The first day with my black lover
- 3 years ago
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By Charles E. Campbell
It was two years ago this past May. I had just turned twenty-five a couple of weeks before that. It wasn't something I had planned, nor was it something I had ever even fantasized about before then. It's just that it happened that one afternoon after work, and ever since then, it has become the total focus of my life. My purpose, really. I am always thinking about it, where to do it, how to do it, when to do it. It was on that day when I became completely obsessed with exhibitionism.
It was one of those days in mid-May where summer heat and humidity strikes early and catches everyone unprepared, as a wicked harbinger of what's to come. The commuter bus I rode home on from my mundane job as a receptionist for a law firm was an oven that evening, the air conditioning not even pretending to work at all. My blouse was soaked through front, back, and sides, and it clung to me like a second clammy sticky skin. My light tan midi length skirt was dotted with large sweat spots along both of my thighs. My hair was a greasy lifeless mess hanging in clumps from my head. Beads of sweat dripped from my forehead and upper lip. I was morbidly aware of the fact that my antiperspirant had quit being useful not long after leaving the office and hitting the searing heat of the concrete sidewalks. All I wanted at that point was a long cool shower and a few tall glasses of iced tea.
The three block walk from the bus stop to my building was brutal and seemed interminable. The heat coming up off the sidewalk on the breezeless street just adding to the oppressiveness of it all. At the time, I was living on the third floor of a four story walk-up with a brick facade, in a one bedroom apartment that had an old window unit a/c I had gotten for $35 from a neighbor when she moved out of the building. By the time I was fumbling with my sweaty hands to put the key in my door, sweat was running down my face, burning my eyes, making my panties so soaked it felt like I had peed myself!
The apartment was stifling, as I moved zombie like through the three small rooms closing the windows, stripping off my clothes and dropping them on the floor as I went. I was naked by the time I pushed the power button on the a/c and listened as the compressor in the ancient machine seemed to groan as it struggled to life. It was 6:15 in the evening.
A quick stop at the fridge for a big glass of iced tea that I greedily gulped down. I refilled the glass and headed straight for the bathroom and a long cool shower, the final item on my agenda for the night.
I started the water warm, gradually turning off all the hot water, until I was soaking under the invigorating pulsation of straight cold water. My body was covered in goose bumps and my little nipples were as hard as pebbles when I finally stepped out. I glanced at the clock on the vanity and saw that it was now 6:45. It was at that moment that everything in my life changed forever.
Normally at this point, I would have toweled myself dry and wrapped myself up in a towel from my armpits to my knees. (My hair is always cut very short, ala Peter Pan, so a quick rub with the towel suffices there). Then it would have been straight to the bedroom, where I would have quickly donned a fresh pair of panties and a 2XL t shirt. Duration of nakedness outside of the shower, probably 30 seconds max. But for some reason that night, I stood looking at my naked image in the bathroom mirror. I spent over ten minutes looking at my reflection, studying myself from my face down as far as the mirror would allow, even standing on my tip toes and leaning in over the sink to increase my field of vision. I took it all in, the muscles of my neck , the out line of my collarbones, the shape and color of my areolas, the flat space on my chest between my small breasts, the slight curve from my navel to my pubic hair. I looked at every visible square inch. This was something I had never in my life done before. Absolutely never! I had been raised in a very strict Christian family, where I was taught that the naked human form was dirty and sinful. Bathing was the only time one should be undressed, and then for only as long as it took to get clean.
( I should probably fill you in on what I saw in the mirror. I'm 5'3" tall, weigh 105 pounds and have very short reddish brown hair. My breasts are a 32B, my waist 22 inches, and my bush is natural in shape, very thick and curly, and matches the color of the hair on my head.)
What happened next I have no valid or rational reason for, and believe me, I have given it a tremendous amount of thought. I hung up my bath towel on the rack, picked up my half empty glass of tea, and padded naked to the kitchen to fix my supper, which I ate naked. I spent the entire evening reading and watching TV, also naked, and when I went to bed, I was still naked, (prior to that evening, I always was dressed for bed). In fact, I didn't get dressed until five minutes before leaving my apartment to head off to work the next morning at 8:00AM. I had been completely naked for thirteen hours and forty-five minutes straight, and I was ecstatic! I felt free, liberated, and honest!
The next day the weather had broken, the oppressive heat and humidity was gone, so it was for very different reasons that I took off all of my clothes as soon as I had gotten home and had shut the door to my apartment. Reflecting back, I was just so happy the day before, that I just wanted to be naked again. It was on that day that I resolved to be naked whenever I was in my apartment. In fact, it was right then that I established a rule for myself, the first of many more to come, which mandated me to get naked the instant I stepped over the threshold, even if I hadn't yet gotten the door shut. I was to begin undressing when I stepped into the apartment.
Friday evening, I made a quick detour to the grocery store for some items, as I had plans to be naked from when I got in until I had to go to work Monday morning. About 60 hours of continuous nudity. My pussy had been wet all day at work thinking about it. I had a very difficult time concentrating on my work. (I was not, however, at all disappointed in my weekend!).
By the middle of June, I had learned, via the internet, that a nude beach, (clothing optional), existed in Sandy Hook, NJ. And to make it all the more inviting, a ferry from E. 35th St in Manhattan would take me right there! Checking the projected weather report, I vowed to make my naked outdoor debut that very Saturday!
My stomach was doing flips as I walked over the dunes and was suddenly faced with hundreds of naked people. All shapes and sizes, ages and races of both genders were well represented, (although there were more males than females that day).
I found a spot for my towel and beach chair, and with one quick breath, I removed my bathing suit. No one looked! No one cared! I lathered up with sunscreen and was stark naked in the warm air and bright sun with a large group of kindred spirits. (Yes, I saw a few pervs, and some dressed oglers trying to discretely steal some photos, but for the most part, everyone was very respectful). I visited that beach six more times that summer.
The next big change for me, and one could mount a fairly decent argument that it was the biggest change of all, was when I was found out. My little "secret" discovered. I had gotten too brazen, and by that, one could understand, careless, or maybe even reckless. My rule of undressing had gained an little addendum, which required that I disrobe with my apartment door wide open. Once I was fully naked, I could then close the door. Not before.
I had just stepped out of my panties when I heard a "Hey Danae," and my friend Ashleigh from the second floor burst in and almost knocked me over. She did a classic double take when she saw I was naked, and I quickly reached around behind her and shut the door.
I felt my face instantly flush, and yet I sensed a strong tingle in my pussy at the same time.
"What are you doing, Danae," she asked, her eyes staring at my total nakedness.
I've never been particularly adept at spontaneous lies, so after an uncomfortable pause, I settled for the truth. "Ashleigh, I just really enjoy being naked. I hope I'm not offending you."
"Offending me? You're kidding, right? It would take a whole lot more than your naked body to offend me, I can assure you of that! So when did all this start?" She didn't stop looking at my breasts as she spoke.
I started to pull on my clothes before answering her, and Ash stopped me, saying, "If you're not embarrassed, I know I'm not. Don't get dressed again on my account. You can be naked in front of me. It's cool. I don't mind."
I spent the next hour telling Ashleigh how I had started becoming a nudist, and what I had been doing in pursuing my newfound interest. When I was through, she said, "Sounds to me like you might want to ramp it up a bit, so it stays fresh for you. You know, keep it exciting."
"Sure," I agreed. "I'd like that."
"Well then, how about from now on, when you're sitting, you keep your knees apart. I would think that might make you feel even more naked and exposed."
I hesitated for a moment at her suggestion, until she barked, "Spread your legs open, slut. Show me your cunt!"
I jumped up, quite startled, but obeyed her.
"That's better. I think you have to be more open to be really nude. In fact, why don't you put your feet up on the sofa so your wet little whore hole is completely out in the open."
I was mortified at what she wanted me to do, but still I did it. Ashleigh didn't say anything for a few minutes, but she made sure I knew she was looking at my exposed sex.
"I have plans for tonight, otherwise I would stay here with you," Ashleigh said. "Have you got a spare key to your apartment?"
"Yes, it's in the fruit bowl on the kitchen table."
"Go and get it for me," she said.
I got up an went to retrieve the key, strangely excited by the knowledge she was watching my naked form.
As I handed the key to her, she said, " I like your rule about being naked in your apartment at all times, and I'm going to help to insure that you keep your promise to yourself. I'll be coming in here whenever I like to check on you. I won't call first. You'll never know when I'll show up, so I would suggest that you remember the rules that you yourself set up.
"Go and open the shades on those front windows," she ordered.
"B....but the lights are on, Ash. Anyone in the building across the street will be able to see me!"
" what? Isn't that what you really want anyway? You're not a nudist, Danae, you're an exhibitionist. You get turned on by knowing others can watch you in the buff. Now, open up those fucking shades!"
The next weekend came and went, but I didn't encounter Ashleigh. I obeyed my rules and was always naked in the apartment, and I kept the front shades open all the time as well. Then one night as I came home from work, I found Ashleigh sitting on my couch as I walked in. We didn't exchange words as I got undressed facing her. Just as I finished folding my clothes and placing them neatly on a chair, a woman whom I had never met walked out of my bathroom.
"Danae, this is my friend Phoebe. We've known each other since college."
"Hello, Danae," Phoebe said, watching my reaction to this surprise visit.
I didn't know whether to run or scream and quickly tried to cover myself with my hands.
"Come, come, slut, what kind of an exhibitionist displays modesty? Put your fucking hands down and come show Phoebe how I taught you to sit on the couch," Ashleigh said sternly.
Resigned, but at the same time feeling my pussy becoming aroused, I complied with her order and sat down on the couch with my feet up touching my buttocks and my knees wide apart. Phoebe took two steps closer to me and bent over to inspect my sex. She even used her fingers to spread the wet lips further apart and expose the inner recesses of my pussy.
"Well Ash, I'm of the opinion that the hair must all go if she's to be exposed completely. But you knew of my preferences in this area before. If you're looking to humiliate her some, I would suggest making her grow her arm pit hair out, and get her used to showing it off."
"Put your hands behind your head and lock your fingers, bitch," Ashleigh commanded, and I obeyed.
"See, Ash," Phoebe added as she pinched my armpit between two fingers, "if she's made to grow that pit hair out and learns to always sit like this, it'll draw one's eyes to it instantly."
"I see what you mean," Ashleigh concurred.
"From now on, whore, you will no longer shave your pits," she said to me.
"Okay," I answered meekly
"Doesn't she have a formal address for you, Ash," Phoebe asked incredulously? "Okay is hardly an appropriate or respectful answer from this cunt."
"What would you suggest, Phoebe?"
"Ma'am is good. Vague enough to not be overt, yet strong enough to show the respect she should be giving you."
"Slut, from now on you shall only address me as Ma'am, is that understood," Ashleigh said.
"Yes, Ma'am," I replied obediently.
"Let's order some pizza," Ashleigh suggested, "I'm famished. We can wax her disgusting cunt after we eat."
When the buzzer rang announcing the arrival of the pizza , I was told to buzz the delivery boy in, and when he knocked on my apartment door with the pie, I answered it naked, and handed him the money plus a fat tip. I'll never forget the look on that teen's face when he saw me in the doorway.
After we ate, and I cleaned up the dishes, I was told to lie on my back on the table while Ashleigh and Phoebe meticulously waxed my nether regions, even down and around my anus. They left after they had finished their task. I looked in my full length mirror on my bedroom door at my hairless groin. A fleeting thought that I was getting in too deep flashed in my head, but it was just as quickly replaced with an urge to stand in the living room and play with myself with all the lights ablaze, hoping someone might notice me.
When I got up to get ready for work, I noticed there was an envelope that had been slid under my door over night. "cunt" was written on the envelope in Ashleigh's hand. I opened it and read the terse note inside:
"Gather up all of your bras, pantyhose, slips, and panties, put them in bags and donate them in a clothing bin. From now on, you will only wear dresses or skirts to work. I expect you to keep that bush the way Phoebe and I prepared it for you."
It was simply signed "A".
I now felt naked wherever I went, no more "second line" of protection under my clothes. I'm sure my braless breasts were often discernable under a few of my lighter colored tops, as my areolas are quite dark and my nipples are in a perpetual state of hardness.
Ashleigh continued to "pop in" on occasion to check up on my compliance with our rules. A few times Phoebe came with her. Once Phoebe came alone. I heard the key in the lock on my door, and expecting to see Ashleigh, I was surprised to see Phoebe come in alone and close the door.
"I want you to stand in front of the window," she said.
I got up and walked over to the front window.
"Face the window."
I turned.
"Look across the street, three windows from the left, the one with the blue drape slightly open."
I scanned the building across the street and located the window.
"Keep your eyes on the window."
Phoebe moved two lamps over on either side of me so that my naked body was fully lit up in the open window. I saw the drape across the street part and a naked man with binoculars appeared in the window, and he was pleasuring himself.
"What do you see, slut," Phoebe asked rhetorically?
"A naked man looking at me through a pair of binoculars and playing with himself, um......."
"Mistress will be fine, cunt."
"Yes, Mistress."
"Well then, don't you think it would be polite if you joined him in a Jack and Jill so he can enjoy himself more?"
"Wh....what," I stammered.
"Are you fucking deaf? Spread your goddamn legs apart and play with yourself, you useless whore! The next time I tell you to do something you had better obey me, and without any hesitation. Do you understand? Don't make me tell Ashleigh of your disobedience!"
"No, Mistress, please don't tell her. I'll obey you. I promise I will, but please don't tell her!"
"Well then, touch yourself, but don't you dare cum. Keep your eyes on that window and watch while that man enjoys himself the entire time!"
"Yes, Mistress."
I licked the middle finger of my right hand, (although it was completely unnecessary by that point as I was saturated), and started to rub my swollen clit. I could see that the pace of the man's hand had increased when he saw me masturbating for him. In less than fifteen seconds I saw his body spasm, and I realized he had cum. He waved to me and shut his drapes.
"You may stop now, slut," Phoebe instructed me.
"Yes, Mistress."
"I want you to watch that window every evening, and if you see any movement in it at all, you are to set up the lights as they are now, and touch yourself for him until he waves you away. Understood?"
"Yes, Mistress."
Over the next two weeks the man appeared in the window four or five times and we repeated our voyeuristic scene. I found that each time it became more and more of a challenge for me to not cum myself, as my arousal grew, but I was afraid that through his binoculars he would notice if I did, and I feared he might inform Phoebe of my transgression.
One Saturday afternoon, the three of us piled into Phoebe's car and drove out into the suburbs. We pulled over in a parking lot in some town park, where I was made to get out and undress. Ashleigh took my clothes and locked them into the trunk. I was told to drive the car.
As we drove up the road, Ashleigh spotted a fast food drive up and said, "Pull in. I'm hungry."
We gave our orders and waited in line. When we reached the window, a young girl said, "That's $23.75, please." She almost screamed when she saw me. Phoebe and Ashleigh took their sweet time putting the monies together, while a group of the girl's coworkers gathered at the window to look me over. Almost all of them putting the cameras in the cell phones to heavy use.
All three of us were laughing hysterically as I drove away. Phoebe, who was seated in the passenger seat next to me got suddenly serious and said, "You really enjoy all of this, don't you Danae?"
I stopped laughing as well. When I stopped for a traffic light, I turned to her and said, "Yes, Phoebe. I honestly do. I've never felt so alive in my life before this, and I want to thank you both for helping me to realize it all."
We hit three more drive-throughs that afternoon, and had the same reception at two of them. The woman at the window of the third one was in her sixties and didn't find any humor or happiness in my naked display. "You drive on out of her, you little pig," she exclaimed, "Before I call the police!"
Half an hour later, and many miles from there, Ashleigh told me to pull the car to the side of the road and get out. Phoebe slid across into the driver's as I stood on the street.
"We're going to drive up two blocks ahead of youand pull over," Ashleigh said. "You aren't to move from this spot until you see us park the car. At that time, you can start walking, not running, up the sidewalk towards us. When you get to the car, I'll pop the trunk, you may remove your clothes and get dressed and then you may get in the car and we'll all go home. Should we see you start walking too early, or if you move at any pace faster than a normal walking speed, we'll drive ahead another two blocks. Do you understand me, Danae?"
"Yes, Ma'am," I answered, my stomach in knots as I heard passing cars already honking at me and announcing my presence.
Phoebe blew the horn several times herself as they abandoned me there, drawing the attention of passersby on both sides of the street. I stood still, watching them leave , the first time ever I had publically been the only naked body around. Phoebe seemed to wait an overly long time at the stop sign up at the corner before continuing on down the road. After what seemed ages, especially based on the number of cell phones that were hastily recording my running afoul of the public decency laws, I saw her signal come on and she parked the car.
Taking a deep breath, I held my head up high, pulled my shoulders back, and began my walk up the sidewalk to the car. Most people gave me a wide berth on the sidewalk and then stopped and stared as I walked by, many more took pictures, while others shook their heads in disbelief. One yuppie soccer Mommy tried hard to shield her two young kids from my "obscene behavior," as she labeled it. But with each step that I took, my butterflies diminished, and a broad smile broke out on my face, reflecting my pride in my boldness and defiant nudity.
When I reached Phoebe's car, the trunk had been popped, but I shut it, and remained naked as I got back into the front passenger seat. My pussy was dripping! Ashleigh allowed me to play with myself as a reward.
One night that January, I was sitting in my apartment alone and naked. The shades were up and all of the lights on, my "partner" across the street had failed to show, when my phone rang. "Hello, Danae, it's me," Ashleigh said.
"Hello, Ma'am."
"I'm having a small party and would like it very much if you would pop down and attend."
"When and where, Ma'am?"
"Well, right now actually, in my apartment. Please come down and join us."
"I'd be happy to, Ma'am."
Just as I was about to hang up, Ashleigh added, "It's a come as you are when invited aprty, slut, if you catch my meaning."
The silence on my end prompted Ashleigh to say, "Do I have to come up there and bring you down here myself, slut?"
", Ma'am. I......I'll be right down."
"See that you are, cunt. Don't make me wait!"
I hung up and panic struck me as I thought of who I might encounter as I walked down the long hallway to the stairs and then down one flight to the hall leading to Ashleigh's apartment. Our building has six apartments per floor, four floors, and only one staircase. Only the tenants in the apartments on the ground floor don't use the stairs.
A quick trip to the bathroom to pee and add deodorant to my hair covered pits, and I was cowering behind my door, listening for sounds in the hall. Hearing none, I opened the door a crack and peered out, listening intently for footfalls. Mustering what courage I could, I stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind me, realizing that now I was totally committed, as I had no key with me to reenter my apartment.
I walked briskly down the hall towards the stairs, where I paused again, and listened. Then I ran down the stairs and bolted for Ashleigh's apartment. I rang the bell, looking all around nervously. I could hear people on the other side of the door, but no one opened it for me. I rang the bell again, and Ashleigh opened it up.
"Impatient little slut, aren't you?
"Here," she said handing me a key. "I didn't get my mail today. Would you be so kind as to go and get it for me?" Not waiting for my answer, she closed the door and once again I was naked in the hallway.
The mailboxes in our building were located in the entry foyer, right next to the staircase but also in plain view of the double glass doors which opened directly out onto a public sidewalk. I slowly padded down the stairs to the foyer, my eyes focused on the doors, trying to see through them out to the sidewalk. I could see people walking past the doors outside. Waiting a second before committing myself, I listened once more, and then sprinted for the mailboxes. I was so frightened that I dropped the keys two times before successfully opening the box and pulling out the mail.
Hastily I closed the box and ran up the stairs, the sound of the front door opening up behind me caught my ears just as I turned the corner and hit the hallway to Ashleigh's.
Again I was made to wait for her door to open, but this time I was allowed in, only to come face to face with eleven people, six female and five male, all of whom were dressed. Being that the theme of the gathering was come as you are, the radically different manners of dress was really to be expected, that is of course excepting for me! One couple was in gym work out clothes, a man was in just his pajama bottoms, two women were in lacy nighties and are were barefoot, the remaining three men were all in business attire, while Ashleigh, Phoebe and the other woman were dressed in sweaters and blue jeans. All eyes were upon me as I stood in front of them. No one spoke, and the shock that was registering on their faces told me Ashleigh hadn't forewarned them about how I was dressed when I was invited.
"This is Danae, my neighbor," Ashleigh said by way of introduction, after allowing the guests a good look. "She spends as much of her free time naked as she possibly can. Don't be put off by her, she actually prefers being naked tan being clothed. Phoebe and I have yet to be able to find anything that will embarrass or humiliate her, so all of you are most welcome to try if you'd like. Danae won't mind in the least, will you, Danae?"
"No Ma'am," I answered, feeling my excitement begin to build.
"Danae, please have a seat on the couch."
The guests all moved aside as I stepped between them and over to the couch. I sat down, my feet up against my buttocks, knees apart, and hands behind my head, fingers laced together.
One of the men dressed in a suit and tie came over to me and studied my face for a few seconds before announcing, "Ashleigh, I will not be a party to whatever kind of perversion it is you're planning," and he turned and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door in his wake.
"Danae is open to any suggestions you might have for her. This is quite literally what she lives for, so please enjoy yourselves with her," Phoebe said.
The two women in nighties took quick advantage of Phoebe's invite and sat down on either side of me on the couch. Everyone was watching as they took turns feeling my breasts and belly and sliding fingers up into my willing pussy. They also ran their fingers through my armpit hair, twirling it between their fingers and tugging on it gently.
"Why do you keep your pussy bald and your pits natural," the one on my right asked, as she combed her fingers through my pit?
"Ashleigh prefers me to be this way, that's why" I replied. "I do anything she tells me to do."
"Do you shave," the one on the left inquired, spreading my nether lips apart with both hands?
"No. I get a Brazilian wax every three weeks, although I have an appointment scheduled to begin laser hair removal treatments, as they are longer lasting and give far better more permanent results. In fact I start this Saturday."
"May we take some pictures," the woman in the gym clothes asked?
"Of course you may," Phoebe said, "She's at your disposal. Take as many as you like, and do anything you want with them. We told you, Danae doesn't care. You may do anything you like with her."
For the next few hours, I was licking pussies and asses, sucking cocks, and being fucked in both my pussy and ass. All the while, Ashleigh filmed the goings on, making sure to capture my face, but never the faces of her guests.
When at long last they were sated, Phoebe gave me a pair of very short shorts, nothing else and told me to put them on. I was made to kneel on the floor and wait while the four guys jerked off on my face. Ashleigh then told me that there was money in the front left pocket of the shorts, and that I was to walk up to the corner store, buy a lottery ticket, and bring it back to her. Only then would she give me her key to my apartment so that I could go home.
In New York City, it is not illegal for a woman to be topless in public, so I had no fears of being arrested, but in January, with cum on my face and in my hair, I certainly drew a lot of attention as I waited for the clerk in the bodega. I'm sure he wanted to prolong the length of footage he would get from the surveillance cameras in his store.
As soon as I got to work the next morning, I was summoned to the office of my supervisor, Betty Lynch. She indicated that I should have a seat in the chair facing her desk.
"So, Danae, it seems that we have a bit of a problem."
"Oh, Ms. Lynch, what's wrong?"
"It has been brought to my attention that one of our employees has a large number of pornographic images of her out on the internet."
I felt instantly light headed and nauseous.
"This firm cannot and will not tolerate such lewd and lascivious behavior in it's employees. We have a valued reputation to maintain" She waited a moment, letting my anxiety levels grow. "I will give you two choices, since up until today, you have been a valued employee.
"You may resign and leave at once. Clear out your desk and go. You will be given two weeks of severance pay, your health care benefits will remain in force for the remainder of this quarter, and you may call on me for a recommendation for new employ. This is overly generous if you ask me.
"Your other choice is for me to fire you right now, for being found out to be a revolting and disgusting pervert. You will receive no severance pay, nor will I, or anyone in this firm ever write you a recommendation!"
I was walking down the hall to my apartment an hour and a half later, a small cardboard box holding my personal items out of my desk. The two week severance pay plus my meager savings would allow me to stay where I was a few months, but then what? I opened the door, set the box on the floor and disrobed reflexively. Nudity seemed the only comfort I could find.
Closing the door behind me, I turned and was surprised when I saw Ashleigh and Phoebe sitting on my couch with one of the men who had been wearing a suit the night before. My head dropped in resignation, figuring they had brought him there just to have his way with me again.
"Look, Ma'am," I began, my head down, "I just lost my job because of some pictures, probably from last night, that are out on the internet now. I really don't think I can do whatever it is you want me to do."
"We know about your job, Danae," Ashleigh said. "That asshole that made such a big stink about you last night and left the party recognized you. He's the cousin of your ex-boss. He heard about the pictures that they took last night and he ratted you out."
I didn't comment. I just shuffled to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee.
The man stood up as I walked past and grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks. "If you'll permit me," he began, "I have an idea that I think will help you out. I've already spoken with your two friends here and they both think it's a great idea.
"By the way, I'm Tim, Tim O'Reilly."
When I didn't respond, he continued, "I have a tremendous amount of experience in setting up websites, I've been doing it independently for the past nine years.
"What I proposed to Ashleigh and Phoebe was that I set up a website for you, a pay to be a member site. We can talk about the membership fees, duration of membership, those sorts of details afterward.
"The members can submit things they'd like to see you do. Like a dare. We could offer them an incentive for this involvement, like three months free membership if you accept and carry out the challenge they suggest. You would always have the final say as to whether or not you would do anything. We could call it a challenge or dare. We would film you doing the things you chose to do and post it on to your members only site."
"I was thinking of calling the site "Dare Me," Ashleigh interrupted excitedly.
"Sure," Tim cut in, "We'll work all of those things out later.
"I'm pretty secure in saying that you'll be making whatever you had been making at your job within three to four weeks time. After that, I would think the only limits to your income would be your limits in accepting the members challenges."
"Think of it, Danae," Ashleigh interrupted again. "You'd be getting paid to do the things you love to do anyway! It's a win win!"
"Yes," Phoebe leapt up from the sofa and chimed in, "How can you lose? I mean, no offense, but you're already out there on the net now anyway. There's no taking any of that back. You might as well turn it to your advantage and get paid for it. Tim even thinks the pictures that were taken last night will be free advertising for your site! Like a teaser!"
I sat down on the floor, somehow remembering to bring my feet up to my butt and spread my knees, (How and why had this now become so comforting to me?). Ashleigh gave me a sternish look. I raised my arms and laced my fingers together behind my head. I really didn't have a whole lot of options in front of me.
"What will I need to do," I asked softly.
Tim answered, "Most of tech aspects will be my responsibility, so you needn't have any concerns there. We do need, however, to discuss the finances now before we get too involved. Get it all ironed out and agreed upon. We'll need to have a lawyer draw up formal contracts for the four of us, have them signed and notarized. This will spell out individual job descriptions and responsibilities, as well as the division of funds.
"I was thinking my share should be 20% of the net, while Ashleigh and Phoebe would each receive 10%, and you would make 60%, as everything dealing with actually earning the money will be from your efforts.
"Ashleigh and Phoebe will be responsible for reading the requests that come in for dares, sifting through them, and dismissing any that could tie us up in legal situations, other than the occasional misdemeanors for public lewdness and the like, of course. These we'll let our lawyer handle. The two of them will also be involved in helping you plan and actually carry out your challenges.
"Have you any questions so far?"
"What kind of time frame do you think we're looking at here," I asked?
"Well, it'll take me a good two weeks to design and get the site up and running, but we'll need content ready to be uploaded before the first day. The three of you will need to get going right away with filming your little exploits and getting them into the computer for me. I should think an hour's worth of material should suffice for starting up. After that, as the challenges come in, you should probably figure on five or six new videos per week, depending on their length. The site's members need to be seeing a constant stream of fresh video to induce them to keep renewing their memberships."
Ashleigh, Phoebe and I set out straight away to gather video for the site. We repeated some of things from our past, ie naked in the drive through, naked walks on the street, cum walks and the like. We drove up north above the suburbs three times and they filmed me naked in the snow, (For the record, naked to me means totally, no shoes even, so those shots in deep snow were very difficult. I view being barefoot at all times as a trademark of mine). One shoot was of me tied tightly to a pine tree with coarse heavy rope, while Ashleigh and Phoebe pelted me with snowballs from my shoulders to my knees, until my lips were blue and my entire body was red and covered in goose bumps and I was shaking uncontrollably.
We drove out to the Island and I walked along a stretch of the beach, my feet in the frigid water. I even went swimming and rolled in the sand, causing me to have to get back into the ocean to wash it all off. God my nipples shrunk that day! A park ranger almost caught us too, it was my closest encounter with being caught to that date, (I have since been arrested five times).
Phoebe suggested we do some different kinds of shoots to show the variety of challenges I was willing to try, like insertions. We ran the gamut from your usual veggies, ie cucumbers, celery, bananas and the like, to wine bottles, golf balls, ice cubes, thumb tacks and even live goldfish!
Ashleigh thought adding some spankings would also be a good idea. They shot me naked over Ashleigh's knees while she spanked me hard with her bare hand, a wooden spoon and a wide leather belt. The discoloration and welts that appeared on my ass served as adequate proof that I was for real. Another shoot had me with a few dozen clothes pins on my nipples, areolas, pussy and stomach. Using wet bath towels, they knocked them of, like a scene in a gym locker.
Well all of that was eighteen months ago, and that's how "" was born. Today, we have over 50,000 members world-wide, each paying $30 per month. (You do the math!).
Ashleigh and I now live together in a decent sized house in another state, with three acres of land. This allows me to be naked 24/7, indoors and out, while Phoebe prefers living alone in a large apartment in a city close by. She visits 2-3 days each week and when she does, she takes over running my dares, leaving Ashleigh with some much deserved time off.
Hello ISS Readers, this is milomionan from Chennai. This is my first story in ISS, kindly bear with me for any mistakes This is about me and my friend during our college days. It happened like 6 Years back, while we were pursuing our engineering from a reputed College in Bangalore. Myself 24 from Chennai, average body, and dick size. My friend is from the Southern part of Tamilnadu with an average physique and childish behavior and of course well maintained dick. I was staying in the Hostel; he...
Gay MaleYou've been watching me.I can see you from the cornet of my eye in class, when I wear my brown leather flip-flops in Summer. You can't tear your eyes off of my half bare feet, with their nice olive tan and big, square toes. Thick, manly toes that you'd die to set your lips on, I know it.Every time I stretch out my legs in the aisle between our desks, or dangle my flip-flop by my toes while the professor talks, I can see you salivating over there, hanging on my every action just like you were....
Chapter 4: New developments — unresolved issues. Thursday, August 30, 2007 Uncle Mackey’s room was an orderly haphazard. While the litter screamed chaos, it had been strewn about systematically. With the exception of the bookshelves at one end of the room, everything was placed within reach of the single swivel chair. One look at the lone window told me that trying to open it would be a waste of time. Why borrow frustration? This was my day to look for clues. I booted the computer, and...
It took a moment to shake me out of my memories as the man spoke to me. I glanced up at his face, strong jaw lining up to rugged facial hair marred here and there with small scars, conveniently shaped like where a woman's nail may have grazed in struggle. He definitely looked the part, dark eyes set evenly on his features, bushed eyebrows and thin lips. His shoulders were broad and squared off as he spoke again. "Did you hear me?" he said. "No, sorry my mind was elsewhere. What were...
As I looked deeper into her eyes I recognize a smoldering undertone barely perceptible but obvious in its message. This is further enforced as she slowly withdrew her hand from mine drawing her fingers slowly and delicately across my palm and sending shivers directly to my groin. The message was loud and clear! Jenna - The Power Exec Having a business appointment with this power executive Jenna is a bit of a daunting assignment as she has a reputation for being very tough to deal with. I have...
Cheating WifeSweet Revenge by Kristen Kitty Alan, a 15-year-old, sat alone in the den, fuming at what had just transpired. His sister had just managed to excuse herself from all of her chores for the week, at HIS EXPENSE. It had started when his 14-year-old sister, Karen, had her first stupid period while she was in school last month. She was in English class, and was totally embarrassed when it happened. Alan did not believe that it was that big of a deal, and he let his sister know about...
It has been close to a hundred years since the last female was born. Nearly fifty years since they started being made. The Gender Lottery has been in place for the last thirty five years. Its still a mystery as to why girls stopped being born. One day the world was as it was before, the next day only baby boys were being born from the female womb. This was a hard thing for many to accept, and many at first believed this would be the end of humanity since males couldnt reproduce with one...
My wife lets me do all this to her so you'll hear about that later. I love blowing air into her ass when we are 69ing. After I fill her ass with air she farts it back into my mouth. I also love hearing her ass queef while I anal fuck her. I love fingering her ass and playing with her shit, as long as it stays in her ass. I like when I pack her fudge and it gets on my cock though. Sometimes I tongue ehr ass and I can feel the tip of a piece of shit while she pushes to keep her ass...
I woke up just before noon with a throbbing erection. For a second, I thought I was still asleep and maybe dreaming, but the giggles and exaggerated slurping sounds coming from beneath me were too real. Audrey was deep throating my cock from my right side and Nikki was between my legs sucking on my balls and playing with my prostate. The sight of the two gorgeous women having a sausage and eggs breakfast in bed with me standing in for the sausage and eggs would normally have made me come...
I was out to dinner with a very hot date. We had already been intimate so we knew each other quite well. At dinner some how the topic came to daring her to go to the wash room and take off her panties. She was wearing a short sun dress. She did it. Walking back to the table she handed me her panties.We were at our favorite restaurant. It was quite a popular place and given that it was Saturday evening, we were one of many tables for two lined up in a row not more than 2-3 feet apart. While that...
hello all!ii am ishi lee.... i am nearly 21 years old.... today i wana tell u the story of my sex and my love towards porn and lets day i went to shoping mall where i met a guy david who said " damn u r so beautiful"here we are... this is where i got moved towards sex and nudity first time...he stated meetings with me often and one day he took me to shoping in that mall again where he bought lots of gifts and clothes for me.... my heart was beating...
When I walked in the back door of his house Jim hugged me and gave me a kiss, first slightly reserved but when he felt my mouth open for him we kissed full on with tongues searching while his hands slid down to grab my ass and pull me into him. It had been a long time since my last visit and I knew he was horny! “I’ve missed you, guy,” Jim finally said when our lips finally parted and he gave my butt another squeeze. Jim was fifteen years older than myself and well past retirement but that...
Gay MaleI can see the steam escaping from the bathroom and know you're in the shower. Just imaging about how you're soaping your body up makes my folds ache. I can literally feel my heartbeat making my clit pulse. Moving as silently as the wind, I creep to the bathroom door. It feels good to be naughty. Your bathroom door is slightly open; a ray of golden light shines on the floor. I'm a guest in your home. I shouldn't be invading your privacy, after all the kindness you have bestowed on me. It's...
VoyeurMary Part Two, Mary's Present (FF/M) By [email protected] (OTK-F/M-E) As you probably know from my other stories, my wife spanks me. Also, she has a good friend named Mary who comes to visit us about every two weeks, and my wife allows her to spank me. Mary has spanked me on many occasions, and one time while my wife was out of town on a business trip, she had me go over to Mary's apartment for a spanking. Anyway, my wife and I had just celebrated our second wedding anniversary several...
SpankingRiya usually maintains some distance among the male colleagues in our office but pretty chill with me as she trusts me. She is medium-built and has normal height with silky hair way beyond her shoulders. [email protected] I will be waiting to hear from the readers. And thank you for the good responses to my previous story.
IndianThis is a true story. However the names, locations and some events have been changed to protect the (not-so) innocent. Some things have been exaggerated slightly, but not a lot, so hopefully this is a good read. And remember, this is my first story, so bear with me. I met her 3 months ago on one of them internet dating sites. Profile read, 24 year old female seeking stability. In the photo was a slim, busty, attractive young lady. 5 foot 5, black hair, eyes and a smile that could turn any man...
So the story starts from here, her name is heena (name changed). I live in punjab. 1 year ago, my life experienced a passionate experience with my neighbor aunt heena. Her figure : 38:30:36. She is a mother of 1 and she is very hot and erotic. So the story starts : My house was few yards away from her, she used to come for walk daily in my street with her friends . She always wore sexy yoga pants, no one could say that she is 35 years old as she is having that hot figure. I always used to...
Forget-Me-Not By Julie O Edited by Amelia R Author's note: I deliberately have not named the state where this story takes place. Obviously, it's in the American Midwest. Chapter 1 Seventeen-year-old Brian Anderson sulked down the hall of his new high school. He was counting the days until graduation, as it was the only thing that kept him going. It was currently thirty days away. To say he hated his school wasn't an...
Sofie Marie is a caring stepmother who goes to make sure her stepson Dylan is up and ready for school. When she gets to his room he is still in bed and claiming to not be feeling well. Sofie steps right in to check his temperature. He feels a little hot, but Sofie decides to make the call on an old fashioned trick. If his dick still works properly, he should be good to go! Sofie saw his penis was already erect and began to jerk him off. She used her mouth to suck out the sickness, then Dylan...
xmoviesforyouStanding alongside Mickey DiCapra – and also dressed for a bike ride – was the cheerleader's coach and sponsor, Mary Ann Giancotti. Also one of the kids' history teachers, Mrs. Giancotti was a former professional cheerleader who could still put on a uniform and pass for one of her girls -- which she did every Homecoming. Only up close were her crow's feet noticeable, but her smile, her tan and, especially, her body more than compensated. "We came straight from practice," Mrs. Giancotti...
Looked up and saw three of my angels; Alice, Alison and Angie giggling together like they always did. Three of the five great gifts they’re mother gave me before she took off. All I knew about what was going on was when I was served with divorce papers from a court in Reno, Nevada. “Daddy.” I heard one of their sisters’ call from the front door and waited to hear it slam again. Then the other two gifts I’d received almost seemed to bounce into the room; Barbie and Bea. Alice, Alison and...
In March 2014 the Westboro Baptist Church announced that their 85 year old founder Fred Phelps Sr. had passed away due to natural causes. But did you notice how they never held a funeral for him? Most folks assume that this was because they didn't want a million people showing up to pay them back with the same kind of vicious harrassment they have dished out to so many grieving families, but the truth is far stranger. This is what REALLY became of Reverend Phelps, who now goes by the name...
WENDYS PHOTOS After seeing the Wyonges out I return to Wendy and let her down off the Wheel. Then with the harness still in place I took her to the spare room to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be her day. We were going to her work place to take the photos for the family album. I had no idea who else she had invited. Saturday morning we arrived at Wendys office. Outside a middle-aged man was waiting for us. Wendy greeted him with a kiss and led us both up to her private office. I know she was a...
“Your brother, Harry. He is taking the train home this afternoon and needs a ride from the station” “Is he bringing Jane home with him this weekend? “He didn’t say. I hope that you will take the truck and go pick him up. The train arrives at 4:12” “No problem, Mom. This is the way the day started and I left for the train station in plenty of time to meet the train that is always on time. I like spending time with my brother when he comes home, and this is one way that we can be...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Daughter's Incestuous Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – May 2056 Vanessa, my now eighteen-year-old daughter, suckled at my breast. It was just after midnight. She was now an adult. I stroked her red hair, still in a braid. I groaned at the feel of her hungry nursing, loving this. It had been so many years since I weaned her as a baby. Not it was so naughty. My milk flowed into...
Procyon The Fast-class cruiser RN Jericho generated a flare as it emerged from transit outside the orbit of UM-7, the last planet in the system, an equivalent distance from Sol to Sol-7, the Sun to Jupiter. It extended masts and began transmitting a request for the Transterran home office to grant a meeting with the NorCom representative it carried. Planet-side, as had become habit, Kilgore intercepted the MIL officer heading for the chairman’s office with a frown. “The chairman asked not to...
It had been a couple of weeks since the last party, and Suzanne came home from work one evening with Kait in tow. It wasn't unusual, but they both seemed preoccupied as we all conversed. After a few minutes, Kait finally looked at me and said: "So we have an idea about the next party we need to run by you..." her gaze sliding from me to Suzanne.Suzanne quickly said "We're going to have a few more people this time. ""Ok...." I said, feeling like I was missing something. "And we want to have a...
I had no plans for the day. My mum was at work and my brother had gone out so I thought I would just have a lazy day in front of the TV in my pyjamas (well, t-shirt and knickers). I had just gotten comfy on the sofa when to doorbell rang. Oh, it will probably just be someone trying to sell me something, I thought, so I ignored it. It then rang again, so I reluctantly opened the door to find my boyfriend standing there, looking chuffed. “Y’alright babe?” he said, and gave me a peck on the...
Gina, a 23 year old, was traveling all by herself in the plane—her flight was 18 hours long. She sighed to herself as she sat in her seat thinking what she was going to do for 18 hours. Surely one can’t keep on watching their entertainment videos throughout and she didn’t like reading that much either. She looked around for someone to strike a conversation with, but either she couldn’t catch anyone’s eye or many were already snoozing in the long flight. She was seated next to the window, with...
Group SexJake was on edge, his step Mom kept giving him looks over breakfast, making his cock eager. It had been a few days since she had stroked him off, and he was so ready to see if her comment about doing more was just an offhand remark, or whether he was indeed going to get more. In the early afternoon, Danielle appeared in her tiny bikini, stepped out into the back yard, and stripped it off, giving Jake a case of stoneware cock. Before he could slip away to his room, and stroke off to her...
The training was finished, the script was finished. The first version of the video was shot. It was time to show it to Clegg. Clegg sat back in his arm chair opposite the big video projection screen. "OK," he said, "let's see it." I sat in the chair alongside him and hit 'play' on the remote. The Clegg logo span around in the middle of the screen and then dissolved to show a helpless girl in a car boot. A girl standing with her hands chained over her head followed, then another shot...
I’ve been living at home for some time now, but have always helped my mom by paying room and board to help her out sence I’m over the age of twenty-one and have a full-time job. The recent change in the economy has forced her to rent the basement out to compensate the recession, so she placed an ad in the local Capital paper looking to rent a portion of basement. About six people came by to check out the room, but only one seemed promising. Despite the open space in the basement, it is...
I entered with a knock. John was seated behind his desk and pointed me to a couch opposite. ‘Are you OK? You look a little flushed.’ ‘I think I am. I’m feeling really happy but sort of nervous too.’ I was so many things at once I couldn’t keep track of them. Thrilled, nervous, excited and ashamed were there. But so were infatuation with Janice and John, a fear of being used and a mad, burning desire to be accepted by him. ‘The thing about T nodules is making you nervous. Yes. I can...
I turned sixty years old this year and I started having some problems with my blood pressure, my cholesterol, and just plain growing old. Then I lost my vision. My granddaughter Eleanor was visiting me at the time. She had just turned sixteen and I had taught her to drive. In fact she was here celebrating the fact that she had just passed her driving test. Now Eleanor is a cute little shit. I had enjoyed teaching her to drive because my car is standard and she has to shift and push in...
The next night at the VVIP Kelsie looked very sexy. Her hair was slicked up with Hair gel and her tiny outfit of pink trainers with pink ankle socks along with a pair of tight pink booty shorts and a pink vest top covering her tiny titties. She knew how good she looked as she fixed her bra making sure her firm little tities didn’t pop out from under her top. Gisele was in the same style of outfit that Kelsie was but a dark green color. It was still early and slow so she walked up behind Gisele...
When I got back to the hut, I saw poor Roddy still sleeping soundly on his side, snoring. I snickered. He never admitted to his sonorous soundings, always telling me it was I who snored, not he. As I moved aimlessly about the hut, straightening things and such, I spied a creamy white envelope on the desk. I was somewhat astonished to see it was a letter from our darling daughter Emma, postmarked several weeks ago, and forwarded to us by the Society. I was delighted to see a missive from her,...
When Denac, Lanita, and I arrived at the horse and donkey ranch is was apparent that the donkeys were not dissatisfied with their new accommodations. There were fourteen of them, and six were following the guys around while the other eight were leaning against the pen's fence to visit with the large cashda in it. Jortah came over as we dismounted. "What did you call the small ones? They don't act a bit like the larger ones do." "They are donkeys, and they are usually a little curious...
When we arrived back at the rental, Meagan ran inside, only for Chloe to come out a moment later. She walked up to me, grabbed me by the wrist, and pulled me inside and into her room. In the room, on the bed Elyssa and Sherley were sitting. I was stunned. The four of us, everyone from the incident was here. “I had a chat with Sherley, and we’ve come to a conclusion.” Chloe said as she shut the door. She walked over and stood near Sherley. “We fucked up royally eight years ago.” Chloe...
I started a new job 6 months ago and it meant I needed to travel quite often, luckily me and Chloe have friends near the place I travel to so they offered for me to stay over to save the journeys coming home.The couple were friends of ours that we met on holiday 5 years ago and we’ve been best of friends ever since. Jamie and daisy were so similar to me and Chloe, daisy and Chloe were practically the same looking girls. Both blonde, petite, little waists but curvy butts, the difference was...
This Part has plenty of action but for best results I suggest you read Part 1 first. My drive home from the mall flew by in an instant. I had only gone there to buy make-up and ended up with a bag full of cosmetics, panties, blouse and a skirt – not to mention being sucked off in the changing rooms by the cute Asian salesman, Philip. It’s still hard to imagine that I had spent 36 years of my life without experiencing the touch of another man. My legs were still like jelly as I rushed into the...
It was my privilege to write this story with the talented Milik Redman. It is the second part of a story of a judge and a Crown Prosecutor who face an ethical issue in the context of a precedent making trial. Their choices will have lasting impact on their lives and careers. Philippe Rannou took a deep breath before opening the door to his court. An unfamiliar turmoil had unsettled him and the dispassionate calm he usually felt before hearing a case was gone. It was a personal conflict. The...
Love StoriesThe Trials of MariaThe day started early for Maria. She’d been awakened at 2:30 a.m. with a blast of icy cold water from a hose wielded by one of her jailers. She jumped up from the floor, moving her naked, defenseless body into the corner, cringing there as if to protect herself. The burly jailer just laughed, directing the forceful spray at whatever part of her body her hands weren’t covering at the moment. She finally slumped down onto the floor in defeat, allowing the stinging spray to...
Almost eight months have now passed since I have been allowed to see her body. Almost eight months since she imposed the sex ban on me as she moved her lover into our house and more importantly, her bed! A couple of days had passed since her naked adventure in the log cabin and as we were just finishing up eating supper. Robert said that he had better get going to his late meeting with a prospective client. He kissed my wife passionately on her lips and hurried out of the house saying that he...
ExhibitionismWednesday I saw more of the proud looking girls. Their backs were straight and they walked with graceful steps. If the queen had come, she could walk no better. Some nodded their heads at me as if signalling that I was at least partially acceptable. When I got into Home Ec, Janice came to me quickly before the class started. I thought she was going to ask about a suitable boy but she said, "Jeff are you going to give us a talk too." Mrs Cameron came in right behind her and interrupted,...
I My name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again. Before you judge me, there’s a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he wasn’t around much. He travelled to Europe regularly and commuted during the week to Manhattan for meetings. When he was home, he was either...
Ricky Spanish and Juan Loco are playing video games when Ricky’s stepmom, Artemisia Love tries to tell them to get off the couch. She tells them they need to work out or they’ll never be able to please their future wives. When the boys ignore her, she flounces off into her bedroom to change into some appropriate workout clothes that highlight her curves and give her some serious camel toe. Grabbing a whistle, Artemisia blows it to get the boys’ attention and orders them off...
xmoviesforyouSarah and Maggie entered the firm of solicitors at dead on ten o’clock, and Maggie marched over to the receptionist’s desk and handed over a business card. ‘Hi there…’ She smiled at the young woman behind the desk in a friendly fashion. ”SCraMBle Computers’ – Sarah Chester, and Margaret Belling… we’re here to see Mr Conrad, we’ve a meeting booked for ten o’clock.’ The receptionist looked down at her appointment book. ‘Ah yes… the computer people.’ She looked up at them both, and then stood up...
It was evening when I woke up, with still just a hint of the remaining light of sunset coming through the living room blinds. I might have been mind-raped, but I didn't seem to feel the worse for the experience. "Well, you drugged me ... you bastards, but I do still feel like 'me', but then again after being mind controlled, I would feel that way I anyway I suppose." I muttered, as Walt, Mary's father, handed me a tall glass of orange juice to drink. Sedatives always tended to give me...
She took my hand and lifted it to her breast. Soft, warm, oh, so sexy. My fingers moved to her nipple and rolled it around all the while she continued circling her fingertip over my tip end of my throbbing cock. I had one hand holding my cock steady as she traced her fingers over the top while my other hand was fully enjoying the softness of her breasts. "I think you can get me off just doing this," I told her as her fingertips went around and around spreading my precum around. She moved...
Tumhi mazi pahili story vachali asel ani avadalihi asel mala kahi mail sudhha milya, tumi mala mail karu sakata maza e- mail aahe Kontihi ladies/mulgi/kaku/mami/atrupta mahila jyanche age 18 to 35 darmyan aahe mala anytime mail kara mi tumchya sevet hajar aahe, aani ho goshta aaplyatach rahil, i promise.Mazya vahiniche nav Maya aahe. Ti mazya chulat bhavachi baiko. Chulat bhau police aslyane to kamawar kadhi kadhi 3-4 divashi rahayacha. Suruwatila lagna zalyanantatar maza bhau jevnha kamavar...
Die BindungenIch betrete die Wohnung und sehe dich durch den Rundbogen zum Wohnzimmer auf dem Sofa sitzen. Sofort habe ich den Eindruck, dass ich dich irgendwobei störe; einen Moment bleibe ich im Flur stehen und beobachtete dich, deinen Kopf, die hochgesteckten Haare, hinter der Sofalehne im Takt der lauten Musik hin und her schaukelnd. Dann ein leises Klick, du beugst dich nach vorn, und nun bermeke ich erst die kleine Kamera, die du auf dem kleinen Bücherregal neben der Tür zum Schlafzimmer...
Hi my name is Devd, i work in a Mnc. it’s a story how I blackmailed my junior she had some problem understanding some project work and asked me for help, otherwise she could be thrown out of the company. I asked what I get in return, she said anything, I was happy in my mind. So I called her to my room on a Saturday. She agreed I opened the door, she was wearing red t-shirt and jeans and hair open. We exchanged regards, she came in and I bolted the door there was no seating place. in room...
Pawn ??????????? A lazy summer break, and I find myself in a new and exciting situation. I'm tied to a chair by my ankles, a vibrator buzzing incessantly inside me and I'm desperately trying to regain some kind of grip on reality; useful when playing chess. I play white, whilst he plays black and giggles at my naked jiggling breasts; all in good fun he assures me. Right! Let's make a start. White opens:'Pawn to C4' He smiles and makes his return move, fully clothed I might add. Before...
Hey hi to all of you there and here I’m with my 1st story of the season that will rouse your expectation to a new high as it already have exploded my sex desires and my dream came true. Sometimes when I read the stories even I too think whether and this stories are true or just but yes they look to be true when the same happens to you. I am Rahul from Mumbai height 5’8 Colour Savla. This incident revolves around me and my sex desire my cousin ANNU She is short sweet, fair and sexy. Her eyes are...
IncestCora worked seven days a week, eight hours a day, every day but Sunday. Sunday was an easy day because all she had to do was feed the animals. Everyday was long but with the help she had she didn’t mind. She would wake up at six every morning, be at the farm by seven, work her butt off until about three or four in the afternoon, and then she was granted her evenings. A week had gone by since Ronnie took her to the cliff and he had come and spent time with her five out of seven nights that...
Easter Givings ? by: Dee Eon It began shortly after the first day of spring in Aunt Em's Victorian rural home after my foster 'mom' and I finished breakfast. "Peter," she said fondly with a poignant sad look. "These three years you've been with me have been the happiest I've ever had. I'm now sure those social workers are eating crow for calling you a very troublesome child. I'm only sorry I hadn't cared for you since you were seven after your parents' terrible car accident." "I...
DISCLAIMER: The stories in the ‘Celebrity’ section of Literotica are all fictional parodies – none are true, nor are they approved of by the celebrities named in the stories. Authors write these fictitious stories about famous people for the same reason that Larry Flynt made fun of Jerry Falwell, because they can. The Supreme Court of the United States, the country where this site is located, has ruled that parodies involving famous people are perfectly and totally legal under the United...