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I'll never forget that Saturday night. Jerry and I were at Leo's warehouse.

Leo's an importer of sex toys. Not just the plain vanilla stuff, but real kinky stuff

too ? if you want to get a dildo with electrodes built-in so you can light someone up,

Leo's your guy. Compared to some of his wares, that's pretty tame.

As a promotional gimmick he has shows practically every weekend in an unused

section of his warehouse ? he calls them 'product demonstrations' ? where the

attendees are encouraged to try his products on a live 'model.'

Leo's 'models' are co-eds that he recruits from the local University. He somehow

persuades them to strip naked and then allow themselves to be tied up so they are

helpless to prevent dozens of perfect strangers from assaulting them with dildoes,

vibrators, and other toys, some pleasurable, some not.

We're regulars at Leo's on Saturdays ? we demonstrate the heavier-duty whips

on the naked 'model.' Not every Saturday ? our schedules don't permit that ? but at

least once a month.

Leo's instructions to us are always the same: we're to deal that night's model a

metered amount of pain with a minimum of physical damage ? they're college

students with classes on Monday, after all. In a few minutes, Leo's guests are

entertained by watching some naked girl, suspended in mid-air by her wrists, her

legs lashed wide apart, writhe to the rhythm of our whips while shrieking at the

top of her lungs. Later, some would buy the demoed products, presumably taking

them back to their basement dungeons to play with their kinky lovers.

It's just a job. I don't 'get off' on whipping anyone, much less defenseless

women. Really, I don't. In fact, it's pretty revolting. As far as I'm concerned men

who batter women are cowards and there's a special level in Hell reserved for the

men who abuse women for fun. Call me old-fashioned, but the bigger the man, the

greater his responsibility to defend the weak, which includes women as there are

few women who can single-handedly defend themselves from a fit man. It's just a

job, and I'm just a mercenary.

But this situation isn't quite so simple. First ? and this will sound crazy ? but the

girls at Leo's signed up for it. They know what's going on and they not only strip

and get up on that stage anyway, but most come back again and again. Second, I

don't think I have to tell you that my tools can do a lot of damage. I don't even want

to think about letting a roomful of Leo's yahoo clients get their hands on one of

these whips to use on some poor girl with practically no restraint. A few of Leo's

attendees are almost good enough to be Pros, but the rest... Man, they'd cheer a

sack of potatoes getting flogged if it'd writhe and shriek and bleed enough. It'd be

damned irresponsible to let them anywhere near my tools. Like giving a loaded .45

to a toddler. They either don't have the sense to know what they're doing (or when

to stop) or they simply don't care. Either way the lucky girls whose skin wasn't

flailed away completely would be scarred for life instead, and I mean that literally

as well as psychologically. You might think I'm crazy to say this or that I'm

rationalizing my sins (and who knows ? maybe I am), but those girls would get

flogged anyway ? the only question is ?who's going to do the deed?? ? so in a very

real sense Jerry and I are actually doing them a favor.

Most of the time the girls are already naked and secured in position when we

arrive, but sometimes Leo lets them watch us arrive, and afterward leads them

over to where they're secured. They know exactly what's coming next, and not one

has ever bolted.

But there was one girl...

We don't know her name (or the names of any of the others for that matter), but

even with that hood over her head, we always knew it was her. I'd seen that body

more times than I could remember offhand. Maybe thirty times ? maybe more ?

who knows? ? often enough that I recognized the body even though I'd never seen

the face or knew the name that went with it. Jerry and I called her ?The Bunny?

because she was so tough; she kept going, and going, just like the fuzzy little

battery-powered toy in the TV commercials.

Our Bunny is almost intimidating when she isn't already secured when we

arrive. She gets off her pad in the corner of the platform, casually strides to the

center, then stands there, boldly facing us, with her hands on her hips, her feet

planted shoulder wide, silently daring us to do our worst. Leo has to drag her away

so we can set up! Her defiance continues all the way through our set. All the others

almost immediately start crying, then screaming, which fades to constant sobbing

towards the end. Not our Bunny. She grunts mostly, although sometimes we can

get her to hiss.

This particular Saturday evening we arrived and saw our Bunny get up and start

walking towards us. I glanced around, but I didn't see Leo. Terri neither. She

passed her usual mark and kept shortening the distance. We've never actually been

confronted by any of Leo's girls, not even our Bunny, so we had no idea what to do.

I dropped my satchel, in case I needed both hands to defend myself. I wasn't

prepared for what happened next. It was the surprise of my life.

She stopped her advance, only about two yards in front of me. ?Cecil!? she said

loudly, addressing me directly.

We don't use our real names at Leo's ? we're known there as Cecil and Harvey.

I'm 'Cecil' and Jerry's 'Harvey.'

Even so, I was taken aback.

?Kick it over here!? She was pointing to my bag.

I guess I didn't move fast enough. She shoved me aside like I was a girl (and I've

got to have at least 100 pounds on her), dropped in front of my satchel, and, sitting

on her heels, rifled through it. She froze and started breathing through her mouth.

She slowly pulled one of my collection out. At first she just looked at it and

trembled. It was 'The Tickler.' It has frayed ends ? fingers ? that tear the skin in

addition to being intensely painful. I don't even know why it was in there. I'd never

used it at Leo's. She got up, ?Here!? and threw it at me.

?I can't use this on you ? it's against the rules... It'll rip you to shreds and I'm

not allowed to really hurt any of you...?

I looked around. Leo and Terri were still nowhere to be seen.

?Fuck the rules! Just do it!? She pointed to Jerry. ?You too, Harvey!?

I crouched down and put my hands on my knees so my face was more level with

hers. Through the perforations in the leather, I could see her eyes. ?Not until you

tell me why.?

She blinked. I could see her eyes were teary. Her mouth quivered. She grabbed

the lapels of my leather jacket and pulled me closer. ?You're the only ones I know

who can help me. I need you to make the pain go away.? The tone of her voice had

changed as if she was on the verge of crying. She was shaking. ?Please!?

I held up the Tickler's business end. ?This doesn't make pain go away...?

She glanced at the instrument in my hand and held back a sob. ?Oh, I can

handle that pain.? Her voice was steady and I believed her. ?But this...? She put her

hands over her heart and started to cry. ?Cecil...? She looked back up at me. ?...he

ripped it out. Make me forget.? She fell to her knees. ?Help me feel something

again. Just do it. Please!?

I looked at the tip of the whip she'd selected. I knew what it could do to a man

and I didn't want to be the one to do it to a twenty-something young girl. Not to

that body. Not to her. I looked down; she was kneeling, her arms wrapped around

my knees, crying. I thought of the stories I'd heard of girls who cut themselves with

razor blades and knives, just to feel something. I sighed. Maybe this is better. At

least I'd control how much damage was done...

?OK,? I said, reluctantly.

I helped her up and saw a glimmer of a smile. She turned and walked away.

I wished I knew who drove her to this.

She stood unrestrained (another first) between Jerry and me. Feet well apart,

hands on her head, facing me. Did I mention how stunning her body was? Damn,

she was gorgeous! Anyway, Jerry hit her first. She winced, hissing through her

teeth as she inhaled, rotated her hips away from the assault and instinctively

dropped her hands. ?Owww.? A few seconds later, her former posture restored, he

hit her again, and she hissed and rotated again, this time the other way. Then she

stood up straight and dropped her hands to her hips. She looked at me, defiantly.

?What's the matter, Cecil? I thought 'Real Men' like you got off on torturing

women... Or do you need someone to tie me up first??

The audience gasped. She had everyone's complete attention. The defenseless

naked girl had just publicly emasculated the big brute threatening her with a whip

(me). I'd had second thoughts, but now I was pissed. I caught myself before I

reacted without thinking. ?I told you I don't want to do this.?

?Me neither, but here I am. Get on with it! You promised!?

I paused. Yeah, I promised, but that didn't make it any easier. Or right. I took a

breath and moved a couple of steps closer. ?OK, I'll do it, but only as long as you're

standing, OK??

She straightened up and put her hands back on her head. ?Deal!?

I really didn't want to do this. I stepped back and loosed 'The Tickler.'

Was she smiling?

Like I said before, she'd been under my lash dozens of times before, but I think

that this night she let her guard down for the first time as if she actually wanted to

feel every bit of it. She wanted the pain I dealt her, the physical pain that she could

manage, to wash over her and fill her up until there was no room left for the

emotional pain she didn't want to bear. Well, that's my theory. I'd never heard any

of Leo's girls let loose such chilling screams before that night. It was as if she was

setting a demon free. An exorcism.

In time she was weeping non-stop, standing unsteadily with her legs spread,

knees bent, and leaning forward at the waist with the tips of her fingers barely

touching her head, not at the top like she did at first, but closer to just above her

ears. Each strike caused her to jolt and briefly emit a shriek that became less and

less piercing as the event wore on. Sometimes a knee would buckle and she'd

stagger to keep on her feet. She'd resume crying and raise her hands back up. It

took more and more effort for her to keep standing, you could see, but she did it.

She was tiring and her cries became less and less shrill.

Her body glistened bright red where it wasn't already turning a deep purple.

Sometimes I could make out the fine red mist that floated in the air with the latest

'tickle.' Yet she remained on her feet. The crowd fell silent as they watched the

savage spectacle, a battle of determination between a defenseless naked girl

standing defiantly alone against two men armed with whips, a battle everyone

knew she would lose...

She didn't wobble or sag ? her legs just suddenly gave out. She fell to one knee

just as my last strike arrived. I missed her thigh as intended and caught her lower

back instead. She was too exhausted to make a peep. An instant later she dropped

the other knee, then fell forward to all fours, still crying. I watched her chest heave

with each heavy breath. I heard her bawl. I was glad it was over. I coiled my whip

and tossed it in my bag. Never used it since.

Leo and Terri materialized and helped her up. Where the hell did they come

from? With their support she was able to get back up and walk; they came my way.

She looked up to me wearing a crooked smile. Weakly grabbing my lapels, she

tried to pull me down to her. She didn't have the strength, so I bent down to her.

She kissed me on the cheek. ?Thanks.? I could see her eyes sparkle from behind

the mask. She was actually smiling! It was unbelievable! Then her expression

transformed to one of laser-focused determination ?Later!? she said as she turned

and left a trail of crimson footprints on her way to Leo's office.

Leo told me later that Terri stripped to her panties (yet another first) and joined

her in the shower where she helped clean her up. They wrapped her in a plush

bathrobe and shuttled her off to one of Leo's 'discrete' (Mob) doctor acquaintances

to get her patched up.

Outside, as we left, Jerry could barely contain himself. ?Mike! We did it! We

finally broke her!? He was ready to bust open a six-pack and party.

?No, we didn't. She was already broken.?

We hit her when she was already down. There was nothing to celebrate.

The next time I saw her was about a month, maybe a month-and-a-half later, at

Leo's (where else?). She was suspended in mid-air, hanging by her wrists, her legs

secured wide apart. Naked, of course. I walked up and examined her body and was

surprised (and inwardly thankful) that there was hardly a trace of her ordeal. Leo

must know some master wizard medical people. I walked around to face her. Twin

nipples greeted me at eye level, standing at attention. She looked spectacular, as

usual. I stroked a flawless thigh, then looked up at her. I spoke to her as a person

for the first time ever. ?How're you doing??

A hooded head looked down and nodded, smiling. ?Better. Thanks.?

Thanks for the whipping, or thanks for asking? I presumed the latter, but the

former was possible too. ?I'm sorry.?

?That's OK. You don't have to send me flowers or chocolates or anything.? She

grinned. ?But if you really want me to feel better, why don't you slide that hand of

yours up and to the right a little...?

Her inner labia hung exposed, parted slightly and glistening ? her sex

conveniently easy to access. I wouldn't have minded either. It was a damned

tempting offer. I wished our date was not here and now.

?You know I can't do that. But in a few minutes I can caress you with this...? I

held up the coil of braided leather in my other hand.

She chuckled. ?Buster, you only think you know pain!? She paused and

continued after my annoyed reaction, ?You don't know shit compared to Leo's

sadist doctors. Let me tell you something about antiseptics and open wounds in

sensitive places...?

Good Lord, that must have hurt like Hell! ?No need,? I chuckled back, nervously.

?They had to tie me down!?

I like to think I've got a good sense of her pain threshold, and they had to

restrain her. I gulped. I think I managed to maintain my stoic poker face, but I'm

not sure. ?I get the picture.? We shared a brief silent moment, and then I saw Leo;

he was looking at me and frantically tapping his wristwatch. ?Well, it looks like it's

time for the slacker dude who doesn't know shit about pain to get to work

whipping a naked girl.?

?Good thing for you she's tied up? she fired back. I stopped and looked up at

her, a little annoyed, but mostly amused. She just grinned. ?Wake me when you're

done...? She was the only one of Leo's girls who could have gotten away with

saying that.

There was something about my Bunny that I always liked, right from the start. I

think it was her grit; she always fought us and never just gave up. But that

Saturday night I knew I'd fallen in love with her. I don't know what demon ripped

her heart out and drove her crying to me for an exorcism. I only wish that he'd

been standing in front of me instead of her on that Saturday night.

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Family Making Porn 8211 Part 1

The family consists of dad 45 years, a office goer in a private firm ,mom 36 years ,a housewife and son(me) 20 years and sister (18).The family lived happily until one day dad lost his job as the company was in heavy loss . We managed few months with our savings but after ran out of savings we could not manage our debts like loans for home,car,cards etc. So, we do no what to do since dad did not get higher work and I am studying we did not get enough money. So we were in a severe financial...

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Max loves Married Mature Women

Max & Sage took a shower together & then Sage stayed nude except for a pair of spiked heels ,now he also collared & leashed his mature sexslut & brought her upstairs to the den where she sat on his sofa , then she was ballgagged and told to be quiet. The doorbell rang , Max went & answered it , well hello Sheila Max said , the 56year old , gray haired, long legged & fake giant tit amazon was his oldest & longest serving submissive . It had been almost a year since he had met Sheila ....

4 years ago
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A Matter of Time Ch 09

Amber, a neighbor who lived next to Victoria Church and Marty Rochester, was pretty sure B-97 had played ‘When I See You Smile’ 19 times in the last two hours, but it was a popular song. She tried to smile through the cock in her mouth, looking up to a lover named Jason. Or was it Jimmy? She really wasn’t sure. She’d met him at the IU Bookstore a few hours later and he seemed cute enough. And he’d made her laugh. Amber, who Vicki and Martin Rochester knew would die in a three-car wreck on...

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A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. "First, I am required to ask anyone present who knows a reason why these persons may not lawfully marry, to declare it now, or forever hold your peace," the celebrant said to the crowd. "Don't worry," he whispered to us. "I have to say that, to make it official. I've never had a situation where someone has objected." Fortunately, no one spoke up objecting to us getting married. That would have...

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Raped by My Repair Men

As I admired the two youths through my bedroom window who were repairing our swimming pool out back I felt my vagina moisten. My husband had been on a six month business trip in Europe that still had nearly three months to go. I had been faithful to him during ten years of marriage. Nevertheless, I had always had a powerful sex drive. This enforced celibacy had been real agony for me. I would have accompanied him, or at least visited him, but I had my own business, which I operated out of our...

3 years ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 16 Road to Recovery

Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor, Mark...

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Camping With My CousinsChapter 4

Mrs. O'Brian was showing me how to sift the flour in the kitchen and we managed to get it pretty much over everything. For an older lady, she was certainly giggling a lot each time I pinched her pretty bottom or copped a feel of her generous endowed breast. With a little encouragement I got her to pop out her taut nipple and started sucking on it for a bit of fun and found that it really turned her on. She was going into a beautiful orgasm with the suction of my lips on her breast and she...

2 years ago
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Sex in Germany

After reading a lot of stories here I decided that it is time to write one of my own.It was summer 2009 I had just a few months ago moved to Germany. I was alone without a Girlfriend and I didn’t speak a word of German at the time. So I decided to make a profile here in xHamster. Some days later I start messaging with a girl from the next city. After hour in front of the screen exchanging fantasies we decided to meet. She was 1,75 red hair and some extra kilos (I like bbw). She had big tits and...

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Beth 1Chapter 4 Sunday

Sunday morning I woke up spooned with Beth—a position I hoped I'd be able to repeat often. "You awake, my princess?" "Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after," she groaned as I started to give her a morning back rub. It was during that rub that I realized something that made me really think about Beth and I. I'd given a lot of girls back rubs, as a matter of fact in my little group I was thought of as the guy to go to for a rub. But with every one of those I'd had at least a...

3 years ago
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Nans Old Flame

Things started going to hell for me when my wife told me that we were invited to her best friend Mary's birthday party on Saturday. I said, "That's nice dear. Have a good time." I don't get along with Mary; we don't like each other and have mutually decided to avoid being in each other's presence. "You have to go with me," Nan said. "Sorry honey, but you know how things get when Mary and I are in the same room together. If I go it will just spoil the party for everyone." "Please...

3 years ago
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JenniferChapter 3

From the moment Alexandra and Margaret left the Student Union, their only thoughts were of the coming evening. Hugh seemed interesting, and quite interested in them. “Jesus, Alex, he couldn’t take his eyes off your tits!” exclaimed Margaret as they got in their car. “Except when he was trying to look up your skirt,” Alexandra replied. “Not that I minded.” “I know. I wonder if he noticed you tugging it upwards whenever he looked over at me.” “No more than he noticed you trying to push your...

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Alone with my sexy Boss

My sexy boss Barbara had said we would meet at a local bar near office to discuss some brief topics. The place was low lit and warm, cluttered with the chats of other people and the clinking of glasses. When I entered the bar, I saw Barbara there, looking at the entrance door.I paused in the doorway to let my eyes wander over that old sexy bitch.My boss was wearing a white blouse, narrow skirt and shiny black stilettos.She looked hot. I walked over nice and slow. I swayed my hips and unbuttoned...

4 years ago
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Daddys Little Sissy Cock Sleeve

I stirred as I felt my bed suddenly shift with the weight of someone crawling up from the end and between my legs. I’d slept so peacefully, as I do every night when my Daddy Dom locks my wrists and ankles to the corners of my bed in leather lined steel resrraints, face down, with my little sissy pussy filled with his cock. He fucks me to sleep, and keeps me covered like a security blanket till I’m soundly dozing, then he slides out of me and fastens the translucent pink plastic panties around...

4 years ago
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All the Perks

A wide smile decorated Jessica’s face as she looked out the window of her hotel room, drinking in the sight of the ocean, and the beach. She could hardly believe that she was here, the hazy reflection of her red curls and green eyes staring back at her in the window. Nobody in the office had ever won a top safety prize in all of the drawings since she’d started at the warehouse. The free week of vacation and the all-inclusive resort were a dream come true. A summer vacation with all the perks....

Group Sex
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The very first time

I can remember the very first time I met Bruce, Charlie and Daniel and begin my journey thru hell. Looking back over the many days, nights, weeks, months and years of their savage sexual assaults. Not to mention the many times they gave me to their friends or when others found put and black mailed me into having sex all to keep my secrete. First time I had sex with any one was when I was in high school, I was forced into the act by three of our high school bullies. I was brutally attached and...

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Andys Training Chapter 6

Andy's Training Chapter 6 By Cissykay When we were through eating, Aunty Betty and Cissy sat back and each lit a cigarette. "Well Andrea, are you as happy as we are that your secret is now out in the open? To be honest with you, we've known about it for quite some time. We were just waiting for the right opportunity to show you. I'm really quite surprised that you never figured out that since I am a professional photographer, I would have several video...

4 years ago
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My Hot Friend Garima

Hi, I’m Tanishq. Back with another streak experience after ”Me and satakshi in my car” . I’m 24 years of age. I had a friend whom I was not very much in talks with, but as my life got boring with the routine, I wanted to get along with someone I wouldn’t have much to take care about. I had a friend Garima, a professional and doing good for herself. She was hot, had a great pair of boobs with a great colour complexion and lovely waist. Looked so hot in casuals. Anyway we got talking somehow and...

4 years ago
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A Shameful Obsession Part One

The classroom door opened. Late, Dennis Hobson thought, as he looked over the rim of his glasses, curious to see who it was. The girl who came in was a child he had never seen before though. The new girl, it must be her. What was her name again? Amanda Stanton? No, Esmeralda Stanton, but spelled differently, in two parts, Es Meralda. Who would give their child a name like that?All this going through his head in the two seconds it took for the eight-year-old to come through the door. She was...

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A Dog8217s life and Colette

Colette was sweating, taking out her irritation on the weeds in the flower bed beside the house, when she heard the taxi stop in front. She peered around the corner of the house, squinting into the late afternoon sun. Even before she saw the figure sashaying up the front walk, she grimaced. She knew it had to be that cunt, Christina, come to collect Denny’s car, but she hadn’t yet figured out exactly what to do with her. Dennis was Colette ‘s nephew, and barely 18, brainy but...

2 years ago
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Mother8217s Sexcapades With Son 8211 Part 6

Hi all , sorry for keeping you wait for so long. I was little depressed as I see that the online adult content has no regulations yet. As all my original stories have been just copied and pasted to so many other adult websites without even mentioning credits. Anyways hope that I am going to receive enough support from my genuine followers. As always kindly review my stories at , also female readers are most welcome. I wish I could get a mature lady to fulfill all my fantasies from the...

1 year ago
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Pricelessby Velvetglove?Put my dick into your wife’s mouth.?He leaned nearer and his trembling fingers guided my throbbing shaft into the perfect ‘o’ formed by her lipstick covered lips. Ever so slowly I eased my hips forwards, sliding my full length over her tongue and into the back of her throat. I watched her eyebrows scrunch together as she gagged.I glanced at the twin screen monitors. There were two cameras: a fixed one on a tripod that recorded a mid-shot including her face and torso with...

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Caribbean Cruise

Rick Chaplain was one of those All-American boys, dashingly handsome, intelligent, and witty, with short-cropped dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a rough, matured, attractive face that was weathered and appropriately tempered by the elements. He was originally from Patton, Ohio, a small town in the middle of nowhere, and had learned from a very early age how to make his own fun and get his own level of enjoyment out of the most bleak and disheartening of circumstances. Having been...

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The Captive

Footfalls sounded on the stone steps, and a knock at the door turned him around. “Come,” he said in a deep, commanding voice. The soldier opened the iron bound wooden door and stepped inside. He braced to attention and clapped his fist over his chest in salute. “Forgive the intrusion, Sire, but we have brought the prisoner per your orders.” “Thank you, Sergeant. Bring her in.” The sergeant nodded and turned toward the door. “Bring her.” “Take your damned hands off me!” A pair of burly...

3 years ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 2

--------------Present day------------- The Asian girl staggered down the steps from the condo, having taken my cock in both of her holes. Cassie had given her plenty of orgasms, so I didn’t feel all that bad for her. I had made her eat Cassie’s pussy while I’d drilled her up the ass, but she seemed to have trouble concentrating and thus, Cassie hadn’t gotten off. I was angry that she had ditched me, so I left without fucking her. Later that night, I reviewed the video from her bedroom to see...

2 years ago
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STREET STORIES Sashas sisters

SASHA VOLUME II Sasha’s sisters By WEBB Sasha Daniels was my cousin’s girlfriend. We started having sex behind my cousin’s back and we never looked back. We aren’t as close as we used to be but I love looking back at those days when we used lots of i*****l d**gs and explored our sexual needs and desires. Sasha had three sisters. There was Ne-Ne, Cevee, and Loddy. This is the story of how and when we met. ...

1 year ago
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Enjoyed With Dream Sister

Hi I am kumar. Nenu. B.Tech chuduvutunnanu hyderabad lo. Akkada apartment lo undevadini maa akkatho, Maa akka frnds room ki vachevaallu nenante vaalaki chala istam ,cute ga undevadini.Maa akka kosam oka ammai vachindhi thanu chala beautiful ga untundhi, thanani chudagane nachindhi, nenu appude fix ayyanu thana tho enjoy cheyalani but kudarledhu, chance kosam wait chestunna, thanu ala vachi vellipoindhi. Ala konni rojulu taruvatha holidays vachay thanu intiki vellemundhu shopping cheyadaniki maa...

4 years ago
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Her Cold Embrace

It's just past midnight on a Wednesday evening and I'm driving a hearse to the hospital. I'm tired and just want to go to sleep, but the phone rang and woke me up. There is a corpse waiting for me at the hospital. I'm a mortuary student and am working for a local funeral home as I study for my diploma. One of my duties is picking up the bodies and bringing them back to the funeral home. I drive the hearse into the hospital parking lot and pull around to the back to the morgue. I've been...

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A Quickie in the Woods

If you have read my other stories, you know that I only post 100% true accounts of my Bi live. Here is another time I had in the woods with a young stranger.I had just parked my van at a well known cruising spot by the river. I was really horney and had not touched myself, or had any contact with either my wife or anyone in about a week. I was just sitting in the van and was noticing guys parking, and then walking off on the various trails made by the many guys looking for fun in the woods.I...

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Girl Next Door Part 3

My next few meet ups with Andrea were quite brief and quickly over we had sex a couple of times in the car that was quite limiting and we had an brief encounter at the bottom of my garden at the side of the garage which consisted of a good fingering by myself and Andrea giving me a blowjob, very risky as both family houses were close and full, but we knew there would be a chance at some point.The chance came about when Andrea’s parents were out for the day and evening at a close friend’s...

2 years ago
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Office Intrusion

Getting into your office wouldn't be so hard: a question of picking the right pocket, an outward display of confidence and good timing is all it would take. I'm sure with some subtle inquisition I could gradually glean which is your desk. Ensuring you'd be wearing a skirt on the day in question, which would be critical to the surprise and my intentions, might be a little trickier without giving the game away. It could be resolved by giving you a standing order to wear only skirts on a Tuesday...

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Toman of the Cherokee 3

  I heard Pops in my head. Pops told me.   I was almost shouting at him in my mind.    Just then I heard more movement down the trail. Moving back I soon saw several younger males moving toward the village. One in particular drew my attention, Malak with his one arm in a sling. Moving past only a few gave me a heated look, though Malak's could have melted metal.   Stopping before me he growled, "You will regret not killing me outsider! Your days here are numbered I shall make...

3 years ago
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The Wildlife Refuge

I once took a lady friend to a local wildlife refuge for a picnic on a sunny fall afternoon. Though we'd known each other for some time, and done things together and sorta' made tongue in cheek comments about sex, we'd never really "been together". Well, after finding a nice, shady, secluded area, and spreading the blanket out, having a nice meal (that I prepared, by the way), I couldn't help noticing that when she moved just a certain way, I could see into the top of her sundress, and could...


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