Meagan's Tail Ch2 ...a Tail Or Two? free porn video

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Monday, July 11 2016 6:25AM Palos Verdes, California Doris stripped off her sweater in one long motion while she ran down the few steps to the pool's level and leapt into the pool in a very practiced motion of a swimmer of her skill. Her body flew to the far deep end of the pool and its deep bottom twelve feet down under the surface. There she wrapped both arms around her daughter's still body in a quick motion and kicked off the bottom back towards the surface. Meagan felt as if someone had wrapped a snake around her or something? Because her mothers hug was so strong, she tried squirming a little bit before they both broke the surface and when they finally did, Meg spit up a long stream of salty pool water into her mom's face. "What gives mom I was relaxing!" Meagan shouted and coughed out a little more water. "Relaxing...honey you were on the bottom of the pool for over five minutes at least before I saw you and jumped it!" Doris shouted back, then noticed Meg's eyes as she hugged her closer. Those strange eyes like she had only seen on sharks? That is when Meagan noticed her hands, her inhuman hands! Those hands now terrified her so badly that she screamed at the sight of them, both had elongated fingers that ended in wicked claws and had fish like webbing between all her fingers! Then add to that sight, a small fin was running down the outside of the arm on both that tapered off to end at her elbows. Her scream was cut short by Mark running to the poolside and taking the still screaming in terror Meagan from her mother's arms and laying her on the pool decking. The shocked Meagan looked to her father and that is when both of them noticed her feet were changed too! Both of the teen's feet were twins to her hands right now, the foot had elongated and ended in large claws, plus the webbing between all her toes. But in the feet's case, they both splayed out and now very much looked like the fins off of a sea creature! The newly arrived David took the words or thoughts that must have been in everyone's minds right then! "Meg you're changing into the creature from the black lagoon!" he shouted. Meagan passed out! Monday, July 11 2016 7:55AM Palos Verdes, California During the hour and a half that Meagan was out, her parents had taken her into the family room bordering the pool's door and laid her down on a couch. David had fetched towels to help dry her off while Doris had checked on the teen's vials and Mark watched over both while mumbling out slowly..."Damn that family curse!"...'well' he mumbled it until Doris finally overheard what he was saying. "What MARK...what family curse!" she shouted at her man, while dozens of whys or what's played through the mothers mind. From curses on the family line that would get them all, to just the kids or all of them dying some day very soon! "I should have told you...all of you..." he tried to start. "WHAT Mark...out with it, told us what!" she demanded now and laid Meg's head on a pillow, now sure that she was okay for the time being? "My GGma or great grand ma, many more times 'great' than you could even think of...well she is one of the queens of the ocean...she is a Fae, in a sort of kind of way?" he cringed, when his wife glowered at him. "What does that mean to Meg, too us!" Doris demanded and started shaking her man by the loose shirt he still had on from sleeping last night. "I knew about all of this since I was about ten, my parents told me the whole story one night?" he cringed as she let him sit back down on the couch next to Meg. "What...go on Mark!" she roared out at him. "GGma is a true Queen of the seas and she has seven handmaidens that our her direct children in a way? And I am one of those descendants." Mark said. "You mean we are royalty dad!" his son interrupted and David stopped asking his next eager question because of his mom's burning harsh stare! "Well what my mom and dad told me was that if one of the handmaidens died. The oldest of the newest generation of our family would be called to fill the position and that means changing into one of them for the most part?" "You mean MY DAUGHTER is becoming a fish!" Doris screamed! "No honey she is not?" he said and looked down at his still unconscious daughter, and saw that the webbed hands and feet were slowly disappearing. "See honey she is going back to normal as she dries out!" "Normal...normal is not changing into a fish when you get wet!" she shouted at him and smacked him across the face, he knew that he had earned that one and maybe several more before the day is over! "You mean...if I slash water on Meg, she will become a fish again...too cool!" David smiled evilly. Both parents jaws dropped at that statement and Doris was the first to react to her son, "DAVID ALLEN LER....Ohhh you even do that to your sister and I will ground you for life or beat the tar out of you!" she warned like only a mother could by using her son's FULL name. "I second that and will do far worse...son," Mark warned in concert with his wife. "Ohhh no you won't! You are in enough trouble MARK and I want more...a longer, more detailed explanation...AND I want it right darn now!" "Well I don't know too much, that darn thing skipped over me and I had hoped it would pass by Meg too? Heck the darn thing skipped the whole last five generations of my family that I know of?" "So you're telling me if this... had this person died sooner you would have had all of this happen to you instead?" Doris asked, while considering all of her options right now and one of those was divorcing MARK! "Dad told me, yep this would happen and I would not be a guy when it happen or when it was done with me?" he admitted. "Ohh shit, you mean dad would be a chick...a mermaid!" David laughed. "And if your sister're next one in line David!" Mark told the boy and the look of shock covering the teens face was epic! "No....ohh shit," he shook Meagan a little trying to wake her, "hey you have to pull through, I DO NOT want to be a chick or a fish!" "MARK you are scaring our son!" Doris yelled again. "Don't worry honey, Meg is just fine and from what little I know, she is very hard to hurt or kill outright and will be even harder to injure as she grows older?" Mark said as he tried recalling all of what his father had said or his mother? "So what happens to my baby girl now?" the worried mother asked. "Well... I am not sure, I do know my or our GGma is on her way to here and she certainly will help us. I remember dad saying this...when it happened in the far past, the last time. The girl or guy in question would know it was coming and was normally an adult by then, so they would have had some kind of training before the change even took place?" Mark pondered over his nearly forgotten memories from back then to both of them. Meg woke up slowly as both parents were talking and looked down at her body, then waved one of her hands past her face to see if her hand was normal. It all looked very normal to her now, was it all a dream or a nightmare! She rechecked both of her hands again, then both feet and found nothing amiss! "Mom, dad...what happened?" she asked the two arguing adults. "Ohh baby, you're okay!" Doris yelped as she bent over to hug Meg fiercely. "Am I 'okay' mom? I was a monster...and he called me the creature from the black lagoon!" she shouted out, while pointing at David. "Meg, I am sure...very sure that 'David' is sorry for saying that?" her mother said and warned the boy with a harsh 'mad mother' stare. "Ohh shit, I did change...what happened...." she asked finally realizing it was not a dream and started hyperventilating, then started shaking like a leaf. "Yes Meg, that all changed honey. But please calm down, it will be all okay...I promise you?" Doris said while hugging her daughter harder and trying to sooth the scared out of her mind teen girl. "Peanut, you changed because of the family business...your GGma is a like a queen mermaid in a way and she called upon you because one of her's died...I think?" Mark tried to explain. Meagan gasped out, "I am a mermaid, not a creature or a monster?" "Yes in a way, I think...but I am not too sure? Because no one told me...that you can control these changes and changes into what?" Mark questioned himself and his memory. "So what...what do I" Meg stuttered out. "Well like lots of kids that go gene active in their teen years or other times in their lives. You will learn honey, it's all part of growing up these days?" her mother consoled Meg and looked into her eyes to wipe away the welling tears. "Will I have to leave with GGma?" "No I don't think so honey, she will not need you until you are an adult or trained in your new powers at the very least?" Mark smiled hoping his short explanation was enough and right? "What powers dad...what powers do I have?" she asked starting to get scared again, "I don't want to be a monster and hurt both of you?" That is when Meagan's body reacted to her will or the lack of it and her skin suddenly changed to that of stinging nettles that a jellyfish might have for defense. When those stingers became fully ready, they stung Doris who unwrapped Meg from her arms because of the burning pain she was suddenly in and looked down at both of her arms that were covered in growing red spots! "Ohhhhhchh!" Doris yelled out while running off into the kitchen with her son right behind her. Mark stayed just long enough to examine Meagan's newly changed skin and figured out what it was that had hurt his wife! "Get the vinegar David and honey wash your skin with sea water. Meg developed jellyfish stingers because I bet she is scared?" he bellowed out while running into the kitchen, then grabbing some baking soda off the shelf and he took a bottle of vinegar from the boy's hand that David found in another cabinet." Now go get a bowl of sea water out of the pool son!" Doris knew what he was doing, both parents did and so did the kids. This family played in the ocean all it's life and being stung by a jellyfish was a very normal happening. David came back with a huge bowl of water from the pool and Doris quickly started to wash her skin off of anything that might still sting her. Mark grabbed a set of rubber gloves to help her, while David stirred up some of the vinegar and baking soda in a clean bowl stolen from the dishwasher. He helped to spoon the salve on his mother's arms and stop the pain, plus soothe the burning she felt. Meg walked into the room hugging herself scared out of her mind mumbling out over and over "I am so sorry mom...I did not mean to hurt you?" "David please take your sister carefully back out to the family room while I help your mother and don't touch her...Meg calm down honey, we have it all under control and it's a small mistake, we have it all fixed." "Yes listen to your father, hon. I am fine," Doris spoke through her clenched teeth, "please be calm and try to fix your skin a little...for me?" the mother smiled to her girl as David pulled on a pair of rubber gloves and helped his sister back into the family room. A short time later, after David had helped his sister calm down with some breathing exercises he had learned in Karate class. Both parents walked back out to the family room and sat down. Doris had both arms now covered in a gel to ease the pain and heal the stung irritated skin. Meg so wanted to hug her mom right now, but Doris pulled away at her coming too close, "Not now honey, let the gel work and then I can hug you?" "I am so sorry I......" she trailed off crying, but stopped when David hugged her instead. "Hey , you goofed sis? Don't worry you'll get a hang of this stuff and do way cool things real soon. AND just think about it, maybe you control water and can make surf 'IN' the pool!" he smiled to her. "Actually I think you might be able to do that...when you learn and get a little older?" Mark wondered. "See you are cool now sis...just think of getting Susan Jones all wet! You know that one bitchy girl who thinks that her shit smells sweet and all because 'daddy' is a billionaire...F-her!" he laughed sarcastically Meg joined in on the laughter, "Yep all wet and who knows what else too!" she added in. After Meg had calmed down a little more and Mark had tried to explain what he knew or remembered to his daughter. She stood up off the couch, then walked out to the pool deck wanting to try out something and be alone for a short while. Just outside of her parents sight, she sat down on the pools deck and lowered her legs into the warm water. When she saw no instant changes in either of her legs or feet, she thought about them, then concentrated on them and soon enough her feet fanned out into two very large fins with sharp talons ending on each toe! Meg examined the length of her arms, finding them both unchanged and decided to give that a try too! And they did indeed change at her will, but she found that just like before? That she had trouble changing them back to normal until she had dried both of them out fully. She thought that was strange, having control to make changes to her body and not to make a changer going back to normal? Now Meg wanted to try out the last part running in her mind, to become an Ariel mermaid! So she slipped into the water past her waist and floated in the warm salt water of the family pool thinking of the changes she wanted. Meg closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on what she wanted her legs to do, to be! That is when she felt a sharp pain that vanished in a heartbeat, then she opened her eyes and found her torn bathing suit bottom floating on top of the water. Meg giggled as she flipped that torn piece of cloth out of the water and took note that it was ruined for good, all the side was torn and the ties had ripped away! Her hands slid down her sides till they stopped feeling skin and now felt the smoothness of her new scales! She slid her head under the water and pulled in a lung full of the pool's water. Then held it in hoping that she was right and breathed out gasping, no drowning, nothing at breathing regular air! When her mouth let the last of the trapped air bubbles in her lugs pop free and drift up to the surface. Meg made up her mind to try swimming and her fin did one powerful kick and that one flip of her tail sent her flying across the pool at high speed where she bonked her head on the far side of the pool's wall. "OOOCH!...Darn I move fast with a tail!" she squealed in pain rubbing her hurt head under the water and heard herself perfectly! With a sight bend to what she thought was knees still, she could examine that long tail closer as she floated at the pool's bottom, her hands traced along its smooth surface and then out to the tail fin itself. "God this is so smooth!" she sang out into the water. After some testing out, she quickly found that her leg bones were completely gone and that the tail must have something like a 'spine' shooting out of her backbone and that was from her hips all the way down to the start of the tail fan at the end. When she flexed what she thought was 'toes' the fin wigged about and 'knees' being bent was the whole tail bending for the most part! One thing she did notice is that this whole new tail was FAR longer than her old legs, yet strangely thicker and that made her wonder where the 'extra' her came from? Meagan was done and bored with all of this self exploration and she though to get out of the pool...'now how to do that?' she thought bobbing at surface along the pools edge. "Well here goes nothing?" she smiled and gave her tail a huge kick that sent her flying out of the water. Now flying through the air she quickly found that she had overshot the mark by yards...not feet! So her body twisted by reflex 'just so' to send it back a little towards landing on the pool deck and not in her mother's prized flower bed! That hard landing sounded exactly like what it was...A wet fish slamming into wood decking and concrete! Meg grimaced instantly at the echoing sound and knew her family would rush to be at her side because of it!. She smiled from flopping around on the pool's deck over to her shocked mom and dad just arriving, then all David could do was laugh at her when he noticed that she was just fine and smiled to her "Cool I have Ariel for a sister!" "Hi mom, Hi dad" she waved from the ground, "I had to try it out and now could someone hand me a dry towel... I seem to have issues with changing back to normal when I am wet it seems?" Meg tried very hard to sound nonchalant as she spoke. As she dried off her longer tail, both parents sat on a lounge chair utterly silent and Meg had to ask David for one more towel to cover up with...her suit was toast! All four of them sat or laid silently as she dried off and slowly, ever so slowly her feet changed back from a flipper, then split to become feet, then split farther up her legs until the whole tail was gone. "Well that took long enough, Daryl Hanna made it look easy when she FLOPPED out of the tub in 'Splash' and it only took her a minute to change?...Why is that dad?" she asked the puzzled father who only stared at his little girl turned fish? "Well one idea Meg, is that...she was older and knew how and you don't...yet? Or she was different than you, or written differently for the movie plot than what happens in real life?" her mom suggested as she was still taking it all in! "How about we go get some breakfast or something?" her dad suggested just as Doris's phone beeped from the family room, where it was charging and she wanted it close by if needed to call 911! "Shoot that is the doctor's appointment, we can skip it?" she suggested. "Nope mom, I want all of this mess over with and done...But I bet the doc makes me go to a government testing place any hoot!" Meg growled. "Well if he does, there happens to be one inside that building too and we can get it all done in a few hours?" her mom offered back quickly, knowing that deep anger might make Meagan manifest into something far worse this time? Monday, July 11 2016 10:15AM Palos Verdes, California Medical center Meg's mom is many things and top most she is very efficient! Doris had the first open slot for the family doctor booked this morning and was there explaining or Meg was explaining what had happened over the weekend and especially this morning! After one try at explaining, the doctor called in a specialist from a Metahuman testing center that happened to be in the building...."So let me get this can change into aquatic based forms and nothing else when wet and you can will it...then have issues with changing back unless your body is dry?...." their doctor asked once again...for the fourth time. "And add to that....has anything else happened or a history of this in the family...last three generations is the most we consider...please?" the new doctor asked farther. "Yep to most of that doc!...I change to fish stuff and I can change wet or dry...remember I told you, that I stung mom when I got all scared and stuff?" Meg said slowly, trying to keep the doctors on track. "I do," the doctor nods. "And other stuff or powers that I can see?" "Humm...well all I can say is this little idea, let's get you down to the labs in my office downstairs and test you more fully. We have some of the best equipment in the nation down there and we will figure most of this out...with your help?" he asked them both, rather than demanding. "I'm not sure?" Meagan worried out nearly silent as her head fell to her chest with a long sigh. "Honey, we have to need to know and we can go from there?" her mom said while hugging Meg so very close. Monday, July 11 2016 3:45PM Palos Verdes, California Metahuman Testing Center "Well ladies we are done and Meagan you can get dressed again behind the privacy blinds while I tell you and your mother about what we discovered?" The head of the lab told her while taking a seat across the room at this work desk and the doctor that had offered this service to them stood next to the desk while going over a stack of files in his arms. "Okay?" Meg groaned while getting up and making sure the thin robe covered her body. "Well little lady you are one complicated case, first off we are sure...very sure, that you are a developing shape shifter and for now I would classify you as a low level that will certainly grow to a very high level...from say a three on our scales to a seven maybe eight out of ten and tens are very...heck extremely rare," What does that mean sir?" Meg asked squirming back into her pants and her mom seemed to be letting her daughter take the lead in all of it was her life? "At this time and level of training or experience, you will have to think very hard on changing and be dry it seems, to 'key' a change back to normal. BUT remember you need some kind of training, your stinging your mother shows that and that you will lose some control when very emotional, thus reacting and changing without conscious thought." he warned her. "Okay...I'll look into that for Meg." said Doris who glanced over her shoulder to check on how her daughter was coming along and seeming to be feeling or reacting to the news? "Then we found that you have some base magic ability...You will have to go take testing with the Ministry of Fae for that, the brits are the best in that area." he said next, while flipping a few pages and large charts over to his next step. "I am magical!" Meg gasped out while poking her head out from the privacy blinds "It seems so, right now just barely enough for us to show it here with our tests...but it's most certainly there and needs to be checked before you POOF someone into a rabbit or something?" he laughed out trying to lighten the mood some for the teen. "So they are the only ones who test magic?" Doris asked. "Yep mom, we had a whole week about this in my eighth grade class. The brits have been dealing with magic off and on for nearly a hundred years in public and well over five hundred in secret stuff!" Meg said while taking a seat back on the rooms exam table. "Also you are now what we all call an Exemplar, right now you are just below a level two and that makes you stronger than most humans your size, age and gender. But that seems to be changing to higher as you grow older? Well will see about that, but my bet is on a five or six out of ten one day...about when you are twenty or so and full grown." the lead doctor added as he flipped the file closed. "So what does Exemplar do for My daughter Meg?" Doris quizzed the man with a squint of not understand all of this. "Well she will be stronger, far stronger over time. Faster, then add very much smarter. So smart in fact that I would strongly recommend that she be sent to a special school that handles Meta's far better than the public system can or will?" he suggested and handed the mother a shiny pamphlet on the list of schools across the was a very, very short list! Then add most were government sponsored on some part? "Mom, I don't want to leave you all behind and go off to some old dusty boarding school...Mooooommmm?" Meagan whined to all present her opinion on the matter. "Meagan," the doctor started softly, "You are sure to get very bored at your current school as your get brighter and brighter...then add some of the schools on that list can train your powers better and I am sure that there are some even not on that list, that might want you enrolled in them too....a good Exemplar invents who knows what and that makes money in the end?" "I'll look into it for her doctor, but is there anything more?" the mother asked with a nod as she gathered up Meg's belongings and helped her out with a backpack. "One thing, Meg must stay vigilant." the two ladies looked at the doctor, as he started, " she has shown a shape shift when stressed emotionally and might do so a very dangerous way?" he added. "Doc, are you sending that report to my school?" Meg had to ask, as in the rest of the US that was not as Meta friendly like California was...they told your school and local cops...if you might be dangerous and then had a time limit to get tested federally, then obtain an ID card! "By California sanctuary law and medical privacy laws. I can't tell them anything, under a federal lab's rules...they would make you get a DEHA card, but until you leave the state none is required and only obtaining a MCA card is advised?" "A what card...I never had this in my schooling?" Doris questioned. "A...MCA card is a Metahuman Control Agency, that is a cali only ID mom. And a DEHA card is feds, the Department of Exo-human Affairs...then add the Ministry of Fae for magic stuff or creatures on top." "So you might need all of them someday?" Doris had to ask her better informed daughter. "Yep and I might need one from the Ministry of Fae creatures four, or MF4 to some" she laughed at the joke in her mind...MF...Mother fucker! That some of the class's boys had called it. "and that will happen because I park my unicorn in the driveway and it will need its farts regulated!" she broke out laughing, recalling the joke from her class on this very subject. "Ohh Meg, enough of the jokes please?" her mom asked while shaking her head to the girl's antics. As both ladies started to leave the exam room, the doctor remembered one more thing, "You might see sudden growth spurts or worse...if you feel really off physically or mentally or have a high fever or lastly pass out...go to a hospital immediately please. Sometimes this process comes in leaps and not a slow steady change?" he warned. Monday, July 11 2016 5:55PM Palos Verdes, California Meg was finally at home and feeling a little bit safer now, plopped into one of the huge couches in the family room and her father Mark could tell that she was upset, plus a little scared at it all. "Well peanut, what did the mad scientists say?" he jested, trying hard to lighten the teen's sullen mood. As David took a spot in one of the deep chairs across from her, Meg began with a long sigh, "Well I can shape-change into aquatic based forms, I am an Exemplar one and growing to a two soon. Then add to all of that mess, they are sure that I have some kind of magical power and who knows what else on top...I have to go for testing for the magic part at one of the Ministry of Fae offices and then to the feds if I want to travel outside of state or the US dad..." "It will okay honey, now we know what to do next and we will all do it together with you...this family stands together as always." her dad's nearly muffled words said as he hugged her close. "But...but dad they said I might have to go away for school or training?" she cried into his side. "Then we all go and this family will be as close to that school as we can be...even if I have to build that house myself!" he promised her. Outside of the large family home down the street heading towards the beach. A line of four vehicles rolls up the street in a perfectly spaced line, One SUV at the lead, one large top of the line limo and two more SUV's quickly followed the pack. The first SUV stopped nearby the home's long drive, but strangely did not drive up it. The limo passed by it, then stopped for but a second at the home's automatic gate and it swung open even though no one swiped a card past its sensors. This sensor and the attached security system was top notch, the best money could buy...So why did it open so easily? The limo sped to the top of the drive and slowed to a stop. The second SUV followed it, stopping ahead of it inside the large parking area of the home and it disgorged four large men that looked the area over quickly for any threats. Now one of the men opened the limo's rear driver side passenger door opened for a very young lady to exit and she quickly walked over to the rear passenger door to open the door and waited for an middle aged woman to exit. This middle aged woman was dressed in the latest fashion, had a little jewelry here and there on her body, but it was very expensive in appearance. In her case it looked very much like 'less was more' and that 'more' being very expensive! The younger girl led the way for the lady, while clutching a leather files case/briefcase to her chest. One of the large guard like men, moved quickly to take the lead and knocked on the door for the whole party, while very much filing the whole doorway with his size! When Mark heard the knock at the home's door, he stood up wondering, "Who could that be at this hour...if it was the neighbors they usually call first in case we are going out?" After he walked to the door, he touched a panel next to the door and a screen lit up showing a very large, but well dressed man filling the door camera's view..."Who in the heck is that!" he almost shouted out to his assembling family filling in right behind him. That is when the middle aged lady shoved the bigger man aside with incredible ease, "Samson, you might be giving my family the wrong impression!" she smiled at the camera like she 'knew' that she was being watched...."Let us in Mark...It's your GGma Dana honey, I am here to see Meagan!" she sang like an angel to the camera. Mark instantly obeyed the voice that sang to him and the door slid its huge bolt open as a motor swung the heavy door open. The older lady slipped in past her man and the younger looking assistant next to him. She hugged the very still standing Mark, then gave him a kiss and then pinched his cheek..."Now please Mark show GGma that lovely beautiful girl of yours....and I mean Doris!" she sang once again to Doris already standing there and right behind her was the two kids. "Ohhh there she is!" GGma sang as she gave Doris a quick peck on the cheek and then swept up the teen girl into a huge warm hug, "there is my brave girl, I am so sorry about should have been prepared...But! We did not know this was coming, poor Boann died so very suddenly and this burden hit you my dear." Mark pondered to the woman as he finally spun around to her, "GGma, I remember your name being something very different...when I was a kid?" he questioned. "Ohhh yes it was" she laughed, letting go of Meg and a small wave of her well manicured fingers played at the air, "It's such a bother to change it every twenty or thirty years or so! These silly humans, so inquisitive and full of wonder? They seem to take interest in some of us beings living so very long like I have and I have to keep them away from the family don't I dear?!" "Ahh yes...I guess?" Mark said wondering. "What is the family secret!" David shot out his question to the lady. "Well deary, I am Queen of one the seas...well one of seven actually. Your God like men...they have to have more than one that rascal Poseidon of mine!" she smiled to the boy as her hand rubbed his hair into a mess. "Now Mark my grandson, lets have a family chat...shall we?" Dana asked while leading the way back to the family room at a quick pace as her heels clicked on the flooring. Once the family had followed her, she waved them to all sit down and then took a place in one of the huge love seats, then pulled Meg over to her with a firm hand, "Meg. please be a deary and sit next to me...we are closer now and you are the main reason why I am here tonight my dear..." Meg did sit next to her, but kept a small distance as best she could on the smaller loveseat. The younger lady, now had two of the large men layout trays of snacks fetched from the back of one the SUV's and a large ice filled golden bucket of sodas and a few beers! GGma or Dana smiled to the younger woman, "Thanks Doris, please stay nearby if I need anything?" "Her name is Doris too?" the mother thought out as she smiled to the younger lady or assistant it seemed to GG'ma Dana. "Of course it is...Doris was the goddess of the sea's bounty and wife of Nereus in Greek mythology. Most of my handmaidens take the names of older sea goddess and switch from time to time to keep prying humans away." "So she is one of your handmaidens GG'ma or is it Dana?" Meg asked the woman sitting next to her. "Whatever name makes you feel safe and comfortable...that is the one I will love you by," she said hugging the teen once again and pulling her a little closer. "I prefer GG'ma...because like you change your name all the time and GG'ma is more permanent or personal for our family times together," she bubbled a little growing more comfortable with the woman. "Good choice Meg, you are a very bright one indeed and I see some of your father in that." Dana praised the teen. "So if or when I am ready...I will be like her, following you around and helping?" Meg questioned while studying the woman standing in the kitchen doorway. "No not necessarily, Doris there was the best of my handmaidens at this task, she just loves the organizational challenge being my only direct assistant offers her and the six other handmaidens I have? Well some run the companies I own, others run efforts to keep our oceans cleaner, a few run efforts to make sure the seas bounties are looked after and shared among the humans of the world." "Okay, so there are a few jobs to do, but what happened to the one person dad said I was replacing?" the teen asked. "Poor Boann died in an accident, her plane crashed while she traveled running one of my ocean salvage companies...she was flying across Africa where the plane went down and normally my handmaidens are a very sturdy folk? But her plane crashed many miles and several hours from any help, then add in the middle of a desert...the heat and lack of water to heal her...that is what really killed her in the end." GG'ma said as she choked back her growing tears. "She lived through a plane crash?" David asked being a very curious kind of kid. "In this case yes she indeed did, it landed a bit more than smacked into the ground. Since she was very strong and hard to hurt...she lived. But miles of waterless desert killed her, because there was no water to help heal what wounds she did have." she told him and her eyes glistened with tears from remembering the girl or even thinking of how she died. "So I am replacing her GGma?" Meg had to ask. "If you want too deary, I don't force my family to serve are free to choose or not to?" "Really and what if I choose what I want right now?" "Ahhh Meagan that is not how this works, first you have to be a full adult to choose and being older gives you the wisdom to choose correctly and wisely." "How much older?" Meg inquired with a lift of her brow to the lady. "Well humans say eighteen is enough, but the universe that I must obey and you will too? It says that twenty is old enough to choose and I bet you are thinking...why so much older? Because after you will live a far longer life!" "And what if I" "Well it falls to the next in line to choose and that would be David!" "WHAT ME!" the boy teen shouted out, as he rocketed up out of his seat. "Yep, you are the next oldest in your generation and the next in line to be fated with this choice...dear one?" "Ohh HECK no! Would that mean I change into a chick and a mermaid!?" he shouted. Dana simply smiled to the boy, "Yes it would...that is if Meg choose not to take the honor and then it falls to you...from your change or changes you would have three years to choose for yourself?" "Ohhh SHIT FUCKING NO! Meg you have to take this....I don't want to be a chick damn it!" he shouted and stormed from the room. "David...come back now!" Dana sang at the boy's back with a shout and he spun on his heels like a robot and sat back down. "Since you vehemently said no...This would fall on the next in line, I had hope you might have wanted this gift if your sister said no...but the offer of it still might change your mind in time David." "How did you do that to me? Make me walk back and sit down!" he asked, no really demanded from her. "The sirens song boy, all of my kind can control humans with a word or song." she admitted to the teen. "Cool power, will I have it too?" Meg wondered out loud. "Yes soon enough, you will learn how to do or use it and when not do so?" she informed the girl with a short hug. "But let me tell you all how this will work out for Meagan and the family?" Dana started and for the next few hours she told the whole family her plans for Meg, plus how the family could help her grow. Over an hour later, meg interrupted her GGma, " So I can change into whatever sea creature I want to and will have a power over water?" "For the most part deary, you will have to learn control and that will take time. Most of my handmaidens in the past, we knew far ahead of time that one of them was passing because of old age or decided to give up her position for a family life? So we had time to train a young one like yourself far better or approach them after they became an adult?" "So that is what happened when Meg stung me with jellyfish nettles last night!" Doris asked the older woman. "Ohh my she stung you?" she asked and Doris slid up one of her blouse sleeves to show the still red marks, "Ohhh well let my Doris heal that right up for you while we speak more!" and she waved to the waiting assistant over to help the injured mother. Doris, GGma's assistant knelt at the mother's side, then asked for one of the larger men to fetch her a bowl of sea water from the pool, then seemed to put a glowing hand into the silver bowl of water and she then used it as a salve on the mother's arms. As she worked the now magically thickened gel over Doris's skin, it glowed a little with each pass and the injury lessened until it vanished from sight, "There ma'am all done!" she smiled a few minutes later, then stood up to take the bowl back to the kitchen. "GGma...the testing place said I might have to go away to a boarding school or someplace to learn my new powers better?" Meg worried out, then seemed to choke back some tears from her growing fears. "I will pay for that if needed and send you a mentor to help train you, plus watch over your safety...he should be here very soon?" Dana wondered silently what was taking Bruce so long to show up and be at this girl's side? "See Meg, you are getting a personal trainer and that will help a little!" her mother grinned to the nearly crying teen, who's only reply was to sink her head even lower from her growing sadness and fear of being parted from family. "I am sorry this happened to you like this! But over my long life this has only happened once before when one of my handmaidens was killed and that in that matter, death was caused by another god like being and it or he fixed the issue...or really helped A LOT with the new girl!" "GG'ma, so you are saying that if Meg says no I can say no and it or this passes to another?" David had to ask after pondering the question all this whole time. "Yes honey, but you too can serve the family or your sister...that is what Bruce...Meg's new mentor is, he was a brother to one of my handmaidens long ago and still he helps her out once and awhile too?" "Is he a mermaid now?" he had to ask. "Nope...the spirits of the seas have many forms and not all of them are mermaids...some are very much male just like you are...but who knows? You might like being a mermaid or a sister to your kin, my newest handmaiden...if she chooses so?" "I will think about that one?" David offered back, then leaned back into his couch pondering what all that meant! "Well I should be going for the night, I might drop by tomorrow my dears and Meg here is a personal phone that has my number on the top of the list, it can reach me at anytime!" GG'ma said tossing the teen a cutting edge cell phone. "Are you sure you don't want to stay GG'ma, we do have the free room?" Mark asked as he stood up to help her with the door, but one of the large men beat him to it! "Ohhh no Mark, my yacht is in the bay...heck you can see it from here and that is where I will be spending the night." She guided Meg over to the doorway, leaned down to the teen and then pointed to the LARGE yacht or SHIP in the bay, "See honey, if you need me? That is where I will be and I have a hovership in the storage bay on the top deck to fly over if you need me in an emergency!" she grinned over to the teen. "Ohh my god that thing is HUGE!" David gasped out at seeing the vessel. It was well over eight hundred feet long, seven decks high over the main deck and had a large hanger sitting back on the rear most deck. A few speed boats over fifty feet long slipped into a dock built into the ships aft end! The lights of the whole ship blazed brightly filling the bay with light from above and below the water. "See Meg, I can watch over you from right there and will be there for you for as many days or weeks that this takes?" "How do you afford a boat that HUGE GG'ma?" David asked, then rushed over to grab a set of binoculars form the cabinet next to the door to see the ship clearer. "Well the queens of the seven seas know where everything is in our oceans or don't really think my salvage companies find all those shipwrecks filled with gold doubloons by ya?" she giggled to the boy now glued to the binoculars and studying the yacht better. "Ha I always thought something was up like that..." Mark laughed. "Here let GG'ma give ya a gift...but don't let anyone know about them or see them!" she said while nodding to her assistant, who gave each of them a gold doubloon date marked '1556'. "Those are from our latest find off Florida and each is easily worth three thousand!" she hugged both and started walking out to her waiting limo, "Meg call me if you need anything...even if you just want to talk?" Doris GG'ma's handmaiden and assistant paused at Meg's side, "My number is in there too, if you want to talk to one of us handmaidens...girl to girl you know?" she whispered and smiled to the teen, then sped off to keep up with her fast moving boss! Tuesday, July 12 2016 4:55AM Palos Verdes, California Meagan had gone to sleep last night with dozens of ideas on what her future might be flying through her mind and sleep surprisingly came easy when she thought that she heard a song wafting through her window form the bay? Her feet hit the floor as she roiled out of bed before the crack of dawn and surprisingly did so without the help of an alarm clock that normally jolted her out of bed. Meg walked over to her sliding door going out to the home's balcony and went outside wrapped in her robe. She shivered a bit, the fog had rolled in this morning and covered the whole bay, thus hiding GG'ma's ship from view...but Meg knew somehow it was still there? As she started to slide the door closed behind her, a fog horn sounded out from the ship like it was saying good morning to only sounded once. She smiled to the sound, GG'ma must know that Meg was awake, fog or no fog and just said hello! So Meg rushed into her brother's room and shook his bed to wake him, "David let's get up and go surfing before mom gets up, that cool fog we both love is in and no one will be out in the bay with it so thick out there!" David swatted a hand at her a few timers before he woke up fully to realize what Meg as asking for and when he did...he leapt out of bed to run past her into the hall bathroom, "I got dibs!" he shouted slamming the door closed to her surprise! Soon enough both teens were flying down the hill hidden from view on their respective rides, both yelled in the fog the joy of challenging the fog at such high speeds and soon they ran onto the chilly beach with boards in hand, then ran into the surf line then swam out into the bay. The two of them had found the bay empty of all other persons because of the cold fog, this why they cherished these times. They had the beach, the waves, the whole thing to themselves! Meg had rode a few very nice waves into shore while her brother surfed the waves crashing onto the beach, now she was floating waiting for the next set a waves to show up and she heard a nasally voice suddenly behind her, "Plumber!" Meg spun to see who or what was there and found nothing on the waters surface around her, "Now that was strange I am sure I heard something say...plumber?" Now the nasally strange voice said off to her right where she was not looking, "Telegram!" "What the fuck is going on here!" she shouted at seeing nothing on her right. Now the strange voice was behind her again, "Flowers!" it said with a small splash clueing her into it might be a diver playing with her, but she looked down into the water and saw nothing to note or bubbles saying a diver was swimming around below her! Then the voice twanged out, "Plumber ma'am!" "Ohhh fuck this shit, I had better go in!" she shouted into the dense fog surrounding her. "Candy Gram!" the whinny voice sang out from behind her again, just out of sight and Meg spun around searching for the person playing with her, but once again found nothing! Now Meagan spotted a large fin slicing though the water to her left, "Ohh shit, that is a Great white shark's fin!" It vanished with a plop of water as the shark dove, then Meg heard from behind her again, "I am a Dolphin ma'am!" "Ohhh heck you are not!" she shouted while paddling quickly towards shore, then luckily a wave swelled up and carried her the rest of the way into the shallows where a shark could not swim! Meg tossed her surfboard onto the beach and plopped down next to David who was very busy putting a new fin on his board because the last one had busted in the surf. "There is someone out there fucking with me David and I saw a Fucking Great white too!" she told him and both searched the fog covered water for a person or that strange fin! "Really! I don't see any fins?" David said finally shoving the boards new fin in with a click that told him it was now locked firmly in place. "Ohh its swimming around out there...somewhere, I saw it! And then add someone was fucking with me by saying...candy gram...or telegram or plumber for fucks sake!" That is when the water splashed in front of them just as a huge fin came closer to shore, now a gray white tail flapped against the waters of the shallows and finally as both teens watched on with their mouths agape. A huge shark stood up out of the waves on two large human like legs, it shook its large head side to side like it was getting a 'kink' out and started walking their way with its long tail dragging in the sand behind it! "Ohh shit a walking shark?" David yelled! "Yes a walking shark." it said now...."A LANDSHARK!" it laughed out to them through rows of very sharp teeth! "A what?" Meg asked shooting up to her feet and getting ready to run. "Landshark or call me a Jehovah's witness for the heck of it!" the eight foot tall sea creature laughed out! Then shook its tail out better so it could sit down on the sand near them. "What the heck are you?" Meg had to ask the creature that was changing into more and more like a regular human as both its head and body shrank down. "Well miss Ler, I am Bruce....your new mentor, have a seat and lets talk a little?" he introduced himself as.

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Was It A Dream ch2

I sat upright in bed, and noticed I wasn’t wearing a nightie and my pussy and ass were on fire. Was it a dream, or was Michael really there. I looked around the room and didn’t see any signs that told me he had been. I put my nightie back on, crawled out of bed, and went into my computer to see what was happening online, maybe I would find someone there exciting to talk too. After turning the computer on, I chatted with a few people, but the conversations was boring, so I logged off. I sat...

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I want you for Christmas CH2

Chapter 2 Kelly awoke first thing in the morning shivering like always. Her parents apartment did not have a good heating system forcing her to have to dress warm even when in the house at night. That did not help her mood from the snowball attack the day before. She was just starting to feel a little sorry for the way she reacted but she was too cold to really give a damn at that moment in time. When she rolled out of her bed she took her heavy blanket with her. She grabbed some heavy...

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Hell Hath No FuryCh2

Introduction: Please read Ch1 before you begin this part as it will make much more sense.This chapter isnt nearly as long as the first thankfully. Hope you enjoy. Ch3 is finished on paper, I have yet to copy it to the computer though. Currently working on Ch4. Thanks for reading. Hell Hath No Fury&hellip, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and poor Derrick had yet to come to that conclusion. Hed get his in due time, Gabby and Jacob would see to that. Before work Gabby stopped to...

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A happy life begins young Ch2

The story you are about to read is actually true, unlike a lot of stories which are listed as a true story here. As you will find out I had very little education and my only exposure to writing/grammar was magazines and the very few books I found and hid away. If you would like to copy, amend and send back to me without errors that would be welcomed, if you are the grammar police I would suggest you get your thrills elsewhere. Please do not copy this text to any other sites without my...

2 years ago
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Watching Anna Ch2

Shortly after I witnessed my wife in the garden at the party I had to confront her. I had so many mixed emotions about what I had witnessed I couldn’t keep them in any longer. I won’t go into all the details of what happened as they aren’t erotic. But there was some arguing, crying and hugging, a lot of confusion and she agreed we needed some counselling for our marriage to move forward. I knew I wouldn’t divorce my wife for her infidelity once I had received counselling and confronted her....

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Bow down to the one you serve Ch2

Introduction: If you havent read the first chapter, this one might not make sense. Her eyes shut even more tightly at his threatening words. She wasnt a virgin but she wasnt terribly off from it. Shed only had one serious boyfriend and a single one night stand. Shed fucked her boyfriend many times but he wasnt all that adventurous and stuck to simple positions that had her on her back or on her knees. It had mostly been on her knees with her riding him or him doing her doggy style. Hed never...

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Rachel and Roxanne Ch2

Tuesday, April 23rd, Day 3. Dear Diary, Nothing exciting today. Roxanne bought some really nice underwear, but it mostly was a Rachel day. I had a really long swim, then had my ass kicked at tennis by a seventy-year-old man. That was pretty humiliating until he confided that he’d once reached the second round at Wimbledon. In the evening I watched a couple of really good stand-up acts. All clean, cruise-ship approved material, but still funny. A couple of guys tried to chat me up, but...

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The EX ch2 finale

Mark was right on time. Shane had spent the afternoon, working herself into a frenzy. Making herself cum two more times. She hadn’t really given a lot of thought over the years, as to why she allowed herself to allow Mark to treat her the way he did. During their sessions anyway. Outside of the dominating state, Mark was loving and sweet. Affectionate lover. He was giving in every aspect of their normal sex life. She always came first. Had he not cheated on her, they would still be together and...

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Dragon Queen Ch2 Part1 The Festival of Death

Introduction: turning the tides we see through the eyes of the dragon Chapter 2 Part 1 The Festival of Death I broke off my dangerous words as my kid brother Sunbeam appeared at my side. Seeing through the shadow that he created, I reached my hand in and dispersed it. I was met with a pouting frown. What did you do that for sis, I was just trying to have some fun. I put my hands on my hips and scowled down at him. It is not called fun when you take the shape of a ghoul, I could have killed...

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The fy Sucks A Lot ch2

Chapter 4 ‘Oh God, Jeffy!’ Dianne gasped, pulling her mouth off his. ‘Your cock is hard again.’ Instinctively, her thighs parted. She swiveled her hips upward, feeling the huge knob of his prick drag down the steamy crevice of her pussy. She paused when she felt his throbbing cockhead contact the yawning opening of her cunt. Jeff wriggled his hips, feeling his prick-knob move around in her cunthole. He grinned lewdly, his face still smeared with her pussy- juice. He thrust his hips...

4 years ago
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Raven Ch2 Little Neighbor Boy The Two EarlyBloomers Meet

Chapter 2 – Little Neighbor Boy (The Two Early-Bloomers Meet) Words – 4,903 Same rules as the first, friends. C&C appreciated. Any mistakes seen, please comment on it. Also, prepare for some reading. **** Weeks had passed since Ravens mini-marathon of masturbation. Since that day, she fucked her little pussy at least once every 24 hours, maybe even more if permitted. She used her fingers and some phallus-shaped foods to get her juices flowing. She was walking home from her newly repaired...

3 years ago
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Rachel and Roxanne Ch2

Tuesday, April 23rd, Day 3. Dear Diary, Nothing exciting today. Roxanne bought some really nice underwear, but it mostly was a Rachel day. I had a really long swim, then had my ass kicked at tennis by a seventy-year-old man. That was pretty humiliating until he confided that he'd once reached the second round at Wimbledon. In the evening I watched a couple of really good stand-up acts. All clean, cruise-ship approved material, but still funny. A couple of guys tried to chat me up, but didn't...

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Slaves Ch2

Chapter 2: **** RoomThe ladies walked the boy into the **** room. Their eyes stayed on him every step of the way, drinking up his beauty. Laedia could tell from the two other women that they were as horny as she was. And the Goddess knew that she had such a burning between her legs that she could have ridden the lovely young thing to death within minutes.But she could stand to take it easier as well. Long and drawn out play was, after all, more sweeter than following your immediate impulses. In...

2 years ago
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He Cried Wolf CH2The Return

 July 25, 2014 8:09PM I fucking hate Tristan Northam. Hate his guts, hate his face, hate that fucking hot body, hate that I can’t really hate him and fucking mean it. Yeah, quite the dilemma I’m in. I had sex for the first time, and not only was it with the last person I thought I would ever hook up with, but it totally bent my ruler. Yep, no longer a straight edge. Am I trying to paint a metaphorical picture of my sexuality? Yes. Am I doing a good job giving a visual? Uh… questionable.  I...

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Andys new life ch2

Andy woke a couple of hours later, his body ached and there was significant pain from the stripes across his arse. He remembered the reason for the pain, got in the shower and diligently shaved as commanded, he then got back into his basic bed and slept again.Andy was woken by the noise of metal clanking next to his bed. “Rise and shine 61. Put them on, ankles first, chains at the back, then your wrists behind your back”Andy looked at the item on the floor, it was two lengths of chain, each end...

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Sophie Ch2

Full of confidence, Sophie walked into work, an extra skip in her step and an extra jiggle in her cleavage. Boosted by the looks she'd got on her way to the office she strrutted right up to Sam's desk.Standing infront of him, she lent on the desk, her ample clevage right at eye level. A cheeky smile spread across her face as his eyes bulged when he looked up." So last night was just down to the beer was it?" she asked"NO! not at all, I I I just meant" he stuttered before Sophie interupted him...

2 years ago
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My Step mom Ch2

I was laying in bed later that night after having fucked Erin for the third time that day. My phone buzzed and I checked to see who it was. It was a text from my idiot father. "What the fuck mother fucker? Seriously? You fucked my wife?" "Um correction asshole, I'm fucking your wife. Obviously, you can't do a good enough job.", I replied to him "That's it! I'm cutting my trip short and coming home. You and I are going to have a long talk when I get back.", he said in anger. "Whatever, dick", I...

4 years ago
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Young Tranny Ch2 First BBC Fuck in an Arcade

2. Rebeca”s First BBC Arcade FuckIntroduction: These stories are about the genesis of Rebeca, my CD slut alter-ego. They are about the same person featured in “My TV Adventures,” but they chronicle the earliest encounters and adventures. Most of the stories in the “My TV Adventures” are about an experienced TV slut in ‘her’ adult life (30’s and older) while these stories are about me/her in the 19-29 years old timeframe. Enjoy, and remember, these are as much fun for me to write as anyone...

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Alexs craigslist adventures Ch2

Local business owner fucks my brains out, (after hours in his shop)My name is Alex, I'm a 28 year old Bi guy who more than occasionally meets guys. I have a thing for older tops, and am always glad to please. I hope to share more of my true stories in the future.-----Joe was another of the random guys I've met on Craigslist, but this story is a little special. I've hooked up with guys before, mostly at their place, some times in their car, even outside (that one was pretty hot). But this time...

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Walking Dead Sex Ch2

"I have an idea" says Maggie. "I'll be right back." Maggie leaves you two alone. You look over to Beth. She is looking at you and you can't quite read her look. "I'm really sorry Beth. I never meant to do that. I never wanted to hurt you." You say. Beth looks at you. "Why with them?" She asks. "I went to go check on them and Lizzie and Mika were fooling around and.... I just... I don't know..." You try to explain. "I saw what they were doing and I just couldn't help myself. Then a walker...

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How my BBC fantasy for My Wife Went Wrong CH2

Much to my surprise, Melinda said she would be willing to try to seduce a black man for sex on our anniversary weekend out of town. She laid down some ground rules. 1) she alone got to pick the man. 2) she wasn't promising anything - she might just dance with him or kiss him or just touch or give him a bj or go all the way. It all depended on how she felt then. 3) he had to wear a condom if she did have sex with him. she knows just how fertile she is and didn't want an STD. 4) I had to...

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Watching Anna Ch2

Shortly after I witnessed my wife in the garden at the party I had to confront her. I had so many mixed emotions about what I had witnessed I couldn’t keep them in any longer. I won’t go into all the details of what happened as they aren’t erotic. But there was some arguing, crying and hugging, a lot of confusion and she agreed we needed some counselling for our marriage to move forward. I knew I wouldn't divorce my wife for her infidelity once I had received counselling and confronted her....

Group Sex
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Jim The Cuckold Ch2

Dana arrived home well before Jim and quickly fell asleep. It had been years since she'd been sexually satisfied like she just had been. Perhaps, she pondered as she drifted off, the experience that night may have been the most satisfying of her whole life! *********************************************************** Jim drove home after his shower and went over what had transpired that night in his head. He got so horny thinking about Dana being fucked by Kyle, that he had to pull over and jerk...

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Anna Saves the Compant Ch2

When Anna opened the door to leave the bathroom, she noticed Mr Davies had left. In a slight panic she looked around the room and found he had left her a note.Dear AnnaI know tonight seemed cruel of me but I couldn't resist. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I just simply couldn't turn down the offer once I had seen you. I have signed the contract and will keep to our agreement.Yours sincerely Alan Davies."Turn down the offer?" she said out loud to herself.Anna sat...

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Str8 Guy Seduced By A Tranny ch2

For a str8 friend here at xHamster... who is a fan of my writing and when I told him I would write a story with him in it... I'm not sure he knew what he was getting into..Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We entered my room, it is mid-afternoon, so it is warm; the sun is bright and there is a warm sweet scented breeze wafting in the open window... I always splurge and get the "nice view" rooms, and so, I was on the top floor of the hotel (only five floors) and had a balcony that overlooked the...

3 years ago
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Links New Look Playing Princess Ch2

Link sighed heavily as he wandered through the mansion's halls. It had been three weeks since the whole Peach fiasco, and he was glad to have it over and done with. It seemed the princess had kept her promise and hadn't breathed a word of the events to anyone else, but that didn't mean she let him forget it. Every now and then, she gave a little hint about it such as glancing at him when she was discussing her new dress or complaining about her high heels, all with a knowing...

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