Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta
- 2 years ago
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As I was leaving the computer store, my dog, Biscuit, became nervous. Biscuit wasn't the Alpha in my pack, but he was my buddy. He usually came with me when I left the house, and he slept at the foot of my bed.
I could tell he was listening to something, so I was cautious as I approached the door. I looked outside but saw nothing.
I unsnapped the holster of my .357 Magnum and rested my hand on the butt of the gun. Biscuit woofed quietly, his head tilted to one side. He wasn't scared, just curious.
I pushed open the door as quietly as I could and made sure that it closed gently after we went through.
"Quiet now," I whispered to Biscuit.
I saw no other cars, heard nothing at all.
And then - laughter.
A child's laughter. A sound I hadn't thought ever to hear again. A sound that made me smile.
Another voice joined the first, and then, suddenly, was gone. I looked around but still saw nothing. I put the computer in the bed of the truck and decided to see if I could find the source of the laughter. I refastened the holster on the .357 and took my cane from the cab. I didn’t slam the door closed, but just pushed it, making as little noise as possible.
I had been on my own for several years. Not by choice. Not really.
I had always been happy to be alone. Before everyone got sick and died, I had never realized the "punishment" of solitary confinement. Now, I understood.
The world as I knew it ended in early 2020. Nobody had been sure what exactly went wrong. People began getting sick. It started with flu-like symptoms. After a couple of weeks, people lost consciousness and never woke up.
Now, ten years later, my world was empty.
Right before things went to hell, my wife and I had been looking to move. The kids were all out of the house, and finances were improving. We were considering buying a farm and had found an old hippie commune for sale that had several buildings, three wells, and garden plots already prepared. Nobody lived there.
When my wife died, I buried her in the backyard and left. I collected my guns, all of the food that I had, and made my way out to the commune.
Most people didn’t get buried. The stench in the city for the first couple of years was overwhelming. I kept to my new farm, grew my food, and learned how to survive.
Why didn't I get sick? I don't know. Before the talking heads all stopped talking, people were pointing fingers at China. Something in the food supply, they said. My wife and I ate almost exclusively organic food, most of it grown locally.
My wife, though, she liked to cheat. She would stop and get a hamburger here, or soda there—nothing major, but enough.
Whatever the cause, it didn't affect me. I hadn't seen anyone in quite a long time. I was tucked away here in the woods. I had looked for survivors, of course, but hadn't found many. The ones that I did find weren't eager for outside contact.
After the power had gone down, I liberated a fuel truck and parked it at the farm. I went and picked out a new pickup truck at the dealership and brought it home, as well as a Toyota Four Runner.
It sucked being alone, but it was nice that people had died in their beds rather than on the roads. I could go anywhere I wanted, pick up whatever I needed.
Of course, getting food was tricky.
I had worked in a market that sold organic food, and I made off with all of it that wasn't spoiled. I rigged up a freezer and a generator for the meat. It was a short-term solution, but it would keep me from starving while I learned to hunt and the garden came in.
I missed my wife and wondered about my kids. They all lived in other towns. After the phones and power had gone down, I thought about going to find them, to know for certain. I never did.
The first year was tough. Learning to hunt, and preserve meat, putting in the garden, and preserving all of that food, getting one of the houses liveable. It took up all of my time. I didn't have time to feel lonely.
The second year, I began collecting dogs. I trained them to help me hunt, and they protected the farm from the packs of feral dogs now roaming the countryside.
For the first two years, I avoided the city. The stench of decay was horrible. When I needed lumber or hardware, I kept to the main roads, got what I needed, and got out. I wasn't exactly hiding, but I wasn't advertising my presence either.
After ten years, survival was second nature. I had raided the libraries for field guides, anything on nature, gardening, or survival. I was good at it now and barely missed having human companionship.
Then, everything changed.
I had decided that I needed a new computer. I kept an electronic journal and was religious about keeping everything backed up.
I learned how to pick locks in my second year. When I could do that, I usually left the doors unlocked. Nature was taking over, but not as quickly as if I had broken windows in the stores that I used the most.
There were some clothing stores in a shopping area behind the Best Buy where I was. I headed that way and stayed close to the building, both to avoid the long grass and for cover. The drainage ditch behind the store had become a swamp: a habitat for all kinds of wildlife, including poisonous snakes. I wanted to avoid them.
As I reached the corner of the store, I knelt so that my head was just above the height of the grass. I peeked around the corner but saw only empty parking lots. I decided that I would have to use the road to avoid the ditch. If I stayed low, I should still be able to remain unseen.
Suddenly, there it was again! The sound of two children laughing. Biscuit perked his ears up and snapped his head to the left, looking at something that I couldn’t see.
Without a glance in my direction, he bounded away through the grass.
“Biscuit!” I hissed. “Heel!”
No good. Stupid dog. I should have brought Duke—he was an instinctive protector. Biscuit was an instinctive goofball.
I looked at the truck. I could get in and drive away. Leave the dog. That’s what I should do. Who knew what could happen?
I couldn’t leave the idiot behind. And did I want to miss the chance to see other people after all of these years? I stood up and walked down the sidewalk to the road.
Screams. Coming from the direction of the Kohls across the road. I started running that way. I didn’t think that anyone would be in danger from Biscuit, but someone could shoot him thinking he was wild.
“Biscuit!” I called, all hope of secrecy gone. “Heel!” I yelled as loudly as I could.
I saw three people in the dark doorway of the Kohl’s store. I had unlocked it several years ago to get some new sheets. They were nice.
It looked like a mother and two girls. They were inside the first set of doors while Biscuit stood outside the doors barking. I yelled at him, and he turned to look at me and continued barking.
Looking around, I slowed to a jog. There were no cars, and no other people visible. I looked at the ladies behind the door. The girls looked at me with amazement, the mother with fear.
I probably did look kind of scary. Ten years ago I had been forty-five, fighting a losing battle with my waistline, and had white hair salting the dark hair of my youth. Now, I was 185 lbs., lean and hard. My hair had far more white than black, and I usually pulled just the top half back to keep it out of my eyes. My beard was long and darker than my hair, but graying in streaks. I had the .357 strapped to my hip and carried a huge hickory cane. I was wearing a black T-shirt, hiking boots, and a homemade kilt.
I tried to comfort the mother by holding up one hand, palm out while I yelled at the dog. Finally, he came to my side and sat down.
“Good boy,” I said. “About damn time.”
I went down on one knee to pat his head and control him in case he leapt at the girls when they opened the door. I stood and slipped a leash around Biscuit’s neck.
The girls and their mother seemed reluctant to come out. I couldn’t blame them. I lifted a hand again, waved, and turned to leave. Biscuit fought but couldn’t get away.
“Wait!” a voice called.
I turned.
“Thank you,” the mother said.
“He’s harmless,” I replied. “Just a goofy dog.” Biscuit sat, and his tongue lolled to the side.
“We weren’t sure,” she said. “I’m Cassie. These are my daughters, Amanda and Bethany.”
“Cassie? Bethany?” I asked. I took a step forward and looked at her closely. “Cassie Wilkins?”
The shock on her face was evident. Both girls looked at her in surprise.
“Y...yes,” she said. “Do I know you?”
“Bruce,” I said. “Bruce Clevenger.”
“Bruce?” she repeated. Suddenly recognition dawned. “Bruce! Oh, my lord!” She ran the ten steps between us and hugged me. Cassie and I had worked together at the market. She and her husband, Kyle, had been starting a church and had several daughters.
I was taken aback at the sudden human contact after ten years of isolation. I stumbled back a step, but she didn’t let go.
Finally, she leaned back and stepped away.
“Bruce, you look so different that I would never have recognized you,” she said. “The hair and beard alone would do it, but you’re so dark and thin now!”
“Yeah,” I said, looking down. “I spend a lot of time outside” I have Native American blood, and it showed the more time I spent in the sun. It was late May and I was already dark, even after the long winter indoors.
“Your family?” she asked cautiously.
I just shook my head. “Didn’t make it.”
She touched my cheek. “I’m so sorry,” she said as tears filled her eyes.
“You, though,” I said gruffly, as I gestured to the girls, “you have people.”
“Yes!” she said, smiling and turning to her girls. “Amanda was born right before people got sick if you remember. Bethany was a few years old. She’s thirteen now.”
She looked back at me.
“My husband got sick,” she said. “He lived, but he was never quite the same. My older two daughters are still with us, Faith and Celeste.”
I remembered them. They would have been about six and ten when people got sick. I looked at Cassie and smiled. She looked the same, young and slender, strong but feminine. The lines in her face were perhaps deeper than they had been. Her dark blond hair showed some gray. She couldn’t be more than forty now.
“You folks have a farm somewhere?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said. “Would you like to see it?”
I hesitated. I didn’t have anything pressing to do, but I hadn’t liked visiting people before. Now, after ten years seeing nobody, I was being invited over to a friend’s house.
“Please,” she said. “I’d love for you to see Kyle again. He has missed having male companionship.” She smiled.
I sighed and looked down at my dog. “Whaddya say Biscuit? Wanna go for a visit?”
The idiot looked up at me and barked.
“Is that a yes?” Cassie laughed.
“I guess so,” I said. “Should I go home and change? Maybe take a bath?”
“Don’t worry about it,” she said. “Nobody cares.”
They ended up riding with me since they had walked here. Cassie and I sat in the cab of the truck, and the girls and Biscuit sat in the bed.
We talked on the way to their house. They had done something similar to me and moved into an empty farmhouse. They hadn’t been quite so lucky with their location, but they had made it work. Now, they had chickens, goats, a large garden plot, and each other.
Cassie was worried about her daughters. They were getting older and had no prospects for husbands. With no contact outside their farm, there was beginning to be tension in the house. She didn’t see a very bright future for them.
They had been pragmatic in their daughter's education, each choosing a different discipline. Cassie had been a Biochemistry major in college, and her husband had studied Philosophy. Their daughters were studying things like Electronics, Medicine, Engineering, and Languages.
They were hoping to make contact with people in other parts of the world and, eventually, rebuild some kind of society.
“Wow,” I said. “You guys have a plan. I’ve just been living day to day, year to year.”
“Being by yourself,” she said. “You didn’t have anyone to plan for.”
I looked at her and could see the tears in her eyes again.
“I’m sorry about your wife. I liked her.”
“Thanks,” I said. “So, have you heard anything from the outside world? Is it like this everywhere?”
“I don’t think so,” she said. “It looks like an attack was aimed specifically at the U.S. No idea what’s happened to the rest of the world. There could have been different attacks on other countries.”
“Wonderful,” I said.
“We’re ready to build a shortwave radio,” Casse said. “Celeste has been studying and understands the concepts. Now she just needs to find the components. Fifty years ago, that would have been easy. Now....”
“Radio Shack?” I suggested.
“More about buying cell phones than building electronics,” she said. “They’ll have some of what we need, hopefully.”
The drive took us about ten minutes. When we pulled into the driveway, I parked close to the road. I could see the house on top of a hill, trees in front, an orchard to one side. I didn’t want to startle Kyle by driving right up to the house, so I had the girls pile out and run up to the house with Biscuit.
Cassie and I walked at a more sedate pace up the driveway to the front door.
“This is lovely,” I said.
“Thanks,” she said, squinting across the fields around them. “It’s nice.”
The farmland was recovering from decades of pesticides and monocropping, but it was taking a while. After ten years, the original crops were all but gone. There were grasses and other “weeds” or herbs growing now. Wild roses had crept in. Hawthorn and other shrubby trees too. In a century, the forest would truly be regrowing.
Kyle came out on the porch, a shotgun cradled under his arm.
“Cass?” he called.
“It’s okay, honey,” she said. “An old friend. Remember Bruce Clevenger from the market?”
We shook hands, and I could immediately tell that Kyle hadn’t recovered from being sick. His hair was longer and scruffier than it used to be, but he had no beard to speak of. He still wore his glasses, but he squinted at me as though he were having trouble seeing me.
“Bruce,” he said, his voice a little rough. “You made it.”
“Yes,” I said. I looked at Cassie. She was looking at her husband, love and concern written on her face. With a sigh, I added, “Just me, though.”
He nodded, looking down, and put his hand on my shoulder.
“Come inside. Would you like some tea?” Kyle asked, opening the door.
“I’m sorry for my appearance,” I said. “I wasn’t expecting to visit anyone.”
Kyle turned to look at me and laughed.
“No!” he said. “I don’t suppose you were.”
We walked through a dark living room, strewn with books and papers. There were laptops, calculators, and all sorts of other educational paraphernalia spread about. As we went through to the kitchen, I saw that Amanda was at the stove, putting on the kettle while Bethany added wood to the fire. The girls must have run around to the back door.
“Have a seat,” Kyle said, gesturing to the kitchen table.
“Thanks,” I said, sliding a chair out and sitting down, making sure that my kilt covered everything it was supposed to.
I heard scuffling noises coming from upstairs. I assumed the other two girls were up there. Biscuit was sitting at the back door, watching the chickens scratch around the yard.
Cassie was going through cabinets, pulling things out, and eventually had the table full of raisins, cheese, nuts, and some apples from the cellar.
“Help yourself,” she said. She put a pitcher of cold tea on the table. “The tea is raspberry leaves and violets.”
We talked about what they had done to survive, how they had found the farm, and how things were getting easier. I told them about my place, and how I lived close to the old reservoir and kept part of the beach clear. I was able to swim regularly with my dogs during the summer.
While we were talking, I heard the two older girls come downstairs. When they walked into the kitchen, I was stunned. These weren’t the girls that I remembered, but lovely young women.
I stood, and Cassie said, “Celeste, Faith, this is Bruce Clevenger. He and I used to work together. You probably don’t remember him.”
“Mr. Clevenger,” the older girl, Celeste, said as she shook my hand. I felt a fluttering in my heart as this beauty held my hand. She was taller than her mother, slightly built, with lovely blue eyes and pale pink lips.
“Um, well,” I said. “I think just ‘Bruce’ will do.”
I turned to Faith, who was shorter with darker hair and brown eyes. She ignored my hand, stepped forward, and hugged me. I felt awkward. Two hugs in one day after a decade with no physical contact. I felt my body responding and pulled back from the girl.
“I do remember you, Bruce,” Faith said. “I was shy, but you were always very nice to me.”
“Oh,” I said, sitting down to hide my condition. “You were both good girls.”
“They still are,” Kyle said with a smile. “Though not really ‘girls’ anymore. Celeste just turned twenty and Faith is almost seventeen.”
“Almost eighteen,” Faith corrected her father.
“Really?” he said. Then to me, “I can never keep track.”
“Well, if you ever want to visit me,” I said, “you’re more than welcome.”
I gave them a map to my farm and warned them about the dogs.
“It would take us forever to get there,” Cassie said. “We don’t have a car.”
“Why not?” I asked.
“The gasoline is all contaminated with water,” Kyle said. “And there’s no electricity to pump it.”
“I have a tanker truck parked at my farm,” I said. “I siphon out the gas that I need and filter it through a chamois skin. It absorbs the water and filters any rust or dirt particles.”
“Could you help us set something like that up?” Faith asked. “It would help with the generator.”
“Sure,” I said. “Anytime.”
“I don’t know if I want that much gasoline on the farm,” Cassie said.
“It’s a risk,” I said, nodding. “Why don’t I come out and pick you up tomorrow and you can see the setup?”
Everyone looked at each other around the table. I had been nervous about coming here, but they were just as cautious about leaving their farm.
“Well,” Cassie said, “I would like to see the reservoir again.”
Kyle looked at me and said, “Sure, Bruce. That would be great.”
“Great,” I said. “We’ll have a big lunch. If anyone wants to swim, we can stop and get swimming suits on the way.”
I thanked them for their hospitality and stood to leave. The younger girls, Amanda and Bethany, had put their dogs away so that they would leave Biscuit alone. He and I headed to the truck, and Cassie and the girls escorted us while Kyle, Celeste, and Faith waited on the porch.
“I can’t tell you how good it is to see you again,” Cassie said.
“You too,” I said, feeling awkward.
“Will we all fit in your truck tomorrow?” she asked.
“We could, I suppose,” I said. “But I have a better one we can use. I won’t bring the dog either.”
She knelt down and let Biscuit lick her face.
“He’s such a sweetie!” she said.
“He’s an idiot,” I said. “But he’s my best friend.”
Cassie looked up at me with sympathy. Maybe pity. She stood and gave me a hug.
“Maybe we can be friends again,” she said. “I’m sure that you have loads that you could teach the girls.”
“Yeah,” I said. “That would be great.” I hoped that I sounded convincing. Truthfully, I was used to being alone and didn’t like change in my routine. Still, the girls were lovely and would be great to have around. Even the young ones, who were so full of energy and fun.
Cassie squeezed my hand briefly. I think she could tell that I was overwhelmed.
“We’ll see you tomorrow,” she said. Amanda and Bethany gave Biscuit one last kiss each on his head and said goodbye.
The dog and I got into the truck and backed out of the driveway, waving at everyone.
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I know what you're thinking. There I was, talking to a girl who had a twenty-five year old body, and a fifteen year old voice, who had just suggested that she was over a hundred years old. You're thinking this girl was a couple of bricks shy of a load ... a joker or two short of a full deck ... that the lights were on, but nobody was home. I know that, because that's what I was thinking. I decided I should humor her. Who knew when these wacko types might go up in flames? "That's nice,"...
Roban thought about yesterday’s events after the girls had left but that got him horny, so he stood up to relieve his bladder and wash. He was hungry but before he went out to search for food there was knocking on the door. After he called out, “Come in”, the door opened and a woman he hadn’t seen before entered. The woman was of regal beauty somewhere in between twenty-five and thirty. High cheek bones, a thin straight nose, intelligent sparkling blue eyes and a rather small mouth with thin...
To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....
I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...
Hermione Granger clutched the old tome she had found closely to her chest as she moved through the halls of Hogwarts back towards the entrance to the Room of Requirements. 5 weeks into the school break, several members of the so-called Dumbledore's Army had returned to school for a little over a week (with their respective parent's permission, of course, or in Harry's case, cowed acceptance from his uncle, who was really more than happy to have him out of the house.) With Dumbledore's...
I woke up several hours later, face to face with Celeste. Dim moonlight filtered through the shutters so that I could just make out her face. I thought that her eyes were open. Her hand was undoubtedly awake, judging by the things that it was doing to my cock.“Hi,” she whispered.“Hi,” I whispered back.“Are you ready to make me a mother?” she asked quietly.“Ah,” I said. “No pressure or anything.”She smiled and snuggled up closer to me.“No,” she said. “No pressure.”“Don’t you want to practice a...
NovelsI watched Sarek feast rapaciously during breakfast, whilst I selected from the few items that had any semblance of flavour. "Nella seems like a nice girl," I opined. "She has a sharp inquisitive mind." "Not to mention a lovely body," I joked. "I suppose so, but no more or less than anybody else her age." "How long has she been with Tamar?" "About two years I think. Why do you ask?" "Do you think they're happy?" "I expect so. They'd dissolve their partnership if things...
"I need to be going," Teel announced. "They want to check the baby." I struggled to wakefulness and rubbed my eyes, observing that Teel had already bathed and dressed, ready to face the day. "I'll see you later tonight?" I asked. "And Nella, hopefully." She smiled in anticipation. "Is there a problem ... with the baby I mean?" "Just a routine check, they said." "Okay," I mumbled as she walked out of the door. I soaked my body in the bath and then slipped into a clean...
It took several hours to pick up the raiding party's trail. Despite the comforting bulk of the heater in the pocket of my robe, I felt less than enthusiastic about the task I'd set myself. I guessed that the Trogs had already crossed over to the other side of the river, and I looked for some means to follow without risking the fast flowing currents. Half a mile further north was a fording point, where the river was shallower, and a number of large stones had been placed at regular...
Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...
After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...
HistoricalSunny Leone porn, sex, and nudes! Pornstar Sunny Leone is one of few Indian actresses whose career has been very successful. She has also succeeded in founding her mainstream with plenty of works in Desi porn. She has also managed to convince a few of her friends to upload content on her site. Walk with and let’s find out what Leone has in store for us.To start with ThePornDude was very impressed with the fabulous layout, the colors, sexy pictures of Leone on the background and colorful...
Premium Indian Porn SitesI awoke beside Teel and held her tightly in my arms, hands upon her breasts. She turned around to kiss me, taking my head in her hands and pressing our lips firmly together. "I didn't get the chance to please you properly last night," I said, realising that I'd fallen asleep quite early in the evening. I didn't even recall Nella leaving. "You were tired." "It's still early. Do you want to make love?" Teel giggled and decided that she did. She rolled onto her back and I entered...
I ran my hand over my clean-shaven face, having gratefully accepted the return of my laser knife. The iPhone had also survived the journey intact. "Beats a safety razor any day of the week," I'd observed as I performed my ablutions. Several men watched with awe, having never seen this particular piece of citadel technology before. I offered it to one of them and he used it to remove several days of stubbly growth. I sat before a panel of five, their sceptical looks turning more amenable...
I awoke in a lavishly appointed bedroom with talk windows overlooking the ocean. The sand was white, the water was a gorgeous deep blue, and the coconut palms were waving in the gentle breeze.But, where am I? How did I get here and why am I here? All I remember is being in my own bed in Brentwood. Now I’m here!Then there was a brief knock at the door and in walked George Clooney! I had swooned over him for years and now here he was in this room…alone with me!"Hi, Arianna. I'm George Clooney,"...
We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...
Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ cheered the occupants of the dining table in the Weasley household, as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around at the various people around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open up your presents then Harry dear,’ said Mrs Weasley...
Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ came the cheer from around the dining table in the Weasley household as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open...
The man that stared through the observation window was grey-haired. His wrinkled face afforded him a dignified appearance. He was dressed in a long flowing garment that stopped just above the floor. For a moment, I thought that this was all a wind-up that Jenny had orchestrated. I even considered the possibility that I was dreaming. The clarity of my senses ruled out the latter, and I doubted Jenny would have thought up such an elaborate hoax. I performed a quick scan for hidden cameras, and...
I arrived for breakfast, well before Sarek, and helped myself to food whilst I waited for him to arrive. Two Guardians in their distinctive grey uniforms were engaged in an enthusiastic exchange. Whilst not understanding all that they said, the gist was clear. "The Trogs were in full retreat," one boasted. "I lost count of how many I killed." "Such stupid creatures," the second replied. "Do they not realise how hopeless their situation is?" "The upgraded heat weapons are much more...
Only Sarek joined me for breakfast. I was disappointed that neither Nella nor Teel made an appearance. The two Guardians that I'd seen two days previously sat conversing at a nearby table, but one turned to me as I took my seat. "Ancient, I heard you're going out with Tamar today," he said. "Get him to show you the Silver Demon." His companion sniggered behind his hand, obviously sharing some cryptic joke with his colleague. "Ignore them," Sarek advised. "They're just teasing...
We strolled down to breakfast, without a care in the world. Nella's eyes blazed with fury, but she held her silence until the opportunity to tackle me alone arose. She followed me into my room, screaming with rage. "You promised!" "I promised I'd speak to her. I did, and we decided to continue." "You lied to me. You never had any intention of stopping." "It's what we both want," I replied calmly. "You just don't understand. I'm telling you this for your own good. Nothing...
Over the subsequent few weeks, I attempted to find some outlet for my creativity. My first choice would have been to use my genetics training to investigate why the normal reproductive processes seem to have broken down in the population. Failing that, I was intensely curious as to why the crops did not provide seeds for replanting. From my work at Genotech, I knew genetically modified plants should have been just as capable of reproducing as any other. The only reason that some GM crops did...
Harvest time was the one of the busiest periods in village life. Crops were planted out three times a year; the genetically modified seeds maturing in a little less than three months. On the outskirts of the village, I stood on the edge of one of the fields, viewing the stunted sheaves. "Crops look a little poor," I told Haden. "They look fine to me," he replied defensively. I plucked an ear and examined the tiny grains. The field would have had farmers of my day tearing their hair out...
I left Bella nursing a nasty hangover, and dived into the shower. I'd made love with her into the early hours, plundering her charms until I was no longer able to perform. I'd finally collapsed from the combination of exhaustion, and the pervasive effects of Haden's wine. It was the start of a new day and I wondered what amazing adventures were in store. With the prospect of nothing of significance to achieve, I wandered through the deserted compound. People either were incapacitated or...
We barely made it out of the valley before the sun poked its head over the horizon. A small culvert provided a degree of cover, until night fell once more and we were able to travel freely. We dozed throughout the day, reserving our energies for later. Around late afternoon, there was a surge in flyer activity and we understood immediately that our activities had been uncovered. I'd hoped that it would have taken them longer, but knew we had to make the best of what opportunities we had. We...
The next month was hectic. Supplies flowed into Fordem, and were then ferried by air to each village in turn. Troyal even managed to commandeer a much larger freight-flyer, allowing us to transfer each shipment in just a single trip. At every location, I informed the elder of all the facts surrounding the citadel's repression, whilst Teel supervised the unloading and provided advice on planting. We planted the fields of the last village towards the end of autumn, barely giving enough time...
“You know I hate that shit, Jordan. Yeah, I know, so was the last one you set me up with, and we both know how well that turned out. I swear to god, if this guy turns out to be another loser, I’m going full on carpet muncher. No, I’m not kidding. Hey, I am not always late... Fine, I’ll be there at eight. Yeah, yeah, whatever. Catch you.” Steph pushed her phone back in her purse and paused in front of a mirror to adjust her lipstick, ignoring the hovering sales girl. “Just looking, dammit,” she...
IncestThe viewing is one which Elena has seen before. Only once, two days ago, but it is unique in several respects. It is the first vision in which she's actually seen herself. The hair, the face, the pink bathing suit she's wearing, everything the same as today. This alone would have ordinarily been enough to rivet her attention--like having a twin sister, albeit one who's forever out of reach--but Gavin is there as well. A thrill runs through her as she watches. She's seen him countless...
"You're amazing," Gavin says, lazily tracing the outline of the bathing suit against her chest with his fingertips. "Thank you," Elena answers, spooned happily underneath his chin. She is both warm and content. The months of waiting are over, and she is in his arms at last. "I'm, um, sorry for ... For coming so quickly." She doesn't want to move, but turns to face him anyway, and lays a finger against his lips. "I loved it." Moving the finger, she kisses him. "Now, don't say...
Gavin lands on his feet, stumbles forward a few steps, and then manages to catch his balance. Not bad, Ace. The kind of day he's been having, he wouldn't have been overly surprised if he'd broken an ankle or something. Of course, he hasn't escaped from the back yard as yet. Looking around for Mac, he sees a swing set, a sitting area underneath a gazebo, a trampoline, and, inevitable for a house this size, a swimming pool. Mac is lying under one of the tables at the pool's edge,...
Elena stares at her bedroom ceiling with disgust. It's a beautiful summer Sunday morning; a perfect time to laze in bed, daydream, and plan out exactly how far she's going to let a certain boy get the next time they're alone. But, after a night of apparently dreamless sleep, she is now completely awake, and cannot lie still. Sighing, she rolls over, and cranes her neck to see the clock on the nightstand. 7:38 AM. Gross! She rolls on to her back again, and closes her eyes. Even more...
As he turns on to Elena's street, Gavin half expects to find her exactly where she had been yesterday, lying in a hammock, pretending to read a book while smiling at him over its pages. Although her street isn't empty, there's no one in front of Elena's house, not even a tabby cat lying in ambush. The two people he does see, a man and woman walking their dogs, appear somewhat out of breath, as though it is the dogs, a pair of black Labradors, and not they who are deciding the route to be...
Jumping into the water, Gavin almost lands on top of Elena. She's fallen close to the railing of the stairs at the pool's shallow end, and is lying motionless under the water, curled into a fetal position. Although he can't be certain, Gavin doesn't think she hit her head while falling. Christine and Elena's sisters begin screaming her name. Gavin bends quickly, slides one arm beneath Elena's shoulders, the other under her legs, and straightens with her cradled close to his chest. Her...