" the Chinese wife, teased, friendly taunting her victim. "Yes, "Jennie panted still exhausted from the wild female tussle.""Okay, then, "Peggy laughed, "I'll let you. " Peggy said with a hard little laugh, as she taunted Jennie. "Now, let me check to see what MY husband wants me to do to you, "she said laughing down into a dispirited Jennie's face. "O.K.," Jennie panted, "but, just get it over with, okay?" Peggy laughed,...

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Step Brothers Bride Pt4

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inside of her pt4

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My Sister and Me Pt4

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The Vine Pt4

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The Best Week of my Life Pt4

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The Sick Day Pt4

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Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue Pt4

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Horny Little Women Pt4

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1 year ago
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24 Hours To Live Pt4

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Morning Surprise Pt4

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1 year ago
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Falling off the wagon pt4

I was so very confused; I was upset at being maneuvered into a position where I had become nothing more than a fuck toy by Ray and his friends. Yet on the other hand I had enjoyed it, I had enjoyed every thing about what had happened. Being taken like that was like being on some kind of drug or something, it was a high that continued for all of those hours. It would have momentary lulls, as one man would slip from me and another would take his place, but I had to be honest with myself, I had...

3 years ago
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Dominant Wife pt2 pt3 and pt4

Mj walked to the side of her slave and used her hands to bend him at the waist to push his tight little arse out ready to be punished. Using her bare hand to begin she slapped first one arse cheek and then the other trying to find a different spot each time using the redness that was forming to decide where to hit each time. Each slap got slightly harder than the last as she found how much fun it was to watch her husband squirm and try to cry out with each slap but the ball gag meant that...

4 years ago
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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt4

Mrs. Mays took me for a tour around their facility. I was introduced to several of the road deputies working that day. I met deputies, Hatch, Marshall and Ward, of course with Ward, there was no introduction needed. Ward was dispatched to a call and jokingly shook my hand saying it was nice to meet me. I giggled and told him bye. Hatch offered to finish my tour and Mrs. Mays told him that would be fine. Marshall was an older man about 60 and didn’t even register on my radar, Hatch on the other...

2 years ago
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Wisconsin Ranger PT4

I was all alone and seeing as I was I wasn’t sure where to start. I paced around the house. I cleaned it and wiped down corners that never needed it at all. I tried busying myself for that “fateful”, or better yet, that exciting get together I was about to have with Lucy. I don’t know what she was doing but I sure wished I knew. I couldn’t wait. I’d taken a shower already and felt like a kid again. Then I took a second one. Having taken a first already, I even shampooed my hair for a second...

1 year ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt4

Thanks to the priceless help of NaughtyAnn. ************ I suggest the reading of the previous parts. Comments are greatly appreciated. ************ Thenext morning I woke up before my Mistress did, it was one of those rare occasions when she stayed at my place and slept with me. I quietly moved down the bed, checked if my collar was in the right place, took a glance at Mistress, and went to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. I made some croissants, opening some jams made with different...

2 years ago
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Intriguing Marshall PT4

He had finally met her husband who actually is the father of Maxine but he never knew it, and he wouldn’t know that until that week. He discovered Mary was going out of town with him. The woman who he had fornicated with a few times and loved doing it with him too was on her way out of town for about a month. He didn’t know why but he decided to stop in anyway. Mary and her husband had been making plans to head east and see family. It was to be a short vacation for her and as usual business for...

2 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt4

She kissed and licked her way over my cheeks and into my crease, then she moved to my other cheek and licked her way back to my crease. He tongue started at the top of my crease, and slowly slid through my crease to swirl gently around my anus, then move down over my perineum to just shy of my pussy, now wet and wanting. I wanted her so bad by that time but she was nowhere near done torturing me. She moved her tongue up slowly to once again rim my anus, move up my crease, then slide it back...

3 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt4

Elizabeth was a makeup artist, one of the finest in Miami, if not in the country. She had been hired by World Elite Modeling to do the makeup for a new calendar that was in the works. Elizabeth always looked forward to working for World Elite and she was especially pleased to be on this job. Angel Enriquez was the star model for this calendar and Elizabeth had been having fantasies about Angel for quite awhile. Every time Elizabeth was anywhere near Angel, it was as if she lost her composure....

3 years ago
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diary pt4

The next morning, I woke up with a silly grin on my face. I stretched lightly and searched for my companion. Deep down I dreaded the morning after, knowing things wouldn’t be as simple as they were last night, but I was ready and willing to face the new day head on, whatever it may bring. I couldn’t even imagine how wrong I could possibly be. Jeanie, whom I had spent the night making glorious love to, was standing at the end of the bed holding her diary in her left hand, pointing it accusingly...

2 years ago
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The Group Pt4

Miss Burke returned to the bedroom carrying a tray with a decanter and two glasses. “Here,” she offered a glass. “It’s ginger wine. It will restore and reinvigorate you.” She sat on the bed alongside me and took a long draft from her glass. I sipped and warmth spread from my stomach through my body. She stroked me, smoothing a hand over my chest, caressing my nipples. Her gown stretched to contain her breasts, visible through the sheer nylon. It fell open below her waist and I could see the...

2 years ago
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Stacy Lancaster Stacys First Swing Pt4

Helen pressed a hand against her sex as she lifted herself off Jared's softening member. Her inflamed labia were open so wide that her entire palm nestled between them. Cupping her sex as she stood, the hard-bodied older woman crossed the few feet to where Stacy lay sprawled. The pale younger woman's hand was jammed to the knuckles into her own cunt but seemed frozen there as Stacy stared at Helen. Specifically, she stared at the other woman's groin. Despite her best efforts, goo was...

3 years ago
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Lesson Pt4

The next time Rick paid us a visit, it was obvious that I'd have to see what he could do with his cock, but I wasn't expecting quite what I got. He arrived all flustered and wet from the rain, afraid he was going to be late, he said, due to the idiots who can't drive in the weather. Letting him recover, we chatted about nothing really, until my man appeared and called us to attention."Rick, glad you made it. It's time you fucked my girl," was his opener, never one to talk in circles,...

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