Revenge Is Sweet - The Sequel free porn video

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Author's note This story picks up where "Revenge is Sweet" left off. Whilst this is a stand alone story, reading "Revenge" first will help put the characters in context so, if you haven't already read that story, I urge you to do so. Enjoy the story AJ ------ Six months had now passed since the fateful evening when Emma and Richard had taken their revenge on their respective partners. Thanks to their lawyer friend Tony's expertise, Richard had received a generous divorce settlement from Anne and, following the sale of the family home which had been completed a couple of weeks ago, Richard now had a seven figure sum in the bank and, with that, financial security for the rest of his life. Richard's crossdressing had become much more frequent too. Free of the shackles of his marriage to Anne, he was able to dress however and whenever he wished and loved to take advantage of the hospitality of the other women in the road who were happy to treat him as one of the girls when he was "en femme." He'd also moved in with Emma shortly after "the evening" (as they both referred to it as) to avoid having to live under the same roof as Anne who, for several months, had stubbornly refused to move out. Richard sat down in the lounge and reflected on the last six months. He knew he should be happy - he had rid himself of the woman who'd made his life a misery for so long, he was living under the same roof as the nicest, kindest woman he'd ever met and he was free to express his feminine side whenever he wanted - but the problem was that he wasn't. In fact he was deeply unhappy. In the week following "the evening', he and Emma had gone out shopping as planned and bought identical outfits for the girl's night out at the end of the week. As they'd stepped out together for the outing, the sexual chemistry between them had been unbelievable and, after spending most of the evening flirting with each other, they made a beeline for the bedroom as soon as they got home. The sex should have been incredible, but it wasn't. Emma had quickly cooled and, by the time the end had come, it was anything but a climax. It was the first and last time they'd attempted to take the relationship further and, whilst they were living in the same house as each other, their relationship was, for want of a better description, a relationship of siblings, not lovers. Richard had also lost his job. "Downsizing" the company called it but he felt it was more a case that his face just didn't fit. At least he had a decent payoff to add to the divorce settlement but, since then, his efforts to work as a freelance IT consultant were, at best, half- hearted and little work came his way as a result. More than anything, though, it was the frustration which was eating away at him. Frustration that, romantically, he was on his own. Frustration that, despite his knowledge, he struggled to find work. Frustration that whilst he knew he had fallen deeply in love with Emma, the feelings did not appear to be reciprocated. Above all, though it was the frustration that, thanks to the years of abuse he'd suffered from Anne, had robbed him of what little self-respect he'd ever had. As he had increasingly done over the past few weeks, Richard put his head in his hands and cried uncontrollably. In his despair, he'd not heard Emma come in through the front door and she was now standing in front of him. "What's the matter Richard?" she gently asked. Richard looked up in shock. No-one, especially not Emma, was supposed to see him like this. "It's nothing. Don't worry," he replied trying to dry his tears. "If that's what you're like when nothing's wrong, I'd hate to see you when there is something wrong. I think you'd better tell me all about it." And so Richard told Emma everything. His hopes, his feelings for her and his frustrations. Emma listened to what Richard had to say and, when he had finished, she just said. "Wow. I'm sorry, I had no idea." "It's OK, at least I've got it off my chest but, to be honest, I don't know if I can carry on like this." Emma thought for a moment and then took a deep breath. "Richard, I can explain everything but some of the things I need to say will be hard for you to hear. You may even end up hating me. Is that a risk you're prepared to take?" Richard nodded. Nothing Emma could say would make him feel any worse than he already did. Emma started, "When Rachel walked into my lounge for the first time that evening, she took my breath away. Of course, I knew it was you underneath but all traces of you had gone. I was just looking at a beautiful woman - not a transwoman, transsexual, crossdresser or any of the other words we could use - just a beautiful woman, pure and simple. The sexual attraction grew that week and, by the time we went out on Friday night, I just wanted to climb into bed with Rachel, whatever it took." "As we climbed into bed, I imagined caressing Rachel's nipples with my tongue and experiencing the thrill of our vaginas gently rubbing up against each other as we excited each other towards climax. Of course, the reality was different and, in the dark making love to what was to all intents and purposes a man brought me back to reality. Basically, it was the realisation that, whilst I was deeply attracted to Rachel, Richard was just not my type." Richard looked devastated. "So you're saying that you only like me as Rachel. What if I was to dress as her all the time at home." "It's not that easy. The powerful feelings I felt for Rachel made me realise that I am bisexual. I still want the strong, powerful man to take me in his arms and make me feel like a woman. But I also want to experience sexual intimacy with a beautiful woman, to live out the fantasy I had when seeing Rachel for the first time." Richard knew that he was neither the strong powerful man, nor the beautiful woman that Emma craved and now, having heard Emma's explanation, he felt even worse about himself than he had done before she'd opened up to him. He got up and, telling Emma he needed time to think, went to his bedroom. As he lay on his bed, he looked around the room. A pair of women's high heeled court shoes next to a pair of men's lace up shoes. Through the open wardrobe door, he saw his shirts hanging next to the cobalt blue dress he'd worn when Rachel had made her debut at "the evening." A collection of cosmetics surrounding a bottle of after shave on the dressing table and various items of underwear for both genders thrown into the corner of the room for washing. But it was his reflection in the mirror that was the final straw - painted toenails, a pair of his male jeans and a T-shirt with a "girl power" motif and stubble. When he had cross dressed, he'd often wondered whether he should take things further but a nagging doubt stemming from fear of the unknown had held him back. At that point Richard realised that, if he didn't know what or who he was, what hope did anyone else, and particularly Emma, have? For the rest of the evening, Richard wrestled with the 1001 thoughts going through his mind before finally falling asleep. Next morning, he was woken as usual by the sound of Emma in the kitchen. Since he'd lost his job, he usually stayed in bed until mid- morning before making a few speculative calls seeking work. However, today he wanted to see Emma before she left for work so, putting on his dressing gown, he joined her in the kitchen. "If I became a woman, would it help," Richard blurted. "What on earth do you mean?" came the surprised reply. "You know, have a sex change operation." Emma sat down and looked at Richard. "Are you serious?" she asked incredulously. "It was only a few months ago that you were emphatically stating that you were just a crossdresser, content to be a male otherwise." "Er, no. I mean yes," stuttered Richard. "I always envied the girls at school and hoped that one day, I'd turn into one of them. Deep down, I've never been happy and, the more that Rachel has been out and about, the more I've come to realise that I've been kidding myself." "Richard. You know that Rachel made me realise that I am bisexual and I still fantasise about making love to her. But what you are suggesting is a huge step and, even if it is the right answer, it's a decision you have to make for yourself, not me. There's far more to being a woman than a pair of boobs and different genitals and let's not forget that changing genders is not easy. At best, you'll be at risk of losing friends but you may also be insulted, abused and assaulted. You'll also have to cope with the transition period when you're neither completely one gender nor the other and, from everything I've read, the operations are particularly painful. And when everything's done, you'll have to live 24/7 in your new gender and you won't have Richard to fall back on if you don't feel like being Rachel. If it's the right decision for you, you'll experience happiness that you never thought possible but if you get it wrong, you'll be in a far worse state than you are now." Richard looked disappointed. He'd not given any thought to any of the issues that Emma had raised and he knew she was right. "But how will I know? The only thing I know at the moment is that I've never been unhappier and I can't go on like this for much longer." Emma thought for a moment. "The simple answer is to try it and see. In other words to live as a female for a while and see how you feel but I don't think you know where to start." enigmatically "Is that it?" Richard called as Emma went upstairs to her room. "Yes. All will be revealed tomorrow," she replied as she closed her bedroom door. ------ As Richard woke up, he looked at the clock by the side of his bed - 8:48am. "Damn!" he thought to himself He'd wanted to see Emma before she went to work to find out her plan but she would have long since left the house by now. He got up and walked to the wardrobe to get his clothes for the day but, as he opened the door, he saw that it was completely empty. He went to his chest of drawers but, with the exception of a few pairs of panties and three bras, it too was empty. He put on his dressing gown and went down to the kitchen where, leaning against the kettle, he saw an envelope, simply addressed to "Rachel." He sat down at the table, opened the envelope, removed the letter inside and started to read it. "Dear Rachel, I hope you slept well! You'll have noticed that a lot of things are missing from your bedroom and I hope it wasn't too much of a shock. I promised you that I have a plan and today is the first part of the plan. Today, you need to BE LIKE A WOMAN. You'll find today's outfit in the carrier bags in the hall. I just want you to get dressed and made up and then take a trip into town. Do whatever you want when you get there - go to the library and borrow a book, have a coffee, try on some clothes, or whatever else you want to do. Just be yourself and interact with people and let me know how you get on tonight. Good luck, Emma x." Richard walked into the hall and picked up the two carrier bags. Inside the first was a black mini skirt, a grey cowl-necked sweater and a warm winter jacket & scarf. The second contained a pair of flat knee-high boots, a packet of 60 denier opaque tights and a handbag with a shoulder strap. He took the items to his bedroom and, taking one of the bras and pairs of panties that had been left for him, he got dressed. After a light application of makeup and putting on his wig, he looked in the mirror. Of course, the woman looking back was not the drop-dead gorgeous Rachel with all traces of her male alter ego obliterated but, instead, an ordinary looking woman who would blend into a crowd although whether the outfit would be sufficient to divert attention away from his face which was, at best, androgynous was, as far as Richard was concerned, doubtful. Still, Richard knew that if he didn't give it a try, he'd never know so gathering up his keys and money and putting them into the handbag, he put on the jacket and walked through the front door dressed as Rachel but without Emma's companionship and support for the first time. As he got off the bus in the town centre, Richard became aware that three youths were following him. He looked round and one blew him a kiss. He walked a little faster but could tell that the three youths had also speeded up and were catching him up. One of them wolf whistled and then he heard "Nice skirt. Does your wife know you've borrowed it?" Richard froze as the three youths surrounded him. He tried to push his way through but they blocked his way. "Leaving so soon, darlin? We haven't even had time to get to know each other." By now, Richard's heart was thumping. The youths started to push him from side to side and he knew that if things got any worse, he would not fare well against three young men who appeared a lot stronger than him. As he started to panic, a voice bellowed "LEAVE HER ALONE. GO AWAY AND PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE." As the youths ran away, Richard looked round to see a stern looking woman in her 50s approaching him. "Are you alright dear?" she asked. Richard was still shaking so she continued. "There's a caf? over there. Let's go and have a cup of tea to help calm you down." Richard agreed and, as they sat down, the woman spoke, "You're new to all of this aren't you? Well, don't worry, it will get easier for you. My nephew, or rather my niece as she is now, went through this and, to see her now, it's difficult to believe that she was ever anyone else. She's just a strong, well balanced woman with a wonderful life." Richard thanked her for her understanding and comforting words as she continued, "What you're doing takes far more bravery than anything else you'll encounter in your life, even standing up to idiots like those earlier. But you have to have a plan. As women, we are vulnerable so always be on your guard and know how you'll react to get out of situations like that." After finishing their tea, they got up to go their separate ways and, as Richard thanked her again, she replied "Womanhood is a wonderful thing and worth everything society throws at us. You're already a beautiful person and I know that things will only get better and better for you. Just don't let small setbacks get in your way." And then she was off, striding purposefully into the distance. Richard smiled to himself as he thought back to the advice she'd given him. Yes, being confronted by the youths was a setback but it was now behind him and he started walking towards the entrance to the shopping centre. Just inside, he saw a jewellers. As he looked in the window, he spotted rows of earrings in all shapes and sizes. He'd never thought of having his ears pierced before, mainly as it would undoubtedly have alerted Anne to his feminine tendencies. But Anne was gone and what better way to comply with Emma's first challenge - be like a woman. He took a deep breath and entered the shop before emerging 15 minutes later with a gold stud in each of his slightly sore earlobes. It was only a small step to take but, he felt, an important one. Richard spent the rest of the day browsing the shops and, as he walked back to the bus stop to go home, he reflected on the day. Apart from the three youths, the day had otherwise gone without incident and, whilst he'd noticed a few people staring at him, for the most part he'd blended in with the other shoppers. When Emma got home that evening, Richard told her all about his time at the shops and Emma gave him some useful tips on how to deal with hostile situations like the one he'd experienced earlier. Richard was still rather ashamed that he'd had to be rescued from the three youths by an older woman but Emma reassured him "If it had been the other way round, you'd have gone to help her wouldn't you? That what women do. We stick together and look out for each other. That's how we stay safe." Richard felt reassured as Emma continued. "Anyway, look at you with your earrings. You've gone far further today than I thought you would so I'm going to have to think a little harder about tomorrow. I don't want to make things too easy for you!" "What do you have in mind?" "Wait and see!" came the enigmatic reply. ------ By the time Richard woke on Tuesday morning, Emma had once again already left and so he went down to the kitchen. As with the day before, a letter was leaning against the kettle which he opened and read. "Dear Rachel, Well done yesterday, I'm really proud of what you achieved! Today, you need to WORK LIKE A WOMAN. I know you've had a few enquiries about possible work recently so you need to phone them back and make an appointment to visit one of them today to talk about how you can help them. Your outfit for today is in the hall. Good luck, Emma x." Richard went to the hall, picked up the two carrier bags and took them to his room. In the first was a charcoal grey trouser suit and white silk blouse. In the other was a long, knee length coat and a pair of ankle boots with a three inch heel. Richard wasted no time in putting them on and, as he looked in the mirror, he realised that he'd need to go for an understated glamourous look with his makeup to be in keeping with the professional look of his outfit. As he finished off his makeup with deep red lipstick, he couldn't help thinking how many women had prepared for job interviews by adding a little glamour to help the interviewer make up their mind. After putting on his wig and looking in the mirror once more, he felt a rush of confidence in his appearance and reached for his phone to start ringing his contacts. Nervously, he dialled the first number and, making his voice sound as feminine as possible, introduced himself as Rachel Williams. What struck him was that no-one on the other end of the phone seemed surprised when he'd introduced himself and carried on the conversation as if nothing was out of the ordinary. The first couple of calls did not lead to anything but, within ten minutes, his confidence had grown and Richard had arranged an appointment at a local engineering firm for the early afternoon. Richard spent the rest of the morning researching the company via their website and, at 2:30, he was sitting outside the IT director's office. "Rachel? Hi I'm John, come in." As Richard followed John, the IT director, into his office, panic set in. How on earth had he got himself into this situation? John spent a few minutes talking about the company and the IT support it needed. Richard knew that all of the work was well within his capabilities and so, when John finished his explanation with the question "So, tell me Rachel, how do you think you could support us?" It should have been the perfect opportunity for Richard to sell himself and secure the contract. However, Richard froze. "Er, er..." he stuttered before adding, "I'm sorry I can't do this." He stood up and, after apologising for wasting John's time, turned and walked to the door. "Rachel, wait," urged John. Richard turned round still looking like a frightened rabbit. "Come and sit down," continued John. Richard sat down again. John carried on, "Look, why do you say you can't do this? Is it because you think you lack the ability or because of who you are? Let me make it a little easier for you, Rachel. I've looked at your CV, or to be exact, Richard's CV and I have no doubt whatsoever that you can do a great job for us. And the point is, if you can do a great job for us, then I don't care how you come to work or what you want us to call you when you're here. And, for the record, several of the women here could learn a thing or two from you if your outfit today is an indication of how you'll turn up to work. So, having cleared the air, would you like to tell us how you think you could support us, apart from being a role model for the other women in the office, that is?" Richard laughed and, one hour later, was shaking hands with John who had offered him a six month contract to work at the company starting the following Monday. As Richard recounted the day's events to Emma that evening, she couldn't help feeling proud of him. Whilst it obviously hadn't been easy for Richard and his sympathetic interviewer had obviously helped, he'd had more success with work that day than at any time since he'd lost his job several months earlier. However, what struck Emma more than anything was how Richard was changing. From the way that he sat to his mannerisms, he definitely seemed to have a more feminine air about him. "So," she enquired, "will it be Rachel or Richard who turns up for work on Monday morning?" "That's for me to know and you to find out," laughed Richard, "anyway, since today went so well, how about telling me what you've got planned for me tomorrow?" "Sorry, that's for me to know and you to find out!" giggled Emma. ------ As he woke on Wednesday morning, Richard knew the drill. Picking up the letter leaning against the kettle, he sat down and read it. "Dear Rachel, Wow! You really rocked that outfit yesterday and well done on the job offer! Today, I want you to SHOP LIKE A WOMAN! We've been invited to the ballet tomorrow night and I'd like you to go and buy yourself a glamourous outfit to wear. Can't wait to see what you choose! Good luck and enjoy your day, Emma x p.s. no new outfit today. You looked really cute in Monday's outfit so why don't you wear it again?" Richard wasted no time in getting ready and was soon walking through the town centre looking at the window displays of the ladies," clothing shops. And then he saw it - the most beautiful red satin dress, high necked, sleeveless and hanging just on the knee. Draped over the mannequin's shoulders was a short faux-fur jacket and below was a pair of red suede stiletto court shoes. Richard entered the shop and the middle aged assistant approached him. "Can I help you?" "Yes, I'd like to try the outfit in the window please," he replied in his best feminine voice. "Oh, I don't think we have your size," came the reply. "So what sizes do you have?" asked Richard becoming slightly annoyed. "8 to 16." "Well, I'm sure that one of those will be fine." "We don't serve people like you here. Please leave." Twenty four hours earlier, Richard would have turned and fled the shop but, as he stopped to think for a moment, he realised that he wasn't going to let this woman get the better of him. "People like me? What do you mean by that?" he asked. "Perverted men," came the reply. Richard became angry. "Firstly, you are making a very big assumption about my gender which you are not qualified to make and, secondly, even if I am a biological male, I'm certainly not perverted. I haven't criticised you or cast doubts on your gender because you're wearing trousers so please afford me the same level of respect." At that moment, another female staff member came over. "Is everything alright madam?" "Madam?" interrupted the first assistant "can't you see he's obviously a man?" "That's enough Suzi. Please leave the shop floor now. I'll deal with you when I've served this lady," said the second assistant to the first before turning to Richard. "Madam, I'm so sorry about that. My name is Mary and I'm the manager here. What you've just experienced was inexcusable and I assure you that it will be dealt with in the strongest possible way. Now, how can I help you?" Richard repeated his request to try on the outfit in the window and five minutes later, was emerging from the fitting room. Mary gasped. "My god, it looks stunning on you." There was something about the spontaneity of her comment that touched Richard. From his shopping trips with Emma, he'd become used to the fawning, gushing style of many shop assistants, happy to say whatever they thought the customer wanted to hear in order to get the sale but this time, he detected genuine surprise in the Mary's reaction, not least because she was still looking at him, transfixed. After changing back into his original clothes he handed the items and his credit card to Mary to finalise the purchase. As he collected the carrier bags, he thanked Mary for her support. "Don't mention it. You're a very brave lady and I can honestly say that you and that dress were made for each other. In my 30 years here, I've served thousands of women but few have been as beautiful as you." Richard laughed before Mary continued. "I know what you're thinking but beauty isn't only on the outside you know. Most of the women who come in here expect to be treated as if they're the Duchess of Somewhere or Other but treat us as if they're something they trod in on the way in. I can tell that you have a feeling of vulnerability which I guess comes from trying to find out who you really are but you also have a dignity that is absent from most of my other clients. Your smile when you saw your reflection told me everything I needed to know and I hope that you will come again soon as I'd love to see you experience the power that clothing has to unleash the inner woman. Oh, and don't worry about Suzi. It's not the first time that she's been judgemental about people coming in but, I assure you, it will be the last and I promise that she won't be here next time you call in." As time was moving on, Richard gave Mary a final hug and, thanking her once again, left the shop to make some other purchases before returning home. As he unpacked his purchases onto his bed, a small bag fell out of the carrier bag with the dress and jacket. He looked inside and removed a long thin box, about six inches long with a note attached: "To complete your outfit. I hope that this brightens your day as much as you brightened mine. Mary x." Richard opened the box to reveal a silver plated necklace and matching drop earrings, each adorned with a deep red jewel. Of course, they were only items of costume jewellery but they symbolised far more than that and, as he removed the studs from his newly pierced ears and replaced them with the new earrings, Richard sensed that things were becoming clearer. All of the warnings, Emma had sounded about the risks of transition were genuine but, as he had proved today, he was increasingly able to deal with them. More than anything though, he was starting to feel a sensual pleasure from the feminine side of his life. When Emma got home that night, Richard told her about his experience in the clothes shop and the kindness of the manager. Emma expressed her admiration that he'd coped so well but, when Richard asked her if she'd like to see what he'd bought, she declined, "No, I want you to surprise me tomorrow." ------ It was now Thursday and Richard knew the drill. He took the letter and sat down to read it. "Dear Rachel, Today is your biggest challenge yet. When we started at the beginning of the week, I wasn't sure that you'd be ready for this but I think you've proved beyond any doubt that you are. As you know, tonight we're going to the ballet and your challenge today is to DATE LIKE A WOMAN. We'll be accompanied by two of the guys from my work and I want you to experience what it's like to be treated like a lady by a man. You'll not be put under any pressure to do anything you don't want to do during the evening and how far you want to take the date is up to you. I've arranged a taxi to pick you up at 6:30 tonight. Make sure you're ready! Love Emma xxx p.s. the day is yours to use and prepare as you wish!" Richard read and re-read the letter several times. Going on a date with a guy, even as a foursome, was way out of his comfort zone and he'd never had any homosexual tendencies. How could he keep up a pretence of enjoying the date when the thought of being with a man made him feel physically sick? He looked at the letter again - "you'll not be put under any pressure to do anything you don't want to do...." Did that include not going in the first place he wondered? He went back to his room to get his phone to tell Emma that he couldn't go through with it but, as he did so, he saw his new red satin dress draped over the chair in his bedroom and his mind went back to the joy he'd experienced when seeing himself in it for the first time in the shop the day before. And how could he let Mary down? She'd been so kind and to back out now would be letting her down, not that he'd ever need to admit it to her if he didn't want to. Richard sat on the bed, took a deep breath and put the phone back down. Putting all of his trust in Emma, he got dressed ready to head off into town. If he was going to go through with this, he was going to do it properly and doing it properly started with his hair. Following his redundancy, he'd not bothered to have it cut and by now it comfortably rested on his shoulders when it wasn't tied back in a ponytail. Up to now, Richard had held onto the wig, firstly as it gave an instant and low maintenance female style and secondly as he felt secure when wearing it as if he was in disguise. Now, though, it was time to see what could be done with his own hair. As Richard closed the door behind him for the walk to the bus stop, he felt more vulnerable than ever. In his mini skirt and boots, his outfit was unmistakably female but, from the neck up, his minimal makeup and hair tied back told a different tale. As he waited at the bus stop, he relaxed a little, helped further by the driver's greeting of "morning love," as he got on the bus. By the time he arrived at the hairdresser's without incident, Richard was starting to feel a little more relaxed about the day ahead. Two hours later, he was leaving the salon with his hair cut, lightly dyed and gently curled into a very feminine style. He then looked down at his hands which had been adorned with long false French nails and reflected on how different the experience had been to his previous trips for a haircut as a man. In fact, with gentle coaxing and encouragement, he'd told his whole life story to the hairdresser who'd seemed genuinely excited about the date he was going on. "I want to hear all about it very soon." Richard promised her that he would come back soon to tell her all about it and then made his way to the cosmetics counter at the local department store. As he browsed the various concessions, an immaculately made up assistant approached him. "Can I help you?" "Yes, I've got a very important date tonight and I need to look the part. What would you advise?" "Why don't you take a seat here and I'll get you ready. There's no charge for the service as long as you buy the products at the end of it." Richard readily agreed and, one hour later, was on his way home, fully made up and unrecognisable from how he'd looked at the start of the day. By 6:30, Richard was dressed and, as he topped up his lipstick in the mirror, he heard the taxi pull up outside. After a final spray of perfume, he stepped back to take in his transformed appearance. With his own hair having now replaced the wig, Richard had taken on a far softer, more feminine look and, in the red dress, fur jacket and heels combined with his makeover, even his own mother would not have recognised him. Locking the door behind him, he made his way to the taxi and smiled to the driver as he got out to open the door. At just after 7:00 the taxi pulled up outside the theatre and Richard saw that Emma had already arrived and was flanked by two guys, one on each side, both wearing dinner suits and bow ties. As he got out of the car, Emma spotted him and ran over, followed by the two guys. "Oh, Rachel. You look amazing. Can I introduce our companions for the evening? This is David and Rick," then, turning to the guys, she added "and this is Rachel." Richard held out his hand to shake hands. As he did so, Rick took his hand and kissed it. "Emma told me that you were something special in every sense of the word but nothing she told me prepared me for how beautiful you are." Richard realised that Rick knew his full story and, as Emma started talking to David, it was apparent that Rick was to be his date for the evening. As he looked at the two guys, both good looking, well built and over 6 feet tall, he also understood what Emma had meant when she had told him that, as a man, he wasn't her type. The irony of the situation also hit him; here was a man called Rick, almost certainly short for Richard, hoping to take what little of his manhood remained away. They made their way to the auditorium and took their seats, Emma and Richard in the middle and their respective dates sitting on the other side of each of them. Soon the performance had started and as the music soared through the theatre, Richard felt Rick's hand touch his and gently stroke it. Without thinking, Richard instinctively closed his fingers round Rick's hand. He was probably only holding Rick's hand for two or three seconds but his mind had gone into turmoil. It didn't feel unpleasant but every fibre of his body told him that it was not what he wanted. Wanting to dress convincingly as a woman didn't mean that he wanted intimacy with a man. It was then that he heard the soft female voice inside his head. "Let go," it said. So Richard loosened his grip and moved his hand away. The rest of the first half of the show was a blur as he tried to rationalise his feelings. When the interval arrived, Emma and David went off to buy drinks leaving Richard and Rick in the seats. Richard turned to Rick. "You're obviously aware that I'm not what I seem to be?" "On the contrary," replied Rick, "you're exactly what you seem to be and that is a very beautiful woman but, yes, I do know that nature dealt you rather a poor hand and you're now trying to decide who you really are." "Doesn't that bother you?" asked Richard. "Why should it? It's the person that's important to me, not their gender which, after all, is only a label. CIS women, transwomen, guys. I've had fulfilling relationships with each of them. I know that you're struggling a lot with who you are at the moment and Emma asked me to help you. How far we do, or don't, go is entirely up to you and, if you decide that this isn't for you, you'll still be one of the most beautiful women I've ever had the privilege to spend an evening with." Richard smiled and looked down a little embarrassed, his false eyelashes fluttering as he did so. He knew that he was slowly but surely being seduced by Rick and whilst on the one hand, he found the attention flattering, an affirmation of his success in transforming himself into a beautiful woman, the idea of entering any form of gay relationship was still completely alien to him. However, before he had chance to properly analyse his feelings, Emma and David had returned with drinks for all of them and the second half was soon underway. Richard couldn't really concentrate on the second half of the performance as his mind was still in turmoil, trying to understand the conflicting feelings he had about Rick. Finally, the performance ended and the foursome walked out of the theatre, Emma & David in front and Richard & Rick following behind. Seeing Emma slipped her arm around David's, Rick turned to Richard and, lifting his arm slightly asked, "Shall we?" Richard took Rick's arm but again heard the soft female voice in his head. "Let go," it urged. So Richard removed his arm from Rick's and transferred his handbag to his now free side to avoid any possibility of Rick reconnecting their arms. By now, Richard's mind was spinning. He was not gay so why didn't he feel more repulsed at the prospect of a man trying to seduce him? Why did holding onto Rick's arm make him feel safe, not just safe but protected? Why was half of him rejecting something that the other half clearly wanted? It was 11:30pm before they were pulling up outside Emma's house. Emma invited the two guys in for a nightcap and the four of them were soon settled in the lounge with large glasses of wine and reminiscing about the show they had just seen. Emma had deliberately sat next to David on the larger of the two sofas leaving Richard and Rick sitting close together on the smaller one. As the small group finished their coffees, Emma turned to David and whispered, "I think it's time we left them to it," and quietly led David out of the lounge and up to her bedroom. Richard and Rick were now on their own and, for the first time, Richard noticed their reflection in the mirror on the far side of the room. As he looked at the couple in the mirror, he didn't see Rick and himself. Instead, it felt as if he was watching a drama on the TV. He looked first at the handsome man who had turned his body to face his beautiful companion. Why was he hesitating? He was obviously smitten with her so why hadn't he swept her off her feet? Richard looked at the man's beautiful companion and she looked back as if looking for guidance. "If you want him, you need to let him know," he thought and, as he watched the woman move closer to her companion, he felt the warmth of Rick's body against his own. He knew that being this close to another man went against all his instincts but he so wanted the woman in the mirror to get her man that he stayed where he was. He looked back at the mirror. The man started to put his arm around his companion's shoulder and, as he did so, Richard felt Rick's arm around him - how he wished that Rick had been there to protect him during his confrontations earlier in the week. Those youths would have run a mile! He looked over at the woman in the mirror to see what she would do next. She crossed her legs and playfully rubbed her companion's leg with her shoe. Her companion responded and, as he caressed her leg with his free hand, Richard felt the smooth silky satin of his dress slide up his nylon encased legs and a tingling sensation as his inner thigh was gently massaged, Richard was becoming lost in the euphoria of the feminine sensations that were starting to engulf him but still he was trying desperately to resist them. But the woman in the mirror wasn't letting him and Richard still wanted to see how the drama played out. Then the voice in his head returned but, this time is wasn't soft "LET GO!" Richard felt Rick jerk and release his grip. "What is it?" enquired Rick looking shocked. Richard realised that, this time, it wasn't a voice in his head but he'd shouted it out loud. He looked at the mirror and the woman looked back as if to say, "What now?" Richard had looked in mirrors hundreds of times when cross dressing but never before had he experienced such an emotional bond with the reflection looking back at him. He knew that things were different this time but still couldn't understand why. He felt an overwhelming urge to walk over to the woman to make the emotional connection physical. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean it like that," replied Richard. "I'll only be a moment." Rick was puzzled, if not a little crestfallen, at what was happening but he'd given his assurance that Richard could call a halt at any time so he loosened his grip as Richard got up and walked over to face the mirror. Richard took a moment to look again at the woman standing opposite him. From the tips of her pointed stilettoes to her beautifully styled hair, she looked perfect in every way. Richard looked back into the woman's eyes. "Let go." The soft female voice in his mind repeated the words over and over again. And then it hit him. All of this time, he'd looked on womanhood as an unattainable goal, too daunting a prospect to take even small steps towards it other than dipping his toe into the fantasy world of crossdressing from time to time. He now understood how wrong he'd been. He wasn't being held back by the fear of becoming female but, rather, the fear of not being male any more. At that point he realised that he was, and always had been, Rachel and he now just needed to let go of what little was left of Richard. Richard put his manicured right hand up to the mirror and the woman put her left hand up to connect with it. He looked over his shoulder to see Rick smiling and nodding as if to say "go for it." As he looked back at the woman and smiled, she smiled back and at that moment, he felt as if his body was being cleansed with all traces of Richard being drawn through their connected hands in the mirror. "I'm ready to let go," he silently mouthed to her as he felt a warm, tingling sensation overcome him. As he let go of the last vestiges of Richard in his consciousness, Richard felt at one with the woman in the mirror. Richard Williams had gone for good and, in his place, stood Rachel Williams, her mind finally aligned with who she really was. After smiling at her reflection for one last time and mouthing "thank you', Rachel turned and walked back to Rick. She knelt down beside him and, putting her arms around his neck kissed him passionately. She placed her hand on his growing bulge and gently caressed it before their lips finally parted. "Take me and make me a woman," she urged. And Rick picked her up and held her tight as he carried her to her bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. Rachel undid Rick's trousers and gently kissed and lubricated his now rock hard penis. "I want to feel you inside me now," she panted as she removed her dress. Turning round, she let out a moan as Rick entered her from behind and rhythmically but gently thrust to and fro. As Rick continued to pump in and out, Rachel felt her own arousal until, simultaneously, they both climaxed, a little uncomfortably for Rachel who was still well and truly constricted by her now soaking underwear. She turned over to face Rick and, pulling his head close to her kissed him passionately. Rick was soon ready again and this time Rachel took his penis in her hand and kissed the tip before surrounding it with her lips and treating him to sensations, the like of which he'd never experienced before. "Where did you learn how to do that?" questioned Rick breathlessly as he recovered once more. "I was just doing what comes naturally to a girl," giggled Rachel. And they did what comes naturally several more times before finally falling asleep in each other's arms. ------ It was 9:30 when Rachel woke. On the pillow by her was a note which read "Sorry I had to leave early. I didn't want to wake you as you looked so beautiful but please call me soon. Rick x," followed by his phone number. Rachel went downstairs to the customary letter by the kettle. "Dear Rachel, I hope Rick didn't tire you out too much last night but, from what David and I heard, you two certainly seemed to be enjoying yourselves! Today's challenge is to BECOME A WOMAN. My guess is that you've already made this decision but, even if you haven't, go to the address below at 2:30 today and ask for Julie. Good luck, Emma xxxxx p.s. I love you!" Rachel looked at the address on the map. It was a side road off Harley Street in London, famous of course, for being the centre of top end private medical care. She smiled to herself as she realised exactly what Emma had arranged for her. After having a deep scented bath to remove the final traces of the night before from her body, Rachel got dressed. She put on the plain shift dress and mid heeled shoes which Emma had left out for her and, after spending a few minutes putting on her makeup and packing her handbag, made her way to the station for the trip to London. At 2:25pm, Rachel walked down Harley Street and soon turned into the side road she was looking for. A few yards down on the left, she saw the steps leading up to the wooden door with a brass plaque reading "London Gender Clinic" below the intercom. Rachel pushed the button and, as the receptionist answered, said, "Hello, I'm Rachel Williams and I'm here to see Julie." As the remote door lock buzzed, Rachel pushed the door and walked inside giddy with excitement about what lay ahead. ------ Four weeks later, Emma went away for a week on a work course. Normally, Rachel would have missed her but, this time, she had plans, big plans, and Emma didn't suspect a thing, particularly as Rachel had not said a word about what had happened at the gender clinic. "That's for me to know and you to find out," Rachel would playfully reply whenever Emma asked. Emma got back from the course on the Saturday morning and, as she gave Rachel her customary hug, something felt different. Emma took a step back and looked closely at Rachel's part unbuttoned blouse. "My god," she said "they're ... they're..." "Real?" giggled Rachel. "I was more thinking of words like incredible and magnificent," laughed Emma. "Yes, even though I've been on oestrogen ever since I went to the clinic, I thought nature could do with a helping hand!" "I don't know about a helping hand but they certainly look like a handful," chuckled Emma "But oestrogen already? That was quick!" "I know but after I told them everything, they could see that I was serious and they saw no reason to delay starting my medical transition," Still smiling, Rachel then added, "I've got another surprise for you," and passed a piece of paper to Emma. Emma read the paper which was headed "Change of Name Deed," and after the legal jargon she saw "former name: Richard David Williams, new name: Rachel Emma Williams." "My new middle name is not a coincidence," said Rachel. "I chose it so I'll always be reminded of the help you've given me to find out who I really am. This is only the start, though, I've got facial and voice feminisation scheduled for next year and the final gender reassignment operation the year after." Emma's pride at Rachel's gesture soon turned to arousal as her eyes fell back onto Rachel's new cleavage. "I don't suppose there's any chance of, er,..." "Seeing them? I thought you'd never ask," laughed Rachel as she unbuttoned her blouse and removed her bra before adding "but be gentle with them. Now I'm on my second puberty, the nipples are really sensitive." "I've got just the thing to sooth them," replied Emma as she bent down to kiss each one in turn, her tongue playfully caressing each nipple as she did. As a shiver of excitement ran through Rachel's body, Emma came back up and, taking her top and bra off, suggested that they compare each other. She quickly regretted the suggestion as she was forced to admit that Rachel's were a little bigger. "Never mind, come here and I'll give you a consolation prize," laughed Rachel as she pulled Emma towards her. As they held each other close, and felt the heat of each other's upper body, their lips met. As Rachel felt Emma's tongue exploring her mouth, she knew that this time, it was a kiss of love, not drunken lust and she couldn't wait until her surgeries were complete and she could finally fulfil Emma's desire for full lesbian sex. ------ Epilogue As the plane landed back at Heathrow from Bangkok, the four travellers looked at each other and smiled. It was now two years since Rachel had started her transition. Thanks to her surgeons, her voice and face had been skilfully feminised to the extent that no-one could ever guess that she'd ever been anything other than an attractive female. Now, after two weeks convalescence following her final operation in Thailand, she was returning home as a complete woman. "Welcome home darling," said Emma squeezing Rachel's left hand. "Yes, welcome home," agreed Rick taking her right hand into his. And as the group, which also included David, collected their belongings and left the plane and, after collecting their cases and passing through customs, were finally diving back home. Rachel closed her eyes and reflected on her journey. Of course, the surgeries had been painful but she now had the face, breasts, voice and genitals she'd always dreamed of. Her home life had also changed; Rick and David now also lived with them; each of the four of them had their own bedroom but it was very rare that at least one of the bedrooms was not empty, usually two were empty as the four friends paired up for the night and, on occasion, three of the four rooms were empty as all four occupied one room. And it wasn't always with the same partner either. The girls had an unwritten agreement that they wouldn't sleep with each other's male partner unless they were having a foursome but, apart from that, nothing was off limits including, from time to time, Rick and David enjoying each other's company. They were soon back at home and, as Rachel took a moment to reflect on how much she'd changed since she first set foot in the house, Rick walked towards her with that look he always had when he wanted her "Not so fast!" exclaimed Rachel "the surgeon said it'll be at least three months before you're allowed anywhere near that and, anyway, there's someone ahead of you in the queue!" She then turned to Emma and added, "I don't think the three month rule applies to you so shall we?" As they walked through the door, hand in hand, Rachel turned to Rick and David and said, with a wink, "Don't do anything we wouldn't do!" As she walked into Emma's bedroom, she saw that Emma was already naked and quickly followed suit. Emma squealed with delight as she pulled Rachel onto the bed and finally made her dream a reality. As they explored each other's bodies, they heard a muffled sound on the landing outside. Rick and David were there listening to what was going on behind the closed door. "Do you think we should invite the boys in?" Rachel wondered out loud. "Oh no," giggled Emma "I've waited far too long for this to share it with anyone else. Anyway, they wouldn't be able to control themselves." And, as they stood outside the door listening to the bed creaks, moans and squeals of delight, Rick and David could only imagine what was going on behind the closed door.

Same as Revenge is Sweet - The Sequel Videos

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One Husbands HumiliationsSequel

One Husband's Humiliation By Ann The Sequel Ok, I guess it wasn't fair to stop my story right in the middle. You can pretty well guess how it ended though, right? I mean, looking at my pants and shoes and things it should be obvious. But if you really must know, I'll tell you how it ended. Let me start again a few weeks before I ended it. The last year or so had been the most humiliating time in my life. I lost my job and my money. I lost my status as husband. I...

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Revenge Can Sometimes Backfire

Revenge Can Sometimes Backfire! By Miranda C. Rose Here it is another Friday night and Lisa Stevenson had to work overtime as usual, she could always use some extra money in this tight economy. Now Lisa's husband Peter would always take advantage of his wife working overtime and slip off to the bar. Where he would meet up with Michelle Lederman, a woman he has been is having an affair for the last year or so. Michelle 26 years old; 5'7" has a big pair of double D's extra...

2 years ago
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Revenge is sweet

Revenge at SchoolMy name is Tina, I’m 28 and live in the U.K. My story happened about 12 years ago at my Secondary school in SW London. I went to a mixed secondary school and generally had a really good time there, I made lots of good friends both male and female, some of them I am still friends with to this day. I am a keen swimmer, so I was really fortunate that my school had its own indoor swimming pool and a highly rated swimming club which regularly competed in galas against other local...

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Revenge For Mother

Even though it was early afternoon it was already dark outside with a grey overcast sky and a light drizzle falling, it was an absolutely perfect day for a funeral. When the preachers’ last words had been uttered and the casket finally lowered mother and I were the last ones to turn away from the dark hole in the ground and start back down the slippery grass towards the limousine. The mist of the light rain that was on our faces and running down our cheeks effectively covered the remnants of...

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Revenge Is Sweet0

I was having problems at school. I was being bullied by this guy, Hugh Rooney, who was 15, two years older than me and the son of one of the town’s top and richest businessmen. Like father like son. Hugh and his gang would abuse me verbally calling me ‘cock sucker’ and ‘faggot’ every chance they got but always out of hearing of adults. Everyone was scared of him, or rather what his father could do, and so I was on my own. I put up with it best I could by being a smart ass but the more...

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Revenge Is Sweet2

It was a normal day. He had been working late, as he had been for the last six months. He had been told a promotion was coming his way if he helped the company make the transistion with a new system. It had had its teething problems- and brian had been working hard. He was driving down the motorway towards home- he was meant to be staying in the city overnight- but decided to suprise his wife Carrie on their 10th anniversary. He picked up the box on passenger seat and opened it- one hand on...

5 years ago
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Revenge By Margaret Jeanette Mary Benbrooks just completed another deal. She just bought Henry's, an up-scale men's store. It complimented her Dorothy's, an up-scale woman clothing store, and Discount Dress, another women's wear store. Since she also owned the most popular diner in town, she felt she was set. That night she told her husband, Greg, about the deal. He was happy for her. He had a small accounting business that just covered the rent of the offices he leased. He...

2 years ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

4 years ago
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Revenge Is So Sweet 4

Revenge Is So Sweet. #4 I want to catch everyone up. I had just watched my wife have sexual relations with her black minister on a movie camera I had installed in our home and I watched the whole scene. The following is what my next move will be. My wife was supposed to go down to her friend Ellen’s apartment who lived fifty miles away from our city. She was going to stay until I got back from LA. I had my friend Mike put a GPS on her car. Now, it was time to check my computer and see how...

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Revenge of the Goddesses Athenas Assassin

Revenge of the Goddesses: Athena's Assassin By Julie O. Edited By Amelia R. Chapter 1 It was a little after ten as Jason Blackthorn started his last security check before heading to bed. He stopped first to see how Lisa Barnard was doing. She was one of the archeologists working the site on the small Greek island. She brushed her strawberry blonde hair out of her eyes. "Why do this every night?" she asked as she looked up from her computer. "We've been here six weeks and...

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Revenge of the Pothead Ch 01

This was written by myself on another site under the pen name of ‘Col.Jack Harrison’. My debt to society, the sons of bitches called it. Did I borrow the pot or somehow damage my neighbors by using it? What a load of horseshit! I got my ass busted by DEA thugs, arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to LIFE in a federal prison for ‘trafficking in narcotics’. As if that stuff was for anything but my own personal use. I was just smart enough to stash it up (or dumb enough, in...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the PotheadChapter 17

Every stroke of my cock going in and out of Sergeant Kara Soares worked very well with similar thrusts from my comrade, Second Lieutenant Aaron Goldberg. Each of us timed it as well as we could, ensuring that she didn’t have any time where her pussy was vacant for even a second. Sometimes, and more often than expected, we overlapped and I felt his dick next to mine inside her juicy twat, of course, which excited her even more. “Oh, God ... fuck, yeah! You guys ... fuck ... this is ......

4 years ago
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Revenge Inc Danny Jenkins

Revenge, Inc. Danny Jenkins. a loving wife can be a goose to be plucked By H20wader * * * * * the ravings of a lunatic. Copyright by h20wader my editor is out of town so I to blame for all errors. * * * * * Harold Stasson was always the first in the office. He placed the bagels he had pick up on his way to the office. He liked the calm and the quiet. He had just made the morning coffee when he heard the buzzer from the front door. Probably Judith, she would want coffee too. The button was...

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I know, this is a very fast moving story, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. Revenge By Morpheus I stared into my empty shot glass for several minutes, before finally asking the bartender for "Another one" I was sitting in a smoke filled, half empty bar, determined to drink myself senseless. An overweight, balding man sat farther down the bar, looking just as miserable as me. I couldn't help but wondering what his story was, though I honestly didn't give a damn. I was...

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Revenge Of Incest Taboo In The Family

My name is Honey and the now I will describe what happened in my childhood and why I was ferocious to take revenge. I was the youngest daughter in my family . I have two elder brother ,two elder sisters and one younger brother.When I have my first mens I went to my mom and told her and she laughed and told only you are now ready and I could not understand the meaning of this. After three days I was told by my mom to sleep with them in their king size bed.Now just after my sleep and I have not...

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Revenge By Mrinalini Singh 8211 Part 3

Dear Readers! Sorry for not posting a story soon. I was sick and unable to write more. But i am feeling refreshed now. After all of that day with Andrew here you will find the next story of the series. After all that happened that day. I stopped replying him. Whenever i was sitting alone in my balcony on weekends with a cup of hot coffee, I always thought that I don’t want to be called a prostitute and the things i did in past couple of years leads to me an unpaid prostitute some how. Those all...

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Revenge Gone Wrong 8211 How My Ass Was Destroyed Because Of My Revenge

My name is Shikha.I am a sexy,slim,fair and hot girl of 25.Have got a slim figure but have a nice pair of boobs and round ass.I have this bad habit that I am more interested in having sex with boyfriends of my friends.This makes me feel more sexy and hot. The story started when I was in Delhi.It had been about 6 months in my new job and about the same time for my breakup with my boyfriend.My bf broke up with me due to friend kritika(girl) who told my bf about my past affairs.And from that...

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Revenge The idea of this story came to me while I was writing the Escape series. So I thought of giving it a shot. Please be informed that I'm still trying to improve on my English and I'm relatively new to fiction writing. This would only be the second ongoing series (only if you guys wanted it to be continued) that I've done. Comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated. I hope you guys like it. Thanks. WARNING: This story contains TG, violence and surgery. The vengeful...

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Slow Smoldering Revenge Helen was my boss. Around two years ago I had reason to question some tax advice she had provided to a client. At the time I was 59 and was a senior tax adviser for a major firm of accountants. To ensure accuracy it was necessary for advice to be checked by a second person, in my case by Helen, and in her case by the tax partner. Although I was Helen's junior I had considerable more experience than she did having worked for many year for a major bank and having...

2 years ago
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Revenge is Sweet Chapter 1 Capturing The Ghost

“Stop right there!”The voice was female but had an air of authority in it. My brain working fast for a way out of this as I slowly turned around to see the owner of this confident female voice. She stood about 5ft 8” or 173cm if you are into that metric stuff. Maybe mid-thirties to forties and slightly built which made me think I could overpower her perhaps. Then I saw the Glock held firmly in her grasp pointing at my chest. There was no shaking in her hand, here was a woman very used to...

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Revenge is Sweet Chapter One Capturing the Ghost

“Stop right there!” The voice was female but had an air of authority in it. My brain working fast for a way out of this as I slowly turned around to see the owner of this confident female voice. She stood about 5ft 8” or 173cm if you are into that metric stuff. Maybe mid-thirties to forties and slightly built which made me think I could overpower her perhaps. Then I saw the Glock held firmly in her grasp pointing at my chest. There was no shaking in her hand, here was a woman very used to...

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Revenge The Conclusion By Mrinalini Singh 8211 Part 4

Hello Friends, Greetings! Things were changing and i was hearing the whispers of demons in my mind. They were saying you are on the right path and will get your revenge soon. After that long horny and hectic night, I asked Andrew to leave for today. I will call him later. I need rest and lots of things were running in my mind. How to set the trap and blah blah. Those 3 years time span take me from a innocent and helping girl to a selfish girl. I fucked several peoples during that time only to...

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Revenge Sex

Revenge Sex Jennifer was one of my daughter’s closest friends. I had only met her three times before. She had accompanied my daughter to my father-in-law’s funeral services and she was about ready to pop with her third child at the time too. The second time was at my daughter’s wedding when she was a bride’s maid. The third time was when I dropped my wife off at her house for our daughter’s baby shower. Yes at age sixty-one I would become a grandfather for the very first time. Each...

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Revenge With My ExGirlfriend

Hello readers, I am Amit, my age is 28 and I live in Banglore. I am a software engineer. I was in relationship with my girlfriend Neha for almost 2 years. Everything was going perfect,but one day i came to know that she was cheating on me. she had one more boyfriend. i caught her red handed in a restaurant with that other boy. I saw her and fought with her boy friend there only, but she slapped me and asked me to leave. She slapped me in front of so many people, that has created so much of...

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Revenge Gone Bad

Revenge Gone BadI walked into the club hoping maybe that tonight might be a little different, after all it was my 37th birthday. I did not put much stock in the mid life crisis thing, I was an average male, married for several years with c***dren, I had fantasized about other women but had never been unfaithful to my wife. The guys at work had decided to throw me a 37th birthday bash at the club, it was a strip club and tonight was amateur night, amateur night brought out mostly want-to-be...

2 years ago
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Revenge on my sisters

This is a story about me and my sisters. I lived with 5 of my sisters. 3 sisters were older than me, Jane, Ellie and Ash. One was my age, Julie and the last one a year younger, Gina. Now all of my sister were hot. The hottest one was Ellie. She was a total bombshell. Now me, i was a fat kid, had a feminine personality. I lived with my sisters all my life and acted like a girl. I remember they used to dress me up and i liked it. I had a small cock, like 4 inches erect. I was 16, i remember...

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