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Devotee A Short Story By Maryanne Peters My son JJ had always had a spiritual side. I came from a religiously family and reacted against it. I would not call myself an atheist. I guess that I have always felt that I had a personal god - somebody to talk to in moments of crisis, to ask the question 'why?', or to shout at in moments of frustration. My wife too, came from a devout home. They were Catholics and when she married me and moved away from her family she chose not to connect with the local church. So, both our boys were raised without religion. We named him James because that was a family name. I am James and so was my father. When he was still alive I was 'Junior' and my son was 'Junior's Junior' - JJ. The first born got the name, although in my case JJ was second. My wife's father died a month before my oldest was born, so he was named Michael. JJ was two years younger. Anyway, as I said, JJ had a spiritual side, and for him it required a search for God. To the sadness of my wife and myself that search also led him into drugs. He lost weight and became very unhealthy. We did our best to provide him with help, but he was seldom at home during that time, and there was little that we could do. When he had explored all manner of sects and cults across our country, he decided to go to India. He had got in with a group who were members of some Hindu or Buddhist group involved in meditation. He told me that he thought they were misguided, but that the true home of spiritualism was India. He told me that he believed that there were people there who had found God. India is a big country but JJ was prepared to explore the beliefs there. Of course, we were worried about the dangers in that country - in particular access to more drugs. I told him that there was a return ticket when he was ready to come home, but otherwise we must let the next generation find their own way, even if that way is beset with dangers. We could only hope that the way would lead him to happiness and a life that might be worthwhile. We received emails for a several months, until he appeared to pause in a small town in southern India, near the temple of a renowned guru, as we were told. Then the messages just dried up. There was not much we could do. We knew of no crime so neither local authorities nor embassy officials were interested. We contacted people who had travelled with him, but that had lost touch with him too. My wife and I wondered if he might be dead. It was distressing time. We decided that despite my own personal circumstances, our only option was for me to travel to India to look for him. A little research had established that the town from where we last had contact was not big, and that there were a limited number of temples or other places of worship in and around the town. I made a list and printed out some maps. I went to the doctor to get shots, I bought myself some suitable clothes and within a few days I was on a flight to Mumbai. From there I took a train through to the city of Anantapur - a journey of 18 hours, albeit in some comfort in first class. Then another hour by taxi to the town. I had booked the best hotel in the town on line. It was old fashioned but surprisingly clean. The manager was helpful and suggested the three most likely temples to visit. There were more if I had no success. After a good night's sleep (better than on the train) and armed only with energy bars, bottled water (to avoid local food and water) and a photo of JJ, I set off. I covered the first temple before lunch and then went to the second. The second temple was less spectacular but clearly had a large complex. Nobody seemed to understand what I was asking but I was told that I should come and talk to an American who lived there. I followed the small boy designated to guide me through the open terraces and halls. I saw that there was a light skinned person ahead of me. It was a young woman. She had long light brown hair, parted in the middle, with a red spot painted on her forehead. She was wearing a colourful sari in what looked like the finest silk, so that despite the many folds of the garment, the shape of her body - her shapely breasts and her hips - could be seen clearly. And most incongruously, she had the face of my son JJ. Her eyelids were ringed with kohl and her eyebrows shaped fashionably, and the lips appeared painted slightly, but it was JJ's face. "Is that you, son?" I asked, from the far side of the terrace. "Yes, it's me, Dad," came the reply, in a soft feminine voice. Not JJ's voice but with something of the timbre I could recognise. "Why are you dressed like that?" My question seemed strangely ridiculous. We were still standing some distance apart. I wanted to embrace my son. But somehow I needed an answer first. "I'm a temple attendant," he said. "Only hajira are allowed to be attendants." I just said, "Oh." I had no idea what that meant but now I was able to go to him and hug him. He smelt of frangipani. His hair was soft and his face was smooth. I could feel breasts against my chest. They seemed real. I had no idea what was going on. I was open-minded, but why this costume? "Come and meet our master," he said, with some excitement in his voice. He took my hand in his. I had not held his hand since he was a small child. It seemed soft and light. We walked, but I had questions: "Why have you not been in touch with us? You mother is beside herself. It's been almost a year since your last email. We thought that you might be dead. Why didn't you send word." "Dad," he said, in that same unnatural voice. "I am sorry. I should have gone to town and had a message sent for me. But we don't use technology. We lead a simple life. But I have found truth here. Our master is the wisest of men, and he has power that he can pass directly to those close to him. He is truly remarkable. I have just been so caught up with everything that he has taught me. And he has taught me everything." There was no doubt that he was into this. I suppose I always knew that JJ would fall heavily into whatever belief system worked for him. As I said, he had a spiritual side and this dominated his thinking. My older son was only concerned with material things. Children can be so different from one another. I suppose that when you picture a guru you imagine an old man with spindly legs, perhaps a fat belly, but certainly long grey hair and a long grey beard. This man was quite unlike that. He was not young - maybe mid-50s, a little older than me - with just a hint of grey in his thick dark hair and trimmed dark beard. He was tall and appeared strong and fit. He had a strong face with the hooked nose of a comic book villain, but his eyes and smile were warm and friendly. When I was introduced he stood up quickly and took my hand. He said "Welcome, Father of Ours." His English was perfect, without the tongue at the top of his mouth and maybe with the tones of a British Education. He seemed pleased to have me there, which seemed surprising enough. "You must join us for dinner. We have many good things to eat. You should spend some time with your child. I am sure that Jana has much to tell you." He called my son "Jana" which he said meant "God's gift." He said, "She is a gift from God to me." I said, "Well I'm sure that you understand that this is my son, not my daughter. Not a 'she'." "She is now, Father of Ours," he said to me. I looked at JJ and he just nodded. Of course that occurred to me what that meant. JJ was dressed as woman, was shaped like a woman, and sounded like a woman. I did not want to think about what it meant. I sort of put it to one side. Instead I wanted to understand what it was that had captured my son so totally. "We believe that life is like a circle," he said. "We die and we are born again. But it is not a circle. It is an upward moving spiral. With every life we advance our souls a little. And with every experience we advance our lives. The finest experiences are born of sacrifice and kindness to others. Your child is kind and good, and for that I am pleased and grateful to you, Father of Ours. I call you this out of respect for the human being you have raised." It was evident that he was genuinely impressed with JJ, and I was proud that he felt that way. There was a wisdom about him. Sometimes I felt that he was looking straight through me to my soul. If you believe in such things, there was a magnetism there, something that defied rational explanation. I was reluctant to eat the food. I had been prepared to come to India and eat nothing local. My only experience of Indian food back home had been indifferent. But I just seemed to respond to his offers as if guided by an invisible hand. It was disconcerting. I ate as he directed. The food was spicy but good. After dinner, he said that I could stay the night if I wished. Their sleeping quarters were spartan, but he said that there were three rooms with comfortable beds in what he called "the Blue House." It was getting late and a taxi seemed like a hard job to find. I really did not have much alternative. We talked a little more, and drank some sweet tea. And then we went to the Blue house to retire. I had expected for him to leave me there, but it then became apparent that both he and JJ would be sleeping in this building also. There was a wet-room to wash in. I was grateful to wash off the sweat and grime. There was a large collarless kamiz night shirt to wear to bed. I hoped to sleep easily, but within a minute or two of putting my head on the pillow, I thought that I heard a voice calling me. It was almost dream-like. The voice seemed to be coming from inside my head. It was not so much directing me but commentating on movements I was already making - out of my room and entering the larger bedroom next door. The Master was there, and standing beside him was JJ, no longer in the sari, but covered in a light garment. The Master was naked. He turned to me and with that familiar smile and friendly eyes he motioned me to sit in the chair facing them. Then, with a single gentle movement he pulled the robe from JJ's body. My son stood there naked. He had full round breasts and there were no genitals. His groin was clear beyond a small patch of pubic hair. Nothing left of his maleness. I should have been shocked, but in my dreamy state I was just fascinated. JJ did not look at me. He looked only into the eyes of his Master as he took that man's penis in his hand. He kneaded it into life. I am not judge of any but my own, but it looked like a very big erection. Then JJ lay on the bed and pulled his legs open. There where my son's genitals once stood was a vagina. Then the Master was inside my boy, humping away, in front of me. I could not move. I sat there watching as a man fucked my boy. He fucked my castrated and feminized son. And I just sat through it, without a word. It had to be a dream. A nightmare to be exact. I awoke in my bed next to that room, with no recollection of how I got there. Surely, that made it a dream. Vivid, but imaginary. I put my clothes on and wandered through the garden until I found cooking smells. I found the Master sitting cross legged eating some flatbread and white cheese washed down with tea. He motioned me over with a hearty "Good morning." Even if it was only a dream I should have hated him as a result of it, but again I found myself responding to his signs of friendship with deference. I sat beside him and ate some flat bread with soft white cheese and fruit, and I drank some tea. JJ appeared with more fruit. Somehow, he looked invigorated. He was dressed similarly to the day before - just a different colored sari. And his honey brown hair was pulled back off his forehead and wound into a large bun on the back his head. He looked pretty (there is no better word), something I had not noticed the day before. And somehow healthy and alive. I remarked that he seemed to be "glowing" today. It seemed a strange thing to say. "Last night you saw me receive powerful fluids from the Master," said JJ. "Energy-giving, life-giving fluids, directly into my body." What was I hearing? It had happened after all. It was not a dream. I had indeed, watched a man fuck my son. My son had a vagina where his genitals had been. And I sat and watched and did nothing. What did that make me? How could I not stop the man now sitting beside me? "You can see the benefit of the power that I have developed through effort and meditation," said this monster. I looked at him in horror while he continued: "I have used that power to take an unhealthy and confused young man, and create a healthy and happy young woman, with power and purpose." He looked at JJ with genuine admiration, and perhaps even love. I wanted to jump up and hit him. But I suddenly felt weak, and my pain resurfaced. "You are also unhealthy," the man said. "I could see it when you arrived. I could feel it when we shook hands. You are very sick." "I came here to bring my son home," I explained. His mother misses him greatly and will need him with her. But you are right. I have cancer. My time is limited. I think you have the power to return JJ to us. That is what I am asking of you. To be able to take JJ home." I was pleading rather than attacking him partly because I saw that as the best option, but partly because I was just tired. The illness had sapped me, and with the effects of the travel, I was just worn down. "The power that I have is more than that," he said. "I have the power to rid you of this disease. The disease is a male disease. Your body is reacting against your maleness. I see in you the same beauty that I saw in Jana. You are the same as her. If you will let me place my fluid in you, and if you will become one of my special few, then you may leave with Jana if that is what you wish. But I want you to leave and live, not die." JJ had been watching and listening, and said, "What cancer, Dad? I didn't know." "Curiously, he is right," I said, referring to the Master. "My cancer has spread from my prostate to other parts of my body. But it started in a male organ. It has been held in check with the drugs I am taking. That accounts for the thinning hair. But the drugs will not cure it, and tissue removal will not fix it either. I have less than a year." There was a moment of silence between us. Some tears flowed from JJ's beautiful eyes. Then the guru spoke again: "I tell you I can offer you a cure. I am sure that you have been through worse than the treatment I propose. Even if you don't believe it, you should try it. And I will unite your family. It will be a sadness to me but I will direct Jana to go home with you, and to stay with you for at least a year. I am sure that she will want to come back, but she has a duty to her family and to you. I respect that." The idea troubled me. Was he suggesting emasculation like my son? But I was a desperate man. I had come a long way to find my boy and bring him home. I was too weak to take him against his will. Whatever was being proposed seemed more effective. I was assuming that there was no cure, just the opportunity to bring JJ home. My time was up so it seemed that I could pay any price with what was left of my body. I said, "I understand that your powerful fluid is your semen, so how would be delivered to me?" It was a practical question, but clearly indicated my willingness to consider this perversity. "You have no vagina ... yet," he said. "So, your mouth or your anus. You choose." It was delivered with such blandness that it made it all the more disgusting. Giving this man, or any man, a blow job was not an option. So, to free my son from him meant taking his penis up my bottom. I had already been heavily probed in that area with my cancer. Frankly, it seemed a small price. So I simply said, "When?" "Eat your breakfast," he said. "Jana will prepare you. You will be ready later this afternoon. I must meditate. Then we will be together, you and me. You will experience mystery and joy. It will be a special moment for you, and for me too." As he rose and walked away I wondered just how deluded this man was. He might find pleasure in it, but for me it promised to be a truly awful experience, but perhaps a necessary one. Free my son, and maybe, just maybe ... . I had decided that I would surrender to this horrific thing and let whatever would happen that day, happen. Jana led me to what appeared to be a bath-house. My head was wrapped, and then I was covered in a grey mud and left to stand or lie on a stone slab for at least an hour, maybe two. There were several young women there. One played a musical instrument most of the time. Another sang. Two engaged me practising their English. After a time, the mud was washed off my body and I found that it was completely devoid of hair. The cloth was removed from my head and what was left of my hair was shaved off. There was only a small mirror to view myself. It looked as if I was prepared for death. I bathed and then JJ appeared with a jug of oil and two objects - clearly dildos. "If you prepare, there will be no discomfort," he said. He had me lie on my back on a mat with another rolled mat under my bottom. He explained: "The Master will want to make love to you face to face." Make love?! "I'm not sure that's what I want," I said. Then I gasped a little as the lubricated smaller of the two tools entered me by my son's hand. It was dusk before the Master was ready. I was not hungry. I had shared "tiffin" with the girls of the temple before the continued the work preparing me. I was now beautified with a black cloth wound around my shaven head and knotted on the top; and eyes decorated with kohl. My body was washed again and perfumed. I was laid on a bed. Each of the girls and JJ kissed me on the head and mumbled incantations of some kind. There was the smell of incense in the air. It was exotic and strangely exciting. But, to put it bluntly, I was about to be bum-fucked. The master entered the room. He was wearing a loose robe. The same one he wore last night. His penis hung but was already engorging. He knelt beside me and kissed me on the forehead. I stared at the ceiling. He then kissed my neck and moved down my body which, devoid of hair, seemed to have acquired extreme sensitivity. He licked each nipple, his tongue explored my navel. Despite myself I felt stimulated, but my thankfully my penis did not stir. I felt his fingers check my asshole. It was already flushed with a perfumed enema, well stretched by the larger tool, and lubricated. I braced myself. "Relax, my darling," he said. Somehow I just responded to his words. My body went slack and I remember being almost thrilled to hear the words "my darling" delivered in this man's soft baritone voice. My eyes closed. I hardly noticed the moment of entry, before I was aware that he was fully inside me, warming my body internally with his penis. I opened my eyes again and he was there, over me, smiling, stroking my smooth face. Starting to move. His hips moving. There was a slurping sound with each stroke, and then the sound of his hips slapping against my thighs. There was no sensation of pain, just a warm comfort, being slowly replaced with a wave of pleasure, then waves building in intensity, and then ... . My wife and I had enjoyed sex for 30 years. Lately, through my illness, it had become impossible, but I knew what a good orgasm was. But what I had just experienced was on another level. My first thought was 'if this is what gay sex is like then what have I been doing all my life?' But then I started to wonder whether this really was an orgasm or whether I was responding to this man's power - real or imaginary. Maybe JJ was right - he had a power. His penis was out of me. I was almost disappointed. He had some fluid on his fingers. He smelt it and said to me: "This is your fluid. It is diseased. But it is gone now." "Thank you," I said. Was I thanking him for the perceived cure or for giving me a sexual sensation that was beyond my wettest dream? "Sleep, my darling," he said. Those words again. I found myself smiling at him, as sleep overtook me. When I work up I felt remarkable. Instead of dragging myself out of bed I sprang to my feet. There was no pain in my body. I felt fresh and alive, the way I used to in the mornings. I did not feel ill in any way. Could I have experienced some miracle cure overnight? I am a rational man, so the idea of the Master's sperm being the instrument of that cure remained a ridiculous notion, but could my body have responded to suggestion and expelled the disease? I was naked except for the cloth knotted on top. I looked at myself in the mirror above the basin. I looked almost like a woman with the smooth face, the shaped eyebrows and the outlined eyes. And the cloth looked almost as if I had dark hair in a high bun. I pulled it from my head. To my surprise my had was covered in hair. Just half an inch, but all over my head. Not just where it had been before my cancer, but where it had been when I was a child. And just like my hair as a child it was blonde. Even without the cloth I still looked female. A mature woman with very short hair. Almost desperately I checked my chest and my crotch. No sign there of feminization. Except my testicles - they were definitely smaller. But the treatment I received at home could have caused that. But the hair seemed to be a significant physical change overnight without explanation. There was nothing to wear except a robe. I slipped it on and tied it closed with a large pink silken sash I found on the dresser. I hurried off to find JJ. The Master was sitting in the same place as yesterday having the same breakfast. He called out to me: Good morning, most Beautiful One." Somehow I felt the compliment was deserved. Today I felt beautiful. I was starving. I had not eaten since tiffin the day before, but even then I would have eaten only a little. Now I found myself scoffing every delicacy, much to his amusement. "You will be blonde," he observed. "I must confess I have always found blondes very attractive. We Indians are supposed to prefer our woman with pale skin and dark hair, but I like tanned and blonde. You are meant to be this kind of woman. It was my privilege to bring you to the world." "I cannot explain the hair," I said to him. "Unless I have been asleep for a week, it cannot grow like this." It was difficult for me not to find a scientific explanation when all he seemed to offer was magic. I said, "There is no such thing as magic." "I agree," he said. "Hair can grow fast or slow. It is just a bodily function. But you have more energy now, so it will grow fast for a while. All these girls can tell you that. They all started like you." I looked around at his assembled attendants. They were all attractive young women. Or were they? As if to prove the point JJ appeared. His hair was now in a long thick braid draped over his shoulder. Not a trace of male in his appearance and his bearing. She stooped to kiss the Master on the lips. He said to her: "Your parent brought me great joy last night. But, without appearing conceited, I think I gave back joy many times greater." He was right. At that moment I had an unnatural craving to have this man inside me again. I had to swallow a large mouthful of tea and move back to the food selection to divert myself. In fact, as it turned out I did give in to him again, that night, twice the following day, and the morning that we were due to depart as he had promised. On each occasion the sensations were equally incredible and afterwards, I felt charged with energy. However he was doing it, it appeared to be working. But clearly a man who looks forward to being impaled by another man's penis is not heterosexual, so I had to face up to the reality that after 53 years, I was now a gay man. And apparently, a hungry one. I was surprisingly easy with it. As I explained, sex with my wife had been off the table for some time, so before I died, she would be missing nothing. As a gay man who could only receive, I could function sexually. But somehow, I still did not feel gay. In truth, I think that I felt like a woman. JJ and I were to set off to Anantapur on our way home. As I said, the Master had taken me to bed in the morning, after having spent the night with JJ. He was genuinely sad to see us go. There was heartfelt sadness in the goodbyes. But as he said, "I made a promise." JJ had nothing but Indian clothes so we had to stop at the markets in the City to find stuff to wear. He went straight to clothes for women. It was hard to argue that he should not wear those clothes. But what was weird was that I accepted his advice to buy from there too. I bought slacks and some colourful shirts, and some sandals, and a leather bag to carry stuff in, and a leather folder big enough for my passport, cash and cards with a coloured clip in the front. Somehow I had an idea in my head that with these clothes on and with the shortish blonde hair, I still looked like the man in the passport photo. JJ looked less like the man in his photo than I did, but neither of us looked like men. It was not until we got onboard the flight and people started addressing us "What would you Ladies like to drink" that it hit home. At the stopover JJ bought some duty-free cosmetics and suggested I do too. I would not have done it, but we had time to kill and they were offering a free makeover. Both of us got a serious double-take at passport control, but at this stage we were just giggling about it. That makeover just made us feel good. And of course we had bought the cosmetics. It was a bigger shock for my wife and older son. Imagine this: Your ailing father goes overseas to bring home his wasted younger son, and what comes back is a pair of women. I really felt that way after the makeover, and it was reinforced when my oncologist told me that my cancer was gone but that my prostate gland and testes had atrophied away to almost nothing. He recommended surgical removal to avoid infection, so I had that done during my vaginoplasty. Of course my wife was pleased that I was now alive, but she was sad to lose me as a husband. The way that I put it to her was that she was going to lose her husband anyway, but this way she would get to keep her best friend and companion, and a co-parent to our two wonderful children - now a son and a daughter. The truth is that she coped better with JJ's new sex than with mine. She had always wanted a daughter, and now she had one. With me, she never adjusted to lesbianism. That was OK with me, as I found it difficult too. Now that I was fully equipped for sex with a man, I was keen to try it. After that, there was no going back. I grew my hair out. The Master was right and it grew like crazy over about the next 6-8 weeks. Now I wear it collar length now, in soft blonde curls, just the way men like it. JJ keeps her long, but she also favors some curls these days. And did we go back? Of course we did. Within a year as promised. JJ took her fianc? with her, to help him understand where she had come from. My only concern was that the Master would choose him to add to his harem as well, but he gave his blessing for the marriage, and JJ was happier for that. I went so that he could see me, and so that we could make love as man and woman. As I explained I had some opportunities to try out my new equipment, but with the Guru was undoubtedly the best sex of my life - man or woman. I think that he will always be my spiritual husband. Even as I live my life now, back home, as a truly feminine woman, I will be forever devoted to him. The End © Maryanne Peters 2018

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My football nightmare

Tricked at Football PartyI meet a nice looking black guy named Jocko, during the New Year’s Eve swingers’ party. Since me and my girlfriend were too drunk to drive home, he drove us back to his place to sleep it off. I was too tired from enjoying lots of guys and just instantly crashed but Sandy had fun with Jocko. The next day, he asked if we would like to go to a football party on the 1/18. Sandy couldn’t make it because other obligations. I asked what type of party was it. He laughed and...

1 year ago
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Kim 2 Kim gets out of jail

It was now Monday after work, I bought a news paper to look at the arrest reports. Yes, just as I thought Kim's name was in there for drugs and the name of her new stud. I felt pretty good about what I had done that night, there where things I could have done better but it was a spur of the moment thing, but it is done. Tuesday evening my phone rang and it was Kim, and she wanted to come over and talk and apologize. I had misgivings about seeing her but I gave in and agreed to let her...

2 years ago
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Night Bus With Beautiful CoPassenger Lady

Hey there ISS readers, thank you so much for all the comments, messages, and reviews to my previous story. It was really heartwarming to see such encouragement on my first story. This is my second story out here, I hope it will be an amazing read to all of you, as this is a memory I shall remember for a lifetime. So, going right into the story. It was my friend’s wedding in Chikmagalur. I was really looking forward to it as it was a weekend and I was getting done with my exams. That would...

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Becoming a submissive slut

Prologue Becoming a submissive slut Part 1 Prologue Some submissives appear not to know when the road to understanding their needs began or when their lives began to change.? Obviously I must have had these feelings inside me for a long, long time and even remember enjoying being tied up by the ?cowboys? as a little girl, I know exactly when it began as an adult, even though it began in small stages. I spent the weekends with my boyfriend Michael.? He had a house and on Fridays I leave...

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A Halloween Adventure

One year on college I went to a Halloween dance. It took place in one of the male residence dorms.I was a "friend" date, running interference for a female friend of mine who had a boyfriend but wanted to go out. I was not in costume. I stood by her side, chatting her up when she was not dance with her female friends. That was, until, Batgirl caught my eye.She was shorter than me, Jet black hair, shoulder length. Straight. The dance was dark, I couldn't see much else. I watched her dance, she...

3 years ago
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Rachel and Caitlin Best Friends0

“You know that one guy Steve is actually not as much of a fuckboy as other guys. I might even like him a bit” Caitlin said to Rachel. “Are you sure Cait? I mean he might just be using you to get that booty” Rachel responded, while going behind Caitlin and quickly slapping her ass. “Don’t smack me! He’s a good guy. We have a lot in common and he seems very genuine. And who says getting fucked is the worst thing in the world” “Wow you are a slut” Caitlin fired back, while thinking in...

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A light came upon a mysterious figure, femine with a bulge between the legs, and the figure waved. Then she spoke cheerfully: Hello there, [Redacted]! My name is Professor [Redacted] and welcome to the [Redacted] region! Before we start, let me tell you about the world. Our world is filled with pokemon, special creatures that resemble us in terms of body shape ~, basically super powered furry futas. They come in numerous body types, sizes, colors, and etc, with special abilities that can be...

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Diary of a Submissive BabysitterChapter 5

The next Friday I was down shopping in the small market near the rooming house when I spotted Hester Quick bending over getting onions from the bin on the floor. I could see her silly "granny" knickers because she tended to wear skirts far too short for a woman of her years. The taste of her cunny was a memory on my tongue but not because I had been fooling around with the poor lady. It was a second-hand taste from the cock of the sex-crazed Reverend who liked me on my knees for a much...

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Desert Heat Part 12

Desert Heat – Part 12Monday morning came early and neither Ginger nor I felt like hitting the road for another 10 days out in the small dusty desert town, but duty called and we loaded up and hit the road. On the way down, Ginger talked about Bill and Olga. She said she liked them and was grateful for them helping her to get out of her shell and she enjoyed what happened with them last week. However, after what happened this weekend at home, she asked if it would be okay if we took things...

1 year ago
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Faith Hope and DestinyChapter 15

I TRIED TO HOLD onto the dream; me holding a naked angel, aroused by her, excited, loving her. It drifted away, a spectral wisp into a morning mist. Her scent hit me first, an intense aroma of sleeping girl; perfect. I felt her, nestled to me, her back against me. Then I understood. Amelia’s naked buttocks were pressed into my groin. My morning erection was held by soft thighs, her hand gently pressing my shaft to her pussy. My erection swelled. Amelia answered with a gentle squeeze....

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The Eye Witness Chapters 5 and 6

The Eye Witness Chapter #5 Lynn seemed happy that I asked to help, and with my help we were done pretty fast, while we were cleaning and talking, she asked how I felt about going out dressed to church, and being with the other little girls at Sunday school, and also how I felt at the coffee shop especially seeing I knew a lot of the people there. I told her that the Sunday school thing was kind of wild, but I just followed what the other little girls were doing and played along....

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Jena and Lisi Ch 2

With a final clang of metal on metal, the First Order drop ship landed inside the hanger bay of the First Order Resurgent Class Star Destroyer they would later find out was called the Finalizer. As they were led down the ramp of the drop ship, the girls could see hundreds of troopers, technicians, flight control crew and other members of the First Order, busy inside the massive hanger. TIE Fighters, shuttles and assault craft lay or hung in various states around the hanger. Everywhere they...

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Hot wife story

At my encouragement my beautiful wife Andrea has become a hot wife. I started to hint that my friends always commented about how sexy they thought she was. After a while she started to dress more revealing around the house so when my friends came by they had a treat. Tight shorts and cotton tank tops , usually always braless. Her thirty four B cup tits stand up proud and perky. She stands five three and weighs one hundred pounds, her legs are what I first noticed and they are still her best...

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If you've never had the pleasure of sharing a woman with another man I can easily understand your feelings. Until recently I'd never been in that position and found it odd and exciting. I was about to not only share a woman with a man but the woman was his wife. They were happily married but loved swinging in case you hadn't guessed yet. I had been online patiently biding my time in a room I had created called 'Men Seeking Milk'. Having the screen name of Titmilker and it coinciding with...

2 years ago
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My Week With Tommy PT2

Introduction: More Fun with Tommy… please excuse any grammatical/punctual errors as English is my second language. Names have been changed for the safety of people featured in this article this article has underage sex and if you are not into it GTFO! Part 1 is TOTALLY True, Part 2 is pretty much exaggerated into a story It Felt like we had been doing this for hours, but when I looked at the clock it had only been about ten minutes. I looked back at Tommy and he was fast asleep, soon we are...

2 years ago
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Morning Glory

The past three days had been torture. Heather and her husband were staying with me while their house was refurbished. Being so close to Heather without being able to spend time alone with her was agonizing. As night followed day, my sexual frustration grew and grew. A fleeting glimpse of Heather as she left the bathroom gave me a tantalizing glimpse of her in a cotton nightdress. The sun shining through the window behind her showed her body in silhouette. It was a body I had had before. It...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Kylie Quinn The Needy Babysitter

As Mr. Knight is going to write Kylie a check for a job well done, she politely asks if she can get an advance on next weeks payment as well. Mr. Knight is a bit reluctant, saying how she should learn how to save or start a small business. Then, A light bulb goes off in Kylies cute little head. Maybe she can sell her slightly moist panties! Mr. Knight bites, gets one sniff and is in heaven. For sure a great investment. The next day, Kylie was super late for her scheduled babysitting time. Mr....

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Kissin cousins

We spotted each other as soon as I walk through the pub door. Doreen sat at a table with her husband Bill. She looked great. I had dropped in on impulse as I passed, felling the need of a cold pint of beer on a warm July night. They both waved at me with beaming faces. Bill stood unsteadily and held out his hand. "Didn't know you were in town," he said as we shook. His speech was slurred. "I got in yesterday," I replied, " I thought it was time to pay mum a visit, or to be more accurate, mum...

1 year ago
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Too Horny For Words

Too Horny For Words I was diagnosed with type one diabetes on August 28th 2010. I honestly don’t really care. I have my daddy who fucks me good to make the pain go away, and my boyfriend Josh, who fucks me in my ass just right. All I need now is a third dick in my mouth for I can have my own three car garage. Unfortunately, my blood sugars run in the 300’s which is high according to my doctor. I cannot see how that is possible. I am getting enough exercise since I'm getting fucked twice a day...

2 years ago
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My first day at work

Yeah, I knew I was stud, but didn't know I was a pansexual Hedonist! I was six feet, weight 176 and hardly any body fat. I also had a thick 7" cock that seemed to stay hard. I also had a very firm bubble butt. So, on my first day at the bath house I lost my clothes in a locker. donned a bath robe and met Jerry's partner and older boy toy. Both gave me the grand tour as they explained my duties including sex with Jerry and boy toy.The place was dimly lit, but expansive and nicely decorated. At...

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Pleasing Billy

PART ONEBilly had been watching. Watching for over three years, as Sue had developed from awkward teenager, into the beautiful girl she had become now. he had watched as her breasts grew in size, filling out, her shirts getting tighter, the impressions of the bra she was forced to wear clearly visible at certain moments. Her waist seemed to have trimmed, as her hips had rounded. Her hair, long ands black flowed freely over her shoulders and down her back, her eyes, greener than ever.Not that...

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Moms wish

I am Kamal, 28 yrs old, based in Madras. I was gifted with a cock that is almost 8" long and a little over 2" thick.My mom and dad had divorced, when I was younger. Dad was 10 years older than mom and was a driver. So with dad left mom & I were on our own. Mom was only 19 years older than me. She got pregnant with me, on her 18th birthday. She said that was dad's gift to her that day.When I was 18, my mom caught me masturbating, in the garage, while looking at an old playboy magazine, that...

4 years ago
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The Last State is the Best Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - On the evening news Wickenburg, Arizona is no metropolis. But it is large enough to rate bold print on the road atlas. After miles and miles of wide open spaces south of Kingman, pulling into this town signals a return to civilization. Wickenburg is the southern terminus of US 93, coming to an end at US 60. However, if you look at an Arizona road map, it looks like it is US 93 that continues straight toward Phoenix, not US 60. Lois negotiated the tricky traffic circle...

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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 5

If you do, then please read my other stories. Please, read this chapter after reading the previous chapters. Although ratings are nice, nothing beats a comment or PM. I always welcome CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. ~~~***~~~ Bob and Anita returned to the apartment later that morning. Both were still full of excitement and weary from surfing. Anita was pulling her wheelie suitcase with the last of her clothes and effects, leaving her holiday apartment empty. They found Sue dressed, feet up on...

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My Uncle Wallys Sissy Boy Wife

Penned by: Miss Deborah (Debi) Leigh JohnsonOneI did not know what I could expect, as the Greyhound pulled into thebus station. I did not know a whole lot in fact, as I was a rebelliousknow it all, fifteen year old brat.My parents were pretty good as far as parents went. I had not locked aroof over my head, or enough food on the table, but I had alwaysresented the fact that my parents were not rich enough to give meeverything that I wanted. I knew in the back of my mind that this wasa pretty...

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group lecture

Mal was running late for his lecture, he had been delayed by the building planners for his new establishment. he was introduced hurriedly but knew there were many familiar faces in the audience. he had been asked to lecture back in his home town one night by a rep, an evening talk light hearted but with a little bit of learning for the new people in his discipline. he had thought at the time i wonder where all my old friends are. as he started the talk he mentioned his start here, and how...

2 years ago
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I knew you wanted more than strawberry icecream

My story begins with us going to dinner. We have the most delicious meal, which tantalises each taste bud and satisfies our hunger. Dessert is your favourite, a simple strawberry icecream. I watch you enjoying it thoroughly but it doesn't do the same thing for me, my mouth longs for more. You’re talking about work, but all I can do is imagine myself unzipping your trousers and placing you inside my mouth, giving my taste buds something better to get excited about. Naturally, I turn the...

Oral Sex
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My girlfriend meets the new neighbors

Quick background info for those who haven't read any of my other stories.I'm submissive by nature. My submissive side was always a secret until I started to experiment with my girlfriend of 3 years, Sue, which led her to becoming the dominant person in our day to day lives and later led her to cuckolding me.Now that the background info is out of the way we can start with the story._________________________________A couple of days ago, me and my girlfriend Sue arrived home after going out for...

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The Baldwins From TexasChapter 4

We finished the Roundup on a Thursday two weeks after the start. It had been a wet, muddy time because it had rained intermittently the two weeks. We had Friday to get ready for the weddings. The preacher came down from Casper to perform the ceremonies. There were two men that John knew from the Stockman’s Association, the Sheriff, the General Store owner and his wife, and everyone who lived here in the valley. We even included the Indians. Joe said they would be pleased to be included. Sam...

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Service Call

It was a bad day. I have been on two calls so far and they both sucked. Everybody wants me to fix their lights or turn their power back on so they could sit on their ass watch TV. All they could do is bitch, you are late, you're takeing to long and when I'm done I don't get so much as a thank you. To top it all off my wife has lost all intrest in sex. I could not even remember the last time she put out. I guess after 15 years sex is just out of the question. Needless to say I was haveing a...

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Waitressing was my job that I had had since I turn sixteen. My first job and only job. Now at the age of twenty-one I was still waitressing. College had never been an interest for me no matter what anyone told me. I didn't have many friends to tell me anyway. Just one. We were still friends til this day. Triss. I had been a shy and reclusive young girl and Triss had been quite the oposite. She has a boyfriend, and she's living with him right now. I have my one room, one bathroom,...

3 years ago
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A Change in RebeccaChapter 6

We said goodbye to Dawn and walked out to my car in silence. All three of us Are obviously uncomfortable. I’m still in shock. My children just saw me naked! We got in and I drove slowly around the circular driveway, uncomfortably aware of Seth in the back seat staring at me. I came to a stop before turning onto the street. He chose that moment to exclaim, “Jesus, mom! You’re hot! I had no idea! You’re as hot as Sara!” Sara is sitting beside me in the front seat. She looked over and saw the...

4 years ago
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Tgirl fun

Because it was a little cold I went out dressed in a nice pair of tailored jeans, which show of my bum beautifully, black bra, lacy top and a really tarty shimmering jacket. I was wearing a lovely pair of ankle boots and was able to quickly slip out the front door of my house and into my car. It felt wonderful to be dressed up and driving through the rainy streets. People were able to look at me when I stopped at traffic lights but no one seemed to notice anything amiss. I wasn't able to park...

1 year ago
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After Midnight chapter 15

Candice made breakfast, while Andy showered, and was watching the early news when a text arrived.‘Do you want to be here for this?’ The text said. Candice stared at it for a minute. Marsha must mean that she was going to do a pregnancy test. Trying to calculate dates in her head, Candice thought there was a good chance the test would be negative, but Marsha was a nurse and she’d done midwifery training, so maybe she knew something, or was making an intelligent guess.Candice, feeling...

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Watching Porn With You

I am NOT the simply sharingWatching Porn together, we make each other cumYou met me to watch some porn, we have done it on-line many times before, but there is something about watching it together, that just makes it hotter. The movie I had selected came on. It was one of those full length ones, not the clips you see on the porn sites. This one was a story about a massage parlor, and when the housewife went in and was surprised to get a woman to serve her. I wrapped my arms around you...

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"Sorry, k**do, but there's a 'no k**s allowed' rule at this party," said my dad shaking his head, almost managing to look like he was truly upset on my behalf. "Not my rule, it's Jim and Gina's, it's an adults only kind of thing.""I see," I replied, raising an eyebrow slightly and crossing my under over my breasts. "And the fact that I am 19 now means what, exactly? When do I get to lose this 'k**' status?"My dad smiled at me. He was a tall, broad, good looking guy. Perhaps there was a bit too...

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Santas Little Helper

God, it's Christmas again, I hate this time of year. I always seem to be alone for the holidays, and that sucks. Seeing people walk through the malls hand in hand and me just watching. Well, of course this year is no exception. Guess I'm just not a holiday catch. I am Stanley, nothing much just Stanley. Rather average guy with a lousy job and not a lot of friends. So far this has been a pretty good story huh. This year for a little extra cash I got a Santa gig at the mall, gives me something to...

Group Sex
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More Than I Deserve

Hey folks. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year. I'm starting the year off with a story that's a little bit softer in tone than usual, but we're gonna do some different things this year. Some of them are designed to involve you guys more in the story making process. Who knows maybe I'll fall flat on my face but it won't be the first time. So be ready. Before I forget, the legendary Barney-R is on vacation for the rest of the month, so let's all pray for his speedy return....

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My Wonderful Lesbian Lover

Mindi's lover tells her to try a man, just to make sure.I was still a virgin at age 20. Most of my friends had gotten involved with sex...but my two closest friends were like me. One good friend already had a baby. Other girls had serious boyfriends. A few played with other girls. I had been asked to try girl-girl activities but had declined. I was saving myself for some yet unknown destiny.I wasn't envious of my sexually active friends. I masturbated myself to orgasm almost every night. It was...

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Lacey is a friend of mine, a very good friend. Actually, I wanted her to be more but she always avoided the subject. Right now, she was being a big pain in the ass. I had a rush job getting the data off a dead hard drive and suddenly she wanted to talk about us. When I told her I was busy, she stomped out the door of my small shop and slammed it hard. I jumped at the sound and damned near dropped the hard drive. As it was, I cut my finger on a sharp edge of the case. I sucked on the bloody...

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Home for the summer

Living away from home was the greatest feeling in the world. I was free from the rules of my house, of which there were many. There seemed to be a rule for ever little thing in my parents home and it was a nightmare living them. So why had I agreed to come home for two weeks this summer to visit? I knew without a doubt it was going to be a living hell. I am excited you are coming home. A text came over my phone as I was packing my bags. It was from my little sister Jillian. It had been forever...

2 years ago
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my ssbbw wifes first time getting shared

This is the first of a few times sharing my ssbbw wife with a friend. I am posting this via my cell phone so please forgive any mistakes that I might make in my gramar.A hot summer day a few years back the in-laws calle us and asked if we wanted to go out with them on their house boat for the day. We had partied the night before and had a friend (chuck) spend the night since he had 1 or 15 too many. He was happy to join us for yet another full day of booze and fun. We started the hour long...

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Two Fingers

Two fingers? No, two fingers of jack were not going to pacify him. It wasn’t the cold steel of the colt in his hand, aimed at nothing in particular, compelling Daphne to comply. The arrogance in the stranger’s face was prompting her submission. The smooth glass in his other hand was waiting for her to show a little more hospitality. “You’re not a half bad looking woman to be working a bar this late into the morning,” he said, flipping the drained glass back to her with a nod. “But you could do...

3 years ago
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An Auntastic Birthday The Beginning

My aunt Tiffany she was 9 years older than me and was my only aunt but things were complicated as she was my mom’s half sister. Well things were going to get more complicated soon with the proceedings of this story. This all happened when I was 9 years of age well on the day I got to be 9…well I was growing then and I had started my hormonal change over a year ago. So as to say my dick got hard on the very least amount of sexy stuff I saw. It was not big at all most it was 4 and half inch to...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 196

I had a rough night. I hurt like hell; the EMT was right about that. I even went over to the gym, worked out and spent plenty of time in the hot tub and ice treatment to stop the swelling. I was bruised from the top of my left shoulder across both boobs and my upper stomach and hip. The shoulder strap and seatbelt had done a number on me. I drove one of the unmarked cars to KCC and was doubly cautious. I did stop and pick up several different papers at the new 7-11. The front page of all of...

3 years ago
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A Day at the BeachChapter 6

After my shower, I felt a little more human and was escorted back to the middle of the room where most of the other women were standing. They told me where to stand, so I did as I was told. “What are there too many of in this world?” the man screamed. “White whores” came the response from the crowd. “We can start by eliminating one today. So let’s vote...” “Each of you sluts stand at attention, back arched, asses out, tits outs. Hand behind your back.” I tried to do as he instructed, but...

2 years ago
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Gerade ist er von seiner Partei zum Kandidaten für den Landtag gewählt worden. Mitte 20, volles Haar, gut bestückt. Er guckt in den Saal. Omis, Muttis, Arbeiter mit dicken Bäuchen, Schlipsträger aus der Verwaltung. So sieht seine Partei halt aus. Die Leute stehen langsam auf, er wird kandidieren. Der dicke Lokalreporter vom Schmierenblättchen will etwas wissen, sachlich nüchtern antwortet er. Kaum ist der Lokalreporter weg, hat er ein Mikrofon vor der Nase. Sein Blick fällt auf das Mikrofon, er...

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