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Deceit Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The undertone in our house wasn't pretty. In fact, it was ugly, but all I could do was suffer the stares and snide remarks silently. To do otherwise would have caused a firestorm that I did not want, since I had already experienced that thrill when my dad walked in on me and found me completely dressed as a girl, complete with makeup and my hair brushed out. The short miniskirt and low cut blouse with the heels I had on didn't help the slightest bit either. My dad went ballistic while my mom smirked and began to tease me about it. I was 16 at the time, which meant that I didn't have the option to leave, so I had to endure their attitude. My parents were never really involved in my life, both distant and neither showed much in the way of affection. They fed and housed me, provided medical care and so on, but beyond that, they showed virtually no interest in me. As lonely as it was for me before, things in our family really changed after I was caught. Dad for instance, quit asking me to do anything at all with him, and we never again shared any conversation that did not include some mention of my wearing a dress. For her part, mom kept asking me if I wanted her to do my hair, always telling me that she had some nice ribbons, what I thought of jewelry, or a particular style of dress. My life became an endless parade of remarks that drove a wider wedge between us, one that I could not do one thing about. For my birthday, dad gave me a curling iron while mom gave me a nightgown. Both laughed when I opened the packages. Not only was it bad, it was getting worse, and there was no relief in sight. My parents are very rigid in what they perceive of the roles of people in society, and I have never once seen either of them change their ideas of what they believe to be true about minorities. That of course meant anyone that wasn't "in their class", or held equal status. That viewpoint made my getting caught dressed as a girl akin to having a bomb go off in the house, which I always knew would probably happen, if they found out that is, but I simply couldn't stop myself. For a guy I suppose I'm about average in size, but with a hairless body, which was a constant source of teasing by the other guys in gym, but I tolerated it since having a hairless body was just fine for when I wanted to become a girl. Like I said before, all my life my parents had never been much for showing affection to each other or myself; yet both of my parents expected me to do my best in school, but usually, they did not get involved, which left it up to me. I also had plenty of time alone, which is when I would dress up, until I got caught of course. Dad works selling parts to auto companies while mom spends her time working on charitable committees, usually leaving me to myself...until I was caught. After that mom always made sure she was home when I was. Because they both drew even further back from me, they also began to discuss things as if I wasn't in the room, which was a mistake. I'm an all A student, certainly bright enough to figure out what was going on, so when I saw dad push a stack on money into his desk, I began to wonder what he was into, but I certainly had an idea. Months went by before they relaxed even a little bit, and dad got careless, letting me see him with huge amounts of money, always in cash, always stuffed in his desk drawer. Mom bought new furniture, a new car, redecorated the house, and always had money she never had before. I did not gain anything except the knowledge that my dad was probably taking kickbacks. That's when I began to have a glimmer of an ugly idea. I turned 17 when I was halfway through my senior year, and applied at several colleges. My parents told me they would pay for my college, but expected me to pay for anything else, like gas for my car, the insurance for it and so on, virtually telling me I was on my own. The day I graduated mom gave me an envelope with a check in it, then told me they would be moving to Europe, and confirmed that I would be on my own. Looking at the amount on the check, I knew that mom had relented a tiny bit. I left for the college two days later, and didn't look back, not even once. When I left for college I took all of my girl clothes, makeup, shoes and so on of course, because once I was away from my parents I would be able to do as I pleased. What I pleased was going to shock everyone, but by that point, I was determined. After a few weeks on campus, I found a small apartment and moved in. I had saved my money for years, and had more than enough to live there without worry, and if I were careful, I could increase my wardrobe a bit. I had two whole months before classes started, so, in order to do what had to be done, I became Angela once again, then with tremendous effort and tons of fear, I managed to get a job at a local store, hiring in as a girl. I know that the woman that hired me knew that I wasn't really a girl, but since I wasn't dealing with the public, she overlooked it which is why I don't think she cared. My job was to fill orders and keep track of shipping, both in and out. I started that very day, learning my way around. Her name was Cheryl and was about my mothers age, soft spoken yet very direct, which I found out two days later. "Angela" Cheryl said as she walked into the small office, "I'm sure that you have a very good reason for what you're doing, and while I don't care how you dress, I think that maybe you should tell me what is going on! I mean, if this is just for the summer, I need to know that, but if you plan on staying the way you are, then I'll have to make some minor changes in the way I pay you. Care to enlighten me?" I slumped in my chair and look up at the same time, knowing that she had every right to demand an explanation, so... "I plan on becoming a girl someday, so I thought that I would start now. I can quit if you..." "I do not," Cheryl said sternly, "like quitters Angela! Now, either you want to become a girl or you don't, I don't care either way, so don't ever presume to assume an action before it happens, not with me!" She sat in the one extra chair, becoming eye level with me. "As it happens, I know a little something about boys that want to become girls, so I have no objection to your working here as a girl, I only wanted to know just how far you intend to go! Do you want to follow through? Have the surgery and all that?" Nodding my head yes, I added, "But not until I do something that needs to be done. I'll go as far as I can without the surgery, and after..." "After you do what?" Cheryl interrupted. "Even the score," I blurted out, "make things less..." "Your parents?" she asked me. "My parents," I said with a scowl, "don't have a clue, but after the way they treated me, well..." "I don't know what's going on between you and your parents," Cheryl said, "but anger is an ugly thing to carry around all of the time Angela. It can consume you, and serves no purpose other than revenge. Is that what you want? Revenge?" "Not revenge," I said with a sly grin, "retribution is more like it I think." Sitting back a little, "My parents virtually ignored me my whole life" I told her, "and when they found out about...this, they shut me out altogether. Except for food and shelter, I was on my own, except for mom being around all of the time to make sure that I didn't get dressed up again that is. But my dad...well, he needs a lesson, and I intend to give it to him!" "By becoming a girl!?" "No," I told her, "I always wanted that. No, What I have in mind is going to be a lot more...exciting! They have no idea what or how I feel about myself, and when I left to come to the college, they told me I was on my own, then moved to Europe! They didn't even tell me their new address! Just how concerned am I supposed to be about what they think?" "None it sounds like," Cheryl said with sadness in her voice, "but if that's the case, can I assume that you'll be attending college as a girl?" "I enrolled using my initials and checked the box marked female, so yes, that's exactly what I intend. My mother even checked the form before she signed it, but didn't even bother to read it, and didn't notice that!" Bitterness filled my voice with that last remark. Cheryl had me sign some forms, then left the office. Confused by her reaction I wanted to ask her what she meant when she said that she had some experience with boys that wanted to be girls, but held myself back, deciding to wait until things cooled off a bit. I was unsure about Cheryl, but she hired me, and didn't seem to mind my...status, so I let it be. After a few days I had managed to wear everything I owned, but I had gained enough confidence in my ability as a girl to visit a local mart where I bought more skirts and blouses, shoes, plus panties and two more bras and a pair of jeans. That night I packed away all of my boy clothes, determined not to wear them ever again. As I removed the tags and put the clothes away I thought about what Cheryl had told me about anger and revenge. I was long past the anger; that had been displaced by the realization that my parents had not cared about me, not really, not even once in my entire life. Being left to my own devices, without the benefit of family, I sat sipping on a soda while looking inward, examining my plan, wondering if, as time went by, I could do it. Mom, while not quite as distant as dad, used what I knew in my heart was money dad didn't earn, and that earned her an opportunity to be shocked, but my dad was going down, that much I was sure about. How, I didn't know, but I promised myself that I would be a part of it, and I was going to do it as a woman. His shock was going to rattle him to his core, especially when he learned who it was that sent him away. Cheryl and I settled into a routine as I became less inhibited about dressing as a girl, and I was able to relax enough to actually start acting like a girl, normally, not with concentration. When school started I worked nights and weekends, focusing on my class work and job, relegating everything else to the back. I didn't date, so that wasn't a problem, and I was able to maintain my grades. I even got a small raise just before Christmas. It was a lonely time as I watched my classmates head home for the holidays, staying home or working, but I used the time well. I went online, and ordered enough pills to last me for a very long time. I was focused only on my goal, disregarding the dangers of taking pills while not under a doctors care, telling myself that my goals were worth it. I started taking the pills that night according to the schedule I had downloaded from the Internet. It was February before I started to develop a little, and in my glee I almost told Cheryl what I was doing, but only just managed to remain silent. By May I had grown to a full A cup, and quit using my birdseed forms, but rather than buy new bras, I merely padded the ones I had, and nobody could tell the difference. As spring became summer and I started to work full time again, I had the body of an average 18 year old girl, except for one thing. I had not heard from my parents even once during the school year, but I had not expected to, so you can imagine my surprise when I got an e-mail from my mother telling me she would be in town and wanted to get together! Knowing how she felt about me, especially my dressing as a girl, I quickly responded, telling her that I would meet her at a popular local restaurant. Then I went shopping that night. I had not planned on shocking mom quite so soon, but there wasn't any way I could pass up the chance, so I spent lots of money buying exactly what I wanted, making sure it all fit just right. After I called Cheryl to get the day off, I slipped into the tub for a long bubblebath, then made sure that I was as hairless and silky smooth as I should be. With my nipples poking out at the bubbles I started to giggle, knowing that my mother was about to get exactly what she didn't want, a daughter. I was supposed to meet mom at two, which gave me plenty of time, so when I sat down to do my makeup, I took my time. When I was done, my green eyes were ringed in soft brown eyeliner, accented with pale plum, copper and a hint of blue eye shadow and deep black mascara. Peach blusher with plum undertones made my face a bit thinner, and as I smiled at my reflection, I spritzed myself with perfume before I went to the dresser to begin getting dressed. Black satin thong panties with a strip of wide black lace to start with, then a black bustier with a built in push up bra. Once I tightened the laces my waist was a very trim 24 inches, and my bust was displayed very nicely with a deep, unmistakably feminine cleavage. Grinning at myself in the mirror I rolled on the tan hose and fastened the garters before I stood up and took the dress off the hangar. While I wore all black lingerie, I had decided to wear a red dress. A sheath that was not only short, but low cut of course, and while snug, it wasn't tight. Once I had it zipped up and stepped into the black heels, I added lipstick and my red and gold earrings before I once again stood looking at myself. My once short brown hair had grown out, and now lay in shimmering waves of auburn that framed my face perfectly. I brushed out my bangs, glanced at the clock, then grabbed my purse and left to meet my mother. Silently, I hoped she would be so shocked that she would keel over, but doubted that would happen. More likely, she would not recognize me, but when I told her who I was, I was positive that she would leave, since she always had, so I sort of planned on it. Having made the reservation myself, I sat in the parking lot until I saw her walk in, then waited a few minutes before I started for the door. With my hips swaying, my long shiny nails and bright makeup merely an adjunct to my shape, I smiled as I walked inside. I saw mom watching the door, no sign of recognition on her face even as I walked closer, skirting the tables until I stood next to the table. Without a word I sat down across from mom, smiling, the scent of my perfume settling around me. "I'm sorry dear," mom said, "I'm waiting for my....oh my God!" "Hello mother," I said with a smile. "Yes, it's me, and as you can see, I've changed a little. My name, just in case you might care, even in the slightest, is Angela." Mom's face had turned white and she didn't say anything, so..."But, since we both know that you don't care, why don't you just forget I told you." I paused, then..."What's the matter mother? I'm not hanging out am I? Or maybe I'm not pretty enough for you? You don't like this dress? My hair? What?" I was deliberately provoking her, and as long as she remained silent, I was going to continue, and almost started to add something when... ", I...we..." sighing, "I should have guessed that this is what would happen, I told your father that we should have taken you with us, maybe you wouldn't..." "I wasn't," I said with bitterness in my voice, "about to go anywhere with him mother, you of all people should have known that! And staying with you, having you make all of those comments to me day after day also wasn't going to happen! I only agreed to this meeting to let you know that I'm in charge of my life now, not you, and I have decided to become the girl I was meant to be!" "It looks," she answered a bit strongly, "that you have succeeded. Tell me, do you really hate us that much?" "Doesn't begin," I said lightly, "to cover it mother. And hate is the wrong word. Despise is more accurate. All my life you ignored me. You never attended one school function I was in, you never came, not even once, when I won an award! You never did much more than feed me and house me in fact. I was like a pet for you and daddy dear, so what did you expect? That I would eagerly be the dog you treated me like? Then you told me I was on my own and left. You didn't even bother to let me have your address! Now, tell me. What did you expect from me when you sent that e-mail?" "I see," mom said sadly, "I, we, never realized...I mean, we thought that we were teaching you...but that doesn't matter does it?" Slumping in her chair, "You're quite lovely Angela, and obviously those are real or you would not have worn a dress like that. You're flaunting yourself at me to make your point, which I guess you have. But I came to tell you that your father is in jail." "Bribery?" I said. "Kickbacks?" "How did you know about that?!" "I'm not stupid mother, I knew about the kickbacks before you abandoned me! Just how could I avoid not knowing? Dad stuffing money in his desk with me standing there? You buying stuff we couldn't afford? How could I miss it? Just about the only time the two you thought of me was to slam me, make a snide remark or tease me. The rest of the time it was as if I wasn't there, and you got careless." Leaning forward on my elbows, I looked her right in the eye, then... "How long did he get?" "Twenty years," mom said grim faced, "in a middle Eastern jail. It's a hell hole!" "Oh gee," I said without the slightest remorse, "daddy dear gets to find out what its like! I'm distraught!" "Obviously," mom said, "you don't care what happens to your father." "Not a bit" I told her. "What about me?" she wanted to know. "What about you?" I said. "You didn't want me before, especially after...well, now that I've changed, what's different except that daddy dearest is in jail? I suppose you plan on staying around? Try to ruin my new life? Like you did before?" I sat back, my anger making my face flush and red. I could feel it. "What is it?" I asked her. "You tell me! You think that I can trust you? How can I trust you now, no matter what you do?" "I thought," mom said, starting to cry, "that we could...start over! I wanted...I can see that we...I...hurt you badly! I had no idea that you wanted to....that you would...I need you," she said as she started crying. "I had no idea that you felt this strongly about...becoming a...woman! I didn't know!" "Yeah," I said, "and you didn't ask either, did you? You and dad just assumed that I was what? A queer? Or crazy? Maybe both! Hell, you never cared about me, or you would have found the time to be able to attend at least one event in my life, like when I was named class Valedictorian? Or... how about the time I won the Gold medal for scholastic achievement? But no. You and dad stayed home or went out those nights! Well I'm on my own now, and I have made a new life for myself, and quite frankly mother, I don't need you, especially your nasty remarks, and I can't think of one reason that I should care what you want, or need!" "Please!" mom said, her lips quivering in despair. "Let me make it up to you! We, you and I can start over! I'll never see your father again, ever! He'll die in that prison! I don't want to be alone!" Her sobbing took over, loud enough to make the waiter come to our table. I sent him away with a wave of my hand, letting mom sit there and cry, like I did for so many nights. "Angela," mom said through her tears, "Please! Don't push me away, I need you!" She put her hand over mine, then, "I'll be the mother you always wanted, I promise!" As much as I wanted to get up and leave, I stayed there. Something, maybe that last shred of hope kept me there. I wasn't sure that she could be the mother I always wanted, since a rabbit cannot become a wolf because it wants to. As much as I doubted her ability to change her ways, I felt the hot iron of my determination to hurt her pulling at me, opening a small ray of hope. Unlike my father, my mother had shown one small glimpse of decency when she gave me that money, which at the time made me think that deep down she actually cared. She sat across from me, her son that had become a girl, begging me to let her help me, telling me that she needed me. I did not trust her, not that much anyway, but I was willing to give her one chance, only one, to prove it. "Okay," I said slowly. "Exactly what did you have in mind?" "I thought" she started, "that we could spend some time together to start with, maybe a small vacation?" "I have a job mother. I can't just leave, Cheryl has been very good to me, and I won't do that to her. She's been like a mother to me in so many ways that you don't have any clue about, but, maybe I can get some time, maybe a few days, a long weekend?" That remark hurt her, which of course it was meant to. I was willing to give her a chance, some rope to hang herself with so to speak, but I wasn't about to strand Cheryl in any way. If my being a girl bothered my mother, she had to learn to get over it in a hurry, because I wasn't about to change. I liked everything about being a girl and did my best to do and wear everything they did, even though I had no need of it. I always wore a sanitary tampon for five days each month for example. Granted, it went in a place that normal girls didn't put it, but it was my only option. It always made me feel extra feminine when I used a tampon, so I didn't mind at all. I sat looking at my mother, in a position, for the first time in my life, to demand, and maybe get, my way. "Where' you staying?" I asked. "I have a room," she said quickly, "at a small hotel nearby. I thought that we should talk before I...found something more permanent." "What about the old house?" I knew they still owned it. "I rented it out," mom said, "and the lease is for seven years with an option to buy." I gave her my phone number, telling her to call me that night, then got up, and with my hips on full swivel, I walked out, leaving her there alone. All of my plans were down the drain, but with mom showing up, right out of the blue, I had taken my best shot at hurting her, and knew that I had succeeded. I truly didn't care what she thought of my lifestyle, but if she could find a way to accept me as I was, I might be able to find a way to accede to her wishes and form a relationship, even one that would be tenuously close to collapse at any moment. With my dad sitting in what was sure to be a hellish jail, I was certain she was right. I would never see him again, and if he did manage to get out it wouldn't make any difference. I cannot say that I was happy with what I had done to mom, it didn't make me feel any better anyway, but I had put it all on the line for her to examine. After an entire life of being ignored I wasn't going to open my arms wide and let her leap into them as if nothing was wrong. I went to talk to Cheryl, and for the first time told her everything. As she sat there listening I saw her eyes go moist a few times, a grimness come over a few times, then her slow smile when I was done. I hadn't shed one tear as I told her, yet I felt...relieved. "The next move," Cheryl said, "is up to your mother now isn't it? I mean, she wanted to see you, and you went, although you made sure to hurt her when you talked and told her how it was for you. Now it's her turn to make a move. She can agree, or she can leave. Right?" After a pause, "You actually told her that I was like a mother to you?" I nodded my head yes, then, "That's a very nice thing to say about me Angela, but I'll bet that hurt your mother more than anything else." "It was meant to," I said. "Well," Cheryl said as she took my hand, "she is your mother, so give her a chance, okay?" I told Cheryl that I would, then went home. I was wound up tight and simply needed to relax a bit. I undressed, changing into shorts and a top with no bra, then flicked on the television. The scene of horror I saw unfolding in front of me left me speechless. The commentator was solemn as he describe what I could see for myself. The unimaginable had finally happened. I saw people jumping from immense height to a certain death, even as rescue squads of firemen and police went into the burning inferno, dodging shrapnel as they ran inside the burning building. When the second tower was struck it was shown live and in full color. Words to describe the carnage escaped the guy on the screen for a moment as I watched as both towers burned, for all the world looking like a pair of burning match sticks. When the first tower started to crumple I began to cry, then the second tower came rushing to earth in a blistering explosion of concrete and steel that had been literally crushed into a fine mist. The cloud settled around the ruins for blocks, choking, heavy, deadly dust that drove all but the most determined away from the scene. Cheryl called, telling me she would be closed for a few days. Her brother worked in one of the towers, and she was leaving to find him. Mom called immediately after Cheryl, asking if she could come over, and in my grief at what I had seen, I gave her directions. Within half an hour we both sat staring at the screen, transfixed by what we saw. Whatever mom and I had to work out disappeared in the cloud of dust, but raised my feelings of revenge for those that would dare provoke us like that to unimaginable levels. Then we saw that in many countries westerners were being killed as well, especially those in jails. The jail that dad was in was deemed safe enough, then came reports that every western prisoner had been executed to prevent further attacks on the jails. I saw mom go white, then she lay on the floor panting hard and crying. Mom stayed that night, and in the morning while we drank coffee, more reports of incidents began to surface, but also, the President came on and made a forceful statement that barely covered the anger in his voice. During that day, with the television on, mom and I discovered that our needs to be with someone were greater than our mutual lack of trust, and it was during that day that we began to talk. It went on for hours, my accusation, her denial, my anger and her realization that I was right. It was ugly and happy, mean spirited and pointed, yet somehow we managed to get through it. Mom had been a little shocked when she saw me that morning, since I always wear panties and a short nightgown to bed; when I walked out of my room, she could see that I did indeed have the body of a girl my age. She said nothing until the sounds of Amazing Grace began. Then she started to weep. Pulling me into her arms she held me, her tears joining with mine as we both wept for the dead, and maybe, even ourselves. Mom moved in with me later that week, and over time we came to understand each other much better. I kept working while mom found a job in an office. As I continued to develop my bust filled out while my hips and butt also got bigger. Mom and I began to share clothes, beauty shop appointments and often went out together, growing closer together, as a mother and child should be. My long held despair at my predicament faded away as I saw her in a better, more adult light, not shaded by the anger of youth or an oppressive father. As I moved closer to graduating my manhood shriveled up until it was nothing more than a nub, useless, yet making me feel the need to have it removed once and for all. Then my mother asked me how much it was going to cost! I told her, expecting her to jump at the price, but instead... "I think that when school lets out you and I should see about making you complete Angela. Who do we call?" "I...we can't afford that!" I said excitedly. "Let me worry about that Angela, now who do we call?" I told her, and two days after school let out I became a complete woman! After a short hospital recovery, and I was home, it took almost two more months for me to heal up enough to walk without being bowlegged, and for the first time, I didn't feel as if I were in a masquerade. Mom treated me like I had always been her daughter, and we bonded even more during those two months. I was in the first term of my senior year when it happened. I was making dinner, mom peeling the carrots when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," I said. Wiping my hands on the apron, went to the front door and opened it. Stunned, I collapsed back into the room, smashing into a small table, which caused mom to come running out. When she saw who it was, she screamed. "Hello Marilyn," he said, "Where's that worthless son of ours? And who is the broad?" "Roger!" mom said shocked, "'re dead! It was on the news! They said that all westerners were killed!" "Can I come in?" he asked, saying. "Nice place you have here Marilyn, sharing expenses?" "This...this is Angela's place," mom said, calming down, I live here with her." "You can't come in," I said quickly, "you're not welcome here, so go away!" "Is that you Andy?" Dad smirked as he shouldered his way in. "Always knew you were funny that way," he said, "and I see you're still wearing dresses! But, you are cute, I'll give you that!" "Why are you here?" mom demanded. "To get my money of course! I hope you didn't spend it all, that would make me very unhappy!" "I...I spent it Roger," mom said, "trying to get you out of that jail!" "Jail?" dad said with a laugh. "Honey, I was never in jail! They need guys like me! I...fix things for them. I make it possible for them to buy things they need! I wasn't in any danger, ever. Now, about my money..." I pulled myself to the couch, grabbing the cell phone as I pulled myself up. Slowly I dialed 911 and hit the send button, then put the phone on the table, still on. "You barge in here," I said, into my home, and make demands? How did you find us anyway? 812 Juniper is not exactly a common address, and since I my name is Angela, I was just wondering." "It was easy as pie girly, took me about ten minutes to find you two." "I want you to leave," I said, "and don't come back!" "And I want my money," dad said, "and your mother is going to tell me where it is, or I'm going to be very mad!" "Go to hell Roger," mom said. Dad drew back his fist and hit mom right in the mouth, drawing blood and making mom drop to her knees in pain. Just as dad was about to hit her again, the door burst open and two very large cops charged in. They had dad under control in seconds. They dragged him to his feet, then one of them took him to the police car. "You ladies okay?" "I'm fine, but mom needs a doctor," I said. "I'll take her myself." A month later dad was charged with espionage, aiding someone that contributed to the horror mom and I had seen on television. Mom healed up, and later, once she was back home, she told me that she had stashed almost 20 million dollars in a bank, money that dad had made in bribery, extortion and moving equipment and goods for governments that worked to topple ours! I was stunned at the amount, but mom acted as if it were nothing, telling me that other than enough to make us both comfortable, she was donating the rest to the families of the firemen and policemen that had died in the tragedy. That was a year ago. Now I work as a registered nurse while mom still works in an office. She's dating, but I'm thinking about it. One thing sticks out in my mind though. It was what Cheryl told me. "Anger is an ugly thing to carry around all of the time Angela. It can consume you, and serves no purpose other than revenge." I know now that she was right.

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So the wife and I went to a friends party out of town. We didn't expect many people to be there and the dress attire was informal. So we arrived around 7 pm or so, I was surprised by how many people were there. We talked to a lot of other people and had some drinks. In fact we might of had too many drinks. Anyways around 10 pm or so, I noticed this tall black male enter the room, he was stunningly beautiful, dark sexy black, muscular build and beautiful white teeth. I was definitely NOT worried...

3 years ago
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The Kindness of StrangersChapter 2

"Will you sleep with me tonight?" "Sure." She cocked her head and smiled suddenly. "This is the first time I ever came out and asked a guy to sleep with me, just like that." "Cool. Maybe you ... no, someday, when you want to have pictures taken of yourself, let me know." "Well, I don't know." She said coyly. "Are you any good?" "Yeah. Or are you asking if I can lick my eyebrows?" She giggled. "I was wondering if you were a good photographer?" "Good enough to make a...

3 years ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 011

by Vanessa Evans Part 11 – Home for Christmas. The next notable event before Christmas was daddy’s company’s dinner and dance that I’d promised to go to with him. Coincidently it was on the Saturday before Christmas and the day after the university semester ended and daddy had sent James down to collect me on the Friday evening. James had used whatever to get the car into the car park below the apartments and he had come up to my apartment. When he knocked on the door I just shouted, “Come...

4 years ago
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Like the Best Ever

Terri is humming an innocent melody and tapping her foot. Mom looks at her sternly: "What mischief are you up to now, Terri? I know that smirk of yours." Terri's big shiny eyes are the only thing which stops her from being mistaken for a boy with the short and dark tomboy hair she favors. But no boy has eyes as big as shiny as hers. She also has cute freckles on her nose and cheekbones, and she smiles a lot. Mom thinks too much, she is such a bore and always gets in the way of fun....

2 years ago
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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 6

The servants and guards soon had the three tents set up. They had placed the tents on Ricky’s grass, so the openings faced the firepit on the tiled circle. Micky’s tent was in the middle, and she assumed that Jen would join her in it later that night. She did, however, forget what night it was. Unfortunately for her, Kerr hadn’t. Jen and Mira soon had the stores cracked open, and a passable stew was quickly simmering in a big pot on one of the barbeque grills. Damper (yeastless or soda...

2 years ago
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Lifeguard 4

From the Lifeguard 3 StoryIt was a fairly long walk out of the pool, first came her beautiful breasts, her thin waist and her penis…Without touching my dick, I immediately shot my load in just one long shot.I doubled up in pain I had ejaculated so hard.Caley walked up beside me, held my head, kissed me and said, “Now that’s got to be love.”And I then knew what my special opportunity was that my parents were talking about. It was Caley.I kissed Caley back.Lifeguard 4 StoryI was in a daze. A sex...

1 year ago
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Lust in Space S1E5 Takeoff

"Mom, why didn't we do this a long time ago?" Maurine looked down at Judy and smiled. "We did do this a long time ago. Back on Earth. But we will definitely be doing it a lot more now. Penny, you, and I will definitely be having some girl time in the future." "I'd like that. I bet Penny has a delicious cunt." The women were jolted into their present risky situation by the alarm that the extractor had completed its cycle and the storage was full. They busied themselves breaking down the...

3 years ago
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Episode 153 Iqras Brother

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from .. which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion.Iqra’s bedroomIqra opened her eyes to see her younger brother standing at the side of her bed, cock in hand, openly masturbating while staring at her bare breasts."Get out" she screamed, trying desperately to pull the quilt up high enough to cover her nakedness "what the fuck are you doing in my room, watching me?"Adil just...

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SugarChapter 3

(MFF) (edited) Mike was sitting on the couch, flipping channels, not really watching anything. He heard the door rattle. Ashley’s head popped through. “Oh, good Mike! Here, how do you like my new look?” As if she was a ballet dancer, she glissades across the floor and does a little pirouette. “Ok, Ashley, may I ask what you are doing? And what you are wearing?” She doesn’t answer but instead switches her body language to something rather more suggestive. With a swish of her hips, tossing...

2 years ago
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CondominiumChapter 11

Diane came to our apartment at lunch a few days after a party. Penny was in school, and Amber was off working with a client. I escorted her in. She looked succulent, and I wondered if she had a sexual agenda or why she was there. "Jon, I'm here for two things. First, I met a nice man who I think would like our party group. He lives in 1402 – right next to you. Jim Arnette. I had coffee with him a few times, and a lunch and a dinner. I think we're going to consummate our relationship on...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 15

We woke early and decided against having a morning meal, instead hoping to get on our way sooner. I collected my goods and made my way out of the inn with the others. I took Janet’s equipment as she was going to head to the carrier bird aviary to send out a message to her contacts. She would meet us at the stablemaster’s when she was done. Lillian padded alongside me and we were warmly greeted as we approached. “Hello, my friends,” he said warmly. “You are ahead of schedule, but I was able...

4 years ago
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Antique for Gordon Pt 01

CHAPTER 1 Gordon Kincaid had been driving since forever, or so it seemed. He’d come onto Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, had driven through part of Georgia, and now was in Alabama. Problem was, he was still on Lookout Mountain. The road had twisted and turned all the way up the mountain, drawing him to the tourist traps. What had started out as a simple sight-seeing trip had gotten reasonably boring after the first hour. Ruefully he remembered the 700,000 billboards that had drawn him...

2 years ago
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The Good YearsChapter 82

Hawaii was all that I'd hoped it would be, but it didn't help me with any of my personal problems. When it rained out on the golf course, it wasn't a cold rain, and it never lasted too long either. The winds picked up at different times during the day, but they helped some of the time, and the rest of the time, they offered a new challenge for me. I had bought a pretty good set of used golf clubs at the pro shop in Oahu. I hadn't wanted to bring either of the sets I had at the country...

3 years ago
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7 girls drunk and deflowering my little brother

We had the house to ourselves that weekend, so I invited my girlfriends over to party before heading off into town for dancing, and dare I say it in this day and age of equality, fucking, we girls like to go out for cock.We were seven teenagers ranging from 16 to nineteen, the youngest a sister of one of the girls who with makeup could pass muster at any pub, with a wink and a nod, and if that fails, a balls grope or a promise of a shag in the toilets later on.Modern girls are armed with the...

4 years ago
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family SLUTPT 4

So I'm taking a shower,thinking about whats to come tonight.I finally going to make a Fantasy of mine come true.As you know I been Sucking & Fucking my SON.Routinely I've do this everyday.I have done all 3 in one day,but never all 3 at the same time.Thats my Fantasy to be GANG-BANGED by my family.I want all three men to fuck me at the sametime.Fill all my holes with there big dicks and cume inside me until it overflows.I pull back he shower curtain to find my son taking...

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Uncle Donnie and Shelby

The only other person in Don’s house was Shelby. She was a 27yr old granddaughter of some dear friends, who had been killed in an auto accident. Shelby had taken the loss of ‘Papa’ and ‘Nanny’ harder than her sisters… her dad, too, for that matter. Shelby’s mother had divorced her, pitiful, self from the whole family when Shelby was just ten. Nobody knew where she lived, nor did they care. Shelby’s sisters, and dad, had written Shelby out of their lives after her second round of...

2 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 8

"Aggy, is it your coming to see me? Both recent times you look as if you spent the night carousing rather than sleeping in your bed. Oh, that's it, you were overnighting at "The Residence". I shall have to speak with Trudie about your comfort." 'It wasn't the bed' he thought 'it was Nan. How did she know I was coming? I came unannounced and there she was at Dinner; and later... ' He shook himself mentally, inhaled the cup of coffee and reached for a refill. The Queen...

1 year ago
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Naughty Kat

My maths class is one that can be described as great... Every time I go into Maths I partake in my usual "What colour undies is Katherine wearing today?" game. One day sticks out in my mind more so than any other. I came into my maths room, sat at the back and watched Katherine enter the room, sit down, let her pants slip and present her pink panties to me. I wrote the results down and added them to my list of results as I did every day (it was a game a few of my friends and I would play)...

3 years ago
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Fucked in the middle of the road

My loving husband would be out of town during the week end; so I accepted the invitation of my nice girlfriend Velma to spend a couple days with her.The trip to her home was a bit long and I had to go by bus, since my own car’s engine was out of order in these days.So I sat in the bus, ready to enjoy the landscape around.I was a bit tired and fuzzy, since I had been in a wild party with some girlfriends the night before, having so many margarita shots... I had chosen for the trip to wear a...

4 years ago
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Dear Deanna

© 2001 All Rights Reserved I know it's been almost a week since I have written but I had no choice in the matter. I have been at sea on a mission that I can never tell anyone about, even you. This job has its advantages but sometimes, it really is the pits also. You are accustomed now to kissing me at the door in the morning as I go off to the base and not knowing whether I'll be home later that day or not for a month. I don't think I will ever get used to it and am glad I will be...

2 years ago
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Mud MagicChapter 3 The Tower

For a blissful moment, Rhys thought he was back in the village, back in Dara’s bed. The soft linen on his naked skin, the smell of apples- “Rise and shine, my boy!” The voice was most definitely not Dara’s. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, blinking furiously. Next to his bed, barely able to look at him over the tall frame and mattress, stood a blonde, beardless dwarf. His hair was neatly parted to one side and he didn’t bother with the student robes, instead wearing a simple shirt, an...

1 year ago
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20 July 2008Chapter 7

Dan said a polite hello to Ben then went outside. Normally they would always find some topic to discuss but this time, Ben kept silent and distant from him. Dan was cleaning the pool for the day’s activities when he noticed Ben enter the shade of their tropical themed cabana. He vacuumed the bottom of the pool a few minutes longer, knowing he’d have to talk with Ben. He put the cleaning equipment away then sat with Ben. “I guess we should have a talk,” Dan began. “I don’t feel like talking...

1 year ago
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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 29

Freya left her quarters at the old Manor for the last time. She was already referring to it in the past tense. Whatever emotional attachment she may have had to the place had already been severed. She strolled along the winding path to her Portal chamber with hardly a glance at anything around her. It was as if she were in a foreign land and wanted to return home. She was already thinking about what her new home would be like once she had a chance to reverse her fortunes. She wondered how...

2 years ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 13

The next morning, the girls got up and released their little slut puppy to get ready for school. They removed her collar and unhooked her hands, and told her to go take her cold shower, and be sure to shave her cunt. “But don’t even play with it bitch, because if you cum, without permission, you are in for a big fucking paddling once we get to school,” said Linda. Tracy got her shower and shaved her pussy again, making sure it was really smooth. When she got out, she was given her clothes...

3 years ago
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Sapphires EmeraldsChapter 10

As executive assistant to the director, Cynthia had cultivated a vast network of contacts, both within and outside the agency. Joey downstairs called her to tell her that the FBI had arrived, right after Mellody, the FBI director's assistant, called to say there was something major brewing and Fornell had stormed out of the director's office cursing all the while. Mellody didn't have any more details to share, but she promised to call when she did and Cynthia extended the invitation of a...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Cindy Shine All The Right Places

As Cindy Shine prepares for a day of relaxation, Max Dior comes in dressed for work. He intends to give Cindy a kiss before he goes, but once he wraps his arms around his hot girlfriend he knows he’s going to be late for work. Their passionate kisses continue as Max lifts Cindy onto the kitchen island and slips her robe from her shoulders so he can sample the delights of her perky little breasts and tight hard nipples. Rolling Cindy back, Max tugs her panties aside. He unveils a whole new...

4 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 73

Time: Sunday, April 3, 2019 10:25 AM Aggie’s away team had left the Green Mall complex at 9 AM, and now after a seven kilometer walk along an optimal route, they were about four kilometers east and two kilometers south of home and less than a hundred meters from the three-way junction that separated Red Mall, Green Mall, and Yellow Mall territories. Aggie’s team had spent the last few minutes listening to Amber report on her successful but uneventful mission at Black Mall, and now Amber’s...

2 years ago
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Stories From My Youth Chapter 1 Harry and George

Harry was a force to be reckoned with. Harry wasn’t big by any stretch of the imagination but everyone who knew him saw Harry as 'ruff and gruff'. His appearance was that of a man who had spent many hours working hard in the Queensland sunshine. He was brown all over. Even his hair and eyes were brown.Harry’s loud voice dominated every conversation that he was involved in, while his more than confident manner caused most people to shrink away from him if there was ever a disagreement. Although...

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Threesome in paradise

Threesome in paradiseAna had been advised that Seychelles Islands were a real paradise and of course it was right.We arrived later in the afternoon after two long leg flights; Boston is really far, far away from here. On that first night were both were a little bit tired from waking up so early; so we just went out for dinner and came back early to our hotel room.In the morning everything was quite different. Anita was the first one in the shower. She shaved her sweet pussy. She liked to keep...

3 years ago
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Emmas Painal Journey 01

“Honey! The new neighbours are here!” she called to her 32 year old husband. John emerged from his office where he had been putting a few more things to rights, moving over to the window to see. A tall blonde strapping man with very muscular arms dressed in a white polo shirt and khakis unfolded himself from the driver’s seat and went around to the other side of the car and opened the door. He unbuckled the seatbelt and helped the young blonde woman there to stand up. The young woman...

1 year ago
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Victoria Per ScientiamChapter 13

I sent the mission report to Colonel Decker the moment we got within range of the naval station, happy that I was going to give him some good news. We had gotten some useful intel for him last time, but this time we actually had some battle results. If I could have somehow mounted a broom to the outside of the ship, I would have wanted to sail into our dock with it proudly sticking up from whatever we could pass off as a superstructure. That was an old tradition I would have been happy to...

2 years ago
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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 14

There was no point in hurrying to the next town, since it was a four-day trip and we would have to wait around for three days until the next market day. We strolled back to the vendor where Elger had found the lodestone. I was anxious to see it; I was very curious about this thing called "magnetism." I said hello to the merchant and asked to see the lodestone ring. He handed it to me, and I felt a tremendous jolt run up and down my body as soon as it touched my skin. I dropped the ring and...

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It Happens When Eyes Meet

August 19 2016 10:30PM I was in a hurry to leave for railway station as my train will depart in 20 minutes. It will 10 minutes drive from my home as my dad will be dropping me off but still I don’t want to take the risk as I have to attend an interview on 21st in Bangalore. “Aaryan” my mom called me. I started to turn and walk back to her. Mom: Stay right there. You are going for a good cause and if you are taking a back step this may affect your interview. She handed over a cover to me. Me:...

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Wifes sister is the office whore

My wife’s sister is the office whore and her daddy made her do it! Katie has always shared everything with me and her sister’s career path has become a subject we discuss in bed. Rosie has always had a delicious body but not much going on upstairs. She’s a big girl, very tall with long legs and a really big bum. She’s got perky round breasts above a delicate rib cage. Face wise she’s really pretty cute with a big cheesy grin and long straight light brown hair. She’s only ever been a...

3 years ago
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Truth in Advertising

Truth In Advertising I was excited as I rang Mz Dominica's doorbell. I was going to get a weekend of hypno-domination. I had used most of Mz Dominica's mp3's, and gotten hypnotized online a number of times, as well, but this was my first in-person session. I had gone whole hog, and bought the "weekend special." It was now Friday evening, and from now until Sunday night, I would be used for Mz Dominica's pleasure, and, I hoped, my own. I had discussed with the Mistress what to expect...

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Evies Naughty Idea Roleplay Gone Wrong

Introduction: A husband and wife talk about ways to spice up their marrige Evies Naughty Idea (Roleplay Gone Wrong) by Reed James Copyright 2014 Notes: This is a sample chapter of my Roleplay Gone Wrong (Naughty Wives Series 1) novella available for sell at or Frank wolf whistled when Evie stepped out of the bathroom. She wore a slinky negligee deep maroon with a black lace trim he hadnt seen before, a hungry...

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Pahli bar nokrani ki chudai

I’m 28 Year’s old, I’m Married One day my wife is going in Mayake, I’m alone this time not good for me because sex is my life without sex I’m can’t live. How to solve this problem, I’m seeing some sexy movies on net & using hand practice but I’m not satisfied. One day My servant is coming early morning 7:00AM clock I’m just happy she is just born a baby within 2 months. She is looking a good sexy I want see her nice sexy bobs & good figure. But Muje Dar lag raha tha ki suruaat kaha se karu...

4 years ago
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Secret Service Kitty AndersonChapter 5

The bed was so comfortable that I hated to get up the next morning, but I finally did. One of the good things about the Royal Hotel was that you could order breakfast at any time and have it delivered to your room. Sure, that cost a little more, but I wanted to establish the reputation of a scatterbrain with more money than good sense before I went after Mr. Abner Folsom. After a good breakfast at the scandalously late hour of 9:30 AM, I made a trip to the Oldsmobile dealer to have my...

2 years ago
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My maids niece Narani Devi

This happened in 2006 truly with me. I was working in a cement plant. I had my company quarters. I have an old maid servant and she used to come and clean the house and utensils etc. The day she was sick, she has sent her niece for the job. The niece was a woman of say 35/40 years. She came and worked silently and went away. I was happy with her. When I was going to sleep I was actually thinking about her. As per my criteria she is good looking and smart. Next day when the woman came I checked...

3 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 16

I woke up to some kisses on both cheeks and an active mouth working on me below. The three girls didn't take long to pull a morning donation from me up to the brink, before Suki slid beneath me to let me enjoy a mutual climax. If she wasn't knocked up by now, she would be with as much active ingredient as had been injected into her lately. We crowded into the shower to quickly wash before the three of them took off for their places and children. It was just after six, so their kids...

2 years ago
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Dani Loses the Game

Dani wasn't overly fond of babysitting for the Clarks, but they did pay well so she would grit her teeth and bear it. Usually the three or four hours of torture was worth the money and Dani could use the extra cash, as her university costs were getting higher with each semester. She was 20 and in her third year in Business Law and now that summer holidays were over, so was the summer employment. During school months, she still managed to do babysitting around the neighborhood, as well as work...

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This is the work of fiction.So the other night i finally crawl in to bed next to my sexy little sister but she was a dead loss, I spent the evening sat in my office watching little miss peachy getting slammed up the ass by some black dude, then some lesbian chicks in school uniforms fist each other until they had a fake orgasm, seeing all this left me with a nice thick cock standing to attention. When i snuggled up to my sister she was out cold in the land of nod and no how much I tried she...

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Vixen Renovates

Early in the second semester of her second year of college, when she had fully recovered from her injuries, at least physically, Vixen decided to get out more and meet some new people. On this sunny March afternoon she was sitting behind home plate and watching the school's softball team practice and enjoying the day. Three members of the volleyball team she had been part of were trying out for the squad, females she knew and liked. The white-haired coach left the batting practice and came to...

1 year ago
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HornyHostel Anastasia Brokelyn Big Ass Suprise

As Tommy woke up & got out of bed he found out that right on top was the peachy butt of his new roommate. He tried the escape the wild thoughts that ran through his mind, but his cock wasn’t blind. When Anastasia returned from the shower, she caught Tommy masturbating in the last hour. Teased him with her kinky smile and big round ass, getting him up and running for a pussy & ass licking with class. Then this Spanish babe deepthroated his huge dick, making him fuck her hard until...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 7

Drew looked at the clock. 6.15am it blinked at him. He rolled onto his back and fondled his cock. Thursday at last, he'd been waiting all week for it to arrive. It was still too early to get up. He couldn't drop the dog of at Geoff's place until 8 am. He stopped playing with himself, he didn't want to get hard and have to jerk himself off. He was saving himself for Tess and Dave tonight. He had been all week. He thought back over the past week and how hard the goodbye to Dave and Tess had been,...

3 years ago
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Not OrdinaryChapter 18

Chaos! That’s the only way I could describe the situation all around me. I couldn’t make out anything in the fighting around me. The conflict around me had engulfed my vision of Frank and Frost and I didn’t have an idea of what was going on with the two of them. I was trying to move through all the brawls to get to where Frank and Frost were before I was confronted by the three Untethered, I had seen flanking in the club the last go around. One of them looked at me with a menacing grin and...

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Poonam Didi Ki Chudai

Hello friends. Mera naam Rahul hai aur meri age 22 years hai. Main Delhi mein job karta hu aur rehne wala Bihar ka hu. Aj main aap sab ko ek real story bataunga meri Poonam didi ki. Ye ekdam real story hai aur mujhe umeed hai aapko bohut mazaa aayega meri story sunkar. Chaliye story par aate hai. Ye baat mere class 12th ki hai jab meri age 18 years thi. Main Delhi mein rehta tha aur meri didi jiska naam Poonam (real name) hai. woh bhi Delhi mein hi rehti thi. Poonam didi par aate hai. Unke dudh...

3 years ago
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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 13 Deck the Halls cause Garys Cumming

Dear Diary: I met the shyest girl today. Her name is Danielle, she's a gorgeous blond, and she towers over me! We talked "girl talk" while we worked together in the Bio lab. When I told Julie about her this evening, she shocked me by suggesting that I seduce her. But after listening to Julie's reasons and ways that I might accomplish this, I started to give it some serious thought. My guess is there will be more about darling Danielle later on. But the main thing I have to write about...

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ReunionChapter 4

Matt enjoyed his work and one week seemed to blend into another. Six months didn't seem as long as it once did, and the reunion was upon him in no time at all. He booked himself into the best hotel in Westhampton, and travelled north after work on Friday. On Saturday, he took his sister and his mother out to lunch, and then he and his dad watched Westhampton Wanderers last game of the season together. By six-thirty, he was back in his hotel room preparing for the big night. He showered and...

2 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 2 An Early Morning Run

I waited as long as I dared until the movement of my father onto his left side and the placing of his right arm just below and touching my mother's breasts drove me downstairs and away from the sight of my mother's naked body. From there I went to the kitchen, filled up my drink bottle with purified water from the fridge and ran out the back door checking my watch as I went. I still had time to get to Station Street; this was my main reason for getting out of bed in the morning - apart from...

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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 7 What Is A Fuck Pig

“We found it making its way home, trying to contact its old acquaintances, it was… difficult to capture.” Belle tried to speak, the large cock shaped gag bulging in her throat as tears flowed down her cheeks. As she did Mistress Smith Pushed the gad deeper into Bells throat, and she began to struggle against her. “Riley, come here.” The master called, his hand offering the space next to him. I slowly made my way to his side, blushing at the attention. I knelt down beside him and slowly his...

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Hot Sister Strap On

There were two sisters named Jamie and Jessica. Both were attractive and with light brownish hair. Both of them were about the same height and weight with a 34B chest. Only Jamie is nineteen months older than Jessica. Now they were both at about nineteen and twenty years old. Jamie being born in January and Jessica a year and a half later in July.Jamie had blue eyes and Jessica had brown eyes and both were really pretty. Jamie and her sister Jessica were separated during childhood, so they...

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Giving Another Man Head became as Easy As 1 2 3

My husband and I enjoy a fulfilling sexual lifestyle. In more than 15 years of marriage we have enjoyed a vast unique variety of sexual encounters. We have written about some of most erotic situations we have shared. While some may say that our sexcapades are nothing less than scandalous, we beg to differ it was our pleasure. In our life together, we never don’t worried about cheating or insecurities as we are entrusted with each others wishes, desires and fantasies. He always enjoyed the...

1 year ago
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Die Schlerin

Lehrer zu sein war noch nie eine leichte Aufgabe für mich. Das lag nicht unbedingt am fachlichen. Nein, das nun wirklich nicht. Es waren die Schüler, oder vielmehr die Schülerinnen. Vor zehn Jahren waren sie noch brav gekleidet, wie eben Schülerinnen sich zu dieser Zeit kleideten. Die Zeit hatte sich mittlerweile gewandelt. Jetzt legten selbst die jungen Mädchen äußersten Wert darauf, weiblich zu erscheinen. Sie wollten auf die Männerwelt wirken. Und Sie können mir sagen was sie wollen, aber...

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