- 2 years ago
- 21
- 0
I'll never forget that Saturday night. Jerry and I were at Leo's warehouse.
Leo's an importer of sex toys. Not just the plain vanilla stuff, but real kinky stuff
too ? if you want to get a dildo with electrodes built-in so you can light someone up,
Leo's your guy. Compared to some of his wares, that's pretty tame.
As a promotional gimmick he has shows practically every weekend in an unused
section of his warehouse ? he calls them 'product demonstrations' ? where the
attendees are encouraged to try his products on a live 'model.'
Leo's 'models' are co-eds that he recruits from the local University. He somehow
persuades them to strip naked and then allow themselves to be tied up so they are
helpless to prevent dozens of perfect strangers from assaulting them with dildoes,
vibrators, and other toys, some pleasurable, some not.
We're regulars at Leo's on Saturdays ? we demonstrate the heavier-duty whips
on the naked 'model.' Not every Saturday ? our schedules don't permit that ? but at
least once a month.
Leo's instructions to us are always the same: we're to deal that night's model a
metered amount of pain with a minimum of physical damage ? they're college
students with classes on Monday, after all. In a few minutes, Leo's guests are
entertained by watching some naked girl, suspended in mid-air by her wrists, her
legs lashed wide apart, writhe to the rhythm of our whips while shrieking at the
top of her lungs. Later, some would buy the demoed products, presumably taking
them back to their basement dungeons to play with their kinky lovers.
It's just a job. I don't 'get off' on whipping anyone, much less defenseless
women. Really, I don't. In fact, it's pretty revolting. As far as I'm concerned men
who batter women are cowards and there's a special level in Hell reserved for the
men who abuse women for fun. Call me old-fashioned, but the bigger the man, the
greater his responsibility to defend the weak, which includes women as there are
few women who can single-handedly defend themselves from a fit man. It's just a
job, and I'm just a mercenary.
But this situation isn't quite so simple. First ? and this will sound crazy ? but the
girls at Leo's signed up for it. They know what's going on and they not only strip
and get up on that stage anyway, but most come back again and again. Second, I
don't think I have to tell you that my tools can do a lot of damage. I don't even want
to think about letting a roomful of Leo's yahoo clients get their hands on one of
these whips to use on some poor girl with practically no restraint. A few of Leo's
attendees are almost good enough to be Pros, but the rest... Man, they'd cheer a
sack of potatoes getting flogged if it'd writhe and shriek and bleed enough. It'd be
damned irresponsible to let them anywhere near my tools. Like giving a loaded .45
to a toddler. They either don't have the sense to know what they're doing (or when
to stop) or they simply don't care. Either way the lucky girls whose skin wasn't
flailed away completely would be scarred for life instead, and I mean that literally
as well as psychologically. You might think I'm crazy to say this or that I'm
rationalizing my sins (and who knows ? maybe I am), but those girls would get
flogged anyway ? the only question is ?who's going to do the deed?? ? so in a very
real sense Jerry and I are actually doing them a favor.
Most of the time the girls are already naked and secured in position when we
arrive, but sometimes Leo lets them watch us arrive, and afterward leads them
over to where they're secured. They know exactly what's coming next, and not one
has ever bolted.
But there was one girl...
We don't know her name (or the names of any of the others for that matter), but
even with that hood over her head, we always knew it was her. I'd seen that body
more times than I could remember offhand. Maybe thirty times ? maybe more ?
who knows? ? often enough that I recognized the body even though I'd never seen
the face or knew the name that went with it. Jerry and I called her ?The Bunny?
because she was so tough; she kept going, and going, just like the fuzzy little
battery-powered toy in the TV commercials.
Our Bunny is almost intimidating when she isn't already secured when we
arrive. She gets off her pad in the corner of the platform, casually strides to the
center, then stands there, boldly facing us, with her hands on her hips, her feet
planted shoulder wide, silently daring us to do our worst. Leo has to drag her away
so we can set up! Her defiance continues all the way through our set. All the others
almost immediately start crying, then screaming, which fades to constant sobbing
towards the end. Not our Bunny. She grunts mostly, although sometimes we can
get her to hiss.
This particular Saturday evening we arrived and saw our Bunny get up and start
walking towards us. I glanced around, but I didn't see Leo. Terri neither. She
passed her usual mark and kept shortening the distance. We've never actually been
confronted by any of Leo's girls, not even our Bunny, so we had no idea what to do.
I dropped my satchel, in case I needed both hands to defend myself. I wasn't
prepared for what happened next. It was the surprise of my life.
She stopped her advance, only about two yards in front of me. ?Cecil!? she said
loudly, addressing me directly.
We don't use our real names at Leo's ? we're known there as Cecil and Harvey.
I'm 'Cecil' and Jerry's 'Harvey.'
Even so, I was taken aback.
?Kick it over here!? She was pointing to my bag.
I guess I didn't move fast enough. She shoved me aside like I was a girl (and I've
got to have at least 100 pounds on her), dropped in front of my satchel, and, sitting
on her heels, rifled through it. She froze and started breathing through her mouth.
She slowly pulled one of my collection out. At first she just looked at it and
trembled. It was 'The Tickler.' It has frayed ends ? fingers ? that tear the skin in
addition to being intensely painful. I don't even know why it was in there. I'd never
used it at Leo's. She got up, ?Here!? and threw it at me.
?I can't use this on you ? it's against the rules... It'll rip you to shreds and I'm
not allowed to really hurt any of you...?
I looked around. Leo and Terri were still nowhere to be seen.
?Fuck the rules! Just do it!? She pointed to Jerry. ?You too, Harvey!?
I crouched down and put my hands on my knees so my face was more level with
hers. Through the perforations in the leather, I could see her eyes. ?Not until you
tell me why.?
She blinked. I could see her eyes were teary. Her mouth quivered. She grabbed
the lapels of my leather jacket and pulled me closer. ?You're the only ones I know
who can help me. I need you to make the pain go away.? The tone of her voice had
changed as if she was on the verge of crying. She was shaking. ?Please!?
I held up the Tickler's business end. ?This doesn't make pain go away...?
She glanced at the instrument in my hand and held back a sob. ?Oh, I can
handle that pain.? Her voice was steady and I believed her. ?But this...? She put her
hands over her heart and started to cry. ?Cecil...? She looked back up at me. ?...he
ripped it out. Make me forget.? She fell to her knees. ?Help me feel something
again. Just do it. Please!?
I looked at the tip of the whip she'd selected. I knew what it could do to a man
and I didn't want to be the one to do it to a twenty-something young girl. Not to
that body. Not to her. I looked down; she was kneeling, her arms wrapped around
my knees, crying. I thought of the stories I'd heard of girls who cut themselves with
razor blades and knives, just to feel something. I sighed. Maybe this is better. At
least I'd control how much damage was done...
?OK,? I said, reluctantly.
I helped her up and saw a glimmer of a smile. She turned and walked away.
I wished I knew who drove her to this.
She stood unrestrained (another first) between Jerry and me. Feet well apart,
hands on her head, facing me. Did I mention how stunning her body was? Damn,
she was gorgeous! Anyway, Jerry hit her first. She winced, hissing through her
teeth as she inhaled, rotated her hips away from the assault and instinctively
dropped her hands. ?Owww.? A few seconds later, her former posture restored, he
hit her again, and she hissed and rotated again, this time the other way. Then she
stood up straight and dropped her hands to her hips. She looked at me, defiantly.
?What's the matter, Cecil? I thought 'Real Men' like you got off on torturing
women... Or do you need someone to tie me up first??
The audience gasped. She had everyone's complete attention. The defenseless
naked girl had just publicly emasculated the big brute threatening her with a whip
(me). I'd had second thoughts, but now I was pissed. I caught myself before I
reacted without thinking. ?I told you I don't want to do this.?
?Me neither, but here I am. Get on with it! You promised!?
I paused. Yeah, I promised, but that didn't make it any easier. Or right. I took a
breath and moved a couple of steps closer. ?OK, I'll do it, but only as long as you're
standing, OK??
She straightened up and put her hands back on her head. ?Deal!?
I really didn't want to do this. I stepped back and loosed 'The Tickler.'
Was she smiling?
Like I said before, she'd been under my lash dozens of times before, but I think
that this night she let her guard down for the first time as if she actually wanted to
feel every bit of it. She wanted the pain I dealt her, the physical pain that she could
manage, to wash over her and fill her up until there was no room left for the
emotional pain she didn't want to bear. Well, that's my theory. I'd never heard any
of Leo's girls let loose such chilling screams before that night. It was as if she was
setting a demon free. An exorcism.
In time she was weeping non-stop, standing unsteadily with her legs spread,
knees bent, and leaning forward at the waist with the tips of her fingers barely
touching her head, not at the top like she did at first, but closer to just above her
ears. Each strike caused her to jolt and briefly emit a shriek that became less and
less piercing as the event wore on. Sometimes a knee would buckle and she'd
stagger to keep on her feet. She'd resume crying and raise her hands back up. It
took more and more effort for her to keep standing, you could see, but she did it.
She was tiring and her cries became less and less shrill.
Her body glistened bright red where it wasn't already turning a deep purple.
Sometimes I could make out the fine red mist that floated in the air with the latest
'tickle.' Yet she remained on her feet. The crowd fell silent as they watched the
savage spectacle, a battle of determination between a defenseless naked girl
standing defiantly alone against two men armed with whips, a battle everyone
knew she would lose...
She didn't wobble or sag ? her legs just suddenly gave out. She fell to one knee
just as my last strike arrived. I missed her thigh as intended and caught her lower
back instead. She was too exhausted to make a peep. An instant later she dropped
the other knee, then fell forward to all fours, still crying. I watched her chest heave
with each heavy breath. I heard her bawl. I was glad it was over. I coiled my whip
and tossed it in my bag. Never used it since.
Leo and Terri materialized and helped her up. Where the hell did they come
from? With their support she was able to get back up and walk; they came my way.
She looked up to me wearing a crooked smile. Weakly grabbing my lapels, she
tried to pull me down to her. She didn't have the strength, so I bent down to her.
She kissed me on the cheek. ?Thanks.? I could see her eyes sparkle from behind
the mask. She was actually smiling! It was unbelievable! Then her expression
transformed to one of laser-focused determination ?Later!? she said as she turned
and left a trail of crimson footprints on her way to Leo's office.
Leo told me later that Terri stripped to her panties (yet another first) and joined
her in the shower where she helped clean her up. They wrapped her in a plush
bathrobe and shuttled her off to one of Leo's 'discrete' (Mob) doctor acquaintances
to get her patched up.
Outside, as we left, Jerry could barely contain himself. ?Mike! We did it! We
finally broke her!? He was ready to bust open a six-pack and party.
?No, we didn't. She was already broken.?
We hit her when she was already down. There was nothing to celebrate.
The next time I saw her was about a month, maybe a month-and-a-half later, at
Leo's (where else?). She was suspended in mid-air, hanging by her wrists, her legs
secured wide apart. Naked, of course. I walked up and examined her body and was
surprised (and inwardly thankful) that there was hardly a trace of her ordeal. Leo
must know some master wizard medical people. I walked around to face her. Twin
nipples greeted me at eye level, standing at attention. She looked spectacular, as
usual. I stroked a flawless thigh, then looked up at her. I spoke to her as a person
for the first time ever. ?How're you doing??
A hooded head looked down and nodded, smiling. ?Better. Thanks.?
Thanks for the whipping, or thanks for asking? I presumed the latter, but the
former was possible too. ?I'm sorry.?
?That's OK. You don't have to send me flowers or chocolates or anything.? She
grinned. ?But if you really want me to feel better, why don't you slide that hand of
yours up and to the right a little...?
Her inner labia hung exposed, parted slightly and glistening ? her sex
conveniently easy to access. I wouldn't have minded either. It was a damned
tempting offer. I wished our date was not here and now.
?You know I can't do that. But in a few minutes I can caress you with this...? I
held up the coil of braided leather in my other hand.
She chuckled. ?Buster, you only think you know pain!? She paused and
continued after my annoyed reaction, ?You don't know shit compared to Leo's
sadist doctors. Let me tell you something about antiseptics and open wounds in
sensitive places...?
Good Lord, that must have hurt like Hell! ?No need,? I chuckled back, nervously.
?They had to tie me down!?
I like to think I've got a good sense of her pain threshold, and they had to
restrain her. I gulped. I think I managed to maintain my stoic poker face, but I'm
not sure. ?I get the picture.? We shared a brief silent moment, and then I saw Leo;
he was looking at me and frantically tapping his wristwatch. ?Well, it looks like it's
time for the slacker dude who doesn't know shit about pain to get to work
whipping a naked girl.?
?Good thing for you she's tied up? she fired back. I stopped and looked up at
her, a little annoyed, but mostly amused. She just grinned. ?Wake me when you're
done...? She was the only one of Leo's girls who could have gotten away with
saying that.
There was something about my Bunny that I always liked, right from the start. I
think it was her grit; she always fought us and never just gave up. But that
Saturday night I knew I'd fallen in love with her. I don't know what demon ripped
her heart out and drove her crying to me for an exorcism. I only wish that he'd
been standing in front of me instead of her on that Saturday night.
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CuckoldMary's all girl school was no picnic. The classes were hard, and the teachers mean. 18 year old Cherry, a sophomore at St Mary's was a model student, although she secretly hated the place. All A's in her classes, a star volleyball player, and very, very beautiful. Cherry with her shoulder length auburn hair, nice 36 C breasts, and a sexy smile that seemed to leave time frozen for anyone caught looking. Life was indeed good for Cherry, she however didn't agree. Cherry was tired of being in an...
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SAVING CAITLIN by MaddieKim Again I want to thank everyone who took the time to read this story. I appreciate the comments and the votes. I thought if one person likes this tale then I’ll have done a good thing by submitting it. It seems more than one of you liked it, so again I say thank you to each and every one of you. Maddie Part IV Back to the cabin When she saw the car coming up the drive, Ginny bolted out of the cabin and flew into Jon’s arms the moment he was out of the car. He...
This is not an incest story but it is a 100%true story except for the erotism I’ve added. Hi mera naam rani mishra hai meri haal hi mein shadi hui hai ye baat meri shadi se pehle ki hai hum tab bangalore mein rehte the mere ghar mein hum 5 log the mai badi behen chota bhai babloo,aur mere mummy papa mere papa ka trivandram transfer ho gaya tha lekin humari padhai ke karan keval papa hi trivandram gaye meri didi raat ko Call center mein kaam karti thi is karan se akele room leke rehene lagi ab...
Disclaimer update April 2020: Disclaimer stuff: This story and all the stories I write are a work of fiction. Each and every story line comes from my imagination, from a world that I have built in my head. By reading my story lines you are taking a peek into my imagination. Any characters, places, businesses and/or circumstances etc. described herein are entirely fictional and are a product of my imagination. None of the following is based on real organisms or organizations, and any...
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Jason looked up at me with his mouth stuffed full of my Dick and his beautiful brown eyes began to talk to me. Telling me that he was pleased that i had stopped fighting him.Now that he had my full attention Jason's sucking got harder and stronger but much more sensual.While my dick got harder and stronger and so much more sensitive.The sounds that my dick and his mouth made for the next 15 minutes made me quiver with excitement. I had never had my dick sucked like this in my life!It felt as if...
This story is lengthy so everyone can see how this event unfolded. I hope everyone enjoys the summer I graduated high school!Ding dong. I heard my phone from the other room."Hey what's up?" The text read from Ashton read."Not much. What about you?" I replied back."Not a whole lot. Just on my way home from the city. I'm really bored." -Ashton"Yeah me too. What are you doing tonight?" -Me"I'm not sure. Probably nothing." -Ashton"Oh okay. Yeah same here." -Me"Do you wanna come over and watch a...
Straight SexGreta Lott, at 17, was the sexiest and smartest girl in the graduating class of 2012. But although Greta was book-learned and got straight A's in school, her street savvy was sorely sub par. So when prom night was just days away, she made the mistake of joining a few of the girls in her class for a pub crawl with fake ID. She had done this twice before with her bff, Helen. But this was the first time she ventured out to hot spots and after-hours clubs with Andrea, Megan and Britney, girls who...
This is a story of one of our leather and boot fucking sessions.We was heading out for the weekly food shop and as the winter weather is beginning to settle in, I can push a little more for her to wear her leather jackets and boots more often.So she asked me what it was like outside,“Bloody cold and wet” I said, “so gonna need to wrap up a bit”“Ok babe. Grab me something to wear then.” She said, knowing full well what I was going to suggest. So I pulled out her tan leather jacket and her light...
Steve It was after seven when I woke up to an empty bed. I was still sleepy, but got up to at least start the day with everyone. When I sat down and joined the regulars with a cup of coffee, Sue came over and kissed me good morning, "Morning, Sleepyhead. I know you didn't get back until after four, but it's unusual for you to sleep late." "If there was not so much to do today, I would just go back to sleep for a while," I said, looking around while hugging my wonderful wife. "I see...
The glamorous couples at the Racehorse Owners Ball at the Savoy are on the dance floor, the band playing a soft romantic song. There are two big Scotsmen looking dashing in full Highland evening wear, their dress kilts looking dramatic against their heavy, hairy knees. In their arms as they dance, the men's' hands pulling the girls' bottoms close and the girl's arms around their necks, are two gorgeous blonde girls, resplendent in full length evening dresses, the thigh high slits in...
Der sonnige Morgen wurde durch ein störendes klingen gestört. Während du den Schlaf aus den Augen reibst, blickst du auf dein Handy und versuchst zu entziffern wer dich da eigentlich so früh wecken muss. Die Nummer ist zu verschwommen also gehst du lieber ran, eventuell ist das der langerwartete Anruf wegen der Praktikumsstelle! "urgh ja guten Tag?" murmelst du noch schläfrig. "Aufstehen mein Liebling oder besser gesagt liebes?" kichert die Stimme am ende Leitung. "Was wer sind sie?" antwortest...
Hi I'm Kathy 18 years old well built female fitness freak, I have nice long shoulder length black hair, tight firm abs,legs and arms. I'm into fitness because my mom is a female body builder. She extremely built, huge arms and legs and a set of amazing abs and I must say very sexy, well at least for me.Me and mom were on our way to a hotel because she was going to participate in a body building competition. We arrive at the hotel and begin unpacking our bags. My mom has such nice, sexy clothes....
We are in Your car heading towards the hotel, and I am in a flurry of sexual excitement, desperate to have Your cock inside me. I’m not good at waiting at the best of times, and the fact You are so calm and collected – as always – and without a hint of need makes me worse. I’m really pushing my luck, occasionally dancing my fingers over your crotch and things and letting my hands brush over my breasts through my blouse, making my nipples stand out proudly. You aren’t saying much,...
BDSMRefilling a pair of empty glasses before continuing her conversation with Mr. Ceiling, Eva partook of yet another draught. “Ice cold peppered vodka?” questioned the head coordinator of all the Hero Caretakers from the planet Cassandra. “Yes, ma’am,” said Ceiling. The lisp was gone now the fallen tiles had been replaced. Opening yet another bottle, Eva refilled her tumbler and poured Cassie’s glass full. They both took a swallow. “I don’t believe I’m familiar with peppered vodka. Have I...
After one semester of college, I was still a virgin. I was proud of the fact, but not anxious to keep it that way. When I first arrived on campus, I was convinced that Cindy was going to be my first. But she ended up being a close friend (more to come on Cindy). I got to know a lot of people those first couple months, and had some very interesting encounters, but I was still pretty lonely. Don’t get me wrong, I was a master at masturbation. I had a stack of Playboys and Penthouses under my bed...
Hi Friends, mein pahali baar apna real experience likh raha hu ISS par main kafi story read ki hai or mujhe achee lagti hai to mein regular reader bhee hu. Me mere bare mein bata du mera naam Raj hai mein married hu meri age 30 saal ki hai mein JAIPUR se hu.Dosto ye meri real story hai jisse mein aapse share kar raha hu. Baat ek saal pahale kee hai Meri ek bahut hi sundar or sexy 18 saal kee Sali hai jo mujhe bahut like karti hai or mein bhee usse bahut like karta hu ya ye kahe kee mein usse...
After a good night’s sleep, Red had on her red and white polka dot shoes the next morning. Her transformation seemed slow, but inexorable. She’s nine but seems eager to be ten, which happens on March 9th, but still wants to be older and more developed so very badly. I walked her into Jackson Heights and she was immediately surrounded by girls her own age and younger, admiring her pretty hair and her shoes. She made a point of waving goodbye to me. I blew her a kiss. That caused giggles from...
“Hi Mandy, I’m so glad you could come!” I smile at Ben as sincerely as I can, as we “mwah, mwah” in greeting, but I’m already starting to regret coming to his party by myself. When Sandra cried off with a migraine that afternoon, I should have jumped at the chance of a night in with Netflix and a bottle of Pinot Grigio. On the other hand, I’d bought this green dress specially, and had my hair done, so I persuaded myself it might be fun. But I knew as soon as I walked in the door that it...
TransI guess I should start by telling you a little about us. We are pretty average couple; at 35 we have been married for 8 years and have a couple of little ones. We were both pretty open with each other sexually sharing many fantasies together. We had even role-played a few. My favorite fantasies involved celebrity type men while my husband's favorite involved us swapping with another couple. Although we both acknowledged why people are attracted to that lifestyle we also felt that it wasn't...
Companion Author's Note: I could feel myself clinging to the darkness of sleep but something was trying to drag me into the light of the new day. "Charlie?" It was my mother's voice. I gave up and surrendered to consciousness. "Yeah, I'm awake." "Hmph." She shook her head at me. "First day of your summer vacation and you are already trying to sleep the day away. Well, I am still worried about leaving you hear all by yourself today." "Mom," I complained. "I'm going to be...
-Jake “The Experiment: Part 2” I’m an average looking guy, 5 foot 9 inches, black hair, dark brown eyes. I’m Colombian, but in all actuality if you looked at me you’d swear I was white. I often get Italian before anything else. I have a pretty fit body, and given all the running from the sports I play, pretty damn good looking legs – toned and muscular, and a pretty nice muscular ass to go along with it. I’m able to say that I can score with most girls if I really wanted to, but I don’t...
TIFFANY Glen stood in front of me just dying for me to tug that zipper down and pull his cock out so I'd relieve him of his ache. Run my tongue over the head of it, down the shaft before wrapping the fingers around its girth and then sliding my mouth over it. That's how Cosmo explained how to do it right? How hard could it be? I'd never sucked cock in my life but I thought about it. I wanted to try it, wanted to see how smooth it felt under my fingers ... what it tasted like and how a...
I was parked at the airport waiting for my wife and her ex- college roommate. Ami. Linda’s friend was arriving from overseas where she had lived the past 5 years. Linda and I agreed to let her stay with us until she could find her own place. I had only met Ami for a short time five years ago at our wedding and I enjoyed the idea of her being with us. Ami was a tall thin chocolate colored woman with very nice perky looking breasts. I knew that they were very close but was not able to spend any...
Hi this is huma with an absolutely new kind of incest story. The action takes place in the ancient times and the characters are deniziens of old past and belong to royal family where anything can happen. I hope my readers will like this story. If you disagree, please write to me at This story too place in the year 1765, in the state of Punjab, in the Riyasat if Maharaj Partap Singh whose throne was in the hills of Himachal Pardesh. Maharaj Partap Singh was a massive figure some six feet and 4...
A good friend of mine, Sandy, who I have known for about 25-30 years, called on the phone and asked me and my wife if we wanted to come over for dinner. Her husband died last fall and between her loss and the pandemic she was eager to get to talk to someone. Well, my wife said she could not make it as she already had an invite to go with my daughter to do some shopping. But she told her since she and I were like brother and sister I should go. Of course I agreed and was asked to be there around...
‘So, while you’re going off to play pauper, Tate, what the hell am I supposed to do? Jenna Reagan will know who I am and will want to know where you are. You’re the CEO, I’m the Executive VP of Marketing and Advertising. I’m not equipped to deal with a corporate take-over, Bro.’ Cade McCord did nothing to hide the fear in his voice. Tate McCord chuckled into his phone, ‘Cade, you are more than well equipped to handle Jenna Reagan.’ Cade pulled his phone from his ear, stared at it for a...
Hi I am Praveen 26 years of age, Bangalore, before starting with the new episode I want to thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, For New readers who don’t know me, search for my saagas with the tag name missed fun in the stories list. (Journey of a Corporate Guy Part 1 and Part2). This story is about my fan/reader with whom I made her pregnant on her request. My Story “Journey of a Corporate Guy part 2” got me very huge fans/ readers. People from all over the world started...
Antique shops have held something of an attraction for me ever since I was a little girl. Maybe that says something strange about me. I think it just says something about antique shops. So when, in my senior year of college, a new antique store (oxymoron?) opened within easy walking distance, I was on it like brown on rice. It was a curious place, under the name of Norman’s. As I entered, I had to be impressed by the fact they had, apparently, imported their own cobwebs and dust. It was...
Hi all, I am Nithin from kerala and I am 24 yrs of age. I am an ardent fan of Indian Sex Stories from past 8 years and I have read almost all the stories posted here. I love aunty and maid stories the most. I am here to narrate one of my fantasies as I am one among those unlucky guys who couldn’t get laid till now. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes. So coming to the story, as I said, this is purely my fantasy. So please enjoy and also be free to criticize me if there are any mistakes....
The story began when I became nineteen and met my first serious girlfirend, Jessica. She was gorgeous like film actress, Mila Kunis. We met at a restuarant and she was the cashier there. We have been going out for a while but we had never gone beyond some heavy petting in the back of my car. So I was thrilled beyond words when she suggested that it was time for me to see where she lived. After dinner and a show we drove to her place. She told me had the place all to herself for a month. Her...
Grimacing with every step she took Thelema forced herself to keep walking, every inch of her body protested. She’d been running through most of the night, a fact she found incredibly surprising, but then the body can force itself to extreme levels in times of danger. It was adrenaline that had kept her moving throughout the night, adrenaline and fear and sheer determination to break free of the hell she had been living in the past two years. Every time she had considered stopping she had only...