No Hands free porn video

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No Hands Day 1 Mark sat down on the couch with his Aunt Tracy. His mother's sister was the younger of the two siblings somewhere in her mid thirties, Mark could probably work out her exact age based one what he knew of his Mom, but it really didn't matter, twice his age at least. She still looked young though, flawless skin, long dark hair that tumbled down her head in naturally curly waves. His Mom and her sister shared the same coloring but his Mom had long since cut her hair to less than shoulder length whereas Aunt Tracy kept hers long enough to hang below her breasts when pulled over he shoulder like it was this evening. "What are we watching tonight?" Aunt Tracy said as she sat on the couch and pulled her leg under while carefully blowing across the rim of a steaming mug of tea. "Your house, it's up to you," Mark responded. Tracy smiled. "You're here with me for the next month, so let's say it is our house." Mark nodded, his raging teen hormones told him that his aunt was quite attractive, the swell of her large breasts beneath the long sleeve gray tunic and firm thighs displayed by the faux leather leggings were strong evidence that her being single was a bit strange. Mark briefly wondered whether she was attracted to men but dismissed the thought quickly letting his long relationship with her scare away such thoughts. "Ok then, let's start a series and watch it together." "Sounds good." They sat in silence while the television flickered its blue light around the room. The show ended less than an hour later. "I don't know maybe we should watch something else," Aunt Tracy began. "This show was kind of violent, that woman getting her hands cut off, how horrible." Mark nodded. "I doubt it is that bad for the whole show. They are just using the shock value to get viewers interested during the first episode. Lots of shows do that." "I suppose, but man I can't imagine losing my hands." Tracy shuddered visibly. "Better than dying." Mark shrugged. "No way," his aunt retorted. "You would be a burden to everyone around you, you couldn't even feed yourself." "They have prosthetics that would help," Mark said. "Nothing back when that show was set. Trust me you would go crazy very quickly without your hands. I give you a week before you are begging for death." "No way to know, I am not volunteering to get my hands cut off," Mark laughed. Aunt Tracy chuckled. "Yeah me neither. Ok, it's time for bed." Mark nodded and stood up with a long stretch. His sweatshirt and jeans hung loosely on his thin frame, in fact his jeans would easily slide right off if not for his bony hips holding them in place. His mop of dirty blond hair was long enough in the back to hold in a pony tail if he ever bothered. He liked to think his hair was a fashion statement but in truth he was just too lazy to get a haircut. He wandered toward the guest room where his suitcase remained unpacked since arriving here just a few hours before. His Mom and Dad were away on a long trip, something they had always wanted to do. Mark got the feeling they had been looking forward to having some time away from him but there was no visible proof of such relief in their excited faces. He really did not mind though, his aunt was fun to be around and she gave him a long leash. * * * At breakfast the next morning Mark popped the question he really wanted to ask. "Aunt Tracy, will you teach me to drive?" His aunt spluttered spraying her coffee into the sink. "What?" "Mom said I could ask?" "Why me?" Tracy said wiping up the mess around the sink. "I turned 16 last month and Mom and Dad never got around to showing me how." "I don't think so, that is something best left to your parents." She stood there shaking her head already dressed for work in pink nurse's scrubs. "Sorry buddy." Mark nodded glumly. "I am pulling a 10 hour shift today, what are your plans?" "I don't know I don't have a lot to do in this town." "Well I would appreciate you helping out around the house a bit." "Oh yeah, Mom said I should offer, you beat me to it," Mark said. "What do you need me to do?" "Clean the dishes, and get familiar with where stuff goes, if you have questions we can get it all figured out tonight." Mark cleaned the kitchen in the first hour of the day, the rest was spent either in front of the television or wandering around the house snooping into his aunt's things. She had nothing very interesting, even her attic was mostly bare. The town where she lived was not much better, a lazy bedroom community that had nothing interesting closer than five miles. By the time his Aunt Tracy arrived home that evening he was wondering how he would survive the next month. "Hey Mark how was your day?" Aunt Tracy asked. "Honestly, pretty boring, you can only watch so much television." "The kitchen looks clean, any problems?" Mark asked a couple of questions where various dishes and utensils went and then sat down at the table in front of the bags of Chinese food his aunt had set there. "I need to find something interesting to keep my mind going, I wish you owned a laptop." "Sorry, I am just not around the house enough to need one." Mark and his aunt ate silently for a few minutes before Tracy looked up and said. "My friend and I at work were talking about that show we watched last night." Mark nodded with a mouthful of food. "We wondered, since you don't have a lot going on if you would like to try it?" Mark looked confused and quickly swallowed. "Try what?" "Try living without hands, to see what happens?" "Are you serious?" Mark looked askance at his aunt. "I like my hands where they are thanks." "No you ninny! I would cover your hands so you couldn't use them, probably in a cast or something like that. Something you could not remove without help?" "Why would I agree to that? It is boring around here but not that boring." Aunt Tracy shrugged. "I tell you what, you last a week with no hands and I'll teach you to drive." "A week, I can wait for my parents. Two days." "So you agree to try it then." His Aunt Tracy smiled. Mark shook his head realizing he had just agreed to try it for two days. "I haven't agreed to anything." "Ok, how about this, we make it three days and I teach you to drive. If you make a week, a full seven days, I will get a laptop to make the rest of your stay a little more enjoyable." "It won't hurt?" Mark asked. "No, if it becomes uncomfortable we will adjust things until it doesn't." "Ok, last question," Mark looked askance at his aunt. "Why?" "My friend Nancy and I were discussing it and really wondering what would happen. We kind of dismissed it because it would be hard to find that kind of time, but here you are, a bored teenager." Aunt Tracy smiled. "So do you agree?" "Three days and you teach me to drive, seven days and you buy me a laptop?" Mark repeated while staring at his empty plate of food. Aunt Tracy nodded. "It will be my laptop but you can use it as much as you want while you are here." "I can pick the laptop?" "Within reason, can't afford the very best, but since you are leaving it here, we can probably find something decent," Tracy said. "Ok, fine. I can always call it quits and I haven't lost anything." "True, let me call Nancy, she is the expert at casting." Aunt Tracy grabbed her phone. "Casting? You mean like broken arms and things." Aunt Tracy nodded while holding the phone to her ear. Mark remembered the broken arm he had when he was eight years old and remembered being scared of the saw blade shaped tool they used to cut the cast from his arm. "Listen are you sure it won't hurt even when it's removed?" Aunt Tracy waved the question away. "Hey Nancy, guess what? My nephew has agreed to have his hands casted." Aunt Tracy laughed a couple times, then responded. "Sure that would be fine, see you in an hour," Tracy put down the phone. "There we go, she will be over soon." "Uh, Aunt Tracy, I'm not sure about this, that saw they use..." "Yeah everybody worries about that, Nancy is an expert. I promise you won't feel the least bit of pain." "I don't know," Mark said. "I tell you what, we'll put a practice cast on you and then remove it. If it hurts you don't have to do it." "And you won't teach me to drive," Mark said. Aunt Tracy shook her head. "What's the point then, if it hurts when you take it off the first time it still hurts, might as well just go for it." "Ok then, let's clean up dinner and then we'll wait for Nancy." An hour later Nancy arrived. She had fiery red hair pulled back into a pony tail and she wore the same pink medical scrubs that his often aunt wore. "Hello Mark, I'm Nancy." "Hi." He shook her hand. "This is going to be so interesting. I bet you don't last a full day." Mark shrugged. "We'll see." Nancy smiled. "Let's do this in the kitchen, I need the sink." Mark sat on a stool next to the sink with his arm propped up on the countertop. "Ok Mark I want you to put your hand in a very relaxed fist. Keep your muscles loose." Mark did as she asked and watched as she carefully wrapped each of his fingers and hand with thin gauze. When she finished and wrapped a thicker material around his hand until it looked like he wore a white mitten. She added more thick cotton over his whole hand so it looked like a white oval. "That looks pretty thick Nancy," Tracy said. "The casting material will compress it, so it needs to be thick," Nancy responded. Next Nancy put on some latex gloves and pealed the plastic off a white roll and placed it into the sink full of water, she then began to wrap the wet material around his hand and moved up his arm. "His wrist should be immobile since if his hands were cutoff he wouldn't have a wrist to move." Tracy nodded. Nancy folded the cotton over at about half way up his arm and used the last of the wet wrap to keep the cotton in place. She then slid her gloved hands over his hand smoothing out cast so the wrapping was all blended together. After a few seconds she pulled off her gloves and thumbed the material with her fingernail, it made a hard clicking sound. "Ok, that is one hand, how does it feel?" Mark felt the oval spheroid that was now all that remained of his right hand. "Lighter than I expected, I can move my fingers a little." "Good, good, that will keep all the blood flowing properly. Let's do your other hand." Nancy repeated the process with Mark's other hand and then packed her things away. "Alright then, I guess we'll see how you do. If there is any pain, let me know and I will fix it." Aunt Tracy stood up. "I have to work tomorrow, can you check in on him? I don't want him getting stuck or falling." Nancy smiled. "Sure no problem. See you tomorrow Mark." Mark walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. He reached for the remote but could not pick it up and when he tried to hit the button his new handless arms were too large to press the right one, he thought he could use his nose but decided to try his feet instead. He kicked off his shoes and pulled his socks off with his toes and then pushed the remote onto the floor. Once the remote was pointing at the television his toes were more than dextrous enough to press the On and Channel buttons. Aunt Tracy joined him after a few minutes with a bottle of water with a straw poking out. "Fancy a drink?" Mark tried to grab it with both his hands but the round surface of the bottle combined with the round surface of his useless hands made that impossible. His aunt finally sat the bottle on the coffee table and Mark was forced to get up and kneel down to drink it. "Still think you'll make it three days?" she asked while watching him struggle to drink. "I think so, though I am beginning to realize I will be depending on you for a few things." "Like what?" "Getting food ready, for one." Nancy rolled her eyes. "How is that different than before?" "I can't eat it." "Oh, we'll figure something out, it may be messier than usual." "It is only a few days," Mark said quietly trying to reassure himself. "Yeah, but I am hoping you don't make it," Aunt Tracy said with a small smirk on her lips. Mark looked at his aunt and then at his hands and started to wonder how difficult this was going to be. "You're going to starve me?" Aunt Tracy's eyes rolled at the statement. "No, I am not going to starve you. But I'm not going to let you sleepwalk through the next three days either. I'll tell you what. Let's watch another show and I'll get us some dessert." "I can't eat it," Mark said to his retreating aunt. "I'll feed you." Aunt Tracy returned with a queer smile on her face with a bowl of ice cream in her hand. "Here we go." She sat down next to him on the couch and dipped the spoon into the creamy confection. "Uh..." Mark felt odd with the situation. He was like a child being fed by his mother, his aunt bringing each spoonful to his lips every few seconds. Occasionally some would dribble down the corner of his mouth but she would not bother wiping up just letting it drip onto his shirt. When the bowl was empty Mark was a sticky mess. "My you are a mess. Why don't you go get cleaned up?" Mark got up and went to the bathroom but ran into a problem, the round door knob. After a few attempts with his ovoid hands he finally managed to squeeze the knob between his elbows and get the door open. Once inside the bathroom there were other problems, he could not turn the knobs on the sink to run the water nor could he remove his shirt. Defeated he finally went back to the kitchen where Aunt Tracy was waiting. Tracy looked him over. "Looks like you missed a spot." "I can't turn on the water or take off this shirt without my hands," Mark said with a bit of frustration in his voice. "Now don't start whining already. Let me help you." Aunt Tracy grabbed the bottom of his shirt. "Arms up." Mark raised his arms and his aunt pulled it over his head exposing his bare chest. "My you are thin, I should give you more dessert to fatten you up a bit." She grabbed a wash cloth from the sink and proceeded to wipe his face off. "You don't shave much yet I see." "I had to shave my upper lip... once," Mark said when his mouth was not covered by the wash cloth. "Sure you do," Aunt Tracy grinned. "Go get ready for bed it's late." Mark left and went back to the bathroom this time closing the door behind himself with his foot. He approached the toilet needing to relieve himself and forced his pants down past his hips taking his underwear with them. He relieved himself but could not get his pants back up his legs. He stepped out of them but now he was completely naked. At that moment there came a knock on the door. "Mark do you need help brushing your teeth?" Mark froze at the knock but quickly recovered and grabbed a towel holding it between his hands. The door knob turned and opened. His aunt's head appeared around the door frame. The towel dangled from between his hands and covered his crotch but nothing else. Mark's whole body turned a violent shade of pink. "Oh, sorry. Do you need a minute?" Aunt Tracy said pulling her head back to the hallway. "Uh, I can't get my pants on." "Hmmm..." his aunt said from the hallway. "We are going to have to do something different since I can't help you every time you need to use the toilet." "Ok..." Mark began. "...but what?" "I'm going to go fetch something from my room. Try and get that towel draped over your waist and sit down on the toilet seat. I don't want to embarrass you but this is going to be harder if you can't handle me seeing you in your skivvies." Mark sat down on the toilet seat and pulled on the towel by gripping it between his trapped hands and arranging it over his waist. Moments later his aunt arrived by sticking her head through the door. "Good you managed it. Here." Aunt Tracy stepped into the bathroom holding a white garment in her hand. She gripped the cloth by the collar and draped it over her nephew's shoulders. "Ok put your arms in the sleeves." Mark felt the cool material across his back and noticed the white sheen, there were also pink coloration that looked like a pattern of roses. "This is a girl's robe." "Yes, I don't have boy's clothes, but you can't wear pants and use the bathroom at the same time, not unless I help you every time. This robe maybe a bit feminine but it will protect your modesty and allow you to use the toilet if you are careful." Aunt Tracy held the robe open. "Now put your hands in the sleeves." Mark quickly pushed his arms into the billowing sleeves and allowed his aunt to pull it closed across his chest. "Ok, I get the reasoning. But you don't have something less girly?" "Perhaps, but like I said before, I don't want you to succeed." Tracy smiled. "Ok, stand up." Mark stood and the towel fell to the floor. It did not matter since his aunt was already tying the robe's inner ties. She then pulled the matching belt snug around his waist tied it firmly at the level of his navel. Mark glanced in the mirror over his shoulder and saw the large rose motif printed onto the white silk material. He groaned at the sight. The collar of the garment create a "V" over his chest and billowed out enough over the matching silk belt that his body could be mistaken for belonging to a prepubescent girl. "Now no whining, you can give up at any time and we'll take those casts off and you can forget about me teaching you to drive." His aunt was smoothing the sleeves down his arms. "It is a little large on you." Mark held out his arms and the sleeves surpassed the ends of his encased fingers by several inches and the bottom hem of the robe was tickling the tops of his feet. The silky material felt soft on his skin, the motion of the gown was creating a familiar stirring in his loins. Looking down at his feet he noticed a distinct bulge tenting the front of the robe. Mark's face turned a deeper shade of red, he hoped his aunt did not notice. "Alright then." His aunt put her hands on his shoulders and turned him toward the sink. "Let's get those teeth brushed." Mark allowed his aunt to brush his teeth and hoped the indignity of that process would provide an excuse for his redness. "These sleeves are really long," his aunt said. "Let me tie them off since you don't need your hands anyway." Mark allowed his aunt to tie a single knot into the end of each of his sleeves. "There, you're all ready for bed. Do you think you can find your way?" Mark nodded and waited for his aunt to leave before turning away from the sink since his erection was now undeniable. He sorely wanted to protest the girly robe he was being forced to wear but any comments he made would only lengthen the time his aunt would remain with him in the bathroom and increase the chances of her seeing his arousal, which would cast doubt on any words of protest. Mark waited a few moments before peaking his head around the door toward the living room, no one was around so he quickly moved down the carpeted hallway toward the guest room where he would be sleeping for the duration of his visit. He reached for the door and felt the unyielding fiberglass of the cast material clank against the brass knob. The technique he used on the bathroom door to squeeze the knob between the skin of his upper arms and elbows was no longer working because of the slippery silk fabric that now covered the entirety of his body save his head and feet. The knot in the end of the sleeves also kept them from sliding up his arms. The sight of his bare feet gave him and idea. Mark laid down on the floor and raised his feet to the knob and used the friction available to him by virtue of his bare skin on the shiny metal of the knob and managed to turn the knob easily. He pushed the door open and entered the room. The well made bed eventually opened its sheets two his slippery oval hands. He then stopped in surprise at the material glinting back at him from the light of the bedside lamp. "She changed the sheets?" Mark said aloud. Shiny ivory-colored sheets covered the bed beneath the pillowed coverlet. A quick touch with his leg proved that it was satin, similar to the material of the robe though without the flower print. There was nothing for him to do except slip his body between the slippery sheets. It was impossible to pull the sheets around his body without the use of his hands. And even worse the act of getting into bed had caused the robe to bunch up around the waist. At that moment, there came a knock on the door. His aunt's head poked into the room. "I thought you might need help getting tucked in, handicapped like you are." She stepped further into the room. "Oh, looks like I was right." "No I'm fine," Mark said frantically trying to clamp the coverlet between his useless hands to cover his still obvious arousal. His flailing only convinced his aunt that he needed her help. "Nonsense, let me give you a hand." She came over to the bed and pulled the sheet up to his chin and carefully tucked it beneath the mattress pulling the satin tight across his body. Mark quickly used the stubs of his hands to cover his turgid genitals. His aunt ignored this however and pulled the coverlet up to his chin repeating the process she performed with the sheet. "Now the drapes in this room are quite thin, and the streetlights outside are at an unfortunate angle. I have a sleep mask in the night stand here, shall I help you?" "Uh that's ok, I'll be fine." "You better let me put it on you, and then you can slip it off if you don't like it. You can't put it on yourself and I won't be able to help you later. I'm sure you can push it off if you don't like it." Aunt Tracy reached into the night stand and pulled out an elastic circle of fabric with two larger circles that were obviously intended to cover his eyes. Mark twitched his hands to stop her but thought better of it when he bumped his erection. She placed the sleep mask over his eyes and adjusted it behind his head. It was a lot tighter than he expected and slipped comfortably into the depression created by his eyes and nose. The soft black material blocked all light. "There we go, I will see you in the morning for breakfast." Mark heard the door click shut and he raised his hands toward his face to remove the sleep mask. However, his aunt had tucked in the sheets and coverlet so securely he could not pull the tuck from between the mattresses. He slid his hands upward and tried to use his oval-shaped stumps to move the sleep mask but the elastic band was securely hugging his head and his hands were slippery enough to defeat him. He thought he could use the corner of the night stand or bed frame to hook the sleep mask band in order to pull it off but he could not sit up in bed due to the tightness of the sheets. With a lot of struggling he would eventually free himself but exhaustion was overriding his frustration and the sheets did feel nice. He floated in a cocoon of silky fabric and the resultant lust mingled with exhaustion kept him from any serious attempts at freeing himself. Sleep eventually took him. * * * "Hey Nancy, it's me Tracy," Tracy said into the phone while lounging across her bed. "You'll never believe what happened," Tracy said into the phone and detailed the events of the evening. "This idea will definitely keep him occupied over the next few days. I'm sure he was snooping around my underwear drawer. You were right on that point. And when I helped him into bed tonight he was definitely aroused." Tracy listened into the receiver. "No, he won't be wandering around. I tucked the sheets around him so tightly I doubt he can get out of bed. Plus I put a sleep mask on him." Tracy listened a few moments. "Do whatever you want, but don't hurt him." * * * To be continued... Author's Note: If you like my writing, I have written other stories with similar themes under this name. A quick search on the following two websites will get you there.

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I am Manju. In first part you read that how I got my pubic hair shaved by barber and enjoyed his fondling and massaging. I desired for sex but he did not even shown lund to me. In second part ,you read that I confessed to my daughter Neetu. On next appointment date she also undressed and asked barber to clean pubic hairs. He did and fucked her, which my daughter liked much more than chudai by husband and father in law. Then barber fucked both mother & daughter daily for next 20 days. And then...

1 year ago
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SoulmatesChapter 4

Saturday afternoon, Greg arrived home. He changed out of his suit and unpacked his suitcases. While he was unpacking, he shook his head. It was really stupid, the way that Megan had haunted his thoughts since the party. Even more since he took Amy and Megan to lunch. And then talking to her the other night had made it even worse. Every night that week as he lay in bed in his hotel room, he'd found himself wondering what she was doing. What she was wearing. If she was thinking of him. He...

2 years ago
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Car Trouble

She waved as he pulled up and parked behind her car. "How did you ever find such a back road so close to the city?" he asked with humor in his voice. "I was just trying to avoid the tollway," she explained. "Can you fix it?" she asked as they both looked at her ruined flat tire. There was an odd twisted piece of metal stuck in the side of it. "You're supposed to avoid junk like that," he teased. She looked like she might cry. "There was a car coming the other way...." He stepped up and...

Wife Lovers
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Meri Chudai

Hi, i m juhi 22 yrs old hot nd sexy gal. Aisa log mujhe kehte hai. Main jitni khoobsurat hu mera figure b utna he accha hai. 36.28.38. I hav nice and round ass jisse dekh kr acche accho k muh me pani aa jata hai. Mere society wale aksar mere bhare hue badan ko dekh rehte hai aur sach batau to mujhe accha b lagta hai. Chaliye chodiye apne bare me to main baad me bataungi pehle main aapko apni kahani sunana chahi hu meri chudai ki kahani………… 2 saal pehle ki baat hai main panjab gayi thi apne mama...

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New rules 10

This episode may stand alone but, for maximum enjoyment, I think that you should read the earlier episodes first. If you want to be reminded of the earlier episodes, there is a summary at the top of “New Rules 9” After such an incredible evening at the swingers' club of course I had to tell someone, and next morning, when Mary saw the joy written all over my face, of course she wanted to hear my story. Fortunately, since it was Sunday morning, I had plenty of time and so gave Mary a...

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I walked past the spare bedroom where my wife's older brother and wife was staying for the weekend.Both our wife's were out for lunch Richard was laying on the bed with the laptop open I walked in not realising at first he was wanking his very hard cock while looking at porn.He was very embarrassed that I had caught him wanking his quite large cock. It was then that I noticed that he was wanking with a pair of panties.I told him not to be embarrassed and confessed to him that I also like to...

4 years ago
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My mom and my cousin

I had rushed home from work so that I could have some time alone in the house before my mother and brother got home. My cousin, Ram, and he still lived with us while he worked. He enjoyed living with us, and my mother Anu, and knew that they needed to for awhile, until she got back on her feet after the divorce. It wasn’t easy for her because she had never had to work until my father divorced her. I went into my bedroom, stripped down to my briefs and shuffled through the clothes in the bottom...

2 years ago
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The Captains Wife Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Discipline at Breakfast When I awoke my first thought was that the past few days had been nothing but a dream. I was in a comfortable bed in a private cabin. Then I realized I was naked. And suddenly everything came rushing back to me and I lay back against my pillow, tears pouring from my eyes. It was all true! It had all happened, just as I had thought I dreamt it. I realized my buttocks were sore and that reminded me of how I had been displayed before all the men, the whipping,...

1 year ago
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YoungerMommy Ashley Wolf Khloe Kapri Stepmom Wont Leave Us Alone

Juan Loco has a hot new girlfriend in Khloe Kapri. There’s just one problem: His stepmom, Ashley Wolf, is really jealous of them. Every time Juan tries to get hot and heavy with Khloe, Ashley makes an excuse to walk in on them. Juan and Khloe try multiple times to get away from Ashley, but she’s persistent in following them around. The third time she walks in on the lovers, she finds her stepson’s dick in Khloe’s mouth as Khloe works on her deep throat BJ skills....

2 years ago
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Fate and Destiny Ch 06

CHAPTER 6-IDENTITY *** PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.*** ‘Noel, your mom is on the line.’ Sandy called Noel holding the phone. Noel picked the phone up and said-‘Christine, how are you?’ ‘Noel, I am your mother please call me ‘mom’ just once. I have been waiting for hearing it from you for the last two years.’ Christine answered sounding stressed. ‘Listen Christine, there may be enough proof that I am your daughter but I don’t remember anything.’ ‘But, why...

3 years ago
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Remote ViewingChapter 26

Brenda called another meeting of Talent Inc. Once again everyone gathered at my house. It was about Nathan, of course. The guy was not being harmed, and would even realize that any time had passed. He was in the 'between', after all. Still, there were people in the world who actually cared about him. "We can't leave this guy hanging in the 'between' forever. A decision must be reached. If we can't get a consensus, then a majority will have to do. I have done some serious thinking...

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Doing chores for beautiful Miss JoAnn

Ever since I started this job I’ve been going up to the offices every day. It’s like a sea of lovely girlieness, legginess and tight tops that makes my head spin. I go to deliver the mail and I often hear giggles as I can’t help staring at what the girls are wearing. I get a big stiffy under my overalls and as I walk round the desks it rubs against my underpants so when I’ve gone out the door I can turn round and look through the window at the girls and two strokes and cum is gushing into my...

4 years ago
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Harry comes around

I opened the door and let Harry in .... he smiled when he saw what I was wearing ....just barely black tights and high heels ..... he cupped my balls and gently squeezed them ''All ready  then'' he asked I nodded blushing as my cock stiffened he squeezed my balls harder making me wince.Harry let go and said ''Come on then you Bitch Boy get down on your knee's and suck me'' As he spoke he released his cock from his trousers and waggled it at me .....Thankfully he closed the door before I knelt...

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The Dolls House Hotel Chapter Nine

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Nine By AmyAmy. November 25th, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including...

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Lip and AnnieChapter 8

"You're awake! I thought I could move away from you before you realized what I was doing. I'm more than happy to be here the way we are, if it's okay by you." Robert tried to move forward a little bit to get them even closer than they already were. "I must have slipped my hand into your top during the night. I can't say that I'm entirely unhappy with that, though." He gave her breast a little squeeze before moving his fingers to tweak her nipple. Her sigh of contentment let him know...

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In the beginning chapters 1 and 2

In the Beginning. By Brenda Goodwin @2018 We were on the way to drop dad off at the train for a quick business trip to the city. I was maybe 9 or 10 years old. I loved going for the ride to the train station. No, I wasn't enamored of trains. It was what was near the station that made the drive so exciting for me. I don't know when I first noticed it, maybe a couple years ago. The train station was in the downtown area with shops lining the streets on both sides. I could see it as...

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Honors Folly

I hope everyone enjoys this story. It came out of nowhere when I was trying to finish a chapter of another story. Please tell me what you think of it, constructive criticism is appreciated. Remember to take a second or two and vote! –~~– Honoria Balcolmbe chewed nervously at her manicured fingernails. For the millionth time, she wondered how she found herself in her current situation. She was in a posh poker room at some ritzy casino on the Vegas strip, sitting off in the corner while her...

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Cat and Mouse Back Home To Kentucky

Cat and Mouse: Back Home to Kentucky By Bluto Mick Montana had been driving for seven hours straight, with only a brief stop for gas in West Virginia. He was now just outside Columbus, Ohio on I-70, close to the I-270 loop to I-71 south and the final leg of his journey from New York City to Louisville, Ky. Cat had promised to share equally in the driving, but, of course, she'd spent most of the trip fast asleep, balled-up in a fetal position in the cramped back seat of Mick's blue...

2 years ago
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Hot Hijabi Wife

One of my best friends comes from Morocco. So two years ago I went there with him to visit the country. We spent about a fortnight travelling and then chilled out a bit at his uncle’s house.This house is normally shared by lots of people. As you all know, in those regions families have really close bonds. My friend’s was no exception. In fact there were about 15 people packed in this three story house. It was a nice building located at the outskirts of Rabat, with a store that sold spices at...

1 year ago
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Fucking a Double Mastectomy

Before Gina there was Marion. Marion Montgomery.I haven’t spoken about Marion before and I don’t know why. Shame. Respect. Discretion. Cowardice. Yeah, probably cowardice.Marion was about fifteen years older than me at the time – she was just about fifty. I knew her from the local library where she worked. She was witty and intelligent and also quite religious.On occasions I would have a coffee with her and she would make me laugh with tales about the people who would come into the library. She...

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My Hot Colleague

Merry Christmas guys and gals. Hope you enjoy my new story below.My Hot ColleagueOh yeah, ahhhhhhhhhhhh feeling gr8!I am loving it. I am fucking the cute girl.....she is really hot. I can't believe this is true. "It all get started when she joined the company one month back. Linda is her name. She is 26, a true beauty, height of 5.5. She have a pleasant personality. Her body is in proper shape except her ass is bit big which makes her body appealing.Hi Linda, i said to her. She replied hi with...

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Amy Repays Her Friend Cara

Previously, Amy asked her friend Cara to help her prove or disprove that her boyfriend Roger was cheating on her. She sent her boyfriend to the shoe store where Cara works and asked Cara to try to seduce him, to see if he would remain faithful. When Amy mentioned the size of Roger’s cock, Cara became curious and then actually seduced Roger in the stockroom of the shoe store, but both swore they would never tell Cara. A few days later, Cara received a phone call from Amy. “I need to talk to you...

3 years ago
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Lose One Find AnotherEpilogue

"Good morning everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, are we ready to have these babies?" The doctor said walking into the operating room. "This is going to be a quick operation so everyone be ready." The doctor said to the assembled medical staff. Sam had our two babies naturally so seeing all of the people in the operating room was a bit surprising. Ashlee, lying on the table with a blue curtain across her chest and her arms stretched out with IV tubes stuck in them managed to say "YES!"...

4 years ago
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My Love Of Bushes

Telling my story will be a bit difficult, and some of you may find it weird, some may even think I am nuts. But, I assure you, I’ll be horny when I’ve finished.Not exactly sure how it all started but I think I’ve hated clothes all my life. Apparently, even as a toddler, I would remove my clothes every time mom dressed me. As I grew, I would come out of my room naked and mom would yell at me to get dressed. So, in fact, I stayed in my room a lot! When mom did get me to wear clothes and took me...

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Daddys Mindcontrolled DaughtersChapter 3 Daughters Pleasing Daddy

I groaned, my orgasm shivering through me, my dick lodged in Crystal’s pussy. She was the second daughter I’d fucked today. My fantasies of taking my daughters, using their underage cunts, had come to life today thanks to an impossible device. The Halo. A ring of gold housing nanites. They’d changed my mind, allowing me to rewrite the brainwaves of others and control them. I imposed my will upon two of my daughters and Crystal’s friend/lesbian lover Jessica. First, I deflowered...

3 years ago
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Sex Lies and PCRChapter 5 Air ducts

Two months were over and no, we had not changed our plans. Some doubts remained on my part, sure, but with each passing day Lillian grew more on me. We just meshed on so many levels, be it our tastes in food or our general outlook on life. There was also a growing intimacy. We learned how to please each other, no only physically but also emotionally. More and more I became convinced that accepting Lillian's deceit was a small price to pay for the wonderful companion I had found. There was...

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A Furtive Premise

A Furtive Premise by Cheltenham She had dark brown hair which currently sat in a braid that hung parallel to her breasts, down the middle of her back. Erin nervously liked to play with the ends of it. Her freckles were most prominent around her shoulders and an area on her back that I'd seen before. When she spoke, it was in a soothing tone of voice. She'd coddle me occasionally. I loved that about her and it seemed Erin realized I enjoyed those moments. Tonight, she was wearing a pair of gray...

Love Stories
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The CureChapter 59

The Ganvil naval shipyard, Naval base and the orbiting stations were coming apart under sustained fire from the 13th and 25th Fleets. Throughout the system the Hegemony desperately tried to stem the tide of the onslaught of the Allied fleets and their carefully planned, if relentless, encroachment on all the various works that studded the system. The Hegemony’s attempted defence was not made any easier by the Imperial and Melanoqui fleets with their enhanced hyperbeam weaponry which could...

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My husband and I had our ups and downs

I suppose I should feel rather guilty about what happened, but I don’t. After all, I didn’t set out to do anything wrong, only something out of my usual routine, and even that was a spur of the moment decision. I’ve wanted to tell somebody about it for a long time and now I’ve moved to a different city I’ve finally decided it’s safe to write it down. I guess all I have to say to set the scene is that at the time I was a long married department manager for...

2 years ago
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Watchman This is how I seduced my watchman; I have had my eye on my watchman for a long time, handsome, sexy, nicely built and uniformed a recipe for hunkyness all rolled into 1. Him being a Bihari I know if he is married he is separated from his wife and is living in my apartment complex in the small room behind his security cabin. I see him for the last 2-3 months sitting in my balcony and I can see him going about his daily work, when ever our eyes meet he gives me those very familiar smiles...

Gay Male
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NubileFilms Alex Coal Andi Rose A Private Lesson

Damon Dice has invited Alex Coal and Andi Rose to his house for a study session. Damon’s intentions are pure, but he doesn’t know that his students have a big crush on him. Andi and Alex hatch a plan to get into Damon’s pants, and Damon is none the wiser. Andi starts by taking off her shawl, which makes it painfully clear that she’s not wearing a bra. Alex follows suit and removes her sweater. The girls call Damon back from where he’s trying to get some work done....

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The fantastic Mr Simmons

I am going to admit it right here and right now. I love sex. I need a good drilling to keep me happy. Some girls call me a whore but they are just jealous because I got to fuck the amazing Mr Simmons. He gave me the best quickie ever. It only lasted 10 minutes because we could have been spotted anytime soon but I would give up everything to have that experience again. I had a dull office job and it was summer 2010. We were in a middle of a heat wave and our office block didn't have any air...

Quickie Sex
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VicTORIous Prison Edition

(Note: This story is based on the actresses, not the characters, so they are all of age) Everybody knows about the huge success of Nickelodeon's hit show VicTORIous. The show was an instant hit to its teen audiences, and it launched the careers of its four stars, especially that of Ariana Grande. What nobody knew about was the secret criminal organization led by those stars. Let's quickly profile the actresses/criminals: First was Victoria Justice. The beautiful brunette was the leader of the...

4 years ago
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MDMA leads to threesome

I'm 6'2 tall he's 6'0 we both maintain our body as we both are model/actor. We did many ramp shows and shoots together and follow daily workout schedule and hit the gym almost daily together... he's such good friend to me and a huge party freak! And there is my friend Angela. She was a litral bombshell, 5.8" tall brunette with 36b boobs and curvy Ass, lookalike "kat dennings" in light brown skin tone. I met her few weeks back in a ramp show she was a model and we did that show...

2 years ago
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The day after The night Sheness lost her virginity part two

He began to twist and tug on my nipples harder, I let out little whimpers as I felt my pussy start to get wet. He kept on going, My pussy was dripping wet within seconds. I felt drops of my pussy juice start to run down my thigh. I slid my hand down between my legs. Before I could touch that spot that needed my attention so badly, he caught my hand. “Awww poor little Nessa is getting all wet.” He said as if he were talking to a five year old. He pulled me up on top of him my back facing him,...

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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 5

I got dressed quickly, grabbed one of the cognac glasses that still had something in it and gulped it down before leaving. I sat in my car, sobbing. My heart was broken. Yes the cuckolding hurt but that was not the worst. She broke my trust, she ignored our safe word. That is "sacred" in the BDSM community. You never ignore a safe word. For the very least you stop what you are doing and check on your partner. It made it easier to believe that she meant all those hurtful words. Maybe I was...

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Die Stckelschuhe Episode 3 Ein Leben auf hohen Abstzen

Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 3 - Ein Leben auf hohen Abs?tzen © 2009 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Mein Herz machte einen Sprung, als die altmodische T?rglocke ihren schweren Klang verlauten lie?, der dumpf durch die m?chtige Eingangst?r drang. F?r mich war es der Moment, mit welchem ich mein bisheriges Leben beendete. Zum Umkehren war es l?ngst zu sp?t. Zu sehr hatten die Erlebnisse der letzten Tage und Monate meine Sicht auf die Dinge beeinflusst und ver?ndert. Sie hatten jenen Teil meiner Seele, d...

3 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 17 Memories and Decisions

Yankee Swap, Chapter 17: Memories and Decisions At first, some hearing returned. There were beeps and voices, and the hum of fluorescent lights. She tried to open her eyes, but it seemed everything was disconnected from her control. Even the voices seemed to be too distant or muted for her to be able to understand them. She thought about where she might be and realized it must be a hospital. After a crack like that on her head she wasn't surprised to be here, but why couldn't she...

4 years ago
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Becoming The Slut

The following week John had a few personal appearances to make. I had stopped going with him as no one was paying any attention to me. I decided to tag along with him this week as I had a plan on how I could get more attention myself. The plan I had hatched was to dress as sexy as I could to see if anyone paid me any attention. Monday night after football practice John was to go to a local sporting goods shop at the mall. The mall is not really in our hometown as it sits between two towns....

4 years ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 30 Flames

And so the little party went on. I tried my best to join in, to have fun with the friends that were laughing and goofing around all over the place. I even had a couple of young women flirting with me, trying to get me to join in a game of strip poker. I couldn't do it. There was Charlotte, always at least ten feet away from me, reminding me of everything that was simultaneously right and perfect with the world, and horribly wrong. She was so beautiful. Every laugh, every giggle, every...

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