The Patched Up Maid free porn video

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THE PATCHED UP MAID It all started when I was first seriously dating Carla, my soon to be wife. Well no, I suppose it really started when I was about six or seven years old. That was when I first discovered the wonderful feeling of my older sister's underwear. I got hooked and although I tried to kick my compulsion many times, I knew I had to tell the woman I was going to ask to be my wife my little secret. I admitted that I was ashamed of what I did and she agreed. Carla said that she would be ashamed in my position as well. She told me that she never wanted to discuss the matter again and whilst she thanked me for the warning, she told me that so long as I kept it entirely to myself, she didn't mind. She emphasised that there was no way she wanted a sissy prancing about the house, she just wouldn't accept it. We married when I was only nineteen and my wife was twenty five and at the time we worked for a medium sized pharmaceutical company in the north of the country, she was in admin, I was working in their distribution division. We carried on married life happily for the next five years. The trouble was that then they were taken over by another company and there were some major changes. It was coincidental that my wife's older sister, Shirley, worked for the bigger company, on their research and development side based down in the south west and they decided that they would close our site and move the staff retained down to their major headquarters where Shirley worked. It actually involved promotion for Carla but the new outfit already had a sophisticated warehouse and distribution logistics department, and that was where they intended to make much of the savings mergers of companies can bring. I was made redundant. "There is one bright side to this," Carla told me after I told her my news about the job, which I suspect she already knew, "Shirley's suggested that we live with her until we get things sorted out. With only my income it would help us financially until you find another job." "Won't it be a bit crowded?" I asked, hoping it would be. Shirley didn't like me and we hadn't seen her since our wedding when she let it be known she thought that her sister could have done much better. "I forgot, you haven't seen her house, have you?" Carla responded. "It's an old mansion, set in its own grounds, she's got enough bedrooms to move half our staff in, well perhaps not that many, but it's big." We packed up our things in two lots. About half a dozen boxes were to come with us in Carla's big four by four, we had sold my car as an extravagance, and the rest we arranged to be removed and put in storage in the vicinity of Shirley's home. Then it would be local for when we bought a new house. By the time we had the money from the sale of our house, less the outstanding mortgage, and my generous redundancy payment in our bank, we had quite a substantial amount to our credit. As far as I was concerned it was the only good thing that could be said. Carla's welcome from Shirley was effusive. Mine was barely an acknowledgement. For the first few days I was made to feel that I was no more than an inconvenient cost of having her sister to stay. After I had registered with all the local employment services, none of whom gave me reassurance that a job would be easy to get, I mentioned to Carla that I felt like an unwelcome spare part in her sister's home. "Why don't you take on the cooking for us all here?" she suggested. "You know that Shirley's hardly a cordon bleu chef, so I'm sure she would welcome it. In fact if you could take over the running of the house there wouldn't be any great rush for you to get a job. You've seen how big this place is, all of eight bedrooms and what, four or five reception rooms, I can't even remember if she even counts the library. The more you could take over the running of this place it would almost be worth whatever you could earn. I'll mention it to Shirley and see what she says." I can't say that I was in the least bit enthusiastic about doing this, but I did feel that if I made a positive contribution to the household she would perhaps thaw towards me a little. Her first reaction was better than I dared hope. "I think that's a brilliant idea Martin, I know you cook well and it wouldn't take long to learn to clean and do the laundry to a professional standard, I fact if you are prepared to do that, I've discussed with Carla and we've agreed that we can pay you a little pocket money as well. What do you think?" Of course I was over the moon. She finally had acknowledged that I could do something of value. I was even more surprised in the evening a few days later, when we went to bed. "Martin," Carla said with a thoughtful expression, "I know that I said I didn't want to know about it, but I've read up quite a bit about transvestism in the last few years. I'm well aware that it is close to an impossibility for you to not dress and I must say that you've kept up your end of the bargain very well. If you hadn't told me about it I'm sure I would be none the wiser now. But will you be honest with me and tell me whether you have continued to dress albeit occasionally?" I must have turned beetroot red. It was the last thing I would have expected to be discussing at that moment, but I had always been honest with Carla which I told her, and indeed confirmed that I had on occasions worn something but was careful for her not to see. "I have a confession to make. When you first told me I felt I had to discuss it with someone, just to find out what I was getting into. The only person I could trust not to say anything was Shirley, so she knows about you and I'm sorry to say, that has been the thing she held against you." She held up her hand as I tried to interrupt. "Just let me finish please. "She always thought that you would let me down and perhaps turn out to be bi-sexual, and she worried about you bringing aids or something similar home to me. Well, first of all, aids is not the problem or even stigma it once was, but more importantly, now that she has got to know you by you living here, she realises that she was mistaken and told me she wants to make amends." "She has no need to do that," I interjected. "No, but she wants to. Do you have any of your clothes with us now?" "Only some panties, I didn't dare bring anything else," I explained. "I didn't want you coming across them and being upset." "That's a shame but thank you for your thoughtfulness darling." She smiled at me. "But it need not be a problem. "You see Shirley has done her own research about your err...hobby, and she showed me some reading material on the subject. It would seem that domestic service is something popular in cross dressing fiction and she wanted to show a sign of good will towards you. She has suggested that if you want, and I stress that we both feel it has to be your choice, you could do your household chores en femme as it were. "You can change before we get home if you want to, but it means that if we had to come home urgently for some reason during the working day, you need have no fear about being discovered because we'd know already. "I must say that after five years of marriage to you, I no longer have the fear I once had of seeing you dressed. Actually I would go so far as to say that in recent times I've become actually curious about how you'd look." "Are you sure about this darling?" I asked. "I wouldn't want to do anything to upset you or even threaten our marriage." "Actually, I'll let you into a secret. Yesterday I read a story about a husband who his wife turned into a maid, uniform and all, and I was amazed to find that I got quite hot about it. Would you do that for me, just for me to see what it's like in real life. Only if you want mind honey, but even the thought of it I find exciting." She was beaming with pleasure as she told me this and I was in no doubt it was true when she had me go down on her, once we were in bed, she was wetter than I had ever known her and that's not something you can fake. At least, I don't think women can. I had already started to cook the meals and do the cleaning during the days preceding this, but the prospect of doing it dressed and with the blessing of my wife made me excited with anticipation. The next day was Saturday and as I got the girls their breakfasts Shirley came into the kitchen smiling. "I hear you've agreed to Carla's suggestion, this morning we'll go to the specialist shop in town and we'll choose your uniform, it'll be such fun." I hadn't anticipated that degree of participation by them, but her smile was too broad and genuine to ignore. Her happy mood rubbed off on both Carla and me, although I did wonder what sort of 'specialist shop' it would be. At that moment the front door bell rang. "I'm so glad you said yes Martin, or I would have had to send this person away, I'll be back in a minute and explain." She went off and let however in that was waiting and she was then gone for about fifteen minutes by which time Carla had joined me in the kitchen. "Sorry about that." Shirley said when she returned. "That was Jack, a builder/decorator that's done some work for me in the past. I suggested to Carla that you could keep some ordinary women's clothes in your bedroom closet but whenever you're in housekeeping mode, you could change in one of the rooms on the top floor that used to be the maids' quarters of this old house. That way the whole experience should be more pleasurable and you can separate your housekeeping duties from our ordinary relationships. I've just given instructions to Jack and he will make it look nicer while we're out. I hope that's OK, I really wanted to speak to you before I made the arrangements, but Jack says that as it's only a small job, he can get it done straight away. I haven't jumped the gun, have I?" "No, not at all, has she Martin?" Carla was really answering for me but I agreed that she wasn't and that I thought it a great idea. That was genuine, I really did think it showed a lot of forethought, keeping my two lives as separate as possible. In that way, my wife would either see her manly husband, or she could see the housekeeper and the two persons need not be thought of as the same, it wouldn't be pushing my 'hobby' as she put it, down her throat. I realised how differently I would be perceived when we got to the specialist shop that Shirley had referred to. It was one of those that sold women's party or club types of clothes, not everyday wear, but more particularly, everything a cross-dresser would want, called 'Night Time Girl' and boasted makeovers that would make anyone feel special. Shirley addressed the owner, Jesse as she introduced herself, and explained what I was going to do. Something did strike me though, I realised it wasn't likely, but I could have sworn they actually knew each other. They both discussed it in such a way that although I cringed when she first mentioned it, quickly set me at ease. Jesse told us that it was the sort of situation that she dealt with almost every day. I had little input, but that saved a lot of my blushes as Shirley and Carla both had a pretty good idea of what they wanted. At one stage I even allowed my attention to wander to a nearby rack of short dresses. "We decided that we should try to make looking after the house as much fun as possible for Martin here." Carla was explaining as my attention returned. "From what we've read, he should be in the most feminine outfits we can find, that way, although they may not be the most practical for doing housework, he can enjoy the feel and the mental wellbeing that it will bring. They started to discuss colours and while Carla was talking to Jesse, Shirley took me over to a rack of maids' dresses, asking me if I liked my new uniform. We were called back before I could comment. "I know just the things you need," Jesse told them. "Come with me Martin, just a minute, we can't keep calling you Martin, do you have a fem name?" I told her that I'd never thought about it. "Well, let's get you made over and perhaps a suitable name will spring to mind," then he turned to the women again. "I understand that changing and going to work won't be a problem, can we do some things that will last longer than a day at a time?" "That's no problem at all, is it Carla?" Shirley asked her sister, but not me. "None at all," Carla agreed. "While you're having your makeover Martin, Shirley and I are going off to buy you some ordinary skirts and dresses, we'll see you when you're finished." I went off with Jesse through a door at the back of the shop while the girls left in the opposite direction. Jesse took a photograph of me, explaining that she liked to give before and after pictures to her customers. The first stage I went through, after being measured everywhere, really didn't start well. Having a full body wax for the first time isn't something you forget in a hurry, first the back of my arms, legs and back itself, then turned over and while that was continuing on my front, a laser was run over my face to stop future beard growth. As I say not pleasant, but the massage with a fragrant oil afterwards was wonderful. I was given a housecoat to slip over my bare body and the theme continued with having my eyebrows plucked to fine arches and then I was transferred to a hairdresser, who washed and then put chemicals on my hair. I was sat at a work station that had a cloth over the mirror behind the counter, so I couldn't see the progress. After that was washed out, roughly dried a tight swimming type cap was put on and she spent a time pulling strands out through small holes and they were treated. Each time I had to wait for chemicals to work another girl manicured my toe and finger nails, putting extensions on my finger that extended some half inch or so beyond their natural length. Then a third chemical was used and she spent ages putting it in rollers. While that was acting, a third girl used a brush to paint a liquid all over my face and I had to keep my eyes closed while she held a UV lamp over her work. My hair was finally rinsed and I was placed under a hair dryer while more work was done on my face, everything was applied with brushes and all appeared to be liquids that were dried under the UV. While my eyes were closed again I felt several coats of a varnish being brushed onto my finger and toe nails and my ears were pierced in three places each. I could feel studs being placed in the holes. Then came the great unveiling. The cloth was removed from the mirror as I opened my eyes. At first I didn't know what was happening. I thought they had taken a cloth from a picture in front of me and it was only when I moved and it moved at the same time, I realised it was my reflection. My first thought was amazement that anyone could look that feminine, let alone me. It was a Marilyn Monroe look, big eyes with purple to lavender lids and long lashes, bright red lips with nails that matched, a flawless complexion with just a hint of a blush and most striking of all was that my mousey coloured hair was now platinum blond with pink highlights. Sapphire coloured stones shone from the three places in each ear. Unfortunately my second thought was what Carla would think. There was no question that I would be able to present myself as a man until the dyes had grown out which was not my intention at all. In a panic, I explained this to Jesse who had arrived back into the room to see her latest butterfly come out of the cocoon. "Don't worry about your wife or sister-in-law, they gave the go ahead for everything here, although I doubt they realised how good you'd look." She laughed. "I could see your potential as soon as you walked into the shop, you have such a feminine face. Now let's go get you dressed." I was taken from the salon to another room where a pile of clothes was laid on a table. A separate outfit was on one of the chairs. From this Jesse had her assistant help me into a latex panty that, to my embarrassment, had something that resembled a condom on the inside. The panty was pulled up to my crotch then the condom rolled up my penis that was rapidly showing more interest in the proceedings than I thought was decent. I noticed a sort of pouch just above and around the condom. It was slightly stiffer that the other areas, as if it contained something resembling a white compound. When I mentioned it, Jesse told me that it was to stop the crotch wrinkling and I accepted this at the time. As the panty was being pulled up the assistant was tucking my penis back and forcing my balls up into the cavity they had descended when I was a baby. It was settled over my hips and it was only then that I realised that in order to put it on, the waist had been undone at the back. She pulled the two halves together and there was an audible click as they met near the small of my back. "Sorry about that," Jesse explained "this is a chastity device as well as something to hide your bits up out of the way, the key is with your other things, don't lose it, the panty has carbon steel springs and rods in it for reinforcement, it would be a pig to get off without it. Mind you, you can keep it on for a long time, even wash in it. If you look closely you'll see that it's actually a permeable material and very cleverly allows the skin to breathe between the stays, if you soap it, it will actually remove any sweat or dirt from underneath it, you just have to spend time with a hair dryer to make sure you're nice and dry afterwards." She ignored my rather panicked look and proceeded to stick the most realistic breast forms I have ever seen on my chest. Not only did they look a part of me, their weight swayed as I moved most disconcertingly. Next was a white corset with a lacing up the back that covered my body from my breasts, which they supported with lace half cups, to nearly the tops of my legs. "Don't try to pull this in too tight to start with," she told me, "you'll find it will naturally become easier as the days wearing it go by. You'll find there are several of these and I suggest that you wear each one at night for the first month, they'll be comfortable to live with tightened that much quicker." She showed me a large screw with a right angled hook on it. "Screw this into a strong wall, a door frame perhaps, like the one over here." She pointed to a similar hook beside a full length mirror on the wall. "I'll show you what to do, it takes a little knack but it means you can tighten the corset by yourself." She showed me how to hook the laces halfway up from the centre of the lacing then lean forward, using my weight to do the tightening. Then I repeated on the lower half of the lacing, each time pulling the long strings at the centre to take up the slack. It was tight, but I could live with it. The assistant helped me on with black seemed stockings, clipping them onto the three suspenders on each side then sliding a pair of white frilly French cut panties up my legs. "Don't forget to normally put on your panties, stockings and shoes before the final tightening of your corset, you'll find it difficult to bend to do it afterwards." The girl told me as she did up the shoes on my feet. They were black patent strapped sandals with five inch heels. "What's the highest heel you've worn before?" Jesse asked me. "Normally just three or four inch, these seem much higher," I admitted. "If you've got used to anything above three inches, you'll have no trouble with these after a day or so, but they will seem difficult to start with. Again all out shoes of this type lock on, you'll find the keys all together." I took a few tentative steps, remembering to place one foot in front of the other, I'm sure making my behind sway deliciously. They were something I thought I could get used to until I realised suddenly that there was no 'think' about it. I was committed to all these things, so long as Carla didn't find it all too much and change her mind. The dress was black with masses of white lace trimming, that zipped up the back. It was cut low enough to show a d?collet? and the skirt short enough to barely cover my stocking tops. I was again given advice. "Put this dress on by stepping into it, then you won't mess up your hair, but you have to hold the skirt out to slide the crinoline up to your waist under it before you zip up." The crinoline turned out to be a lacy white petticoat with masses of layers that held the skirt out almost parallel with the floor. I was then shown how to tie the formal and highly impractical frilly white apron in a neat bow round my waist. A glimpse in the mirror was enough to see that the tie round my waist showed off how narrow it was perfectly. A longer look almost made me cum in my panties. There was not the slightest thing about me that didn't scream 'woman'. I had to drag my attention back to the last few things. A fancy cap, matching the dress, with more white lace and two long trailing black ribbons hung down below my shoulders when it was pinned on my head. A pendant with a single red stone, to match my earrings was clipped round my neck, a dainty watch, again decorated with red stones was put on my wrist and three matching rings on my fingers. Jesse took my photograph again, left me to admire myself, then returned shortly with something that looked like a big greetings card. When I opened it, on one side was the photo of me when I arrived and on the other was after the makeover. While I was wondering at the change, the girl, who I now knew was 'Josie' showed me a large white coverall type pinafore, which I estimated would still not come down to my knees.. "You have a dozen of these," she told me, "when you are preparing food or doing any job where you might get dirty, put one of these over you to keep your uniform clean." I was just thinking that it made a good deal of sense, when Jesse told me that my wife and her sister were due back in the shop, would I like to go out and surprise them? I don't think she realised the misgivings I felt. Up to now Carla hadn't wanted to know about my dressing but now she was going to presented with her husband the sissy. I was terrified that she wouldn't want to know me any more. Following a suggestion from Jesse, I waited until they entered the store and were looking at one of the hanging rails. I walked round the other side, shaky on the unfamiliar heels and with my nervousness. I pretended to be looking at the same rail as they didn't watch my approach. Both the women looked at me, then carried on with what they were doing. They didn't recognise me. I looked at them then spoke in what I hoped was a husky whisper. "The dresses are nice in here, aren't they?" Carla looked at the person dressed as if for some sort of party, agreed with me, then looked back to the rail. "What do you think of their makeovers?" I asked. This time Shirley looked at me, looked away, then did a double take. "My God!" she screamed. Carla looked at her bemused, not understanding her sister's behaviour. "It's Martin!" Shirley screamed again, the few other people in the shop all looked at us. "It's Martin!" Finally Carla looked at me more closely. "That's incredible!" Her face wore the biggest smile I'd seen on her since our wedding. "Martin, let me look at you, I can't believe it, it's...fantastic." "Are you sure you can put up with me like this?" I desperately wanted to know but I was dreading the answer. "Put up with you? You're gorgeous, I always thought you would just look like a man in drag, a ridiculous figure that would make me feel sick. If I'd known that you could look like this I'd have had you in dresses years ago. You're not just my husband now, you're my girlfriend as well." "You've no idea how much I'm relieved to hear that, Carla, I've been dreading you coming back and wanting to divorce me." "Oh you silly boy, or I'd ought to say: Oh you silly girl. You're so convincing and I love you." "When you've finished with the admiration society, I'm going over to settle the bill, why don't you see if you can get your things loaded in your car? We'll sort out who pays for what later Sis." Jesse gave me, an overcoat to wear outside the shop and boy was I pleased with it. I had to make several trips back and forth and I seemed to garner much attention as it was, without my sexy costume. We had travelled in our big four by four but by the time all my things were loaded with the help of two of the shop assistants, there was barely room for me on the back seat, let alone filling the boot (that's 'trunk' in US - Ed). Mind you a lot of that were purchases the girls had made on their own. It took me longer to take all my new things up to the attic room with out any additional help, when I saw the amount and quality of everything I realised that the day must have cost a fortune. It was only then that the realisation struck me. For the foreseeable future I was going to be the maid. This was obvious from the preponderance of uniforms, as far as I could see cut the same as the one I was wearing, there were seven black ones but three each of pink and lavender which had matching corsets on the same hangers and shoes under them. With all the excitement and worry about Carla's reaction, it hadn't occurred to me that I wasn't going to be able to dress up when I wanted a bit of relief as I had in the past. With all this investment I was going to be expected to be a full time maid. How was I going to be able to look for a job looking like that? I resolved to talk it over with Carla as soon as I got a chance. Once everything was in the attic room, incidentally it was decorated the way any teenage girl would die for, all pinks and soft furnishings, I headed downstairs and found the girls in the small living room. "Have you got everything packed away Monique?" Carla asked me. "Monique?" I queried. "Well we can hardly call you Martin dressed like that, can we?" Shirley replied. "No I suppose not," I said, somewhat deflated. This wasn't what I wanted from my dressing up. "Pour our drinks Monique, we'll have Champagne to celebrate our new maid." Carla said. "You look so much the part, I'm really going to enjoy having a maid, do you like your new look?" "Well, yes, it just seems so...almost permanent?" I tried to be honest. "I'm just worried how I'm going to look for a job looking like this?" "Don't be silly Monique," Carla responded. "Each of us earn so much money anything you could bring in wouldn't make any significant difference to our finances." "What we really need is someone to look after this place and us. That's where your real value lies. You couldn't earn enough to make up for that." Shirley added. "You're a valuable part of out little trio and don't think we wouldn't appreciate your contribution." Carla told me. "If you can do the tiresome job of looking after the household and get a bit of pleasure at the same time, why not?" "You don't mind being the house-husband do you?" Shirley asked me. "Why no, I don't mind cleaning and washing laundry, I find ironing restful and I actually enjoy cooking, so it's not a problem, I just feel that it's not right, that's all," I told them, but I wasn't sufficiently articulate to explain myself properly. I gave up but with a smile because I didn't want them to think that all the trouble they'd been to hadn't been appreciated. I poured them a glass of Champagne each and handed them over. "I see we're really going to enjoy this Monique," Shirley told me, "you have acted absolutely correctly. As the maid you shouldn't expect to join us with anything without and invitation, but as a reward for your good manners, why don't you pour yourself a glass, I think you should celebrate your liberation." I didn't tell her that the only reason that I hadn't joined them was that I didn't think there was anything worth celebrating. I thought that, as I know they both love Champagne, they had used it as an excuse to have some. Having said that I picked up a valuable lesson. Dressed like this I was going to be expected to act like the maid I appeared. I decide that it would do no harm to earn some Brownie points. I poured myself a modest measure. "Thank you Mistresses." I did a joke curtsey to each of them and raised the glass to my lips. "Oh my!" Carla exclaimed. "That is so perfect, I didn't know you could curtsey like that, you must do it whenever you see us. Oh Monique, this is so much fun." "If I'd known you could act like that I would have loved you from the first time I met you," Shirley added enthusiastically. My joke on the spur of the minute had backfired dramatically, but there was nothing I could do about it now. It then got even worse. "Would you get us something to eat Monique?" Carla asked. "We will only want a light meal as we had a big lunch while you were being attended to. Serve us in the dining room and tell us when it is ready and then you can eat like a proper maid, in the kitchen, after we have finished." We had some cold chicken in the 'fridge, so it didn't take long to knock up a salad with some walnut dressing, so I soon called them into the dining room where I had laid two places. I served them and then did the stupid thing and curtseyed, meaning it to be ironic. They treated it as if it was a perfectly normal thing for me to do. "Would you pour me some fizzy water please Monique?" Shirley asked me and of course I complied. I had just got back to the kitchen when I heard a bell ring. I looked round and noticed that the old servant's call indicator high up on the wall was working. I'd obviously seen it as I worked in the kitchen before, but written it off as a relic from a bygone age. The bell sound came from it and I already knew that the box had little windows in it, one for each room in the house but I had no idea how it operated, probably around a hundred years from when it was installed. The window marked 'Dining Room' had a red tag dropped behind it. A chain hung down from the box and a tentative pull cancelled the call, the red tag disappeared. I returned to the dining room to see what was wanted. I walked in and asked if they wanted something. "Yes please, Monique," Carla replied. "Would you please top up our drinks." I walked the half dozen steps to the serving unit, collected the Champagne bottle and pour it into their glasses. My feet had started to kill me in the heels I was wearing and they had me walk all that way back to the room, while all they would have had to do was not much more than reach out for it. I suddenly realised that this was an encapsulation of what was going to be expected of me. I stood to one side the way I'd seen waiters in very expensive restaurants do, waiting for further orders. I didn't miss the smile that Shirley gave her sister as I stood in attendance. The next time they needed topping up I was already there and did it without them asking. After dinner I served them cognacs back in the small sitting room and went to clear up the debris and grab a bite to eat myself. I returned to them about eleven o'clock when they both decided to call it a night. I followed Carla up to our bedroom where she asked if I would mind helping her get undressed. While I was doing that she started a serious discussion. "Don't think I don't appreciate what you are doing Monique." I mentioned that I thought it unnecessary to call me Monique in our bedroom. "I'm sorry darling," she apologised, "it's just that if someone comes to the house I mustn't call you Martin or it will be a huge embarrassment for us all, so I think it's better if I stick to Monique while you're dressed as her. Don't you agree?" "Who's going to come to the house while I'm dressed?" I asked in a bit of a panic. "Don't be silly dear, you know that with my promotion and Shirley holding the post she does, it may be incumbent on us to entertain from time to time. You know that we both hold very senior positions now and earn wonderful salaries so it wouldn't be out of place for us to have a maid to serve any guests we may have, say from companies interested in our products, or potential investors." She had her nightdress on by this time, went to the bathroom and also cleaned her teeth, returned and slipped into bed. "Now come here darling, I'm absolutely shattered, I expect you are too, but I could just do with a little gentle love to see me off to sleep." I quickly slipped out of my apron, dress, unpinned my cap then bent to take off my shoes. I had forgotten about the locks. "I haven't got the keys for my shoes or panty," I told her. "Have you got them?" "What keys, oh forget that now, just give me a gentle lick, that will be enough to send me to sleep." I knew exactly what she meant and slipped down to part her thighs, inserting my face and set to work, first on her labia, working my round and then inserting my tongue into her moist pussy working long strokes to finish by swirling it round her clitoris. I felt her orgasm as strongly as I had known her to, then she muttered. "If you're going to wear those heels in bed, do you mind using the other bedroom? I don't fancy being kicked in the middle of the night. I'm sorry my love. I love you." How could I refuse? I got up and ended up in the maid's room upstairs, not forgetting to set the alarm for eight so that their breakfasts would be ready to be served to them in bed by nine. In Shirley's kitchen I found a number of trays for serving meals in bed. They had four small legs so the meal could be placed in front of someone laying down but also two or more could be carried with food on them by stacking them one on top of another. Being Sunday morning, I cooked full English breakfasts; eggs, bacon, sausages, black pudding, mushrooms and tomatoes, with a side plate of buttered toast with a small pot of marmalade. I served Shirley first then went next door to Carla's bedroom, finding her still asleep. "And you wondered if I could put up with this?" Once she woke and saw what I was standing and holding out for her. "Monique, you're marvellous." I sat on the edge of the bed while she ate but she asked me to find her clothes to wear for the day. By the time I had laid them out on a chair, she had finished eating but asked me to find a pants suit that she wanted to wear the following day and asked me to find time to iron it so that it would be ready for her to put on Monday morning. Later in the morning she mentioned that to Shirley who thought it a wonderful idea and had me find one of her dresses to do the same. I asked her if she knew anything about keys and she apologised and handed several over to me, she'd put them in her purse and forgotten them. "As it's Sunday why don't you put your pink uniform on?" she suggested. "You've got lavender ones as well but they're for special occasions." I went upstairs and changed into pink, complete with accessories, and after I changed my shoes dropped the keys into the top drawer of my dresser. I returned to the kitchen and was starting to prepare the Sunday roast when the bell rang. I found them in the library, Carla reading a novel, Shirley some sort of technical book on the human body, I didn't notice what exactly, but she was scribbling notes in pencil on the margins. "Be a dear Monique and bring us some coffees," Shirley asked me. I curtseyed, not really knowing why and did as I was told. It was from about that time my head started to get light. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling but I seemed to be doing everything as I would normally, but not really thinking about anything. First of all I giggled a bit too much, but after a while it was as nothing in the world troubled me. I can remember most things about that time, but otherwise I just went with the flow. Our main Sunday meal came and went. We had a large breakfast, as I said, on Sundays, but then delayed lunch until the afternoon and having a light snack near bedtime. I remember distinctly helping Carla to bed and performing with my mouth on her again. "That's so delicious Monique," she told me, "do you think you'd mind awfully going to my sister's room? I feel so sorry for her missing out. Perhaps you'd help her to relax into a good night's sleep the same way?" I can remember thinking first of all that something wasn't right, but then remembering all the money she'd spent on me, so I complied with the request and knocked on her bedroom door. "Come in," I heard her call, entered and curtseyed. "Oh lovely Monique, you've come to tuck me in, come here." She lifted the duvet and I could see that she was naked. I know that I didn't find it odd at the time that I didn't have the slightest thought of lust or how sexy she looked. I just got into the bed and placed myself between her legs, doing a repeat performance of that I had just completed with my wife. I didn't think I was doing anything special, just my duty as her maid. She climaxed several times then told me she'd had enough and to go to bed. Without another thought I headed back to my room, thinking only how lucky I was that I didn't have to disturb my wife. I brought their breakfasts in bed at seven thirty as instructed and was told which of their outfits they wanted ironed for Tuesday morning. I didn't think it odd that I had to help Shirley bathe, she had to be at work at eight forty five, then Carla who didn't have to be there until nine. I had worked out a house cleaning routine when I first started working on it, and with minor exceptions I was able to keep to it. Monday was the big wash day. All the contents of the dirty clothes hampers as well as the bed linens had to be washed and some of it ironed. They liked clean bedclothes on Mondays and Fridays but there was plenty of it, so if there was nothing else to wash I left Friday's dirties until Monday. I only had time to do a very superficial clean of the house on wash day, vacuuming the areas that had been used and making sure their bedrooms and bathrooms were spotless. Each day I had a very small snack at lunchtimes, and breakfast and dinner times I just ate on the go, whatever was handy. The net result was that I started to lose weight. They liked to come home and most evenings change into casual clothes then have a slow aperitif with some canap?s before dinner that I served at seven o'clock. Each night I got into the routine of satisfying both of them before I turned in. I was so content with life it didn't occur to me that I should want anything else. Every two weeks I had an appointment with 'Night Time Girl' to have my hair touched up and roots done, my nails filled in and my breasts removed then replaced. The same was done with my panty, it was taken off and a new one fitted. When I asked about the key, Jesse just told me that I might lose it and it was better they hung onto it. I accepted that but thought more about that pocket in the crotch of the panty. I noticed that when the old one was taken off that area was a thin and flexible as the rest of the material, but the new one had the same white looking contents filling it out. It reminded me a bit of a nicotine patch. I mentioned it and was told it was nothing to worry about, so I didn't. The weeks turned into months and one visit for my fortnightly overhaul I was told that I didn't need my breasts being replaced. "The constant use of the falsies has made your chest puffy and it fills your bra's out quite well as it is," Jesse told me. "It sometimes happens like that, aren't you pleased." I suppose I was but I really didn't understand how it could have happened the way she said, it didn't sound very likely to me. I just added it to the things not to worry about, but Jesse went further, telling me it was an occasion to celebrate. They gave me all new corsets and because of them my uniforms were tailored to fit my narrower waist and my shoes all replaced with six inch heels. I didn't mind much, but they took some getting used to, the upside was that I was told they made me look even sexier. Speaking of which the uniforms also had a lower neckline, allowing the tops of my areolae to show above the material and my nipples, when they rubbed the inside of the blouse became very sensitive and swelled. I was pleased at first but occasionally, when it went on too long, it was almost torture. It was just after then that Carla and her sister held their first dinner party. Long ago it was explained to me that either or both the girls would need to entertain from time to time. It just so happened that neither had been required to do so for many weeks. Shirley took me to one side at this time and told me that she anticipated having to have quite a few dinner parties, or alternatively be invited out to dine by clients or investors. The first was to be on the Saturday night and I was to do a meal for six, including her and Carla. I spent some time worrying that I would be seen as a man dressed as a maid, but Shirley set my mind at rest that it wouldn't happen. "No one could mistake you for a man," she told me. I thought perhaps I should be upset at that, but that would be silly. The guests would be three men and a woman. They were important potential investors in the current development line and I was warned that I had to be super-obedient. It was essential that I do whatever they asked and I was told that, however unpleasant, Carla and Shirley would have to do the same. I thought straight away that Shirley had made a mistake by telling me that they would need only one guest room made ready for occupation. Even I knew that with four guests the minimum would be two, but she was adamant, so I thought 'just wait and see who's right'. The meal went well and my cooking and serving was praised, but then they discovered that I had been right all along and all three men were staying. Carla was very apologetic, saying that they should have anticipated it, and Shirley admitted that she'd been wrong, but at that late stage, all they could do was double up. So one man stayed with Shirley and my wife had to put up with sharing her bed with the other. I was told that by way of apology I would be excused having to put the girls to bed. I couldn't help but think that there was something else wrong, but for the life of me I couldn't think what. I also had to cope with a big load of breakfasts in the morning. Six would you believe, but I managed them all without a problem and then ironed all the guests' clothes before they got dress in the morning. Both Carla and Shirley told me how well I had done and they would know in future that they could rely on their maid one hundred percent. I was so proud. After that they socialised a lot more. Apparently the two male investors needed a lot more information and they attended each dinner. I thought they must be a bit thick not to learn what they needed to know in the first visit, but apparently this wasn't uncommon. Some investors need to return a dozen or more time before they were sure. At least Carla told me that her and Shirley appreciated me so much that they insisted that the men stay in their rooms to save me the extra work of making up spare beds. The only thing I didn't like about these gatherings was that the men thought it a fantastic laugh to pinch my bottom or even put their hands down my chest. At least they didn't discover that I'm a man. Ha! Ha! My laugh is on them. The next visit to the Night Time Girl, Jesse was on holiday but the same assistant that I had seen several times before dealt with me. She started to tell me something that I didn't understand. "You must promise me that you'll tell no one what I'm about to do. Do you promise me?" She asked so nicely that of course I said yes. "No matter what excuse they give you and say it doesn't matter, you still won't say.?" "No I won't Josie." I was quite good at remembering names but I couldn't remember where I'd heard hers. "Look," she said, "I'm going to put your new panty on but I've emptied the patch." I didn't know what she was talking about and I told her so. "There's a patch in your panty that leaks chemicals into your body, but this one won't so you will be able to think about what's happening to you. Next time I'll try to do the same, but Jesse will be back, so if I change your panty very quickly when she's not here, you mustn't say anything. Do you understand?" "Yes," I told her, "I mustn't say anything." She seemed happy, but I didn't really understand myself. By Wednesday of the following week I was starting to have misgivings about what was going on. The investors who came to dinner again were going to bed with my wife and her sister. I was starting to realise that there was something wrong about the set-up. Was it right that my wife was sleeping with another man in her bed. I thought back to what Josie had said and started to believe that there was something I was being given to make me accept the unacceptable. The girls were both irritable for the next few days, apparently their investors had to go away for ten days and they wouldn't be able to conclude negotiations for a fortnight. I continued to serve them as always, but was becoming aware of the physical changes in my body. I started to plan my escape from these women. On the Saturday of my next appointment Jesse wouldn't leave Josie and me alone until after she had fitted my new panty but as soon as she left the room, Josie handed me a spare key and an old, empty pair of panties. "Get out of these as soon as you can and put these old ones on," she told me. "I'll come to your place on Monday after your Mistresses have gone to work, it'd my day off, and I'll tell you everything I know." At the first opportunity I excused myself to the toilet. It was difficult to unlock the panty, but its replacement was easy to put in place. I placed the new one in the handbag I had become accustomed to carrying and Carrie continued with the rest of the appointment as usual. What was disconcerting was that I had time to examine my bits down below for the first time since I had been a maid. I was shocked to find that I couldn't find my balls and my penis was a shadow of its former self. Somehow I knew that I had to get help and for that I had to wait on the arrival of Josie Monday. I seethed inwardly for the rest of the weekend, asking myself how it was possible the woman I loved could have colluded in treating me this way. I managed to keep my calm and on Monday, about ten in the morning Josie drove up to the house. "I didn't realise you lived in such a big place," she told me but I was too anxious to find out more about my treatment to go into details. She explained that some time before my first appointment Jesse had several meetings with now she knew was my sister-in-law and sometimes in the company of my wife. "I didn't hear all the details," she said, "but the net outcome was that she heard Jesse boasting to a woman who'd worked there for years, saying they were going to turn a cross dressing man into a compliant slave without him knowing. I learned enough to know it had something to do with chemicals in a patch in a latex panty. I don't care what people get up to, so long as they're willing, but I won't have anything to do with tricking people over such a serious matter." "I've given it some thought," I told her ,"I want to go and see a solicitor, can you take me?" "When?" "Now." I took the precaution of taking a phone off the hook, just in case I was missed and we set off into town, only fifteen minutes away. I'd already done my homework and found the firm that I thought would do the best job. At first I was told that I would have to make an appointment, my mode of dress didn't help but Josie was insistent, explaining that I was in danger that increased every minute and the receptionist relented. It was my good luck that the only person available was one that dealt with cases against major corporations and he immediately saw the possibilities. "Do you have any idea what the substance is you were doped with?" he asked. "No," I replied, "but I've got one of the things that I had to wear here and that has the chemical intact inside it." Josie explained how she had done a light fingered operation to get hold of a replacement for me. The solicitor took it to have it analysed and was very impressed by the way Josie had rescued me.. "I'd really like to identify these so-called investors, you say you don't know who they are?" "No, but they're coming to dinner again on Wednesday, the day after tomorrow, if that's any help?" "Well, I know that criminal offences have been committed." He thought for a moment. "Suppose I have the police outside that evening, could you signal them that they're there?" I've got a better idea," I told him and outlined my plan. "You're prepared to do that?" "Too right I am." The solicitor remarked that it would be too much fun to miss and said that he would be outside with the police, giving me his mobile number. After a short further discussion we decided that any questions about my own condition could wait until Wednesday. It took all my will power to behave as if nothing had changed. I nearly said 'normally' but that is no way to describe the way I had been treated or acted. I greeted the guests at the door with a curtsey and showed them in to the sisters. I served them aperitifs, I served them their meals, I put up with what I now realised were lewd comments that I hadn't realised before had referred to my being cuckolded. As I had my camera secreted on me, in my apron if you must know, I recorded the comments for posterity, and my compensation claim. I served them brandies after the meal, all the while telling them in my mind to make the most of it. They paired off at bedtime as usual, my wife smiling at me, thinking me unaware of what was going on under my nose and, incidentally I heard my wife's lover referred to as Frank for the first time that it registered with me. I unlocked the front door before going upstairs. I gave them a few minutes to get into things then opened my wife's bedroom door and stepped inside quietly. They were both naked on the bed, him on top of her, going at it like rabbits. The flash on the camera interrupted them. I quickly sent the photo to my solicitor's phone while they were still trying to see against the light that had temporarily blinded them. "What the hell?" Frank muttered. "What are you doing Monique?" My wife was quicker to see me. "Can't I take a picture of my wife?" I asked. "I'm your mistress not your wife," she responded, I thought a little hopefully. "The last time I looked we were married and you were my loving wife, are you telling me that we're not married?" "SHIRLEY! SHIRLEY!" She was shouting urgently at the top of her voice. In a minute or so Shirley entered the room followed by her 'investor' so I took a photo of him and sent that as well. "Monique's just told me that we're married and he's taken a photo of us in bed, you said that he wouldn't know." "What's the matter Monique?" Shirley tried a gentle approach with me. "Sorry Shirley, I just got fed up with my wife going to bed with other men." "But Monique, don't you remember that you're just the maid here, Carla isn't your wife." A newcomer entered behind the couple and took hold of Shirley's wrists, pulling them behind her and fastening handcuffs on them "Shirley Masters, I am arresting you for assault, you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned, something that you later rely on in court." Shirley just looked at everyone open mouthed as she was taken away. By this time it seemed that people were pouring into the room, causing my wife to scream and pull the bedclothes up over her. Shirley's lover was the next to be handcuffed and cautioned, then Carla and her lover were told to make themselves decent, Frank was sporting a fine erection when he first extracted himself, but I found it funny how quickly it shrank. The naked couple quickly dressed, were arrested, handcuffed and led away. I found a respectable outfit in my wife's bedroom, I think it was one they bought with the original idea of pretending that I wouldn't be a maid all the time, before I followed them to the police station with my solicitor, to give a preliminary statement. I was delighted to find Josie outside the house, she'd seen the police go in and waited to give me moral support. It wasn't long before I found out that the two men were directors of the pharma company Carla and Shirley worked for. My solicitor grinned and when I asked what was funny, he turned to me. "I smell a big settlement," he said simply. He was right of course. The pharmaceutical company they worked for paid a vast sum of money to keep the whole episode out of the press. The chemical I had been given was one of theirs, still under development and the fact that four of their senior employees had been making a slave of another person with it was enough. Add to that that alterations my body had been put through with their drugs without my consent or even my knowledge, factor in at least a times three. On top of that my solicitor, on my behalf, almost completely cleaned out those personally involved; my wife and her sister, the two directors, all of whom lost their jobs, and Jesse at the "Night Time Girl". My solicitor was good. No effort was spared by the company to try to reverse the effects of their drug. It was touch and go for two years, but eventually all I was left with was a pair of modest size (36C) breasts. My penis was almost recovered in that time but I was assured that it would be better than ever with a new drug they were about to launch. Josie was unceremoniously sacked, she hadn't the money to pay her rent, so I moved her in with me, after all I had eight bedrooms in a house I had recently acquired, with vacant possession. As it happened the previous owner, like her sister, wouldn't be requiring housing for several years, Her Majesty's Prison Service was looking after their accommodation requirements. It won't surprise anyone to hear that Josie and I became very close. She confided that she fancied me the very first time she worked on me and that affection grew. When I mentioned that I might have surgery to remove what remained of my breasts, she threatened not to speak to me again. She was one girl who appreciated having a husband who was also a girlfriend with 'extras'.

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Summertime Maid

It was all in place for Leo Munby. He had sold the company that he had built from the ground up for over 100 million dollars. He had given 20 years to creating that company and now he was going to enjoy the middle years of his life. The deal was signed. He had bid goodbye to all of his employees and returned home from the office for the last time. He exited the building through the servant's entrance as he often did. The feeling of walking under that sign always gave him a thrill. Of...

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Boarding School Encounter 04 Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid

Chapter Four: Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Miss Marilynn! Missy Marilynn,” a panicked, feminine voice called, reaching into the confused thoughts of Marilynn Gully, the young philosophy teacher at The Kensington Boarding School, an all-girls school in the English countryside. “Please, please wake up, Miss Marilynn.” What happened? the teacher wondered, trying to organize her thoughts while her body lay limp, her eyes closed. She felt the hands push on...

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My Father The Maid

My Father, The Maid, by Oona. I thought it was really weird when I received the random text from my step mother, even though I had known her for most of my adult life as my father's new wife we had never really been close. Hell, for that matter I had never really been close to my father either, he was always pulling long hours at the office when I was young, so he was never around. Nowadays I rarely if ever saw him, once a year for Christmas at most, and maybe a text on my birthday....

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Made to Maid

Made to Maid name of author withheld by request Part I It was great having my own car. Even though it was a just a used Neon, I didn't care. A car was a car. My parents had bought it for me only a few weeks ago for my 18th birthday. And today, I was making the drive by myself from Omaha to Chicago for a cousin's wedding. I was shocked when they said I could make the drive myself, but happy to have the newfound freedom. Having left after school, I knew it I wouldn't make it...

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Becoming a Career Sissy Maid

I have been submissive for as long as I can remember. Growing up I adored my mother and would watch everything she did around the house. Eventually I would help her with more and of the cleaning, cooking and laundry. She playfully called me her maid when I was helping her and I began to refer to her as Ma'am. When I was 13, we decided that I should go to a friend's Halloween party as a French Maid. For some reason this really excited me! My first masturbation fantasy was imagining...

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The Happy Maid

THE HAPPY MAID "You don't need a husband, Carol dear, you need a maid," Tina West told her best friend. "I know you're well paid but the idea of you going home and being the little housewife makes me shudder. How do you put up with it?" "It's not quite as bad as you make it sound Tina, Norman usually does the cooking and other household chores. He knows that his job isn't as demanding as mine. The trouble is that I still feel that I should look after him better than I...

1 year ago
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Connie The Junior Maid

CONNIE THE JUNIOR MAID by Monica Graz PART 1 - Connie becomes a maid My name is Connie and I'm a 23 years old gender fluid male. I work by choice as a full-time live-in housemaid for almost a year now. But let me tell you my rather unusual story and how it all started. I was born as Michael (Mike) Allen the only child to a well-off family and I grew up as a privileged boy going to the best private schools and eventually to a prestigious university where I was studying...

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My First Experience As A Maid

My first experiences as a maid Hi, I am Mariëlle (28) and I like to tell you about my first experiencesas... a french maid! I hope my (rather naughty) story does not only turn youon, but may also inspire you. I know there are a lot of people (both men andwomen) who fantasize about being a maid or having one, but usually people don'tspeak our about it. Not even to their partner, because they feel ashamed orsomething. Something they shouldn't be! I have had submissive feelings as long as I know....

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Friday Night Maid

Friday Night Maid - By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn't like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I...

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Transformation Finale The Maid

The maid. I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. I feel the smooth silk of the sheets against my skin and revel in the sensation. My mind flicks through the miriad of bodies I have inhabited over the last few months. Despite the different faces one thing has been constant, the fact that they were all submissive, something I now relate to. I look around, It appears by the light through the blinds that it is early morning. I rub my eyes.......wait! Those are my hands, I am back in my...

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Boarding School EncounterChapter 4 Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid

“Miss Marilynn! Missy Marilynn,” a panicked, feminine voice called, reaching into the confused thoughts of Marilynn Gully, the young philosophy teacher at The Kensington Boarding School, an all-girls school in the English countryside. “Please, please wake up, Miss Marilynn.” What happened? the teacher wondered, trying to organize her thoughts while her body lay limp, her eyes closed. She felt the hands push on her. Who is that? Daisy? ... disconnected... an alien voice whispered through...

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Forgetful Maid

Forgetful Maid by Sally Tranz 1 - Dressing for Sunday chores My silent alarm buzzed and my arm jerked slightly as the watch brought me out of my light sleep. Although it had been a late night, I rarely slept past 7am, but Sunday was a special day. Sometimes, the alarm was set as late as 9am, which meant that I lay in bed even when awake. Sunday was the day my lady was treated very special. Today it was 7.30. As I eased out of our bed, the gentle breathing of my lady reassured...

1 year ago
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My first experiences as a french maid

Hi, I am Mariëlle (28) and I like to tell you about my first experiences as... a french maid! I hope my (rather naughty) story does not only turn you on, but may also inspire you. I know there are a lot of people (both men and women) who fantasize about being a maid or having one, but usually people don't speak our about it. Not even to their partner, because they feel ashamed or something. Something they shouldn't be! I have had master I could serve. I decided the internet was a nice...

2 years ago
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My New Maid

My New Maid By Margaret Jeanette Sarah and Jim Toomey were enjoying a steak at their favorite steak house. He was looking all around and observing the other patrons. "What are you looking at?" "I am just observing all the customers. Do you notice all the men are wearing dark suits and all the women are wearing bright, colorful outfits? Look at the woman at the table next to us. She is wearing a bright yellow blouse with lots of ruffles on it. She looks so feminine. Look...

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The Regents Maid

This is a role play between darknessmonger and Aurelié Catena It is written in third person so it can be read as a story instead of those roleplays that switch between characters. The rules of the game are: Aurelié decided on a torture that would break her and darknessmonger had 7 days to figure it out by noticing the hints on her reactions, and taking care of not overdoing and losing her. So, do you want to know who won? Read on. Introduction Aurelia is a maid at the Regent’s castle. At least...

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A Faithful Maid

James felt a hand on his shoulder as he slept but ignored it.“Young Master.” A female called out, at the same time shaking him again. “It’s time for you to get up now.”“Just a few more minutes… please, Paulette.” He flipped onto his side, putting his back to her.She giggled. “I’m not falling for that one again, mister. Last time, it took you almost an hour to get ready.”Letting out a sigh, he finally sat over the edge of the bed to see the woman standing in front of him. She was...

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The Feminization Amy Maid

[ ] A long day of cooking for a group of angry men who are all big brutes that make iron slabs all day had me horny and ready to beg one of them to let me suck him until he got hard like a iron rod and bend me over to fuck me deep in my ass. Yet I was to scared that I would be called a fag or worse. I came into my bunk to sleep and I had a toy that I was going to use under my covers to satisfy my needs for a man. It was not a good comparison. The room was occupied by me and three men that were...

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Sex With My Hot Maid

Hi, Last month my regular maid went on holiday for 1 week. After 1 week she didn’t come so we got a new maid. Her name was sarika. She was around 30 years old. She was average looking slim and dark. She had small breasts. She had very less fat and her ass was a nice tight one. She would wear sarees or Punjabi suits. When I saw her for the first time my dick rose immediately! She wasn’t very good looking but her body was good! She was wearing a Punjabi suit and her ass was just awesome! It was...

3 years ago
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Forever Maid

He brought in the mail. As he looked through it there were 3 identical envelopes. One addressed to Josh, one to Mike, and his. The return address was just a symbol. He set the other two on the kitchen table for Josh & Mike, and opened his. Inside was an invitation to a Halloween party called "The French Maid Ball". Also, there was a credit voucher for a place called The Pleasure Pit. He had never heard of it. He looked back at the invitation again. The address of the party was in a...

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The Maid

I was tasked to host a dinner party for the president of the company coming to Los Angeles from New York. He was here to see how the West Coast office was doing and if they needed anything in light of the economic downturn the country was going through. They had already closed one of the Midwest offices in St. Louis and broken that office up, sending the personnel to the other offices elsewhere. Obviously, my boss, Mr. Chapman was not interested in moving away from the sunny California home he...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Maid

Unexpected Maid It was 7 o'clock in the evening and I'd been looking forward to tonight. I'd got a decent excuse for a night out with the lads as my wife Hannah had invited about a dozen of her friends round for wine, nibbles and probably a bit of Singstar as the evening progressed and the alcohol flowed. I was happy to get out of the way, meet the guys, probably go for a few beers and a curry. The gathering wasn't due to start for another hour so I was idly browsing at the PC...

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How I Became an Asian Maid

"Great. Just fucking great..." I muttered to myself as I banged my head against the steering wheel in frustration. My name is Jake Francis and I've been having a terrible week. So terrible, in fact, that I feel close to losing my mind. First the girl I've loved for two years broke up with me, then earlier this week my father died of old age. My mom had already died a long time ago ago, so apart from some distant relatives I never talk to I'm the last remaining member of...

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Mallika sherawat8217s maid

Hi, Hello everybody. This is a sequel of my first story Erode’s mallika sherawat in the couples category, this all started due to an accident. And I also forget to tell the aunty’s name in the story, her name was kalpana. We have fucked three to four times in those two days when she was all alone but afterwards there was no opportunity for us to enjoy each other, but at that time we enjoyed talking on the phone whenever she find time she used to call me and many a times we enjoyed phone sex in...

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The Ruined Maid

Don Clarke walked on the sidewalk that ran along the Happy Hills strip mall. Don was the only owner the building had never known. He had built it on the grounds of a shuttered tire factory 14 years earlier. Ever since he had it built, it had been a gold mine for him. It was, however, just one of his many lucrative ventures. Don had built up a fortune over the years through land speculating, and there was nary a man better at it then him. He knew the value of a dollar better than anyone....

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The Maid

This story takes place many years ago where there were large mansions,and the owners hired many servants to help out in the household. There was a young woman named Alice that lived a troubled life in herc***dhood. Her parents kicked her out into the streets, because she was atroublemaker and they could no longer take care of her. So Alice didanything to have clothes to wear and food to eat. This meant she got intotrouble with the law. So she spent many years in prison. Every time shewas...

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The Maid

I was tasked to host a dinner party for the president of the company coming to Los Angeles from New York. He was here to see how the West Coast office was doing and if they needed anything in light of the economic downturn the country was going through. They had already closed one of the Midwest offices in St. Louis and broken that office up, sending the personnel to the other offices elsewhere.Obviously, my boss, Mr. Chapman was not interested in moving away from the sunny California home he...

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Blackmailed And Had Sex With A Virgin Maid

Hi, friends, my name is akshay .I’m from hyderabad.I love to fuck young and married women .I have long dick and stamina to satisfy a woman. They love to share their bed with me. Want to have sex with me you can message me at I am akshay, my dick is around 7-inch .I have an athlete body. Because I love fitness exercise and maintain my body.I had many encounters with school girls, young and married women.They always love to share there body and bed with me.   Coming to the story.This story is...

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Re-maid By Lady_in_Waiting "How many times do I have to tell you to clean your room?!" Michael's mother stood in the doorway looking very upset. "If I have to tell you one more time, you'll regret it." "OK," said Michael. The usual response. He sat at his computer, talking to his girlfriend, Laura. He spent nearly all of his time there, talking to her. Michael didn't have time for things like cleaning his room. His mother stormed...

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Man Maid

"I am glad the weekend is almost here." said my roommate Todd. "If I can get through tomorrow, it's two days of peace and quiet with nothing to do." "Nothing to do except the dishes, laundry, sweeping and the pool needs cleaning." I answered. "Oh yeah, I forgot. No rest for the weary. Shame we can't hire a maid to do all that." "To expensive. You want a beer?" I asked getting up and heading for the kitchen. "Yeah, ok. How much you figure a maid service costs anyway?" "More...

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Alice the New Maid

This story takes place many years ago where there were large mansions, and the owners hired many servants to help out in the household. There was a young woman named Alice that lived a troubled life in her childhood. Her parents kicked her out into the streets, because she was a troublemaker and they could no longer take care of her. So Alice did anything to have clothes to wear and food to eat. This meant she got into trouble with the law. So she spent many years in prison. Every time she was...

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My first night as a Maid

I sat up slowly and streched my arms out wide as i sat on the sofa, groaning a little as the aches released, and caringly draped my arms around the gorgeous boy next to me. Kyle, my boyfriend for a few years now, was sitting beside me, with me resting my head on his lap only a few seconds ago. I loved lying like that, curled up just next to him, feeling so safe and protected. I gently rested my head now on his shoulder, closing my eyes from my sleepiness. Maybe i should describe us first of...

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A New Sissy Maid

Chapter 1 It was a sunny, summer’s day as he walked up the front path to the unknown house, pulling a rolling suitcase behind him. It was really too warm to be wearing a turtleneck sweater, but bearing in mind what was under it, he really knew he did not have a choice. His heart was beating furiously, he was sweating, his palms were moist and his mouth was getting drier by the second. He had never done anything like this before. Well, he had come this far. No turning back now, he told...

2 years ago
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A New Sissy Maid

Chapter 1 It was a sunny, summer’s day as he walked up the front path to the unknown house, pulling a rolling suitcase behind him. It was really too warm to be wearing a turtleneck sweater, but bearing in mind what was under it, he really knew he did not have a choice. His heart was beating furiously, he was sweating, his palms were moist and his mouth was getting drier by the second. He had never done anything like this before. Well, he had come this far. No turning back now, he told himself,...

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Sexy games and finally sex with my African maid

My wife used to have a job where she would have to travel one week a month.I would watch her dress and do her make up while I stroked my cock.When she was ready to leave, she would sit down beside and rub and suck me for a few minutes to finish me off. According to her that would be me good till Friday night when she got back.Actually that left me and the black African maid alone for a few days.This maid had caught us doing stuff many times. In the morning when she brought coffee my wife was...

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Seducing And Fucking My Innocent South Indian Maid

Hello, I am Vihayas and I am from a town area in south India. Later, I moved to Delhi for studies. I am a girl of 20 years of age but I am going to tell this story in a boy’s perspective. So, this hot story is about me. When I used to be in my hometown, I used to be a shy guy and I used to have a good boy image. We had a servant whom we called Pushpakka who used to clean our house. She was almost 36 years, same age as my mom. I was 19. Pushpakka was with us from childhood. She had a bad...

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